Philip J Berg statement, September 30, 2008, Berg confident, Obama not qualified, Constitutional crisis, Help Philip J Berg save the US

Here is the latest statement from Philip J Berg regarding his response on September 29, 2008 to the Obama motion to dismiss the lawsuit:

“Berg Filed an Answer Sept. 29th, 2008

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 09/29/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he filed his Opposition and Brief to Obama and Democratic National Committee [DNC] Joint Motion to Dismiss in the case of Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.

Berg feels confident that he has “Standing” and the Court will allow the case to go forward. Our response was due in 14 days, but the Court requested our answer by Monday, September 29, 2008 and we complied.
In our response we set forth sufficient reasons that I have “Standing” to bring this lawsuit. Furthermore, I set forth additional reasons that indicate Obama does not meet the qualifications for President of the United States and Obama should be removed from the ballot and held accountable.

Our website has received 17.1 + million hits. We are urging all to spread the word of our website – and forward to your local newspapers and radio and TV stations.
Berg again stressed his position regarding the urgency of this case as, “we” the people, are heading to a “Constitutional Crisis” if this case is not resolved forthwith.

For copies of all court pleadings, go to

Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it”

Visit Philip J Berg’s website:

Contribute to the fund to help Mr. Berg with the lawsuit. So far, Mr. Berg has been shouldering most of the responsibility and the cost. He is doing this for the good of the country and deserves the gratitude and financial help from the country. Just a small amount will help. I have had email dialogue and phone conversations  with Mr. Berg. He is a good man and a highly competent attorney. We must help him for the good of the country.

5 responses to “Philip J Berg statement, September 30, 2008, Berg confident, Obama not qualified, Constitutional crisis, Help Philip J Berg save the US

  1. When and if this hits MSM print, people will be more then happy to make Berg a millionaire.

    If Berg can not bring this to a head shortly , others will.

  2. Did you know that Mitt Romney’s father was able run as a candidate for President in 1968 even thought he was born in Mexico.

    So this thing surrounding if Obama was born somewhere else or not is just stupid. And this Berg guy is just mad because Hillary didn’t win (he is a Hillary supporter).

  3. Every time I pulled up the Citizen Wells website using my own IP address a script would run prohibiting me from scrolling down then the computer would lock up. After the third time I jumped to a different IP address without having a problem accessing or scrolling the site. This could be a reason there are so few comments on this site considering the historically importance of the lawsuit.

    I suspect your site may be being blocked by the Obamanot minions, in an attempt to prevent this truth from getting out. You can think what you want, you just can’t say it, most assuredly you can’t say it to someone else. A friend of mine, an ex-marine told me at one time that a little paranoia is a good thing to have as it makes you more aware of your surroundings and consequently of what’s going on around you and that, he said, could just keep you a live. He was using the term in a military sense; I am using it metaphorically in a social-political context. Know who and what you are voting for, for this election is a very important one. May Providence and the U.S. Federal courts save the nation. Godspeed Mr. Berg.

    I only wish I were in a financial position to contribute to this endeavor to force Obama to answer the questions Mr. Berg has put forth and the msm is incapable of asking. Finances I can not give at this time, if you need signatures for a petition, or a formal letter of complaint, an affirmation of support, please feel free to ask, I for one would be more than willing to assist in that capacity as I’m confident most Americans would if they were aware of the implications of Obamas’ non-citizenship and having been nominated for president by the Democratic Party, clearly in violation of constitutional requirements a stipulated by constitutional law.

    I believe if the court acts in conjunction with constitutional law and not in taking a political stance then the full extent of fraudulent posturing as a U.S. citizen will be exposed. May that time be now!

  4. We’ll see on the standing issue.

    I’m expecting an order from Judge Surrick any day now — in fact, I’m surprised it hasn’t come down before now.

    To the folks here at Citizen Wells:

    As of now, 3:36am on Wednesday, my blog site ( is down due to a problem with Google. Should something happen in the court, I may very likely get a hold of it before anybody else as I have worked alongside these people every day for six years.

    If anything does come down the pipe and I cannot put it up on my own site, I’d like to e-mail it to you but do not have an e-mail address. Can you e-mail me with such an address?

    Thanks (and let’s hope this works out),


  5. I have been keeping Gather members updated.

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