Obama indictment, Obama must be arrested, Patrick Fitzgerald, Blagojevich arrest, Raghuveer P. Nayak seeks immunity, December 22, 2008, Obama Rezko Levine Weinstein Blagojevich,Nayak, Pay to play, Chicago corruption, US Dept of Justice, IL corruption, Will Nayak talk?

Why Barack Obama should be indicted

Part 12

One or more of the following events should happen:

  • Obama steps down.
  • Obama is forced to prove eligibility.
  • Obama is indicted and/or arrested.

If one of the above does not occur within a few months,
perhaps we should look to the Declaration of Independence
or Thomas Jefferson, for our next strategy.

Raghuveer P. Nayak, the unnamed “Individual D” referred
to in the Rod Blagojevich criminal complaint, is seeking
immunity. This is making news because of the Blagojecvich
arrest and potential ties the Obama appointees. However,
like so many names mentioned in the context of Chicago and
IL corrupton, Nayak has ties to Barack Obama and Rod
Blagojevich that go back for years.

Nayak’s recent involvement

“A mysterious “Individual D” in the ongoing Illinois political
scandal to auction off President-elect Barack Obama’s vacant
U.S. Senate seat has now been identified as Raghuveer Nayak,
a millionaire Chicago area Indian businessman whose voice
turned up on FBI wiretaps and bugs of Democratic Gov. Rod

Nayak is “Individual D” in the criminal complaint outlining
the case against the governor, according to an exclusive
story in Monday’s Chicago Tribune. Nayak is heard on the
tapes being squeezed by Blagojevich to raise campaign money
in return for naming Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. to Obama’s vacant

Nayak, one of a savvy band of local moneymen who help fund
the state’s Democratic political machine year-in-and-out,
is now reportedly negotiating with federal prosecutors for
immunity in return for his testimony.”

Read more here

March 18, 2008 article on Nayak, Blagojevich, Rezko, Weisner

“Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Move Over Rezko; Weisner-Blagojevich Crony Raghuveer Nayak
Continues to Spend Thousands on Elected Officials…in Iowa?

Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner, boytoy Gerry Galloway and
crony Raghuveer Nayak are viewing a property in downtown
Aurora in the path of a major development back in 2005.
Nayak is spreading his money around. All the way to Iowa.”

“Raghuveer Nayak, the campaign crony who has dumped tens of
thousands of dollars into the campaign pockets of Aurora
Mayor Tom Weisner and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, seems
to in a race to compete with another star campaign donor
from Illinois, Tony Rezko, to see how many people he can
contribute to and apparently “influence.”

While Rezko’s list includes some power names in Illinois,
including our local political rockstar, U.S. Senator and
Presidential candidate Barack Obama, Nayak seems to be
broadening his geographical reach (and Nayak is a Hillary
 Clinton buddy).”

Read more here

Obama money woes in 2000

“After an unsuccessful campaign for Congress in 2000, Illinois
state Sen. Barack Obama faced serious financial pressure:
numerous debts, limited cash and a law practice he had
neglected for a year. Help arrived in early 2001 from a
significant new legal client — a longtime political

Chicago entrepreneur Robert Blackwell Jr. paid Obama an
$8,000-a-month retainer to give legal advice to his growing
technology firm, Electronic Knowledge Interchange. It
allowed Obama to supplement his $58,000 part-time state
Senate salary for over a year with regular payments from
Blackwell’s firm that eventually totaled $112,000.”

Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
April 27, 2008

Obama and Shomon help Blackwell get state grants

The Case Against Barack Obama reveals Shomon connection

Shomon connections to Weisner and Aurora, IL

“Dan Shomon, who’s background is in media, has a lobbying
contract for the City of Aurora (scroll down or click for
our post on how Dan Shomon is fleecing the taxpayers of
Aurora). He got that contract after helping to secure a
political endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama for then-candidate
for Mayor of Aurora, Tom Weisner. That’s after
Obama said he wan’t going to be a “kingmaker” in Aurora.

We think it’s HIGHLY unethical of Dan Shomon or Tom Weisner
to exploit the taxpayers of Aurora for political purpose.
Barack Obama’s credibility is also risked in the process of
Shomon and Weisner’s games at the expense of taxpayers.”

“Like the ill-advised connection to Obama in Aurora, thanks
to Dan Shomon, Obama is mentioned in the same discusion with
all these problems with Giannoulias. Not good for a
political rockstar who otherwise could be on his way to
becoming President of the United States.”

Read more here

“Aurora Mayor Thomas J. Weisner gave Shomon the lobbying
gig in exchange for political work, including getting the
endorsement of Barack Obama back in 2005 when Obama first
said he would remain “neutral” in the heated mayoral race.

Shomon’s main activities are political campaigns and helping
Obama and his friends like Alexi Giannoulias who is now the
Treasurer for the State of Illinois.”

“Plus, when all hell breaks loose on Weisner’s various problems
with cronyism and allegations of corruption (and it WILL),
it’s probably in Obama’s interest that Dan Shomon has nothing
to do with Weisner any longer.”

Read more here

Shoman, Obama’s main political adviser in 2002

“He consulted with Shoman, still his main political adviser
at the time, and Shomon told him…if Saltzman was urging him
to speak, he could not refuse. Moreover, Obama was trying to
draw Axelrod onto his Senate campaign team. It would not be
wise to disappoint Saltzman if he wanted her to continue
lobbying Axelrod on his behalf. So Obama agreed to speak…Obama
made the decision to protest the impending war in part as a
political calculation that he hoped would benefit him among

2007 book, “OBAMA: From Promise to Power”
Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendell

Obama, Shomon, Blackwell, Blagojevich

“Robert Blackwell Jr., CEO and founder of Electronic Knowledge
Interchange Inc., has been named to the transition team of
Governor-elect Rod Blagojevich.”

Electronic Knowledge Interchange Inc. news release

“In one case, a firm that has given $20,000 to the governor
and is owned by a member of one of his transition-team committees
did no state work until after Blagojevich took office, records
show. During the last two years, Electronic Knowledge Interchange
has won $6 million in technology consulting and software
development contracts.
Dan Shomon, a spokesman for EKI, said the company never was
pressured to give to the governor.”

Blagojevich, Blackwell pay for play

We will learn more about Raghuveer P. Nayak in the coming days
and we can expect that he will be added to the list of informants
that will provide more information about the ties of Rod Blagojevich
and Barack Obama to corruption in Chicago and IL. It is already
apparent that Nayak was involved in the web of corruption that
ensnared Obama.

We urge to to read as much as possible about Obama’s ties to many
corruption figures in Chicago and IL, share this information with
as many people as possible and let the US Dept. of Justice know
how concerned you are.

Citizen Wells articles on Obama indictment

97 responses to “Obama indictment, Obama must be arrested, Patrick Fitzgerald, Blagojevich arrest, Raghuveer P. Nayak seeks immunity, December 22, 2008, Obama Rezko Levine Weinstein Blagojevich,Nayak, Pay to play, Chicago corruption, US Dept of Justice, IL corruption, Will Nayak talk?

  1. Pingback: In Chicago, It Seems All Roads Lead To Obama. « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  2. I know it might be a lil much to ask cus it is extensive, but is there anyway to do a tree, obama at the top, and the “players” under him and label the ones who’ve been charged, indicted and convicted as such. It’d be nice to have a who they are, a brief what they’re roles were, with a clickable link of more indepth of what they’re roles are. I think if people had a visual of who and how all these people are connected, it’d make much more sense to them. I know a lot on this subject cus i’ve been following it for about a year now, but even I sometimes get confused cus there are a lot of names/titles they have , invovled. just saying…

  3. One definitely needs a score card to keep it straight.
    I have seen a tree somewhere.
    Will look for it.
    Of course, the tree is branching out fast.

  4. Hi,
    has anybody seen this?


    So funny how things get cleaned up.
    But what are they afraid of/
    That the public gets aware of the fact that “not born in the US” means “not natural born citizen”.
    Or is it the plan that Obamas ineligibility is just how they clear the way for Schwarzenegger 2012?
    And who is “they”

  5. Dear Citizen Wells; your reporting is accurate and potentially very damaging for several people who have demonstrated willingness to take ANY steps to protect themselves. I hope you are taking appropriate precautions. You, sir, are a Patriot.

  6. Siderblaze,

    I can’t make the link, but you’ll find a diagram at No Quarter, “Senator J-Lo – Open Thread”, for Dec. 12, 2008, titled:

    “Inside Blagojevich’s Tangled Web”.

  7. Think the Blogoshpere doesn’t have an impact on the President elect and his choices? Think again!!!!


  8. Newsweek current issue cover: Obama
    Caption: The New Global Elite

  9. And from the same article linked by The South:

    President-elect Barack Obama has shown almost perfect pitch in crafting his new administration, aptly choosing old hands instead of fresh faces and bringing in the experience he lacks.

    But there is one glaring void. Obama has yet to name key intelligence officials to manage the war against terrorism.

    Now why should terrorism be a high priority to Obama?

  10. The South,

    As it reads in the FOX link, “”Blogs do have significant influence,” said blogger Glenn Greenwald, one of those critical of Brennan. “I think the Obama team would be foolish if they just ignored what happened on blogs, and I know for a fact that there are people high up in the Obama campaign and now the transition team who read blogs regularly.”

    It’d be encouraging if it wasn’t so pathetic. Only the “left” blogs seem to be worth listening to for the Messiah’s team.

  11. You know I was thinking about this political machine we are up against and how impossible it seems to get through that wall that’s keeping the truth about Obama from getting out. Then it Dawned on me that there might be someone Patriotic enough to take up the Citizenship cause if the case is presented to her properly. That would be Sarah Palin. Now don’t laugh. She was practically destroyed by the MSM and the Dems. You think that didn’t hurt? She has standing and good reason to bring this forward. Just one good press conference and she could do more than anything we’ve done since the election to get this out into the public. Sure it’s a long shot but does anyone believe that she’ll be allowed to run for office in 2010? There are way too many Democrats and Republicans who are afraid of her to allow that. Instead they’ll continue to “Tina Fey” her out of existence. That’s a new term BTW. “Tina Fey” to make a mockery of someone until you can’t tell the difference between fact or fiction. If we can get her attention then maybe she can be convinced that it’s something worth fighting for. All she needs to do it call one press conference and demand that Congress and SCOTUS Define “Natural Born” once and for all.

    It’s a dumb idea I know but then you never know what the right action will be until you tried.

    If Palin takes up this fight and wins then she’ll be the a Hero and have a great chance in 2012. If it fails then she’ll still be Governor of Alaska and she’ll still be a hero for trying.

    We just need to convince her of that.

  12. Maybe some simple sentences like these will help people see the tree obscured by all of the corruption.

    As long as they appear to be factual, and not mean, they may be able to help your Congressman get the picture —


    If factcheck.org has to ‘clarify your citizenship,’ you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If your birth certificate doesn’t say, ‘Born in the U.S.A.,’ you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If your Daddy goes home to Kenya when he graduates from school, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If your Daddy works for the Kenyan government after graduating from Harvard, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If the Prime Minister of Kenya blocks Americans from talking to your family, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If you traveled to Pakistan on a Indonesian passport, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    If foreign money was more than taxpayer-matching funds in your campaign for the Presidency, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

  13. Here’s another good one —

    If Nancy Pelosi can blackmail you over where you were born, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

    I think this picture will give you a summary of what Congress will want to do on January 8, 2009!

  14. Check out this boatload of poo. This article happens to appear just AFTER O arrives in Hawaii?

  15. Chief Justice Roberts will have to keep a sharp eye on Inauguration Day . . .

    If you begin your inaugural address with “na na ana na! I crossed my fingers!,” after taking the constitutional oath, you’re probably not a ‘natural born Citizen.’

  16. Here’s another one —

    I’d like to collect about 100 of these, as long as they’re good, and on topic, to send them to Congress.

    If you see yourself as a “citizen of the world,’ you might not be a ‘natural born Citizen.’

  17. Bob,

    Please add one more and that could be David Lettermans : Top 10 Reasons Bam-Bam shouldn’t be POTUS!
    Come on Bob, I know you can come up with one more! That was awesome!

    Peace and Merry Christmas and Happy New’s Year to all!

    PS. CW, Thank you so much for all your hard work.

  18. In writing your Congressman, do not overlook the language of the 20th Amendment, which was passed to handle a presidential election thrown into the House of Representatives following a deadlock in the January 8 counting of electoral ballots, so that the election of the President would be made by a newly elected House, rather than the old House . . .

    “If the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice-President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice-President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be elected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice-President shall have qualified.”

  19. Thanks Bob.
    The devil or God is in the details.

  20. Why do you guys think this needs MSM attention? It was on CNN, bill scheider talked about it a couple weeks ago (natural born issue) .. It’s not getting airplay because people don’t care, and for good reason. It’s not a big issue. People are content with the fact that Obama was born in America to and U.S. mother, and that’s that.

    Actually, it’s the republicans in congress who have led a campaign in the past to get the U.S. citizen clause taken out of the constition altogether. Orin Hatch led this (failed) bill in 2003 (supposedly in order to give Arnold S. a chance to become potus) . The republicans high up are not going to take on this minor (percieved) technicality and ruin their chance at ever getting Arnold in there . The democrats view Obama as a savior to the party, and are sure as heck not going to try to stop it. The SCOTUS has already answered – if they get the case yet again, they’re sure not going to do anything different next time (for that would be admitting they were wrong the first few times around) … So if a congressman and a senator stand up and make a fuss about it on the (8th?) what happens then ? It’ll eventually come down to a vote. Democrat majority. Dems will vote to allow Obama. Republicans by majority in their own party will vote with dems on obama issue to save face. But that won’t happen. Every congressman on the hill will let any dissenter’s (if any) that they are commiting political suicide if they cause a ruckus.

    So what if they do cause a ruckus anyway? It’ll be main stream media frenzy . Do you think 67 million people will be pissed that they were duped? Heck no! They knew Obama’s father was from kenya and not a U.S. citizen. They’ll be pissed at whoever tried to take their rightful election away from them. Mark my words, this will be what happens IF… But there will be no IF. Congress knows that will happen. Scotus knows that will happen. It’s over folks.

    God willing, the country can try to come together. We have far more serious problems to deal with. It would be disastrous if we waste our time hoping and waiting for Obama to fail; rather than trying to figure out what it will take to help the country succeed again.

    God bless.

  21. Has anyone been in touch with the legal experts that write for the Michigan Law Review? They has written a good article about Pres. elig. Maybe they might suggest the correct magical combination to get the SCOTUS to define NBC.It really needs to be done for future elections.

  22. Fox News reports the Feds told IL Pols to Lay off Blago. Why? Are they getting too close to Obama?

  23. citizenwells // December 22, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    So maybe playing cards are more appropriate. 😉

  24. You might not be a natural born citizen if you surrendered your American citizenship to get in to an Indonesian madrassa for Indoenesian citizens only.

    You might not be a natural born citizen if you got financial aid for foreign students in college.

    You might not be a natural born citizen if you are hiding any information that might prove you are while seeking the one job in the world where it is an absolute requirement.

    You might not be a natural born citizen if you can’t figure out which type hyphen American you are -Arab American, African American, Muslim American, etc.

  25. Roger Long
    > Do you think 67 million people will be pissed that they were duped? Heck no!
    That’s just great. Let’s forget about the constitution altogether. It is very inconvenient sometimes. George has done a good job disregarding it, Barry can do it too, right ?

  26. Roger Long —

    When I talk about the Media, I don’t mean CNN, because they are just the media wing of the Clinton Campaign. I’m talking about serious conservative writers and talkers. People like David Horowitz, who think we are simply falling into a Saul Alinsky trap. So, I answered David by saying, “No! He was falling into a trap!”

    I wrote this a little while back — maybe you missed it!

    So, here’s why they (the conservative media like Neal Boortz) should care!


    I capitalized the word in both clauses that they have in common, “NO!”

    “Congress shall make NO law respecting . . .

    “NO person except . . .”

    I’ll let you guess where they come from, because you’ll probably score 100%.

    David Horowitz will probably score 0%.

    Can you begin to see the problem that conservative talk radio will have, if “NO!” is modified to mean, “SOMETIMES!”

    Right now, it means, “100% NO!” But, if Obama, who is no more than 50% American (his mother), becomes a 100% ‘natural born Citizen,’ then the clause “No person except . . ” (which at the moment means, “no exceptions”) will soon become “SOMETIMES no, 50% no person except . . .” And who defines “SOMETIMES?” Why do you ask, of course 67 million of us define “SOMETIMES!”

    Now, move ahead to talk radio — Gallagher, for instance, or maybe Hannity.

    The First Amendment says, “Congress shall make NO law respecting . . .” the free speech of conservative talk radio.

    But now, NO means “SOMETIMES no, 50% no!”

    So, with talk radio, the First Amendment now says, “Congress shall SOMETIMES no, 50% NO law respecting . . .” the free speech of convervative talk radio. And who defines “SOMETIMES?” Why do you ask, of course 67 million (53%) of us define “SOMETIMES!”

    So, you see, WE won’t be able to help preserve talk radio anymore, because there’s only 59 million (47%) of us, AND WHEN WE WERE ASKING FOR HELP TO PRESEVE THE WORD “NO!”, we were told by David Horowitz that we were 100% DERANGED!

    Why? Because we could read that “No!” meant “100% No!” (at least for a little while still).

    As Rush Limbaugh says, “Elections have consequences . . . ”

    So my question to David Horowitz is this, “Why (because you think we are deranged) are you willing to sell conservative talk radio down the river?” Don’t you like Hannity, Gallagher, Limbaugh, and the rest? Huh? “Who’s going to let you spout anymore on the air, if they aren’t around anymore?” 100% no more!


    Hope this helps you understand a little of what’s at stake here.

  27. Sandy // December 23, 2008 at 2:39 pm

    Your last paragraph does not hold water.

    Anyone who considers themselves anything slash American has just as much right to hold the OPOTUS as any other non slash American.

    Also, I do not think that dual citizenship would stop you from becoming President if you were born on American Soil. Lastly, Henry Kissenger, served as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State so I don’t think dual citizenship wouldn’t even stop one from necessarily getting security clearence.

    However, if you were born in another country and tried to pretend you were not, then that would stop you from being President of the United States IMHO.

  28. Eagle:

    I really don’t think the founding fathers intended it to be a static never-changing document never to be perfected or updated.

    They didn’t see it as the holy grail “bible-like” be all, end all, perfect in all ways, rule to the word for the rest of eternity..

  29. I believe the point that was being made is that Millions of people like what Obama stands for and want him as potus. They already knew about the Kenyan Dad but that didn’t sway their vote. If they find out that some people percieve “natural born” as meaning his mom would have had to have been poked by a U.S. man in order for Obama to qualify — I highly doubt that is going to nullify peoples previous judgement of Obama.

  30. Roger Long
    > Do you think 67 million people will be pissed that they were duped? Heck no!

    you seem to be making the assumptions that
    A. all 67 million are diehard O fans
    B. that 67 million dont care about the constitution

    i’m sure that at least half are die hards and it wouldnt matter if Danglebarry was hatched from an egg in New Zealand.
    the others however, it would be a totally different story if they knew what most of us following this story knew. Its funny how the MSM only report after the cases are dismissed, but never wanna give the back round and the pertinent info on the cases. Just a passing blip.

  31. Note: If some of those 67 mil, knew what a COLB really is as opposed to a real BC. How would some of those 67 mil react……
    If there were questions about his citizenship, like he knew, thats why the COLB (that i couldnt get my son into midget football with), why not just release the BC instead….hmm……

  32. Sandy // December 23, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Check out this boatload of poo. This article happens to appear just AFTER O arrives in Hawaii?


    Doesn’t prove anything except that she has bought into the fraud on the internet as well!!! She doesn’t say anything about seeing Obama’s certificate. Maybe she should share her daughter’s birth certificates so we can compare them to BO’s since they were born in the same hospital on the same day!!!!!

  33. Habe Scor’ee.
    What has Obama stood for the past 15 years.
    Numerous ties to corruption that have worsened the lives of many in Chicago
    and Illinois.
    This is documented.
    Obama has a consistent pattern of lying. Documented!
    How could anyone possibly know what he stands for.
    One thing is clear about Obama. It is all about him.
    The me me me mentality.

  34. American4America

    Habe Scor’ee –

    I understand what you mean about the non-static nature of the Constitution. The Founders understood it as well, that is why they provided for changes to the document via Amendments; which need to be approved by 75%of the states. Until that process is completed the Constitution is as is.

    And, regardless of how many people like this and that about the person, he is Constitutionally IN-eligible to hold the office.

    And, yes, his mother would have to be ‘poked’ by an American Citizen in order for him to be a natural born citizen; and, thus, be eligible for the office. She wasn’t, so he ain’t.

    Silly Bot, have some more kool-aid.

  35. Does ANYONE have proof that Obama was ACTUALLY “born on American soil?”

    I think this whole problem has been brought about by the fact that Obama cannot hang a plaque on the place he was born, because nobody knows, and maybe even HE doesn’t know!

    One little item that is often overlooked in the seminal SCOTUS decision WONG KIM ARK is the stipulated fact I am recording as as follows:

    ‘That the said Wong Kim Ark was born in the year 1873, at No. 751 Sacramento street, in the city and county of San Francisco, state of California, United States of America . . .”

    Notice that it says not just the State of California, but also “At No. 751 Sacramento street . . .”

    Can ANYONE say that much about Barack Obama? No!

    That’s why this issue keeps going, and going, and going . . . like the Energizer Bunny!

    Because the likelihood now is growing greater and greater and greater that he does not say anything more, because he was NOT “born in the U.S.A.!”

    That makes him 100% British ‘at the time of his birth,’ because British law makes NO PROVISION for the mother (unless the”father is unknown” (a neat British phrase for “bastard”), and British law doesn’t care WHERE he was born.

  36. drudgereport.com/

    hopefully a first in a long line of many

  37. Chicago Politics = WIIFM (Whats In It For Me)

  38. Looking at the colb again on Barry’s site. How “in your face” do you need it
    Fathers race African. Is there any such race? As has been pointed out this is a contemporary politically correct expression and blacks in 1961 were listed as Negroes.

  39. So what would the birth certificate say? The one from 1961 might say he was born in Honolulu to a citizen mother and non-citizen father and that makes him NOT a natural born citizen.

    The one from when he was 5, around 1966, would show that his new name became Barry Soetoro after adoption and that would be the birth certificate that would override the first one legally.

    Then when he was 20, around 1980/81, he decided he wanted to be called Barack Obama again but never changed it legally.

    This is what he doesn’t want us to know.
    And somehow he has gotten away with it for a long, long time. Although there must be a reason why he lost his law license (lying on the app?). There have been many lies told to get to where he is today.

    But you guys are right. The country doesn’t care about any of that. So he lied? Big deal, he’s gonna save the world. So what? We all lie, right?
    So that’s why it’s so important for Pat Fitzgerald to come up with so many laws Obama has broken that his admirers can finally say: “OK, he’s dishonest, so dishonest that he could go to jail.”
    At which point he would strike a deal to step down rather than go to jail if he sings like a bird (bye bye Blago, bye bye Rhambo, bye bye Jarretto) so that there wouldn’t be too much crying going on in America and Hillary would then take his place. No special election, just an appointment by Congress.

    Anyhow, that’s how I see this working out in January. Make any sense?

  40. And by the way, I think Hillary would make a great president (and there would be no cigars and stained clothing incidents either. She is totally serious and dedicated to this country).

    I would like to see Romney as Vice President though or something to do with the economy. He is so smart that way. I think we missed the boat with him, he would be able to help our economy with his experience and wisdom. Also Donald Trump and Mike Bloomberg as outside economic advisors.

  41. Joyce Stangland

    CW. . . I agree with that exactally. If booboo was not a lier,…. didn’t have so many ties to BAD DANGEROUS people,…. then I would be more than happy to welcome him into the WH. But, until he proves that he is not tied to all this corruption,… I WILL NOT EXCEPT HIM AS MY PRESIDENT OF THE USA. SIMPLE AS THAT! He is hiding sooooooo much! THANK YOU CW. I ENJOY THIS WEBSITE THE MOST!

  42. Thanks for all of the kind words and support from you all.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah.

  43. FightforAmerica

    Sandy, that article prove nothing. The woman clearly did not meet Stanley at the hospital. She is only going by what Obama has put out there about being born there.

    “She did not know Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, while they were in labor together on Aug. 4, 1961, at the old Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital.”

  44. Leeballz…..study the history of the natural born clause….clearly it was meant to be children born here of CITIZENS not under the jurisdiction any foreign loyalties….
    Dad was Kenyan

  45. The woman in Hawaii that claims her daughters and Obama were born in the same hospital and only a few hours apart and also went to the same school together with Obama and they were always next to him because of the order of their last names. Why didn’t she post a few pictures showing her kids with Obama in school, afterall she has a scrap book of her kids, there most be “one” picture of them together. yea right

  46. Kala Christougena: That is Greek for “Happy Birth of Christ.”

    Christmas celebrates the “birth of Christ,” and do you know, that even after 2000 years, we know exactly where it took place. In fact, if you travel with an Israeli or Palestinian tour guide, you can visit the exact location anytime you please, because the Emperor Constantine’s mother built a church (“The Church of the Nativity”) atop the cave where the sheep once were stalled.

    It reminds me of one of the Shepherd parables in John 10, where Jesus illustrates wonderful parallels to the history that we are living in right now. One of them is this:

    John 10: 1 New International Version

    1″I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. 3The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

    and another in John 10:12

    12″The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. ”

    Do you think that this story was on the minds of the Framers when they wanted a “Second Generation” Citizen as Commander-in-Chief?

  47. Can We possibly get off the 67 million voters who will wet their pants when Obama is forced out? Please?

    There where 169 million registered voters in this election which means that 102 million voters didn’t care enough for the man to give him their vote. Further more there were 86 million registered Democrats. Which means that over nine million of his own people couldn’t stomach him. As a side note McCain got over 58 million votes and there where only 55 million registered republicans. Oops! Where do you think those extra 3 million plus votes came from??? Hmmmm…. Gotta love statistics.

  48. Look at the national map of the “Obama victory”.
    The founding fathers are probably turning over in their graves.
    Obama won just over 25 % of counties nationwide and his votes
    were concentrated in the high population areas, something the founding
    fathers were trying to avoid.

  49. Of course I was only generalizing there on the Vote totals but the important thing is 102 million registered voters did not place a vote for Obuma. Add to that the rest of the population which didn’t bother to vote at all and you have a VAST MAJORITY of this country who didn’t buy into Obumas dream Hope and Change. We Hope to have some Change left in our pockets when he’s done with US.

  50. Bob, you are awesome. I have quoted you on other sites to spread your truth. Hope you don’t mind, gave you the credit.

  51. Hi,
    BERG: DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 16, 2009!

  52. Janet // December 23, 2008 at 7:48 pm

    And by the way, I think Hillary would make a great president (and there would be no cigars and stained clothing incidents either. She is totally serious and dedicated to this country).

    I would like to see Romney as Vice President though or something to do with the economy. He is so smart that way. I think we missed the boat with him, he would be able to help our economy with his experience and wisdom. Also Donald Trump and Mike Bloomberg as outside economic advisors.
    WE don’t need another Clinton in the White House and besides Hillary knows Obama is not natural born and she still went out of her way to support him??? I hope we can put a Repbulican in the White House with some morals and values and wants the government to get out of the way….someone like Mike Huckabee. He would be awesome…so would Sarah Palin. She don’t give a hoot about political correctness. She cares about people and the rights of every human being. Let’s get someone like her elected!!!!

  53. Joyce Stangland

    Change in my pocket is good,…. BUT,… I am sure that there will be a lot worse things that have happened in our country if booboo has the change to find himself in the WH. I am thinking that money will be the last on our minds. We will be fighting a facist war here in the GOOD OLE USA. (If we even have the ability to fight)
    Yes, the mear thought of him becoming our President frightens the CRAP OUT OF ME. and the thought of MO becoming our first lady,…. MAKES ME SICK…….!! especially with that ugly commie dress. PLEASE SAVE US FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!


  55. In Palin We Trust

    Anyone read this yet??? IS THIS TRUE?

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008


    On October 21, 2008 Barack Obama announced that he would be suspending his campaign after a rally in Indianapolis on Thursday morning, October 23, 2008 to fly to Hawaii to visit with his “gravely ill grandmother.” Barack Obama further stated that Madelyn L. Dunham had recently been hospitalized and was back at home after suffering a broken hip. Obama made it clear on October 22, 2008 that there “will be absolutely no video or photo ops during my upcoming visit with my ailing grandmother,” and “I do not expect my grandmother to make it to election day.”

    On Friday October 24, 2008 Michelle Obama during a campaign rally for her husband claimed that “I spoke with tutu last night and she is strong and in good health.”

    On Friday October 24, 2008 I placed two calls to the home of Madelyn Dunham, in one of those calls I spoke with Obama half-sister Maya Ng http://larrysinclair-0926.blogspot.com/2008/10/i-just-spoke-with-senator-obamas-sister.html where Maya claimed Mrs. Dunham could not talk.

    On November 3, 2008 both the news media and Barack Obama announced that Madelyn L. Dunham had passed away on that date. Mrs. Dunham was to have celebrated her 89th birthday on the Sunday following Barack Obama’s visit, yet no one, not even Barack Obama stopped to wish his “gravely ill” grandmother a Happy Birthday.

    After first announcing that Madelyn Dunham had passed away in her sleep on November 3, 2008 (conveniently the day before election day for the sympathy vote) it was reported by Hawaii officials and then by Obama half-sister Maya Ng that Mrs. Dunham had in fact passed away on November 2, 2008. Both reports it turns out are false and it has been reported that Maya Ng and Hawaii officials knowingly and intentionally falsified death records of Madelyn L. Dunham who had actually died prior to Barack Obama arriving on Thursday October 23, 2008 for his claimed visit.

    According to sources employed in the coroner’s office Madelyn Dunham died on October 21, 2008 and was cremated on Friday October 24, 2008. It is further claimed that the death records of Madelyn L Dunham were falsified at the direct and specific request of Barack Obama and Maya Ng.

    I have forwarded a letter to the Hawaii Attorney Generals office requesting and investigation and forwarded the information received regarding the falsifying of the death and cremation records of Madelyn L Dunham. If this information is factual Barack Obama has demonstrated his total disregard for any life, including the life of the woman who made it possible for him to be a spoiled, drug using, closet bi/gay fraud. Furthermore the fact that Michelle Obama knew and assisted in concealing this fraud along with the US Secret Service assigned to protect Barack Obama makes them conspirators to this crime.

    Today Barack Obama participated in the scattering of the ashes of Madelyn L Dunham who he used and exploited.

    I have one thing to say Barack, not everyone is willing to cover for your lies and crimes. Now lets see if the Hawaii Attorney General is willing to do their job or if that office is going to simply look the other way.


  56. Kim — thank you, your welcome to send it anywhere . . .

    Citizen Wells has put together a forum that rivals one of the great “pamphleteers” of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine.

    He wrote a series of pamphlets called “The American Crisis.” He published them from 1776 to 1783 during the American Revolution.

    His first volume starts off with the famous words “These are the times that try men’s souls”.

    I think we’re living in such times again, and CW is a “cyber-pamphleteer.” But he gets to gather insight from 100’s of viewpoints: some good, some bad, some ugly.

    The ancient Romans called this “vox populi,” and just like CW says above, Obama’s victory is “narrow” — “his votes were concentrated in the high population areas, something the founding fathers were trying to avoid.”

    The stuff you are hearing out of the pundits like Jeff Greenfield this early morning like this: “Obama has too much on his plate, to ask him to clean up 100 years of Chicago politics as usual is a bit much!”

    CW has shown that Obama swims and floats in this cesspool! That was always our favorite analogy of Chicago, “the cesspool,” where “the big clods always float to the top!”

  57. Finally — is the conservative punditry finally getting a whiff of corruption?!!


    Hugh Hewitt has been one of the better ones with Reskorama, but still — he has been too quiet for too long!

    Maybe the old dog is on the scent again!


    Tuesday, December 23, 2008

    Was the President-elect Under Oath?

    Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 5:30 PM

    “Incredibly, the press seems not to have asked the obvious question about the U.S. Attorney’s interview with President-elect Obama on December 18.

    “Further, the interview occurred on the 18th, and it wasn’t disclosed until today? What happened to transparency?

    “Question for prosecutors: Since the Fitzgerald team already knows what Emanuel said to Blago et al, why was he interviewed after the president-elect and Valerie Jarrett? Simple scheduling, or could there be a reason for the order of the interviews?”

    If Hugh cares, maybe the rest will rise from their long winter’s nap!

  58. Bob, thanks.
    You are too kind.
    I will moderate and write over the next several days as I am able.
    Merry Christmas to all.



  60. If your sister was born in Indonesia and has the same Hawaiian birth certificate as you do….you may not be a natural born citizen…

    okay….I’m sorry…I just can’t stop trying to think of these

  61. If the article on Mrs. Dunham is true then there is another example of Obama et al playing by their own rules. No regard for anything but themselves and how to gain and keep power. Their agenda is moving forward and nothing, so far, has been able to break their mission. I am beyond appalled at how theAmerican citizenry ( and the world actually) is being manipulated at will by these people. Bold faced and out there with a smug attitude that says “tough sh**” deal with it. No one can touch the One. The Blago issue has been effectively smothered by their own investigation, with sealed records no less, of themselves. Who could make this stuff up?! If there is verifiable proof that the HI officials did indeed falsify records by Obama’s command, then maybe it will trip them up. I doubt it though, because they will just “investigate themselves” and explain it all away and the clueless public aided and abetted by the msm, will swallow it whole. That is what they count on. Obama will of course know nothing about it and will be 2 steps clear of the damage. I still think I’m asleep and am having a very creative nightmare.

  62. Merry Christmas All. Keep up the fight for the truth to be known to all. The plan for a One World Government is not in America’s best interest. We must remain One Nation Under God, As we Celebrate his Birthday on the 25th.

  63. Plahttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2153784/postsines radio is under a cyber attack..

  64. Sorry Sandy, I wasn’t aware you were making two different arguments.

    First you said:

    Sandy // December 23, 2008 at 2:39 pm
    You might not be a natural born citizen if you can’t figure out which type hyphen American you are -Arab American, African American, Muslim American, etc.
    Which is false.
    Then you said:
    Sandy // December 23, 2008 at 8:59 pm
    Leeballz…..study the history of the natural born clause….clearly it was meant to be children born here of CITIZENS not under the jurisdiction any foreign loyalties….
    Which might be true.
    See in the first argument you are saying if anyone has any decent other then American, then you can’t be POTUS. This is untrue. There are many Americans that were born to Immigrants that became citizens, and we were born right in America. In my case, I have Irish Citizenship, but I was born a stones throw away from the Capitol to American Citizens. Many of us still have citizenship in the country that our parents came from through birthright. I see no clause in the constitution that states any of us can not become POTUS.
    Your second argument may be true however, if one of your parents was not a U.S. citizen, then the clause may cover that depending on the exact wording the court is using.

  65. I don’t know about any of you….but I am sick of the media trying to hush–hush everything that sheds a nasty light on Obama and believe me that is a full time job!!! This is getting rediculous. How can he take an oath of office when he is the biggest LIAR on the planet??? If this is true about his Grandmother dying on October 21st then someone needs to get the documents from the cororner showing the cremation of the body. We need to know what is happening. I know Mr. Sinclair has been written off as a CRAZY so no one will believe his story unless he has proof!! Can someone get the proof…otherwise it will just be another wild and silly story by Larry Sinclair???

  66. Senator Cornyn of Texas (the guy who got cussed out by McCain when he wanted to exclude criminals from amnesty cram bill)wants to make sure Obambi is “transparent” even during his “president-elect” days.He is going to introduce a bill to correct the FOIA legislation gap that will require public access to all converstaions,meetings,etc. since the system is taxpayer funded.I read where he wants to make this retroactive so bambi doesn’t miss out. The bs the Obambi camp developed to avoid making public their meetings,etc. during such a delicate time was typical..it might stifle their efforts at open ideas for setting up their teams.Anyway, I wrote to him via e-mail and got a form letter back. I thought since he was fighting Obama on transparency that he may be a logical backer of the NB controversy.I know Senator Sessions of Al. is a total patriot.

  67. Glimmer of hope anyone? (sad, but now I dislike using the words ‘hope’ or ‘change’) An OK Congressman was interviewed last night on Plains Radio regarding challenging the election. Now Plains Radio has been knocked off the web. Getting too close? You can read the story at http://www.therightsideoflife.com/?p=2249 and http://investigatingobama.blogspot.com/

  68. You might not be a Natural Born Citizen…
    if Kenya is honoring you with a museum, gallery and leadership center in your home town of Kogelo.

    “A video featuring Mama Sarah Obama, the president-elect’s step-grandmother, will relate the Obamas’ family history. (Kenya’s) Said added that the Ministry of Heritage is negotiating with the U.S. government to display Obama’s publications. “

  69. Dear Mr./Ms. Congressperson:

    Here is a decision tree for you –

    On Jan 8, you could request the simple common items of document of Obama’s eligibility, just to have done some due diligence and closed off these issues.

    If everything comes out clean, then everybody wins. Obama is proved eligible and you have been absolved of any carelessness in performance of your constitutional duty.

    The documents could be very damaging to Obama. In which case you will have done your country a great service and helped preserve the constitution. In addition, you will have shut down a traitor and a usurper.

    On Jan 8, you could blindly just accept all the electoral votes.

    On Jan 9, the US Supreme court will review this case. They will order up the due diligence that you refused to do.

    If everything comes out clean, then Obama wins. But you will look like you have shirked your duty and punted to the Supreme Court. This could not possibly work out well for you.

    The documents could be very damaging to Obama. In which case the Supreme Court will be the heroes for preserving the constitution and shutting down a traitor and usurper. In addition it will be extremely bad for you in that you will have been proven to have aided and abetted this poisoning of the USA from the inside. The repercussions against you will be very grave.

    Or, you could bet the Supreme Court will never take up these issues. You will also need to bet against the millions of Patriots in the US just letting this drop. You will have to depend on these same Patriots to roll over an play dead.

    Now – please – choose wisely.

  70. Plains Radio is still on the air! Maybe they upgraded or adjusted something, but I just checked and it is working.


  71. Merry Christmas Citizen Wells!

  72. In addition to Ted’s fine letter above, here’s another choice for those who want to write their Congressman. Feel free to use any ideas that you can explain in your own words, and by now a hand-written letter (again, in your own words) will get the most attention —


    “At the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people . . . .” Chief Justice John Jay, Chisholm v Georgia (1793)

    At Noon, on January 20, the Chief Justice will administer the oath of office. It will be the final step in vesting executive power in the new President of our United States of America.

    Since 1974, Congress has placed an emphasis on the constitutional oath. That year, the Judiciary Committee decided that violating an inaugural oath was a high crime and misdemeanor, warranting impeachment and trial and removal from office.

    Consequently, whoever says “I . . .” during the inaugural oath must be known by both Congress and the Chief Justice to be qualified for the Presidency (Cl 3, 20th Amend), as specified in Art 2, S 1, cl 5.

    The Framers put the following language into our Constitution, “No person except … ,” and “no person constitutionally ineligible … ” And the Congress is sworn to support and defend the Constitution, and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

    If we the people have surrendered the power to govern to government, in exchange for government to secure our rights under the Constitution, then we have the right to be governed by someone known to be qualified to hold the office of President of the United States: That is the deal we consent to.

    * * * * * * *

    We know that on November 4, a majority of the people chose to fill the office of President by Democrat Barack Obama. On December 15, 2008, the Electoral College also gave the greatest number of votes to Democrat Barack Obama. But, we also have serious questions concerning the qualifications of Democrat Barack Obama, and the 20th Amendment places the answer to those questions squarely on Congress.

    On next January 8, Congress will meet in joint session, and if the President-elect fails to qualify, we know that the right of choice devolves upon the House of Representatives (12th Amend).

    I have a copy of the Federalist Papers, and I took it down to read. I read that we, the people . . . “surrender our sovereignty for the security of our rights,” and that “the structure of government must furnish proper checks and balances.”

    I had hoped that the President-elect would be able to establish his qualifications before the Electoral College met on December 15. Instead, he chose to dodge legitimate questions about his actual birth place, he has sealed relevant records, perhaps in the hope of marginalizing those who do not accept merely “his assurances” that he was “born in the U.S.A.,” but rather we accept his own acknowledgment that at the time of his birth Barack Obama was a “dual national.”

    All we are asking Congress to do, is to ask him to do what we have been asked to do: – prove to us that you are who you say you are: in his case, a ‘natural born Citizen.’ This is not an unreasonable request!

    Why? Because it is clear throughout the legislative history of Congress, that if you had to “clarify your citizenship” as factcheck.org has had done for Barack Obama, then you are NOT a ‘natural born Citizen.”

    It’s really no more complicated than that!

  73. Lurker.
    Merry Christmas to you and to all.
    God bless us, each and every one.

  74. If your creative juices flow this way, there’s another version of the same Foxworthy idea that is useful and informative.

    In Wisconsin we have several like the following:

    You might be from Wisconsin —

    — if every truck you own has a snow plow and jumper cables, and your girlfriend knows how to use them.


    — if you plow through two foot drifts at 65 MPH and never flinch.


    — you measure distances Up North in hours.


    — your idea of traffic is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.

    So here goes:

    You might be a ‘natural born Citizen,’

    — if you pledge allegiance to the Flag, instead of wipe your feet on it.


    — if you know the President ” serves” the people, instead of “rules” the nation.


    — if you don’t have to prove to anyone that you are a ‘natural born Citizen.’


    — if your Dad worked for the U.S. Government, instead of the Kenyan Government, before you became President-elect.


    I think you can see how this goes.

    I also see that writing these and publishing them can get a few emotional reactions, so they sure can go a long way towards keeping the conversation going along.

  75. FightforAmerica

    Merry Christmas Citizen Wells to you and your family !!!

  76. Here’s a few more —

    You might be a ‘natural born Citizen’

    — if you can guess that giving a two-year Senator the nuclear codes is a little like giving a two-year old a gun.

    — if you would rather see our Flag, than your Sunrise Symbol.

    — if your friends aren’t working to amend THE NATURAL BORN CITIZEN REQUIREMENT

    — if you don’t think America has run out of people who are qualified ‘natural born citizens.’

  77. In many messages on several sites I saw a term “native born citizen”.
    I didn’t find such a term in Constitution.

    My Constitution’s understanding (Amendment XIV, Section 1 and
    Article II, Section 1) is that there are only 2 groups of citizens:
    Natural Born and Naturalized. I understand that among “native born” persons (born on US soil) may be those who are however not US citizens
    (because they are subject not ONLY the US jurisdiction); so they are simply US residents. Those persons can become US citizens ONLY through the process of NATURALIZATION; they never would be “Natural Born Citizens”.

    Straightforward reading of combination of only two fundamental documents
    – Constitution and The Oath of Allegiance – was enough to show that there is NO NEED TO GET OBAMA’S BC TO PROVE HIS INELEGIBILITY TO BE POTUS ACCORDING CONSTITUTION[;
    see my comments:
    1) of December 19, 2008 11:58 PM

    2) of December 20, 2008 11:30 PM
    (as I announced earlier, please use the link

    when you meet during reading the link
    http://www.democratic-disaster.com/index.php?topic=1999.msg8151#msg8151 ;

    the domain http://www.democratic-disaster.com has changed its name).

  78. It is never ending w/this guy huh?? And those that are supposed to ‘vett’ people?? See this?/


    Democratic voters in Idaho actually have a choice in their May primary. A federal inmate in Texas conned his way onto their ballot alongside Hill and Obama. No cheap con artist jokes re Hill and Obama, please. Idaho Spokesman-Review:

    BOISE – Three candidates will appear on the Democratic ticket for president in Idaho’s May primary this year – the two front-runners, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and a federal prison inmate from Texas.

    “We got conned,” said a somewhat embarrassed Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa. Keith Russell Judd, 49, who is serving time at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution and won’t get out until 2013, qualified for the Idaho ballot by sending in a notarized form and paying the $1,000 fee.

    Merry Christmas to U and ALL!! NOO

  79. sc_truth_seeker

    Lol @ Katie.

    Please don’t confuse Ed Hale and Plains Radio with ‘the truth’, or getting to ‘close to it’.

    He has anywhere from 75 – 500 internet stream listeners per day. Not exactly a high-volume fan count. Happy Holidays all –

  80. Obamacrimes seems to be down…

  81. Merry Christmas to all.
    God bless America.

  82. Merry Christmas and God Bless you all.

  83. Rahm Emanuel in Africa for Christmas.

    Why would Rahm Emanuel go to Africa for the Holidays? Looking for Obama birth place in Kenya?

    I’m sure his itinerary will be known soon.

  84. We now have Cong. Linder from Ga. and hopefully Seanator Inhof from Ok .http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2008/12/obama-stop-formal-request-for-senator.html

    Merry Christmas To All on this Wonderful site.
    Ms. helga

  85. PS Drop the period out in front of .http
    Sorry – Ms. helga

  86. Last comment.

    “Persevere and you shall bear the fruit” – Motto from Germantown Academy

  87. We are the luckiest people on the planet. American’s are the most giving people on earth:

    “December 25, 2008
    A Refugee Family’s First U.S. Christmas

    When Cuban refugees by the thousands landed amidst “gun and religion-clinging people” with ingrained “antipathy to people who aren’t like them,” the potential for trouble was enormous.”


  88. Obama, prove you are eligible.
    I “triple dog dare you.”

  89. Reese // December 25, 2008 at 9:36 am

    Rahm Emanuel in Africa for Christmas.

    Why would Rahm Emanuel go to Africa for the Holidays? Looking for Obama birth place in Kenya?

    I’m sure his itinerary will be known soon.

    Reese—-I have the same question?? Don’t any of these people associated with Obama do the typical American Christmas things….like stay home, go to church and celebrate the birth of the true Savior our Lord Jesus Christ?? I am truly amazed that they are so out of touch with the general population!!! Does Rambo have family in Africa too???? Just wondering!!

  90. goodtimepolitics

    An attorney for convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko is listed as the owner and taxpayer for Barack Obama’s Chicago mansion


  91. asthecrowflies

    Reese and Jackie,

    Rahm Emanuel is Jewish, so I doubt he will be celebrating the birth of Jesus.

    I do, however, agree that it is an unusual choice of continent to be spending his holiday.

  92. God Willing, please leave God out of it. Why in his name or anyone else’s would you even imagine after watching the blatant fraud committed in the primaries alone would I come together?

    Sir, there is no country left if someone who HIDES EVERYTHING ABOUT themselves is allowed to become POTUS. After he, yes he knew what was being done in the primaries buses people in from other states and bullies LEGAL VOTERS and stills there votes.

    This is not yet the 3rd world country and that is unacceptable to me. Just like what happened in 2000 was unacceptable to me.

    There IS NO COMING TOGETHER FOR FRAUD. You need to seriously wonder why you find THAT SO ACCEPTABLE that you could even suggest that I should just forget about it and get over it.

    What is wrong with you to even think that we should? Maybe sir you are in the wrong country if you find all that acceptable enough that I should just get over it.

    The man is scum in my book and I say that as a life long Democrat. I don’t care what party he comes from , I won’t ever accept it.

  93. Pingback: Donald Trump investigates Obama criminal past, Obama birth certificate, Tony Rezko corruption ties | Citizen WElls

  94. Pingback: Raghuveer Nayak indicted, Campaign bundler and contributor to Blagojevich and Obama, Jesse Jackson Jr. US Senate seat, 19 count indictment | Citizen WElls

  95. Pingback: Before It's News

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