Senator Mel Martinez, Florida, US Constitution Hall of Shame, Obama not eligible, US Congress, Electoral College Votes, Obama’s eligibility must be challenged, FL senator

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge
the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

US Constitution

Hall of Shame

A letter received from Senator Mel Martinez regarding
Barack Obama’s eligibility issues:

“Thank you for contacting me regarding President-Elect Obama’s
citizenship. I appreciate hearing from you and would like to respond
to your concerns.

Like you, I believe that our federal government has the responsibility
to make certain that the Constitution of the United States is not
compromised. We must fight to uphold our Constitution through our
courts and political processes.

Article II of the Constitution provides that “no Person except a
natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time
of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office
of President.” The Constitution, however, does not specify how that
qualification for office is to be enforced. As you may know, a voter
recently raised this issue before a federal court in Pennsylvania. On
October 24, 2008, the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania released an order in the case of Berg v.Obama.
In that case, the plaintiff, Phillip Berg, raised the same issue that
your letter raises regarding proof of the President-Elect’s birthplace.
Through his lawsuit, Mr. Berg sought to compel President-Elect Obama to
produce a certified copy of his birth certificate.

The District Court dismissed Mr. Berg’s suit and held that the question
of Obama’s citizenship is not a matter for a court to decide. The court
further noted that voters, not courts, should decide whether a particular
presidential candidate is qualified to hold office.

Presidential candidates are vetted by voters at least twice – first in
the primary elections and again in the general election. President-Elect
Obama won the Democratic Party’s nomination after one of the most
fiercely contested presidential primaries in American history. And, he
has now been duly elected by the majority of voters in the United States.
Throughout both the primary and general election, concerns about Mr.
Obama’s birthplace were raised. The voters have made clear their view that
Mr. Obama meets the qualifications to hold the office of President.”

Mel Martinez

Senator Mel Martinez states the following:

“Like you, I believe that our federal government has the responsibility
to make certain that the Constitution of the United States is not
compromised. We must fight to uphold our Constitution through our
courts and political processes.”

Mr. Martinez is correct in that statement.

However, Mr. Martinez goes on to say:

“The Constitution, however, does not specify how that
qualification for office is to be enforced.”

That is absolutely false!
The Constitution and Federal Election Laws allow for challenges to the
Electoral College Votes when Congress convenes.

Mr. Martinez goes on to say that Judge Surrick indicated that voters should
vet presidential candidates and that the courts should not determine
citizenship. Mr. Berg’s lawsuit is still before the US Supreme Court.

Mr. Martinez then states:

“And, he has now been duly elected”

Perhaps Mr. Martinez should look up the definitions of duly and

Mr. Martinez, what about the millions of Hillary Clinton supporters
that were effectively disenfranchised when Obama stole the Democrat
Primary as an ineligible candidate.

Senator Mel Martinez, would you like to clarify what you stated?

Why Obama is not eligible


22 responses to “Senator Mel Martinez, Florida, US Constitution Hall of Shame, Obama not eligible, US Congress, Electoral College Votes, Obama’s eligibility must be challenged, FL senator

  1. “The voters have made clear their view that
    Mr. Obama meets the qualifications to hold the office of President.”

    Really? You mean the voters who have no clue what Article II is, let alone what the Constitution says?

    How on earth do these boobs ever get elected to Congress??? This really explains a lot about the mess we’re in.

  2. I’m Loving the new “Hall of Shame” !!! These idiots have a way of writing something that means “absolutely nothing”…why do they bother? Or is this just another tear sheet from the Senatorial book of how to bullshit the public into thinking you are saying something, when in fact you are saying nothing at all?

    None of these [Dipshits] have any idea what that Constitution says. They’ve sworn to uphold and protect a document they probably don’t even know exists.

    Shame them all !!!!!!! Post their pics and irrelevant, erroneous, extrapolate letters and expose them for the whole world to see.

    CW….hopefully you make the “Hall of Shame” a permanent link at the top of your site 🙂

  3. i am appauled at these senators circular reasoning….they want to dodge the bullet..not have to step up to the plate and question anything. so it seems they attack the messenger…or decide there is no issue f they can find a lower court that erroneously decided that…
    i cannot believe these are suiposedly our elected and “thinkng” officials. they (these two so far) sound like a “herd mentality” where they act like the ruth lies in the fact that OTHERS who have failed to question is arguument enough for them not to do so as well…. this is NOT the AMERICA i remember growing up in..and very scary as to where this country is heading.

  4. The South.
    You can count on it!

  5. I am not a senator nor have run for political office and excluding some night courses I posses a high school diploma and I was able to figure our the process of the electoral college as I wrote about it in October The Unqualified President /a>. Now if I can figure it out why is it so hard for those that took the oath? The same oath that PEBO took when he became a senator. The Audacity of Obama.

  6. Can we have professional looking certificates framed and sent to each of them with an explaination of why they have been inducted?

  7. Sandy.
    I think that is a great idea.
    If I get the time I will call their offices and announcement their “major award.”
    Feel free to notify them.
    They can atone for their ignorance or bias if they wish.
    If not, we will help them atone.

  8. Absolutely ridiculous. Fingers being pointed in all directions as to who is ‘in charge’ of vetting the candidates. If it is true that it is up to the voters to vet them…when then do ‘we’ not have the standing to sue the candidates for information and documentation? Simply stunning. The usurper will take office, and all that he does will be illegal…but who cares? Scary!

    I would like to see someone get this question through to these politicians, and see what they’re response is. I certainly will try, but I doubt they will even entertain my email.

    “If it is the job of the voters to vet the presidential candidates, why then do the voters not have standing (according to various court decisions) to demand relevant documentation? For example, Mr. Berg’s lawsuit was tossed out before the general election occurred.”

  9. CW: It is a shame that none of these “fat cats” want to uphold our constitution. I desagree when people say that these senators or congressmen do not know our constitution, YES they do, unfortunatly they do not have the guts to get up and scream bloody murder because they are affraid they will loose their golden goose. So, as long as they keep getting their share of the pie everything is copesatic.

  10. Maybe this will sound absurd but I was wondering if a neutral country outside our own could step in on behalf of our constitution and have a fraud removed since our appointed leaders have become so complacent to do the right thing? Maybe leaders of the UN? Study our Constitution and back citizens who are fighting to save it? Just a wild thought.

  11. on the news tonite they said obama is going to be swown in on the bible but they will take the word god out of the swearing in . i cant believe people will stand for this , why does obama want to take god out of the swearing in as president , that means he is not a christian , people should be affended , obama is not a christian people will soon find out , this was on fox news tonite , did anyone else hear this

  12. CW bloggers I share your obsession. Great job for grabbing this issue/con. Our day will come!

    I would like to propose some simple strategy.
    1.] If you want to get their attention [congress] ask yourself how they think.[not if]
    Leaders like power, and like to please lots of people, etc. , so show them[congress] the AOL poll that demonstrates how many voters are going to be ticked of if we get conned. Recruit through Radio shows, editorials,office bulletin boards, lavatory walls, conversations.
    2.] supports 1.] Think like the enemy. As much as I hate to admit it the BO team got it done. Do as they did,
    use any and all means to get the word out that the something is up. Don’t tell people what you think [no stupid or moron comments], ask them what they think, use facebook, post questions on liberal blogs, editorials. Remember that first time you heard something was wrong. Help others learn what you know.

  13. DavidA.
    I generally agree with you.
    However, I am letting the congressmen have it with both barrels.
    They should know better!
    There is no excuse for not being better informed on such a crucial issue.
    Having a backbone and giving a damn helps.

  14. Sandy

    Check this link for an idea of what to frame and send Famers, maybe some party favors would be good also ie. bifocals, dunce hat, alarm clock.

    BC released by obama

    And for when they finish giggling have them[congressmen] read this:

    Jeff Gold

  15. @Frosteetoes
    I was thinking in that direction also.
    The international Court of Justice or so.
    But I think they take only cases of two nations in conflict.
    But the thought is worth it.
    Let’s figure it out.

  16. Citizen Wells

    Both barrels absolutely yes. Shock and awe yes. My comments come from my reflecting on a reply I recieved to a question [feeler for the BC issue] I sent to a personal friend who is a COS for a Gov. sent around 11/15, a call to frank Wolfes office, and a conversation with the wife of a COS to a congressman. All three replies amounted to clueless on this issue. Shocking but consistent with letters. I’m hoping that public opinion will help push this difficult decision.
    And thank you for hosting this first class forum.
    I hope history will note the leadership role that you and others have taken by stepping in to replace the MSM. CW rock on, MSM RIP

  17. DavidA.
    I care about this country as most of you do.

  18. Jacques L Sammons

    As a recipient of Senator Martinez’s absurd letter, I was stunned by his lack of knowlege of the English language. To “vote” and to “vet” are both verbs, but with distinct meanings, and are not interchangeable. I call his offices on a daily basis and will continue to do so.
    Every concerned constituent in Florida
    needs to call on the eligibility issue!

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 5, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    I hope some of you are listening to Plains Radio tonight. They have a Dr. David Hagen on who has a PHD and he is informing everyone of the Point of Order ….Petitition for redress that can come from not only a Senator or a Representative but also an ordinary citizen can present it to a Senator or Congressman to file on their behalf. WE CAN ALL DO THIS AND STOP OBAMA!!!! He says we can do it all up until March if it takes that long. He says the 20th Amendment in the Constitution gives us that right and everyone needs to visit this amendment. Also…go to his Website to print out your very own copy of the Point of order paperwork. Do it now and get it to your Senator and Congressman before Thursday if possible. This is an unbelievable revelation and Obama will be required to show his documents because the burden of proof is now on him!!! Found out all of this on the Plains Radio Show tonight!

    Jim G


    Jim G

  21. Jerry A. Holloway Sr.

    I saw what he stated about Obama and I sent this letter to his office . he needs to be disclosed as not supporting his Oath of Office as a Senator. Please pass it around or send it to him yourself but let other defenders of the U.S. and the U.S. Constitution know about Mr. Matinez (does not need the Senator title.

    I see that you Mr. Mel Martinez do not respect our U.S.Constitution and you think you can make it up as you want to , first off the U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land (America)if it states has to be a natural citizen that is what it means and that you ok-ed to allow an Usurper to hold the office of the president you have failed your Oath to support and protect the Constitution, It isn’t a nursery rhyme you can make up to satisfy your lack of support of what our Founding Fathers put a lot of thought into to protect the U.S. Citizens against a Goverment gone wrong and doing what they please against the U.S. Citizens. I hope you know this is on the internet. about your none support of the citizens of Florida that support the U.S. Constitution. They will see that you do not hold the U.S.Constitution in the reverence they do and thus will be a matter you will have to explain to them and I will on my part fine the groups listed on the intrnet and pass this on to them to expose you.

  22. Barry Soetoro needs to Leave Now!
    When the usurper is exposed and it all comes to light, civil unrest will unfortunately is expected, in case anyone’s wondering we are all over the race card. Let us all hope that it is not all part of the elites North American Union big picture, by placing another one of their selected into office. The Government as been infiltrated by tyrannous insiders, of people & organizations, TRYING to break our REPUBLIC at its core. The citizens of this country are been violated at its highest level, due to our supreme court and elected officials not representing the best interest’s of it’s people.
    “I” am a Native American, Geronimo wants his Bones Back!

    Campaign for Liberty

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