Vivek Kundra, Criminal record, Theft, Obama technology Czar, Maryland state records, Kundra Consulting, Chief Information Officer, FBI arrested subordinate Yusuf Acar, Corruption widespread, Acar birth certificates

More crime and corruption ties have been discovered for
Vivek Kundra and the Obama White House. Thanks to Zach
Jones of the ZachJonesIsHome blog for the heads up.

From the Real Barack Obama blog:

“Update 03/17/09 15:30 pm ET: Thanks to RBO reader jd for forwarding the link for this info:

Owen Thomas at The Gawker reports that Vivek Kundra “pleaded guilty to a theft charge in 1997.”

      Yusuf Acar, the D.C. computer security official accused of masterminding a multimillion-dollar embezzlement scam, told his co-conspirators that corruption was widespread in the city’s computer office, The Examiner has learned. Acar and former D.C. employee Sushil Bansal are accused of faking invoices and timesheets from contractors in order to skim money from the city. The pair was arrested last week.Several alleged co-conspirators were identified by initials in court papers but have not been charged with wrongdoing.”
      Yusuf Acar, the D.C. computer security official accused of masterminding a multimillion-dollar embezzlement scam, told his co-conspirators that corruption was widespread in the city’s computer office, The Examiner has learned. Acar and former D.C. employee Sushil Bansal are accused of faking invoices and timesheets from contractors in order to skim money from the city. The pair was arrested last week.

      Several alleged co-conspirators were identified by initials in court papers but have not been charged with wrongdoing.”

“Reportedly, “corruption was widespread in [the] office”, Bill Myers and Scott McCabe wrote in D.C.’s The Examiner:”

    ““What concerns us and the White House Counsel’s office is that Kundra and Bansal seem to have a very tight relationship that was not discussed during the vetting process,” says the White House source. The White House has determined that Kundra and Bansal also did business prior to Kundra’s taking the D.C. job. When Kundra worked for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), it was as a consultant for a project at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Bansal’s firm provided support to SAIC’s contract work at HHS.

    “We’re still sorting things out,” says the White House source. “But there appears to be a lot more to be cleared up than we originally thought.””

    Read  more:


24 responses to “Vivek Kundra, Criminal record, Theft, Obama technology Czar, Maryland state records, Kundra Consulting, Chief Information Officer, FBI arrested subordinate Yusuf Acar, Corruption widespread, Acar birth certificates

  1. It seems the WH is having problems with vetting. They seemed to miss a few things during the vetting process. They still haven’t properly vetted the usurper.

  2. I’ll tell you this: America, the government of CROOKS!

    It makes you ask if there’s anyone around BO that isn’t a crook and low-life.

  3. This is what economic collapse looks like – we’re next:

  4. I read,right after the raid by the FBI, that one of the people arrested was proficient at forging documents such as drivers license, and birth certificates, etc. Maybe the same person is responsible for Barry’s COLB forgery.

  5. BerlinBerlin

    Thank You woosh,
    I have just seen the first two parts, but will continue tomorrow.
    Liked the nonviolent demonstrations in the beginning.
    How do policemen on horses look when they push around older women?
    They were really holding a mirror in front of their faces,
    I hope it does not get this far, but if it does.
    The American people should understand the power of nonviolent protest.
    Gandhi. powerful.

  6. Jacqlyn Smith

    Have you all heard what Jay Leno is doing??? I guess he is having two free shows…15,000 free tickets to anyone who says they are unemployed. Guess who the speacial guest is???? You got it….BO!!!! Please tell everyone to boycott Leno and these shows. BO is pulling the same BS as he did on the campaign trail…bribing people to show up to his propaganda shows and brainwash them. He is feeling the heat as his apporval rating is dropping and we need to keep the heat on!!! The campaigning is over….it is time for some transparency….enough of the BS rhetoric!!!

    On another note….is anyone sick and tired of Gibbs yet??? He is the most disrespectful moron I have ever seen to have a job in the White House. Did you see him when the press asked him about what VP Cheney said to John King on CNN about the BO administration policies making us less safe from terrorism. Gibbs was totally disrespectful!!!

  7. We set in dismay at all of this, and while the Usurper is destroying America, we continually call on Congress to stop this destruction. I now ask myself why I even bother sending Letters,Emails and Phone Calls to the elected Officials from the district I live in? We not only have the most Crooked Administration in the history of America, but the most corrupt House and Senate to ever be seated. There is NOOOOO honesty in Washington, D C. We have to find the leverage to remove all of them for the crimes they are commiting, post haste. We will have no Country to save if we have to wait until the 2010 elections. I cannot beleive so many in this Country has bought into the Usurper and the Crooks in the house and Senate. God help us all.

  8. >On another note….is anyone sick and tired of Gibbs yet???
    Someone needs to slap him. I bet he would cry

  9. Two articles on Lame Cherry:

    Rush Limbaugh exposes the story where the money has gone. Forget the AIG bonses, just a smoke screen!!!!!

  10. BerlinBerlin

    Jacqlyn Smith // March 17, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    He is feeling the heat as his apporval rating is dropping and we need to keep the heat on!!! The campaigning is over….it is time for some transparency….enough of the BS rhetoric!!!

    You know this guy is a joke when all he cares for are polling numbers, and his only answer is another campaign appearance. Sad.
    This arrogant ass is going to try to appear like a human being, good luck on that one!

  11. #

    “Eagle // March 17, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    >On another note….is anyone sick and tired of Gibbs yet???
    Someone needs to slap him. I bet he would cry”……….

    Gibbs is like the chubby, dumb white kid who was the only white person to ever show up on The Cosby Show……..

    Joy, May I suggest there are honest men in Washington, they are just completely conditioned to act based on what is expedient while they lack the conviction to stand for what is right.
    As Americans we had better get a lot better at nominating, supporting and electing people who demonstrate, (not) promise, to do what is right.

    Check out the AIP Party.

    Repubs have selected a chair that appears to be left leaning. Big miss!

    bob strauss… lets hope they sing.

  12. This is what happens when america votes for a guy with no excutive experience

  13. They are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, makes
    me sick.

  14. David A, I disagree with your statement about the honesty in Washington D.C. I Believe in the Constitution of the United States and assumed that elected officials valued their Oath to our Constitution, as to this date, not one elected official, has questioned the legitimacy of this election although there is numerous pieces of evidence that Obama is a fraud. If those in Congress can not rely on the articles of the Constitution and use the ruse of Fact check to make their decision on his legitimacy, then they are dishonest and unfit to serve in office. As for me, my Country comes before political party. With that being said,They are all DISHONEST.

  15. Despite his teen-aged “indiscretion”, aka theft, and despite his connection to these crooks, Kundra was just reinstated to his position as Technology chief, so that his “reputation” wouldn’t be harmed.

    What sort of reputation should he have?

    If he’s not involved in the bribery and other shady deals in that DC office, then he’s an incompetent boob because this all took place on his watch and under his nose.

    Incompetent boob? Fuggedaboudit–that makes him totally qualified and in-sync with the rest of this incompetent boob of an administration.

  16. “Judge thee by their actions and not their words.”

    “You are the company you keep.”

    I know those quotes are attributed to someone, but my mom quoted those to me a long time ago. Unfortunately the moms of BHO and his like were not like my mom…..

  17. I happened to see that NP was giving a , I beleive Townhall Meeting, last Saturday with hispanics mentioning illegals and how patriotic they were to be there. And then said (not a quote) somethig to the effect that Border Agents and Immigration Personnel were UNPATRIOTIC AMERICANS FOR ARRESTING or activating raids at places of employments etc. to arrest Illegal Immigrants.

    And then Obama all over the news with his TOWNHALL meeting talking about Amnesty and guest workere programs for illegals with one of my least favorite Congress people from IL Gutierezz.(sp?).

    More and more Americans are losing their jobs but all these people care about are illegals.

    I am living a nightmare for sure.

  18. ILBlue “I am living a nightmare for sure.”

    Ditto!!!! I wanna wake up from it!

  19. Pingback: Obama - Insults Disabled American - New Ethics Issues in Administration - Larry Sinclair - Vivek Kundra - Kathleen Sebelius - Jack Murtha Shocker - The BOPAC Report « "The BOPAC Report" & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations - ZachJonesI

  20. Pingback: Obama birth certificate forgery, Obama corruption, Vivek Kundra, Yusuf Acar, forged documents, John Brennan, Passport security breach, Long form birth certificate forgery « Citizen Wells

  21. Pingback: Obama birth certificate forged by Brennan’s company Vivek Kundra Yusuf Acar et al, image if not forged does not prove US birth, Team Arpaio Mike Zullo reveal forger? | Citizen WElls

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