Everett WA, Tea party, April 15, 2009, Seattle area, Obama birth certificate, Obama poster, nawanawanga

I have been to Everett, WA, just north of Seattle, WA.

Some of the most far left, kool aid drinking, Obama obots live there and attack this blog and others questioning Obama.

Fortunately I know some good, sane people that live there.

Here are some photos from the tea party held in Everett, WA on April 15, 2009. Thanks to commenter nawanawanga for providing the links.

Photos from these links:


253 responses to “Everett WA, Tea party, April 15, 2009, Seattle area, Obama birth certificate, Obama poster, nawanawanga

  1. Must see …………………..make it viral ,

    Robert Welch warning from 1974 , discribes exactly our current situation……….looks like our tea party stated in 1974.

    Beginning with its founding meeting in 1958, the John Birch Society has been very concerned about the loss of states’ rights. At that meeting founder Robert Welch provided a list of ten dangerous trends in our nation. Number seven on this list was:

    Far more centralization of power in Washington, and the practical elimination of our state lines. There is a many-faceted drive at work to have our state lines eventually mean no more within the nation than our county lines do now within the states. (The Blue Book of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch, 1959)

  2. off subj.—
    Hi Guys—
    Just want to post the FINAL NUMBERS here
    (and will also put it on the new threads)

    Columbus, OH TEA PARTY—Organizers
    today state there were at least 7,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So my guess of 2 k was way under (math is
    not my forte—I knew the crowd was huge,
    but just couldn’t guess this)

    SEVEN THOUSAND in COLS. Tea Party!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Also, guys—-on Columbus, OH news last
    night—news about SEVERAL of the
    local Tea Parties, including several
    The Westerville Tea Party Revolt showed
    a sign stating “IMPEACH OBAMA”

  4. Wouldn’t it be nice if a good portion of those people who joined tea parties could also join in on the online grand jury? I hope that Americangrandjury.org will be a success in getting the usurper indicted in as many areas as possible. BO really has to go. I also wish for the success of the several lawyers such as Phil Berg, Dr. Orly, Apuzzo, etc. The truth really needs to get out.

    At least one guy in the photos had a BC sign. I would like to see most of the signs say something to that effect. It shows that the word is getting around though. That’s good.

  5. The Revolution Has Begun

    Yesterday’s tea parties from sea to shining sea and sunrise to sunset could best be described as America in action as permited under the US Constitution! It was a day to make our hearts soar like an eagle! Shoulder to shoulder, with quiet determination, undaunted purpose and proud dignity, patriots made a clear and unmistakable statement! “Hell, no, we are not going to take it any longer.”! They were silently shouting their commitment to restore America to the “Republic for which it stands. . .under God.” Did you notice how well behaved and civilized every one in the crowds were? It was “pure poetry in motion.”

    Congratulations and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to FOX NEWS for the fantastic, outstanding coverage it gave to the second most important historical American moment in the history of the 21 century! Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Neil Cavuto, and Greta Sustern were there giving their blood and guts to reporting this absolutely prophetic movement. I have been having a difficult time writing these words because I am stopping to wipe the tears and snot from my face. Finally we are beginning to see the true fiber of America come forward after months of scathing humiliation and confusion created by Obama and his cheap, sleazy followers!

    Yesterday’s tea parties revealed more than Americans reclaiming America, The Republic.
    It revealed the vile bile of some of the MSM attempting to demean and humiliate the tea parties and the brave people standing up and being counted. Did you notice another very unique item missing from the TV coverage of tea parties? Where among all the videos and photos broadcast on TV were there any signs asking about Obama’s birth certificate, his eligibility, his failure to produce his back ground records, or mentions of all the indictments and law suits against him? Often what isn’t said or shown says more than what is said!

    It is only a matter of time if we fail in our efforts to remove Obama from the Whitehouse, we will all be at risk:

    “Homeland Security on guard for ‘right-wing extremists’
    WASHINGTON – A newly unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warns against the possibility of violence by unnamed “right-wing extremists” concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles . . .” (Could this be a violation of our first amendment, and other Contsitutional rights? Could this be more lining up of ducks to prepare to keep Obama in office as Dictator and complete his destruction of the Repbulic of America? Isn’t this how fascism deals with their adversaries?)

    Yesterday’s tea parties kicked off a revolution that will not stop until Obama and the entire corrupt government is replaced by a new one of the choice by WE The People or the Obama government crushes via threat, intimidation, arrest, detainment, convolution, fraud, enslavement and death every patriot who believes this is America, A Republic under the rule of the Constitution of the United States as our fore fathers intended it to be.

    The tea party is the first step in this revolution. Obama, Congress, the Senate, and the nine dishonorable Supremes have gotten away with raping the Constitution because most Americans like me, were too busy to learn the Constitution. They depended upon our ignorance to do as they please.

    The second step in this revolution is to become armed and dangerous with knowledge of the US Constitution. Get a copy of the US Constitution. Read it. Learn it. Know it. Read it. Learn it Know it. Read it, Learn it. Know it. Become empowered with knowledge. Know it so well it will destroy ignorance and conquer the ignorant. Obama and his adversaries have no defense against the power of the US Constitution. They have no defense against millions who know, believe, and are committed to the laws of the constitution.

    In support of this revolution, USApatriots-shout is giving away free copies of the US Constitution to each person who asks for one. My goal is for every American to carry his own pocket copy of the US Constitution-whether or not he/she read it or understands it. It is a first step in defeating Obama people ignorance. Go to http://www.usapatriot-shou.blogspot.com

  6. Let’s make our next round of Tea Parties
    FULL of signs that question the Usurper’s
    illegibility. We see some, but we need to
    have a goal like 50% of the signs address
    this issue. With all comments from those
    who “agree” when they do see a “Unseal
    your Records & BC Now” sign–I don’t see a
    problem rallying around this. Just get the
    word out.

  7. “Yesterday’s tea parties from sea to shining sea and sunrise to sunset could best be described as America in action as permited under the US Constitution! It was a day to make our hearts soar like an eagle! Shoulder to shoulder, with quiet determination, undaunted purpose and proud dignity, patriots made a clear and unmistakable statement! “Hell, no, we are not going to take it any longer.”! They were silently shouting their commitment to restore America to the “Republic for which it stands. . .under God.” Did you notice how well behaved and civilized every one in the crowds were? It was “pure poetry in motion.”

    Dear Theresa:

    You have such a wonderful way with words. It’s a delight to read your writings. You should write a book, which I’m pretty sure it will be a good one too!

  8. Is this proof enough that Obama is NOT a Christian?

    Georgetown Hides Religious Symbols
    April 14: President Obama speaks about the economy at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall in Washington. The school covered up religious symbols bearing the name of Jesus during Obama’s remarks at the behest of the White House.


    But he bows before the king of Islamic Saudi Arabia.


  9. I was at the Tea party in Plymouth Michigan. I await our next plan of action. Thanks to all who participated. God Bless America !!!

  10. I seen one lady last night on FOX that was holding a sign that said…

    We came UNARMED….This time!

    I’m glad to see people coming around:)

  11. They could not avoid reporting on the tea parties but they did the next best thing,they tried to make us look like nut jobs.I got news for the msm they failed.All they did was unite us more.The truth can never be ignored or shamed.It can only be exposed.

  12. “Georgetown Hides Religious Symbols
    April 14: President Obama speaks about the economy at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall in Washington. The school covered up religious symbols bearing the name of Jesus during Obama’s remarks at the behest of the White House.”

    Well, I kind of don’t agree with this part. First off, and because of the “church” BO went to, I doubt it’s Christian anyway. Then you have to stop and ask yourself, What is a true Christian?

    I personally don’t care for any religious symbols and don’t use them at all. Have no need for them either. I am against such myself. And I’m an orthodox Christian and try to walk as the early “Christians” and not the later ones and try to fashion my walk about Yahushua (aka Jesus) the messiah. The early Christians always kept the commandments, all 10 of them, all the Feast Days *high Sabbaths* and were against symbols, basically.

    Then if you go study the church that BO went to for numerous years, they were some kind of made-up thingie. It wasn’t like early Christianity at all. That black theo stuff, it is not Christian.

    BTW, some of the largest debates in early Christianity had to do with the timing of the Passover, but if one studies the ancient writings and the Scriptures, you can find out the true time. This was the huge debate, and the Eastern assembly and the Western didn’t agree. The Eastern assembly really hung on to the truth as passed down from the disciples a lot longer than the Western. And there were things going on in the West that started a huge false religion that became popular because of Simon Magus. It’s pretty wild.

  13. Actually, I’m wondering when Christians are going to really wake up and study their roots. I was a Methodist and knew something was wrong years ago, especially when I started “really” studying the Bible, which they hold dear, well, rather say they did.

    So everyone, hear, now is the time to wake up and it’s YOUR time to do so, right now. The reason is because you have everything at your feet to study and search the truth. Right now you have it. In a few years you won’t have it. Wake up….politics is not as important as Yahweh’s truth, period. It never will be. Nothing is important as “real” truth. Not mine, not yours, not BO’s truth, because none of these are truth. There’s basically only one truth. I’m telling you this now because in a few years you will not have the chance. Look now, search, which is what he requires. Do it now!

    I’m sure you won’t listen to me. And I was not sent here to tell you. I’m just telling you as a friend. The time is now, search, seek and you’ll find. Because what you think you know may not be so! Remember, you have to search DEEP and DIG deep for the rock. Put yourself mentally to digging deep for the rock, which is messiah. You have to dig deep for him because the superficial one you think that you might know, may not be the true rock.

  14. Georgetown is a Catholic University and the
    Christian symbol IHS was found to be “unacceptable” by the White House aka
    Muslim Obama. Georgetown complied with
    the White Houses’s request to cover it up
    (shrouded with a black painted piece of plywood). You have to ask yourself, would
    he ask a mosque or Islamic school to cover
    its religious symbols before giving a speech there? I think not.

  15. Okay, Christians, why in the heck are YOU worried about symbols, and what can a “symbol” do for you in your salvation?

    Ask yourself, is a symbol idolatry? Can it represent idol worship? Be honest here.

  16. Pingback: The Right Side of Life » Tea Party: The Results; July 4, 2009 is Next

  17. Watching Sean Hannity he has GRiveria on and he dislikes what Texas is doing and he called out the Governer of Texas for a debate on Hannity!
    Riveria thinks all of this protest is John MCcain
    voters!I wish these people would wake up!
    I hope I spelled his name correctly!

  18. kittycat,

    Christians don’t worship idols. These symbols you mention are used as reminders of important historical events that have loosened our bonds of sin.

    All religions have symbols. Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Buddist faiths all have them.

  19. Kittycat,
    It’s what behind the issue,think about it if they
    do that what else are they gonna do next?
    I truly believe in my heart that there is only one savior and that is my Father Jesus Christ.
    Everything that is going on matches so much with what is said in the Bible.
    But,this country was founded on Christian beliefs.I’ll give you a link to listen to that I found
    and it’s the Star Spangled Banner like you’ve never heard it before!Made me cry.

  20. New York City had 12,500 patriotic Americans at their tea party! The crowd was energized & the speakers were great.

  21. “I truly believe in my heart that there is only one savior and that is my Father Jesus Christ.”

    May I ask, why do you call Yahushua “father” when he’s called the father’s son? Too many Scriptures to tell us that he’s the son, not father Yahweh.

  22. Could someone tell me the website for Orly Taitz? I went to DefendourFreedoms.US and it directed me to something else. Thanks

  23. Jeff, you write:
    “Christians don’t worship idols. These symbols you mention are used as reminders of important historical events that have loosened our bonds of sin.
    All religions have symbols. Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Buddist faiths all have them.”

    hey, Jeff,

    Like I stated above that the reason that I wrote is because I consider many of you my friends. You may not consider me your friend. Doesn’t matter. I still feel this way.

    So why does any religion need symbols? Jeff, it truly doesn’t need that. I don’t care about Hindu or whatever, or Buddah, whatever, I care about truth and the Bible, which is the word that Yahweh gave to mankind and should be studied in the closest language possible to the original, which the original is not possible yet.

    However, he gave us his word. It’s living if you study it in the language other than English. Kind of strange, huh? Well, don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to speak the language, but you MUST study the words for their meaning, which is what I do and am pursuing. It’s a never-ending learning process.

    So that is what I’m saying. I’m not for idols of any kind, which is what one is doing (even though they don’t realize it) when they have emblems of worship, whatever they may be. Doesn’t really matter what they are, Jeff.

  24. PD, the new website for Orly is:


  25. http://www.howobamagotelected.com
    Watch the video this makes me sick to my stomach!!!!

  26. Jacqlyn Smith


    GBAmerica // April 16, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    Watching Sean Hannity he has GRiveria on and he dislikes what Texas is doing and he called out the Governer of Texas for a debate on Hannity!
    Riveria thinks all of this protest is John MCcain
    voters!I wish these people would wake up!
    I hope I spelled his name correctly!

    Rivera is a Obama lover…..he needs to go…..he wants all the illegals from Mexico to have amnesty….I wish he would move back to his roots as well!!!

  27. Jacqlyn Smith


    GBAmerica // April 16, 2009 at 10:53 pm

    Watch the video this makes me sick to my stomach!!!!

    GBAmerica—I just heard about this on Greta….this is outrageous and “we the people” need to rise up BIG TIME…Jon is one of us and is trying to expose the corruption in the media and the governments……LET’S all help him….send this far and wide everyone!!!!!!

  28. I think the reason Obama wanted the IHS covered up at Georgetown is also because it didn’t spell his name!! I wrote to Notre Dame and told them about Georgetown and wondered if Obama has already asked them to cover Touchdown Jesus on the library. That will be a BIG piece of blackened plywood. This guy is still a muslim–that’s why he doesn’t want the name of Jesus behind him.

  29. Chicago’s tea party was awesome! I wasn’t near the CNN fiasco.
    I went to Navy Pier after for the tall ship reenactment of the original tea party, but it was lame. The “Young Republicans” put it on. It was mostly for the media to get their footage. Only one guy spoke and it was about Chicago’s issues.

  30. I think Obama is basically just an atheist. Like Clinton, Nixon and many other president’s I think he pretends to be Christian to score political points.

  31. Otis, I would never grant him atheist status. He is an ACTIVE Muslim and an ACTIVE anti-Christian….look at the bow to the king of Saudi Arabia, telling the world the USA is not Christian, covering the GW reference to God, worst he actively campaigned for Odinga in Kenya (resulting in genocide of Christians which he knew about ahead of time) whose mission is to impose Sharia law there on majority Christian Kenya.
    Obama should be in JAIL for his help to incite ethnic cleansing genocide in Kenya, especially while a sitting US Senator, on a taxpayer paid trip!

  32. The scene after the CNN cameras were off, the people were angry yet controlled.

  33. http://politicalclassdismissed.com/?p=5929

    How to win the second American Revolution.

  34. KittyCat,

    Christian art and symbols came about primarily to remind Christians of the stories of Christianity. Most of the population couldn’t read, so these served as visual reminders.

    I think the real story is why, if they are merely symbolic, they would need to be covered. It’s almost like he’s a vampire who will shrink away in pain if exposed to it. LOL

  35. citizenwells

    As soon as I get a chance I will.
    Don’t let me forget.

  36. To me the point with the Christian symbols is
    that obama has NO respect for them and will
    ask to have them covered up any chance he
    gets. If this Christian country doesn’t stay on
    its toes, the USA may look like Iraq BEFORE
    we liberated it with Saddam Hussein Pictures
    all over–except it would be King Barack
    Hussein Obama’s “mug” everywhere. Don’t
    think he wouldn’t try it. He’s trying to turn
    HLS into his “goon squads” now and getting
    names for the record.
    On that note at the Columbus Tea Party when asked by the “Huffington Post” woman (who
    had just harassed by husband) what my name was I joyfully answered JANE HANCOCK —
    not giving those idiots any personal info.

  37. Otis – Obama pretends to be a lot of things to score political points. That makes him a fraud and a liar.

    Some of us are wise enough to see through the lies and deceit. We ain’t buyin’.

  38. Maddie – he’s already doing it – remember all the pictures of DC during the inauguration? American flags desecrated with his Muslim mug? Posters and banners on streets, in store windows, on tickets for transit system, etc.

    How many days since Nov. have you not seen his face, or heard his voice on TV or radio? Unless you’re living in a cave somewhere, chances are the answer is zero.



  40. Just a thought…with all the false information and propaganda the MSM and CNN is spitting out…..and the effects that has on the country….I think it’s criminal, and should be proscuted!

  41. Katie —

    Another Tea Party is planned for July 4 by Rick Santelli “on the shores of Lake Michigan,” in the exact same location where Obama gave one of his solo performances.

    I just read this observation, and it is exactly right. This was the first election that the news media had to carry Obama over the finish line.

    “WND commentary editor Ron Strom: ‘I remember watching Dr. Keyes debate Barack Obama on television during the 2004 Senate race in Illinois. Simply put, he cleaned Obama’s clock. Dr. Keyes is an extraordinary thinker and speaker.'”

  42. Even more worth firing or at least FCC sanctions: Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, Anderson Cooper, David Gergen and CNN.

    The blatant discussions and snickering about tea-bagging was vile in the extreme and should result in complaints to the FCC. All of these folks were snickering on their respective networks (who complicitly allowed it to go on) as if people in their pittance of an audience would not understand the in-joke. Well, we understand. Olbermann took it to the depth of a sewer last night by referencing tea-bagging, franks and beans, taint and several more vile double entendres of contempt and derision. He should be fired. Maddow has been doing the same thing. Cooper said something about it being difficult for tea-baggers to talk with their mouths full and Gergen sniggered like a school boy at Cooper’s comments. What is wrong with these people? They should be sanctioned, fined and fired in no particular order.

    In all this discussion about “right-wing extremists” at tea parties being such a danger, no one seems to have brought up the left-wing extremist students who interrupted Tom Tancredo (or was it Tidisco?) a couple days ago during his speech, and threw rocks and bricks at him, egged on by their professors in the room! These people are much more dangerous than most conservatives ever thought of being! They hold the record as the bombers and police-killers and beaters of old ladies on street corners who disagree with them! And now we’ve put one of their ilk as a high-level advisor to the Defense department in the Pentagon!

    It’s just disgusting.

  43. Bob – that’s because Dr. Keyes doesn’t need a teleprompter to speak. Like MOST human beings.



  45. Katie // April 17, 2009 at 9:52 am



    We went to the St. Louis Tea Party where almost 10,000 attended!

    The message was loud and clear! Vote out the incumbents that are responsible for spending our money like there’s no tomorrow.

    Be informed. You can go to sites like congress.org to get your Senators’ and Representative’s voting records. In the next election, discern the best candidates and campaign for them.

  46. Katie—I know the “loon” has his mug and mouth
    out there on a daily basis, I just think it can get
    worse with big poster of himself and little school
    kids saluting him in the classroom (I think I did
    hear a few black schools are already doing that).
    Savage sues Napolitano for targeting vets
    Radio talk show icon Michael Savage has teamed up with the Thomas More Law Center of Ann Arbor, Mich., to file a lawsuit against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

    “It is a civil rights action brought under the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution, challenging the policy, practice, and custom of the United States Government that targets for disfavored treatment those individuals and groups that are considered to be ‘rightwing extremists,'” the complaint announced today said.

    Read the latest now on WND.com.

  47. Jacqlyn Smith


    Entwife // April 17, 2009 at 10:44 am

    Even more worth firing or at least FCC sanctions: Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, Anderson Cooper, David Gergen and CNN.

    The blatant discussions and snickering about tea-bagging was vile in the extreme and should result in complaints to the FCC. All of these folks were snickering on their respective networks (who complicitly allowed it to go on) as if people in their pittance of an audience would not understand the in-joke. Well, we understand. Olbermann took it to the depth of a sewer last night by referencing tea-bagging, franks and beans, taint and several more vile double entendres of contempt and derision. He should be fired. Maddow has been doing the same thing. Cooper said something about it being difficult for tea-baggers to talk with their mouths full and Gergen sniggered like a school boy at Cooper’s comments. What is wrong with these people? They should be sanctioned, fined and fired in no particular order.

    In all this discussion about “right-wing extremists” at tea parties being such a danger, no one seems to have brought up the left-wing extremist students who interrupted Tom Tancredo (or was it Tidisco?) a couple days ago during his speech, and threw rocks and bricks at him, egged on by their professors in the room! These people are much more dangerous than most conservatives ever thought of being! They hold the record as the bombers and police-killers and beaters of old ladies on street corners who disagree with them! And now we’ve put one of their ilk as a high-level advisor to the Defense department in the Pentagon!

    It’s just disgusting.


    You need to add the movie stars to this list as well…..many are hurting our country by siding with these Liberal Media people in speaking out against the tea parties and the movement to clean out the corruption in our government!!!! Go to http://www.rightsoup.com for the latest rant by Olbermann and the idiot Jeanne Garafalo on MSNBC….it is enough to make you want to get out a 45 and shoot at the TV screen….these MORONS just don’t get it!!!!!

  48. Here is another little morsel; MARY SANCHEZ………….Columnist for the Kansas City Star,says that ALL people involved with the MILITIA are NUT CASES. She doesn’t seem to even know what the word MILITIA really refers to. If she did I don’t think she would use it so loosely in her insane rhetoric.She all but FOAMS AT THE MOUTH. In actuality she implies that anyone including military veterans,and anyone involved in the military are NUT CASES. As a veteran myself I find myself highly incensed by her childish,ill informed,and twisted viewpoint all of which smacks of the DEMOCRATIC NUT CASE REQUIM. She has earned my complete disrespect, and in all probability the disrespect of at least a MILLION vets. I am sure that this will also rub off on the Kansas City Star. Without a doubt the Star will see their circulation diminish as well. YEAH…….

  49. citizenwells

    From MommaE blog radio:


    I just want to tell you that tonight’s show is on!! Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner will be the guests on the show tonight to give us an update on the movement on their case. Mark McGrew will be listening to the show to take over with Matt in case I have to shut down due to the SEVERE Storms that are expected in our area. Should that happen before the show Mark and Matt will carry on the show with Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner.

    All kinds of good things to talk about and it will be 60 minutes of hot topics, updates and fun. It should be a HOT rocking show, as well as interesting. I hope that you will all be there and that when the lines are opened up that that you will participate by calling in with your questions and comments. Please try to limit your questions and comments to 2 or 3 minutes in order that all of callers that want to participate have the opportunity.

    Please post this on your web site, blogs or any blogs you are associated with or have access to and send to everyone in your address book.

    Link, schedule, call in number and times for the Show is below!


    Call In # 347-237-4870

    5:30 PM Pacific Time

    6:30 PM Mountain Time

    7:30 PM Central Time

    8:30 PM Eastern Time

    I hope to see you all there. There are 3 ways to listen to the show, they are as follows:

    1. When you get to the Show page if the show doesn’t immediately start playing for you, you can click on the radio on the right, minimize the page and listen while doing something else.

    2. You can enter the chat as a Guest and read what is being said while listening.

    3. You can register/log-in and chat while listening.

    The choice is yours.

    I hope to see you all there.

    MommaE and Matt

  50. I think Rachel Maddow needs to be spanked publically like the child she is. Anyone agree?

  51. Looks like this May Sanchez might need one too…I volunteer Oldsalt to do the honors!

  52. Pingback: Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner will be the guests on the show tonight « Goodtimepolitics

  53. Jacqlyn Smith


    Shannon // April 17, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    I think Rachel Maddow needs to be spanked publically like the child she is. Anyone agree?

    Shannon—This Maddow person is disgusting….she needs more than a spanking…..she should be hung out to dry by her balls…..YES…I believe she is a he!!!!!!!!!

  54. Was the Orly post pulled?

  55. citizenwells


  56. Kittycat,
    Sorry I didn’t answer,but I believe as God as my father and Jesus as his son.I go by the King James Version.

  57. hmmmmmmm……….strange things happening around Orly these days!

  58. I believe God is big enough to direct the person He is in relationship with towards the right translation for their communion together. The key is Him. I find it off-putting to would-be believers to see “Christians” arguing over the traditions and interpretations of the carnal mind. Our churches teach trust in church and their particular brand of doctrine over trust in God. There needs to be greater trust and encouragement from our churches to place trust in a personal relationship with God, not doctrines or particular translations. That divides. God unifies.

    I have studied all sides of various arguments over Christian doctrine. For instance, how one should be baptized. Now, I have my opinion, but I do see valid and scriptural arguments for both sides. That is why I attend a church that asks you to pray about it and seek God’s will for YOU as an individual. My church will dunk, sprinkle, pour……..whatever God’s will for that relationship is.

    I know this may seem highly controversial to some but I was not a Christian until I was 34. Once I became a believer, I was appalled at the back-biting over these details that have been argued for centuries. Trust in God and teach others to do the same……not trust in church.

    Sorry if I have offended anyone

  59. truthbetold11

    I was thinking about the next time i fly, I better sit on side of the left wing of the plane. Not the right wing so as not to look suspious. I golf right handed , putt lefthanded, but hit baseball lefthanded, write lefthanded, What a crazy way to live!!!

  60. GBAmerica,

    I use an Interlinear, which is Green’s, although any Interlinear would work, Hebrew-Greek-English. I’m more interested in studying what I can by looking the words up and their meanings. I can’t say “original,” because we don’t have the originals. You’d be surprised how much has crept into the translations, because translations come from the mind of men anyway, that is just totally incorrect. And in all fairness, it would be difficult to translate many thoughts from the Hebrew into the English. Many of your Hebrew words have parabolic meanings in themselves!

    And take the word “God,” for example, that is just a very bad translation. I promise that I’m not trying to be mean. You have many words that are translated into the word “God” that have different meanings. For example, like Yahweh is the elohee of the elohim. They use one word “God” for the deity class, which is incorrect. Elohim very often is a collective noun, and many times means a group. One group, the elohim, like the English word for “family.” So there’s a lot of problems. Like a family can be any number of people, lots of people, actually, where the father is the head, the one under the father is the wife and then they have any number of children, yet it’s one family. Army would be another collective noun. The U.S. Army, one group, yet many, many people.

    Yahushua (aka Jesus) was also an eloah being (a higher-up elohim) before he became a man in the flesh. He was the logos, debar in Hebrew, so he was an elohim too. All the angels are the sons of elohim, which means they are all eloah beings.

  61. Funny joke from WND Joke of the Day!

    A French doctor says, “Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.”

    A German doctor says, “That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.”

    The Russian doctor says, “In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks.”

    An American doctor, not to be outdone, says, “You guys are way behind! We recently took an unknown man with no brain out of Illinois, put him in the White House, and now half the country is looking for work.”

  62. Michael Ward, FBI deputy assistant director for counterterrorism, said in an interview Thursday that the portion of the operation focusing on the military related only to veterans who draw the attention of Defense Department officials for joining white-supremacist or other extremist groups.

    “We’re not doing an investigation into the military, we’re not looking at former military members,” he said. “It would have to be something they were concerned about, or someone they’re concerned is involved” with extremist groups.

    Mr. Ward said that the FBI’s general counsel reviewed the operation before it began, “to make sure any tripwires we set do not violate any civil liberties.”

    Some Republican lawmakers, talk-show hosts and veterans groups complained this week after the internal DHS assessment cited the potential for the same extremists groups to target returning combat veterans for recruitment. The Democratic chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, also echoed the concerns.

    The separate DHS assessment, leaked this week after being sent to law-enforcement agencies, said the “willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.” Veterans could draw special attention, the report said, because of their advanced training.

    Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, said Wednesday he was offended that veterans were characterized as potential domestic terrorists.

    Amy Kudwa, a DHS spokeswoman, said Thursday the report was issued before an objection about one part of the document raised by the agency’s civil-rights division was resolved. She called it a “breakdown of an internal process” that would be fixed.

    Notice the last paragraph,a”breakdown”,this coming from DHS and the FBI.All this talk about threat assesments and situational awareness,yet we have an breakdown of an internal process involving the 2 major governmental agencies that protect the homeland against “Terrorists” or whatever the politically correct Obama term is for them these days.
    America the Beautiful, the country who beckoned all those who desired freedom, independence from suffering, tyranny and the ooportunity to be self sufficient is no more,except for those chosen few!!!!!

  63. Why was the Orly post pulled? Was it something the Obots did?

  64. citizenwells

    I pulled the Orly post.
    I will reserve further comment until I find out more.

  65. I’m from west Virginia..

    I just got a call from a friend that all ammunition, reloading supplies are gone, nil . , including our local Cabela store. Also the on line suppliers have no stock or are not shipping………….

    When you ask for an explanation the retailers just say their suppliers aren’t shipping.

    Can anyone else confirm this from any other states.

  66. truthbetold11

    The distorted truth movement!!!! Obama is so corrupt that he has to feed so much untruth to the public that he comes out smelling like a rose. He wants to make people mad on purpose to delcare martial law someday, he wants to divide america on purpose. Congress needs to file a abuse of power lawsuit and unfit for command. I wouldn’t want him running capture the flag never mine the country, This is a well funded operation to bring america to its knees and at this point thank god i already started long ago. Be ready!!

  67. I am really concerned for Orly’s well being. I would strongly expect a derranged OBOT to make an attempt on her life. It is entirely within possibility that we will see attempts on the lives of Gary Kreep, Steve Pidgeon,and/or anyone else who starts getting close to SOETORO. And that is why the OBOTS are pulling out all the stops. Sooner, or later SOMEONE is going to come up with the SMOKING GUN, and they know it. Anyone who looks as though they might be close to accomplishing that will suddenly be found dead, or will disappear forever.

  68. citizenwells

    Therese and Buzz

    USAPatriots-shout, a blog talk radio program, shares information that is rarely broadcast on main stream media (MSM). The truth supersedes labeling, party affiliations, and “political correctness”. Truth empowers all. Join me Sundays as the great or maybe not so great “Opinionator” shares with you the results of weekly news research and her insights about how it affects you and America.

    Mark your calendar
    don’t miss this broadcast


    Sunday night (04-19-09) 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

    This week’s super guest is
    Harley Schlanger
    (National spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche,
    former Presidential candidate)

    Clearing Out Obama’s Vipers’ Nest

    this Sunday evening, April 19, 2009 between 6 and 8 pm Pacific Standard Time. You may call 646-727-3865 to ask questions.

    What a great opportunity to call in or write and share and discuss these issues!

    You can write to the chat room at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/usapatriots-shout

    call 646-727-3865
    You can also post comments at

    or usapatriots-shout.blogspot.com

    Become armed and dangerous; carry a pocket copy of the US Constitution. Find out how you can get your free pocket copies of the US Constitution.

  69. truthbetold11–I agree with you. I believe everything obama does is very deliberate, and he
    is totally enjoying America’s frustrations. He wants power and control and anyway he can continue with it he will. Our Tea Party Movement must continue and evolve into an
    unsurmountable force “they” can’t overcome.

  70. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article6115903.ece

    This puts the order of global priorities in a different sequence.

  71. Regarding the above link, Israel will not wait for American support. Obama has been transparent to them for quite some time.

  72. Patriots have chosen to devote their
    time AND safety to pursuing the highest “calling” of re-instating our Republic and
    challenging a very serious internal threat, the Imposter in office. These men and women know the costs are high, and they are well aware of the threats and personal bodily harm that may insue. They are not afraid, and neither should we be for them. They would not want us to cower in the corner as our country suffers this damage.

  73. truthbetold11

    Back in october I became a member of a a silent party without even knowing it! What? It’s called the THE ALARMIST MOVEMENT! It started in my brain, then down to the pit of my stomach, then my soul, then my whole being was ALARMED because of the danger of what was coming down the road. Millions of Americans have become ALARMIST as well. We sense danger and react! Thats how God made us. We sense fear and danger thats why we protect our children without a teleprompter its the laws of nature! Many more are quickly becoming members as well!

  74. Just read on Orly’s site several of the posted
    comments—one stating obama will change
    the military’s loyalty oath from upholding the Constitution to loyalty to the Office of the President. One blogger commented this
    “change” to begin to be phased in around
    July 4, 2009. Has anyone else heard of this?

  75. Does anyone see a Nationwide March to the White House to demand Obama’s real Birth Certificate this summer?

  76. Truth Be Told 11…..Ditto!

  77. There is a March on DC in Sept. The 14 and 15 I think.

  78. Maddie,

    You may recall that such a statement had been made within weeks of the inauguration and then retracted almost immediately. There was no mention of July 4 at that time.

  79. that wasn’t orly, she was in texas

    that was an obot imposter

  80. http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/oath.asp

    They appear to have treated the matter as a joke at that time.

  81. Ammunition?

    I was in my local gun/sports store in NorCalif yesterday. Handgun ammo was plentiful although prices were a bit higher than before, which I expected. .223 was available in both small boxes and 1,000rnd cases. Interesting that 12ga 2 3/4 shells in OO buck and #4 buck were out, but rifled slugs were in stock.

    No one in a panic mode of buying that I could see. The store employees said yes sales are up but they see no shortages for now.

    Calm before The Storm?

  82. thanks, Venice.
    Greta has Newt Ginrich on now—he is fabulous.
    Any chance he would run for POTUS.

  83. I believe the real scare of the FBI and DHS is the fact that there aren’t enough of them to take care of the millions of Americans who are armed and ready for the day. Bring it on!!

  84. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95230

    Imagine the Obama administration thought increased spending would be among the popular aspects of their stimulus package. A contorted world view that of course everyone would share!

  85. Oh, and lets not forget that maybe, just maybe, be some patriots in the FBI and DHS that will turn against the gov’t rather than Americans. This also applies to military if the time comes.

  86. One has to wonder if view of the success of the Tea parties, if the administration is not anxious enough that they are seriously thinking of military command and how best to control it.

    As the WND states ” a sleeping giant has been awakened”.

  87. Maddie,

    Always liked Newt and thing Gingrich/Palin be a fantastic ticket the next time, whenever that occurs!

  88. Maddie,

    Always liked Newt and thing Gingrich/Palin be a fantastic ticket the next time, whenever that occurs!

  89. Since the next planned event seems to be July 4, which is a ways off, think Memorial Day in late may will be a good half way point to have something.

    What’s you thoughts and any ideas. Be a good time to honor those “right extremists” active and retired military and get some anti obama/BC/etc signs thrown in!!

  90. BTW I DVR’d the FOX shows the night of the Tea Parties and someone standing behind Hannity off to the left of your TV screen was holding a sign that read…”Impeach the Kenyan Pirate and his Crew now” (I am reciting from memory as I watched it yesterday, but the sign was shown numerous times as he was standing behind Hannity)

    I am also impressed with the thought of Newt, but maybe that is just because he can speak well and answer questions asked without saying “uh…uhhhh..ummm…um…ahhh” every three words.

  91. Newt was instrumental in the mid 90’s as Speaker when the Republican took over the house and senate under slick willie clinton.

    He knows conservatism very well. Think Sarah Palin can become a very effective VP initally and then POTUS later.

    Newt would be a great teach for the quick study.

  92. I think our next rally/protest should be on the same day in May that illegal aliens are planning a protest. Better yet, we should do it the day before.

    We’ll call ours the American Citizens Unite! rally.

    Imagine the signs we could make for THAT! Imagine the average Joe’s words from the podium on what it means to them to be an American Citizen.

  93. Hey Everyone,…. Greta had a short clip from Rush Limbaugh tonight. He is Pissed. He will be on Gretas show Monday night to express his opinion about the HLS,… MSM,…. How all of us that stand up for American Values,…. God, Constitution, Military, Small Government, Freedoms, are being called right-wing extremists. YES, HE WAS WILD! I think that with obama dissing us again in Mexico, hand shaking with chevaz, THIS JUST MIGHT WAKE UP THE REAL AMERICANS IN CONGRESS,… AND THEY MIGHT (I SAID MIGHT) MAKE A STAND AT THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE THING. SOME ONE NEEDS TO STAND UP WHILE WE CAN STILL SAVE THIS COUNTRY FROM THESE ANTI-AMERICAN (LIBERALS) IDIOTS THAT ARE HELL BENT ON DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  94. oldsalt76 // April 17, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    I am really concerned for Orly’s well being. I would strongly expect a derranged OBOT to make an attempt on her life. It is entirely within possibility that we will see attempts on the lives of Gary Kreep, Steve Pidgeon,and/or anyone else who starts getting close to SOETORO. And that is why the OBOTS are pulling out all the stops. Sooner, or later SOMEONE is going to come up with the SMOKING GUN, and they know it. Anyone who looks as though they might be close to accomplishing that will suddenly be found dead, or will disappear forever.


    Hi OldSalt, hope you’re feeling better.

    I’m worried about Orly, too. That mess with her web site just doesn’t pass the sniff test.

    I’m also worried about Larry Sinclair.

    I don’t put anything past these people at this point. The movement is growing and they know it. Time for drastic measures on their end, but how drastic?

    We really need to monitor this closely and pray our heads off. I’m sure Citizen Wells will fill us in when he’s able.

  95. Fernley Girl

    Army D.A.V.
    I live in a small town. The local hardware/sporting goods/gun/gift store has ammo. They are having a difficult time restocking certain types of weapons. A few weeks ago they had two full pallets of sardine cans, and they were gone in a couple of days.

  96. I’m confused…what Orly post was pulled? I feel so out-of the-loop cuz I haven’t checked in since Wed. I hope everything is well.

  97. Fernley Girl

    I hearing some stories that when asked about about supplies and shipments, they are being told ” that’s all I can tell you as a customer.

    I haven’t heard any supply and demand excuses yet,.

    I been reloading for 35 years and this is the first time I have not been able to purchase a can of powder,,,,,,,


  98. Re Truthbetold11
    I think you hit the nail on the head.
    BO and his vipers are deliberately bating us by his outrageous actions. so he can enact MARTIAL LAW. I too went to check this out and found this web site
    http://www.opednews.com/articls/Is-Martial-Law-Coming-to-the-US-by-Bruce-Cain (do search for article)

    Ps watch your backs

  99. Rocknee – I wish everybody could come to D.C. for Memorial Day. Several hundred thousand motocyclists show up on their Harley’s for ROLLING THUNDER. It’s AWSOME.


  100. I used to live in Everett till my wife decided to move back home. Was kinda fun seeing the pictures. I imagine quite a few Navy types were there (you know the future right wing radicals)

  101. I know I’m preaching to the choir here..but amnesty of 30 mil illegals will be the absolute DRESDEN AERIAL BOMBING OF OUR TIME!
    irreversible damage.can you say DEMZ 4EVER?
    The tea parties need to be used to push the treason lobby to the wall when its time for them to vote.tell them their positions on amnesty will be broadcast to all attendees at tea parties.We are gonna need bigtime leverage.i hope someone has connections to tea party speakers or organizers.

  102. magna carta,…. agreed with this accessment. The lawless administration is out to do just that. dems 4 ever. OH MY GOD,…. WE WILL SEE THE END OF AMERICA AS WE WANT IT.
    I suggest that the Patriots need to organize at least once a month. The place is going to be VERY IMPORTANT. Should it be at Each STATE Capital? And, maybe pick 2 days (so that each and everyone concerned will be able to attend:?)
    Some might be able to attend both,…

  103. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95317

    Are we to assume that Congress has no clue what the upper echelons have in store for the Republic?

  104. Question,

    I noticed on the gov. site that Ron Pauls HR-1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act if passes the house and the senate, then has to be signed into law by the President before it’s finalized.

    Does this mean, that even if it’s voted in by Congress, that the President can still “veto” this bill and completely destroy it?

    We all know that Obama works for the elite bankers, and there’s no way in hell he is going to allow a bill like that to pass.

  105. The South,

    This bill is just to appease the patriots of this country. It won’t work to detract us from knowing the truth. And that truth is the bill is an abolute waste of taxpayer money. Why? Because it is a paper tiger. Nobody in Congress wants to see any restrictions upon itself.

  106. JoyceAZ

    Relax , it will never happen.

  107. venice // April 18, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    Are we to assume that Congress has no clue what the upper echelons have in store for the Republic?
    I think it’s safe to assume that Congress has no clue about anything. Try getting a clear definition of a Natural Born Citizen for starters.

  108. Army D.A.V. // April 18, 2009 at 2:37 pm


    Relax , it will never happen.
    I’d love to believe that but what will stop it? I used to think we’d never have a usurper in the White House, too.

  109. I think these links are worth taking a serious look at again. Soetoro a german sleeper agent. makes to much sense.



  110. I saw on Orly’s website that ACORN got 5 BILLION$ from the Porkulus. Is this a fact? If so, it is an outrage! ! Isn’t the group under investigation by Congress, the same body of government that doles out the stimulus money? How crazy is that?? I heard Bill O”Reilly say that he would tell everybody if he becomes aware that ACORN getsstimulus money.

    Does anyone know if ACORN is definitely going to be working the census? This gets crazier and crazier!

  111. I heard through the grapeview that obots are
    coming back to Ohio to “organize”—no one
    knew exactly what that meant, but that “it” was
    going to happen soon. Anyone know what on
    earth this means???

  112. I agree Rocknee, Katie, and Magna Carta on
    all your thoughts for more Tea Party Revolts
    with a variety of emphases– the illegal alien
    issue a big one for the obvious “obama voter”
    reason and please let’s get on the biggest
    illegal issue of them all–the Hoax in the WH.
    BC rally.
    Sign in front of Columbus business today:
    US Navy—3
    Pirates —O

  113. on another note:
    I hope that Anderson Cooper, Gergen, and
    MSN all get sanctioned/fired for their lewd
    comments—just read the translation of
    tea-bagging in WND— these so called “reporters” are the scum of the earth

  114. Jacqlyn Smith

    Everyone—-Go to http://www.americasright.com to weigh in on a caption for BO’s handshake with Chavez….pretty funny to say the least…..here’s mine…………..

    “Yo Bro……guess you were right when you said I was a “poor ignoramus”…why else would I be shaking your hand!!!!”

  115. What is it going to take to awaken Americans that the America prior to Obama’s election id dead and gone. America is no longer a Republic and the Constitution is no longer the sacred rule of the land. This is an illegal government. The imposter acting like the president is a usurper! Our enemies are not his enemies. Our friends are not his friends. No matter how much he denies it, Obama is a Muslim whose loyaties are to Muslims and their political/social/religious ideas. Obama has no interest in defending America. He only wants to use America as a bargaining chip of the Global Rule takeover to buy him the seat of EMPEROR OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE. We dumb Americans sit comfortably while they are selling, sabotaging, and stealing America right before our eyes!

    We are in an invisible war–and right now they are winning. They are working in large numbers faster than the speed of light to plug any threats to their coup de’ etat and power grab. We don’t have “til the next election. Every hour one of Obama’s appointees, is tightening the weak spots that could challenge his power.

    The old rules are gone and we haven’t learned the new rules, yet. Over 65,000,000 Americans still think there is going to be an election in 2012! They are too brainwashed to recognize what is going on. HaH!

  116. Therese Daniels,

    We are not in any invisible war. And this war will soon become actual war unless immense reformation begins in the federation.

    I don’t see this happening at all. Hence option B, i.e. Revolutionary War with real combat. Once unemployment reaches 20% we will see battle.

  117. Dr. Orly Taitz New site is up.


  118. >Once unemployment reaches 20% we will see battle.

    I agree and I don’t see how it can be stopped. Unemployment will continue to rise. It’s also plain to me there is major manipulation of the markets going on. There is no reason for this rally. The bad news just keeps coming except for a few financial companies that are reporting a sudden and unexpected profit. This too is smoke and mirrors

  119. Jeff M— I completely agree with you.
    Unemployment figures for Ohio, i.e., came
    out recently 9.6% Today at a country
    “flea market” a sign advertizing “Guns for Sale”
    was on the front of the building—inside only
    a small table with about a dozen rifles.
    From some talk at the Tea Party Wed., people
    think a Second Revolution is ahead unless
    we have a dramatic turn around which doesn’t
    appear likely.

  120. Eagle—You are right on about the Market–
    anyone who trusts this manipulation will be
    very sorry in the end. That week “rally” recently
    was smoke and mirrors as is the current
    charade going on. Don’t trust the _____.
    You could loose everything.

  121. Jacqlyn Smith

    Please watch the following video on YouTube….Red Eye at Fox News totally skewers the MSM>>>>Way to Go Fox!!!!

  122. Obama is not only expecting an uprising, he’s trying to put in place judicial and military structures to contain it. In a sense the powers that be are creating the timetable, not the other way around.

    Funny nothing has been heard from Zogby after declaring that at least 50% of the nation opposes Obama. I suspect the number is higher now. The uprising I fear will be significant. When Obama says he didn’t know about the tea parties, he is buying time. The race has been on since the inauguration and picking up speed.

  123. Jacqlyn Smith


    Eagle // April 18, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    >Once unemployment reaches 20% we will see battle.

    I agree and I don’t see how it can be stopped. Unemployment will continue to rise. It’s also plain to me there is major manipulation of the markets going on. There is no reason for this rally. The bad news just keeps coming except for a few financial companies that are reporting a sudden and unexpected profit. This too is smoke and mirrors

    What is even worse to come is the commercial real estate market that is going to go into foreclosure….this is predicted to be worse than the housing real estate market because no one will be buying it back or renting it out!!

  124. I think we are witnessing a coup.

  125. Usually I call BO for the initials B.O. , i.e., I literally say B-O.

    However, I thought this morning, which I don’t ever call him prez because who knows if he really is one, so I thought, heck, I’ll call him Pharaoh Bo. Just say it, it’s kind of funny. That’s Bo not in the initials, but in the name, Bo. And one of the definitions in Merriam Websters for Pharaoh is a “tyrant.”

    Very fitting, I think.

  126. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95300
    Pastor beaten and Tasered!!This was on Worldnetdaily site!!This needs to be sent around viral!!!!!!Watch the video also!!!!
    WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. I think we are witnessing a coup.


    Kathy, you’re bloody right we are…in the United States of America! We have been forewarned and now it’s coming to fruition.

    The question is: How to stop it? A doctor friend of mine said there was only one solution and you can guess what that is.

    I was in Jamaica years ago and witnessed very much the same thing; I couldn’t get off the island. It was pure terror! When I finally got back to America you’d swear I was the Pope, kissing the tarmac when I was back on Americn soil.

    Who would’ve guessed that 30 + years later it’s happening here?

    I am truly afraid for America.

  128. Yep, if you’re in a third-world country, such as I was in 1996 in Egypt, and you see the oppression, etc., there, then when you come back home you realize, wow, this country is great. We have freedom that someone can’t imagine, we have religious freedom, no oppression. Well, that was then.

    A friend that was with us over there told me, see how those Muslim men treat their donkeys, look how they beat them, well, that’s how they treat their women and you can see that they’re oppressed.

  129. Dear Friends,

    There are riots and revolutions. The two are very different. Once the unemployment reaches 20% I think we will see riots and not revolution. Riots can be put down by police force or National Guard in a matter of days. Revolutions could take months and maybe years. Riots are poorly planned, ill equipped and sparked out of public anger and frustration when all else fails. Revolutions–the blood shedding kind–have leaderhip, strategy, purpose, funding, weapons, and discipline. They have leaders ready to take the place of the government they are over throwing. Sometimes they suceed. Sometimes they don’t.

    There are more than one type of revolution. There is also a bloodless revolution which I hope will be the only one we experience.

    I don’t think we are any where near the blood shedding type revolution. There are still many actions we can take before it ever comes to that. I do think we ought to begin focusing our thoughts in that direction–just in case all else fails.

    There is no doubt in my mind Obama’s henchmen are preparing to suppress any up rising that may come forward in the not to distant future. Every thing they are doing reveals what they intend to do to any of us if we even dare to think about defying the Emperor. This is why time is of the essence for those few of us who are silly enough to want to keep America a Republic under the rule of the US Constitution.

    This group and the others on the other web sites are still a minority. We are so used to our acceptance of the idea Obama is a usurper, etc, we forget about the millions of people who still think he is a hero. Most of America whether or not they voted for Obama has no idea what is happening while they are naively sleeping. Thus I call this an invisible war. I hope these good people will wake up before it’s too late. We need them. We need at least 66,000,ooo people if we expect to remove this usurper and his gang of evils.

    I will be discussing this subject with some more ideas on blogtalkradio.com/usapatriots-shout/ tomorrow at 6 p.m. PST. Please, listen and share your thoughts. We can not do this alone. We must begin to unite, develop strategy, gather courage, and prepare to take action–each to the capacity of his/her ability. It’s coming. We need to be prepared. I don’t know how long before I and the many other talkradio blogs will be shut down.

  130. Well I don’t think that will be to long here in ORE, because the unemployment is 12.1.

  131. As said before, I think BO and his thugs are scared they wont have enough to follow when the FBI, DHS and military wake up. Dont think all in these groups will turn on the USA.

    Bring it on. Target practice and go for the neck. No bullet proof vests there!!

  132. Lets hope 10% plus UNEMPLOYMENT will force employers to start giving jobs to their fellow countrymen…hell even Hitler did that.
    That Cooper’s a pillowbiter,Gergen also.

  133. Fernley Girl

    Regarding unemployment rates…
    The true rate of unemployment is almost double what the government reports. The method for calculating unemployment has been changed over the years in order to under-report that and other leading economic indicators. See shadowstats dot com

  134. How Obama actually delayed pirate rescue – SEAL team deployment stalled 36 hours, hampered by limited rules of engagement



    RULES OF ENGAGEMENT – What’s your reaction to reports Obama delayed, extended pirate standoff for days?


  135. What’s your reaction to Anderson Cooper’s denigration of tea parties with ‘gay’-sex joke?


  136. What do you make of the DHS report about ‘right-wing extremists’?


  137. I have no faith that the republicans will go against Obama’s amnesty for illegals, even if it means the democratic party for ever. Bush did nothing to stem the influx. McCain was as silent as Obama on this issue during the campaign. I think we only have one party under the banksters and they want cheap labor.

  138. Remember what Larry Sinclair said about the Donald Young murder? Has any one been charged with that murder yet? I am sorry this young man was murdered. But he was in the emperor’s way. After all the kings horse and all the kings men, do you think any one will ever be charged with his murder? Mark my words, the success of the tea party has revealed their fear. MSM and Obama supporters’ response to it came from a position of weakness and not strength. The pressure is on them from many fronts. The murder of this witness is one more revelation of how close we are exposing Obama and his recalcitrant power grabbers.

  139. Libertarians operate on the foolish belief that freedom is the natural state of existence. It isn’t. Chaos is. Freedom requires virtue. People have to choose to do the right thing, even when no one is looking and there is no chance of getting caught.

    Government is the compromise society makes to the inherent reality that humans are flawed. Our union was never perfect but in pursuit of a more perfect union, we try to keep government as small as possible. We are failing miserably because we no longer value virtue in society. We are making it impossible to even have a free and orderly society. We don’t deserve freedom anymore. The solution to every problem today always calles for us to surrender yet more individual freedom. It has to stop and soon.

    I’m a conservative because I believe most of us “get it”. We have power because we are right. Given the chance, we can articulate the problem in adult terms and that resonates with most people. After all, most people are trying to be responsible. We make it “cool” to be responsible, caring adults.

    Party politics is what is hopelessly corrupt. Let’s try something else. It is not too late.

    hat tip: Pasadena Phil

  140. AL wrote:

    “What do you make of the DHS report about ‘right-wing extremists’?”

    I think they made a BIG mistake in our favor. They just woke up the sleeping giant of 80 million firearm-carrying conservatives in the country. Not a very good idea to irritate the conservative side of the country in this manner. What they did is placed all conservatives on high alert and now they can’t sneak up on unsuspecting people like they were anticipating.

    Do not underestimate the power of the Patriots. 70% of the country could be asleep at the wheel and it wouldn’t matter. There are enough conservatives who may not be keen on the usurper crisis like we are, but they are certainly aware of the regime’s attempts at undermining the Constitution along with the ridiculous nonsense going on in Congress.

    You’re just not hearing about it because it isn’t a water cooler topic…yet.

  141. One more thing about the report from the DHS. The only terrorists in this country are the ones who have hijacked our Constitution and our government. If the DHS wants to protect us, they should start with the White House and work their way down.

    I doubt this is going to happen, so you might want to get to the firing range soon, just in case.

  142. citizenwells

    I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night.
    He is waiting on the printer.
    From his blog:

    ” For those of you who are emailing asking to order the Book, once I have confirmation from the Printer that the we have uploaded the files according to spec I will post a link on the Sinclair Publishing, Inc. web site that will allow you to order the book direct if you wish. In the meantime thank you for your emails of support and your interest in the Book.”

  143. Air Force Brat

    JeffM — I think the “sleeping giant’s” actual numbers may be a little higher than 80 million, which is VERY encouraging. And I’m hopeful that some segments of society, such as the military, National Guard, and even general ol’ all-around locals, have already woken up and realize what’s at stake. I think there are a LOT of people out there who don’t say much about things, but who will do the right thing when the time comes.

  144. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=31496

    Liking the president and supporting his policies lower his ratings by at least 10-15%. Isn’t that in keeping with Zogby’s numbers?

    Opposition to the policies will drive the revolution. Whether you like Obama or not is relatively insignificant. The government will have a hard time suppressing the voices of at least half the nation. That half is made of Repubs, Independents and Dems and the numbers will continue to grow.

  145. that shoud be ” 15-20%”

  146. Barack Obama’s intelligence advisor had been involved in a security breach as the head of a State Department contractor. – Key Witness in Passport Fraud Dead.


  147. There are a couple of older guys that set up a table replete with political signs by the local post office?
    I wonder about bringing my own road show there.Obviously the mystery of Obama’s background but what about the fact that we are IMPORTING HAMAS on taxpayer dime????

  148. LM!!! That just reeks…….

    I did some investigating on this matter for an article I was going to do. All three “peepers” were convicted and it was blown off as them having too much celebrity interest, not people who were spying or manipulating data.
    BS…..I felt it then and wondered about the safety of these people. You have just made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up!

    Guys…this is a cover up

  149. AL // April 19, 2009 at 12:49 am

    How Obama actually delayed pirate rescue – SEAL team deployment stalled 36 hours, hampered by limited rules of engagement



    There are some ex-military who post here. Please comment on the following that was posted yesterday morning on a FOX News blog.
    Does it seem authentic?

    April 18th, 2009 at 8:39 am
    Having spoken to some SEAL pals here in Virginia Beach yesterday and
    asking why this thing dragged out for 4 days, I got the following:
    1. BHObama wouldn’t authorize the DEVGRU/NSWC SEAL teams to the scene for 36
    hours going against OSC (on scene commander) recommendation.
    2. Once they arrived, BHO imposed restrictions on their ROE that they
    couldn’t do anything unless the hostage’s life was in “imminent” danger
    3. The first time the hostage jumped, the SEALS had the raggies all
    sighted in, but could not fire due to ROE restriction
    4. When the navy RIB came under fire as it approached with supplies, no
    fire was returned due to ROE restrictions. As the raggies were shooting
    at the RIB, they were exposed and the SEALS had them all dialed in.
    5. BHO specifically denied two rescue plans developed by the Bainbridge
    CPN and SEAL teams
    6. Bainbridge CPN and SEAL team CDR finally decide they have the OpArea
    and OSC authority to solely determine risk to hostage. 4 hours later, 3
    dead raggies
    7. BHO immediately claims credit for his “daring and decisive” behaviour.

  150. Barack Obama’s intelligence advisor had been involved in a security breach as the head of a State Department contractor. – Key Witness in Passport Fraud Dead.

    This is showing a date for a year ago. 4/19/ 2008 – that doesn’t eliminate the tragedy or the probable cover-up. Just shows how many of us weren’t informed a year ago and believed the MSM was telling us the truth.

  151. AL…………..
    Have you begun to wonder how long OB is going to wait before he reacts if one of our cities is attacked again? As most people are now aware surprise sneak attacks,and acts of piracy need almost instant combat reaction.You can’t wait until Congress is consulted as is now DENMANDED BY THEM. We will probably see ANOTHER US disaster on a 9-11 level just because of Congressional JACKASSES. It is doubtful that Obama would act on his own to defend this country. A president MUST be free to act in a national emergency. I believe that he would allow an attack to continue if he hasn’t yet asked congress what to do about it. Again thousands would die while the Soetoro is trying to figure out what to do. It appears that PEARL HARBOR, and 9-11 don’t seem to mean anything to CONGRESS.
    They sat and wrung their hands for 36 hrs before anybody decided that action was needed immediately to save Captain Phillips. Finally our SEALS ended the problem. Unfortunately nothing else has happened. The pirates have finally attacked an American ship,and taken control of it in international water. This IS an act of WAR. Why the hell hasn’t Obama done anything to GIVE the BASTARDS a level of war the will make them reconsider their behavior,or end their insanity forthwith. Maybe they need to re- induct Schwartzkopf;at least he has the gonads to act against an enemy. Send him in with about 500 Bradley tanks and a lot of air support and let him cleanout Somalia,end to end. It is about time that the US stopped worrying about WHAT THE REST OF THE WORLD THINKS. Most of the countries are so weak militarily that it would be a waste of time to even ask for their help. Others are so damn cowardly that won’t help either.(France).SO WE NEED TO DO WHAT WE NEED TO DO. Beat the living HELL out of the ASSHO### who attacked our ship.

  152. oldsalt76
    I’m thinking it will happen in Texas. They are getting a bit unruly

  153. Ever since Obama began his campaign to run for office to now, I have had no peace. I am a stranger in a strange land. Every three or four hours every day I learn of some new sinister law, decision, act, plan, or strategy created by the Obama power grabbers to return us to the dark ages and slavery.

    I never could have imagined in my wildest years to reach an age when I would see the destruction of America flaunted in plain public view aided and abetted by our own elected officials, judges, and MSM and most Americans are blindly accepting this as if it is business as usual.

    Everything Obama touches turns to sh#t. Every time he has a choice of letting America shine or harming America, he chooses to harm America, put her into deeper risk, humiliate us, or continue laying the foundation one law, one crisis, and one incident at a time to force a dictatorship upon America.

    Obama’s handling of the Maersk incident is once again proof beyond a shadow of a doubt his only interest in America is its value as a bargaining chip at world summit devil’s meetings to gain his place as emperor in the Global Rule.

  154. oldsalt76 // April 19, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Hi OldSalt,

    I agree with your post 100% (as usual) however, I think you’ll see more and more of this type of indecisive ‘military action’ because Our Illegal Fearless Leader would rather sit around the campfire with the likes of Chavez and Castro singing Kumbaya. Since when do we cozy up to dictators? I guess we do now.


    Jonah // April 19, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Thanks for this heads-up, Jonah. I think this proves what we (sadly) already knew.

  155. EAGLE……….
    When I look at what is happening to our country,I easily understand why the people of TEXAS, and a lot of other states are bacoming highly angered. I personally believe that,unless Obama takes the initiative,shows all of his papers ,including his VAULT COLB, and proves that he is a valid legal president,the unrest in this country will continue to grow. Should we experience another 9-11,or similar attack I think that it would generate open attacks by our citizens on government institutions,and could easily become CIVIL WAR. The thought makes me shudder because blood will run in our gutters,and a lot of people will die in what they perceive as taking back our country. I have a gut feeling that somewhere this is being discussed even as I type this comment.

  156. oldsalt76,

    I think you can count on it being discussed many places. Let us hope they pay particular attention to organization of resources, both human and material, to limit the damage that can be done.

  157. I am still feeling pain from my shingles.My doctor tells me that it could go on for an indefinite period of time. Some cases are severe.,as is mine.
    For that reason only I have been trying to find someone who is interested in pursuing the search for the POE-INS documents generated by Stanley Ann D.Obama upon her return from Kenya. In an email from Steve Pidgeon he stated that it was his feeling that she most likely entered the US at New York. The route probably was Mombassa to Nairobi then London then New York.New York to Seattle. I am inclined to agree with him. But that might not have stopped the reproduction of the records after a certain age to send to Genealogical research centers,one of which we have in Fort Wayne. Our center is looked upon as being second only to the Mormon Archives at Salt Lake City. I had just started researching when the shingles struck me. Now I hope someone will see fit to pick up the search. If the record is found it is the end of the line for OBAMA. The record will tell it all. His birth Cert at Hawaii would not be needed. His birthplace will appear on the INS record. I am sure that the INS record is still out there. If it was duplicated ,then copies of it can be literally anywhere. The Obama GOON squad might not find ALL the copies. I think that it is worth doing! Especially when I consider what could result from it. There are other INS archives on bothe sides of the US. I am sure that anyone using the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT would be allowed to access the databases, or microfilm archives. It will be necessary to determine where THE PORT OF NEW YORK INS SENDS THEIR long term records. It could be Philadselphia, PA

  158. It is probable that the original POE INS record will still exist on microfilm, which was in use in 1961

  159. truthbetold11

    As soon as i saw this captian taken i immediatley said it would go down on EASTER. Why because he wouldn’t have to deal with easter and what church to go to. free public pass! Also he is making as many countries mad at us as possible. Why. So when we get attacked. They the other countries will say we got what we deserved. Psychological warfare. Turn your enemies more against you than before, And no country will come to our aid! He mad some major mistakes doing this, he’s exposed himself quicker than he wanted to, And we the american public picked up on it right away

  160. per washington post..one of the security breachers from one of the 008 compromises was found fatally shot to death in his vehicle.


  161. The date is curious as well. one year to this date 4/19/009

  162. The timing of the news and leaks regarding Hussein,all negative of course…seems ominious(for Hussein) Coup???

  163. I had a recent discussion with my best friend about why Soetoro continues to travel and meet with overseas diplomats while our country falls into chaos.

    You would think a real President would be going city to city, state to state until real progress is made for the regrouping and rebuilding of America.

    I have an answer to this: Soetoro is working on his escape plan, trying to figure out which country will give him sanctuary once the jig is up. It won’t matter. As an enemy of the state he will be hunted down by our military. If this is the case, war will definitely ensue overseas.

    His options are dwindling…

  164. Silent Christians Continuously Attacked,

    Most Democrats “The Erosionsist LIEberals” destroy our religion and way of life EVERYDAY and what do most Christians do? They fully SUPPORT them in this destruction and continue Blindly Voting for our Destruction. Will we Ever Learn? Or in matters of Christianity will we continue being “Cowards”?

    First there was the “Imposter”, The Ponzi Prez Barack speaking at Georgetown University and these “Cowards” at the Catholic University allowed to be covered up IHS (the symbol for Jesus) while Barack made a speech in front of it. When he went to a Muslim Mosque recently he took his shows off but the “Imposter Christian” while in a Catholic University has to cover up Jesus? Barack “The Bastard” can go to a Hateful Racist “Church/Mosque” for over 20 yrs and can’t have “IHS” behind him for a few minutes? In matters of Religion and Governing/Leading, Catholics & Christians are “COWARDS”.
    Covering up “Jesus” in a Catholic University in AMERICA?
    This is SACRILIGIOUS, SINFUL and SHAMEFUL for any sane Christian.

    Notice the “Black” triangle behind the “Fake Messiah” it covers up the True Messiah. How can any SANE PERSON allow this? Especially in America and in a Catholic University?

    Georgetown story Here: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Blog/Default.aspx?id=493532
    Georgetown Hides Religious Symbols for Obama

    Next there is the matter of TWO Catholic Universities Boston College and Notre Dame inviting two CHRISTIAN HATERS to their Campuses. Boston College first allowed the invite of an Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist, Bill Ayers (the Tim McVeigh that got away). After massive Protest they finally came to their senses and banned him.
    Now we have Notre Dame that invites to it’s Religious University an “Imposter President” to do a Commencement Speech. After what he did in Georgetown to “IHS” Jesus he should never again set foot in any Christian Place unless he apologizes to Christians like he has been doing to the Muslims and the rest of the world since he got elected. How can a Christian University invite the country’s Number One Partial Birth Supporter to speak to a religious community that professes the Sanctity of Life? Will they throw a big black canvas over “Touchdown Jesus” while the “Fake Messiah” is on Campus?
    This is SACRILIGIOUS, SINFUL and SHAMEFUL for any sane Christian.

    Christians STAND UP, RISE UP our Faith is Fading if we don’t STAND UP NOW and SPEAK UP our children won’t have our good examples to follow and soon our Faith will FADE FOREVER. We stood by while homosexual pedophile priests infiltrated our churches. We stand by while the homosexual movement continually uses these same homosexual pedophile acts to silence our religion. We voted time and time again for abortion supporters while over 40 MILLIONS babies were “sucked out and trashed”. Will we stand silent now while these offensive attacks on our religion continue? In matters of Christianity don’t be COWARDS. Call the White House and DEMAND he Publicly Apologize for Georgetown. Call Notre Dame and DEMAND they un invite the Partial Birth Prez.

    Notre Dame Story:
    Protests Over Obama’s Notre Dame Invite Growing

    Here is a Video that is also eye opening: Is Christianity on Life Support?

    God Bless US

  165. I have an answer to this: Soetoro is working on his escape plan, trying to figure out which country will give him sanctuary once the jig is up. It won’t matter. As an enemy of the state he will be hunted down by our military. If this is the case, war will definitely ensue overseas.

    His options are dwindling…
    Jeff–I believe you have somthing here.
    bo’s never in the WH nor going around THIS
    country—it’s always abroad. I can only
    imagine Cuba, Venezuela, Pakistan, Kenya,
    Middle East possibly taking him in.

  166. JeffM // April 19, 2009 at 5:41 pm


    Hi Jeff,

    Never thought of that but it makes sense. Sanctuary, yes, OR, tips on how to be a successful dictator and have the entire population of the country do your bidding while they suffer?

    You can see the whole thing coming down the pike with each passing day.

    Food for thought.

    Some of my moonbat acquaintances are commenting about the wonderful ‘change’ he is bringing. No sense arguing with them that this kind of change isn’t a good thing; we’ve isolated these dictators for a reason but now, he wants to be buddies.

    At whose expense?

  167. Do any bloggers in here see the above link I posted? It’s very significant. I do not recall seeing this MURDER on April 19th 2008. The article reads like it happened today. somebody buried this significant article.

  168. truthbetold11

    He is no question a sleeper in the white house. He is on a DISTORTED TRUTH MOVEMENT create as much non truth and dilute the soup. Using public pyschological warfare against anyone who wants the right answers.

  169. Canadian4Hillary


    Why is this coming to light now, a year later! Something is very strange about this passport investigation, what did this guy know!

  170. “Do any bloggers in here see the above link I posted? It’s very significant. I do not recall seeing this MURDER on April 19th 2008. The article reads like it happened today. somebody buried this significant article.”

    Let me ask you, are we sure that they didn’t make a date mistake? I don’t remember ever seeing this either. When I first read it, I forgot to look at the date and then I read stuff here again and wondered, well, did they make a date mistake?

  171. Look at FreeRepublic and what they’re saying about it:


  172. Well, I didn’t think that my post went on. FR is talking about this too in a big way. Just read the stuff. No one is remembering it either from a year ago, and this would be important.

  173. Canadian4Hillary

    Kathy, Kittycat

    I re-read it several times, April 19,2008 was a Saturday, in the article says he was found dead late Thursday night (April 17,2008). Still very strange, that its showing up now and comments are closed!

  174. I’m thinking that they made a date mistake. I found another place that listed it as 4/19/2009. Let me see if I can find it again. This is a place:

    Rod Blagojevich indicted, Arrested, Chicago Tribune, December 9, 2008, Illinois pay to Play, Obama endorsed Blagojevich, Rezko trial, Emil Jones picked to replace Obama, John Wyma

    But I’m thinking that others are starting to see the date, so I don’t know. Something is just kind of strange about this.

  175. Canadian4Hillary

    This is from the FreeRepublic link, dated April 05, 2008 mentions Harris.


  176. kittycat,

    This assassination happened last year. Someone is digging this article up again for a reason. It is the breadcrum we all need to track down this passport breach to someone else who has information, possibly another associate who has dirt on Soetoro, McCain, and others. Where that breadcrumb leads is still a mystery at this point.

  177. Canadian4Hillary

    JeffM, I agree!

    I hope CW posts a new thread on this soon!
    Also wonder who is this co-conspirator & where is he/she!

  178. SueK and Maddie,

    I do believe he is trying all angles. But one thing is certain. The dictator thing will never fly in America. There are too many people here who like their freedoms, both bad and good. Some examples:

    -Americans like their guns
    -Americans like their cars
    -Americans love competition as evidenced in the lust for sports
    -Americans like free speech
    -Americans like entertainment
    -Americans even like their drugs
    -Americans like crime. Don’t believe me? Just turn on the boob tube and see what’s showing tonight

    All this means that whether you’re a druggie, a criminal, a decent citizen, a conservative, a liberal, a christian, a jew, a muslim, you are an American and you will fight tooth and nail to keep those freedoms. Once Mr. Dictator attempts to take over the country, it’s over for him.

    And he knows it. That’s why I firmly believe he spends minimal time in this country. He knows the minute he starts traveling the country someone will have a target painted on his forehead. It’s clear the threat is there because the DHS is attempting to get more protection for him. The more time he spends abroad, the lower the risk of legal entanglements and the better chance he has of leaving the country in one piece, finding assylum in a neighboring dictator-controlled or Muslim country. These are Soetoro’s friends and he knows he is safe(r) overseas.

    I know if I were in his shoes I’d be doing the same thing. Start thinking like a thug criminal focusing on personal power, money, and control, and all this comes into focus.

  179. citizenwells

    You read my mind.

  180. JeffM // April 19, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    I agree about the dictator business not flying here, but don’t you think he’s sure trying like hell: Spitting on the Constitution daily, loading up his cabinet with left-wing thugs and criminals, knowing all along he has no constitutional right to occupy this office!

    When you said: ‘He knows the minute he starts traveling the country someone will have a target painted on his forehead. It’s clear the threat is there because the DHS is attempting to get more protection for him,’ that’s exactly what my doctor friend was alluding to.

    Soetoro knows that the sleeping giant has awakened (contrary to the reports that he had no knowledge of the Tea Parties) and is getting very close to proving him to be exactly what he is.

    I think that in light of this, we need to pay particular attention to what’s going on with Orly, Phil Berg, Dr. Keyes, Mario, and Larry Sinclair, in particular.

    Let’s all just hope that this charade doesn’t go on too much longer for the sake of America.

  181. TO: SueK // April 19, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    I believe we have plenty of time to get rid of the Barack “The Bastard”. We don’t want get him our of office too quickly especially if we want him to be the Downfall of the LIEberals and the Muddy Stream Media. What we have to do is make sure he fails. Do what you can to slow the economy to a hault. Let him and and the other LIEBerals embarass themselves. Let them get in so deep that they will lose forever. If he leaves too quickly than there wil be those that will make him “The Messiah” anyway. He will be greater than JFK & MLK combined without ever accomplished anything.

    This is do or die….but we have to out wit them first and then out maneuver and outmuscle (if need be). TIMING is EVERYTHING.

    For now we need to keep build up our Conservative Constitutional Movement just keep spreading the word. We are growing like crazy. When the time is right we will make our move. Even if it is right up to teh 2010 or 2012 election. Meanwhile keep giving the LIEberal Erosionist enough rope to hang themsleves with FAILURE. Help them along. Help continue the economic crisis like I mentioned before on that long list.

    Our time will come. Let’s continue growing and preparing. Most of what he is doing, if proven a FAILURE can be reversed with a New Congress and Executive. This a great opportunity to FINALLY rid oursleves once and for all of this EROSIONIST CANCER that has been eroding our culture since Woodstock in the 1960’s.

    Timing is Everything.
    God Bless US

  182. Jeff M— yes, you’re right.
    I’m going to try to think like a thug and pick up
    ideas bo might be carrying out.

    Excellent, Jeff, thanks for your insights!

    The word IS getting out more:
    “Radio Deli” today had lots of talk about the HI Birth Certificate posted on the net not being BO’s “real” one and when we will get the
    real certificate and what is he hiding and why. Callers were really nailing the issue, no holes barred.
    I wonder how many other cities have radio
    programs that are hitting this issue hard now?

  183. Sue, I agree. I hope this charade doesn’t go on
    much longer. Someone must have knowledge
    that would “out” this Fraud. Please come
    forward for the good of your country.

  184. Kittycat —

    I know we have been at this before, but it is almost impossible to read the Old Testament and NOT to see in fact YHWH and Yehoshua and the Ruach Adonai are One and the Same. To prove my point, go to the Book of Jeremiah (which is probably the best description of what we all are going through right here, right now, and replace with word “LORD” with “JESUS,” and you will see what I mean.

    It is this realization that makes the Orthodox Trinitarian position on the Godhead the only one that works: the one held by Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants alike.

    It is also the realization of the earliest Gospel writers like Luke (in Luke 10:1) called Jesus “KYRIOS, or “LORD,” by which he and his readers understood to mean “YHWH!”

    But the most important passage on this question is found in 1 Peter 1:10 and 11, which reads in the King James Versions:

    10 “Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:

    11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. ”

    See that phrase, “Spirit of Christ?” It shows that Peter understood that YHWH was walking closely with His people in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament — the LORD in the one is also the LORD in the other (meaning YHWH and JESUS are ONE and the SAME) and that we are to see NO distinction at all between the two covenants, except only for the events recorded in the Four Gospels, which provide for the fulfillment of all CREATION.

  185. Hello Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero-Peter Francisco,

    Good to hear from you again. I really don’t know how much time we have left-it seems that day by day, we’re being damaged more by this fraud. I don’t think we have until 2012 to get it done but I take comfort in the fact that people are waking up to what’s happening every day. Let’s hope America opens her eyes, and soon.

    The MSM has already proven itself to be untrustworthy and more are turning to ‘unconventional’ methods of getting news-not what ‘they’ feed us! Just by virtue of the coverage of the Tea Parties, American news-watchers are becoming aware. I was amazed that for our Tea Party, I contacted local media outlets for coverage, and surprisingly, we got coverage. One by one, they’re sniffing ‘breaking news’ in this growing movement and they would be remiss not to cover it!
    CNN, however, has proven exactly what they are and it’s surprising they’re still on the air. They’re hammering nails into their own coffins.

    I feel that this whole thing will blow with a bang, and not a whimper as some are fearing. As you say, it WILL come down. Big.

    You’re right-we do need to keep spreading the word, but we must do it calmly, with facts. We cannot have panic in our voices with exclamation points at the end of each sentence…this would feed into us being called the ‘right wing fringe’ element they think we are. Steady as she goes. One by one.


    Hi Maddie,

    Yes, and I’ve said this all along-there are people who know and who can blow this whole thing wide open. What we have to realize, I think, is that no matter who has a personal vendetta against this guy and his cronies, would you put your life on the line? That seems to be the way they operate. Disagree and you’re taken out.

    There’s also another interesting idea: If you had the knowledge and could bring down this whole administration, would you want your name in the history books as being the one to do it? It’ll take a narcissist to bring down another narcissist!

    We need to wait for someone who has the intestinal fortitude to come forward. He/she has gotta be out there!

  186. Air Force Brat

    Everyone should also keep doing “little” things as well, because even if they seem insignificant or unimportant at the time, enough of them WILL add up. Example: Saturday, I was buying wine to serve to my dinner guests. My favorite clerk mentioned needing a copy of his birth certificate for some purpose or other. I saw the opportunity and brightly chirped, “Hell, just photoshop something and upload it onto the Net. If Obama can do it, why not you?” Everyone in the place nodded, and we had a nice lively discussion.

    Point being, huge rockslides can be started by the tinest, most seemingly insignificant pebbles. The people that we interact with will talk to other people — family, friends, etc. Those other people will interact with still others; and so on and so forth.

  187. Please comment on this post:
    I spoke with my daughter in Northern MN today, she was mentioning that there is no ammo in the twin-cities area. Also this friend of theirs, was mentioning the fact that there are lots of empty houses ,… where people just up and left them. . . no money for rent/house payments. They were also not being able to pay for their autos,… so they were burning them so that the insurance would pay off the loan. (I don’t know how true this is,…. but if it is so,…. scary times ahead.)

  188. There is NO PANIC if everyone does their part we will get there.

    Do what you can to not pay taxes (legally) even if you have to close down your business temporarily, get laid off etc.
    Save your money don’t buy anything other than what you need to survive.
    Stop paying all bills that you can especially if they got Failout money.
    Move in with someone else and share expenses.
    Grow at least part of what you eat.
    Stock up on food now especially stuff that will last a long time because once inflation kicks in like it did with Carter it will be way more expensive.

    No one will step forward to do the right thing BECAUSE the FIX is IN and we don;t have people of Honesty and Integrity anymore. The Muddy Stream Media will Destroy you. Look what they did to Palin.

    Our power is in INFO and NUMBERS. Tea Parties were a great start.
    A MOVEMENT will correct this. It may even take a Revolution (bloody or peaceful).

    The MEDIA and The Washington CONS & PIRATES only FEAR a organized well informed and orderly MOVEMENT.

    Once we have that in place the downfall will be quick. Only problem is don’t do it too soon or else there will alwys be doubters like there are with JFK and MLK. Those that say “Only if they had LIVED longer they would have given us PARADISE”.

    His Failure and the LIEBeral Policues have to be pretty severe or obvious so that there will NEVER again be any doubt that he brought no Hope and The Wrong Change.

    Our time will come. Keep working like the ants and soon the Grasshopper will be no more.

    Spread the Word of the FRAUD sensible people will Listen. Then they will tell two friends and so on …………

  189. SueK,

    Soetoro is completing a litmus test for our enemies. They’re seeing just how far our country is willing to go to destroy itself. And his little tactics are really about detraction from what’s really going on.

    If you look at recent history, it’s been all about distraction. Take 9/11 for example. People don’t realize this was a test. How many freedoms and how much control were we willing to sacrifice in the name of “safety”?

    What most people don’t realize about that incident was it was the world’s biggest heist of gold the country has ever seen..until now. Over $1 Billion to be exact, not including the shift of financial power due to the drop in stock markets across the globe and the amount of insurance money handed out.

    This was a test for what was to come… trillions and trillions of U.S. dollars stolen right underneath our noses. To make this more clear, the distraction now is 500 million for legitimate purposes and 500 million going overseas to our enemies.

    This is a crime. Nothing more. Nothing less. Soetoro is just playing the fiddle while the real patriot fiddler is practicing to play on the roof of the White House.

  190. The Washington Times had a date mistake. Look at the other articles on the page. They are current events.

  191. Kim,

    This was intentional. Have you ever heard of the phrase “too many coincidences to be coincidental”?

  192. I Think the date from last year April 2008 is when they brook into the Passport Office.

  193. How many of you believe that Obama is really the secret son of Malcom X?

    My personal opinion is that he “IS”. Why would so many rich, wealthy, Arab and communist friends take such an interest in him long before he was “somebody”?Seriously, Obama was a young kid when these people started getting involved in his life, and you’ve got to ask yourself “WHY”???????

    I’ll tell you why, because these Eastern religions believe very much in bloodlines, and heirs to the thrown, and the passage of a King and his riches, etc. to the son.

    I think the Obama Sr. thing is nothing more than a smoke screen.It would be certain death to Obama if those who were responsible for the death of Malcom X were to find out he had a..

    Secret Son

  194. And for those of you who were wondering what I was referring to in my theft comments, I’m talking about:

    Political Money Laundering.

  195. The South,

    One could surmise he is the son of Malcom X. The resemblance is uncanny. However, it really doesn’t matter. When you’re dealing with those in the realm of Soetoro, it’s really all about puppets for mastermind criminal entities.

    He is a tool for getting a job done. I’m sure even Soetoro himself believes he has some control over his own destiny. All the while the puppet masters are using him as leverage to getting what they want: power and money. And since money is the primary source of power in the world, more money means more power.

    We must think big picture here. The best way to put the U.S. to its knees is to dilute its financial strength.

  196. I FOUND THIS ON THE SEARCH ENGINE http://www.cuil.com/
    about Lt. Quarles Harris Jr.
    Washington’s Other Monuments: Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. Shrine
    Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. Shrine News and police reports stated that Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. of Capitol Heights, MD, aged 24, was shot and killed at close range while getting into his car at about 11 PM on Thursday April 17 2008. They are often the only physical tribute to the many slaying victims.


  197. The usurper is clueless


    Check out Alan Keyes site if you are interested in a very thought provoking essay on the meaning of conservatism and where we are as a nation.” Fifth Column Conservatives”. The essay and comments will help anyone who is trying to get a better idea of how we got here and what is ahead.


    Please don’t miss the eternal significance of these spectacular events that are coming to pass in the world as foretold thousands of years ago ……Psalms 2
    By the way, I expect my first grandchild to enter the world in a few hours. One more reason to press on and cling to the freedom and liberty that we have been blessed with here in America .

    By the way thanks to CW for providing this blog as a valuable forum for ideas and info

    Thanks to posters as well

  198. TO:: Author: The South
    How many of you believe that Obama is really the secret son of Malcom X?

    That has been talked about many times. I don’t realy care who’s son he is. He is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. The CONSTITUTION is OUR SUPREME LAW and is to be adhered to by ALL.

    I have always said he looks NOTHING like his “daddy” he is either Malcom’s Son or Frank Marshall Davis’s son. Obama Sr. took the fall for someone else. This may explain why he also departed a few yrs later to not return.

    Here is a MORPHING of Obama/Soetoro and Malcom:

    In this morphing of Obama/Malcom you can see a good match. Some say he also looks alot more like Davis. He looks nothing like his “daddy”.
    Also he may not even be Stanley Ann Dunham’s son for all we know. She may have been the original Madonna Adopter LOL.

    But like I said above I don’t care if he is the son of MLK even…..he needs to show qualification documents. He is not above the law and FRAUD and FORGERY are not to be tolerated.

    Keep working at it grain by grain the scale will tip in our favor. One soul at a time.

  199. CW, take a look at this site. (below)

    Washington’s Other Monuments
    These pictures are of the many sad memorials erected by friends & family to honor murder and other violence victims in the Washington DC area. These spontaneous, homemade, heartfelt creations are found on streets throughout the region. They are often the only physical tribute to the many slaying victims. Please contact me at: lloydwolf@lloydwolf.com My other websites are: http://www.lloydwolf.com and: http://lloydwolfphoto.blogspot.com

    Thursday, May 8, 2008
    Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. Shrine

    I found this shrine in the 2800 block of 12th St NE of Washington, DC.
    News and police reports stated that Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. of Capitol Heights, MD, aged 24, was shot and killed at close range while getting into his car at about 11 PM on Thursday April 17 2008. Police said he was carrying his car keys, a muffin and a bottle of water when he was shot.

    There was an elementary-school-aged boy in the yard where the shrine was located, whacking a bush furiously over & over with a homemade sword while I took the photographs.
    Posted by Lloyd at 9:08 AM
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  200. That link you provided to Israeli-insider does not have the full story.They scrubbed it, but here’s the entire article with the morph.

    The Secret Son of Malcom X

    There’s just way to many paralells in this article to Obama. I agree we still need to see the bc, but if this con is as deep as it looks, the bc may have been planted/forged as well.

  201. Was it in Corsi’s book ? obama broke with
    longtime girl friend of mixed race? She didn’t
    buy into his “radical” ways, etc. Maybe she’s
    around and wants to talk. Also, didn’t his
    “Mom” take Barry to see movies about Malcox X? I’m trying to remember where I read this…

  202. When the Malcom X story broke at Atlus Shruggs, and Israeli-Insider, it was HUGE! Then it faded out of thought, because the fact that he is the son of Malcom X would “NOT” disqualify him from being POTUS.Therefor, the story lost it’s legs. Everyone wanted so badly to get him out of office that all the attention was turned towards something that would possibly do just that.

    I think folks have been focusing on the NBC issue so much because if, it could be proven he was not a NBC it would get him out of office.Maybe he is, and maybe he’s not, but if you read that story about Malcom X and his secret son, and really absorb it and cross reference everything in it, there is a 99.9% chance that he is indeed the son of Malcom X.

    But as i said, no one really wants to pursue this issue, because it would not forfeit his Presidency.

  203. it is very probable Usurperman is a German sleeper agent. That would forfeit his qualifications as Potus. . However, yes it is easier to prove NBC.

    People need to know about the german sleeper agent part, and Malcom x just the same. Keep that alive.

  204. cq,

    Good point! Hell, i forgot all about the German sleeper agent part of that article.

    That would “definitely” disqualify his Presidency…lol

    I think this needs to stay in the public eye, and not be washed ashore. This article is just too damn spot on !

  205. CW,

    What do you think about doing an article on this Obama/Malcom X story? This could be a very interesting blog post, as well as bring it back into the spot light.

    The Obama Sr. thing just doesn’t add up near as much as the Malcom X story.

  206. JeffM // April 19, 2009 at 10:21 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    Before I get going, I’d just like to say that I’ve always thought Soetoro was a patsy…very much like Lee Harvey Oswald who hollered at reporters after the Kennedy assassination: ‘I’m just a patsy!’

    All the little tactics you mention-from the new dog to sitting at a picnic table with Hillary, to chewing nicotine gum instead of smoking-all a distraction to steer us away from what’s really going on. I did see that one coming.

    You mention 9/11. My friend and neighbor was the Captain of American #11, so just after that, I got into the anti-terror business. I can tell you from personal experience that the keyword always was ‘prepare.’ After a few years, I came to realize that no matter what we did, they would get us if they wanted to. I have many questions about 9/11 still, and still can’t reconcile, as you say, how many personal freedoms were instituted. ‘Safety’ is a relative term and I believe all we did was spin our wheels and continue to do so. I buy your idea of a ‘test’ because I’ve seen it, and something about 9/11 just sticks in my craw. Something not right, there, with the ‘official’ story.

    I’m not up to speed about the money issue, but I do know that trillions (?) disappeared right before the crash last fall. I’ll have to do a bit more research on that.

    Thanks for the the comment, and I’ll research the money angle further.

    Good night!

    Bottom line is that this is painting a very disturbing picture.

  207. The next item on Obama’s New World Order
    shopping list is a MASSIVE amnesty for
    12-20 illegal aliens.

    With unemployment at 12% in the US, this will
    truly decimate the American worker.

    EVERYONE join numbersusa.com. We have
    1 MILLION patriots at this site, bombarding
    Congress with pre-written faxes. It’s very, very
    easy to get involved.

    Tell everyone you know to go to this website.
    We will need a massive army. Email numbersusa.com to all your associates.

  208. What would forfeit his presidency no matter if he was the DNA son of Malcolm X, was that he was and IS an adult Indonesian citizen.

    This is why the key witness to Obama’s passport investigation was murdered, and some of the other key persons who infitrated the file now work for him.

  209. I personally have a lot of questions regarding the Malcolm X idea which I won’t discuss until I have thought about it some more.
    Irrgardless of who he is, it all comes down to how he is removed from office, and what happens afterward. For reght minded people to allow him to be deported is a falacy. I personally believe that he should face prosecution in this country for treason. I think that enough evidence exists to go forward. If convicted he should face either incarceration here in LEAVENWORTH,or if he is given a death penalty it should be carried out in this country. This would show the doubting countries that we do indeed have the gonads to clean house when necessary.
    I think that any pursuit where Soetoro is concerned is a valid one,because there is always certain meaningful information that can be gleaned from such excursions. However we also need to keep focused, and not get sidetracked.
    I had a telephone call this afternoon from an individual who offerred to pursue the research into the POE-INS record effort. It is a person whose background is in records searching. This person has experience in searching US Government archives. This may be the straw that breaks Obama’s back. We will see! It is not going to be cheap. I can’t take it with me so I hope that this effort will bring the results we are all praying for.

  210. Who knows, maybe Soetoro is really a previously unknown second “SON OF SAM” I have always thought that he looks a little like a DOG!

  211. candian4hillary
    I posted that link in Free Republic. It took me quite awhile to unearth that link.


  212. Check out this site. The photos of Malcom X.
    It is more than uncanny, it is downright scary.


  213. Just bought the DHS certified “Right-Wing Extremist” sticker on Zazzle.Can’t wait.I get thumbs up all the time from my sticker collection.

  214. The key witness murder in the passport fraud was a year ago. Here is another link:

  215. the link to the official malcolm x site is no longer available.

    CW please do another post and shine more light on the german sleeper agent malcolm x story. it makes to much sense.

    The Secret Son of Malcom X

  216. Has anyone read this story from:


    A Forged Long-Form Birth Certificate?

    DC sources say that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate. They plan on presenting it in a a month or so. The source is an FBI agent who has drinking buddy from University of Illinois now in the Administration. It’s second hand, but the source is supposed to be solid.

    They have already prepared the forgery with special paper and ink. The document was printed on a fully functional 1960 Heidelberger printing press located at a print museum in Toronto. Access was arranged by a trustee of the museum who is connected to a large Canadian banking/investment firm with major US interests.

    The blanks in the forged form were filled in with an old Underwood Manual typewriter bought at an estate sale in Skokie, IL. The raised seal was the easiest piece to fake, since you can by a special order corporate seal from just about any online office supply store.

    The only reason they haven’t rolled out the forgery yet is that it is “seasoning” under mild UV light and a back and forth rotation between between a humidifier and a sauna. Get ready….one to two months tops.

    I personally don’t put a lot of stock into this report. I have included it here in the off-chance that a couple of months down the road Obama suddenly releases his long-form birth certificate after his long and expensive battle to keep it from the American People. If that happens, this report will immediately gain a great deal of credibility.

  217. Oldsalt says:
    I have a gut feeling that somewhere this is being discussed even as I type this comment.
    Civil unrest?? Many feel this way.

  218. Jacqlyn Smith

    Reese // April 20, 2009 at 10:56 am

    Has anyone read this story from:


    A Forged Long-Form Birth Certificate?


    This is the reasons they want all the documents like school records, medical records, selective service registration etc….all will point to who this IMPOSTER is just in case he tries to pull a fast one with the long form vault copy of the BC….you would hope the Hawaiian officials wouldn’t be in on this as well….also…wouldn’t the hospital he was born in have to produce some sort of record as well….so far no hospital has come forward to say he was born there….this is very curious!!!

  219. DC sources say that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate.



    An impossible feat of forgery. The BC alone doesn’t prove natural born status, because both his parents were not US citizens.

    Dual loyalty does disqualify Soetoro .He admits to dual citizenship , one at birth , one of marriage.

    Read the founders letters on the definition of natural born .

  220. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history

    Rasmussen is reporting new highs (total disapproval) and new lows (strong approval) since the election.

  221. Just looked at my birth certificate and each of the states my parents were born in are listed.

    What state is soetoro gonna listed for the state of his kenyan born fadder? (misspelled on purpose, ha)

    My opinion, this will get them in more trouble faking a bc. Bring it on!!

  222. Canadian4Hillary

    Hey Venice!

    Wow! A 10% drop in approval rating & a 15% increase in disapproval rating, thats huge!

    But then we kinda expected this, LOL

  223. There is a story that the Obama GOON squad is perpetrating the manufacture of a VAULT LONG FORM COLB. Having been a lithographer for over 40 years of my life I have acquired certain information regarding PAPER that isn’t generally known to counterfeiters who think that they can induce aging in a NEW product. True aging is readily discernable, from counterfeit aging. There is a substance in our atmosphere which I will not name. All truly aged paper absorbs this element. It cannot be artificially added to the paper. There is a simple test that will indeed tell the truth about any forged document where aging is a concern. Nor will I give away the name of the test. It is accurate. So if Obamas goons think that they can fool everybody, all that is necessary is to request that a natural aging test be conducted on the alleged COLB. Also there is another aspect of such counterfeiting that is equally as damning. It is the question whether the original was produced on an offsett press or a letterpress.. There is a readily discernable differrence. Unless the counterfeiters have extensive experience in the entire realm of graphic arts reproduction, (which includes papermaking), they will FAIL. Papermaking science is one that incorporates a great deal of history. The pulpmaking to the calendaring, is a precision industry. That is the primary reason why the Obama GOONS will FAIL. Most papermakers can simply examine a piece of paper through a microscope, and tell you the entire composition of the paper,and about how old it is. I would love to see the stupid look on the faces of the Obama GOONS when their counterfeit COLB is exposed as such by trained anaylists. Such an attempt only reveals the level of stupidity that is obviousy present around Soetoro.

  224. In the event that the alleged vault COLB should suddenly appear, and shows his birthplace as Hawaii,I can’t help wonder what all of the Kenyans who think that he was born there, will do. Perhaps it would be the ideal time to tell them that he has lied about it, and that all of his lies are very demeaning to all of Kenya,and it’s people. I would also bet that if he was truly born in Kenya sombody there knows exactly where the records are,and given the circumstances at hand might have incentive to provide certified copies of the original forms. GOODBYE BARRY!

  225. Canadian4Hillary

    Oldsalt, wow thanks for your insight! This will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    They must really think people are dumb, geez.

  226. So it would appear that either way his little adventure in deception will fail. I think that he would be a lot smarter if he simply left it all lay.

  227. Today I learned about another of his harebrained ideas;this time involving a lot of changes in CIA policy which ALL of the CIA has told him will place the country in grave danger if any of the changes are made, or revealed to the public. In his insanity it is obvious that he intends to radically suppress the function of the CIA as a whole. Obviously this is at the request of either CHAVEZ,or Ahmadinajad. There it is for everyone to plainly see. He is in bed with the ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES.

  228. I have a question about the 35 terrorist training camps operating under the protection of Federal government.

    I just saw the video , they have AK-47’s . AK-47’s must be registered and a tax paid on all automatic weapons…….

    The leader has committed terrorist acts against the US.

    G. Bush stated along time ago, that any country that harbors a terrorist is a terrorist.

    So that would make………..

    Can anybody clear this up for me, I’m confused.


  229. Air Force Brat

    Speaking of videos, I have a question for someone with greater knowledge than mine (which is just about everybody): What does it mean when you try to pull up a video, and you get a black screen saying that the video was removed for “terms of use violation”?

  230. I had to order a duplicate bc recently and never considered anything about the paper. I know it is not the same as the one I misplaced. To me, the contents are more important than the paper.

    Guess the goons havent thought of this yet!!

  231. Air Force Brat

    Never mind, I was able to access the video elsewhere. But I must say I’m a little disappointed with Glenn Beck. I wish he’d stick to ONE conclusion OR the other, instead of making a complete 180 between morning and afternoon!

  232. Canadian4Hillary

    Oldsalt, Fox news just reported Obama to meet with CIA staffers at 330pm et today, Lord only knows what he is up to!

  233. Dont waste my time with Glen Beck!!

  234. Re:

    LDacar // April 20, 2009 at 7:36 am

    Check out this site. The photos of Malcom X.
    It is more than uncanny, it is downright scary.


    When I click on the link you had provided, I got the google “broken link” page. Perhaps because the “l” was missing from the “html” at the end?

    The cached page was available. But I also clicked on the “official Malcolm X” page to get the photos.

    When I went to the website, it took a few clicks to find the page.

    Just thought I’d let everyone know that the previous link didn’t work.


  235. Jacqlyn Smith

    Did anyone hear David Axelrod talk about the Tea Parties…..it was on Fox News but I just got the end of it….something about they were causing a mutation??? Anyone hear it???

  236. Again I will suggest a COUP is happening before our eyes.

  237. This is off topic but important. How many times a day during the course of your adult life have you said *I’m sorry* I apologize*? I lately have taken upon myself, not to automatically say *I’m sorry* 15 times a day. I have realized it takes much more brain power to utter *made a mistake…if I inconvenienced you,it was not intentional. etc. I challenge all bloggers to 1 day,to not say I’m sorry or I apologize. Use your instincts first and analyze before you automatically say * I’m sorry* IMHO..this is another conditioned reflex. When you quit automatically, saying *I’m sorry* a person develops thoughtful responses other than I’m sorry or I apologize. Think before you automatically type or say it. You will be surprised how it develops your conditioned response’s to an honest mistake or respectful disagreement. please think about this. It’s easier to say *I”m sorry or I apologize* BLAH BLAH! STOP! Who the hell is so shallow to apologize for an honest mistake…etc.


  238. This doesn’t surprise me – see you at the next rally.

    FBI spied on TEA Party Americans
    Exclusive to the Northeast Intelligence Network & Canada Free Press

    Douglas J. Hagmann, Director & Judi McLeod, Founding Editor, Canada Free Press

    See http://homelandsecurityus.com/?p=2659

    19 April 2009: Even as average Americans were planning to get out in towns and cities to demonstrate against Big Government and Big Taxes, Federal Bureau of Intelligence Investigation (FBI) surveillance was being unleashed upon them. In fact, unsuspecting Tax Day TEA Party participants were being closely watched during the demonstration planning stages in a covert operation that began on or about March 23, 2009.

    If you one of the estimated 750,000 Americans who attended one of about 600 TEA parties last week, you might have seen media cameras covering the event. Media cameras, however, were not the only cameras taking video at these events, something that has at least one current FBI agent concerned over the future of America. According to this agent – the same agent who provided the Northeast Intelligence Network (NEIN) exclusively the unreleased photographs of the 11 missing Egyptian students who were the subject of a FBI BOLO in August 2006–placed his concerns for true patriots of the U.S. over his own career when he confided that covert surveillance was “planned and performed” at each of the TEA parties that took place last Tuesday.

    “Listen to what I am saying,” stated the source during an interview with Doug Hagmann, founder (NEIN). “The Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Assessment that is receiving so much attention is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and the true patriotic citizens of this country are on the Titanic. This is what bothers me. But is goes far beyond that assessment. There have been very significant changes made over the last few years that redirect the focus and assets of the intelligence community internally. These changes have greatly accelerated under this administration, and the threats have been redefined to include those who used to be called patriots. It’s not only chilling but absolutely insulting to God-fearing Americans.”

    According to this unimpeachable source, a single-page confidential directive issued by the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC (FBIHQ) was sent to each of the 56 field offices located across the United States on or about March 23, 2009, instructing the Special Agents in Charge (SACs) of those offices to verify the date, time and location of each TEA Party within their region and supply that information to FBI headquarters in Washington. The source stated this correspondence termed the TEA parties “political demonstrations,” and added that the dissemination of the directive was very tightly controlled. “Not all agents were privy to this correspondence,” stated the source, who compared the dissemination to an older “Do Not File” classification.

    In addition to obtaining or confirming the location and time of each “demonstration,” each field office was instructed to obtain or confirm the identity of the individual(s) involved in the actual planning and coordination of the event in each specific region, and include the local or regional Internet web site address, if any. The information collected by region was then reportedly sent to FBI Headquarters.

    The source alleges that a second directive was issued on or about April 6, 2009 that reportedly instructed each SAC to coordinate and conduct, either at the field office level and/or with the appropriate resident agency, covert video surveillance and data collection of the participants of the TEA parties. Surveillance was to be performed from “discreet fixed or mobile positions” and was to be performed “independently and outside of the purview of local law enforcement.”

    Although the level of detail collected from each operation is unclear, the information was reportedly submitted to Washington, where, “at the level of the National Security Branch (NSB), this information was to “include the office of the Directorate of Intelligence (DI), and integrated with a restricted access database, one that reportedly is accessible to only two agencies” [of the 14 agencies that comprise the U.S. intelligence community, according to the source.

    “The implications to the citizens of the U.S. are ominous. It seems that there is a hostile political agenda coming from Washington that characterizes the supporters of our constitutional freedoms as threats to our domestic security, which is totally absurd. The redirection, the refocusing of domestic threats from al Qaeda cells to ‘flag waving right-wingers’ is something that has gone from a murmur a few years ago to a roar today.”

    Training government-issued cameras on ordinary citizens, many of whom brought their children to an estimated 600 Tax Day TEA Parties is a page torn out of George Orwell’s 1984 and makes the term “God Bless America” more meaningful than ever.

    The Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press expect the government’s denial of the surveillance of the TEA Parties to go viral as soon as this story is posted.

  239. On April 15TH, I attended the “San Antonio, Tea Party.” I was very busy at work, but felt its importance to document this historic event.

    It was a huge turn out. I estimate over 15,000 . I brought my camera down to document the event and most of the photos I took do not need any additional comments they speak for themselves.

    You can see all of the twelve photos I took on “Teapartyphotos.com” on the home page click on “SC – WY” on the top right and then “Texas Tea Parties” There are 11 of the 12 pictures I took there. The crowd was so large that we could not see the main stage. The second photo on that site was of the people in front of me and the third was a picture of the people behind me.
    Missing from those two photos were the thousands standing behind the stage in front of the Alamo and across the street heading down to the River Walk. Plus a number of spectators on the building tops.

    I am sure you all have heard the quote from Thomas Jefferson “If your Country is big enough to give you everything, they are strong enough to take everything.”

    At the “Covington Louisiana Tea Party” They said “A short twenty years ago Our National deficit reached a Trillion dollars.” At that time Ronald Reagan said “We do not have a Trillion dollar debt because we do not tax enough, We have a Trillion dollar debt because we spend too much.” Our national debt today is 11 Trillion dollars!!

    Write your Representatives, they work for us!

    This years budget 3.4 Trillion

    This administration spending 12 Billion Dollars a Day.

    Not including $330,000. photo-opp with Air Force one!!

    If you love America – write your represenatives time and time again to hault this off the chart spending. If they will not listen.. WE HAVE THE POWER OF THE VOTE ! !

    God bless America.. Spread the word to friends and family.

    Matt Troy

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