Obama charged with treason, Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, July 17, 2009, Obama Treason charges from the Military, Chalice Grand Jury update

Just in from Chalice of the Chalice Radio Show:

** This was corrected by Chalice a few minutes after the original post **

Chalice 7-17-08

Commander Walter Fitzpatrick (Ret.) was the first Officer to charge Obama with Treason. Today, two additional Officers have signed charges of Treason against Obama, and more are sure to follow. Additionally, Carl Swensson will be soliciting for we, “The People,” as civilians to charge Obama with Treason. The Citizen Grand Jury will serve these charges to every member of Congress on August 2-5 such that there will not be a single congressman or woman who can stand behind a defense that they were not informed. The Citizen Grand Jury is working along with Gerry Donaldson ( http://www.drawaline.org/ ) to hold elected officials accountable to we, The People.

Check out Carl Swensson’s site ( http://www.riseupforamerica.com ) to get the most current updates on the status of Treason charges to be served to Congress on August 2-5. In addition, Carl is assisting others across the country in setting up Grand Juries regarding Obama’s eligibility to serve as President.

If you are interested in convening a Grand Jury in your state or county, contact Carl and Gerry Donaldson! Gerry Donaldson’s expertise teaches America about the Citizen Grand Jury process for we, The People, to constitutionally hold elected officials accountable to their oath in office. This applies at all levels of government.

Serving Congress with notice of the grievances, provides evidence of The People’s grievances and is part of holding them accountable to their oath of office.

As Citizen Journalists, with the purpose of recording history in the making, PatriotsHeartNetwork is traveling with the Citizen Grand Jury to Washington DC on August 2-5 to hand serve, with receipts, EVERY member of Congress the following:

1) Treason charges from the Military
2) Treason charges from Civilians
3) Grand Jury Presentments from the Citizen Grand Jury and the American Grand Jury

We the People Congress has prepared legal Petitions for Redress which were initially served to Congress in June 2008. Our teams will serve the 2009 Congress while in Washington, with receipts of service. Read and sign these IMPORTANT petitions Here
( http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/SignPetitions.htm )

We ask you to travel with us in email, in twitter, on facebook, on the air…. in person…. However you are willing and able! Call your Congressmen and women, make an appointment for them to be personally served! Contact your Congressional officials showing your support, both beforehand and during the three day marathon! Your involvement will help to build the momentum and it will help to protect those who are making this journey to DC on Aug 2-5, 2009. Your participation WILL make a difference and you will be able to see that difference as you follow the teams.

Also, donations are needed to get both teams there! Please go to our website http://www.Patriot’sHeartNetwork.net to help send a team to Washington! Your donations are much appreciated and will pay for travel and lodging for the 5 teams. Each team consists of a Citizen Grand Jury Representative and a Citizen Journalist. It will take 3 very long days to serve all 535 members of Congress.

179 responses to “Obama charged with treason, Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, July 17, 2009, Obama Treason charges from the Military, Chalice Grand Jury update

  1. Civis naturaliter natus

    God bless our military…!

    They have saved us in war time, now they are saving us in Peace time…

    Let’s remember this, and send more of them to Congress…

    I for one think Major Cook is Congressional material….

  2. zachjonesishome

    • Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // July 17, 2009 at 11:44 am (edit)
    The book need to be done in Audio Book and put on Ipods and given to Foreign Dignitaries including the Queen of England…ObaMOSES Superior according to his British Citizenship.
    Does that mean that the de facto USURPING PRESIDENT of the USA is Governed by the Queen and Laws if ENGLAND?
    Unprecedented Indeed.

    Given that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Mr. Obama have in common the same degree of legitimacy, maybe he should also get a copy of Larry Sinclair’s book.

    I be back latter today. Have a great day. Zach

  3. Re-posting my comment #477…as it also seems fitting mention here:
    ———————————————————My mother was never shot at by an enemy, nor did she bleed from a physical wound on foreign soil. Nevertheless, IMHO, she did “give her life” in the service of her country…ahead of herself and her children…as the spouse of a career military man. There are countless patriotic ones, with families, who bore their cross of long periods of separation from their soul-mates, co-parent, friend and lover…as a sacrifice for the liberty and freedom of others. In my ‘book’, that makes them equally ‘heroes’…the ones who stayed behind, alone, tending to the homefront (which, by Godly design is intended to be the work of two: a father and a mother)…while they endured a ’silent suffering’.
    Those people, OS77 and others, are every bit as deserving of my appreciation and respect for acts of self-less bravery and sacrifice, as those who left these shores and the comforts of home, only to face the atrocities that come with war.
    To you who endured all the time of separation from your loved ones…and maybe some of them never came home…I salute you, and thank God for you: you deserve the CMH too!

  4. magna carta

    If this backfires and believe I don’t want that what could happen to these courageous patriots?

  5. Patriot Dreamer

    magna carta, IRS audits are most likely. It’s a common tactic when the federal govt. doesn’t like you. If you start to get favorable media attention, then they will just start a “whispering campaign” about you in the media from unnamed or anonymous sources.

  6. magna, If they didn’t have footing they would be charged with mutiny, just like Mr Fitzpatrick has not…

  7. magna carta

    We’re havin a blast at military.com. Join in the fray!!

  8. Patriot Dreamer

    Off topic: Latest Swine Flu fearmongering:

    link 1:
    Britain Prepares for up to 65,000 Swine Flu Deaths This Year

  9. TO: Magna

    Link for Military.com Forum that you are using.
    I was BANNED from posting yesterday.

    Be careful posting there. Short messages, never attack anyone personally. No Links as far as know. Etc.

  10. magna carta

    Not banned yet.They seem happy with the sparring. Hey Can you ref me the State Dept. passport death of young military chap that took a bullet in his car?

  11. Patriot Dreamer

    Another Swine Flu link I just ran across:

    Swine Flu: Why You Should Still Be Worried

  12. Patriot Dreamer // July 17, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    Hi Patriot Dreamer,

    You’re spot on; fearmongering is exactly what it is.

    Remember, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’

  13. BTW Advice to Commander Fitzpatrick.

    If the Secretive Service is tracking you WHEN will they track Pelozi for intimidating the CIA and calling them LIARS. Or Harry Reid for calling troops and the former president and VP war criminals?

    When will they be investigated or have the same srutiny as the Commander?

    Equal Justice Under Law? Not in the Amecia of BHO

  14. Magna I believe it was Police Sgt Harris who was found shot to death in his car in District of Criminals early in the morning in front of his church

  15. MAGNA please send me the link to the Military.com you are on.

    This is the one I was on maybe you can read it :

  16. magna carta // July 17, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    Not banned yet.They seem happy with the sparring. Hey Can you ref me the State Dept. passport death of young military chap that took a bullet in his car?
    I’d like a link,too. Ques.: Was Obama’s
    actual “foreign” passport taken from the file???
    I’ve heard the rest of the story. Thanks.

  17. Pingback: Obamacare Mean Higher Taxes for the Middle & Low Income Class Americans « Goodtimepolitics

  18. “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.”– General George Patton

    PS – Send this over to military.com and turn the volumn up.

  19. magna carta

    Link coming soon. There not getting a moments peace over there.Where exactly was McCain born that put him outside the LETTER of THE LAW according to Donofrio?

  20. McCain was born in a Panama hospital outside the base. BUt at least he SHOWS his Birth Certificate and was in that situation because his family was serving in the Military.
    Also at his Senile Age he never confused where he was born, where he met his wife or what cemetery a close relative was born. Matter of fact all those yrs he spent as a prisoner of war didn’t make him forget that we have 50 states.

  21. Patriot Dreamer

    magna carta, John McCain was born in Panama. Hi father was stationed there on Navy orders. There’s some disagreement as to whether he was born on the Navy base or at a civilian hospital in Panama. Some people argue that because he was not born in the United States, then he cannot be a “natural born” citizen. Others argue that he can, because both of his parents were U.S. citizens and were there due to his father’s military orders.

  22. Sorry folks, I am sympathetic to the work of the citizen grand juries, but very likely nothing will come of it. Although they are indeed constitutionally allowed, there was also an important “out” provided in the conceptualization of them. And that is, the grand jury serves at the leisure of the prosecutor, and none of their findings are binding on the prosecutor. In effect, the prosecutor can choose or not choose to accept the recommendations of the grand jury. That is the amount of power and discretion endowed in this particular functionary of the criminal justice system.

    It is very likely no prosecutor anywhere, on the state or federal level, will accept the recommendations of any of these citizen grand juries, especially if the target of the prosecution is the President of the United States.

    Good luck, however, with ongoing efforts in this direction. The circumstantial evidence is growing that Obama is a usurper to the position of POTUS, and he ought to be thrown out on his ear. Doing it within the framework of existing law, however, poses a real dilemma.

  23. I ventured a little trip to the Military.com. In less than 5 minutes of examining the comments I found that most were the literary work of a small number of OBOT ROBOTS. They are entitled to their viewpoints, and for once they appear to have posted on the correct blog.

  24. and…so now a new WND story states they confirm the letter BO sent to Kapi’olani is authentic…and that he claims that’s where he was born; and yet, there appear to be previous documented statements where he claimed he was born at ‘Queens’…okay, old news. But in the absence and doubt of everything else this seems to raise enough suspicion, such as it did with “Lib Talker” ,that regardless of their party affiliation, some folks simply don’t like to be taken for chump, and lied to.

  25. magna carta

    My reading is that a strict letter of the law interpretation would disallow him even though unfair.He has pissed me many times but TODAY he got a random PATRIOT urge and refused the Hate-Crimes Freeze Free speech bill in the Senate passed under cover of darkness.

  26. magna carta

    is the Apuzzo u-tube a new one?I can’t post links at military.com.Go there its a scream.I’m posting as NOISLAMOCOMMIE.

  27. magna,

    We are waiting for the FORUM LINK at military.com


    I haven’t posted it here yet, because I made sure that got it out to friends and family first. I also sent it to and discussed it with a friend of mine in the military; he said it sounds plausible, but hadn’t heard anything concrete yet.

    Some of you may know who JB Williams is; he’s a nationally-known conservative writer who has been researching the Left for over twelve years. I have been in e-mail contact with him myself on several occasions. Though I don’t know him personally, I can say, from my admittedly limited perspective, that he seems as legit a source as we’re gonna get. Take this message for what it’s worth to you personally; at the very least, it will help more people to have their guards up. This was a mass e-mail to all on his mailing list.

    Do YOU Fear Obama?

    Congress, the Courts and the Joint Chiefs do!

    By JB Williams


    Since the most powerful people in America fear the wrath of Obamanation, maybe you should too! They are indeed a dangerous bunch, after all…

    Every member of the Supreme Court, every member of congress, every member of the Joint Chiefs, most members of the DOD, CIA, FBI, Secret Service and state run media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Fox and print news, knows that Barack Hussein Obama does NOT meet Article II – Section I constitutional requirements for the office he holds. By his own biography, there is NO way he can pass the test. The hard evidence is so far beyond overwhelming, it is ridiculous.

    But not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand. Do you think there is no reason for this?

    The Basic Facts

    Barack Hussein Obama is foreign born, period (Kenya)
    Regardless of his birth place, his parents had foreign loyalties (strike 2)
    He has foreign loyalties, demonstrated in every policy decision (strike 3)
    He’s not Christian, but Muslim
    He’s not “black,” but Arab
    There is NO U.S. birth certificate, other than the forged COLB
    NO Hawaiian hospital will confirm his birth place (he has named two)
    His policies are designed to destroy the Constitutional Republic, not to uphold or defend (strike 4)
    He won’t go away without a blood bath

    These are the basic facts as they exist today. This is the basis for where we are headed…

    There are Only three groups in America…

    Those who do not know these facts, don’t want to know these facts and will do or say anything to avoid these facts. They are the 28% of Americans polled who “strongly approve” of Obama’s policies and like Obama, they hate personal freedom, individual ambition and achievement, capitalism and self-governance.
    Those who know these facts all too well, and understand that Obamanation will either destroy America from the Oval Office, or burn it to the ground if anyone tries to stop them. They are the 36% who “strongly disapprove” of Obama & Co., currently running out of peaceful options to stop him.
    Those who limit their information to that of the state run media and can’t quite put all of the pieces together yet, but sense that something is very wrong.

    Not one single leftist defense of Obama from his mindless minions will stand an ounce of honest research or scrutiny. But that does not stop them from regurgitating their talking points ad nauseum. For them, it’s not about facts, but the agenda, no matter the facts. The Congressional Budget Office just removed any doubt about the disastrous fate of nationalized health care. But the left isn’t listening… the facts don’t matter. They will go forward regardless because they don’t need a single Republican vote!

    Choose your Battles

    This is why all Obama supporters label all Obama opponents “racists.” In their limited imagination, they can’t fathom someone actually opposing his Marxist anti-American pro-Terrorist belief system and policies. In their minds, only “racists” would oppose a blatant Marxist rushing to destroy the most powerful nation on earth.

    Don’t waste a minute trying to have a fact-based logical discussion with them. They do NOT care what the facts are and they have no foundation upon which to discern simple right and wrong. Though they use the term “fascist” all day long in an attempt to silence their opposition, they have no idea what the word actually means and they don’t care.

    But rest easy, as they only account for some 25-28% of American voters and less than 20% of society. Too many, I agree, but fight the battles worth winning. Don’t waste your energy arguing with idiots who only seek access to your earnings. Their agenda trumps their understanding and respect for the truth…

    Peaceful Options Evaporate

    I want to be VERY clear. I do NOT desire or promote any form of violence or any armed insurrection of the sort recently used to depose an illegal dictator in Honduras. Despite the reality that America is facing an historic Constitutional Crisis with an illegal dictator of its own, violent methods for saving a nation and a way of life, are “last resort” measures only.

    However, in my opinion, we are fast approaching the point of “no peaceful resolution” when only extreme measures will remain. As American patriots who still know and still care about the Constitution lose all peaceful options for redress and are forced deeper into a socio-economic corner, the human desire to be free which fuels the urge to resort to violence, will grow.

    Violence will grow in both camps, in the absence of any other viable alternatives. Since Obama refuses to respect the Constitution or the law, and congress and the courts opt to turn their collective heads, only extreme options will soon remain. This administration is running roughshod over the people and the states and sooner or later, the backlash is coming.

    Racially Motivated Violence

    At every opportunity, the left is pushing the race card. The left MUST HAVE a divided nation at war with itself. It is the foundation of their power.

    When people oppose Obama, it isn’t because he’s completely unqualified for office, or because his policies are aligned with Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky instead of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. It’s because “he’s black,” even though he isn’t “black.”

    Yet it was Obama supporters who overlooked everything else to “make history” and elect a candidate strictly on the basis of his alleged race. No more blatant act of racism has ever taken place in America.

    We already see a dramatic increase in random acts of racially motivated violence cropping up in cities across the country. ACORN and Black Panther types sense that this is their moment in history to put the “white man” in his proper place, under their jackboot. These folks DO NOT represent the black community. Only an extreme left violent portion of that community. In Obama’s words, “America is no longer a Christian nation, or even a sovereign nation.” In the words of his black nationalist brethren, “this is a black nation now!”

    But with record gun and ammunition sales across the political spectrum, it’s not hard to see where other Americans are headed either.

    As the economy is driven even further towards utter collapse by an endless flood of Marxist policies oozing daily from the filibuster-proof congress, it’s only a matter of days, weeks or maybe months at the outside, before people take to the streets in more than TEA Parties.

    With the Free Economy goes Freedom

    Freedom gave every American the chance to determine their own station in life and for the vast majority of Americans it has been a very comfortable station indeed.

    But international leftists have spent decades training those who would not use their freedom well, to vote themselves access to the earnings of others. Today, they feel entitled to that which they did not earn and their leftist leaders feel entitled to confiscate private industry and wealth, in the name of the “greater common good,” which is otherwise known as their personal political power.

    They have no idea what’s coming… As the free market economy becomes an Obama Czar controlled economy, and Obama strives to buy favor with his supporters by economically attacking his opponents, the economy will continue its slide into depression. Free-market investors don’t invest in Marxism.

    Day traders are riding the government manipulation of the market on their way out, taking “day profits” where they can. But real investors will find a way to escape Marxism, with their resources intact… and they are already fleeing for foreign markets moving towards capitalism. Watch what happens to the new Government Motors. Americans will NOT buy their cars… Then what?

    One of two events will ignite the new battle for freedom in America.

    Either Obama succeeds in fraudulently holding on to his power long enough to bankrupt the nation, or the people rise up and bankrupt the Fed before Obama can bankrupt every American.

    Either way, the streets will burn!

    Americans still hoping to avoid a confrontation with international leftists are hoping in vein. Whether Obama supporters tire of their false messiah’s lies and begin to take by force, that which Obama promised but could not deliver, — or true patriots rise up and put a stop to his rape and plundering of a great nation, leaving his supporters in worse condition than before his election, the near future looks the same.

    Broad based economic strife, racial violence, government plunder or street gang plunder… no matter which way we go from here, the streets of America are going to burn. This has been a long time coming. There’s almost no chance of escaping it at this late hour.

    International leftists did not spend billions and decades setting up the “silent coup” of the United States to simply walk away when busted. They went “all-in” in the last election. They were playing for keeps. They will not let go of their death grip on the United States without a blood bath…

    Of course, this is all just my opinion.

    Defending the Constitution is not always a Peaceful Event

    The people who want to destroy the United States have just as much at stake as those who want to save her. They have worked a very long time to push the USA to the brink of collapse. They intend to finish the job, one way or another.

    You can’t figure out why no member of congress or the courts will be the first to ignite civil war by challenging this evil cabal? — Think!

    If Americans won’t let leftists have their country, the left will burn it and leave it in ruins. There is no peaceful way out of the corner leftists have placed Americans in… Congress, the courts, even the military brass and law enforcement, will do nothing to save this country. The state run media complex is running interference. The American people are on their own here…

    Push is Coming to Shove

    The seating of Judge Sotomayor on the Supreme Court bench is a significant event. She’s anti-life, anti-gun, anti-white, anti-American and anti- peace, just like the people who chose her. She was appointed by a usurper of the Constitution. Republicans have no power to stop her, even if they want to. What do you think that means for the future of American justice?

    Obama’s Department of Homeland Security has already labeled every American willing to fight for the flag and the Constitution, a “right-wing extremist” and a “potential domestic terrorist.” Every local, county, state and federal law enforcement agency, as well as every state run media outlet, has been put on the lookout for these types of “subversives.” Any guesses why?

    Still the Supreme Court, congress, the CIA, FBI and the DOD, sit silent. What do they know that you don’t?

    They all know that the election of Barack Hussein Obama amounts to a silent coup of the United States of America. But they do nothing… Why? — Come on… think!

    Do YOU Fear Obama?

    You should, because it’s clear that the most power people in this country do.

    Half of the people you expect to stop this insanity are quiet co-conspirators in the silent coup. The other half is paralyzed by fear, motivated only by political self-preservation.

    Americans keep asking what they can do because they see that none of their leaders are doing anything to stop the demise of their beloved country. It’s the right question, because those leaders are NOT going to stop this thing.

    Who will save Freedom?

    A brave few… This is how it was in the beginning, how it has always been and how it will be.

    Retired Navy Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, who has filed criminal charges of “treason” against Barack Obama, but has found no court or prosecutor ready to uphold the Constitution.
    Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, who refused recall and deployment orders, from a fraudulent Commander-in-Chief, only to have the DOD revoke those orders so that Obama would not have to answer his charges in court. Then the DOD forced his private sector employer to fire him from his civilian job in a Martial act of retaliation.
    Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Carroll D. Childers and Lt. Col. David Earl Graeff, who have joined the growing group of military officers demanding proof of Obama’s eligibility to command the US Military.
    Longtime liberal New York radio talker Lynn Samuels, who has accused Obama of lying about his birth certificate.
    CNN’s Lou Dobbs, the first employee of the state run media complex to recently decide that the mounting evidence against Obama is just too much to ignore any longer.
    Former Marine and U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, the first US Judge to accept his oath to uphold the Constitution, stating… “The country needs to know if Mr. Obama is legitimate, if he can legitimately stay in the White House.”
    Orly Taitz, Phil Berg and Gary Kreep, all of whom have made defending the Constitution and the American way of life a personal ambition, in the absence of any constitutional leadership.
    Carl Swensson has formed Citizen Grand Juries across the country which have brought Grand Jury criminal indictments against Obama.
    And state legislature after state legislature is moving to reclaim state sovereignty and rights under the 10th Amendment, restating 2nd Amendment rights along the way, all of it positioning the states to defend their citizens against an increasingly belligerent Fed.

    A precious few, but they exist… and the walls are indeed closing in on Obama and his evil cabal. If the American people fail to get behind these brave few who are seeking peaceful redress, all peaceful options will evaporate as if they never existed. We will return to a pre-1776 America overnight.

    Obama could have ended all of this months ago by simply being the “transparent” leader he promised to be. The reason Obama has not done so is, he can’t. He does not qualify and cannot provide adequate proof that he does. When the pressure to provide proof reaches a level that can no longer be ignored, he will fail to pass the test. He knows it, and so do his co-conspirators.

    This means that sooner or later, he’s going down in history as the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American people and the world. It also means that all of his co-conspirators have a very serious problem as well… Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Emanuel, all of them…

    The End Game

    The clock is ticking… Which bomb explodes first?

    Obama and Co. are rushing to force Americans into a corner where they will not be able to afford to fight back. Patriots are rushing to fight back before Obama removes the ability to fight back.

    No matter which clock ticks down first, this thing is going to blow. There are patriots in this country who are prepared to fight and die for the Constitution and Freedom. But there are also many in this country who are equally ready to kill for Obama and his Marxist agenda. Neither side is going to walk away from the coming battle…

    Freedom may be lost in America, but it won’t go down without a fight. Likewise, the left may be defeated, but they won’t walk away without a blood bath… They think they have the American people on their knees already. They won’t let up until forced to let up. They have made this very clear… If I post reader comments from this column, you will see what I see daily.

    Marxists established control of academia, the press and the courts years before establishing filibuster-proof control of congress and unfettered control of the executive branch. Obama has appointed more unelected Czars in thirty days than the Soviet Union did in thirty years.

    There is only ONE End Game…

    Obama and Pelosi have removed any possibility for peaceful resolution. The courts are the forum for peaceful resolution and the courts are missing in action on the matter. Congress is the place for peaceful resolution, but the left is not seeking any form of resolution, nor will they even allow the opposition a voice.

    When no peaceful option is allowed, what options remains?

    The time to stand and be counted is coming. The left will take no prisoners. American patriots are running out of options and out of time to act.

    Internal conflict is a foregone conclusion now. The stage had been set, the battle lines drawn, the forces assembled. It just hasn’t reached a level of unbridled violence yet. The only thing that is not certain is what kind of America emerges from the conflict on the backside of the coming violence.

    Will the anti-American left outnumber and overpower the American patriots, or will American patriots and freedom prevail?

    The answer to this question will soon be written in history. The rest has already been written…

    I pray for my country, my fellow patriots, for freedom and liberty and for justice. The time has come again, for all good men to come to the aid of their nation. Freedom has never been free and the bill has come due again…

    I pray that enough American patriots remain, ready to do what must be done.

    But it’s all just my opinion, and today, I’d love to be wrong!

    I hope he’s wrong, too…but I’m getting myself prepared.

  29. RE-DO…………………………………………

    In all of my postings I have simply stated my viewpoint in the simplest language I know how. In so doing it is easy to misconcieve my intent, which is only for the purpose of offering a viewpoint for the intended recipient to consider. With respect to my service in the military, I ask for nothing, and expect nothing. I was simply doing what I thought was part of the price for living in America. I try to pass along some of my experiences while in the service,mainly with the intent to provide an awareness to those who have no military background of what sort of things that service men sometimes encounter. I am not a writer, and as a result I might use incorrect grammar, punctuation, and even run on sentences. In my illiterate venture I try very hard to get my point across. Hopefully everyone is able to understand the meaning of my comments. Once again in regard to my service ,I neither ask for,or expect any form of recognition for having done what WAS EXPECTED of me at the time. The special recognition is set aside for the HEROS who paid the ULIJMATE PRICE in the service of our country. I often think about them,quietly pray for them, and salute them. Those of us who came home, must never forget those who didn’t return…………They ARE special people!

  30. magna carta

    I posted link at 4:44.

  31. John Feeny

    That letters details what my short piece was trying to express–I think we are all on the same page each in our own way.

    My oh my, how the vocabulary has changed in less than one short year. A year ago this time we talked of election and that America would never vote for a man like Obama. Then he won. We said the Supreme court would never allow him to take the oath until he proved he is eligible. He took the oath. Now the talk is will the military save us. I see the words change from what we thought to be true to what we desperately hope will happen. We are all– in our own dignified way voices screaming in the wilderness in disbelief to what has happened before our very eyes. Not in America–never in America!

    What we are not saying but secretely fear is revolution and civil war. Will our side win against the mighty Obama machine? We are talking around it–would the military if so ordered fire upon its own American citizens? Let’s face it, we –maybe for the first time in our American lives–are scared down the the marrow of our bones. We, who are thinking–that is. We are grasping at every straw in hopes he will be arrested before he murders us. We are trying to guess which will come first.

    We know if it comes to civil war it will be American against American–the last thing we want. Probably Muslims against Americans,too. So we don’t think about that and keep searching for anything no matter how small to place our hope on so as not to think of what may come.

    The storm is coming–we just don’t know what kind or how big or if we will survive it. So dear friends prepare your selves and your family. Stock up on food, first aid, and suvival supplies, hide your valuables, plan an escape route, find an alternative life style. Then keep on keeping on. Try as best you can to enlighten the obots they are the coconspirators of their own tyranny and we who know better are paying the price of their ignorance. Yes, I am scared, too. I guess that is why I shout.

  32. This was in my e-mail, today!

    The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency

    I want to note that although this editorial is lengthy and rather dry it
    outlines in fairly great detail exactly what those of us who are against the New
    World Order are up against.

    The reality is that those of us who think for a moment that we’re winning,
    or will win, have another thing coming.

    There’s no way to win. In fact the war’s over. They won many years ago as can be easily
    ascertained from this article. The only thing left to do now is develop methods
    with which we can all work ‘without’ the system. That means getting off the
    electrical grid, growing your own food, closing bank accounts, paying off
    mortgages, insuring that children keep the homes we leave them, developing
    methods of barter. It’s all quite overwhelming when thought about generationally
    but to think ‘we’ll win’ is purely folly when one looks at the global systems in
    place today. They already control each and every one of us. Breaking free from
    that control is all that’s left.

    ~ CK – I refuse to suscribe to the above defeatest poppycock. The blood of these United States
    has saved the free world throughout the 20th century. This sovreign nation can close it’s
    borders and file bankruptcy to the World Court or any other entity who thinks their in ‘charge’ of what.
    I have the draft in my possession – I sent it out 3/4/09. The Luciferian enslavement of this planet is defeated !!!
    Keep looking up !!! We won’t win – God Almighty already has !!!

    In an April 7 article in The London Telegraph titled “The G20 Moves the World a
    Step Closer to a Global Currency,” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote:

    “A single clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders amounts
    to revolution in the global financial order.

    “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn
    (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity,’ it said. SDRs
    are Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic paper currency issued by the
    International Monetary Fund that has lain dormant for half a century.

    “In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and
    begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto
    world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body.
    Conspiracy theorists will love it.”

    Indeed they will. The article is subtitled, “The world is a step closer to a
    global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for
    all humanity.” Which naturally raises the question, who or what will serve as
    this global central bank, cloaked with the power to issue the global currency
    and police monetary policy for all humanity? When the world’s central bankers
    met in Washington last September, they discussed what body might be in a
    position to serve in that awesome and fearful role.

    A former governor of the Bank of England stated:
    The answer might already be staring us in the face, in the form of the Bank
    for International Settlements (BIS)…. The IMF tends to couch its warnings
    about economic problems in very diplomatic language, but the BIS is more
    independent and much better placed to deal with this if it is given the power to
    do so.”

    And if that vision doesn’t alarm conspiracy theorists, it should. The BIS has
    been called “the most exclusive, secretive, and powerful supranational club in
    the world.” Founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1930, it has been scandal-ridden
    from its beginnings. According to Charles Higham in his book Trading with the
    Enemy, by the late 1930s the BIS had assumed an openly pro-Nazi bias. This was
    corroborated years later in a BBC Timewatch film titled “Banking with Hitler,”
    broadcast in 1998.

    In 1944, the American government backed a resolution at the
    Bretton-Woods Conference calling for the liquidation of the BIS, following Czech
    accusations that it was laundering gold stolen by the Nazis from occupied
    Europe; but the central bankers succeeded in quietly snuffing out the American

    In Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (1966), Dr. Carroll
    Quigley revealed the key role played in global finance by the BIS behind the
    scenes. Dr. Quigley was Professor of History at Georgetown University, where he
    was President Bill Clinton’s mentor. He was also an insider, groomed by the
    powerful clique he called “the international bankers.” His credibility is
    heightened by the fact that he actually espoused their goals. He wrote:

    “I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty
    years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its
    papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and
    have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. …
    [I]n general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown,
    and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.”

    Quigley wrote of this international banking network:

    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less
    than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to
    dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
    whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central
    banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in
    frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the
    Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned
    and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private

    The key to their success, said Quigley, was that the international bankers would
    control and manipulate the money system of a nation while letting it appear to
    be controlled by the government. The statement echoed an often-quoted one made
    by the German patriarch of what would become the most powerful banking dynasty
    in the world. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild famously said in 1791:

    “Allow me to issue and control a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its

    Mayer’s five sons were sent to the major capitals of Europe – London, Paris,
    Vienna, Berlin and Naples – with the mission of establishing a banking system
    that would be outside government control. The economic and political systems of
    nations would be controlled not by citizens but by bankers, for the benefit of
    bankers. Eventually, a privately-owned “central bank” was established in nearly
    every country; and this central banking system has now gained control over the
    economies of the world. Central banks have the authority to print money in their
    respective countries, and it is from these banks that governments must borrow
    money to pay their debts and fund their operations. The result is a global
    economy in which not only industry but government itself runs on “credit” (or
    debt) created by a banking monopoly headed by a network of private central
    banks; and at the top of this network is the BIS, the “central bank of central
    banks” in Basel.

    Behind the Curtain

    For many years the BIS kept a very low profile, operating behind the scenes in
    an abandoned hotel. It was here that decisions were reached to devalue or defend
    currencies, fix the price of gold, regulate offshore banking, and raise or lower
    short-term interest rates. In 1977, however, the BIS gave up its anonymity in
    exchange for more efficient headquarters. The new building has been described as
    “an eighteen story-high circular skyscraper that rises above the medieval city
    like some misplaced nuclear reactor.” It quickly became known as the “Tower of
    Basel.” Today the BIS has governmental immunity, pays no taxes, and has its own
    private police force. It is, as Mayer Rothschild envisioned, above the law.

    The BIS is now composed of 55 member nations, but the club that meets regularly
    in Basel is a much smaller group; and even within it, there is a hierarchy. In a
    1983 article in Harper’s Magazine called “Ruling the World of Money,” Edward Jay
    Epstein wrote that where the real business gets done is in “a sort of inner club
    made up of the half dozen or so powerful central bankers who find themselves
    more or less in the same monetary boat” – those from Germany, the United States,
    Switzerland, Italy, Japan and England.

    Epstein said: “The prime value, which also seems to demarcate the inner club from the rest of
    the BIS members, is the firm belief that central banks should act independently
    of their home governments. . . . A second and closely related belief of the
    inner club is that politicians should not be trusted to decide the fate of the
    international monetary system.”

    In 1974, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was created by the central
    bank Governors of the Group of Ten nations (now expanded to twenty). The BIS
    provides the twelve-member Secretariat for the Committee. The Committee, in
    turn, sets the rules for banking globally, including capital requirements and
    reserve controls. In a 2003 article titled “The Bank for International
    Settlements Calls for Global Currency,” Joan Veon wrote:

    “The BIS is where all of the world’s central banks meet to analyze the global
    economy and determine what course of action they will take next to put more
    money in their pockets, since they control the amount of money in circulation
    and how much interest they are going to charge governments and banks for
    borrowing from them. . . .

    “When you understand that the BIS pulls the strings of the world’s monetary
    system, you then understand that they have the ability to create a financial
    boom or bust in a country. If that country is not doing what the money lenders
    want, then all they have to do is sell its currency.”

    The Controversial Basel Accords

    The power of the BIS to make or break economies was demonstrated in 1988, when
    it issued a Basel Accord raising bank capital requirements from 6% to 8%. By
    then, Japan had emerged as the world’s largest creditor; but Japan’s banks were
    less well capitalized than other major international banks. Raising the capital
    requirement forced them to cut back on lending, creating a recession in Japan
    like that suffered in the U.S. today. Property prices fell and loans went into
    default as the security for them shriveled up. A downward spiral followed,
    ending with the total bankruptcy of the banks, which had to be nationalized –
    although that word was not used, in order to avoid criticism.

    Among other collateral damage produced by the Basel Accords was a spate of
    suicides among Indian farmers unable to get loans. The BIS capital adequacy
    standards required loans to private borrowers to be “risk-weighted,” with the
    degree of risk determined by private rating agencies; and farmers and small
    business owners could not afford the agencies’ fees. Banks therefore assigned
    100 percent risk to the loans, and then resisted extending credit to these
    “high-risk” borrowers because more capital was required to cover the loans. When
    the conscience of the nation was aroused by the Indian suicides, the government,
    lamenting the neglect of farmers by commercial banks, established a policy of
    ending the “financial exclusion” of the weak; but this step had little real
    effect on lending practices, due largely to the strictures imposed by the BIS
    from abroad.

    Similar complaints have come from Korea. An article in the December 12, 2008
    Korea Times titled “BIS Calls Trigger Vicious Cycle” described how Korean
    entrepreneurs with good collateral cannot get operational loans from Korean
    banks, at a time when the economic downturn requires increased investment and
    easier credit:

    “‘The Bank of Korea has provided more than 35 trillion won to banks since
    September when the global financial crisis went full throttle,’ said a Seoul
    analyst, who declined to be named. ‘But the effect is not seen at all with the
    banks keeping the liquidity in their safes. They simply don’t lend and one of
    the biggest reasons is to keep the BIS ratio high enough to survive,’ he said. .
    . .

    “Chang Ha-joon, an economics professor at Cambridge University, concurs with the
    analyst. ‘What banks do for their own interests, or to improve the BIS ratio, is
    against the interests of the whole society. This is a bad idea,’ Chang said in a
    recent telephone interview with Korea Times.”

    In a May 2002 article in The Asia Times titled “Global Economy: The BIS vs.
    National Banks,” economist Henry C K Liu observed that the Basel Accords have
    forced national banking systems “to march to the same tune, designed to serve
    the needs of highly sophisticated global financial markets, regardless of the
    developmental needs of their national economies.” He wrote:

    “National banking systems are suddenly thrown into the rigid arms of the Basel
    Capital Accord sponsored by the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), or to
    face the penalty of usurious risk premium in securing international interbank
    loans. . . . National policies suddenly are subjected to profit incentives of
    private financial institutions, all members of a hierarchical system controlled
    and directed from the money center banks in New York. The result is to force
    national banking systems to privatize . . . .

    “BIS regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening the
    international private banking system, even at the peril of national economies.
    . . The IMF and the international banks regulated by the BIS are a team: the
    international banks lend recklessly to borrowers in emerging economies to create
    a foreign currency debt crisis, the IMF arrives as a carrier of monetary virus
    in the name of sound monetary policy, then the international banks come as
    vulture investors in the name of financial rescue to acquire national banks
    deemed capital inadequate and insolvent by the BIS.”

    Ironically, noted Liu, developing countries with their own natural resources did
    not actually need the foreign investment that had trapped them in debt to

    “Applying the State Theory of Money [which assumes that a sovereign nation has
    the power to issue its own money, any government can fund with its own currency
    all its domestic developmental needs to maintain full employment without

    When governments fell into the trap of accepting loans in foreign currencies,
    however, they became “debtor nations” subject to IMF and BIS regulation. They
    were forced to divert their production to exports, just to earn the foreign
    currency necessary to pay the interest on their loans. National banks deemed
    “capital inadequate” had to deal with strictures comparable to the
    “conditionalities” imposed by the IMF on debtor nations: “escalating capital
    requirement, loan writeoffs and liquidation, and restructuring through selloffs,
    layoffs, downsizing, cost-cutting and freeze on capital spending.”

    Liu wrote: “Reversing the logic that a sound banking system should lead to full employment
    and developmental growth, BIS regulations demand high unemployment and
    developmental degradation in national economies as the fair price for a sound
    global private banking system.”

    The Last Domino to Fall

    While banks in developing nations were being penalized for falling short of the
    BIS capital requirements, large international banks managed to escape the rules,
    although they actually carried enormous risk because of their derivative
    exposure. The mega-banks succeeded in avoiding the Basel rules by separating the
    “risk” of default out from the loans and selling it off to investors, using a
    form of derivative known as “credit default swaps.”

    However, it was not in the game plan that U.S. banks should escape the BIS net.
    When they managed to sidestep the first Basel Accord, a second set of rules was
    imposed known as Basel II. The new rules were established in 2004, but they were
    not levied on U.S. banks until November 2007, the month after the Dow passed
    14,000 to reach its all-time high. The economy was all downhill from there.
    Basel II had the same effect on U.S. banks that Basel I had on Japanese banks:
    they have been struggling ever since to survive.

    Basel II requires banks to adjust the value of their marketable securities to
    the “market price” of the security, a rule called “mark to market.”9 The rule
    has theoretical merit, but the problem is timing: it was imposed ex post facto,
    after the banks already had the hard-to-market assets on their books. Lenders
    that had been considered sufficiently well capitalized to make new loans
    suddenly found they were insolvent. At least, they would have been insolvent if
    they had tried to sell their assets, an assumption required by the new rule.

    Financial analyst John Berlau complained:
    “The crisis is often called a ‘market failure,’ and the term ‘mark-to-market’
    seems to reinforce that. But the mark-to-market rules are profoundly anti-market
    and hinder the free-market function of price discovery. . . . In this case, the
    accounting rules fail to allow the market players to hold on to an asset if they
    don’t like what the market is currently fetching, an important market action
    that affects price discovery in areas from agriculture to antiques.”10

    Imposing the mark-to-market rule on U.S. banks caused an instant credit freeze,
    which proceeded to take down the economies not only of the U.S. but of countries
    worldwide. In early April 2009, the mark-to-market rule was finally softened by
    the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB); but critics said the
    modification did not go far enough, and it was done in response to pressure from
    politicians and bankers, not out of any fundamental change of heart or policies
    by the BIS.

    And that is where the conspiracy theorists come in. Why did the BIS not retract
    or at least modify Basel II after seeing the devastation it had caused? Why did
    it sit idly by as the global economy came crashing down? Was the goal to create
    so much economic havoc that the world would rush with relief into the waiting
    arms of the BIS with its privately-created global currency? The plot thickens.
    . . .

    Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil
    litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she turns those
    skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and “the money trust.”

    She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people
    themselves, and how we the people can get it back. Her earlier books focused on
    the pharmaceutical cartel that gets its power from “the money trust.” Her eleven
    books include Forbidden Medicine, Nature’s Pharmacy (co-authored with Dr. Lynne
    Walker), and The Key to Ultimate Health (co-authored with Dr. Richard Hansen).
    Her websites are http://www.webofdebt.com and http://www.ellenbrown.com.


    1. Andrew Marshall, “The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency
    and World Government,” Global Research (April 6, 2009).

    2. Alfred Mendez, “The Network,” The World Central Bank: The Bank for
    International Settlements, http://copy_bilderberg.tripod.com/bis.htm.

    3. “BIS – Bank of International Settlement: The Mother of All Central Banks,”
    hubpages.com (2009).

    4. Ibid.

    5. Joan Veon, “The Bank for International Settlements Calls for Global
    Currency,” News with Views (August 26, 2003).

    6. Peter Myers, “The 1988 Basle Accord – Destroyer of Japan’s Finance System,”
    http://www.mailstar.net/basle.html (updated September 9, 2008).

    7. Nirmal Chandra, “Is Inclusive Growth Feasible in Neoliberal India?”,
    networkideas.org (September 2008).

    8. Bruce Wiseman, “The Financial Crisis: A look Behind the Wizard’s Curtain,”
    Canada Free Press (March 19, 2009).

    9. See Ellen Brown, “Credit Where Credit Is Due,”
    webofdebt.com/articles/creditcrunch.php (January 11, 2009).

    10. John Berlau, “The International Mark-to-market Contagion,” OpenMarket.org
    (October 10, 2008).

    Ellen Brown is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

  33. magna carta

    Well…Let’s see what ole Lou Dobbs can do….

  34. Magna ,

    Thanks missed that it was above one of my posts.

    John Feeney,

    JB Williams is writing what many of us have been saying for a long time.
    We need all to withdraw all money into cash stop making any pay’ts for loans etc. It will be wasted money because this whole hting is going to blow up. MOst companies that stand today probably over 90% won’t exist in 5 yrs don’t give them your money you will need it to survive. Learn survival techniques, learn how to plant a garden and grow your own food, collect all that you can from ObamAid, need to go INTO SURVIVAL MADE and save all cash you can after you buy all the long term supplies you will need, Pastas, Grains, Flowers, Sugar, Syrup, Honey, Cheese, etc stuff that doesn’t spoil over a long period of time…… The sooner we help blow up this econommy the sooner he will FAIL.

    Try and move to the country…cities especially liberal centers will be the first to fall into poverty and misery and possibly the first to be attacked.

  35. Did anyone just see Bret Baier re-report on the Cook situation – just a few minutes ago?

    It looked like he was forced to repeat the party line by mentioning that (paraphrasing) the military said anyone who volunteers can unvolunteer up to a certain time before his date due. And that it appeared to many that this was some kind of planned political endeavor. And then he went on to state that O was born in the U.S. with that birth form from the usual places in the background – and that the gov. says this attempt was just ludicrous.

    Hopefully emails will be sent to Bret (he just looked like he was only reading what the higher ups made him read) and to Fox about their acquiescing to the MSM approach.

  36. Patriot Dreamer

    Greg Goss, I saw you posting over at Repubx. Just a word of warning (in case you haven’t figured this out on your own already): Phineas M. is an Obot/troll. Don’t bother engaging with him in discussion.

  37. My question is – what is going to be the spark? What is going to be the “shot heard ’round the world”?

    I can tell you this – I have chills as I write this. But as soon as I get my family out of harm’s way, this f*** is going to have to pull the flag from my cold, dead fingers.

  38. Hey Phineas M. – give me a call.

  39. PRWH………………………………………..

    For the record….I have long regarded the “Gang of seven” all to be mental degenerates whose own psychotic need for power usurps any concern that all of them might ever hold with respect to the Constitution, and the American people. All Pelosi can think about is her insane power intoxication which is the ltttle vacuum fantasy world that she lives in. She demonstrates ALL of the classic signs of paranoid schizophrenia. You only need to listen to her talk,and observe the idiotic eyebrow grimaces that very often are displayed on her face to realise that she is really unfit to be in the position she is in.She has proven her delusional mental state, in the recent charges she leveled against the CIA, which Panetta has publically stated are untrue. I personally believe Panetta. MMMMSSSS Pelosi has finally put herself into a bear trap that is only a hiccup away from tripping.Any day the trap will spring closed, and Pelosi will be finished.

  40. Lou Dobbs was supposed to do a faceoff tonight at 7 EST on whether BO is eligible for presidency.

    I tuned into CNN for the first time in a coons age to watch and lo and behold; NO Lou Dobbs! There’s a woman named Kitty Pilgrim sitting in for him. I’m still watching and waiting to see if CNN will play this Lou Dobbs segment. I hope so, but won’t hold my breath.


    On TV Tonight
    7pm ET
    FACEOFF: Is Obama eligible for presidency?
    New questions are being raised about President Obama’s eligibility to be president. The latest comes from U.S. Army Reserve Major Stefan Cook. He refused deployment to Afghanistan. Cook claimed his orders were illegal, because President Obama wasn’t born in the United States…. making him ineligible to be president and Commander-in-chief.

    Orly Taitz
    Attorney for Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook

    Alan Keyes
    Former Presidential Candidate


    John Avlon
    Columnist, TheDailyBeast.com
    Author, “Independent Nation”

    Errol Louis
    CNN Contributor
    Host WWRL Morning Show
    Columnist, NY Daily News

  41. Patriot Dreamer —

    There is no debate — the “Naval Hospital” that was cited by the McCain Campaign as McCain’s birthplace was actually built in 1942, when McCain was already 5 years old, and living in New London, CT.

    McCain was born in Colon Hospital — while his parents were living on Manzanillo Island, and outside of the Canal Zone — a situation which required the McCains to register his birth with the U. S. Consul — something which everyone else did for 1936, but oddly enough, not the McCains.

    The reason? The most probable explanation is that they could not produce the required marriage certificate from the Mexican State of Baja California. They never filed for a marriage license, so they were probably not “legally “married” under Mexican laws from that time.

    McCain’s fictional accounts are now revealed by the fact that the Canal Zone was one of the best run operations in the world in 1936 — they did not mess around — and they also did not make any errors in their bookkeeping. Instead, they set a very high standard in all that did that held the admiration of the whole world at that time.

    However, the McCains — apparently — did not live their lives to the same high standard, and so they chose to live in Panama, and not on the Canal Zone.

    McCain is not, and NEVER could be, a “natural born Citizen.” Instead, he is a “naturalized Citizen” under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4.


  43. Patriot Dreamer

    oldsalt77, what did Brett Baier say?


  45. MAGNA,

    You probably want to put this as your signature. This military respect General Patton it will wake some of them up but most liberals have such perverted open minds that their uselss brains fell out long ago.

    Thanks to the person that posted it here:

    “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.”– General George Patton

  46. OMG, heart be still! Kitty Pilgrim is going to play the Lou Dobbs segment. A commercial is on right now. Hurry up and tune in to CNN!

  47. No Lou Dobbs, Orly Taitz, Alan Keyes, and two columnists are being interviewed by Kitty Pilgrim on CNN now.

  48. For those that cancelled their cable LONG AGO like I did over 10 yrs ago you may be able to watch it here. Don’t know if it is the right feed right now a bus is on fire:



  50. Who was that sanctimonious little bitch running th show? And do those two other fools actually believe what they’re saying, or are they merely trying to protect their own asses?

  51. Peter Francisco

    The interview lasted all of about 5 minutes between the 4 guests. Rip off! Alan Keyes was the first to talk. In the beginning you could hear Kitty Pilgrim laughing at him. So damn unprofessional! However, Keyes kept talking despite her trying to rudely cut him off. Kudos to Alan Keyes! Orly only got the chance to spit out a couple of sentences before the Obots had their say. Not a fair interview, (if you want to call it that) but at least the subject is making it into the msm. one drip at a time……

  52. gianni // July 17, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    Sorry folks, I am sympathetic to the work of the citizen grand juries, but very likely nothing will come of it. Although they are indeed constitutionally allowed, there was also an important “out” provided in the conceptualization of them. And that is, the grand jury serves at the leisure of the prosecutor, and none of their findings are binding on the prosecutor. In effect, the prosecutor can choose or not choose to accept the recommendations of the grand jury. That is the amount of power and discretion endowed in this particular functionary of the criminal justice system.

    It is very likely no prosecutor anywhere, on the state or federal level, will accept the recommendations of any of these citizen grand juries, especially if the target of the prosecution is the President of the United States.

    Good luck, however, with ongoing efforts in this direction. The circumstantial evidence is growing that Obama is a usurper to the position of POTUS, and he ought to be thrown out on his ear. Doing it within the framework of existing law, however, poses a real dilemma.


    The grand jury, as understood by the present SCOTUS is NOT at the whim of prosecutors. I so suspect that you are correct in so far as one of them picking the ball up and running with it but all it will take, and I believe this has already started, is for one to deny acting on the presentments and it will move up the judicial ladder. That is exactly what we want.

  53. Right on ms helga!

  54. PD, Thank you for the advice about FineAss.M I have figured that out but when I have time I like to respond to old comments just to keep him, her, it, going….I hope you can tell by most of responses that I am surely not engaging in “debate”.

  55. And just another note, I know I have mentioned it before, and this is not my blog, but these long comments are just too much. Put a link to to the original so if someone really wants to read it, they will. Plus it gives the original poster the justifiable hits that they deserve. Plus some of may have read it already.

    I just find it annoying scroling over these things time after time, and I am a grouchy ole man so if you disagree than keep it to yourself…LOL

  56. Off topic. I have created a chart in Excel and I can cut and paste it as a jpeg into another application, like Word, but not as a file on disk. Can anyone help with me that?

  57. Damn! I missed CNN with Orly;was it a good interview? Did Dobbs treat them like right wing kooks, or did he seem interested?

    Anyone have a link to the video on YouTube?

  58. Sorry Greg, but we’re trying to communicate with one another about a potential crisis….I respect your opinion, but I get more truth from the people here than I do from anything on television. So, if you disagree, go to another blog.

  59. Sarah Palin Promises to be Less Politically Correct on Twitter


  60. Walter Cr5onkite dead at 92…I know this is the height of cycnicism, but doesn’t it seem like a lot of important people have died lately, jusat when major s**t is about to hit the fan?

    It’s probably just me.

  61. I thought Ms. Kitty was holding the controls way too tight for some unknown reason.

    Amazing how absolutely everyone misquotes what was said on the actual record in Hawaii.

    Orly has interupt-itus, and had a California flash back to the recent contention with judge so and so.

    Other than that, a little something is better than a whole lot of nothing.

    I’m astonished the way CNN played the Obama credibility thing, (slander) upfront, before the presentation got going.

  62. Greg Goss……………..

    I agree. Some of the comments are waaaaaaay too long. If anyone wants to share an interesting news story or commentary, please post a few sentences and the link so we can read it from its original venue. I guess I’m just a grouchy old woman. Yep, don’t let the name fool you.

  63. did anyone just see the interviews on Lou Dobbs with Taitz, Keyes , and the insufficient news reporters from the NY dailybeast and The daily ?
    what strikes me- is if this is comical then why give it air time – why have the argument – just so those who are concerned about seeking the facts can be labeled nuts? reporters used to seek acts and facts only – these facts speak for themselves – the cover-ups and most of all the inability to meet the requirements of the CONSTITUTION – two parents that are US citizens jus sanguius in blood (spelling-) – dual loyalties – dual citizenship – one parent American – one Kenyan which he admits – disqualifies him to be POTUS – The fraud committed is treason now ….. it is not about hatred for this man as the dailybeast reporter shouted at Taitz it is about revealing the facts and let them tell the story !
    I want to know why have the discussion if you think this is comical ?!Why was this aired ? Something is boiling and I’m not sure what it is –
    maybe just the pressure from various fronts – the military obviously has the strongest case to blow this open and I pray they have the guts to fight for us here against domestic terrorism !!!!!

    ps the only reason for asking for the original birth certificate is to show parentage , place of birth – heritage – etc facts which are defined by the constitution as qualifiers to be leader of this REPUBLIC – of the people by the people – not a problem unless you have something to hide .
    It is what it is – fool me once shame on you – fool me twice shame on me – you don’t have to look farther than your nose to see what is happening ,
    its a matter of not letting up until the wall crumbles !!!! There is no reason to lock up what all of us have to show at sometime or another , especially if you are going to be our ELECTED SERVANT – paid for by our sweat and HARD EARNED money – unless you are a fraud and liar!and we need to know for a FACT the TRUTH
    not read from some hack reporter stating lines
    printed from the kings serfs ! I am mad as hell and I refuse to take it anymore – how about the rest ?!!!!

  64. John Feeny, We do not disagree. My point is two fold. Some of us make money from blogging, AtlasShrugs for instance. Her income would suffer if people just copied and pasted her entire posts to comment section of popular blogs like this one. Her hits would drop because you didn’t post the first paragraph with a link to the “whole” story to her site, for instance.

    The other point is paging on a small laptop screen trying to get beyond a long comment that I have either read already or don’t care to. That is a courtesy issue.

  65. Well, i figured they would “water down” the interview. These damn news anchors NEVER tell the whole truth about the citizenship issue;they always seem to put a “plug” in there to give Obama legitimacy.

    Just like Bret did today:He said documents provided by the state of HI prove the President was born there, but there are still a dozen lawsuits questioning his eligibility.

    BULLSH*T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. gianni, I responded to your grand jury comment but it seems to be in moderation.

  67. Jonah: as in Jonah Vark? hehehe…

  68. I understand your point about the income – fair enough. If I come across something vitally important that I think is going to effect the welfare of honest people, however, I don’t really give a damn if a given blog loses a few cents. In all honesty, now – what’s the bigger picture, here? I have a blog, and I wish more people would visit mine, because I have something to market as well….but I know there are people here, yourself included, who are as concerned as I am about our immediate futures, so the information trumps the couple of hits. Respectfully, if I come across important information again and it takes up 25 full screens, I’m going to paste it. I respect your view, which is no doubt motivated by honesty – but the bigger picture wins.

  69. The long comments I don’t have an issue with if it is written by the posters BUT I agree that if it is from elsewhere it should havea highlight “teaser” and then a LINK so that we drive traffic and credit to where it is due.

    As for long comments it is not that difficult to scroll down.

    Thanks Lurker for the update.

    BTW how can so many still have cable and supporting those biased croooks? Just a not so old not so grouchy man LOL

  70. This is a red herring issue. Time to turn off your t.v.; turn off your radio; wake up; open your mind! You’ve been enslaved. End the Fed. 9/11 was and inside job. (I am sure these three military officers are perfectly honorable individuals, but the military serves your masters, so trust it as far as you can throw it.)

  71. Just Replace J Smith with Obanana in the next story:

    Jacqui Smith: I wasn’t up
    to being home secretary
    (London Daily Mirror) “When I became home secretary I’d never run a major organization. I hope I did a good job but if I did it was more by luck than by any kind of development of skills” …

  72. How do you think the Obama cadre so effectively scared the judiciary, Congress, law enforcement, military brass…

    into being such coconspirators and pussies?

  73. Patriot Dreamer

    Greg Goss // July 17, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    PD, Thank you for the advice about FineAss.M I have figured that out but when I have time I like to respond to old comments just to keep him, her, it, going….I hope you can tell by most of responses that I am surely not engaging in “debate”.

    I find it rather amusing to read some of the insults that the other posters throw at him!


  74. If it is important we will follow the link, we have been doing that for sometime here at CW.

  75. PD, you seem to know phineas better than I and you referred to it as “him”, do you know that for sure?

  76. New Terror Attack vs Westerners in Indonesia. I thought that in the era of ObaMOSES the Muslims with open their fist? First attack in 4 yrs.

    JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) – Suicide bombers who checked in as guests smuggled explosives into American luxury hotels in Indonesia’s capital and set off a pair of blasts Friday that killed eight people and wounded more than 50.
    The near-simultaneous bombings ended a four-year lull in terror attacks on civilian, Western targets in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. ….


  77. Senior Moment humor:
    Jonah Vark: wasn’t he the guy who chased all the aminals into the big boat-thing?
    No…that was Noah Zark…his cousin.
    But wait…didn’t he need that boat to cross over the river Jordan’s to save the people from Ninevah? No, no, no…Jordan’s the guy that invented basketball shoes…you know…and Ninevah is what he named his company with that Swooshy-thing on the side! (Gees, man…get your stories straight! eeessshhhh…old guys!!!)
    I wonder who he thinks Moses is? Everyone knows he never played for the Lakers. His sister Miriam invented the dictionary, I think…guess I gotta look it up…but where did I put the Funk & Wagnalls? Musta been the same place I lost my memory pills. Dang; I hate when that happens.

  78. Greg…you know what I’m talking ’bout, right?

  79. Think PETA and Greenpeace would been on Noah’s case just a tad?

  80. GG: trying to be brief and to the point…
    if I could only remember what it was I was going to say…

  81. PF: (on a more serious note, sorry): I heard the guy filling in for Rush today making a point about how they’re no longer called ‘suicide bombers’…so’s not to differential those from, say a Tim McVey…who bombs and runs away.
    What do you make of that?…if anything.

  82. typo…should read “differentiate”

  83. Re-do, you would need to be a two by two to hitch a ride….

  84. …nothing to do with cars differentials…unless it was a car-bomb…oh nevermind.

  85. My question is – what is going to be the spark? What is going to be the “shot heard ’round the world”?

    I can tell you this – I have chills as I write this. But as soon as I get my family out of harm’s way, this f*** is going to have to pull the flag from my cold, dead fingers.

    John, every day we’re seeing the sparks…….my question is, what action will it be that lights those sparks???

  86. Last one for today…GG: which is less annoying?
    One dozen-liner, or a dozen one-liners? (It’s not a quiz or a trick question, btw…)

  87. GG: okay…I lied…seems to be the thing to do these day; was truly heading out the door to go home when I read your 9:20…and I have not idea what your comment means…clueless here, admittedly. I presume it has a humorous point in there somewhere. Gotta go.

  88. Ques.: Was Obama’s “foreign” passport
    actually removed from the file when the
    State Dept’s files were “compromised”
    during the Primaries? Does anyone here
    know the anwer to this?

  89. Patriot Dreamer

    eg Goss // July 17, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    PD, you seem to know phineas better than I and you referred to it as “him”, do you know that for sure?

    No, “he” just comes across that way to me. He/she claims to be an immigration lawyer, but I think he’s lying. He’s definitely a troll, though! No doubt about that at all!

  90. Black Lieberal turn on White LIEberal BOXER and RIPS the Ma’am I Mean SENATPOR a NEW A$$HOLE:

    They are started to eat each other LOL


  91. Civis naturaliter natus

    The JB Williams Article is an excellent historical analysis of the current situation…I believe he is right about the outcome.

    Marxists have alway attempted to exterminate their opposition:

    Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao….it spart of Marx’s doctrine requiring conflict as a means of purifying the proleteriate of the capitalists…That’s why they hate tea partiers…when you talk capitalism to a Marxist, you are labeling yourself for death at their hands…in their minds…

  92. Patriot Dreamer

    PRWH, that clip is AWESOME!

  93. John and JJ, I read a comment on a blog about three months ago that went something like this ” I don’t who will fire the first shot in this revolution but I know there will be 5o million second shots”

    I am sure the commenter wasn’t referring to actual gun fire but speaking metaphorically.

    I feel you pain so to speak, we are looking for an “individual” to stand up on a soap box and make declarations and every one cheers, the government hear us and all is well…..

    That was back in the day….

    Things are very different from back in the day. First of all the “press” was a voice for “we the people”. But “we the people” don’t write their checks anymore.

    This “revolution” is much larger than most think it is. I have been following this for over a year. There are groups out there, ‘just like here” that don’t have all of you commenting, all over the place.

    My point is there is a huge underground, and partially above ground, group of “voters” that are willing to do almost anything to take back our country. With Gods Blessing it will be so.

  94. Geeze sorry for the typo’s…The Sox are on and I am distracted.

  95. Ok one more VIDEO I know all of you seen it before BUT this moments are rare that it is GREAT to see it again:


  96. NOW as fo how this will come about I think we need to organize all the unemployed and self-employed and plan on driving in the middle of the night to DC 3-6 AM and park on the streets to cause gridlock and overnigh BLOCKADE WASHINGTON and DEMAND JOBS and OUR STIMULUS.

  97. If we SHUT DOWN washington we won’t be IGNORED. Organize unemployed truckers, etc. SHUT DOWN WASHINGTON until the CONS listen to We The People “YOU WORK FOR ME” BLOCKADE in DC

  98. Civis naturaliter natus


    You’d just give Zero the reason to declare Martial Law, by such a stunt, and you’d cause most of the patriots to be taken out of actively working against Zero by getting arrested…

  99. Lets call his hand on our time not his.

    If 1,000s of peole blockade DC overnight and leave their cars in teh middle of the streets and join in the MALL no one will be arrested. At worst some cars will be towed. Another way is to sit in the cars. They can’t tow you than. Park interlaced at odd angles. Make it a BLOCKADE and GRIDLOCK the city until they SHOW or GO.
    Meet our DEMANDS or RESIGN

  100. Breaking News!

    Lou Dobbs had Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes on CNN LIVE tonight. It was great.

    Finally, a major MSM commentary has finally decided to bring this issue to light.

    All great Hails and Honor goes to Lou Dobbs for finally discussing this issue.

    It quite clear and evident that Lou Dobbs is seriously interested in this issue.

    However, I believe Lou Dobbs is yet to be completely won over into believing Obama is ineligible to be the POTUS.

    There is one more step that Lou Dobbs needs to take to be 100% convinced that Obama ineligible:

    Lou Dobbs NEEDS and MUST interview Charles Kerchner and Mario Apuzzo at http://puzo1.blogspot.com/

    If Lou Dobbs interviews Charles and Mario, he will be 100% convinced Obama is ineligible.

    Therefore, I ask everyone he reading and seeing this message to take the following steps:

    1. Send emails, write letters, and make phones calls pleading and urging Lou Dobbs to interview Charles Kerchner and Mario Apuzzo from http://puzo1.blogspot.com/.

    2. Blog here, there and everywhere urging every person who has an interest in this issue to tell others to tell Lou Dobbs he NEEDS and MUST interview Charles Kerchner and Mario Apuzzo.

    3. If anyone has the means or knows how Charles and Mario can directly contact Lou Dobbs, please send all information to http://puzo1.blogspot.com/

    Below are the following places people can go to tell Lou Dobbs:




    Good Luck and God Bless!

  101. Martial Law will be disobeyed and overthrown.

    Obama is not a natural citizen and the Federal Reserve is not a bank!!!



  102. Jeff Shreiber at Americas Right wrote this, and it is very good!

    I Miss America Already

  103. I’ll bet you right now that if Obanana Continues doing what he’s doing it will be a LANDSLIDE LOSS for Erosionist LIE-berals in 2010. They’ll probably NEVER ever again be trusted & be DEMISED as an ideology & Party. Keep Predicting the demise of the GOP and PALIN and you will be surprised by your SUICIDE.

    I this week started investing in a razor blade company they soon will be selling like hotcakes for LIE-berals DENIERS to remove their Obanana stickers & slice their wrists.

  104. Three House Democratic leaders who were whipping members on the climate change bill gave tens of thousands in campaign cash to party moderates around the time of the 219-212 vote on June 26, according to Federal Election Commission records.

    It’s impossible to tell if that torrent of cash was an attempt to schmear wavering Democrats — or just part of the usual cash dump made by leaders on the eve of the June 30 quarterly fundraising deadline.

    Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) doled out $28,000 to reps who eventually voted yes on June 24, two days before the big vote — on a day when House leaders were doing some heavy-duty arm-twisting.

    Clyburn recipients who voted for the bill included a who’s-who of battleground district Dems: Steve Driehaus, D-OH ($2,000); Martin Heinrich, D-NM ($2,000); Suzanne Kosmas, D-Fla. ($4,000); Betsy Markey, D-Colo. ($2,000); Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH ($2,000), Baron Hill, D-Ind. ($2,000); Alan Grayson, D-Fla. ($2,000); Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa ($2,000); Jim Himes, D-Conn. ($2,000); Mary Jo Kilroy, D-OH ($2,000); Kurt Schrader, D-Ore. ($2,000); Jerry McNerney, D-Calif. ($2,000) and Tom Perriello, D-Va. ($2,000).

    On the other hand, Clyburn also gave at least $14,000 to Democrats who voted no despite his pressure: Mike Arcuri, D-NY ($2,000); Marion Berry, D-Ark. ($2,000); Bobby Bright, D-Ala. ($2,000); Chris Carney, D-Penn. ($2,000); Chet Edwards (D-Tx.), Travis Childers , D-Miss. ($2,000); Parker Griffith, D-Ala. ($2,000) and Harry Mitchell, D-NM ($2,000).

    Rest of story & Comments:

  105. ON RIGHT NOW ROGER HITCHCOCK has WND Joseph Farrah ON about Obama’s ELIGIBILITY:
    Listen here:


  106. goodtimepolitics

    A group committed to establishing an international Islamic empire and reportedly linked to Al Qaeda is stepping up its Western recruitment efforts by holding its first official conference in the U.S.

    Where is Obama and Homeland Security when they should be stopping this conference?


  107. goodtimepolitics,

    The only that will happen is if we go and do an American Conservative Christian Conference Next Door.

  108. John and JJ, I read a comment on a blog about three months ago that went something like this ” I don’t who will fire the first shot in this revolution but I know there will be 5o million second shots”

    I am sure the commenter wasn’t referring to actual gun fire but speaking metaphorically.

    I feel you pain so to speak, we are looking for an “individual” to stand up on a soap box and make declarations and every one cheers, the government hear us and all is well…..

    That was back in the day….

    Things are very different from back in the day. First of all the “press” was a voice for “we the people”. But “we the people” don’t write their checks anymore.

    This “revolution” is much larger than most think it is. I have been following this for over a year. There are groups out there, ‘just like here” that don’t have all of you commenting, all over the place.

    My point is there is a huge underground, and partially above ground, group of “voters” that are willing to do almost anything to take back our country. With Gods Blessing it will be so.
    Really??? Then why is there on my street of 10 houses, only one resident aware of this traitorous affair and the selling out of my country????

    WhO?? well, take a guess.

  109. JJ,

    Than you are not doing your job. Makes some leaflets and one night go around the street and put it in mailboxes and cars.

    Something like this:

    CAN you Believe that America elected someone that is not Eligible? Lou Dobbs talked about it tonight on CNN.
    For more info visit http://www.wnd.com

    In a few days they will all know and they will tell others.

  110. Two good videos to Watch I know the first was already posted but maybe some people didn’t see it:


    Roseann Barr pissed at ObaMOSES:


    Love it.

    I this week started investing in a razor blade company they soon will be selling like hotcakes for LIE-berals DENIERS to remove their Obanana stickers & slice their wrists.

  111. Try again don’t know what happened there:

    No @ Roseanne Barr….obama carries the smallest stick OUCH:

  112. oops, I’m not cool enough to embed my vid. Here’s the link:

  113. AWESOME article by JB Williams on what’s coming:


  114. CW
    Bloggers have been kicking the football from one end of the field to the other, but never seem to cross the goal line.
    I would like to make a suggestion for your consideration.

    On the Front Page add another caption.

    2010 Candidates.. the good, bad and ugly. Let’s identify all the rotten apples and get them out of office. We need to start now!

  115. Orly Taitz and Major Cook

  116. Mr. War Hero, Thank you!

    Isn’t Orly awesome with her eyelashes. She is great. She stayed at my house when she represented me in my TX case and I just admire her so much. I am glad to see all of her tireless efforts are paying off!

  117. OK here is the Interview with Pilgrim who subsituted for Lou Dobbs … many of us missed this because of the death of the great Walter Cronkite and Media excess coverage.. so.. without further delay:


    A better review of the Subject by Dobbs on CNN


  118. Civis naturaliter natus


    Someone over at the Right side of Life blog, calling himself TEXAS Voter, claimed to be th eone who drove Orly to the AG, but then he slammed her for being verbose in a most ungentlemanlyl manner.

    Please say what you think on this matter. He claimed that the is unable to control her verbiage, portrayed her as unstable…

  119. Civis naturaliter natus

    For patriots interesting in investigating Obama’s birth facts, there is a discussion at


    Obots are routinely booted from that forum, so you can get some work done…please no silly comments…

  120. Greg Goss (July 17, 2009 at 8:16 pm)

    Greg, I agree with you. Reading long columns of unformatted text copied and pasted from their original sources (usually formatted) just makes me race past that post and on to the next one, where I can comprehend the point quickly and facilely or link to the formatted, often copyrighted, original.

    Also, except in certain cases, copying and pasting more than an excerpt abuses copyright, which is stealing from the one(s) holding the copyright. Regardless of the emotion of American citizens abused by Obama, abuse of copyright is illegal. How can one credibly criticize an alleged lawbreaker (BHO) by being a lawbreaker?

  121. Anonymouse,

    Basically agree with siad jst about the same on the issue awhile back.

    Videos above:
    To those that don’t know. If you click on the video it starts playing if you click on the body of the video again it will bring you to YouTube and teh video will play again an dyou can Vote on it, Favorite it (so that it gets added to your Favorites list which will be in your profile) and you can read comments, write comments and vote commenst up or down.
    Lets go to Youtube and make these videos go Viral (make them popular by passing them to other people which you can also do by e-mail them or clicking on Send to a friend).
    This our openning to make noise and tell more and more people place the links eveywhere especially on LIE-berals blogs, etc NOW some of THEIRS are talking about it… it is no loner right Right Wing “Terrorists”, make good use of this opening and drive thru it by encouraging them and spreading this far and wide. Now we have a but of desconcerating ammunition … Let’s make CONSERVATIVE CHATTER …

  122. No disrespect John, but would you mind linking the post?

    I agree that these times demand information, but what is the difference in posting a link as opposed to posting the entire article?

    For me, I go through the posts here and save the links to my favorites so that I can go back and read the links after I have finished reading all of the posts here.

    I don’t own this blog, so I cannot control the length of your posts. But, if you continue to decide to post the entire article, could you post a link too?


  123. Orly and Major Cook interviewed on Steve Mulzberg after the court hearing July 16. She is refiling since the case changed. Refiling in Florida vs Employer. Also talks about other cases especially Santa Ana calif about going forward and BO has only 60 days and no extension…it will be heard.
    10 minute interview:


  124. I haven’t had time to read everything posted yesterday but here’s a link to the awful Pilgrim interview……………….

    Someone tell Lou: Dobbs guest-host Pilgrim cites “overwhelming evidence that proves” Obama’s “birth certificate is real”
    July 17, 2009 9:10 pm ET

    From the July 17 edition of CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight:



    Dobbs repeatedly makes Obama birth certificate claims his CNN colleagues call “total bull”
    July 17, 2009 7:26 pm ET

    SUMMARY: Addressing an issue promoted by the far-right “birther” movement, Lou Dobbs repeatedly said on his radio show that President Obama needs to “produce a birth certificate” and that Obama’s birth certificate posted online has “some issues” — claims that have been dismissed and even ridiculed by his CNN colleagues.


  126. Jonah………………………………………………

    New thoughts on Stanley’s travel.Send me an email so that I can forward my new belief.

  127. Patriot dreamer……………………………………

    It wasn’t so much WHAT he said it was in HOW he read from his script. I beleive that he DELIBERATELY made hia words sound a little like ridicule without actually saying as much. It is easy to miss it. You have to really listen. I believe that he is under a restricted format, and can only read what the producer scripts. So he does a little ORAL DOCTORING as he reads. That is why I said THREE CHEERS. He defied his producer. Hume used to occasionally do the same thing with an otherwise “poker face”.

  128. US Patriots Shout…………………………………

    The one thing that we must never loose sight of is the fact that “the plans” of our enemies remain PLANS until he is able to condense them into reality. It is then that he discovers that doing so might meet with the angered dissaproval of the rest of the world, and result in some real lacerations,broken bones, and multiple contusions about his body, that is if he is still alive at all.

  129. LM………………………………………….

    I wish to say that MMMMSSSS. PELOSI only thinks in her derranged mind that she has the support of the American people with respect to Health care. Such a statement from her is just more evidence of her delusional mind. She is unfit to hold the office that she is holding. One only needs to watch her facial grimaces, and listen to her confused verbal rhetoric to realise that she is deeply troubled mentally. She is the LAST person we need in this important position.

  130. Patriot Dreamer

    Thanks, oldsalt77!

  131. Patriot Dreamer

    Check out the article from The Statesman (India):

    Is Obama’s Presidency Threatened?

  132. Peter Francisco @ 8:51 pm


    Thanks Lurker for the update.

    BTW how can so many still have cable and supporting those biased croooks? Just a not so old not so grouchy man LOL


    Hello Peter F

    I threw the pigs out of the living room in ’01. Dish N rules!

    I’ve never known you to be anything but courteous on any blog you comment on. I s@@ you around. For that you rule too! 🙂

  133. Jacqlyn Smith

    I just received an e-mail from Commander Walter Fitzpatrick….he has had more encounters with the complicit Secret Service…..they are now stalking and harassing a law abiding citizens in his brother and him!!!! WTH!!!!!

  134. Civis naturaliter natus

    I have a theory:

    Obama was born to a Mrs. Leforge, on Jan 24th, at 1:06 PM, at Mombasa Regional Hospital in Kenya.

    She brought along her friend Ann Dunham, and during the trip each pretended to be the other. Dunham brings the child back to HI, claims it as her own (as per a payed agreeement). Child belongs to Obama Sr., and they both agree to file papers in HI to claim it is there’s and that LeForge is not the mother. Motive: to conceal the adultery of Leforge with Obama Sr. (Le forge already had 3 white children by Mr. Leforge). Birth announcement says son born to Mrs. & Mrs. Obama at Leforge’s address. So that anyone who knows Dunham and Obama (who lived on opposite sides of the island) cannot discount the annoucement.

    This theory is based on:

    Obama’s admission at a rally in NH that he was born at 1:06 PM.

    Obama’s admission during his speech at the Latin American Conference in the spring of this year, that he was 3 months old when the Bay of Pigs occured.

    Dunham’s filing of divorce on Jan 24, 1964, as “birtday gift” to Barry to legitimize him, since there was no record of marriage between her and Obama Sr. This gives her documents to use in the future.

  135. I pray that more senior officers from all branches of our military services, will join ranks, and form a solid consortium against the ongoing illegal direction of our military services. In addition I invite everyone, and anyone to contact the HAGUE and ask for insight from them. They have the experience in the prosecution of war criminals. Soetoro is now a war criminal. He has ILLEGALLY sent our military forces into Afghanistan, and Afghani civilians have died as a result. He can be charged as a war criminal, and rightfully should be. The Hague via the state department could FORCE HIS REMOVAL if enough evidence of his illegal command of the US military is presented to them. Of course we must also remember that we have yet to learn if the corruption goes into the World court or not. If they also are corrupted there is then only one recourse left.

  136. Civis naturaliter natus

    Forgot to Add:

    Based on testimony of Black co-granny who said she was present at the birth of Barry in Mombasa in 1961…

  137. Civis naturaliter natus

    Old Salt,

    I believe that average citizens can file criminal complaints for war crimes against politicians in thei own country.

    We need to track the World Court filing proceedurs and see if this is an avenue.

    I bet if they get 10,000 letters from USA citizens, they will take action…

  138. JJ……………………………………………

    It would seem to me that the grand explosion will occur when the powder is brought into too close of proximity of the sparks. This would also be a design configuration of a flintlock rifle, like our predecessors carried in 1776.

  139. Peter Francisco @ 9:11 am

    Thanks for posting the Orly and Major Cook interviewed on Steve Mulzberg! It was great to hear Major Cook explain in his own words why he filed suit against the Usurper. Thanks again!

    In other news….O’bigmouth’s poll numbers on a steady downward drip. Rasmussen posted 46 minutes ago. http://tinyurl.com/5krqjz

  140. http://www.thestatesman.net/page.news.php?clid=4&id=261242&theme=

    The writer has the last paragraph incorrect concering Maj Cook and Judge Carter. Wrong case!!

  141. Patriot Dreamer

    I emailed The Statesman and referenced http://www.therightsideoflife.com/ for them to get the correct information.

  142. Lurker
    interesting to see that. As I recall they poll more dems than republicans

  143. CNN……………………………………..

    I hold out the World Court as a possible avenue of approach to solving our dilemma; which is a TOTALLY corrupted US government.We have ALL seen that virtually all avenues of possible redress have,and are being methodically closed by Soetoro,and/or his GOON squads. Thie is only one reason why I have considered the World court, as a possibility. While I am not versed in a thorough knowledge of the World court it is still remains an unturned stone, and given our circumstances should be explored. Ido however believe that Sortoro is NOW a war criminal. He is such because he is ILLEGALLY in command of the biggest military on Earth,and has commanded it into armed conflict in Afghanistan which has resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians. He can be charged. Whether, or not anything would result from the charges remains another story. Of late the Hague has been having their own problems, and there is a possibility that they would simply advise a complaintant to take a long walk on a short pier. However I still believe that it is worth a shot. They did do a pretty good number on Milosevich. At least he will never again hold any office. Nor is it very likely that any of the Nazis who were hanged at Nuerenberg, will jump out of their graves, and once again murder Jews!

  144. Patriot Dreamer

    Rocknee, thanks for doing that. Even with that error, foreign press is still doing a better job than ours.

  145. Civis naturaliter natus // July 18, 2009 at 11:03 am

    I have a theory:

    This theory is based on:


    I have a theory also………

    No one knows of his exact origin , including Barky . Barky is a illegal alien.

    This theory is based on:

    His mother always had multiple sex partners from a very early age and never obeyed any laws of any country, an Atheist Marxists.

    My Conclusion , He’s an NBC of Indonesia , Lolo is his father not his step -father , Police state, Muslim marriage, Islamic law.

    He ( soetoro ) never was a legal US citizen, let alone a NBC . He is an illegal alien.

    Birth Certificate is a red herring .

  146. Yesterdays CNN Kitty Pilgrim unfair/jokefest interview with Orly Taitz , Alan Keyes and…………….two Obots.
    Listen to a rude Obot laugh at Alan Keyes into the first few seconds of his say.

    President Obama’s Citizenship Questioned

    Despite the condescending nature of this alleged interview, it’s better than nothing! DRIP DRIP DRIP

  147. Oldsalt77,

    You are right “plans are often just plans”. Remember Obama was also a “plan” of the enemy. Now the reality is–he is a living nightmare.

    What bothers me most about this entire mess –is could have been avoided. It didn’t have to go this far. Every American who chose to look the other way knowing full well Obama was not eligible, every judge who hid behind a manipulated legal veil and refused to order Obama produce his documents, the electoral college that voted for him inspite of not having vetted him first, Congress on Jan. 8, that never challeneged Obama’s background when the electoral votes were counted–all of them will have the blood of innocent Americans on their hand. It didn’t have to come to this. They could have done their jobs. They were advised well in advance. That whole bunch are American traitors.

    Some say the judges refused to do their duty because they feared there would be riots in the streets if they denied the voters their first black president. Now –it is just a matter of time–they will be facing a civil war because they failed to do the job they were elected to do.

    Pelosi is screaming the CIA didn’t follow the Constitutional procedure with Congress! When will she stop spitting in American faces? She who signed she personally vetted Obama and is as lawless and ruthless as Obama and his thugs.
    America no longer has laws save the ones Obama makes up as it pleases him at the moment to do.

    They are diminishing all other peaceful choices America has. They will go down in history as the destroyers of America and will have the blood of millions of Americans stained upon their names for all history. Personally, The only hope I have for these people is they rot in jail after they have been tried and found guilty of treason.

  148. http://www.oilforimmigration.org/
    Good Job O.K.!!!All states should start this!!!!!!

  149. I am a lurker for the most part, but I did want to share what just happen to my husband. We live in a very small town in northeast Florida he went to go get some food from a local restaurant and a man approched him and said that he was trying to get independant truck drivers to put posters on their trucks about the birth certificate. He gave my husband his card on the card it said where’s the birth certiicate. I thought it was a little peculiar. My husband said there were several people in the restaurant the only person he talked to was my husband. Oh by the way the card said he was a doctor.Shay in Florida

  150. Lurker // July 18, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    Hi Lurker,

    I was saddened when I heard that laughter. If anyone is truthful, articulate and forthcoming, it’s Alan Keyes.

    If you’ll recall a recent interview with him (sorry, but I don’t have the link; it was posted here on CW) as soon as he began talking the reporter and/or camera crew started tittering, too. What has happened to the objective interview? Is it gone forever?

    RIP Walter Cronkite. We will never see anyone of his caliber again.

  151. Hi usapatriots-shout,

    I think we’re all as frustrated as you are; how could this happen right under our noses?

    As the evidence mounts it’s starting to all make sense when you realize that Obama was ‘installed’ and not elected.

    If you read that interview with the Russian couple back in the 1990s (sorry, can’t cite this, either) they told of a Black president who would be elected and gave many other details that have come to fruition.

    This has been planned for years.

    The question is: If we get rid of Spanky, how many others are waiting to assume the position to bring this global agenda in line? Many, I fear.

    Spanky’s just a puppet doing the bidding of those who are really in control. I think we all know who they are.

    This is a very sad time not only for America, but the world.

    I pray, and pray hard.

  152. shay // July 18, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Hello shay,

    Very interesting. Since you have the doctor’s card, he should be easy to check out.

    There are a lot of grass roots movements around, so perhaps this guy was legit. Remember that all the Tea Parties started on the grass roots level, and took off from there.

    Maybe he wanted to talk to one person at a time? Worth checking.

  153. The Pilgrim interview on Lou Dobbs’ show was extremely unfair and unprofessional. She took more than half the segment citing alleged proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, exclaiming along the way “Bear with me.” No, any interviewer/moderator worth her weight does not chew up time deliberately like that. Then when she finally hands over the mike to Taitz and Keyes, she hardly lets them speak and engages in condescendind derision. And she let’s a guest on the other side refer to them as wacky or nuts.

    Wow, seriously, the most unprofessional interview I have seen in a long time. I hope Dobbs reads her the riot act.

  154. citizenwells

    I posted a link to the Lou Dobbs audio and linked to citizenwells.com
    for the first time (it is under construction).
    Thanks again to Jonah, et al.

  155. CW hope all is well with you. Again thanks everyone for adding videos and info. for me to read. I miss the old days, where you just beat a liars azz, and move on. Can I punch Pelosi? please !!!

  156. citizenwells

    Please punch Pelosi!

  157. CNN: 11:03: Interesting take on “Parent Trap”…the real movie? The ol’ switcheroo, eh?

  158. Jonah Vark: what do think the backlash of the MSM ‘mockery’ will look like if/when Dobbs-esque stories gain more traction?

  159. I think a punch to Ms. P. might only loosen the Botox…shift it outta place a little…then what?

  160. SueK,

    I remember reading that story about the Russians who knew years ahead of time that a black Communist would become president of America. You said it perfectly–“Obama was installed.” You are right to fear if Obama is removed there will be someone equally as corrupt to take his place.

    I do believe it won’t be as easy to steal America a second time. The (NWO & Obama) blind sided us. They caught us sleeping. When we get Obama out, we will take out a large percentage of the cronies, thugs, and unscrupulous deviants who have played politics for their own secret agenda.

    These slime balls under estimate Americans. We are descendants of gutsy, courageous, and idealistic pioneers who settled America under the most adverse conditions. America was created by a melting pot of people from all over the world who were willing to suffer any hardship to escape the oppression of the government from which they ran away. This spirit is in our blood. I can see it in the people who post on this site and the hundreds of other sites against Obamathat are coming forward every day.

    Maybe we were too busy taking care of our own back yard and didn’t have time to pay attention to Byzantine world plots to create a one world government and steal America. That is over. We are wide awake and honing our warrior skills. Before this is over, we will take down the Bilderberg, Trilateral, the Illumanti and any other pompous arrogant group that has been involved in international conspiriacies. There are plenty of Senators and Congressman and other disloyal people in government who are members of these hateful groups. This is going to be clean house –big time.

    The what-seems-almost-impossible job now is to take Obama out of office. What is the old Marine saying? “The difficult we do right away. The impossible take a little longer.” Every hour–maybe every minute, more people see the light and turn against Obama, his Czars, Pelosi, and the enire double talking Democrats who imagine themselves above the law. You know as well as I do, they all suffer with a guilty conscience. They know damn well Obama isn’t qualified to be our legal president. There desperate lust for power has dulled their sense of honesty. But we know, the silent witness within all people reminds them in strange ways of their own weak and miserable characters. They will break down. Sometimes, I think that is why Biden says the stupid things he says. They are simply on borrowed time.

    My daily prayer is this will be a non violent revolution. Remember, not all the people who voted for Obama are bad and wrong. They were betrayed by him and their good will stolen. They, too, are beginning to defy him. Many of the Democrats in Congress are beginning to challenge him–his disgusting health bill, the crap and raid, his failed stinkulus plan, and lots more behind closed doors we have yet to discover! Reluctantly, MSM is being forced to report this growing controversy. I also hope, it becomes the main topic of news until Obama stands up or steps down.

    My greatest fear as already stated in other posts I have made it may be violent. If push comes to shove, I pray the Constitutional patriots are the victors. If so, there will be years of work to restore America to all she was and will be. The effort of the people who post on this blog is just one of many efforts that is helping to remove Obama from office. It starts with a thought, that becomes conversation that turns into action. It is happening faster than we know. Eventually, we will succeed. That is when the real work will begin.

  161. Hi usapatriots-shout,

    Since CW has started new blogs, I hope this one is still being read.

    Thanks for your commentary; as always, you’re spot on.

    I think the problem with having the wool pulled over America’s eyes is that this country has been asleep for a long time; settled into a way of life, not realizing the covert operations that were about to be implemented by not only our government but others, as well. Hey, we already fought for freedom in the Revolution, so we’ll never have to do it again. How wrong we were!

    I do hope you’re right-that we still do have that fight in us, but I take a look at the younger generation and just shake my head. The morals of this country have been eroded, and it’s everyone for themselves; I see the patriotism in people my age, but not in the younger critters.

    Do you remember Jay Leno’s interviews on the street as part of the Tonight Show? He would ask a question and air the responses. While most of them were funny, they were also tragic because the interviewees always seemed to know absolutely nothing about America! They didn’t know who the first President was, couldn’t sing the first few bars of The National Anthem, and had no idea what the Bill of Rights was (one young lady started reciting the Ten Commandments).

    This is how I believe we’ve gotten ourselves into this pickle: Apathetic Americans whose most important problem is how they’ll get the money to buy the latest version of the iPod.

    I hope and pray every day that the *true* Patriots of this country have what it takes to not only get ‘him’ out, but the Congress, Bilderbergers, and any other New World Order bunch out there. Oh, and can the Fed while they’re at it.

    Do we have the stones? Do we have the numbers?

    I, too, hope that this revolution will be non-violent, but when I see how deeply they’re becoming entrenched, I wonder if that’s possible. We need the media to start reporting the TRUTH, not adhering to some sort of lame script they’ve been fed. I hope that this story is indeed starting to trickle out, and it’s paramount that the pressure to report *all* sides of the story be kept on; it’s the only way.

    I still believe that good will triumph over evil, and I pray this will happen soon. Like everyone here, it’s sickening to see what’s happened to our America over a short period of time. This is certainly not the America I once knew.

    Let’s hope we have something to retrieve when all is said and done.

  162. I wrote Pelosi about her comment:

    “No, Speaker Pelosi, you do not have the support of the American people on health care or on anything else. This government has severed its ties to the American people. You are hateful, self-serving and greedy. You seek power and control and who knows what else. Maybe you haven’t noticed in the halls you travel in but the paradigm has shifted. We are watching everything. When you lie to us we know it. Only you can change your path and only God will forgive you now.”

  163. Civis naturaliter natus:

    Thanks for the question —

    I didn’t join the enterage to the US Atty’s office… I was already completely spent. Dr. Taitz came to my aid on a moments notice and did a spectacular job!

  164. SueK,

    You have summed up my thoughts and fears about our younger generation. They seem so ignorant of our history and government. One of the factors that aided Obama in getting elected was IGNORANCE. I BECAME SO ENRAGED HAVING TO BE PENALIZED BECAUSE OF OTHER PEOPLE’S IGNORANCE, I BEGAN AN INTER NET BLOG TALK.

    Naturally, those who most need to hear me are not the people who faithfully listen. Those prescious people who tune in weekly are as angry, frustrated, and shocked to what happened as we are.

    In the middle of all this chaos, I see rays of hope. Thin and pale as they are–they are there. I keep visualizing the day America is free of Obama and corrupt politics. It will happen.

  165. Hi Therese,

    Thank you-I’m glad others see what I see regarding the young’uns.

    I have favorited your blog and will check in regularly. Thank you for posting the ‘Obama Poisoned Grandma’ video (I had posted that here in an older blog); I think that’s pretty important!

    Let’s all please keep the dialog going with the hope that the truth will indeed break through. CW has been wonderful allowing us to exchange ideas here and to vent. I feel that this is the way to go about this dilemma.

    The truth shall set (and keep) us free!

  166. Pingback: A Constitution in FULL Crisis


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