Las Vegas Tea Party, August 31, 2009, Tea Party Express, First Amendment Rights, US Constitution, Citizen journalism, Video

I have never gotten so much satisfaction assembling an article as I did producing this one. This article is the culmination of efforts of concerned Americans across this country and certainly those that participate on this blog. A special thanks goes to commenter JoyceAZ, who cared enough about this country to travel to the Las Vegas Tea Party, take photos and write a report. Thank God that she did. The story was barely touched by the local media in Las Vegas and the Main Stream media nationwide.

“CW,  We arrived at the park 8:45am.  This area was large.  The parking lot filled up by 10:30.  People were coming and going for 2-3 hrs.  People were very warm and friendly.  WE WERE UNITED. The people were from Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho…… (licenses plates that we noticed).
All day long people gave each other the thumbs up.  We The People are UNITED IN OUR MARCH TO WAKE UP THE GOVERNMENT.
We just want to be heard.  Our Freedoms are being tread on.  OUR FLAGS SAY: Don’t Tread On Me.  We will not be UNHEARD.
We did not see any riots.  No screaming, yelling or fighting.  We did not see any opposition,….. ACORN, SEIU, or other pro-Obama voices.
Several cars stopped and ask us what was happening,…. as they had not heard of this project on the local tv channels.  I told them that it was 98% created thru the internet and twitter and such.  The NEWS MEDIA is DEAD!  Even those would stop and go sign up for information on OUR PROJECT. 
The Las Vegas Review-Journal quoted that the count was 800-900.  I truly feel is was much larger than that.  The parking lot was filled at all times….. people would be waiting for a parking spot.  People arriving faster than leaving.
I don’t think I would be exaggerating to say it was closer to 1500+.  I am sending a few articles from the Las Vegas Review-Journal.  They have some interesting articles about dirty harry. He is not very popular at this time. 

I hope that the actions of JoyceAZ were as inspiring to you as they are to me and will inspire more people to take action. We cannot depend on the modern day media to do so.

I sang the song that plays in the video when I was young.

It moved me deeply then and even more now.

279 responses to “Las Vegas Tea Party, August 31, 2009, Tea Party Express, First Amendment Rights, US Constitution, Citizen journalism, Video

  1. A friend told me about the Conservative cartoon Mallard Fillmore and now I follow the strip daily If there has been some controversy here at citizenwells about Mallard Fillmore here, I missed it somehow.

    I believe that the cartoonist, Bruce Tinsley, deserves a Pulitzer. He is a voice crying in the wilderness of the liberal dominated press. I found a website that displays Mallard’s latest strip, Jewish World Review. It has a link to subscribe to the daily JWR Update if you want, but you can just read Mallard Fillmore and have a few laughs. You can also view Mallard archives.

    Next to Glenn Beck, Bruce Tinsley is my hero.

  2. OBAMACARE – Obama and the government want my healthcare records… I want to see Obama’s healthcare records first.
    I have no doubt he will release the records of political enemies, just as he and his cronies have attacked so many others like Joe The Plumber.
    After the numerous acts of corruption, this administration CANNOT guarantee that our records will be handled properly and not used against us.

  3. They took the public option off “in name only”. What do you want to bet it gets put back on at 3:00 a.m. the night before the vote?

  4. Thanks for restoring my faith in the goodness of the American people whom I have always loved. These town halls and rallies are up lifting my soul which has felt oppressed and suffocated since Barry’s coup d’etat. It is giving me the inspiration to keep on keeping on. Doing it right takes a little longer than doing it wrong like Barry and thugs are doing. The difference between them is doing wrong will eventually crumble and become useless. Doing it right will last centuries.

    In spite of all our unity and protests, I fear that this health care takeover is so critical to their master plans of total government takeover, they are going to try and do anything to get it passed. Our fight hasn’t even begun. So it is imperative that we keep protesting and keep up the pressure.

    The League of voters has been sending letters regarding the Five biggest lies Barry has told about his government takeover health care. I would like to share this letter with you.

    Dear Townhall Reader:

    Are Obama and his friends taking you as a fool?

    You have to wonder what they really think about the intelligence of the American people.

    Obama repeatedly has out-and-out lied about his healthcare plan.

    Here are just 5 of the big whoppers.

    Lie #1: ‘You Keep Your Doctor, You Keep Your Insurer’

    This is a complete fabrication.

    Under plans Obama has backed in the House and the Senate, almost any business can opt their employees into the “public option” — the government health plan.

    That means you could lose your insurer. And if your doctor is worth his salt, you’ll lose him or her as well.

    Why? Because great doctors probably will not want to get the very low rates the government will pay private doctors who are part of the new government system.

    So, without your consent, you very easily could lose your insurer and your doctor.

    Lie #2: The Elderly Will Not Face Rationing or Medicare Cuts

    More baloney.

    In fact, just last week, The New York Times, a very liberal and very pro-Obama newspaper, admitted that fears of rationing for elderly patients are “not irrational.”

    The truth is that Obamacare would almost 50 million new patients to government care.

    Who would pay for it. You would!

    Seniors on Medicare will be the first hit.

    Here’s what the Times reported: “Bills now in Congress would squeeze savings out of Medicare, a lifeline for the elderly, on the assumption that doctors and hospitals can be more efficient.”

    This means that faceless bureaucrats will decide the type and quality of your care.

    It is a very dangerous thing to give your life and well-being over to government bureaucrats!

    Imagine if you or a loved one is older than 80 years and critically needs heart surgery.

    Instead of getting the heart procedure, you or that loved one could be informed that you are simply too old.

    We at the League of American Voters have been warning of this danger and have a powerful TV commercial exposing the risks to seniors.

    You can see the ad by Going Here Now

    Lie #3: There Will Be No “Death Panels.”

    More lies.

    Sure, they don’t call them “death panels” in the legislation, but that’s what their job will be.

    These committee members will set guidelines with which faceless bureaucrats will make decisions about you and your healthcare.

    They will decide who lives and who dies. They decide who gets critical procedures and expensive medicines.

    Again, according to the New York Times, the Democratic plans call for saving money by creating new oversight committees.

    The Times says that Medicare and insurers would be expected to follow “advice from a new federal panel of medical experts on ‘what treatments work best.'”

    Again, this very liberal paper concluded: “The zeal for cutting health costs, combined with proposals to compare the effectiveness of various treatments and to counsel seniors on end-of-life care, may explain why some people think the legislation is about rationing, which could affect access to the most expensive services in the final months of life.”

    Expose the lies — Go Here Now.

    Lie #4: The Obama Plan Contains Costs

    Absolute nonsense.

    The Obama plan will cost more than $1 trillion in new federal outlays, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

    This past weekend, Sen. Joe Lieberman claimed that most of this cost comes from adding 50 million people, currently uninsured, to the government health system.

    But as Lieberman pointed out, we just don’t have the money to do this right now.

    You can add only so many people to the government system by cutting medical care to seniors on Medicare and raising taxes.

    Democrats clearly plan to do both.

    Lie #5: Illegals Are Not Covered by Obamacare

    President Obama has stated time and again that illegal aliens are not covered under his new plan.

    Still, Democrats say they want to add almost 50 million uninsured. Yet almost one-quarter of these uninsured are illegal aliens.

    None of the Democratic plans excludes illegal aliens.

    In fact, when Republicans proposed an amendment to the House plan to block illegals from getting free government healthcare, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her minions soundly defeated the motion.

    Many, many lies are emanating from Washington today.

    This is why the work of the League of American Voters is so critical now.

    Dick Morris, the famous Fox News analyst and campaign strategist, says the League is the No. 1 organization today fighting Obamacare.

    “Every American who wants to stop Obamacare should join with the League,” Morris says. “They have the best strategy to stop it from becoming law.”

    Just two weeks ago, the League’s powerful new TV ad went on the air.

    Thanks to your help, it’s already running in 12 states — and it is affecting millions of people.

    We believe it is one reason some Democrats are starting to retreat.

    But our job is not done.

    We must fight the lies.

    We must expose the dangers of Obamacare to all Americans.

    Please act today by joining the League and donating to us today.

    To Donate Go Here Now

    Thank you.


    Bob Adams
    Executive Director

    P.S. Our TV ad, which Dick Morris crafted, is so effective that ABC News refused to run it. If you take a moment to watch the ad, you’ll see why. It simply tells the truth, in the words of a respected medical doctor. Take a minute to watch it — and most importantly, help us continue this battle! To Watch the Ad and Donate — Go Here Now.

    Paid for by the League of American Voters. Contributions to the League of American Voters are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from individuals and corporations are permitted by law and welcome.

  5. Re-do: I’m bringing this over from previous…

    Re-do: Try this–have them go to this link and click on “Watch Trailer”:

  6. Future newspaper (double click image if necessary):

  7. About Open CRS
    American taxpayers spend nearly $100 million a year to fund the Congressional Research Service, a “think tank” that provides reports to members of Congress on a variety of topics relevant to current political events. Yet, these reports are not made available to the public in a way that they can be easily obtained. A project of the Center for Democracy & Technology, Open CRS provides citizens access to CRS Reports that are already in the public domain and encourages Congress to provide public access to all CRS Reports.

    What do you think of this report from CRS? Is someone lying to us?
    Congressional Research Service
    Treatment of Noncitizens in H.R. 3200
    August 25, 2009

    This report outlines the treatment of noncitizens (aliens) under H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. In particular, the report analyzes specific provisions in H.R. 3200, and whether there are eligibility requirements for noncitizens in the provisions…………….
    H.R. 3200 includes an individual mandate to have health insurance, with tax penalties for noncompliance. Individuals who do not maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for themselves and their children would be required to pay an additional tax…………….
    Thus, legal permanent residents, and noncitizens and unauthorized aliens who qualify as resident aliens (i.e., meet the substantial presence test), would be required under H.R. 3200 to have health insurance…….
    READ MORE:…….

  8. News web browser highlights what is “untrue”:

  9. twe (aka the “new and improved ‘re-do’!” hehe):
    I did get your info from the previous thread before jumping on this train…many thanks, again. but please, just one ‘re-do’…or maybe I’ll change my moniker to simply U.B.U.

  10. More indoctrination. They’re even raising their hands!

  11. Certainly, his academic achievements are an paradigm for kids to aspire to.
    I don’t believe this either, we have seen no school records to confirm this. He sounds like a illiterate moron, when he is disconnected from his suicidal teleprompter. Hardly able to keep two coherent thoughts together, much less whole sentences. He would be a riot with paragraphs. I’m really shocked at some of the people who stated they went/graduated from Harvard, not very good advertising for them and they have the nerve to charge a lot of money, by the way they are not only broke but in debt due to Stock Market disaster.
    May 28 2009, 6:59 pm by Derek Thompson
    How Harvard University Almost Destroyed Itself
    Boston Magazine has a long, shocking piece about how the people running the world’s greatest university almost bankrupted the school through a series of very dumb financial decisions after a decade of unbelievable growth in the endowment. Reading the litany of horror — making bad decisions in the stock market, paying for buildings they couldn’t afford, learning to hate Goldman Sachs — it occurred to me that Harvard has never seemed more like average Americans.
    First the scary big numbers. Harvard University’s endowment has lost $11 billion. Don’t cry for Crimson yet — it’s still got more than $25 billion in the coffers, about the same as it had in 2005. But in the interim, double digit returns on the endowment made administrators think it would be a good idea to increase the Arts and Science budget by 50%, from $812 million to $1.2 billion. Spending all over the school got a little wacky: $800 million* alone went toward building new labs, and Harvard’s debt doubled to $1.2 billion.
    What happened? Harvard has long managed its endowment like an investment banker’s portfolio. In fact, the school’s nifty money manager Jack Meyer had more than quintupled the endowment (from $4 to $22 billion) when his 15 years ended in 2005. That was great during the boom years, but by the market crash, the school was doubled down like a Financial District titan. Three months after Bear Sterns went under, the endowment was still 105 percent invested. Today’s it’s looking down the barrel of another $11 billion in capital commitments. In three years, the endowment went from very overachieving to very overleveraged.
    There’s also this revelation, which certainly isn’t helping Larry Summers’ case for becoming Not Least Popular Person in Cambridge Ever:
    Further squeezing Harvard was a transaction Summers had pushed it into in 2004, when he successfully argued that the university should engage in a multibillion-dollar interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs and other large banks. Under the terms of the deal, Harvard would pay Goldman a long-term fixed rate while Goldman paid Harvard the Federal Reserve rate. The main goal was to lock in a low rate for future debt, and if the Fed had raised rates, Harvard would have made hundreds of millions. But when the Fed slashed rates to historic lows to try to goose stalled credit markets, the deal turned equally sour for Harvard: By last November, the value of the swaps had fallen to negative $570 million.
    What happens now? Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust isn’t mincing words when she says the do-everything university might consider “do less–less research, less teaching, at a lesser level of quality.” Harvard’s expansion might slow, but even if the endowment simply stopped growing, the school could continue spending at its current levels for another 20 years. And Faust’s quote certainly seems like the thing I would say if I knew my school had a legions of million- and billionaires on my alumni phonebank Rolodex. Harvard will still be the world’s greatest research university. It’s time to start researching new investment strategies.
    Sometimes smart is the new dumb.

  12. We Can’t Afford to Wait Vigil

    We’re organizing “We can’t afford to wait” vigils nationwide just days before members of Congress return to Washington, to make sure they know that an overwhelming majority of voters are counting on them to act quickly to pass health care reform.

    Our vigils will put a human face on the urgent need for bold health care reform with a real public health insurance option. We’ll deliver an unmistakable message to the media and members of Congress: We can’t afford to wait: Public Option NOW!

  13. I watched the Las Vegas video,and thought Joyce done an admirable job producing it. Thank you Joyce.

  14. This is something very new in our country. Clinics run by certified registered nurses. The nurses found that about 90 per cent of emergency room care was for sore throats, fevers, nothing life threatening. They decided to open their own clinics to alleviate suffering and make medicine affordable and relieve the stress on emergency rooms. I read somewhere flat fee $15.00-$25.00 for the visit. It is a good idea I hope it grows, if you have something they cannot handle you are forwarded to a doctor.
    Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) has opened five new Employee and Family Health Centers to provide prompt, quality care for everything from acute illness to chronic disease management.
    The clinics, which opened in May, are the result of a new partnership with Insurance Trust and University Community Health Services (UCHS). Each site is run by board-certified family nurse practitioners from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing. The clinics provide convenient, quality health care for about 16,000 teachers, retired teachers, employees and their families

  15. This is a very good article about yesterday’s town hall in Michigan with lots of pictures and video:

  16. Michelle–the CVS stores have been doing hosting these clinics for about a year or so. They call them “Minute Clinics.”

  17. I believe that any, and all parents would be within their rights to keep their clildren home, whenever material is brought into the class room which they find objectionable. Prayer was forbidden by law, then so too should anything and everything political.

  18. oldsalt77.
    JoyceAZ did all the leg work, photo and report producing and I created the video.
    Creating the video was extremely fulfilling for me.

  19. Thank you so much JoyceAZ and to CW for posting the Las Vegas tea party. We find it hard to find accurate information from the media.
    I am flying to Canton, Ohio to join the Tea Party Express stopover Sept 9th. I will report back here with what I witness.

  20. LDacar.
    That will be great.

  21. Literally everywhere we look anymore we see the results of some form of mind control. In this regard we only need to look at the Soetoro campaign. At every stop he had the audience STUFFED with paid goons who stood up at every cue, and either applauded, or BOOED or even WEPT upon command from Soetoro.The school videos are another form of mind control indoctrination of our school children. Soetoro is following the same parh as Hitler did with German youth. Wake up People.

  22. Civis Naturaliter Natus

    CATHOLICS & CHRISTIANS may have grounds to pull their children from school on

    SEPTEMBER 8th,

    being that

    Sept 8th, 2009, is the 2025 birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom tradition holds was aobut 15-16 years old, when She gave birth to the Savior of the World. That being the case, in those states which allow religious motives as excuse for absence, pull your kids and celebrate; in those states which do not allow this, send you kid to school saying that it is a violation of your childs religious rights to be given a talk by a father of lies, on the feast of the Mother of Truth Incarnate….

  23. We are getting disparaged and misrepresented at town hall and tea party gatherings. The “other side” as tried to contrast this as those who are against better healthcare and those who are against. We need to fight back. Here are a couple of simple and effective ways to do with with signage:

    Health Reform

    Better Healthcare
    HR 3200


  24. Heads up!
    This was posted at one of my favorite sites today. They normally cover the markets.

    What the hell is going on?

    “forced quarantine”

  25. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    Great work…cheers to your ‘baptism’ as a citizen-journalist…!

    John Feeny,

    Great interview…your story behind the book is another example how the evil of Obama is transforming conciencious citizens into activist patriots…! Kudos to you!

  26. twe-Thank you re: CVS, I rarely get sick and most things I can fix myself. You would be surprised what you can do with electrical tape.
    Apple cider vinegar, honey and the ocassional aspirin is all I need. Thank God for that blessing.
    Mother Mary is for everybody. Some of us Catholics get a little nuts, I took Obama’s picture and put it under my statue of Mother Mary crushing the serpents head with her foot. My prayer is Mother Mary reveals all his lies, which is really how the devil operates. Mother Mary and the devil really do not get on well.
    Mary Immaculate, Patroness of America since America was a name, we salute you and beg your blessing on our land now and in the dim troubled eras of the future.

  27. Michelle–pray for his conversion, that of his family, and that of all his handlers; pray for our country. There are many Marian memorials coming up in the Church calendar as well. God bless you.

  28. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    I agree, there are TOO many similarities in Obama’s policies to deny that he is concientiously imitating Adolf Hitler.

    1) Like Adolf Hitler he was not born eligible to be chief executive
    2) Like Adolf Hitler he used party apparatus to sieze power in his name
    3) Like Adolf Hitler he is constantly harping about race issues
    4) Like Adolf Hilter he has cut deals with major corporations to guarantee their profits if they support him
    5) Like Adolf Hitler he has organized labor in his pocket
    6) Like Adolf Hitler he has demonized Christians and patriots who oppose him
    7) Like Adolf Hitler he is putting forth bills in the national legislature to give himself more power
    8) Like Adolf Hitler he believes he is the nations Messiah
    9) Like Adolf Hitler he is organizing youth into brainwashing programs
    10) Like Adolf Hitler he opposes the political aspirations of Jews in Palestine
    11) Like Adolf Hitler he promote abortion, gun control, health care to give himself more power
    12) Like Adolf Hitler he loves cuddling babies and children
    13) Like Adolf Hitler he has a memnitizing effect on those who listen to his political speeches and dont try to think
    14) Like Adolf Hitler he buys his opponents as friends with power and money
    15) Like Adolf Hitler he has tacit support from chiefs of military
    16) Like Adolf Hitler he is building concetration camps
    17) Like Adolf Hitler he is involved in germ warfare
    18) Like Adolf Hitler he forges alliances with anti-semitic Muslim States
    19) Like Adolf Hitler he forges alliances with Italian manufacturing companies (Fiat for example)
    20) Like Adolf Hitler he is praised by enthusiastic crowds in Berlin
    21) Like Adolf Hitler the national legislature affirmed his citizenship
    22) Like Adolf Hitler he is totally supported by the Press and those who oppose him are harrassed or shut down
    23) Like Adolf Hitler he disparages whites who are not of his lineage as inferior
    24) Like Adolf Hitler he is a socialist and a facist
    25) Like Adolf Hitler it is all about him, not about serving the country
    26) Like Adolf Hitler he demains absolute loyalty from followers to himself
    27) Like Adolf Hitler his followers are willing to violently attack his opponents
    28) Like Adolf Hitler, he is supported by radical homosexuals (Brown Shirts in Adolf’s day)
    29) Like Adolf Hitler, he moves supporters to public events to give a show that he is popular
    30) Like Adolf Hilter, he is praised in the foreign press at the beginning of his reign
    31) Like Adolf Hitler, he promotes Kensyian deficit spending, to suborn the economy to the State
    32) Like Adolf Hitler, he makes disparages the freedoms enjoyed in the USA
    33) Like Adolf Hitler, he never admits a mistake


    I could go on, but the point is made

  29. twe and others: Mother Mary is for everybody. She loves all God’s children, we are her children. There is a very lovely web-site I think I will go there right now and put in another prayer request for our country, our Constitituion, our people and the world. The dictator- only God can “adjust” him, but we need to keep protesting, that’s one part of our equation and to keep refuting the lies.

  30. Civis Naturaliter Natus



  31. This is the prayer I sent to Our Lady of Fatima.
    Please Mother Mary-protect the United States of America, her people, the Constitution and all innocents from the evil ursurper Obama. Please reveal all of his lies, since the American media is in a black out.

  32. twe-that was wonderful. What joy there is in naturalness and spontaneity. May their entire married life be filled with gladness and joy and laughter. Lovely couple off to a good start.

  33. Patriot Dreamer

    Michelle // September 2, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    twe-Thank you re: CVS, I rarely get sick and most things I can fix myself. You would be surprised what you can do with electrical tape.
    Apple cider vinegar, honey and the ocassional aspirin is all I need. Thank God for that blessing.
    We have visited CVS’s Minute Clinic a few times, and it is great for minor stuff. You do not need an appointment, and we’ve never had to wait longer than 5 minutes to be seen. In addition, if you need a prescription for anything, the CVS pharmacy can fill it for you right there (the nurse practitioners can write most prescriptions). New services they just started to offer are physicals for schools and sports.

  34. see Video the Federal Reserve is paying banks not to loan money to struggling Americans.

  35. Greg Goss: part of the scary part is with all the problems our country is facing they pull off junior high school moronic nonsense like this. This group does not have the brain power to run any country, they are that damn dumb. No wonder all of the protesters are more knowledgeable, they have a vested interest in this country, themselves, their relatives and friends. The politicians are looking out for number 1. The American people can be very forgiving-sins committed against sex, drugs and rock and roll, but treason like this group is doing in spades, they will never forgive-ever.

  36. I have posted that story and a related one to pull it together here. I also have instruction on how you find out if your PC has one of these certs.

  37. Posted at OC

    New postby constructution on Today, 11:57
    When I was a little kid, I was afraid of monsters in the closet. I wasn’t afraid of monsters under the bed — I was on the top bunk. My little brother had the bottom bunk. I was also afraid of the Russians nuking us.

    When I was in high school, the only things I was afraid of were getting bad grades and not being able to go to college. Then the government made me eligible to be drafted and to go to Viet Nam. I was afraid to go die in a jungle in Southeast Asia. I was also still afraid of the Russians nuking us.

    I got the grades and went away to college. Nixon ended the draft. All I had to worry about was getting grades good enough to stay in school, paying for college, and not getting busted for drugs. And the Russians, of course.

    After I graduated, I had trouble finding work. I’d find a job for a couple years, and then get layed off. Over and over. I never could save up anything so I couldn’t feel secure. I was afraid of people breaking in in the middle of the night. I knew the Russians were still there with those nukes, too.

    These days I’m unemployed, and I don’t see the economy coming back any time soon. Less than a month after the SOB got inaugurated, the company I was working for layed me off because their prospective projects dried up (because of the economy). What do I fear most now? I’m afraid that someone (brown shirts, ACORN, swine flu special medical enforcers, or police instructed to take away my guns) will come in the middle of the night, break down my door, and drag me away. I just hope I wake up enough so I can take a few of them with me. The Russians don’t bother me that much any more. I figure it’s my own government that I have to worry about most.


  38. From: Andrea Shea King
    has something interesting on there called The New Media. Since the old media decided to commit suicide by going with The One-really The Majorly Boring One-everyone now can be a reporter and we have been seeing that for quite awhile now. Just report what you see and hear, let WE THE PEOPLE figure it out for ourselves. Even with this media black-out his numbers are tanking, I think people figured that fool out already, little more and if he has two brain cells remaining he may do a smart thing and resign. Unfortunately I think he is too attached to the toys Air Force One, some helicopters. etc. so he will have to be arrested for high crimes and misdemeanors.

  39. Michelle // September 2, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Clinics run by certified registered nurses.

    In Tennessee my husband and I were being seen by a nurse practitioner and being charged for a full fee doctor visit ….when we found out it was billed this way, changes in fees happened real fast…check to be sure when n.p. sees you, because it is illegal to bill for a doctor service when no doctor has seen you.

  40. Dr. James David Manning interviews Larry Sinclair.

    Larry Sinclair Obama Steamy Love Affair


    Given the liberal media’s refusal to review bestsellers, this finding makes a powerful statement and can be interpreted in a number of ways:

    1. Conservatives read more than Liberals.

    2. Conservatives write more than Liberals.

    3. The public is fed up with the propaganda they been fed and are finding new sources of information.

    4. America is predominantly (albeit moderately perhaps) more to the right than left.

    5. Censoring of political literature by this administration has not taken place (yet).


  42. Patriot Dreamer

    Emory University (near Atlanta, GA) moves students with swine flu into one dorm:

  43. GG–thanks. I checked and didn’t see anything that looked like the certificates you were talking about. Thank you much. I’ll do a closer look with an expert. Thank you. Thank you. All should look at your instructions and check their stuff.

  44. Patriot Dreamer–about 75 miles or so from Fort Riley

  45. twe, glad I could help. This video is how the Battle Hyme of The Republic is supposed to be sung, enjoy.

  46. On computers:
    tools, internet options, content, intermediate, certification authorization,…what am I looking for??
    I have many!!

  47. will be listed. If you have a lot just highlight one and then type a W

  48. Sorry, Off Topic Nancy here again. Is it just me? Fox Nation has headline “Obama Dropping Public Healthcare Option”. But then they are sending that memo for obots to stay home, call senators & tell them you want public option. Is this a ploy? He says he’ll drop it, but then he’ll say they have had overwhelming demand for it. I can just foresee it happening.

  49. That memo was for the obots to make the call at a certain time on 9/11. Will provide a link if you want. Atlas covered it, but her links have been scrubbed now.

  50. Joyce-
    Incredible video…I’m going to embed it in my blog in an upcoming entry. When do you think that this administration will come to the grips with the fact that it will have to fight a pitched battle at some point in the future if it has any hope of seeing its agenda through? We are, indeed, witnessing history.

  51. GG–Thanks for the video. That was wonderful.

  52. Jonah-thank you. I love Dr. Manning, you always know where he stands and he doesn’t like Obama’s lies either. Sounds like Obama had quite the little drug cartel going on the South Side of Chicago (not hard there)in the Illinois Senate no less. I wonder who is running his operation these days. I noticed on the tape it didn’t take Obama long to make the drug connection, who was his supplier, who were his customers?


    Important video about war in Afghanistan and its fundamental difference to war in Iraq.

  54. Here is Atlas Shrugs story. I was able to click & read cache this a.m. Now it is gone. But you can read it on her story if you have a magnifying glass handy. I feel like I am in the twilight zone (being sick with fever probably doesn’t help)

  55. FYI: Protection of Pupil Rights (Hatch Amendment)


    Section 439 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g) is amended to read as follows:


    “Sec. 439. (a) All instructional materials, including teacher’s manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any applicable program shall be available for inspection by the parents or guardians of the children.

    “(b) No student shall be required, as part of any applicable program, to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning—

    “(1) political affiliations;

    “(2) mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student or his family;

    “(3) sex behavior and attitudes;

    “(4) illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;

    “(5) critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

    “(6) legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers; or

    “(7) income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program),

    without the prior consent of the student (if the student is an adult or emancipated minor), or in the case of an unemancipated minor, without the prior written consent of the parent.

    “(c) Educational agencies and institutions shall give parents and students effective notice of their rights under this section.

    “(d) Enforcement.—The Secretary shall take such action as the Secretary determines appropriate to enforce this section, except that action to terminate assistance provided under an applicable program shall be taken only if the Secretary determines that—

    “(1) there has been a failure to comply with such section; and

    “(2) compliance with such section cannot be secured by voluntary means.

    “(e) Office of Review Board.—The Secretary shall establish or designate an office and review board within the Department of Education to investigate, process, review, and adjudicate violations of the rights established under this section.”.

  56. Michelle,

    Not only that but what is made clear in the interview is that limo driver knew he was introducing BO to a gay man. When Larry asked him to find someone to “socialize” with, that leaves a number of possibilities open.

  57. ccwarrior,

    Awesome. Thanks for the Hatch Amendment information! This needs to be distributed far and wide to all parents.

  58. twe, Your welcome. I can’t watch it, make me cry…but they have a whole library of song and events they have sung at. Home page.

  59. Just found this info on another site. Might be a way for parents to fight back against Sept 8

    Many school districts and States require review and approval of all curriculum prior to presenting it in the classrooms. Curriculums must often be vetted and approved by school boards, administrations, and often staff. They must also meet state requirement for appropriateness. May work or may not, but worth a visit to my Superintendant as soon as I verify all my states requirements.

  60. ccwarrior,
    I should read have read your post first. My bad.

  61. Prairie–
    I’m an undecided as to what I should do regarding the Sept. 8 agenda. I’m thinking of emailing principal & saying I think it would be a BIG mistake to participate in this or just letting my grandson (who I have already spoken to about it) & let things roll.

  62. John Feeny-I know when most of this garbage started. Nancy Pelosi just had to be the first female Speaker of the House. Historic. Then comes Mr. Bee-Bop Obama with his historic nonsense, and a brain dead media that went along with this historic stupidity.
    The new revolution is getting no press, this is Historic. What’s up with that? As a registered Democrat I can’t believe this extreme left wing is running rampant over our Constitution. I would put Obama’s support-the whole nation at 10 per cent, just his die-hards only. The rest of the nation is doing everything they can to stop the Lunatic Obama from doing any more damage. I think they have done enough damage already. Historic is no good reason to vote for idiots and in Obama’s case criminals. I predict when Obama is arrested and thrown out of office with the criminal element in Congress that the stock market will quintuple over night. Americans celebrating our Freedom regained.

  63. Hello Everyone,…
    All credit of this post goes to CW.
    He has guided me to compile the info I had,… email it to him,….. and, THE RESULTS YOU SEE. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
    Thank you all for all you do for our AMERICA!….. A BIG THANK YOU TO CW.
    We appreciate everything you do here. Just having this blog to express our frustrations and PAIN,…. HELPS!

  64. Had to repost this. Maybe we should bombard them with calls at the same time the obots are going to call senators. They have a dirty plan. Check my earlier post with a link to Atlas Shrugs.

    Sorry, Off Topic Nancy here again. Is it just me? Fox Nation has headline “Obama Dropping Public Healthcare Option”. But then they are sending that memo for obots to stay home, call senators & tell them you want public option. Is this a ploy? He says he’ll drop it, but then he’ll say they have had overwhelming demand for it. I can just foresee it happening.

  65. Patriot Dreamer

    JoyceAZ, thanks for reporting!

    CW, thanks for turning her report into a video!

  66. Yes, I agree. Thank You Citizen Wells. I love the people here!

  67. I wonder if the medical records are sealed because Obama has HIV/AIDS? He certainly was indulging in high risk behavior at a very high risk time, plus the skid row guys near the South Side are not very good at taking care of their health. Possible he injected drugs also? I still think he brain damaged himself with his drug cocktails. I wonder if Michelle Obama has a clue as to this behavior?

  68. Jonah–Wow! Thanks for posting that. Even if you’ve read about it, it does make a difference when you actually here it from the source.

  69. Gold is now trading at 979. Good for investors, but a warning for the American dollar.

  70. Thank you Joyce AZ and thank you CW.

  71. Nancy,
    The speach doesn’t concern me as much as the curriculum or follow up. I don’t think any of us here at CW are good at “letting things roll.” I have found out that if I pull my sons from the event they can not participate in their football game that evening. I am considering attending myself. Perhaps that would ease your concerns as well.

  72. Patriot Dreamer

    venice // September 2, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    Gold is now trading at 979. Good for investors, but a warning for the American dollar.
    It’s the beginning, but (hyper)inflation is here. We’ve also seen higher prices at the grocery store.

  73. Prairie, et al.
    Are we allowed to present opposing opinions at the schools?
    (real question)

  74. CW, was that rhetorical question?

  75. CW,
    You mean at the school? No, but I also write a weekly coulum for the local paper. The school board hates me.

  76. Michele –
    Want to know why I think the media runs silent on all this?

    Simple – the news as we knew it is dead. People are getting their information from far and away too many sources nowadays, so the end of the 6:00 news and the newspaper is in sight (I realize that those are general examples, but the point is the same). What better way for news agencies/media outlets to save their dying mediums than by hooking up with the government, especially one that promises to fund them indefinitely in exchange for some state support?

    To me, it’s really that simple. This is a sell-out of the highest order, mixed in with good, ol’-fashioned crony capitalism.

    I’m going home now. Out.

  77. Prairie, I agree with that assessment. Go to class, then you will also be able to see just how the teacher handles things. This might be more important,….. as she will be with the students everyday they are in school. HEADS UP ON HER FEELINGS ABOUT obama, this will let you know (if) she will continue with the indoctrination of her students.

  78. Turns out Barack Obama doesn’t really know very much about anything, a fact that is troubling enough by itself. But when you combine it with his apparent conviction that he should be put in charge of regulating all these things he knows nothing about, and then you add in his talent as a first-rate bullshitter – you end up with the most ignorant guy in the room making the decisions for the rest of us.
    The really bad part of this equation is he surrounds himself with people just like him. Dumb, dumber, dumbest. It’s a little contest they have going.

  79. Yes, I need spell check. Last week I interviewed parents regarding our school policy regarding the gag order on H1N1. Ripping the school policy to send out alerts when a known case of head-lice is found but NOT H1N1. This week I will concentrate on Sept 8- that Hatch Ammendment will come in handy.

  80. Obama White House Has Secret Plan To Harvest Personal Data From Social Networking Websites

    Submitted by Ken Boehm on Mon, 08/31/2009 – 19:07

    NLPC has uncovered a plan by the White House New Media operation to hire a technology vendor to conduct a massive, secret effort to harvest personal information on millions of Americans from social networking websites.

    The information to be captured includes comments, tag lines, emails, audio, and video. The targeted sites include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr and others – any space where the White House “maintains a presence.”

    In the course of investigating procurement by the White House New Media office, NLPC discovered a 51-page solicitation of bids that was filed on Friday, August 21, 2009. Filed as Solicitation # WHO-S-09-0003, it is posted at Click here to download a 51-page pdf of the solicitation.


    If that link isn’t responding, try here:

  81. Prairie,

    What I meant by “letting things roll” is allowing my grandson to attend his first day in the 7th grade & expressing his opinions about what obama has to say. I told him not to be afraid to express his views if the teachers make a lesson plan about it. We can’t allow the schools to make this one-sided in obama’s favor.

  82. My son was in public school until last year, when I changed him to a Christian school. In the public school system if the parent signed a request for absence or turned in an excuse after the fact, it was valid. I see a lot of posts where people are trying to figure out how to get the child out on September 8.

  83. Nancy,
    Gottcha, I constantly struggle with what to tell my kids. For 5 months my son was called a racist for his views. I hated to tell him to be silent but it hurt a lot when he lost friends. Perhaps you should let your grandson decide, or atleast have input.

  84. Kim-

    I say let them go on that day, but tell what to expect. Talk to the kids & let them know they don’t have to respond like obots. They have a right to their opinions. But, I think if they want kids to tell obama what they would like to say, they should be free to do so, even if it goes against the agenda. They may be surprised by their responses. Kids aren’t stupid. I hope the teachers don’t make them feel intimidated.

  85. Prairie-

    I hear you. I already raised my kids & didn’t have to deal with any of this. It is more difficult now – this is my grandson, who I have raised & is now 12 and entering 7th grade. I am getting old, but still have feist. He has alot of anxiety & I am not sure how to handle it. But, surely, backing down & stifling views is not the answer. He is very smart & does understand what is happening.
    Good Lord, Please Help Us All.

  86. I am outraged if he’s allowed to speak on sept 8 to school kids. 912 march should have a million people in DC.

  87. Look at all the anger and concern Sept 8 has brought about. We turn into Grizzly bears when you mess with our kids. Weeks ago I posted info regarding govt counseling in our homes for parents with or expecting children. I will look it up again. We need to make this go nuclear regarding health care. It is a waiting bomb.

  88. Prairie

    You are correct. I, for one, will not back down or shut up! I have a prayer that I say every day because someone gave it to me:

    “And all things, whatsoever you shall ASK in prayer, BELIEVING, you shall receive”.

    St. Matthew 21:22

    I pray. I pray for our country to be saved.

    And, no, I am not some nutcase. But I feel that my prayers can’t hurt anything.

  89. Is this what we want our children to go through????

    Contact your local schools and demand answers, even if you don’t have children in school or any at all.

  90. Nancy, as a parent and a teacher, I really believe that everyone should keep their children out of school when the school is being used for propaganda purposes in this way. You have no idea how strong teacher and peer pressure is on a child (any child). They should not be put in that position (and yes, teachers do make them feel intimidated, often purposefully). You should have heard what our Principal said on the loud speaker about Obama (he wept about what a savior O is); it had a big effect on the students. Further, Obama uses hypnosis techniques in his speeches (study hypnosis and you will see what I mean). If you want your child to learn to deal with such matters, a better idea would be to watch the speech at home with your child and discuss it with him/her. Additionally, one would hope that parents would keep their child out so as to register a protest about having a politician manipulate their children. Considering the Hitler/youth army Obama is raising, it would be foolish not to consider this as a move to get the ear and loyalty of your child. Hitler was successful in that regard, it’s up to parents to make sure that Obama will not be.

  91. the march at dc people should all bring their orginal birth cert for the whole country to see

  92. In response to a stupid contest whose prize was a trip to the hospital where Obama was “born” – keeping in mind he claimed birth is two different ones – of course the Mess-liah is naturally a master of quantum physics!

    From: The Revolutionary Hero –

    “I have an IDEA:

    Lets all submit our idea of how Obama can help “change” the country for the better.

    1: Immediatly Prove ELIGIBILITY or RESIGN.
    2: Review and Reverse all Unconstitutional Bills.
    3: Balance the Budget.
    4: Stop Socialism and get out of Private Business.
    5: Investigate and Regulate the FED.
    6: Immediate 5% cut per year on Gov’t Spending.
    7: Cut taxes on all indivuals and businesses.
    8: Removes all Czars and return to Congressional oversight.
    9: Set a plan of action to end war in 12 months.
    10: PLEDGE to do ALL this and Obey Oath of Office or RESIGN IMMEDIATLY.

    Please let me know what you think and make suggestions. Then we will all e-mail this IDEA to Mr. Obama. If one of us wins the trip to Hawaii we will need to visit Both Hospiatls because it is still not known which one he was born [at]…”

    Brilliant! I hadn’t even thought of actually entering the contest. My idea is that, right before O-ineligible resigns, he needs to demand that his zombie followers do not riot, that he strictly forbids it. You know they tremble at Barack’s every word, so there will then be NO trouble when he steps down, gets handcuffed, and hauled off to the hoosegow :-).

  93. Good stuff on Obama possibly having three birth certificates, from Free Republic commenter, WhiskeyX:

    Early on in this whole affair, someone, I don’t recall who it was, reported rumors of three birth certificates for the child. The first one was supposed to be from the hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. The second birth certificate was supposed to be Canadian, and the third one being the Hawaiian birth certificate.

    A hypothetical scenario explaining three birth certificates runs something like this:

    Ann gives birth in Mombasa, Kenya, and the child receives a first birth certificate in the normal course of such affairs.

    When Ann tries to arrange for her flight back to the United States with her newborn child, the airline insists she must have the necessary docuemnts for the entry of her newborn child into the United States before the ticket/s can be sold or used. Since the father is British Kenyan and she is not yet old enough at eighteen years of age to confer U.S. citizenship to the newborn child, the U.S. Consul says they cannot recognize the newborn as a U.S. citizen on her passport. Consequently, Ann can only take the child to another British Commonwealth nation without the child’s father and his passport.

    Meanwhile, Madelyn Dunham has already arranged to file for a birth certificate in Hawaii on behalf of her daughter’s newborn child on the basis of Ann’s residence in Hawaii. This filing with the State of Hawaii is reported routinely to the local newspapers and included in the customary birth announcements, but with a false address because the parents did not actually live together.

    Unable to enter the United States directly without the U.S. birth certificate in hand for the child, Ann takes a flight to the British Commonwealth country of Canada, with Vancouver, British Columbia being convieniently close to their former home and acquaintances in Seattle, Washington. After her arrival in Canada, Ann receives delivery of the U.S. birth certificate, or she obtains a third birth certificate from Canada as a delayed report of birth in a Commonwealth nation. If she obtained a Canadian birth certificate for the newborn, she used it to take advantage of the relaxed requirements for U.S. border crossing granted to Canadian citizens. Once she and the newborn are across the border and in the United States, Ann discards the Canadian birth certificate and uses the Hawaiian birth certificate Madelyn Dunham sends to her in Seattle for the child.

    In such a scenario, a close look at the original Hawaiian birth certificate may reveal a report of a foreign birth registered in Hawaii, which would inevitably lead to questons about Barack Hussein Obama Jr.’s having any U.S. citizenship in addition to his native born British citizenship, and set off a whole new chain of events.

    10,102 posted on Wednesday, September 02, 2009 4:47:42 AM by WhiskeyX;page=10101

  94. One more thing: I hadn’t seen this video from Lucas Smith until today. In it, he shows exactly how he used Google Books to debunk some of lazy writer Jerome Corsi’s claim in the WND article about the Kenyan Birth Certificate:

    I love how calm he is!

  95. Prairie, et al.
    Are we allowed to present opposing opinions at the schools?

  96. CW-
    Why should we not be allowed to?

  97. I get it. I think CW is challenging us to find the answer. Superintendant was out of office. Mine will be the first call he gets in the morning.

  98. Sorry, PROPAGANDA.
    (It’s like nails on chalkboard for me when I misspell a word)

  99. Truth Exists

    I thought about this. But, it the first day of school. I wouldn’t want my kid to feel like a freak missing the first day (I’ll probably get beaten over that comment). But, secondly, if I prepare my kid for it & encourage him to express his individual view, this whole thing could end up hurting the obama movement. Tell me, please, if I’m wrong.

    Gotta go cook now. Will be back in about 30 min.

  100. Kim,

    This address to the children of the nation is brainwashing at it finest moment.

    Will the children who respond by saying they don’t want to help the president be persecuted?

    This is a very dangerous precedent and needs to be derailed.

  101. Prairie.
    It was just a thought.
    We need to take on this posture going forward.
    PS-I wonder what the state laws are on allowing opposing political views?

  102. GG and Jonah: Thanks for the videos.

    CW and Joyce: What a collaboration! Thanks.

    Michele, et al.: I have two books that might be of interest to you: “Pray for Our Nation: Spiritual Prayers to Revive Our Country” Harrison House, Inc. c. 1999 [website:] and
    “God Bless America: Prayers and Reflections For Our Country” Inspirio c. 1999 by Zondervan.

    Hope you find them useful!

  103. Is it possible that Obama was actually born in Hawaii at the home of Ann’s parents ? Is it possible that the reason no one remembers a bi-racial couple as living there is because they never did? Is it possible that Stanley Ann’s mother registered the infant as “caucasian” due to her embarrassment, then sent Ann and baby almost immediately to Washington to friends house? Is that why Ann didn’t know how to change a diaper? Is it possible that Obama Sr married Ann to give his last name to the infant, but they never lived together? Was that pic of Obama Jr with his dad taken at the time of Obama Sr permission for Obama Jr to be adopted by Lolo Soetoro? Or possibly at time of traveling to/from Hawaii and Indonesia? ( I cant remember the age of Obama in that pic). Is it possible that Obama’e registration as “caucasian” is the reason that Obama is hiding his long form BC? Is that because if the African Americans knew this, many of them would not have voted for him? Inquiring minds want to know.

  104. Little recovery with bailout funds, More failures to come in credit card, loans, and commercial real estate, Other currencies are not the answer for anybody, since all currencies rise and fall in relation to gold and silver, foreign investors feasting on US banks, negative GDP decline in other major economies, perpetual crisis for perpetual government control, Things dont look good and a TARP wont cover it, US poverty rate now higher than Mexico or Turkey.

  105. You’re going to love this! But are these FOX News anchors really surprised?

    Birth Certificate Billboard in Background:

  106. Summer reading assignment (O’s Dreams of My Father) controversial–includes video to the right of the text.

  107. Actually, I like Lucas info better. Mine is just a whim

  108. Linda from NY- Thank you appreciate the kind thoughts, very sad day for you all coming up. Let me say I’m sorry to all the brave people who lost so much on that terrible day. We are all flying flags here in Florida.
    For all the parents-I think you can make this a history lesson for all the children. You can rent videos from the library re: another “charismatic” speaker Hitler. We always saw these documentaries in Chicago. You can show how one evil person can lie to a nation, get swept into power or steal it-and then drag the country into ruins. You can show the hero’s-Churchill, Patton, Generals Marshall and Bradley, Admiral Nimitz, the list of heroes could go on forever. Even when I was small I watched the concentration camp videos. My mother would get very upset with me, how can you look?, she couldn’t take it. I still saw the victims as people-as valuable to God as when they were alive. To look away to me was to not recognize their humanity. The monsters could not take that away. May God rest their immortal souls. May God protect the United States of America her people, her Constitution, her soul.

  109. Will Curt Schilling run for Kennedy’s seat?


    Parents of elementary school children upset.

  111. twe: That book on a reading list for HS students bothers me; wonder if they are required to read it or if they have a choice to read maybe, 7 out of 10 books listed. I am glad I could choose what books my daughter read in home school. My reading lists were never refuted, either; I found out they were used by the district in their curriculum. Does anyone know what parents can do about this book on the reading list other than object?

  112. I am reposting my comment from last night.
    I read on a FB conservative group that Re: The imposter speaking to school children on Sept. 8, is really a video that the children will be watching re: Ofudgeup

    Hopefully this paste worked

    BTW I don’t pledge to be of service to President Obama…WTF!

    I pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all!!!!!!

    The commenter on FB says its already been shown in Davis County Utah.



    Did anyone else see this? We need to send this to Beck or Hannity….

  113. Hopefully this time the video embed works…

  114. Watch Glenn Beck later or go to http://WWW.GLENNBECK.COM LINKS TO SHOWS
    This Govt is Crazy ,unbelieveable what is going on
    Where are the sane people to stop this madness??
    Tell all not to send their kids to school.
    should have given this book out at his big dinner
    Praise for Ramadon,hides from National PRAYER DAY What is going on????

  115. It’s outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading “home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.” The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.

    The bill says that the government agents, “well-trained and competent staff,” would “provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains … modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices,” and “skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development.”

    the whole article here:

  116. I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

    I also pledge to find a way to kick these arogant, ignorant, evil a$$e$ out of the WH.

    I also pledge to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD!!!!

  117. Another Catholic school (high school) with many students sick with H1N1. Hmmm…notice a pattern here (remember the outbreak at the Catholic school in NY? It spread from there)? Being targetted?–Includes video to the left of the article.

  118. White House prediction of $$trillion debt is based on a briskly growing economy:

  119. Just seen from a TCOT tweeter:

    Parents, Nickelodeon has been running segments praising Obama’s speechwriter. Beware what your kids watch!

  120. Maryland governor calls seasonal flu shots a patriotic duty:

  121. Dept of Ed deletes line about how school children can help O (see the two versions):

  122. Tim Hawkins – The Government Can

    Lovely 3 minute video called the Government Can – good satire.

  123. Alex —

    The Kenyan BC “abstract” found by L. Smith (and peddled by him) has this interesting feature. It has ALL of the information that would have been required by the U. S. Consul to arrange newborn travel documents in 1961 — no more, no less.

    The actual government birth certificate is rarely issued for sometime after a birth, and only upon request — but the hospital can issue an “abstract” on its own form.

  124. Jonah-I loved the strips, very funny. I am a registered Democrat who did not vote for Obama. I am really having a hard time thinking of myself as a dangerous, rabid-dog, hate mongering, lunatic. I just think Obama is a liar, not eligible for potus, he thinks the Constitution is trash- I don’t. I am familiar with the South Side of Chicago, Cesspool of Corruption Cook County, Illinois that “birthed” him and his thug friends a/k/a mobsters, crooks.
    More and more are coming to that conclusion every day. His numbers have been tanking big time. That is not due to Republicans joining him. It is Democrats leaving in droves.


    “Make Sept. 8 parentally approved skip day”.

  126. Will the children who respond by saying they don’t want to help the president be persecuted? Some children have many family responsibilities at home and should not be put in a position to even have to reveal them.


    Hellow Citizen Wells:
    Can you spread the word to all parents to be on the alert for what children are being taught at school.

    This came from a site that said children are being shown this video since late August. We have to remove Obama. This is sick. They sneak in stem cell research in the middle, and then kissing up to Obama and serving him. It is awful.

    Thanks for spreading the alarm.

  128. The South-great video re: Dr. Kelso-This was refuted by tonights news, which was about Madoff and the SEC. People customers/victims/SEC took “his word for it”. He lied, threatened people (Obama tactics) and was able to get away with this scam even longer than he thought possible.
    In part, Bernard Madoff seemed too “reputable” …
    The report also cites several attempts by financial analyst Harry Markopolos to raise red flags about Madoff—including an October 2005 complaint titled “The World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud.” The report said that Markopolos’ complaints were given short shrift by investigators because Madoff “did not fit the ‘profile’ of a Ponzi scheme operator” and because of apparent bias by investigators toward the “sort of people who are seen as reputable members of society.”
    Moral of this story trust but verify. Obama and Madoff both fail this test. No morals, no honor, no integrity and look at the damage both have achieved.

  129. GBAmerica,
    Do you suppose it’s “hushhhh $” Think we’ll see it on state run media?

  130. Michelle.

    I agree! Well said 🙂

  131. GBAmerica-I just received my new National Geographic Magazine Sept 2009. (before New York -Rediscovering the Wildnerness of 1609 is on the cover. They have a gigantic story re: alternative energy inside. Spain’s Abengoa Solar’s PS 10 is located outside Seville. The other leader in developing solar energy is Germany.
    Here in the United States: On some days 100 per cent of Nellis AFB is solar powered. No pipes, boilers or dynamos-just photons knocking off silicone.
    The optimists say solar power could become as economical and efficient as fossil fuels. The pessimists say they’ve heard this all before.
    Many solar facilities located in our Southwest (sunny, flat and undeveloped). I am not finished with the article. It is very interesting. Our country has many sources of energy-coal, natural gas, oil, the new alternative energies, wind, water, solar etc. This is like the space race our scientists are pushing all the envelopes-materials, techniques, science to get the most energy with the least expense. We are not there yet, but innovation is helping speed the way. I do not understand sending money out of the US, that makes no sense at all. Plus it is US taxpayers money.

  132. Prairie I doubt it but people need to know the truth.

    Check these videos out from this site,awesome site need to join.

  133. Good Evening All,

    Pardon me if I switch gears with this post, but I have some new info on the MA ‘quarantine’ bill pending in the House. If you’ve read the WND article, you’re probably panicking just like everyone else who read it.

    I spoke with a trusted colleague today (who is working with this issue), and asked some hard questions. Here’s what I was told. You decide:

    ~There will be NO mandatory quarantine in MA if you refuse to take the vaccine; stay home if you’re sick.

    ~There is also no intent to fine people; there are no mandates to force anything. Sometimes, provisions are added to bills in order to drive home the seriousness of the situation however, people need to do what’s best for them.

    ~I was told that ‘the H1N1 vaccine cannot be mandated.’ The vaccine will be made available for those who want it, but there will be NO forced vaccinations.

    ~There are 5 vaccine manufacturers contracted to produce this vaccine; Baxter is NOT one of them in the U.S. These manufacturers are mandated to produce *non-adjuvant vaccines.* No vaccines containing squalene are approved for use in the U.S.

    ~The expected mutation of this virus has NOT occurred-it’s the same virus that started in Mexico in the spring.

    ~Depending on your particular physiology, the H1N1 virus may manifest as the respiratory or the intestinal type of flu-same flu, different symptoms.

    ~The 1976 swine flu vaccine did indeed show a spike in Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and it was thought to be caused by the vaccine. The vaccination program was halted. Subsequent vaccine trials showed no association with GBS.

    We talked about this bill being stalled in a conference committee in the House; the Senate has already passed it. Right now, it’s just sitting there.

    Will post more info as I get it.

  134. This was from Orly Taitz’s web site. She needs some help for these people.
    September 2nd, 2009 Some witnesses and plaintiffs have hard time coming to hearings and have financial problems.

    does anyone have frequent fly-er miles or tickets, that he or she can donate?

    does anyone have an ability to arrange for stand by air?

    any deals with car rentals, hotels, motels, inns?

    Does anyone have extra beds, beddings, mattresses, non-perishable food and other items that can be of use?

  135. Thanks so much for your update, Sue. You’re such a blessing to have around!

  136. kittycat // September 2, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    Kitty, **do we have a baby yet?**

    Check your e-mail in a minute.

  137. ch.
    I will post in the morning from my archives and current news regarding Obama speech to kids.

  138. Amy1 @ 5:53,

    That’s what I’m thinking … it says Caucasian.

    I read somewhere that a Congressman said that they were told the BC would not be released due to ’embarassing’ family info on the BC. So, either Momma wasn’t married or it says he’s caucasian. .. ??

  139. Suek just like obama said i’m not interested in car companies,banks,etc Vaccinations voluntary. maybe for about a week, then it will become mandatory somehow

  140. SueK said:

    “Sometimes, provisions are added to bills in order to drive home the seriousness of the situation however, people need to do what’s best for them.”

    Thanks for the information Sue. What you just mentioned here is what’s called the BACKDOOR to FASCISM, and it’s incredibley dangerous. I wouldn’t want to be in MA right now. No way, no how.

  141. Has anyone else posted this? It says if you have a facebook or Myspace acct – the WH is going to be tracking you!

  142. truthbetold11 // September 2, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Hi TBT11,

    You’re with me in these parts, so what I can tell you is that every emergency starts at the local level and as necessary, escalates from there.

    Even if states grant emergency powers, it’s a temporary situation until the emergency passes. And just because the ‘powers’ are granted doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll be put into effect.

    I don’t believe they will be put into effect in MA and the ‘federal government’ needs to keep its nosey out of the individual states’ business.

  143. JeffM // September 2, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    Perhaps, but since this situation changes by the hour, it’s one of those ‘keep your eyes open’ situations.

    Since it’s still early, we just need to wait and see how it all plays out.

    This bill is a hybrid of a bill that was developed for H5N1 (Avian flu) back in 2005 and it just sat there-no action was taken on it by the legislature until H1N1 reared its ugly head; this bill has been tweaked to deal with that possibility.

    You don’t wanna be here, Jeff (I don’t blame you!), but I am :), and in a way, I’m glad because this situation can be watched. And many are watching….

  144. Hey all! Quick need for some witty comment to a left wing liberal Obama supporter dissing on the Kutcher/Moore vid I posted on my facebook wall. Where I posted I pledge allegiance to the flag…how bout u? The lib commenter wrote back..

    What’s the big deal? This is a very positive message. There doesn’t have to be just one thing that you pledge to.

    I’d like to make a well spoken comment back but my emotions are running high and I wanna SCREAM on the page! BTW I dont think I have ever heard someone pledge allegiance and to be a servant of the POTUS before…have any of you?

    So if anyone has any good comment to throw back I would be happy to post it on my FB.

  145. AP @ 10:02,

    Check out my link @ 9:50.

  146. SueK

    Thanks. Got five grandchildren under five and three of them are under 7 months. What their parents and their mother and I would do, I sure, would be different.

    Just trying to get the best information so they can make the right decision for them.


    Get ready for the possibilities of passing healthcare reform.

  148. Rocknee // September 2, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    Hi Rocknee,

    I’ll definitely keep you posted with any info that comes my way.

    Ya know, even after my conversation today, I would still hesitate on the H1N1 shots because the vaccine has a priority ‘rush’ on it. I’ll stick to my guns and continue to say that clinical trials on it can’t be done properly. Since this is a new strain of flu and a new vaccine, we don’t know how it’ll affect folks down the road,a nd that’s the danger, I feel.

    As of right now, it’s an individual decision as to how to deal with it.

    My colleague did say that he hoped that this H1N1 ‘pandemic’ would fall flat on its face, just as the 1976 version did. It could very well happen!

    Staying away from the shots, and my forst bottle of colloidal silver arrived today!

  149. senator schillling sounds good to me! Would he qualify for obamacare with a bloody sock?

  150. truthbetold11 // September 2, 2009 at 10:19 pm

    TBT11, they’d give him a pill for the pain….

  151. Val // September 2, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    Val I did see that and hear that once before and I wouldnt put it past this controlling administration one bit. I don’t understand though how they are getting away with this and all the other nonsense! IMO I think its because he is a man of color and he can do whatever he likes cus they turn any disagreement into a race issue…even though that is not the case.

  152. Olbermann: Beck, Bachmann ‘Actively’ Trying to ‘Get the President Killed’

    Olbermann and others are trying to brainwash Obama supporters with this utter foolishness . They want Americans against Americans , plain EVIL

  153. AP,

    I hear ya!

  154. Humor re: my comment at 10:22

  155. Funny how they can have your personal info from social networking sites for 8 yrs….2 term Prez…? nah! Don’t think so!!!!

  156. This Video was forwarded to me from a friend of this Man in the UK. Due to the overwhelming strain on the system there, his daughter was diagnosed with swine flu over the phone by a doctor in England. She died of Tonsillitis at the age of 16. Here’s the link, this is the result of Socialized medicine and Government control.

  157. AP remind them that Obama has not revoked his British, Kenyan, nor Indonesian citizenships and has no right to even a low level State Department job, let alone running the military without undivided allegiance.
    That’s why he CANNOT pledge allegiance to the flag!


    Too many graphs, lines etc. I can’t be bothered with, but it gets the main point across – a crash is imminent.

  159. @10:35 Please pass this video on to every Website that you know of the situation in England is dire. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, this guy really deserves to be heard. Thank you in advance.

  160. SueK // September 2, 2009 at 8:54 pm

    Thanks..this helps me sleep…….sometimes states are like children……one leads, the others follow, not that I think Kentucky would…..Mcconnell is with Mccain on an anti-Obamacare tour.

  161. They said they pledged “to be a servant to Barack Obama”????
    The government serves the people!! NOT the people serving the government and especially not serving one man!! Why does Hollywood want a dictator?

  162. JJ // September 2, 2009 at 10:50 pm

    Sleep well, JJ!

    I really don’t know what other states are planning, but it’d be a good idea to see what’s happening with each on the local level. Usually, things the state does will be on the news somewhere, but your local community is a good place to see what’s going on in your own back yard.

    Anti-Obamacare tour…love it!

  163. Kim // September 2, 2009 at 11:02 pm

    Kim, because they’re stooopid! I guess they like the idea of slavery.

    Ever since Hanoi Jane Fonda, the Hollywood community is at the bottom of the food chain in my book.

  164. Thanks SueK. Good information.

  165. Hate to ask another question about Sept. 8th
    but will the kids who just started Kindergarten
    be counted “absent” if they don’t participate?
    Attendance has been stressed as very important,
    and the school is strict. It is not a public school.

    Next question, will the Catholic schools be
    “participating” in this obama brainwashing, too?

    What happens to the child who says, “my
    parents voted for John McCain?”

  166. Val-I think in law, it does not matter if she was an unwed mother. Nature tells us he had to have a father, which would be the person named on the birth certificate. I’m sure many men throught history raised children who were not their own. Only the mother knows for sure, that is the baby is her child. For fathers it really is a trust issue. Some women are not sure who the fathers are. DNA has changed that dynamic. Some girls get so mad when they find out they’re pregnant and the father bails, they write father unknown. Natural born citizen-Obama not.

  167. Gregg Goss…………………………………..
    I watched your video of Battle hymn of the Republic. It was really great. The song is one of my favorites. To me it carries the same level of importance as the Pledge of Allegiance.During WW2 I was halfway through grade school and we had a very steady diet of this song. Every month all students in all the grades from 1-8 were brought into the auditorium for 55 minutes of Current Events ladled out by the principal. This auditorium adventure was always ended with a PRAYER, and everyone singing 2 verses of The Battle Hymn of the Republic accompanied by piano. I always looked up to our Principal, and always wanted to be like him. He was very influential in my lifes goals. This was a rural school. I had an early fascination with ships, and the sea. I wanted to become a marine architect. Somewhere along the path of life I lost interest in that aspiration, and ended up a small business entrepeneur from which I retired, and passed along to my eldest son. He has done very well with it but the handwriting has been on the wall with regard to the graphic arts. 2008 was the firs year ever that it lost money. Much of this country’s commercial printing is now being done in Taiwan by huge printing factories. and shipped duty free back into the US market. It is extremely difficult to compete with a country whose labor force earns only a third of what skilled people in the US do. My son has been considering selling out. He is down to 6 employees. two in the office and 4 in production. Bad news! I guess we can chalk a portion of this dilemma up to people like Barney Frank, etc. My son had 28 employees at the end of of his first quarter of 2008. He is not alone! He is a bit angered. Losing one’s livlihood at age 54 isn’t my idea of feeling great.

  168. Someone needs to take another approach at these town hall meetings: Instead of ranting about the birth certificate, and asking if their Rep. believes Obama is a Natural Born Citizen,

    They should ask,

    Do you know what a Natural Born Citizen is Mr. Jones?

    Then wait for him to step in it, by saying “yes, someone born on US soil”.

    Then they can correct their Rep by saying, you’re almost correct! It’s actually someone born on US soil to “two” US citizen parents sir!

    So, now that we’ve conclusively established the fact that Mr.Obama is not eligible to hold office, what exactly do you, as our Representative intend to do about that?

  169. Michelle,

    … In-Law.

  170. This video is amazing. I just stumbled across it. It has been out for a week and only has 277 hits. It covers ALLOT! It has all the favs … Lou Dobbs, Phil Berg, Roland Martin, Lucas Smith … it’s true and kinda chilly! Please check it out .

    Hit it!

  171. Oh yea,
    And our Dear lady in Red from Delaware!

  172. Kim-“to be a servant to Barack Obama”????
    If that is unpaid labor, is that not slavery? I thought Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation. If they are children, child labor laws?

  173. Take that video and add ObamaCare, Home visits, making our children watch him and ‘learn’ about him’ , etc… Hello?

  174. Maddie-I think the children should feel free to invoke their first and fifth amendment rights also Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just tell the teacher Obama’s speech in school is not their idea of happiness. They are going to school for an education, not an indoctrination.

  175. CW………………………………………………..
    You done an excellent job with the graphics.

  176. The South-perfect way to phrase the question.
    How could they be in the government and know so little about the Constitution? That just amazes me.

  177. On the Conservative Group..”Choose America First” on Facebook, they just posted a picture of a man at a Tea Party. The man, wearing a Vietnam Veteran hat, is holding a sign that reads…

    Jam it down our throats in 2009…
    We’ll stick it up your a$$ in 2010!!

  178. AP,

    Sounds like a bumper sticker to me!

  179. twe // September 2, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    You bet, twe!

  180. The Constitituional crisis: The reason is Lies v/s the Constitution. No matter how hard they try you cannot put a square peg in a round whole. WE THE PEOPLE will never give up on this issue until we see the truth.

  181. TO:
    citizenwells // September 2, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Prairie, et al.
    Are we allowed to present opposing opinions at the schools?
    (real question)

    Who will Present the Republican Rebuttal?
    I propose Sarah Palin. Jim DeMint or Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.
    Where is the Fairness Doctrine when we need to SILENCE the INSURGENCY PRESIDENCY?

    See you at PRAYER & PROTEST in DC
    on 9/12 the TAX & TAKE BACK AMERICA REVOLD has started. JOIN US.

    Unfortunatly I wasn’t able to get to Somerville and Lurch Kerry tonight did anyone go is there any News? Video? Thanks

  182. 2010 Primaries “It’s going to be all about the economy”Front page of the Sun-Sentinel. If the Republicans cannot win against this group of nit-wits something is really wrong. I cannot think of a better time to launch a new party. The American Constitutional Party-I think veterans would be ideal to run for office and they would win. By going with Obama the Democrats have destroyed their party, any and all credibility and I say that like Phil Berg another registered Democrat. This group absolutely should not be in power, they proved they cannot handle power. Power is to be used subtly and gently, lead with ideas and ideals. Not bashing taxpaying citizens over the head, threatening them, intimidating them and insulting them. I hate they way they treated the loyal opposition and there was absolutely no need for this. Hillary supporters were the first to get a taste of this and in no way did they want this inflicted upon the rest of America. We saw what they were then. Mobbed-up thugs. GiGi Gaston has extensive video evidence”We will not be Silenced”. I hope it is used extensively in law suits. Major civil rights violations, every complexion tone, many major voter violations, many different states. All documented. An absolute scandal.

  183. Heard this one from a New Orleans Radio Station:

    I was told I should never say anthing Bad about the dead, only Good.
    Teddy Bear Kennedy is Dead. GOOD!!!

  184. This is a 6 part Video good info that we need to know:

    There is an uneasy foul smell in the air the winds of division and REVOLT are blowing.

    See you in DC for PRAYER & PROTEST on Sept 12, 2009.

  185. Father Kolbe was murdered at Auscwitz. Remember Satan is the father of all lies.

    “Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. However, assumed into heaven, the Mother of God now requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spreading of God’s kingdom upon earth”

    St. Maximilian Kolbe, OFM, priest and martyr of Auscwitz

  186. Hannity September 2, Sean Hannity interviews conservative author Michelle Malkin about President Obama’s plans to address schoolchildren on September 8.

  187. A little humor

  188. #

    GBAmerica // September 2, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    Where is Biden….isn’t he suppose to be looking after our tax money and how it is spent….bunch of morons they are~~~

  189. Does anyone know what happened to blog site….

    Site has been taken down. Site had an excellent post explaining how to place Obama under CITIZENS ARREST. Wonder if this was the reason why the site was taken down?
    Obot slugs at work?

  190. My cookies were removed from my computer. I think that’s why my comment is in Moderation, however this is very important and I don’t want this video to get lost in the thread once people have moved on down the page before it actually makes it on the page.

    CW, please could you do me a favor and re-post this on the next Thread you start so the many regulars can see as well as pass it on. This could easily be what happens here in the US if we are not careful during the Fall Flu Season.

    This Video was forwarded to me from a friend of this Man in the UK. Due to the overwhelming strain on the system there, his daughter was diagnosed with swine flu over the phone by a doctor in England. She died of Tonsillitis at the age of 16. Here’s the link, this is the result of Socialized medicine and Government control.



  191. #

    venice // September 2, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Get ready for the possibilities of passing healthcare reform.

    Keep in mind….everything is void….he is an illegitimate POTUS….we must send this message loud and clear if you are going to DC on the 12th!!

  192. Oh it made it on, ok, I think I reversed my name on previous post so it did not recognize me.

  193. TO:
    OriginUnknown // September 3, 2009 at 12:51 am

    Here is your Video this is a good (bad) example of GANGSTER GOV’T DeathCare ObamaDetahCare.
    BTW always call it ObamaDeathCare don;t let them pin this on Kennedy because if it fails a Death Man is to Blame instead of the CULPRIT MR. OBAMA.
    Fix the Post Office it only letters and packages if you can’t fix something that simple how can you fix somethign very complicated that Delivers Miracles?
    Mr. Obama Get your Dirty Stinking Hands Off Our Healthcare.

  194. My daughter just called and told me about this incident……..

    Man’s Finger Bitten Off in Scuffle at Health Care Rally

    THOUSAND OAKS — A 65 year old man had his finger bitten off Wednesday evening at a health care rally in Thousand Oaks, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.

    Sheriff’s investigators were called to Hillcrest and Lynn Road at 7:26 p.m.

    About 100 protesters sponsored by were having a rally supporting health care reform. A group of anti-health care reform protesters formed across the street.

    When someone from the pro-reform side crossed over to the anti-reform side, a fist fight ensued, which resulted in the man’s pinky finger getting bitten off.

    It’s believed the man was on the anti-health care reform side.

    He took his finger and walked to Los Robles hospital for treatment.

    Police don’t know who bit the man’s finger off, but they’re investigating the incident.,0,7135717.story

  195. Al // September 3, 2009 at 1:37 am

    Soooo, now Mr. Obama wants to schedule a time to speak to our nation’s children; Is speaking the only thing he is capable of? Have to admit though he is a good talker. Once upon a time in America talk was cheap.

    Smart of him and his puppet-masters to at least take into account the different time-zones across the country, and schedule his teleprompter reading at 1pm to ensure that the West coast won’t be excluded. However, whatwith the ailing economy, two major wars abroad and his steadfast reluctance to share his long form birth-certificate in good faith with the American people, one would think he had more important things to address than hearing himself once again parrot back scripted words scrolling along his teleprompter screen…

    While our brave service men and women stand on the frontlines of freedom in hostile and strange lands abroad; and, while even more families across the country cope with the loss of their homes or jobs, he needs to hear himself read a script from a teleprompter screen again…

    Once upon a time in America talk was cheap. Aside from talking can this man do anything else?

  196. Thanks for sharing, Jonah. Shaking my head in disbelief that decent American citizens under Obama’s watch are being attacked for simply exercising their constitutional rights about how they may feel about a healthcare bill that may potentially affect their lives. “Change”? Keep the change–give the rest of us our country back, where free speech is encouraged and honored, not derailed by blind allegiance to a teleprompter reader.

  197. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    The reason was very simple: he succeeded because the rank and file citizenry was passive and only reacted; they had no proactive organization.

    We too are in that boat, we react to every news item, but beyond simply rallies and mailings, we are doing nothing.

    We need to forge a united resistence coalition among all Americans and all patriotic groups and churches, which will state categorically and work for this end, that they wish to uphold the constitution, preserve law and order, and opposed Obama’s march toward totalitarianism, and that they are willing to risk life and fortune and honor for the sake of the nation and the future generations.

    We have to stop merely chatting, and move on to organizing…

  198. Ayers said, “Give me your children” “Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s at man. Yeah!”

    Obama is the facilitator of Ayer’s sick principles for President Soros.

  199. Civis Naturaliter Natus

    Editorial: Sept. 3, 2009 — We Must Stand Up Now against the American Hitler!

    Please, read and consider posting to all blogs and forums you participate in, and passing to neighbors…

  200. Did anyone see the video I posted at 11:28 ?

    Is it just me or is that not scary? Maybe it’s the background music, but I thought it was pretty creepy. Is that a trailer to a movie? I just stumbled upon it last night and after watching it, I had a hard time sleeping.

    It has the lady in red from Delaware, Lou Dobbs, Phil Berg, Lucas Smith, etc… Please take a look and post your opinion. It’s called ” The Forged Identity” It’s pretty spot on.

    Please take a look.


    Post on blogs and sign up!!


    Pelosi signed two Official Certifications of Nomination for Obama and Biden at the DNC Convention last August.

    FIRST ONE (referencing the Constitution)


    posted here –


    Withdraw the “how to help the president” letter is what the WH agrees to, but it appears they are intent on modifying it. Let’s see what clever tactics they’ll come up with now.

    The slickest usually push the envelope as far as they can without really crossing the line, except that they do.

  204. WND has new post up about the Lucas Smith BC. They seem to be on the fence. They debunk it, but also have a “maybe” attitude. They have offered to help Smith again.

  205. Nowhere in the “help the president” letter did it mention our country. All was to get the children to support der Ofuhrer.

  206. Mr. John Charlton

    U. S. Congressman Broun warns of Obama becomming Dictator

  207. Alex Jones was on the radio this morning talking to Mancow, and Jones said that the fear was that O would declare martial law (for the swine flu) and use that to put the deathcare bill through.
    CNN, I think that there are many involved in organizing a resistence. We’ve just got to get behind them, and help them network between each other.

  208. I’m listening to Beck on radio now. He just said forces against him to stop exposing plans to fundamentally, radically change America are almost Biblical in nature. He fears his voice will be silenced. I’m listening to his show via live streaming on computer.

  209. In Texas the TEA is getting paranoid about high absences on Tuesday. they are trying to reassure parents they can leave and go to another room…opt out and that they can watch at home with parents,website will be given,etc…also will be on our time during lunch.I called TEA and he said to call individual campus to see if they have made arrangements for those who choose to opt out.I called TEA to make this issue stand out and let them know we are resisting and aware of everything.
    They do not want absences

  210. EVERYONE, including LM,

    Here’s what I posted on LM’s blog this morning.

    When you copy my work, the least you can do is to be consistent with my ethic. That is, teach your readers rather than just flaunt your ‘superior’ albeit new found knowledge. In this instance, you ask your readers rhetorically why the DNC would omit the line as to the nominee’s Constitutional eligibility, in Certifications delivered in every other state but HI. You incorrectly assume, this omission is intentional and, by itself, establishes fraud. Didn’t you know that, HI state law requires the party to say explicitly their nominee is eligible for the job before elections officials will put his name on the ballot? And that the party did not omit the line from every other Certification but, in fact, added the line to the Certification submitted to elections officials in HI, in accordance with state law? Now, go back to my blog and copy the applicable legal cite.

    I work very hard on articles I post on my blog, trying as much as possible to avoid speculation and innuendo by printing facts and not just rumors. What LM posted is doubly offensive to me, since I am the one who initially noted the difference in these Certifications and researched that the reason for such difference could be found in HI law.

  211. rxsid, September 2, 2009 at 4:40 pm… I posted that story and tied it to two other stories and also instructions to see if your PC has stuff from the installed on it here.

  212. Schools lose funding over high absentee rates. I would watch bo’s speech to kids, but don’t want to visit any government websites. Don’t trust them.

  213. I just got this in an email last night. It’s an opportunity to protest for those who can’t get to DC.

    More importantly, it’s focus is on each stop it “will provide an opportunity for candidate training, blogger breakfast meetings, activists training and large scale Liberty Rallies.”

  214. Nancy // September 3, 2009 at 9:33 am

    Over a year, yes, one day, not likely.

  215. oldsalt77, September 2, 2009 at 11:24 pm…Your welcome. We would frequently have family gatherings and someone would sit at the piano and when we sang we always included that Hymn….My Aunt died not too long ago and my mom sang that song at the church for her. Don’t know how my mom got through the song but somehow God held her hand and walked her through it.

    I hope and pray we will get a true conservative in office so we can stop our jobs from going overseas. Bless you and your family and thank you for your service.

  216. Well I like Humor and thought this might break the monotony a little bit, I am not sure if this makes me laugh or cry or both at the same time. So here it is a Video of our Troops helping the Afghan National Army do Jumping Jacks.

    I have to warn you, don’t drink something while watching this it may end up on the screen.

    This is Priceless,

  217. JJ

    Just saying, maybe schools will think twice about participating. They might not want to start out the school year with absentees? Just a thought.

    Gregg Goss: I can’t find a place to choose ‘intermediate certificate’ to check

  218. Trying to silence Beck now is too late. The cat is out of the bag and will only consolidate resistance further. Let them try.

  219. “Barack Hussein Obama is not even unique. He only stands out because he is methodically dismantling the country he was elected to lead—and that country just happens to be the leader of the Free World.

    If America doesn’t work, countless people in other parts of the world, don’t eat. The world has come to rely on America, but now an Agent of Change has been sent by powerful but nameless elitists to complete their long held dreams for a One World Government.

    “Leaders” the world over climbed up to the top of the ladder throwing their competition down in their scramble to the top. Next they banded together with other leaders for an easy life. They work daily eroding human rights and they need to make serfs of their people to maintain their easy lifestyle.

    But not since the days of Hitler and Stalin has one of them stomped over the backs of parents in order to go after their school children.”
    Read more:
    This article calls Obama “Bogeyman Bamster”

  220. bho boo // September 3, 2009 at 6:45 am

    would it be that one of his own had heeded his words…..what irony!!!

  221. *** New Post ***
    Let’s do it!!!

  222. Some guy came to my house from “Project Porchlight” to give me one of those cfl bulbs. On the box it says “Change Within Reach”. Weird. Wonder who’s paying for this? I went to their website. They have a b.o. video on it, although it is not a govt. site. Anyone else get one of these?

  223. I read about Obama’s use of hypnotic speech techniques. Obama needs to be watched, when he gives his speech, to the school children, to determine which techniques he’s using, and what his intentions are.

  224. Nancy, Did you ask him what happens if the bulb get broken? You need to call and ask. If you have children, do not use these bulbs. Also if you have them in the upside down position they do not last very long as the base heats up so they don’t save you anything.

  225. Nancy // September 3, 2009 at 9:42 am

    You are so right!!

    I imagine many calls are already made to check participation in the ‘program’ or voice much disapproval.

  226. Thanks for the link Greg. I just told him, “Oh, that’s one of those poison bulbs”. He said “No, read the paper inside the box”. I should have told him to go break one in his car.

  227. TO:

    Nancy // September 3, 2009 at 9:29 am

    I’m listening to Beck on radio now. He just said forces against him to stop exposing plans to fundamentally, radically change America are almost Biblical in nature. He fears his voice will be silenced. I’m listening to his show via live streaming on computer.

    Thanks BUT it would be nice when posting a comment like this to post a link so other can learn anf listen.
    Thanks for the heads up

  228. Nancy, What does the paper say?

  229. Nancy // September 3, 2009 at 9:42 am

    Gregg Goss: I can’t find a place to choose ‘intermediate certificate’ to checd:

    Internet Options
    Certificates (in middle)
    Intermediate Certificate Authorities…..
    may help, but I still don’t know what I’m looking for….even with this info.

  230. In ref to 8 Sept Obama show and tell lecture. Some teachers are now requesting that the students read a book about him….
    Any suggestions?

  231. JJ, go to my blog and click on the first image…

    The certificate name is right there.

  232. TO:
    Kim // September 3, 2009 at 9:47 am

    “Barack Hussein Obama is not even unique. He only stands out because he is methodically dismantling the country he was elected to lead—and that country just happens to be the leader of the Free World.

    The world will go hungry and Protest if ObaMugabee succeeds adn America Fails.

    This was done before:
    Zimbabwe used to feed most of Africa after Change and Hope they are STARVING.
    History repeats itself, it’s coming to a country under you AMERICA ObaMugabee is hard at work to make America the Zimbabwe of the Americas and soon teh whole world will be starving.

    Stand Up, Wake Up, Speak Up, REVOLD.
    Prayer & Protest in DC on 9/12 the Revolution Continues Organizing and Growing.

  233. Nancy // September 3, 2009 at 10:05 am

    I have these throughout the house…….16 rooms, took me a while and cost a small fortune…tell me what is wrong??


  234. TO:
    hapnHal // September 3, 2009 at 10:34 am

    In ref to 8 Sept Obama show and tell lecture. Some teachers are now requesting that the students read a book about him….
    Any suggestions?

    Larry Sinclair & Barack Obama Sex, Lies, Cocaine & Murder? Would be a great start.
    Counter Balance and reality check.

  235. Re-do:
    So many typos when you are in a hurry and have child to deal with LOL.

    “Stand Up, Wake Up, Speak Up, REVOLD.
    Prayer & Protest in DC on 9/12 the Revolution Continues Organizing and Growing.”
    Should read REVOLT but I know all you smarts Constitutionalist could decipher that. (~_~)

  236. Thanks Gregg Goss…nothing looks like that, but will continue checking, and nice to have bloggers like you keeping us computer illiterate informed. (smiley face)

  237. GG–people with Macs have a different set up than what you indicated for PCs.

  238. JJ Google this “The problem with CFL’s”

  239. twe, you should be able to goto your browser help section and type in “View Certificates”

  240. GG–I found what I need. The procedure is thus:

    Go to where it says Firefox, scroll down to Preferences. That takes you to “Advanced” screen, which comes up with a bar that has index tabs reading “General, Network, Update, Encryption.” Don’t click on any of these.

    In the middle of that page are four buttons. One of those reads “View Certificates.” Click on that. A screen will come up titled “Certificate Manager.”

    Another set of index tabs will come up that says: “Your certificates, People, Servers, Authorities, Others.” Click through those.

    I found my certificates in the tab that says “Authorities.”

    Check through these. To delete anything, click where it says “Security Device.” Then click on “Delete.”

    If you are unsure, click the “View” button at the bottom of the page. It will bring up a screen that also says “Certificate Manager” and two buttons “General” and “Details.” General information is what comes up. If you don’t know what you’re looking at, click on the “Details” button.

    Go to the box that says “Certificate Fields.” Under the line which says “Certificate” there is a line which says “Issuer.” Click on that and it will tell you who the certificate is from.

    Once you have satisfied yourself with that, close that window and will bring you back to the screen that has the certificate and security device on it. If you want to delete it now, just click on the delete button. It will ask you if you’re sure you want to delete it. Click OK and it is gone!

    Hope that helps.

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