ACORN voter fraud, Obama, US House of Representatives report, Voter Registration Fraud, Widespread deceit and corruption, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

U.S. House of Representatives

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise?




A report was prepared for the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, dated July 23, 2009, on ACORN fraud, widespread deceit and corruption. Because the emphasis in recent months has been on the moral degradation and monetary corruption, this article will present exerpts that relate to voter fraud.

“The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has repeatedly
and deliberately engaged in systemic fraud. Both structurally and operationally, ACORN
hides behind a paper wall of nonprofit corporate protections to conceal a criminal
conspiracy on the part of its directors, to launder federal money in order to pursue a
partisan political agenda and to manipulate the American electorate.
Emerging accounts of widespread deceit and corruption raise the need for a criminal
investigation of ACORN. By intentionally blurring the legal distinctions between 361
tax-exempt and non-exempt entities, ACORN diverts taxpayer and tax-exempt monies
into partisan political activities. Since 1994, more than $53 million in federal funds have
been pumped into ACORN, and under the Obama administration, ACORN stands to
receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds.”

“ACORN’s purposeful lack of quality control translates into the employment of convicted
felons and other suspect persons. Through a strategy of providing financial incentives to
employees who meet voter registration quotas, ACORN conducts voter drives that
routinely produce fraudulent registrations. In fact, ACORN’s employment practices have
the intentional effect of encouraging voter registration fraud while linking criminal
culpability to the lowest-level employees rather than the directors who contrive the illegal
To date, nearly 70 ACORN employees have been convicted in 12 states for voter
registration fraud, though no federal charges have been filed against ACORN’s directors.
In fact, Pennsylvania judge Richard Zoller – after holding a low-level ACORN employee
liable for election law violations – noted that “somebody has to go after ACORN.””

“Committee investigators have unearthed documentation that ACORN and its affiliates
conducted meticulous research that fed aggressive campaign initiatives designed to elect
Democratic candidates in targeted races. ACORN forged both formal and informal
connections with former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Ohio Senator Sherrod
Brown and President Barack Obama, among others. Each of these campaigns received
financial and personnel resource contributions from ACORN and its affiliates as part of a
scheme to use taxpayer monies to support a partisan political agenda. These actions are a
clear violation of numerous tax and election laws.
Documents contained in this report reveal ACORN’s political agenda. ACORN’s 2005-
2007 Strategic Plan states that “just as important as . . . mobilizing existing progressive
voters, ACORN and similar groups actually create new progressive voters.” In the same
document, ACORN acknowledges that its “issue campaigns play the dual role . . . of
attracting new members, and educating or politicizing existing members.” One particular
issue where ACORN claims success is “fighting key elements of the national Republican
In other documents, ACORN affiliates take credit for the election of former-Illinois
Governor Rod Blagojevich. In the 2006 year-end report of ACORN affiliate Service
Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880, efforts to elect Blagojevich and
advance partisan political agendas are called “flawless.”
Labor organizations, unions, and other tax-exempt entities stretched Chicago-style
political manipulation and back room schemes beyond Illinois to other state-wide and
national campaign efforts. In the State of Ohio, where ACORN directors drafted a
political plan contained in this report, overt partisan goals are enumerated. The ACORN
Ohio Political Plan states:

ACORN will target three competitive Ohio congressional districts
as well as a half dozen state rep seats nested within the districts.
Our electoral work will mobilize and educate voters [and] our
paid professional canvass will execute tightly managed Voter ID
and GOTV canvasses moving our core constituency of base and
swing voters to the polls to vote for the candidates who most
closely align with a progressive Working Families Agenda.

Moreover, documents provided by former ACORN employees and contained in this
report demonstrate the degree to which ACORN and ACORN affiliates organized to elect
President Barack Obama in 2008.”

Voter Registration Fraud

One-third of the 1.3 million voter registration cards turned in by ACORN in 2008
were invalid.3 ACORN has been investigated for voter registration fraud in Nevada,
Connecticut, Missouri, Ohio and North Carolina.4 ACORN has faced a series of alleged
inadequacies and indictable offenses: In 1998, an Arkansas ACORN employee was
arrested for falsifying voter registration forms.5 In 1999, Philadelphia authorities found
hundreds of fraudulent registration forms by ACORN.6 In October 2008, ACORN’s
Nevada offices were raided by federal agents.7 In May 2009, Nevada officials charged
ACORN, its regional director, and its Las Vegas field director with voter registration
fraud.8 Several days later, seven ACORN employees were charged in Pittsburgh for
voter registration fraud.9
The Wall Street Journal, quoting Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez
Masto, reported “Acorn’s [sic] training manuals ‘clearly detail, condone and . . . require
illegal acts,’ such as requiring its workers to meet strict voter-registration targets to keep
their jobs.”10 Fred Voigt, Philadelphia’s deputy election commissioner, claimed ACORN
“submitted at least 1,500 fraudulent registrations last fall.”11 According to Lake County
Elections Board administrator Ruthann Hoagland, ACORN submitted at least 2,100
fraudulent registrations in Indiana.12 According to the Wall Street Journal, prosecutors
fined ACORN and entered into a deal requiring ACORN to either increase its oversight
or risk criminal prosecution after several Washington state-based ACORN employees
were convicted of voter registration fraud in 2007.13 During the 2008 election, ACORN
was investigated in fourteen other states.14 In June 2009, judge Richard Zoller, after
holding an ACORN employee liable for election law violations, stated, “[s]omebody has
to go after ACORN[.]””

D. Political Activity

“It is undisputed that ACORN engages in politically partisan activity.34

The Wall Street Journal reported ACORN had direct involvement with the Obama campaign.35
According to John Fund of the Journal, Citizens Consulting, Inc., which controls
ACORN’s finances, was paid $832,000 by the Obama campaign for get-out-the-vote
efforts.36 Nonprofits participating in partisan activity are barred from receiving federal
funds, yet ACORN has received $53 million in federal funds since 1994 and could
receive up to $8.5 billion more.”

“This reality is illustrated by recent events. In June 2009, seven ACORN workers
in Pennsylvania were charged with forging 51 signatures and violating election laws in
advance of the 2008 presidential election.58 In May 2009, two ACORN staff members
were prosecuted in Clark County, Nevada for paying bonuses to workers who registered
over 21 individuals per day.59 In July 2008, three ACORN workers were convicted of
voter fraud in Kansas City because they flooded voter registration rolls with over 35,000
false or questionable registration forms.60 In March 2008, an ACORN employee in West
Reading, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and
tampering with records,61 and forging 29 voter registration forms in order to collect a
cash bonus.62 In 2007, three ACORN employees pled guilty, and four more were
charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history.63 In
2007, a man in Reynoldsburg, Ohio was indicated on two felony courts of illegal voting
and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate
counties.64 In 2006, eight ACORN employees in St. Louis, Missouri were indicted on
federal election fraud charges.65 In 2005, two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in
Denver, CO of perjury for submitting false voter registrations.66 In 2004, a grand jury
indicted a Columbus, Ohio ACORN worker for submitting a false signature and false
voter registration form.67 In 1998, a contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was
arrested in Arkansas for falsifying 400 voter registration cards.68 In addition to Nevada,
Missouri, Pennsylvania, Washington, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, and Ohio, there have
been prosecutions against ACORN workers in Connecticut, Texas, Wisconsin, and


“In response to voter registration fraud during the 2004 General Election, the
Special Investigations Unit of the Milwaukee Police Department reported:
[T]wo persons who had entered guilty pleas to misdemeanor
charges of Election Fraud within one year of the November
General Election also were employed as Election Inspectors for
the Election Commission on November 2, 2004. . . . These
reviews lead the Task Force to find that 18 persons were sworn in
as Deputy Registrars in 2004 that were convicted felons and
under Department of Correction supervision. Of the 15 felons
that listed a sponsoring organization, eight named ACORN as
their sponsoring agency.”245
ACORN disregarded the risks of hiring those with criminal records to register
voters. ACORN attorney Brian Mellor, writing to King County, Washington prosecutor
Norm Maleng concerning a voter registration fraud case, wrote “my review of the [voter
registration] applications has led me to decide to refer these three employees to your
office to investigate them for possible voter-registration fraud[.]”246
According to testimony before the House Judiciary Committee:
[ACORN] knew there was a problem with “the quality of the
people they were getting. Some of the people didn’t know how to
use basic office . . . systems, which made it very hard for copying
the registration card and making sure that they were turning in
accurate counts and work ethic issues.”247
On February 24, 2009 Project Vote General Counsel Brian Mellor told a Nevada
state criminal investigator the following concerning bonuses for voter registrations:
In regard to “Blackjack,” MELLOR stated that it was not ACORN
policy to pay performance related bonuses to their staff. MELLOR
stated that back in 2003, ACORN engaged in a voter registration
drive during which they compensated their canvassers through
bonuses linked to the number of voter registration forms collected
by each canvasser. This policy turned out to be a bad policy and
since then, ACORN has not compensated canvassers based on
According to notes produced from former ACORN insider Anita MonCrief, the federallyfunded
Project Vote actively maintained registration quotas and provided monetary
incentives based on registrations:
Standards for canvassers – 20 cards/day – is this a realistic
number? In Cincinnati, canvassers tended to stop at the number
instead of go on; problems with duplicates (voters registering with
ACORN multiple times), Missouri (KC and St. Louis) had lots of
people who did this; saturation leads to duplicates; not because
standard is unrealistic but because not enough people working on
developing new sites; 20 standard can create practical equivalent
of pay-per-card, legal concern . . . .249
A 2004 ACORN voter registration manual stated, “[a]nyone who performs at less than
three voter registrations per hour should not be on the staff [sic].”250
Heather Heidelbaugh testified before the House Judiciary Committee that
ACORN’s voter registration programs lacked on-going training of canvassers251 as well
as other problems such as a practice ACORN encouraged of its canvassers turning in
duplicate registrations.252 Regarding voter registration, Anita MonCrief testified,
“ACORN was more interested in the total number of submitted registrations than the total
number of valid registrations.”253
While ACORN aspires to institute quality control mechanisms for its voting
efforts, these guidelines failed on a regular basis.254 Documents obtained by the
Committee show ACORN authorizing the selection of members charged with voter
registration. Accordingly, ACORN can be held responsible for any fraudulent conduct
having arisen from Project Vote’s registration efforts.255
A nonprofit corporation’s legal protections are disregarded if “its finances are not
kept separate from individual finances . . . the corporation is used to promote fraud or
illegality,” or “corporate formalities are not followed.”256 If just one of these factors is
proven, then the tax-exempt privileges of ACORN and its affiliates are dissolved and
what remains is the absolute uncertainty about ACORN’s having complied with election
and tax laws, among others.257 In a settlement agreement between ACORN and the King
County prosecutor in Seattle, Washington, ACORN acknowledged its liability “as a
corporate entity” for the submission of “fraudulently collected” voter registrations “not
reviewed pursuant to the quality control procedures” and “willfully turning in fraudulent

ACORN And Its Affiliates Violate Their Restrictions as Nonprofits

“According to HCSE, ACORN, a 501(c)(4), has actual control over the decisions of
Project Vote, a 501(c)(3):
Project Vote has on paper a procedure to select regions where
it will do voter registration, but [we] have heard reports in the
past that in practice those decisions may be communicated to
[Project Vote] from ACORN. . . . Project Vote (and PICA, the
other voter registration corporation) needs to really be in charge of
deciding where 501(c)(3) resources will be focused. The [Project
Vote] and PICA Executive Director(s) must be charged with
implementing the procedures (or supervising that work) to set
strategic priorities for the organization without answering to any
other entity or person. These corporations and their chief staff
people must control their own funds; the ED must report only to
her/his own board, unless a formal, legally vetted written
agreement appropriately delegates that authority elsewhere. And
the ED must not be wearing other ‘hats’ that jeopardize her
ability to act solely in the interest of these 501(c)(3)s.275”


ACORN And Its Affiliates Engage In Substantial Lobbying Activities

“However, according to ACORN’s 2005-2007 Strategic Plan, ACORN might be in every
respect a political organization:
But just as important as our organizations’ role in mobilizing
existing progressive voters, ACORN and similar groups actually
create new progressive voters. We reach out to people who are
perhaps apolitical, or whose connection to politics is mediated
through right-wing media, and their experiences in organizations
like ACORN turn them into politically engaged citizens who
cast their votes based on what they learn through their work
with the organization. They join a campaign to increase the
minimum wage, or to win more affordable housing, or to end
predatory financial practices – and they find out which
political leaders are on their side on these issues, and which
ones aren’t. Candidates who purport to stand with low and
moderate income voters by promoting tax cuts and so-called
“family values” are then measured against a different
yardstick – and are caught short when voters realize they are
really standing with the corporate interests. In summary, groups
like ACORN are creating an expanded progressive electorate.316”
“While section 501(c)(4) organizations are permitted to engage in campaign
activity, they are subject to tax if they make an expenditure for a section 527 “exempt
function” defined under the Code as “influencing or attempting to influence the selection,
nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any federal, State, or local
public office or office in a political organization, or the election of Presidential or Vice-
Presidential electors.”317 Both the tax and campaign finance laws are relevant for
determining whether 501(c)(3)s and 501(c)(4)s may engage in campaign activity.318”

“According to the Wall Street Journal, ACORN and its affiliates operate as a
political organization:

Acorn [sic] – made up of several legally distinct groups under that
name – has become an important player in the Democrats’ effort to
win the White House. Its voter mobilization arm is co-managing a
$15.9 million campaign with the group Project Vote to register 1.2
million low-income Hispanics and African-Americans, who are
among those most likely to vote Democratic. Technically
nonpartisan, the effort is one of the largest such voter-registration
drives on record. The organization’s main advocacy group lobbied
hard for passage of the housing bill, which provides nearly $5
billion for affordable housing, financial counseling and mortgage
restructuring for people and neighborhoods affected by the housing
meltdown. A third Acorn [sic] arm, its housing corporation, does a
large share of that work on the ground.331”
“In a November 22, 2006 memorandum, Zach
Polett, ACORN’s political director, stated his organizational plans for Project Vote, a
Develop and promote a Project Youth Vote, as a branded project of
Project Vote/Voting for America, Inc., thus taking advantage of the
fact that Project Vote and its work with ACORN were, by far, the
largest Youth voter registration program in the country in 2004 . . .
Expand Project Vote’s 2005 – 2006 anti-voter suppression work by
raising the funds to enable Project Vote to serve as the national
clearinghouse for voter suppression state legislation (stopping the
bad bills) and begin the work of expanding the franchise by
introducing Voter Bill of Rights legislation in a targeted set of

“Allegations that ACORN has been inappropriately involved in partisan politics
have dogged the nonprofit for years. As far back as 1997, the former House Committee
on Economic and Educational Opportunities identified numerous problems with
ACORN-affiliated entities involving improper participation in partisan political activities.
The Report stated:
Most notable in this regard is . . . the apparent cross-over
funding between ACORN, a political advocacy group and
ACORN Housing Corp. (AHC), a non profit, AmeriCorps
grantee . . . . [I]t was learned that AHC and ACORN shared office
space and equipment and failed to assure that activities and funds
were wholly separate . . . . [I]t was revealed that AmeriCorps
members of AHC raised funds for ACORN, performed voter
registration activities, and gave partisan speeches. In one
instance, an AmeriCorps member was directed by ACORN staff to
assist the White House in preparing a press conference in support
of legislation. AmeriCorps members were also directed to
encourage their clients to lobby on behalf of legislation.369
These problems still exist. Anita MonCrief’s cited testimony before the House Judiciary
Committee suggested that the federally-funded 501(c)(3) Project Vote and the politically
partisan, active lobbyer ACORN were practically inseparable. She testified:
Project Vote is basically considered ACORN political operations.”
Ms. MonCrief testified: [page 44, line 1-25] “There was active
cooperation between ACORN’s political wing and Project
Vote…[They] basically had the same staff. Nathan Henderson
James was the strategic writing and research department…director
of ACORN and he was the research director of Project Vote. Zach
[Polett] was the executive director of Project Vote and the
executive director of ACORN political. All of the organizations
and the entities worked together. We shared the same space.”
Further, Ms. MonCrief testified: “…there’s no real separation
between the organizations for real. So when you have the same
people that are working, that are—like, I was getting paid through
Project Vote’s checkbook, but I was working on ACORN stuff. I
even did PowerPoints during the midterm elections for Jeffrey
Robinson where they were like, okay, don’t vote for Albert Win
[sic] (ph) or vote for this person. And they had doorknob – door
hangers that they would go and put on people’s doors, and we
turned this into a PowerPoint presentation. So there was never any
division between the staff where you would say, okay, this is (2)(3)
stuff and this (c)(4) stuff. It was just—I don’t want to say business
as usual, but it was a lot of collaboration between the
organizations.” [page 89, lines 21-25, page 90 1-25, page 91, lines
More factually, former Oklahoma Congresswoman Cleta Mitchell was concerned about
ACORN violating the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971:
A not-for-profit corporation is treated no differently from a forprofit
corporation for purposes of the federal campaign finance
laws, which absolutely prohibit corporate contributions to
campaigns of federal candidates and / or corporate expenditures to
support or oppose a federal candidate. The FECA further prohibit
expenditures by non-profit corporations such as ACORN and
Project Vote which are made in coordination with, at the request,
behest, suggestion or with the material involvement of a federal
campaign (such as the Obama presidential campaign). The
solicitation of funds by an organization for purposes of engaging in
partisan campaign activities or to support or assist a federal
campaign and/or candidate convert the organization into a Section
527 political organization and further [instantiate] a federal
political committee required to register with the Federal Election
Commission (“FEC”). Contributions to such an organization are
limited to $5,000 per calendar year and may not be received /
accepted from corporations. Further, expenditures made by an
organization in coordination with a candidate or political
committee are considered contributions to that committee and are
subject to the $5,000 per election limit.371”

“An internal document shows ACORN Political Director Zach Polett controlling the
activities of ACORN, Communities Voting Together (“CVT”) and Citizens Services Inc.
Story for Election Day will be makeup of the House. Places where
voter mob can be a factor in these races is where we should think
pushing a strong program.”

Read the entire report:

168 responses to “ACORN voter fraud, Obama, US House of Representatives report, Voter Registration Fraud, Widespread deceit and corruption, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

  1. Good Morning everyone…..first on the new post!!

    Un-elect Harry Reid!!

  2. Have you all heard about this…..Gore is getting our money!!! WTH!!!!


    Gore-Backed Automaker Secures $529M Taxpayer Loan
    The federal government has loaned $529 million to Fisker Automotive Inc., a small car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000, the Wall Street Journal reported.

  3. This ACORN fraud is going to take out half of CONgrass if exposed properly.

    That’s why I believe it will never see light of day in its purest form. CONgrass simply won’t allow themselves to get exposed.

    Pray I’m wrong and some modern day Eliot Ness comes around the corner with his new “Untouchables” to clean out the trash.

  4. CW,

    A very well researched and thorough account of ACORN. As in all matters detail is what counts. Great job.

  5. Here is the Gore article at the Wall Street Journal….this should make your blood boil this morning as if we didn’t have enough to get our blood boiling!!!

  6. Thanks CW, great job.

  7. Jacqlyn Smith,

    Gore’s getting cash, but the Fisker designs are incredible and the companies are based in the U.S. I do agree this is a waste of money because only the rich will be able to afford these things.

    However, it won’t matter anyway because Ford’s Ecoboost program is going to put the kaibosh on any electric car program for the next 20 years or so. Just wait until they combine ecoboost with their stellar hybrid configurations. The Japanese will be having one hell of a time playing catchup.

  8. Val – I think we have to make Rev. Manning be our BIRTHERS spokesperson. He has the fire that will make people follow. God Bless him.

    PS- Play the tape again every 3 or 4 hours.

    PPS – Here is the tape sent by Val on previous comments. It is too important not to see or hear.



    The Fed will continue to print money and high inflation will follow. Only few believe that a deflationary period will happen.

  11. You want to hear something really frightening….the Fraud in our house only talked to McChrystal once in 70 days….scary if you have family fighting over there….the story is found at…..


    McChrystal talked to Obama once

    By Amanda Carpenter


    The military general credited for capturing Saddam Hussein and killing the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq says he has only spoken to President Obama once since taking command of Afghanistan.

    “I’ve talked to the president, since I’ve been here, once on a VTC [video teleconferece],” General Stanley McChrystal told CBS reporter David Martin in a television interview that aired Sunday.

    “You’ve talked to him once in 70 days?” Mr. Martin followed up.

    “That is correct,” the general replied.

    This revelation comes amid the explosive publication of an classified report written by the general that said the war in Afghanistan “will likely result in failure” of more troops are not added next year. Yet, the debate over health care reform continues to dominate Washington’s political discussions.

    Former U.S. Ambassador for the United Nations John Bolton said this was indicative of President Obama’s misplaced priorities.

    • Iran conducts third round of missile tests
    • Gates: Afghan exit timeline ‘a mistake’
    • Obama will make Olympic bid in Denmark

    “I think it’s very clear, and has been during last year’s campaign and in the eight months the president has been in office that he just doesn’t regard foreign policy and national security as important as domestic issues, like reforming the health care system,” Mr. Bolton told the hosts of the Washington Times’ American Morning News Monday morning.

    He went on, “If you think there are no threats then it’s not illogical to pay no attention to the rest of the world. The problem is in his [Obama’s] basic reading of the international environment where we do continue to face massive threats for international terrorists and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, among others.”

  12. #

    JeffM // September 28, 2009 at 10:54 am

    Jacqlyn Smith,

    Gore’s getting cash, but the Fisker designs are incredible and the companies are based in the U.S. I do agree this is a waste of money because only the rich will be able to afford these things.

    However, it won’t matter anyway because Ford’s Ecoboost program is going to put the kaibosh on any electric car program for the next 20 years or so. Just wait until they combine ecoboost with their stellar hybrid configurations. The Japanese will be having one hell of a time playing catchup.

    I think everyone should start buying FORD…aren’t they the only major car company that didn’t take tax payer money??? Somehow this Gore thing really bothers me as other companies who wanted loans were turned down….also the money is going to Finland to develop the car….not here….it will eventually come here but not this initial money….very troublesome to say the least!

  13. Morning Val, Ms. Helga, and All,

    Wow, that was *the* most powerful speech I’ve heard from Rev. Manning.

    I understand he has a huge following; let’s hope that people are starting to listen.

    Thanks for the re-post!

    General Stanley McChrystal interview and the man who is following Madoff money both very interesting.

  15. Jacqlyn Smith,

    Yes, Ford told the government: “STICK IT IN YOUR EAR!”

    They are doing better than expected, and we all need to support them as they are going in the right direction, unlike all the other car companies out there. 90% of all the Ford lines are expected to carry Ecoboost powertrains by 2012. Pretty impressive. Small efficient lightweight engines pumping out great power and mileage which is going to raise the MPG across the board by at least 25%.

    Is Toyota doing this? Nissan? Honda? I didn’t think so. They’re too busy counting their money to care.

  16. Truth Exists (Paulajal)

    CW, you would make a gifted prosecutor! Great job as always.

  17. #

    JeffM // September 28, 2009 at 11:35 am

    Jacqlyn Smith,

    Yes, Ford told the government: “STICK IT IN YOUR EAR!”

    They are doing better than expected, and we all need to support them as they are going in the right direction, unlike all the other car companies out there. 90% of all the Ford lines are expected to carry Ecoboost powertrains by 2012. Pretty impressive. Small efficient lightweight engines pumping out great power and mileage which is going to raise the MPG across the board by at least 25%.

    Is Toyota doing this? Nissan? Honda? I didn’t think so. They’re too busy counting their money to care.

    OK….FORD it is!!!!

  18. CW,

    What are your thoughts on probability of getting ACORN shut down in the next year?

  19. Jeff M-Jacqlyn Smith- CBS news had a little piece on re: Ford-it was very interesting. Mr. Ford started making hard decisions 3 years ago, closing plants, re-organizing, etc. He felt that the company was too big for him, so he brought in a man who is an expert at reorganizing companies. No Federal bail-out money, they did borrow but from normal channels, they figure they should be able to repay in 2 years. Lot of very interesting vehicles coming out. What is working I think in Ford’s favor other than a good product is people are so pissed off they are going to Ford in droves, solidarity. Ford Motor Company buy a vehicle and protest the government?

  20. JeffM-I am not really a car person, put key in start/stop for me they are strictly utilitarian, but that’s just me. The one I really liked is the one you can plug in at home. This will create a lot more industries also, plug in here, plug in there, plug in everywhere. I read somewhere the state of Israel is going with total electric cars, and is doing infrastructure work now so that they have a grid throughout Israel, when we are ready we can learn from them. Let’s kidnap BeBe, he’s so smart, he can fix Obama’s idiocy in maybe a week. I know Israel needs him, but why do we get the idiot.

  21. This is a riot….go to…..

    watch the SNL video of Moammar…..funny stuff…I didn’t realize the real interpreter collapsed when this idiot gave his real speech….FUNNY!! LOL!

    It’s Moammar Monday

    One of the regular commenters here suggested that we start the week with Moammar Qaddafi’s introduction to Saturday Night Live. (No, it wasn’t really him, but given NBC’s love for political figures who hate America, it wouldn’t have surprised me.) A good idea, because Monday mornings should start off with something a little light-hearted.

    And if you got a chuckle out of Qaddafi, even funnier is that during the Libyan leader’s rambling, six-day-long speech at the United Nations last week, his interpreter said the Arabic equivalent of “Oy! I can’t take it anymore” and collapsed. And, unlike the SNL sketch, that was for real.

  22. Michelle,

    That’s part of it. But people are liking the new vehicles. Let’s take the AlGore approach and see how well things work.

    Gee, I can get a miniature fugly Toyota Prius that gets 48 MPG for $28K, or I can get an incredible Fusion that gets 41 MPG for $28K.

    This is tough. Which one should I choos? I’d have to be a monkey not to pick the Fusion.

  23. #

    Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 11:51 am

    Jeff M-Jacqlyn Smith- CBS news had a little piece on re: Ford-it was very interesting. Mr. Ford started making hard decisions 3 years ago, closing plants, re-organizing, etc. He felt that the company was too big for him, so he brought in a man who is an expert at reorganizing companies. No Federal bail-out money, they did borrow but from normal channels, they figure they should be able to repay in 2 years. Lot of very interesting vehicles coming out. What is working I think in Ford’s favor other than a good product is people are so pissed off they are going to Ford in droves, solidarity. Ford Motor Company buy a vehicle and protest the government?

    Michelle….from what you wrote here it sounds like Mr. Ford had some good idea as to what to do to bring his company back to prosperity….I say tell everyone to buy Ford….the others are run by the Unions….that is why they needed the bail outs!

  24. I’m not sure the link works…let’s see!

    World leaders know that Obama’s eligibility is in question and will not work with him unless they are taking advantage of the situation. Here’s an example:

  25. cw,

    When I said yesterday that I loved your Constitutional Hall of Shame, what I was referencing was the pivotal role the statements made by these people about APFC, is playing in the solution I crafted to this mess, now leading up to the inevitable Articles of Impeachment. That is, if state A’sG find election fraud based on the complaints I specifically crafted to include Congressional reliance on public assurances by APFC, BO is for real, this means, APFC is not for real. And there was no basis for members of Congress who ratified the EC vote based on assurances from APFC that BO was okay, to accept that EC vote. Please read “THE END GAME.”

    P.S. Everyone, we still need people to file complaints in SC – 0; and HI – 1. We have over 30 in TX – go, TX!; 5 in GA; and 6 in VA. (GA and VA complaints name NP as the perpetrator of election fraud.)

  26. Well, this is certainly not the lowest they’ve been, but it definitely close:

    Just 16% of U.S. voters give Congress good or excellent ratings now that it’s back in action after a rough-and-tumble August recess, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

    Nice. When will we kick them out for good? After all 2010 is just a burp on the highway to getting approval numbers up. Don’t count on 2010 people. Nothing will change without massive impeachments and recalls across the board.

  27. JeffM-I would go with the Fusion too, except I would wait a couple of years and buy it “used”. I had much better luck with used cars than new.
    I’m not really a car person, so I go with reliable, but I know guys prefer flashy and those jet pilot control panels, for me on that less is better. I prefer manual roll down windows than electric, I’m much faster, plus here in Florida, many people God knows why drive into canals and drown because they can’t get out of the vehicle. They need to carry a metal device to break the window just in case.

  28. ‘Safe school czar’ encouraged child sex with an older man

  29. Jacqlyn Smith-you just reminded me. One of the things Mr. Ford said was they had to get labor down to $50.00 per hour to be in line with competitors, he is an interesting guy backed up with really good people. I think he said no paycheck for him, until company is back on track, (I think he can afford it). I think Iacocca did the same thing in the Chrysler rescue, so after they paid back the government Iacocca took his pay in stock, when the company recovered that worked out well for him. Excellent book by the way. It could be a manual for everyone trying to rescue a company. Short term sacrifices can lead to long term recovery but remember the lessons from when you were lean.

  30. P.S. Everyone, we still need people to file complaints in SC – 0; and HI – 1. We have over 30 in TX – go, TX!; 5 in GA; and 6 in VA. (GA and VA complaints name NP as the perpetrator of election fraud.
    I wish I knew people in SC or HI….sorry!!

  31. Andrea Shea King
    Monday, September 28, 2009
    Fellow blogger Steve Schippert emailed a request: “Where has Obama traveled to in the past 70 days? How many nationally televised speeches and pressers on Health Care? How many union-stocked rallies has he traveled to and spoken at?”
    Steve is prompted by last night’s revelation on 60 Minutes that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top commander executing Obama’s strategy (whatever the hell that is at any given moment) in Afghanistan has spoke to his commander in chief only once!
    Good questions, given there’s a war being fought (two of them actually) while The Usurper is otherwise busily engaged rubbing elbows with dictators, late night TV talk show hosts, pushing a domestic “health care” policy that no one wants, and jetting off yet again, this time to Copenhagen to lobby on behalf of his political base — Chicago — to host the Olympics
    So, I clicked to the White House site to find a link to the President’s schedule.
    (Insert here the sound of tires screeching as I hit mental brakes.)
    I didn’t get any further than the home page, where I was greeted by the above. I don’t know about you, but the photo of The One dominating the top of the page curdled my coffee. Does he get any more smug?
    If you haven’t been to the White House website lately, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise. Among today’s features — see “a glimpse of Pittsburgh” through Michelle MaBelle’s eyes during a fun sightseeing tour while hubby hobnobbed with Amadinnerjacket and the boys.
    Or listen to The Messiah’s weekly address on the “progress with the G-20” recorded “literally on his way back from the G-20 Summit…” Not a moment to spare in the work day of this Marxist who’s busting butt effecting change.
    And if you’ve “got four minutes?” Well, you can “watch a quick video that sums up the President’s plan to provide security and stability to those who have insurance and coverage for those who don’t.” Words. Just words.
    Bizzaro world.
    It’s not the people’s House anymore. It is the Emperor’s staging ground for a Marxist takeover of America. It’s all about Him, all the time, everywhere.
    Good luck, Steve. There’s nothing on the White House site that I could find that tells what the Kenyan’s schedule has been. Like the strutting peacock he is, his colorful tail feathers cover his tracks.
    Ooops. Was that raaaaaacist?

  32. Go here to listen to Rush right now….he is talking about the Fraud and foreign policy or lack there of….found at….

  33. naturalborncitizen Says:

    September 28, 2009 at 11:41 am

    I want as much focus on this blog as possible when I publish Part 3 of the TerriK Investigation Report, subtitled:


    Not only has Obama waived privacy interests, the state waived them as well. More important is the fact that state law governs that no privacy interest exception applies when the information requested is required to be released under the UIPA at 92F-12.

    The only question is whether Hawaii will obey its own laws.

    I will publish this report late tonight or early tomorrow morning.

    This comment was issued by Leo C. Donofrio on September 27, 2009 at 12:41PM ET

    Please repost far and wide.

  34. Venice,

    unbeknownst to me, there is a website for the book I wrote about yesterday, complete with an interesting forum. There are also a couple of excerpts from the book up on the site as well – right hand column.

    Here’s the link:

    The book details how the foreign bankers have systematically destroyed the economies of many countries throughout history, and enslaved the peoples through loans that can never be repaid. Hence the title – Web of Debt. Stipulations of harsh repayment agreements is yet another avenue that brings about additional hardships for these countries to the detriment of their ability to regain economic stability.

    One example that comes to mind is Haiti, a land rich with the agricultural means to sustain itself, was forced to import their produce from the U.S. further increasing the hardship of loan repayment. Farmland lay dormant by force of the bankers. Another very sad example happened recently in India. One of the agreements for loan repayment forced the farmers (cotton) to abandon heirloom seeds in favor of Monsanto GMO seeds. If you aren’t familiar with these seeds, they are a one shot crop of genetically altered seeds that respond only to Monsanto products. Farmers, by contract, are not allowed to collect any seeds for replanting, thus shelling out money for new seeds each season. Many farmers have committed suicide as a result of problems with this. There are also major health issues associated with these crops. In other instances countries were being pushed into war with foreign bankers funding both sides of the war. Look at us. We’ve have had several wars back to back now…all on borrowed money from the foreign bankers. Looks like another one coming.

    It’s critical to note in 1993 the foreign bankers (with Wall Street as their ally) began moving assets from London to the Cayman Islands, adopting a mutual funds law that would enable them to amass even more wealth in a deregulated environment. She writes that as of 2006, the Cayman Island hedge funds accounted for four-fifths of the world total. These hedge funds led to a frenzied wave of mergers/acquisitions that led to hundreds of thousands of workers being laid off.

    Add to this, the trillions in bailout monies Obama handed over to these bankers that went directly to the Cayman Island banks. Looks like he’ll be doubling dipping – since it’s being reported that AIG and others need another infusion of funds. Meanwhile, nothing, zero, zip for the people losing their jobs, homes, pensions & now our sovereignty.

    Knowing the control the foreign bankers wield globally I have to agree with the author that the real terrorists are the foreign bankers – financial/economic terrorists. I say forget Afghanistan and head to the Cayman Islands.

    I realize removing Obama and replacing Congress is a step in the right direction, but much, much more is needed. That’s why I believe getting behind Ron Paul to end the Fed was so critical. This is why he tends to ignore the B.C. issue. He’s not going after the puppet, he’s going after his handlers. We HAVE to cut the cord with these bankers. Another reason why Ron Paul has also written at length about our foreign policy issues. They continue to enslave us with war debt.

    Have a nice day.

  35. Just a little more future car information.

    Take a look at the Revenge Motors 2010 Verde. 110 MPGe. That’s E85.

    I have been following this company with great interest. Ethanol is one small piece of the puzzle to help loosen the vice grip the Middle East has on America.

    And again 110 MPGe is a game changer.

    110mpg >48 mpg Prius>41 mpg Fusion

    We are going to need a lot of game changers to get us out of this economic malaise.

    I believe the engine can be bought and modified to other existing cars. The engine is the key. A V-8 HP2G.

    JeffM- I’d have to be a monkey not to pick the ________.?

    I love the tag line. Revenge is sweet!

  36. Observer-I have a question:
    “The only question is whether Hawaii will obey its own laws.”
    Is there a legal remedy for a state that will not obey it’s own laws, or a country United States of America who does not obey it’s own laws ie. the Constitution?
    Could there be precedent in any of the Nixon legal motions?

  37. jbjd and all. Did anyone get “Kalani’s” email when she was commenting here a couple of months ago? I believe she is in Hawaii and was very well versed on Obama’s past and certainly not a friend of BHO.

  38. Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    Andrea Shea King
    Monday, September 28, 2009


    I just sent this out to all of my contacts…..everyone needs to be aware that we are in for a rude awakening by our enemies if this FRAUD is not removed sooner rather than later!

  39. Important!

    This is from Leo’s blog and please make it viral. He’s saying post this far and wide. See below:


    I want as much focus on this blog as possible when I publish Part 3 of the TerriK Investigation Report, subtitled:


    Not only has Obama waived privacy interests, the state waived them as well. More important is the fact that state law governs that no privacy interest exception applies when the information requested is required to be released under the UIPA at 92F-12.

    The only question is whether Hawaii will obey its own laws.

    I will publish this report late tonight or early tomorrow morning.

    This comment was issued by Leo C. Donofrio on September 27, 2009 at 12:41PM ET “

  40. I won’t get into a long history of the company I work for but back in the 70’s the workers voted in a union. A union I became a part of in the late 70’s. Because of the union I could not move into management, I wanted to be an engineer, so I left the company. About 8 years later they had experienced some changes and I was asked to return. I moved up the ladder. I am now third in line from the President. In 2000 we had experienced some tough times and had about half the shop, about 50 men, out on workers comp…..anyway we lost three key arbitration’s.

    The president decided he would move the company. At the time our burdened rate, the actual cost per hour per worker person was $49.00. We moved our operation to Ontario, new burden rate per worker, $22.00. You make the call.

  41. jbjd- Logistics Monster is from HI.

  42. jc-many engineers have been working on all these solutions for energy-highest use. One of my favorites is “swamp muck”, switch grass, etc. Everyone except the government is thinking outside the box. Many of these start-ups are very young-think Xerox, Google, once small now well you know. As the scientists start, their next push is to push the solution to its limits-innovation and more innovation.
    Sometimes they take a look at old solutions and make them new again. See
    Straw Bale houses these are on the reservation, so they are very simple, if you want fancy there are many other straw bale houses available. They are super enery efficient-walls a foot think, and can withstand hurricane force winds.

  43. Michigan-Patriot

    This video is worth watching again even if you have already seen it. //M-P

  44. Greg Goss-I had the same experience at the same time 80’s. What was terrible is our Union people were happy with their wages-they were well paid for a low skill job, although physically demanding but not overly so. In essence the leader of the Union, did battle with the leader of the company. The rank and file were not consulted at all. The solution again was move to another state. The people would have been happy to get as far away from the Union as they could, paying dues to lose a job-that makes sense.

  45. Ms Helga @ 10:56 Thanks for posting the Rev Manning video. A really good one.

  46. Greg Goss is this the Kalani that you are seeking?
    Kalani says:
    February 28, 2009 at 6:29 amThe whole situation reeks. Richard Wolfe is an unabashed Obama fan — so when he ran that report of the break-in in March 2008, it was because his idol Obama had been attacked — and who gave a rats that Clinton and McCain’s files were accessed too. As a reporter, he doesn’t pick up — or intentionally has a blank — that the two contract employees who were fired could NOT be interviewed making any investigation IMPOSSIBLE. Then when the Obama intelligence advisor, Brennan, was revealed to have been the CEO of the company that had the contract for the passport agency, Richard Wolfe was silent — oh, maybe a small comment that was forgotten immediately as it was Newsmax that was making the expose.
    As to the passport issue and Pakistan, the Pakistan trip is a red herring. There was no travel ban — only a travel warning because of the riots going on IN THE REGION THAT OBAMA VISITED. The real track is the possibility of an INDONESIAN passport obtained in 1970 when he made a trip alone to Hawaii for an interview for Punahou school in Autumn 1970. He then entered the fifth grade on a “scholarship” even though he had only attended kindergarten at Noelani School in 1967. This leads to questions of foreign scholarship. BTW no one has found the “boss” of Stanley Dunham who allegedly “pulled strings” to get Obama into Punahou. It is more likely that Madelyn Dunham now a VP at the Bank of Hawaii pulled the strings for her INDONESIAN grandson to get him entered as a foreign student. THE INDONESIAN PASSPORT IS THE KEY — POSSIBLY RENEWED IN 1975, 1980, 1985 AND 1990 WHILE HE WAS ON A STUDENT VISA AS BARRY SOETORO. Sadly again no proof — Indonesian government promised to open any files on Barry Soetoro after the 4 Nov 2008 elections, but when Obama won, they understandably sealed the records indefinitely. State Department and INS records have been subpoena’d by Orly Taitz (Keyes v. Bowen), but that may take time because of the legal wrangles.
    IF OBAMA HAD NO US PASSPORT PRIOR TO 2003, IT IS A GOTCHA… He made trips to Bali in 1993 as well as Kenya. This would cement the proof that he still retained Indonesian citizenship as Barry Soetoro — with an Indonesian passport. That is why the breakin at the State Department passport agency is so important — and why the lack of any investigation by the Obama administration is VERY significant.
    This is why Richard Wolfe thinks that people like me and thousands of others are insane. All hail the Messiah…thou shalt not say bad things about him…

  47. Michelle,
    You are missing the point. The engine is complete. Revenge Motors is moving into production. EPA testing has passed (50% lower than current and 2016 standards). The 110 MPGe is proven already.

    I also follow biofuels. You are right, lots of promise, but years or decades out for any production. Not a game changer yet.

    Revenge Motors is coming soon to a neighborhood close to you. Ethanol is available today. Both are American made and I always like that.

  48. jc-Niche car company Revenge Designs has unveiled the Revenge GTM-R Super Car here at the 2009 Detroit Auto Show. It’s a 505 HP mid-engine offering and the first complete car from Revenge. I remember reading about this car months ago. As it gets into production etc. $145 G’s is little out of my price range, but I’m sure they will get it down.

  49. Sue K-for you and your expertise and/or your buddies. What do you make of this? or are you used to it.
    Andrea Shea King
    Jihad Watch
    More from the threatener: “tell you fool followers you are going to be deceased very soon” – More just in from this guy, apparently with something that masks his IP, as this time he writes from, which traces to Tampa. If anyone can pro…
    39 minutes ago

  50. Michelle, Yes that is the Kalani I am seeking. Kalani hit the comment scene for a short time but made a huge impact here and at other sites like TROSOL. I exchanged some banter with Kalani and was rewarded with some great information that led to me more searches and more info. It would be great if, I believe Kalani is IN HI, Kalani could file the HI fraud complaint by jbjd

  51. You Decide

    Should Obama Lobby for the Olympics?

    Should the president take on this role?

  52. Like AlGore’s global warming and Clownboy in Chief’s™ Cap ‘N Trade nonsense, niche cars that don’t blaze the mainstream trail contain them to the niche market they serve.

    Just like communism, perpetual energy, and Amway, everything looks good statistically and theoretically, but in practice they’re a disaster, doomed to failure.

    Remember, we don’t need electric cars yet, and considering the price of energy lately, it’ll be much cheaper to drill our own oil or consume coal for our vehicles and not be stranded out in Kansas looking for an outlet next to the dairy farm off I-70.

    That’s why Ford is doing it right. Get everything more efficient across the board. There’s where we’ll see conservation.

  53. Civis Naturaliter Natus

    JeffM // September 28, 2009 at 9:52 am

    CNN Said:

    “the judge who is sitting on the Kerchner case admired a SDS connected prof and was a early Naider’s Raider…”

    Well then, someone needs to kindly remind Simandle that his role model Mr. Nader is THE WINNER of the 2008 Presidential Election.

    That’s an excellent point, why not run it over to Apuzzo’s blog…

  54. CNN,

    I would love to but I can never get this blasted WordPress OpenID account to work right.

  55. Here are the results of Should Obama go to Denmark

    Thank you, we have already counted your vote.

    Yes, the Olympics are the world’s premier sporting event and our president should help bring them here. 9% (2,272 votes)

    Yes, but I just think sending his wife and a senior adviser would also be okay. 6% (1,489 votes)

    No. With Iran, Afghanistan, health care and the economy already on his plate, he doesn’t need to get involved in Chicago’s Olympics bid. 85% (22,312 votes)

  56. Yes, Ford told the government: “STICK IT IN YOUR EAR!”

    I was emailed a Ford ad..son home from serving…dad takes him to sit in his old 64/65 mustang just talking and asks if he wants to go for a spin….opens the garage door…….new Mustang in there for soldier son…..yes, it brought tears..message at end……Ford is proud of its military and their sacrifice, etc…

    I have a Mazda Tribute, made by Ford…….one of the best cars I’ve ever owned.

  57. cq,

    What amazes me about the test question is how many people submitted the WRONG answer.

    Let’s post that question on

  58. Ms. Helga @ 10:56,

    Thanks for the repost. I agree…. that is a very powerful video and I believe that it wold make a huge impact on all the racial comments. Of course ‘they’ will then refer to Pastor Manning as an Uncle Tom or the new term … ‘The house N…’

    I sent an email to Beck with the video linked. Hopefully someone will pay attention.

    I’m just suggesting that Beck, or someone, have Manning and Keyes on. No Q & A’s needed … just let them give their take on all the racial accusations.

    Manning has accused O’Really? and Hannity of filling up their chairs with white blonde women …. so have on a couple of black men. There – fair & balanced!

  59. Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    Hi Michelle,

    I can field this one solo (have been reading/listening to this garbage for a loooong time).

    Ahhh, threats, threats, and more threats. Chatter. Intimidation. Pure trash. Nothing credible here.

    Some of these guys want you to think they belong to a ‘network’ when in reality, they’re just talking out of their butts.

    If this guy was part of an organized network, #1, he’d be monitored closely (there is a definite line between credible chatter and lame mutterings), and #2, he wouldn’t be spewing crap over the internet; their m.o. is secrecy.

    If you ask me, the ‘threatener’ can and should be dismissed…

  60. JS,

    I know, huh.

    GG and m,

    Can you get a hold of this Hawaiian?


    LM refuses to file the complaint. I sent this to her as a gift, twice; she failed to acknowledge either correspondence. (Plus, I complained to her about CFP and Douglas Hagmann, which she advertises on her blog. She said she investigated them and has no problem with them. Then, she posted nasty things about me. I warned her JB Williams had stolen my work and was plagiarizing this as his own; she turned around and re-posted his entire article, here on this blog.) So, so far, only one HI complaint has been filed.

  61. Liz Cheney …. the new voice of the GOP …hhmmmm?

  62. Michelle,
    BeBe might even be a natural born citizen.

  63. Orly’s BBC interview to be aired this week. I did not notice an exact date or time …

  64. The president decided he would move the company. At the time our burdened rate, the actual cost per hour per worker person was $49.00. We moved our operation to Ontario, new burden rate per worker, $22.00. You make the call.

    And America is too stupid to see that along with the government regulations, unions are driving companies to other countries??

    Am I wrong here??
    Between the govt, unions, and lawyers some companies had no choice.

  65. #

    Val // September 28, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Liz Cheney …. the new voice of the GOP …hhmmmm?


    I have listened to Liz C hold her own against the likes of Paul Begala and the other big mouth Liberal….Carville…the guy whose wife is a conservative…anyway….I kind of like her….she seems to be conservative in her views a far as I have seen!

  66. CW,
    Great post.
    It’s good to know someone in Congress is willing to investigate ACORN.

    Please everyone,
    Encourage your Representatives to support

    Taxpayer Protection and Anti-Fraud Act of 2009

    To prohibit the Department of Housing and Urban Development from providing any assistance to any organization that has been indicted for a violation under Federal or State law relating to an election for Federal or State office.


    Put pressure on Barney Frank and the Financial Services Committee to move forward on HR 2715

  67. Ethanol is available today. Both are American made and I always like that.

    I thought ethanol was proven to not be cost-efficient in that it took more effort to make the fuel than using alternatives and also the food (corn) factor bothered many nations due to the famine factor??

    Isn’t ethanol made with corn??

  68. don’t know if this has already been posted here; forgive the re-do, and just skip it…
    Newt’s movie trailer:

  69. I think there could just be continuous ‘re-dos’ of Rev. Manning videos…any everyone else can take a really long break…with a break every once in awhile for a new CDub post.

  70. ‘and everyone else’…(and I wouldn’t have to re-do the typos…hehe

  71. Ron Paul: The Real Reasons Behind Federal Reserve Secrecy.

  72. jc-Niche car company Revenge Designs has unveiled the Revenge GTM-R Super Car here at the 2009 Detroit Auto Show. It’s a 505 HP mid-engine offering and the first complete car from Revenge. I remember reading about this car months ago. As it gets into production etc. $145 G’s is little out of my price range, but I’m sure they will get it down.
    Michelle- you googled and pulled up the first article on Revenge Motors. This is not the car. The Revenge GTM-R Super Car is not a game changer. Pretty and expensive but not the car I was referring to.

    Take a look at the HP2g engine. This engine will be available to purchase and put in your current vehicle. This is the engine they will put in their first green car, the Verde. Doug Palmear (former Ford employee) stated in one of his interviews he expects the engine to be available for $4,000- $15,000 dollars. The first car they will put into production will be the Verde. I have yet to see a sticker price announced.

    You can view the Verde press release news at:

    There are also youtube videos and news videos you can link from these websites.

    Pelmear won the SEMA08 greenzone award.

  73. Sorry the correct link for the engine is

  74. 2j2 // September 28, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    Ethanol is available today. Both are American made and I always like that.

    I thought ethanol was proven to not be cost-efficient in that it took more effort to make the fuel than using alternatives and also the food (corn) factor bothered many nations due to the famine factor??

    Isn’t ethanol made with corn??

    I think you are right JJ….I heard the same thing. It is not cost efficient!

  75. TO:

    Jacqlyn Smith // September 28, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    P.S. Everyone, we still need people to file complaints in SC – 0; and HI – 1. We have over 30 in TX – go, TX!; 5 in GA; and 6 in VA. (GA and VA complaints name NP as the perpetrator of election fraud.
    I wish I knew people in SC or HI….sorry!!
    You DO know someone in Hawaii 🙂
    I have filed and am currently hounding others to follow. Some are worried about being put on some “no-fly” list (?) although unlikely, it would pose as an inconvenience (to say the least) being stuck on an island in the middle of the Pacific. Anyway, those are the concerns I’ve run into, legit or not. I won’t give up.

  76. JustMe,

    Thankyou for that rounded out summary.

    It doesn’t surprise me because the essence of humanity has changed in millenia. What has changed however, through technology, science, medicine, and telecommunications are the endless creative ways we can sublimate our baser needs.

    We also have creative ways to control them but we are always it seems playing catchup. How about what this blog and others about as a case in point.

    I will take a look at your link. I hope everyone had a good look at your post as it is very informative.

  77. “hasn’t changed”, ha! great slip.

  78. Ethanol gas ruins boat and small engines, the industry knows this. NEVER leave Ethanol sit in lawnmower, weed eater, chain saw, boat tank, etc. It will gum up the engine requiring replacement of filters, hoses, etc. The only reason our cars are safe is due to the fuel injection system. Before introducing Ethanol into Brazil ALL manufactures made modifications to small engines to alleviate the problem. The U.S. chose NOT to modify engines OR alert the public.

  79. Sue K
    something really stupid I thought of while I was out weeding, super hot here in Florida today, getting ready to storm big time, hope Carmen and Georgia ok.
    If there is a federal national data base of ex-cons, did anyone think of checking there. Obama has most of the criteria of an ex-con???, hence the made up stories, and potential embarrassment- the DNC really would look like total idiots. The numerous social security numbers, some scam run from prison, I wonder if he was a drug dealer? international? Possible?
    If someone came across records and they were “sealed” that in itself would tell you everything.

  80. also should be “millennia”. My fingers never seem to catch up.

  81. cq-I got it right, but I wanted to go with A. I’m not a docile, conformist.

  82. TWE……………………………………..
    I think that everybody should also know the MMMMSSSS. Feinstein also signed AGAINST turning the water back on for a large portion of the San Jochim Valley, which torpedoes about a million people who depended on the farmers for their income. At the same time it virtually guarantees bankruptcy for ALL of the farmers in San Jochim Valley.I have long said that MMMSSS. Feinstein is a a first class BI##H, and tool of special interest people. She is also a GOOOOOD friend ofd MMMSSS. PELOSI, whose husband owns 217,000 shares of CHICKEN OF THE SEA FISHERIES. The smelt are a valuable product of the west coast fishing industry. Obviously both like their stinky industry more than California’s produce farms, and a million constituents. I guess they are both used to the odor. Hopefully the GAY Feinstein will get her “lay of notice “in 2010. I think that her, and MMMSSS. Pelosi will have lots of time to spend on their favorite lifestyle after 2010.

  83. SueK-I get it Sue, like the guys in Chicago, that wanted to try to impress us girls, I’m with the Mafia, no you’re an idiot. The first thing the real mob guys are older and that is the last thing they would want you to know. Quiet but deadly, but they are really into the Madonna Complex, so we were very protected. Also they knew we didn’t play that game.

  84. jc-Thank you–I really like when you can modify existing vehicles, what you’re saying is “it’s in the engine” everything else is foo foo stuff. I wish they would have taught us girls shop in high school. I’m serious.

  85. Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Michelle,

    First of all, the Miami to Coral Springs area is getting whacked with storms right now (just checked your radar). All of GA is fine, for now.

    I’m sure there’s a database of ex-cons somewhere, but if all our pals were ever there, you can bet it’s all been scrubbed by now.

    Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    Yup, everyone wants their 15 minutes. What some don’t realize however, is that things are a little different after 9/11 and idle threats before that date were one thing; after that, they took on a whole new complexion. This is probably why this guy worked it so that he has an untraceable addy BUT, it all comes back to bita ya in the butt eventually.

    This guy is probably referring to himself as the AlQaeda Grand Poobah in America. He’s not worth our time …

  86. Do I like Ethanol?

    What are the facts?

    1. Ethanol is good for the economy and job creation in America. I like made in America. American jobs and American profits.
    2. Agriculture and farmers. Ethanol is a 40% farmer owned industry. Since it is made with corn and sugar beets, farmers get a demand for their crops.
    3. Energy Security and Independence. Ethanol is American made, renewable and directly displaces crude oil America would import. This offers needed independence and security from foreign sources of energy.
    4. Environment and clean air. Ethanol is renewable, environmentally friendly, and burns cleaner than gasoline.

    The downside – a premium is placed on corn/ sugar beets etc.. if demand goes up. Yes. Pure, supply and demand.

    Conclusions: I am not going to fall for the MSM mantra and do my own research. For me, energy security and independence are top priorities. Ethanol is a piece of that puzzle.

  87. DABIG // September 28, 2009 at 3:51 pm


    Jacqlyn Smith // September 28, 2009 at 12:24 pm


    DABIG…I guess that means you are the one lone filer in Hawaii!! Good luck….and keep up the pressure hopefully more Patriots will come forward> 🙂

  88. SueK-Thank you for the update re: weather Miami is south of here. Coral Springs not too far, my girl friend and I got lost there, too big city for us, so probably half hour away from us.
    That is the one thing I don’t understand about the Obama no records thing. We get attacked on 9/11 very recent history, and they don’t super vet this guy, yet little old ladies get the once over. What’s with the drama? Makes no sense to me.

  89. MS. HELGA………………………………..
    I listened to Manning’s oratory with great interest. I beleive that he should get with Alan Keyes. He could pick up a awful lot of believers. I agree with Manning 100% As he said the tentacles of the octopus are getting longer,and there are more growing every day. Soon we will need an army just to kill this octopus. We could easily find ourselves in internment camps before the octopus is slain.

  90. Venice,

    I’ve been wrestling with the “Why” of Tarpley saying Zbig’s plan was to engage Russia in a war with either Iran or China. These are the 2 power houses now. Neither one of them need the foreign bankers. Russia having recovered from the economic collapse and third world status engineered by these same bankers wants nothing to do with them. China doesn’t either. It also fits with why both of these countries have recently asked for a new global currency. But, engage Russia in a war, and it wouldn’t take long to run through some cash. So, we’re back to the foreign banks bankrolling another war – both sides. But…this is Putin’s first rodeo either…

    What are your thoughts or comments on this?

  91. Michelle // September 28, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    Michelle, I’m afraid to say that the complacency we had on 9/10/01 has returned. The further out we get from the date, the more people forget.

    Say what you will about Dubya, we didn’t get hit again under his watch. There were *many* safeguards put in place in his administration but unfortunately, many were dropped or rearranged when Barky was installed.

    Apparently, it’s thought that we can drop our guard now since we haven’t been attacked again in several years, and it also seems that the checks and balances we had in place as far as *people* were concerned has also been allowed to slide. Look at the Czars..accountable to no one. Look at the ‘cabinet’…thieves and crooks. Is this any way to run a country?

    We’ve certainly let down on all counts-just look at who sits in the Oval Office.

  92. Michelle, Sue K, Possibilities for 2012 to run against our pp concern me, but this lady continues to hold my interest…what say you?

  93. JS
    Thanks, will do.

  94. JustMe,

    I only comment on matters that I am very familiar with. I rarely say things on a whim, especially if it’s on important matters.

    Give me some time to give this new enterprise some study and I will definitely try to give you my thoughts. I feel the planet is currently on a precipice about to embark on a new path and we don’t even know the players.

  95. oldsalt77: Dr. Manning has great respect for Alan Keyes; he has spoken about him many times in his oratories. Dr. Manning was also one of the first to begin a group that he believed could bring about change in 2010. However, recently, someone posted three discussions he had with a small group where he appears to be brutally honest about our chances of getting rid of the Fraud who occupies our White House. Still, he continues to “push the envelope” and call others out for not speaking up and defending our country and our Constitution. He is a blessing in these hard times for sure!

  96. The South 4:05pm,

    Thanks for the video. This is the new generation, the Obama generation, the generation that was supposed to fall into line.

    These kids are tech savvy and they have had just enough experience to know what happens when “somebody in charge” doesn’t know how to play the game.

    The loss of support from the 18 to 28 year olds has had the largest drop than any other age group in the last few months.

    Your lady is one example. She is innovative, gutsy, and media smart. We’ll be seeing a plethora of them very soon.

  97. DABIG at 3:51 pm

    You live in Hawaii? Which island?
    I’m into genealogy and some day I’d like to go to Hawai to do some genealogy research.

    In the meantime, would you be willing to follow up on some BO search suggestions?

  98. Linda from NY -Sue K-I like the use of the phrase Common Sense, I cannot follow anything that comes out of the Obama admin. not to mention the corruption problems which are stratospheric.

  99. oldsalt77 – Glad to see you like Rev. Manning too. I said I was going to replay it again after 3-4 hours so here goes. We have to credit “val” for the video and I said we should make the Reverend the leader of the Birthers. And yes he should get with Alan Keyes.


    This is payback for Obama’s concessions. Let’s see if it sticks.

  101. PS- The most important statement Rev. Manning said was that the longer he is in power the harder it will be to remove him.

  102. I mean the USURPER of course and not Rev. Manning.

  103. Sue K: Please comment on the post above by Upstate Warrior…thanks.

  104. bob chapman international forecast

    Only Modest Confidence Uptick After Trillions Dispensed

    Posted: September 26 2009

  105. Michelle: As reflected in CW’s post, the corruption is so widespread it is mind-boggling. Acorn appears to have its “icky” fingers in so many different aspects of the political scene all under the auspices or cover of aiding the poor. And yet, it still operates and is aided and abetted by our tax dollars. Its sickening! Some “common sense” would be nice IMHO.

  106. Personally I would like to see that the “Birthers” refer to the both the Born and the UNBORN.

  107. ms. helga: I agree…that statement by Rev. Manning sent chills up my spine! The courts move too slowly, and it’s frustrating. I am hoping and praying someone will be able to break this impasse and soon.

  108. Upstate Warrior

    This is MOST disturbing news. Of all the states they would use as a beta test, Montana would not have been one I would have thought they’d choose. No doubt the Council was bought off, and this plan was put into place a while back – logos on the cars.

    Of course they would target the Sheriffs, as this is where the last of the REAL power lies.

    Makes me sick to my stomach.

  109. Venice,

    I understand.

  110. Unless I’m mistaken, today Larry Sinclair has basically announced that he is going to chain himself to the White House fence!
    Oh my.

  111. I forgot to wish everyone a Hag Sameach for Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.

    Hag = holiday
    Sameach = happy
    Yom = day
    Kippur = Atonement

  112. From The Obama File. I really think O is mentally ill.

    The Washington Times reports that a teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an “older man.” At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is Obama’s “Safe School Czar.” It’s getting hard to keep track of all of Obama’s problematic appointments. Clearly, the process for vetting White House employees has broken down.

    In this one case, in which Mr. Jennings had a real chance to protect a young boy from a sexual predator, he not only failed to do what the law required, but actually encouraged the relationship.

    According to Mr. Jennings’ own description in a new audiotape discovered by Fox News, the 15-year-old boy met the “older man” in a “bus station bathroom” and was taken to the older man’s home that night. When some details about the case became public, Mr. Jennings threatened to sue another teacher who called his failure to report the statutory rape “unethical.” Mr. Jennings’ defenders asserted that there was no evidence that he was aware the student had sex with the older man.

    However, the new audio (.mp3 format) contradicts this claim. In 2000, Mr. Jennings gave a talk to the Iowa chapter of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) , an advocacy group that promotes homosexuality in schools. On the tape, Mr. Jennings recollected that he told the student to make sure “to use a condom” when he was with the older man. That he actively encouraged the relationship is reinforced by Mr. Jennings’ own description in his 1994 book, “One Teacher in 10.” In that account, the teacher boasts how he allayed the student’s concerns about the relationship to such a degree that the 15-year-old “left my office with a smile on his face that I would see every time I saw him on the campus for the next two years, until he graduated.”

    Mr. Jennings’ denials about these events reveal a lack of remorse. He has not admitted that he made mistakes in this case, and he now refuses to answer any questions about the scandal. Don’t forget, this is a White House appointee we’re talking about. Mr. Obama should make clear what his standards are for public servants serving at his pleasure. Encouraging and covering up man-boy sexual activity are serious offenses. The White House should force Mr. Jennings to come clean.

    Mr. Jennings has made extremely radical statements promoting homosexuality in schools and about his utter contempt for religion that render him unsuitable for a prestigious White House appointment. His job in the Obama administration is to ensure student safety, and this scandal directly calls into question his ability to perform that job. Mr. Jennings and Obama administration officials refuse to answer any questions about this newly discovered evidence. A lot of Americans want answers about this guy and how he was approved for a job in the White House.

    It gets worse. Jennings was the founder of the GLSEN and co-chair of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) fundraising for Barack Obama. As the founder and Executive Director of GLSEN, Jennings defended GLSEN during the notorious fistgate episode.

    Obama’s “Safe School Czar” is so named because he is a proponent of “safe” sex with children.

    Commies, Marxists, perverts, rapists, and tax-cheats — the Obama Administration — our government

  113. Hi, CW:

    I won’t be around much since Atonement is coming up, but can you please write something up about Leo? He’s really on to something here, CW. I hope that he stays with it, which I think that he will.

    Here’s something that he’s saying to someone else in his comment section:

    “bho boo Says:
    September 28, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Leo, of course DoH will not obey its own laws, they haven’t so far, and in panic mode you can expect Obama attorneys to twitterify any motions. Like I said, we oughtn’t be surprised any longer, this is a bloodless marxist coup, so far, but that doesn’t mean they won’t uptick things as necessary.

    [ed. it’s going to take more than the DoH to stop the information coming out. My research is showing this is a slam dunk. You would need the OIP to reverse about 10 Opinion Letters and then you’d need the Hawaii Supreme Court to reverse itself. I am not fooling around here.]”

    Please, CW, cover Leo. Spread this word around.



    JustMe, take a look at this, an interview with Tarpley and tell me if it answers your question. If not please tell me.

  115. sorry people
    i am an expert, among other things, in energy and energy conversion

    i worked over ten years in environmental engineering, and have more degrees than i can count. None in English or technical writing, as you can probably tell.

    Ethanol is not the solution, in fact , it is a very bad idea. The energy balance on it is horrible. It take more energy to make it , then it produces. That energy is in form of water, fertilizers, harvesting, converting, etc. And on top of it all, it takes away from our feedstocks for agriculture and human consumption. I have not even ADDRESSED the concerns with waste , run offs, and other energy inefficiencies. Our politicians are technically illiterate, they know nothing except global warming nut jobs throwing money at them.

    I worked on a study for the government a few years back and we looked at thousands of reactions and equations for determining the most efficient energy conversions. Other than nuclear energy, natural gas rated as one of the top resources. Even solar and geothermal had pretty high numbers.

    The bottom line remains, we have been down this path before when Jimmy crack corn Carter was president and his synfuel programs. It nearly ruined our economy and took years to get out of that mess. These “ideas” are no better. The Saudi’s can sink any energy deal by just lowering the price of oil And there is plenty of oil to go around, they are finding new sources every day. Brazil just found a large field.

  116. Linda from NY-I cannot think of anything more dehumanizing as using the “poor” as a political weapon. The word poor is used to directly put money in politicans in pockets-the poor never receive the money the taxpayers have earmarked for them. ACORN is the master of this game. Too many are gaming this system. Some people really and truly have fallen on hard times, and could use a little help getting over the rough spots until they are able to function again, such as the victims of the Georgia floods. But to use the poor to garner votes and steal money from them is beyond the pall, a symbiotic relationship that needs to end.

  117. Linda from NY // September 28, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    Hi Linda,

    She’s *always* held my interest!

    Long before her placement on the 2008 ticket I knew her and followed her career-her name was already familiar to me.

    I had her web site back then, and all I could see there was integrity.

    She had my support last year and she’ll continue to have it in the future, no matter what the MSM tries to pull!

  118. Of the last lines in my above post is precious.

    Apparently one day Webster Tarpley met with a Spanish coalminer who told him this:

    “Your choice in the modern world is clear. You can either get active, or you’ll surely get radioactive. You choose.”

  119. Michelle wrote:

    ” // September 28, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Observer-I have a question:
    “The only question is whether Hawaii will obey its own laws.”
    Is there a legal remedy for a state that will not obey it’s own laws, or a country United States of America who does not obey it’s own laws ie. the Constitution?”

    That’s the million dollar question, Michelle. I was just asking my husband today: What do we do if they just keep stonewalling and buying off/blackmailing judges?

    I also wonder how Fukino, in particular, sleeps at night. She is a linchpin in this criminal, maniacal machine…

  120. @ Ace:

    You know, Ace, I have thought to myself at least a time or two about what would happen in people chained themselves to the White House fence and starved themselves until 0bama released all of the documents that he sealed. Would he allow them to starve to death? Woulod he order them cut from the fence and arrested? Would he release the documents? it would be an interesting dilemma for him to say the least.

  121. Hi all,
    Things still a little rocky on the home front, but
    thanks for your prayers, thoughts, and ideas.
    You guys/gals are great!

    Question: WHY is pp going to Denmark
    when all h_ _ _ is breaking loose here to
    deal with and Iran is shooting off missiles?
    If he doesn’t want the “job,” please get
    out now so someone who qualifies and would
    like to STAY in DC can DO the job!!!
    Just my 2 cents!

  122. Is Larry Sinclair serious about chaining himself
    to the WH fence?

    I bet if he did the Secret Service/in this case
    maybe Obama’s SS Troupers would have him
    arrested and taken to jail.
    Then, can Larry file suit from there–Quo

  123. $1.4 million and counting has been paid
    thus far to the lead lawyer boycotting pp’s

  124. If Lyn Cheney gets married i.e. changes her
    last name before the next election, I think she’s
    viable. This is half a joke and half serious.

    I have heard her speak on Fox News–would like
    to hear more from her, sounds interesting.

  125. Buraq ’08,

    They would do what they always do. Make up a trump charge and have him jailed.

  126. Venice,

    You’re brilliant! This is exactly what I was looking for.

    I’d heard Tarpley say they wanted to “break it up into 5 parts,” but I wasn’t sure if he was talking about Pakistan or Afghanistan so I didn’t mention it. Now I know. It also speaks to China/Russia.

    I read his book on Obama a while back and I recently bought his book, Surviving the Cataclysm. But, by the time I finish it most likely the cataclysm will be over. I smile!

    Beginning last year, I began writing to a number of congressmen encouraging them to sit down with Tarpley. I’m sure you know what their response was. It’s pretty obvious to me now where their interests lie.

    I’m curious if this article answers any questions you may have had on the Iran situation or others?

  127. Venice….

    beginning….began….sorry! I’m in the middle of cooking dinner and was so excited to see your post.

    Thanks, again!

  128. Alex-oh you’re a girl too. All it’s 6:45 here in Fla. If you can watch CBS news tonight. Remember Netanyahu’s UN speech, you would be “dead wrong”. This is unreal-al qaeda just upped the ante. You know how drug dealers had the people swallow the drugs “mules”. Al qaeda decided that was a good way to go. The exploding person evaded all the security in Saudi Arabia many layers, did something with the cell phone and almost killed one of the princes. Now they are really worried about security. Sue K your friends are never going to run out of work.

  129. “I forgot to wish everyone a Hag Sameach for Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.
    Hag = holiday
    Sameach = happy
    Yom = day
    Kippur = Atonement”

    Thanks, but do you know what the day really means? And I’m talking early Christian understanding and then scriptural understanding?

    Here’s what it means in a nutshell! But it’s more complicated that this.

    Rom 3:23 for all sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahweh…

    Note: Meaning all of mankind has sinned.

    Rom 5:12 Because of this, even as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also **death passed to all men**, inasmuch as all sinned.
    Rom 5:13 For sin was in the world until Law, but sin is not charged where there is no law;
    Rom 5:14 but death reigned from Adam until Moses, even on those who had not sinned in the likeness of Adam’s transgression, who is a type of the coming One.

    Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of eloah is everlasting life in messiah Yahushua our Sovereign.

    Heb 9:27 And as it is reserved to men once to die, and after this, Judgment…

    So what does a total fast mean, what is a parable of it without food and water?

    The true word for Atonement means deliverance. When you “atone” means that you’ve paid the price by dying, because all of mankind has to die at least once. Death passed to all of mankind.

    The Day of Atonement is a future event that is going to happen to part of mankind that is remaining after the messiah returns and before the end of Judgment. As every day of Yahweh is as 1,000 years. Judgment Day is as 1,000 years.

  130. The Limits of Charisma

    Mr. President, please stay off TV.

  131. JustMe,

    I found much of it interesting, but you’re right, the piece you identify is a key element. It answers some very important questions about the nightmare in Afghanistan.

  132. Jenna,

    I just read your posting—this is horrific.
    We should have a teaparty just to get
    this czar out—post this info about Jennings
    far and wide. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  133. Buraq ’08,

    I forgot the most critical component. The media won’t say boo and internet efforts to publicize will be squashed.

  134. cq,

    We’re watching an international game of chess as we speak. First, Russia’s foreign minister question’s Iran’s missile tests and now this. Wow!

  135. j2j2 // September 28, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    Ethanol is available today. Both are American made and I always like that.

    I thought ethanol was proven to not be cost-efficient in that it took more effort to make the fuel than using alternatives and also the food (corn) factor bothered many nations due to the famine factor??

    Isn’t ethanol made with corn??

    Thanks, da verg, noone listens to me… say it much better than I could..

    da verg // September 28, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Ethanol is not the solution, in fact , it is a very bad idea. The energy balance on it is horrible. It take more energy to make it , then it produces.

  136. @Venice:

    Yep, I agree. Any such story would be ignored/ blacked-out by the media.

    Still I can’t help but wonder about the spectacle of a decent number of people on a starvation strike over this man’s refusal to tell us anything about himself.

  137. Venice,

    did you read the article posted at the same site on Obama and the wars? It’s really interesting.

    Tarpley has been saying this thing for a while…the mainstream media is barely reporting on the war(s) since he took office. War? What war? Obama is the peace maker. Ha!

  138. Venice,

    BTW, Tarpley has a weekly Internet broadcast at under the heading World Crisis Radio in the drop down menu. If you can’t catch it, his podcasts are posted there, too. It airs every Saturday at 1:00 Central.

  139. LM
    “our elegant and eloquent president ” I don’t know where the press gets this drivel from. I have never seen elegant and he’s so stupid I fail to hear eloquent ever.

  140. RE: the questions about Larry Sinclair chaining himself to the White House fence.
    Yes, I think he’s quite serious. In a previous broadcast, he mentioned that he feels it’s time for him to “risk losing everything”.

    But I suppose you could go to his channel and ask him about it.

    In this latest video, he describes himself as a “far left winger”.

  141. j2j2
    They are looking at switch grass as an alternative to corn, produces more energy-cheaper and doesn’t raise food prices.

  142. **** New Post ****

  143. Maddie,

    It’s truely unbelievable isn’t it. I am sending it to all I know. I have 2 who will graduate this year from high school but still have one in grade 4. I really fear for what’s to come.

  144. I celebrate my ‘personal Christmas’ on the 10th day of seventh month of Tishri: which I am convinced coincides with the evening when there were many gathered there in Bethlehem, in response to the decree to return to their hometown for taxation…which happened during the observance of The Day of Atonement, such that there was no more room in any of the inns…and so, out in the animals’ cave, Mary gave birth to a Son, who is the atonement for my sin…and the One who bid me come into a permanent “at-one-ment” with him. And all the heavenly host sang “shalom!” to all on the Earth.

    The one who was born to die, did just that: literally (33.5 x 360) 42,210 days later, on the 14th day of Nisan at Passover: The Lamb of God gave his life…to pardon and rescue mine.

    The best ‘Christmas gift’ I ever received.

  145. Re-Do, without going into it now, Yahushua the messiah was born on Oct. 3/4 on the Day of Atonement in 7 B.C.E.

  146. kittycat @ 6:55: appreciated the post and the reminder…I’m in agreement with what you wrote; and believe my understanding is “complementary”, and not in contradiction to yours. Peace and blessings to you today. Thank you for your words.

  147. Re-do-I love what you wrote, I always wondered what the herald angels were singing-Shalom makes sense.

  148. Okay, here’s a little brain-teaser (and I’m certainly no math-guy!)…if each day can be written as a 6-digit number, that marks it unique in it’s ‘address’ in time…then one could form a datum line for everything ever recorded as ‘history’. For example: suppose we knew of the account of someone who died 33.5 years after he was born. Let’s say that the day he died could be written as 01/14/34.
    (the 14th day of the first month)

    In order to simplify the math we’ll consider a year is an even 360 days. Tracing back 42,210 days would land on a number for that day that was 07/10/00. (the 10th day of the 7th month).

    Here’s the teaser part: when building something, you must start with a datum…a specific point, from which to measure everything else. A cornerstone is such a datum. Everything is ‘zero-ed’ to it…and must be measured from it, and ‘plumb’ to it. The entire rest of the building, from the foundation to the capstone, must align with it. Scratching your head, yet?

    Any math guys out there think you see anything?

  149. Linda from NY // September 28, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Linda and Upstate,

    Sorry, just got in.

    Those links were shocking, to say the least. I don’t understand what’s behind it, but it sounds like either a payoff or coercion to me. What else would prompt something like this? Why change what has worked all along? I don’t want to say that ‘it’s’ starting, but this takeover sure sounds like it.

    If anyone here at CW is from MT, please check in?

  150. To:
    da verg // September 28, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Thanks, it’s quite apparent you “know your stuff”

  151. Pingback: Anita Moncrief ACORN voter fraud, ACORN background, NY Times, Obama ACORN ties, Documentary, US House report « Citizen WElls

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