ACORN voter fraud, Minnesota, Petition, Minnesota Majority, Investigation of ACORN in Minnesota, Al Franken, Norm Coleman, MN Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, 43,000 new voters, 2008 election

The Minnesota senate race between Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman was extremely close and the lead has changed several times. Even before the general election, there was concern about ACORN voter fraud in MN.

October 14, 2008

“As I expected, the investigations into ACORN and voter fraud has arrived to our fair state. From KSTP:

The Hennepin County attorney announced Tuesday they’ve launched an investigation into an allegation that an individual with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, did not fully comply with Minnesota voter registration rules.

According to the allegation, a batch of registration forms were turned into the office of elections outside the ten-day period, but were turned in early enough to be registered to vote in the September primary.”

Read more:

The win that was ultimately given to Al Franken has been challenged in court and new challenges continue to surface in light of more voting irregularities that have been discovered. Now, with the ever increasing awareness of ACORN monetary and voter fraud, there is a heightened sense that the votes in Minnesota should be subject to more scrutiny.

From Minnesota Majority, October 1, 2009:

“The Destruction of ACORN, the Strategy of Breitbart & Why We Must All Remain Vigilant”

“Yesterday, Minnesota Majority, together with 8 Minnesota gubernatorial candidates, issued a letter to Attorney General Lori Swanson calling for a formal investigation into potential illegal activities on the part of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Minnesota.

Recent news stories have revealed evidence of apparent systematic corruption within the ACORN organization.  At least 15 other states have launched investigations into potential election law and other violations on the part of ACORN.  A report issued earlier this year by the US House of Representatives Oversight Committee stated that “ACORN has repeatedly and deliberately engaged in systemic fraud. Both structurally and operationally, ACORN hides behind a paper wall of nonprofit corporate protections to conceal a criminal conspiracy on the part of its directors, to launder federal money in order to pursue a partisan political agenda and to manipulate the American electorate.”

Yet here in Minnesota, where we have just had a US Senate race decided by fewer than 400 votes, incredibly there has been no official statewide investigation into the ACORN organization.  Senator Al Franken, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie and Attorney General Lori Swanson were all endorsed by ACORN and elected to their offices with their help, but it is our hope that they will place the execution of the duties of their offices ahead of any political allegiances. These officials can prove their loyalty to the voters of Minnesota by responding to your call for an official statewide investigation into ACORN’s activities in Minnesota.”

Read more:


“Petition Calling for an Investigation of ACORN in Minnesota 

Whereas recent news stories have revealed evidence of apparent systematic corruption within the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now (ACORN), and
Whereas a report issued by the US House of Representatives Oversight Committee states that ACORN has repeatedly and deliberately engaged in systemic fraud, and
Whereas at least 15 other states have launched investigations into potential election law and other violations on the part of ACORN, and
Whereas Minnesota Majority’s review of voter registration records has revealed thousands of irregularities, and
Whereas ACORN has publically acknowledged it was responsible for registering over 43,000 new voters in Minnesota prior to the 2008 election;
Therefore I do hereby call for for an official statewide investigation by law enforcement officials into potential illegal activities on the part of ACORN in the state of Minnesota.”

Bill O’Reilly: Sen Al Franken Won By ‘Acorn’ Voter Fraud?

95 responses to “ACORN voter fraud, Minnesota, Petition, Minnesota Majority, Investigation of ACORN in Minnesota, Al Franken, Norm Coleman, MN Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, 43,000 new voters, 2008 election

  1. Linda from NY

    Yay! It is about time! Thanks CW for cuing into this important development. I hope this is indicative of efforts across our great country to get to the bottom of the massive voter fraud that occurred in the Election of 2008!

    Thanks,CW, for keeping on top of this!

    BTW…Anything happening in NC along these lines? After all, the win margin was suspect there, too IMHO.

  2. Why does the Misinformation Media continue to try and pull the wool over the eyes of the American People?

    A 2 billion dollar election means only one thing: FRAUD!

    Perhaps they should be invited onto the show Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

  3. Jeff M

    They are too scared – they know they would lose : )

  4. Linda.
    I am trying to capitalize off of the increasing public awareness of ACORN fraud.
    Very few were listening before the election. Many more are paying attention now.
    I will be returning to NC soon.
    I strongly believe that Franken stole the election. Let’s help the folks in MN prove that.
    I am also certain that BO stole the caucuses and primaries.
    This heightened awareness will help going into the 2010 elections and soon thereafter
    with the impeachment/removal of BO.

  5. Patriot Dreamer

    “3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize”

    We have the best health care in the world. But for how much longer after the bills in Congress are passed?

  6. Linda from NY

    CW: And, rightfully so! I know you are hopping on any given day. Did not mean to steal your thunder. Was just curious about NC, that’s all.
    What is happening in Minnesota is definitely a “plus” and exciting, too. It has been said that if a Republican wins by a 1,000 votes, there is an immediate call for an investigation and yet, Franken got away time and time again with phony counts and re-counts. Now that Acorn is “in the news,” it has become easier for all to see what we have known all along IMHO. Thanks for all you do…you must be exhausted keeping up with it all. Bless you.

  7. Linda, et al.
    Help spread the stories about MN voter fraud.
    Let the people in MN know that we stand with them.

  8. Megan on Fox has been doing a great job
    on this front with ACORN exposure. It was
    excellent. I hope they keep re-running it.
    Amazing that one of the “top” brothers embezzled a Million Dollars and still had a job
    with ACORN and in the beginning they kept
    the embezzelment under wraps.

  9. If it can be proven there was voter fraud in every state, any chance of reverse the election

  10. Good read
    Entering the Greatest Depression in History
    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Warns of Future Crises

  11. Linda from NY

    maddie: Wouldn’t that be great?

  12. LindaK-
    You are a fellow “Popper”- that is what I call my writing- painting on paper. Thank you for sharing, it should find it’s way to Orly.

  13. Linda-
    I did it again- made a hybrid name for you and Sue- sorry

  14. Linda from NY

    Prairie: I asked Michelle to “transport” it as I have been having computer problems and cannot access her sight. Thanks for the compliment…I like being a “Popper!”

  15. Linda from NY

    Prairie: I do not think Sue K will mind…do you?

  16. I cannot get onto Orly’s website (as I mentioned several days ago)…many suggestions made by several of you…thank you…but still to no avail. It’s okay, because I check this site (CW) and have faith that I will know any news by all of your comments!!!
    Thank you all.

  17. Linda
    Doubt it. I know you love poetry so I went to the vault- this one, however, is my son’s and OT. He wrote this at 11 years old.

    Wild Tiger

    Silent tiger stalks through night
    Graceful chital flee in fright.

    Deadly tiger bounds through trees
    Kills his prey with frightening ease.

    Watchful tiger crouches low
    He smells a scent that he does know.

    Flying tiger leaps at the boar
    The forest echoes with his thundering roar.

    Famished fangs find the throat
    The squealing boar has lost all hope.

    Well fed tiger cleans his coat,
    A contented purr rumbles through his throat.

    Drowsy tiger gives a yawn,
    Wild tiger sleeps till dawn.

  18. Linda from NY

    Prairie: That was beautiful; wonderfully descriptive…like you, your son has a gift! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Truth Exists (Paulajal)

    Prairie, your son’s poem is WONDERFUL! (and I’m an English teacher, ya know.

  20. Linda from NY


    CPUSA: Support Of A Third Party Movement. ( Lead Radicals To Victory)

  21. Linda-
    You’re welcome- but now that he is 13 all his poems and writing is about sports (I’m not complaining though- it could be girls!)

  22. Linda from NY


    Rep. Boehner Accuses Obama of Subverting Constitution

  23. Linda from NY

    Prairie: Sports is good; girls are not at 13 IMHO!

  24. Linda from NY

    Is Virginia blocking military personnel from voting?

    If so, CW, we’ve got work to do!

  25. citizenwells

    Linda, I remember that story.
    We have lots of work to do.

  26. citizenwells

    Has anyone here commented on the Minnesota Majority website?
    Let them know that we care.

  27. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    This is a great post….the MSM hailed Frankens freak victory…but when Acorn is around, you know there were at least some incidents of voter fraud…400 votes is too little to determine victory in such an election, when the vitor is the Acorn candidate…

    I laughed when the recount began, because my brother said he heard on the Radio that the SOS said she found several hundred ballots in the back seat of her car!

  28. Patriot Dreamer

    Linda from NY, members of our military are the most disenfranchised group of voters in the United States:

  29. Civis Naturaliter Natus

    Any news on Carter’s hearing?

    When does it start?

    Has it started?

  30. citizenwells

    I am not through with MN.

  31. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    The first place to start with a fraud investigation is to find out if ACORN collected signatures to get Franken on the ballot in the first place; because if there was fraud there, he must be removed from office…whether he won or not.

  32. Alex


    Gotta repost this:

    “twe // October 4, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    TCOT tweet:

    geochemIst: RT @LizBlaine What’s the difference between Obama and Hitler? Hitler wrote his own book. #tcot #ocra
    Sun Oct 4 14:42:40 2009″



    The joke is a good one, but the facts are wrong. Hitler also had an amanuensis to write — “Mein Kampf.”

    ‘Hitler dictated “Mein Kampf” to typists Rudolf Hess and Emil Maurice during his cushy eight-months stay at Landsberg Prison in April- December 1924.’

    Rudolf Hess was later ‘Deputy Fuehrer,” and he died in Samdau Prision, Berlin, in 1987, where he was that prison’s sole inmate.

  33. Prarie-I love your picture poems I can just see that tiger in crouch position.
    I’m still having trouble with Orly’s site, I can get in but that’s about it, can’t move thru pages, I hope she can RICO the low life crumb bums.
    I think all 50 states should be examined re: voter fraud ACORN. They must have really targeted the states where they knew the count would be close-The results I would not trust at all.
    Linda-as a registered Democrat-the trending for Democrats looks bad. I say good they deserve to lose elections. They put one person and one party before all the citizens of this nation that alone deserves a big punishment. Democrats work better when they are out of power anyway. Obama and minions cannot and should not be allowed near power-they cannot handle it. Power is a tool that you can use, not a weapon for purposes of control.
    Don’t forget many Democrats really are not up to speed re: ACORN and SEIU, Obama ineligible, when more Democrats find out, they are going to have a holy stroke. If you think Obama’s numbers are bad now, wait. I think more and more reporters are going to be investigating, especially those who are new to the field with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
    In other words media still managed I just wonder how much longer that can last.
    Soon, I hope the Republicans will go on the attack, if it was their strategy to give him enough rope to hang himself, it was a good one. I think they should be aggressive without being obnoxious, just let all of the people see what Obama has been doing behind the scenes, all the documented evidence can speak for itself.
    Chicago blaming Bush for the loss of the Olympics, are they nuts? Half of Chicago didn’t want it because they know what it means, Politicians would steal money, more corruption and more taxes. Too bad, they should have cleaned up the corruption years ago not add to it, Obama, Jarrett, Axelrod, Daley-that’s where the blame should go. They think people are deaf, dumb and blind. Sore Losers too.

  34. Val wrote:

    ” // October 5, 2009 at 9:30 am

    I’m wondering if the Repubs are helping keep this NBC issue on the back burner so that in 2011 they can let it all out and it will be end game for the Dems.

    Also, what’s the opinion here on this Lucas Smith guy? He has a new youtube out selling his dissertation on the story behind his Kenyan BC. He’s asking for a $15 donation that will give you the dissertation and a free copy of his book that he says will be released sometime in the summer of next year. It seems he may think that Orly’s case will not go through. Why would he be going in another direction? On his home page – if you click on his name: Inspectorsmith – it brings you to a comment page. Scroll down on the right and check for comments from yesterday. He makes comments dissing Orly, Berg, etc. I believe the only one he gives Kudo’s to is Leo. Just not sure what to make of this guy. ???? Makes me wonder about his Kenyan BC.

    It’s weird.


    Val, you may have seen my comment a few weeks ago about the dream I had about Lucas. I pay attention to my dreams, as sometimes, spookily, they do come to pass. Usually it’s about something small and insignificant, but the match-up between dream and real life it unmistakeable and uncanny.

    The dream about Lucas was that he was acting like a wild animal, on all fours. He jumped up in front of my kitchen sink, and I think he tried to grab for something.

    To me, the message was that Smith is wild, unpredictable, and definitely not trustworthy. I took the kitchen sink to reference the saying “Everything but the kitchen sink.” Lucas is greedy because he even wants that, too! And now we see what he’s doing, which to me doesn’t look good for him.

    Your call, of course, but that’s just my two cents.

  35. Must repost this from downstairs – thanks, LM!

    LM wrote:

    ” // October 5, 2009 at 9:50 am

    IG Report Finds Paulsen, Bernanke Misled Public on Bank Rescues

    Report says then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other officials were wrong to contend that all nine banks receiving the first round of bailout support — $125 billion — were sound.

  36. Interesting, Ms. Helga – I gotta go over there and check it out!

    ms. helga wrote:

    ” // October 5, 2009 at 10:44 am

    Here is some “Stuff” for our Legal Eagles to go through.

    If I am not mistaken one can change facts on Wikipedia if you have proof.”

  37. Live blogging from the court case in Cali today:

  38. Val—I don’t think the Rep. are waiting to
    yet all the “stuff” out. I think they don’t have
    a backbone either, just my thought.
    Everyone’s afraid of their “political careers” if they really say anything.

  39. correction: get all ….. (not yet….)

  40. Wasn’t Franken the one that more “ballots” were found for in garages??

  41. Ace wrote:

    ” // October 5, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    Live blogging from the court case in Cali today:

    Thanks, Ace! I got emotional just reading the description of what is going on in the first few paragraphs. ‘Course, I get choked up when I saw the Pledge of Allegiance, too. 🙂

  42. maddie,

    I agree. The RnC and DnC are both lame ducks. Neither care about the nation as witnessed in this past election, and the 4 before that.

  43. Linda 12:58 pm,

    Ihe political trend did and does look bad for Obama.

    It always did. But hijacking is fashionable these days.

    And they thought no one would notice. Correction: they thought that if anybody did notice, they would hijack them too.

  44. Linda from NY

    venice: Maybe, if ACORN is up to its eyeballs in lawsuits, they will not have time to “community organize” and engage in “voter fraud.” LOL.

  45. Wow, this is exciting! Quite an historic occasion. Please feel free to go over to GUL and post. Here’s the description of what’s happening so far:

    8:00 am Pst- Good morning GUL readers, our intrepid boots on the ground reporter Gary will be updating from the Federal District Courthouse, Santa Ana, Ca. He is in place and will be phoning in shortly.


    US Marshalls have established added security due to the high profile nature of the case. All members of the audience are being logged in and recorded per the court.

    Turnout for this hearing is less, approximately 100 people are in line for a seat in the courtroom.

    The hearing will begin at approximately 8:30. Justice Carter’s court is currently in session on a different case.

    Under review today will be two items of critical concern. Defendant Obama’s 9/4/09 Motion to Dismiss is to receive final ruling to either allow or be thrown out. Once the MTD is thrown out, a ruling for full Discovery is anticipated from Justice Carter.

    The Federal Marshalls have set up an auxiliary viewing room near the courtroom, live video feed will be shown in that room for any overflow crowd. Our reporter is assured of receiving a seat in the actual courtroom, and given the historical significance of this hearing, chooses to be in the main courtroom, thereby giving him access to off camera events and reactions.

    To those who have thanked us for this coverage, you are more than welcome, we are at your service, as fellow free Americans.

    8:36 am Pst- The audience has been seated, hopefully the hearing will only be 30 minutes to an hour and we should hear the findings. If the hearing lasts longer, a mid morning recess at the 2 hour mark usually takes place. (10:30 Pst) and that will be an opportunity for Gary to phone in.

    10:12 am pst A commenter has asked if the case has been thrown out, I have NOT heard from Gary so the information can not be verified as accurate. Remember Obots like to play on the blogs

    10:26 am Pst Not hearing from Gary is a good sign, after approximately 2 hours into the hearing. If as some have speculated the case was thrown out, it would not take 2 hours to rule in favor of Defendant Obama’s motion to dismiss, more like 15 minutes and Gary would have phoned that in long ago. Hang in there people.

    10:37 am Pst We should be coming up on a court recess break shortly and will surely hear something. Thanks to all the commenters for searching around the blogosphere for the word. Here you WILL hear the truth, good or bad. But to this Texan, the up coming word must be good. Keep posting your comments


  46. The Orange County Weekly is Twittering!

    Judge Carter denies request to have Obama testify.

  47. Linda from NY

    Jeff M: It is our job to tap into those who will not “sell out” our country for the 2010 election. You are so right; they are both “lame ducks.” IMHO, we can no longer support a “party;” we must back individual candidates on both sides in every state and local election who will honor our Republic and our Constitution!

    Right now, we have to back Minnesota in its ACORN investigation and curtail fraud at every turn.

  48. Who needs Soetoro to testify anyway? This case needs to go under the radar so that the Misinformation Media doesn’t distort facts.

    This nation has all the information it needs to make a decision now, without any testimony whatsoever.

  49. Ace —

    OC Weekly Twitter is probably BOGUS.

  50. Linda from NY,

    I couldn’t agree more! Who cares what affiliation they are? What we need is a Constitutional ranking system that classifies and weeds out offenders on all fronts.

    Sort of a “Who’s Who” of Patriot politicians.

  51. I don’t think the OC Twitter is bogus. They covered this before.

  52. You Decide

    Should Congress Investigate?

    Should Congress hold hearings on the Inspector General’s report?

  53. You Decide

    Should Congress Investigate?

    Should Congress hold hearings on the Inspector General’s report?

  54. citizenwells

    From Give us liberty 1776

    “11:17 am Pst A commenter asked me to relay a question for Gary, when he comes out, does anybody else have a question they would like to get answered regarding the case?
    Ask it in te comments section if you have one. Thanks”

  55. LM,

    CONgrass shouldn’t hold any hearings. They should all resign and stop wasting tax payer money.

    I can dream, can’t I?

  56. Ace —

    No break yet, and no ‘texting’ allowed — so, someone has messed with OC Twitter.

    Be careful, this may be a leading indicator that everything is being monitored by Imperial Stormtroopers!

  57. Still waiting on word about the case. I imagine we will hear something soon. Fingers crossed. God Bless America.

  58. Linda from NY

    Can you describe the “mood” in the courtroom?

    Is there a group assembled “outside” of the courtroom in support/against?

    What has transpired to date? Presentations? Arguments? Evidence?

  59. Thanks, CW. Here was mine:

    Question for Gary and Dr. Taitz: How does it feel to be American heroes, along with our military :-)?


  60. Bob, that’s funny.

    No, Barry … I am your father!

  61. No texting from inside the court room. But there is another room with video feed.

    If the Judge did deny request for O to testify, the question is—why would he even consider this if he was going to dismiss?

  62. JeffM-Linda from NY
    I like it Constitution before party, Rep/Dem where were you in the Constitution’s hour of need?

  63. Ace,

    There are a multitude of reasons to dismiss the case:

    1. Graft
    2. As a technicality so that it won’t appear again in his court
    3. To keep patriots at bay while the dismantling continues
    4. To remove the continuing saga of no cases being responded to based on “merit”
    5. To send a message to Military personnel to “know your place”

    It goes on and on and on. Remember, this case was over before it started because he knows SCROTUS will overturn his decision.

  64. Michelle,

    CW has a Hall of Shame. It can be expanded to be a database where bloggers can rank the Constitutionality of their local candidates for real time statistics.

    Talk about getting the word out!

  65. citizenwells

    That is the idea.

    PS-I am going to revisit Lindsay Graham soon.
    He has really pissed me off.

  66. Lindsay Graham deserves a wing in the hall with his name on it.

  67. # Birther Update: Judge to consider papers and arguments from today’s hearing before issuing ruling. #birthers #eligibility #tcot #phnmless than 10 seconds ago from TweetDeck

    BREAKING Birther Hearing Concludes: NO RULING during hearing. #birthers @phnm #tcot #eligibilityhalf a minute ago from TweetDeck

  68. Linda from NY

    Yay, CW! Graham needs to be re-educated in the Constitutional qualifications of our President. Bet he doesn’t even know we are a Republic, either. Probably thinks the “mob majority” rules! I cannot believe the ignorance of our elected officials!

  69. Doesn’t look good.

  70. 11:50 am Pst Gary reported the court is in recess and finished for the day. Intially Justice Carter was leaning to dismiss the case and accept Defendant’s MTD, however Orly Taitz and Gary Creeps made a very impassioned arguement and the gallery burst into applause, the Marshalls did not stop the outburst, and it was felt Justice Carter was swayed by the outburst to not throw out the MTD but rather reconsider his decision.

    He advised both parties no matter his ruling, both would be able to appeal to a higher court.

  71. I knew it! This case is dead, and will have to go to the Supreme Court (and I think we all know what will happen when they get it), where it will be thrown out without comment like all the others.

    Unbelievable! No, actually it’s believable.

  72. Looks like ‘they’ got to Carter, too.

  73. Looks like Carter finally received those black and white photos of his family in the mail, and decided to turn coat and run for the hills.


  74. It’s too much to ask a little judge in the sticks to overthrow a POTUS. Democrats tried it over and over against Bush. It’s the duty of Congress, and they won’t do it. If it was filled with Republicans they still wouldn’t do it.

    But O is burying himself anyways. It is really is time to prepare for the next couple of elections.

  75. It doesn’t matter if Carter throws it out or not, someone else certainly will.

    Obama is untouchable.

    The constitution is meaningless.

    We are slaves.

  76. They had this planned from the start , setup , finished once and for all………..

  77. I’m going to withhold judgement for right this moment, except to sayJudge Carter’s putting his decision off is going to scare the crap out of Obama and his evil minions. And let’s try not to be too negative just yet. I think that’s what the obots would want. As a matter of fact, I’m wondering if there aren’t some lurking around here right now…

  78. Keep your sense of humor Buraq ’08!

    You are not a “slave”. Don’t be one of those people that spreads unfounded fear.

    O make you a slave? This incompetent can’t even get a stinking bill passed! The IOC was really afraid of him! LOL

    The only weapon O has against you is your cynicism.

    He’s only a politician.

  79. Don’t forget other cases are being filed every day. In the meantime more scandals ACORN, SEIU and much we do not know about now will come to the surface. The judge has not ruled yet, I wonder if Orly has her next step planned. Knowing her I’m sure she does.
    “impassioned arguement and the gallery burst into applause, the Marshalls did not stop the outburst” I hope this was filmed.

  80. **NEW POST**

  81. Just seen this as a comment on Leos Blog.

    SCOTUS denies another NBC case.

    Just in:

    The petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment is

  82. Good points, Ace. I can’t disagree with you.

    However, there seems to be no way to address the fact that all this man’s record are sealed, inaccessible, and that his entire identity seems to be utterly false.

    It seems that the IOC is in fact far more brave than the federal judiciary.

  83. maddie // October 5, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    Val—I don’t think the Rep. are waiting to
    yet all the “stuff” out. I think they don’t have
    a backbone either, just my thought.
    Everyone’s afraid of their “political careers” if they really say anything

    Let us not forget, this lowlife (in Tn, that’s as bad as skank)and his cronies can dig up dirt as far back as kindergarten on these officials; can’t find any??
    No worry, it can be created, fabricated—the Chicago way!!!

  84. Gary reported the court is in recess and finished for the day. Intially Justice Carter was leaning to dismiss the case and accept Defendant’s MTD, however Orly Taitz and Gary Creeps made a very impassioned arguement and the gallery burst into applause, the Marshalls did not stop the outburst, and it was felt Justice Carter was swayed by the outburst to not throw out the case but rather reconsider his decision.

    He advised both parties no matter his ruling, both would be able to appeal to a higher court.


    More stalling???

  85. It goes on and on and on. Remember, this case was over before it started because he knows SCROTUS will overturn his decision.
    Jeff, you know I don’t speak lawyer…’splain!!

  86. Jeff, forget it… I got it…if he ruled for the plaintiff, the HNIC would take it higher..the SCOTUS???

  87. The South // October 5, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    Looks like Carter finally received those black and white photos of his family in the mail, and decided to turn coat and run for the hills.


    You mean those with his grandchildren/children getting on the bus or playing on the playground at school??
    Did anyone on this board really expect a different turnout??

  88. Linda from NY

    Re-Dude: Kerchner @ 4:23 PM 10/04/09
    Hope he likes it…

  89. Linda from NY, one of the ladies down at work,son moved to NY.He moved to Queens is that a nice place? Sorry OT

  90. Planned Parenthood gets millions a year in tax money- yet when they were caught selling abortions to minors who admitted that they were impregnated by adult men, they kept their mouth shut and covered for the child predators. Now a new film called Maafa21 has exposed other evils that they promote like; Black Genocide and racism. You must watch this new film – see trailer here: and ask for Congress to defund Planned Parenthood !

  91. Pingback: Every Honest American Needs To Read This Before Tuesday « Soldier For Liberty

  92. Pingback: US Justice Department corruption, MN voter fraud, Al Franken stole election?, November 2008 Justice Dept letter « Citizen WElls

  93. Pingback: Anita Moncrief ACORN voter fraud, ACORN background, NY Times, Obama ACORN ties, Documentary, US House report « Citizen WElls

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