9/11 Trials, NY City, Terrorists, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Daniel Pearl decapitation, New York terrorists trial, Obama and Eric Holder, Left wing socialist agenda, Obama supporters, Forum on CIA waterboarding and America, Terrorist training camps

To: Barack Obama and his cadre of left wing, socialist, anti Americans


Terrorists bent on killing America and Americans.







1. Any attempts to turn the trial in NY City of 9/11 terrorists into a 3 ring circus and a forum on American interogation techniques or what is wrong with America will be met with:

  • A backlash of outrage such as never before witnessed in this country.
  • The Tea Party held recently in Washington DC will pale in comparison.
  • We will hold all responsible accountable.

2. We are going to flush out all of the terrorist rats out of this country.

  • If you are operating a terrorist training camp.
  • If you are espousing anti American propaganda from a Mosque or other forum.
  • If you are embedded in the US Military or other government agency.

Pack your bags and scurry.

3. We will no longer tolerate political correctness to trump common sense and national security.
4. We will no longer tolerate terrorists getting preferential treatment. These war criminals are not US Citizens and are not protected under the US Constitution.
From The Right Side of Life

“9/11 Terrorists Brought Into US for Criminal Case”

“The Obama Administration is preparing to bring 5 of the terrorists behind the 9/11 attack to New York city to undergo a civilian, criminal trial, where the chief murder is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (IWatchObama has a run-down on the terrorists involved).”
“This summer, I theorized that Attorney General Eric Holder — and his boss — had a hidden agenda in ordering a re-investigation of the CIA for six-year-old alleged interrogation excesses that had already been scrutinized by non-partisan DOJ prosecutors who had found no basis for prosecution. The continuing investigations of Bush-era counterterrorism policies (i.e., the policies that kept us safe from more domestic terror attacks), coupled with the Holder Justice Department’s obsession to disclose classified national-defense information from that period, enable Holder to give the hard Left the “reckoning” that he and Obama promised during the 2008 campaign. It would be too politically explosive for Obama/Holder to do the dirty work of charging Bush administration officials; but as new revelations from investigations and declassifications are churned out, Leftist lawyers use them to urge European and international tribunals to bring “torture” and “war crimes” indictments. Thus, administration cooperation gives Obama’s base the reckoning it demands but Obama gets to deny responsibility for any actual prosecutions.”

Read more:


From Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs.
“Khalid Sheikh Mohammed decapitation of Daniel Pearl”
“Obama kisses the bloody fists of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and bestows upon one of America’s most lethal enemies in the world the gift of the constitutional rights given to an American citizen. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on March 1, 2003.

Obama is our worst nightmare. This is evil.”

Read more:


I have been receiving information and reading about terrorist camps in this country for many months. Recently I was given some information that is disturbing. I have been doing some more research and am awaiting some specifics.

It was just recently that jailed attorney Leo Haffey warned of activity at a Mosque in the Nashville, TN area.

I am reaching out to my fellow Americans, commenters, blog and website owners. We must expose terrorist camps and other radical Islam threats. We cannot allow to spread what is already, as recent events have born out, a serious situation.


193 responses to “9/11 Trials, NY City, Terrorists, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Daniel Pearl decapitation, New York terrorists trial, Obama and Eric Holder, Left wing socialist agenda, Obama supporters, Forum on CIA waterboarding and America, Terrorist training camps

  1. If they let the asshole Khalid Sheikh Mohammed go free, I will personally volunteer, as I am certain with thousands of others, to hunt this lowlife down.

  2. Morning, All,




    Sure, bring the terrorists to the U.S., give them rights, and let them go.

    It’s all in his plan.

    He must be taken out.

  3. zachjonesishome

    Lieberman slams plan to try 9/11 ‘war criminals’ in NYC


    I’ll be back – Thank you for all your work!

  4. Thanks Zach.
    Thanks to you.

  5. Being said about the bow in relation to Japanese culture:

    “Actually, this is a greater act of submission than is apparent on the surface.

    The correct protocol in Japan is to bow, same depth, same duration. What The Usurper is doing is tantamount to prostrating himself.”

  6. A person named Kathy on Leo’s blog posted this about Miss Tickly:

    “MT is fine. She posted the following on WTPOTUS.wordpress.com blog.

    misstickly // November 10, 2009 at 11:58 am | Reply

    I should have checked in with you guys earlier. My husband had an accident that has temporarily left him blind in one eye. He was already blind in the other. Obviously, I had to step up for him.

    It wasn’t due to any person commenting on my blog or due to anything that I was blogging about. I just shut down. I had to for my own reasons. I am VERY sorry to have alarmed you nice people. I hope you can forgive my rudeness.”

  7. jbjd-You ask the most interesting questions.
    “I am going after Bob Bauer, the lawyer who signed the pleadings to try to bamboozle the court to take judicial notice of phantom computer images.”
    What amazes me the most is the non-responses.
    Well we all know what you sent, you know what you sent, no one can ever say they were not made aware of this situation(s) on numerous occasions. In my mind it is the audacity of mendacity, I wonder how far out in the wonderful world of lies they can go before they go over the cliff. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, so we are all well aware of the corruption that goes on there. I read somewhere someone is subpoenaing Mayor Daley’s office for some records possibly ACORN, SEIU. I don’t know how far they got, but they are heading in one of the correct directions. So much corruption, going on for so long. It is known as institutionalized corruption there. Over the years, law enforcement has been trying to root out the corruption, somewhat like fire fighters putting out little fires, now it seems it is a forest fire. Sad to say it had to get this bad before something is done about it, I think we are very near that point now. So bad, so out of control, this country is going to get cleaned up very soon.

  8. He bows deeply because that is one of the positions that deviates like him take during their well known lifestyle orgies. He unconciously does the bowing, out of HABIT. It does tell the tale.

  9. kittycat-Thank you for the information re: Miss Tickly. I sure hope her husband will be ok. When an unexpected accident happens so much is going on you just take care of the important stuff first and try to catch up on everything else later.

  10. He must be a “GOOD BUDDY”to BAWNEY FWANK. Probably even holds stock in the company that makes VASELINE.

  11. SueK,

    Oh, he can’t be bowing. Maybe he’s just got bad gas pains.

  12. We all had better keep contacting congress. Here is what Organizing for America is doing:

    Organizing for America, the Obama campaign arm of the Democratic National Committee, is sending e-mail messages to Obama supporters on Thursday. The missives urge recipients to descend on the offices of the 32 Republican House members who represent districts that voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 but who also voted against health care legislation in the House on Saturday….

    The Republican representatives, the message says, “must understand that caving to the well-heeled lobbyists in D.C. has consequences at the ballot box back home.”

    Democratic officials are hoping that the e-mail will help generate sufficient foot traffic to overwhelm the Republican representatives into voting for a health care bill when it comes back to the House after being merged with a Senate version.

  13. I think that Bush’s administration did what they could and did the right thing in this case. BO and Holder are the biggest criminals to ever be in charge of our govt. They are both treasonous and frauds and they both deserve to get prosecuted to the fullest for their criminal activities. They are doing everything against our constitution and trying war criminals incorrectly under our justice system. This is really bad. BO has to go ASAP! He is the worst ever usurper.

  14. #

    Nancy // November 14, 2009 at 11:13 am

    We all had better keep contacting congress. Here is what Organizing for America is doing:

    Organizing for America, the Obama campaign arm of the Democratic National Committee, is sending e-mail messages to Obama supporters on Thursday. The missives urge recipients to descend on the offices of the 32 Republican House members who represent districts that voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 but who also voted against health care legislation in the House on Saturday….

    The Republican representatives, the message says, “must understand that caving to the well-heeled lobbyists in D.C. has consequences at the ballot box back home.”

    Democratic officials are hoping that the e-mail will help generate sufficient foot traffic to overwhelm the Republican representatives into voting for a health care bill when it comes back to the House after being merged with a Senate version.

    I got this email and I have never been a DemoCRAP!! They are sending this stuff out to any and all!!!

  15. Make that “we’d better keep contacting congress & senators” to counteract what b.o.’s Organizing for America plans to do.

  16. Jacqlyn: I didn’t receive an email. I saw posted on Daily Kos. Just went there to see what’s happening in their world.

  17. Someone else (I can’t remember who) said they keep getting emails from democraps, too, & don’t know why.

  18. I don’t believe that there is “anyone” in the obama camp the doesn’t hate America, as she is.
    They all want to change the way America is run and I fully expect obama to find a way to stop the elections before 11/10.

    This bringing of the terrorists to NYC for trial just takes attention away from making the illegal aliens citizens, cap and trade, and the healthcare boondoggle. Just my opinion.

  19. I keep getting the DNC e-mails too.

  20. Jacqlyn & Don:

    That’s creepy to think how they got your e-mail addresses. I won’t go to any website that’s .gov anymore.

  21. NY. NY. Alert.

    Could this be the straw that breaks the camels back?
    Get him CW. P-BO’s got to go!

  22. #

    Nancy // November 14, 2009 at 11:35 am

    Jacqlyn & Don:

    That’s creepy to think how they got your e-mail addresses. I won’t go to any website that’s .gov anymore.

    I email the White House on a daily basis whether it be PeLOUSY or HOLDOUT!!!! I can’t stand the two of them….they both need to go…..they are a disgrace to the rights of our Constitution…..and PeLOUSY is a disgrace to the Catholic religion of which I am one….I wish the Bishops would get it over with and excommunicate her……she is the devil in disguise!!

  23. Dr Kate has a wonderful essay on her web-site, interspersed with beautiful pictures from America the Beautiful.

    The Solution IS the Constitution

  24. Rep. Lungren Calls Out President Obama
    Posted on November 13 2009 by Eric Hogue

    LUNGREN6_standalone_prod_affiliate_4“This is total madness,” shouts California Congressman Dan Lungren.

    With the announcement that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and four other men are coming to America to be prosecuted in New York City, California Congressman Dan Lungren has had enough.

    Lungren, usually a conservative who parces his words carefully, has taken his rhetoric up a notch ot two, actually placing the blame at the doorstep of the White House.

    Lungren was in district meeting with constituents when he called and asked for some mic-time today during the Capitol Hour on 1380 KTKZ. After we had our conversation on the air, I asked the congressman if he could give me a few extra minutes detailing his concerns, exclusively for HOGUE NEWS.

    Lungren has called Attorney General Eric Holder’s announcement, ”total madness,” and detailed his sediments on this HOGUE NEWS VIDEO.

    See the video and the rest of the post at….


  25. Add your name to the Articles of Impeachment we’ve drawn-up against Barack Hussein Obama.


  26. Bringing this over from previous thread. It’s a must to understand, otherwise we’ll just be following the pied piper in another direction.

    JustMe // November 14, 2009 at 9:43 am

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 1:58 am

    Glenn Beck gives the usurper a B+ rating on job approval . Also teaming up with O’Reilly on the road.


    Right On, ARMY D.A.V. !
    Think back on the recent thread here at CW about the clip with Beck saying something to the effect of “it’s not that we don’t like this guy.” That was very telling.

    What was evident at that moment was he/they/FOX were going to “soften” or back away from their approach of “going after O.” Waiting a day or so watching the headlines will usually reveal exactly what was meant.

    In this case, the headlines that followed that statement were of Major Garrett scoring an interview with “O.” I was waiting for that one.

    It’s how the media game is played. It’s a very serious game…of numbers. After all, it’s always about building their viewership and, thus advertising dollars flow like wine. It’s truly that simple. They employ large staffs to accomplish that one goal. Advertising dollars fund the operation.

    So, game on…they play hardball with a hot topic. We think they’re doing it for us. What else would we think after having been drug into their fight on the tube/radio. They aren’t doing it FOR us. They are able to do it BECAUSE of us (using us). In this case, they wanted badly to have more access to “O.” FOX was shunned & shut out at every turn, and we all heard about it…frm FOX of course.

    They finally have what they wanted – in this case the interview with “The One.” But, alas, they still need us, the disillusioned and now confused viewing audience. They have to figure out a new and improved way to keep us engaged in their fight to stay on top of the chart, (advertising dollars flowing like wine) and still look like they’re really in this fight for US. We are nothing more than the vehicle they must use to get them where they want to be.

    I like the analogy of a yo yo. Media (and their talent) play us like someone would play with a yo yo. And, we’re the yo yo, hanging on to by a thread (string). They reel us in, then let us go but never completely. We’re always still attached by the string.

    Now they’ll change their “angle” and thus their approach to him/Washington and us, their viewership. This is what the media does. They figure out the “angle” first, then go after the story to retro fit the angle. That’s the game.

    It’s nothing about Beck personally, he seems like a great guy – a good moral person. But, he is a player in the game. And if he wants to stay in the game, well….

    That’s why I say FOX is controlled opposition. It beats a blank, as they say.

  27. Someone posted the information below at Orly’s site……you can read this one…..Larry has this affidavit signed and notarized….I’m not sure where he believes Orly is forcing him to lie when this is what he swore to….again I believe it is a he said….she said deal…..time will tell!!

  28. Hi Jackie,

    I have signed the impeachment petition-thanks for the link.

    I don’t know about the Sinclair/Smith attacks on Orly-if they didn’t want to participate, just walk away. None of this is necessary. Just withdraw your support and leave. I never had any respect for Lucas Smith -he’s a hustler-but I did support Larry.

    I’m sorry to say that I no longer do.

  29. Grahm honors o’s gag order on KSM trial.


  30. SueK,

    I know you understand the concept of cytokine storm, since this is your area and and you have referred to it often.

    Perhaps we can think of Sinclair in this manner. I don’t want to get into discussion of this, bc it is a he said, she said scenario. But we can say that his own defence, rightly or wrongly has hurt him.

  31. kittycat 1049–that explains the hot air!

  32. My personal take on the Jihadist trial in NY, is this: won’t having the trial in that venue give the defense the perfect justification to seek mistrial on account of bias, whatever verdict is handed down?

    It seems planned…

  33. kittycat 1049–that explains why gore thought there was global warming!

  34. Are you all aware of the following?????
    Continental Congress ‘09


    Questions to be addressed:
    1) Are our elected officials obligated to respond to proper Petitions
    for Redress of violations of the Constitution?
    2) Do the People have the Power of Enforcement when their elected officials refuse to respond to such Petitions?
    3) Did the federal judiciary abuse the doctrine of stare decisis and
    Plaintiffs’ Due Process Rights in deciding We The People v. U.S.?
    4) What actions must the states and/or federal government take to end
    violations of the First Amendment’s Accountability Clause?

  35. #

    SueK // November 14, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Hi Jackie,

    I have signed the impeachment petition-thanks for the link.

    I don’t know about the Sinclair/Smith attacks on Orly-if they didn’t want to participate, just walk away. None of this is necessary. Just withdraw your support and leave. I never had any respect for Lucas Smith -he’s a hustler-but I did support Larry.

    I’m sorry to say that I no longer do.

    Hi Sue….I’m with you on this one…..not sure why Orly got involved with either of them because it has come back to bite her in the you know what……Lucas is scum from the get go….I believe Larry’s story concerning the FRAUD and like you a did support him but I am not sure why he is trying to take Orly down…..time will tell I guess…..hope I am still around with that time shows its face!!

  36. venice // November 14, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    Hi Venice,

    Great analogy and I understand. That seems to be how it’s setting up.

    And I did read here last night that Lincoln has done much the same thing?

    (Sick pet today…be back later)

  37. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/11/obama-emperor-akihito-japan.html

    I wonder if Obama studied the meaning of the bow in Japan. The degree of inclination reflects the degree of subordination, that is the lower one goes, the more one is subordinate. At a guess, I would say Obama is grovelling. It sure tells you where the power base is.

  38. SueK,

    I’m sorry I missed the posts on Lincoln.

  39. Where Orly is concerned…..I am worried for her safety…..I believe she is up against it on all fronts….the criminals in charge of our government….the media….and the DemoCRAPS want to silence her as well….I fear they will try to arrest her for not paying the sanctions…..after all this amount of money is nothing more than a scare tactic from the FRAUD’S attack dogs to silence the one person who is out there talking at length about this immoral FRAUD who is occupying our house!! Even though there are other lawsuits filed….no one is being as vocal as Orly about the FRAUD and his henchmen!!!!

  40. Since his transferring the 9/11 Terrorist case to the US Criminal Court in NYC now manifests, as nothing has to date, that Obama is, or is acting as, Commander-in-Chief of a Fifth Column rather than of the United States of America, Robert Bauer’s becoming White House Counsel is more than pivotal as to Obama’s legal representation in the only remaining Constitutional Eligibility case (for damages by Keyes), Keyes v. Obama, USDC, CA — that is, the only remaining Obama Constitutional case addressing the dual loyalties prohibition under the Article 2 “natural born citizen” (two citizen parents) requirement inserted in the Constitution to avert the very threat manifested by Obama’s latest 9/11 actions.

    Assuming the Alan Keyes suit or cause of action for tort fraud against Candidate (Pre-President) Obama survives in Judge Carter’s court (e.g., leave to file second amended complaint), Bauer, in his official Government capacity as White House Counsel (as well as the Justice Dept. for that matter) cannot appropriately represent Obama in a Government capacity.

    Although service of process on Obama occurred the day before the 1/21/09 valid Oath of Office, even if service occurred after Oath of Office, Obama would not have Presidential immunity for personal torts. (Any Presidential immunity is even less than Congressional immunity.)

  41. JS,

    Orly earned every court sanction filed against her. If every lawyer without a valid cause of action filed multiple inform claims, the courts would be unable to hear the real cases, including those that could get to the heart of BO’s eligibility. Between her husband’s fortune and the money rolling in to her .org coffers, Orly could pay off a $20,000 fine whenever she wants. But it’s like when she first asked me to draft my military complaint and I told her, the Plaintiff she proposed was no good because he was too old to be re-called and, therefore, faced no real controversy. She told me to include him, anyway. ‘Let the courts kick him out as a Plaintiff. He will make such a stink…’

    See? For Orly, it’s not about the court, or the rules, or backing up her allegations with sound reasoning and evidence. It’s about stamping her foot until she gets her way, charging anyone who opposes her methodology commits treason, and drowning out all reasonable opposition to BO’s Presidency in the meantime.

    I warned you several months ago, Orly was doing more damage than you could imagine. Now, she is still 0 for …; and less credible than when she started.

    And it’s still all about election fraud, Pure and simple. But not enough sizzle for the likes of Orly and her operation.

  42. Patriot Dreamer

    I would like to see more from Liz Cheney (not POTUS, necessarily). The news media likes to try and portray conservative women as stupid, but they will have a hard time doing that to Liz.

  43. #

    jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 1:10 pm


    Orly earned every court sanction filed against her. If every lawyer without a valid cause of action filed multiple inform claims, the courts would be unable to hear the real cases, including those that could get to the heart of BO’s eligibility. Between her husband’s fortune and the money rolling in to her .org coffers, Orly could pay off a $20,000 fine whenever she wants. But it’s like when she first asked me to draft my military complaint and I told her, the Plaintiff she proposed was no good because he was too old to be re-called and, therefore, faced no real controversy. She told me to include him, anyway. ‘Let the courts kick him out as a Plaintiff. He will make such a stink…’

    See? For Orly, it’s not about the court, or the rules, or backing up her allegations with sound reasoning and evidence. It’s about stamping her foot until she gets her way, charging anyone who opposes her methodology commits treason, and drowning out all reasonable opposition to BO’s Presidency in the meantime.

    I warned you several months ago, Orly was doing more damage than you could imagine. Now, she is still 0 for …; and less credible than when she started.

    And it’s still all about election fraud, Pure and simple. But not enough sizzle for the likes of Orly and her operation.

    jbjd….That may be how you see it….but the majority of people here and else where don’t agree with you…..it is all fine and dandy what you are doing and you have a point….however….you have not put yourself out there in the public like she has fighting for the cause…..I would adventure to say that there has not been a threat to your life and safety like there has been to Orly’s just for trying to find out the truth and all you and a few others at this blog want to do is bad mouth her…..please do it on your own blog…..I support your efforts in the deal with PeLOUSY but you seem arrogant in thinking it is your way or NO WAY….we need to attack the FRAUD on all fronts not attacking Patriots who want what’s best for the country!!

  44. Patriot Dreamer

    Anybody else feel like the NY terrorist trials are purposefully intended to be a big distraction from what else is going on – such as Cap & Tax, Pelosi/ObamaCare, amnesty, etc.?

  45. Orly Taitz is an Obot.

    Nobody wants to believe this. By her fruits…that’s all you need to know.

    By her husband…that’s another story altogether.

    Orly Taitz is an Obot.

  46. Status quo for the Obama camp is diversions.

  47. #

    Ace // November 14, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    Orly Taitz is an Obot.

    Nobody wants to believe this. By her fruits…that’s all you need to know.

    By her husband…that’s another story altogether.

    Orly Taitz is an Obot.

    Ace..You appear to be the Obot!

  48. USC AII, S3:

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

    Somebody get this douche nozzle out of the White House please. People are getting very impatient and this traitor is running full bore unchecked and unchallenged.

    Our nation has to be the dumbest on the planet for putting up with this ridiculous crap for as long as it has. We deserve what we are getting because we all continue to tolerate treason at the highest form of tyrannical government.

  49. #

    Patriot Dreamer // November 14, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    Anybody else feel like the NY terrorist trials are purposefully intended to be a big distraction from what else is going on – such as Cap & Tax, Pelosi/ObamaCare, amnesty, etc.?

    PD….The anger in this country is growing….this may be the icing on the cake….and the FRAUD left the country…now may be the time to storm our White House and take back our country!!!

  50. Correction. Should be AIII. Missed a “I”.

  51. #

    JeffM // November 14, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    USC AII, S3:

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

    Somebody get this douche nozzle out of the White House please. People are getting very impatient and this traitor is running full bore unchecked and unchallenged.

    Our nation has to be the dumbest on the planet for putting up with this ridiculous crap for as long as it has. We deserve what we are getting because we all continue to tolerate treason at the highest form of tyrannical government.

    Jeff M….The followers of the FRAUD have all staked their claim on this…..they know we are a Christian nation and the majority of people are of the non-violent type….it appears that unless our military acts against this TRAITOR for treason we will not be able to recognize America and it’s Constitution before long…..FREEDOM AND LIBERTY ARE AT STAKE…..what are we Christians to do????

  52. Here’s what the Jag Hunter tells us to do…read all of it at…….


    Friday, 13 November 2009

    Sergeant of Marines – Timothy Joseph Harrington (Massachusetts)
    Richard M. Keefner (Illinois)
    Dale A. Laudenlager (Pennsylvania)
    Gunnery Sergent of Marines – Bob Pinkstaff
    Sharon Rondeau (Connecticut)
    Colonel of Marines – Edward Schriber
    Sergeant of Marines – Phillip Wolf

    Hold yourself in shame that because your name is not listed above you’re personally responsible without excuse for the…

  53. Charlton

    Mistrial , can’t happen . I think they would re-arrested on capital murder charges , in this case , an act of war, war crimes , genocide ,etc while still in the court room.

    The trial serves three purposes , to put America on trial and give the Jihadists a stage for recruitment and the celebration of Jihad.

    The second is the continued assault on conservative America to , demoralize , anger and to incite and push into a revolt .

    The third is to shore up the administrations jihadie base, ,, after all,, they contributed heavily to his campaign .

  54. (1:11 pm)

    A reminder about David Horowitz:

    “David Horowitz is exposed as a False-Front Conservative after he derides the American Constitution and its requirements that a US President be a Natural Born Citizen. Then Horowitz proves to be a demagogue by decrying that “63 million people voted for Barack Obama” as being some sort of proof that this Foreign Occupier is legitimate. Finally, Horror-witz proves that the A.C.O.R.N. does not fall far from the Marxist tree by blasting Frank and John as “racists” for disagreeing with the policies of Barack Obama.”



    [audio src="http://www.therightperspective.org/Audio/2009/TRP_2009.04.03_Horowitz_Excerpt.mp3" /]

  55. Patriot Dreamer

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    And also to further discredit our intelligence services – most importantly, the CIA.

  56. JS.

    You are not this blog. You are not the arbiter of right and wrong. You cannot gauge the efficacy of anyone’s position by weighing the stand taken against the supposed threats that ensue.

    Of course, people disagree with me; if they didn’t, we would have exposed the fraud by now. Because like you, they confuse style with substance.

    I don’t care how many fits Leo takes because the court rejects his pleadings; mandamus does not lie where no explicit legislation requires the executive officer to perform a specific ministerial function. The courts will honor the basic Constitutional principle of governmental separation of powers, even if Leo won’t.

    I don’t care how many zombies blindly follow Orly, who calls people who disagree with her, “Traitors,” ignoring that our country was founded on the thoughts and opinions of principled patriots who opposed tyranny in whatever form. You did not hear the disdain with which she replied when I told her, I had been contacted by a member of the military, who wanted ‘out’ of her releases, which releases several bloggers, including Leo, pointed out, seem to implicate the signatory in real Treason. ‘Geesh, what does he want NOW?’ (That’s when I cut all ties with her; this disrespect for the military she would have sacrifice themselves for HER was too much to bear.)

    The only lawyer who has ‘put himself out there’ for whom I have respect is Phil Berg. True, his pleadings were as faulty as Orly’s, or Leo’s, or Apuzzo’s, or any of the dozens of other suits filed. But know what he managed to do? He managed to get BO and his lawyer, Bob Bauer, now WH Counsel, to display their hubris in an ill-conceived footnote in the Motion to Dismiss in Hollister, back in January 2009. (Too bad Mr. Berg appears to so determined to ‘win that big case that takes BO down’ he has failed to appreciate the ‘win’ that was handed to him in that footnote.)

    Oh, well, I will continue to try to educate people that using existing laws to redress what we consider to be a faulty election requires understanding those laws. This means, YOU have to do some of the work. Don’t like that prospect? Then, stop complaining about the outcome.

    By the way, JS, I know that you are from a state that has no law saying, the candidate on the ballot must be qualified for the job. But this does not mean, your state officials have no stake in seeing what the D’s did in states with those laws. Why don’t you print out, say, the SC complaint? Make sure you understand all of the allegations, including the fact, BO and Bob Bauer asked the federal court to take judicial notice of a phantom computer image. Send copies of all of the complaints for election fraud to Harry Reid. Ask him on what basis NP Certified BO is Constitutionally qualified for the job.

    Finally, let me say, instead of trying to silence me because you have identified with another hero, you might try understanding the work I have produced throughout this election cycle. Because it would appear that, from uncovering BO’s harassment of pledged delegates in “vote binding states” (my term) to identifying the only crime committed by electing an unqualified POTUS could be election fraud, I have put my finger on the solutions all along the way, even while people like you were doing their best to shut me up.

  57. #

    Patriot Dreamer // November 14, 2009 at 1:50 pm

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    And also to further discredit our intelligence services – most importantly, the CIA.

    And as O’Reilly reported last night…..this is the left….trying to put Bush and Cheney of trial for what they believe is torture!!! I say hang em’ all from their BALLS…..I’m sick of this Communist/Marxist regime…..as I said in an above post….the temperature of the American public is at a boiling point….could this be the issue that boils the POT over?????

  58. Patriot Dreamer

    discredit our intelligence services


    Yes , that’s included in the Islamic declaration of war on America AKA The Great Satan .

  59. Thanks Gordo.

  60. PD, Army D.A.V.,
    I share your sentiments exactly.

    It’s time to go to DC. Time is running out.

  61. Jacqlyn Smith,
    Thank you for the jag link!

  62. jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 1:54 pm


    You are not this blog. You are not the arbiter of right and wrong. You cannot gauge the efficacy of anyone’s position by weighing the stand taken against the supposed threats that ensue.


    jbjd…first of all….I never said this was my blog….I pointed out from what I read here you are in the minority of what you say here….and what I read on other blogs….your cause is getting little coverage….maybe you need more sizzle like you accuse Orly of….get real….everyone is trying to expose the truth….you seem very sanctimonious in believing you and Berg are the ones that can do it…..evidently you do care or you wouldn’t be bad mouthing Patriots for trying to do what they can to expose the truth….why don’t you try harder and quit accusing others of not doing anything or doing it in the wrong way!!! YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE…..even people like myself trying to support your efforts are having a difficult time simply because of your attitude towards other Patriots who are trying too!!!

  63. Patriot Dreamer

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 1:59 pm

    And also the Communist goals for the United States, although they specifically target the FBI.

  64. zachjonesishome




    Carter To Introduce Bill Giving Fort Hood Victims Combatant Status

    Central Texas Congressman John Carter plans to introduce legislation next week that would give the soldiers and civilians who were killed or injured in the shooting at Fort Hood the same legal status as troops injured in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    I’m liking TEXAS a lot these days. I lived in Houston for a time back in the early 80’s when in law school.

    Have a Great Weekend.


  65. BTW….jbjd…..I spend at least 5 to 6 hours on the phone calling my representatives….one which is an Obama whore….every week……I have served on 3 grand juries and I email every day to hundreds of media outlets as well as friends and family….please don’t tell me what I do and don’t do…..YOU DON’T KNOW….as well as you don’t know Orly’s plight either!!!

  66. live oak // November 14, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    PD, Army D.A.V.,
    I share your sentiments exactly.

    It’s time to go to DC. Time is running out.


    I strongly disagree ……………. The federal government is lowest rank in the chain of command.

    Always follow the chain of command………

  67. palins book tuesday just another way for a obama distraction for herr major league book

  68. JS, I completly agree with you. I am sick to death of those (JBJD, Larry, Donofrio) who expend so much energy attacking others in the cause of exposing the Fraud. Each one of the people I just named are (so far) not being successful in what they are doing, so they should just get off of their high horses and do their own thing while being SILENT about parallel attackers. Furthermore, what they are doing is hurting the cause. Worse they make themselves look bad; like their own huge egos are what it’s all about (ie. each one wants to be the “savior” so everyone else is wrong).Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner are the class act who the others should emulate.

  69. @ Jacqlyn Smith:

    It does seem to me that a pressure cooker effect is being created in this country, and I think it’s being done on purpose. I think this sick bastard wants people to revolt.

    I have never seen anything in my life more disgusting than obamas conferring of american rights to this terrorists. As far as I am concerned, Barack Obama can stay in Japan.

  70. Army D.A.V.,
    Right you are. I’m not in the military, but I’ve always loved and supported our soldiers and vets.

  71. #

    Paulajal // November 14, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    JS, I completly agree with you. I am sick to death of those (JBJD, Larry, Donofrio) who expend so much energy attacking others in the cause of exposing the Fraud. Each one of the people I just named are (so far) not being successful in what they are doing, so they should just get off of their high horses and do their own thing while being SILENT about parallel attackers. Furthermore, what they are doing is hurting the cause. Worse they make themselves look bad; like their own huge egos are what it’s all about (ie. each one wants to be the “savior” so everyone else is wrong).Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner are the class act who the others should emulate.
    Paulajal….Totally agree…..I for one am tired of it….it is enough to fight the corruption in the government let alone fighting amongst people who are trying to expose the truth….if you don’t like someone’s approach….then do your own and leave others to their own demise….it seems the people you mention are wanting the demise of Orly over the FRAUD in our house….Apuzzo and Kerchner are exceptions…..they are not in the business of bad mouthing anyone….I respect both of them too!!

  72. #

    Buraq ’08 // November 14, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    @ Jacqlyn Smith:

    It does seem to me that a pressure cooker effect is being created in this country, and I think it’s being done on purpose. I think this sick bastard wants people to revolt.

    I have never seen anything in my life more disgusting than obamas conferring of american rights to this terrorists. As far as I am concerned, Barack Obama can stay in Japan.

    Buraq….if only we had a magic wand to make that happen!!!

  73. It’s clear Kenya Boy is foaming at the mouth for a reason to declare martial law.

    I wish we had a magic wand too.

  74. Buraq ’08,

    It may be that “they” want people to revolt, but only as a last option. Otherwise they wouldn’t have spent millions with the cover-ups, the control of the media and so on.

    Revolts are time consuming, bloody, expensive and get in the way of the overall agenda. Only if a revolt is in itself a cover-up, would it be desirable.

    One must be careful here. If a revolt is to take place (and I believe one is already is in the making), it must be only bc of the will of the people and no one should feel they’ve been coerced. I know it’s a subtle difference, but it’s an important one IMO.

  75. zachjonesishome

    Jacqlyn Smith

    Hey. I just want to let you know that I too feel that everyone has a part to play in restoring the Republic.

    I never thought that I would be doing silly graphics – and many would criticize what I’m doing. It’s part of a bigger picture – reaching a critical mass. I do write articles here and there that I feel pretty good about. (Australia and CFP)

    I look at it as a snowball rolling downhill. The more avenues of attack – the bigger the snowball becomes. I do believe that most of the people involved in this effort for truth are sincere. I don’t see any other way – politicians are looking out for their own self-interests – same for the courts, etc. Critical mass must be reached and it will take all of us.

    Anyway – Thank you for all that you are doing!

    Thank Dr. Orly, Philip Berg, Leo, CitizenWells, jbjd, Texas Darlin, Dr. Kate, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Atlas Shrugs, Larry Sinclair, etc. etc. etc.

    It’s a growing snowball!!

    Sincerely Zach

  76. Jacqlyn Smith,

    We are a Christian Nation. And Christians have 100% divine approval to defend ourselves from enemies, especially those who attempt to impose their “Allah” on us.

    Psalms 144:1…

    Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

  77. #

    zachjonesishome // November 14, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith

    Hey. I just want to let you know that I too feel that everyone has a part to play in restoring the Republic.

    I never thought that I would be doing silly graphics – and many would criticize what I’m doing. It’s part of a bigger picture – reaching a critical mass. I do write articles here and there that I feel pretty good about. (Australia and CFP)

    I look at it as a snowball rolling downhill. The more avenues of attack – the bigger the snowball becomes. I do believe that most of the people involved in this effort for truth are sincere. I don’t see any other way – politicians are looking out for their own self-interests – same for the courts, etc. Critical mass must be reached and it will take all of us.

    Anyway – Thank you for all that you are doing!

    Thank Dr. Orly, Philip Berg, Leo, CitizenWells, jbjd, Texas Darlin, Dr. Kate, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Atlas Shrugs, Larry Sinclair, etc. etc. etc.

    It’s a growing snowball!!

    Sincerely Zach

    Thanks Zack…..I appreciate you too!! I am just at the boiling point as all of us are…..Everyone is trying to do what they can…..NO ONE should be excoriated for what they are trying to do to expose the truth!!!

  78. live oak

    I think you missed my point . State Capital , The governors need to be forced into reading their job discription , or else.

    That’s where the tea parties should be held not in DC.

  79. #

    JeffM // November 14, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith,

    We are a Christian Nation. And Christians have 100% divine approval to defend ourselves from enemies, especially those who attempt to impose their “Allah” on us.

    Psalms 144:1…

    Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.


    Jeff M….I know it says it is okay but many of us have not been programmed that way….how do we get that way when we believe a Christian should not resort to violence???

  80. zachjonesishome

    This was just posted on OathKeepers:

    “November 14th, 2009
    As soldiers we are instructed to DISobey unlawful orders
    As a Senior NCO I am very aware of the Oath that I have taken numerous times in my 20+ years of service. Before I was even aware of “Oath Keepers” I had engaged in numerous conversations with superiors and subordinates about the very issues stated in your “Orders we will not obey”. I have found that the very large majority of Soldiers I have had these discussions with are VERY aware of the potential for Politicians to issue unlawful orders. As a leader it is my duty, and personal responsibility to ensure anyone within my charge be made aware of any unlawful order and to bring any said order to the attention of my Chain of Command. As soldiers we are instructed to DISobey unlawful orders. While we exist to defend the Republic we are not slaves to the Government. We are Citizens as well as Soldiers and realize that the Constitution of The United States is the supreme law of the land and ensures the freedoms of American citizens. I will not violate my oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. So help me God.”

    On that note, I think I will throw a few beers in the freezer to prepare for the Gator v GameCocks game at 3:30.

    Back later.


  81. About the terrorist trial , have they contacted Bin Laden yet , for jury duty .

    After all it’s the law , a jury of peers, their peers are Mideastern Islamic terrorists .

  82. Three Cheers for Sarah Palin…..Yeah….Yeah…and Hell Yeah!!!

    I got this from Sarah on facebook….

    Obama Administration’s Atrocious Decision
    Yesterday at 1:39pm
    Horrible decision, absolutely horrible. It is devastating for so many of us to hear that the Obama Administration decided that the 9/11 terrorist mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be given a criminal trial in New York. This is an atrocious decision.

    Mohammed and his terrorist co-conspirators are responsible for the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans. Thousands of American families have suffered through the loss of loved ones because of the disgusting attacks launched against the United States, and now this trial venue adds insult to injury, in addition to compromising our efforts in the War on Terror. Heaven forbid our allies see this decision as a reason to become less likely to support our efforts in the future.

    Criminal defense attorneys will now enter into delaying tactics and other methods in the hope of securing some kind of win for their “clients.” The trial will afford Mohammed the opportunity to grandstand and make use of his time in front of the world media to rally his disgusting terrorist cohorts. It will also be an insult to the victims of 9/11, as Mohammed will no doubt use the opportunity to spew his hateful rhetoric in the same neighborhood in which he ruthlessly cut down the lives of so many Americans.

    It is crucially important that Americans be made aware that the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks may walk away from this trial without receiving just punishment because of a “hung jury” or from any variety of court room technicalities. If we are stuck with this terrible Obama Administration decision, I, like most Americans, hope that Mohammed and his co-conspirators are convicted. Hang ‘em high.

    I wholeheartedly support the survivors and the families of the victims in their appeal to the president regarding this matter. You can read more about it here.

    – Sarah Palin

  83. This is where Sarah Palin wants you to go and read….


  84. Tim Brown

    FDNY-Retired, 9/11 Survivor

  85. @ venice:

    I believe that a revolt is in the making too. I have thought so for sometime now. This crap about giving terrorists a federal trial has literally got my blood boiling. Words such as angry, furious, outraged and so forth cannot even apply to what I feel inside me.

    I feel betrayed, and I feel wrath.

    Everyone else that I know is in the same boat. My entire family, including my elderly mom and even more elderly grandmother are just as angry as I have ever seen them.

    But beyond expressing my emotions, I don’t know what to do. If I acted the way I want to, I’d be in jail so fast. What does one do when one’s government is the absolute enemy and antithesis of every single thing that one has have ever believed in?

    I think I am just going to go say some prayers now, because I feel lost.

  86. Jacqlyn Smith,

    Our framers were all Christians and they were well versed in the art of revolution. It didn’t start that way. They tried to redress with the King but he and his goons didn’t care. They tried to resolve problems diplomatically but the King didn’t care.

    After a while our nation said “enough is enough”. We’re not at that point yet and we have a long road ahead. Let us all pray we never get to that point again.

    I’m not getting a warm fuzzy feeling and I’m usually right about these kinds of things.

  87. A house divided can not stand. Those who want the fraud out need to stop attacking each other. That only helps BO.

  88. live oak said:

    It’s clear Kenya Boy is foaming at the mouth for a reason to declare martial law.

    And it will be the shortest “martial law” in world history. It will be over in less than 3 days because the American Militia will attack violently and swiftly. It took 5 days to get water to the SuperDome. They can’t even figure out how to deploy to the Far East properly.

    They think we’re just a bunch of fat punching bags. HAH. They ain’t seen nothing yet.

  89. I am not a Christian. I am a Jew. Every time you attempt to impose your definition of this country as a Christian nation, I see your contempt for the 1st Amendment.

    I could not care less what anyone thinks of me; so far, no one has been able to discredit the work. Screaming at elected officials – I am speaking figuratively here – does not substitute for well-reasoned discourse. But this requires several prerequisites, including but not limited to these.

    1. Claiming the high moral ground based only on suspicion BO is Constitutionally unqualified for office makes you and everyone else questioning his qualifications, appear unworthy of attention.
    2. Claiming the high moral ground based only on rumors and innuendos he is unqualified for office makes you and everyone else questioning his qualification, appear unworthy of attention.
    3. Basing your opinions on opinions of others who only suspect he is unqualified for office makes you and everyone else questioning his qualifications appear unworthy of attention.

    According to the Constitution you claim to revere, no one is required to vet the candidate for POTUS as to Constitutional qualifications for office. No one. So, BO is POTUS, whether qualified.

    But it is a pretty safe bet, NP lied when she swore he was Constitutionally qualified, based on the documentary evidence available in the public record. And that’s the best case there is or could be, to get to the heart of his Constitutional qualifications. I could not care less whether you agree with ME; but these are the facts.

    I agree; I am everything you say I am, whatever that is. Okay? Now, enough about me, and what you think of me, and whether others agree with what you think about me.

    Do you understand that swearing BO is Constitutionally qualified for the office of POTUS without ascertaining whether he is, in a state that requires the candidate to be qualified to get on the ballot, is election fraud? Is this the point you are trying to get across to your elected officials?

    By the way, if not for the votes of those HRC pledged delegates from vote binding states, you would have seen a floor vote at the D Convention. (If you fail to understand this, you might do some more research, on my blog; or listen to the tapes from my last 2 (two) radio appearances.)

  90. Orly is live right now at the Continental Congress 2009.


  91. CW @ 1:23…
    Status quo for the Obama camp is diversions.
    In his wisdom, CW refrains from refusing, exposing, deleting, all opinions and/or ‘diversions’ from comments that resonate with support for agendas other than those of who are pro-constitutional republic. As such, the blog is flooded with comments by ones who defend agendas with a gender-bias, or an elitist-bias, over and above shady history or questionable character; and designs on a system of more government intrusion into, and control over, the rights and property of individuals. Using the ‘bot’ moniker (though I’ve admittedly parroted it here) doesn’t really portray the basis for the angst and hostility that gets expressed when then the true intent of a ‘personality’ is exposed…and assessed on the merits of what good, or damage, would be forthcoming with those agendas in place, and operating in full force at the will of a few…as in: an oligarchy, as previously ‘splained.

    The issues before our nation are obviously very polarizing…and each one’s effort to persuade the other is the very liberty that would suffer in the event that those freedoms are taken captive by the ‘oligarchists’ (is that a word?)…it’s quite puzzling.

    Doesn’t it make sense that ‘ya can’t have it both ways’?

  92. Iran says NO DEAL and o is delaying the announcement.


  93. Buraq ’08,

    In trying times like these, it is best to search deep within, and not be held captive to one’s anger.

    Watch Celente’s 4 videos, especially the last one. It’s been posted several times, most recently on either the last thread or penultimate thread.

    I have a great deal of respect for this man. He speaks openly, and addresses the essence of what Americans are now facing. He is the one who coined the term the “second revolution”, I believe.

    If you don’t get a chance, in the last video he speaks of the emergence of a new America within the next few years. This group will be characterized by the old values of this country.
    They will be guided by a moral character that is far more robust, far more just, than the filth that we are now witnessing.

    I have to agree with him. It will not come easily, as there will be a revolutionary period for this to come about, but I’m pretty certain it will be so. In the meantime, the public needs to think, not react, organize and be active.

  94. Obama bows to Emperor of Japan 11/14/2009

  95. jbjd,

    We are a Christian nation. Isreal is a Jewish nation. Iran is a Muslim nation. That doesn’t mean squat with regards to the U.S. Constitution.

    All the Amendment does is guarantee people’s rights to practice whatever non-criminal religion they like without the government imposing a national church, e.g. Church of England. It doesn’t guarantee that the nation won’t be a Christian nation, like the 84% of all Americans by birthright and practice.

    This kind of political correctness is assinine.

  96. I think we’ve reached the point. the government isn’t listening. Kenya Boy has proved again and again what a great liar he is, that he could care less about the American people. Don’t you think we’ve reached “enough is enough”? The Ft. Hood tragedy and this trial of the terrorists in NY is the limit, I think. Holder will get them off. Do we wait til Copenhagen? It will be too late.
    Judge Carter has a chance to redeem himself this Friday, and while I pray for and support Orly 1000%, I have my doubts that Carter will see it through.

  97. Patriot Dreamer
  98. #

    JeffM // November 14, 2009 at 2:58 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith,

    Our framers were all Christians and they were well versed in the art of revolution. It didn’t start that way. They tried to redress with the King but he and his goons didn’t care. They tried to resolve problems diplomatically but the King didn’t care.

    After a while our nation said “enough is enough”. We’re not at that point yet and we have a long road ahead. Let us all pray we never get to that point again.

    I’m not getting a warm fuzzy feeling and I’m usually right about these kinds of things.

    I so agree with you!!! 🙂

  99. Army D.A.V.,
    Thank you for clarifying. I’m usually not that dense; I didn’t get much sleep.

  100. There have been so many things that I have been angry about since obama was elected. I can recall thinking to myself more than a few of times that this is the last straw.

    However, this move to grant these terrorist bastards a trial AS IF THEY WERE AMERICAN CITIZENS makes me want to vomit. How can we allow our government to betray us this way?


    I swear to Almighty God in Heaven I no longer know where I am! What is this place? Is this Hell?

    I apologize to everyone for my rant.

    This is where I am, and it feels like Hell to me.

  101. jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 3:03 pm

    I am not a Christian. I am a Jew. Every time you attempt to impose your definition of this country as a Christian nation, I see your contempt for the 1st Amendment.

    jbjd….you are so off base it isn’t even funny about we Christians……but I for one am tired of your rants ……. we are primarily a nation of Christians whether you want to admit it or not!!

    The rest of your post about your work is ridiculous…like many others here…..I for one have been supporting you but your quote “so far, no one has been able to discredit the work”……neither have you been able to credit yourself with removing the FRAUD from the White House…..is this not the credit you want???

  102. To read the entire article go to….



    Wake up, Mr. President! We’re in a war here

    Comments: 13

    Last Updated: 12:29 PM, November 14, 2009

    Posted: November 14, 2009
    The Obama administra- tion’s obdurate refusal to accept the reality of Islam ist terrorism was underscored yet again yesterday when Attorney General Eric Holder announced that 9/11 architect Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be brought to New York to be tried as a common criminal. What an outrage. Mohammed not only admits his role in the worst terrorist attack in American history but actually boasts about it. He should have been stood up in front of a wall and shot yearsago. VIDEO: 9/11 SUSPECTS TO BE TRIED IN NY Never mind that the trial of Mohammed and four terrorist associates is certain to devolve into a propaganda circus. Their acts were committed in furtherance of a perverted holy war against the United States; they are not American citizens — and thus they have no legitimate claim to the constitutional protections this country affords accused criminals. Indeed, KSM and his co-terrorists — Ramzi Binalshibh, Waleed bin Attash, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi — all offered to plead guilty last year before a military commission and accept execution. No, the fundamental question is whether such a proceeding will make America safer, or place her at greater risk. Or, as former Attorney General Michael Mukasey put it: “Those moving this process forward should consider whether the main purpose is to protect the citizens of this country or to showcase the country’s criminal-justice system — which has been done before and which failed to impress Khalid Sheik Mohammed.” Certainly, the decision represents a return to pre-9/11 sensibilities, when terrorism was seen as a law-enforcement issue, to be fought in the courtroom — not on the battlefield. That approach yielded, among other bloody acts, the attacks on USS Cole, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon — and, quite frankly, last week’s slaughter at Fort Hood. They were acts of war, plain and simple, whether or not President Obama and Holder want to accept it. It makes no more sense to try those responsible in a civilian court than it would have been to hold a trial for the Japanese who bombed Pearl Harbor. On a purely self-interested note, New Yorkers must be wondering whether it makes sense for their city — stilla high-priority terrorist target — to have anotherbull’s-eye painted on its buildings. Of course it doesn’t. But bringing the world’s most notorious terrorists to New York for criminal trials will do just that. Alas, that’s the reality of it. So here’s hoping that Holder really has his heart in it — that he will secure convictions across the board, and that he presses hard and successfully for the death penalty he’s promising to seek. KSM and his crew deserve to be executed — not as glorious martyrs, but as murderous thugs — and the sooner, the better. Certainly America would be the safer for it.

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    The Obama administra- tion’s obdurate refusal to accept the reality of Islam ist terrorism was underscored yet again yesterday when Attorney General Eric Holder announced that 9/11 architect Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be brought to New York to be tried as a common criminal.

    What an outrage.

    Mohammed not only admits his role in the worst terrorist attack in American history but actually boasts about it. He should have been stood up in front of a wall and shot years ago.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/wake_up_mr_president_we_re_in_war_vnX8FPh4UW0kjgm5mEg8dK#ixzz0WruS0Uyy

  103. Most of our ‘founding fathers’ were deists but not Christians. That is, they did not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Look it up.


  104. This guy nailed it….found at….


    Witness to evil: Proximity to terrorists at trial may not bring comfort to victims’ families

    By James Gordon Meek

    Saturday, November 14th 2009, 4:00 AM

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/11/14/2009-11-14_witness_to_evil_daily_news_reporter_describes_encounter_with_khalid_shaikh_moham.html#ixzz0WrvTRaPq

  105. jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    Most of our ‘founding fathers’ were deists but not Christians. That is, they did not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Look it up.

    jbjd…..I have done plenty of looking up and your deists belief is yours…..we are still primarily a nation of Christians….in other words we believe in the life of Christ…..whether you like it or not…..the country is filled with Christians and many of the Founders were filled with a belief in God and Christ as well!!!

  106. jbjd….all quotes from TJ….He is a founder and a Christian!!


    Thomas Jefferson
    Source – America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, ed. William J. Federer, FAME publishing, Inc. 1994
    Belief – Episcopalian
    “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.” 1781, Query XVIII of his Notes on that State of Virginia.
    “My views…are the result of a life of inquiry and reflection, and very different from the anti-christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruptions of Christianity I am, indeed, opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others…” April 21, 1803 in a letter to Dr. Benjamin.
    “The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend to all the happiness of man.”
    “Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus….I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.”

  107. jbjd said,

    Between her husband’s fortune and the money rolling in to her .org coffers, Orly could pay off a $20,000 fine whenever she wants

    jbjd, The above did not pertain to me but i couldn’t resist the opportunity to add on by asking, wasn’t it also strange that Orly then turned and asked her followers online to pay for her fine ?

    I cringed, knowing full well that she earned it on her own, and should pay it on her own !

    She is banned in the South Florida Court, and so far is lucky she is not yet banned in her own backyard CA.

    I enjoy your wisdom and your style, and i think the focus on Election Fraud is on point.

    I also appreciate your excellent blog.

  108. jbjd…..quotes from BF….another founder and Christian!!

    Benjamin Franklin
    Belief – Episcopalian
    “Here is my Creed. I believe in on God, the Creator of the Universe. That He governs it by His Providence. That He ought to be worshipped.

    That the most acceptable service we render to Him is in doing good to His other Children. That the soul of Man is immortal, and will be treated with Justice in another Life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound Religion, and I regard them as you do in whatever Sect I meet with them.

    As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the System of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, is the best the World ever saw, or is likely to see.” March 9, 1790 in a letter to Ezra Stiles, President of Yale University
    “Heavenly Father, May all revere Thee, And become They dutiful children and faithful subjects. May thy Laws be obeyed on earth as perfectly as they are in Heaven. Provide for us this day as Thou hast hitherto daily done. Forgive us our trespasses, and enable us likewise to forgive those that offended us. Keep us out of temptation and deliver us from Evil.” Franklin’s own version of the Lord’s Prayer
    “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel” – Constitutional Convention of 1787, original manuscript of this speech

  109. jbjd…..and yet another founder….JA…believes in God and the Christian religion!!


    John Adams
    Belief – Unitarian
    “The Christian religion is above all the Religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of Wisdom, Virtue, Equity, and Humanity. Let the Blackguard Paine say what he will; it is Resignation to God, it is Goodness itself to Man.” July 26, 1796, in his diary.
    “I have examined all religions, as well as my narrow sphere, my straightened means, and my busy life, would allow; and the result is that the Bible is the best Book in the world. It contains more philosophy than all the libraries I have seen.” December 25, 1813 in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.
    “The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion…” November 4, 1816 in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.
    “As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation.” December 27, 1816 in a letter to Judge F.A. Van der Kemp.
    The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . . the general principles of Christianity. . . . I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of liberty are as unalterable as human nature. (taken from a letter to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813)
    Twenty times in the course of my late reading have I been on the point of breaking out, “This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion at all!!!” But in this exclamation I would have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company, I mean hell.
    Jesus is benevolence personified, an example for all men… The Christian religion, in its primitive purity and simplicity, I have entertained for more than sixty years. It is the religion of reason, equity, and love; it is the religion of the head and the heart

    For more information on quotes from these founding fathers and many others, please see: America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, ed. William J. Federer, FAME Publishing, Inc. 1994.

  110. JS, what misguided purpose did you intend to fulfill by quoting BF? I am not the person who wrongly proselytized that our founding fathers were Christians; I am the one who corrected that mistake by citing, not all of them were. I never said, none of the founding fathers was Christian. So, why bother confronting me with the fact, BF was a Christian? So? Who said he wasn’t? Understand that when you respond in this haphazard way to facts I have presented, you give the impression, you are careless with all facts. Perhaps this explains why you fail to appreciate the solution I have presented to the BO election debacle, detailed in the complaints for election fraud to the state A’sG, posted on the front of my blog.

  111. JS & JeffM: no surprise the
    drooling-over-while-defending HRC & Co. by ones equally self-absorbed; exhibiting, and unable to contain, the jealousy pangs of anyone else in the spotlight which they themselves covet (remember the SNL parody of Palin?…”MINE!!” was the catch line…)
    …as the saying goes ‘birds of a feather…’
    Their distain for “O” is only for having stolen the podium (and the telepromter…heh).
    And yet, you seem surprised by the responses;
    what up? Reads like a lose-lose debate…imho.

  112. Richard, thank you very much.

    (Interestingly, on other blogs where I post, readers often refer those commenters they call ‘Obots’ to my blog, citing, there is no hyperbole or ranting on my blog, but only the facts.)

    (And, obviously, volumes and volumes of work.)

  113. O warns Isreal NOT to honor assasignated American because he was jewish.


  114. JS, what misguided purpose did you intend to fulfill by quoting BF? I am not the person who wrongly proselytized that our founding fathers were Christians; I am the one who corrected that mistake by citing, not all of them were. I never said, none of the founding fathers was Christian. So, why bother confronting me with the fact, BF was a Christian? So? Who said he wasn’t? Understand that when you respond in this haphazard way to facts I have presented, you give the impression, you are careless with all facts. Perhaps this explains why you fail to appreciate the solution I have presented to the BO election debacle, detailed in the complaints for election fraud to the state A’sG, posted on the front of my blog.

    jbjd….All about you again and what I may or may not appreciate what you do and know….get off your sanctimonious high horse and do something for the cause instead of bad mouthing others who do or don’t!!!

    Still you refuse to admit….we are primarily a nation of Christians….founded on Christian morals and values which the majority of our founders possessed…..your insatiable want to prove everything you do and say as right borders on some extreme phobia….I’m not sure which one that would be…..but reading what you write here…I’m sure you know all about it!!

  115. #

    Re-do // November 14, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    JS & JeffM: no surprise the
    drooling-over-while-defending HRC & Co. by ones equally self-absorbed; exhibiting, and unable to contain, the jealousy pangs of anyone else in the spotlight which they themselves covet (remember the SNL parody of Palin?…”MINE!!” was the catch line…)
    …as the saying goes ‘birds of a feather…’
    Their distain for “O” is only for having stolen the podium (and the telepromter…heh).
    And yet, you seem surprised by the responses;
    what up? Reads like a lose-lose debate…imho.

    Hey RE-Do….I understand there are still those who aren’t over HRC…..she never would have beat McCain…that’s why the DemoCRAP’s pushed one of their own under the bus and held up a FRAUD for the nation to embrace and so far it looks like they are getting away with it unless the majority of DemoCRAPS grow some morals and boot this A-hole out!!! So far they would rather give our country to the Muslims rather than say they were wrong!!

  116. JASO24………………………………..
    You are dead-on the money. If we are to bicker about things we are trying to do,or become so embroiled in petty arguments one thing will result from it all ……we WILL lose all that we are trying to do. We need to COME TOGETHER and exchange information that can be used by those who are taking active roles in our efforts to get Soetoro out of office. I also agree that it might take more time than anyone can afford. But we MUST clench our teeth just as we have been doing, and continue to do exactly what BECK is doing, and even get more determined than ever. It is clear that Holder is acting on Soetoro’s guidance with regard to anything, and everything he does. We need to publically publish the truth to everything that Soetoro and his GOONS do. You must keep it all in perspective and under the noses of the perpetrators. Above all we must maintain order, and separate fact from fancy. Also we must utilize the researching, and legal skills that a few of our bloggers seem to possess. Right, or wrong we are probably going to get only one real shot at the target. It must be a bullseye from the first try,and it must be in the heart of the beast. Otherwise the country, and ourselves has already lost.

  117. Re-do, you and your partner, JS, (and the spare, JeffM) are so predictable. Now you are reverting back to your tag team attack against me, attacks you unsuccessfully attempt to disguise as random mindless chatter. Obviously, exposing BO has never been your ultimate goal.

    If I had my choice, I would get you to concentrate your energies, instead, on championing these complaints of election fraud I conceived and drafted, or getting people to consider why pledged delegates from vote binding states were not allowed to vote at the D Convention.

    However, I suspect you will always be too preoccupied with your irrational hatred for all things Clinton, to change your tune, notwithstanding HRC won the D nomination and, according to all surveys taken at the time of the general election, would have beaten JMc by more percentage points than BO beat him.

    Either way, we were going to have a D President. Does that fact so boggle your mind that it clouds all reason and prevents your focus on exposing BO?

    Selfish, selfish, selfish. If you cannot support rational efforts to expose BO, at least you could stop trying to discredit the attempts of those of us who have been genuinely examining our Constitutional Republic for the means to redress the wrongs of the 2008 election cycle.

    Now, go play.

  118. Jacqlyn Smith // November 14, 2009 at 3:48 pm

    jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 3:44 pm


    Sorry to jump in and I probably will be but, I think JeffM post was right on.

    Out of the three main religions , question for the historians , from which did the other two originate?.

  119. Heh…in the final analysis…what will matter is what the Almighty thinks and believes about each one of us, rather than what we, individually or collectively, think about Him.

  120. Without trying to restrain dialogue about religion, in the spirit of cooperation
    and rejoicing in those values that we share, and moving forward to achieve our
    common goals without being diverted too much, would it be possible for us to not
    bicker too much or be distracted by our slight differences of belief in God or whatever word
    we choose to describe the creator of all.

  121. Richard and jbjd….just so you know….it was one of Orly’s supporters who first started the campaign to pay for the sanctions from Land….which many Patriots believe are totally out of bounds…of course two Orly bashers like yourselves would never bring up that fact!!!

  122. I realise that everybody is really “GUT” mad. In addition there is frustration resulting from the CROOKED behavior of the US Court sysrem, and US DoJ. But this all means only that we get even more intense than ever in digging up facts that clearly reflect the truth. The MORE we PUBLISH and put under the OBOT MORONS’ NOSES, the greater is the likelyhood of being successful in our venture.

  123. CW,


  124. #

    Jacqlyn Smith // November 14, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Richard and jbjd….just so you know….it was one of Orly’s supporters who first started the campaign to pay for the sanctions from Land….which many Patriots believe are totally out of bounds…of course two Orly bashers like yourselves would never bring up that fact!!!

    JS, even assuming this is true, it presents a distinction without a difference. Orly should have said, “No.”

  125. ooo…cranky…
    someone needs their banky…
    and perhaps
    a nap…

    (how’s that, Prairie?!)

  126. The jury has to consist of “their peers” which in this case will likely be at least 1 Muslim. It will
    only take 1 vote in defendant’s favor to have a mistrail.

    Heard this on FOX News today.

    KSM was already set up for a Military Tribunal at GITMO until Obama changed that! So it’s pretty clear where “his” allegiances are, imho.

  127. jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 4:30 pm

    Re-do, you and your partner, JS, (and the spare, JeffM) are so predictable. Now you are reverting back to your tag team attack against me, attacks you unsuccessfully attempt to disguise as random mindless chatter. Obviously, exposing BO has never been your ultimate goal.

    jbjd….You still don’t get it….you are the only one here trying to discredit others…no one is attacking you….I have credited you on more than one occasion here and at your own blog for your research on PeLOUSY and a way to prove election fraud…however I don’t agree with your attacks on Orly or anyone else here who has facts you don’t have and a different method to go about removing a Usurper……we all are focused on removing the FRAUD in our house….I believe CW’s blog is also about getting back to Conservative morals and values that our founding fathers wanted us to live by….and as CW is trying to focus on researching candidates we all can endorse for 2010…..HRC never has and never will meet those qualifications…..perhaps you are on the wrong blog when trying to defend the Clinton slime!!!

  128. I hope that what I am about to say will be taken in the spirit of my intent.

    I do not come here to “bury” or praise Orly Taitz.

    What I believe most of us are concerned about the most is upholding the US Constitution
    and the rule of law and removing what is most assuredly a usurper, a illegal president.
    I do not agree with everything Orly Taitz has done and some of her moves have mystified
    me. I am also not in agreement with some of the statements and actions of some of the judges.
    I have decided to stay out of the way of Taitz.
    What I clearly did not want to happen was for the controversy surrounding Orly Taitz to
    become another diversion.
    There are many things happening behind the scenes that we do not understand.
    As I have repeatedly stated, upholding the Constitution and seeking the truth are
    high priorities. I believe we should continue to push this as we open the eyes of
    congressmen and change Congess in 2010. Ultimately this will be how we save this
    country and hold Obama and Congress accountable.


  129. #

    citizenwells // November 14, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Without trying to restrain dialogue about religion, in the spirit of cooperation
    and rejoicing in those values that we share, and moving forward to achieve our
    common goals without being diverted too much, would it be possible for us to not
    bicker too much or be distracted by our slight differences of belief in God or whatever word
    we choose to describe the creator of all.

    CW….you are good at putting it mildly!! 🙂

  130. Jacqlyn.
    We must hang together.

  131. #

    jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 4:41 pm


    Jacqlyn Smith // November 14, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Richard and jbjd….just so you know….it was one of Orly’s supporters who first started the campaign to pay for the sanctions from Land….which many Patriots believe are totally out of bounds…of course two Orly bashers like yourselves would never bring up that fact!!!

    JS, even assuming this is true, it presents a distinction without a difference. Orly should have said, “No.”

    Why….because that is what you would have done??? Orly wants to uphold our American Constitution….leave the poor woman alone and try to do what you can to uphold the Constitution…..PLEASE….already!!!

  132. Jacqlyn said,

    of course two Orly bashers like yourselves would never bring up that fact!!!

    Jacqlyn, if Orly looks like a duck, that has gotten her feathers blown of with bird shot, it is because she brought it upon herself.

    A strong co-council, and someone else to speak on her behalf, would greatly enhance her damaged credibility.

    Power is nothing with out control.

  133. #

    citizenwells // November 14, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    We must hang together.

    CW….I think most of us here understand your statement above better than some!!

  134. There really is no argument that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values….even if all of the founders were not Christian

    Just popping in to say hi kiddos. I see things have gotten a little rough on the playground today.

    Hope you all are having as good a weekend as possible considering the news out of the bast–d usuper concerning the NYC trials.

    This may be the worst thing he has done yet outside of being an illegal immigrant

  135. By the way,I am so damned pissed that I believe I have shortened my teeth severely from clenching them. Everytime Soetoro tries to ram his slimey bull#### down my throat I get even madder. I without a doubt will be seeing a few of you in Federal Prison. I will NOT buy Healthcare that I do not want, nor will I pay a fine for it I will open fire first. I am 77 years of age .Anything they do to me will be a favor. If they throw me in prison MMMMSSSS TUNAFISH has to feed me, clothe me, and provide healthcare FREE to me.(Three hots, and a cot.), all rent free. I wonder what they will do after they have All the american WORKING people in jail? There goes the GDP. All factories will stop, all retail business will stop. Because all American employees will be in jail. So there sits Soetoro and his goons….. lots of Chiefs, and no warriors.

  136. OldSalt77,

    I agree with your post above. The US Court System is totally corrupt now, SCOTUS included, and the DOJ. Real cute how Holder
    came out with the “news” while bo is in Asia.
    I think this is the straw that will break the camel’s back.

  137. #

    Richard // November 14, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    Jacqlyn said,

    of course two Orly bashers like yourselves would never bring up that fact!!!

    Jacqlyn, if Orly looks like a duck, that has gotten her feathers blown of with bird shot, it is because she brought it upon herself.

    A strong co-council, and someone else to speak on her behalf, would greatly enhance her damaged credibility.

    Power is nothing with out control.

    Richard…..that is the point…..Orly has NO POWER…..it is in a corrupt judge’s hands who wants to silence people taking actions against the FRAUD in our house…..that $20,000 sanction was against all Patriots wanting to expose the truth….not just Orly!!! WAKE UP….whether you like Orly or not and whether you believe she has a method to her madness…..that $20,000 sanction was a warning to anyone wanting to expose the THUGS running our government…..that is why helping to pay this fine is something everyone should want to help out with!

  138. upholding the US Constitution
    and the rule of law and removing what is most assuredly a usurper, a illegal president
    ….CW above….

    This is the goal that I believe unites all of us
    (or 99.999% and repeating of us).

  139. #

    oldsalt77 // November 14, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    By the way,I am so damned pissed that I believe I have shortened my teeth severely from clenching them. Everytime Soetoro tries to ram his slimey bull#### down my throat I get even madder. I without a doubt will be seeing a few of you in Federal Prison. I will NOT buy Healthcare that I do not want, nor will I pay a fine for it I will open fire first. I am 77 years of age .Anything they do to me will be a favor. If they throw me in prison MMMMSSSS TUNAFISH has to feed me, clothe me, and provide healthcare FREE to me.(Three hots, and a cot.), all rent free. I wonder what they will do after they have All the american WORKING people in jail? There goes the GDP. All factories will stop, all retail business will stop. Because all American employees will be in jail. So there sits Soetoro and his goons….. lots of Chiefs, and no warriors.

    OldSalt….I don’t think you need to lose any sleep over going to jail…..there is no way true Patriots will allow that to happen!!! I for one will be there to rescue YOU!!!

  140. JS—
    that $20,000 sanction was a warning to anyone wanting to expose the THUGS

    That’s the way I took it also.

  141. From my buddy Cody….please read and pass on…


    The silence is deafening Barnett (Judy) v. Obama unusual bias on court record..
    Today at 1:19pm

    While “Obama’s Swelling Ego” is intriguing, an interesting development in the Barnett v. Obama case you may find worth the journalistic endeavor, has developed. This is the case that has gained so much notoriety with Judge Carter. The forensic story revolves around this document, http://www.scribd.com/doc/22288917/Judy-v-Obama , having been submitted and received by the Court Monday at around 9:30 AM, and also received by the U.S. Attorney Generals Office in charge of defense around 1:00 PM the same date which is the same date the court received a Motion for Reconsideration by Plaintiff attorney Orly Taitz, yet it is not on the docket report of the Barnett v. Obama case.

    Part of Orly Taitz argument for Reconsideration was: ”

    A newly discovered fact, material to this action, that was the reason for most errors in the order, is the fact that on October 1, 2009 Your Honor hired as your law clerk an attorney Siddharth Velamoor, who previously worked for Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the defendant in the above case, Mr. Obama. As a matter of fact Perkins Coie was one of the firms representing the defendants in a prior legal action filed by the plaintiffs in this very case, Ambassador Alan Keyes et al against Secretary of State Deborah Bowen and Democratic party electors specifically for not vetting Mr. Obama as a presidential candidate, as Ms. Bowen didn’t request any vital records and never checked any vital records of Mr. Obama, as she and all the other secretaries of states took his Declaration of a Candidate on it’s face value. As it is a common knowledge that law clerks do most of the research and write most of the opinions for the judges, the order to dismiss this case was de facto written or largely influenced by an attorney who until recently worked for a firm representing the defendant in this case, and who currently is working as a clerk for the presiding judge, as such most of the order is tainted by bias. This is a clear prejudice against the plaintiffs. While Mr. Velamoor will surely claim that he didn’t work on Obama case before, his employment with Perkins Coie should’ve disqualified him, and indeed the order reads as if it is written by the defense counsel, highly biased against the plaintiffs, 99 percent of the order either misstates the facts or the pleadings or oral argument, it misstates the law and is full of personal attacks, de facto accusing decorated members of the military of being cowards; and this order is particularly used as a tool in what seems to be a concerted effort by this Court and judge Clay D Land in GA to use the power of federal judiciary to publicly lynch the undersigned counsel, to use innuendo, ex parte defamatory and slanderous statements to assassinate her character, to destroy her as a human being and endanger her law license, only because she is not only the only attorney brave enough to bring most of eligibility legal actions, to bring actions from plaintiffs with real standing, the only one to get any hearings, but she is also the only one to bring forward evidence from licensed investigators showing Mr. Obama committing multiple felonies, for which he should be serving lengthy prison term. The court erred in hiring Mr. Velamoor or in the alternative not recusing himself from hearing this case.”

    This poses an interesting consideration if the Court received the document but has failed to post it on the docket report, the court is then in violation of it’s own Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and is running intervention on account of the defendant Obama rather then a interpreter of the law as it is submitted under Rules of Civil Procedure, it is rather bias to it’s own opinion in the face of law.

    While Orly Taitz and Gary Kreep have also received this document neither has commented upon it. Your own conclusions can be drawn from that, but it would seem on the outside parameter at best that according to Judge Carter’s own litmus test of ‘standing’ Allan Keyes as a Presidential contestant in the election of 2008 has the most well received standing, and you would think another Presidential Candidate contesting the race would solidify a ground swelling argument of contested fairness as regards to ‘candidate qualification equality’ under the natural born citizen (NBC) Clause of the Constitution.

    This ” Motion for Joinder and Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/22288917/Judy-v-Obama , submits evidence of Congress considering the NBC issue and declared foreign born citizens not eligible for President in 2000 and also submits the deceptive practice of the the Democrat Leadership subversive movement to place Obama on the ballot in a coercive manner exempting the ‘ Constitutionally Qualified ‘ wording to a host of States, by another candidate for President.

    These facts, along with the equal consideration of John McCain’s own problems with the natural born citizen clause and the fact it was filed in a Federal Court and declared ‘moot’ after Obama was declared the winner, makes this document a rare find in regards to equality under the law. The Federal Court affectively calling the winner of the Presidential Race, the one who has to under go vetting rather then the runner up and debunks the ‘birther’ movement as racist. It also sets a precedent giving ‘reason’ as to ‘why’ the runner up in the election, or 2nd place finisher, would not raise a stick about the NBC Clause, having the same problem.

    Thus the court having two Presidential Candidates in the 2008 Election Race, both charging the race was not fair by way of ‘NBC Qualification’ lays the grounds for a responsibility test by the court, as to the objecting parties losses, and their right to spend campaign monies in a fair contest, or at least be reimbursed for the unfairness and discrimination of qualification law towards them by the winner and perhaps the Legislative Branch acting then on the judgement of the court findings.

    This for your consideration and journalistic integrity in the light of the freedom and liberty of free press and free speech you may remember in the future as once having, and for which if you do not take a stand you will lose. It’s time Taking A Stand on this document was covered in the balance of justice for the Country. http://www.scribd.com/doc/22288917/Judy-v-Obama

  142. JS—
    Glad you are signing up to rescue OldSalt.
    Don’t you think there will be too many of us
    to jail? They’d need another “simulus bill” for that.

  143. Jacqlyn,

    I felt that Judge Land’s hand was biased in his ruling. I do agree with the fine though.

    I totally agree with Judge Carter’s ruling, and on every point.

    I’d rather put my money behind a competent Phil Berg, Leo D. and Jbjd, rather than pay for Orly’s fines.

  144. JS & JeffM…I didn’t know we was ‘partners’!…
    if that be the case…then how about ‘distributing the wealth?!’ hehehe… (got any? I don’t…)…

    Funny…what the bee don’t know is I haven’t a clue who you be ‘cept for a few letters on a page.
    btw: I tried to post that SNL skit from YouTube, but most of the versions available have been tampered with, edited, or added to…didn’t seem worth it…but it was ‘on point’ for today’s “playground” activity, as Sandy put it:

    sandy @ 4:59:
    …some kids just don’t want you to play with THEIR ball…and they go and get their britches all in a bunch over it…wuchya gonna do?
    just let ’em pout…

  145. #

    Maddie // November 14, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    Glad you are signing up to rescue OldSalt.
    Don’t you think there will be too many of us
    to jail? They’d need another “simulus bill” for that.

    Maddie…..they don’t have enough jails for the real convicts…..how will they house health care violators…..it is a Joke!!

  146. Health care bill raises cost 300 billion- according to last night report by Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services. Do you think it will even matter to the a$$holes?


  147. Re-do // November 14, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    JS & JeffM…I didn’t know we was ‘partners’!…
    if that be the case…then how about ‘distributing the wealth?!’ hehehe… (got any? I don’t…)…

    Re-do….I distribute my wealth of knowledge to you everyday!! LOL! 🙂

  148. Reposting because this should not get overlooked. Obama WARNS ISREAL not to honor a Jewish-American.


  149. #

    Richard // November 14, 2009 at 5:22 pm


    I felt that Judge Land’s hand was biased in his ruling. I do agree with the fine though.

    I totally agree with Judge Carter’s ruling, and on every point.

    I’d rather put my money behind a competent Phil Berg, Leo D. and Jbjd, rather than pay for Orly’s fines.

    A judge is biased and corrupt and you agree with the fine..makes NO Sense….aslo…why are the others competent….they haven’t proven anything in court either….in fact they have gotten their cases dismissed too and jbjd has not produced anything except the complaints filed!! If you are judging competence on a decision…well NO one has prevailed yet! Orly is the only one out of those you mention who is on a day in and day out basis fighting for the Constitution in public!!

  150. JS @ 5:30: well, dang…that be might generous of ya…but I could REALLY use some cashola…

    …Girl…I got folks Chasing me like you wouldn’t believe…I don’t know how I’m ever gonna afford to get to GG’s BBQ-sellabrayshun…
    maybe I’ll have to settle for him FAXing me a steak n some corn on the cob!!! LOL!!

    …by the way…what wrong with a little mindless chatter? women do it all the time in my area…nobody gets their britches all unhitched about it…they just order another cup of coffee…
    and fuhghettobowit…

    OT: you know…there are some sects that claim the Scriptures suggest there won’t be ANY women in heaven…have you heard of that one?
    They point to the verse in Revelation when John describes: “and there was silence for the space of half an hour”…the sect suggests no way that could be true if there were females present!! LOL!!
    wuchy gonna do?

  151. The disgrace and the disaster of Barack Bowbama. Lame Cherry is dead on.


  152. I have an extra copy of Bill Federer’s book, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, if anyone is interested. Just send me the cost of postage.

    The quotes in this book are most credible because Bill provides sources for all the quotations (127 pages of notes!). He is a great historian and wonderful speaker. I am proud to say that I campaigned for him when he ran unsuccessfully against Dick Gephardt for Representative in MO.

    BTW Bill Federer is the news at Andrew Breitbart’s website…….

    The county prosecutor who opened the office on a HOLIDAY, Columbus Day 2000, in order to file charges against Bill Federer for a trumped up incident is the same prosecutor has not yet filed charges against the SEIU thug who assaulted (on tape) a black man passing out anti-Obama buttons at a Dem. town hall meeting three months ago!

  153. funny riddle just hit me: but I’ll let someone else provide the answer:
    “what’s the most frustrating piece of furniture to a narcissist?”

  154. Re-do:
    a mirror?

  155. Re-do–revision
    a BROKEN mirror

  156. OT: you know…there are some sects that claim the Scriptures suggest there won’t be ANY women in heaven…have you heard of that one?
    They point to the verse in Revelation when John describes: “and there was silence for the space of half an hour”…the sect suggests no way that could be true if there were females present!! LOL!!
    wuchy gonna do?


    Re-do….in that case…there’s gonna’ be some disappointed terrorist!!

  157. First, this.

    jbjd….All about you again and what I may or may not appreciate what you do and know….get off your sanctimonious high horse and do something for the cause instead of bad mouthing others who do or don’t!!!

    Still you refuse to admit….we are primarily a nation of Christians….founded on Christian morals and values which the majority of our founders possessed…..your insatiable want to prove everything you do and say as right borders on some extreme phobia….I’m not sure which one that would be…..but reading what you write here…I’m sure you know all about it!!

    Then, this.

    jbjd….You still don’t get it….you are the only one here trying to discredit others…no one is attacking you….

    Your words contradict…your sanctimonious words.

  158. JS: nobody said the virgins were gonna be females…or young, for that matter!! LOL!!

    And @ 5:50: BINGO! we have an instant winner!
    (and the reason for your answer is?…)

  159. Maddie

    A peer is a person’s equal. The U.S. Constitution guarantees criminal defendants a “jury of one’s peers,” which means an impartial group of citizens from the judicial district (e.g. county) in which the defendant lives. However, jurors are not required to be ethnically, educationally, economically or sexually the same as the defendant, although in some jurisdictions attempts are made to meet those criteria.

    Therefore it is the defendants rights and his lawyers duties to chose from that jury pool .

    Not just one but twelve peers, these 10 jihadist have no peers in this country, they are foreign enemy combatants from a foreign battlefield .

    They’re peers are members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

    And since they have already pleaded guilty to crime , they are already convicted , guilty as charged……….so why bring them here in the first place ?.


    This is trial is illegal ,unconstitutional farce set up by an illegal , unconstitutional radical administration .

    They should have been tried and hung years ago by the Military courts.

    BTW: Has any one noticed lately how the US seems to be looking more and more like South side Chicago.

  160. who needs the UFC when you’ve got the CWB?!

  161. I thought a ‘peer’ was either someone who looks through their neighbors’ window at night…
    or someone whose aim is to miss the urinal…
    could be the fault of too many beers);
    or one of those things that holds up the boardwalk…
    now which one is it gonna be?

  162. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan “There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it”

  163. I have a campaign idea that would be easy for all of us to do by participating and getting the word out for the whole country to participate in.

    My husband told me today that the WH is refusing to call their CHRISTMAS TREE a Christmas tree, but rather a holiday tree. We need to get everyone to start bombarding the WH with VERY RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS…complimenting them on their CHRISTMAS TREE and the CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM in the tree ITSELF!

    They need to be bombarded with cards, emails, and mailings with CHRISTMAS well wishes. These are the things that make wannabe dictators lose it. We need to remind him every day just how weak he is! That he has no power over us. Laughter and mocking of a “dictator” is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the West.

    Please make this idea go viral. 🙂

  164. Army DAV–
    Great explanation of the jury of peers meaning and selection. I totally agree with you.
    I was posting what FOX News said could happen with the 1 Muslim juror.

    But, it is obvious that FOX didn’t analyze
    this as well as you have. And, yes, to get one of “their peers” would be to ask for a Muslim terrorist. Isn’t this just great. What an idiot we have in the WH along with the AG Holder.

    Thanks, Army.

  165. #

    jbjd // November 14, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    First, this.

    jbjd….All about you again and what I may or may not appreciate what you do and know….get off your sanctimonious high horse and do something for the cause instead of bad mouthing others who do or don’t!!!

    Still you refuse to admit….we are primarily a nation of Christians….founded on Christian morals and values which the majority of our founders possessed…..your insatiable want to prove everything you do and say as right borders on some extreme phobia….I’m not sure which one that would be…..but reading what you write here…I’m sure you know all about it!!

    Then, this.

    jbjd….You still don’t get it….you are the only one here trying to discredit others…no one is attacking you….

    Your words contradict…your sanctimonious words.

    jbjd…..how so??? I don’t see any contradiction or sanctimony on my part…..just calling it like I see it written….I am not the one craving credit for some complaints I wrote or work done to expose the FRAUD in our government…I am not bad mouthing people who are working to expose a Usurper….it seems you are though! All I am doing is asking people here to support everyone trying to do their part at exposing the FRAUD…I even supported you in your efforts….now I’m beginning to wonder about that decision….your attitude is unbecoming….be a little more humble in your efforts and it will take you a long way!!

  166. Code Pink holding up banner that reads…….

    ” We Support the Murder of the American Troops” .

    Picture at Freepers……..

  167. #

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Code Pink holding up banner that reads…….

    ” We Support the Murder of the American Troops” .

    Picture at Freepers……..

    I keep saying….the next civil war will be Conservatives against Liberals…..seeing as we out number them 2 to 1 I don’t think it will take long to get our country back once the war breaks out…..I believe we out number them in guns and ammunition as well!!!

  168. Patriot Dreamer

    ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 6:46 pm


    Is that pic for real?

    That thread at FreeRepublic refers to this article at BigGovernment.com:

    “Obama Ally Code Pink Justifies Fort Hood Terrorist Attack, Cashes in on Massacre in Veterans Day Fundraising Appeal”


  169. …and there’s the bell ending the 7th round.

    *******NEW POST*********

  170. wow…mirror and broken mirror…both better answers than expected : A+

    does the frustration come from the unbroken one that, when spoken to, ‘interrupts’ by parroting the same thing and stealing the stage?

    or more from the broken one that skews the image?

    tough choice…

  171. wouldn’t that be 7th inning..and time for a stretch?…

  172. Patriot Dreamer

    To tell you the truth , I didn’t check , your right it might be PS.

  173. http://www.citizenlink.org/videofeatures/A000010256.cfm

    Please take time to go and watch this short video and then,…….
    be grateful we have this blog to come to.
    I believe we need to stick together.
    How do I know that I can trust anyone of you bloggers here? How do you know that You can trust me or anyone else?
    We have to stop pointing fingers….. STOP THE BICKERING. ]
    We CanNot Trust Everyone and that is the simple fact.
    I have the utmost respect for Jews. (I trust them)I am a devoted Christian,…. My strength comes from God. Muslims are a different story,….. I DO NOT have a good feeling about them.
    When the only way out of a religion is DEATH,……. THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH IT.
    My God is a loving and forgiving God.
    Please Patriots,…. those of you who Love Our Country,… just focus on the goal of saving her.
    We all need to stop the need to pat ourselves on the back. WE ARE IN THIS MESS TOGETHER.
    WE WILL ONLY GET OUT OF THIS MESS,…. if we fight “together” against this EVIL.
    A big thank you to everyone for all they do to save OUR AMERICA.

  174. jbjd….Election Fraud

    I found this bit of information and I would like to share it with you and your readers. The article addresses post WWII Presidential elections and the fraud factor effects on history. At least six (now seven), modern day elections were rigged with some degree of fraud (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan? GW Bush) and now Obama. The article conveys a message that our system is corrupt, no matter what evidence exists. For example: A protects B and B protects C and C protects A and B. So what’s the point! It’s all about power and money. The hell with the people and what the people think.

    So, here we are. Do you seriously think that the State AG’s will take up the cause against Obama?
    I would like to believe that they would, but I think not. However, jbjd carry on, no matter how long it takes.


  175. So, game on…they play hardball with a hot topic. We think they’re doing it for us.
    I warned every one of you about Beck…….the dollar $ is all he cares about………probably the real reason he left Headline News……..stay away from Beck……leave all tv news…..not one cares about their responsibility….it’s all about the ratings.

  176. Buraq ’08 // November 14, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    @ Jacqlyn Smith:

    It does seem to me that a pressure cooker effect is being created in this country, and I think it’s being done on purpose. I think this sick bastard wants people to revolt.

    I picture this panel meeting every morning listing from 1-10, what atrocities will be acted out in order of priority of evil.

  177. Jeff M….I know it says it is okay but many of us have not been programmed that way….how do we get that way when we believe a Christian should not resort to violence???
    JS, this is how
    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…………Ephesians 6:11

  178. ARMY D.A.V. // November 14, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    About the terrorist trial , have they contacted Bin Laden yet , for jury duty .

    After all it’s the law , a jury of peers, their peers are Mideastern Islamic terrorists .

    Nah, there’s plenty here in the current administration and congress……….saves plane fare.

  179. I wonder what they will do after they have All the american WORKING people in jail?

    Exactly, because illegal Mexicans, even after made illegal by the usurper, will still qualify for food stamps, govt assistance, etc., earning what they will.
    Any businesses or successful taxpayers refusing to follow the new healthcare legislature that are jailed surely defeats the purpose of all this bull****……hard to pay fines and taxes in jail!!!

    Oh, and confiscation of property…….that’s going to be a bugger, including establishing child welfare, state custody suits, court costs, bankruptcy, foreclosure, loan defaults, all things considered will cost the states and feds lots when this really gets going. (or not going… sarcasm)

  180. If you think we’re in a depression now??? Wait till 2012 when millions go to jail and BofA, Chase, and big banks get stuck with even more mortgages, loan defaults, car loan defaults, etc, because the govt put the holders of these loans in jail for not paying healthcare premiums but provides healthcare for illegal aliens………this is not going to be pretty, folks.

  181. They point to the verse in Revelation when John describes: “and there was silence for the space of half an hour”…

    Ever heard of duct tape??

  182. ticktock // November 14, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    Okay, but also I’m sure there is a list online of retail stores that refuse to say Merry Christmas, etc, and Walmart is one……….I worked there for only 3 weeks and when I said to one customer of his work-related problem…….God works in mysterious ways…..I was told by a co-worker, that wasn’t allowed!!!

    I do know that Linen and Things says MC, and also Dillard’s.

    This is the information we should be sharing and not patronizing the stores that are so PC.

    We are in a country founded on religious principles and dedicated to freedom of religion.

  183. ticktock ,
    I have the obama health care video down to 145 Meg in size. Still trying to find a site to upload to so you can retrieve it.

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