Sarah Palin attacks, Palin book, Going Rogue, Good Vs Evil, 1984, Hate, Conservative female threatens left, Socialists, Right versus wrong

“What has been will be again,
       what has been done will be done again;
       there is nothing new under the sun.”…Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV)

“I took with me certain simple criteria with which to measure.
That which made for more life, for physical and spiritual health, was good;
that which made for less life, which hurt, dwarfed and distorted life, was bad.”…Jack London

“Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room.”
“the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically.”
“He was an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia.”
“There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies”
“In it’s second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voices”… George Orwell “1984”






 If you are offended by references to the Bible, good versus evil or anything that is not politically correct, you are in the wrong place.

Everyone is tap dancing around the attacks on Sarah Palin. People with the best of intentions speak of her as a conservative female threatening the philosophies and positions of those on the left. Let’s call this what it is. This is a classic struggle between good and evil, right versus wrong.

The modern day Democrat Party is controlled by far left socialists who are driven by a message of hate. Hate George Bush, Hate America and recently Hate Sarah Palin. The Beatles, in their song “Revolution”, had this to say:

“But when you want money
for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait”

“You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow”

It seems the leftist Democrats have covered all the bases. Hate, change the Constitution and carrying pictures of  Chairman Mao (Anita Dunn).

Sarah Palin is not a perfect person, her humanity prevents that. She is, however a good person who loves her family, her country and follows her moral compass, her concept of God, the creator of all. She is against many of the ideological positions that have slowly taken hold of this country.

Sarah Palin represents what is right about this country. She tries to live her life by doing the right thing. She apparently intimidates those who believe:

  • Women should follow the dictates of the Democrat Party.
  • Abortion is always ok and should not be reserved for the lesser of evils.
  • There is no God.
  • There is no right or wrong.
  • The founding fathers and US Constitution are out of vogue and not relevant to modern issues.
  • European countries should be emulated.
  • A Government option will improve health care.
  • Global warming is real and is mainly the fault of Americans.
  • An endangered fish is more important than endangered humans.
  • Drilling for oil is always wrong.
  • Terrorists are regular criminals with constitutional rights.
  • Patriotism, Religion and Guns are not fashionable.

I am next going to refer to Jesus of Nazareth. The life and tenets of Jesus are known by Christians, Jews and Muslims, so most of you should understand what I am about to write. While Sarah Palin cannot be compared to Jesus on one level, reactions to the good in Sarah Palin and other children of the light are paralleled in the reactions to Jesus, his teachings and actions.  The hypocrites and evil doers of Jesus’ time attacked him and demanded  his crucifixion.

The modern day hypocrites have put Sarah Palin under a microscope. They employ legions to fact check her statements and her new book and gave Barack Obama a free ride on his books and election campaign. As Jesus would state, they look for a speck in Palin’s eye and ignore the beam in theirs.
I wish to make an important point. It is ok to disgree with Sarah Palin. Since Palin embraces American values, she would be the first to agree. It is not ok to trash, lie about and attack Sarah Palin. This is wrong (remember, most of us believe in right and wrong.) When you attack Sarah Palin, you attack America and decent Americans and we are not going to take it anymore.

This is fair warning to those, and I do not care who you are, who viciously attack Sarah Palin. If you are a company like NewsWeek, that belittled Palin with the sexist magazine cover, we are going to boycott you. If you are a politician, we are going to run you out of office. If I personally hear someone attack Palin, I am going to quietly get in their face and ask why they hate America. I suggest you do the same.

Generally, I do believe we should pray for those who have lost their way. However, there is a concept called righteous indignation. A response, sadly lacking in many of those who profess to be Christians. And how ironic. Jesus, who was all about love for thy neighbor, entered the temple, saw the moneychanger’s wrongful acts, and overturned the tables in righteous indignation.

The lesson is simple. We must rise up in righteous indignation and say no more to attacks on Sarah Palin and others.

And be certain you are clear about this.

This is a struggle between good and evil.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”… Ephesians 6:12.

198 responses to “Sarah Palin attacks, Palin book, Going Rogue, Good Vs Evil, 1984, Hate, Conservative female threatens left, Socialists, Right versus wrong

  1. I agree with you. Governor Palin is not perfect, but she does believe in God, the Bible, the Constitution and this country. I would follow her into battle anytime she asks.

    Every attack against her is an attack against me. I spent over 20 years in this countries military and I took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, not the President or congress. I will uphold that oath even though I am not active duty. I don’t recall an expiration date on the oath.

    We MUST defend the Constitution and this country. If not us, the citizens, then who??

  2. This is correct, we must rise up and insist on no more attacks on females, whether Conservative or Moderate. I saw this in the attacks ongoing on Hillary Clinton during the primaries, and then “transferred” to attacking Sarah Palin in the Generals. Women (and men) should stand up when they see this type of attack on either of these 2 candidates as examples, or upon other female candidates in the future. Attacking females for high office is not a single party issue–it’s everywhere (and not just in politics). Nuf said. Maddie.

    You will note that I did leave out “liberal” women—whereas, they shouldn’t be attacked either, at this moment, most of them deserve the media attacks (which they don’t seem to get), imho.

  3. Don,
    Wonderful post. Glad you were first on this thread. Your words summarize how most of us here feel about what’s going on. Thanks.

  4. Don,
    Just want to add, now I can envision S.P. leading us into the battle for our country. Music in the background “Onward Christian Soldiers” and
    “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”—yes, I could see her doing that. S.P. is a “Patriot.”

  5. I have a simple question for Sarah P.:

    If you’re so Constitutional and love this nation so much, why didn’t you file Quo Warranto lawsuit against Soetoro stating your claim as VP winner like you were supposed to last November???

  6. PS: CW—Sarah’s booksigning tonight in the heartland (Cols.,Oh) has drawn people “camping out” overnight to hold their place in line and lines long around the building according to on-going local newsreports today—and all of the “news” on radio here has been positive.
    I haven’t heard one Ohioan say anything mean about S.P. (I think the bo supporters are hiding). Just from here, thought you’d like a little update.

    TV local News just came on, “Is Sarah Palin planning a run for the W.H., one book tour signing at a time?”—— Big Headlines “PALIN MANIA” on the screen.

  7. DenisetheMenace

    CW –
    You have a way with words. Your post above brought tears to my eyes bc that is what I have been feeling but could not articulate.

    Thank you.

  8. Just did a live “chopper” shot above the book store in Columbus, lines long —big crowd
    and as I said above they (locale media) is calling is “Palin Mania.” I don’t know if this is a Columbus news descriptor or the book tour theme, but it’s a good one and I think it will stick.

  9. “These individuals, men and women alike, their offices held under false and treasonous pretense, presume to conduct the business of the people and government of the United States of America crafting unconstitutional, life altering legislation and policies behind closed doors and in secret meetings more appropriate to the old Soviet Politburo than to the halls of the United States Capitol. The Obama Administration, a materially significant number of his cabinet and staff including the infamous Czars, who openly subscribe to and pursue radical left and socialist/Marxist political doctrine represent not the constitutional foundations of America but a wholly subversive movement operating openly, freely and without challenge from traditionally and historically conservative elements of America’s political leadership.”

  10. Maddie………………………………
    I believe that you are right. Anybody who thinks that the enemies of our country are concerned about whether they are being attacked by a female president or a male president will want to rethink their theories. The enemy will be preoccupied with trying to keep from being anihilated. I point to Margaret Thatcher’s handling of the Falklands war. There really was not even a contest. Yet the slimey French helped Argentina. They are among the most cowardly bastards on Earth.

  11. Another quote, good article!!

    “Conservative America has its own voice and will not “live down” to the expectations of the lowest social denominator. The radical Socialist Democrats (self proclaimed or otherwise) as well as the entrenched Republican leadership of the nation will find that the voice of the voters of conservative America will no longer be ignored, demeaned by childish name calling and certainly never silenced. In every instance when America as a nation has been threatened by the hostilities of an external aggressor, suffered natural catastrophes, or been pressed with economic crisis, it has been the conservative foundations of the national spirit, its unique entrepreneurial genius, the willingness of its people to defend and support the freedoms of the Constitution that set the nation apart from every other country on the face of the earth.

    We are America – ”

  12. “Palin Mania” on Sawmill Rd.—inside Borders now—Sarah has started to SIGN EARLY—so
    more people can get a signed book. People have wristbands (will get their book signed). It is
    being called a phenomenon –Palin Mania–
    signing one autograph at a time. She has more control over her image—lots of excitement about her. These are the channel 10TV comments—all positive so far.
    You should see the crowd—it’s BIG. It’s cold out there–but the crowd doesn’t care.

  13. Lame Cherry has a good one on her posted.

  14. Patriot Dreamer
  15. I got in to a spirited debate at the local liberal college coffe shop. As soon as i challenged the one about sealing all his records and i quickly became a birther, but armed with the truth and facts they had zero,natta, zilch argument. Because they cant argue the truth. Folks the more you battle these fonies they wither under the truth. keep fighting!!!

  16. Patriot Dreamer

    “Glenn Beck to announce ‘big plan’ for 2010”
    tomorrow (Saturday) at 3 p.m. at a rally in central Florida and broadcast live on Fox News

  17. I’ve been on writing and reading: On Letters to Leaders regarding healthcare the letters are, of course, mostly against!!
    Good stuff there!
    Here’s one subject line:

    Only problem is, when I email my reps there, I get form replies…

  18. I saw something posted either here or somewhere else on the net that, according to digging in the archives of newspapers and other sources, before 1994 Obama and observers of his career never referred to him being born in Hawaii. Isn’t that amazing? It look like the guy has rewritten his history, and the mainstream media is going along, not checking his story. Indeed, I never read any fact checking exposes of either of Obama’s biographical books.

    Wow, this is really amazing. I think the articile may have been at American Thinker or something. Amazing stuff.

  19. I believe that Sarah Palin has the God given ability to think quickly,and clearly on her feet,which is something that our alleged President appears NOT to possess. To me this is a very important attribute of a potential leader. This ability tells me that she possesses a level of intelligence that is far above that of our present (alleged) leader. I would also follow her lead in any situation,military,or civil.

  20. truthbetold11……………………….
    Dead on bud! Once again this speaks to the moronic mentality of the OBOTS.

  21. Perhaps we are being too hard on Sarah Palin in regards eligibility issues.

    Given the extreme level of ridicule heaped upon ‘birthers’ at every turn, it is very difficult for ‘official’ people to get over the hurdle that if there were something to this, ‘somebody’ would be reporting on it.

    There is also the understandable hesitancy attributable to all individuals who seek the public limelight and the bully pulpit that goes with it. “If I marginalize myself, nobody will listen to me and I will lose my ability to be effective on all the other issues I want to work on”.

    We need to figure out a way to gently lead her to this.

  22. JeffM // November 20, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    I have a simple question for Sarah P.:

    If you’re so Constitutional and love this nation so much, why didn’t you file Quo Warranto lawsuit against Soetoro stating your claim as VP winner like you were supposed to last November???

    Hey JeffM,

    I agree with you, I’d ask her the same questions.

    What is the big cover-up, or secrete agreement, that no politician, sitting or wanna-be, will pursue this issue? Are they afraid of committing “political suicide” like R.Paul said? Are they afraid of Rahm and Nutsy Pelosi? ?????????

    Has Palin ever addressed the issue?

  23. And another great line from Lame Cherry:

    There is no harm in bringing out part of her strategy as if the Obamling press tries to not cover her, they will simply get the ants in their pants and have to start covering her again, lying about her, but in each sentence, Americans are figuring out the mistake Obama is and the future Sarah Palin is.


    Sarah Palin though is instead their Christmas present they are begging to open up. She is the season of their content and in trying to mock her they expose how attracted they are to her, by making her even more attractive on their covers.

  24. OldSalt77–
    Yes, Sarah Palin has no trouble speaking without a “teleprompter” and is clear about the
    direction in which America needs to go. My opinion, after watching Alan Colmes on a panel on Fox News, is the the Left is really very afraid of her and plays the I hope they run Sarah Palin because they claim she can be defeated. If I were on the Left I wouldn’t be so sure about that—-they are so cocky!

    If S. P. would lead us now in battle against the left I’d be in agreement and follow.

  25. Mitch McConnell is talking with Mark Levin…..he says it is the worst piece of legislation he has ever seen and needs the help of the American people to kill the bill…..he says they will need 60 votes once again to ever pass this piece of garbage…..this is just to bring it to debate……we must hit those moderate DEMS where it counts….they will not be re-elected when their job comes up for review if they vote for this!!!

  26. Patriot Dreamer
    “Report: ACORN got $200,000 in Justice Department funds” maybe they didn’t get the memo that ACORN is CORRUPT top to bottom. Contributing to the delinquency of a Corrupt organization?

  27. Reese and JeffM—
    I do not know the answer to Reese’s question, but hopefully someone here now or later can find the answer. I frankly think S.P. could be the person who has the guts to bring up the issue.

    Anyone else have an idea of Jeff & Reese’s posts?
    It’s a very important issue, guys & gals.

  28. Patriot D & Michelle,
    I thought ACORN was “cut off” from funds.
    What’s up with this now??!!!!!!!!

  29. #

    oldsalt77 // November 20, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    I believe that Sarah Palin has the God given ability to think quickly,and clearly on her feet,which is something that our alleged President appears NOT to possess. To me this is a very important attribute of a potential leader. This ability tells me that she possesses a level of intelligence that is far above that of our present (alleged) leader. I would also follow her lead in any situation,military,or civil.


    Palin’s qualities are a testament to being a truthful and honest person….she doesn’t have to make things up and gives her first thoughts….LIARS have to think for a while to be sure they aren’t stepping on other lies!!!

  30. The primary reason why the ultra left, politically correct, nincompoops are the way they are is because they themselves live a dirty, slimey life style. Cases in point Bawney Fwank, Dianne FINESWINE, Barbara BOX-CAR, Rinky dink DURBIN, WHATISIT lay-he, MMMMSSSS. NASTY TUNALOSI, DUMMY DODD, JACKIE BURTHA, O-BOMB-A NO FUSA.

  31. The word cloture is French for enclosure,
    fence, closing, closure. cloturer the verb
    means to close down.

    So our govt. is trying to close down and go into hiding from the America people on this bill, imho.

  32. LIARS have to think for a while to be sure they aren’t stepping on other lies

    sounds like BO to a “T” and his little Lefty friends.

  33. CBS News is on-Boring Oprah is retiring after 25 years. Boo-hoo.

  34. JeffM // November 20, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    I have a simple question for Sarah P.:

    If you’re so Constitutional and love this nation so much, why didn’t you file Quo Warranto lawsuit against Soetoro stating your claim as VP winner like you were supposed to last November??


    Maybe the same reason that German lawyers didn’t file civil charges against Hitler .

  35. Gianni,
    Yes, that is quite amazing, no one mentioning
    HI. Looks pretty suspicious to me. I do believe that his “books” (written by someone? Ayers??)
    are “made up history.”

  36. Michelle,
    I am smiling over here about O.W. leaving her talk show. Yeh, leaving after “installing” a left-wing Marxist Commie. Thanks Oprah, get out before you do something else big and destructive to America. Glad she’s leaving. Thank God!

  37. MADDIE……………………………….
    The word “cloture “can also be a synonym as applied to parliamentary debate. Although this is a very narrow application, and perhaps questionable. Maybe regarded as a slang term as well. Very awkward word. Just my own take, OK?

  38. OW is not leaving soon enough….another year of her….says she will continue until 2011….let’s make her numbers the lowest in history….don’t tune her in ever again!!

  39. I found this on the steady drip.

    Amendment 28

    Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .

    Let’s get this passed around, folks – these people have brought this upon themselves!!!

  40. Maddie………………
    Perhaps the word cloture was originally coined by someone who had their tongue wrapped around their eye tooth, and couldn’t see what they were saying, and was really trying to say closure. Oh well! Webster’s new Collegiate doesn’t say much either. Perhaps with good reason.

  41. Pass this on….just received this in an email!!

    Good news for Sarah Palin – and bad news for the liberal news media.

    I am pleased to announce that a new petition was launched this morning that supports Gov. Palin – and thanks her for her public service and role as a conservative leader – and denounces the liberal media for their biased and shameful attacks on her.

    The Our Country Deserves Better Committee is going to release the results to 4,000+ media outlets next week at Thanksgiving – to show those in the media how many people are frustrated with journalists and their attacks on Palin.

    So please – sign the petition right away, and forward it on to as many people as you can who share our view of respect for Gov. Palin. Sign the petition here:

    (Note: after you sign you might get asked by the host,, to make a donation – but you need not donate anything as this petition is completely free!)

  42. Here is another email I just received….please pass this one on as well….


    HR 615 – Please forward to everyone you know

    On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a
    two-page amendment, courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn which would require all
    Members of Congress and their staff members to enroll in any new
    government-run health plan.

    Congressman John Fleming has proposed an amendment that would require
    Congressmen and Senators to take the same health care plan that they would
    force on us. (Under proposed legislation they are exempt.)

    Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go to his Website and sign
    his petition. The process is very simple. I have done just that at:

    Senator Coburn and Congressman Fleming are both physicians.
    Regardless of your political beliefs, it sure seems reasonable that
    Congress should have exactly the same medical coverage that they impose on the
    rest o f us.

    Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!

  43. CW………………………………..
    Once again a superb post. You can always tell when a writer is really enthralled with his subject. Sarah Palin is an excellent reason to be so enthralled. I am too. I see her as a very intelligent,pretty,and very astute person.
    I wish that she would have opted for a Senate seat and got a few years of that behind her belt, before jumping into a run for the POTUS in 2012. I would believe that she would win in a landslide in either 2012, or 2016. I would like to see Newt Gingrich, or Joe Wilson run for VP along with her, or perhaps even Alan Keyes.

  44. Alan Keyes/Palin…..2012….this would be a Constitutional DREAM TEAM as well as a Conservative dream!!!

  45. Jacqlyn Smith // November 20, 2009 at 7:31 pm

    Hi Jackie,

    No thought needed on this one…just mark a huge ‘X’ in that box :).

  46. Without a doubt the MSM will again attempt to verbally murder Sarah Palin in any way they think they can. This time they will find themselves with a “tiger by the tail”,and will regret their slimey verbal adjectives. I also can’t help wondering what our MORON on the late show is cooking up for her. Letterman may have bitten the bullet with his sexual behavior, and might now be a little afraid to open his dirty mouth against Palin. It could finish cooking his goose…….WELL DONE!

  47. oldsalt77.
    This was obviously more than just about attacks on Sarah Palin.
    I am going to add this:

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12.

  48. #

    SueK // November 20, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // November 20, 2009 at 7:31 pm

    Hi Jackie,

    No thought needed on this one…just mark a huge ‘X’ in that box 🙂 .


    Hi Sue….Hope all is well….I heard a Liberal call in to Hannity today repeating the same Liberal BS how they are hopeful Palin will run in 2012….he said that will insure an BO win…..little does he know that the FRAUD says he might not try for a second term…..UM….guess that means he can’t show his birth certificate which he won’t get away with next time around!!! He couldn’t beat Palin anytime soon anyway!

  49. CW……………………………..


  50. Jacqlyn Smith // November 20, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Hi Jackie,

    All is well-working on shaking this bug. Hope all’s well with you!

    It’s like there’s concrete where the grey matter in the brain should be with these Libs, huh?

    I agree with Savage-Liberalism is a mental disorder. No other explanation.

    I think that Sarah’s ‘silent majority’ is about to make a lot of noise very soon! I also think she’s waiting for the right time to stick it to old Barky; she’s amassing supporters then, WHAM! I’m hoping for that, at least.

    Right now, she’s biding her time and gaining support; this is why I believe that she’s not tackling too much too soon-to immediately go on a book tour and slam away at this administration would be excessive right now. She’ll chip away as she has been. That, I feel, would be the right approach.

  51. to Reese, JeffM, and others.

    Your answer is at:
    Carlyle // November 20, 2009 at 6:13 pm

  52. O’Reilly is having the second part of his interview with Palin now!!! Sock it to him Sarah!

  53. ARMYDAV………………………………………

    It would seem to me that Palin was in effect under the control of the “CLUB” if you will. For her to file a lawsuit against an opponent would have been turned into a propaganda field day which would have most certainly benefitted the OBOTS. She would have been stopped by her own club. Also given what we now know about the Federal court system it is very doubtful if even QUO WARRANTO would have been a successful approach. Remember ALL of the Federal Courts are in Soetoro’s hip pocket. As long as this conrinues NO lawsuits will ever even be heard. I am very hopeful that something bad happens to Judge Land. He is about the worst bastard of all. This is my personal opinion, and in no way a threat to anyone. To impose a fine against Orly clearly demonstrates the level that some of these (alleged) Judges have degenerated to. This also includes the SCOTUS.

  54. DAV……………………………….
    I personally look upon Judge land as a piss poor excuse for a MAN.

  55. #

    oldsalt77 // November 20, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    I personally look upon Judge land as a piss poor excuse for a MAN.

    OldSalt…..I love your candor>>>:) 🙂 🙂

  56. Nathan Deal & Obama’s BC

    “Deal, due to continue campaigning in Savannah today, said he and other House members will sign a letter to Obama asking him to provide the birth certificate.

    “They just want to get it off their plate,” he said. “… It just needs to be put to rest.”

    But he did not appear eager to press the matter.

    “I did not think that was an appropriate question to be asking in regard to a governor’s race,” he said, referring to the initial inquiry.

    A reporter posed the question during what was billed as an online chat between Deal and supporters.

    If Obama will “simply tell us where we should refer … inquiries that come to our offices,” he added Tuesday, “we’ll do that. And we’ll be satisfied.” ”


    Does not take much to satisfy Deal and his pals.

  57. in re: “I am very hopeful that something bad happens to Judge Land … [this is] in no way a threat to anyone.

    I don’t want to put words in you mouth – but I think you just meant to say that you want him severely demoted – say, to the position of scrubbing Rush Limbaugh’s private toilet.

  58. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Maddie —

    Thank you for the on-the-spot updates about the book signing. Very exciting. The numbers of people AND that media is reporting the truth about what is happening.

  59. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Jacqlyn Smith // November 20, 2009 at 7:31 pm

    Alan Keyes/Palin…..2012….this would be a Constitutional DREAM TEAM as well as a Conservative dream
    I like the sound of that one.

  60. Old Salt77–
    Thanks for the parliamentary meaning of
    “cloture.” And for the other possibility–LOL.

  61. #

    GORDO // November 20, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Nathan Deal & Obama’s BC

    Does not take much to satisfy Deal and his pals.


    Time to call Deal’s office again on Monday…..they told me to call anytime to get the latest information….I asked for the names of others signing the letter but the aid didn’t know!!! Everyone get on the phone on Monday and call!!!

  62. GORDO

    Sal Alinsky .

  63. I enjoyed the interview that O’Reilly had with Sarah Palin, segment he just did tonight.
    I thought O’R. was very “tough”—questions were hard, nothing held back. In fact I saw the other interviews with bo and HRC, and this one was just as tough as theirs.
    Palin did well in her answers, imho. At times I
    thought O’R. was slinging ques. after ques. in her face—but, she did not flinch.

  64. Anyone?
    Did I hear at the end of Palin’s interview
    a “vague” comment that maybe she’d be
    involved in a third party, or am I dreaming or
    was it something else?

    Please someone who say O’R. tonight…

  65. Somethings going on in DC, and it doesn’t seem to be conforming to procedure!

    Remember Rod Class and his case against the corporation known as the United States?

  66. There are San Francisco book stores that are refusing to carry Sarah’s book….. on Hannity right now.

  67. Maddie // November 20, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    Maddie, I heard that too! OR said something about her being a political powerhouse and leader of a third party.

  68. Maddie // November 20, 2009 at 9:08 pm

    I say leave San Fran to Pelousy! S.P. too good for that place.

  69. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Hi, Sue K.

    Glad you are feeling better — at least holding your own against the bug.

    I am daily flabbergasted by the capacity of some folks to be so focused in their rush to self-destruction.

    I believe the immense pratical efforts by patriot all around the country are having a cumulative effect.

    Any day now, the momentum will crash through the evil strongholds and the earthquake will begin. Out with the garbage, in with liberty and goodness.

  70. I like Sarah’s philosphy of “We win, You Lose!”

    You know attitude has alot to do with accomplishment!

  71. Kidmon,
    Thank God you heard that, too. My husband and I have been arguing about what we heard.
    He said, “no,” I said I thought I heard leader of
    a third party. WOW! I just hadn’t heard that
    for a fact. How ’bout you?
    Thanks, Kidmon for verifying.

  72. c.n.d.e. ville II // November 20, 2009 at 2:10 am

    Hi, c.n.d.e. ville II,

    Catching up!

    We are so honored to have the U.S.S. Constitution (‘Old Ironsides’) docked in our vicinity! I’m so very proud to have her here. Let those cannons rip!

    Bunny just came back from his checkup and he’s doing fine-thanks for asking! He will get Michelle’s lullaby again tonight, and a nice carrot.

    I agree that the gubmint is a total money laundering operation; we never hear or read about what goes on behing the scenes but I can tell you, they’re always up to no good. Just looking at Harry Reid’s shifty eyes gives me the creeps.

    Hopefully, we’ll see more ‘interesting’ job opportunities as soon as we can purge the Governor’s office of the fungus that’s growing there now. Yup, that’s change we can believe in!

    I do feel better-thanks! Hitting it with all the remedies and will pick up some garlic tomorrow. Glad I don’t have a date on Saturday night :).

  73. Maddie, those were Bill’s words, not hers so take it at that. He may just be trying to stir the pot! That’s just my feeling. She did not say anything about a thrid party.

  74. Kidmon,
    We’ll pick up the “good people” of San Fran,
    and let the rest just move in with Pelosi. How’s that? The “good” ones would be like the people who came out to protest bo in SF , etc.

  75. Kidmon,
    Correct, O’R.’s words. It’s interesting, though, right?

  76. Amen, Sister. Here in the South, we don’t hear too many nice things about San Fran. I know it has some decent, good Americans and I say
    “Come On – there’s a Party brewing.”

  77. Yep, those left can work for Pelousy who didn’t approve the min. wage increase for her tuna factory workers. Such a kind, thoughtful, generous lady she is.

  78. Workers blow whistle on SEIU election fraud

    Earlier this week, we brought you the story of SEIU’s alleged ballot fraud during a union election in Fresno, CA. SEIU’s fraud wasn’t against political opponents or some evil capitalist. No, SEIU’s fraud was against a brother/sister labor union.

    SEIU has been engaged in a fire-fight with the National Union of Health Workers. For SEIU, it isn’t enough that workers are unionized, but they must be unionized AND their dues flow into the purple political machine. The video features SEIU official David Regan, who ran the union’s voting campaign. Keep in mind, again, the “opponents” he mentions aren’t Republicans or businesses, but another labor union.

    Fresno homecare providers tell how SEIU staff threatened them and changed their ballots to secure a razor-thin advantage in a controversial union election this June.

  79. Hi SueK,
    I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better and
    also that bunny had a good vet visit and
    earns a nice carrot—cute thought.

    Did you see S. P. on O’Reilly tonight.
    Boy, O’R. really threw out the tough question, no softball ones there. Palin came through very well. I know it would not happen, but I’d like to see Palin vs. Obama in a debate this year—he might as well stay home (and I mean return to Chicago!)

  80. LM // November 20, 2009 at 9:24 pm

    About Dang Time, isn’t it?

    I cannot wait to hear what is on the rest of undercover tapes. I feel it is of some former Acorn workers coming clean and exposing some of O’s clan or O himself.

  81. correct: O’R really threw out the tough
    “questions” (should be plural)

  82. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Carlyle —

    I am not sure I quite agree with the concept of representation that you have expressed. (Not sure I consider citizen input to be hand-holding.)

    Plus, I am definitely speaking from the perspective that TRUSTWORTHY as an adjective for elected officials is not even in play at this point.

    However, I know we are on the same page, for which I am extremely grateful, and a further parsing of semantics would probably show that we are, actually, in complete agreement.

    A pleasure and a privilege to stand in the battle with you . . .

  83. SueK-I’m so glad Bunny is on the mend. Yeah you go Bunny.

  84. Kidmon,
    I think Pelousi needs to go to work at her own
    tuna factory, at the starting worker wages and benefits (which are probably none). Let’s kick her out so that maybe that comes a little closer to being a reality.

  85. Maddie // November 20, 2009 at 9:33 pm

    Wouldn’t that be a Sight!!!!! I can’t imagine how many times she would blink and stutter at the site fo Tuna Guts.

  86. You Decide

    Should senators read 2,074-page health bill before voting on it?

  87. Carlyle,

    I have a nice nudge for Palin. It’s called the nudge off the “I’m too afraid to do what’s right” cliff. Politicians like Palin are more concerned about their careers than they are of their country’s sovereignty.

    We don’t need people like Palin. We need people like Keyes, ones who go to jail for doing what’s right. Ones who shout off the rooftops and file suits in court. Ones who know the law. Ones who know they won’t get very far in Washington because they are loyal, trustworthy, and moral. We don’t need butt kissers. We need ass kickers.


  88. You Decide

    Based on the latest recommendations, are you concerned about your preventive health care regimen?

  89. LM // November 20, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    She has them squirming!!!! I never saw lines like that to purchase Obammy’s book – “Lies of My Life”. Wait – ACORN and SEIU didn’t supply dollars for dung to his followers.

  90. OldSalt77–
    I don’t think Sarah Palin will ever go on the Letterman show now after what that jerk of a “comedian” said about her and her family.
    And, now as you said Letterman has his own
    sex behavior problems that everyone knows about now, he show just go hide in a corner somewhere let alone dare to attack Palin or
    any other female (or male or anyone).

  91. The Reid Files

    Mulder and Scully are on the hunt for Harry Reid’s phantom jobs.

  92. Maddie-
    Sarah said she would not go on Letterman – her exact words were “I’m not going to help raise his ratings!” HAHA

  93. LM,
    Obama now pleading for money to fight Sarah Palin
    This is inexcuseable. This country has been put head over heals in debt, and the “idiot” is doing this? He has got to go—where are our “butt kickers”??

  94. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Sue K. –

    The gub – “mint” …. money laundering. 🙂 chortle, chortle

    Yeah. Reid should be read out of Congress. I saw a “button” somewhere linking to an effort to have him booted. I wish them success!

    The U.S.S. Constitution! Gives me patriotic chills.

    Actually, I thought I had remembered the ship’s name correctly, but, after the imaginary dogs fiasco, I didn’t want to chance it.

    Thanks for the update on your bunny.

  95. JeffM // November 20, 2009 at 9:39 pm


    I have a nice nudge for Palin. It’s called the nudge off the “I’m too afraid to do what’s right” cliff. Politicians like Palin are more concerned about their careers than they are of their country’s sovereignty.

    We don’t need people like Palin. We need people like Keyes, ones who go to jail for doing what’s right. Ones who shout off the rooftops and file suits in court. Ones who know the law. Ones who know they won’t get very far in Washington because they are loyal, trustworthy, and moral. We don’t need butt kissers. We need ass kickers.


    Jeff….I agree that we need people like Keyes….but Sarah would be a good running mate…..she can’t go after the big guys yet but Keyes has the clout to do it and he is fearless!!!

  96. New EU president confirms New World Order desire (19Nov09)

    As plain as it comes, the newly “elected” cnut that is the EUSSR president confirms the desire for a one world government, a New World Order of worldwide oppression and the spread of worldwide Communism.

    If it didn’t hit you what the EU project is all about, the new EU “president” confirms it for you in this clip.

  97. beautiful quote, Kidmon, I love it!!!!!!!

    Letterman, dream on, you’re toast. And we
    hate you (or I should say I do for everything he’s done to his own family, his guests like Sarah, to Pres. Bush that was on-going ad nauseum nasty remarks, and all his affairs).

    Glad Sarah says, “No.”

  98. JS–
    Why can’t Sarah go after the big guys?
    I can picture her being able to, just wondering Jackie. Thanks. Maddie.

  99. Kidmon,
    Just thought of a great poster….

    Charlie the Tuna with mouth wide open
    SWALLOWING Nancy Pelosi.

    How ’bout that one?!

  100. Maddie Great!

    Then have a follow-up poster with the Tuna hurling her back out! HA Tuna quoted as Saying Gross – Imitation Fake!

  101. Hi Maddie and Michelle,

    Yes, he’s doing much better, but the bacteria is insidious and we’ll do the treatments for it, as warranted.

    I didn’t see O’Reilly tonight (at the Vet) so will look for it if someone posts it here at CW, or on line somewhere. I find I’m in catch up mode lately.

    A Palin/Barky debate? I’ll bring the popcorn. He couldn’t do it without TOTUS.

    BTW, wondering if there’s any truth to the Globe story that he has lung cancer? Hmmm….

  102. SueK

    It is my opinion that he does not have lung cancer but has advanced AIDS.

  103. Maddie said:

    Why can’t Sarah go after the big guys?

    I’ll tell you why. She’s a politician, not a patriot. We need to stop hitching our wagons to falling stars or we’re going to end up at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

    She doesn’t have the grit. She doesn’t have the clout. And she surely doesn’t understand what it takes to be a Patriot as our FOUNDING FATHERS intended.

    Stop believing these Washington Weasels will ever change. Politicans have lots of spots, just like one of our favorite felines we used to watch on Wild Kingdom.

  104. Rod Class and Carl Swenson on live right now!!

    Click on the BIG purple button, and enter as a guest if you don’t have an account.

    Do it!!!!!

  105. And no, that wasn’t a sexist comment.

  106. c.n.d.e. ville II

    CW –

    Your post hits at the heart of the matter, and the ending sums it all up. The depth and power of the deception against which we battle attests to the truth that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood…”
    The wickedness in high places is stultifying. Thank you for being who you are and for doing what you do.

  107. JeffM.

    I agree with you on Palin 100%! She is great, and her heart is in the right place, but she has absolutely no idea what we’re up against here.

    This country is under seize by FRAUD and International Bankers!

    Not even Ronald Reagan himself knew the stuff that Rod and Carl and Joyce Rosenwald, and others are uncovering.

    We need to elect people who are willing to address this.

    This is the single most important thing we can address, and I don’t know why people keep harping about bullshit that doesn’t matter.

    Watch this video, and PLASTER it in the face of anyone you are even thinking about voting for in any upcoming election.

    Dirty Uncle Sam

    If we don’t reverse this, nothing else matters, I don’t care who gets elected!!!!!

    Only support people who are willing to address this issue, if they don’t address it, they are not worth a chit!

  108. c.n.d.e. ville II // November 20, 2009 at 9:51 pm

    Hi, c.n.d.e. ville II,

    Wow…replying to your post all in the same day!

    I know that Jackie Smith is working hard out there in NV to get Mr. Dead Fish booted out of office! I can’t stand to look at him-something very sinister about him.

    If you’re interested, here’s a link to the U.S.S. Constitution’s official web site. Some pretty good pics. If you’re ever in these parts, I promise to take you on a tour. Needless to say, Navy personnel would *kill* to be assigned to her. BTW, she is *still* commissioned!

  109. Kidmon // November 20, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    Hi Kidmon,

    We’ll never know what Barky’s malady is…he won’t release his medical records, either!

    All we got is ‘he’s just fine.’ Doubtful.

    Remember when he made his first trip to Britain (I think) and blew off some events because he was ‘tired?’

    The man doesn’t look well in fact, he looks a lot worse than when he was campaigning. Sure, the stress of the job (plus hiding his ineligibility) takes its toll, but that happens in years, not a few months!

    Something seriously wrong, I think.

  110. Kidmon,
    We have this poster thing down pat.
    We should go into production!:)

  111. Jacqlyn Smith,

    I consider you a true patriot along with the rest of us here. But what makes you go beyond the call of duty is you continue to knock down doors, call continuously, and send email blasts constantly.

    This is what we need to be doing people!

    Follow in Jacqlyn’s footsteps and get busy.

  112. SueK

    I agree! but we will never know!

    He hasn’t had the cocky attitude lately. Have you noticed he’s not on TV every night! That’s because he’s getting his azz kicked overseas as the First Pacific Resident. My opinion he could crack at any minute. His brother Timmy Geitner seemed a little stressed also. We haven’t even seen Axlerod and Rahm latley! Somethings up! S. Palin isn’t helping either!

  113. SueK–
    Yes, like to see that debate (plus popcorn).
    One tiny, little requirement—NO Totus permitted, though. It’s time to separate the
    pretenders from the real leaders! Go Sarah!

  114. I’m still not over 6.4 Billion going to 440 congressional districts THAT DON”T EXIST!

    Why aren’t they jumping up and down up there (Both Rep. & Dem) demanding to know where that money went?? WHY?????????

  115. JeffM—

    you only quoted the first part of my post.

    Here’s what I said in total as the meaning is
    different ….

    “Why can’t Sarah go after the big guys?
    I can picture her being able to, just wondering Jackie. Thanks. Maddie.”

    I believe Palin could accomplish going after the
    big guys and any other issue as well.
    JS, what say you?

  116. Kidmon,

    It’s because they are getting part of that money. The corruption runs so deep in this country it’s amazing we’re even functioning right now.

    Image how well we’d be doing without all the graft. That’s our kid’s college, our retirement money, and our livelihood going to crime.

  117. I Am sorry, but the very Rev. Wright is on now speaking about “The path”. Too Funny! Doesn’t seem as passionate. Have no idea what he siad – too many paths!

  118. Maddie,

    I think Palin will go the distance when she picks up the Patriot torch and represents the majority of people fed up with this country, starting with the fact that 9 major points of the Constitution are being violated.

    One has to start defending the Constitution and kicking these bozos where it hurts. She already has the support to do it, so what is she waiting for????

  119. LM // November 20, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    I understand the gov. corruption but how can money go to a district that does not exist. Who accepted the money for the district? I want some answers!

  120. Kidmon

    Speaking of Wright , I just discovered Rev Manning studied James Cone . How much of the theology he uses , not sure , but it is a little alarming.

  121. LM // November 20, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    Well he doesn’t appear to be the Black Power Type. Could he have studied Cone just for education purposes or is he a Power Dude? I do know that the Rev. served time in jail, the reason I do not know.

  122. Well if the chip me, i”m gonna dig it out, drive to the capital and throw it on the WH Lawn. They will think I’m stalking someone!

    They will have a dang good fight on their hands trying to inject me with that!

  123. Kidmon,
    I will NEVER EVER take anything like that,neither any of my family members!!

  124. Kidmon // November 20, 2009 at 10:27 pm

    Ya, Kidmon, he looks very drawn lately, and that pep just isn’t there.

    I’m for a good azz-kickin’ any time! I do think the stress is starting to bury him. Not only is Barky incompetent, but he’s got some secrets, too. You can only live a lie for so long; no matter what your personal makeup, it grates on you. He’s in waaaaaay over his head.

    Little Timmy Geithner has been asked to resign, and that movement seems to be growing. This guy really does need H&R Block to give him a hand with those tazes he didn’t pay. And he’s Treasury Secretary? Talk about a gang of fools…

    Something’s definitely up…the weasels have crawled back into their holes.


  126. GBAmerica // November 20, 2009 at 11:04 pm

    Did you see where little Timmy tried the same ole lame excuse – “It;s the Bush Administration’s Fault” Everyone associated with this administration makes me want to do evil things!

  127. Maddie // November 20, 2009 at 10:29 pm

    Ok, Maddie….it’s more fun anyway, to listen to him without TOTUS. Aaaahhh, ummm, ehhhh.

    The Great Orator. HAH!

    I’m good for the popcorn.

  128. Absolutely Love This Bill Board. Only drawback is that owner will probably lose his dealership!

  129. Kidmon,
    Yes,and getting very tired of the blame game!
    They always try to do that.Congress should not stop until he is fired from his job.

  130. GBAmerica // November 20, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Hi GB,

    If they try to force these VeriChip implants, I’ll be more than happy to introduce them to my pals, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson…

  131. Kidmon and GB,

    OK, he’s now 11 months into it and I’m sorry to tell him that whatever happens, HE NOW OWNS IT!

    No more blaming Bush, or anyone from the previous administration.

    It’s YOUR baby now, Barky! Deal with it. If you can (doubtful).

  132. Maddie

    I just watched re-run of Oreilly show tonigh.

    He said”Monday, Sarah Palin will tell us if she is going to lead a populus movement or possibly start a third party”

    Paid closer attention this time.

  133. GBAmerica-Kidmon-love the billboard. Put up or shut up. Why should the American people still have to guess, little like a poker game. I don’t think the man will lose his dealership. Obama’s numbers are still in free fall, and most people support our troops and are not at all happy with the Fort Hood terrorist attack, or the decision re: New York and the 9/11 terrorist trials. I think his down hill momentum will start picking up some speed. Sarah has usurped his rock star status, he is not getting the fawning that he grew accustomed to. All of this should have been handled in the primaries, but the wimpy press saw different. He still has not been given the hard questions that Sarah and Hillary had to endure. I have never seen one candidate receive as much “help” and “massaging” as he has and he still manages to blow it. His teleprompter is smarter than he is, even when it is totally blank.

  134. Yea – You know o is absolutely seething with all the attention Sarah is getting.

  135. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Sue K –

    Go, Jackie Smith!! Now on my prayer list.

    Something extremely ugly, indeed, about anyone who works to make children more vulnerable to exploitation.

    I partly wonder if the attempt to change the laws was a bid to get out from under paying blackmail to keep quiet his part in the trafficking of children. No more law, no more blackmail payments.

    If I get to MA, I will definitely take you up on the tour offer. That would be a true honor.

    Thanks for the link.

  136. #

    Maddie // November 20, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Why can’t Sarah go after the big guys?
    I can picture her being able to, just wondering Jackie. Thanks. Maddie.

    I think she is capable….I just don’t think it is her time to take them on….she would be brutalized in the media…..she must get alot more support behind her….Keyes has already taken a stance on the eligibility issue and he knows that he is right…..I don’t think Sarah has even given it a real thought yet and has examined all the evidence….no like Keyes has anyway!!!

  137. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Sue K.

    Just read your other post.

    “Little Timmy Geithner has been asked to resign, and that movement seems to be growing.”
    That’s more like it!!! Grow, movement, grow!!! Resign, Timmy, Resign! Resign faux Cabinet, resign! LOVE that word.

    Let’s make it a national phenomenon – Resign-amania. Go, you crooks, go. Resign asap.

    This is UNBELIEVABLE!!

  139. SueK-kidmon There is an old saying in Chicago “read between the lines”. These guys write out of Chicago, the way I interpret this is, Obama’s “secret” life isn’t much of a secret, and is well known in the gay and lesbian community. The have their own ideas as to Obama’s illness, other than mental in my opinion.
    There are other theories here in Boystown as to what, exactly, Dr. Utopia has, in terms of illness, that would make him forego a second term. Those are the kinds of diseases a guy who loves to bow as much as Utopia does could pick up at a place like Man’s Country in Andersonville, a place where many here remember a young state senator frequenting before he became nationally famous. But, those aren’t the kind of diseases someone would tap into huge reserves of national sympathy with. Parkinson’s, or lung cancer, are two ailments Utopia would certainly use, to great fanfare, to step down in 2013. But, like Liberace and others before him, he’d fight tooth and nail to keep the other stuff secret, if that’s what, indeed, was wrong with him.
    Man’s Country Chicago – Man’s Country bathhouse Andersonville … Gay nightlife in Andersonville tends toward the leather and Levi’s set, and a somewhat older, more bearish, and less attitude-y crowd than is typical in …

  140. #

    JeffM // November 20, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith,

    I consider you a true patriot along with the rest of us here. But what makes you go beyond the call of duty is you continue to knock down doors, call continuously, and send email blasts constantly.

    This is what we need to be doing people!

    Follow in Jacqlyn’s footsteps and get busy.

    Thanks Jeff…..I love my country and I want the best for everyone…..I don’t care who you are….also I am very motivated to prove this FRAUD is an illegal….I have a few family members still supporting the SOB… makes me sick to even see these people who are in my own immediate family!!

  141. GBAmerica // November 20, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    In my opinion it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy! Exposed! No wonder he wasn’t concerned about all the energy he and his family consume.

    Hypocrite #1

  142. Maddie, If I may interject…in my opinion, Sarah is brave enough, smart enough, and tough enough to do whatever job she puts herself to do. And that includes getting Barky outta the WH whether she has a title doing it or not. Barky knows it and that’s why he’s started a “hate campaign” against her.

    Personally, I don’t care if some take a different avenue at getting him out than the usuper route…everyone can work on it in their own venue and their own way, so long as the end result is getting him OUT one way or another.

    I am becoming more impressed with Sarah all the time. I easily warmed to her because I have a special child also and felt a kinship. She is more than just a “hopeful politician” to me. She is someone who, as I learn about her life and her stands, has earned my respect. Barky has NOT earned one ounce of respect from me…words just aren’t enough in my book.

    Sarah is a breath of fresh air!

  143. Michelle

    That’s why he likes to bow so often!!!!HAHAHAHA

    Ok it’s late, long week, need some zzzzzzzzzzzz’s

    God Bless you all!

    I copied this from a site I go to.Can anyone find out if this is true???This is some serious stuff!!

  145. c.n.d.e. ville II

    I saw a post here saying that the next Tea Party will be all about the eligibility issue.

    That event will give the issue even more attention. Hee hee. This time, media, if there is any, will not be able to avoid the signs about o.’s eligibility.

    The eligibility issue is still a decider for me with Palin or any other candidate . . . much as I like the idea of Keyes and Palin.

    Just too crucial to gloss over, imo.

  146. Dang GB America

    I thought I was going to get some sleep! Now I read this! They say they had computer problems but what worries me even more is that O’s group wants to cancel or limit the US Air space protection established after 9-11. If true, we are sitting targets.

  147. c.n.d.e. ville II

    GBAmerica // November 20, 2009 at 11:58 pm
    RE: candidate for governor
    Words fail me.

  148. Get ready American patriots…….in your minds, your souls, and especially in your hearts.

    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…………Ephesians 6:11

  149. #

    GBAmerica // November 21, 2009 at 12:05 am
    I copied this from a site I go to.Can anyone find out if this is true???This is some serious stuff!!

    GB…One of the commenters at this site said the following….I didn’t watch Fox during the day today so I didn’t hear this…..we need to investigate…if true that is a scary thought….I have many relatives and friends in the Denver area!!!
    Commenter said:
    I did hear on Fox’s today that Denver airport was shut down because of air traffic control however they didn’t really say why.

    Sen. Charles Grassley has bravely laid the groundwork for the criminal indictment and impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama in his uncovering that Mr. Obama deliberately fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin when Mr. Walpin uncovered that Obama’s friend, Kevin Johnson and his girlfriend were using public funds to cover up sexual harassment of women Mr. Johnson was assaulting in the work place.
    This is a growing list of the impeachment crimes of Mr. Obama and the criminal crimes which started out with the Blagojevich affair when Gov. Blagojevich was arrested for selling the Illinois Senate seat previously held by Mr. Obama, and Mr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel were warned off by “someone in government” in trying to buy it for Obama crony, Val-erie Jarrett.
    The net result in this was Patrick Fitzgerald who arrested Mr. Blagojevich, but not Mr. Obama, was later hired by Mr. Obama to oversee all US Attorneys in Washington.
    That is bribery and subversion of justice.

  151. c.n.d.e. ville II // November 21, 2009 at 12:09 am

    GBAmerica // November 20, 2009 at 11:58 pm
    RE: candidate for governor
    Words fail me.


    All I can say (and it is not nice) is “Farouk Him”

  152. Hey guys I don’t know,I hope it isn’t true!I wanted to bring it over here because the media don’t say anything!!The link that the commenter put up with it ,what do you all think?
    That is some scary stuff!!I pray to God it isn’t true!

  153. c.n.d.e. ville II


    Here are even more reasons why I like your Christmas cards idea.
    overcoming evil with good
    doing good to those who persecute us
    standing up for the foundations of America
    freedom of speech
    extremely NOT p/c
    not denying our beliefs
    What a GREAT way for people to express their love for our freedoms and their disaffection with o.’s erosion of our liberty.
    Love the idea of sending the cards to ACLU also.

  154. JJ,
    Yes!God Bless You!

  155. #

    Michelle // November 21, 2009 at 12:13 am
    Sen. Charles Grassley has bravely laid the groundwork for the criminal indictment and impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama in his uncovering that Mr. Obama deliberately fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin when Mr. Walpin uncovered that Obama’s friend, Kevin Johnson and his girlfriend were using public funds to cover up sexual harassment of women Mr. Johnson was assaulting in the work place.
    This is a growing list of the impeachment crimes of Mr. Obama and the criminal crimes which started out with the Blagojevich affair when Gov. Blagojevich was arrested for selling the Illinois Senate seat previously held by Mr. Obama, and Mr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel were warned off by “someone in government” in trying to buy it for Obama crony, Val-erie Jarrett.
    The net result in this was Patrick Fitzgerald who arrested Mr. Blagojevich, but not Mr. Obama, was later hired by Mr. Obama to oversee all US Attorneys in Washington.
    That is bribery and subversion of justice.

    Michelle….I have said on several occasions that IG Walpin could be the one to put the nail in the FRAUD’s coffin!!!

  156. As Obama’s poll numbers continue to sag, and I watch his truly pathetic appearance, I finally embraced something that I have struggled for almost 2 years. I rarely watch T.V. but one January evening, 22 months ago I turned it on.

    I fell upon the lively debate between Clinton and Obama, realizing that I should take some greater interest in political events. I decided to stay tuned, albeit reluctantly. I watched and then became engaged. Not by Clinton, whose performance was predictably competent, but by Obama, who up until then, I had little knowledge of.

    Within minutes, I knew something was terribly wrong. This was not a person of significant enough stature to be running for the presidency. He was trepidatious, in a skiddish manner, much like a mouse hiding for a safe corner. When challenged, he assumed the authoritative stance of an impostor. When challenged further, he capitulated to his opponent with a supercilious tone, betraying a pervasive, deep seated arrogance .

    I wondered who is this person, where did he come from and how did he get here. I was distressed, my curiosity now piqued by witnessing a political figure in play, the likes of which I had not experienced to date.

    I spent months following the primaries, scouring the net, watching T.V newscasts, wondering not only how did he get here, but more importantly who would support him.

    Those behind the scenes had to be either falsely ignorant or equally impaired. Who were these people? Men of the world with not only with experience, but wisdom and power. How could they have made this fatal mistake? This question has plaqued me for almost 2 years. Until now.

    They understood his powerful vulnerability, and the ease with which he could be ousted if not compliant. What I saw was what they saw. But he was like an asset to be exercised, much like an investment that had gone afoul.

    Obama will likely finish the rest of his term. He will continue to do their bidding because it’s the only thing can do. He will fight back hard, but already his demeanor is that of a beaten man. He knows, they know it and now we know it.

  157. GBAmerica // November 21, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Apparently the Sorcha Faal who wrote this article is some type of master of disinformation. I don’t put much credit in the missile deal due to the author. apparantly been around a while.

    If debris field and noise was so large, we would have heard about it before now. At least, that’s my opinion.

  158. Kidmon,
    Thank you for the link.That site linked to it seemed kinda odd.

  159. It’s amazing how many wackos we have in this nation who would do just about anything for attention!

  160. OK – got to get some sleep! Hold down the Fort!

    God Bless!

  161. JeffM // November 20, 2009 at 10:34 pm


    It’s because they are getting part of that money. The corruption runs so deep in this country it’s amazing we’re even functioning right now.

    Image how well we’d be doing without all the graft. That’s our kid’s college, our retirement money, and our livelihood going to crime.

  162. All,

    Isn’t Denver the airport with all the crazy murals?

    Is it also the airport that has an underground city for the elite should something happen?

    If the report is true, could this be the reason Denver was targeted?


  163. British Research Institute exposed as promoter of Global Warming Fraud

    British Research Institute hacked into by Russians, published documents show that it and American Univesities conspired in fixing data to promote Global Climate agenda…

  164. I sincerely believe this covers the writers of the healthscare, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, traitors, turncoats, RINOs, and the lost dems:

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
    An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
    But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
    He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
    A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman)

    (Where is our Moses??)

  165. Pontificates on The Post & Email’s AP Story Pontificates on The Post & Email’s 2004 AP story coverage….

  166. Thank you, Citizen Wells, for your very timely, politically incorrect but spiritually correct comments about good versus evil and Sarah Palin. We love her so much. She is truly living out her faith right before our eyes. You are correct in pointing out that the attacks on her are aimed at the Spirit of the Lord that dwells in her heart. We all remember last year when she was introduced to the American public as the VP choice of Senator McCain. She said she came to help him with a ‘SERVANT’S HEART’. That’s a statement that we don’t hear a lot in the realm of politics. As Jesus Christ said in John 15:18-19,

    18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

    Sarah understands this and she is made strong by her faith in God. We must stand with her and continue our prayers for her. She loves her country and what a blessing that is in this day and age of Obama! May God continue to bless Sarah and her family as they follow the path that has been given them and may God continue to bless America.

  167. zachjonesishome

    Good Morning!

  168. Zach,

    Good Morning.

    Just about to post this about H1N1:

    This couldn’t be by chance the mutated H1N1 discovered in the Ukraine. And if so who would report it.

  169. zachjonesishome

    Hi Venice – I heard about this tamiflu resistent flu in NC yesterday. No idea about relation to Ukraine mutation.

    I’m still not going to take vaccine.

    Have a great day. Off to walk the dog, Eli.



    “Obama’s chief politico, David Axelrod, explained that Obama’s team never expected “change overnight.” Now he tells us. It’s not just that the world hasn’t fallen at Obama’s feet, it’s that the administration’s self-described “smart power” has — to borrow an old gibe about the Moral Majority — proven to be neither.”

  171. JeffM,

    I will answer your question about Palin’s constitutional loyalty: the quo warranto statute only allows interested persons to bring an action; that is if Holder does not grant permission to them in the first place. Palin would be an interested person in a quo warranto action against Biden, but on that basis what could she claim? That Biden holds his office because he is ineligible?…..Palin cannot use quo warranto…

  172. against Obama.

  173. If this story is true, it needs to go viral, STUPIDITY THIS HUGE CANNOT GO UNRECOGNIZED.
    Humor/Satire Alert
    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” — Groucho Marx
    Along those lines, check out this actual note from a senior-level person at Chrysler, dated Sunday, July 19, 2009.
    Monday morning, I attended a breakfast meeting where the speaker/guest was David E. Cole, Chairman Center for Automotive Research (CAR and Professor at the University of Michigan). You have all likely heard CAR quoted or referred to in the auto industry news lately.
    Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experienced automotive expert has to listen to a newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero auto industry experience, zero finance experience and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.
    Mr. Cole’s favorite story is as follows:
    There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr. Cole (engineer, automotive experience of 40+ years, and Chairman of CAR). They were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to go 500 miles so we wouldn’t “need” so many gas stations (a whole other topic). They were quoting BTUs of LNG and battery life that they had looked up on some website.
    Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would need a TRUNK FULL of batteries and a LNG tank as big as the car to make that happen, and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them from…
    Mr. Cole’s favorite story is as follows:
    There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr. Cole (engineer, automotive experience of 40+ years, and Chairman of CAR). They were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to go 500 miles so we wouldn’t “need” so many gas stations (a whole other topic). They were quoting BTUs of LNG and battery life that they had looked up on some website.
    Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would need a TRUNK FULL of batteries and a LNG tank as big as the car to make that happen, and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them from…
    Mr. Cole’s favorite story is as follows:
    There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr. Cole (engineer, automotive experience of 40+ years, and Chairman of CAR). They were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to go 500 miles so we wouldn’t “need” so many gas stations (a whole other topic). They were quoting BTUs of LNG and battery life that they had looked up on some website.
    Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would need a TRUNK FULL of batteries and a LNG tank as big as the car to make that happen, and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them from…
    The Obama person interrupted and said (and I am quoting here): “These laws of physics? Whose rules are those? We need to change that.” (Some of the others wrote down the law name so they could look it up.) “We have the Congress and administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That’s why we are here, to fix these sorts of issues.”
    ….. And these are the same people who are going to fix healthcare?!

  174. Venice,

    good morning,

    just reading more about the mutation AND the other issue which is Tamiflu resistant clusters of this “virus.”

    The mutation of D225G is the same as reported in Ukraine and most recently in Norway. Now Wales is showing considerable numbers of cases of Tamiflu resistant clusters.

    They are reporting this same mutation was documented back in April in Sao Paulo, Japan, U.S. (Tex), Mexico, et al.

    What I’m reading doesn’t sound good long term. Meaning as this virus “reinvents itself” over time will wreak havoc. This is the beginning of the 2nd wave. May pick up in Jan or a little later. The WHO is still not releasing the FULL genetics of this gene sequencing.

    I disagree with Niman, author of website recombinomics in regards to getting the vaccine regardless of side effects.

    More later….

  175. Venice, et al

    I forgot to mention a significant fact which is we’ve now seen the first case of a cat dying from the flu. I posted this story yesterday. The cat contracted it from someone in the household.

    Early on one of the biggest concerns was always what this would do when it recombined “in the wild.” And, it will.

  176. Hello all, Just checking in and love all the positive things being said about Sarah Palin. Am on a hunting trip with my husband on the Tn. Ky. border a place called Land between the Lakes. Some of you here may know about this place, it is breath taking. JJ, I have often wondered where is our Moses; I truly believe when the people are ready, the Lord will raise up a Moses. God bless you all!!

  177. Latest on Mosche whistleblowing:

  178. Here’s a link to a commentary on the sequences and Tamiflu resistant clusters in Norway, Ukraine, Wales and North Carolina.


  179. That Mosche video is part I of two.

  180. **** New Post ****

  181. venice // November 21, 2009 at 8:42 am

    Hi Venice, Zach, and JustMe,

    Heard about the NC issue, as well.

    Since the WHO really dragged its feet in getting the gene sequence for the Ukraine version of the ‘mutation,’ I’m wondering how long it’ll take to get that for the NC version?

    The only way they’ll be able to tell if it’s the same mutation is to completely break it apart and sequence it.

    The question is: Will they bother to do it?

  182. Here’s that original Dr. Deagle program where Ott talks about Mosche calling his program just before he was attacked and arrested:

    Mossad’s Joseph Moshe: Dr Deagle Show 081709 2/6 – DR TRUE OTT PhD ND — ALEX STUDER

  183. Part II of that Mosche video:

  184. Michelle…………………………………….
    I really enjoyed the story about the government automotive expert. Cracked me up! One question though; was the repetitions designsd to show a certain moronic value on the part of the alleged government “know it all”? If so you got the point across very nicely,at least to me. Like your writing finesse.

  185. TO:
    Observer // November 21, 2009 at 10:11 am

    Latest on Mosche whistleblowing:


    I said as this was going down that it was a FRAUD and a propaganda that played out on teh evening news. Republicans should be calling for an INVESTIGATION.

  186. // November 20, 2009 at 6:59 pm …..Speedy wrote:

    I found this on the steady drip.

    Amendment 28

    Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .

    Let’s get this passed around, folks – these people have brought this upon themselves!!!
    I started to “pass this around” until I checked my “Pocket Constitution” and found no 28th amendment at all, nor any language stating the above in other amendments.

    I wonder where the “Steady Drip” got this information.

    We need to be careful.

  187. Sharon.
    I had the impression this was on his wish list.

  188. CW:

    Ohhhh, I see, you could be right!! It IS a great wish-list item.


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