Obama Hitler Youth, Copenhagen Climate Negotiations, Americans for Prosperity speech, Tim Phillips, Lord Monckton comments, Hitler youth activists, Global warming religion

“Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially not insofar
as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent.”… Adolf Hitler

You were warned.

The Citizen Wells blog, beginning early in 2008, warned of the similartities between the Obama camp and Nazi Germany. A simple search here on “Nazi” “Hitler” will yield the articles. It comes as no surprise to anyone paying attention, that the Obama camp followers, the far left wackos who embrace the religion of earth and earth quasi science worship, are playing out their Hitler youth inspired roles.

Recently, Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, was attempting to deliver a live webcast from Copenhagen on climate change skepticism. Philips was confronted by modern day Hitler Youth.
Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Lady Margaret Thatcher, was in attendance. Monckton stated:
“This is a rather childish demonstration by people who do not believe in free speech,”
“You are listening now to the shouts in the background of the Hitler youth.”

“the protestors have no understanding of the science surrounding the debate on climate change”

From a YouTube video:

“US Youth delegates to the Copenhagen Climate Negotiations crash climate denier live webcast in Copenhagen and are called “hitler youth” by Lord Christopher Monckton at an Americans for Prosperity event. American youth attended to demand a safe and sustainable energy future that provides millions of clean energy jobs for Americans.”

Why are so many young people being led astray to embrace false religions and causes?

Where do many of these impressionable youth get their notions?

The obvious answer is in colleges and universities.

I have not had many reasons to laud the Charlotte Observer in the past several years. They embraced the change of Barack Obama early in 2008 and did little to serve their readership. However, much to my surprise and delight, on Monday, November 30, 2009, they printed an article on the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution titled “Truths are ‘self-evident'” that provided a glimpse into the attitudes of many professors.

“Through a carefully written constitution, the Founders – Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison and the rest – created an enduring framework of limited government based on the rule of law. With this structure, the Founders sought to establish religious freedom, provide for economic opportunity, secure national independence and maintain a flourishing society of republican self-government – all in the name of the simple but radical idea of human liberty.

The founding of the United States was indeed revolutionary, but not in the sense of replacing one set of rulers with another or overthrowing the institutions of society. What was revolutionary were the ideas upon which the new nation would be built: permanent truths “applicable to all men and all times,” as Abraham Lincoln later said. The ultimate ground of government would be principle rather than will.
In America, for the first time anywhere, these universal ideas became the foundation of a system of government and its political culture. Because of these principles, the American Revolution culminated in a constitutional government rather than a new tyranny.
To this day, the principles proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and put into action by the Constitution still define us as a nation and inspire us as a people. And they are responsible for our unmatched prosperity and justice.
Unfortunately, few of our learned elites – especially our university professors who teach the next generation, shape popular culture and set the terms of political discourse – teach the self-evident truths that animated the Founders. Instead, they passionately embrace and pass on a more “modern” belief: No such truths exist. Certainly no truths applicable to all time, anyway.”

“Amid many challenges – unsustainable federal spending and skyrocketing debt, the burden of entitlement programs, national security in a dangerous world – the real crisis that tears at the American soul is not a lack of courage or solutions. From the decline of civic education to the rise of dependency on government, our societal problems are rooted in a deep confusion about the meaning of America’s core principles.”

Read more:


145 responses to “Obama Hitler Youth, Copenhagen Climate Negotiations, Americans for Prosperity speech, Tim Phillips, Lord Monckton comments, Hitler youth activists, Global warming religion

  1. Barack Hussein Obama, der Mullah in Chief…

    Article III, Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only … in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

  2. zachjonesishome

    Mullah in Chief – I like it. Zach

  3. bringing over from last thread…

    New Opening in Obama Administration:

    Applicant must be …

    1. Willing to seek the truth and uphold the Constitution.

    2. Willing to infiltrate the present “czar
    administration” just until the assignment/truth
    has been discovered.

    3. Willing to be called a Patriot.

    4. Willing to turn into a “Navy Seal” if needed

    More qualifications to follow.

    Nominations may also be made here: e-mail

    As I proposed last night, we need a

    another “lawyer” in this case.

    Qualifications stated under my post at 1:02
    with more “job activities” to be added.

    This BC Czar would work closely with the
    “Birthers” in future rallies and events.

    @ Maddie —copyright

  4. “Birth Certificate Czar” opening

    I would like to hereby nominate…

    OldSalt77 for this esteemed position.
    Is there a second to this nomination?

    Thank you, Maddie

  5. Don in California

    I second and submit myself for second in command. 🙂

  6. O.K.

    We have now closed the nominations for
    the newly created position of

    The two candidates nominated are:


    Don in CA as “Second in Command” to

    Pending acceptance from each candidate.

  7. Bringing Don of CA’s excellent posting over
    to this thread….

    Regardless of when or who started the decline of the U.S., what do we do to stop it.

    We all need to stop trying to blame carter, bush, clinton etc and figure out what to do to keep us a free and strong nation. I’m not smart enough to tell anyone else how to do it, but I do know that it will take us all to make a difference

  8. Don in California

    I accept and my qualifications are that I can spell HI. As in Hawiaiian birth cert.

  9. TO:
    Don in California // December 12, 2009 at 3:26 pm

    Maddie // December 12, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    OT: At Hobby Lobby I was greeted this morning with “Merry Christmas” from the clerk,
    Christmas music playing, and found a little
    red bowtie for a 5-yr. old for the “Christmas
    Program” (yes, they are singing Christmas songs, too.) Does it get any better than that?
    Happy here.
    Maddie, David Green, Hobby Lobby, is a strong Christian.My wife worked at the Hobby Lobby Corp. Headquarters in Oklahoma City for many years. Hobby Lobby bought the Mel Tillis theater in Branson, MO and donated it to the local church. He also tithes 10% of all profits to his church. He is a great and wonderful man. I have met him a couple of times.

    As a side note, he started the business out of his garage in Oklahoma City and has built it up to what it is today. Hobby Lobby is not a publicly owned business. His family are the sole owners.

    Merry Christmas to all!

    This is what I do when I go into stores around this time and don’t see Christmas I go and ask a clerk for the manager than I ask “Where is your Christmas shopping Section?” They will say it is over there and I reply “NO, sorry that is the Holiday Shopping Section, I am looking for the CHRISTMAS Section, I’ll return when you have one meanwhile I go to another store to do my Christmas Shopping. Have a nice day/night and Merry Christmas” I repeat this as much as I can including different shifts and different workers depending on the store and situation. ALso for more effect you can call headquarters and complain that they are insulting Christians by not having a Christmas Shopping Section.
    Also remember to support those stores that Celebrate Christmas like in my are Market Basket/DeMoulas their flyer clearly says Merry Christmas we shop there all the time.

    Merry CHRISTmas everyone.

  10. in re: Recent post in which it was reported that the newspaper birth announcements were genuine and had been found in Sacramento archives.

    This is not possible? Ms. jbjd PROVED sometime ago that they did not exist. At that time I suggested it would be worthwhile for the actual archives to be retrieved – it was easier for many people to see actual “stuff” than wade through logic. Further, I thought that it would be interesting to see what the pages actually said.

    jbjd refused this suggestion. Claiming that her proof was so strong that it would be a waste of time.

  11. three GOP vote to further obama pelosi reid big gov spending programs today passing 1.1. trillion budget

    Three Republicans helped Democrats advance the measure: Sens. Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Richard Shelby of Alabama and Susan Collins of Maine.

  12. Anyone here old enough to remember Jimmy Carter’s WIN buttons? “WIN” stood for Whip Inflation Now. Remember the wage and price freeze where almost all wages and prices were placed at a standstill?

    Well, thanks to Congress spending like there’s no tomorrow, our nation is drowning in debt. They need to put a moratorium on ALL unnecessary spending! We need to STOP spending NOW! This yet another omnibus bill is crazy!

    I’m calling for CONGRESS to place a MORATORIUM on ALL spending unless it is necessary to the very life and breath of the nation’s existence.

    SUS – Stop Unnecessary Spending!

  13. Helga
    I once read in one of your comments some months back that you are from Germany. If you are old enough you would have experienced some of the Nazi lunacy. If that is the case then I offer my condolences because you would have sufferred a level of atrocities beyond imagination, and I also wonder how many of Hitler’s youth have ever got their heads back on straight. I would suspect that many would still bear psychiatric damage perhaps even to this day. Hitler is alleged to have poisoned the minds of thousands of the German youth. Many of those who were over 12 years of age were allegedly forced to sacrifice themselves as the Russians cleaned out Berlin. That is the most gutwrenching aspect of the entire war. The conscription of children to fight a war that was started by the NAZI MANIAC is particularly angering,and I believe that history will show that I am not alone in this view.

  14. Jonah, I voted for Carter, I thought it would be great to have an “outsider” like Carter instead of the same old politics as usual. Nothing changed except the government in Iran. We’re still paying the price, just like we’ll be paying for Obama for decades to come.

  15. Carlyle………………………………………

    It would certainly be interesting to find a historic records repository that houses journalism specimens from the 1960s, and take a look at them page by page for a week or so PRIOR to his alleged birth, and about a monthe from his alleged birth date. It would seem that such a record would exist somewhere in Hawaii. I believe if there is a record found it would be difficult to argue against,even if it was falsely published a day or so after his alleged birth. But it is also well known that you could have been born on the moon,but if you registered within a certain time period you could obtain a CERTIFICATION of LIVE BIRTH. We all now know that this is NOT a CERTIFICATE of LIVE BIRTH which is what Soetoro would have if he was born in Hawaii. His MORON goon squad thought they could bullsh## their way into making ALL of us believe it. Guess what DAMN FEW of us believe it! They will discover just how many don’t believe it as they are all given their PINK slips in 2010.

  16. Don in California

    Oldsalt, will we even survive until 2010? The way congress is moving, I am beginning to have my doubts.

  17. Most of the contributors here know how to contact their Congressmen and women but there are many who visit here who have never written to their Senator or Representative. The Congress.org website has simplified the process for newbies.


    Please write to Congress about omnibus and healthcare NOW!

  18. I personally think that Stanley Ann’s Mother flew to Seattle to meet her daughter there then her mother flew back to Hawaii with Lil Barry under her arm while Stanley remained behind to prepare for entering classes at University of Washington where she is KNOWN to have been on Aug 16 of 1961. Gramma is perobably the person who prepared and sighned all of the paperwork to register Lil Barryas having been born in Hawaii. Proof of the pudding is the CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH instead of a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH. Obviously the Soetoro goon squad can’t read either. Of course what else is new? Even a dumb ass like me can figure this out.

  19. The political battle is not only about ideology, it is battle for control of the purse strings of this Nation. You can buy a lot of “friends” with $1.1 trillion dollars.
    Democrats make me sick, watching them buy votes in the Senate using taxpayer money. Harry Reid should be jailed. What he did is no different than what Blagoiovitch did selling the Senate seat in Illinois.

  20. DON……………………………..

    If we can somehow screw them up enough they might even make a mistake which we could use to really nail their carcasses to the cross. Only a really good offense is the best defense. Most infantrymen know that one as gospel.

  21. #

    bob strauss // December 12, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    Jonah, I voted for Carter, I thought it would be great to have an “outsider” like Carter instead of the same old politics as usual. Nothing changed except the government in Iran. We’re still paying the price, just like we’ll be paying for Obama for decades to come.
    I voted for Carter too, and lived to regret it. But the havoc wreaked by the Carter administration is minuscule to what the Obama administration and the 111th Congress is doing to disregard the Constitution and destroy our nation.

  22. Still a bit confused about about Soetoro’s Mom. If he wrote that his Mom was an Au Pair (sp) was she even an American citizen?

  23. Don…………………………………

    While I didn’t qualify my M1 at 180, I did manage to shoot a 144.(then referred to as MARKSMAN) is still good enough to provide an enemy combatant with a second anus at 300 yards. I still own a Garand. It hasn’t been cleaned for over 10 years. I have a cork in each end of the barrel to keep out dust and rust. If I clean it and oil it it will again be ready to work. They used to kick like mules, but I really like the engineering involved. I presently have about 100 rounds for it. Outdated ammo though. Might not even fire.

  24. Don…………………..
    By the way it isn’t very hard to smash your thumb in the breach mechanism during inspection.

  25. Don in California

    Oldsalt, that was called an M-1 thumb. lol I had many of them at first.

    I wish I had an M-1, but too expensive for me. Too bad they didn’t let us keep them when we got out. lol

  26. Jonah, The “checks and balances” we were told would work to control government, appear to be working very slowly, if at all. Way to slow in regard to our illegal POTUS to suit many of us. If it wasn’t for a few private citizens government would be completely mute on the subject of Obama’s lack of qualifications to be eligible to be President.

  27. Obama’s paid goons, the ones that haven’t been banned from the site, are thick over at TRSOL. They even admit to getting paid to blog and mislead people, as to the meaning of natural born citizen. They can’t be reasoned with and usually resort to personal attacks when their arguments fail.


    1. Necessity is the mother of invention –

    2. Truth is the daughter of time –
    3. Struggle is the father of everything –
    ADOLPH HITLER from Mein Kampf(My

    If you want to be frightened google up “Adolph Hitler quotes”

  29. bob strauss.
    The Obot weasels still show up here. They are a barometer of how intensely
    we strike a nerve. Their hallmark is personal attacks , lack of integrity and
    minimal command of facts.

  30. Don……………………….

    Did you ever pass through Long Beach and see the front gate of the old destroyer base? I am told that it was long ago given to the Chinese and the only part that is still there is the huge drydock which can accomodate some of the largest container tubs. The Chinese were GIVEN this real ESTATE which really angers me. Hell SanDiego is now the Navy port, and that is on place I couldn’t wait to get out of. One reason was the stench generated by the Chicken of the Sea tuna processor which was nearlym NEXT door to North Island. You could smell that place clear out to the light on point Loma, and about half way to Tijuana. I don’tr know if you know this but MMMSSS.IMPORTANT is married mto a broker who once owned over 217,000 shares of Chicken of the Sea Fisheries, this is why I sometimes refer to her as MMMSSS. tunafish. The company eventually moved the cannery to American Samoa, and true to her nature she screwed the natives there out of over 1.45 per hour when the minimum wage was raised from $5.50 to $7.50. by writing a bill which excluded American Samoa from benefitting from the minimum wage increase. Nice person, huh! The recent tsunami that hit American Samoa might well have destroyed the processing plant along with all the rest of the destruction which the news media said came close to the same level as Indonesia received a couple of years ago.

  31. Just back from reality coaching kids basketball games. I have a friend when i see him its like whats new in the communist govt take over. I was at the bank the other day taking to a bank rep about a loan, the conversation was about the economy not turning around, she agreed. And she said i really can’t talk politics at work but she couldnt help what she sees as a take over as well and the markist ways. I’m glad i’m not the only one who knows whats going on. My wife however lives in a fairy tale world of nothing could happen to america. Oh yeah just ask the germans

  32. Please note how much Adolph Hitler looks like David Axelrod.

  33. Don ……………………………….

    When you went to basic did you ever have a DI require you to recite the “soldier’s lament”, regarding rifles, and guns. It starts out “This is my rifle (HOLDING up a rifle), and this is my gun grabbing the front of his trousers. This is for fighting and this is for fun. This little DI inspired lament was often a penalty for him hearing somebody refer to a rifle as a gun. He could require you to stand outside of the garrison tent, and tell this to as many others as you could for a specified period of time. Most who were penalised NEVER again referred to their rifle as a gun.

  34. Don in California

    Oldsalt, I’ve never been to the navy base in Long Beach or San Diego. I do know about pelosi and her husband though. Their money is what bought her seat in congress.

    I can’t understand just how our elected officials can even believe in all the socialist, communist dealings they are trying to push through. Are “all” elected officals that dumb or just anti-American?

  35. Pretty disgusting display. I was more or less a left wing Democrat in my earlier days, but I can’t ever remember hanging out with people who thought it was acceptable to not let people speak. Ever since Obama and his cronies came into power, that’s what it’s been about, and that’s why I left the Democratic party. I guess that’s how community organizing Alinsky-style works, but I want no part of it.

  36. Don in California

    Oldsalt, “When you went to basic did you ever have a DI require you to recite the “soldier’s lament”, regarding rifles, and guns.”

    Yes, it only took a couple and everyone learned the difference between a rifle and a gun. lol

    The difference was that our DI did not have them grab the trousers, but the actual item and had them wave it when they said “gun”. rofl

  37. Ap comes out science is not fake, emails stolen don’t prove the facts blah blah blah. Do they ever stop lying . they were caught. Sorry Al but the debate is not over by a long shot.

  38. I’m calling for CONGRESS to place a MORATORIUM on ALL spending unless it is necessary to the very life and breath of the nation’s existence.

    SUS – Stop Unnecessary Spending!
    I’ll go for that idea! Perfect, in fact!
    What we need are leaders in Congress who will
    buy onto this approach PDQ!

  39. Gianni,
    Well said. I agree completely. This is not the
    Democratic Party anyone remembers.

  40. Jonah // December 12, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    Anyone here old enough to remember Jimmy Carter’s WIN buttons? “WIN” stood for Whip Inflation Now. Remember the wage and price freeze where almost all wages and prices were placed at a standstill?

    I voted for Carter too in my first election. I was young and stupid then. Obama is even worse.

  41. The problem is the Democratic party changed after JFK. What seemed like a moderate party went far to the left after Vietnam and Watergate when the baby boomers grew up. Bill Clinton had to be somewhat moderate in order to govern the country, but Obama has gone off the cliff, in my opinion. And somewhere in there the Democratic party became anti US and anti Israel.

  42. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16. That’s the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President


  43. Margie,
    An “au pair” is a mother’s helper, family live in
    babysitter if you will. Maybe his mother thought
    it was a chic term to use. I have no idea why.

  44. Bob, Jonah, Tina, et. al.

    Count me in the group who voted for Carter.
    Now, the way Carter has acted (and the way his
    presidency went), I’d like my vote back.
    I agree with all the postings above about J. Carter and the way the Dem. Party has gone–
    can’t even recognize it now.

  45. CW, how can I forward an email I received, to you? Can you email to me an address where I can send it?

  46. bob.
    Check mail

  47. I wonder if Obama’s grandmother hired a nanny (Au pair), to see after Barry when he was young.

    The Obama story is anybody’s guess. Nobody knows any more than what we have been told in the two books, written specifically to tell us “everything we need to know” about Obama.

    The two books written by Bill Ayers? I find it interesting these books were written almost in conjunction with the campaign. Is this all the vetting of Obama we need? Refer to his books, that’s it?

    Really, nobody knows this guy Obama. He’s obviously a Muslim even though he lied and said he was a Christian.
    Everybody knew he was lying but John McCain was fooled. The rest of us are logical and use common sense.

  48. “Really, nobody knows this guy Obama. He’s obviously a Muslim even though he lied and said he was a Christian.”

    Well, and define “Christian” and what you think it means, because if you give me the modern-day term of it, then I’ll tell you that it was different for those in the early Christians assembly, who personally knew the messiah and knew what he taught.

    Also, BO’s christian place that he went to, would you define black theology as being Christian in any way, shape or form? I wouldn’t.

    So you have to really define “Christian” because modern-day stuff don’t match the original teachings at all, and BT (black theology) surely don’t match it either.

    Which brings me to ask this question, why don’t people who profess to be Christians search for the original way of those who personally knew the true messiah? Makes sense to me.

  49. If Obama would lie about his religion to get elected, what does that say about the veracity of his COLB he posted on the internet.

    Wake up America, Obama is a fraud and a usurper of Muslim heritage, the exact opposite of what we were told.

  50. ticktock-many times over the years, someone received products from Harry & David. We share all-every product excellent. Pears always perfect.

  51. Why doesn’t anyone have information about what Obama’s grandmother was doing during his babyhood? Seems that someone should know about her and her lifestyle as she was a banking official wans’t she? Maybe the search for facts on her would be very revealing in light of Old Salt’s guess that she was raising him at that time while Stanley was in Seattle. There must be something to find out about that time in Obama’s life seems to me. Never have seen much about that. What about Grandpa too? They must have had some sort of social life and a baby grandson should have been noted it would seem, especially if Momma wasn’t around. A good line for investigation I think. some good citizen investigator will find something out and it can’t happen soon enough for America’s sake.

  52. kittykat77, You need to ask Obama, he’s the one claiming to be a Christian. Personally I think he is a liar, and that angers me more than anything else.

  53. “You need to ask Obama, he’s the one claiming to be a Christian. Personally I think he is a liar, and that angers me more than anything else.”

    Bob, I don’t have to ask him, I know he’s lying, and even if he thinks he’s a Christian, by the black theo stuff, he ain’t!

    You should look at that mess, which it is a mess. I think some of them believe they are going off with the mother ship, meaning UFO stuff.

  54. Guys/Gals that served in the military, I don’t want to forget about this again. IEDs when our soldiers have to clear the roads so that their tanks can go through without blowing up. Would it be possible to fly drones with the thing hanging down like they caught the jets trying to get back on the aircraft carrier. They could fly low to the ground with that hook thing hanging down and “grab” the IED wire. I don’t know how strong the IED wire might be, but I’m sure the drone could set it off without it getting blown up since it would be far enough away. Could drones fly wing to wing? just meander down the road before tanks? Boys play with those radio controlled airplanes could that work? I hate IEDs and the damage that they do.

  55. bob strauss-“You can buy a lot of “friends” with $1.1 trillion dollars.”
    If Obama gave me all the money in the treasure, I still would not want to have anything to do with him. I may be a registered Democrat but I am not a “friend” that can be bought for any price, except for free show me the eligibility.

  56. muslims have law thats says basically it is ok to lie to decieve to achieve thier goals

  57. Michelle,I was born in Cook County and lived there until I was 30. Everyone knows how corrupt government is in Illinois. Pay to play for everything, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Chicago is in it’s own little world, all about favors.

  58. President Kennedy this is NOT the Democratic party of which you a were a member. It is hard to believe the usurper Obama is the HEAD FUBAR of the so-called democratic party-Nazi would seem more appropriate.
    Let both sides unite to heed, in all corners of the earth, the command of Isaiah — to “undo the heavy burdens, and [to] let the oppressed go free.”¹
    We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution
    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. (Who knew it would be our own?)
    the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

  59. bob strauss-to me this is Obama’s first lie. Twenty years in the making/stealing. These are his vaunted community organizing skills. I’m from Chicago-this is even uglier in real life. In Chicago it is referred to as “abandon all hope ye who enter here”. When he got away with this BIG LIE, the rest just got easier.

  60. Regardless of when or who started the decline of the U.S., what do we do to stop it.

    We all need to stop trying to blame carter, bush, clinton etc and figure out what to do to keep us a free and strong nation. I’m not smart enough to tell anyone else how to do it, but I do know that it will take us all to make a difference

  61. Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Did we ever determine last night exactly
    where the pix was taken that showed BO removing his shoes for prayer on a rug with “Muslim”-looking background?
    Is there a mosque-like prayer room in the White House now? I would like to know the truth on
    this if anyone know specifically where this
    photo was taken.

  62. Don in California

    If we make it to the elections of 2010, I will not vote for anyone that currently holds office.

    I want to see people in office that are farmers, business people, cooks etc, not lawyers!!

  63. Don in California

    I believe that I read somewhere that the photo was taken in Turkey when he was calling us a muslim nation.

  64. Truthbetold—
    I’ve heard of that also. We will undoubtedly
    find out obama has told many mores lies to
    deceive us than truths.

    We the People must find our way out of this
    mess and soon.

  65. Don in CA,
    First, thanks for the input on the photo. This is
    the same one from last night (with the arches?),
    Next, I’m with you, we’ve had enough lawyers–
    let’s go for other professions as you say. I will
    be happy to vote them out!!!!!!! Yes, we will
    make it to 2010—We the People will win—
    Good will defeat evil!!!!!!!!!!

  66. I’d like to see all the Muslims reunite with their
    fellow Muslims in the countries of their origins–
    i.e. leave the United States.

  67. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s video speeches debate Obama’s video speeches. Any charity proceeds go to military veterans. May the Constitution and We the People win.

    John F Kennedy Speech On The Truth!
    Obama loses round one due to lies and deceiving the American public on too numerous occasions to mention.

  68. Margie // December 12, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    Still a bit confused about about Soetoro’s Mom. If he wrote that his Mom was an Au Pair (sp) was she even an American citizen?
    Excuse me here……interfering……..does anyone believe what he says???

    Then why would anyone believe what he writes???

  69. citizenwells // December 12, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    bob strauss.
    The Obot weasels still show up here. They are a barometer of how intensely
    we strike a nerve. Their hallmark is personal attacks , lack of integrity and
    minimal command of facts.

    It seems you’re expecting a lot from a 12 yearl old, CW!!

  70. CJ // December 12, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    Why doesn’t anyone have information about what Obama’s grandmother was doing during his babyhood? Seems that someone should know about her and her lifestyle as she was a banking official wans’t she? Maybe the search for facts on her would be very revealing in light of Old Salt’s guess that she was raising him at that time while Stanley was in Seattle. There must be something to find out about that time in Obama’s life seems to me. Never have seen much about that. What about Grandpa too? They must have had some sort of social life and a baby grandson should have been noted it would seem, especially if Momma wasn’t around. A good line for investigation I think. some good citizen investigator will find something out and it can’t happen soon enough for America’s sake.
    I’m riding with the guy who speculates that all the stories are bullsh**……every last item is fabricated…….CIA, FBI, parentage from hell, Muslims, SAD as mother from Seattle?? but pictures of a girl with a monogrammed dress from Europe?? No body for dead SAD, grandmother Dunham, if they are even dead…….there’s just too many lies to believe any of the LIARS story……..

  71. bob strauss // December 12, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Michelle,I was born in Cook County and lived there until I was 30. Everyone knows how corrupt government is in Illinois. Pay to play for everything, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Chicago is in it’s own little world, all about favors.
    Hate to break it to ya….Chicago doesn’t own the patent to pay to play…….we here in Ky and Tn just call it the ‘good ol boys club’.

  72. Rules our Military has to go by to stay alive and win this war….
    I received this as an email,…
    from the New York Times ON PAGE 37.

    New York Times
    December 8, 2009
    Pg. 37
    The Next Surge: Counterbureaucracy
    By Jonathan J. Vaccaro
    The Taliban commander was back in the village. Our base roared to life as we prepared to capture him. Two Chinook helicopters spun their blades in anticipation in the dark. Fifty Afghan commandos brooded outside, pacing in the gravel. I was nearby, yelling into a phone: “Who else do we need approvals from? Another colonel? Why?”
    A villager had come in that afternoon to tell us that a Taliban commander known for his deployment of suicide bombers was threatening the elders. The villager had come to my unit, a detachment of the United States Army stationed in eastern Afghanistan, for help.
    Mindful of orders to protect the civilian population, we developed a plan with the Afghan commandos to arrest the Taliban commander that evening before he moved back into Pakistan. While the troops prepared, I spent hours on the phone trying to convince the 11 separate Afghan, American and international forces authorities who needed to sign off to agree on a plan.
    Some couldn’t be found. Some liked the idea, others suggested revisions. The plan evolved. Hours passed. The cellphone in the corner rang. “Where are you?” the villager asked urgently. The Taliban commander was drinking tea, he said.
    At 5 a.m. the Afghan commandos gave up on us and went home. The helicopters powered down. The sun rose. I was still on the phone trying to arrange approvals. Intelligence arrived indicating that the Taliban commander had moved on. The villagers were incredulous.
    This incident is typical of what I saw during my six-month tour in Afghanistan this year. We were paralyzed by red tape, beaten by our own team. Our answer to Afghans seeking help was: “I can’t come today or tomorrow, but maybe next week. I have several bosses that I need to ask for permission.”
    The decision has been made to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander there, is expected to speak to Congress this week about his strategy for the war. Our troops can win the war, but they will be more effective if the bureaucracy is thinned.
    In my experience, decisions move through the process of risk mitigation like molasses. When the Taliban arrive in a village, I discovered, it takes 96 hours for an Army commander to obtain necessary approvals to act. In the first half of 2009, the Army Special Forces company I was with repeatedly tried to interdict Taliban. By our informal count, however, we (and the Afghan commandos we worked with) were stopped on 70 percent of our attempts because we could not achieve the requisite 11 approvals in time.
    For some units, ground movement to dislodge the Taliban requires a colonel’s oversight. In eastern Afghanistan, traveling in anything other than a 20-ton mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle requires a written justification, a risk assessment and approval from a colonel, a lieutenant colonel and sometimes a major. These vehicles are so large that they can drive to fewer than half the villages in Afghanistan. They sink into wet roads, crush dry ones and require wide berth on mountain roads intended for donkeys. The Taliban walk to these villages or drive pickup trucks.
    The red tape isn’t just on the battlefield. Combat commanders are required to submit reports in PowerPoint with proper fonts, line widths and colors so that the filing system is not derailed. Small aid projects lag because of multimonth authorization procedures. A United States-financed health clinic in Khost Province was built last year, but its opening was delayed for more than eight months while paperwork for erecting its protective fence waited in the approval queue.
    Communication with the population also undergoes thorough oversight. When a suicide bomber detonates, the Afghan streets are abuzz with Taliban propaganda about the glories of the war against America. Meanwhile, our messages have to inch through a press release approval pipeline, emerging 24 to 48 hours after the event, like a debutante too late for the ball.
    Curbing the bureaucracy is possible. Decision-making authority for operations could be returned to battalions and brigades. Staffs that manage the flow of operations could operate on 24-hour schedules like the forces they regulate. Authority to release information could be delegated to units in contact with Afghans. Formatting requirements could be eased. The culture of risk mitigation could be countered with a culture of initiative.
    Mid-level leaders win or lose conflicts. Our forces are better than the Taliban’s, but we have leashed them so tightly that they are unable to compete.
    Jonathan J. Vaccaro served as an officer with the United States Army in Afghanistan from January 2009 to July 2009.

    Dan Slaven
    Management Officer
    ILMS Deployment Team

  73. JJ: I guess I have to agree with you. All lies and elaborate fabrication. Question is who is going to get to the truth and bring the light to shine on the lies so all can see? I’ve said it all along, we need irrefutable and totally shocking proof that Obama is a straw man in order to get the American people to truly take action. We must vote these awful band of looters of the American way of life out of office. If we can find proof before 2012 to have him impeached all the better. My big fear is that just like Climategate, the state run media and courts will just ignore the truth and proceed with their agenda. If they have amassed enough power, we will be facing a very tough fight which I know will involve voter fraud in large measures to keep them all controlling our lives. We must be alert and fight now before it’s too late especially at the local level. The courts will not help unless the evidence is totally irrefutable showing the lies that have been perpretated upon the American people by the Obama shadow supporters.

  74. RE… Obama wouldn’t lie, would he? He told us he is Christian.

    Over a year ago I had a bumper sticker specially made for my truck. It reads….

    Obama Closet Muslim?

    You would be surprised how many thumbs up I get when I’m driving. If I see an Obama sticker on the back of a vehicle while driving, I try to make an effort to get in front of that vehicle, if it’s safe. Love it…..

    By the way a poll should be conducted to find out if Obama has surpassed Carter as the worst President, ever!

  75. joyceaz @ 9:57 pm
    Whoever is the commander-in-chief of this war is an unmitigated MORON.
    The enemy was very successful in using this tactic Sept 1, 1939 with the invasion of Poland and the start of WW2 in Europe. It took the allies awhile to play catch-up at a cost of so many lives.
    In German, Blitzkrieg means lightning war (Blitz-Krieg). Blitzkrieg was named so because it included surprise attacks, “Lighting fast” rapid advances into enemy territory, with coordinated massive air attacks, which struck and shocked the enemy as if it was struck by lightning. The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.

  76. Michelle,… I fully believe that obama is fully aware of what he is doing to our Military. He wants them to know that he is willing to destroy them if they don’t follow his directions… SO WHEN IT IS TIME TO TURN GUNS ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,…. they will have been forworned. I SURE DO HOPE I AM WRONG.
    obama is EVIL and he hates “WE THE PEOPLE” and he HATES our Military.

  77. I have not seen Prairie on here for awhile. I hope she is ok. Miss her Poems about our Country.

  78. joyceaz -why would our military take this laying down? that part does not make sense to me.
    This military Lt. Col.Benson I had no idea they had this burden too. I have to look her up, I wonder in what capacity she serves our military.

  79. “The Joint Chiefs of Staff should be worried of the dire punishment they will face, when they are one day convicted of treason against the United States of America for siding with the enemy and giving him aide and comfort.”

    The Joint Chiefs of Staff should be worried…

  80. Michelle, I wonder the same. I keep asking myself how has this become so cut and dried. NO ONE ASKS WHY? …. in our congress, in our MSM,….. everyone is too scared to ask!
    I don’t think our Military is too keen on obama,. but the top brass seems to be brainwashed as well as our Judicial system. WHY? threats or money?

  81. GORDO // December 12, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    “The Joint Chiefs of Staff should be worried of the dire punishment they will face, when they are one day convicted of treason against the United States of America for siding with the enemy and giving him aide and comfort.”

    Gordo,….. This I agree with. If in Normal Times. But, we are not in Normal times. I can’t understand how or why the JCOS has set back allowed this NIGHTMARE to go this far. I don’t see any resolve to this unless we can find a GOOD HONEST JUDGE who will STAND UP FOR AMERICA. WHO BE THAT. We will get no standing until we find this person.
    I HOPE I AM WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dear God in Heaven I HOPE I AM WRONG.

  82. JoyceAZ & Michelle,

    The question becomes, in the event of a
    civil “unrest,” which side will the Military be on–
    the Govt./obama or We the People? The answer to this question We the People must determine ahead of that event if and when it occurs.

  83. Maddie-Joyce AZ lets let General Patton answer.
    One paperhanging SOB v/s WE THE PEOPLE, who would you choose?

  84. Maddie // December 12, 2009 at 11:12 pm

    Hey Maddie,

    Butting in here…

    From the reception Barky’s had when he visits members of the military, and the fact that the Oathkeepers’ ranks are growing daily, I’m encouraged that the military will come through for We, The People.

    Hope I’m right.

  85. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Evening, All —

    SEALs’ support petition – 27263

    Up by almost 1,000 since last night

  86. JoyceAZ,
    The MSM has had their mouths duck-taped
    shout. They only let out a few brief tidbits and
    then hasten to change the subject. The “big bosses” only let them go so far or its “curtains”–
    think of Lou Dobbs.
    I, too, do not understand the clamp down on
    the Judicial System of this country NOR the fact that our legislators have responded COWARDLY towards addressing the NBC issue.
    If this were a Parliament, they’d be screaming at the top of their lungs about an usurper.
    What is up with this Congress is a mystery–but one thing is sure—a large percentage of them WILL lose their jobs in 2010–and We can make that happen. Until then, we keep the NBC issue alive and going every chance we get.

  87. Michelle // December 12, 2009 at 11:18 pm

    Maddie-Joyce AZ lets let General Patton answer.
    One paperhanging SOB v/s WE THE PEOPLE, who would you choose?

    Michelle, Maddie,…. Civil Un-Rest is where we are headed. I can see it NOW. There is no other choice as I watch the happenings in our Government go from bad to worse. NO OTHER RECOURSE. I just hope that the top brass in our Military has more guts like General Patton than like the Sec of Defense. Gates just doesn’t have it. He is a yes man to obama. Sort of like casey. He wanted to pretend that hasan was really not at fault. Hopefully we have more GUTS in the rest, than those two. (I just don’t think either of those would stick up for the American People.)

  88. Hi SueK,
    I believe our Military will come though also.
    I didn’t see many smiling faces over at West Point the other day. In fact the Cadets looked
    pretty fed up. They weren’t impressed, that’s for sure.

    Glad to hear that the Oathkeepers numbers
    are growing. Got to be prepared at home, too,
    in every way you can. Remember what one of our other bloggers used to tell us about
    having extra supplies on hand, food, water, etc.

  89. Maddie-don’t forget this all bubbled up during the election cycle in 08, never an answer, the Media?????jbjd may have been the first to catch it, I was aware of Phil Berg, Texas Darlin and jbjd at that time. Until the documentation is provided it is a viable question now all of the documentation all documents to support one another. jbjd with her three card monte all of her students understand, are they smarter than a Supreme Court? a Media? as well just about everything OR do they understand the word honor?
    Down here in Florida with the Tiger Woods thing, now they are watching the yacht. Yes, it has gotten that insane. I watched the story on Dateline NBC out of curiosity, and as I suspected this was revealed by the “ladies” of the evening who got into a cat fight among one another. So stupid, unfortunately the press has to over report to the point of nausea their “revelations”. Ultimately I don’t care who you are we all have to take consequences for our actions, this is what I think will trip Obama up-jealousy among the pay-off recipients or whatever he is promising people.

  90. I hope that 2010 brings about some change in Congress. I have a bad feeling about this tho.
    I somehow can’t get over this feeling that congress is going to push all these bills thru,…. fully knowing that the majority of the people do NOT want them passed. They have to be also pushing somesort of bill thru that will protect their ass’s from being voted out. Unless like Glenn Beck said yesterday: They will just stay in power in another position in gov and paid by the tax payers. (they may loose their seat in congress but will not loose their power or pay)
    I just do not trust anything that congress does. LEFT OR RIGHT.

  91. I wonder if in the next march, if they could get a big placque of George C. Scott as General Patton who could be the leader, as opposed to Obama fake CIC, I bet they would notice that.

  92. joyceaz-I don’t know, I think people are really getting fed up with overpaid celebrities, ex-Congresspeople etc. They are already talking about Tiger Woods losing celebrity endorsements-if he comes back I don’t think he will get the kind of dollars as before.
    I know I don’t need any celebrity to sell me anything-to me their endorsements are useless.

  93. Michelle,….. General Patton would be a good ICON to honor at the next rally. He was a powerful source to our Military. Tell obama to take some lessons from him.
    NOT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT, but, how many of you believed that obama really felt “what he said at Oslo”? He had a good speech writer and they knew he had to reach out to the American people while there. Just my opinion about that feel’y speech.
    I know I should be giving him the benefit of the doubt,……. BUT, I DONT TRUST THE WEASEL! no no no no I DON’T.

  94. Michelle,

    this is what I think will trip Obama up-jealousy among the pay-off recipients or whatever he is promising people
    You could be right on that; it’s always about the money, it seems.

    T.Woods–don’t run away on the yacht–it’s not going to be any better in Sweden, maybe worse.
    If I had to solve the mess: let wife return to Sweden with joint custody–1/2 yr. there, 1/2 yr. here (with Grandma Woods). Tiger pays
    for children’s upbringing. Believe he’s already
    pd. a sum to wife per agreement. I don’t see this marriage working out—just my opinion.

  95. Maddie // December 12, 2009 at 11:33 pm

    Hi Maddie,

    The military knows more than is being revealed. I believe that. They seem to be waiting for something, but I don’t know what that is. Right now, they’re sitting ducks under the ‘command’ of a nitwit usurper.

    I really hope it doesn’t come to going into ‘survival mode.’

  96. JoyceAZ—
    I didn’t believe a word of the speech either–
    no trust here. I know both sides were saying
    good this, good that—but WHY did he accept
    the Prize and WHAT is he doing with that money? He loved every second of the attention–they both did—looked like king and queen of ????? (fill in the blank with your favorite

  97. Carried over from previous post.

    oldsalt77….I have an argument regarding the alleged supremacy of the courts over the Constitution.

    I agree and so did many of the founders as supremacy of the courts was not their intent. In fact, the Supreme Court was to be the weakest branch by some.

    “The judiciary from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the constitution …The judiciary is, beyond comparison, the weakest of the three departments of power…[and] the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from that quarter.”
    — Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist #78.

    However, others saw the writing on the wall.

    “There is no Declaration of Rights, and the judiciary is so constructed and extended, as to absorb and destroy the judiciaries of the several States; thereby rendering law and justice as unattainable.”
    — George Mason, Objections to This Constitution of Government, 1787

    “My principal objections to the plan are… that the judicial department will be oppressive…;”
    — Elbridge Gerry, 1787.

    “As the courts are generally the last in making the decision [on laws], This makes the Judiciary department paramount in fact to the Legislature, which was never intended, and can never be proper.”
    — James Madison, October 15, 1788.

    When Chief Justice Marshall declared in Marybury v. Madison (1801) that the Court was the institution responsible for interpreting the Constitution…that it was emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law was, Jefferson pushed pushed back forcefully.

    “The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what are not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but the legislature and executive also in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch…”
    — Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Abigail Adams on September 11, 1804.

    “…we find the judiciary on every occasion still driving us into consolidation… The Constitution has become a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.”
    — Thomas Jefferson, writing to Judge Spencer Roane

    Jefferson approved the removal of Federalist judges who demonstrated their partisanship on the bench.

    It is the responsibility of the Legislative and Executive Branches to reign in this judicial tyranny. It has been done before. In 1832 President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, saying “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”

  98. SueK,
    Yes, the Military knows the ropes, and they aren’t at liberty to speak. I don’t want survival mode, either, but we should be thinking along those lines (for any event—could be terrorism, God forbid). Think about the Boy Scout Motto:
    “Be Prepared.” Stock up on non-perishables.

    Try not to worry, too much, and just keep
    plugging at this mess. Take care and God Bless.

  99. Michelle, I agree with you. I don’t buy anything JUST because of who’s name is on it. I am not a name dropper and I am not impressed by anyone other than WHO IS HONEST AND DEPENDABLE.
    I heard that the msm and others knew about Tiger for years,… but, didn’t want to expose him until the right moment. (was it used to cover up the Ugly Politics that have been happeing?) Or, was it because The Enquirer opened it up when the accident happened? Wish we could open up a story on the fraud,… If that ever happened,… the MSM would have to be willing to run with it. Other wise it would die before it got him exposed.
    Somebody, somewhere has to have a lot of damaging goods on him, just wish they would come forward to help our Country. (I agree that they would have to make extra copies, of all documents and such) It seems as if anyone who knows to much,.. ends up dead. I suppose it would stop some people from coming forward.

  100. Well, got to get some sleep. Night all.

  101. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Excerpt from a note from an active duty Oath Keeper from the Oath Keepers site.

    “We . . . know what the deal is, and when the time comes (which it will), we know where we stand and continue to make preparations for it.

    Keep up the good work!

    Regards from Mosul,

  102. joyceaz-Maddie-SueK
    I’m originally from Chicago, nobody but Obama and Oprah speak “touchy feely” it’s so gross, more when they mean it -more like “where to go and how to get there”. I don’t believe one word Obama says ever. I agree with Sue K our military is not stupid-they are playing something cool.
    Mr & Mrs Woods have a lot to work out, if they both put their children first, everything else will fall into place. Someone needs to grow-up. Like Michael Jackson I wonder if he had a childhood?

  103. c.n.d.e. ville II

    I was just reading about another group called the Three Percenters.

    “The narrowest definition is that three percenters are hard-line gun owners who are done backing up and will not comply with more infringements of their right to bear arms.

    A broader definition would be that they are hard-line Americans who are done backing up and will not comply with further infringement of any of their rights.

    It also alludes to the three percent of the colonists who took to the field against the King during the Revolution, and the estimation that at least three percent of modern Americans will actively fight, if it comes to it, to preserve liberty. ”


  104. c.n.d.e. ville II // December 12, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    Excerpt from a note from an active duty Oath Keeper from the Oath Keepers site.
    c n d e,….. thank you for that post. I was heart warming to say the least. I do believe that something BAD is going to happen next month. It is going to take the Military to keep things in order. I believe that when congress pushes all these economy killing bills thru congress with no second thought to WE THE PEOPLE,….. all Hell is going to break out.
    We will find out first hand where the tide that binds stands.
    Is the Military and the Judical system waiting for something? Maybe!

  105. c.n.d.e. ville II-our military from George Washington until today where would our country be without THEM, maybe all politicians should remember they serve at the pleasure of the people backed up by our military. Some of these politicians act as if they own the country. WE THE PEOPLE is the basis for everything, many of the WE are more concerned about the country than those entrusted with its care. It’s the Constitution not American Idol, you’re not that either Obama.

  106. Michelle // December 13, 2009 at 12:00 am

    I’m originally from Chicago, nobody but Obama and Oprah speak “touchy feely” it’s so gross, more when they mean it -more like “where to go and how to get there”. I don’t believe one word Obama says ever
    Michelle,…. I think the frauds mo & bo are putting on an act. They want to be thought of as perfect. ~I DON’T THINK THEY MAKE THE CASE,……. ICKY-UG! too phoney to be real.
    I do believe Larry Sinclair. . . . obama is a closet boy.
    About Tiger and his poor family. I don’t know what she will do. I guess it depends on where her priorities are. If she knows that she can’t forgive him and let the past go,… then she better cut the cord ASAP. This just goes to show that power is very addicting and money can buy anything EXCEPT love,,,,AND HEAVEN.

  107. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Hi, Sue K.

    So glad to hear Oath Keepers is drawing more members. Your post prompted me to visit the site.

    Hope you are recovered from your cold.

  108. c.n.d.e. ville II

    joyceaz // December 13, 2009 at 12:09 am

    Sure seems like something has to give.

    I vote that the military step in and arrest o. and the traitors BEFORE anything else bad happens.

    Michelle —
    I’m with you and all the other posters — No more politicians!! No more political office as a career!! Just good, solid folks governing the way our country was set up to be governed.

  109. c.n.d.e. ville II // December 13, 2009 at 12:21 am

    Hey c.n.d.e. ville II,

    Ya, the Oathkeepers got it right! I’m bookmarking their site. They give me comfort; at least we know they’re on our side. (Isn’t it pathetic that we have to choose ‘sides?’)

    I also wonder how many militia groups are forming under the radar?

    Thanks, cold is subsiding with the help of the natural concoctions + a big gun antibiotic. That’s necessary for me. Not any flu, just a bad cold. Thanks for asking-I’ll live to sneeze another day :).


  110. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Philo-Publius // December 12, 2009 at 11:54 pm
    The insight and foresight of our founders never ceases to amaze me! Their writings and thoughts are so contemporary.

    I’m with the camp that says the Courts cannot, do not, will not trump the Constitution.

  111. SueK,….. Right vs wrong does not equal taking sides. You (ME) are standing up for America. Our Military will stand up for what is RIGHT TOO.
    I don’t feel bad for taking Americas side.
    I don’t know,… I am just rambling and probably don’t make any sense. oooops.
    I look at it like this: Common Sense vs NO SENSE AT ALL! You have common sense Sue.

  112. cnde,…. I am orginally from Minnesota.
    When he was voted in as our Gov. he didn’t seem as radical as he is now. I think his greed mode has set in. I didn’t vote for him,… but he wasn’t too bad of a gov. He is for lower taxes, but he seems to be a birther right now. ???????????
    Money talks and B__Sh_t walks. that is jesse

  113. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Another article at Oath Keepers. Another officer willing to pay the price for standing true to his oath.

    God bless these students, this officer, and those defending him.

    Penn. police officer punished for upholding the law
    ADF-allied attorneys file suit to defend officer who wouldn’t violate First Amendment rights of Christians at Kutztown University

    PHILADELPHIA — ADF-allied attorneys filed a lawsuit against officials of Kutztown University and its police chief Monday on behalf of a police officer who refused to violate the constitutional rights of a group of Christians peacefully communicating on various issues on campus.

    As a result of Corporal Steven Armbruster’s objection to forcefully removing them from the campus, the Kutztown Univ. Police Dept. suspended him without pay for five days, issued him a disciplinary letter, and threatened him with termination if he takes a similar stand in the future.

    Complete article at:

  114. c.n.d.e. ville II

    Sue K.

    Yep. Thank God for Oath Keepers!!

    Glad to hear it!!

    I’ve upped my vitamin C, vitamin A, echinacea, garlic, and spirulina cocktail hoping to ward off the grunge.
    joyceaz —

    Somewhere along the line, politicians seem to sell out the to the system and cease to stand for anything (except for maintaining their own status). NOT the people, that’s for sure.

    Maybe we’ll start to see more politicians asking THE QUESTION as reality dawns. They stand to lose everything, just like the rest of America, if o.’s agenda succeeds.

  115. Don in California

    This is somewhat off topic, but I have been reading some of the responses to other blogs and a question came to mind.

    Has anyone ever answered a question concerning obama’s birth certificate with any facts? All I see is a lot of name calling and replies about a fake certificate of live birty that was on the internet. I would like someone that “knows” about obama’s birth and nationality to answer with some facts instead of name calling.

    Has anyone seen any factual answers about obama being a Natural Born Citizen from the other side??

  116. Don in California


    Manchester terror suspects cleared to work as guards

    Ten members of a suspected Islamist terror cell, said by MI5 to be plotting to blow up a shopping centre and a nightclub in Manchester, had been granted permission by the Home Office to work as security guards in Britain.
    And we have a British citizen as our President? They don’t appear to be very smart.

  117. C.W.
    I called Issa’s office and said you need to talk to Citizenwells.She said have him call the office.
    Everyone call Congress daily and give them Citizenwells.wordpress.com,wnd.com repubx.com,
    orlytaitzesq.com.Say you need the Truth and read these daily.
    Also tell them Orly Taitz has documents on Properties with different spellings of O’s name and docs.of different s.s. nos.Give her site and phone no.
    Also tell them C.w. knows much about the Chicago bad boys and call him.
    Taquilla google this Muslim law to lie ,to bring others to Islam

  118. HOBBY LOBBY is our Pal too.

    I was so amazed by this store and what they do that I wanted to learn more. Hobby Lobby is a great place and we need to join with them and promote them and maybe even get them to advertise here on Citizenwells.

    They are in 35 states with 434 stores, a great success story. Here are store locations (still trying to find out if they sell online if not they should):

    It is even better they publish ads featuring stories about Easter, Christmas, Independence Day, etc. You can read those stories here which have been published in USA Today, NYT, LAT, and many newspapers across the country.


    Hooray for Hobby Lobby !!!

    Merry CHRISTmas !!!!

  119. Make the republicans aware of the Sequoia software,ties to Chavez,code to switch votes in 5 mins.Used in 8 states last yr.and is in over 20 states now.
    O was elected by Sequoia software,Acorn fraud and Foreign $$$$$,which is illegal!!
    Admin acts like Afganastian is so corrupt!!,I call Congress and tell them our Govt is 1000 times more corrupt!!!
    Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair book needs to be dumpted at the Global fraud convention and also in Norway where he got the fraud P prize!!
    Might give some a Jolt!!!!
    order http://www.amazon.com

  120. Don of CA,
    I can tell you first hand through my research that “No” Obama supporter holds any evidence what-so-ever to have an intelligent debate supporting their argument. I hold two degrees, one in Business management and the other in mathematics, coupled with 3 international certifications in advance statistics.

    The reason I mentioned this is simply that this entire discussion pertaining to Obama’s sealed-unreleased records for debate has been referred to as a conspiracy theory, which of course is incorrect from approach!

    Not only is this a highly improper use of the definition of “Theory” it is in and of itself misleading. For example, a Theory or Conspiracy theory can “never-be-proven”, ever! Life may possibly exist outside our galaxy is a great example of a “theory”, however, it severely lacks information (data) to prove or disprove, for this reason, it will never move into the hypothesis stage (least for now). So the question then becomes this: Can we prove (or is information available to prove) that Obama was actually born in HI? The answer is yes. This is a very simple binary question that will yield a “Yes or No” factual response. Can we apply the same to answer the question of whether or not he amended his BC? Again, the answer is yes. This applies to whether or not he received foreign scholarships, sponsorships, passport questions, immigrations and the likes.

    When any Obot argues that this is all a “conspiracy theory” they are in effect attempting to discredit your argument right off the bat, when in fact, your (or anyone’s) argument is not a theory because it can be factually answered and information is available to prove or disprove, of which they have neither; but can be solved without much effort.

  121. Hobby Lobby:

    They have gift cards from $10 – 200.00

    If you know someone that lives near them consider giving them a Gift Certif. for Christmas.

    Also have a way to sign up with e-mail to be notified of sales etc.

    Looks like they started in Oklahoma and have been growing across the country in all directions. Not in West Coast yet or in New England. Closest store to New England is:

    South Hills Mall
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
    (845) 298-3235
    View Local Sales & Store Hours

  122. HapnHal said:

    By the way a poll should be conducted to find out if Obama has surpassed Carter as the worst President, ever!

    That poll has never been offered because he’s the first NON-president we’ve ever had and the “press” knows full well this is the case.

    Smoke and mirrors, crystal balls, floating handkerchiefs, and other magic stunts are the only thing keeping this rubber band administration from falling apart, literally.

    We are seeing the final regime to have a stranglehold of our nation. The house of cards is finally beginning to fall. It’s both good and bad.

  123. JeffM.
    Thank you for the clarification.
    One has to be president to be the worst.

  124. Truth Now.
    Any congressman, anytime.

  125. GBAmerica,

    Thank you for the link on the terrorist clownboy and his 9/11 goonies.

    It’s very appropriate to have a link to Soetoro’s peace prize on the same page. How ironic was that?

  126. 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Bush & Obama were also INSIDE JOBS.

    THE LINK has been here all along:
    It is from people with a Communist sounding name: Zbigniew Brzezinski’s , Frank Marshall Davies, George Soros, The New Party, etc. They like to recruit Muslims especially if they are black (Malcolm X, Black Panthers, etc). I wouldn’t be surprised if Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright have a deal with the CIA Communist Devil.

    The Communist Wing of the CIA are the ones behind all this w/ accomplices in the Media, Soros, ACORN, Unions, NWO, Bidlerbergs, Erosionist Lieberals, etc.

    Communist Wing of the CIA:
    Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard. Key quotes from Brzezinski’s seminal book on developing American primacy reveal the desire for a 9/11-style event.


    Experts at disguise & blaming someone ELSE.

    Takeover by infiltration, invasion and conversion or decapitation.

    Our oil money is funding the Jihadi and takeover of America by an alliance of CIA Communists (and others communists) and Muslims. They come here illegally or as students and then get Muslim fundings thru money laundering and other methods to buy and set up compounds and have many, many American Muslim children…while we are fooled into have abortions!

    Check out the Coming Crusade of Muslim Demographics….it is a long term plan.

    Just like Prince Henry the Navigator envisioned a Portuguese exploration of the world. He had forests planted to have lumber to build caravelles, build navigation schools, etc it didn’t happen overnight. They had a centuries long plan. The Muslims have a centuries long plan BUT it is happening quicker than anyone expected…at an alarming rate.

    The Portuguese Discoveries were driven by mostly One Thing the eradicate the Muslims and get back Christian Lands. This happened because there were organized believers in Christ. The Knights Templar, which survived in Portugal as the Order of Christ, were the engine that put Prince Henry’s vision into action. The Discoveries were to fund the Crusade and “Holy War” to get back Jerusalem and the Mother Church. Christopher Colom (fake name his real name is yet unknown but his fake name had meaning) was part of this secret mission. His fake name was Cristovam Colom. Cristo-vam (vao) meaning Going for Christ. Colom from the Greek Kolon meaning Member. Member of teh Order fo Christ Going for Christ, this was part of the secret mission.

    All this just to tell you there is a Huge Secret Master Plan being enacted to eradicate Christianity, Judaism and others and give Muslim World Domination. The only difference this time they can’t fight on camel and sword because military has advance way beyind that. They don’t have flying camels and missiled nuclear swords, instead they use internet, population infiltration, illegal invasion, incrementalism (especially what they learned from Civil Rights Movement) terrorism and soon Sharia Law by demand either thru Protests and calls of Racism and Religious Prosecution or by Muslim American VOTES.

    WAKE UP!!!! Time to wake up you Godless Fools or you collective heads will be displayed on sticks like Vlad the III (Original Dracula) did.

    If you wnat to learn about Cruelty the Original Draculla and the Muslims read here:

    WAKE UP the Crusades are Happening Again. They have a centuries old plan and we have been Brainwashed by their Infiltrated Plants and accomplices into abandoning God, Constitution, Principles and Common Sense of Survival.

    WAKE UP INFIDELS..The Jihadist Are Coming, The Jihadist are Coming!! Where is Paul Revere when we desperatly need him…..

  127. WOW




  128. I second the wow! Unbelievable, the one’s polls have finally sunk to -19 index, getting ever so closer to -20 mark. His democrat support is starting to decline as well. I read that about 41% of democrats now approve.

  129. Happy Lord’s Day…sorry to be the bearer of bad news on God’s Day but maybe it is the best day to Wake People Up.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  130. C.W.
    Have you called and or spoken to Bachman,Marsha Blackburn,Joe Wilson,King,of N.Y,SOME OF THE MORE Concerned elected officials???
    They need a meeting with you and DR.Orly Taitz,who has documents that could be damning.
    Have you spoken to Beck,Hannity,Rush??Quite obvious o’reilly needs a wake up call.Says he is looking out for us?????nn
    They all need to meet Larry Sinclair and read his book
    Chapter 12 ,tells how Biden became V.P.
    nEWS is out about Tigers,Cheetas,secret life,how about calling Congress and tell them to buy Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair http://www.amazon.com
    The world knows,why not America??????
    Those that can,buy one and take it to their elected officials office for Christmats present,to wake them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need a BIG JOLT

  131. William,

    Excellent point. The only conspiracy theory is the one claiming Soetoro to be the first eligible black christian president.

  132. Obamateur’s poll when he passes the -20 barrier will be all over. We need to PROMOTE that everywhere. But put it in context. -19 is bad enough BUT when you look at where he started he started at +28 went up to +30 on Jan 22, 2009 and in less than 11 months went from +30 to -19 his lowest.
    This makes BO’s campaign Historic it is a Historic Free Fall of Support.

    +30 to -19 a Drop of 49 points in less than 11 months or 4.45 points per month.


  133. **** New Post ****





  136. Pingback: Obama Hitler Youth, Copenhagen Climate Negotiations, Americans for … | Obama Snafu

  137. WIN, whip inflation now, was slogan started by Gerald Ford. There is famous video of him wearing the button. Maybe it was after that peanut head of a farmer was elected president.

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