Michael Goldfarb on Glenn Beck confirms White House call and threat to Senator Ben Nelson, Obama thugs, December 16, 2009, Ben Nelson threatened to vote for Senate Health Care Bill

Yesterday, December 15, 2009, the Citizen Wells blog quoted a report from the Weekly Standard that indicated that the White House, Obama, threatened to close an Air Force base in Nebraska if Senator Ben Nelson did not vote for the Senate Health Care Bill. 

“Source: Dems Threaten Nelson In Pursuit of 60

While the Democrats appease Senator Lieberman, they still have to worry about other recalcitrant Democrats including Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson. Though Lieberman has been out front in the fight against the public option and the Medicare buy-in, Nelson was critical of both. Now that those provisions appear to have been stripped from the bill, Lieberman may get on board, but Nelson’s demand that taxpayer money not be used to fund abortion has still not been met. According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

Offutt Air Force Base employs some 10,000 military and federal employees in Southeastern Nebraska. As our source put it, this is a “naked effort by Rahm Emanuel and the White House to extort Nelson’s vote.” They are “threatening to close a base vital to national security for what?” asked the Senate staffer.”

Read more:


Michael Goldfarb, author of the report, was just interviewed on the Glenn Beck Show on Fox. Goldfarb stands by his report. Glenn Beck also states that he has confirmed this story with three sources.

100 responses to “Michael Goldfarb on Glenn Beck confirms White House call and threat to Senator Ben Nelson, Obama thugs, December 16, 2009, Ben Nelson threatened to vote for Senate Health Care Bill

  1. I bet the White House will go after Beck now, and Obama’s minions will try everything in their power to get Beck off the air. Watch. This is going to get ugly. Nelson and the White House will keep denying it, and eventually the three independent sources reporting the story will have to identify their sources, or else risk imprsonment. This is going to get good.

  2. Don in California

    I pray for Beck and his family. Maybe, he will next mention obama’s eligibility.

  3. Does anyone know what Beck said at the close of his program today? I believe he said something about the White House calling but he was out of time and to tune in tomorrow.

  4. Don’t think this is ruffling feathers?

    In the last few seconds of the show, Beck was reading from his blackberry and said they have a response from the WH. Not exactly the ‘red phone’, but close.

  5. And all the while of course the mainstream media will try desperately not to report this story.

  6. Below is the email I just got…..I clicked on it just for the heck of it……just so I screw them up…..I wanted to tell them I’ve been calling all day to Senators saying…..KILL THE BILL….just like Howard Dean said to do!!! LOL:)

    Friend —

    If we don’t pass health reform, millions of Americans will be trapped in a broken status quo, unable to pay their bills or see a doctor when they need one.

    More and more employers will drop coverage for employees. And Medicare and Medicaid will blow a hole through our budget.

    There’s too much at stake to not get this done. That’s why OFA supporters have made 849,856 calls to Congress in support of health reform since August.

    And that’s why today, with the Senate locked in last-minute negotiations, our goal is to hit one million calls.

    Can you help? Please call your senators now and help us “ring in reform.” Then click here to let us know you called.

    According to our records, you live in Nevada. Please call:

    (Not your senators? Click here to look yours up).

    This holiday season, millions of Americans will go without desperately needed care simply because they can’t afford insurance.

    But insurance lobbyists are desperate to pull apart the bill and derail reform, so your voice is needed now.

    Senator Harry Reid is leading the fight in Congress to pass health reform — thanks in large part to his efforts we are now closer to achieving real health reform than ever before. Sen. Reid is a critical ally of the President and champion for Nevada’s families. Please call him now to thank him for leading the charge. Then call Senator John Ensign and ask him to follow Senator Reid’s lead, do the right thing, and support health reform for Nevada families.

    Just dial the numbers above, then tell the staffers who answer where you live — so that they know you are a constituent — and that you support reform.

    Then click here to make sure you call is counted in the race to a million:


    Thanks for standing up,


    Mitch Stewart
    Organizing for America

  7. Don in California


    Bribes, Threats and Healthcare
    Obama’s Communists Now Ruling the USA: Republic is Formally Dead
    By Sher Zieve Wednesday, December 16, 2009
    A good read of obama’s methods.

  8. Found the clip.

  9. Anyone seen this? This is unspeakable…outrageous. These families have to endure a circus trail, and now this.



  10. Glenn Beck: “something is wrong, very wrong”

    Barack Hussein Obama, Jihadist in Chief…

    Article III, Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only … in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

  11. Obama commit treason?

    Nhaaaaaaa! No way!! Who’da thunk-it?

    When it’s too late, they’ll finally bring up the eligibility; when it’s finally too late.

    He’ll destroy the county before anyone in the media or congress finally grows a set.

  12. John Feeny // December 16, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Hey John,

    God forgive me for what I’m about to say, but I have to say it.

    If they construct this piece of crap near Ground Zero, it’s time to show ’em what a little Thermite can do.

    Sorry, but if this is true it can’t be allowed to happen. I’m tired of catering to this bunch of murderers masquerading as ‘the religion of peace.’


  13. John Feeny // December 16, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    Anyone seen this? This is unspeakable…outrageous. These families have to endure a circus trail, and now this.
    Add this to the trial in NYC and kiss the city goodbye. This has obama/holder all over it. Now the muslims will have a place to go to during the circus of a “trial”.

    If New Yorkers don’t protest in the streets, stop paying their taxes, and do whatever they can to disrupt this, they are not going to recognize their beloved city.

    John Feeny,
    It’s called Stealth Jihad,read this article!I truly believe that Barack Hussein Obama is Stealth Jihad and they all knew it!There are laws to prevent this and it will all go away!It would stop them right in there tracks!I’ve been saying this for awhile now.Obama is there leader and they knew it!They want New World Order!Thats how they can bring down the United States ,Stealth Jihad!Use them to get there agenda across!Look at what Obama has done,read the article it makes sense,he’s muslim.It’s called Stealth Jihad,How Radical Islam is subverting America without Guns and Bombs!It’s right in front of us!
    Please someone enforce these laws!

  15. SueK –

    Like I said, THIS CANNOT STAND.

    Not on our watch.

  16. Communo-Nazi trolls –
    Come and get me. I’m waiting.

  17. Don in California

    GBAmerica, That article brought up the same questions that I had when he was running. No one could possibly have gotten a security clearance with his background. He still couldn’t if we had decent people checking his background.

  18. Don in California


    Justice Department restrains lawyers in Panther probe
    by DefendUSx December 16, 2009 16:58
    By Jerry Seper

    The Justice Department has told the federal attorneys who filed a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party for disrupting a Philadelphia polling place last year not to cooperate with an investigation of the incident by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
    And this is a department of “Justice”???

  19. Here is the latest article from the Post&Email. I just had to pass it along to all of you.

    Carter alters Oct. 29th ruling, ex post facto

  20. Don in California

    live oak,
    Din you notice, he made his decision without the attorneys. I would call that a coward.

  21. Don in California

    live oak,
    Did you notice, he made his decision without the attorneys. I would call that a coward.

  22. Don in California

    I mis spelled did in the first post. sorry

  23. SueK

    You Know what? The building for the mosque was probably paid for with TARP funds. Violence, I’m starting to belive there is no other way but to resort to this! Target the dang movement! I’ve been quiet lately because I’m just so dang MAD!

  24. @Don in California,
    Yes, I noticed. He is much worse than a coward and much worse than a scoundrel. My comment is still in moderation on that article.
    I still pray for justice, and God forgive me, but I will never be able to forgive him for what he’s done to all of us and this country. I agree with those who said months ago that Carter should be refused service wherever he goes. I’m white hot with anger and should stop here and go lie down.

  25. A piece of prime real estate that will bring in no tax revenue because it is property of a religious organization (a mosque). Time for the government to use eminent domain don’t you think?

  26. Carter probably didn’t make the decision, that dang mooselum that works for him did – placed there by bho himself!

  27. Kidmon // December 16, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Hi Kidmon,

    Good to read you, under the circumstances…

    John’s link to the Fox article said that this is an existing building being used as a mini-mosque…right next to Ground Zero! I’m surprised no one has taken it out yet.

    It’s time to take off the gloves. Call me what you will, but I do NOT want that ‘religion’ in America. Yes, I know the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, but this is NOT a religion; it’s a radical, bloodthirsty, ‘kill the infidels’ cult!

    With Barky in office, they can run roughshod over America, her people, and laws and they must be stopped. NOW!

    I don’t care what it takes; from constructing this piece of crap to the terror training camps on U.S. soil, it must ALL be stopped! Close the borders, and get them all out. I’m sick and tired of all this damned political correctness when American citizens who’ve done the right thing are suffering.


  28. Amen SueK – I’m right beside you! MMM
    Massacre Mooselums to Move!

  29. @SueK,
    I agree with you. It’s the religion of hate and murder. They should all be deported …period.

    I refuse to be politically correct. I never have been and never will be. The truth is everything.

  30. To Hell with politically correct! How about right versus wrong! I get so upset! Our Education System needs to be swept clean! Kids can sing about allah but not Jesus! It’s happening and in an “In your Face” way!

  31. Kidmon and Live Oak,

    I’m just so pi*sed because for years I worked at thwarting these bastids so that we wouldn’t have another 9/11 and here’s this (P)resident giving them free reign in America. Would Bush have put up with this garbage? I don’t think so yet, he’s verbally castrated on a regular basis and blamed for everything.

    I’m becoming a Mooselum hater. I’m sorry, but it is what it is. This ‘religion’ has done nothing to police and destroy its own radicals because they’re afraid. It’ll take more severe measures to get rid of them. They’re overrunning European countries with the sense of ‘entitlement’ and I say adapt to the culture or go the hell back to the stinking holes you crawled out from. They have no business living in a decent society.

    I have no use for them, or their ‘religion.’ America, get out of the Middle East, drill, baby, drill, and let them all destroy one another. 8.0 earthquake in Iran? Clean it up yourselves, bury your dead, and don’t expect ‘humanitarian aid’ from America, whom you hate.

    It’s past time to circle the wagons and protect America for her people.

    I’m done. And I’m furious.

  32. SueK,


    It’s way past time and I’ve been fed up. I want my country back and I will never ever give up. Kidmon, we will clean up the schools…no worries there. We have to go after Congress first and get the country back on track.

  33. Friends
    If we do not come together as one force sooner rather than later we will be destroyed.
    We must come together and find any possible way to find the truth about Obama, that is the only way we could get our country back

  34. I’ve always hated politically correct. It’s what got our soldiers killed at Ft. Hood.

    The military leaders are useless scum with blood on their hands forever.

  35. SueK
    You are so right! Only I have this terrible gut feeling that Clinton & Obama have put our oil fields up for collateral to China for all the debt we owe them! We know Bill Clinton gave up our parks and our secrets! Remember all the Chinese getting our secrets during his administration? I don’t trust Hillary AT ALL!

  36. I support the Oathkeepers.

  37. Hey everyone,
    On trutv right now!Jesse Ventura talking about black boxes on 9/11 and cover up!Witnesses he has and getting ready to confront FBI!

  38. Don in Cali,
    I thought the same thing!
    Jesse with witness,witness said black boxes were recovered!Unbelievable!It’s on till 10:00.
    trutv channel

  39. Liveoak

    I support and adore the Oathkeepers. I’m really counting on them to come thru for us!

  40. Tonight on tru-tv at 9:00pm/cst Jesse Ventura is hosting another episode of his show “Conspiracy Theory”.

    Tonights topic: Global Warming!

  41. Monroe County Grand Jury Still Sitting on Treason Case


  42. @Kidmon,
    Me too!
    We keep fighting.

  43. I know how we can get Barry to confess! Shoot his a** with truth syrum (spelling ?) and put the teleprompter in front of him. hahaha

  44. LOL!!!!

  45. GBAmerica // December 16, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Hey everyone,
    On trutv right now!Jesse Ventura talking about black boxes on 9/11 and cover up!Witnesses he has and getting ready to confront FBI!
    See, the story was the black boxes didn’t survive!!!!!!But a camel riding, cave dwelling Arab’s wallet did!!!!

    Or was it a handkerchief???

    Whatever, we are so dumb…….we idiots who believed every fact they told us.

  46. GBAmerica // December 16, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    Hi GB,

    Thanks for the link to the interview with Robert Spencer. Very informative.

    I’m calmer, now.

  47. SueK-so if a bunch of wild pigs should suddenly get loose on the dirt where they want to build the mosque, would it be “tainted”? more destructive than thermite possibly?

  48. A Gift from Irving Berlin

  49. Ginger // December 16, 2009 at 10:43 pm

    Hi Ginger,

    He’s already admitted it…a few times, in fact.

    Why do WE have to re-prove it? Get an arrest warrant for treason and fraud and take him out in handcuffs.

    Who will do it?

    Each day he’s in there is another day he’s destroying America and getting away with it.

    I like your idea, though, and I’d pay money to see it…

  50. Michelle // December 16, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    Michelle, *please* don’t get me going on the pigs again-you know what happens!

    I saw we all save up our bacon and sausage grease, and go to NYC and ‘bless’ the soil.

    It could work….

  51. Sue K,
    Your welcome,but doesn’t it explain all this spending and outrageous muslim religion shoved in our faces all the time!I especially feel sorry for the people in New York!We have to stand up for them!I truly believe he is Stealth Jihad.How else are they gonna get total control!
    The truth will be known!I truly believe now since the past election in 2008!


  52. Tonights show “Conspiracy Theory” was awesome!

    There’s more people involved in climategate than we previously thought.

    Some very rich and powerful tycoons that are trying to gain global control, a new world order, a one world bank, and a one world currency.

    Jesse did an awesome job tonight! Lord Monchton was on the show too.

    Knowledge is power

  53. South,
    I also watched the one with Global Warming,follow the money!!!

  54. GBAmerica // December 16, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    GB, it’s an attempt at a takeover, plain and simple. Knock down our society, infrastructure, economy and culture so that this cancer can slip in.

    It’s very much the same thing with medications to compromise your immune system; when that’s done (for whatever the medical reason) it can open the door to other bacteria and viruses while the immune system is down. Leave a door open, and something’s bound to get in.

    I, like many others, have been to Ground Zero, and have talked to people who witnessed 9/11, including my ex-fiance who lives there. When you’re there, it’s like a sucker punch to your gut. New Yorkers and all Patriots had better stand up against this travesty, just as they’re standing up to the ‘trial’ that’s to be held there.

    They will gain control not by one or two huge, violent acts rather, they will chip away at our society and our culture, like a spreading fungus. My fear is that not all Americans realize what’s happening and go about their business, as usual. They don’t see the threat and those who know figure that it can’t happen here. They need to think again.

    We need to keep our eyes and ears open. They’re here. They’ve been here for a long time, and I know that for a fact. Heads-up, America!

  55. SueK -I remember when 9/11 happened, down here in Florida and I’m sure it was the same in every state that the fire fighters were on every street corner with a fireman’s boot collecting donations for the people of New York. I read later it was a billion dollars-just for the peoples immediate needs-food, clothing, shelter etc. You wonder was it enough? America had New Yorks back then as it will now. I will never understand why this government is doing everything possible to drive the New Yorkers nuts. Haven’t they suffered enough already? What is Mayor Bloomberg saying? Mayor Koch who was never known to be a shrinking violet?
    Sept 11, 2001 in less than 10 years-the wounds would still be RAW, our country has never gotten over the other sneak attack Pearl Harbor.

  56. United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

    “…the framers …understood that for liberty to exist the populace needed to be educated enough to understand liberty and to be able to defend liberty. They also understood that liberty was not on automatic pilot, that liberty would not exist simply because it was once started, and that having won it it was very delicate and had to be protected…”

  57. 20 senators demand probe of health-care vote ‘threat’
    Did White House say it would close Air Force base if Nelson didn’t play?


  58. Don in California

    Good night everyone and Merry Christmas!!!!!

  59. So…$26 off-the-shelf software allows Iranian insurgents to hack our drones, hmmm?

    I don’t think so.

    Methinks they’re getting help from inside the White House. I hate thinking it, but with all we’re now witnessing, is the idea completely out-of-whack?


  60. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091217/ap_on_bi_ge/us_citigroup_foreclosures
    Well if their bank would apply payments correctly and quit holding money for payments in holding accounts and actually apply them ,just maybe Citi wouldn’t be going through this!Escrow fraud and the whole nine yards!

  61. http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/Citimortgage.aspx
    Check it out for yourselves,put any bank in.


  63. http://mustang-solutions.com/blog/2008/05/07/citimortgage-you-are-a-pud/#comments
    Here’s another one,read the comments,and it makes you wonder why these banks are getting bail out money!

  64. Listen to the hatred the world has for the Country that has done more to improve life for most in the world and the biggest donorto all these countries by far…even to Cuba I beleive we give more foreign aid to them than all the other countries combined.

    We say we make drastic cuts. We will reduce emissions by the same percentage that we reduce foreign aid to other countries. We we use this strategy and these ungrateful beggers will soon see that USa is the Great Gooder not the Great Evil. This is extortion.

    Our strategy: We will continue being responsible like we have been with the environment BUT if you force us to sign or agree to any agreement we will reduce foreign AID to use these financial resources to fight the HOAX of Global Warming.


  65. This startegy will soon make allies of our adversaries when they see how much it will cost them and how much good we do all around the world.

  66. COPENHAGEN – As hopes faded for a strong climate deal, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to put new life into flagging U.N. talks Thursday by announcing the U.S. would join others in raising $100 billion a year by 2020 to help poorer nations cope with global warming.


    Now since the Federal Government makes absolutely NO MONEY, where does she think she will get this money from in the U.S.? Taxpayers from working Americans, that’s where…..

    In addition, we all know that Acklash, a poor woman in Zimbabwe working for a mere 20 U.S. cents a day, was strickly caused by the U.S. man-made Global warming which casued the Earth to warm by a mere ½ degree, PREVENTED her and others in Zimbabwe, including there Dictatorship Government, from becoming secessful farmers, employees and free trade as well as prevented them from feeding themselves over the last 2000 years….oppss…25 years… Take the wealth from the few Wealthy Countries and give it to the other 184, that is what this is about… Government to Government transfer of funds…

  67. I say the RINOs should recruit Howard Dean as their Leader follow their lead and Proclaim: “We have listened very carefully to Howard Dean a prominent Democrat and we agree and will follow his lead…time to KILL THE LOUSY BILL. “

  68. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am mad as Hell.
    Have you had enough?

  69. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/251/story/80769.html

    Looks like there are strong cracks showing among the upper ranks.

  70. To: Citizen Wells..


    Have you heard anymore on the Allen V. Soetoro case FOIA?

    This is the latest I pulled up, but I don’t know the full story. What I did find interesting in this particular case is that the DOJ has “jumped-in”…… If Barry Soetoro does not exist, as he has claimed under penalty of perjury (never used any other name), then why is the DOJ weighing in this fight to dismiss? Interesting….

    10/06/2009 16 ORDER granting 11 Motion to file Amended complaint. Signed by Judge Frank R Zapata on 10/5/09.(KMF, ) (Entered: 10/06/2009)

    10/06/2009 17 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Department of Homeland Security, US Department of State, et al., filed by Kenneth L. Allen.(KMF, ) (Entered: 10/06/2009)

    10/14/2009 18 OBJECTION to Dft’s DHS and DOS Answer and Motion to Dismiss and Motion for a Vaughn Index by Plaintiff Kenneth L. Allen (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, 5 # Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit)(SGG, ) (Entered: 10/14/2009)

    10/14/2009 19 Proof of Service by Kenneth L. Allen (SGG, ) (Entered: 10/14/2009)

    10/14/2009 20 MOTION for a Vaughn Index by Kenneth L. Allen. (SGG, ) (Entered: 10/14/2009)

    10/15/2009 21 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply and Opposition by Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Homeland Security, Department of, Janet Napolitano, Barry Soetoro, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, United States Department of State. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Bowen, Brigham) (Entered: 10/15/2009)

    10/20/2009 22 ORDER granting 21 Motion for Extension of Time. IT IS ORDERED that defendant’s deadlines for filing of (1) a reply in support of their partial motion to dismiss and (2)an opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for a Vaughn index are changed to 11/5/09.. Signed by Judge Frank R Zapata on 10/16/09.(KDT, ) (Entered: 10/20/2009)

    11/05/2009 23 REPLY in Support re 15 MOTION to Dismiss Counts/Claims – Partial Motion to Dismiss and RESPONSE in Opposition re 20 MOTION for Vaughn Index filed by Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Homeland Security, Department of, Janet Napolitano, Barry Soetoro, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, United States Department of State. (Bowen, Brigham) (Entered: 11/05/2009)

    11/12/2009 24 Notice OF PROOF OF SERVICE by Kenneth L. Allen (JKM, ) (Entered: 11/13/2009)

    11/12/2009 25 Reply Memorandum In Support Of Plaintiffs Vaughn Index by Plaintiff Kenneth L. Allen. (JKM, ) (Entered: 11/13/2009)

    11/12/2009 26 Notice OF PROOF OF SERVICE by Kenneth L. Allen (JKM, ) (Entered: 11/13/2009)

    ALLEN v SOETORO – 21 – Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply and Opposition – gov.uscou (10-15-09)

  71. I have missed something somwhere and would like someone to explain to this old lady where the name Dr. Utopia came from when used for the fraud Barry/Obama.

    Thank you

    God Bless America

  72. Good Morning! I’ll be back later today. Zach

  73. Just saw this on Fox & Friends. It is a Christ-Mas Tree structured with a Cross as it’s trunk:


  74. These senators have way more power than the usurper and they should impeach him. What bo is doing by blackmailing and threatening these senators is a crime and they should all look into getting the usurper removed from office instead of being jelly fish and giving in to his evil threats. They should demand his bona fides. Maybe then, bo would back down on his evil schemes.

  75. #

    ms. helga // December 17, 2009 at 7:52 am


    Be Careful…..you can’t believe what MSNBC reports…..may be a ploy to divide the Repubs!!!!

  76. NancyDrew I saw that too! I tried to go to the web site and it won’t let me. Must be heavy trafic. I want one. I think she said the cost is $300.00

  77. This doesn’t sound so good…..found at…..


    Prepare For Rebellion, Obama Orders US-Canadian Troops

    Posted by Europe on Dec 16, 2009 | 21 Comments
    Listen to this article. Powered by Odiogo.com
    Obama the Communist

    Obama, the Communist

    Kremlin position papers presented to Prime Minister Putin today on his upcoming meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen state that the European-US military alliance has authorized an ‘emergency request’ from President Obama to utilize American and Canadian NATO troops to put down what is expected to be a “rebellion” after the expected January, 2010 ‘declaration of bankruptcy’ by the State of California.

  78. This is interesting footage from a day or 2 ago, UFO sighting over Santiago. Watch around the 2:00 minute mark.

  79. “This rumor is absolutely false, as the people spreading it well know,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director. “This is nothing but a cynical, crass political game that is designed to maintain the status quo.

    (is this from the same administration that told Kentucky coal miner operations they would put them out of business???)

    “It is time for some spines on the Hill to impeach Obama and charge him with treason,” said Tom Bender.

    (ya think, Tom???)

    The Republicans signing the letter were Sens. John Ensign of Nevada, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, John Thune of South Dakota, Jim Bunning of Kentucky, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Kit Bond of Missouri, Michael Enzi of Wyoming, George LeMieux of Florida, Pat Roberts of Kansas, David Vitter of Louisiana, Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker of Mississipi, John Cornyn of Texas, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Bob Bennett of Utah, Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

    (the list just so you’d not have to guess……..and kick some butt, Bunning; leave your office with a fighting attitude)

    (you kick some butt Bunning, and the list just so you’d not have to guess………)

  80. GBAmerica // December 17, 2009 at 7:39 am

    Well if their bank would apply payments correctly and quit holding money for payments in holding accounts and actually apply them ,just maybe Citi wouldn’t be going through this!Escrow fraud and the whole nine yards

    Whatever they are going through, I like it……they contacted us and lowered our pay off by 2/3……..if we pay it off in 6 months…….uh,well, uhhhh,hmmm, yeah, we can do that!!!! ha ha ha…sooo funny!!!

  81. Above, not mortgage, but credit card……thought that needed ‘splaining, Lucy.

  82. I read those comments about Citimortgage.
    What a ripoff. I feel so bad for what those people are going through. Seems they want to take their houses even though they are paying on time. We have always paid our insurance and prop. taxes ourselves. We never like the idean of including them in our mortgage.

  83. GBAmerica // December 17, 2009 at 7:53 am

    Here’s another one,read the comments,and it makes you wonder why these banks are getting bail out money*****************

    Just anothrer reason why I pay my own property taxes, and homeowner’s !!!!!!!!

    Never will this happen to me.

  84. SUGGESTION for All Conservatives

    The Common Sense Conservatism Awards

    I suggest to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Rush, Hannity, Mark Levin, and all other Conservatives that we start our own Conservative Awards.

    Awards (suggestions)

    1-The Bill Buckley Common Sense Conservatism Award.

    For anyone that clearly and successfully promotes Conservatism, Constitution and Truth especially in the face of adversity.
    Suggested Candidates:
    Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Orly Taitz, Phil Berg, Jim DeMint, Joe Wilson, Etc.

    2- The Ronald Reagan Common Sense Conservatism Award.

    To anyone that went over and beyond doing their duty and getting others to do theirs in defending We The People and The Constitution while promoting Common Sense Conservatism.
    Mostly for people servants in public service.
    Suggested Candidates:
    Michelle Bachaman, Jim DeMint, Joe Wilson, Inhofe, etc.

    3- The Common Sense Conservative Common Citizen of the Year.

    To anyone in private life that successfully went over and beyond and got others to improve and promote and advance Conservatism.
    Suggested Candidates:
    Orly Taitz, Phil Berg, 9/12 Marchers in DC, Tea Parties, Hannah Giles & James O’Keefe, etc.

    4- The Tim Russert Ethical Truth in Media Award.

    To anyone in the Press and any communication medium that went over and beyond in researching, investigating and against odds promoted and exposed the Ethical Truth.
    Suggested Candidates:
    CitizenWells Blog, Atlas Shrugs, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Johm Stossell, Breibart, etc.

    5- The Rev War Hero _ Peter Francisco Award – The Forgtotten Hero Award.
    To anyone that quietly and without fanfare gave so much without being noticed or seeking recognition and at personal detriment.
    Suggested Candidates: Hannah Giles & James Burke, Orly Taitz, Fallen Soldiers, All Military, The Policewoman that killed Jihad Terrorist Hasan in Ft Hood, Accused Navy Seals, Border Guards Compean & Ramos, etc.

    6- The Bad Apple or Erosionist Award

    Presented to anyone that Erodes the American Way, Conservatism and the Constitution.
    2009 Candidates: Al Gore, Obama, CONgress, Liberal Media, ACORN, etc

    We need these awards to promote our Common Sense Conservatism and reward those that go over and beyond in defending, promoting and expanding Common Sense Conservatism, The Constitution and the Traditional American Way.

    The Awards and Gala will be done around Christmas Time and it will be promoted as The Christmas and Common Sense Conservatism Awards Gala (or Gathering). Should be held in different areas of the country each year with preference to conservative cities.

    By Vital Portugal AKA Revolutionary War Hero _ Peter Francisco 2009 Dec. 17

  85. LDacar // December 17, 2009 at 8:31 am
    That was a wonderful video. Glenn Beck is the Howard Beale of today. That scene was from that great movie “Network” of 1976. The late Peter Finch played Howard. If you have never seen it, youtube it up. The were many great scenes.
    PS. The USURPERRS are going down, The Copenhagen meeting is falling apart and the TEAPARTY is more popular than the Dems and Repubs. We still have to make it MORE POPULAR THAN BOTH OF THEM.
    Slowly but surely we are making headway.
    PS – JS – That poll was a Wall Street Journal and NBC poll.


  87. LDacar // December 17, 2009 at 8:31 am

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am mad as Hell.
    Have you had enough?

    This country will never do it……..mine’s been disconnected since May, 2009 and it is the best thing ever!!!

    If every family would disconnect, ya think the media would even get it??

    Hey, noone’s listening to your propaganda!!!

  88. The Unrecognized Durand Line, Pashtoons, Taliban and recent wars explained by David Barsanian

    The un-recognized durand line between Afghanistan and Pakistan
    Pahstoons, thier history, culture and involvement in war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
    Taliban, thier origination and involvement in wars And the media lies, all explained by David Bosanian

  89. **** New Post ****

  90. William……………………………..

    They allege that he never used the name Barry Soetoro, so if that is the case why did his Indonesian school records reflect this name? That is the one record that HAS been made public. It also reflects the fact that he was even then a MUSLIM.

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