Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, Terror Suspect Allowed to Fly, No air marshall, Terrorist connections, Mutallab in database, US database of suspected terrorists, Jasper Schuringa hero, Representative Peter King, Why Was Known Terror Suspect Allowed to Fly?

A known terrorist suspect, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, with definite al Qaeda links, who was in a US database of suspected terrorists, was not on the no fly list “because it did not involve aviation threats.” That decision was foolish and incompetent enough. Knowing that Abdul Mutallab was connected to al Qaeda and a terrorist threat and not on the no fly list, no US Marshall was assigned to this flight.

This is inexcusable and unacceptable.

From Politics Daily, December 25, 2009.

“Rep. Peter King: Why Was Known Terror Suspect Allowed to Fly?”

“A Christmas Day attempt by a Nigerian man who claimed he was acting on orders from al Qaeda to ignite an incendiary device on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam has caused airport security to be ramped up during peak holiday travel. The Obama White House has called the incident “an attempted act of terrorism.””

“King told Politics Daily the 23-year-old suspect, who he identified as Abdul Mudallad, was not on a terrorist no fly list–but was on the U.S. database of suspected terrorists, King said. Though Mudallad claims to have been acting on direct orders from al Qaeda, ties have not been confirmed and he may have been inspired by, rather than acting in concert with, that particular terror group.”

“King told Politics Daily that Mudallad had “definite terrorist connections” and was part of a “terrorist nexus. ..his terrorist connections did not lend themselves to aviation threats, that’s why he was not on a no-fly list which to me does not really make sense; if you’re a terrorist you’re a terrorist.” And King said he had been told that Mudallad had “definite al Qaeda links.” Mudallad boarded a flight in Lagos, Nigeria and switched planes in Amsterdam to the Detroit bound aircraft.

King said said authorities did have “a file on him. He was in a database, but the decision was made that he did not go on a no fly list because it did not involve aviation threats, aviation issues.”

Because of a “significant terrorist presence” in Nigeria, King said, “maybe he should have been on the terrorist no fly list.””

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108 responses to “Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, Terror Suspect Allowed to Fly, No air marshall, Terrorist connections, Mutallab in database, US database of suspected terrorists, Jasper Schuringa hero, Representative Peter King, Why Was Known Terror Suspect Allowed to Fly?

  1. I believe we will see more terrorist attacks in 2010. These attacks are precisely for the purpose of seizing more government control. Let us not forget there are over 35 Muslim training camps located accross America. They are silently preparing too take actions when their orders are given!

    It is hard for me to believe that the billion + dollars poured into buying the American Presidency for the George Soro’s, Khalid ?, the New World Order people and the rest of the foreign money was done so –for at best a two term president. They are far more sinister than that. They want to create blood on American soil to give the evil one (whom they control) the powers to declare martial law and put an end to elections once and for all. Elections–even those they rig–are simply to cumberson and time consuming to this group of pirates, theives, and control freaks.

    Though I may be preaching to the choir here, the average American citizen does not realize that our government has been stolen via usurpation. Since they got control of the WH, they have been using every department, of our great defense systems to secure their own power. They have simultaneously been diminishing are military power, giving away military secrets, controlling lame stream media to suppress vital facts while presenting lies, distortions, and convolutions of their real actions and motives.

    This year we must be prepared to take more action and be louder than ever in our efforts to take back and restore America. This is war–non violent but war. Before it is over it may turn violent. That is why we need to become very active in spreading the word to as many uninformed Americans as possible. We must reject politically correct babble. We must be willing to correctly identify and name in clear precise language the problems for what they are. We must start under ground publishing of the facts the media refuses to print and spread any and every where we can. We must become intimate with the Constituion. We must be determined to remove this travesty in the WH this 2010!

    Three cheers to remove Hussein from office in 2010!

  2. Islam: The [Politically Correct] Religion of Peace (and a big stack of dead bodies)

    Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace

    2009.12.24 (Mogadishu, Somalia) – Six civilians are killed during an attack by Hizb al-Islam fundamentalists.

    2009.12.24 (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) – A 6-year-old girl is dismembered by a suicide bomber.

    2009.12.24 (Kirkuk, Iraq) – Four Iraqis are gunned down by suspected al-Qaeda militants.

    2009.12.24 (Hilla, Iraq) – A crowded bus station is the target of Sunni bombers, who leave twenty-five Iraqis dead and nearly one hundred more in agony.

    2009.12.24 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) – A Shahid suicide bomber on a horse car murders eight innocent people.

    2009.12.24 (Einav, Israel) – An Israeli father of seven is shot to death in his car by Palestinian terrorists.

  3. Petition to the Hawaii Government to release Obama’s Vital Records

    Petition to the Hawaii Government to release Obama’s Vital Records

  4. From Atlas Shrugs

    About the List of Terrorist Attacks

    Over 14,700 Terrorist Attacks since 9/11

    This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about three or four a day) is incomplete because only a small percentage of attacks were picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life.

    These are not incidents involving nominal Muslims killing for money or personal pride. This is not ordinary crime. We include violent incidents that can reasonably be determined to have been committed out of religious duty – as interpreted by the perpetrator.

    We usually list only attacks that result in loss of life (with a handful of exceptions). In several cases, the victims are undercounted because deaths from trauma caused by the Islamists may occur in later days, despite the best efforts of medical personnel to keep the victims alive.

    We usually don’t include incidents related to combat, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, unless it involves particularly heinous terrorist tactics. Unprovoked sniper, drive-by or roadside bombing attacks on military personnel serving normal police duties are sometimes included depending on the circumstances.

    We acknowledge that a handful of incidents on the list may not fit the traditional definition of ‘terror attack.’ A small portion, for example, are of honor killings – although we very rarely include those in which a woman is killed by their husband, since this is often indistinguishable from a crime of passion (barring explicit circumstances).

    Unfortunately, this list of Muslim terrorist attacks barely scratches the surface of atrocities committed in the name of Islam that occur world-wide each day. For that reason, we don’t tally up the dead and dismembered, except on a weekly and monthly basis.

    As an example, most news articles on the violence in Southern Thailand note that about 900 people were killed in 2005. We estimate that 150 of these deaths are of the Islamic militants themselves, which means they killed some 750 people that year. But TROP only recorded the deaths of 314. We underreported more than half in a country with a decent news infrastructure. Imagine what we don’t catch in the Sudan, where the toll runs into the hundreds of thousands!

    The ridiculous level of violence that Islam serves up to the world makes it impossible to compile a complete list.

    The incidents are collected each day from public news sources. There is no rumor or word-of-mouth involved. Although every attempt is made to be accurate and consistent, we are not making the claim that this is a scientific undertaking.

    No other religion inspires the sort of terrorism that the “Religion of Peace” produces. We hope that this list offers a dose of perspective against so-called “Islamophobia” and other Muslim complaints that are petty by comparison. As the site Bare Naked Islam puts it, “It isn’t Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you.”

    Who knows – perhaps one day Muslims will have a change of heart and decide to take the sort of action that one might expect of people who believe that it really is wrong to kill in the name of their religion. We’ll know when this happens because it will be when Islam exchanges self-absorbed whining for true contrition and an end to the violence.

    Go back to the List of Islamic Terrorist Attacks

  5. USA PATROIT, You are sooooo right. At present, we have two large groups in America fighting for America but until they UNITE, we are still twisting in the wind, until the name calling is stopped(birther) is the reason used to stay divided. One side explores the birth certificate while the other side tries to stop all the illegal Legislation being pushed through and as long as Obama’s roit squad keeps both factions divided, we will go no where. It will take both( birthers ) and( the stop this bill people) to join each other and meet en mass in Washington D.C. to draw the attention to the fact that the Giant has awoken. So many people that do not understand that Obama CANNOT be president because of his father being a Kenyan citizen which gives to double loyalty’s to the Us and British, which the Constitution rules him ineligible to be president, yet the name calling still continues. We need a real Leader to step forward and unify these to groups and then all march on Washington and take our Country back and jail all of those who are trying to destruct our Constitution and aid and abet the Enemy. Our Congress should be forced to break up the Muslin Training Camps and imprison those involved. I can find nowhere in the Constitution where as we welcomed immigrants, that we welcomed JIHADIST and allowed them to train and recruit others on our soil. It is time for all sides to force Congress to deport them from our soil. A divided group will not solve the problems during the elections, it will give us more of the same. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

  6. Is Netanyahu forming a unity government in preparation for a preemptive strike on the Mullahs of Iran?

    Netanyahu: I hope Livni realizes the enormity of the hour

    As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu prepared to meet with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Sunday to discuss the possibility of Kadima joining the coalition, the premier [Netanyahu] said he hoped the Kadima leader would “understand the enormity of the occasion.” Meanwhile, a significant majority of Kadima MKs is expected to oppose entering the government, Channel 10 reported.

    “My purpose is to widen the existing unity government to [help] contend with the great challenges Israel faces,” Netanyahu told his associates Saturday. But, he said, “I have no intention of opening up coalition agreements of a unity government that is functioning so well and with such cooperation between its elements.”

    “There will be no redistribution of portfolios,” the prime minister stated. “I expect a swift response from Livni and hope she will “understand the enormity of the occasion.”

  7. Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab was most likely a CIA operative with the Part B Sector.

    Howard Beale

  8. CAIR asks Obama for protection

    “President Obama is in the best position to address the alarming level of anti-Islam hate in our nation and to urge religious and political leaders to speak out in support of tolerance and mutual understanding,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

  9. CNN BREAKING NEWS: Father of suspect in foiled attack had relayed concerns to U.S. Embassy

    FUTURE BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Patriots had warned authorities about Barack Hussein Obama…


  11. I am bookmarking this for later:

    We’ve broken down the list of Democrat Senators who voted for the bill to show you when they are up for re-election.

    Bayh (D-IN)
    Bennet (D-CO) — SCF Target — Support SCF PAC
    Boxer (D-CA) — Support Chuck DeVore
    Burris (D-IL) — Open Seat
    Dodd (D-CT)
    Dorgan (D-ND)
    Feingold (D-WI)
    Gillibrand (D-NY) — Special Election
    Inouye (D-HI)
    Kirk (D-MA) — Special Election
    Leahy (D-VT)
    Lincoln (D-AR) — SCF Target — Support SCF PAC
    Mikulski (D-MD)
    Murray (D-WA)
    Reid (D-NV) — SCF Target — Support SCF PAC
    Schumer (D-NY)
    Specter (D-PA) — Support Pat Toomey
    Wyden (D-OR)

    Akaka (D-HI)
    Bingaman (D-NM)
    Brown (D-OH)
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Cantwell (D-WA)
    Cardin (D-MD)
    Carper (D-DE)
    Casey (D-PA)
    Conrad (D-ND)
    Feinstein (D-CA)
    Gillibrand (D-NY)
    Kirk (D-MA)
    Klobuchar (D-MN)
    Kohl (D-WI)
    Lieberman (ID-CT)
    McCaskill (D-MO)
    Menendez (D-NJ)
    Nelson (D-FL)
    Nelson (D-NE)
    Sanders (I-VT)
    Stabenow (D-MI)
    Tester (D-MT)
    Webb (D-VA)

    Baucus (D-MT)
    Begich (D-AK)
    Durbin (D-IL)
    Franken (D-MN)
    Hagan (D-NC)
    Harkin (D-IA)
    Johnson (D-SD)
    Kaufman (D-DE)
    Kerry (D-MA)
    Landrieu (D-LA)
    Lautenberg (D-NJ)
    Levin (D-MI)
    Merkley (D-OR)
    Pryor (D-AR)
    Reed (D-RI)
    Rockefeller (D-WV)
    Shaheen (D-NH)
    Udall (D-CO)
    Udall (D-NM)
    Warner (D-VA)
    Whitehouse (D-RI)

  12. I can’t see why they should be allowed to stay in office. Everyone of them are traitors to America, and Our Constitution. Prosecute them all.

  13. What a complete failure OB is. He can’t produce jobs and can’t stop terrorism. And he hasn’t made the Muslims love us like he promised, or bring about a new level of cooperation in Congress.. Everything he touches, he ruins.

  14. US knew of Nigerian’s terror ties

    An official briefed on the attack on a Detroit airliner said Saturday the US has known for at least two years that the suspect in the attack could have terrorist ties…

    FUTURE BREAKING NEWS: U.S. knew Barack Hussein Obama had an Islamic heritage…

  15. JJ // December 26, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Hi JJ,

    I believe there’s an error on this list.

    Kirk (D-MA) was appointed as interim Senator to fill Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy’s seat; he cannot run for the seat on 1/19/10, the date of the special election. He will be vacating the seat next month and either Scott Brown or Martha Coakley will win the permanent seat.


    So, Kirk won’t be there in 2012.

  16. So many people that do not understand that Obama CANNOT be president because of his father being a Kenyan citizen which gives to double loyalty’s to the Us and British, which the Constitution rules him ineligible to be president, yet the name calling still continues.

    None of us knows who BO’s father was; and, even assuming his father was Kenyan, under U.S. jurisprudence, none of us gets to define the Constitution (unless we act as Judges on the federal bench).

    This is the kind of rhetoric that justifies our marginalization by the majority who still don’t get the fraud that occurred in the 2008 general election.

    (Joy and I exchanged exchanged extensive comments at the bottom of the previous post.)

  17. Tthe issue of whether or not Barack Hussein Obama II is “eligible to the office of President” depends upon whether or not he is an Article II “natural born Citizen” of the United States.

    According to the Supreme Court of the United States, in paragraph 16 of United States v. Wong Kim Ark., 18 S. Ct. 456, 169 U.S. 649 (U.S. 03/28/1898), the phrase “natural born Citizen” “must be interpreted in the light of the common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the Constitution”.

    United States v. Wong Kim Ark., 18 S. Ct. 456, 169 U.S. 649 (U.S. 03/28/1898)


    [16] The Constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words [“citizen of the United States,” and “natural-born citizen of the United States”], either by way of inclusion or of exclusion, except in so far as this is done by the affirmative declaration that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” In this, as in other respects, it [The Constitution] must be interpreted in the light of the common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the Constitution. Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162; Ex parte Wilson, 114 U.S. 417, 422; Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 624, 625; Smith v. Alabama, 124 U.S. 465. The language of the Constitution, as has been well said, could not be understood without reference to the common law. 1 Kent Com. 336; Bradley, J., in Moore v. United States, 91 U.S. 270, 274.

    The “common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the Constitution” was plainly expressed by the Supreme Court of the United States in the dissenting opinion of “Scott v. Sandford”, which quoted Vattel, and explicitly stated, “The natives or natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens…”

    Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (U.S. 01/02/1856)


    [418] …The natives or natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens…

    The Supreme Court of the United States, in Minor v. Happersett, confirmed the definition of a “natural born citizen” as “children born in a country of parents who were its citizens”.

    Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 21 Wall. 162 162 (1874)

    “ ‘No person except a natural-born citizen or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution shall be eligible to the office of President’… The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.”

    The Supreme Court of the United States, in The Venus, stated that Vattel’s “Law of Nations” was the authority on citizenship issues. Not only that, but the Venus court quoted Vattel, and stated “The natives or indigenes [natural-born Ctizens], are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

    The Venus, 12 U.S. (8 Cranch) 253, 1814

    “Vattel, …is more explicit and more satisfactory on it [CITIZENSHIP ISSUES] than any other whose work has fallen into my hands, [Vattel] says, ‘…The natives, or indigenes [natural born Citizens], are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.’ ”

    Vattel’s Law of Nations: § 212. Citizens and natives

    …The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.

    Suffice it to say, Article II “natural born Citizens” are those citizens who are “born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” Hence, Barack Hussein Obama II is not an Article II “natural born Citizen” of the United States, even if he was born in Hawaii, as his father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a “foreigner”.

  18. Benaiah @ 6:17, Right on!

  19. Obama understands that Article II “natural born Citizens” are those citizens who are “born in the country, of parents who are citizens”, which us why he attempted to define “natural born Citizen” as requiring only one citizen parent in the following resolution:

    S. 2678

    To clarify the law and ensure that children born to United States citizens while serving overseas in the military are eligible to become President.


    Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself, Mr. OBAMA, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. COBURN, and Mr. MENENDEZ) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To clarify the law and ensure that children born to United States citizens while serving overseas in the military are eligible to become President. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Children of Military Families Natural Born Citizen Act’’.


    Congress finds and declares that the term ‘‘natural born Citizen’’ in article II, section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States shall include: ‘‘Any person born to any citizen of the United States while serving in the active or reserve components of the United States Armed Forces’’.

  20. ms helga – loved the video downstairs. watching those beetles move cow dung and them move into it was poetic.

    just learned the following tidbits about the jihadist – he apparently spent 20 minutes in the bathroom. when he returned to his seat he had a pillow over his stomach and was complaining of stomach problems. he then got a blanket and put it over his lap. it’s at this time he took a syringe of a highly explosive substance. apparently the syringe began to smoke and a passenger ripped it out of his hands and threw it on the floor of the cabin…not sure if she/he stomped on it…but the FBI has since found pieces of it in the cabin.

    also, the a330 airbus has three rows – 2 seats on either side of the plane and a short center row. this fella was seated in 19A which when looking at a small diagram of said plane appears to be over the wing of the plane. i’m trying to learn whether 19A was an emergency exit. if anyone knows please share.

  21. United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

    “…the framers …understood that for liberty to exist the populace needed to be educated enough to understand liberty and to be able to defend liberty. They also understood that liberty was not on automatic pilot, that liberty would not exist simply because it was once started, and that having won it it was very delicate and had to be protected…”

  22. What’s the over/under on the inevitable declaration of martial law?

    Over or Under – 6 months?

  23. I just sent this email comment to Mr. John Charlton at THE POST & EMAIL. I hope Mr. Charlton will print it:

    December 26, 2009 at 5:37 PM

    Please let me join in this law suit! I want to bring the 100% Illegal-Alien-Foreign-Born-Domestic-Enemy, who is a 100% Communist-Radical-Islamic-Muslim-Jihadist-Terrorist, and a 100% Constant Liar Serial Criminal, who is 100% Daily Committing Multiple Frauds & Felonies in the USA today, the Infamous ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO WAS LITERALLY BORN IN AFRICA, Usurper Barack Hussein Obama II/Barry Soetoro to the Altar Of Truth, and escorted down to HELL-FOREVER-FIRE where he belongs, by St. Michael the Archangel, and my guardian angels!

    Illegal Alien Barack Hussein Obama II/Barry Soetoro is residing in Our White House using the STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY #042-68-4425 that was originally issued to a man who was born in 1890 in Russia, who naturalized into the USA legally, and who lived & died in Connecticut. Between 1977 and 1979, Barack Hussein Obama II/Barry Soetoro STOLE this “retired and previously issued social security number” in the state of Connecticut. Barack Obama NEVER LIVED in the state of Connecticut. These are the 100% historical facts.

    Will ALL 308 + Millions of the SOVEREIGN USA Citizens please see and hear the LOUD EMERGENCY TRUMPET HORNS & SEE THE RED URGENT EXTREME WARNING LIGHTS going off in America, please… together with me and … John Charlton, Harry Hunter, David Cook, 12th Generation American, Clyde W Hodge, Do Now For Truth, David Crockett, Mario Apuzzo, Charles Kerchner, Orly Taitz, and our dear friends, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. and Millions of other 100% TRUTH, 100% WISDOM, 100% VIRTUES, 100% PURITY, 100% VIRTUOUS LOVE, 100% HOLINESS, 100% RIGHTEOUSNESS & 100% JUSTICE LOVING SOVEREIGN AMERICANS?!!


    Poll reveals massive unrest among Americans.

  25. Gee – isn’t that odd…the oil for immigration link “appears to be broken”…go figure.

  26. Maybe we can learn something from the Canadians?

    Subject: Adopt a terrorist!

    A lady Canadian libertarian wrote a lot of letters to the government, complaining about the treatment of captive insurgents(terrorists) being held in Afghanistan National Correctional Systemfacilities.

    She received back the following reply:

    National Defence Headquarters
    MGen George R. Pearkes Bldg, 15 NT
    101 Colonel By Drive
    Ottawa,ONK1A 0K2Canada

    Dear Concerned Citizen,

    Thank you for your recent letter expressing your profoundconcern of treatment of the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists captured
    by Canadian Forces who were subsequently transferred to theAfghanistanGovernment and are currently being held by Afghan officials in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities.

    Our administration takes these matters seriously and youropinions were heard loud and clear here in Ottawa. You will bepleased to learn, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself; we arecreating a new department here at the Department of National Defense,to be called *Do Gooders Accept Responsibility for Killers* program, or
    G.A.R.K.. for short. A parallel scheme is available for refugees, priorto appropraite vetting for bona fide refugee staus, prior criminalactivity and health checks called “A.D.O.P.T”

    In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we havedecided to divert one terrorist ( or queue jumper migrant ) and place
    him in your personal care.Your personal detainee in this case has been selected and is scheduledfor transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence in Torontonext Monday.

    Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud (you can just call him Ahmed)is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded
    in your letter of complaint. It will likely be necessary for you to hiresome assistant caretakers. We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those youso strongly recommend in your letter.
    Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hopethat your sensitivity to what you described as his *attitudinal
    problem* will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correctin describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understandthat you plan to offer counseling and home schooling.

    Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a
    pencil or nail clippers. We advise that you do not ask him to demonstratethese skills at your next yoga group. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you maywish to keep those items locked up, unless (in your opinion) this mightoffend him.

    Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters (except sexually) since he views females as a subhuman form ofproperty. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him and he has been knownto show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with thenew dress code that he will recommend as more appropriate attire. I’m sureyou will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka over time.

    Just remember that it is all part of *respecting his culture andreligious beliefs* as described in your letter.

    Thanks again for your concern. We truly appreciate it when folkslike you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job and care forour fellow man.

    You take good care of Ahmed and remember, we’ll be watching.

    Good luck and God bless you.
    Gordon O*Connor
    Minister of National Defense

  27. Listen to Benaiah at your own peril. S. 2678 never passed. That’s why 2 months later, Sen. McCaskill et al. went for S511, the non-binding resolution that has absolutely no precedential value.

    No ruling as to what is the definition of NBC, has ever issued in a federal case, on point. In other words, there has never been a case at the heart of which was the question: is this person a NBC? But even assuming there was a case on point, with a definition contained in the ruling of that case (and not just in dicta, which is, other statements in the case not a part of the holding of that case); how does this determine whether BO is a NBC and, after that, get him out of the WH?

    On the other hand, we know the DNC Services Corporation lied when they swore he was a NBC to state election officials to get them to print his name on the ballot; after all, they had failed to ascertain whether he was, beforehand.

  28. jbjd, I will go back to my original statement. By bo’s own admission, he said his father was Kenyan. These statements were made on video and in his book, also on the Internet on the so call certificate of birth therefore, as you stated, he was legally elected and to that I ask how you determined that? If he does not meet legal qualifications to be president, how can he even qualify to be a candidate. That being the case, how can you say he was legally elected? You accused me of wanting an illegal take over by the military! The military has the right to remove an illegal President on their own and it would not be considered unlawful. Again, this is not attacking your work in any way but is attacking your uncouth criticism of people you disagree with. If America is to be saved as a free country, we must band together in our beliefs and not tear each other apart.

  29. John Feeny // December 26, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    It depends upon when Israel preemptively strikes the Mullahs…

    At that time, the USSA will abandon Israel, the Jihadist in Chief will begin openly supporting the 57 States of the Religion of Peace, and anyone that supports Israel will be deemed a domestic terrorist.

    In my opinion, this will occur sometime in 2010, probably before the elections…

  30. How hard it is for our Senate & Congress to say NO British Citizen can be the Prez.BHO said so himself,or the AG, SC.Why is this so hard for them?Don’t they know that it makes them look stupid,or do they care?I say throw out all of them.

  31. jbjd // December 26, 2009 at 7:00 pm


    Why are you obfuscating the obvious? Of course there aren’t any US Supreme Court decisions that are “on point…”

    With regard to dicta, please be advised that the US Supreme Court in Wong Kim Ark specifically quoted the dissent in Scott v. Sanford…

    Now then, what part of the following do you not understand or do you disagree with?

    The “common law, the principles and history of which were familiarly known to the framers of the Constitution” was plainly expressed by the Supreme Court of the United States in the dissenting opinion of “Scott v. Sandford”, which quoted Vattel, and explicitly stated, “The natives or natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens…”

    Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (U.S. 01/02/1856)


    [418] …The natives or natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens…

    Moreover, I never said that S 2678 passed. The conclusion for which I referenced it for, namely that Barack Hussein Obama understands that Article II “natural born Citizens” are those citizens who are “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” is a valid and logical conclusion.

    Again, why are you obfuscating the obvious?

    Furthermore, I think you owe Phil at TRSOL an apology…

    Eligibility Update: “jbjd” Threatens TRSOL and My Response; Where do “Birthers” Come From?


  32. This looks like a good time to pass along some of the best advice I ever recieved, this came from a dear friend and mentor. She is the author of several books and had the aids rescue hospital built in Tanzania in 2006, and is an awesome woman of God. Several years ago she told me to refuse to be offended, this is not easy! This is an act of your will and self-control. When offense is intentional (usually is) refuse it, over the years I have practiced and it gets easier. The name calling, attacks and dealing with angry people is on the rise but if you cannot be offended you never lose your stride….Hope this speaks to someone, it sure helped me……God bless

  33. Joy – no matter how you say it or how many times one says it, jbjd is not going to budge from her position, which, as I understand it, is until a court settles the NBC question there is NO definitive definition.

    When we argue two parents on American soil and we use Beniah’s or others material as proof of what our FFs intent behind Article II was, we are in essence arguing for this correct position. However, others would/could argue other definitions as well and until a court settles the question we can only argue our beliefs. Does this make sense?

    That said, it doesn’t make anyone wrong. Nor does it make anyone look foolish. Everyone has a right to their own definition and belief until such time when the question is settled…I’m certainly not planning to hold my breath on that one. Obviously, the court has no interest at this time and may never.

    However, when it comes to election fraud all one needs to do is investigate it. IF an AG were to pursue such course and IF the AG were to get the election fraud case before a judge or jury and IF the ruling was guilt then the architects of said fraud would spend some quiet time in a small cell AND Congress would have no other choice but to immediately file Articles of Impeachment. Lots of IF’s but doable.

    Hope this helps.

  34. jbjd…..I think your method of proving the FRAUD was never vetted is a good one….but in the end we must prove he is not a “natural born” citizen……all the complaints filed against Pelosi won’t prove this…..we still need the Constitution and the prior cases sited by Apuzzo to prove what the founding fathers meant by “natural born”…..the FRAUD in our house knows very well he is not qualified and the fact that he and his buddies tried to say McCain was with the 511 Resolution was indeed their way of throwing the American people for a loop….below is part if the good information found at…..

    it might help you to study this site..


    In England and old Europe, before the American Revolution, when America broke free and became her own SOVEREIGN NATION OF SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, this is how things were viewed by people to be organized, in a TOP DOWN HIERARCHY of SOVEREIGN POWERS AND AUTHORITIES. Each level derives its power and authority from the next level up. Like this:

    GOD — If you did not believe, and made your views known, you would most likely be tortured to death. Atheists were not welcome much in feudal European society, for centuries.

    NATURE — God creates Nature and Natural Laws. Nature comes from God, which is the source of Nature, and Natural Law, that governs human behavior and customs, and statutory constructs, or man made laws.

    KING — Sovereign authority over the people who derives his power from the Laws of Nature (force of arms, and might makes right, which is just the application of natural physical laws of physics, and the application of positive and negative natural laws that govern human motives and behavior, which determines what the king is fighting for. The King derives his authority, from GOD, by his claim of DEVINE RIGHT to rule over government and people. This claim is the source of historic power struggles between KINGS and RELIGION, throughout history! A king’s lawful jurisdiction is by the soil that he controls under his SOVEREIGN authority, and by any agreements he enters into with, with other SOVEREIGN powers, like other kings or countries. The king must give his permission for a Parliament or Government to be created, and so it is the King who creates the Government for his people, who are his SUBJECTS, basically his “property”, including their LABOR, and the goods they produce. All land, actually belongs to the king, unless he sells and transfers sovereignty to you, for any land he sells you, usually so the king can gain an agreement for allegiance, and soldiers, and taxes. This is the type of governance called FEUDALISM, which is basically what you had in Europe and England for centuries, and America fought a war and was supposed to have freed herself from.

    GOVERNMENT — Basically, acts as a go between, serving the KINGS INTERESTS. It serves to protect the KING and serve the people, by dealing with the day to day troubles of the people and implementing the King’s decrees and Will, while at the same time, listening to the peoples desire for their natural rights and needs and complaints to be met, and so the government brings the peoples voice to the kings attention, for the kings input on crafting legislation to deal with these matters.

    PEOPLE — basically the lowest form of life in a FEUDALISTIC society ruled by KINGS and PARLIAMENTS. People are just slaves who can’t really own any property, and all their labor, and goods, and freedoms, and protections, come from the King, or one of his direct or indirect vassals. The Common People, are viewed by the ruling elite, as nothing more than ignorant brutish work animals, good for dying in the kings wars, and taxing for the kings profits, kind of like life in America today under King Obama, and the Federal Reserve system of PRIVATE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BANKS who create fiat currency out of thin air with a statute and enslave mankind and future generations into tax debt service to the FEUDAL GLOBAL MATERS of the NEW WORLD ORDER.


    GOD — Does not matter if you believe or not, because GOVERNMENT and the PEOPLE are bound down under NATURAL LAW by the U.S. Constitution, and by natural reality, (self evident truth, see DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, people being created equal by laws of nature, and inherit natural rights, for example), and NOT BY RELIGION (GOD), thus creating a SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE (eliminating the age old European struggle between these two entities), that brings Law into the realm of science, and not religious opinion, by recognizing that NATURE is real and exists, and has OBJECTIVE DISCOVERABLE LAWS, that are the basis of morality and statutory governance, even if you do not believe the hypothesis (that which is not yet proven to be true), of God’s existence. Christians can now live, side by side with atheists in peace, because both recognize nature and her superiority, and authority, to govern human behavior and norms.

    NATURE — Now, same as before, but now viewed from the lens of a natural scientists, who see nature as the ONLY KNOWABLE TRUTH regarding matters of law, and Justice, and Government, and that which explains and morally guides human behavior, and morality, regardless of whether you believe in the big G in the sky, or not. This is the highest achievement of the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT and AGE OF REASON, coming to full fruition in the expression of the American revolutionary war, and the creation of America with the Constitution.

    PEOPLE — The people have replaced the KING. Now the PEOPLE are the SOVEREIGN authority, deriving their just powers and authority from nature and her laws. The People, just now recognize, the natural right for people to be free to believe in whatever big G in the sky, or Religion, they want. The People are the ones that now give permission to themselves to create a government for themselves, and the government is to serve the PEOPLES interests, and be loyal to the PEOPLE, just like they are the Kings in the old arrangement of things, because in actually reality, they ARE NOW THE SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY over the government, and they ARE NOW THE KINGS, plural, and not just one king or family. It is now all American families/citizens, who are OF THIS COUNTRY(inherited from citizens or immigrants that are here as U.S. citizens for a long enough period, defined in the statutes that govern such matters, and not just born here), that are the Kings descendants, (inherited from their American king/queen parents). That is why you must INHERIT your right to be President and rule over the political party, and Executive branch, and Military, (but not the people which is why Congress can override the President, so our President is not a total king, which is what the founders were purposely trying to avoid), from your American citizen parents, just like a PRINCE inherits from his SOVEREIGN authority, his dad, the King.

    GOVERNMENT — Government is now under the PEOPLE who are SOVEREIGN and who create and govern OVER IT (like a creature or baby), to serve the PEOPLES interests, and make IT be loyal to the American PEOPLE and THEIR interests. All sovereign powers that the U.S. government has, comes from the sovereignty that it was given by the PEOPLE, like for example, the concept of territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. government to enforce its statutes, comes from the Common Laws of England and the RIGHT OF KINGS to rule over their soil jurisdiction, because that is a kings natural authority, and where it ends, (soil borders of his kingdom). That is why the Federal Government can only apply its laws on its soil, like the 14th amendment only applies on U.S. soil, because WE the PEOPLE, gave that right of soil of the rule of Kings, to the Government. This proves also, who the real Kings and sovereign authority is in America, and it is the PEOPLE, or where else could, or would, the power to enforce U.S. code, come from? This is also how and why American citizens take their jurisdiction with them wherever they go, and can create American citizens by natural birth inheritance, and soil is irrelevant! These are the NBC’s that are being referred to in Article II.

    This is the way government is SUPPOSED TO BE structured in America.


    The fourteenth Amendment is only about citizenship and NBC(soil), or the privilege of U.S. citizenship, that is granted to foreign birth parents on U.S. soil (that is one type of NBC), and the EMANCIPATION of former SLAVES. The 14th Amendment, forces the States to recognize and grant State citizenship to former slaves, due to the natural reality of NATURAL INHERITANCE, and that blacks in the south that were freed from being slaves, by the 13th Amendment, were entitled to INHERIT from their fathers, who were from the States, State citizenship and legal protection of the laws, the same as other state citizens. This was called EMANCIPATION. The 14th does this by a careful declaratory statement, that grants U.S. citizenship to anyone that is born on U.S. territorial jurisdiction, regardless of parents citizenship, and who has no other foreign jurisdiction controlling their citizenship. This is called the “fully subject clause”, and it ensnares the former slaves that were denied having their inherited state citizenships recognized, since they were born to parents on the soil jurisdiction, and they were long removed form Africa, and so there was no foreign jurisdiction to claim them, so they are “fully subject” to the jurisdiction of the U.S., like it says in the 14th Amend, so they are U.S. citizens. Then the 14th Amendment states that these U.S. citizens, are also citizens of the States wherein they reside, this forces the States to view the freed black slaves as State citizens, and entitled to equal protection of State and Federal laws, (Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment). This brought EMANCIPATION to the freed slaves, and opened the door to FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION, that could be applied as a lawful federal authority over STATES RIGHTS ISSUES, that had been a problem in the Dred Scott case. Also, since government can’t grant natural rights, but can only protect them in statutes, and because the Southern states still could not be forced to pass laws for the benefit of black equality in society, Federal Civil Rights had to be crafted in order to force protection of the natural rights of people, blacks or anyone, in the former slave States (or generally anywhere in the U.S.), because the former slave States decided to write laws to segregate blacks from society, if they were going to be forced to write laws for, and recognize blacks and former slaves as citizens, because of the 14th Amendment.

    American citizens that are born to American citizen parents, do not get their citizenship via the 14th Amendment, unless they want to. They get it the way they always have, by NATURAL INHERITANCE from citizen parents. This has always existed, for whites anyway, for 100 years before there was even a fourteenth amendment! The 14th Amendment did not change or eliminate that, which it can not do anyway, because the subject matter jurisdiction of natural inheritance is under the laws of nature, and not under the statutory authority of government, to eliminate it. Only GOD has that power! Congress can only PRESERVE AND PROTECT natural rights, not ELIMINATE THEM! We still get our citizenships by natural inheritance from our citizen parents. In fact, now since the 14th Amendment, you have two ways to be an American citizen, by the 14th Amendment if you are on U.S./State soil when born, AND by natural Inheritance from citizen parents. Each avenue of citizenship actually has different legal ramifications, depending on which way you choose to be a citizen, and the privileges that you wish to receive as a result of the type of citizenship you claim and exercise. A 14th Amendment citizen, even if born to U.S. citizen parents, might have more “privileges”, and more duties, and obligations, and responsibilities, to the Federal Government, than a citizen born, on U.S. soil, who only claims citizenship by inheritance due to parents. But, that is another subject for discussion which is outside of the scope of the Obama situation.

    Finally, the 14th is not even about Article II and the qualifications for president, which is about LOYALTY TO AMERICA, and who your parents are, and THEIR citizenship, not who qualifies as a U.S. and/or State citizen. The 14th is not even about Natural Inheritance from citizen parents, which is the qualifications for President, except only indirectly, with regard to former slaves. It is just about the “PRIVILEGE” of soil birth citizenship and former slave Emancipation. It has no bearing on the Obama issue at all, and can be dispensed with as TOTALLY IRRELEVANT!


    Many Obamanite supporters try and argue that NBC in Article II is undefined and not in any statutes anywhere. This is NOT TRUE, as NBC in Article II is defined by the laws of Natural Inheritance, and English grammar, and logical construct for loyalty test, and Protection and Empowerment of Official Duties of the President. Obamanite supporters attempt to apply judges opinions like, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), or Perkins v. Elg, 307 U.S. 325 (1939), or my favorite, Lynch v Clark, 3 N.Y. Leg. Obs 236,1 Sand Ch 583 (1844), in an UNLAWFUL APPLICATION OF PROCESS, to try and REDEFINE the meaning and intent of NBC in Article II, to mean NBC(soil), instead of NBC(parents). This requires a Constitutional Amendment, and can not be achieved by statute, or judges opinion. Besides, all of these cases are about citizenship, and not the qualifications for President, and are not controlling anyway, because their opinions can not alter or change the meaning of NBC in Article II of the Constitution, which is the Supreme Authority, and so IT is controlling, and already just means what it means, and must just be applied as a loyalty test. It means INHERITED citizenships due to citizen parents, for purposes of loyalty to America, and protection from foreign blackmail, and for Empowerment in Treaty Negotiations by the President, and soil has very little to do with it. Inherited citizenships from citizen parents, are also called natural born citizens (NBC), regardless of what soil one is born on.

  35. Look, the senate just passed the greatest takeover of private business and tax bill ever and all fox news has on is the attempted terror attack. Around every bill against the American people is some distraction. When is everyone going to understand what tptb are doing?

  36. OT.

    I have been going several rounds with Obots from my local newspaper over the last few days. I was waiting for the right forum topic to start my eligibility dissertation, and it finally popped up.

    It’s so true that when you blast them with facts, they resort to name-calling; I’ve been called most of them at this point, but I’m not letting them get to me. There have been some true Patriots chiming in, and that’s much appreciated.

    I continue to hammer away at the moonbats with facts. They have no defense, just name-calling.

    One of them wanted to know the name of the cases filed against Barky. Posted. One wanted to know the attorney’s names and law firms that are defending him. Posted. One wanted the definition of an NBC. Posted. They seem to throw out lame comments and when you come back with a logical, true answer, they disappear.

    Fun :).

  37. This one paragraph at…..

    is particularly strong in defense of what “natural born” is meant to be as intended by the founders of America!!

    A natural born Citizen, in Article II qualifications for President of U.S., means a Citizen that was created by the LAWS OF NATURE only, and subject to the complete and total jurisdiction of the enabling authority that permits Inheritance of all rights from nature, and not having them to be CLAIMED from Congress, or from statutes, or by the written laws of man! A natural born Citizen is a natural person, who inherits his or her Citizenship naturally from one’s parents who are also Citizens, free from defining statutory constructs, or negotiated treaties. In short, it means your naturally-Inherited citizenship that you get from your father (mostly). It DOES NOT MEAN just a citizen created as a result of being born on U.S. soil.

  38. SueK // December 26, 2009 at 7:32 pm


    I have been going several rounds with Obots from my local newspaper over the last few days. I was waiting for the right forum topic to start my eligibility dissertation, and it finally popped up.


    Hi Sue…..go to….

    there’s a wealth of information you could use against the OBOTS there!!! 🙂

  39. Merry Christmas all! I hope our Savior’s Birthday was good for all CWers!

    Go get’em SueK! Blow them away with the facts! I’m trying to feel optimistic about next year – really trying! And PRAYING!

  40. Kim – earlier today I was reading a post by John Batchelor over at RBO about the terrorist attempt knocking off healthcare talking points. He surmised that this attempt would bump all other news which would not serve the 0 forces well. He see’s this as a good thing. I guess it depends on one’s own point of view BUT the Sunday talking heads would be focused on the WH healthcare talking points which would only give free air time for their message. Take it for what it’s worth. Great article btw. I’d encourage you to go over and read it.

  41. d2i comes closest to distilling what matters here, that is, not what anyone would argue constitutes NBC but what the court says is meant by NBC. But where she goes astray is with the “if’s.”

    There is only 1 (one) “if.” That is, if the AG in one state would ask NP, ‘On what basis did you ascertain BO is a NBC BEFORE you swore to our election officials, he was Constitutionally eligible for the job to get these officials to print his name on our election ballots’; then the fraud would be established. Because we already know, no documentary evidence existed in the public record to establish, he is eligible. So, if she (or any other D’s who similarly swore such eligibility) either does not answer, as has been the response in the past when someone asks, then this establishes the fraud. Or, if she answers that, she based this on the on-line COLB, WHICH SHE VIEWED ON-LINE; or BO’s word, well, this too indicates fraud. But the establishment of fraud is not the end game.

    The end game is, for Congress, seeing this one state has found election fraud viz a viz BO’s Constitutional eligibility for the job, to initiate Articles of Impeachment. The investigation ensuing will uncover whether BO is eligible and, assuming HE cannot come up with any evidence of his eligibility, result in Impeachment.

    If he and his lawyers contest the Impeachment, let them take Congress to Court. And we will end up with a federal definition of NBC!

  42. The NBC clause has been settled blood and dirt…

  43. SueK, You go girl! I’m sure you are doing a lot of good with the obots…Have you ever noticed how hard it is to tell someone something when they already know everything?

  44. SueK, if you have the attention of your local newspaper, why don’t you merely provide to them the explanation given by Bob Bauer TO THE FEDERAL COURT as to why BO IS eligible, instead of working so hard to prove he’s not? Bob Bauer, current WH Counsel, would surely have credibility with the press. And the best he came up with is, a phantom image of a newspaper announcement on APFC; and the fact, his client publicly produced a document showing he was born in HI, even though Mr. Bauer refused to submit this document, whatever it was, to the court.

    Why is it that 9th graders ‘get this’ but so many adults on this blog continue to go off on tangents? Are people intentionally trying to derail the analysis?

  45. John Feeny,

    For whatever reason there is a significant time delay before contents of oilforimmigration show up.

  46. Here is a portion of a comment from Joy to me, on the last thread.

    Joy // December 26, 2009 at 6:07 pm

    In your conclusion that Obama was legally elected, I have to assume you do not agree with articles in the Constitution stating that no one can qualify to be President if he shows allegance to two countries.

    This comment illustrates one of the major problems BO’s detractors on the eligibility issue have with attracting credibility. The Constitution is silent on this issue of dual allegiances. Sure, several bloggers, like Leo D, have focused on the issue. But just because people like Leo conclude what the Constitution means, does not make it so. (Remember how Stephen Colbert ridiculed Orly for insisting NBC meant, both parents had to be U.S. citizens when this restriction cannot be found in the Constitution?)

    The Constitution only “means” what it means when the federal court says what it means.

  47. Al Qaeda in Yemen Hold Rally & Declare War on US Days Before Attempted Plane Bombing

    Men claiming to be leaders of al Qaeda have made a rare public appearance in Yemen, telling an anti-government rally the fight is against the US, not the country’s army. The statement was made at an al Qaeda training camp in southern Yemen – the same one that was attacked by the Americans leaving more than 30 dead. Al Jazeera’s Tarek Bazley has this exclusive report.

  48. “carmen // December 26, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    This looks like a good time to pass along some of the best advice I ever recieved, this came from a dear friend and mentor. She is the author of several books and had the aids rescue hospital built in Tanzania in 2006, and is an awesome woman of God. Several years ago she told me to refuse to be offended, this is not easy! This is an act of your will and self-control. When offense is intentional (usually is) refuse it, over the years I have practiced and it gets easier. The name calling, attacks and dealing with angry people is on the rise but if you cannot be offended you never lose your stride….Hope this speaks to someone, it sure helped me……God bless”


    Carmen, thank you for this excellent advice. This is exactly how we can live and practice the “turn the other cheek” humble, peaceful, virtuous and prayerful to GOD-ALMIGHTY centered 24/7/365 living lifestyles, as Christ Jesus the LORD GOD & Savior To HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE asks us to do to continue loving with constant virtuous love someone who is intentionally offending us.

    However, when that someone is threatening to kill us, or our children and animals, we need to bring them to truth & justice and stop them, unless the LORD GOD tells us to NOT stop them, and to LET GOD THE LORD bring them to GODS’ FOREVER TRUTH & JUSTICE WITH GODS’ FOREVER LIVING DIVINE INFINITE POWER!

  49. Reports also state he appeared drugged. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t some of the eye witnesses at Ft. Hood also state Hasan appeared drugged? Or am I just imagining this?

  50. Starla, We have every right to defend ourselves and fight to the death in self defense if necessary, I believe this with my whole heart…But becoming offended only slows us down…We are to turn the other cheek for the sake of the gospel….Not one statement in the Word teaches us to be walked on….We are soldiers and we have warring angels on our side…I will not be slowed down


    I just read this comment at the POST & EMAIL Web Site:

    “Robert Laity says:

    December 26, 2009 at 2:36 AM

    Treason and Election fraud are “Criminal” acts. Obama committed treasonous acts when he actively campaigned for an enemy of the US, Raila Odinga for Kenyan President at a time when he also served as a US Senator from Illinois.

    See also:

    18USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381

    A formal criminal complaint was served upon and receipted by Kathleen Mehltretter, acting US Attorney for the Western District of NY, in November,2009. A recent status request to her, through the “Attorney of the Day”, a Mr. DiGiacomo, has been ignored, to date.”

  52. btw, here is a pdf of the Complaint filed in Detroit today –

  53. Jacqlyn Smith // December 26, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    Hi Jackie, and thanks!

    I will pull bits and pieces from that link because it seems that entire, logical sentences are beyond their intellectual capacity. ‘Bare bones’ facts maybe will work.

    It’s just amazing how much misinformation and ‘sheepleness’ is out there!

  54. “carmen // December 26, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    Starla, We have every right to defend ourselves and fight to the death in self defense if necessary, I believe this with my whole heart…But becoming offended only slows us down…We are to turn the other cheek for the sake of the gospel….Not one statement in the Word teaches us to be walked on….We are soldiers and we have warring angels on our side…I will not be slowed down”

    Thank you for your comment. I have literally seen HEAVEN & HELL in eternity, and Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady Ever-Virgin Mary, St. Michael The Archangel, and the guardian angels of God, God has assigned to me here on earth, humbly I tell you this in all truth, my friend…

  55. jbjd-correct me if I wrong here, but a person needs to go back to the original fraud enacted by Nancy Pelosi-failure to check Obama credentials, checked but ignored-signed off as qualified anyway. She has no supporting documentation at all. Bauer relied on a computer image of a COLB which was proven in 5 minutes anyone could construct. He has no documentation admissible in a court of law. Once one A/G proceeds the entire house of cards would fall. One A/G, two A/G to 50 A/G’s. DNC, Pelosi, Bauer who had direct hands in the fraudelent documents would have their own troubles. In other words Nancy Pelosi is at the heart of the fraud and it just radiates outward.

  56. Hi Kidmon and Carmen,

    Doing my best! Right now, I’m just feeding them the facts as we know them and asking the questions. I used CW’s internet billboard regarding the 2M dollar pay out thus far to hide his records, and that brought out the Patriots. It also brought out the Obots, who seem to not want to answer that question.

    I’m amazed at the low-level of concern about this man’s background, many of whom voted for; then, the name calling starts. That don’t bother me none.

    This is a Topix forum in my local newspaper, not the paper itself. Believe me when I say that the people hammering me wouldn’t comprehend this; they have no concept of the research that’s gone into picking Obama and his game apart. They just believe what they want to believe. Even facts seem to confuse them.

    I will give the Bauer angle a try if I can find someone there with the ability to comprehend what’s being said. right now, It’s just name-calling.

  57. Joy said…

    It will take both( birthers ) and( the stop this bill people) to join each other and meet en mass in Washington D.C. to draw the attention to the fact that the Giant has awoken. So many people that do not understand that Obama CANNOT be president because of his father being a Kenyan citizen which gives to double loyalty’s to the Us and British, which the Constitution rules him ineligible to be president, yet the name calling still continues. We need a real Leader to step forward and unify these to groups and then all march on Washington and take our Country back and jail all of those who are trying to destruct our Constitution and aid and abet the Enemy. Our Congress should be forced to break up the Muslin Training Camps and imprison those involved. I can find nowhere in the Constitution where as we welcomed immigrants, that we welcomed JIHADIST and allowed them to train and recruit others on our soil. It is time for all sides to force Congress to deport them from our soil.
    Excellent suggestions here, Joy. Thanks.
    I totally agree with removing the Jihadi training camps & “campers”—out of this country for good. I would also take very heavy measures on the Islamic “schools” and mosques and the many Muslim illegals here. And, I start at the “top” with the Muslim usurper, too–
    out of here —prison or Kenya–just get the h***
    out of America you “fraud.”


    I just read this comment at the POST & EMAIL Web Site:

    “Robert Laity says:

    December 26, 2009 at 2:36 AM

    Treason and Election fraud are “Criminal” acts. Obama committed treasonous acts when he actively campaigned for an enemy of the US, Raila Odinga for Kenya President at a time when he also served as a US Senator from Illinois.

    See also:

    18USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381

    A formal criminal complaint was served upon and receipted by Kathleen Mehltretter, acting US Attorney for the Western District of NY, in November, 2009. A recent status request to her, through the “Attorney of the Day,” a Mr. DiGiacomo, has been ignored to date.”


    I have read that Raila Odinga is a Communist Islamic Muslim. Well, Usurper Barack Obama is a Communist Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist. This is why the Illegal Alien Constant Liar defacto “Senator” Barack Obama was there in Africa “campaigning” for his lost Radical Islamic Muslim spiritual bro, Raila Odinga.

    Both Raila Odinga and the Serial Criminal-Insane-Psychopath-Sociopath Constant-Liar-Illegal-Alien-Power-Crazy-Usurper Barack Obama are servants of the Father Of Liars – Satan The Devil, and NOT GOD ALMIGHTY – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY.

    The Serial-Criminal-Insane-Psychopath-Sociopath-Constant-Liar-Illegal-Alien Power-Crazy-Usurper Barack Obama, Raila Odinga are BOTH In COMPLETE & TOTAL War Against GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the USA!!

  59. SueK // December 26, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    JJ // December 26, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Correction noted……be sure to alert if other mistakes exist.

  60. The New World Order (NWO) An Overview

  61. d21, I still think this latest terror attempt is all psyops, Al CIA da to keep us in fear and to take further control/perpetrate wars. Another distraction as well. Cloward Piven and Alinsky Rules for Radicals.

  62. None of us knows who BO’s father was; JBJD………

    Bingo and it’s high time to stop this charade and find out who is…….
    let the games begin……
    there is wayyyyy too much going on that’s not being discussed; I can not bear to think our govt, our congress, the dems, our state and federal courts, every alphabet media corporation, and about 100,000,000 voters don’t give a sh** to find out, but it’s beginning to look that way.

  63. bob strauss // December 26, 2009 at 6:31 pm

    Benaiah @ 6:17, Right on!

    Hold on there pardner; with the happenings of late, the SCOTUS can change all those findings to fit any article the way they wish to define it or have it interpreted…..I know, you’re going to argue the Constitution isn’t a living doc or is a living doc……but I believe they have proven if they don’t like how it reads, they’ll just change it; they can do that……there is no rationale in this nation any more.

  64. d2i // December 26, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Are you telling us in this day of cameras everywhere there are no cameras recording on flights…….surely to protect against unwarranted complaints and lawsuits??

  65. Michelle,

    Yes, basically, you have laid out the simple yet powerful case for pursuing election fraud above all else. And what makes this pursuit even more beautiful is that, you get to the heart of the issue just by asking a question, even BEFORE getting an answer. Because if you don’t get an answer, you win automatically!

  66. John Feeny // December 26, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    What’s the over/under on the inevitable declaration of martial law?

    Over or Under – 6 months?
    Mr. Feeny,
    I believe that depends on the sentiment and actions of this nation’s patriots to what is beginning to be ‘exposed’ by those brave enough to do the ‘exposing’.

  67. apparently not, JJ.

    Kim – psyops comes to mind. very troubling.

  68. Jacqlyn Smith // December 26, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    Outside the box…….if noone will find guts to go after the ‘wicked witch’, who’s got the cajones to to after aka Obama???

    Just saying.

  69. JJ // December 26, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    OK, JJ, will do.

    That one caught my attention because I’m here in MA and will be voting in that special election on 1/19.

    We need to keep up to date on this and keep tabs on who’s gonna be fired and when!

    Thanks for the list 🙂

  70. carmen // December 26, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    Starla, We have every right to defend ourselves and fight to the death in self defense if necessary, I believe this with my whole heart…But becoming offended only slows us down…We are to turn the other cheek for the sake of the gospel….Not one statement in the Word teaches us to be walked on….We are soldiers and we have warring angels on our side…I will not be slowed down****************

    Yep, and here it is:

    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil…………Ephesians 6:11

  71. I heard on the radio this a.m. that KLM does
    not allow US Marshalls on its flights.

  72. jbjd@9:56
    “Because if you don’t get an answer, you win automatically!”
    Exactly-it is about questions, that have never been answered. I’m so glad you laid out the how, I’m just so curious about the why?

  73. Maddie, how convenient!

  74. Oh, Maddie, nevermind, thought that was the airline, it was Delta…

  75. Maddie // December 26, 2009 at 10:59 pm

    Hi Maddie,

    Well, if that’s the case, then, KLM shouldn’t be allowed to fly U.S. routes; let the Dutch deal with the terrorists in Europe.

    I’m all for installing vid cameras on each and every flight, both domestic and international. It’s not Big Brother rather, keeping the traveling public safe; we know how the terrorists seem to *love* turning airplanes into missiles…

  76. SueK // December 26, 2009 at 7:32 pm

    “…They [Obots] seem to throw out lame comments and when you come back with a logical, true answer, they disappear.”

    I’m still waiting for jbjd to reply to my answer at 7:19 PM to her comment at 7:00 PM , “Listen to Benaiah at your own peril…”

  77. Benaiah // December 26, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Hi Benaiah,

    Well, I guess we’ve all become very good at waiting :(.

    Thanks for your posts-very informative and good reads. I think it’s important that we make the effort to read all we can and draw our own conclusions.

    I’ve given up on that Topix forum for the night; after my last explanatory post, I was called a ‘heifer.’ I post on that one with a pseudonym, so they don’t know my gender. Some people just don’t get it, eh? There really is no need to be rude.

  78. SueK // December 27, 2009 at 12:05 am

    “I think it’s important that we make the effort to read all we can and draw our own conclusions.”

    I agree completely…

  79. Some Comments From “” tonight:

    “Wm. HENDERSON // Dec 26, 2009 at 10:45 pm




    “Starla // Dec 27, 2009 at 6:04 am

    Freedom of religion is a God-given gift of GOD that is protected in the Holy Bible and in our USA Constitution. The word “Religion means = your relationship to GOD, your loving service and obedience to GOD daily.”

    The web site: is a web site trying to bring people out of the Demonic From HELL Anti-Christ cult/religion/culture called “Islam.” Followers of the “Islamic” culture and religion are called “Islamic Muslims” who actually are listening to and believing the CONSTANT LIES of Satan The Devil who calls himself “Allah” in the false Satanic bible on earth called the Quran or the Koran.

    I spent time studying religions of the world in college. You can spend time and research and find out what Islam is all about. I did. Islam is a culture and a crazy way of thinking and an Anti-Christ religion and culture that is based on a False SATANIC “bible” that was written based on the teachings of a false prophet named Muhammad (who was illiterate), who none-the-less taught and spent his life living in extreme sins against GOD.

    Muhammad taught others to think, believe, and to live according to the false words he claimed he falsely was told by GOD in a cave.

    BTW, Muhammad was a pedophile, an adulterer, a terrible murderer and a war-mongerer of different people who advocated WAR and KILLING people who didn’t obey his teachings. In the Anti-Christ “bible” the Quran or the Koran, according to Muhammand’s teachings, the Quran or the Koran’s false “bible” teaches men in the culture/religion of Islam that they can rape babies, commit pedophilia, have numerous affairs and numerous wives, beat and torture and behead and kill their wives or children or brothers or sisters to kill each other if they think they are
    “unfaithful” to Allah (Satan) in honor killings. The Quran or Koran also instructs and tells ALL Islamic Muslims to submit “to Allah” by committing “jihad” which is “total submission to Allah.”

    To do as “Muhammad instructed his followers (Islamic Muslims) in jihad, means for Islamic Muslims to conquer the world by the sword and to rule it with terror,” and to torture and behead ALL non-Muslims, conquer the entire world for ALLAH, and rule the world in terror and to kill and mass murder anyone who refuses to obey SATAN THE DEVIL known as “ALLAH” in the Quran or Koran.

    THE VIOLENT, UNHOLY, EVIL, and CONSTANT LYING QURAN or KORAN, is one of Satan The Devil’s 100% False and evil lying “bibles” on earth. Most people who are Islamic Muslims are simply IGNORANT and have NOT yet read or even heard THE ALWAYS FAITHFUL & ALWAYS TRUE HOLY BIBLE – GOSPEL – FOREVER LIVING WORDS OF GOD IN THE HOLY BIBLE in THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE HOLY TEACHINGS & THE ACTUAL WORDS OF THE LIVING CREATOR – GOD THE SON – LORD JESUS CHRIST, The ALWAYS FAITHFUL & ALWAYS TRUE SAVIOR Sent By GOD For humanity to be SAVED From Sins and the Second Death in HELL-FOREVER-FIRE In Eternity, and LORD JESUS CHRIST – GOD THE SON – EMMANUEL (GOD WITH US) THE MESSIAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ALWAYS FAITHFUL & ALWAYS TRUE SAVIOR for humanity to HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE In Eternity, according to the MOST HOLY TRINITY’S HOLY Instruction Book on earth for humanity in the FOREVER LIVING WORDS OF GOD, that the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD wrote called the HOLY BIBLE through the faithful & true followers of GOD in the HOLY BIBLE!!


    Satan the Devil inspired mere common liars to write one of Satan’s lying False bibles on earth: The Anti-Christ Satanic Bible called the Quran, or the Koran, in the Anti-Christ faith called Islam. Islam is Satan The Devil’s WAR Against ALMIGHTY GOD – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and any person and country that defies Satan the Devil “ALLAH,” and Satan’s lies in Satan the Devil’s Constantly Lying, Evil, and Despicable, and False Satanic Anti-Christ “bible” from HELL called the “Quran” or as westerns call it, the “Koran.” says on their web site:

    “ echoes the voice of ex-Muslims who want to stop the spread of Islam, expose its violent nature, and help Muslims to understand it and leave it. We believe in the oneness of humanity and oppose Islam for inciting hatred against non Muslims. Muhammad instructed his followers to conquer the world by the sword and to rule it with terror. We are determined to not let that happen.”

    ANY Islamic Muslim who tells you that “Islam” is a “peaceful religion” are POINT BLANK 100% LYING to you. ONE of the bizarre lies written in the Quran or Koran, is that Muslims are considered to be “virtuous” if they LIE to people to promote ALLAH and the Quran, or the Koran, so Islamic Muslims can gain complete and total world domination and to wipe out all other cultures and religions, which is the goal of satanic Islam, which has a total and complete ZERO tolerance to other cultures & religions!

    I also posted this message at a little while ago:

    “Starla // December 26, 2009 at 9:28 pm


    I just read this comment at the POST & EMAIL Web Site:

    “Robert Laity says:

    December 26, 2009 at 2:36 AM

    Treason and Election fraud are “Criminal” acts. Obama committed treasonous acts when he actively campaigned for an enemy of the US, Raila Odinga for Kenya President at a time when he also served as a US Senator from Illinois.

    See also:

    18USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381

    A formal criminal complaint was served upon and receipted by Kathleen Mehltretter, acting US Attorney for the Western District of NY, in November, 2009. A recent status request to her, through the “Attorney of the Day,” a Mr. DiGiacomo, has been ignored to date.”


    I have read that Raila Odinga is a Communist Islamic Muslim. Well, Usurper Barack Obama is a Communist Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist. This is why the Illegal Alien Constant Liar defacto “Senator” Barack Obama was there in Africa “campaigning” for his lost Radical Islamic Muslim spiritual bro, Raila Odinga.

    Both Raila Odinga and the Serial Criminal-Insane-Psychopath-Sociopath Constant-Liar-Illegal-Alien-Power-Crazy-Usurper Barack Obama are servants of the Father Of Liars – Satan The Devil, and NOT GOD ALMIGHTY – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY.

    The Serial-Criminal-Insane-Psychopath-Sociopath-Constant-Liar-Illegal-Alien Power-Crazy-Usurper Barack Obama, and Raila Odinga are BOTH IN COMPLETE & TOTAL War Against GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the USA!!”


  80. After watching the Clarence Thomas video it occurs to me that here is a SCOTUS member who apparently has forgotten his earlier statements in which he stated that it is not up to the Supreme Court to take action regarding the eligibility of Soetoro, rather it is a POLITICAL MATTER and must be dealt with by Congress. In response to that premise I have to ask what Court SWORE HIM INTO OFFICE? If they swore him in (TWICE) then they HAVE the authority to declare the oath of office which was administered to Soetoro by Roberts, it CAN be declared invalid by the SAME entity. They have this latitude.

  81. I don’t know when Clarence Thomas made that speech, but I would very much like to know. If anybody knows willyou please advise?

  82. Be sure to let the Repubs. senators and reps.know about the Sequoia software,ties to Chavez and Venez,
    code can change votes in 5 mins.
    Used in 8 key states that usually go Republican,last year.!!! In over 20 plus states now!!!
    ACORN ISN’T ENOUGH FOR THEM!!Must get rid of these corrupt organizations also.

  83. More Republican collaborators
    From July:

    “John Boehner dismisses birthers

    When asked about the birther issue … Boehner was dismissive of the topic. Boehner signaled that for House GOP leaders, this question isn’t on the radar screen in any way.

    When pressed by another reporter as to whether he had any doubts that Obama was born in Hawaii, Boehner had a curt, one-word answer: “No.”

    Other Republican leaders, including Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, have outright dismissed the birth certificate question, saying there’s no doubt Obama is a natural-born citizen.”

  84. The Constitution as it IS WRITTEN has sufficed for over two hundred years. Now suddenly we have a number of people trying to SECOND GUESS WHAT THE FRAMERS MEANT, and trying to split hairs. If the reader is so illiterate that he/she cannot grasp the meaning of the clear,and precise language contained in the Constitution then it is obvious that such a person needs to read the Constitution over, and over until the language emerges at the level of their own literal ability. If that is even possible. It seems that today few people possess the literary skills to comprehensively read such documents, and end up with a clear understanding of what they just read. It would seem that we can blame the LIBERAL US school systems for failing to teach a level of grammar necessary to promote such reading skills.

  85. The fact that nobody will discuss the birth certificate issue clearly shows that they have an overriding reason not to want to discuss the issue. This then says that they are either AFRAID, or were PAID not to discuss it. If the latter is the case then they are clearly part of the conspiracy, and will need to be ultimately voted out of office.

  86. Does the following sound familiar?

    Hubs of delegitimization

    Substitute “Enemy Command HQ” for “Hubs of Delegitimacy.” Instead of “enemy armor outflanking our infantry,” use “resistance networks [Obots/Progressives/Socialists] outflanking the IDF [Patriots] to attack Israel’s [America’s] very legitimacy.”

    Pair Iran’s nuclear program, an existential threat to Israel, with the simultaneous creation of an existential political threat, and you are talking in a new type of language, and a new type of warfare in which the IDF is not equipped to engage in, and perhaps shouldn’t be engaging in.

    A new report by the Reut Institute, a Tel Aviv-based national security and socioeconomic policy think tank, maps out the “new battlefield” in which Israel finds the legitimacy of its very existence attacked by a wide array of organizations and individuals in global centers like London, Toronto, Brussels, Madrid and Berkeley.

    The report, which also makes recommendations for possible remedies, is to be presented next week to Israeli diplomatic officials, and will also be presented at the Herzliya Conference in January. The report’s authors spent two weeks in London interviewing some 45 people, including members of Muslim groups and anti-Zionist Jewish organizations, and academics, journalists, pollsters, jurists, activists and politicians.

    Beginning with Israel’s traditional strategic concept, conceived by David Ben-Gurion, which posits that to win its wars, the IDF would have to take the fight to its enemies, the Reut report posits that increasingly, Israel cannot “win” its wars in the traditional sense as it is not up against conventional Arab armies, and there is no decisive victory over an enemy army to be had.

    While there is still a physical existential threat posed by certain enemies (including unconventional terrorism), the new front focuses its attack on Israel’s political legitimacy, painting Israel as a pariah state, exhausting Israeli society, burdening its economy, and mobilizing Israel’s Arab minority as an anchor in the struggle against the Jewish state.

    The key concept for this “Resistance Network” is overstretching Israel along the fault lines of demography, democracy (binational state vs a state of the Jewish people), Jewish identity and territory.

    The report states that Israel’s traditional enemies have increasingly been joined in battle by widespread networks of anti-Zionist groups, hostile human rights organizations and homegrown radical Islamists that use cultural, academic, legal and financial weapons against what they see as an illegitimate pariah state with its capital in occupied Jerusalem. They are trying to demonize Israel, to turn Israel into the Apartheid South Africa of the 21st century. These groups are concentrated in several large cities, what Reut calls “Hubs of Delegitimization.”

    Some places have a disproportionate impact in delegitimizing Israel. London, for example, is a center for international media, academic institutions, NGOs, human rights groups and a large Arab diaspora. It has always been fertile ground for radicals. There is widespread “colonialist/imperialist guilt” in London that for some translates “conveniently” into anti-Zionism, according to Reut’s report.

    London is also the scene for what Reut calls the “Red-Green Alliance” – an alliance of left-wing groups with the Muslim community in the UK. It merges the Left’s view of anti-imperialism (Israel as the “little America”) with a rejection of the concept of a Jewish state. This alliance has given birth to cooperation between solidarity NGOs, boycott movements, trade unions, influential academics and journalists, student leaders, left-wing politicians and Muslim organizations, all with one common cause: demonizing Israel.

    It demonizes Israel by positing an “all-or-nothing” dynamic – boycotts are formulated as the only option of criticism of Israel. The attempt to paint pro-Palestinian activity as “trendy,” while at the same time painting Zionism as imperialist, and Apartheid-like. Reut’s assessment even goes as far to say that there are times when it is London, and not Ramallah, that sets the tone for Palestinian policy towards Israel.

    “It’s not the Palestinians who took over London – there are very few Palestinians within the Red-Green Alliance – it’s leftist ideology from London that infiltrates Palestinian politics,” the report states. …

  87. Maddie…………………………………….
    I read that KLM is part of United Air Lines. Perhaps it is the other way around;United is now part of KLM. I am certain that it is one of the two. If they are using the United Color scheme then it is probably the latter. This may be the reason why no air marshall was on board.

  88. Go Ms. Bachmann… about the poll at….

    Poll: Bachmann “in a solid position politically”

    Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling firm, reports some fascinating numbers out of Minnesota’s 6th District today.

    According to a PPP automated survey of 719 district voters, conducted Dec. 17-19, conservative GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann has a 53 percent approval rating, compared to 44 percent who disapprove. Six percent were not sure.

    In a head-to-head matchup with Democratic frontrunner Tarryl Clark, Bachmann gets 55 percent to Clark’s 37 percent, with 8 percent undecided. The numbers are roughly the same when Bachmann is paired with Democrat Maureen Reed.

    It’s hardly a surprise that an incumbent would have a wide lead at this point in the campaign. What’s more interesting, however, are the perceptions of Bachmann’s views.

    When asked whether the lightning rod Bachmann’s political views are “extremist,” 37 percent said yes and 54 percent said no. And when queried about whether the two-term congresswoman “is too liberal, too conservative, or about right,” 36 percent said “too conservative” while 56 percent said “about right.” (Bachmann herself must be wondering who the 8 percent are who think she’s too liberal).

    “Michele Bachmann may constantly be generating controversy in the national news, but back at home she finds herself in a solid position politically,” concludes PPP in its analysis.

    There’s one warning sign Bachmann will need to keep an eye on though. When asked if Bachmann “is more focused on advocating for your district in the US House or being a national leader in the conservative movement,” 48 percent said she’s more focused on being a national conservative leader, compared to 32 percent who said she is more focused on her St. Cloud and exurban Twin Cities-based district. Twenty percent were not sure.

    In a competitive (though GOP-leaning) seat like the 6th, it’s not ideal for roughly half of respondents to believe a member is focused on anything other than advocating for her district. And it likely means that Bachmann will remain a member who lives on the political edge, ensconced in the sub-55 percent zone every two years.

  89. Check out the picture of the FRAUD and what some of the commenters have to say about this FRAUD’S stupidity……

    Mixed greetings
    Stuck on salute?
    By CAROL E. LEE | 12/25/09 8:48 AM

    Stuck on salute?
    President Barack Obama reaches to shake hands before boarding Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base.

    As the first family made their way from Marine One to Air Force One Thursday morning to board the nine-hour light to Hawaii, FLOTUS, Malia and Sasha boarded the plan first, while Obama chatted with some of the Air Force men and women who greeted him on the tarmac.

    POTUS tried to shake the hand of one of them, at the foot of AF1 stairs, but the airman either wouldn’t or couldn’t let go of the salute.

    Also spotted boarding Air Force One, NSC chief of staff Denis McDonough and what appeared to be his family.

  90. I can’t believe some people are just figuring this out!!!!!

    Read the entire post at….

    Obama: A sudden catastrophe
    Posted: December 26, 2009
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2009

    If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.

    ~ Daniel Webster

    During this Christmas season, America should be reminded that President Barack Obama has perpetrated more vicious attacks against the Christian faith than any other president in the history of America. Therefore, I ask: Is Obama’s ascendancy a sudden catastrophe?

    Even many of Obama’s most ardent supporters agree that his first year in office has been a catastrophe:

    * Increasing the national debt from $10 trillion in eight years under GWB to over $14 trillion;

    * Nationalizing private corporations like GM, Chrysler, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac;

    * Bowing before murderous dictator nations like Saudi Arabia and China;

    * Undeservedly receiving the Nobel Peace Prize after only two weeks in office, and;

    * Appointing the basest of men (and women) to Cabinet-level positions and as czars to propagate the most anti-constitutional and hurtful policies against America.

  91. Comments From tonight:

    “Wm. HENDERSON // Dec 27, 2009 at 4:45 am


    I sent my comment above to this post.

    Islam is one of Satan the Devil’s Anti-Christ cultures/religions that is AT WAR Against GOD, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the teachings of GOD and CHRIST JESUS THE LORD GOD on earth.

    Islam teaches evil and False teachings that say very perverted lies to people. It is wrong to support lies and evil on earth.

    Islam, (one of Satan the Devil’s Anti-Christ religions on earth), teaches people that it is acceptable to LIE to forward the goal of Islam, which is complete expansion and total and complete world domination of Islam over the entire world. Islam has ZERO tolerance of all other religions and cultures on earth. Islam seeks to annilihate and to destroy and to end all other religions and cultures, that are NOT Islam, and the Koran teaches ZERO tolerance to other religions and cultures on earth!

    This is very significant since Usurper Barack Obama is a Constant Liar who is daily constantly lying to everyone in his life. During his Illegal campaign, Usurper Barack Obama simply LIED to ALL American people’s faces, and said to billions of people on earth that he was a Christian. This was a total lie of Barack Obama.

    Since Barack Obama IS a strong & devout Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist… and Barack Obama calls Satan The Devil’s – Anti-Christ Constantly Lying evil Anti-Christ bible the Koran the “Holy Koran”… to Barack Obama, (an Islamic Muslim), LYING to the USA people about his religion is VIRTUOUS and ALL FAIR in the WAR OF ISLAM on Non-Muslims and countries (the USA!).

    Barack Obama actually believes in his heart that the Satanic bible, the Koran that says that LIES and saying lies to people is 100% virtuous and acceptable to promote and to spread Islam in world dominance. That is ONE of the reasons Barack Obama is a Constant Liar.

    Usurper Barack Obama wants to spread Islam and jihad “total submission to ALLAH” (Satan the Devil really is ALLAH) in the horrible and VIOLENT ways the Koran instructs all over the world.

    I want Usurper Brack Obama arrested and indicted because he is an Illegal and Unconstitutional USA defacto President, who is daily committing extreme felonies against ALL 308 + Millions of the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, and because he is an extremely dangerous very mentally sick delusional and insane psychopath Narcissist who is a stealth Communist & a Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist who wants to bring VIOLENT Islam into total world dominance with the power of the usurped USA President and Commander-In-Chief Federal position in Our White House.

    Barack Hussein Obama II/Barry Soetoro ascended into our White House through total and complete deceit, lies and election frauds. Usurper Illegal Alien Constant Liar Barack Obama MUST be arrested and indicted and stopped, along with the other unconstitutional & illegal felonies committing people in Congress, and the Judiciary who are committing unconstitutional and illegal felonies against ALL 308 + Million SOVEREIGN USA Citizens!

    WHY do you think Usurper Barack Obama is constantly lying to ALL USA SOVEREIGN Citizens?!

    MUST SEE YouTube videos:

    Does Obama Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?


    WHO AM I?


    Treason’s Smoking Gun:: Marxist White house EXTORTION of U.S. Senator For “Health Care” Vote!!

    “Using out U.S. Military and a Strategic Command as a pawn, threatening to weaken our national security defenses, to fulfill Obama’s Marxist utopian social justice agenda is TREASON!!”

    Obama Grants Interpol Immunity As Foreign “Assets” Assigned To U.S. Homeland

    Obama’s Grants Interpol Immunity As Foreign “Assets” assigned to U.S. Homeland

    Usurper Barack Obama signed another Unconstitutional & Illegal Executive Order to give Foreign Interpol Police Officers diplomatic above the law immunity to spy on and to gather information on the American people who are considered by Usurper Barack Obama as being terrorists, while the USA SOVEREIGN Citizen’s Constitutional Rights are being decimated and shredded by Usurper Barack Hussein Obama!! Simply STOP and Arrest Obama NOW!


    SEE: The 11 Pages of the: “Keyes/Barnett V Obama 86.1 (Attachments: #1 Expanded Affidavit By Susan Daniels” here: 


    “The use of multiple social security numbers by Barack Hussein Obama II is indicative that Mr. Obama is trying to defraud and racketeer in organized serious felonies to become the USA President.”  


    “Islam wants to wipe out Christianity. Psalm 19:1 – The heavens declare the GLORY of GOD. How do Radical Islamic Muslims like Usurper Barack Hussein Obama going to get rid of the stars, sun, and moon, and GOD? The answer – he won’t, Barack Obama and the Radical Islamic Muslims will fail.”


    Some comments on YouTube:

    “ILLEGAL ALIEN CONSTANT LIAR Power-Crazy Con-man Psychopath Insane Narcissist Megalomanic INSANE USURPER BARACK OBAMA: (1)IS A FOREIGN BORN IN AFRICA 100% COMPLETE & TOTAL DOMESTIC ENEMY TO ALL 308+ Millions USA Citizens! (2)Psychopath Obama is today using STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY #042-68-4425 residing in Our White House as The 100% CON-MAN WHO STOLE the Social Security #042-68-4425 between 1977-1979 in Connecticut from a deceased man that was born in 1890 who naturalized in the USA! OBAMA NEVER LIVED in Connecticut!”

    “Re: The 100% Odd Things about Barack Obama SEALING ALL of his PERSONAL CITIZENSHIP RECORDS & EVERY Document & EVERY Personal Historial CITIZENSHIP Record about his life!
    Usurper Barack Obama is a Communist & An Radical Islamic Muslim Illegal Alien Constant Liar Power-Crazy Mad-man! SIMPLY STOP OBAMA BY ARRESTING OBAMA NOW before Insane Barack Obama destroys and kills ALL Americans and ALL people on earth!!

    “EVERYTHING Illegal Alien Constant Liar Power-Crazy Usurper Barack H. Roman Obama Says Is A Constant Lie He Says To Protect & Maintain His Constantly Delusional Insanity and his Psychopath Narcissistic Personality Disorder. ALL USA Citizens MUST CALL & FAX ALL Senators & Reps In D.C. Congress Offices To DEMAND URGENT EMERGENCY IMMEDIATE CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS On The Foreign Born In Africa Domestic Enemy Illegal Alien Usurper Barack Obama Who Is Committing Daily Many Felonies, High Crimes, and Treasons in Our White House. Barack Obama is a Communist Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist From Hell Who MUST Be Stopped!!”

    “Spectre11B! Stop DEFENDING The 100% Complete & Total Insanity of Barack Hussein Roman Obama II/Barry Soetoro Who Is A 100% Constant Liar Illegal Alien Power-Mad Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist Communist Marxist who wants to DESTROY, TORTURE & KILL As Many People As He Can To Elevate Himself As The Almighty Powerful One In His Demonic Satanic Hatred Payback For His Parents & Grandparents Who Rejected, Abandoned, Neglected, Abused & Tortured Insane Obama In A Chaotic Childhood!”
    CaptCody2: “Obama is the worst act of fraud, sabotage, treason, and destruction ever unleashed on the US.”

    2Stream: “People say give Obama a chance? How far do we let that nut- case go? Until we are looking down the barrel of a foreign rifle?”

    “We lost our freedoms in the Patriot Act.”

    “Now showing at a cinema near you the American Constitution: The Devil’s In The Details.”


    “Seriously, ALL signs on earth point to the near Second Return Of GOD THE SAVIOR – LORD JESUS CHRIST – Repent of ANY and ALL of your sins against GODon earth now while you have the time NOW!! TODAY and for the rest of your lives LIVE VERY CLOSE in your hearts, spirits, and bodies to GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, To and In LORD JESUS CHRIST’S Holy Name in Constant Prayers, and in Constant Good Works of Virtuous Love & Charity & Purity & Holiness. ALL People Pick Up The Holy Bible & DAILY Read and DAILY Obey & DAILY Live, and DAILY Put Into Practice In Our Lives The POWERFUL FOREVER LIVING WRODS Of LORD JESUS CHRIST in the New Testament in the Holy Bible, and DAILY Live the 10 Commandments of GOD in the Old Testament in the Book Of Exodus, Chapter 20 in the Holy Bible; for people will be held accountable for these things by GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY.”

    LORD JESUS CHRIST came to earth to bring ALL people back to GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY who is ALL HOLY and to HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE, – and to pay the price of humanity’s Sins =(Fatal disobedience to God’s Infinite Words = Sins against GOD) and Sins against God = The Second Death and HELL-FOREVER-FIRE in Eternity & being “cut-off from the Living GOD in Eternity.”

    So, LORD JESUS CHRIST came to earth so people can be restored to GOD and to find salvation back to GOD ALMIGHTY who lives in HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE.

    This is the ONLY reason WHY people are on earth – to be restored in eternity to GOD ALMIGHTY who lives in HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE!! People are created by GOD to go live in HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE with The Forever Living Creator – GOD ALMIGHTY – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, in Eternity!!

    ONLY what people say & do in obedience and love to and for GOD & LORD JESUS CHRIST to people and animals and nature and to each other will Last & Live Forever!! LORD JESUS CHRIST = FOREVER LIFE IN ETERNITY, SERIOUSLY!! FOLLOW LORD JESUS CHRIST TO HEAVEN-FOREVER-LIFE!!!


  92. This email was sent to me by a friend…..never forget that Clinton and Gore were warned about the evil and did nothing….actually they did do something….they let 9/11 happen….both have blood on their hands…..


    Do you remember 1987……

    Thought you

    might be interested in this forgotten bit of


    It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were
    playing an old news video of
    Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra
    hearings during the Reagan

    There was Ollie in front of God and country getting
    third degree, but what he said was stunning!

    He was being drilled by a
    senator, ‘Did you not recently spend close to
    $60,000 for a home security


    Ollie replied, ‘Yes, I did, Sir.’

    The senator
    continued, trying to get a laugh out of the
    audience, ‘Isn’t that just a little

    ‘No, sir,’ continued Ollie.

    ‘No? And why not?’ the
    senator asked.

    ‘Because the lives of my family and I were

    ‘Threatened? By whom?’ the senator

    ‘By a
    terrorist, sir’ Ollie answered.

    ‘Terrorist? What terrorist could
    possibly scare you that much?’

    ‘His name is Osama bin Laden, sir’ Ollie

    At this point the senator tried to repeat the name,
    couldn’t pronounce it, which most people back then
    probably couldn’t. A couple
    of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator
    continued.. Why are you so
    afraid of this man?’ the senator asked.

    ‘Because, sir, he is the most
    evil person alive that I know of’, Ollie answered.

    what do you recommend we do about him?’ asked the

    ‘Well, sir,
    if it was up to me, I would recommend that an
    assassin team be formed to
    eliminate him and his men from the face of the

    The senator
    disagreed with this approach, and that was all that
    was shown of the clip.

    the way, that senator was

    Al Gore!


    pilot Mohammad Atta

    blew up a bus in
    in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and
    imprisoned him. As part of the
    Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993,
    Israel had to agree to release
    so-called ‘political prisoners.’

    However, the Israelis would not release
    any with blood on their hands. The American
    President at the time, Bill Clinton,
    and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,
    ‘insisted’ that all prisoners be

    Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked
    us by
    flying an airplane into Tower One of the
    World Trade
    Center . This was reported
    by many of the American TV networks at the time
    that the terrorists were first

    was censored in the US from all

  93. Forgive me for butting in, but that email is a hoax that’s been doing the rounds for a few years.

    “There’s no truth to it. Oliver North did not warn of Osama bin Laden during the Irangate hearings and he was not questioned by Al Gore. North himself set the facts straight in a public statment years ago.

    In a similar vein, the myth that 9/11 killer Mohammed Atta was previously released after bombing a bus in Israel is untrue”

    More detail and North’s statement about the email can be found here:

  94. oldsalt77 // December 27, 2009 at 12:39 am

    After watching the Clarence Thomas video it occurs to me that here is a SCOTUS member who apparently has forgotten his earlier statements…………..

    Ahhhh, selective memory is a virus these days, OLdsalt. It’s spreading quickly.

  95. Pingback: Terrorist attack on Flight 253 prompts new flight restrictions —

  96. Good morning from the left coast.

  97. These lib commentators are making me crazy…ISLAM is RADICAL. PERIOD!READ IT FOR YOURSELF!

  98. Jacqlyn Smith // December 27, 2009 at 4:21 am

    This under scores why the best way to take back and restore America is to charge and try all of congress and Senate along with the usurper and Evita.

    The greatest reason all the judges and lame stream media have either been bought off or threatened off the issue of Hussein’s eligibilty is because they all know they are complicit and guilty –up to their eye balls–in the betrayal of their own country. They not only could lose their jobs they are eligible for jail time.

    If we get to November 2010–a good rule is to vote every incumbent out–whether Dem or Republican!

    Three cheers for removing Hussen from office in 2010.

  99. **** New Post ****

  100. Maria // December 27, 2009 at 7:00 am

    Forgive me for butting in, but that email is a hoax that’s been doing the rounds for a few years.

    Maria….thank you…..I didn’t pass it on because I had received it before but I don’t trust Snopes or FactCheck….as we all know here these sites and sites like them are all Liberltard sites biased toward the FRAUD in our house…..I do know that Ollie put some system in his home because he was threatened by some assassin…..I heard him talk about it before on TV….I didn’t recall who the assassin was!!! Atta is a different story….I know he was involved with terrorist before coming the the US….he went undetected….just look what happened Christmas Day …..they are still going undetected and it is only getting worse under this administration as they are putting less and less into defense in trying to take down our missile defense system!!!

  101. If we get to November 2010–a good rule is to vote every incumbent out–whether Dem or Republican!

    NO, NO, and NO………McConnell has been said to have toured across the nation speaking at town hall meetings against the deathcare……

    I have two of his letters stating he has spoken on the senate floor over 40 times and has helped the Repubs create a plan….better than what is presented by the dems…… govt involvement, cross-state line competition, tort reform, and preventive measures/tests/exams, etc.

    What message are we sending to those fighting this deathcare bill by grouping all incumbents???

    As an educator, I never believed or participated in mass punishment; on the contrary, why would I want to send the wrong message to those who do care, who are fighting, who may not be perfect or have a perfect record, but are extending all efforts to stop this monstrosity??

    I will keep my senator, and Rep. Whitfield, thank you, and will vote for Rand Paul for Bunning’s position…….I am a red state, an imported Kentuckian and am proud of the fight our officials have fought…….they are anti-deathcare, anti-cap-and-trade, anti-illegals, and anti-big govt.

  102. Want to fix the problem illustrated by Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab’s attempted attack on the U.S.? Simple look at changing the United States’ greatest bureaucratic hindrances to intelligence and law enforcement activities: the Department of State. While misleading media reports might implicate the CIA with improper routing of information, the likelihood that information was passed through the Regional Security Office of State’s Diplomatic Security Service is much more plausible. And why was the visa not revoked? 22 C.F.R. § 42.82(a) authorizes consular officers to revoke visas if the consular obtains information after the issuance of a visa that an alien was ineligible. The first tour of duty for a junior Foreign Service Officer is to serve as a Consular Officer. This negligent policy reflects the low-level importance that Department of State places on this vital duty having a direct nexus to our national security. In the embassies of other nations it has long been a practice to have seasoned border officials issue visas- but not the United States? In addition, because State Department does not want the Department of Homeland security looking over their shoulder at the visa process (they hand out visas to make foreign government contacts) they have worked to block the Congress’ efforts in the statutorily mandated Visa Security units by bureaucratic process in the outdated National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 38 process. Foreign Service Officers are known to write lots of “cables” that pontificate about “good governance” and attend wine and o’ devours parties. Foreign Service Officers live with excessive housing benefits overseas (and servants) that are most certainly far above what normal United States citizens enjoy. This colossal federal agency receives close to 50 billion a year in tax payer funds, far more than say the Department of Homeland Security, while this federal agency adds to its coffers by levying charges (ICASS) on other federal agencies- and without any results…look around the world- Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, the Middle East, Africa…what are we paying for? We could likely improve our foreign relations and afford health care if Congress would dismantle this colossal federal Department. Not likely- this Department would make the top lobbyists jealous they have numerous tax payer salaried employees embedded in House & Senate subcommittees posing as “experts.”

  103. To tell the truth it is a PSYOP in order for the American Govt. and Globalists’ to Start Controlling Citizens’ Travel!
    January 3, 2009
    Prior to the underwear bomber incident on Christmas, the House of Representatives tabled legislation to “reform” the Constitution nullifying Patriot Act. On December 16, nine days before the patsy Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was delivered to the airport in Amsterdam by his handler, Congress decided to shuffle the law off into the New Year.
    Wayne Madsen tells Russia Today the false flag non-attack will be used to push “Patriot Act 3.0.”
    Many of the Patriot Act provisions were set to expire on January 1st.
    David Kravets wrote for Wired at the time:
    Under Wednesday’s action, the NSL-reform [National Security Letters] vote is also delayed until the New Year. And the three expiring provisions will remain in force at least through February. The extension came as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) balked at a Senate plan to include Patriot Act amendments into a $636 billion Pentagon funding measure, saying doing so would create “revolt on the left.”
    In fact, the so-called “left” in Congress is as dedicated to implementing the government’s control grid as the “right.” The only difference is that Democrats engage in more hand-wringing over the legislation.
    So-called liberal Democrats have pushed for renewal of the police state law, including the former Saturday Night Live comedian Al Franken, now a Democrat from Minnesota.
    Judge Napolitano comments on the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act.
    “Heightened terrorist activity in recent days and months — from the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day to the shootings at Fort Hood, to the murder of a Saudi Arabian border guard by Yemeni insurgents, reveal that our need for robust intelligence gathering tools has not diminished since 9/11,” declared Republican Congressman Dan Lungren on December 31.
    The false flag terror operation above Detroit will be used to squelch any opposition to renewing the Patriot Act in February.
    Funny how things work.
    Check out what Government is doing behind your back at:

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