Obama puppeteers, Muslims, Corruption ties, Leftists, Socialists, Influence on Obama’s foreign policy and position on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Open Thread, December 27, 2009

“Now, I’m addicted to hopium.
It’s America’s most powerful drug. Once on hopium, you won’t care if Iran has nukes or if taxes are raised during a recession or whether Obama keeps flipping and flopping on everything from foreign wiretaps to withdrawing troops from Iraq.”…John Kass, Chicago Tribune, July 30, 2008


The following comment was received on this blog and posted March 21, 2008.

“Obama has a dual citizenship with Kenya. His passport was breached today by inquiring minds because Obama is an anti-Israel pro-pan-arabism Islamic-socialist who has ties to marxist Libyan president Muammar al Gadaffi, Syrian tycoon Antoin Rezko, Saudi Arabian sheikhs, and Rezko’s “close friend” 3.5 million money pal Auchi, the one who gave Obama fundraiser money: Iraqi billionaire global arms dealer Nadhmi Auchi, was Baathist best friends with Saddam Hussein, and the main financial backer for Saddam’s Iraqi-Saudi oil pipeline, and who stood trial with Saddam in 1959 for conspiring to assassinate Iraqi President Qasim, (Saddam even killed Auchi’s brother, but they remained best friends), also marxist Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is on the frontline supporting Obama for the revolution of the change, and then there’s hardcore anti-Israel, pro-Palestine PLO enforcer Rashid Khalidi, (Obama was on Khalidi’s Woods Fund). Obama was a member of the Woods Fund with communist domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground who bombed the Pentagon, the US Capital, among other things, and their organization raised money for anti-Israel programs, and also AAAN, for Arabs, and then there’s especially Kenya… where in August of 2007 Obama went to support his E. Germany communist educated cousin Raila Odinga for Kenyan presidential election who claims, coincidentally, to also be a Christian yet who signed NAMLEF and other pacts with radical Muslims who set churches filled with Christians on fire, and macheted them in the streets, causing a political and religious mini-civil war over the MuO.
Sorry folks, I studied all of Obama’s mentors, buddies, political affiliations, organizational memberships, and all of his *hard-core militant Muslim* family members, like his brother Abongo “Roy” Odinga who hates America, and their communist grandfather who ran with Russia and hated America, not to mention his socialist connection to his profound childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party, CPUSA, and…well, we know Pastor Wright, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson JR, Al Sharpton, and Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan….and they have a *few* issues with america, white people, and jews—> so simply reverse it, and you’ll see they care about: Africa, Blacks, and Muslims, which can be corroborated by things they have said along with their affiliations.
*Don’t forget that Obama’s 2004 U.S. Senate political opponent, Republican Alan Keyes, accused Obama of being a “hard-core academic Marxist.”
-Marxist Nicaraguan President’s endorsement is for Obama, and he says: “It’s not to say that there is already a revolution under way in the U.S.; but yes, they [supporters of Barack Obama] are laying the foundations for a revolutionary change”
*Obama’s endorsement by Black Panthers. Check out their politics, ahem. Well, they are Marxist, of course.
__Militant Islam is the new Communism.__
**Socialism must be accompsihed through proletariat exchange, a revolution, and if you really see it, easily, you will see that the west, america, white people–rich white people–are the enemy. Obama titled his book “Audacity of Hope” after Pastor Wright’s sermon about the need to destroy capitalism and the middle-class at the hands of rich white america and the west. Race OVERRULES religion. POLITICS overrule race and religion: it’s about the change.
Pan-Arabism and Islamic-Socialism spans globally, it embraces not just governments as such but also individuals. All-black-brown people who are against the bourgeoise…rich-white, capitalist, american, western power:”
The question for you today is which of the following components of Obama’s background has the most influence on Obama’s foreign policy and position on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Middle East, etc.?
Muslim background and ties.
Corruption ties with links to Middle East.
Leftist, socialist friends and supporters.

46 responses to “Obama puppeteers, Muslims, Corruption ties, Leftists, Socialists, Influence on Obama’s foreign policy and position on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Open Thread, December 27, 2009

  1. CW…..

    I will be making a new bumper sticker for my truck.

    Illegal President LAIR & FRAUD!

    The cost is minimal. Hand them out to your friends…. the more the better!

  2. Don in California

    Good morning everyone.
    I won’t be around much today. I’m going to church to pray for our country and then I am going for bar b que as a birthday present from my daughter.

    God bless you all.

  3. I think it’s a combination of his muslim background and ties and his upbringing by Marxist Communist sympathisers.

    This morning the stupid cow Janet Napolitano said in regard to the underwear bomber that:

    “the system worked”

    What a stupid, dangerous, incompetent fool!

  4. Don in California

    The question for you today is which of the following components of Obama’s background has the most influence on Obama’s foreign policy and position on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Middle East, etc.?
    Muslim background and ties.
    Corruption ties with links to Middle East.
    Leftist, socialist friends and supporters.

    That’s not fair. They are pretty much equal!!

  5. Hal…send me a box. I’ll cover my damn car with them. My brand new one.

  6. Pingback: Obama puppeteers, Muslims, Corruption ties, Leftists, Socialists … | Kenya today

  7. THE SYSTEM WORKED??? Yea, having patriotic Americans on board who were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the aircraft. Yep, the system worked!!

    My God.

  8. John….

    Your on…I’ll let you know when they are ready.

  9. John Feeny // December 27, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Aftanoon, John,

    Do you think that old Janet would say that if SHE were on that flight?

    Ya, the system worked because Mr. BVD was allowed to board that flight and was taken down by the passengers. What frikkin ‘system’ was it that worked, Sis?

    I agree with Lame Cherry: anyone trying to pull this crap off should be taken down in the aisle, beaten to a pulp, neutralized, and the body thrown on the tarmac.

    I’ve had enough of this PC garbage.

  10. I wrote a couple of threads down that 0 was not informed of Flight 253 for three hours after it occurred. I asked then – where was he? why wasn’t he told immediately? why couldn’t he be disturbed? Well, I think I got the answer today from Marc Ambinder’s column over at the Atlantic –

    This is just too much. Apparently, the reason the Prez wasn’t told about Flight 253 is b/c…wait for it…he was golfing!

    Dec 26 2009, 6:30 pm by Marc Ambinder

    Why The President Went Golfing Today
    In his Farenheit 9/11, filmmaker Michael Moore juxtaposes images and words of a terrorist attack in Israel with President Bush’s first words about the incident, spoken to a press pool on a golf course, with him leaning casually against a tree. Today, as the nation’s law enforcement agencies respond to an attempted terrorist attack on U.S. soil, as the cable news channels and news websites pull in reinforcements to cover the incident from all angles, President Obama has been silent.

    In fact, he’s been golfing. He received a counterterrorism briefing early this morning, Hawaii time, and moments later, left for the gym. The president’s vacation activities might have become the subject of a fierce partisan fight — but really, the only carping is coming from the usual suspects on the right.

    There is a reason why Obama hasn’t given a public statement. It’s strategy.


  11. SueK: This one’s for you!

    Health care: That’s Scott Brown’s ticket


  12. Percy Sutton dies; His Obama revelation omitted from obituaries


  13. Father of Terror Suspect Reportedly Warned U.S. About Son (Obama, worm your way out of this one)


  14. Yeah….Percy knew who paid for zeros time at Harvard……

    Dear Lord….hear our prayer. Please Father, let 2010 be the year the rest of the world wakes up to who this imposter truly is……..and, if not, give us the strength, courage and stamina to handle another year of his destructive evils

  15. Linda from NY // December 27, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Hi Linda and thanks! I did read this yesterday and am hoping that the sheeples of this moonbat state do the right thing and give Scott a vote on 1/19!

  16. Nullification of HCR sought in several States


    Great Idea!

  17. You decide

    Should the U.S. Do Anything to Help Iranian Dissidents?


  18. Obama’s “hidden past” — ???

    For those who have not seen the comparison:



  19. Marc is hypothesizing, of course, that the cool and calm Prez isn’t speaking to the nation b/c he wants to show control…code for…he doesn’t want to be bothered by such mundane incidents while vacationing. Instead, he’s going on about his day showing no interruption OR concern for the people of the US. He’s leaving the damage control to pros like Janet — the system worked perfectly — Napolitano!

    So if I understand Marc’s theory, of course it has not been corroborated by ANYONE, but if I understand it correctly – the Prez believes he is sending a message to AQ by maintaining a calm demeanor to the terrorists by golfing (one of the most elite sports in the world in one of the most expensive states to visit and in a $4k a night mansion) which is a “strategy”?

    All the while his silence to the American people he so cares about, sends a clear message of his elitism, indifference, sociopathy and disconnect.

    And then we have Napolitano trying to tell the American people that our system worked flawlessly. What system?

    A young dissheveled jihadist boarded a 330 Airbus with 278 innocents and 11 crew members with 80 grams of PETN sewn into his underwear w/o a passport and a two year old visa to visit the US to attend some religious conference on Christmas Day! WTH is that woman sniffing? Talk about sheer amateurish babble! Yeah, the system worked flawlessly!

    We need more Dutch film producers flying on in-bound planes! I trust them!!!

  20. Muslim background and ties.
    Corruption ties with links to Middle East.
    Leftist, socialist friends and supporters.
    I go with all of the above, because each item is dangerous in its own way.

  21. Ditto Michelle. All three of them sum up 0’s resume for me.

  22. d2i @ 1:04 pm
    If this administration is trying to look like total moronic idiots all the time-at least they are finally successful at something. Duh, do you think it escapes them that this country is at War? Maybe they thinks soldiers in uniform dress the way they is do to make a fashion statement.

  23. Obama continually removes any policy(put in place by the former administration to protect the US Homeland) and fails to replace them. This again is another warning signal, which pinpoints that he is a Muslim and will standby as America is being taken over by the Muslims. The FBI disassociated itself from CAIR and sent warnings to Obama of their incestuous plans to embed in our Govt, to which Obama, turned on the FBI, with the exception of those that can be bought and sold. Again, I say the only way to save America is for the factions that are divided by different methods to remove Obama, need to unite in a strong common cause, remove everyone in Congress and the White House for Treason!! As sure as Obama has committed TREASON by falsifying his bid for President, Congress has committed TREASON by using Bribes to pass legislation, which (if Passed) will give Government control over our lives as well as our Country. They have subverted the Constitution and that is Treason. I truly believe we will see a Muslim attack on our soil large enough to give Obama cause to install Martial Law. Now is the time for true Americans to come together.

  24. Michelle – I am coming to believe that there is/was white stuff lined up in the bathrooms during the 27 WH Christmas Parties this year.

    The disconnect is so striking. These fools are clueless and haven’t a grasp on reality. There feet are standing on marble in their perverse ivory towers while “the people’s” feet are firmly planted on the earth just trying to survive and make sense of the madness eminating from these hucksters who pretend they give a rip about any of us.

  25. What war? or better yet Which war?

    This is 0’s Katrina!

    His DHS leader is in way over her head and is clueless…simply clueless.

  26. Joy said “I truly believe we will see a Muslim attack on our soil large enough to give Obama cause to install Martial Law. Now is the time for true Americans to come together.”

    You betcha! Nothing else explains his total disconnect. Nothing! It’s like he’s daring them or taunting these jihadists by pretending he’s in control of the situation. AQ is laughing at us. They know damn well their brother will stand with them and they are hell bent on testing his resolve. Will he? I for one truly never want to know.



  28. Linda from NY // December 27, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    Percy Sutton dies; His Obama revelation omitted from obituaries

    I wrote about him over a year ago in the article, “IF YOU THINK BARACK OBAMA IS SO SMART, PROVE IT.”

  29. at church today i was taken back by a visitor from another church that is connected to ours. he gave a beautiful looked like a christmas family card but was a portflio of his family and as i turned the page it showed a state rep photo and on the back page him and you know it obama. I will address this to our leadership because no politcals should influence gods church. imagine if i had a photo of me and sara palin and gave it to him we would have divisions in the church. this burns me up

  30. ObamaCare Passed by Drunks: Senator Max Baucus In A Drunken Tirade On Senate Floor


  31. Years ago we had the “shoe bomber”. Shortly after, all Americans were required to remove their shoes at airport security check-points. It was announced minutes ago Homeland Security will be reviewing and possibly implementing new security procedures at airports.
    Get ready folks, next up;
    Tighty Whitey Checks

  32. This was e-mailed to me this morning:

    “Plane Bomber” Had NO PASSPORT + and still allowed on flight!

    We all have been hearing about the man who allegedly tried to blow up a Northwest flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit, Michigan. What you are not hearing about is that a Michigan man, who was onboard that flight with his wife and has now been verified on passenger manifests and ticket stubs claims that this suspect was allowed on the flight with special permision from a “sharp dressed man” because the suspect had no passport.
    Wait… WHAT?
    Read the story here: SCROLL DOWN !

    Visit 12160.org at: http://snardfarker.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

  33. Linda from NY // December 27, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    They have to be drunk or high on whatever to live with thelselves after passing a bill that is guaranteed to sell America into slavery!

  34. New Restrictions Quickly Added for Air Passengers


  35. Is there any plan of action ? For over a year, we knew he was not a NBC, yet he still sits in as a CIC? Sen. Max Baucus brings back memories of my bartending days… I find it hard to believe they let this drunk get on TV like that… Anyone have a game plan yet?

  36. Video – Senator Max Baucus Drunk / Intoxicated on Senate Floor

    So that’s how Obama/Reid are getting them to go with the takeover with healthcare .. get ’em Drunk!! Listen to this slurred and repetitive speech.

  37. d2i @ 1:25 pm I have never taken drugs in my life too scary that stuff. “white stuff lined” I thought you were talking about toilet paper, good thing I watch crime shows Duh? Is there any obvious way a person who does not do drugs, can tell if a person is doing drugs, other than the folks that are so way out that you couldn’t miss it? Belligerent?
    Baucus In A Drunken Tirade-we had a part time job in a restaurant that also served alcohol. He was a little hard to tell on video, moments of being coherent, other moments not. Sometimes people who are overtired, did not eat will have a drink and get knocked for a loop. If the person came in most of the time you can tell by the liquor odors, if he was drunk and came into our restaurant that way, we would not be allowed to serve him. Illinois had very strong liquor laws at least in Du Page County.

  38. Health Care, Barack Obama, and the U.S. Constitution


  39. **** New Post ****

  40. Happy Sunday all, For the last several years we have been so happy to see the old year pass and the new year come…This year of 2010 should be a year of great meaning to all patriots….In Biblical numbers the interpretation of the no. 10 is government,law,order and restoration….For example Noah completed the antediluvian age in the 10th generation from God, The Lords Prayer is complete in 10 clauses, the tithe, Ten plaques on Egypt plus we all know the Ten Commandments (they are not 10 suggestions)….Going forth in this year 2010 is going to a blessed and victorious time….Really looking forward to it…..God Bless America!

  41. LM:

    That speech is embarrassing…somebody should send this video to him so he can see what an a$$ he made of himself.

    Thanks for sharing? It’s painful to listen to this jerk!

    Happy Day…Linda

    PS Guess what Baucus…we do have an alternative…to get rid of you!

  42. Greetings everyone…..I just received a call from a gal named Marsha Mallouk……she got my number from my sister who attended the last rally against the Death Scare plan in DC. She works for Lyndon LaRouche and sent me the below website….I am asking all of you here at CW’s to go there and study the information here that is on video and pass this on if you like what you hear and see. Mr. LaRouche has run for POTUS before and is a true Patriot…..he also is questioning the legitimacy of the FRAUD as well as asking for a recall of “Dirty Harry” Reid……here it is folks…..PASS IT FAR AND WIDE~~~~~


    Please post this information at other blogs as well as sending it out to all of your family and friends…..our nation will not survive if we don’t bring our jobs back and we all know that the FRAUD’S plan for us is genocide……DO THIS NOW!!!!

  43. sandy // December 27, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    Yeah….Percy knew who paid for zeros time at Harvard……

    Dear Lord….hear our prayer. Please Father, let 2010 be the year the rest of the world wakes up to who this imposter truly is……..and, if not, give us the strength, courage and stamina to handle another year of his destructive evils
    Psalms 109: 8

  44. truthbetold11 // December 27, 2009 at 1:59 pm

    And why didn’t you just pass it right back to him??

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