Chicago Tribune supports David Hoffman, Obama endorsed Alexi Giannoulias in 2006 Democratic primary, IL Democrat Senate primary, Giannoulias gave $10000 to Obama’s campaign, Obama Giannoulias Progressives

The Chicago Tribune supports David Hoffman, opponent of Alexi Giannoulias, who had close ties to Barack Obama and Chicago corruption figures. Hoffman and Giannoulias are competing in the Democrat primary for the former senate seat of Obama.
From the Chicago tribune, January 28, 2010.
“Once again: Hoffman”

“An honest mistake, yes, and a careless one. But it was handled with the forthright integrity we’ve come to expect from Hoffman. And for all the whining from the Giannoulias camp about negative attacks, it’s the only statement whose factual basis has been challenged successfully. Unless you count this: In a press release this week, Giannoulias accuses Hoffman of citing a “non-existent Daily Herald story” in an ad that references loans made by Giannoulias’ family bank to convicted influence-peddler Tony Rezko.

“David Hoffman should stop insulting voters, take down this smear job and put up an ad talking about jobs,” it says.

We’ll leave it to voters to decide if linking Giannoulias to Rezko is a “smear job,” but the Daily Herald story does exist, and the Giannoulias camp knows it. Hoffman’s ad got the date wrong. Careless again. But it has allowed Giannoulias to present himself again as the victim.

None of this changes our opinion. As we wrote in our endorsement: Hoffman, the former inspector general for the city of Chicago, “is an incorruptible man who tells truth to power…”

Hoffman is the Democrats’ best choice to bring the highest ethical standards to the U.S. Senate.”

Read more:,0,1398080.story
From the Chicago tribune, June 12, 2007.
“Obama endorses Alexi Giannoulias for state treasurer”
“But Obama’s record of local endorsements — one measure of how he has used his nascent political clout — has drawn criticism from those who say it reflects his deference to Chicago’s established political order and runs counter to his public calls for clean government.

In the 2006 Democratic primary, for example, Obama endorsed first-time candidate Alexi Giannoulias for state treasurer despite reports about loans Giannoulias’ family-owned Broadway Bank made to crime figures. Records show Giannoulias and his family had given more than $10,000 to Obama’s campaign, which banked at Broadway.”

Read more:,0,484394.story
From Source Watch

“Barack Obama and campaign contributor Alexi Giannoulias”
“Alexi Giannoulias—a “man who has long been dogged by charges that the bank his family owns helped finance a Chicago crime figure” and “who became Illinois state treasurer” in 2006 after Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) “vouched for him”—”pledged to raise $100,000 for the senator’s Oval Office bid,” Charles Hurt reported September 5, 2007, in the New York Post.[1]

The September 5, 2007, Chicago fundraiser was omitted from Obama’s public schedule and the event was closed to the press,” Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times reported.[2]

“Before he promised to raise funds for Obama, Giannoulias bankrolled Michael ‘Jaws’ Giorango, a Chicagoan twice convicted of bookmaking and promoting prostitution.”
“Obama and Giannoulias reportedly met on the basketball court “in the late 1990s … at the East Bank Club, a luxurious spot in downtown Chicago,” Jodi Kantor wrote June 1, 2007, in the New York Times.[3] Now, “thanks in part to [Obama’s] backing, [Giannoulias] is now the Illinois state treasurer. Other regular gymmates include the president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, the director of the Illinois Department of Public Health and several investment bankers who were early and energetic fund-raisers,” Kantor wrote.”
“Obama the king maker”

“”Did U.S. Senator Barack Obama clear the field in the Democratic state treasurer’s race?” lawyer and political analyst Russ Stewart wrote January 4, 2006.”
“But none announced, and all deferred to Alexi Giannoulias, a 29-year-old Chicago investment banker who was an early supporter of Obama in his 2004 Senate race, whose father owns Broadway Bank, and whose family helped bankroll the Obama campaign. Giannoulias has said that he will campaign as a ‘progressive,’ and he has promised to put more than $1 million in family funds into the race,” Stewart wrote.”
“In March 2006, Giannoulias said that “his ‘good friend and mentor, Barack Obama,’ inspired him to run.”

In fact, Giannoulias’ “endorsers” were “essentially the base of the Obama coalition: white north side progressives and south side blacks.””

Read more:
Obama endorses Giannoulias Ad

Post Obama Chicago?

313 responses to “Chicago Tribune supports David Hoffman, Obama endorsed Alexi Giannoulias in 2006 Democratic primary, IL Democrat Senate primary, Giannoulias gave $10000 to Obama’s campaign, Obama Giannoulias Progressives

  1. Thanks CW for this informative post…I yield to Michelle who is the expert in this area.

    Of course, pp would support the THUG in this race…no surprise there. After all, we are all aware how well-rooted he is in the cesspool of corruption that is Illinois.

    Thanks, again, for all you do to keep us all informed…you are a god-send!

  2. Linda from NY

    I’ll second that!

  3. from previous thread….

    LM // January 30, 2010 at 7:44 am

    You decide

    Was Obama’s Meeting With GOP Worthwhile?

    LM…Looks like once again the FRAUD is fooling everyone….couldn’t believe the poll said yes by 84%……this is just another of his tactics to give you all the illusion that he is working with others… when the REpubs step up to say NO to these immoral and unconstitutional policies he will make the case that they are the party of NO……why did he allow press there…..he is not allowing the press in his meeting with George HW Bush today…..WHAT GIVES??? WHERE’S THE TRANSPARENCY????


    There’s nothing stunning about what Obama admits to, nor should any one take notice. His lying is in perpetual motion. He’ll retract and pronounce at will, if he can get his way.

  5. Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 11:41 am

    PP has a meeting with GW today? What’s up with that?

    Any ideas?

    Linda……I have NO idea…..I just noticed yesterday on Fox News as the information moved across the screen and it did say it was closed to the media!!!!

  6. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 9:32 am

    Jacqlyn: This one’s for you!

    Palin is framing the debate. “my common sense v your bullcrap”

    ISRAPUNDIT ^ | Jan30/10 | Ted Belman

    Linda…..WONDERFUL!!!! I love it…..Palin is a great American….especially for the little people like me!!!

  7. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 9:45 am

    Jacqlyn: Another one for you!

    Palin: Let’s Merge The Tea Party And GOP


    Linda….I would change that and say…..let’s merge the Tea Party and the RIGHT GOP CANDIDATE!!!! NO RINOS ALLOWED!!! 🙂

  8. venice // January 30, 2010 at 11:46 am

    He admits to nothing and goes along his merry way. I wonder how much of what he says he remembers…after all, he needs a “visual aid” to speak…lol.

    And…he apparently did not fully understand the Supreme Court decision enough to comment on it, but he did. He screams about foreign financing when he knows full well that is what help him steal the WH!

    This guy is so delusional; he has probably reinvented himself so many times even he does not know who he is.

    Happy Day…Linda

    PS Thanks for the link.

  9. Linda from New York………………………………..

    Perhaps somebody needs to recruit Guilianni to become a special prosecutor, and move to Chicago, and clean out the entire DALY machine. I recently read that the DALY tentacles even extend into the Tribune’s upper offices. Without a doubt there is a connection between Soetoro, and the Daly machine. It screams to be broken up. Elliot Ness is no longer,but there is still Guilianni.

  10. Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 11:55 am

    I agree…no RINOs allowed, but I still have a problem with the GOP…and Steele. After what happened in NY23, I have my doubts so I will be voting for those who stand up for the Constitution and have voting records to match!

    Thanks for your thoughts…Linda

  11. Check it out! Even Huff-Post is acknowledging Debra Medinas win.

    Got to love it when liberals are praising conservative-libertarians ………… lol

  12. Linda from New York……… subject

    In the mid fifties,I lived in Brooklyn,just off Flatbush Ave.

  13. Old Salt, Now your talking, but Guilianni should start at the White House and progress from there. They missed their chance to arrest them all at the State of Confusion speech, had nearly all of them in one building.

  14. oldsalt77 // January 30, 2010 at 11:57 am

    I would not want to send Guiliani to Chicago; I just want him to comment on this “sissie” stuff.

    I would, however, send Spitzer [I know he was a bad boy] because he was so successful in weeding out the corruption. No matter what anyone says, he was a wonderful AG and did a lot for NY.

    Thanks for your thoughts…Linda

  15. And then there’s Pelosi on Obamacare…

    She is determined to pass this bill by hook or by crook:
    “We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in,” said the speaker.

  16. oldsalt77 // January 30, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    I know where that is; had a lot of friends from Brooklyn even though I lived on Lawng Island!

    Thanks for that info…Linda

    PS How long did you live there?

  17. Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    BULL! Let’s see her pole-vault back to SF! Better than spending our hard-earned tax dollars on her “Party Plane.”

    She makes me cranky!

    Thanks for the link…Linda

  18. The meeting is with Geo H. W. Bush Not G.W. Bush. GW can’t get along with his father and definitely not with Obama. G W’s involvement with the Haiti Rescue Effort was from the heart and not just to appease Obama. Notice his efforts are from stateside and does not include a photo op from Haiti, such as Bill Clinton is doing. Again I will say, I did not agree with Geo W Bush 100% but he was a great president when it came to protecting the Citizens of the USA. As more is brought to light, you will find that George W. Bush and his father, follow two different paths, G W loves America and its citizens and their security. GHW loves Money and Power no matter the cost.

  19. Now the Obama justice department is worried over of all things… college football. They want to change college football. They don’t know whether the bcs bowls violate anti-trust. The arrogance of these people is over the top. But as I recall, Obama doesn’t like the current system. So, the justice department is going to “change” it for him. See a pattern?

  20. The South // January 30, 2010 at 12:00 pm

    Hahahaha! That’s funny!

    Thanks for sharing…Linda

  21. LindaNY,

    Spitzer showed much promise in taking on Wall Street. The entire country would have benefited from his success. Unfortunately he had a “weakness” that was exploited to his & our detriment. My understanding is the CIA set him up. Nah….the CIA wouldn’t do that. Would they?

    I also understand, from what I’ve read, that Guiliani is as corrupt as they come, while the portrait painted by the media would have us believe differently.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  22. It couldn’t get anymore insane than this. Could it? Osama – a global warming enthusiast.

    As Madsen says…it’s the gift that keeps on giving. He weighs in in another RT interview on the recent tape and more of the insanity.

  23. Joy // January 30, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    Thanks for the info…

    I agree GW did more to protect our country, and GHW is a money-monger NWO kind of a guy.

    Happy Day…Linda

    PS Love your moniker…makes me smile when I see it.

  24. Bob Strauss……………..Good afternoon…………..

    Under normal circunstances I would whole heartedly agree. But the slimey Daly bunch would slither down their holes in the ground and hide when they got wind of the housecleaning. It would seem that a military type pincer action might just cause them enough confusion to delay their escape into their fortified subterranean hideouts, and allow their arrests while they are still scrambling for the hidden entrances.

  25. Please pass this on to everyone you know….this is very important to watch today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time!!!!


    “The End of the Obama Administration”
    Watch the video invitation and preview!

    January 25, 2010 (LPAC)–On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010, Lyndon LaRouche will address the nation and the world in a 1 PM Eastern, 10 AM Pacific webcast. LaRouche has just returned from Europe, where he promoted his Four Powers proposal for a United States alliance with Russia, China and India, to establish a new international credit system, and launch a global physical economic recovery.

    LaRouche will address the Obama Administration’s efforts to impose murderous austerity upon the United States through a thoroughly unconstitutional national commission to impose cuts on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans benefits. This drive, if successful, would guarantee the destruction of the United States as we know it. Under Depression conditions, any efforts to impose austerity is a bottomless spiral to Hell.

    The American people have spoken clearly, most recently in Massachusetts, that they want nothing of President Obama or anyone who would impose murderous policies. The question most clearly on the table, that LaRouche will address on Saturday is this: Will the American people rally behind a real alternative policy, to defeat the power of Wall Street and London, and start the nation and the world back on the track of a long-term economic recovery, based on the most advanced scientific and technological principles, implemented through collaboration among sovereign nation states?

    If you want to assure the survival of your children and grandchildren, if you want to be an active participant in history, you will not want to miss LaRouche’s Jan. 30 webcast at 1 PM Eastern, 10 AM Pacific. Accessible, LIVE, at

  26. Great vid!

  27. Jacqlyn

    Obama is meeting with GHW Bush (41) not W(43)

    Something is up. ghwbush was big CIA. Rumors are he and W clashed over something. Somenone needs to watch this closely.
    Leave a Comment

  28. #

    Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 11:59 am

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 11:55 am

    I agree…no RINOs allowed, but I still have a problem with the GOP…and Steele. After what happened in NY23, I have my doubts so I will be voting for those who stand up for the Constitution and have voting records to match!

    Thanks for your thoughts…Linda

    Linda…..Yes….vote for the candidate…..don’t worry about the party……that is why we must be vigilant in our research…..there are some very good candidates that have an R behind their name….doesn’t mean they should be eliminated!!!

  29. JustMe // January 30, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    IMHO, Spitzer was set up, but I still am not sure he was involved with “that woman.” By the way, who were Clients #1-8?

    I think he had to resign for some other reason. Otherwise, he would not be back in the news commenting on Wall Street issues. After all, he was “the expert.”

    As far as Guiliani is concerned, he is “thick in the muck.” But, then again, who would know better how it is done than someone who does it? If he aggressively went after the “corrupt,” he would quickly be fitted with a pair of “cement shoes” so he can only comment.

    Thanks for asking…Linda

  30. Linda from NY @ 11:29 am
    In the suburbs of Chicago years ago the Greek Mob and the Italian mob got into a fight (turf)?
    We lost count of the restaurants that were fire bombed in a very short space of time-less than a year-(extortion not paid-called “insurance”there)? Alex is Greek Mob-no doubt-the entire family I’m sure. If the press does their job they will find this out.

  31. Linda from New York……………………………

    My wife and I had our apartment just off Flatbush Ave, while I was finishing out my Navy hitch in Suek city. I used to ride the express train down the coast every third weekend. My wife then worked for Fireman’s Fund Marine Insurance, in Manhattan. Her sister worked for Moore McCormick Steamship Lines.
    We used to visit Riis Park from tim to time during the summer.

  32. Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    BULL! Let’s see her pole-vault back to SF! Better than spending our hard-earned tax dollars on her “Party Plane.”

    She makes me cranky!

    Thanks for the link…Linda

    Linda…..She makes me a lot more than “cranky”…words I am unable to use here! LOL 🙂

  33. Kidmon // January 30, 2010 at 12:19 pm


    Obama is meeting with GHW Bush (41) not W(43)

    Something is up. ghwbush was big CIA. Rumors are he and W clashed over something. Somenone needs to watch this closely.

    AP: Former President George H.W. Bush and his son Jeb paid a social call on President Barack Obama at the White House Saturday.

    The former president, 85, walked gingerly into the White House, using a cane, as heavy snow fell. He departed 35 minutes later, telling reporters it was a ”good meeting, good meeting.”

    His son Jeb, a former governor of Florida, was with him.

    White House aides said the visit was simply a social call because the former president was in Washington for a dinner.

  34. Michelle // January 30, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    Thanks for that little tidbit…interesting.

    NYC was no stranger to the mob, either, nor was LI for that matter. The East River in NYC was a popular meeting place…lol.

    As usual…you know Illinois.

    Happy Day…Linda

  35. Linda from NY @ 12:06 pm
    Good job Linda-Spitzer would be perfect for Chicago, he would need all his smarts to contend with the evil doers–they are very good at hiding/burying things and that includes people. I know he was a “naughty” boy, but I’m a great believer in redemption. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone type of thing. Neither he, nor his wife or family could possibly be the same after an ordeal as his. I think it probably made them better people. It’s hard I know.

  36. Kidmon GW and GWH clashed over his war on terror. It alienated GWH from his monetary deals with the Saudi’s. Daddy Bush tried to halt Son’s war on those deemed as terrorist. I still believe that Geo Jr. penned his eleventh hour Executive order to give someone (with ba*ls to remove Obama after he was sworn in. I feel he did it this way, to protect the lives of his family. The Executive order is in essence, a means to investigate untruths that elected officials have told(Natural Born Citizen Issues.)

  37. Joy

    So you think W was disappointed in his Dad? Sounds like Dad was a sell-out!

  38. oldsalt77 // January 30, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    Thanks for the drive down memory lane! What wonderful memories you must have had from one of your first homes with you wife of how many years?

    NYC and the suburbs used to be full of ethnic diversity and neighborhood groups…many of whom moved to the Island for a better life. When I attended college upstate, I met more people from downstate than upstate…lol.

    Thanks for sharing…Linda

    BTW…did you say burl and url instead of boil and oil?

  39. LindaNY,

    Yes, that’s what I read, too. He was set up. Are you talking about the DC Madam’s client list?

    I just read a recent article on the release of a couple of names never before mentioned. One was Rumsfeld. Big Surprise. Can’t remember the other one that was revealed.

    I’ll try to find it for you, if you haven’t seen it.

  40. JustMe // January 30, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    Don’t know if it was the DC Madam’s List, but he was identified as Client #9 and yet, no one mentioned who Clients #1-8 were.

    Rumsfeld…hahahaha! No, I have not seen it.

    Interesting, though, who calls the kettle black. As Michelle says, “let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.”

    These guys are amazing…nothing better to do? Or is that how the progressives intend to bring us down? Sex, Guns, Murder, International Intrigue?

    Thanks for that little tidbit…Linda

  41. Let’s send NP is pole so she can vault back!

  42. is should have been a

  43. Islam4UK Exposed As British Intelligence Front.mp4

  44. Jacqlyn Smith…………………………………..

    I think the pole vault idea is one that could be exploited. Her pole vault stick needs to be secretly packed with rocket propellant which triggers the first time she tries to do a vault. She keeps right on going straight into space. People might think that they just saw the WICKED WITCH of the EAST riding on her broomstick, at mach 2.

  45. os78–good one! with the rocket propellant–maybe she could see Russia from there!

  46. Kidmon. Definitly, Geo Sr.(nwo) Geo Jr. God,Country,Apple Pie, Chevrolet, and USA.

  47. LindaNY,

    you will be interested in this article, given the 9/11 tragedy in your own back yard. Here’s an excerpt from a Madsen interview that will shock you.

    The former NSA official (Madsen) noted that some of Palfrey’s call girls were being chauffeured by Sherlington Limousines to poker parties attended by former CIA director and co-chair of the Joint 9/11 Intelligence Inquiry, Porter Goss.

    On the morning of 9/11, Goss was having breakfast with the head of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) General Mahmoud Ahmad, the man who ordered a wire transfer of $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta.

    In addition, Madsen pointed out that Jack Abramoff, who was also connected to the DC Madam scandal, allowed at least two of the 9/11 hijackers to use one of his casino boats in the days before 9/11, and this is what Palfrey was probably referring to when she spoke about her call girls picking up information about 9/11 before it happened.

    Snipped from:

  48. Joy

    Wonder how Jeb feels about the whole mess and Barbara anything ever said about them.

  49. Linda from NY @ 12:47 pm
    “These guys are amazing…nothing better to do? Or is that how the progressives intend to bring us down? Sex, Guns, Murder, International Intrigue?”
    Where I think some of the guys have a problem, they are the studious, hard working-straight A types, but in the ways of the world they are very naive. I think they are targeted, ego-stroked and they lose sight of what they were doing in the first place-somewhat like gawky teenage boys-they get wised up the hard way fast-for most- not all it was a one time deal (that is damaging enough) a person like that I would give a second chance.
    A good solution to their problem would be a Nurse Ratched type secretary to keep the bad but very sharp, although they pretend they are innocent naughty girls away. Don’t think these bad girls don’t know what they are doing, they do.

  50. Maybe they don’t want the trails in US for fear of being exposed in some way? Just a thought!

  51. Correction trials

  52. Chicago thug politics as usual—

    From –Obama, the Progresive,Democrat Experiment

    . . .

    Obama simply was not/is not qualified for the job. He had no job experience in anything save community organizing. He has no knowledge about economy, banking, automobile manufacturing, business, foreign policy or Presidential protocol when meeting with foreign leaders. The height of his political knowledge is that of “Chicago thug politics.” You can take the politicians out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the politicians. Thus we witnessed Chicago thuggery at its best in Washington with the intimidation and bribery of Congressmen and Senators in cold blooded attempt to force health down America’s throat.

    Throw the Chicago thug out in 2010. Failure is not an option. Yes we can. Yes we will!

  53. Linda from NY

    JustMe // January 30, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    Very interesting…Thanks for the info and the link.

    I am aware of some of what transpired prior to 9/11, but not all of what you mentioned.


  54. Tony Angelis was rejected as ambassador to Greece for mob connections it was quite the scandal at the time in Chicago. I think it even made the front page news.
    “Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett, Leo C Donofrio, Update … Oct 19, 2009 … The national system that was rejected was: …… will have to research him, Tony Angelis (Angelos) Greek was up for ambassador to Greece. ……/hawaii-attorney-general-mark-bennett-leo-c-donofrio-update-october-19-2009-stonewaled-in-hawaii-where’s-w… “

  55. Whose job is it to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Obama’s eligibility and his 30+ social security numbers?

  56. Jacqlyn Smith

    I am watching LaRouche now…..very informative folks if you are not on the live webcast…..please find out what is going on in the world stage!!!

  57. Linda from NY

    Michelle // January 30, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    Yes, Michelle…I agree with your analysis.

    They are so smart, stiff, and studious; they are easily duped when their pants are on fire.

    There are three things a man desires; money, a pretty girl at his side, and power! A man likes to know the ladies desire him, but what most of these brainy types don’t know is that the bed of the prostitute is shared by many. And yet, a fool and his money are soon parted on foolish toys.

    I still think Spitzer got caught in a “compromising” situation. He knew the “business” so why would he partake in it? They wanted to take him down because he was taking them down…what other way could they have stopped him? Legally? Nah! Couldn’t beat him in court!

    I also think he was the “target” because more powerful people were involved in the game. He was too successful…”the powers that be” couldn’t have that.

    He would be great as a Special Prosecutor in Illinois Land, though, because he has no connections to the corrupt there IMHO.

    Thanks for your thoughts…Linda

  58. Linda from NY

    bob strauss // January 30, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    My guess is it is Eric Holder, and he won’t do it!

    He’d quickly be “under the bus!”

    Good question, though…Linda

  59. truthbetold11

    JS very good webcast

  60. Don in California

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Please pass this on to everyone you know….this is very important to watch today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time!!!!

    I tried and couldn’t get any audio.

  61. LindaNY,

    I thought you’d find this article interesting.

    Not many people are aware of all the details. And, so much continues to unfold. Yet, many adamantly cling to the story the government put out on this event without bothering to do their own research.

  62. Linda from NY @ 1:19 pm
    Just the thought of Eliot Spitzer coming to Chicago would have them shaking in their boots.
    A guy/gal makes a mistake-worse a public one-involving innocents like his wife and children. I thought his wife was the prettiest little thing, but the day that this all became public she did not look happy. I think she was in shock and her little heart broke. They were able to work out their troubles, possibly their marriage is better than before albeit different. None can dwell in the past, if people bring it up-and they will, all they can do is rise above it and go on with their lives. I think Eliot should go back and do what he does best, one of which is explaining all that Wall Street jargon so that I somewhat understand it. I don’t think Eliot is a bad guy, just one that made a mistake.

  63. The LaLaPelosi Girls Gone Wild Party Plane.

    Is it any wonder we are more in DEBT every millisecond.

  64. BHO DISGRACED Czar is back !! speaking with some bussiness on climate, GREEN??

    See companies involved

  65. Did Larry give the Secret Service copies of his book??????
    Those with the means ,mbe great to send books to
    Senator Brown,Bachman,King,NY, Deal
    Blackburn,Wilson, some senators,John Voight,
    O’reilly, several Governors,influnencial people,Time to have all the Truth,Wake Up
    Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair
    Call Congress and give them Larry’s site and info
    need all the truth.Need to be informed about everything!!

  66. Jacqlyn Smith


    Don in California // January 30, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Please pass this on to everyone you know….this is very important to watch today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time!!!!

    I tried and couldn’t get any audio.

    Sorry Don….they usually put it up on his website later…..did you try the different links once you go to his website there are 2 video ones????

  67. Don in California

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 1:50 pm
    Yes, and even tried the audio only. Nothing.
    Thanks for trying.

  68. JS – I disagree with some of his facts, but otherwise, listening in to learn his spin.

  69. The ever interesting Hannah and James-remember when the constituents were locked out of the various congress persons office, ignored, vilified. This is more on the subject re: I can’t get through to my congressperson and the mayhem that ensued.
    Statement from James O’Keefe
    by James O’Keefe
    The government has now confirmed what has always been clear: no one tried to wiretap or bug Senator Landrieu’s office. Nor did we try to cut or shut down her phone lines. Reports to this effect over the past 48 hours are inaccurate and false.As an investigative journalist, my goal is to expose corruption and lack of concern for citizens by government and other institutions, as I did last year when our investigations revealed the massive corruption and fraud perpetuated by ACORN. For decades, investigative journalists have used a variety of tactics to try to dig out and reveal the truth.I learned from a number of sources that many of Senator Landrieu’s constituents were having trouble getting through to her office to tell her that they didn’t want her taking millions of federal dollars in exchange for her vote on the healthcare bill. When asked about this, Senator Landrieu’s explanation was that, “Our lines have been jammed for weeks.” I decided to investigate why a representative of the people would be out of touch with her constituents for “weeks” because her phones were broken. In investigating this matter, we decided to visit Senator Landrieu’s district office – the people’s office – to ask the staff if their phones were working.On reflection, I could have used a different approach to this investigation, particularly given the sensitivities that people understandably have about security in a federal building. The sole intent of our investigation was to determine whether or not Senator Landrieu was purposely trying to avoid constituents who were calling to register their views to her as their Senator. We video taped the entire visit, the government has those tapes, and I’m eager for them to be released because they refute the false claims being repeated by much of the mainstream media.It has been amazing to witness the journalistic malpractice committed by many of the organizations covering this story. MSNBC falsely claimed that I violated a non-existent “gag order.” The Associated Press incorrectly reported that I “broke in” to an office which is open to the public. The Washington Post has now had to print corrections in two stories on me. And these are just a few examples of inaccurate and false reporting. The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist.The government has now confirmed what has always been clear: No one tried to wiretap or bug Senator Landrieu’s office. Nor did we try to cut or shut down her phone lines. Reports to this effect over the past 48 hours are inaccurate and false.

    As an investigative journalist, my goal is to expose corruption and lack of concern for citizens by government and other institutions, as I did last year when our investigations revealed the massive corruption and fraud perpetrated by ACORN. For decades, investigative journalists have used a variety of tactics to try to dig out and reveal the truth.

    I learned from a number of sources that many of Senator Landrieu’s constituents were having trouble getting through to her office to tell her that they didn’t want her taking millions of federal dollars in exchange for her vote on the healthcare bill. When asked about this, Senator Landrieu’s explanation was that, “Our lines have been jammed for weeks.” I decided to investigate why a representative of the people would be out of touch with her constituents for “weeks” because her phones were broken. In investigating this matter, we decided to visit Senator Landrieu’s district office – the people’s office – to ask the staff if their phones were working.
    On reflection, I could have used a different approach to this investigation, particularly given the sensitivities that people understandably have about security in a federal building. The sole intent of our investigation was to determine whether or not Senator Landrieu was purposely trying to avoid constituents who were calling to register their views to her as their Senator. We video taped the entire visit, the government has those tapes, and I’m eager for them to be released because they refute the false claims being repeated by much of the mainstream media.

    It has been amazing to witness the journalistic malpractice committed by many of the organizations covering this story. MSNBC falsely claimed that I violated a non-existent “gag order.” The Associated Press incorrectly reported that I “broke in” to an office which is open to the public. The Washington Post has now had to print corrections in two stories on me. And these are just a few examples of inaccurate and false reporting. The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist

  70. The Trans Texas Corridor, a pivotal piece of the NAFTA Superhighway, should be of great concern to every citizen in every state, as Goldman Sachs’ & the Rothschilds’ latest scheme of robbing the American citizens unfolds – to privatize public roads.

    Snipped from:
    The Elite’s Toll Road Scheme

    The usual suspects will leave no road un-tolled here — and abroad — if we let them get their way. Yes, GOLDMAN-SACHS is creating a “highway market” to control.

    Meanwhile, the Rothschilds are reportedly among the major financial forces privatizing the roads in Britain.

    Outraged Texans are coming out swinging in early 2010, continuing the brutal fight against the outright PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS — trying to avoid getting steamrolled by Wall Street “highwaymen” and their political allies who would deprive Texans and all Americans of the ownership and cost-effective use of highways already paid for with gasoline taxes.

    Attempts in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Indiana have thus far failed. See articles here:

  71. There is too much corruption in our Government. Judges corrupt, police, schools not teaching, what they use to teach.. it is getting to point you can’t beat em, so join em..

  72. Jacqlyn Smith


    d2i // January 30, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    JS – I disagree with some of his facts, but otherwise, listening in to learn his spin.

    d2i……I don’t necessarily buy everything he says but it is very informative and he has been around and has lots of experience. My sister who lives in Florida happened to meet his assistant at the last tea party march in DC…..his assistant has been communicating with us on a regular basis.

  73. Truth Now–indeed, wouldn’t it be great if Larry gave the agents copies of his book? That would make things very interesting.

  74. What is Pastor Mannings website.????
    Are his videos there??
    If so Call senators and congress,not the sold out ones tho,and say they need to watch

    Manning needs to see T.D Jakes and the D.C. pastor where BHO attended for MLK day,and give him some truth .Where was his decernment,as a pastor???
    Dr. Manning should call some senators and talk to them.
    How about governors,Pastor Manning???

  75. Don in California

    twe // January 30, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Truth Now–indeed, wouldn’t it be great if Larry gave the agents copies of his book? That would make things very interesting.

    That is assuming that the agents would even read the book. Remember, we are talking about DOJ agents.

  76. TWE & Truth Now – OMG – that would have been great if Larry did that! Just stopping by and had to comment about this possibility.

  77. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn: Thanks…this was very interesting!

    Some of what LaRouche said…

    We do not operate like the Europeans…we escaped their oppression.

    “Wall Street” is a part of the British Empire! They are a disease that has infected us. Wall Street Bankers…we don’t need them; they are leeches!”

    Amazing lecture. Obama is not intelligent enough to know what he is doing…he works with the British Empire.

    Bankers in London will run the financial system. They have no right to do this.

    What Obama intends to do to the American people now…is to destroy our free enterprise system.

    The International Monetary System is the Empire. The British and Obama are doing the same thing as Hitler did, but on a grander scale, with Health Care.

    We need to rebuild…we need to train the immigrant population so that they can be functionally productive. We have lost our water system over the last 40 years; we don’t have a reliable transportation system. We have to go back to becoming a high technology country again. People are spending too much time commuting to work so that there is no normal family life; no normal community life.

    Start with the social process of taking the things we need such as water systems and transportation systems and putting people back to work. Increase our trade relations. The surge in other nations has been created by nuclear power. We need to get back to our ability to create new systems and new products.

    The sun is a thermonuclear furnace…helium 3 lands on various planets with a fair amount of concentration. Helium 3 is the wave of the future; it is a fuel, a powerful fuel.

    We can partner with other nations to develop what our planet needs to move into the future.

    We have to fix the system to more emphasis on human creativity from where the spark from scientific discovery comes.

    We need to partner with Russia, India, and China who need us to jump start an initiative to cover the global needs. They cannot cover it without us.

    We almost lost the US with the death of JFK. He knew what the evil empire was trying to do, and he put a stop to it. That is why he was killed.

    The British are trying to take us down. They have consistently started wars to take down nations. The British Empire have controlled the world by getting others to engage in wars against each other.

    We want to free continental Europe from the European Union that was established by the British to control the European nations.

    Our best diplomacy comes from private citizens not elected officials. Because of the foolishness of leaders who rejected legitimate proposals for solving problems, much suffering resulted.

    The destruction of the sovereignty of nations by the British Empire has caused turmoil throughout the world. We have to bring the US across the Pacific to Asia to move forward and build an international network to connect the world. The Atlantic is not an option. Develop the cooperation for recovery of the planet. The sovereignty of all nations must be respected.

    Unity of a nation lies in the language culture of a people in which they are able to create new solutions. We have to eliminate the idea we have enemies in nations. Our job is to bring nations together for the aims of mankind…not for some globalized system. We don’t need globalization; we don’t want globalization.

    Wow…he appears to understand what is needed to provide the leadership in the United States to bring the world together in a mutually respectful manner.

    Just my notes…you may have more…or maybe, you can clarify/expand on mine.

    Thanks for listening…Linda

    PS He is now taking questions…

  78. liked his answer on Summers. also interested in his three candidates and who they are targeting. JS, do you know anything about these candidates?

  79. Don–Oh, I do think they would at least be curious…or even leave it lying around someplace where someone else might pick it up and take a look. I’ve read a lot of different things in my day. Not everything would be something I would recommend to the uninitiated. So, yeah, I think they might peruse it. Certainly can’t hurt.

  80. Linda in NY – I liked it when he referred to oblahblah as a British pawn. Certainly validates Kenyan birth, eh?

  81. Jacqlyn Smith


    Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    Jacqlyn: Thanks…this was very interesting!

    Some of what LaRouche said…

    We do not operate like the Europeans…we escaped their oppression.

    “Wall Street” is a part of the British Empire! They are a disease that has infected us. Wall Street Bankers…we don’t need them; they are leeches!”

    Amazing lecture. Obama is not intelligent enough to know what he is doing…he works with the British Empire.

    Bankers in London will run the financial system. They have no right to do this.

    What Obama intends to do to the American people now…is to destroy our free enterprise system.

    The International Monetary System is the Empire. The British and Obama are doing the same thing as Hitler did, but on a grander scale, with Health Care.

    We need to rebuild…we need to train the immigrant population so that they can be functionally productive. We have lost our water system over the last 40 years; we don’t have a reliable transportation system. We have to go back to becoming a high technology country again. People are spending too much time commuting to work so that there is no normal family life; no normal community life.

    Start with the social process of taking the things we need such as water systems and transportation systems and putting people back to work. Increase our trade relations. The surge in other nations has been created by nuclear power. We need to get back to our ability to create new systems and new products.

    The sun is a thermonuclear furnace…helium 3 lands on various planets with a fair amount of concentration. Helium 3 is the wave of the future; it is a fuel, a powerful fuel.

    We can partner with other nations to develop what our planet needs to move into the future.

    We have to fix the system to more emphasis on human creativity from where the spark from scientific discovery comes.

    We need to partner with Russia, India, and China who need us to jump start an initiative to cover the global needs. They cannot cover it without us.

    We almost lost the US with the death of JFK. He knew what the evil empire was trying to do, and he put a stop to it. That is why he was killed.

    The British are trying to take us down. They have consistently started wars to take down nations. The British Empire have controlled the world by getting others to engage in wars against each other.

    We want to free continental Europe from the European Union that was established by the British to control the European nations.

    Our best diplomacy comes from private citizens not elected officials. Because of the foolishness of leaders who rejected legitimate proposals for solving problems, much suffering resulted.

    The destruction of the sovereignty of nations by the British Empire has caused turmoil throughout the world. We have to bring the US across the Pacific to Asia to move forward and build an international network to connect the world. The Atlantic is not an option. Develop the cooperation for recovery of the planet. The sovereignty of all nations must be respected.

    Unity of a nation lies in the language culture of a people in which they are able to create new solutions. We have to eliminate the idea we have enemies in nations. Our job is to bring nations together for the aims of mankind…not for some globalized system. We don’t need globalization; we don’t want globalization.

    Wow…he appears to understand what is needed to provide the leadership in the United States to bring the world together in a mutually respectful manner.

    Just my notes…you may have more…or maybe, you can clarify/expand on mine.

    Thanks for listening…Linda

    PS He is now taking questions…

    Linda….thanks for this….I am listening to the questions now… husband got called into work so I had to take him….I missed part of the webcast when it first started!! Thanks again!! 🙂

  82. Don in California

    twe // January 30, 2010 at 2:35 pm
    My thought was that holder and janet n might not allow them to read or keep anything that would be against obama.

    I was just listening to a discussion about m obama, pelosi etc wearing purple as a sign of them going center, not red or blue. My thought on that was that purple is also the color of royality, that would go along with the thought of a “royal command” to destroy anything written against obama.

  83. Jacqlyn Smith


    d2i // January 30, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    liked his answer on Summers. also interested in his three candidates and who they are targeting. JS, do you know anything about these candidates?

    d2i….not really…..I just started getting acquainted with his website recently and his assistant has called me a few times to discuss the FRAUD. Mr. LaRouche was a presidential candidate….I never heard of him before my sister sent me the information! 🙂

  84. MUST READ AMERICA ,Just started the book


    ROBERT KIYOSAKI,author of Rich Dad Poor Dad
    You will be hooked in 5 minutes !!!!
    May be the most important book on World Affairs you ever read !!
    Pass on and tell all,a must read !
    Our caring leaders?? need to read this!!

  85. Jacqlyn Smith


    d2i // January 30, 2010 at 2:39 pm

    Linda in NY – I liked it when he referred to oblahblah as a British pawn. Certainly validates Kenyan birth, eh?

    Yes I liked that part too!!

  86. His Haiti response was solid too.

    LaRouche has always been demonized by the left. Talk about Alinsky tactics…he was bludgeoned.

  87. Don in California // January 30, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    twe // January 30, 2010 at 2:35 pm
    I was just listening to a discussion about m obama, pelosi etc wearing purple as a sign of them going center, not red or blue. My thought on that was that purple is also the color of royality, that would go along with the thought of a “royal command” to destroy anything written against obama.
    Or, SEIU colors.

  88. twe @ 2:23 pm
    Thanks for the interview-that’s my precinct-this little Dem girl is going to vote for the Lt. hopefully be able to volunteer for him.-Love Atlas too. She is a hard worker-love her column.
    It was windy down here in Florida when they did that very charming interview.

  89. have a question for a pc geek type – I recently received this in my inbox “See the current posting. Type in: a private code XXX” but there is no place to sign in. I’ve typed in the XXX code at the end of the address but nothing. Obviously this is a password to a post this individual wants me to read which I’m anxious to do, but not getting anywhere. Help. I’ve replied to the author of the email but have yet to receive a response.

  90. Jacqlyn Smith

    Sounds like Mr. LaRouche thinks since 2006 Congress has had a huge hand in destroying our country……he mentions PeLOUSY and Barney Frank a lot…..and don’t forget…..since 2006 the Congress has been controlled by the DemoCRAPS with most of the public asleep…..only now are people protesting these immoral and corrupt bills… least the FRAUD has been good for one thing…..AWAKENING THE SLEEPING GIANT!!!!

  91. JS – do me a favor. Watch Beck’s show last night (Friday, Jan. 29). It was a heck of a show and he not only spoke to the complicity of Ds but also Rs. It was a great education and I encourage everyone to watch it, but especially you, JS. If you are going to run for office you need to watch the show. You’ll see why after you’ve watched it.

  92. Jacqlyn Smith

    WOW….LaRouche…..we want a human president….we don’t have one right now…..The FRAUD is a British stooge…..he is not a loyal citizen of the USA….is loyal citizen of Nero…..he is not us….has NO right to be POTUS….when proposing an exact copy of Adolf Hitler’s health care…..he has got to GO says LaRouche….the time for him needs to end and there is no proper place and fire his whole gang…..we have people who are not corrupt…..clean house…..only keep the real Patriots!!! These people in power are destroying the constitution of the US!!!

  93. Jacqlyn Smith

    LaRouche…..the FRAUD is not serving the interests of the USA….this guys mental behavior is a misdemeanor……the intent of the Constitution is to defend the USA….he is against the Constitution….the health care policy he has proposed is reason enough to get rid of him!!!!

  94. Jacqlyn Smith

    LaRouche…..impeachment is necessary… don’t do it unless you have to……if he is a problem to the country because he is insane and not for the USA he should go…..this guy has got to go….we can not continue to exist with him as President!!

  95. Jacqlyn Smith


    d2i // January 30, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    JS – do me a favor. Watch Beck’s show last night (Friday, Jan. 29). It was a heck of a show and he not only spoke to the complicity of Ds but also Rs. It was a great education and I encourage everyone to watch it, but especially you, JS. If you are going to run for office you need to watch the show. You’ll see why after you’ve watched it.

    I try to watch Glenn almost everyday…..I didn’t get to see it Friday….I watched the rest of the week though! I will see if I can watch it Sunday…..I have to get some things done today!

  96. Jacqlyn:

    I’m glad you’re watching also. I posted about this yesterday after my brother told me about it. Very good, isn’t it?

  97. A Former Terrorist Speak Out – Islam and the Israeli – Palestinian conflict – MUST WATCH

  98. Now we just need to figure out HOW to impeach him.

  99. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Makes sense to me…we have been going downhill since 2006. What changed then? Congress…

    Now that the nation has awakened, we are in the process of getting rid of those who have been instrumental in destroying our way of life.

    Sad…but true.

    He is the first person I have heard speak with concrete plans for improving the mess they have created. He believes in the young; he believes they must be employed in every aspect of rebuilding our country.

    Transportation, water, and power systems are in need of refurbishing. The jobs this refurbishment will create will give rise to attending industries in localities.

    “Obama is a British Agent; he is not a loyal American.” We do not consider Obama our President; he is a stooge…we need to get rid of this stooge. The sale of armaments to Taiwan has alarmed China. This is the old British game; get two enemies to fight. Obama is British; another reason for getting rid of Obama; he is not our President because he is not loyal to the United States. He is not a loyal citizen of the United States. This guy is not us…he has no right to be President. This guy has got to go, and we, as citizens, this guy has got to go! The time for him has come to an end.

    This guy has committed crimes against humanity, betrayed the American people; take that whole gang he hired in, fire them! We can put together a government of the US simply by cleaning house!

    Our power lies in the fact that the President and the Congress has not served us. High crimes and misdemeanors are impeachable offenses. If he is acting against the interests of the US, that’s a misdemeanor. This guys mental behavior is, in itself, a misdemeanor.

    His Hilter-like Health Care Proposal is homicide. This country cannot continue to exist with him as President.


  100. I’ll be damned, Glenn Beck is finally discussing Woodrow Wilson and the inception of the Federal Reserve System.


    Ron Paul Hr-1207 ………. audit that beast, then end it.

  101. LaRouche says the British empire is controlling everything & obama is a british agent.

  102. Jacqlyn Smith


    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:20 pm


    I’m glad you’re watching also. I posted about this yesterday after my brother told me about it. Very good, isn’t it?

    Yes….and he is saying what we all have known for a while…..the FRAUD is not a legal POTUS…..he is a stooge for the British!!!

  103. Linda: Yikes for sure!

  104. Jacqlyn Smith

    WOW….the British who own him are about to dump him!!! WTH???

  105. We need to support LaRouche!! I know my brother has been for a while now. Last August someone was handing out his literature outside the police station near here & that got him started.

  106. Jacqlyn Smith


    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    Now we just need to figure out HOW to impeach him.

    Sounds like LaRouche thinks the British have used him up and will be dumping him in the near future….. maybe this is why the FRAUD and elder Bush are meeting today in private….NO PRESS allowed!!! People are on to their game!

  107. I hope so Jacqlyn. Bush Sr. went to see obama with Jeb Bush. Said it was just a social call. B.S.

  108. Linda from NY

    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    LaRouche thinks Obama’s days are numbered. He will be gone SOON. Why? Because the British are fed up with him.

    Be still my heart! Couldn’t happen too soon!

    Should we be making plans for the BBQ at Greg’s?

    Happy Day…Linda

  109. Linda:

    I’m MORE than ready for that BBQ. I’ll even go in subzero temps.!

  110. Linda from NY

    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Wonder why daddy took his little boy with him!

    So he could stop him from slapping pp?

    Any ideas?

  111. Linda:

    I don’t know. Good question why exactly jeb was needed.

  112. Linda from NY

    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Aren’t we all? But, we may have to hold it inside.

    Geeeeez…it’s cooooold today here! How is it where you are?

  113. In the teens here. BRRRR. I had to force myself to go out to fill birdfeeders.

  114. Don in California

    I am just disgusted with the whole government scene. We the people cannot get standing in a government run court, the elected officials refuse to listen to us, and the supreme court closes their eyes and ears to everything going on.

    I hate to even consider the next step we the people” may have to take to be listened to.

  115. She is determined to pass this bill by hook or by crook:
    “We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in,” said the speaker.

    WANTED: Someone to electrify fencing and possibly sabotage 60 parachutes.
    Apply immediately…..No CIA or FBI need apply.

  116. Jacqlyn Smith

    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Wonder why daddy took his little boy with him!

    So he could stop him from slapping pp?

    Any ideas?

    On Fox yesterday they didn’t indicate Jeb was going along…..they said it was only Bush…HW and it was private…..NO MEDIA allowed!!! Great transparency….NOT!!!

  117. Linda from NY


    GOP Lawmakers to Try to Block Federal Funds For 9/11 Prosecutions

    hotairpundit ^ | 1/30/10 | HAP

  118. Jacqlyn Smith


    JJ // January 30, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    She is determined to pass this bill by hook or by crook:
    “We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in,” said the speaker.

    WANTED: Someone to electrify fencing and possibly sabotage 60 parachutes.
    Apply immediately…..No CIA or FBI need apply.

    That was funny JJ!!!!!!

  119. Don in California

    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:36 pm


    I don’t know. Good question why exactly jeb was needed.
    Maybe Jeb will be the next presidential canidate.

  120. Linda from NY

    Grassroots vs. Establishment Battles Shape GOP Primaries

    The American Spectator ^ | 1/30/2010 | Robert Stacy McCain

  121. Son & hubby just pulled in. Now I’m gonna miss some of this for sure. Be back in a few. Hope you all will fill me in.

  122. Jacqlyn Smith

    LaRouche’s ideas about the economy are spot on…..and his thoughts on how this administration is saying the jobs they saved show the economy is on the up turn…..The FRAUD is not only mental….he is an idiot too!!!

  123. Linda from NY

    Don in California // January 30, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    Oh geee…not him, please! You funny guy!

    But, you know, I cannot seem to even imagine how that could happen.

    Happy Day…Linda

  124. Jacqlyn Smith


    NancyDrew // January 30, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Son & hubby just pulled in. Now I’m gonna miss some of this for sure. Be back in a few. Hope you all will fill me in.

    Nancy….they put these webcast on his website so if you miss them you can go there and watch….I have to go soon too so I will go to his website and watch the rest at a later date!

  125. Linda from NY

    Oh, no! That does it! This woman has no shame!

    U.S. Military Serving as Chauffeurs, Babysitters for Pelosi Kids: Receipts Will Blow Your Mind ^ | Jan. 30, 2010 | Doug Ross

  126. Don in California // January 30, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    You put your finger right on it. I have for years thought that nothing truly awful would happen because ultimately either the people would not vote for it or the people would otherwise kill it.

    But if the elections are fraudulent, and nobody will investigate – and there appears to be no forum for the people, not even the media – then what exactly are we to do to protect ourselves from an enemy within?

  127. don – no more bushes. no more clintons and certainly no more 0’s. i’ve had enough of this socialist vs war economic development paradigm. i want to live in peace and mind my own damned business.

  128. Linda from NY

    Hey, Jackie! Look at this!

    Arizona Law Would Criminalize Undocumented Immigrants

    American Grand Jury ^ | January 30, 2009 | Andrew P. Thomas

    BTW…is this old or is it the date a typo?

  129. Jacqlyn:

    Thanks. I’ll have to watch later too, I guess. Too many interruptions here right now. I just want to tell them to be quiet & leave me alone. LOL

    Here’s the short news story about Bush & Jeb’s White House visit:

  130. Linda from NY

    January 30, 2010

    SEIU behind anti-tea party website

    Rick Moran

  131. Linda from NY

    Video: Cold keeps Minn. wind turbines from spinning

    KSTP-TV ^ | January 28, 2010 | Joe Mazan and Becky Nahm

  132. Regarding the FED – audit or disbanding – – –

    I hate to be a naysayer but this will never happen. It CANNOT happen. The Fed has too many “atom bombs”. They can inflict unlimited financial pain on officials and voters alike. We will all “cry uncle” well before anybody even gets close.

    Don’t waste your valuable time and resources on this subject. It just isn’t going to happen. Focus on things you have some hope of fixing.

    In this area, the USA sold it’s soul to the devil years ago. The devil ain’t givin’ it back – ever. The best we can do is to try to keep things contained around the edges.

    Unfortunately, we are beyond “right and wrong” on this. Ron Paul is “right on” but unfortunately silly. Silly – because everything he suggests is impractical – i.e. won’t work.

    I am as frustrated about this as the next person – but THINK! For everything you can think of to fix it – they have a better and bigger “weapon”.

  133. Linda from NY

    Uh, oh!

    Stock Market Plunges Through Thin Ice On Fake U.S. Economy GDP Growth Numbers?

    The Market Oracle ^ | 1-30-2010 | Anthony Cherniawski

  134. bob strauss // January 30, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    Whose job is it to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Obama’s eligibility and his 30+ social security numbers?
    Yes, isn’t it strange we can jump right on Bill for a sex act— mother nature called— but can’t find one abc agency willing to investigate real fraud.

  135. Linda from NY

    What should we do beyond impeaching Obama?

    Getting rid of him and his administration solves 3/4 of the problem.

    Our government is not that bad…but members of Congress are really cowards.

    You cannot get rid of all of them, but you can scare them into becoming citizens.

    Get rid of Obama, and you will get a fresh blush of people in there.

    What Obama is doing to HRC is disgusting and the fact that he is able to do it, intimidates many people. Orders came from London…HRC will not be allowed to get anywhere near the Presidency…Obama was included in that decision and Harry Reid was part of that decision. The decision came in 2006. What?

    In February 2006, everything was going in a dynamic, and the London group decided no HRC. This was a London decision because the fear was if HRC got in as president LaRouche would be turned loose again. It had to do with the auto industry. You have a London-steered administration in the US; Obama is a stooge controlled by the Queen of England. All policies are made in Britain. He is not a representative of the US; his heart and his ownership are Britains.

    Knowing what the enemy is afraid of and why they are afraid of LaRouche, you can understand. If we get rid of Harry Reid who rigged the presidential election, then you will understand how much better it will be without Obama.

    That’s all I got for now…

  136. Carlyle, you say that Ron Paul is silly, and what he suggests is not practical eh?

    What’s so impractical about a competing currency, like JFK tried? What’s so impractical about introducing a new currency to the people, and letting them decide which one they want to use, until the Fed is decapitated?

    Yes, it can work.

  137. I listened to Rush and all I can say is WOW…….

    COME TO PAPA!!!!

    Sent it to all contacts…..WOW!!!

  138. Linda from NY

    LaRouche thinks we should bankrupt Wall Street and take over the Bankrupt Federal Reserve as the Third National Bank.

    We should institute Glass-Seigal and take over the monetary system.

    The American people are ready to mobilize for certain ideas if they recognize them. We will have a Congress that will be representative of the American people, and you will find the hidden Patriots in our government who will come out and secure our government.

    Oliver Stone is working on a 10-part documentary on the 20th Century. Making a presentation, he revealed a key part of this documentary. He has no empathy for Hitler; the research they have done was that Hitler’s rise to power was totally financed by Western Bankers. He knows he is in danger for pursuing this, but he is going forward with his documentary.

    It appears the British have been complicit throughout our history…and now, we have a British subject pretending to be our President!

  139. Linda from NY

    Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pro-Lifers Again Make Their Mark In D.C.

    The Wanderer Press .Com ^ | Top Stories for Thursday, February 4th, 2010 | DEXTER DUGGAN

  140. Truth Now,

    You’re so right! The Creature From Jekyll Island is an excellent read. I read it back in 2008.

    Do you remember the trip this past year that Carl Sweensen (sp?), of the Continental Congress fame, made with several others back to Jekyll Island?

    I have heard callers on Glenn Beck’s radio show – when I used to listen routinely – ask him about that book. He would barely talk about it to the caller and in fact was down right rude. That’s when I began to realize he had his own agenda.

    Another must read, if I may suggest, after you finish that one is called The Web of Debt, by E.H. Brown. I learned so much from both of those books. She has a website of the same title as the book.

    I bet folks here would welcome some of your findings if you posted them here as you discover them.

  141. Linda from NY

    Tea parties spawn local Patriots group

    The Indiana Gazette Online ^ | January 30, 2010 | SAM KUSIC

  142. The South // January 30, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    I’ll be damned, Glenn Beck is finally discussing Woodrow Wilson and the inception of the Federal Reserve System.


    Ron Paul Hr-1207 ………. audit that beast, then end it.


    No worries. If it is audited….it WILL end!

  143. LaRouche Youth Movement Congressional Candidates to “Educate” Mass Strike:

    Boy, I hope this all really happens & SOON! I may actually be able to sleep tonight.

  144. Linda from NY

    Analysis of 2012 GOP Contenders Says Mitt Romney is “the Big Gun” – Video 1/29/10

    Freedom’s Lighthouse ^ | January 30, 2010 | Brian


  145. Carlyle // January 30, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    Unfortunately, we are beyond “right and wrong” on this. Ron Paul is “right on” but unfortunately silly. Silly – because everything he suggests is impractical – i.e. won’t work.
    There are a number of youtube videos on money that you may find helpful. We don’t have to depend solely on the Fed Reserve for money. Laws are on the books for our government to coin our own money. Communities, states, etc. can create their own currency and trade with it. I’ve read recent articles where that’s happening now in some states. The worthless fiat currency is an a medium of exchange for goods or services. Hell, they used to use beads. We don’t NEED the Federal Reserve to create our money. That’s what Ron Paul is trying to have people understand.

    It’s a private entity – a consortium of elite banks with their hands in our pockets for the interest payment due on what is our money to begin with then loaned back to us. The income tax you pay is sent directly to the Federal Reserve, via the IRS.

    I might also recommend a book titled The Web of Debt, by E.H. Brown. She does an excellent job of breaking it all down in an easy to understand, concise manner and offers her own solutions. I highly recommend it. Another good book is the one Truth Now is reading – The Creature From Jekyll Island – by Griffin.

    The documentary by Aaron Russo, Freedom to Fascism – free on youtube or Google videos – is also very informative.

  146. Does anyone know when we will hear back from the courts on Mario’s appeal, or Orly’s QW?

  147. Pixel Patriot

    When Profit Trumps Patriotism

    Thanks JB

    I got a sickening feeling in my gut when I found out that Sarah Palin and Scott Brown were backing McCain. There was a time I put my foot down a couple of years ago where I said I would never vote for McCain because of his stand on amnesty for illegals. Then, when he chose Sarah; I went against my own convictions and voted for McCain thinking that in some convoluted way it was putting Sarah one step closer to the Presidency.

    NO MORE!

    Tenth Amendment Summit
    February 25th & 26th
    Republican candidate for Governor Ray McBerry has vowed that if elected, he would throw a federal law enforcement officer in jail if they violated the second amendment of the Constitution in his state by taking a firearm away from a law abiding citizen. Time to take the country back. We can’t pick and choose which parts of the Constitution we are going to uphold and which ones we are not.

    Tell Michael Steele to take a hike if we can’t get a binding resolution for a conservative litmus test for candidates…with accountability. Make your voices heard now.

    If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your representatives not listening to you, then get engaged. For some people, some initiatives are too daunting and they can be paralyzed by fear of the unknown, however if they see someone they know do something; then they might be inspired to take that first step. You may know Mr. Carl Swensson.
    He is the first person to convene a Citizen Grand Jury that found Barack Hussein Obama to be guilty of fraud and treason and delivered the presentments with evidence to local, state and federal officials in all three branches of the government in counties throughout the state of Georgia all the way up to Washington, D.C. He just became a precinct captain.

    So can you. Take that first step.

  148. Caryle,

    here is an EXCELLENT historical perspective on the Federal Reserve (Central Bank) and our money…

    Part 1 of 5

  149. I guess one thing we can say is we’ve gotten a little more sophisticated in the use of the arts as propaganda since WWII.

  150. No doubt they were laughing all the way to the bank with our money.

  151. The worthless fiat currency is an a medium of exchange for goods or services. Hell, they used to use beads. We don’t NEED the Federal Reserve to create our money. That’s what Ron Paul is trying to have people understand.
    I don’t understand why citizens of America don’t understand this—-the exchange can be anything, and should be centered within states, just as states provide insurance models for health and vehicles……….

  152. I read an account of the real deal with banks…..
    you go in to assume a loan and when asked for collateral, you present a diamond ring valued at $10,000 and the bankder runs across the street to the jeweler’s and sells the ring, gets $10,000 and returns and gives you the $10,000 and you begin paying it back with interest!!!

  153. JJ,

    I think it’s just a lack of knowledge and understanding of how the “system” works. The Internet has changed how information flows to the masses.

  154. Time for a little humor…….

    The AMA…

    The American Medical Association has weighed in on the new Obama health care proposals.

    The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.

    The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception. Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted. Pathologists yelled, “Over my dead body!” while the Pediatricians said, “Oh, Grow up!”

    The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the Radiologists could see right through it. Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing. The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, “This puts a whole new face on the matter….”

    The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pizzed off at the whole idea. The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and the Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no.

    In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the azzholes in Washington.

  155. The height of arrogance – “I am not a pundit, but just a President”. The USURPER’S speech before the Republican getaway.

  156. Prairie – the visit by Sr and son to the WH for a private sit down with the oblahblah today has everything to do with the recent court filing. A very reliable source pointed out who was BCC’d on the Hodges email. Stillpoint looks to be fraying or crumbling. hhhmmm, might explain HRC’s absence at SOTU especially since she was in London. hhhmmmm. interesting, eh?

  157. TO:
    Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Sounds like Mr. LaRouche thinks since 2006 Congress has had a huge hand in destroying our country……he mentions PeLOUSY and Barney Frank a lot…..and don’t forget…..since 2006 the Congress has been controlled by the DemoCRAPS with most of the public asleep…..only now are people protesting these immoral and corrupt bills… least the FRAUD has been good for one thing…..AWAKENING THE SLEEPING GIANT!!!!

    Are you beter off now than you were …blah blah blah.

    The REAL question is are we better off now for teh last 3 yrs that Erosionist Leiberals had a Majority than we were when the Republican had a Majority for the first 6 yrs of Bush? The Clear Answer is HELL NO!!!
    Things have gone HORRIBLY WRONG since the election of Nov 2006… is time for a Correction of the Obama/ACORN/Pelousy/Reid/Frank ERROR.

    Vote the Erosionists Out on Nov 2, 2010!!
    This is the most important election of America’s History…we will Either Make History on 2010 or be HISTORY.


  158. TO:
    ms. helga // January 30, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    The height of arrogance – “I am not a pundit, but just a President”. The USURPER’S speech before the Republican getaway.
    The Failed Pundit Prez AKA, the bastard child of yet unknown legal status or roots.

  159. d2i,
    I am biting my nails waiting for Story to update about the meeting. (what is left of my nails after sitting through 5 boys b-ball games this weekend already). Thinking about the shoebox all night.

  160. TO:
    Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    Analysis of 2012 GOP Contenders Says Mitt Romney is “the Big Gun” – Video 1/29/10

    Freedom’s Lighthouse ^ | January 30, 2010 | Brian


    Be careful about backing Mitt Romney and this is coming from a Romney Supporter in the last election.
    I think Romney would make a hell of a Fed Chairman or a VP. As a Presidential Candidate I think he is being presented by those on teh left to hedge their bets and dimish Our Pal PALIN.

    If Romeny was great he would have risen above all the mediocre Repubs Candidates last election and he clearly didn’t. He should have turned to McAmnesty and said “My friend you have been in DC too long are too old and out of touch with the Modern Economy. I have saved or created 1000’s of jobs. I am a doer you are a go along friend and when you go it alone you run to the enemy”.

    Romney doesn’t have the wit or fire to win a Republican Primary.

    Dont fall for this dead end gag.

    For now Palin is our Pal.

    Palin 2012 with Michele Bachman or Jim DeMint (maybe even Romney) as a VP. Which she should pick way before the primaries and run as a TEAM.

  161. JJ,

    No wonder we Americans have no money. Pay over $200,000 in interest for a $100,000 house over 25 years. Outta be a better system for buying a house, too!

  162. Prairie and d2i,

    What’s your best quick quess as to what’s up?

  163. This shows how some democrats are easily swayed by bo’s lies. How can anyone in any party in this country approve of what bo is doing? He is destroying our country. He is the biggest liar and fools are liking the stupid things he said in his so-called state of the union garbage.

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12 (see trends).

    Approval index updates are based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Nearly one-thirds of interviews for today’s update were completed before the President’s State of the Union address.

    Looking only at interviews conducted on the two nights following the speech, it is clear that the President enjoyed a bounce in the polls and that the bounce came from members of his own party. On the morning of the speech, 50% of Democrats Strongly Approved of the President’s performance. On the two nights following the speech, that number jumped to 65%. There was essentially no change among Republican and unaffiliated voters.

    This could suggest that the President’s “pivot” following the Republican upset in Massachusetts is a pivot towards energizing his party base more than reaching out for support from unaffiliated voters. In Massachusetts and the two Governor’s races last fall, a lack of enthusiasm from Democrats contributed to the party’s defeats.

  164. Prairie – just so you know I got the info from the man himself. look at who was bcc’d on the email at his recent post. this will tell you a lot. and for those of you who want to know what we are talking about, which we’ve asked everyone here to follow, head over to look who was bcc’d and start reading to learn who this good guy is.

    my read Prairie is this – message was we are done and take care of you and your family OR this is how we must continue to move forward…I could be reading it wrong but it’s my best guess.

  165. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 4:14 pm

    What should we do beyond impeaching Obama?

    Getting rid of him and his administration solves 3/4 of the problem.

    Our government is not that bad…but members of Congress are really cowards.
    WRONG……..most of our modern government is unconstitutional.

  166. Linda from NY

    Jonah // January 30, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    That was quite enjoyable…Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Night…Linda

  167. Linda from NY

    Fernley Girl // January 30, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    Not necessarily my opinion…just paraphrasing what LaRouche said…

    Happy Night…Linda

  168. Linda from NY

    Peter: @6:33 PM

    Not my choice…just reporting the news…I hear ya!

    Happy Night…Linda

  169. Nancy Drew, maybe LaRouche is right. I got to thinking that the climategate, came from the UK, and so did all those crooked dealings from AIG. There’s more but I can’t think of them right now.

    I do know this. Our soldiers always end up where the colonialists have been. From Viet Nam to Iraq…

    makes me wonder.

  170. Linda fm NY 349–personal use of military a/c for non-governmental business should be enough to impeach P, or at least send her to jail. That info needs to go viral.

    Of course, she’ll claim she had nothing to do with it and that it was the Air Force’s idea…or she’ll have Air Force heads for it.

  171. d2i–re ur geek question: my geek says getting back to the originator of the message is the appropriate thing to do. There’s not enough information in your post to figure out what is going on.

  172. Anyone heard or seen anything from SueK? I’ve checked You Tube and google images for “Abby Ann” but haven’t seen an Abby Ann that’s a guinea pig.

  173. Rocknee // January 30, 2010 at 6:38 pm


    No wonder we Americans have no money. Pay over $200,000 in interest for a $100,000 house over 25 years. Outta be a better system for buying a house, too!
    We prove our stupidity with just that one contract, don’t we??/

    There has to be a better way.

  174. Linda from NY

    GBAmerica // January 30, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    Amazing…I have just added to my knowledge about the Federal Reserve…

    Thanks for sharing…Linda

  175. Linda from NY

    twe // January 30, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    Newp…nothing yet…I have been watching all day in between jobs.

    She just might be home and busy getting the “little one” settled.

    Anxiously waiting with you…Linda

  176. truthbetold11

    SCOTT BROWN UPDATE!!! Just got back from meet and shake hands with scott in worcester. He made it very clear not a speech nite but to meet everyone of you. There was older man blocking my view on a chair. I ask if he could sit down please. Well 3 men turn around a with a picture of him and General Patton!! He served in the Battle of the Bulge. Wow!! I said what is he doing back here i will carry him up front to meet scott. I finally made it to shake Senator Browns’s hand and meet his daughter Ayala. It was about 350 strong in standing room only Maxwell Sivermans in Worcester. He said he had to leave for a little bit but he would be back at 9pm to meet eveyone he missed. This man has class and is a hard worker. Oh what a nite!!

  177. Linda from NY

    truthbetold11 // January 30, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Wow…oh…Wow! That must have been exciting!

    Thanks for sharing…are you going back?

    Happy Night…Linda

  178. Moochelle Obama: Fighting Obesity.,0,575004.story

    Okey-dokey, what do y’all think? Frankly, I have gained weight since I lost my gall bladder, and even though I hardly eat, and eat very small amounts at a time, plus healthy foods, I can’t seem to lose it; however, I work hard from my computer day in and day out to TRY to keep from going into bankruptcy since BO took office. But Moo-chelle, and or alternative spelling, Muchelle, telling others to fight obesity?

    This is Cherry Pie Moo-chelle, keep that in mind.

    Actually, while I know that I need to lose weight, and I know in this article that she’s talking about kids, still, I take offense to it nonetheless. Also, my weight is my concern only. I have taken steps to try to reduce it, and since I have painful hip issues because of an injury that keeps me from walking a great distance, I still take offense at Moo-chelle and her obesity fight. Guess that she’s bored, I don’t know.

    BTW, being a little overweight doesn’t ever kill people. My mother-in-law weighed like much of nothing and had a severe stroke that killed her like a month and a half later.

    Regardless, we’re all going to die. All of us at least once. So I take extreme offense at Moo-chelle trying to teach against obesity. Sounds like a hypocrite to me!

  179. Linda from NY

    RINOs, RINOs Everywhere

    And in Ohio they especially stink.

    January 30, 2010 – by Tom Blumer

  180. Linda from NY

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    Former President George H.W. Bush Pays “Social Call” on President Obama at the White House – Raw Video 1/30/10

  181. Linda from NY,
    Your welcome,I’ve been reading and trying to understand it all.After I found that article and read it I understand it completely now.
    God Bless!

  182. TO:

    truthbetold11 // January 30, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    SCOTT BROWN UPDATE!!! Just got back from meet and shake hands with scott in worcester.

    Thanks sounds WOWSOME.

    Unfortunatly I wasn’t able to make it to Dracut to meet him.

    Anyone ask him about Fighting and Exposing the Frauds that won’t sit him?

    I think we should take up my idea of deducting from our tax returns all the days that we had no Representation.


  183. Hi twe and Linda,

    Abby was very good on the ride home; it’s when we *got* home that the trouble started. She immediately took over the pen and attacked Mitzi three times. I divided the 6′ pen into two sections to stop the fighting. She bit me when I tried to calm her down and pet her.

    I called my pal in CT and told her that Abby had to come back to the rescue. She needs to either be a solo pig, or remain in the rescue. Poor Abby has had such a crappy life that the agression is manifesting, but I won’t put Mitzi at risk. She’ll go back on Sunday.

    My friend was saying that she may try to bond Abby with a neutered male while *in* the rescue, rather than adopt her out and have this happen again.

    I’m devastated-I was looking forward to having her here…I did try, but it’s not to be.

    Thanks for asking. Back to the business at hand.

  184. Linda from NY

    CIA chief visits Kenya over terrorism

    Afrique en ligne ^ | 01/26/10 | unspecified

    Did he go to pick up pp’s bc? Just kidding…

  185. truthbetold11

    No it was a time of honoring and meeting scott there will be plenty of time to ask those questions.becasue there is plenty of fraud out there

  186. TO:

    Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    Former President George H.W. Bush Pays “Social Call” on President Obama at the White House – Raw Video 1/30/10


    I smell some WAG THE DOGS.
    More War will break out either here with some Domestic entity a la Branch Davidian or in Yemen/Somalia or Haiti

  187. SueK–Yikes! Sorry it didn’t work out. Hope you find another one that will be suitable for Mitzi and you.

  188. Media Worried Corruption In N. Carolina Might Cost Democrats Votes

    Read more:

  189. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 8:17 pm
    Saturday, January 30, 2010
    Former President George H.W. Bush Pays “Social Call” on President Obama at the White House – Raw Video 1/30/10

    Hmmmmmmmm? I wonder what’s up?

  190. truthbetold11

    Linda, Sorry just got home to give ground floor updates. I did get to meet a state rep there lew evangleidis. Very good man i played basketball with him a few times and he played with scott in a few leagues as well a few years back. So the crowd shouted SEAT HIM NOW!! etc

  191. truthbetold11


  192. So much for teh FARSE that no one is above thge law. It is OBVIOUS that Liberals and teh Media Morons are above the law….They do whatever they like and rarelly suffer any consequences.


  193. d2i,
    Your post: message was we are done and take care of you and your family OR this is how we must continue to move forward…I could be reading it wrong but it’s my best guess.

    I believe this is how we move forward, I believe Beck is going to prove the media outlet of this. His recent shows are and Ron Paul’s appearance are telling. This meeting of Bush and o is huge- can they halt this law suit?

  194. SueK,
    Without a lot of detail, we just lost our beautiful, 2 year old Chesapeake Retriever. She bit all three of my boys over Christmas break. We loved her dearly, believe she suffered from an imbalance or tumor and was growing worse with time. Husband and I put her down. I am sorry for your loss tonight- doing the right thing can hurt endlessly.

  195. Fernley Girl // January 30, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    Most of our modern government is unconstitutional.


    I don’t know about ‘most’, but at least a ‘lot’. And that is one of the biggest things we are up against. With so many unconstitutional things happening every day – it is easy understand why any given official may think “no reason to focus on THIS one”. It also weakens our argument that the whole constituion is null and void if one of it’s provisions were ignored. If that were the case, the constitution would have gone up in smoke years ago.

    Which brings us to a deep personal question. I doubt if many of us really understand how many things – perhaps beneficial to us – are done daily that are unconstitutional. Most of us cry out for a “return to the constitution”. Do we really want that? Think hard. “Choose wisely, grasshopper”.

  196. Prairie: Sorry to hear about your retriever.

  197. Sue K

    Abby reminds me of a certain Steve we all know. Its all about me attitude.

    Sorry she didn’t work out.

  198. I think Nancy has a problem, if she draws a salary for our government, she is an employee.
    1. Can I use the government vehicle to go to lunch on-base or off-base while I am working at my permanent duty station?
    Answer: No. Public law requires that government owned or leased vehicles are operated for official use only. This precludes the use of government vehicles for personal reasons such as eating. Meals, commuting to and from work, personal errands and similar activities are not official purposes, and the government vehicle should not be used.
    [PDF] B-275365 [CIA Employee’s Use of Government Vehicle to Attend … File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View
    throughout the agency, warning CIA employees that use of a government vehicle for personal use was prohibited and that there were severe penalties for the … – Similar
    VEHICLE USE File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    transported in a Government vehicle. Employees should not use government vehicles to conduct personal business or to run personal errands. …
    Proper use of government vehicles stressed Sep 24, 2009 … “It’s illegal to use government vehicles for personal use.” Government vehicles are provided for official use only, and are not authorized

  199. twe // January 30, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    Thanks, twe, but I don’t think I’ll be going there again. It’s one thing to have a pig who’s lost a littermate, but to have one who’s never had another living with them is trouble.

    Mitzi seems fine on her own and has the buns and hamster to keep her busy (oh, and me. too).
    Prairie, I’m so sorry to read this! Only 2 years old? Heartbreaking!

    My sympathy to you and your family for the loss of your pup :(.

  200. Kidmon // January 30, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks, Kidmon.

    Both came from crummy backgrounds and apparently, this is what happens to both humans and critters.

  201. twe,
    Thanks. Unbelievably a busy house with 3 boys now seems quiet. I am glad Sue has made a quick decision.

  202. Everyone – please don’t get me wrong – I am not trying to metamorphasize into an Obot. I’m just trying to be realistic. There are so many “way out there” ideas on this website. I wish we could focus on the practical things.

    That is why I have always felt the NBC thing had “no legs”. No matter how the truth turns out, I think we know enough glimpses of it to know that almost certainly, Obama is NOT eligible under this criterion.

    However, nobody cares and nobody will do anything about it. The courts wil NOT remove him for that alone. Even if they are forced to carefully officially define NBC in our favor, they will delay a few years to do it, or they will grandfather Obama.

    If Obama is going to be ousted, it will have to be for far bigger reasons than that. That is why I have begged repeatedly to quit wasting time and ink on NBC.

    The best and most practical thing we can do right now is to focus on getting school and medical records. We The (Sovereign) People have a right to have this information and need to press the case – especially with the investigative journalists – that this is a legitimate request and has nothing to do with ‘birthers’ or ‘conspiracy theories’.

  203. Linda from NY

    SueK // January 30, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Awww…so sorry but as you say, was not meant to be. It has been my experience that when an animal becomes aggressive, it happens “out of fear” more than meanness.

    Whatever happened to her in the past may still be manifesting itself in her behavior, thus making her defensive. Hopefully, your rescue connection can help her overcome her problems.

    Question: Is it true females usually fight with each other? Maybe, you need a guy for Mitzi. [?]

    You must be exhausted after having traveled so far to bring her home…poor Suey…poor Mitzi…poor Abby…all sad and tired.

    Tomorrow will be a better day…you’ll see.

    Happy Night, Suey…Linda

    PS Will say a prayer to St. Frances for Abby Ann…

  204. truthbetold11

    Scott said Ayala’s here and i’m not going to say to say she’s available. Great laugh from crowd

  205. Carlyle,
    If the BC is allowed to bring down o, the rep, dems, media, and courts all fall with him. They are trying to muffle the growing roar of the internet and tea party. They need to bring him down- but are searching for a way to save their own a$$es.

  206. Linda from NY

    Prairie // January 30, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    So sorry to hear about your dog; I had a three-year old mutt who I loved dearly and who was poisoned by a mean neighbor so I know how much it hurts to lose them at an early age.

    Puppy time…go and get one…the boys will have fun raising him/her!

    Happy Night…Linda

    PS Will say a prayer to St. Frances for your family so you can transfer your love to a new dog.

  207. Carlyle // January 30, 2010 at 8:54 pm
    Yeah, that’s exactly what Obama would have us do. You are sounding just like one of his obots. Ridicule the “birthers” and disregard the fact that his birth certificate might reveal, among other things, that he became Barry Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen, when he was adopted by his stepfather.

    In my opinion, he very likely continued fraudulent use of both identities, whenever convenient, for college scholarships, passports, etc. It’s all connected to the birth certificate. That may be why his lawyers and the Department of Justice have fought tooth and nail to prevent any of Obama’s documents from being presented in Federal Courts as requested in almost fifty (50) lawsuits. What is he hiding?

    Committing the greatest identity fraud ever, on 300 million American citizens should be an impeachable offense. Mark my words, Barrack Obama is a FRAUD. With the help of the inept or coerced American media, he has deceived the American people and I hope and pray that it all comes to light very soon before he destroys our country. This is the court case to follow:
    Chrysler Dealer Striking Back

  208. Some of you folks have totally missed my point about the Federal Reserve. Please do not reply with tutorials or information on this topic. I am deeply and widely read on Monetary Theory. I know how all this works and fits into the web and fabric of society.

    The simplistic view is that it was created by congress and can just as easily be uncreated. But my point is that the Fed itself is strong enough to keep that from happening.

    No matter what you did, it would take some amount of time to “unwind” all the tentacles the Fed has into everything. It would take careful planning and a transition period.

    During that time – if the Fed though it’s life was threatened – it would fight back. What I am saying is that they have sufficient “weapons” that it can EASILY prevent itself from being destroyed.

    And, in particular, the Fed will NEVER allow itself to be thoroughly audited. If it ever thought that was really about to happen – it can inflict UNLIMITED pain on all of us.

  209. SueK, I rescued 8 cat’s, and all seem to get along okay until some one dropped a cat off on my door step. It has been rough but they are slowly excepting him. I kept him separated from all the others and introduced him a little at a time. I always held him and would pet the other cat’s at the same time and they all seem to be adjusting. Maybe if you can keep them in separate rooms until she gets use to you and her new surroundings and introduce them a little at a time it will still work. All of my cat’s get jealous of each other but with talk, patience, and singing we have become a whole family. Hope you can work it out and keep Abby.

  210. I am in favor of forcing the release of his birth certificate. I agree that it might reveal a lot of things. I personally believe that he is not now and may have never been an American Citizen (except via ‘adoption’ by that Indian tribe!).

    However, we will get no help or any sympathy from anyone. There is a lot of ridicule and hatred building against ‘birthers’.

    I would be very happy to start with a good look at the school and medical records. And, these are legitimate common requests and there is no reason why Beck, Limbaugh, etc., even the MSM could not help get THIS part of things sorted out.

    Finally, I was speaking against a common theory that we should focus ONLY on the NBC issues because that is the most mature idea that is easier to prove. I agree with that. I was just saying that nobody officiall seems to care. So that argument is not going anywhere anytime soon.

  211. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 8:56 pm

    Thanks, Linda.

    This didn’t seem to be the case for fear because the pen was taken over immediately, and Mitzi attacked. The entire pen was surveyed, and and taken without deference to the existing resident.

    I also thought that her background would make her defensive, but she was on the offensive today. Mitzi was just trying to make friends-she’s a very laid back critter- but the attacks came hard and fast; I was attacked, too.

    Two of any sex can fight and we know what happens with opposite sexes. Neutering male pigs is very risky…not only because everything’s so small, but the anesthesia can cause a ton of problems for them.

    Yes, everyone’s sad and very tired. I will meet my friend half way on Sunday-I can’t do that drive again. Don’t know how I did it, and then some, for 2.5 years, with a then-boyfriend in Brooklyn.

    Thanks-I’ll be praying to St. Francis, too, that Abby finds some peace.

  212. Jonah // January 30, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    I agree with everything you wrote. But none of it has anything to do with what I said. I was ONLY talking about the specific NBC issue.

  213. Prairie

    So sorry for your loss too! Making the decision to put them down is so very hard, I know – been there! But you did the right thing!

    I would like to suggest you and your family adopt another one. We have adopted 3 in our lifetime and I can say the adopted dogs were so much better than the purebreds! It takes about a week for them to adjust and then it’s home sweet home! So very loyal and loving!

  214. Linda from NY

    SueK // January 30, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    Wow…what a day you have had!

    Guess that is the chance we take with rescues. We never really know what has affected them and how. Guess she will have to be isolated for a while until she calms down. Are you okay? Aside from being a bit disappointed?

    Glad your friend is meeting you half way…driving a distance is hard enough without the extra strain you experience…you are one brave soul!

    Have a good night and a better tomorrow…Linda

  215. Linda from NY // January 30, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    Ya, Linda, it was quite a day. Other than the disappointment, it’s the crushing fatigue (a typical symptom of MS). The drive isn’t that bad, but it is with a blown out ‘driving knee.’

    I’m sure she’ll be fine back in her element.

  216. SueK–how far is half-way?

  217. Carlyle // January 30, 2010 at 9:17 pm
    You said –
    “However, we will get no help or any sympathy from anyone. There is a lot of ridicule and hatred building against ‘birthers’.”

    Alinsky Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

    Obama’s minions accomplished Alinksy’s Rule 5 don’t you think?

    You said –
    “I was speaking against a common theory that we should focus ONLY on the NBC issues because that is the most mature idea that is easier to prove. I agree with that.”

    That is another falsehood perpetuated by the Obama camp. Is there anyone here who is focused ONLY on the NBC issue?

    Carlyle, I agree that we need to pursue Obama’s other wrongdoings and deceptions but we must never stop pursuing the BC or the NBC issue. Why? Because Obama wants us to stop, that’s why.

  218. All–reminder Scott Brown will be on ABC tomorrow morning at 9 Eastern Time for the “This Week” show

  219. Everyone, thanks for your concern. We had a Chessie for 14 years before Sadie, the one we just lost. Chelsie was a marshmellow and my little girl. When spring comes we will talk about things. My husband will want a hunter. First, we will grieve our loss before we look again. Like SueK, I will let time work it out.

  220. SueK,
    Safe journey. Night all.

  221. Truth Be “TOLLED”

    You’ve got to see this 10 part video series on the Texas Grand Corridor.

    If it’s already been posted, sorry.

  222. Michelle–You bet Nancy has a problem. It is very illegal to transport unauthorized civilian personnel in military vehicles (that includes even automobiles). NP could be fined, convicted, impeached (do not accept just a censure). They need to throw the book at her. Just let a poor junior enlisted man or woman do the same thing and see what happens to them. The more senior the offender, the harder the punishment needs to be because the senior sets the example for the junior…and the senior always knows better.

    Whenever I had to courts-martial someone or give them non-judicial punishment, or bump the offense up for a more senior level decision (the more senior the commander, the more they can do to the person), I always went after the senior-most person responsible. I’ll bet there are many in the Air Force and other services that want NP to get caught. They are just hoping that it becomes an issue. Their hands are pretty much tied.

  223. Good night Linda. Good night Prairie.

  224. twe // January 30, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    MA/CT line on I-84 by Sturbridge. Still a good haul!

  225. twe // January 30, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    twe, remember Gov. Jane ‘Swifty’ Swift pulled the same thing? Using the State helicopter for her personal business (commuting from W. MA) and having the staff babysit her kids.

    Even thought she was ‘appointed’ Governor, she wasn’t reelected, was she?


  226. SueK–would be a good haul for me, too. Have a safe trip there and back. Makes me tired just thinking of that drive…but then, I don’t get out much these days! Ha, ha!

    Yeah, and I do remember Jane Swift. People need to make a BIG deal about NP’s misuse of military/government transportation. This is bigger than Swift’s doings. This needs to go viral.

  227. twe // January 30, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Thanks, twe…will do. I’m afraid it’s a necessary trip so that my zoo (house) can get back to normal with no more fighting.

    I’m bouncing around tonight…maybe Freepers will have/has had a post on the transportation? Gee, I know that if I must take a vehicle home (early off-site work the next day) I have to justify it until the cows come home.

    Why not Fancy Nancy? Are they afraid of her? Drudge covered it via WND:

  228. Hey Sue K – sad to learn Abby isn’t going to work out. Curious question. Can these critters behavior change once settled in? I ask only b/c when we adopted our two labs they were totally unmanageable and out of control. They’d attack etc. However, once they bonded with me, their Pack Mom, everything changed. Curious if your critters have the same behaviorial challenge and if attachment to you would resolve its aggressive behavior. Curious.

  229. Prairie – so sorry to hear about your girl. It’s so hard to put down a friend. We put down a lab a year or so ago and it ripped us apart. He had liver failure due to the chinese food problems. The worst part is we had our vet come here to put him down and that guy knew it. Very hard and extraordinarily sad.

    Like you though, we waited six months giving ourselves the time to grieve and to let go of him. Hard. Challenging but we did it. Now we have a new rescue lab and yes, he was quite a hand full BUT a year after having him, he finally bonded/attached and all has been great since. Never got the Pack Mom thing but I do now and it’s great. We’re all one big happy family now. Took time and a lot of work but all is good.

  230. TO:
    Carlyle // January 30, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    Everyone – please don’t get me wrong – I am not trying to metamorphasize into an Obot. I’m just trying to be realistic. There are so many “way out there” ideas on this website. I wish we could focus on the practical things.

    That is why I have always felt the NBC thing had “no legs”. No matter how the truth turns out, I think we know enough glimpses of it to know that almost certainly, Obama is NOT eligible under this criterion.

    NEVER EVER LET UP on any of the issues. Attack and Ridicule every angle and every issue….it is Rules for RIGHT Radicals.
    If for no other Reason it will let them know that we are watching and if we NEVER LET UP, no one else will dare to ever run for Prez without being eligible.

    Them ridiculing Birthers makes me PROUD to be a BIRTHER because they only ridicule what makes them pee themselves with FEAR.

    NEVER LET UP….keep telling two people and so on. We have made great progess…first they ignore you, then they ridicule and THEN YOU WIN!!! We are Closer than we ever been…..ATTACK FROM ALL ANGLES…NEVER LET UP!
    Learn from Larry Sinclair and Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco.
    NEVER, EVER LET UP!!! Our Future and the future of our children and their Consitution and Nation is in Peril. Do you want to be the Generation that gave up and allowed the Destruction of a Nation??

  231. Consider the following words argued in Champaign County Court in Illinois by the Illinois Attorney General’s office headed by Lisa Madigan:

    While plaintiff attempts to suggest to the Court that there is a fundamental right to a secret ballot, no such right exists. (bottom of Page 11 of pleading)

  232. Unbelievable…..I didn’t like her before….now I like her even less… entire story at…..


    Meet the Pelosi family! Using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Judicial Watch uncovered thousands of pages of travel documents related to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s use of military aircraft.

    What hasn’t been revealed so far is that military aircraft are being used to shuttle Pelosi’s kids and grandkids between DC and San Francisco without any Congressional representatives even onboard! Put simply, the United States Air Force is serving as a multi-billion dollar chauffeur- and baby-sitting service for Nancy Pelosi’s kids and grandkids — presumably because commercial travel is beneath the families of the autocrats.

    But this couldn’t be a waste of resources because the U.S. military really isn’t engaged in any other significant activities around the world.

  233. SueK –re NP using mil vehicles for transporting kids/grandkids around even w/o her being using them at the same time (language and comments)

  234. If Alan Keyes acted in the Debates like he does here he would have been the first TRULY Black President.

    See all 6 Videos if you can, and pass them on. Keep the Pressure ON.
    Ridicule is no Match for Pressure and The Truth.

  235. Jac Smith: Wow! Thinking alike!!!

  236. #

    twe // January 30, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    Jac Smith: Wow! Thinking alike!!!

    Cool 🙂 🙂 :)….can’t stomach this woman~~~

  237. d2i // January 30, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    Hi, d2i,

    Thanks-no one’s more distressed than I am at this point.

    Sure, behaviors can change (I’ve seen it with the rabbits and hamsters, but these are my first guinea pigs) but I think what happened is that Abby was a solo pig who was snagged by the rescue from Craigslist. She was a solo pig. When she was adopted about a month ago, the existing pig (who’d also lived solo) didn’t want Abby in her territory and supposedly, fought with her. After what I saw today, I’m not sure it was the other pig who was the aggressor.

    This is the issue: Solo pigs who are introduced to a ‘friend.’ While it can work, it seems that an invasion of territory is what occurs. Not their fault; they don’t know any better, but I feel that different pigs should be placed in the pens to see how they react to others before they go to a home with an existing critter.

    Same issue with my rabbits, adopted separately. The fur flew (literally) until I took a week off and worked with them. They’re now inseparable.

    So, yes, it can work; unfortunately, I don’t wanna see Mitzi get seriously hurt in the process; I’m at work all week and can’t monitor. I think it’s best for Abby to go back to the rescue and be socialized there, rather than try it ‘live’ in a home situation. Besides, the Pack Mom was rendered bloody tonight from a nasty bite when trying to bond.

    I think the decision is the right one.

  238. twe @ 9:51 pm
    “senior sets the example for the junior”
    exactly none of the “percs” that come with the job are for personal use. She stretched the taxpayers money to the breaking point. Heck cops get into trouble for using computers at work for personal use. She should get whatever penalty the law requires, I also don’t think she should have that jet in the first place, at least not have taxpayers pay for it. Out of her own pocket fine.

  239. twe @ 9:51 same stupid thing happened in Chicago. When Michael Blandick lost the Mayors race to Jane Byrne-his wife Heather had been using the Chicago cops as babysitters. Jane let it go for a little while, but finally she told Heather-no more police babysitters-paid for by the taxpayers of Chicago.
    This is the funny part-didn’t those two get into it. They called it the Two First Ladies of Chicago arguing in the alley like a couple of fishwives. Everybody cracked up because it was so stupid.
    People don’t go to become police people or our military so they can waste their time, talents and education to be any body’s personal servants. Why doesn’t Nancy hire people for these positions? She is either cheap or she is broke-we know the woman is definitely nuts.
    I’m getting worried about these botox women-the stuff is poison, could it be harmful in a mental way? Your face is close to your brain-which is why doctors worry about sinus infections etc.

  240. Here is a good conservative guy running for Congress in Chicago

  241. Michelle–that guy has got a gift! …got to me, too!

    good night!

  242. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // January 30, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    I agree WE should not stop – and WE should continue to use every possible avenue. But it is quite apparent that anybody with a wide enough audience is intimidated by the ridicule.

    But we badly need a wider audience and credible spokespeople. My suggestion is really that we should push especially hard on the missing school and medical records. This is a very easy to understand and is inherently ridicule-proof.

    There is NO REASON that popular commentators (even the MSM) couldn’t help with this. No accusations or prejudices need be put forward. Just a clean and legitimate request/demand for records.

  243. Kittycat, I have no patience for things like MO playing food csar! NONE. These are the same ppl who used to lecture about “morality police”, and rightly so.

    It is none of their damn business what we eat, what we feed our kids, or how “chubby” any of us are! I dare anyone to find this “need” in the constitution. It isn’t there and we shouldn’t be spending one damn penny on it. How dare they intrude upon our lives in this manner. They act like King and Queens, or more pointedly GOD. I’m sick of it. These ppl need to be put in their place period!

    It’s no different then Gladys the busibody on Bewitched. “Aaaaabner! The Stevens are having a hot dog BBQ in their yard! And chocolate Sundaes! And OMG! They’re feeding it to their kids!

  244. Don in California

    The medical records could be a very private item. But, his educational records should be open for the world to see. If I claim a college degree of any kind, I am required to provide a transcript from my college to prove it. Why not obama???

  245. Don in California

    But, keep pushing for the birth proof also, I had to show a birth certificate for my security clearance, why not obama???

  246. Re: “Birther”Ridicule. I say bring it on. It won’t stop me from pursuing or talking about finding the truth. It’s apparent that most of us here are quite multi-tasked and are not stuck on only this one issue. We discuss all the issues and are working towards cleaning the mess up whether the NBC issue is proven or not. The last thing we should do is let ridicule silence us.

    Personally, I do think the “other records” is where it’s all gonna come out…but it can’t hurt to hit em’ from all sides until something gives.

  247. Don in Cali, I agree about the privacy of Med records. The only problem with that is that Palin was forced to hand all hers over…and believe me, as a woman, nothing’s more sacred than your baby and delivery med records. But she was forced to hand them over to “prove” Trig is hers. Shouldn’t the MSM be consistent and force Obama’s hand in the matter?

  248. And I forgot to add. Once she handed them over, it wasn’t enough. She was then ridiculed about how she “handled” her pregnancy and delivery. What a nightmare that must’ve been for her. I can’t imagine. Here she gave life to a baby most would discard, yet she “risked the babies life” by flying late term etc…. as if these ppl CARE about the baby…LOL…what a joke!

  249. Carlyle said:

    Which brings us to a deep personal question. I doubt if many of us really understand how many things – perhaps beneficial to us – are done daily that are unconstitutional. Most of us cry out for a “return to the constitution”. Do we really want that? Think hard. “Choose wisely, grasshopper”.
    Sounds like you think the government knows better than we do what is best. Which is why we’re where we are now. If all politics are local shouldn’t the revenues & spending be, too? The government is like a badly-run charity, where only a very tiny percentage of the money collected is ever distributed.
    I live in Nevada, where our per capita distribution of federal funds ranks 50th year after year. When you can explain to me why it’s a good thing that the federal government can take my money and give it to someone else in another state I’ll stop being “grasshopper”. The only reason income taxes exist is to pay for the Federal Reserve Bank. Why should a private bank be in control of our monetary supply? I could go on and on, but I get the feeling you actually think that government taxation and regulation of people’s lives is a good thing. Try making a list of things in your life that are not controlled or taxed by a government agency. Looking forward to seeing it.

  250. Jacqlyn Smith

    Must-See Video: Breitbart’s Big Blowout with NBC News Over O’Keefe Arrest

  251. Sarah Palin DIDN”T HAVE to tender any records that pertained to her children. She is holding NO public office . She probably done this only for the purpose of getting in the OBOTS faces. There were no MANDATES on her. If there was she could have told the persons making the demands to GO STRAIGHT TO HELL. I personally think that if she actually did this she probably did it more for the purpose of shooting down one more thing that the OBOTS can use against her later, should she decide to run for office.

  252. Jacqlyn Smith

    Just heard about this at the American Grand Jury forum page…..thought some of you might be interested…..below is a comment from one of the jury members who listened to the live webcast…..


    This was great. They not only talked constitution, but gave us a list of things to do to get it back. Also had a great lesson on what Progressives are…what they do….and what they want. They want our constitution dead!!!! They want total control of the judiciary, congress and executive..Wow….they have that. But I say….They can’t keep it. These great educators said learn and go out and teach…. We are doing just that. Go to the archives and watch when you get time. They will ask you to sign up, but it is free. Have fun….this was great. I have a new fire lit under me. Yeeeeee Haaaaaaa!!!!

  253. Oldsalt, I agree she didn’t have to. But in a way she did..the media would have never never let up. O never had to face that with the media. So while she technically didn’t have to, there was not much moving forward with the campaign if she didn’t. I think as a mom, it pained her to give it out, even tho, obviously she has nothing to hide. Then of course she still got blasted for her decisions. I just HATE the MSM…you have no idea how much I HATE them!

  254. Donin California………………………….


  255. JS, I think there’s a letter off on that link, so I typed in and I think I got the right place.

  256. TICKTOCK………………………………….
    If a person is running for some office there are SOME things that it is probably smart to pass along to the media. This might even help in moving them towards your side. But where sombody’s children are concerned (particularly) those who have infirmities, are NOT fair game, no matter who their parents are. When the alleged media preys upon children they only anger the public who then vote the slimey friends of the media out of office. NOBODY has the right to ATTACK defensless CHILDREN, either verbally,or physically. It sure didn’t work for Letterman either, did it? I think it is about time that when sombody tries to attack a child that the attacker recieves a legally applied KNUCKLE sandwich.

  257. Oldsalt, You’re right about that. Yes, this wasn’t just about her but her child. That makes sense! And yes, a knuckle sandwich would be in order.

  258. Jacqlyn Smith

    Thank you ticktock….yes there is a letter off…in town….you do have it correct!

    ticktock // January 31, 2010 at 5:00 am

    JS, I think there’s a letter off on that link, so I typed in and I think I got the right place.

  259. Jacqlyn Smith

    ticktock and others…..I went back to the American Grand Jury forum and the original comment concerning this Constitution town hall gave the below information if any of you are interested….looks like Feb 1st the archive version can be accessed……


    The website also states that if there is some reason why you are unable to view the webcast live, they will be offering 2 ways to view it later

    1. You may access a free, archived version of the web stream, beginning February 1, 2010. To access the recording on or after that date, first register your name, e-mail address, and zipcode at the event site, When you are ready to view the recording, visit the event site again, and log in using your registered e-mail address. The archived recording will then be available for your viewing.

    2. DVDs of the town hall will be made available for purchase online after the event. To be notified by e-mail when these DVDs are made available, please register your name and e-mail address at

    This actually looks like it may be quite worthwhile.

  260. The PONZI PREZ apologizes to everyone else when will he apologize to Prez Bush and the Conservative Citizens and The Tea Parties?

  261. The Tale of Two Heavily Accented Females that both sound nutty and how they get treated.

    If you put these two ladies side by side (someone should do a video of them) they sound so much alike and one’s voice could be mistaken for the other.

    Arianna Huffington is the Media darling and a protege and protector of the left neo-commies.
    She is seeked out and lauded for her funny accent and put on as an expert. She gets praised and raised by the lefties as a passionate speaker.
    But she is an expert at WHAT?

    I bet you didn’t know this about Arianna:
    From wikepedia:

    Huffington was born Arianna Stassinopoulos in Athens, Greece, the daughter of Konstantinos (a journalist and management consultant) and Elli (née Georgiadi) Stassinopoulos, and is the sister of Agapi (an author, speaker and performer). To this day, she speaks with a marked Greek accent. She moved to England at the age of 16 and attended Girton College at Cambridge University where in 1971 she was President of the Cambridge Union Society, the third woman to hold the position, and graduated with a BA (later to become an MA in accordance with Cambridge’s practice) in economics in 1972

    Huffington’s politics began changing in the late 1990s. A former “right winger” who supported Newt Gingrich’s revolution and Bob Dole’s candidacy for president in 1996, she moved noticeably to the left and now describes herself as a “progressive populist”. During the Yugoslav Wars, Huffington opposed United States intervention in the crisis.[6]

    NOW for the other lady with a funny accent also:

    Orly Taitz is the most hated woman in America she comes from a former Commie Country. She has been warning us of the eligibility issue and the Coming Commies. She is vilified, made fun of her passion and accent.

    This From Wikipedia:

    Orly Taitz was born to a Jewish family in Chişinău, Moldavian SSR,[4] (present day Moldova) and emigrated to Israel in 1981.[1] During her residence in Israel, Taitz obtained a dentistry degree at Hebrew University.[1] In 1987, she met Yosef Taitz who proposed four months later. Orly lived for some time in Romania,[7] Orly emigrated to the United States in May 1987, marrying Yosef in Las Vegas, Nevada;[4] Orly became a citizen of the United States in 1992.[7] She received her law degree from Taft Law School, a non-accredited school which “specializes in ‘distance learning law programs to qualified students around the world'”[8] and passed the California bar examination in 2002.[9] She obtained a real estate broker’s license from the State of California that expired in February 2008.[10]

    Taitz currently lives in Laguna Niguel, California,[11] and owns dental practices in nearby Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita.[4] A photo caption accompanying a 1990 Los Angeles Times article identified Taitz as a volunteer at the Share Our Selves dental clinic in Costa Mesa.[12] She has three sons,[4] holds a second degree black belt in Taekwondo, and speaks five languages: English, Hebrew, Romanian, Russian and Spanish.[5][13][14]

    Before her national news exposure, Taitz had previously been personally involved in 22 lawsuits in Orange County civil court.[15] She was quoted in the Orange County Register in 2006 supporting Israeli military actions against Hamas and Hezbollah,[16] and downplaying the impact of the espionage trial of two American Israel Public Affairs Committee staffers[17] (charges against both of them were subsequently dropped).[18]

    Taitz said that she lost relatives in the Holocaust, and that her grandmother witnessed the Kishinev Pogrom

    Both of these ladies have highly trafficked websites Huuffington has been at it for a longtime BUT has been surpassed by come lately Orly in that department.

    If you look at how Wikipedia and Google treats these two ladies it is eye opening and you can see that the Neo-Commies on the Left control both of those common sites.

    BUT even in Google exposure Orly beats Huff with 1,450,000 Orly 1,140,000 Huff.

    This is the beginning of a Tale of Two foreign born women with funny accents….one is to be EMBRACE the OTHER DISGRACED.

    Orly we as Americans have always like underdogs and people with courage and conviction and Have HATED traitors to the Cause that Change Sides like Benedict Arnorld and Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington.

    Orly, Lady Liberty, Eligibility Czar, Keep on Keeping On, Truth always wins out.

    Jesus was also hated in his time….but he steal prevails as the PRINCE OF PEACE.

  262. Now if you look at the Wikepdia on these two ladies as written above it is GLARING that one is a Puff piece the other a Hit piece.

    Where is the info on Huff’s Religion, Marriage, Divorce, Acitivism, Charity, personal life and Immigration and Naturalization?
    One is polished over to hide embarassments and failures the other in minute details to expose phobias, crazyness and hatred.

  263. YES WE ARE “BIRTHERS” your labeling doesn’t work it only makes us more determined.


  264. THE INSANE double standard.

    If somone is caught with a graphic document of an underage child in their computer they are arrested and their life is RUINED and they have to register as a Sex Offender YET ACORN employees Paid with Tax Dollars can help promote underage sex with child prostitutes, promote TAX EVASION and FRAUD and NOBODY GOES TO JAIL?


  265. Oldsalt,

    Your comment above about the attack on those that believe Obama is ineligible is based upon two human characteristics. The first, is that the inability to admit error in important things. The second is the inability to accept responsibility for said error.

    The democrats, the progressives, and liberals saw an opportunity to push thier agenda, even at the expense of the United States of America. Those in power knew he was not Natural Born and have conspired to keep it quiet. Special interest prevailed over the working peoples, and you have an Ursurper in office. Now, no one…that means republican or democrat..wants to “go there” because it exposes back door deals and corrupt government.

    In short, it would damage BOTH political parties at this point. Since independent voters are already on the rise, this could be devastating to the status quo. Most Americans that can read and research have already come to the fundemental conclusion that there is something wrong with the Hawaiian DOH activity, the press non-coverage, and the failure to release certified copies of mundane documents.

    Sadly, I believe that everyday this fiasco isn’t settled damages to the country will be enourmous and possibly unrepairable. My view is that Obama just is a figure head for special interests, foriegn influence and money, and congressional corruption.

  266. Prez Steve or as he used to be called when TV was a joy to watch Barackuack Osammity Samwabbit

    BUNNY BALLOT VOTE get geared up fro Nov 2, 2010

  267. Jacqlyn Smith // January 30, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    WOW….LaRouche…..we want a human president….we don’t have one right now…..The FRAUD is a British stooge…..he is not a loyal citizen of the USA….is loyal citizen of Nero…..he is not us….has NO right to be POTUS….when proposing an exact copy of Adolf Hitler’s health care…..he has got to GO says LaRouche….the time for him needs to end and there is no proper place and fire his whole gang…..we have people who are not corrupt…..clean house…..only keep the real Patriots!!! These people in power are destroying the constitution of the US!!!

    Jacqlyn Smith/d2i,

    Sorry to step in, but saw your interest in Lyndon LaRouche. A little history on LaRouche –

    Lyndon LaRouche
    AKA Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr.

    Born: 8-Sep-1922
    Birthplace: Rochester, NH

    Gender: Male
    Race or Ethnicity: White
    Sexual orientation: Straight
    Occupation: Economist, Politician
    Party Affiliation: See Note [1]

    Nationality: United States
    Executive summary: Eccentric economist politician

    Military service: US Army (1944-46)

    Shared a prison cell with Jim Bakker.

    [1] Various. LaRouche perenially tries to win the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, but has been affiliated with various parties in the past, including the Socialist Worker’s Party and the now-defunct U.S. Labor Party.
    Father: Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Sr. (b. 1-Jun-1896, d. Dec-1983)
    Mother: Jessie Lenore Weir (b. 12-Nov-1893, d. Aug-1978)
    Sister: Lenore Ella LaRouche
    Sister: Caroline Shirley LaRouche
    Wife: Janice Neuberger (m. 1954, div.)
    Son: Daniel Vincent LaRouche (b. Aug-1956)
    Girlfriend: Carol Schnitzer
    Wife: Helga Zepp-LaRouche (m. Dec-1977)

    University: Northeastern University, Boston, MA

    General Electric River Works, Lynn, MA
    Communist Party USA
    Students for a Democratic Society expelled (1969)
    Obstruction of Justice 1987, charge dropped (1989)
    Conspiracy Dec-1988
    Mail Fraud Dec-1988
    Tax Evasion Dec-1988
    Bankruptcy 1987
    French-Canadian Ancestry Paternal

    Rotten Library Page:
    Lyndon LaRouche

  268. Morning, All,

    Is this guy 8 years old, or what? Talk shows, and now this?

  269. SueK // January 31, 2010 at 8:21 am

    I always thought that BO had a great radio voice. He would do well in broadcasting. Actually he is better qualified to to be a radio or voiceover announcer than he is to be POTUS. TV announcer is a no-no. Can’t tolerate that side to side head bobbing. Strange, he NEVER looks straight into the camera.

  270. Joy // January 30, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    Morning, Joy,

    Sorry I missed your post last night.

    The issue in separating them is house space and dollars to buy a whole new pen.

    I’m afraid that the socialization is best left up to my friend who runs the rescue. If they ignored each other that’d be one thing, but it’s the fighting; it’s also biting me.

    Thanks for your take!

  271. TO:
    SueK // January 31, 2010 at 8:21 am

    Morning, All,

    Is this guy 8 years old, or what? Talk shows, and now this?

    WOW did you read the comments? This is from Lieberal LA Times not one favorable comment.

    He is the Practice President we need a Leader for Real Life and Preisdency. Not only is Rome Burning but he is Burning also…only problem is Not Fast Enough.

    He will be the Most Hated Prez EVER!!!


    Happy Lord’s Day…Happy Sunday!!

    Glory to God!!

  273. Jonah // January 31, 2010 at 8:32 am

    Morning, Jonah,

    Maybe that should be his chosen profession however, my comment was intended to demonstrate what a child he is.

    Now that he’s in Our Seat, it’s all fun and games with him. Um, America has a ton of problems caused by him (not Bush) and rather than get to work, he chooses to do this?

    I notice as I go through life that people who are lying can’t look you in the eye. His body language says it all…

  274. SueK,

    You are making the right decision. Most animals can be trained but some can’t especially if they are older and had issues prior, also Natural Insticts that are bred in the animals can’t usually be altered.

  275. Thanks. Peter, I don’t see any other way to go, here.

    It’s the prior issues, I’m sure, and gradual socialization needs to be done with another; it can’t be in my home and should be done at the rescue where there are a variety of little souls, one of whom may work.

    Taking her back early afternoon. Very sad. Was hoping to give her a good life here, but it’s not to be.

  276. I think he could do a great radio show as his new career ….
    ” Now Reporting from Guantanamo this is Obama prisoner number 666 and former Usurper. Today I will interview one of my lifemates David Axelrod ….next week we will sahre the cell with Rham Emanuel …..”

    Also he will rediscover Islam in jail from fellow lifer Louis Farrakhan

  277. They were saying on Fox news that Scott Brown is somehow distant cousins with the usurper.

  278. Good morning, everyone,

    Sue K, travel safely today. The east coast got walloped with a huge snowstorm yesterday and it’s likely upon Mass now. We got 10″ here in Richmond VA yesterday.

    Hope you find a good friend for Mitzi soon. Sorry to learn Abby bit you. That’s not a good sign. Hang in there, the right babe is out there just waiting for a good home, friend and mom.

  279. d2i // January 31, 2010 at 9:06 am

    Morning, d2i and thanks-I will travel safely.

    We have cold and dry weather today; I was watching that low develop and a friend in NC also got hit with 10″ of snow. It was too far south to affect New England, but the Mid-Atlantic got clocked yet again.

    Not sure about a new friend for Mitzi, but I’ll monitor accordingly. In the meantime, Abby will go back for some ‘socialization lessons.’

  280. Check out how obama is trying to recruit high school kids to work for his agenda. It is quite a long application with recommeded reading (Rules for Radicals, etc.). How can this be allowed?

  281. Sue:

    Sorry for your misfortune, but your heart was in the right place. It just didn’t work out. As the others have said, please do be careful.

  282. In short, it would damage BOTH political parties at this point. Since independent voters are already on the rise, this could be devastating to the status quo.
    I registered when I moved to Ky as an Independent………

    Re your take on party identification…….our teacher at adult class said just as millions are passing the dem/rep ticket to be indies, so are church members to become members of the Christian community, not members of Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, etc.
    Interesting, huh?

  283. WOW did you read the comments? This is from Lieberal LA Times not one favorable comment.

    He is the Practice President( not legally) we need a Leader for Real Life and Preisdency. Not only is Rome Burning (he has the gas can) but he is Burning also…only problem is Not Fast Enough.

    He will be(is) the Most Hated Prez EVER!!!

  284. I have to laugh at obama in the front row getting free tv exposure running to safe haven in washington. Then says he watches all the march madness games!!! What are we paying him for basketball games,golf.parties etc,, doesnt he know we have a war going on a economic crisis, And Haiti crisis. He is should be impeached immediately

  285. Also said during election he was related to Brad Pitt what a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!

  286. Carlyle // January 30, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    The simplistic view is that it was created by congress and can just as easily be uncreated. But my point is that the Fed itself is strong enough to keep that from happening.


    You should look at what the people of Iceland have accomplished on their own in the last year against these behemoth institutions. It just might inspire you.

    Never under estimate the power of the people!

  287. NancyDrew // January 31, 2010 at 9:31 am

    Thanks, Nancy…will do. It’s just a sad day…

  288. Need to get involved on Local Level
    Info here pass on,for America ,local level


    Let everyone know

  289. Call senators and congressmmen,tell them to STOP THE RECRUITMENT OF THE YOUTH

    Give them sites to review on this issue!!!
    Serious Youth need the truth
    flyers with sites need to be passed out!!!
    Need to know they are being used!! breaking news daily articles

  290. **** New Post ****

  291. #

    Truth Now // January 31, 2010 at 10:29 am

    Call senators and congressmmen,tell them to STOP THE RECRUITMENT OF THE YOUTH

    Give them sites to review on this issue!!!
    Serious Youth need the truth
    flyers with sites need to be passed out!!!
    Need to know they are being used!! breaking news daily articles
    Truth Now: Also add, from Atlas Shrugs:
    Very comprehensive information about Ovomit’s attempts at rejuvenating Hitler-Jugend


  292. It is time for everyone to rise up and DEMAND that Eric Holder be removed per the Treason he is committing against our Constitution and Military by giving terrorist the rights of the citizens of the US. It is quite amazing to listen to Sen. Susan Collins rail against the rights Holder gave to this terrorist, considering she hasn’t listened to our opposition to health care. Her words have created a crack in the proverbial dam. Holder is merely a mouth piece for Obama and his Communist take over. To rid Holder of his pulpit(Office Of Atty Gen) would cause Obama major problems. This would start chipping away Obama’s power!!!

  293. They need to get rid of Timmy (aka Goldman Sachs’ golden enabler) Geithner asap too. He is a real problem child. I’d be really happy if most of the czars got axed as well. The rest of the creeps should be gone via our votes in the next elections 2010/2012.

  294. One of my most favorite journalist is the ‘gotcha’ journalist:

    From Big Government……

    Let’s re-read Obama’s statement:

    “If you look at the package that we’ve presented — and there’s some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating.”

    The words “we’ve” and “we” further emphasizes the fact that Obama has shut the Republicans out of all of the healthcare negotiations. It’s also a violation of this–outlined in the Obama-Biden plan detailed on the website….

    *End The Practice Of Writing Legislation Behind Closed Doors*

    Oh, yeah, they’ve really done that!!

  295. Leza // January 31, 2010 at 8:18 am

    Jacqlyn Smith/d2i,

    Sorry to step in, but saw your interest in Lyndon LaRouche. A little history on LaRouche –


    Thank you Leza…..I listened yesterday and still need to do more investigating concerning LaRouche…..I liked his thoughts on recovering the economy though!!!

  296. NancyDrew // January 31, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Check out how obama is trying to recruit high school kids to work for his agenda. It is quite a long application with recommeded reading (Rules for Radicals, etc.). How can this be allowed?


    Nancy….thank you for this alert…..I just sent a huge email out telling everyone I know to be on the look out…..I have also received a personal email from this group asking me to donate to their agenda…..this is frightening……how are public schools allowed to get away with this????

  297. This is TRULY EVIL and Un-American to the Nth degree. Hitler’s Youth return. Really. No exaggeration.

    Remember – as you read this – Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is the modern-day Communist Manifesto. It is the dark underbelly of Community Organizing. He says, “What follows is for those who want to change the world
    from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”

    Further remember – this is the book that was, in part, dedicated to the devil: “The first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”

    Many of us have claimed that RFR is “the textbook” for the Obama presidency. We are always ridiculed when we say that. However,
    it’s looking more and more like we may be correct.

  298. Politics will always be politics. Full of promises that are made to be broken.

  299. Pingback: Obama audacity of corruption, Alexi Giannoulias Chicago fundraiser, August 5, 2010, IL state treasurer, Chicago Tribune endorsed David Hoffman « Citizen WElls

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