Glenn Beck boycott, February 12 2010, Abraham Lincoln birthday, Beck insults Americans Military US Constitution, Charles Kerchner Commander USNR (Retired), Kerchner v Obama

“The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only
moonlight by the sun of Lincoln. His example is universal
and will last thousands of years….He was bigger than his
country—bigger than all the presidents together… and
as a great character he will live as long as the world
lives.”…Leo Tolstoy, 1909


Abraham Lincoln birthday 

February 12, 2010


Abraham Lincoln quotes

“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That
must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the
courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the
men who pervert the Constitution.”

“Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations
against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to
the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. LET US HAVE FAITH

“When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the
liberties of their country, truly may it be said, “The gates of
hell shall not prevail against them.””

Glenn Beck, on his radio show and Fox tv show, while talking about upholding the US Constitution out of one side of his mouth, has insulted concerned Americans, current and retired military personnel and the US Constitution out of the other side of his mouth. Beck has insulted the very people who gave him the high ratings. That is not smart.

Glenn Beck has insulted millions of average Americans exercising their First Amendment rights to question the eligibility of Barack Obama. Even Lou Dobbs while at CNN asked why Obama doesn’t present a legitimate birth certificate.

“Hell hath no fury.” Glenn Beck, you have not only infuriated people like me, you have insulted and infuriated military personnel and high ranking military officers. Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired), is one of those officers. Charles Kerchner and I have been in regular contact for the better part of a year. He and I have decided to send a clear signal to Glenn Beck that his statements are inaccurate, unprofessional, un American and unacceptable. Therefore, we have decided to initiate a boycott Glenn Beck day. I do so not rejoicing and hoping that Glenn Beck will apologize, open his eyes and pay attention.

February 12, 2010 has been chosen for the boycott of Beck’s radio and Fox TV show. This is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, the one man alone who probably kept this country from dissolving and one of my true heros.

We are asking you to boycott Glenn Beck’s shows on this day, unless he apologizes and changes his attitude. I sincerely hope that he does. We are also asking that you spread this message far and wide.

The Conservative Monster site has another Glen Beck initiative.

Call Glenn Beck’s radio show – Operation: Natural Born Citizen, Feb. 8th, 2010

Operation: Natural Born Citizen?
  1. On Jan 27th, Beck claimed that Obama was a U.S. Citizen rather than calling him a Natural born citizen on his famous blackboard.
  2. Beck thinks he is slick, playing this word game, so we will play it back with him
  3. I guess his crack head staff does not know the difference between a ‘natural born citizen’ and a U.S. Citizen?

What will you say when the Beck stooges answer the phone?



  1. Inform Beck that the pending lawsuits are over Obama aka Barry Soetoro, NOT being a ‘natural born citizen’. 
  2. Tell them that you are sick of Glenn crying on the Constitution, as he protects Obama’s biggest violation against it..his ineligibility
  3. YOU want Glenn and others in the media to testify UNDER OATH about everything they know and was told about by 3rd parties in regards to Obama’s ineligibility issue and keeping it out of the public spotlight.  
  4. Let him know that Obama, Soros and the left wing sites on the Internet appreciate his alleged assistance in the eligibility issue cover up.
  5. Let him know that you will NEVER watch his show again…
I am just getting started folks….
Read more:




264 responses to “Glenn Beck boycott, February 12 2010, Abraham Lincoln birthday, Beck insults Americans Military US Constitution, Charles Kerchner Commander USNR (Retired), Kerchner v Obama

  1. I’ll put this up tomorrow. I really have to go. It’s hard to leave when things keep popping up. Zach

  2. Thanks Zach, John Charlton, et al.

  3. Listening to Beck this morning, I support him and his show. He has layed his life, family’s life, and career on the line to expose Obama for what he is and to educate us. I don’t understand what is going on behind the scenes on the BC. I do know Dobbs questioned it and is gone now. Can America afford to lose Beck’s voice at this time? No.

  4. Prairie.
    While I generally agree with you, no one is above reproach.
    Beck’s comments are unacceptable.
    There is a bible verse that applies.

  5. I think Beck’s career is doing just fine…

  6. #

    citizenwells // February 4, 2010 at 10:13 am

    While I generally agree with you, no one is above reproach.
    Beck’s comments are unacceptable.
    There is a bible verse that applies.

    CW and Prairie…..I don’t like what Beck is doing either….but like Prairie I will keep an ear out to what he is saying because he continues to expose other things that are very important and need to be exposed…..I will continue to try and get through to his show!! I just hope he is not pulling a Mary Landrieu on us…..I never seem to be able to get through on his show…I will continue to try!

  7. One more comment.

    Charles Kerchner
    Commander USNR (Retired)

    Made the request last night.
    I was already leaning toward the one day boycott.
    Who am I going to honor?
    Kerchner or Beck?
    You tell me.

  8. Unfortunately, foxnews has a monopoly for conservative tv news, and when any company has a monopoly, they inevitably abuse it. That is what they are doing right now with beck and o’rielly insulting our intelligence. You don’t get away with it when you have competition, but alas, they have none.


    CW you may want to do a story on this one, pending the ouctome in the hearing Today.

    In the article below she claims violence in Kenya and she needs asylum. The Obama are LOVED in Kenya and her nephew is Prime Minister if they can protect OBower’s birth records they surely can protect their AUNTIE.
    She will be safe after all in Kenya the violence is againts Christian and she is a Muslim.



    Obama’s Aunt: The Slatest links to a CNN report that the president’s aunt will appear before a federal immigration judge today to hear whether she’ll be able to remain in the United States. “Zeituni Onyango, 57, applied for political asylum in 2002, citing violence in her native Kenya,” CNN reports. “She is the half-sister of the president’s late father.” Until 2002 she was a legal resident and even received a Social Security card, but her asylum request was turned down in 2004. She refused to leave. Obama has not weighed in on the case and said it should run its normal course, according to CNN.

  10. CW,
    I admire your conviction, if a one day boycott is needed to show strength in numbers, it is the least I can do join with you. This said, let it be known, I do not question Beck’s patriotism.

  11. d2i,
    You called it.

    At 1.00 am UK time on this date, 4th February 2010, the Editor was informed that the following were arrested on 3rd February 2010:

    • Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister.

    • Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board

  12. Colin Powell JUST RETIRE ALREADY, please.
    Ohhh you are already retired! Easy for you to allow others to deal with the homosexuals BUT you didn’t want it in the military when you were there.

    This guy every shows his true colors he should follow Arlen Specter to the dark side and join the Party of Failure.

    Conservatives should ex-communicate him.

  13. If they are really not blood relatives he will egnor her problem. Maybe? Does he ever have anything to do with his half sister Soetero?

  14. O’Reilly is holding up Beck. Why all of a sudden have they become pal’s?

  15. This from Resistnet:
    URGENT PRESS RELEASE about Tea Party.

    Hey folks! Lisa Mei Norton is going to be singing at the National Tea Party Convention this weekend in Nashville! BUT–She’s been contacted by CNN! I just found out at 10 p.m. yesterday–I’ve been up ever since trying to get the word out & also attempting to contact people who might be able to get her on Fox News BEFORE CNN!! Here’s our press release for today–pass it on!


    NEW YORK, NY – February 4, 2010

    Lisa Norton, who currently serves on the Board of Directors for M.O.M. FOR AMERICA, Inc. will be featured on CNN’s Campbell Brown on Thursday, February 4, 2010. Lisa Norton is a patriotic songwriter/singer. Her latest song, “Not for Sale” has been received with rave reviews among Tea Party and conservative groups throughout the Nation. Lisa’s talent has recently earned her a feature in an upcoming edition of Spin Magazine.

    “From the moment I heard Lisa’s voice, I knew we needed this fabulous entertainer in our organization,” said Claudia Nelson, President of M.O.M. FOR AMERICA. “Lisa’s love of country and service in our military ranks gives her songs a tenacity and grit you just don’t hear anywhere else.”

    Lisa, a retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant who served for 20 years as an Airborne Communications Specialist, had the opportunity to tour with the Air Force Tops in Blue Entertainment Troupe, touring the world and performing 144 shows for military families at 137 locations in the U.S. and overseas. Lisa’s song writing career was reignited last year when Sarah Palin exploded on the political stage. Lisa dusted off an old song she wrote entitled, “Thank God You’re a Woman,” and created a video tribute to the former Alaskan Governor. Since then, with the advent of the Tea Party movement, she and her friend and co-writer (who goes by the handle “Big Dawg”) have written several conservative, patriotic songs.

    Leigh-Ann Bellew, National Spokesperson of M.O.M. FOR AMERICA stated, “We are proud of Lisa. She is the American Dream—a hard-working mom, trying to make ends meet and struggling like so many others in our country. She puts into song what so many of us are thinking and talking about at our kitchen tables.” Lisa will be performing live at the M.O.M. FOR AMERICA Annual Banquet on August 28, 2010 at the Marriott Metro Center, Washington, DC.
    M.O.M. FOR AMERICA is a Sisterhood of Patriots purposed with educating citizens who are concerned about the future of America on the core values represented in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. For more information, visit the web site at or contact Leigh-Ann Bellew, National Spokesperson, M.O.M. For AMERICA, by email at
    M.O.M. FOR AMERICA is proud to host Michelle Malkin as the keynote speaker during the First Annual M.O.M. for America Banquet on Saturday, August 28, 2010 at the Marriott Metro Center, Washington, DC. Plan to join us for this special event: An Evening with Michelle Malkin by visiting our web site at

  16. CW – You are right to bring up Beck’s attitude regarding “We The Birthers”. Abraham Lincoln’s quote that fits Beck the best is “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
    Just listening to his show this AM I detect a nervousness in his voice

    PS – My favorite Abraham story.

    Several years ago my brother-in-law from Berlin, Germany came to visit. The place he most wanted to see was Gettysburg. When we arrived the first thing he wanted to see was where did Lincoln give his speech. After a short walk from the Visitors Center we were standing right in front of the spot and my dear B-I-L gave the speech in both German and English without any aid of notes. Needless to say the other tourists were impressed how other countries loved “OUR GREATEST PRESIDENT”

  17. I’m with you, CW. Like Obama followers that overlook his awful plans, some Beck followers excuse his appalling treatment of Constitutionalists (some even on this blog). It is not okay to continue to give Beck support when he is helping Obama destroy the Constitution just because Beck is (purportedly) against Obama on other things. We’re not asking that he take up the cause, simply be neutral and apoligize for undeserved ridicule and insult (not be a hypocite). This is NOT too much to expect.

  18. TO:
    Prairie // February 4, 2010 at 10:36 am

    I admire your conviction, if a one day boycott is needed to show strength in numbers, it is the least I can do join with you. This said, let it be known, I do not question Beck’s patriotism.
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////

    NO one is question his patriotism, we all know he is a Patriot….what we are questioning is his HONESTY and EVIDENCE or hiding of evidence.
    Also his hypocritic double standard: QUESTION BOLDLY he tells us and when we do he insults us? It is the difference between how Beck treats us and how the Obutts treated Ou Dobbs?

    They confuse or on purpose try to confuse Citizen with Natural Born Citizen which is a Higher Level of Citizenship.
    Ask these morons to define the difference between Citizen born in USA and Natural Born Citizen.

    On matters of Natural Born Citizenship Glenn Beck and the Media Are Uninformed COWARDS.

  19. Ms. helga….Beck seems to be quite worried about the indoctrination of our children by the Fraud in our house…….as we all should be….many of my daughter’s friends were singing his praises in 2008….not so much now that they have been hanging out at our house…..I have set them all straight……at least there is some hope that he can’t brainwash all of our youth if parents will step up to the plate…..SOONER rather than LATER!!

  20. Beck is not interested in the truth, he just wants to keep his $18 million/yr. job.

    CW I support your boycott of Beck. By the way has anyone posted this tidbit?

    HI attorney general’s office refuses to corroborate Obama’s HI Birth Certificate.

    Check it out…..

  21. I believe Beck, Rush, and Hannity are fighting tooth and nail for America right now. I don’t know why their hands are tied on the BC. Why the courts hands are tied. But hey Paulajal, thanks for likening me to an “obama follower”- is that a polite way of calling me an obot for following my instinct on Beck?

  22. Beck is playing a game with us folks ! I use to watch him when he first started talking out against Obama and his crooked administration, but something down deep inside told me he would never approach the only thing that matter which was; IS OBAMA A NETURAL-BORN CITIZEN AND QUALIFIED TO BE POTUS ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION? Until that question is answered with truth, NOTHING BECK OR ANYONE ELSE DOES amounts to a hill-of-beans. All Beck is doing is stepping on the lions toes…he better watch out , the lion may turn on him and bite him in the ass ! Question with BOLDNESS Beck !
    I have stopped watching him. He’s more worried about his ratings than he is about the Constitution.

  23. OK! Everyone…… I would like to give you a good laugh today to help take your stress away.

    The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate.

  24. America needs ObamaCare like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.

  25. Beck’s on birthers again

  26. Hello all, Yes I will boycott and I will encourage everyone I know to do the same…The very ones we have looked to for truth have fallen through the cracks…How disappointing! Looks like Rev. Manning is batting a thousand with his discernment….Thanks CW…God bless you!!

  27. Q: Have you heard about McDonald’s new Obama Value Meal?

    A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.

  28. Beck on commercial now and then coming back to birthers some more

  29. Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?

    A: A fund raiser.

  30. Breaking news for Wisconsin:
    letters are going out this week to 8,000 people in the State letting them know that their unemployment benefits are running out next week. Another 96,000 letters will be going out by the end of the month, statewide. The has been no further Unemployment extensions granted as of this time.
    I know this as I work for the government at the county level.
    They will put everyone on foodstamps, dependent on the government, enslaved!

  31. Patriot Dreamer

    Beck believes that the birth certificate issue is a trap for us. If it weren’t, then they (the Obama supporters) wouldn’t keep bringing it up. The Dems. are baiting us. MSNBC is talking about birthers every day. Why? BO joked about it this morning:

    Why? Why would they keep bringing it up unless it helps them?

  32. Q: What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary?

    A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.


    Checking in today with a completely new attitude brought on by my departure from the FOX BALONEY MILL. I have tested my “BROWN BESS” and it stands in the corner of the room ready for action. It has a Grice 1776 lock, a 42″barrel, and is .750 caliber. At 1500 feet per second, it is more than capable of creating new poop chutes for any enemy. I even put a brand new flint in the lock. When it strikes the frizzen it really sparks great. I also filled my powder flask.Come on OBOTS, come and get me!
    If my “BROWN BESS” doesn’t get you my GARAND M1 will! These are my kind of toys. Guaranteed by our Constitution.
    Guess what Kirk voted on the 28th. His tenure ended on the 20th. Looks as though he is one of DIRTY HARRY”S GOONS.
    Lets watch Illinois real close. I am betting that the Chicago cesspool candidate (GIO )
    “LINOLEUM” will LOSE. He is a known CROOK. Even robbed his own bank, of $70 million. He is also one of the DALY GANG.

  34. He was ragging the birthers. He compared birthers to Michael Moore’s claims that Bush blew up the twin towers and how that hurt Moore and helped Bush….blah blah blah

    Brought up the darn newspaper announcement and how, to be a birther, you would have to believe his family planted it and knew he was going to run for president

    Hello Beck!! It just means a baby was born to a family. It doesn’t say where

  35. Bob Strauss@10:09 previous thread regarding O looks like he has 6 fingers on his left hand….This is a VERY interesting observation, Denham/Dunham is a common melungeon surname and the only ones I’ve ever known to have 6 fingers or toes….many times the extra was removed at birth….I would love to see the genealogy resources that the LDS church delivered to O….

  36. Q: If Nancy and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?

    A: America!

  37. He keeps playing the Obama joke from yesterday about his citizenship, saying Obama wouldn’t joke about it if he was born elsewhere and if he didn’t know that bringing it up is working to hurt conservativism ……by making us look bad…..

  38. Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?

    A: Bo has papers.

  39. What happened to my post?

  40. About Beck:

    I used to watch his show. He wants his audience to see him as a defender of the truth and of the Constitution.

    How can he be credible anymore when he doesn’t want to defend the Constitution against one of the biggest fraud ever, and treat his viewers as idiots?

  41. First, I LOVE it when CW is ON FIRE!

    Second, I WILL participate in the boycotts – ratings are the best way to get his attention.

    Third, the reason we’re all so ticked off is because we feel personally insulted by Beck, yet we value what he’s done so far. I don’t understand why he insults the very people that helped create his success, but I also know that he sees and explains the big picture better than anyone else.

    To that end, I’m sharing a comment from “sdee” on RosettaSisters that I find very interesting. Take it for what it’s worth to you.

    sdee Says:
    February 4, 2010 at 5:20 am

    I am just wondering why the leftists are going out of their way to bring this up now – trying to draw out people like Beck and O’Reilly? Nothing with Obama and his minions happens by chance.

    O’Reilly seems like he only knows what his staff feeds him and won’t take a side on anything controversial – Mr. fair and balanced, too much superficial debate, little facts or learning, and an Obama kiss up. It is hard to watch his show.

    Beck is different. He is laying out a damn amazing story. But something stinks nonetheless with this issue. Beck, if anyone, knows that there is no evil, damage or deception that Obama and his patricians will not wreak for their cause. He knows they would even sacrifice Obama if it serves that cause.

    I think this is rope-a-dope. Obama is baiting, waiting and hoping the Republicans start foaming at the mouth over him not being born here and then magically produce his actual birth records (or professionally forged CIA versions thereof) to ridicule and discredit them.

    Obama is ineligible by his own admission of being born a subject of Great Britain to a non-citizen father. That will only be resolved in court, if ever.

    O’Reilly can blather on for all I care.

    Beck however, I intend to pay very close attention to because ousting Obama will not get America back. The corruption and treason runs too deep.

    We can scrape away that which we call Obama, and the insidious network that installed him will still thrive in the shadows. We need the tens of million more Americans that only Beck can get through to. We need that huge tide to rid America of the parasites.

    God speed Leo, but we the people must rise up or lose our country. Obama or no Obama.

  42. Ginger // February 4, 2010 at 11:13 am

    Morning, Ginger,

    On a roll today, are we?? 🙂

    Thanks for the giggles!

  43. I agree Beck should not be demeaning those who not believe Obama was not born in the US but maybe its because he just doesn’t see the courts or anyone in Congress taking on the birth issue. Rather than get caught up in that subject he has chosen to spend his time on educating the public with facts other news outlets ignore and exposing Obama in other ways. That is an important task in itself and it is making folks aware of the attempts to transform America.

  44. Patriot Dreamer

    Katie // February 4, 2010 at 11:35 am

    sdee Says:
    I think this is rope-a-dope. Obama is baiting, waiting and hoping the Republicans start foaming at the mouth over him not being born here and then magically produce his actual birth records (or professionally forged CIA versions thereof) to ridicule and discredit them.
    Yes, this is the trap!

  45. Have been wondering why Beck has not gotten on that pervert school czar Kevin Jennings……

  46. TO:
    Ginger // February 4, 2010 at 11:13 am

    OK! Everyone…… I would like to give you a good laugh today to help take your stress away.

    The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////////

    We give him enough time to choose his last meal and assemble a firing squad

  47. No one in the media….including Beck will ever take the eligibility issue seriously until our justice system addresses the issue…..because all of the cases have been dismissed so far I believe the MSM will just play along and pretend there is nothing to the FRAUD’S ineligibility!!

  48. If Beck wanted to protect himself and his family, he shouldn’t talk about the NBC issue at all instead of telling us how ignorant we are.

  49. Have been wondering why Beck has not gotten on that pervert school czar Kevin Jennings…
    He already has…numerousl times.

  50. It’s amazing the chatter Glen Beck puts forth to dodge the NBC issue. Since when has anyone except Obama been allowed near our Nations Secrets without being forced to prove his Citizenship. Everyone in Congress is complicit in this cover up and need to be charged with TREASON. The next question, Who will form the massive uprising to push the charges of TREASON against all of them. Joe Wilson started to get tough, when he hollered YOU LIE. We came to his defense and all of a sudden he folded, Why?? God Bless you Citizen Wells for pushing this, it needs to go viral. Glen Beck is being shadowed by O’Reilly, to shut him up, which speaks to how shallow Beck is. GO GET HIM CW.

  51. TO:
    Patriot Dreamer // February 4, 2010 at 11:20 am

    Beck believes that the birth certificate issue is a trap for us. If it weren’t, then they (the Obama supporters) wouldn’t keep bringing it up. The Dems. are baiting us. MSNBC is talking about birthers every day. Why? BO joked about it this morning:

    Why? Why would they keep bringing it up unless it helps them?
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////

    Glenn Beck is falling for their trap…here is hwo I see it.

    The Obutts bring up teh Birther and birth certificate to either SHUT US UP because they are nto afraid to talk about it OR what we all believed they would do, they brign it up to obsucre the REAL ISSUE which is his daddy was a Foreigner and he is NOT a NATURAL BRON CITIZEN….as long as we and the Obutts keep talking about the Birth Certificate noone is talking about NBC ELIGIBILITY. That is their purpose Plus they may have another delay tactic onthe COLB or already have a foreged one to present.

    BECK has been FOOLED by teh OBUTTS it was a double slight of hand by teh OBUTTS and it is at least working ON Glenn Beck.

  52. Contact Canada Free Press

    They have documents and testimonies on the BHO
    Canada Free Press said they worked with the N.E.
    Contact them and expose this
    I believe they have other valuable documents ,such as Pelosi signing 2 docs for eligibilty issue for all the states,1 to Hawaii with LEGAL VERBAGE AND THE OTHER 49 ALL OMITTED
    They seem to know a lot.

  53. MS.HELGA…………………………………………..

    In my opinion there have never been truer words utterred by anyone on this earth, since Honest Abe said them over a century,and a half ago; “You can fool all the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool ALL THE PEOPLE, ALL THE TIME! These words should be the motto of the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party should use the music from the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and lead into everything we say with the words “WE THE PEOPLE”.
    Ms. HELGA if nobody has yet said to you welcome to America,I say it to you NOW.

  54. Citizen vs “natural born Citizen”

  55. Morning, All,

    OT, and sorry for the length, but I just got this from down yonder in Boston. I can’t provide a link because it’s a subscriptiion service, but here ya go:


    By Kyle Cheney

    STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 4, 2010…..In a process that barely lasted three minutes, state officials cleared the way Thursday for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown to take his place on Capitol Hill. A swearing-in ceremony, administered by Vice President Joe Biden is set for 5 p.m. followed by a media availability at 5:30 p.m.

    In a governor’s office gathering, the Governor’s Council certified the Jan. 19 special election results and Gov. Deval Patrick and Secretary of State William Galvin signed formal election certificates validating the results the election: 1,168,178 votes for Brown, 1,060,861 for his closest opponent, Attorney General Martha Coakley. Galvin said he would contact the Secretary of the U.S. Senate to determine how best to deliver the certificate to Washington, noting that Brown was seeking a 5 p.m. swearing in.

    Although Brown had initially agreed to a Feb. 11 swearing-in, he reversed himself Wednesday, dispatching his legal counsel, Dan Winslow, to demand an immediate certification and swearing-in. Thursday, a beaming Winslow, who served as legal counsel under Gov. Mitt Romney, shook hands with Patrick’s legal counsel, Mo Cowan, as he exited the office.

    “It was a good process,” Winslow told the News Service before deferring further questions to Brown’s press secretary Felix Browne.

    Saying the state had honored “the rights of the majority” by certifying Brown’s election expeditiously, Galvin, a Democrat, used the certificate signing to send a message to the senator-elect.

    “I’d like to call on Senator Brown now to respect the rights of the majority,” he said. “I hope that we will be able to see an up or down vote on all the nominees of President Obama.”

    Asked to elaborate, Galvin cited reports that national Republicans wanted to rush Brown to Washington to help block Obama’s nominee to the National Labor Relations Board, as well as other prospective appointees. The U.S. Constitution, he added, “didn’t say anything about needing 60 votes.”

    Galvin was referring to the Senate rules requiring 60 votes to achieve “cloture” on most issues. Brown will become the 41st Republican U.S. senator, enabling the minority party to block the will of the majority, should they vote as a bloc.

    Consideration of a job creation bill by the U.S. Senate is also anticipated as early as next week. U.S. Senate Democratic leaders were outlining a job creation bill Thursday in Washington.

    Patrick strode into the Council Chamber at 9:38 a.m. and, after a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, quickly made a motion to members of the Governor’s Council to certify the election results. The motion carried, Patrick signed the certificate and exited the chamber by 9:42 a.m. Six of the eight governor’s councilors, who are constitutionally required to certify all state election results, attended the certification.

    The Council Chambers were packed with reporters, members of the governor’s senior staff and officials from the secretary of state’s office. Brown did not attend. An aide in his state Senate office said Thursday morning that the timing of his resignation from the state Senate was still being worked out.

    U.S. Sen. Paul Kirk, whom Gov. Deval Patrick appointed as interim senator to fill the seat vacated upon Edward Kennedy’s death, will deliver his final speech to the Senate at 3:45 p.m. Thursday.

    Kirk’s appointment came five years after Beacon Hill Democrats stripped Gov. Mitt Romney of the power to name an interim senator in favor of a special election. The decision was designed to prevent Romney from naming a Republican senator had Sen. John Kerry won the 2004 president election. The Democrat-controlled state Legislature and Patrick restored the interim appointment power last year after Kennedy succumbed to a battle with brain cancer.

    Senate President Therese Murray told the News Service Thursday morning she hadn’t yet received his letter of resignation. Galvin told reporters that Brown “will” resign Thursday, calling his U.S. and state Senate offices “incompatible.” Galvin said Murray could call a special election to fill Brown’s seat as early as this afternoon, when the Senate meets in a formal session.


  56. Philo-Publius, Thanks for letting me know about Jennings, Makes me feel better!

  57. CW call Glenn Beck at 888 727 BECK he is challenging us.

    Ask him to define the difference between a Citizen born in USA and a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and how someone born a British and then becomng a Kenyan can ever be a Natural Born Citizen.

    Where does he get his definition for Natural Born Citizen adn where did the Founders get it from?

  58. Contact Mark Levin,Why is he not talking about this???????

    Savage was hot yesterday
    A Caller suggested all of AMERICA take a Month off and go to D.C. AND BACICALLY FIRE MOST ALL OF THEM!!!!!! Camp out and say they are not doing the Peoples business and we want them out!!
    Has Kerchner talked to MCCAIN????
    Has he talked to Palin and or BROWN???????
    Call daily and give them these sites
    Tell them Orly has docs,call ALLEN kEYES AND OR THE MILITARY SHE HAS AS CLIENTS.
    Tell them we have had it !!! TRUTH IS TRUTH!!


    12 TO 3 EST TALKING ABOUT B.C. issue

    This is a D.C. STATION PASS ON

  60. The issue of Beck still troubles me. I have quit watching him, because the few times that I did turn him on, I heard myself being insulted again, perhaps four more times since his original offense.

    At the same time, his shows are good, very effective. I’ve no idea what the solution to this is, so I am just ignoring him for now.

  61. Obama puts his foot in his mouth again about Vegas with no help from Joe bin Biden|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link4|

  62. Obama Jokes About His Citizenship at Prayer Breakfast

    What a POS!!!!

  63. Brown resigns his Mass state legislature senate seat to prepare to assume US senate seat:


    May the deception be exposed,the world knows America needs to know
    all involved need be arrested !!!!!!!!!!!

  65. Obutt is STONED in that VIDEO ABOVE look at his eyes.

  66. PRWH @12:26 I thought the same thing!

  67. NO O’BUSHAMA you are wrong…Your Neo-Commie Policies Make it harder for us to see what we have in common. SO far NOTHING.

  68. Peter and carmen,

    Stoned out of his (puny) mind!

  69. oldsalt78 – Thank you very much. Read this article and you will see where I am coming from.

  70. Zeeshopper @ 12:14 pm
    Due to his lack of any documentation re: his entire life from birth certificate until today I question everything about him including his motives. Day one-first official act as potus was to seal all his records. What motivated that?
    The frugual amount of information he did supply was a forgery. What is the motivation behind that?
    Re: civility-absolutely the lamest joke I ever heard. He make think he is funny, those who follow the Constitituion do not.

  71. don in california

    I quit watching and listening to beck a couple of weeks ago. I finally just gave up on him. I do NOT like to be insulted.

    I have been asking for a long time, if being born in the country makes you a NBC, why did our Founding Fathers put an exception into the Constitution for themselves??

  72. Prairie – Story was fired up when he wrote today’s report. Passion was oozing.

    My hunch is 0 was put in to office for one reason and one reason only, to secure the Queen’s gold. He is a British subject/CIA operative who I’m feeling more and more certain is a plant for the Queen. He is serving her NOT the American public.

    I am also coming to believe that when 0 stated he’d stand with the muslims if the wins shifted meant that since Al Queda is a CIA black psyops operation and is using saudi and nigerian muslims as operatives to deliberately distract the world population by setting up a good guy/bad guy meme is for the purpose of Israel.

    This, at least for me, explains why the crotchbomber was read his miranda rights as well as moving other operatives back to their homeland.

    0 is a muslim. 0 is a former CIA AQ operative. 0 is a British subject. 0 is not a US citizen.

    When Beck says there are more important things than his BC, I believe in my heart of hearts this is what he is referring to but can’t bring it into the public realm yet. Because, what is happening on the international level is so much bigger than all the rest of us and it correlates directly to our money and quality of life.

    I believe once the Queen gets her gold back, and all of the thieves have been arrested and jailed, then I believe 0 will leave the center stage.

    Just a hunch. Prairie, your thoughts? Just Me? venice?

    PS JJ – sorry I’m such an enigma to you. I am who I am.

  73. Obama should be arrested, he did not meet the eligibilty, those who allowed it, should be arrested for conspiracy. A CRIME was committed!!!!

  74. It’s all about dividing the public and playing one side against the other. Sometimes, it’s two steps forward – then one step back. But “The Agenda” advances toward the final goal – CONTROL.

    With Glenn Beck – think Left/Right Paradigm. Exposing the usurper would reveal too much. Beck and the rest of MSM (and political establishment) need to keep the game going. Truth is their enemy.


    Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.

    Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

  75. Zeeshopper // February 4, 2010 at 12:14 pm


    Obama’s speech at the prayer breakfast is a sinister speech:

    “…civility is not a sign of weakness, now I am the first to confess I am not always right, Michelle will testify to that [audience laughs], but surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, ….[dramatic pause for feigned sincerity]…..or for that matter my citizenship…[audience laughs and claps]… challenging each others ideas can renew our democracy, but when we challenge each others motives, it becomes harder to see what we hold in common, we forget that we share, at some deep level, the same dreams, even when we don’t share the same plans on how to fulfill them…”

    Please note, the false prophet is attempting to frame the debate, and to establish the ground rules that his muslim faith and lack of natural-born citizenship are off limits for any one to question.

    The sheeps clothing that he is wearing is that ” we share, at some deep level, the same dreams…” Please note that in his pride he exposes himself as a wolf when he qualifies the sheeps clothing by stating, “even when we don’t share the same plans on how to fulfill them.”

    We unequivocally live in dangerous times…

    The wolf is fearful of being exposed as a muslim, is fearful of being exposed for not being an Article II natural-born citizen, and is fearful of not being able to fulfill his plans to “steal and kill and destroy” the sheep.

    To all citizen patriots, now is the time to keep the faith, stand our ground, and to persevere in our efforts to expose the wolf in sheeps clothing.

    John 10:1-2, 10
    I tell you the truth, the man [USURPER] who does not enter the sheep pen [OFFICE OF PRESIDENT] by the gate [ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 5 OF THE CONSTITUTION], but climbs in by some other way [FRAUD], is a thief and a robber. The man who enters by the gate [ARTICLE II NATURAL-BORN CITIZENSHIP – BORN IN THE COUNTRY, OF PARENTS WHO ARE CITIZENS] is the shepherd of his sheep [WE THE PEOPLE]. The thief [USURPER] comes only to steal and kill and destroy [THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES]…

    Matthew 7:15
    Watch out for false prophets [USURPERS & THOSE WHO SUPPORT USURPERS]. They come to you in sheep’s clothing [WE SHARE AT SOME DEEP LEVEL, THE SAME DREAMS], but inwardly they are [PROUD] ferocious wolves [WE DON’T SHARE THE SAME PLANS].


  76. I also see that O has a new haircut, sort of like the “bowl” cut, to diminish his greying sides.

  77. OK, fine, so we boycott GB. How does that work exactly? There is no uplink from my TV to him – so how would he ever know if I watched or not? I think this is a fizzle. We need something bigger. Something that will really get his attention. What?

  78. Zeeshoppr,

    Would it be possible for you to make a video like the Glenn Beck ‘Does it matter?” video, using the false prophets prayer breakfast speech, and my comments above?

    Now is the time to turn up the pressure to expose the Jihadist in Chief…



  79. Prairie // February 4, 2010 at 10:38 am

    You called it.

    At 1.00 am UK time on this date, 4th February 2010, the Editor was informed that the following were arrested on 3rd February 2010:

    • Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister.

    • Dr Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board


    OK – ladies – here is a good opportunity to see if your Mr. C. Story is a hero or a whacko. He also said a couple of days ago that Hank Paulsen was arrested and locked up in Bermuda.

    So – great! – here are some facts that can actually be checked. I don’t see any evidence that these particular facts are true. So, right now I’m leaning toward ‘whacko’.

  80. Benaiah, Zeeshopper,

    Thanks for that video. Obama’s preparedness to discuss his citizenship signals an important change in direction. Either he feels that he is and will continue to be fully protected on this front, or that by putting it on the table, he will garner more support for his deceit.

    Either way, this is somewhat troubling.

  81. I have tried calling Beck’s show, per your requests.

  82. Benaiah,

    I will definitely work on that.

    Thank you!


    Is there any way to obtain the phone number for Glenn Beck’s red phone, so Citizen Wells can call him directly?

  84. TO:
    Carlyle // February 4, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    OK, fine, so we boycott GB. How does that work exactly? There is no uplink from my TV to him – so how would he ever know if I watched or not? I think this is a fizzle. We need something bigger. Something that will really get his attention. What?
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////////

    Well lets stick to the boycott now and e-mailing them and calling them to see if they see the light.
    There is a HUGE difference between a citizen born in USA and a Natural Born Citizen otherwise they would just call them citizens and naturalized citizens. there would be no noticeable difference between the citizenship of a senator and a president. BUT THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

    If this doesn’t work we can organize another protest with Dr Manning and others in front of FOX News in NY.

  85. If it is a game Zero is playing and he wants to one day just whip out his BC and make us all look like fools, it says more about HIM than US. That would be quite an immature little game. Why would he spend 2 million playing a game like that? No one would think it’s funny spending 2 million of OUR money to play a child’s game like that.

    Maybe 2 mil isn’t alot to Beck, but it’s alot to the rest of us.

  86. There should be a boycott PLUS a protest at Fox News…

  87. venice // February 4, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    I agree, Obama’s speech is troubling…

    In my opinion, he knows that the truth is pursuing him, that he will be exposed, and that his time is short… Hence, he has decided to move more than a pawn in the life and death game that he is playing…

    Through this speech, he has invited the lukewarm church to embrace him…

  88. Benaiah
    You get the phone # & I will call.

  89. ticktock, unless his BC proves that his father was an American citizen, then he is the only fool.
    And it may very well say that by now.

  90. He gave out the number and asked for those that disagree to call. Maybe calling right before the show starts is the best time.

    I have been e-mailign him all morning.
    Just demand that he educate us on the diff between a Senators Qualifications and a President’s and the diff between Citizen born in Country and Natural Born Citizen.
    What is the difference?

    Obama is using a DOUBLE SLIGHT OF HAND because the PRESSURE is getting them. They can’t get away with ignoring the issue any more they tried that and it didn’t work so now they are trying to misdirect us away form the REeal Issue of Natural Born Citizen and his Records…no not the Birth Certificate they already somehow arranegd somethign there to fool us.

    While they distract you with the left hand keep your eyes glued on the right hand.

    We don’t care about your Birth Certificate or CItizenship as much as we care about Natural Born Citizen and your status when you applied for schools and passports.

  91. citizenwells // February 4, 2010 at 1:22 pm


    I have no doubt that you would call…

    Surely there is a closet CWer that works at FAUX News that could obtain the phone number for us…

    Any other ideas, anyone, on how we can obtain Glenn Beck’s Red Phone number?



    Gallup and Rasmussen are beginning to pull back from the recent reversals. Embedded in this polls are both the relatively steadfast opinions and those that vacillate with current events.

    The overall trend however is negative and I believe will continue to do so.

  93. Perhaps Anita Dunn would give us Beck’s phone number…

  94. Philo-Publius

    Police want backdoor to Web users’ private data

  95. Venice, it is disheartening to me that people are still swayed by his lies.

  96. Listening to Beck this morning, I support him and his show. He has layed his life, family’s life, and career on the line to expose Obama for what he is and to educate us. I don’t understand what is going on behind the scenes on the BC. I do know Dobbs questioned it and is gone now. Can America afford to lose Beck’s voice at this time? No.

    Little nobody Larry Sinclair has “laid his life on the line”. He’s having everything taken from him, he was visited and watched by SS men, social security and the IRS hounding him.

    Beck is a pampered media dog living in a gated community—-he’s in absolutely NO danger.

    I’ve always thought he was an informant.
    I believe his only purpose is to create “Timothy McVeighs”.

  97. Philo-Publius

    Liberal Universities in U.S. now training grounds for Islamic Terrorists?

    A courtroom trial of a “Female Al Qaeda” Islamic Terrorist has highlighted a frightening new trend on at least some of the more liberal college campuses here in the United States…Most striking about her case, is that she is a graduate of both MIT and Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

    MIT is the same university where American-born Islamic Terrorist Major Nidal Malik Hassan, the infamous Ft. Hood shooter, received his training.

  98. JD.. where is Becks gated community? We can protest outside His Gated Community. It is disgusting our NEWS MEDIA is owned by foreign countries. We need an American owned News Media.

  99. Kim,

    I understand fully because I have watched over two years the unfolding of the public’s reaction to this man. I was dumbfounded with the fawning fans, the support of the media (even though they were payed handsomely) and the support of criminal activities to get this man elected.

    But something powerful has changed over the last 6 to 8 months. Obama is no longer supported by all the powers that be, only some, namely his frontline supporters (and at this point I’d be guessing how many). Obama is being taken down slowly.

    Public opinion is shifting, much like tectonic plates during an earthquake. Slowly but steadfastly the crevice is widening. This is why I repeatedly post poll numbers (I only look for grade shifts, not actual numbers).

    Even the masters in command cannot manipulate millions of dissenters. They may replace him with another, but Obama has clearly been given his chance. And between you , I, and many others, it was a foregone conclusion.

    And remember not ever sheath of snow has to be agitated for the avalanche to rumble (sorry for the mixed metaphors).

  100. I just heard this on Rush, so I searched for the transcript. Barry actually said this at a prayer breakfast this morning:

    “Civility also requires relearning how to disagree without being disagreeable; understanding, as President [Kennedy] said, that “civility is not a sign of weakness.” Now, I am the first to confess I am not always right. Michelle will testify to that. But surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, for that matter, my citizenship.”

    Sounds like all of our questions my be really bothering him.

  101. Ladyhawke,

    Obama conveniently appeals to one’s sense of “civility” when he feels he is losing, but doesn’t think twice about his bullying tactics (remember “get in their face”) when he thinks he has a chance at winning. He is so pathetic.

  102. Venice, Yes, ironic being lectured about civility from a man that told all dissenters to shut up when only in office for days. That is truly one the creepiest videos of him I’ve seen. The haughtiness was overwhelming.

  103. Ms.Helga………………………………………….
    The links that you provided tell a very familiar tale. While serving in the US Navy during the Korean war I served aboard a Sumner Class destroyer which was assigned to the Air group, of the carriers CV comprised of USS Valley Forge, USS Midway, USS Boxer, and early on USS Siapan. As destroyers we were assigned to “PLANE GUARD” duty. ie.(picking pilots out of the drink when they missed their landing attempt,or those who experienced mechanical problems with their aircraft on lift off, which ususlly led to ditching the airplane. Plane guard was not our only activity. We sometimes alternated with other ships in the flotilla,and were placed at various points along the North Korean coast, to recover pilots who were forced to ditch. Most of these were AD Skyraider pilots. These airplanes could be brought down for many reasons, but most were lost due to surface fire from the enemy while the pilots were attacking them with NAPALM. Many of the pilots were also seriously shot up. It was often a real race trying to get them out of the cockpits before the aircraft sunk. We did lose a couple of them. These aircraft usually sunk within a few minutes of impact. Some of the pilots were even dismembered,and their flesh splattered everwhere. Those of us who saw this for the first time felt a horrible sick feeling in our stomachs. Yet we had to act quickly lest we lose the pilot. I served one one of the recovery teams. We worked as a team. It was the only way that such recoveries could be successful. It was not a one person act. There was usually 5 of us. I happily state that we recovered a lot of pilots who otherwise would probably have perished quickly in the 40 degree water off the Korean coast. I was very proud of the accomplishments of our team. We were not alone. There was many teams serving at the time up to 1953, at which time most hostilities ceased by virtue of the truce. Most of us were reassigned to our normal shipboard jobs. Mine happened to be in the ship’s propulsion spaces. A little more secure than swimming around in the ocean off the Korean coast. I have to add that as the war progressed we soon had the help of choppers that were capable of lifting a pilot right out of the cockpit of a downed airplane. It was actually done a few times. Frankly I don’t know how we was even able to do what little we done. It was always really cold. Somehow we were never given this assignment during the warmer months.

  104. Got this from Postmaster at FOXNEWS:

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:
    The recipient’s mailbox is full and can’t accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.

  105. John Bingham confirms that understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:”[4] [5] [6]

    “ [I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…. . . ”

    – John Bingham in the United States House on March 9, 1866 (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

  106. Rham Emmanuel’s big mouth gets him in trouble again.|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link3|

  107. Sorry 1:48pm

    Have to watch those fingers: should be “every sheet” of snow.

  108. Patriot Dreamer

    venice // February 4, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    It is very troubling to me. They would not keep bringing it up unless it benefits them.

  109. Patriot Dreamer

    Obamacare backroom deals continue:

  110. PRWH…………………………………………………..

    It really isn’t hard to figure out why their mailbox is full. HAR DE HAR HAR. I am praying that their entire system will collapse in on them, and their server explode. Just payment for their BULLSH##.

  111. Dear Mr. PP Obama:

    It is not “uncivil” to wonder about your citizenship and your faith – in that you have hidden you records and that what little glimpses we see are disturbing. What is “uncivil” is that you withhold from the sovereign We The People information that we request and rightly deserve. Let’s clear the air of all this stuff, and THEN we can talk about ideas, and programs, and such.

  112. “He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on………

  113. In regards this concept:

    If you come to take my weapons, you will get them – bullets first (most recently stated I think by OldSalt a few threads ago).

    MOLON LABE (look it up)

    And see this for inspiration:

  114. Feb 4, 2010 | 2:18PM

    US Market Open

    NASDAQ 2135.57 -55.34 -2.53%

    DJIA 10044.2 -226.35 -2.2%

    S&P 1068.82 -28.46 -2.59%

  115. GB America…………………………………
    That is exactly what I concluded after reading it. I don’t know how much simpler it can be scribed. Yet if or when the OBOTS read it their LITTLE minds cannot comprehend such simple language, and either think it means something else, or has NO meaning at all.

  116. don in california

    I still say it is NOT about his citizenship, but his Natural Born Citizen status. obama is an idiot (in my opinion).

  117. O’Bushama’s Illegal Invader and Welfare Cheat aunt now changes her tune now it is medical.

    WAIT A MINUTE acoording to her infamous nephew she better run quick HEALTHCARE IN USA SUCKS she would be better off in a country outside USA for Social Health Care.

    BTW during the inauguration she had a red hairdo and trying to look all American Comtemporary now she tries to look poor and sickly.

    WHAT A SHAM……she better be DEPORTED otherwise there is NO Justice in USA.

  118. I really wish Leo D. hadn’t scrubbed his website of all the Natural Born Citizen court cases, etc. he uncovered, it was a great site for reference when arguing with liberal.

    Anyone know of another site that has all that info?

  119. DON……………………………………..

    “You have my vote young man”. You are dead on!

  120. don in california

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 4, 2010 at 2:30 pm

    WHAT A SHAM……she better be DEPORTED otherwise there is NO Justice in USA
    It’s not no justice, it’s now injustice.

  121. AMERICA IS BANKRUPT, we can’t afford to take care of teh health issues of a reckless criminal that invaded our country to rob us of our benefits that belong to our own people.

    LET her own country KENYA take care of her health issues.

    KENYA RECALL Auntie Zeituni and her Nephew Please.

  122. Hey Don in California –

    I want to see 3 birth certificates not just Obama’s. I want to see his, his momma’s, his daddy’s. I want to see his daddy’s Naturalization certificate if he’s Kenyan/British.

    Let’s start there.

  123. Like many have mentioned, there has to be a muzzle on Beck from some higher power.

    Does anyone remember Star Parker, a beautiful black conservative woman who mentioned the birth certificate on Beck’s TV show at the very beginning?

    Near as I can tell, she has not been on again, even though Beck has done several of those black conservative town hall type shows. Perhaps it would be worth it to contact her? I’ll try to do that. It might help to piece this puzzle together.

    Also the week before the election, Tom Sullivan (nationally syndicated radio show and Fox Business News anchor) had Phil Berg on his show. He might be worth a contact, but likely by now he has also been muzzled.

  124. LOL LAMO LOL this is sad but true, they don;t take long to learn from ACLU adn ambulance chasing lawyers.

    She showed up on a wheel chair and a cane, why not throw in some crutches and a Edward kennedy removable neckbrace.

    Some investigative reporter better get on this and expose this FRAUD…..Fraud runs in the family, it’s a family venture.

  125. Dear Wells and readers,

    I am like many here. Torn between great respect for Beck’s work and courage exposing Obama/Progressives and outrage at his ignorant insults over Nat/B/Cit and BC/records.

    I have found myself naturally drifting away from listening to Beck’s radio show (where most of the insults occur), and wondering if something else should be done. I’m not ready yet to give up on Beck’s TV show, though I will join you for the Feb 12 boycott.

    I’m wondering if maybe the best way to get Beck’s attention would be for as many people as possible to UNSUBSCRIBE from his newsletter e-mail, which he takes so much pride in its numbers, on the same day. It would have to be on one day so that it couldn’t be attributed to anything else. What do you think, CW? Could you go for this and co-ordinate it with John Charlton (Post & Email) and any others? Maybe also on Feb 12?

  126. “At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs said that the first family is not helping pay Onyango’s legal fees and that the president has not spoken to her since he learned of her immigration status just days before the November 2008 elections.

    “We would continue to say that everybody in this country should and must follow the law,” Gibbs said. “We have not been involved at all in that hearing.””

    From story linked above. Why would Obutt pay for her legal expenses he doesn’t even pay for his WE PAY HIS and are PAYING for his Illegal Invading Aunt’s too.

  127. If you haven’t switched to ixquick yet, read this:

    Google makes the Microsoft guys look like a boy scout pack. Google makes George Orwell’s 1984 seem trivial by comparison.

    A little message from your friend Google

  128. Help the cause to get the word out in the Print Media about Obama’s constitutional ineligibility to be POTUS and CINC. Donate if you can. Any amount large of small.

  129. CW,
    Boycotting the Glenn Beck show is a terrific idea, boycotting sponsors and advertisers is a stronger way to protest. Recent reports show that some leading companies, after learning of a consumer boycott action, have already ended their Fox News advertising. Companies who ended their relationship with Fox following a boycott are: Campbell Soup, Chrysler, GM, Kellogg, Kraft Foods,, Nestle, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, Progressive Insurance and Walmart. I am very willing to boycott sponsors of Fox until such a time when Glenn Beck apologizes to us and gives some thoughtful and reasoned energy towards the ineligibility issue of our Poser in Chief.

  130. Throughout my life I have learned such things as being suspicious of overly friendly people even if there is no perceptible justification. What they don’t realise is that it is their own manner of speech which carries the first warnings. That is why everyone must listen closely to what is being said. Truth has a definite ring, and can be discerned most of the time. But a few, because of their speaking proficiency(eloquency) can twist their story to make it sound like the truth,when in reality it is the concrete for the foundation of the next lie..

  131. All,
    I recently came across this article “Digging Through Obama’s Closet” from “Black Listed News”. It includes a video of an Australian jounalist, John Pilger. This is the first article that I have read recently that re-introduces the CIA angle on Obama. Lots of food for thought and the imagination. I recommend taking the time to read the entire article despite it’s length.

  132. venice-Kim @ 1:48 pm
    I agree with you completely. Launched as a rock star, phony campaign after free concerts to look as if he was attracting crowds, picked by a talk show host, but not vetted-again Oprah just like all of your bogus authors-a complaint media.
    At least half the country did not fall for his insanity, and most Dems like me could not run away fast enough. I did not vote for him. I think he has lost at least 60 per cent or more of us Dems, currently Tea Party-heading for Republican. We will do everything in our power to stop his agenda.

  133. don in california

    zachjonesishome // February 4, 2010 at 2:37 pm
    And don’t forget his Occidental College application.

  134. ihv>>> actually the day shep said i was an idiot for believeing that the usurper was legal i quit watching him… and so to with beck… i am not an idiot, and i refuse to let some clown call me one.. i am sure he wouldnt do that to our face.. anyhow till i hear they apologized the are off limits on this show..

    and oreily has been off limits for quite some time too… those people want to say everthing is going wrong with our country but not one of them has the guts to do want needs to be done to stop it

  135. Chrysler bankruptcy lawyers raise eligibility question? read here

  136. don in california – maybe if we started asking for 3 birth certificates it would point to the correct definition of ‘natural born citizen’.

    Simplify the demand.

  137. One boycott that works great is Cnacelling your Cable or Dish and saving the money. When you cancel say you did it because Glenn Beck won’t define how Obama is a Natural Born Citizen.

    I haven’t had cable for over 15 yrs and refuse to have it.

  138. It Takes 3 Baby! It Takes 3 Baby! Bo, Bo & She

  139. The South
    try the Obama File-I think he has all the documents saved.

  140. Okay – got to go. It’s cold here and I think I will make some beef stew. I’ll be back tonight. Zach

  141. The South // February 4, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    … it was a great site for reference when arguing with liberal.


    The best way to argue with a liberal about this is NOT to debate facts – after all, there are so few – and that’s the real issue.

    Remind them that this is a serious constitutional issue and that even if it were a Republican, you would be raising the same questions – as many of us have done in regards Bobby Jindal. Tell them that if BJ starts looking like he’ll try, you will pounce on him also.

    Remind them that it is an important precedent – it is VERY IMPORTANT to especially thoroughly vet candidates with complex backgrounds and foreign connections. This is exactly where crossed allegiances and espionage surprises come from – misplaced or hidden loyalties.

    Even if they believe Obama is pure as driven snow, it is important to stress the importance of this type of vetting to prevent future candidates who might not be quite so clean. And if they believe Obama is ‘clean’, there is no reason to object to this.

    This is a ‘high moral ground’ argument and one we can win.

  142. contact Jeannie Pierro former dist attorney for N.YORK.fREQUENTLY ON FOX

    How about Judge Andrew Napolitano is on Orly’s Face Book and on Fox
    Google him and get no to call.Does a radio show with Brian Keelmee,spelling?? daily


    Contact Michelle Malkin maybe she can get through
    Joseph Farrah of said he and Beck were going to do something to save America soon.You know he knows all about this.
    Call Rep Deal’s office ,Georgia and maybe meet with him.He supposidly wants to know about eligibility issue.Set him straight

  143. Philo-Publius

    I really wish Leo D. hadn’t scrubbed his website of all the Natural Born Citizen court cases, etc. he uncovered, it was a great site for reference when arguing with liberal.
    I’m sure this was posted somewhere along the way.

  144. Oldsalt78,
    I don’t know why its so HARD for them to understand.It’s not about Democrat or Republican,IT’S ABOUT OUR COUNTRY!!
    It’s so simple his parents NOT owing FOREIGN SOVERIGNTY.I pray for our nation everyday.

  145. Orly has documents on NUMEROUS S.S. NOS HE USED
    She posted a lot of this the other day.

  146. Truth Now // February 4, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    Chrysler bankruptcy lawyers raise eligibility question?
    This would cause a mad rush to line up by the lawyers of all people and companies damaged by an ineligible president. THE GREAT TRAIN WRECK

  147. OldSalt78

    We love you SIR….. You are truly one of our many .. many .. many .. HERO”S.

  148. Has all of Obama senior’s college, etc, records been sealed too?

  149. I wish that I could had been at the prayer dinner I would had shouted out “You Lie” Why did you seal all of your life history? What do you have to hide? When is some one going to confront him while the media is there?

  150. Michelle,

    Thanks, I’ll check out the Obamafile!

  151. GBAmerica // February 4, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Hi GB,

    That was a home run!!!

  152. OT….. 6.0 quake in CA:


    Magnitude: 6.0 Mw
    Depth: 11 km
    Local standard time in your area: 4 Feb 2010 15:20:21

    Location with respect to nearby cities:

    35 miles WNW of Petrolia, CA

    36 miles WSW of Ferndale, CA

    42 miles WSW of Fortuna, CA

    47 miles WSW of Eureka, CA

    225 miles NW of Sacramento, CA

  153. GBAmerica // February 4, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Great video – should be the tipping point. Checkmate

  154. Obviously we have enough facts he is not a NBC…Who is responsible in prosecuting? When are we to march in DC? Did Phil Berg have a date planned?

  155. Kirk is giving his farewell address on CSPAN2.

    Good riddance!

  156. Ladyhawke // February 4, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    Beam Kirk up, Scotty! 🙂

  157. GBAmerica // February 4, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Excellent letter…

    McCain is complicit in the coup.

  158. Oh, no wonder my comments are going in moderation I didn’t have my whole name in there. Oops!

    Anyway, my SIL said that she didn’t feel that earthquake this time in Northern CA, but then she was on the road and they were going somewhere. The last one shook her up very bad and caused some damage of things in her house.

  159. Want a laugh – read the comments:

  160. This should fire us up –

  161. d2i,
    O was definately installed, by the Queen, I don’t know. His lack of elegibility makes him a puppet to everyone with the power to access records or anyone who holds them (ie Britian). Explain to me Israel, you started a thought on the “winds of change” but lost me. Finally, while installed, I believe o has his own agenda and will not be exiting center stage without a battle.

  162. H/T Dr. Edwin Vieira, holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School).

    For more than thirty years he has practiced law, with emphasis on constitutional issues.

    To Glenn Beck from me……..

    And We the People-not “we the judges”-enacted the Constitution. It is our supreme law, not theirs. We are the principals, they merely our agents. So we are the ultimate interpreters of the Constitution, and the ultimate judges of whether public officials are complying with it.

    Take that and stick it!!!

    Can’t boycott, sorry, I disconnected last May!!!

  163. This too –

  164. NO JOKE- NBC celebrates “Black History Month ” with Fried Chicken special in the cafeteria.

  165. As president ‘USURPER’ has TOTUS so should Beck has his’BBB’
    ( Becks Black Board) . As speaks out about Obama so
    could speakout about Beck………

  166. Watermelon too?

  167. Check it out,
    Collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread too. Unreal. Who ties these idiots shoes in the morning?

  168. Jacqlyn Smith

    Below you will find a great website led by Senator Jim DeMint…..he is trying to reign in the Republicans who are only going to support the Conservative agenda…..check it out folks…..he says if the are RINOs their group will not support the Republican!

  169. don in california

    Philo-Publius // February 4, 2010 at 3:15 pm
    That is a good plain language explaination. Too bad everyone else has to use all the legal mumbo jumbo.

    We need to get lawyers out of our political system so laws can be written in everyday English.

  170. RMinNC // February 4, 2010 at 11:07 am

    Bravo—I stopped as he was on CNN, tried to pick up and give another chance on FAUX news, and stopped again……
    I have this bending problem with my principles and convictions……they just won’t do it!!!

  171. Jacqlyn Smith


    Jacqlyn Smith // February 4, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    Below you will find a great website led by Senator Jim DeMint…..he is trying to reign in the Republicans who are only going to support the Conservative agenda…..check it out folks…..he says if the are RINOs their group will not support the Republican!

    Michelle…..they have a Rubio money bomb at this site!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  172. Something they have left out of the new history books –

  173. Ginger // February 4, 2010 at 11:14 am

    **America needs ObamaCare like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
    **America needs Obamacare like Tiger needs another girlfriend.

  174. Jacqlyn Smith

    Just introduced today….already has 12 co-sponsors…..

    Who Supports Real Budget Reform?
    Thursday, February 4, 2010
    Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) introduced budget reform package today that includes (1) a one-year moratorium on earmarks and (2) a Constitutional Amendment requiring Congress to balance the budget. He is calling on all of his Republicans colleagues to lead by example and cosponsor both of these important measures.

    Here is a list of the Republican Senators who have cosponsored the reforms along with a list of Republican Senators who have not.

    Republican Cosponsors
    Richard Burr (NC)
    Saxby Chambliss (GA)
    Mike Crapo (ID)
    Tom Coburn (OK)
    John Cornyn (TX)
    Jim DeMint (SC)
    John Ensign (NV)
    Lindsey Graham (SC)
    Jon Kyl (AZ)
    John McCain (AZ)
    George LeMieux (FL)
    James Risch (ID)

    Republicans Who Have Not Cosponsored
    Lamar Alexander (TN) — (202) 224-4944
    John Barrasso (WY) — (202) 224-6441
    Bob Bennett (UT) — (202) 224-5444
    Kit Bond (MO) — (202) 224-5721
    Scott Brown (MA) — (202) 224-4543
    Sam Brownback (KS) — (202) 224-6521
    Jim Bunning (KY) — (202) 224-4343
    Thad Cochran (MS) — (202) 224-5054
    Susan Collins (ME) — (202) 224-2523
    Bob Corker (TN) — (202) 224-3344
    Mike Enzi (WY) — (202) 224-3424
    Chuck Grassley (IA) — (202) 224-3744
    Judd Gregg (NH) — (202) 224-3324
    Orrin Hatch (UT) — (202) 224-5251
    Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) — (202) 224-5922
    James Inhofe (OK) — (202) 224-4721
    Johnny Isakson (GA) — (202) 224-3643
    Mike Johanns (NE) — (202) 224-4224
    Richard Lugar (IN) — (202) 224-4814
    Mitch McConnell (KY) — (202) 224-2541
    Lisa Murkowski (AK) — (202) 224-6665
    Pat Roberts (KS) — (202) 224-4774
    Jeff Sessions (AL) — (202) 224-4124
    Richard Shelby (AL) — (202) 224-5744
    Olympia Snowe (ME) — (202) 224-5344
    John Thune (SD) — (202) 224-2321
    David Vitter (LA) — (202) 224-4623
    George Voinovich (OH) — (202) 224-3353
    Roger Wicker (MA) — (202) 224-6253

  175. oldsalt78 // February 4, 2010 at 11:22 am


    Checking in today with a completely new attitude brought on by my departure from the FOX BALONEY MILL. I have tested my “BROWN BESS” and it stands in the corner of the room ready for action. It has a Grice 1776 lock, a 42″barrel, and is .750 caliber. At 1500 feet per second, it is more than capable of creating new poop chutes for any enemy
    Oldsalt, you sound so ‘JOHN WAYNE’ compared to my “well, uh, well, see, uh, I have a 12-guage”.

    You go John.

  176. OK – people – time for some action.
    Go vent your spleen on THIS guy.
    He is supposedly one of us and
    has lost his way.

    His approach is like tackling a Dandelion weed by snipping at the very tips of the branches and the flower one teeny petal at a time. There are too many and they are coming fast and furious.

    Our issue is THE DEFFINING ISSUE and tackles the weed at the root.

    GO TEAM – Go tell this toad what’s what.

  177. sandy // February 4, 2010 at 11:25 am

    He keeps playing the Obama joke from yesterday about his citizenship, saying Obama wouldn’t joke about it if he was born elsewhere and if he didn’t know that bringing it up is working to hurt conservativism ……by making us look bad…..
    That joke is costing someone a million dollars…..that’s $1,000,000!!!!!!!
    Not funny where I come from.

  178. “Check it out,
    Collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread too. Unreal. Who ties these idiots shoes in the morning?”

    Hey, I love black-eyed peas, especially straight from the garden with snaps in them. No pork! I love some greens too, no pork in them! And we’re having cornbread tonight. That’s good Texas eating.

  179. What’s the difference between a Democracy and a Republic?

    “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote”. – Benjamin Franklin

  180. Ms Helga,
    I’m standing with ya!!

  181. Jacqlyn Smith

    Found at…..

    Tea Party Convention’s Keynote and Other Events Will Be Televised
    February 4th, 2010

    The revolution will be televised.

    Planners of the National Tea Party Convention, billed as a coming together for the conservative grassroots groups who sprang up in anti-stimulus protests last year, announced late Sunday that they would broadcast main parts of the convention, including the keynote by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday night.

    And Tea Party Nation was criticized for limiting access to only those news organizations that it believes have given it “fair” coverage, a small group reported to be Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, BreitbartTV, World Net Daily and a few others, although organizers had said they were working to open up the convention to more media.

    The announcement said that an internet media company, PJTV, along with Fox News, CNN and Reuters TV, would broadcast “many” of the proceedings of the convention this weekend in Nashville, as well as “special interviews of delegates and speakers.”

    Mark Skoda, spokesman for the Tea Party Convention, said in a statement announcing the broadcast that the organization had long planned “this surprise” to allow more activists to participate.

    The statement quoted Judson Phillips, the president of Tea Party Nation, saying, “As we are all committed to grassroots activism, we wanted to share this event with those who could not come to Nashville.”

  182. Jacqlyn Smith

    Also found at…..

    Tea Party Conference: schedule of events
    February 4th, 2010

    Tea party logo

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Registration, 3-6:00pm

    Meet & Greet Reception w/hors d’oeuvres, 7:00-8:00pm

    Entertainment, LISA MEI & RAY STEVENS 8:00pm

    Organized Prayer Session for the convention & our nation conducted by Dr. Rick Scarborough

    Movie-Tea Party, The Documentary

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Registration, (late arrivals) 7:30-8:30am

    Continental Breakfast, provided, 7:30-8:30am

    Speaker, STEVE MILLOY 8:30-9:30am

    Breakout Sessions



    Lunch, provided, 12:30-2:00pm


    Breakout Sessions:




    Dinner, provided, 7:00-8:00pm



    Tea Party Discussion

    Movie-Introduction by Andrew Breitbart, “Generation Zero: The Inconceivable Truth”

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Continental Breakfast, provided, 7:30-8:30am

    Speaker, ANA PUIG-“Correlations between the current Administration and Marxist Dictators of Latin America” 9:00-10:00am


    Discussion Panel, 10:15-11:15am:

    “Where the Tea Party Movement Goes from Here”-

    Keli Carender-Liberty Belle

    Lori Christenson-Evergreen/Conifer Tea Party

    Mark Skoda-Memphis Tea Party

    Discussion Panel, 11:30am:

    “Precinct Organizing Best Practices”-Grow your Organization, Gain Increased Political Clout, and Impact Elections!

    Peter Wolf & Warren

    Kimberly Fletcher-Homemakers of America & Abigail Adams Project


    Dismiss for lunch, sight seeing, prep for banquet event

    Banquet Registration-5:00pm (Banquet Only ticket holders-Convention attendees have already been registered)

    Banquet-7:00pm – Keynote Speaker-SARAH PALIN-8:00pm

  183. Jacqlyn Smith @ 4:58 pm
    Marco is not my district, I get Lt Col Allen West and I can’t wait. Everyone in the neighborhood knows I am a Democrat who did not vote for Obama, so when I get the Lt Col signs the Republicans in the neighborhood will be happy. I would call Palm Beach County 50/50 D/R I think the R’s will pull it off here because Obama is such an idiot.
    Marco is Cuban and they bring such passion to politics-real Desi Arnez excitment. One of my Cuban girl friends at work, her Cuban boyfriend was coming for lunch. She is so cute she said don’t even mention the word Obama, he’ll get mad and he won’t shut up for hours. Cracks you up. Cubans get nervous Obama to Fidel for them, and as a group very conservative, somewhat old-fashioned kind of folks. Love them. Marco is going to do great.

  184. Everyone here, just the 39 SS #s with aka Obama and his aliases alone surely excites someone like Beck and his staff!!!

  185. Jacqlyn Smith

    Anyone here from Tennessee may be interested in this….other states are trying to get the same legislation passed….

    Bill to Require English Language License Examinations Introduced in Tennessee
    February 4th, 2010

    Tennessee Senator Bill Ketron has introduced legislation that would require all prospective motorists in Tennessee to take the driver’s license exam in English, making the roads safer and saving taxpayer money. Under S.B. 2660, all written examinations would be in English, tying the privilege of driving with the societal expectation that non-English speakers are on the road to learning English. At the current time, Tennessee conducts driver’s license exams in English, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

    Missouri, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York and South Dakota also have active legislation that would eliminate driver’s license exams in languages other than English. Similar Tennessee legislation was passed by a Senate Committee in 2009, but did not see any further action before the end of the session. The text of S.B. 2660 can be found here.

    Residents of Tennessee can contact their elected officials in support of this bill by clicking here. Residents of other states can visit the Action Center to learn what about measures pending on the state and federal level.

  186. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // February 4, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 4:58 pm
    Marco is not my district, I get Lt Col Allen West and I can’t wait. Everyone in the neighborhood knows I am a Democrat who did not vote for Obama, so when I get the Lt Col signs the Republicans in the neighborhood will be happy. I would call Palm Beach County 50/50 D/R I think the R’s will pull it off here because Obama is such an idiot.
    Marco is Cuban and they bring such passion to politics-real Desi Arnez excitment. One of my Cuban girl friends at work, her Cuban boyfriend was coming for lunch. She is so cute she said don’t even mention the word Obama, he’ll get mad and he won’t shut up for hours. Cracks you up. Cubans get nervous Obama to Fidel for them, and as a group very conservative, somewhat old-fashioned kind of folks. Love them. Marco is going to do great.

    Michelle…..I like West too… sister lives in Jacksonville so I get a lot of the Florida info from her… West running for the state legislator or the Federal…..isn’t Rubio running for the Federal position???

  187. kittycat77 @ 5:14 pm
    My sisters mother-in-law was born and raised in Mississippi. I had never had cat-fish, hush puppies, corn bread because I am from Chicago.
    One bite and I was converted. She was such a wonderful cook, bless her heart. The girls at work from the South Side of Chicago would make collard greens, but I couldn’t look at it due to pork (grease) but everything else was out of this world. No wonder they call it soul food. MMMMM

  188. This time, Obama told his audience: “When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices. It’s time your government did the same.”

    Yes, Zeeshopper…what a POS.

  189. Senator Brown is giving his first news conference on CSPAN3 right now. He is saying all the right anti-deficit stuff! Go Scott!

    Even said that jobs were important and the last stimulus bill did not create ONE new job!

  190. PS JJ – sorry I’m such an enigma to you. I am who I am.
    But, d21, in a very good way, dah-ling!!!

  191. don in california

    I can’t wait for obama to be declared ineligible. Just look at all the others that will fall too. pelosi for certifying, reed and the rest of the senate for not objecting. It will be wonderful!!!

  192. This is what the collard greens was about- the insensitivity, double-standard, and all around “dah” factor on display at NBC.

  193. However crazy it might be, d21, being a CIA operative would sure explain one he** of a lot of this paper shuffling, paper disappearing, mysterious hackers being killed, etc.

  194. Posted on FR- Landreau is claiming Jindal asked for the 300 million to be included and it did not effect her vote.

  195. ALERT-ALERT-ALERT-ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Articles of Freedom are finally complete, and agreed up on by all members.

  196. Jacqlyn Smith

    PLEASE…..Can’t we watch anything without this FRAUD getting his mug on TV?????

    Obama Can’t Resist TV Appearance on Super Bowl Sunday

    With ABC landing the past three Obama interviews among the broadcast networks, CBS is now striking back.

    Katie Couric, who’s been in the news already today, will interview President Obama live during Sunday’s Super Bowl pre-game show, according to the network.

  197. JS,

    When I heard Barry was going to be part of the Super Bowl pre-game, at first I was furious. Then I thought of all the other folks that was going to piss off – perhaps some that are not at the moment – and I smiled.

    You go Barry! Please appear everywhere, some more!

  198. Jacqlyn Smith


    Ladyhawke // February 4, 2010 at 5:53 pm


    When I heard Barry was going to be part of the Super Bowl pre-game, at first I was furious. Then I thought of all the other folks that was going to piss off – perhaps some that are not at the moment – and I smiled.

    You go Barry! Please appear everywhere, some more!

    LH…..I won’t be turning him on….that’s for sure….I leave that up to Mrs. FRAUD!! LOL:)

  199. Jacqlyn Smith @ 5:29 pm
    This is District 22 which is Palm Beach County and Broward. This was Robert Wexler’s area before we were redistricted. He will be running against Ron Klein Democrat.
    I am voting for the Lt Col. due to the corruption and incompetence of the Democratic party for unleashing something like Obama on an innocent nation. They could have stood up but they did not. Cupability for Republicans I don’t know but WE THE PEOPLE sure are speaking up LOUD and CLEAR. Just when they thought the voters were apathetic-NOT. I get all riled up thinking about it.

  200. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // February 4, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 5:29 pm
    This is District 22 which is Palm Beach County and Broward. This was Robert Wexler’s area before we were redistricted. He will be running against Ron Klein Democrat.
    I am voting for the Lt Col. due to the corruption and incompetence of the Democratic party for unleashing something like Obama on an innocent nation. They could have stood up but they did not. Cupability for Republicans I don’t know but WE THE PEOPLE sure are speaking up LOUD and CLEAR. Just when they thought the voters were apathetic-NOT. I get all riled up thinking about it.

    I see….West is running as a House member and Rubio is running for the Senate… that right???

  201. South,
    Please explain and will that bring us back to our Constitution????

  202. don in california

    Phoenix gives OK to 2% tax on food
    Move will help fix budget, save Police, Fire dept. jobs

    Desperate to save police, fire and other city jobs, a divided Phoenix City Council on Tuesday approved a sales tax on grocery items that will generate tens of millions of dollars a year.

    The 2 percent food tax will take effect April 1 and expire after five years, though Mayor Phil Gordon said the council has the option of reversing its decision after it hears from the public during 15 budget hearings planned for this month.
    When will they learn that they can only tax so much before people run out of money to pay the taxes??

    Politicians have no thoughts about the people that only live from paycheck to paycheck.

    I just did my Fed taxes and found out that the $250 stimulus check had to be paid back with my taxes. Instead of paying $12 I ended up paying $262/

  203. Jacqlyn Smith

    Great response to the FRAUD by Charles Kerchner….found at….
    Blogger cfkerchner said…

    Obama’s prayer: ‘Don’t question my citizenship’ | by WND


    But I will …

    My comments on his remark …

    Hello Mr. Obama … are you listening? Being a “natural born Citizen” is an eligibility requirement of the U.S. Constitution – Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. You know that founding document, the fundamental law of our Republic, that you just want to ignore and throw on the scrap heap of history and instead install Saul Alinsky style pure democracy and rule mob rule using deception and deceit of the middle class to push through your Socialist/Marxist agenda. Sorry Obama, we are a nation of laws not men. We are a Republic, not a pure democracy. Simple majority rule does not change the Constitution, the fundamental laws of our nation which guarantees the inalienable rights of all people. Including those temporarily in the political minority. You can not trample on the rule to win the game and have it stand up. Having an ineligible player on the field in a football game score the winning touchdown does not stand simply because the ineligible player made it across the goal line. And just because you made it across the election goal line and with your minions of lawyers and millions of dollars in foreign money and support got yourself sworn in does not revoke the rules of the game. Your tenure in office is going to end. You lied to get elected. Your records will be revealed.

    It is the Constitutional duty of those who took an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution to do so even if you considered those words to be “words, only words” when you uttered them. Words seem to come easy to you. But the truth does not. And “We the People” will keep asking questions about your sealed original birth registration records, Occidental College records, adoption records in Indonesia or elsewhere, and travel/passport records for the first 35 years of your life until we get the true answers and facts revealed to a controlling legal authority as to your true legal identity. Digital PhotoShop’d images of alleged computer print out summaries of records provided by the Daily Kos and parroted by your associates and friends at and do not pass the “constitutional standards” test. Read this to refresh your memory:

    A Chronology of Forgery & Deceit

    You know what that term “constitutional standards” means don’t you? Remember you had to re-do the Oath of Office on inauguration day so as to meet those standards. Well a constitutional eligibility review and full and in-depth public discussion about your exact citizenship status, the hidden records, and your eligibility for the office you sit in needs to be re-done by Congress to “constitutional standards”. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. You cannot hide the truth forever. And the truth about you Mr. Obama will come out. The truth and the Constitution will win the day in the end.

    Charles Kerchner
    Commander USNR (Retired)
    Lead Plaintiff
    Kerchner v Obama & Congress
    P.S. Looks like my ad campaign in the Washington Times is “smoking them out”. They can run but cannot hide from the truth. Help the cause and make a donation to keep the ads going:

  204. truthbetold11

    Ah the sweet sound of a brown voice!!! He sounds like a man ready not only to be senator but a higher calling not yet though

  205. **** New Post ****

  206. Michelle,

    We love hush puppies! Here’s something good to eat and it’s different and cooks up a lot. My mother-in-law made this up.

    You take turkey sausage, Butterball smoked sausage, Italian-style sausage. You cut that into about 2-inch pieces or so. Not really big because you’re going to layer it in a steamer. You keep the water just below the larger steamer insert. The larger steamer insert is like you’d use to cook pasta.

    We have two, both from Wal-Mart that have a smaller steamer, then the larger steamer. Use the larger one and don’t put much water in it.

    We use red potatoes because we don’t peel them. They are not really large, but we cut them in half. Then we peel carrots and cut them like in one-inch to two-inch pieces. Next we cut an onion up into either halves or fourths. It depends on the size. However you do this, I’m pretty sure it will work. My husband and I also put bell pepper in it cut in half or fourths. Whatever the size.

    Now for the layers. Carrots, potatoes, garlic powder and pepper, sausage, onion and bell pepper, garlic powder and pepper. Quartered cabbage, garlic powder and pepper and the lid.

    Once the water starts to boil and turns to steam, turn it down to low, but where it will still steam for about one hour.

    It’s wonderful! You have tons of veggies, your meat and put butter on your potatoes and carrots or whatever you want to do. Sour cream is good. My husband and I fix cornbread with this made with buttermilk instead of sweet milk. That makes it oh so much better, plus we cut some peppers up in it.

    On that garlic powder/pepper, we use McCormick garlic pepper. It’s wonderful! I use that stuff all the time, but you don’t have to. You can use both.

  207. Jacqlyn Smith // February 4, 2010 at 6:05 pm
    While everyone awaits the political tea leaves from tonight’s primary election results in President Obama’s Illinois as the latest sign of Republican vs. Democrat fortunes nationally, take a quick look down at Florida.
    Here comes the Tea Party within the GOP!
    A new Rasmussen Reports Poll this week shows the establishment Republican Gov. Charlie Crist (above with special friend), once a runaway gimme favorite for the Republican Senate nomination this fall, now badly trailing one-time state House Speaker and longshot nobody Marco Rubio (right).
    Seven months ago, Rubio was behind by 31 points. In December they were tied.
    Rasmussen shows the upstart pulling ahead of Crist by 12 points now, 49-37. Crist’s support has been steadily waning, apparently tied to his early support of the $787-billion stimulus program of you-know-who, the Democrat in the White House. In August, Crist’s support was 53%.

  208. don in california

    kittycat77 // February 4, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    My husband and I fix cornbread with this made with buttermilk instead of sweet milk.
    That’s the first time I have heard the term “sweet milk” in years. Thank you!!

    I am cooking cabbage, beans and corn bread for our supper.

  209. Jacqlyn Smith

    Michelle // February 4, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 4, 2010 at 6:05 pm
    While everyone awaits the political tea leaves from tonight’s primary election results in President Obama’s Illinois as the latest sign of Republican vs. Democrat fortunes nationally, take a quick look down at Florida.
    Here comes the Tea Party within the GOP!

    *******************************************Michelle…..I heard Senator DeMint speaking today on the Illinois election of Kirk as the Repub candidate…..he said the primary election was too early to really get the candidate of Conservatism in there…..he is not impressed with Kirk…..he is more of a RINO which is not good…..Pat Hughes would have been the better candidate but there wasn’t time according to DeMint because Kirk had such a lead!!!

  210. d2i, and Prairie (1 of 2 posts)

    I have a few links for you that may help support/or fill in the gaps with other news on the gold that you’ve read. Tell me what you think.

  211. d2i and Prairie (2 of 2) FYI – POST 1 IS IN MODERATION – probably because of the number of links.

  212. GBAmerica,

    Yes, those Articles of Freedom were voted upon by the delegates of the CC2009 conference at Pheasant Run this year, from Nov 11- Nov 22.

    This was very professionally done in a huge hall with TV cameras, and delegates from all 50 states.

    Here’s there site ….

  213. d2i, Prairie –

    I just posted 5 links to articles (in 2 posts) – that are in moderation – 6:29 & 6:31

    They contain links to articles that support/fill in the gaps of Story’s info on the gold. Let me know what you think.

  214. AMERICA IS BANKRUPT, we can’t afford to take care of teh health issues of a reckless criminal that invaded our country to rob us of our benefits that belong to our own people.
    One incident…….for justice’s sake.

    My niece had two(NOT ONE ), but two brain tumors…one at age 9(with insurance) and one at age 34(medicaid?), caused by the radiation with brain tumor # one.
    Not long after the second surgery, her teeth began to protrude out of her mouth( like buck teeth?) and become strangely shaped, and then they began to decay….and cause much pain…….I suspect they were abscessing…….
    Months she suffered and wouldn’t go places with the condition of her teeth and no hair on the back of her head due to scar tissue.
    She begged dentists in her town to pull her teeth and NOT ONE would help her(she offered to pay monthly as she could)and our family was just not able to help with all the dental work.

    Finally, my nurse niece found a dental service of practicing dentists and in Nashville my niece began getting the services for free from learning dentists.

    My niece was told she could have easily died from all the abscesses.

    Illegal Aunt of aka Obama, why should you and all the Mexicans receive better treatment, or any treatment before my niece who didn’t ask for two brain tumors…….hadn’t she been through enough??

    Piss on your asylum issues.

  215. Aerie // February 4, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    Boycotting the Glenn Beck show is a terrific idea, boycotting sponsors and advertisers is a stronger way to protest. Recent reports show that some leading companies, after learning of a consumer boycott action, have already ended their Fox News advertising. Companies who ended their relationship with Fox following a boycott are: Campbell Soup, Chrysler, GM, Kellogg, Kraft Foods,, Nestle, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, Progressive Insurance and Walmart. I am very willing to boycott sponsors of Fox until such a time when Glenn Beck apologizes to us and gives some thoughtful and reasoned energy towards the ineligibility issue of our Poser in Chief.
    Thanks for that info.

  216. I don’t often offer my opinion here, mostly come to read and offer an occasional link.
    However, I have to say something about the whole GB controversy. There hasn’t been a single day when I watched him that I didn’t learn something. I often go in search of more information after he’s introduced a new topic. To me his show is like attending a class at college. I expect to learn something, but thanks to his show I don’t even have to pay tuition or audit fees. I think all of you who refuse to watch his show, or want to boycott it, are having a tantrum because he won’t do what you want him to. Yeah, I’ve been pizzed when he refused to discuss where Zero was born, but I never cared about that anyway. Zero’s British citizenship was enough for me. And I think most of us realize that issue won’t be resolved by anyone except SCOTUS. Why Beck won’t discuss Zero’s British citizenship is beyond me, but I wish people would focus on Zero’s admission of that fact (easy to prove) vs. where Zero was born (probably impossible to prove now).
    We already know GB thinks Zero was born in Hawaii. How does he feel about the OTHER elephant in the room? Why don’t all of you ask Beck to have Judge Napolitano on his show to discuss Zero’s British citizenship?????? If Beck thinks that’s a non-sequiter in relation to the Constitutional requirements, then I’ll quit watching.

  217. Jacqlyn Smith

    My buddy Cody Robert Judy is running for the US Senate in Utah…..this is what he has to say about the eligibility issue…..we need to get him elected…..he will challenge the FRAUD in our house…..
    It’s not just principle…it’s Constitutional policy!/notes/cody-robert-judy-for-united-states-senate-2010-ut/not-just-simply-principle-its-constitutional-policy/289456607249

    Not just simply principle…it’s Constitutional policy

    Conservative Radio Show giants Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck, need to realize that standing up for our Constitution’s ‘Birther’ policy, trumps any other policy they can run train wrecks on with Obama, because that Constitution’s policy is ‘THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND”.

    The Natural Born Citizenship issue with Obama is a done deal as he does not have two parents who are U.S. Citizens…thus he has a natural allegiance to Britain through his father. We all know the Revolution was fought over socialist and tyrannical control with Britain, who had that course upon their plate; not too much has changed in that part of the world.

    Our forefathers declared that allegiance to the British Crown must be guarded against most especially with the Leader of our Armies, Commander in Chief, POTUS. Though a guard is not infallible, there is a secure measure to it that left undone provides a breach, a danger, a hole in the wall for safety and security.

    Very simply, it doesn’t matter where Obama was born, or that agencies/groups/etc he has had represent him have in fact posted a fake birth certificate, or that Hawaii newspapers print out any application for a birth certificate in their papers born in Hawaii or abroad as Glen Beck has pinned his trust in, what matters is simply Obama fails the Constitutions’ NBC Qualification secure guard by his own paternal admission. Obama’s father was a British citizen. Now that might be sad for him because he can’t be a Constitutionally Qualified President, but it is also a safe guard and a security measure for our own safety over 1 person’s chance to be a Usurping President. I simply would like our Radio show host to ask themselves the question: Is it a matter of National Security and Supreme Law of the Land?

    If their answer is ‘yes’, then it’s not a little trifling matter, it’s bigger then Health Care, Bigger then Afghanistan or Iraq, it’s bigger then Cap and Trade, and its’ bigger than all the tax hikes and our National Deficit… it’s Supreme Law of the Land.

    Hey libs want consolation prizes? Obama can still be a Senator, or a Congressmen or any other citizen job in government, but this issue of our Constitution is the policy that trumps ALL policy the radio show host choose to clash with Obama, and though the radio show host love to visit the Obama ad nasium pot shot gallery, they often act now rather sinisterly against the ‘Birther movement’ or as I would rather see it remembered as, the Article II Patriot Stand. So, I’ll ask the question; why so serious in your unpatriotic stand for the Constitution?

    The American adult intelligence is not so much insulted by the N word, the R word, or the F word as we are by the lack of heart ,backbone and intestinal fortitude for our own Constitution by those who pretend it means so much who are in responsibly elected leadership positions, as well as those hosting Conservative Radio Shows as they seem so… well… hypocritical.

    Americans is waking, and the aroma of a fresh brewing cup of Constitutional Policy is wafting into our nostrils invigorating the body and enlarging the soul. Our President is the leader of our Executive Branch of Government. This is like a sharp true sailing arrow. The feathers of that arrow that more assuredly helps run a true and straight course are the qualifications within our Constitution for our President.

    While Obama does not meet the standards, principles, and Supreme Law of the Land’s citizenship review for the POTUS our United States Constitutional Republic stands for, he simply represents the office of hole-in-the-rock-where-the-sun doesn’t shine and if that’s the kind of hope and change you want, get out of America for this land is not really your cup of tea.

    Signed: /s/ Cody Robert Judy

    Representative in the un-silent majority, and also running for U.S. Senator Utah, USA.


  218. Fernley Girl.
    Tantrum my ass.
    If Beck chose to not cover the story, that is one thing.
    However when he constantly referred to the Constitution and then
    attacked those exercising their First Amendment rights,
    he crossed over the line.

  219. Jacqlyn Smith

    Mark Levin just had two callers on his show who said they voted for the FRAUD and were big DemoCRAPS but have now seen the error of their ways and will never vote DemoCRAP again……they have converted to Conservatism… said he argued night and day against his Conservative mother but now they are on the same page thanks to Levin…..he now listens to Mark every day and apologized to the listeners for voting for the FRAUD…..he said he feels partly responsible for the state of the union since the FRAUD is destroying the country!!!! WOW… many other DemoCRAPS will come clean before it is all over????

  220. I hope that Beck will come to his senses and apologize.
    If he is not going to help, he should stay the hell out of the way.

  221. “…attacked those exercising their First Amendment rights,
    he crossed over the line.”

    I SAID I was “pizzed” by his responses, but I guess that’s not enough for me to stop learning from GB. The insight I’ve gotten from his show outweighs that single issue, for me. He’s clearly stated his stand on the “born in Hawaii” issue, and I can imagine he gets exasperated when he is constantly harangued by his viewers/listeners to revisit it. As I said, I seldom offer my opinion. And being called out because it’s not liked is why I don’t. Feeling Beckish?

  222. I was responding to the word tantrum.
    It was unfair.

  223. Jacqlyn Smith // February 4, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    My buddy Cody Robert Judy is running for the US Senate in Utah…..this is what he has to say about the eligibility issue



  224. A tantrum is a “fit of bad temper”, as defined by Merriam-Webster. I meant to use the word in that way. You’re mad a GB. I get that. You want retribution. I get that. I’m sorry if you thought it was unfair. Boycotting GB is just not what I want for myself. Friends? 😕

  225. don in california // February 4, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    What about we minimum wage earners whose employers held out no federal taxes and have to repay it because the 2009 tax rate wasn’t altered??
    If you have children and no husband working, it is justified, but for we older women with working husbands, someone should have warned us…….and I failed to notice and I did payroll at my husband’s company at one time…talk about duh!!

    Thanks aka Obama azzhole!!! for nothing!!!

    You let women think they made an extra 25 a week just to take it back???

  226. Fernley,
    Friends, sure.
    I don’t want retribution, I want Beck to pay attention & pay respect to Americans
    & the Constitution.

  227. Regarding withholding. This year your tax rates have not been adjusted, but your withholding has been INCREASED beyond what it should be. (Gives the gov an interest-free loan on the backs of the citizens. Helps to pay off the $26B per month we pay in debt service.) If you like big refunds leave it alone. If you need every dollar your deserve you’ll need to go to HR and have your withholding reduced. Last year they let you keep too much, this year they are taking too much. If this year’s income looks like it will be very similar to last year’s you can use your 2009 tax liability to calculate your 2010 withholding.

  228. citizenwells // February 4, 2010 at 8:32 pm

    I was responding to the word tantrum.
    It was unfair.
    Fernley Girl may be a new viewer to Beck…….and as most of the members here are familiar with his slick debates (sarcasm) and expressions of the government’s unconstitutional laws, she may need a few more months to see the real Beck.

    Beck is all about ratings, money, selling books, and having his name recognized.

  229. Fernley Girl // February 4, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    You’re not paying attention……..the employer isn’t withholding any federal………they refuse to do it so we must resort to doing it ourselves.

  230. If you like big refunds leave it alone. If you need every dollar your deserve you’ll need to go to HR and have your withholding reduced.

    (Why would I let the govt hold my money like I’m not smart enough to do that myself??)

    It’s not like it’s a huge bundle……..I mean it is part-time, minimum wage.

    Just the other girls weren’t saving for this…….I save every dollar I make……I’m covered, they aren’t.

  231. JJ,

    Fernley Girl has watched GB since day one. Fernley Girl watched GB when he was on the Enemy Channel. Is Judge Andrew Napolitano like GB? He has a radio show that needs ratings, he has written books, and his name is recognized. Edwin Vieira? Devvy Kidd? Sarah Palin? Does a person’s fame automatically disqualify them from teaching you something you didn’t know before? Was his documentary a pack of lies? Are his books works of fiction? I have not been piqued by his behavior to the point of turning my back on learning something new.

  232. JJ,
    It may be taxes were not withheld because of Zero’s “adjustments” to lower withholding for 2009 (to increase take-home pay, encourage spending, and save his sorry ass from a depression). You may have been below the level to withhold. There were several articles about the implications of this policy and warnings for people to increase their withholding rate to compensate for the “adjustment”. If your employer is not withholding this year you should check with the IRS, as the withholding rate has increased substantially from last year. It is a federal crime for your employer to not report and deposit your withholdings.,,id=106704,00.html

  233. I think my distaste for Beck, and other hosts (Greta, Malkin) is the resistance to even accept the 9/11 conspiracy theory to actually research the topic or meet with experts on so many levels.

    And I see through his mirrors and tricks.

    And I haven’t learned much from his show.

    And since I learned to visit sites like this one, I’ve learned more, but still ‘trust, but verify’.

  234. Prairie // February 4, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    Check it out,
    Collard greens, black eyed peas, and cornbread too. Unreal. Who ties these idiots shoes in the morning?

    ihv>. they all wear flip flops since not one of them know how to tie shoes

  235. Pingback: Ahmadinejad and Obama Have Something in Comman – Climategate – As the World Turns – Tea Party – Glenn Beck Misrepresents Eligibility Issue – CitizenWells – Obamanomics – Job Rate Decrease – HotAir – Th

  236. 1776 True Patriot

    It is time for the Soviet Communist infiltrators to leave our White House and our country. Your system has never worked and you are trying to revive a dead horse. You have gone against all of the laws of our land, and have intentionally tried to destroy Capitalism which does work. Your agenda for the New World Order is exposed due to the arrogant narcissism of your ineligible leader Obama, who has lied about his birth certificate and his true cause. Your Global Warming Hoax is exposed, Acorn exposed, Healthcare exposed, purposely wrecking the American economy exposed, takeover of GM and Chrysler exposed, takeover of our banks exposed, takeover of Wall Street exposed. In the Bolshevik rush to power and control your arrogant puppet, Obama has run ahead of your agenda with his blatant reckless disregard, as all narcissist do. He needs to be removed from office along with his illegal Czars, and other thugs like Eric Holder.

    Speaking of AG Holder, has anyone asked the question that by moving the KSM Trails to NYC, which lawyers are on the payroll to defend them. Could it be Holder’s former law firm. Needs to be investigated immediately!!

    And one last important bit of news why isn’t any of TV media reporting on the lawsuit Chrysler has filed against Obama and his illegal take over of the car company?

    All TV media is being silenced by these thugs. If you live in fear you die under oppression!!!

  237. Glenn Beck should be investigated by the SEC for slyly hawking Gold on his show thereby driving up the value of his own assets.
    Beware of false prophets.

  238. Conservatives need to distinguish among the “so-called” and “regular” right wing talk show hosts. They run on a scale from left to right.

    Beck, IMHO, seems more like an Imus or Howard Stern when compared to Levin or Savage. He acts like a buffoon much of the time and is trying to be a comedian (which isn’t working), especially while “chatting” with his radio show staff, who act equally doofy about some serious issues, while many listeners have to worry where the next dollar to pay bills is coming from.

    He is a light-weight, at best, and certainly not worth my time.

  239. PS

    If ya wanna LEARN, go to:

    Mark Levin
    Michael Savage
    Ann Coulter
    Rush Limbaugh
    Laura Ingraham

  240. I’m in! Sir!

  241. Richard Darden

    I started boycotting Beck when he slandered us conservatives some time back — same with O’Reilly, Fox News and a host of others. So I won’t be watching 12 February or any other time for that matter!

  242. According to the legal document filed by Dr. Taitz
    in D.C. 1/27/10, there is a bit more than the
    birth certificate in question.

    What’s that? How about the 39 different
    Social Sec. No.’s that Obama has used
    over a period of years? The one he has used
    the most since 1981 is that of a Connecticut
    person who died in 1890.

    Read about it in “Uno Warranto” filing.

    This is fraud of the highest order! Ask Beck
    if he knows anything about THAT?

  243. I made a mistake in the legal filing – it is
    Quo Warranto, not Uno Warranto. Sorry.

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