Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, February 13 2010, Charles Kerchner lead plaintiff, Mario Apuzzo attorney, Obama and Congress Request and Obtain an Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief

From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress, last night, February 12. 2010.

“For Immediate Release – 12 February 2010

Obama and Congress Request and Obtain an Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief to Kerchner v Obama & Congress Appeal.

As Lead Plaintiff in this case it looks to me like the Defendants are having great difficulty finding a way to knock down the constitutional, historical, and legal arguments made by Attorney Mario Apuzzo in the Appellant’s Opening Brief to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals filed in Philadelphia PA, the city where our U.S. Constitution was written in 1787.

The truth about Obama’s constitutional ineligibility for the office he sits in, and the fundamental law of our nation, the U.S. Constitution, will win the day in the end.

It is only a matter of time before the fraud of Obama in the 2008 election will be revealed. And because of that the progressives are trying to run out the clock to keep him in office as the putative president as long as possible. But in my opinion Obama’s days of deceit and fraudulently occupying the Oval Office are numbered.”

From attorney Mario Apuzzo:

“Friday, February 12, 2010
Obama and Congress Request and Obtain Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief to Kerchner Appeal
On January 19, 2010, I filed the Appellants’ Opening Brief in the appeal of Kerchner et al. v. Obama et al. which is currently pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. In that appeal, we maintain that the New Jersey Federal District Court erred in dismissing our case by ruling that plaintiffs do not have standing to challenge Obama’s alleged eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief of the Military and that our case presents a non-justiciable political question. In our case, we have provided the Founder’s and Framers’ definition of an Article II “natural born Citizen” which is a child born in the country to citizen parents. We maintain that Obama is not an Article II “natural born Citizen” because he lacks unity of citizenship and allegiance from birth which is obtained when a child is born in the United States to a mother and father who are both United States citizens at the time of birth. Obama’s father was only a temporary visitor to the United States when Obama was born and never even became a resident let alone a citizen. Not being an Article II “natural born Citizen,” Obama is not eligible to be President and Commander in Chief.

We also maintain that Obama has failed to conclusively prove that he was born in Hawaii by publicly presenting a copy of a contemporaneous birth certificate (a long-form birth certificate generated when he was born in 1961 and not simply a digital image of computer generated Certification of Live Birth [COLB] allegedly obtained from the Hawaii Department of Health in 2007 which was posted on the internet by some unknown person in 2008) or through other contemporaneous and objective documentation. Having failed to meet his constitutional burden of proof under Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, we cannot accept him as a “natural born Citizen.”

The defendants had 30 days within which to file their opposition brief. Defendants have requested and obtained from the Court an extension of time to file their brief. The Court has granted them until March 8, 2010 to file it. After that filing, I will then have a chance to file a reply brief within the next 14 days.

You may obtain a copy of my brief at this site . We will be posting here the defendants’ opposition brief after it is filed along with my reply brief. I hope that many of you will take the time to read these briefs so that you may learn first hand what the legal issues and arguments are regarding whether the plaintiffs have standing and/or are precluded by the political question doctrine to challenge Obama on his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief, and what the meaning of an Article II “natural born Citizen” is.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
February 12, 2010

If you can, help the cause.
CDR Kerchner, Lead Plaintiff
Posted by Puzo1 at 4:56 PM   ”

356 responses to “Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, February 13 2010, Charles Kerchner lead plaintiff, Mario Apuzzo attorney, Obama and Congress Request and Obtain an Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief

  1. “As Lead Plaintiff in this case it looks to me like the Defendants are having great difficulty finding a way to knock down the constitutional, historical, and legal arguments made by Attorney Mario Apuzzo in the Appellant’s Opening Brief to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals filed in Philadelphia PA, the city where our U.S. Constitution was written in 1789.”

    Now…That’s Good News!

    Cannot file a “Motion to Dismiss,” then ask for an Extension…what’s a felon to do?


    On the heels of Rockefeller saying that Obama is losing his credibility comes this article. This is not an “if” statement, it’s a “when” statement. Obama has already been painted as a Jimmy Carter. The only question now is does Palin have a chance.

  3. Should also add that if the Rockefellers having anything to do with it Palin will indeed be the next President. But even these elites can’t have everything written in stone.

  4. February 13, 2010

    Obama and ‘First Americans’

    By Philip C. Bom

  5. February 13, 2010

    Whatever Happened to Toni Morrison?

    By Jeffrey Folks

  6. venice // February 13, 2010 at 9:52 am

    Hi, venice! Please explain what you mean by this statement…

    “Should also add that if the Rockefellers having anything to do with it Palin will indeed be the next President.”

    Thanks…Happy Day…Linda

  7. Parliamentary Landscape with a Presidential System

    The Collins Report ^ | 02/13/1010 |

    Bruce Karlson

  8. ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard along Hwy. 41 (Oshkosh, WI)

    Fox11 ^ | February 12, 2010 | Lou Hillman

  9. This is worrisome…

    Internal DOI Document; Secret Plan To Create 14 Nat’l Monuments? $Billions For Land Acquisition

    The Westerner ^ | 2/13 | The Westerner

  10. COUNTER-TERRORISM: Embrace Islam, Or Lose Your Job

    Strategy Page ^ | February 12, 2010 | Strategy Page

  11. NASA cancels KSC contract leading to charge “Obama broke law” (Chicago thug strikes again at NASA)

    Orlando Sentinal ^ | February, 12 2010 | Robert Block

  12. Yikes!

    Census 2010: Up to 800 Canvassers With Criminal Records ^ | 02/13/10 | Bob McCarty


    Grey Falcon ^ | 2/12/10 | staff

  14. The Coming War against Home Schoolers ^ | 2-13-10 | Brad Morrison

  15. Sarah Palin; ” We need a Commander in Chief, not a Professor of Law”. When Sarah Palin said this she couldn’t have been more accurate. It appears that the Professor of Law doesn’t know how to administer government. For Shame, for shame. Apparently a lot of people are catching on to the DIPSTICK IN CHIEF. There is now a sign appearing somewhere in the US that says “IMPEACH OBAMA.” This may, or may not be the work of Worldnetdaily. If it is I congratulate all of you for your work. Tell it like it is guys. No sugarcoating,or babytalk. Lay it out! Let the chips fall where they will. The perfect time is NOW.

  16. Collapse of The Euro Is ‘Inevitable’: Bailing Out The Greek Economy Futile, Says FRENCH Banking…

    Daily Mail (UK) ^ | February 12, 2010 | SAM FLEMING and TIM SHIPMAN

  17. All,
    This video by Judge Napolitano is a must listen if you have missed it. //M-P

  18. February 12, 2010

    One hand washes the other

    Richard Baehr

  19. letter to my representatives:

    It seems we have a thug and imposter in the White House who thinks he doesn’t have to follow the Constitution, he can bully whoever and whenever he wants, and that his business is doing the job of the Congress.

    The Constitution set three branches of Government and the last time
    I checked it was the Congress’s job to legislate for the American people. So what is the Executive Branch doing writing
    See link.

    Not only have the American people said NO, in a recent Rassmussen poll
    65% said NO to Obamacare, three special elections (New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachuesetts) said No to OBAMA and his
    fellow Dems policies. In addition, he wasted so much time on health care the economy has suffered. This isn’t the first
    violation of our Constitution by this adminstration and the DNP.

    Obama , Biden, Pelosi and the DNC have repeated violated the Constitution. Hillary’s SOS position is clearly in violation of the law, she is NOT qualified.

    If the DEMS want to get her qualified CHANGE the Constitution FIRST, get the 75% states to approve the change per the Constitution. They decide to ignore the law of the land.

    And finally let’s not forget OBama’s own ineligibility.
    The man is NOT a natural born citizen and despite over fifty lawsuits has still been unable to prove it. Even his own party’s Senator Leahy said in 2008 when
    passing a Senate resolution to qualify the
    Panama born McCain: “a natural born citizen
    requies both parents to be US citizens”. It is clear that his own party knows
    that OBAMA is not a natural born citizen, as well as Obama Biden Pelosi and the rest of Democratic party. When
    is the GOP going to STAND UP for the law
    of the land and hold these thugs, usurpers, fakes,
    and frauds accountable?? The American
    people have seen a year of this socialistic crap
    and are sick and tired of laws on books not
    being enforced. Stand up for the will of
    Americans or this revolutionary tide
    over coming the nation will kick ALL of you out
    of office until we get true representation !!


  20. #

    oldsalt78 // February 13, 2010 at 10:52 am

    Sarah Palin; ” We need a Commander in Chief, not a Professor of Law”. When Sarah Palin said this she couldn’t have been more accurate. It appears that the Professor of Law doesn’t know how to administer government. For Shame, for shame. Apparently a lot of people are catching on to the DIPSTICK IN CHIEF. There is now a sign appearing somewhere in the US that says “IMPEACH OBAMA.” This may, or may not be the work of Worldnetdaily. If it is I congratulate all of you for your work. Tell it like it is guys. No sugarcoating,or babytalk. Lay it out! Let the chips fall where they will. The perfect time is NOW.

    OS….as more and more people become informed the snowball has gained momentum and there is NO STOPPING US NOW!!!!

    Go Mario and Charles……


    We have a PAL in PALIN!!!

  21. JJ @ 11:01 am

  22. It seems as though Orly Taitz should also be in attendance of the hearings. Perhaps Appuzo really doesn’t want her there. It seems to me that her brash behavior might be part of the reason why she got in trouble early on with Judge Carter. While I have to take my hat off to her, I find myself questioning her courtroom behavior. I personally think that ultimately she will become a fine attorney,if she isn’t already. She just needs to be a bit more restrained. Some judges are angered by such behavior. On the other hand the judges need to consider her background before they land on her full force. There is a time and a place for their anger towards her, and maybe if they would help her just a tad it might expedite the hearing, and benefit everybody concerned.
    I find myself with a siseable anger towards the alleged Federal Judges. They have all so far refused to UPHOLD the REQUIREMENTS of the Constitution. They are either YELLOW, or in Soetoro’s hip pocket,or both. It is obvious that there will never be any hearings with regard to Soetoro’s ineligibility. They know that as long as they can continue to reject ALL of the lawsuits, and continue to stone wall everyone that nobody will be able to win against the LYING DEVIATE. There is only one way left. It is called the “old fashioned way.”

  23. breaking news daily lots of info articles updates
    Always Loved Glenn,but I agree about some comments he has made or not addressed critical issues.
    I do know Canada Free Press said they have docs showing where the staff of the corrupt admin has told the Major News anchors NOT TO DISCUSS THE B.C. ISSUE.
    Guess some may have to decide is it beeter to get the TRUTH out and help save AMERICA or keep your job???????????
    Has anyone been listening to Mark Levin???
    He is Great !!!! Call BHO a fraud and other names.
    Wonder what he knows?????
    He is a must listen

  24. Lame Cherry on home made alternative cures, this was really interesting.

  25. Add Lame Cherry to the list of blogs that have been infiltrated.

  26. Venice………………………………………..

    At least we have reasonable belief that Jimmy Carter was an NBC. But to think that he Commanded an active US Submarine during his Naval career causes me to shudder big time.

  27. Michelle @12:14,

    Hi Michelle. Do you think it’s time to consider proxy servers with encryption, satellite phones with encryption to keep the EYE’S off of our privacy rights ?

    There are way’s to defeat them legally !

  28. This is just one of many.

    Click to access CopyTele2.pdf

  29. I personally think that it will not be long now before Holder is forced to step down. As each day passes I pray that this will happen. To me he is just another Clinton type of personality. I otherwise see him as a BLOWHARD CRIMINAL. He thinks he is insulated from his PAST. In reality it is his past which tells on him.

  30. oldsalt78,

    Eric holder was instrumental in sending Elian Gonzales back to Cuba after the mother legally won his freedom by making ashore, but paid with her life.

    Holder and Reno to thank. Not !

  31. Richard @ 12:22 pm
    They should be looking at terrorists and enemies of the United States and not wasting time, personnel and money on nonsense like this. Nothing like spying on citizens who pay the taxes so that you have a job to spy on them. Then they are so shocked when a terrorist hits them. Dumb, dumber, dumbest-so hard to choose.

  32. Michelle@12:36,

    I was reading an article that said the fed’s can access the mic on your cell phone even when it is turned off, and listen to everything going on in that location.

    I don’t have the link, but very real.

  33. Old Salt,

    I’ve never been in the Navy and I would more than shudder.

    The one regular comment that comes up about Carter was how bright he was, perhaps among the brightest of presidents.

    That may be true if asked to write a series of exams. But that can be a fairly narrow definition of intelligence. They say something akin to this about Obama….well we won’t even go there.

    Governing one of the most powerful nations on this planet, or any nation for that matter requires a giftedness that few have and had. Churchill had this ability. So yes I shudder the same way you do.

  34. Richard @ 12:40 pm
    I’m so bad, I don’t have a cell phone. I have never been one to call people if I’m bored, etc.
    I have always been on phones at work, and I never call people unless absolutely necessary, I figure everyone is as busy as I am.
    What I hate/dread about cell phones is out in public, people feel so comfortable discussing the most private details of their life. That just amazes me, one of the worst-we were all in line at the grocery store and had to endure this girl giving every gory detail of a date she had the prior evening, you’re stuck working so hard NOT to hear this mess. Mercifully you don’t know who the guy is.

  35. Richard // February 13, 2010 at 12:40 pm


    I was reading an article that said the fed’s can access the mic on your cell phone even when it is turned off, and listen to everything going on in that location.

    I don’t have the link, but very real.
    I read this account from a reporter who witnessd it firsthand by a magazine editor(??).. they discovered the intrusion by a cell phone caller stalker who was repeating private conversations BY THE EDITOR AND HER FAMILY!!!……
    This technology is available to anyone, I watched the media player where the reporter was in his car on the street listening to her phone conversation and then,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is unreal…

    he followed her to the mall through the signals, the cell told of her location and he also listened to the friends and the editor’s conversation at the table with the CELL TURNED OFF!!!!

  36. Michelle,

    Do you recall that article about the ZERO administration having a group in D.C. for the purpose of attacking blogs ?

    It was blue river something ?? Some investigator was on to them. I lost the link. He had strong evidence that Zero was playing by his own rules.

  37. JJ,

    The software ironically IS available online right now…..

    For less than a few hundred dollars, the public can buy small alerts, that will let you know if there are any wireless audio or video transmitters
    in the room , or on the phones, car, etc.

    I know it sounds critical for law abiding citizens, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping uncle sam at bay, in addition to out of your pocket, as much as possible.

  38. Patriot Dreamer

    Marxist Obama: Then And Now

    Dr. John Drew, a political scientist at Occidental College, reports on young Barack Obama’s marxist perspective in the Fall of 1980.

    for the rest of the article and video:

  39. Patriot Dreamer

    On topic (for once!): my theory is that the defendants want to drag this case out for as long as possible until it is legally moot. Of course, they would prefer it be dismissed outright, but if they can’t have that, then they’ll take what they can get.

  40. Patriot Dreamer

    Anyone else here having trouble posting today? I just tried to post a link to David Horowitz’ s Newsreal blog called “Marxist Obama: Then And Now”. Interesting read.

  41. Absolutely amazing!!!

    I’m still reeling from Operation Stillpoint Suek referred me to.

  42. Shoot, Zero has encryption on his treasonous Blackberry !

    Probably with a good escape route for when his crimes are fully exposed to the whole world.

    I’m waiting for the day that the top of Drudge says:


  43. Richard @ 1:00
    Could it have been the hillbuzz guys, they were also on Breitbart TV about this. They are in Chicago, near Obama’s cesspool of corruption and due to the nature of their jobs etc. they know a lot that is/was going on in Chicago. Nobody is going to fool them. Street talk, people get drunk, axes to grind, bragging etc.
    On January 20th, 2010, members of The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground attacked one of us on a personal level and posted libelous charges against him, which other members of Organizing for America then spread throughout the Internet. The initial attack originated on a WordPress blog run out of Birmingham, England by an Obama supporter upset with us for our support of Republican Scott Brown in his bid for the Massachusetts Senate seat. The day after Brown won, we were hit as punishment for helping him (perhaps as a lesson to others lest they engage in something like this themselves). WordPress refuses to remove the libel posted against us, calling it “opinion”. The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground also will not remove their attacks. We are, thus, forced to take each individual involved to court, in various states and the UK, to undo all the damage these Obama supporters have done. Welcome to the new DNC…where Chicago politics of personal destruction rule. Is this Hope, or is it the Change we were promised?

    Who will they come for next?

    Fighting back against the Left and undoing what they have done will be difficult. Any support you can give us we’ll put towards this cause, and towards working with computer experts to remove the attacks from search engines so a private citizen can get his life back after coming under Obama supporters’ fire.

    All of this because we do not agree with the current president and will not fall into line the way his minions wish us to. All of this because we dare to speak our minds on this site and teach others the tricks we know to beat the Left at their own games. We will not be silenced — but need all the help we can get to fight back.

  44. don in california

    Patriot Dreamer // February 13, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    On topic (for once!): my theory is that the defendants want to drag this case out for as long as possible until it is legally moot. Of course, they would prefer it be dismissed outright, but if they can’t have that, then they’ll take what they can get.
    He can still be tried after he is voted out. Be much easier then anyway, won’t be president and no court protection.

  45. Hi Linda,

    Good question, more difficult answer.

    We tend to not consider financial elites as having their own tier of dominance. Each will fight to maintain their financial empire. That is best accomplished politically. Each faction will support the figurehead that will advance their own ambitions.

    Ultimately it really is about money, because money yields power and power yields security and well being. The political wheel is what accomplishes that most effectively.

    Each faction of the financial elite will however uphold different ideologies to that end, from the extreme left all the way to the extreme right. So we have the Soros group, the Koch family, Bill Gates and so on. This group by the way are not the most powerful elite. That is delegated to the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and few others.

    The Rockefellers for a start supported Palin’s facebook. They also support the Tea Party initiative which they have tried to hijack for their own ends.

    But tea partiers are for the People, not for ideological figureheads that are supported by different factions of the the financial elite.

    So I guess we’ll see how that plays out. If the People are successful, a third party will be formed. The difficulty of course, is that one needs money for this and lots of it. So guess where the money comes from? But I wouldn’t be throwing the towel in any time soon. That’s because you have to have the will of the people to make your money worth anything.

    Remember Rome became powerful because of their army, the ingenuity of their people, and their slaves. Without the latter, their would be no ruling class.

  46. Patriot Dreamer

    Latest from trends researcher Gerald Celente:

    We do not need more *government* jobs.

  47. Patriot Dreamer

    Greek Ex-Economy Minister Urges Job Cuts to Fix Deficit

    Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) — Greece’s former Economy Minister Stefanos Manos talks with Bloomberg’s David Tweed about the country’s debt crisis and the need to cut public sector jobs. Manos spoke yesterday in Athens.

  48. don in california

    I still have a couple of questions/concerns:
    1. If obama is removed from office, how long will it take to void the bills that he has signed/EO’s he has signed?
    2. What is obama’s legal name and is that the name he is signing bills with?
    3. If obama signs bills with a name other than his legal name, when will the bills be declared null and void?
    4. If he is tried and found guilty of fraud/treason after he is out of office, how long will it take to void everything he has done?


    Forbes lists the 400 wealthiest Americans. These are the people who muscle the political machinery. Of course the richer wield more influence.

  50. Michelle @ 1:22,

    Thanks, but thats not it.

    Hopefully the black cars with deep tint don’t show up after this one.

    by John Charlton

    Nice one John, but I must see more here than you do. The connection???

  52. Linda from NY // February 13, 2010 at 10:34 am

    This is worrisome…

    Internal DOI Document; Secret Plan To Create 14 Nat’l Monuments? $Billions For Land Acquisition

    Hi, Linda,

    This is what I’ve been writing about since last summer. Under these projects, such as the UN Biosphere project along with Agenda 21, these were disguised under a variety of non-profit organizations for land grabs. Essentially it is federalization of land, natural resources, etc.

    Interesting, Alex Jones produced a documentary a number of years on the UN Biosphere project. He took a camera crew and traveled around to places near and dear to this country, Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, etc…that were being swallowed up in this project. There was even a sign outside, complete with a new logo, indicating this belonged to the U.N.

    Part 1 of 2

  53. Linda from NY: You are tooooo funny. BTW, what IS a felon to do . . . when the walls are closing in?????

  54. UN Biosphere
    part 2 of 2

  55. don in california

    February 13, 2010
    Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power By PETER BAKER
    WASHINGTON — With much of his legislative agenda stalled in Congress, President Obama and his team are preparing an array of actions using his executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal and other domestic policy priorities.
    Congress “can” veto his EO’s, if they will.

  56. Re: Taitz hardship

    Well, Judge Land, you’ve charged me $20,000 for bringing forth a frivolous lawsuit before your court……prove it, your Honor, by showing the court the papers I say are frivolous!!!

  57. don in california

    Allen vs. Soetoro appealed to 9th Circuit Court

    Allen vs. Soetoro appealed to 9th Circuit Court
    by John Charlton


    While this appeal regards the exclusion of Barry Soetoro (and all aliases) from the FOIA request, the case in the District Court continues for the documents of Lolo Soetoro and Stanley Ann Soetoro. In that case, U.S. District Court Judge Frank R. Zapata, on Feb. 9, ordered limited discovery prior to hearing a motion for dismissal. Such discovery would begin by March 19
    Still more cases moving forward.

  58. venice // February 13, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    Your response to Linda


    Very well put. Thank you.

    I remember Lindsey Williams’ words back in the summer about the elite’s frustration with “O.” I also remember him saying the elite don’t hide anything from us – they tell us. We just aren’t paying attention when they do. Looks like they are indeed telling us now.

  59. JJ // February 13, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Re: Taitz hardship

    Well, Judge Land, you’ve charged me $20,000 for bringing forth a frivolous lawsuit before your court……prove it, your Honor, by showing the court the papers ‘you’ say are frivolous!!!

  60. Passing this along to all here – Listening to Phil Berg’s weekly update on Tarpley’s show. He’s calling for a peaceful march on Washington D.C.

    He’s asking everyone to mail a copy of their b/c to him (redact any information you don’t want visible) and they will present it to him. Sounds similar to initiatives like the pink slips to Congress, etc.

    Says he was recently on Jeff Kooner’s radio show and felt good about the exposure the issue received. I believe his appearance was today. He took a lot of calls, answered a lot of questions. is his website.

    Tarpley’s expressed his concern that until he’s produced the proper documentation, he’s “blackmailable,” which isn’t good for any of us.

    IMHO, this has already been happening and is driving many of his decisions on the world’s stage, primarily in regards to Israel.

  61. The Fed’s will be monitoring the bloggers…..

    Less than 10 percent of all of our shipping ports are being searched post 9-11.

    Great job Janet.

  62. Found at FR regarding the college aquaintance of 0 –

    FYI: John Drew is apparently scheduled to be on Steve Malzberg’s radio show this coming Monday, Feb 15, 2010, sometime between 4-6 PM, eastern.
    Here’s a link to the station’s website. There’s a link there for listening Live at the top of the page:

  63. snip: Chuck Baldwin

    Plus, be careful about Sarah Palin and other establishment Republicans. Palin is currently playing both sides. She is promoting Big Government neocons such as John McCain on the one hand, and sincere conservative-libertarians such as Rand Paul on the other hand. But if one wants a real barometer of Palin’s true colors, look no further than her endorsement of Rick Perry in Texas.


  64. Can a President pardon himself?

    From the angle of the whole Chicago corruption/thugary O’s involved in. Being as this particular line of corruption is not about O’s citizenship, I wonder if they have no choice but to wait til he’s out of office to charge him.

  65. @ don in california // February 13, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Please see:

    Somebody gotta tell me just why this isn’t officially called a “Dictatorship” in it’s purest form……….if that “Skinny-a**ed ” usurper is going to run this country by himself, which is what it’s beginning to look like, without the benefit of what’s left of a castrated Congress and the sorry-a**ed Judicial, why bother having them around???

    People also seem to be in a permanent state of denial when I bring up the subject of this country being the victim of a classic “coup d’etat” since the anointed one was installed…

    RichardL (the Other Richard)

  66. don in california

    RichardL // February 13, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Like I said before, “IF” congress will, they can veto any Executative Order. I believe they have something like 14 days to do so. It could be 30, I’m not sure.

  67. JJ // February 13, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    Excellent article by Chuck Baldwin. Thanks for posting the link.

    He reaffirms my concerns and suspicions about the whole lot. It’s not hard to see, if you keep an open mind.

    Michael Savage said Palin is unelectable, not unlikable. I thought that was well put. He said his fear is if she ends up being the Republican nominee – and that’s a big if – and “O” is still around – and that’s another big if – then O’s probability of a second term is much more likely. Especially knowing that another false flag attack is imminent, giving his tanking poll numbers. Food for thought.

  68. Looks like the jig is up, folks…and it didn’t work:

    Within an hour of her appearance on Beck’s show, robo-calls from the Perry and Hutchinson campaigns went out attacking Medina as a “9/11 truther”.

    “Wow!! Isn’t that interesting,” wrote one respondent to an Austin-American Statesman story. “How was Mr. Perry’s team so ready to start a massive robo blitz with this new Truther news so quick? Looks like someone is getting scared, and that he had a little help from a friend.”

    Indeed, for such calls to be launched so soon after Medina’s appearance, it’s blatant that Beck’s ambush journalism was carefully planned from the very beginning. Perry and Hutchinson were primed to capitalize upon the fake controversy before it even happened.

    But unfortunately for the establishment, it seems like the people are not buying the hoax. Just like the KLIF callers, the majority of respondents to the Statesman story expressed their support for Medina and denounced the cheap shots pulled by Glenn Beck.

    “I just donated $350 to her campaign,” added another, pointing out that Medina has never wavered from her campaign which is based on states’ rights, securing the border, gun owners’ rights and replacing the unconstitutional property tax – all issues which both Perry and Hutchinson have completely abandoned in favor of toadying up to the political elite that owns them

    Go Medina!!! …No more Texas Corridor

  69. JJ // February 13, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    !) The people are waking up. The staged tricks aren’t working any more. In fact, they are backfiring upon the stagers. Great news!

    No more Texas corridor — Amen!

    o.’s blame game also backfiring. Only makes people see him more clearly for who he is.

  70. Hmmm. There was supposed to be a Yes! (as in Hurray!) at the beginning there.

    Must be excitement tingling through my very fingertips. lol

  71. i hear ya old salt and i said it long ago, a good attorney knows how to play the judge, every time i am in court I kiss the judge’s butt with flattery. Some times to the extent to make the judge look like a fool, esp. if they start legislating from the bench

  72. why do i get moderated some times
    and other times i don’t

    i feel like Tyrion Lannister

  73. From “Blacklisted News”, 02-13-10

    Sorry for the O.T. but needs to be seen regarding “aspartame” and the manufacturer’s intent to re-market it under another name and sell it as a “natural sweetener”–.html


  74. Orly just might have them here…..


    Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense
    ‘Hardship on plaintiff greatly outweighs hardship on defendant’

    Posted: February 13, 2010
    12:10 am Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2010 WorldNetDaily
    A California lawyer who has shepherded several of the high-profile legal challenges to Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president has filed a pleading in federal court in Washington, saying she faces a $20,000 penalty and a threat to her law license and needs the president’s birth documents to defend herself.
    Attorney Orly Taitz told WND she submitted the pleading today to Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
    Taitz said she applied for a preliminary injunction, because her understanding of the rules of procedure for the district court shows a hearing or decision must be returned within 20 days.
    Among the cases she has handled have been one in California on behalf of presidential candidate Alan Keyes which now is on appeal, another in Georgia on behalf of Maj. Stefan Cook and yet another in Georgia on behalf of Capt. Connie Rhodes.
    WND has reported efforts to raise the question of Obama’s eligibility at the state and national levels since before the 2008 election.
    Numerous lawsuits have been filed alleging Obama did not meet the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural born citizen.” The lawsuits have asserted he either was not born in Hawaii as he claims or was a dual citizen because of his father’s British citizenship at the time of his birth.
    (Story continues below)

    The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”
    Demand the truth by joining the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

    However, none of the cases filed to date has been successful in reaching the plateau of legal discovery so that information about Obama’s birth could be obtained. Most have been dismissed at the lower court level based on judges’ decisions that the plaintiffs did not have “standing” – or the prospect of a personal injury in the cases.
    Taitz’ filing in Washington argues she’s facing a $20,000 penalty imposed by Judge Clay D. Land in the Rhodes case and possible action by the California Bar Association, to which Land forwarded his highly critical order.
    “Plaintiff is seeking a preliminary injunction … to obtain the vital records of the defendant prior to the February 26 deadline for document and response submission of the response by the plaintiff to the [California] bar,” she wrote. “Plaintiff is seeking a preliminary injunction within 20 days, as prescribed by LCvR 65.1 (d) to be scheduled by the court prior to March 1.”
    She said the U.S. Supreme Court has concluded, in a previous case, a sitting president “has no immunity from civil law litigation against him from acts done before office and not related to the office.”
    Taitz stated she has “a unique standing to bring this case as she suffered unique damages and she was … harmed by the actions of the defendant.”
    Her “Defend Our Freedoms Foundation” has been under repeated hacker attacks. She operates through a mailing address of 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., 92688.
    “Obama has refused to unseal any of his original vital records,” she said. “No one was allowed to see his original birth certificate, college application records, financial aid forms or his medical records,” she argues. “The only record Obama presented was a short version Certification of Live Birth issued in 2007 which didn’t provide the name of the hospital, name of the doctor in attendance or signatures of any witnesses.
    “In light of the fact that the state of HI statute 338-17 allowed foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to get Hawaiian birth certificates and statute 338-5 allowed birth certificates to be obtained without any corroborating documents from any hospitals, there is no verifiable prima facia evidence of Obama’s birth in Hawaii,” she argues.
    “Plaintiff is seeking an order by this honorable court directing the defendant to release by February 26, 2010, his original birth certificate, which was allegedly obtained based on the defendant’s birth in Kapi’olani hospital in Hawaii [in 1961],” she seeks.
    She’s also asking for school and university records as well as passport records.
    “When one compares the weight of hardships on both parties, the hardship on the plaintiff greatly outweighs the hardship on the defendant,” she said.
    She argued that the U.S. attorney’s office should not handle Obama’s defense.
    “In case the U.S. attorney’s office is not recused and it is found that the defendant has committed federal criminal offenses, the same U.S. attorney’s office will be prosecuting him, which will deny him fair trail.”
    WND has reported lawmakers in a number of states have responded to the Obama controversy by proposing eligibility requirements, including Oklahoma, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Virginia and New York.
    The proposals essentially are moving the same direction as a federal measure proposed by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.
    Posey’s H.R. 1503 states:

    “To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.”
    The bill also provides:

    “Congress finds that under … the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.”
    The sponsors’ goal is for the bill to become effective for the 2012 presidential election. The legislation now is pending in a House committee and has more than a dozen co-sponsors.
    Key to the arguments over Obama’s eligibility is the fact that his original long-form birth certificate never has been released. A second significant factor is the multitude of documents that Obama has kept from the public.
    Besides his actual birth documentation, the still-concealed documentation includes kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.
    Thirdly, another significant factor is the estimated $1.7 million Obama has spent on court cases to prevent any of the documentation of his life to be revealed to the public.

  75. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Passing this along to all here – Listening to Phil Berg’s weekly update on Tarpley’s show. He’s calling for a peaceful march on Washington D.C.

    He’s asking everyone to mail a copy of their b/c to him (redact any information you don’t want visible) and they will present it to him.

    Mail to:
    555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
    Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

  76. Michelle —

    re: your comments from the other thread

    I’m with you. I can’t think of one honest, legal, constitutional, ethical, non-criminal reason to give o. a pass on proving his identity.

    So, he is obviously dishonest, illegal, unconstitutional, non-ethical, and a criminal. Which we all know already, anyway.

    Do you get the feeling that he’s being set-up now so everyone turns against him?

    Just a tiny sense I’m getting that someone is giving him politically deadly advice.

    Could be just him, though, intent on forcing his own will against the will of the American people. He won’t win. In fact, I’d say, he’s already lost it.

  77. I think he knows he’s leaving the plantation soon……and before he leaves, he is determined to sign every illegal EO, bill, legislation possible and spend every $$$ he can get his hands on to ‘Pizz’ off every legal citizen, every ‘whitey’, every conservative, and every pro-American in this nation and all he can reach elsewhere.

  78. Seems to me, if questioning o.’s eligibility equals racism, judges who dismiss the cases by Dr. Alan Keyes are even more racist.

    After all, o. is only 7% “black.”

    Looks to me like Dr. Alan Keyes is getting more “racist” treatment than o. is — especially by the “press.” (You know, the state – controlled propaganda outlets, like Cartoon sNooze Nutworks.)
    “Blessed is the one who makes the Lord one’s trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after false gods. ….
    May all who seek You, rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!” from Psalms 40

  79. venice // February 13, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    Excellent analysis…well presented and reasoned.

    There is no doubt in my mind, as Celente says, we are witnessing a “Financial World War.” Each country is positioning to what it believes is its own advantage. Consequently, I cannot foresee any advantage for any country worldwide with this tit for tat nonsense.

    Accordingly, I have had a problem with Palin. The GOP endorsements; especially, Perry, the claim that Lady Rothschild who supported Clinton in the election was supporting Palin and now, you say there is a Rockefeller connection? She claims to be on the side of We the People and yet, she cow tows with the elite? Is this a strategy or weakness? I can justify Palin’s movements, but I cannot condone them. However, I do believe she is smart enough to bring all of us together under her maternal mantle.

    Money makes the world go around and therein, lies the problem for We the People. Grassroots organizations have trouble raising money. If there was monetary support for a third party, it would sprout shoots from the ground tomorrow. At present, We the People may appear as scattered and fractured [manufactured opinion] as both of the major political parties, but our strength and numbers are growing exponentially IMHO.

    Financial positioning provides the means to the end; political power that will either topple the elite financial structure or bow to it.

    This World Chess Game is ongoing and if we do not stand up to the elite, we will continue to be their pawns or worse yet, their slaves.

    Thanks so much for knitting this all together. You are amazing, truly a talented summarizer!

    Happy Day…Linda

  80. Patriot Dreamer

    don in california // February 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    RichardL // February 13, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Like I said before, “IF” congress will, they can veto any Executative Order. I believe they have something like 14 days to do so. It could be 30, I’m not sure.
    Congress can always pass legislation that has the effect of overriding an executive order, although that legislation would be subject to a Presidential veto (then Congress would have to override that Presidential veto). If Congress doesn’t want the EPA to regulate CO2, they can always pass legislation prohibiting the EPA from doing this. Congress can also withhold funding to accomplish similar goals. Keep in mind that BO/Pelosi/Reid all want basically the same things, though, so BO is doing what Congress wants, even though Congress isn’t voting on it.

  81. @#

    don in california // February 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm
    RichardL // February 13, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Like I said before, “IF” congress will, they can veto any Executative Order. I believe they have something like 14 days to do so. It could be 30, I’m not sure.
    Don, IF I may, and no pun intended here with the conjunction “IF”, 8) your observation is predicated on there being some semblance of a Congress to “veto” his unconstitutional actions… I fail to see any evidence of their doing anything of the sort, looking back on their impotent past performance for the past year plus…Here’s yet another view on my earlier comment about a Dictatorship from this afternoon….


  82. Patriot Dreamer

    What InstaPundit saw at the Tea Party Convention:

    “What I Saw at the Tea Party Convention:
    The attendees want politicians who will deliver on Obama’s promise of clean and open government”

    Angela McGlowan enters primary to represent Mississippi’s First District.

    Les Phillip is running against Democrat-turned-Republican Parker Griffith in Alabama’s fifth congressional district.

  83. o.’s time is short sounds good to me.

    When he’s gone, everything he’s signed is invalid anyway. He can watch as we take apart everything he’s done.

    Seems like he’s fast becoming a moot point, himself.

  84. Patriot Dreamer

    RichardL, they assume that BO and Congress led by Reid and Pelosi want different things. They do not. BO, Reid, and Pelosi all want basically the same thing: big government and a much bigger welfare state.

  85. Patriot Dreamer

    To add to my previous post @5:54 pm:

    They all get what they want, but individual members of Congress does not have to deal with the public backlash of another unpopular vote (on Cap & Trade/Tax), for example.

  86. don in california

    As a follow on of my previous comment:
    When a President issues an Executive Order, Congress has a time limit to reject the EO, otherwise the order takes effect. There’s no need for a bill, just a no vote to reject the EO. I’m not sure of the time frame.

    And I agree with the other poster that the current congress lacks the will to object to anything obama does.

  87. I can’t wait to see how the media mouths handle the eligibility question when the issue surfaces during the election campaigns, courtesy of the dems.

    Waaaayyyy lot of ridiculin’ to be done there.

    Plus, a minimum of one third of the voters believe o.’s eligibility is a very serious issue.
    In some states, a majority of repubs believe o. is ineligible, and they sure aren’t the only ones.

    I’m thinking voters aren’t gonna like the sounds of anything like what the media is trying to pull on Medina.

    We truly do not like to be told what we can believe and what we can’t believe. We also truly do not appreciate being handed big, fat, sloppy LIES which do not even make sense from people who are supposed to be reporting facts.

    Whatcha gonna do, bad press, bad press? Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?!!

  88. Patriot Dreamer

    don in california // February 13, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    And I agree with the other poster that the current congress lacks the will to object to anything obama does.
    I agree, because they want the same things.

  89. What are the parameters of an Executive Order, anyway? Any restrictions?

    I KNOW our founders would never have gone in for any “king’s command” kind of thing.

    Congress is supposed to be about the will of the people. o., p., and r. are obviously not about the will of the people, especially when they are admittedly trying to use ‘tricks’ to force what they want into law.

    More of us than them, though. When we all refuse to comply with their unconstitutional garbage, they lose.

    (Idealism . . . . ya gotta love it. heh)

    Yes. Outlaw the EPA!! I vote FOR that.

  90. Hmmmmmm….here’s an interview I found in the archives for Wayne Madsen/Russia Today from August, 2009, about O’s birth certificate issue. Of course, Madsen addresses the passport issue, too. If Orly is successful in her latest case, then we may see Madsen was right in his opinion.

  91. And, I found this in Madsen’s archives

    June 5, 2008 — GOP dirty tricks machine readies a charge that Obama is not eligible to be President

    GOP dirty tricks operatives dispatched to Kenya to dig up any useful “dirt” on Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, Jr. and his late Kenyan father Barack Obama Sr. believe they have found a “smoking gun.” In this case, it is a birth certificate from the Kenyan city of Mombasa registering the birth of Barack Obama Jr. on August 4, 1961. However, the registration is a common practice in African countries whose citizens abroad have families with foreign nationals. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to his mother Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas and Barack Obama, Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya. Obama’s parents were enrolled at the University of Hawaii. They divorced when Barack Obama was two years old.

    On February 25, 2008, WMR was the first to report that a GOP opposition research team had arrived in Kenya to dig up dirt on Obama and his father: “WMR’s intelligence sources in Africa are reporting that amid the post-election turmoil wracking Kenya, a three-person team (including a possible Korean-American woman) arrived in Nairobi last week and began asking questions about Barack Obama’s father, the late Barack Obama, Sr. The team also inquired about the Senator Obama Secondary School in Nyangoma-Kogelo in northwestern Kenya, the area where Obama’s father, an ethnic Luo, hailed and where his grandmother, Sarah Ogwel Onyango, still lives.”

    It now appears that this same team traveled to Mombasa and dug up a certificate registering the birth of Barack Obama Jr. to his father, a Kenyan citizen, and mother, an American citizen. The GOP hopes to make the claim that Senator Obama is not eligible to become President of the United States because he was born in a foreign country, or, at the very least, plant the seed in the voters’ minds that Obama is a foreigner even if the charge is false.

    GOP operatives are already trying to make political hay out of the federal conviction on June 4 of Chicago Democratic fundraiser Tony Rezko on 16 24 corruption charges. The Republicans are attempting to show that Rezko had close links to Obama although the probe was more closely connected to the administration of Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich. If Rezko becomes a centerpiece of the GOP campaign against Obama, expect Democrats to resurrect John McCain’s role as one of the infamous “Keating Five” US Senators. McCain was tarnished in the corruption and bribery investigation of failed Lincoln Savings and Loan chief Charles Keating in 1989.

  92. don in california

    I have been thinking, again.

    Our current government kinda reminds me of the kings, lords and ministers of the early England.

    Didn’t we fight a war to get away from that type of government? And now we again have a British king wanting to rule the U.S.A. sitting in the White House and no one in authority is willing to oppose him.

    Just an observation, no idea as to how to get rid of our current problems. Just vote in Nov. ,if, we still have elections.

  93. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Exactly! This is what worries me…there it is in black and white disguised as something that is “okedokey” and nothing unusual.

    For the benefit of others as well as me, you re-posted information to justify your claims and findings. As usual, you have been thorough…thanks so much!

    Happy Night…Linda

  94. FY: Madsen’s live radio show is on @ 6:00 Central Today – uhhhh…that would be NOW.

    If interested here’s the link.

    Just click on your Internet speed and he’ll be on.

  95. Linda NY,

    you’re welcome. I am a fairly new paid member of Madsen’s Report. So, for grins I thought I’d search the archives to see what he’d reported it in the past. That’s what I found about the b/c issue. That’s why he said go after the passport issue if you want to “nab” him.

  96. Madsen will be talking about conspiracy theories and Cass Sustein’s call to infiltrate the Internet.

    Talking about assault on freedom of speech, press – world wide. Also will be talking about Rupert Murdoch.

  97. WOW….listen to Mannings video….he explicitly says he has an eye witness and other information too that he can’t reveal at this time but it will come out in the trial they are setting up at Columbia University in May!! This should be very interesting!!

    Found at….

    Obama and Columbia College plead not guilty
    February 13th, 2010

    Columbia trial logo With Dr. Manning’s latest Columbia video release, he opines, “Columbia will plead not guilty.”

  98. Linda NY,

    are you mending okay? Sorry, I forgot to ask.

  99. 2010 — Revenge of the Sheeple!!

    Truth is: The faux prez (in his obama persona) is a complete and utter fiasco of the exponentially expanding magnitude at every level on every front.

    The tyrannical and dictatorial anti-life forces are now losing ground by the micro-second.

    The stand-by, tried and true, tactics are failing to achieve the usual objectives.

    The tide has turned. The longer o. is left in place, the greater the damage to the global elitists and their bid for global conquest.


  100. Imo, the fact is self-evident that anyone who misrepresents his or her eligibility for ANY given office, let alone misrepresents her or his identity is a liar, a con, a trickster, a fraud, a criminal, and a usurper.

    American and her citizens are already damaged by such a person. How can we not be?

    The more important question to me is: How can a person who dismisses a case against such an obvious criminal be a judge in our land?

    That “judge” is likewise damaging America and her citizens, kind of like giving the beast free reign in the hen house, well, over the entire farm while ordering the rightful farm owners to be bound and gagged.
    “I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” from Psalms 39

  101. Linda NY,

    have to look at the world stage to put all of this together. Pay close attention to Iran. Hillary’s recent ultamatum to China forcing their hand to vote for crippling sanctions on Iran – through the UN Council – backfired on her. Her threat to China was if you don’t vote, we will “unleash the Israelis on you” – She is now on her way to Saudi for help in convincing China. That will backfire on her as well. China gets 10-13% of it’s oil from Iran, and is involved in a number of other projects with them. They would be foolish from this aspect.

    I read a piece on today – an interview with a former U.N. weapons inspector in Iran and who says the media is hyping the amount of enriched uranium they have.

    So…keep all of that in mind when connecting the dots to this issue. There’s more, but that’s enough to chew on for now. I know you get it.

  102. Linda,

    You will have to excuse me today as I attended a 19 yr. old’s funeral today. A lovely young man who fell victim to a very aggressive bone cancer.

    You are indeed correct when you say it was the Rothschild family who supported Palin, not the Rockefeller family. I don’t want to spread any more disinformation than there already is.

    This of course doesn’t change my basic argument, but facts are important.

  103. Richard @ 3:05
    I wonder how many people are going to think that video is real? Yet on some level it makes total sense.

  104. Richard this is what I meant before, they are wasting time, personnel and money on web-sites by if they read this by loyal patriotic Americans when they should be looking for potential enemies who have struck before.
    “Great job Janet. ”
    Janet a little free help here-you want to go after terrorists that did 9/11 attacks, Fort Hood and others. This is what the taxpayers that you are insulting pay you to do. If you are not up to the job, do the patriotic thing and resign.

  105. GBAmerica // February 13, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    Well…That answers many of my questions concerning Sarah Palin. It all makes sense now.

    Collusion between the two parties to hijack the Tea Party Movement and re-elect the Fraud.

    The truth shall set us free, but what Alex said is very disturbing…and the real reason the LSM reported in-fighting in the Tea Party Movement.

    Divide and Conquer? Hope not

    As CitizenWElls says, WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN! And…we MUST NOT back down!

    God Bless You GBAmerica for all you do to spur us on, celebrate our heritage, and uncover the TRUTH! You are truly a blessing!

    Happy Night…Linda

  106. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    I am mending remarkably well although I must say…NO PAIN, NO GAIN!

    I have been pushing myself hard because I have much to do. By the same token, healing cannot be rushed so I have good days and bad days.

    Thanks for asking…Linda

  107. !?!! // February 13, 2010 at 5:17 pm
    I agree-all of this Obama stuff should have come out in the election cycle, but the media absolutely did not do their jobs. They acted like cheerleaders for this idiot. Community Organizer in Chicago is code for Slum Landlords, he and that evil woman Jarrett. I
    Saturday, February 13, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends).


    Family feud: Nancy Pelosi at odds with President Obama

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s increasingly public disagreements with President Barack Obama are a reflection of something deeper: the seething resentment some Democrats feel over what they see as cavalier treatment from a wounded White House.

    For months, the California lawmaker has been pushing Obama hard in private while praising him in public. But now she’s being more open in her criticism, in part because she feels the White House was wrong — in the wake of the Democrats’ loss in Massachusetts — to push the Senate health care bill on the House when she knew there was no way it would pass.

    Earlier this month, Pelosi criticized the president’s State of the Union call to exempt defense spending from a budget freeze. And in a White House meeting with leaders of both parties this week, she questioned the effectiveness of his plan to give small businesses tax breaks to hire workers.

    “What you’re seeing now in public has been building in private,” said a top House Democratic official. “House members did their work — they did everything the president asked of them. And it gets stuck in the Senate. Or the Senate screws it up.”

    Though Pelosi and other House Democrats have made it clear that they’re angry with the Senate, they’re also frustrated with the president, upset that he hasn’t come to terms with the problems of getting legislation through the upper chamber — or done enough to overcome them.

    “He wants a jobs bill, we get a jobs bill,” the official said. “He wanted health care, we got health care. Then the answer is, ‘You just need to twist enough arms to pass the Senate bill.’ You can twist arms if you’ve got a handful of them to twist. You can’t twist over 100 arms. There needs to be some reality check there.”

    “Both ends of the Capitol — the House and the Senate — are starting to wonder if they’re on their own,” the official continued. “You have a lot of frustration there. And the White House’s reaction to all of that seems to be, ‘Run against Congress’ — which, as you can imagine, doesn’t go over very well with House members. The White House reaction seems to be, ‘Position ourselves against Congress.’”

    Brendan Daly, Pelosi’s communications director, said a few tactical differences between the speaker and the White House have been overblown.

    “There may be slight differences here and there, but the speaker is very supportive of the president and what he’s trying to accomplish — his agenda is our agenda,” Daly said. “And I think the White House is appreciative of her efforts because she’s been able to get his agenda through the House. There is shared frustration with the Senate — that because of Republicans’ overuse of the 60-vote rule, some things haven’t gotten through the Senate.”

    White House senior adviser David Axelrod said interbranch squabbling is to be expected — even when Congress and the White House are controlled by the same party.

    “You’re feeling the effect of the worst recession since the Great Depression — it’s a bad political environment, and it’s particularly bad for the incumbent party,” Axelrod said. “That is axiomatic — that’s predictable. And it’s also predictable that there’s a lot of discomfort and a lot of disquiet in this town under those circumstances.”

    Read more:

  109. !?!! // February 13, 2010 at 5:17 pm
    I agree-all of this Obama stuff should have come out in the election cycle, but the media absolutely did not do their jobs. They acted like cheerleaders for this idiot. Community Organizer in Chicago is code for Slum Landlords, he and that evil woman Jarrett. I wanted to hear what McCain and Sarah and Hillary had to say, but it was all Obama all the time. No wonder people are sick of him.
    Saturday, February 13, 2010
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends).

  110. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    Thanks for the synopsis…makes sense to me.

    What is her problem? Does she think she can bully them all into line? Guess so…so many mistakes, though…disheartening as well as embarrassing. And these “fools” were going to change the way the world looks at America because GWB made such a mess of our image! Who are the kidding?

    Oh…I get it… and it makes me very cranky!


  111. GBAmerica // February 13, 2010 at 7:03 pm


    I don’t believe or trust Alex Jones…..why didn’t he mention that Palin is also supporting Rand Paul….Ron’s son…..Palin is her own woman and supports who she wants…..she is not one to be bought off…..I don’t care what Jones says….take him with a grain of salt!!! Also….she did not say we need to go to war with Iran….I heard the whole interview and she was talking about a article she read from Buchanan that concerned a scenario about starting a war with Iran…..she never said let’s go to war…..she has been asked several times in other interviews as well about Iran and never has she said that is the thing to do!!! Alex Jones has his own agenda….one I don’t trust!!!


    We have a PAL in PALIN

  112. Michelle // February 13, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    Greetings from “Crippled in NY!”

    How low can he go before we get to give him the “boot?”

    We are making progress, I think. What do you think?

    Happy Night…Linda

  113. Democrat’s Decadent Party

  114. America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

    Abraham Lincoln

  115. Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.

    Abraham Lincoln

  116. Now I hope people are actually waking up to the Sarah Palin phenomenon. FOX adopted her for one reason, and one reason only: to high jack the Tea Party movement.

    Rupert Murdoch and his Saudi cohorts have a HUGE vested interest in not letting Debra Medina win Texas.

    They also have a HUGE vested interest in not allowing true freedom loving Americans take their country back, and return it to the original founding Republic is was intended to be.

    If she was so pro liberty, she would have campaigned for Debra Medina.

    Instead she champions Perry? A Bilderberger? A guy who’s selling Texas to foreign interest via the Texas Grand Corridor (an attempt to form one country between the USA/Canada/Mexico).

    A guy who is vehemently against taking the burden of property taxes off the shoulders of Texans?

    If you can’t see the what’s really happening here, you’re way behind the learning curve.

    I just can’t believe some people still scream at the top of their lungs support for Sarah Palin, even after she makes the most liberal neo-conned move in American political history, but supporting and championing a candidate like the Bilderberger “Rick Perry”.


  117. The South // February 13, 2010 at 8:07 pm


    She also supports Rand Paul….so what…..she has a right to support who she wants!!!

  118. The South,

    JJ posted a link earlier in this thread about an article on about Medina/Beck. There were also a few articles on Palin. All well written and spot. I don’t think we have to worry about the FEW to take the blinders off or who have a much different agenda for promoting her. It’s MORE than obvious.

    Did you see the link I posted for you yesterday?

  119. Video: Lt. Col. Allen West explains why we are fighting Jihadists. [MUST SEE!]

    Colonel Allen West Answers a Marine’s Question

  120. The South,

    go here and read the comments…they will sound VERY familar.

  121. Jacqlyn Smith,


  122. Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    I respect Sarah Palin and believe she was a “breath of fresh air” in the middle of a nightmare! The “Nightmare of the Fraud!”

    What Alex Jones says is his opinion but when Sarah Palin comes out and endorses Perry, it should make us all pause and take a second look because not only is Perry not good for Texas, but Texas has become the barometer for the rest of the nation. What happens in Texas affects us all IMHO.

    Sooo…it’s unclear to me just where Sarah Palin stands in the whole scheme of things. She said she will support candidates she thinks are worthy, but Perry? Even though she supported Rand Paul, that does not erase her support for Perry…

    I justified her support for Perry as maybe being motivated by his Pro-Life stance, but I cannot exclude other parts of his agenda. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me wonder since both she and Brown came out for McCain, too.

    It just makes me wonder if she is being primed as a scapegoat for re-election of the Fraud. They pounded her in the 2008 Election…what will the liberal press do to her a second time?

    She also praises Beck…is that wise considering his ACDC attitude toward certain groups and how he tried to diminish Medina on the air?

    I, for one, do not want to get excited only to be disappointed a second time.

    Just my thoughts…no reflection on you or Sarah!


  123. Michelle @ 7:36,

    Pres. Bush can share in some of the blame. Equally.

  124. Video: Our national anthem by joint military academy choirs – 4 million viewers!

  125. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith,


    JM….What is that suppose to mean??? Not everyone here buys into Alex Jones conspiracy theories so readily as you and a few others here!

  126. jj @ 5:33 p.m.

    A military phrase comes to mind upon Barry’s inevitable exit…

    Scorched Earth…

  127. JS,

    it ISN’T about Alex Jones. It’s about what you are about and what you have attempted to do to folks here on this site who actually have a brain and can form opinions. You have attempted to hijack this site as you have with others. GAME OVER.

  128. Linda from NY // February 13, 2010 at 8:17 pm


    Linda….that’s why you follow your instincts and not the crowd here who are trying to destroy her using Alex Jones theories…..I don’t trust him….Perry may be a NWO guy I don’t really know…..but then is Rand Paul too…she endorsed him as well….you don’t hear these people slamming her for that…..Pain is her own woman….she is to be trusted…..and I believe the Lord will help her to lead us in the right direction!!


    We have a PAL in PALIN!!!

  129. JSmith,

    Are we feeling compunctious? Your unwavering support for the Neocon is growing tiresome.

    Even when facts are brought forth to you showing proof she’s a BIG gov’t shill, you still turn a blind eye, and continue to champion the neocon.

    But maybe you’re a neocon yourself, that would explain a lot.

    Stigmatism’s are treatable.

    Blindness is incurable.

    And insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results (i.e. Run Palin Run, we have a Pal in Palin)

    Palin is politics as usual.

    For her to support someone like Rick Perry is very telling to her own personal agenda.

    Maybe she didn’t get the memo that Debra Median is running for Governor.


  130. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:22 pm


    it ISN’T about Alex Jones. It’s about what you are about and what you have attempted to do to folks here on this site who actually have a brain and can form opinions. You have attempted to hijack this site as you have with others. GAME OVER.

    JM…You’re funny too…I have been on this site much longer than you….if anyone is trying to hijack that would be you and your cronies…..all you put out on a daily basis is how no one can be trusted….everything is a conspiracy….if they support this person or that…..Palin can support who she wants…..Alex Jones can support who he wants…..still doesn’t make his conspiracy theories true nor the lies he said about Palin wanting to start a war with Iran….anyway that’s what he said in the video and she never said that!!

  131. JustMe, yes i read the links you posted yesterday, just forgot to respond.

    I agree.

  132. Wanna see this another example of what we’ve been subjected to here for a while by JS while just trying to have an intelligent, non threatening conversation on any subject? Go here:

  133. Just ME……BTW….I will take my brain and my faith over yours any day…..the insults are not necessary and you continue to fling them!!!!

  134. JS, I agree about Alex Jones. And quite honestly, I guess what it comes down to for alot of people is who do you trust? If I had to choose who I trust, Alex or Sarah…for me it’s Sarah no doubt about it. She has given me absolutely no reason at all not to trust her patriotism. I’m not a “truther”(I apologize if that word offends…not my intention). So obviously there’s alot of what Alex has to say that just isn’t clicking with me.

    Trust for me doesn’t mean I hang on all her words and support everyone she supports and agree with all her endorsements. But actually, alot of her decisions go along with how I feel about trust. Her decisions are right in line with how she describes herself in her book and what loyalty means to her.

    She discussed in the book about realizing she had stabbled a relative in the back(metaphorically)after not standing behind their campaign after the very same person helped her in her own. She thinks of these things alot deeper then people are giving her credit for.

    There are so many places that are into bashing Sarah and villainizing her. Look no further than the mainstream media. I love everyone here, I just feel badly that she’s such a threat to so many.

  135. The South // February 13, 2010 at 8:29 pm


    What about her support of Rand Paul…..what conspiracy does that tell you???

  136. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    Wanna see this another example of what we’ve been subjected to here for a while by JS while just trying to have an intelligent, non threatening conversation on any subject? Go here:

    And your point…..I left there because it was overtaken by Obutts…….are you one of them that has infiltrated CW’s site as well???? Maybe another Alex Jones theory???

  137. JS,

    you are here for one reason and one reason only. Some haven’t seen it yet, but I and others have or are at least beginning to see.

    We post our comments and move on. You come here to attack. Most posters don’t have that tactic. There’s only one reason to have it. Another agenda. GAME OVER.

  138. ticktock // February 13, 2010 at 8:32 pm

    JS, I agree about Alex Jones. And quite honestly, I guess what it comes down to for alot of people is who do you trust? If I had to choose who I trust, Alex or Sarah…for me it’s Sarah no doubt about it. She has given me absolutely no reason at all not to trust her patriotism. I’m not a “truther”(I apologize if that word offends…not my intention). So obviously there’s alot of what Alex has to say that just isn’t clicking with me.


    ticktock…..thank you for your kind words… you said it all has to do with trust and for me it’s not Alex Jones…..I listened to him a few times but I think he is a NUT case if I ever heard one…..remember is an actor and an entertainer just like Beck…..that’s how he makes his living…..the outrageous things needs a lot more evidence in my book!!! I have met Sarah and several family members and she is nothing like what is being portrayed of her here by some!!!

  139. JJ // February 13, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    Hey JJ,

    My eyeballs glazed over, then fell out. Said a few Hail Marys from memory.

    ‘Shocking’ doesn’t quite cover it, does it?

  140. AW continues to impress me with his words and deeds

  141. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:37 pm


    you are here for one reason and one reason only. Some haven’t seen it yet, but I and others have or are at least beginning to see.

    We post our comments and move on. You come here to attack. Most posters don’t have that tactic. There’s only one reason to have it. Another agenda. GAME OVER.

    JM…If anyone is attacking it is you… can believe who and what you want…..I could care less but I have a right to defend Palin as true Patriot and someone who loves this country and it’s citizens…..I did not insult you… continue to do it every time you address me…..just because I don’t buy into all of the conspiracy BS that you and a few others do is my right…..Grow up and move on!

  142. JSmith shows up here every morning around 9 or 10 am and begins her daily routing of copying and pasting the last 300 posts in the thread, and spitting her vile in opposition under them.

    Post after post, after ass numbing post, and it goes on for hours and hours.

    By the time you get done her everyday, I can’t even read the posts. It looks like a damn tornado of the copy/paste button hit this place.

  143. Linda from NY @ 7:56 pm
    Hi Linda you got wounded in action? I hope that you’re ok, and not too sore. I disagreed with one thing in the Madsen interview, the eligibility-birth certificate never went away, to get re-issued now. All of us have been working on this since summer 08. I still believe all leaders of foreign countries have everything on Obama and all the other candidates for obvious reasons.
    Pastor Manning is doing well, the more involved with the search for the truth the better off we all are. My idea still is: He knew he was ineligible, why did the one run? Thought he could get away with it? because he so darn darling and personable? BARF.

  144. JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:22 pm


    it ISN’T about Alex Jones. It’s about what you are about and what you have attempted to do to folks here on this site who actually have a brain and can form opinions. You have attempted to hijack this site as you have with others. GAME OVER.

    CW….Could you address this person….please read the above comment and tell me if this is not attacking and insulting??? Is this person infiltrating this site as one of us but is really an Obutt????

  145. JS, I honestly don’t understand why Sarah, mother of 5, raised completely outside politics, stood up to the REPUBLICAN party getting alot of the bums thrown into jail, is such a threat. I suppose there’s things about everyone that aren’t perfect, but with all the snakes out there that we know about…oh like Zero and gang…Sarah just isn’t up there on my list of really scary people..LOL.

    And in regards to therightsideoflife. I’ve never posted there, but I started wondering after a while what the site was really about. Maybe the guy who runs it just isn’t that into the NBC thing anymore or is maybe even questioning himself.

    But it seemed there’s mainly Obots over there and they’d literally post pages and pages of reading! And Phil? I think that’s his name, just didn’t seem care all that much anymore so I left.

  146. NOTE: Palins endorsement of the neocon/Bilderberger “Rick Perry” was a direct vote against the true conservative-constitutionalist Debra Medina.

    I wonder how much the Saudis and Murdoch slipped in her back pocket for that neocon move.

    Either your pro liberty or your not. One little endorsement for Rand does not negate something like a clear and present danger to the Republic like endorsing Rick Perry.

    Maybe it was a political move to endorse Rand (you know just to make it look like she’s for true liberty).

    The Texas Governors race is the biggest thing happening in this country. It’s a lot bigger than any Kentucky Senator or Congressional race.

    She voted for tyranny.

  147. The South,

    ROTFLMAO…it’s so true. You also have to look at the timing of the venom. That is what tipped me off. After reading the article on Jefferson’s Rebels yesterday, which CW linked to, it cinched it for me. Timing is everything.

  148. The South,

    Palin is a minion of Kissinger. She received her foreign policy download from him. Don’t need to say any more than that.

  149. I commented a couple days ago about McCain’s NBC status, and wanted to thank those who responded, and reply back. I didn’t mean to hit and run but had something urgent come up.

    Don in California – Very good point about military not being required to take their families on deployment. I had not considered that before, but will have to factor that in and rethink this. Thank you.

    TJ – Thank you also. And I agree, we do have to respect the document as it stands. I thought the Constitution did address military as “agents of govt” but I need to read it thru again, and rethink this.

    Katie – Ummm, I did happen to notice that…. But this isn’t just about McCain; this is about all our troops, past present and future. Including my father, brother, uncles, nephews and several friends. I care about our troops, and protecting their rights. What rights our troops can and cannot pass on to their offspring is not predicated on my opinion of McCain (nor yours).

    Ticktock – Yes, we can definitely agree on the fraud squatting in the White House!

    If I missed anyone, I apologize, and hopefully one of these responses will apply for you as well :).

    Keep up the good work folks!

  150. Richard @ 8:18 pm
    I agree-for the Democrats to blame everything on Bush, while voting with him is a lie. Practically everyone in there now, was in there in the Bush admin, if there is blame it should be shared by all the players. Hindsight is 20/20.
    Some were errors in judgement, and we were attacked.

  151. #

    The South // February 13, 2010 at 8:44 pm

    JSmith shows up here every morning around 9 or 10 am and begins her daily routing of copying and pasting the last 300 posts in the thread, and spitting her vile in opposition under them.

    Post after post, after ass numbing post, and it goes on for hours and hours.

    By the time you get done her everyday, I can’t even read the posts. It looks like a damn tornado of the copy/paste button hit this place.

    South….I spend a lot of time here because it use to be a nice place with nice people to discuss the FRAUD with….you and a few others have turned it into a war zone against anyone that doesn’t believe in Ron Paul and Alex Jones conspiracy theories….I have said over and over….I could care less what you think….but you are not going to force me away with your insults on my intelligence or my faith…..and…if you don’t like it you don’t have to post here…..I believe CW is in charge of this blog and you and a few others have launched a full out attack on me every time I defend Palin or anyone else for that matter that you believe is part of the Alex Jones conspiracy theory that I don’t buy into….it is my right to support who I want and post what I want….grow up and move on!!!

  152. #

    ticktock // February 13, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    JS, I honestly don’t understand why Sarah, mother of 5, raised completely outside politics, stood up to the REPUBLICAN party getting alot of the bums thrown into jail, is such a threat. I suppose there’s things about everyone that aren’t perfect, but with all the snakes out there that we know about…oh like Zero and gang…Sarah just isn’t up there on my list of really scary people..LOL.

    And in regards to therightsideoflife. I’ve never posted there, but I started wondering after a while what the site was really about. Maybe the guy who runs it just isn’t that into the NBC thing anymore or is maybe even questioning himself.

    But it seemed there’s mainly Obots over there and they’d literally post pages and pages of reading! And Phil? I think that’s his name, just didn’t seem care all that much anymore so I left.

    ticktock….Sarah is a Patriot just like you and I…..and you are right about TRSOL……it was taken over by Obutts you kept saying the same thing over and over using Alinsky type tactics…I think some of them have come over her now and are trying to run people who support Palin out as well!!! Hang tough….CW will handle them!

  153. On: NOW

    Fan The Fire With CJ and Tallulah

    “DR. JAMES MANNING will be our special guest tonight. …

    The focus will be Columbia University, which Obama claims as his alma mater but Manning contends Obama never attended. ~~~~~~ Dr. Manning has stated he has evidence that university officials sold Obama a Political Science degree and are therefore complicit in a cover-up of Obama’s true past.”

  154. ticktock….Sarah is a Patriot just like you and I…..and you are right about TRSOL……it was taken over by Obutts who kept saying the same thing over and over using Alinsky type tactics…I think some of them have come over here now and are trying to run people who support Palin out as well!!! Hang tough….CW will handle them!

  155. GORDO,

    thank you for the heads up and link

  156. GORDO // February 13, 2010 at 9:03 pm

    On: NOW

    Fan The Fire With CJ and Tallulah

    “DR. JAMES MANNING will be our special guest tonight. …


    Gordo….did you listen to the video/audio I posted from…..

    Manning says he has an eye witness that will be revealed at the trial…..I wish he could reveal it NOW!!!

  157. SueK // February 13, 2010 at 8:39 pm


    Hi Sue….are you still here??? How you doing today?

  158. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    The South,

    Palin is a minion of Kissinger. She received her foreign policy download from him. Don’t need to say any more than that.

    JM….So what…..I’m sure a lot of people have received their foreign policy download from him…..doesn’t make her any less a Patriot than the rest of us here!

  159. Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Evening, Jackie,

    I used to be a contributor to TRSoL and even had a few chats with Phil (who is s good guy).

    The problems started when the Obots took over that blog, and Phil would actually entertain them. Sure, I can see posting responses, but to go back and forth with them served no purpose and tended to annoy the rest of us.

    Yep, everyone has a right to their opinion, but to keep the nonsense going on day after day was ridiculous.

    I still go there sometimes because Phil does post some good articles, but I just can no longer be involved with the ‘comments’ section.

    Too bad it came to that…it *was* a good blog!

  160. #

    The South // February 13, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    NOTE: Palins endorsement of the neocon/Bilderberger “Rick Perry” was a direct vote against the true conservative-constitutionalist Debra Medina.

    I wonder how much the Saudis and Murdoch slipped in her back pocket for that neocon move.

    Either your pro liberty or your not. One little endorsement for Rand does not negate something like a clear and present danger to the Republic like endorsing Rick Perry.

    Maybe it was a political move to endorse Rand (you know just to make it look like she’s for true liberty).

    The Texas Governors race is the biggest thing happening in this country. It’s a lot bigger than any Kentucky Senator or Congressional race.

    She voted for tyranny.

    South…..thanks for your opinion but I still don’t buy it! Palin is her own woman… know her is to love her….you should try it!

  161. Palin is a minion of Kissinger. She received her foreign policy download from him. Don’t need to say any more than that.

    JM….So what…..I’m sure a lot of people have received their foreign policy download from him…..doesn’t make her any less a Patriot than the rest of us here!

    You just drove the last nail in your coffin with that remark. You apparently have absolutely no idea what Henry Kissinger represents.

    Thanks for the eye opener.

  162. Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Yup, Jackie….present!

    Busy day preparing for the new little one on Sunday.

    Doing OK-thanks-and the attitude is a bit better because I may be on the way to solving the medical mystery! I talked to folks all day and it seems as though everyone knew at least one other person who was told they had MS when it turned out to be Lyme!

    My computer guy told me that there was an article in our local paper last summer (he also writes a computer-related column) with advice from a *Lyme doc* in the area. I’ll be hitting the archives to find out who that doc is.

    I start testing next week….it *will* be done, and maybe I can get some answers!

  163. OK, so we are in the DIVIDE and CONQUER MODE AGAIN with Palin.

    Let me just say this, PALIN is smarter than anyone vilifying her and if you want a PERFECT CANDIDATE I’ll tell you that Jesus Christ isn’t walking thru that door, neither is George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, etc.

    For now I fully support Palin and she is doing the right thing…is she doing everything 100% the way we all would like it? Of course not, we can’t even agree here on what we are looking for so no one candidate is coing to please everyone 100% of the time.

    Palin has won many elections on her own and she would have pulled McCain out of the fire if he hadn’t sabotaged his own race….sometimes I wonder if he was in cahoots with the Obutts. BUT she has to endorse him, it is a smart political move.

    As for endorsing Perry I bet all of you WERE ENDORSING HIM ALSO and didn’t even know Medina was alive one month ago. Medina has alot to like BUT PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT HER HISTORY AND SKELETONS…are they any less than Palin’s or Perry’s?

    JS ticktock, et al…. I’m with you and we do have a Patriot and a smart Political Savy Pal in Palin.

    Palin/Bachmann 2012

    WHO IS MEDINA? What is her platform? What is her career history and personal history?

    So she carries a gun BIG DEAL Palin shots rifles.

  164. #

    SueK // February 13, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Evening, Jackie,

    I used to be a contributor to TRSoL and even had a few chats with Phil (who is s good guy).

    The problems started when the Obots took over that blog, and Phil would actually entertain them. Sure, I can see posting responses, but to go back and forth with them served no purpose and tended to annoy the rest of us.

    Yep, everyone has a right to their opinion, but to keep the nonsense going on day after day was ridiculous.

    I still go there sometimes because Phil does post some good articles, but I just can no longer be involved with the ‘comments’ section.

    Too bad it came to that…it *was* a good blog!

    Hey Sue….glad to hear from you…..and now that you mention it I do remember a Sue posting over there……a good SueK….you….there is another Sue over there who is an Obutt and constantly spews the same old rhetoric time and time again….I got really tired of it so one day I turned the tables on them and cut and paste there BS over and over until they were tired of it……Phil took up for them so I stopped talking to him too….I had several good chats with him as well before that but he was too entertaining to the Obutts as you say…..I am afraid some are infiltrating here now….I remember Just Me as a commenter over there when I used to go there….haven’t been there in a long while!!

  165. JS,

    all one has to do is read the CIVIL exchange poster Sue was trying to have with you is all that matters. Your response, which was anything but civil speaks volumes. The website is irrelevant. Your tactics in response to the poster’s thread of discussion is enough.

  166. Michelle @8:56,

    Id like to hear Condoleeza Rice give the public an explanation on the passport issue that happened on her watch.

    The passport issue needs to be held on to with tooth and nail….

    Id like her to face a Spanish inquisition !

  167. #

    The South // February 13, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    Palin is a minion of Kissinger. She received her foreign policy download from him. Don’t need to say any more than that.

    JM….So what…..I’m sure a lot of people have received their foreign policy download from him…..doesn’t make her any less a Patriot than the rest of us here!

    You just drove the last nail in your coffin with that remark. You apparently have absolutely no idea what Henry Kissinger represents.

    Thanks for the eye opener.

    He once was Secretary of State and knows a lot about foreign affairs…..maybe that is why Palin was talking to him….I know he has been on Fox a number of times to… what….do you want to give all of us another lesson in Conspiracy!! Come on….give it your best shot!

  168. JS,

    remember Just Me as a commenter over there when I used to go there….haven’t been there in a long while!!

    I have never posted on that website. Again this false accusation proves what I have suspicioned for a while now. You can google my name and you will see NOTHING on that site. That’s how I found you, after reading the article posted here yesterday.

    I’m moving on.

  169. #

    SueK // February 13, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Yup, Jackie….present!

    Busy day preparing for the new little one on Sunday.

    Doing OK-thanks-and the attitude is a bit better because I may be on the way to solving the medical mystery! I talked to folks all day and it seems as though everyone knew at least one other person who was told they had MS when it turned out to be Lyme!

    My computer guy told me that there was an article in our local paper last summer (he also writes a computer-related column) with advice from a *Lyme doc* in the area. I’ll be hitting the archives to find out who that doc is.

    I start testing next week….it *will* be done, and maybe I can get some answers!

    WOW Sue….Now that you mention the Lyme disease thing…..I worked with a person who’s daughter showed the same symptoms and it was years later they discovered the tick….BINGO…Lyme’s disease….keep me posted okay…you can email me if you want!

  170. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 13, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    OK, so we are in the DIVIDE and CONQUER MODE AGAIN with Palin.



  171. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 9:27 pm


    remember Just Me as a commenter over there when I used to go there….haven’t been there in a long while!!

    I have never posted on that website. Again this false accusation proves what I have suspicioned for a while now. You can google my name and you will see NOTHING on that site. That’s how I found you, after reading the article posted here yesterday.

    I’m moving on.

    JM….Maybe not….I haven’t been there in a long while and I wouldn’t waste my time checking who was posting there and who wasn’t…..the name you use to post here with sounded like one I heard of over there…..that’s all!!!

  172. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 9:23 pm


    all one has to do is read the CIVIL exchange poster Sue was trying to have with you is all that matters. Your response, which was anything but civil speaks volumes. The website is irrelevant. Your tactics in response to the poster’s thread of discussion is enough.

    Excuse me….Sue and I are friends….we chat by email many times…..move on JM….you are the problem here and continue to start up things….it is not necessary!

  173. JS,

    it was my understanding is that you are banned from that site.

  174. JS, It is fun to blog with the Obots every once in a while at TRSOL, Phil is great about giving them all the rope they need.

    But you are right, you can’t win an argument with disingenuous people that proffer their own version of what an NBC is, and regurgitate it over and over and over and won’t listen to any other opinion.

  175. Peter,

    we are in DISCOVERY mode!

  176. JM….If you are speaking of the Obutt Sue at TRSOL… clearly are an Obutt from there!!! I remember her being quite uncivil to me and others many times before the thing you are referring to…..go back there and stay if she is your buddy!!! Please move on or leave….you clearly are only wanting to cause problems here with supporters of Palin!

  177. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 9:41 pm


    it was my understanding is that you are banned from that site.

    JM….Speaks volumes….you believe in gossip!!!
    Maybe it was you that was banned!! Now I see why you support Alex Jones!

  178. Don’t know if anyone had a chance to hear Madsen’s show tonight or not. He had a caller who presented some really interesting information. Information I was unfamiliar with – Communitarianism & the Fabian Society. Who knew?

    I found this short video on Youtube about the subject and thought I’d post.

  179. Oh for God’s sake…grow up. It’s like a highschool cafeteria…

  180. So do we support the half-devil we know and who leads in the pools and is an incumbent (Perry) OR do we support a nobody that no one knows NOT EVEN IN TEXAS and has never held office or ever debated a DEMOCRAT.

    I’ll admit that I likeMedina and her issues and maybe down the road she is a good candidate for Mayor and maybe next time Governor. Her only poilitical experience is supporting Ron Paul.

    BTW let’s just look at this scenario: If Palin supporting Medina she would’ve been ridiculed by all the Lieberals and most Republicans and her judgement would have been seriously challenged.

    Medina sounds good BUT she is not a serious candidate in teh Governors race. She may come back and do a Scott Brown and I would support her BUT it would be foolish for Palin to endorse her.

    Palin knows what she is doing. She isn’t going to back a nobody that backed another Nobody, RON PAUL.

    We have a Pal in Palin.

  181. #

    bob strauss // February 13, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    JS, It is fun to blog with the Obots every once in a while at TRSOL, Phil is great about giving them all the rope they need.

    But you are right, you can’t win an argument with disingenuous people that proffer their own version of what an NBC is, and regurgitate it over and over and over and won’t listen to any other opinion.

    Bob…Exactly….I got tired of their same old BS and finally gave them a dose of their own medicine…..I was never banned though…..I got tired of it…..I’m with Sue though…..every once in a while Phil will post a good read but I wouldn’t comment anymore…..the Obutts are too ridiculous….I remember you being over there as well…..Hang tough though if that is what you like!

  182. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 13, 2010 at 9:48 pm

    So do we support the half-devil we know and who leads in the pools and is an incumbent (Perry) OR do we support a nobody that no one knows NOT EVEN IN TEXAS and has never held office or ever debated a DEMOCRAT.


    Peter…..People did that with the FRAUD….unknown…..not Bush……look where that got us……McCain would have been better…at least he loves this country!!!!

  183. TO:

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 9:42 pm


    we are in DISCOVERY mode!
    \\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////

    There is nothign wrong with that BUT Palin did her discovery and made a smart decision.

    If she backs Perry and Perry wins it looks GREAT for her and she would have his supporters most of Hutchinson’s and all of Medina’s. If she backed Medina she would lose support even if she won. Palin is Palin’ it SMART. Just like in Arizona she picked a win win position as I explained before.

  184. Palin knows what she is doing. She isn’t going to back a nobody that backed another Nobody, RON PAUL.

    We have a Pal in Palin.


    Peter…..true…..I like how you analyze and are so level headed about your thinking!

  185. #

    Paxson // February 13, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    Oh for God’s sake…grow up. It’s like a highschool cafeteria…

    Paxon…..that’s funny… daughter wanted me to watch Mean Girls with her last night…..I hate that movie!!!

  186. For anyone who doesn’t know Debra Medin (including those to lazy to do their own research) here’s a compilation of her debate answers against Perry and Hutchison.

    Part 1

  187. Part 2

  188. TO:
    Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:51 pm
    \\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////

    I wouldn’t go that far about McCain I think he was a plant by the Libs to hedge their bets and if you remember NYTimes endorsed him in the primaries which they probably never endorsed a Republican in the Primaries before and once he took the lead and looked like the GOP winer they started tipping him apart.

    McCain was horrible and the Republican party should have asked him to sit on the sidelines. He wouldn’t be much better than Obamateur but at least we would have an American Loving President who would allow this country to be infiltrated and invaded. PLUS he would have given tax money to banktupt companies as he did when he cancelled his campaign to vote for TARP.

    I never seen a candidate defend his opponent as he is being destroyed by others. He still defends him today.

  189. Peter, Your assessment seems logical to me.

  190. If McCain and Palin love their country let them prove it with quo warranto. They are the only two that have ideal standing.

  191. SueK, Regarding your condition. You really don’t need my advice as you’ve gotten a load of GREAT advice from everyone here already. But I can’t help myself. If you’re thinking that Lyme Disease is it, don’t stop till you actually have a lyme specialist diagnose you. So let’s say a reg doc tests you and rules it out…don’t stop there. Keep going until you find the most knowledgebable person about the disease and then get THEIR assessment.

    Ok, off my soapbox! 🙂

  192. when this SOVEREIGN NATION is no longer sovereign and we are formally THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION we will remember those here who didn’t get it.

  193. TO:

    The South // February 13, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    For anyone who doesn’t know Debra Medin (including those to lazy to do their own research) here’s a compilation of her debate answers against Perry and Hutchison.

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////

    Thanks for that.

    I’m sure most of us are aware of her stand on issues and LOVE IT, but endorsements are doing for MUTUAL BENEFIT and Palin would have nothinnto gain by endorsing Medina, especially since alin endorsed Perry before anyone knw about Medina. Even today most in Texas don’t know her and it is THEIR ELECTION I don’ Vote in Texas so it is irrelevant to me. I just think that Palin made the endorsment that gives her the Most Support.

    Endorsements are MUTUAL and you don’t endorse just to help the other person win BUT to boost your support as well.

    Palin’s endorsement of Perry is Sensible and Smart…. Palin is Palin’ it smart.

  194. #

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 13, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 9:51 pm
    \\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////

    I wouldn’t go that far about McCain I think he was a plant by the Libs to hedge their bets and if you remember NYTimes endorsed him in the primaries which they probably never endorsed a Republican in the Primaries before and once he took the lead and looked like the GOP winer they started tipping him apart.

    McCain was horrible and the Republican party should have asked him to sit on the sidelines. He wouldn’t be much better than Obamateur but at least we would have an American Loving President who would allow this country to be infiltrated and invaded. PLUS he would have given tax money to banktupt companies as he did when he cancelled his campaign to vote for TARP.

    I never seen a candidate defend his opponent as he is being destroyed by others. He still defends him today.

    Peter….I agree with this but still believe he loves the USA much more than the FRAUD we have now……I voted for Alan Keyes….of course he didn’t have a chance….that is why I worry about a 3rd party…….I think we have to clean out the Republican party…..won’t be easy but we have to try!!!

  195. If she backs Perry and Perry wins it looks GREAT for her and she would have his supporters most of Hutchinson’s and all of Medina’s. If she backed Medina she would lose support even if she won. Palin is Palin’ it SMART. Just like in Arizona she picked a win win position as I explained before.

    And you’ve proven my point: She’s playing politics, covering her own ass, and not doing what’s right for the country.

    Thanks for clarifying Palins stance for the rest of us PFRWH.

  196. #

    Prairie // February 13, 2010 at 10:04 pm

    If McCain and Palin love their country let them prove it with quo warranto. They are the only two that have ideal standing.

    Won’t ever happen because the “birther” conspiracy is attached to it right now! That is why I like Keyes…..he came out right away saying we have the right to question the FRAUD’S citizenship…..Palin has said the same…..I haven’t heard the question asked of McCain though!!

  197. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    when this SOVEREIGN NATION is no longer sovereign and we are formally THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION we will remember those here who didn’t get it.

    All of this has been in motion for many many years……one person can not stop this movement now…it may not even be stoppable anymore! We have to clean out the corruption in our government with the right elected officials…. and Palin will do that…..she proved it in Alaska with her own party…..that is why even the Republicans are afraid of her…..she will rid us of the establishment and the elite….at least she will try!!!!

  198. JS,

    .she will rid us of the establishment and the elite….at least she will try!!!!


    Palin is endorsing THE ESTABLISHMENT – Rick Perry. It’s clear you have no idea what your are spewing here – disinformation at its finest.

  199. Richard @ 9:23 pm
    Yes, the passport issue is important, and it was dropped too quickly. We have a lot of questions, rarely do we receive answers at least answers that make sense.

  200. Jacqlyn Smith @ 9:27 pm
    The tick was in her for years?

  201. Peter…..I am beginning to understand your reasoning on the support thing……Medina was not well known at the time Perry asked Palin to support him……maybe if Palin had known Medina she may have supported her….also… that Palin works for Fox and is being interviewed by them a lot she has to support the people on Fox like Beck…..she may not agree with him on everything…..NO ONE does but at least he brings out the corruption they are perpetrating with all of their bills and bailouts!

  202. TO:

    The South // February 13, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    If she backs Perry and Perry wins it looks GREAT for her and she would have his supporters most of Hutchinson’s and all of Medina’s. If she backed Medina she would lose support even if she won. Palin is Palin’ it SMART. Just like in Arizona she picked a win win position as I explained before.

    And you’ve proven my point: She’s playing politics, covering her own ass, and not doing what’s right for the country.

    Thanks for clarifying Palins stance for the rest of us PFRWH.

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////

    Glad to help.
    The best way for her to help the country is to get elected and start CLEANING HOUSE and support those that can help her and she can help them. Of course she is playing SMART POLITICS if you don;t paly politics you never win. She can help thsi country alot more as an elected President that some shmuck that foes around and around and around trying to please ever nut and their view of what she should and shouldn’t do.

    Just one question those that supported Ron Paul, as passionate as they were, how do they fell today about Ron Paul and what he has accomplished and the political clout that he has?

    I will tell you he was a ONE TRICK PONY, just like Tom Tancredo which I supported in the primary. I doanted money to him and went to campaign rallies and wrote and wrote and called him and asked him to join with a few others and draw up articles of Impeachment for Bush for looking the other way while knowingly allowing the illegals invasion of America. That would have put him high in the polls but it is obvious he had no charisma and little political skills other that ONE TRICK PONY illegal immigration which was great and I supported him for it BUT if he was really serious about ti he should have pursued Bush’s Impeachment that would have sent a Strong Message to every supporter of Amnesty.

    Bush should have been Impeached for the illegals invasion if that had happened our borders would have been closed long ago and most illegals would be Documented Now at home by stepping up deportations and soon they would Self-Deport. Legal Immigration when needed and beneficical to America is Great but illegal immigration is a cancer that is eroding America.

    Instead Tancredo accomplished NOTHING other than bringing the illegals issue up on debates but the PROBLEM CONTINUES TODAY.

  203. #

    Michelle // February 13, 2010 at 10:21 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 9:27 pm
    The tick was in her for years?

    Michelle…..It has been nearly 20 years since I worked with the person but as I recall they didn’t find the tick for some time…..I think it was under the skin in her hair…..something like that…..her daughter lived in a wooded area and was out and about in the woods a lot…..As I said I just vaguely remember this person talking about it…..I didn’t personally know the daughter nor did I ever meet the daughter!

  204. Hey Michelle,

    i was thinking of watching the t.v. and then i thought, watching Roller Derby here was better.

    How are you ?

  205. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 10:18 pm


    .she will rid us of the establishment and the elite….at least she will try!!!!


    Palin is endorsing THE ESTABLISHMENT – Rick Perry. It’s clear you have no idea what your are spewing here – disinformation at its finest.

    JM…..IMO…..she is doing what is right for her….she is in NO position right now to do anything to stop or rid us of the establishment in DC….that’s what I am talking about…..Palin said she endorsed Perry because of his Pro-Life stance….that’s it!!

  206. Guys,

    I am not the ‘Sue’ posting these days at TRSoL; I haven’t posted over there for over a year, and I was always ‘SueK.’

    I logged on last week to check an article Phil had written, and saw the comments from ‘Sue.’

    That’s not me!

  207. The other thing we are overlooking here on Perry is that he was a Conservative in a Party that was being led by Moderates (Liberal Lites) and they dragged most everyone in the party to the left BUT now that we sent the Scott Brown message to the Libs and most important to the GOP we will start seeing Conservatives step up and dragging teh party to the right and with that backing Perry may well be as Conservative as Medina BUT experienced and more effective.

    Backing Medina is a risk and even in Texas it could well cost the Governorship and hand it over to the Liebs. Medina in a race against an experienced Lieberal could be Slaughtered and lose…it is RISKY. Therefore I wouold rather have a sure Semi-conservative Perry than a dream and a prayer with someone that I LIKE but is risky and a possible loss.

    Palin is Palin’ it Common Sense Smart.

  208. The South,

    Thanks for posting the clips from Texas. I was not up to par regarding Medina.

    She sounds impressive, and references the Constitution very well.

    Very impressive.

  209. Richard @ 10:27 pm
    We’re good, very cool down here. Are you in West Palm with your friend if you are you get to see the tallest building they ever imploded tomorrow. Were you down here when Mayor Nancy Graham imploded the building on 4th of July and did it in sink with the music. She was one funky fun mayor.

  210. Jacqlyn Smith @ 10:24 pm
    I know what ticks are and they are gross. I’m surprised she didn’t feel a lump or something, unless just the head got stuck under the skin. Hate those rascals.

  211. Richard, glad you enjoyed the videos.

    Yes, Medina flat out kicked Perry and K.B.H’s ass in front of the whole world, in not just one, but two televised debates.

    She is very well educated on the Constitution, and is hell bent on seeing it enforced to the “T”.

    A vote for Perry or Hutchison guarantees Texans more property taxes, a Texas Grand Corridor (to form the North American Union) and restrictive gun laws.

    A vote for Medina guarantess Texans,

    No more property taxes

    No institution of a state income tax

    No restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws

    No Texas Grand Corridor

    No more politics as usual.

    She’s the real deal Hollyfield! This woman has her chit together, and it shows.

    For those of you saying we shouldn’t waste our vote on Medina is like saying no one should ever give you credit, because you don’t have a prior credit history.

  212. Paxson // February 13, 2010 at 9:46 pm

    Oh for God’s sake…grow up. It’s like a highschool cafeteria…


    Ah…if only it were that simple – a high school cafeteria squabble. We are NOT dealing with high school issues here. It is much bigger than that.

  213. Michelle,

    What building was that ?

    Tues may drive down for a business meeting.

    Love it when i get to the Orange groves, and smell the Orange blossoms. Florida Turnpike.

    It’s special.

  214. #

    Michelle // February 13, 2010 at 10:38 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 10:24 pm
    I know what ticks are and they are gross. I’m surprised she didn’t feel a lump or something, unless just the head got stuck under the skin. Hate those rascals.

    Michelle…..Even though I grew up on a farm I have never had one……we did find them on our animals from time to time and my Dad would remove them….we only had outdoor pets….yes I agree…..I don’t know why it took so long to discover…I am no longer in contact with the person but I do remember how worried they were about her and didn’t know why she as becoming more and more disabled!!! Scary!

  215. Here’s what I’ve observed:

    • When any conversation of a third party comes up…BAM…it’s attacked

    • When any issue about Palin hijacking the Tea Party comes up…BAM…it’s attacked

    • When any issue about Orly comes up…BAM…it’s attacked

    • When we question Alan Keyes…BAM it’s attacked

    The South, what am I missing here? The list is long, isn’t it?

  216. We surely don’t want to back any Kissinger republicans, they are the ones who want the trans-texas-texas-highway. In other wards he is a globalist and is not good for the common man or middle class. I hope folks do their homework. I don’t see how this country can have another globalist idiot at the helm without a complete collapse, which in case you haven’t heard Beck is advocating. He wants to put the middle class wages to be cut to compete with China’s. That’s what the globalists have in store for us. Obama is a dem globalist.

  217. Jacqlyn,

    OT, but when responding to another’s post, I wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to refer to their time of posting, rather than repeating the content.

    This is just a suggestion. It’s easier on the eyes and saves a ton of space on CW’s blog. I have to wonder about his expenses and how much he receives from us in donations to have a “space” to be read.

    Under certain circumstances, for eg. when time has lapsed or the subject content is complex, it is necessary. But as a general rule, it would be easier to follow the flow of conversation and/or argument, whichever it may be. It is especially difficult if there are many posts involved.

    Again, just a suggestion.

  218. If Perry or Hutchison is elected, we might as well place the order for the gravestone of this nation:

    United States of America RIP

  219. Linda NY,
    Your welcome!I really don’t know much about Alex BUT we need the truth.Like this saying goes “You are known by the company you keep”

    What really bothers me is the company she is keeping.We need to get our constitution back and enforced.Both sides of this system is corrupted and people are tired of it.That is why I’m supporting the Constitution Party because that’s the only Party that questioned it.
    God Bless!!!

  220. JustMe, when we question these things you mentioned it doesn’t work well for those globalists and what they want for us. Palin is attacked because she will do for us, just as Hillary would have. The attacks against folks are the ones we should vote for because they don’t belong to the club. If we have a candidate we like and the media spends everyday knocking them, then you should realize they are outsiders and the globalists will not be able to turn them in to puppets.

  221. Richard @ 10:43
    West Palm Beach Residents Eagerly Await Implosion
    1515 Tower Scheduled To Be Imploded Sunday Morning
    POSTED: 4:54 pm EST February 9, 2010
    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — One of West Palm Beach’s tallest buildings will soon be history.
    Dmolition crews plan to implode the 1515 condominium Sunday morning, and many people who live nearby can’t wait.
    Larry Ayers and his friend spent part of Tuesday morning staring at a battered building on borrowed time. By Sunday afternoon, the shell of this 30-story condominium will be turned into a massive pile of concrete.
    “We’ve been expecting it for a long time,” Ayers said. “It’s well overdue.”
    Demolition crews will implode the hurricane-damaged tower this weekend. In case there any problems, city leaders wanted to make sure they were covered.
    “The city requested $50 million worth of insurance to cover the existing structures around the implosion, and also to cover the infrastructure,” construction services director Doug Wise said.
    The Viking Arms condominium sits a stone’s throw south of the 1515 tower.
    “Our main concern is the dust,” Ayers said. “When it comes across, you can look at our building and you can see all those air conditioning vents. Each condo has its own air conditioner.”
    PDF: 1515 Tower Implosion Closure Maps
    Beverly Rosenberg said she was initially concerned about the implosion.
    “But then they seem to be working bit by bit taking the asbestos down, and they seem to be doing it properly,” Rosenberg said.
    Rosenberg said she’ll know where she will be when the 1515 tower comes crashing down.
    “I’m going to be up on my roof with a camera watching it,” Rosenberg said.
    When it is gone, another building will take its place.
    “But then guess what?” Ayers said. “We’ve got three years of noisy construction to put up with.”
    Police said they plan to evacuate people who live within 750 feet of the building. The implosion is scheduled for 9 a.m. Sunday.
    Previous Stories:
    •February 8, 2010: Spectators Will Be Kept Safe Distance From Implosion

  222. #

    venice // February 13, 2010 at 10:46 pm


    OT, but when responding to another’s post, I wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to refer to their time of posting, rather than repeating the content.

    This is just a suggestion. It’s easier on the eyes and saves a ton of space on CW’s blog. I have to wonder about his expenses and how much he receives from us in donations to have a “space” to be read.

    Under certain circumstances, for eg. when time has lapsed or the subject content is complex, it is necessary. But as a general rule, it would be easier to follow the flow of conversation and/or argument, whichever it may be. It is especially difficult if there are many posts involved.

    Again, just a suggestion.

    If CW has a problem with it I will do what he asks…..right now I just paste the comment so I can refer back to what the person wrote… is CW’s blog…..others cut and paste too!!! Why are you all ganging up here….I have been on this blog for quite a while and have always just cut and paste….it is easier to reply with the person’s comments right there!

  223. Jacqlyn Smith @ 10:44 pm
    I read this in Woman’s Day or Family Circle-talk about medical mysteries that drive doctors nuts. A lady had manure delivered to her house because she wanted to plant a garden or something. She had a very small cut, and was working or walking in the manure/dirt. Weeks later she got sick, went to the doctors-every test known to man-could not identify it, until it must have been a miracle-it was lockjaw. None of the young doctors had ever seen it ever. So, she was very near death, but once they figured it out with proper medication she began to get well.

  224. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    If Perry or Hutchison is elected, we might as well place the order for the gravestone of this nation:

    United States of America RIP

    I said that about the FRAUD but we’re still here and we’re still fighting….if Perry or Hutchinson win and they don’t do right by the people they will soon be run out of office…..the country is awake and won’t put up with failed promises!!

  225. JS,

    YOU are complicit in promoting the demise of this nation by your unwillingness see the bigger picture. Could that be because you are a diehard Republican and pretend to be otherwise?

  226. Connie @ 10:46
    ” Beck is advocating. He wants to put the middle class wages to be cut to compete with China’s.”
    How generous of him. That is 99.99 per cent of America his idea could lead to some big problems.

  227. Has anyone seen the picture of the Kenya Road sign that says “Birthplace of Barack Obama”? Do you think it is real?

  228. #

    GBAmerica // February 13, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    Linda NY,
    Your welcome!I really don’t know much about Alex BUT we need the truth.Like this saying goes “You are known by the company you keep”

    What really bothers me is the company she is keeping.We need to get our constitution back and enforced.Both sides of this system is corrupted and people are tired of it.That is why I’m supporting the Constitution Party because that’s the only Party that questioned it.
    God Bless!!!

    Alan Keyes questioned it and he is not in the Constitution party……I like Palin because she is her own woman…..she will fight for the common man because that is what she has done all of her life….what you see is what you get!!!

  229. Jacqlyn,


  230. Emudude @ 11:07 pm
    It’s in many places on the internet but I still don’t know if it legit or not.

  231. #

    connie // February 13, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    JustMe, when we question these things you mentioned it doesn’t work well for those globalists and what they want for us. Palin is attacked because she will do for us, just as Hillary would have. The attacks against folks are the ones we should vote for because they don’t belong to the club. If we have a candidate we like and the media spends everyday knocking them, then you should realize they are outsiders and the globalists will not be able to turn them in to puppets.


    Connie….Exactly….and Palin is constantly attacked by both sides of the aisle…..even John McCain won’t come out and adamantly endorse her…..and look what she is doing for him…’s like Peter says…..she is playing SMART POLITICS……something necessary to get promoted and take on the elites and the establishment in DC!!!

  232. Or, maybe it is what you accuse others of being a RINO?

  233. Michelle // February 13, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 10:44 pm
    I read this in Woman’s Day or Family Circle-talk about medical mysteries that drive doctors nuts. A lady had manure delivered to her house because she wanted to plant a garden or something.

    Michelle…..Wow…..thank God they found out in time to save her life….that truly is a miracle!

  234. .she is playing SMART POLITICS……something necessary to get promoted and take on the elites and the establishment in DC!!!


    MORE disinformation!

  235. I was looking for the sign Obama born in Kenya marker. Look at what I found while searching. NOTE DATE—
    #1 21 April 2008, 08:50 PM
    Join Date: 18 February 2000
    Location: California
    Posts: 78,952
    Barack Obama was born in Kenya
    Today, we have a new matter before us. There is an article out today on
    the internet that says that Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with
    his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy.
    She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so she Barack Obama was born
    there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.
    Obama is not eligible to be the President of the United States of America.
    This may not be proven in the next few days, but I am sure it will be
    proven before the General Election.
    The DNC and the elite of the Democratic party should respect Hillary and
    not force her off the ballot. If they do, we may not even have a viable
    I’m sure all this can be proven, by hospital documents and witnesses. It
    will take time, but Obama is not a legitimate U. S. citizen. He has
    citizenship established in Kenya, where he is recorded as Arab-African

  236. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 11:07 pm


    YOU are complicit in promoting the demise of this nation by your unwillingness see the bigger picture. Could that be because you are a diehard Republican and pretend to be otherwise?

    Not anymore than you are…..NO….I am an Independent….have been so all my life….didn’t even start voting until I was in my 30’s….most people around me were DemoCRAPS….I am a retired teacher……I belonged to the teacher’s association but never supported a party…..for President I always vote for the one who is the most conservative and Pro-life…….Keyes fit that bill in 2008…..Life is the most important issue for me….until mothers stop killing their offspring I don’t think the world will ever be at Peace!

    Galatians 1:15

    “But when God, who had set me apart, EVEN IN MY MOTHERS WOMB and called me through his grace was pleased”

  237. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    Or, maybe it is what you accuse others of being a RINO?

    JM….NO wrong again…..pretty simple….I love my God….my family and my country… that order!

  238. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    .she is playing SMART POLITICS……something necessary to get promoted and take on the elites and the establishment in DC!!!


    MORE disinformation!
    Playing the game is part of getting what you want… is SMART and Palin knows it!

  239. JS,

    funny, I could have sworn I remember you posting that you had worked a variety of campaigns for some Repubs. Never remember hearing an Independents name mentioned before.

  240. Playing the game is part of getting what you want… is SMART and Palin knows it!


    MORE disinformation!

  241. Michelle // February 13, 2010 at 11:17 pm

    I was looking for the sign Obama born in Kenya marker. Look at what I found while searching. NOTE DATE—

    Michelle….why do you think the date is Feb. 2000???

  242. Michelle…..Sorry I see now it was April 2008….there was another date but that was the person’s join date I guess…..who wrote that comment I wonder???

  243. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 11:24 pm


    funny, I could have sworn I remember you posting that you had worked a variety of campaigns for some Repubs. Never remember hearing an Independents name mentioned before.

    Yes I did work for the Republican campaign once Palin was chosen to be McCain’s running mate…..mainly because my good friend ran the McCain campaign headquarters in Henderson…..that is how I met Palin….her mom and dad and her cousin and her son……it wasn’t because of McCain it was because of Palin that I helped out… the end though after learning more about Keyes I decided to vote for him….McCain isn’t Pro-Life enough for me….if Palin had been the top of the ticket they would have gotten my vote….however…..she had to march to McCain’s drumbeat because she was his running mate!

  244. That was an old article that has never been proven. It was written by a supposedly African Website. The Same site that said that they had Obama Jr.s Imam Letter of his Muslim Christening that never appeared. Also the one that said that he had a tape of a Phone Call from Michelle Obama stating that Her Husband WAS adopted by Lolo Soetoro. None of this has ever been Proven (or for that fact Disproven), like The Kenyan Birth Certificate with Obama’s Little Footprint, or the Kenyan Certificate of Live Birth from the 1964 Obama/Dunham Divorce Papers. There is NOTHING about Obama that can be Proven or Disproven either way. We the People have NO STANDING.

  245. ticktock // February 13, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    Hi ticktock, and thanks! I’ll never shun good advice!

    I’m testing through my PCP however, knowing that there’s an ‘LLMD’ (Lyme Literate MD) in my area gives me hope!

    If these initial specialized tests come out negative, I’ll make an appt. with the LLMD and keep on going until we get something!

    At this point, the MS ‘non-diagnosis’ is looking like just that!

  246. #

    GBAmerica // February 13, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    Yes….I remember that meeting…..I think they said it was a good move for Palin because it showed she was willing to learn more about foreign policy ….something she would need to do before being a viable candidate for POTUS!

  247. jacqlyn, Thanks for your comments. I have been looking into this since Hillary’s nomination was stolen, so I dug up a lot of information. I could really go for Ron Paul for the exception of his war stance, because I am really a hawk. I am a bluedog democrat that was totallly disinfranchized by my party and the party of my parents. So my little “yellow dog” dem father is voting for the first time in his life in the republican primary. Even he knows the dems are a disaster. LOL!@

  248. PALIN + PERRY = NWO

    First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

  249. #

    connie // February 13, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    jacqlyn, Thanks for your comments. I have been looking into this since Hillary’s nomination was stolen, so I dug up a lot of information. I could really go for Ron Paul for the exception of his war stance, because I am really a hawk. I am a bluedog democrat that was totallly disinfranchized by my party and the party of my parents. So my little “yellow dog” dem father is voting for the first time in his life in the republican primary. Even he knows the dems are a disaster. LOL!@

    Connie…..Do you or your father ever listen to Rush or Mark Levin…..I bet if your father did he might see the light better!

  250. JSmith,
    Here’s a link about Chuck Baldwin and Alan Keyes.In this article it says Keyes switch from GOP to Constitution Party.

    Keyes went up against Baldwin for Constitution Party Presidential Candidate,Baldwin won.
    God Bless!

  251. #

    JustMe // February 13, 2010 at 11:44 pm


    First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Looks like we are all speaking here….I doubt too many on this blog would ever sit back and let this country be taken over by the Communist…..even though they have infiltrated our White House…..doesn’t seem the FRAUD’S agenda is getting much support…..even less and less with each passing day as the DEMS are abandoning ship!

  252. venice // February 13, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    “OT, but when responding to another’s post, I wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to refer to their time of posting, rather than repeating the content.”


    You can right-click on the date/time (it’s a Permalink), then left-click “Copy Link Location” in Firefox or “Copy Shortcut” in IE. Then paste. Makes it easy to refer to comments on previous threads.


    Or TinyURL:

  253. #

    GBAmerica // February 13, 2010 at 11:49 pm

    Here’s a link about Chuck Baldwin and Alan Keyes.In this article it says Keyes switch from GOP to Constitution Party.

    Keyes went up against Baldwin for Constitution Party Presidential Candidate,Baldwin won.
    God Bless!

    Okay….thanks….I will read it…..I thought Keyes was a Republican at one time…..I like Baldwin….just don’t think he can garnish enough votes to win it all. Did Keyes run as an Independent then….I don’t remember….like I said I voted for him because I knew he was a staunch Pro-Lifer and a Constitutionalists!!! Thanks again 🙂

  254. GB…just found the answer to my question….he did end up as an Independent!

    Campaign U.S. presidential election, 2008
    Candidate Alan Keyes
    Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs 1985–1987
    Affiliation Republican Party, later Constitution Party, and now independent candidate
    Status Lost election November 4, 2008
    Headquarters Montogomery County, Maryland
    Slogan We Need Alan Keyes

  255. Chuck Baldwin is from my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. He is the Preacher at the Crossroads Baptist church here. He is on the Local Radio Station News Talk WCOA (AM 1370) all the time.

  256. Thanks Gordo,

    We should all attempt to be more succinct.

  257. Jacqlyn Smith // February 13, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    All of this has been in motion for many many years……one person can not stop this movement now…it may not even be stoppable anymore! We have to clean out the corruption in our government with the right elected officials…. and Palin will do that…..she proved it in Alaska with her own party…..that is why even the Republicans are afraid of her…..she will rid us of the establishment and the elite….at least she will try!!!
    Do you really think Palin (or any one else you like) can fix all the things that are wrong with our government? I’ll wager there are more unconstitutional laws on the books than constitutional ones. I’ll wager that the corruption we KNOW about is only a minuscule part of what is going on (and has gone on) behind closed doors. I’ll wager the country is already lost & that NO ONE has the stones to print the headlines. Tell me what part of your life is not regulated or taxed by a municipal, city, county, state, or federal agency. Congress has already authorized the collection of DNA into databases, authorized funding to create electronic health care records, and approved Verichip for insertion into our bodies. The laws are in place for them to have absolute control over every aspect of our lives. And then you can toss in all the international agreements that have ceded control of many aspects of our sovereignty to the UN and the Hague. This country is already dead, and neither Palin nor anyone else is capable of providing the CPR needed to restore it to what the Founders created. It would take decades for Congress to write enough laws to undo all the damage that has been done. And, before they can do that (as if they’d want to), we will be bankrupt and living in a Wiemar Republic nightmare.

  258. #

    Emudude // February 14, 2010 at 12:01 am

    Chuck Baldwin is from my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. He is the Preacher at the Crossroads Baptist church here. He is on the Local Radio Station News Talk WCOA (AM 1370) all the time.

    Okay……do you like him???

  259. Fernley Girl // February 14, 2010 at 12:04 am


    Fernley……Sounds like you have given up…..I think you are from Nevada as well….correct??? Well we all have to live on this earth until our maker takes us away so we might as well make the best of it……stay close to the Lord and don’t give up!

    Psalms 31:1
    “In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ASHAMED.”

  260. I like his message of supporting the constitution. I just disagree with his religious stance. (I’m not a Baptist).

  261. Thats Ok. though. We can agree to disagree. 😀

  262. Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!

  263. Fernley Girl,

    YEAH! SOMEONE THAT GETS IT and not afraid to speak up!

  264. Emudude // February 14, 2010 at 12:08 am


    There will never be a perfect candidate but believing and enforcing the Constitution is the most important thing……at least we know he believes God is where our rights come from.

  265. I do believe that he is a Godly Candidate. And that he has a very Strong Moral Compass to NOT be corrupted as long as he holds his Faith in God above the wages of Sin in Washington.

  266. Thanks, Emudude…and a very happy Hearts and Flowers Day to you, too:).

  267. Emudude // February 14, 2010 at 12:15 am


    That’s what I see in Palin as well!

  268. JS,
    I grew up as the daughter of a USAF Col. I was privy to things (not secret, just not public). I am always an optimist, but a realist as well. I know the difference between was is and what was. Not giving up, just looking the truth square in the face and it is UGLY.


  269. GBAmerica…..Have you ever heard of Jim DeMint speaking about the NWO??? Just wondering….I really like DeMint……he seems to be one of the few in DC who is fighting for we the people along with Michelle Bachman, Mike Pence and Paul Ryan….I like all of them…..they seem to be on the side of the people!

  270. The problem is this. It is still a 2 Party System. Democrats and Republicans. Everytime there is a third party vote. The Pendulum swings in favor of either the Dems or the Repubs. A lot of people are saying that a Third Party will definitely put Obama into Office for a Second term. Personally, I don’t think so. I think he has 3 more years left and after the 2010 elections he will either be useless, or he will make himself Dictator. He doesn’t seem the be the type to just give up on his Marching Orders from George Soros to transform this country into a One World Socialist State of the NWO. The Fact that he will be writing Executive Orders to pass what Congress can’t is evidence of this. I agree that it will take Decades to fix all the problems of this country that started with the creation of the Federal Reserve and has been driving our country to Socialism for more that 100 years. It might even take another 100+ years to fix it. All we can do is Pray, Pay, Vote and Survive. Contracting our Government Officials seems pointless until we vote some in that are willing to listen to us. May the Lord be with us All.

  271. Im telling you the USA does not need to elect anyone associated with Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission or CFR, CAIR, SEIU, and most importantly Progressives.

    I have always admired Henry Kessinger but have been so very disappointed in learning his associations with the first three groups. I believe he is a New World Order guy now.

    On a lighter note, we had a ball in the snow this am. It melted very quickly – so sad! It was beautiful while it lasted.

    SueK, glad to hear you’re taking the Lyme route. I think you may be on to somthing. Keep us posted.

    I wish Dr. Manning would have his trial sooner.

  272. Fernley Girl // February 14, 2010 at 12:18 am


    My husband’s family is military as well…..his Dad is a retired pilot….3o years and his sister is married to a pilot….just retired a year ago…..things certainly have changed in the last 20-30 years….I don’t think anyone likes the way this country and world is heading…..problem is it’s been going on for a long time…..when the killing of innocent babies in the womb became choice and not murder I believe the USA condemned itself!

    “Fear God… For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecc. 12:13,14

  273. Fernley Girl, we have just begun to fight the usurpers and the globalists, think of what this country is capable of when the people really get mad. I don’t think the new world order stands a chance against a bunch of pissed off Americans.

  274. Justme and the South @8:12

    A Warning To The Tea Party Nation – by Chuck Baldwin – February 12, 2010

    Plus, be careful about Sarah Palin and other establishment Republicans. Palin is currently playing both sides. She is promoting Big Government neocons such as John McCain on the one hand, and sincere conservative-libertarians such as Rand Paul on the other hand. But if one wants a real barometer of Palin’s true colors, look no further than her endorsement of Rick Perry in Texas

  275. JS

    Senator Jim Demint is definitely not a NWO guy.
    Not quite sure about Lindsay Graham. Joe Wilson and Demint are true Constitutionalist!

  276. #

    Kidmon // February 14, 2010 at 12:34 am


    Senator Jim Demint is definitely not a NWO guy.
    Not quite sure about Lindsay Graham. Joe Wilson and Demint are true Constitutionalist!

    Kidmon….I really like DeMint…..he seems like such a down to earth common sense guy!

  277. Newt Gringrich is another one that worries Me. He threw in his Lot for the Wrong Repub in New York, and then again for Mark Kirk in Illinois. He keeps saying he is a Conservative that believes in the Constitution, but he keeps supporting Obama Loving RINOs. What is wrong with that man?

  278. I heard about Red State’s ban on eligibility issue via post andE-mail. Now I know why I was banned.
    What an insecure,cowardly bunch of eunichs over there.

  279. As someone who’s father was a baptist minister. I’m not big on what I’m learning about the Constituionalist party…mainly cuz of the people at the helm at the moment. At first I was VERY interested. Then when I saw the Mary Sterret video I was disappointed. I lived in Portland and heard her on the radio…imo, total nutcase.

    Nothing against Baptist ministers..well..ok..i’m biased…but I gotta know a heckuvalot more. You got Huckabee who sounds more like a Rino–not good either, but then you got another group that’s in your face until we’re a dang THEOCRACY. No thanks. I lived it in a smaller world for long enough…I’m not interested in the Country becoming a very large radical Baptist Church.

    Sorry, I realize it’s personal. No problem with people who like and want to vote for these people, but at this point I’m runnin’ the other other direction. I’m not saying he IS radical religiously…I’m just sayin’, it puts him in the “I gotta know alot more” category.

    I’m not afraid of electing Protestants, Catholics, or just about any belief under the sun as long as they are Constitution loving Americans. But the Constitution clearly set up freedoms from Theocracy our founding fathers were escaping from. I certainly don’t live in fear that the Country will end up like that. Conservatives don’t scare me a bit..I vote for them all the time…but there are some people that make me cringe. It must be due to my experiences in life.

    I guess we all can only go off our experiences…and that’s where I’m at.

  280. I’m going to call it the Red Eunichs site from now on.

  281. magna carta, Wonder if Redstate’s going the direction of “littlegreenfootballs”? The site is kind of a dud anyway in my opinion. And now that they’ve banned “birthers”, I’m not giving them another hit. They can either change and value free speech or wither away for all I care. Too bad they have such a great name…deceiving.

  282. Just Me…on radio yesterday they were already running a survey of a Palin/Perry run in 2012….it is very suspicious…..
    Oh well…what about DeMint/Bachmann?

  283. Emudude

    I’m with you on Newt! An absolutely brillant intellect but very polarizing. I think he would be a very good Sec. of State – can’t deny he doesn’t know history. I truly believe he is a Lower Taxes, smaller government guy.

    My problem with newt is he had found a way to make alot of money off of conservatives. I bet I get three letters and or calls a week from him peddling books and ideas. It gets old after a while.

  284. magna

    I’ll take Demint/Bachmann over Palin/Perry anyday!

  285. Rest Well, my friends!

  286. DeMint/Bachman or Palin/Bachman. either one or any combination works for me.

  287. bob strauss,
    Pissed off American voters can’t stop what’s in motion. Maybe 30% of all Americans are “aware”, the rest are unconcerned or asleep. How many Americans were worried Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor and suck us into a war in the Pacific? We are, for the most part, of the same mind here, but we are in the minority. If Americans WERE “aware” we wouldn’t be where we are now. It would have been stopped long ago. The establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank would have been rescinded long ago, but Kennedy paid the price when he tried to stop it. The unratified Sixteenth Amendment wouldn’t still be on the books. LBJ’s “Great Society” would have never happened. I could go on, but you know what I’m talking about.

  288. Kidmon // February 14, 2010 at 12:47 am


    I like DeMint/Bachman as well…..what about Paul Ryan…..he seems to be very knowledgeable about the economy and the death scare bill!!!

  289. I used to love reading here. (I know, “so what”?)

    I used to learn so much.
    Lately, though, it has become such a downer with the CONSTANT BICKERING.
    You see, for those of us not interested in reading all of this trivial nonsense (I do understand that you “both” feel justitfied in your stance, but please consider others here) it has become virtually IMPOSSIBLE to ignore the back and forth as it has TAKEN UP SO MUCH OF THE COMMENTS SECTION, daily.
    So, I am simply going to make a suggestion: (even though I am sure it willl be followed by, “If you don’t like it…” And that’s okay, as I am pretty much at that point and know that I am not alone-but I digress)
    Perhaps, instead of -ALL OF US NOT INVOLVED -having to ignore YOU(or worse, be seen as some sort of ally and risk being dragged in to pile on) you would have the decency to IGNORE EACH OTHER, instead.

    Shall we take a poll? TIA. 🙂

  290. Updated: 08-28-09 05:12 AM

    “DeMint Defends Obama Against ‘Birthers’ — But Little Else

    On Monday, however, the South Carolina Republican found himself defending Barack Obama from the fringier elements of his own political party: the conspiracy theorists who insist the president was not born in the United States.

    “I may have disagreements with [the president] on issues,” DeMint told the Huffington Post. “But he is my president, he deserves our respect, and we need forget that nonsense …

    “He is not only a citizen,” he added, “he is our president.””


    “… forget that nonsense …”

    Is the United States Constitution nonsense ?


    THANK YOU! You definitely “get it!” This battle is HUGE. It’s much bigger than the birth certificate battle. The myopic view of Americans is the biggest uphill climb, and the elite count on it. How does one think Obama got elected?

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

  292. First O will get Americans jobless, homeless, broke and on foodstamps, then he will offer to pay people to join his civilian army.

  293. Coming to a courtroom near you?

  294. j.b. // February 14, 2010 at 12:54 am

    I used to love reading here. (I know, “so what”?)

    j.b……I know what you mean…..but when a comment is directed at you then I’m sure you would want to make your stance known and I think you would have to agree that if someone is slinging personal insults at your intelligence and your right to support who you want then it is human nature to reply!!!

  295. Do you listen to the radio?
    Ever heard of the Radio Tax?

  296. GORDO // February 14, 2010 at 1:00 am

    Updated: 08-28-09 05:12 AM

    “DeMint Defends Obama Against ‘Birthers’ — But Little Else


    Gordo……if the word “birther” is mentioned they all do the same thing……..they have to or else they would be written off as a nut case…..even Ron Paul admitted this……it is why he never brought it up when they were confirming the FRAUD’S election!

  297. Kim,

    that’s right. And don’t forget the indoctrination & infiltration of our Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

    I read today that they are both being trained by the Dept of Homeland Security. The Girl Scouts now earn a patch for the stipulations put forth by DHS.

  298. “Kerchner case will test Third Circuit court’s adherence to the Constitution


    Kerchner case will test Third Circuit Court’s adherence to the Constitution

  299. Gordo and everyone, Does anyone here know anything about the 3rd circuit court of appeals???

  300. magna carta

    I say it’s FIXED! They are using the media to lay it out in front of us – an edict- showing us OUR choices. Isn’t this the way it’s ALWAYS been?


  301. J.S., will you at least try it? Just for ONE day. You will be AMAZED at how empowering it is!
    Trust me. For one day.

    Ohhhhhhh, okaaaaaaaaay. It all makes sense nowwwwwww.
    Head spin much? Yikes.
    ( i really like this guy and his willingness to “think outside the box”, so to speak)

  303. Ya know, Redstate could take a few cues from “American Thinker”. They don’t seem to be afraid of the question at all and put articles out regarding it while encouraging conversation about it. Here’s the latest….

  304. Oops, I guess that’s FreeRepublic with a link to American Thinker…sorry bout’ that. Both are great sites with open discussions.

  305. Charles Kerchner:

    “I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong!

    I believe that the RNC and DNC at the highest levels in 2008 were both complicit in shutting down all discussion of Obama’s constitutional eligibility issue in the Congress, Main Stream Media, Print Press, and in the leading conservative Talk Show radio stations. I believe that the RNC and the DNC were complicit in subverting Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of our Constitution as to the eligibility requirements for the Office of the President, i.e., the person eligible for that office must be a “natural born Citizen”, …”


    “… the RNC and the DNC were complicit in subverting Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of our Constitution …”


    All are traitors !

  306. don in california

    The highest levels of the RNC are RINO’s. They helped the DNC with the fraud.

    That’s my last for the night. Ladies and gentlemen, I am calling it a night.

    May God bless you all.
    and please, tomorrow, lets discuss the issues and not each other.

  307. Justme…..I think many don’t realize the Texas -Trans Corridor will effect all the nation…that is a first step into the NWO….that elitist want it to make big bucks, bring in illegal Mexicans, and are being paid to let foreigners manage the tolls collected that will not be used here.
    A 6 -lane highway across several states running south to north will take lots of Americans’ property and think of open borders as dispensing with any sovereignty for this nation.

    I am thinking in line with Fernley Girl, that many things have been planned for decades; therefore, the border fence wasn’t funded.

    Yes, FG, the fact that 2.5 TRILLION disappeared from the DOD budget with no paper trail is only the tip of the iceberg in ‘discovery’ if the traitorous deeds taking place here……..
    May God have mercy on the believers.

  308. magna carta,


    Until we, the collectively “we,” understand the the world stage, we will never be able to see what these ticket combos mean. If we look upon these races as a personality contest, then we are all in big trouble. We have to be a more responsible voter than we have been in the past. This is not American Idol or America’s Got Talent. This is our life and our future generation’s life. We have to look beyond the marketing ploys used to hook us.

    The best example I can give you is this, a diamond is nothing more than a polished rock. But, DeBeers spent millions of dollars convincing all of us it was a precious stone. It is not. I encourage all of you to view the documentary “Blood Diamonds.” DeBeers controls this market just as the Rockefellers control the gold market.

    That’s why it’s imperative we to abandon our once comfortable naive, myopic views of politics and pay attention to the management of this great country on a much larger scale. It’s why I and others here too numerous to mention post links and info about the broader spectrum.

  309. Justme…..I think many don’t realize the Texas -Trans Corridor will effect all the nation…that is a first step into the NWO….that elitist want it to make big bucks, bring in illegal Mexicans, and are being paid to let foreigners manage the tolls collected that will not be used here.
    A 6 -lane highway across several states running south to north will take lots of Americans’ property and think of open borders as dispensing with any sovereignty for this nation.

    I am thinking in line with Fernley Girl, that many things have been planned for decades; therefore, the border fence wasn’t funded.

    Yes, FG, the fact that 2.5 TRILLION disappeared from the DOD budget with no paper trail is only the tip of the iceberg in ‘discovery’ in the traitorous deeds taking place here……..
    May God have mercy on the believers.

  310. JJ // February 14, 2010 at 2:05 am

    Justme…..I think many don’t realize the Texas -Trans Corridor will effect all the nation


    JJ, you, myself and others here have been trying to inform all the past several days about the seriousness of the Trans Tx Corridor and North American Union. It doesn’t even seem to spur anyone on to do any research on their own. Just more we have a Pal in Palin rhetoric. Folks, these elite are about 30 years ahead of us. We have little time left.

  311. Wow, I missed a lot tonight, just got caught up.

    JustMe: “That’s why it’s imperative we to abandon our once comfortable naive, myopic views of politics and pay attention to the management of this great country on a much larger scale.”

    True that!!!

    I am so thankful for the info posted by GBAmerica, The South, JustMe, Prairie and Fernley Girl to name a few.

    We’ve got to stay away from the fluoride and the disinfo!

  312. Can’t leave out JJ! Thank you for all your insight too!

  313. Kim,

    you’re welcome…good night John Boy, as you’ve written before…i smile…

    Tomorrow’s another day, another opportunity to fight for our sovereignty. Please join us.

  314. Thanks, Kim…..I’m still learning as you are and try to go to the links provided and not get so discouraged.

    “the will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you”

  315. Hope this is true….not holding my breath though…….

    Obama to show all of his records by 2/26/10. Please look at the last two pages of Orly’s preliminary injunction…….

    Click to access Taitz-v-ObamaPrelimInjunction.pdf

  316. The below comment by Charles Kerchner can be found at….

    Great job Charles and Mario!!! 🙂

    cfkerchner said…

    Kerchner case will test Third Circuit court’s adherence to the Constitution | by John Charlton of The Post & Email

    Kerchner case will test Third Circuit Court’s adherence to the Constitution

    Bravo Mario! Your outstanding legal work and writing is being recognized and will be cited in history.

    CDR Kerchner

  317. Happy Valentines Day everyone.

    Be kind to those that entrusted you with their heart.

  318. TO:

    venice // February 13, 2010 at 10:46 pm


    OT, but when responding to another’s post, I wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to refer to their time of posting, rather than repeating the content.

    This is just a suggestion. It’s easier on the eyes and saves a ton of space on CW’s blog. I have to wonder about his expenses and how much he receives from us in donations to have a “space” to be read.

    Under certain circumstances, for eg. when time has lapsed or the subject content is complex, it is necessary. But as a general rule, it would be easier to follow the flow of conversation and/or argument, whichever it may be. It is especially difficult if there are many posts involved.

    Again, just a suggestion.

    \\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////

    Thanks for the suggestion BUT I disagree I think wgen you are replying to someone’s comment directly it should be done as I am doing here so that when someone reads the answer they can refer to the comment easily instead of spending much time seaching for where the comment being refered to was posted and what was written. It is much quicker to skip to next message than go back looking thru 200-300 comments to find what was said. This is especially beneficial for us that work and they follow the comments all day long but make an effort to catch up later.

    I formerly suggested that it would be great if someone could maybe have a short update in a compressed version of what important things were exposed or brought up each day. It would be a great help for those of us that are busy and can’t read each and every comment.

    As for JJ, Just Me and others I THANK YOU for educating yourlseves and all of US just because we don’t we currently don’t fully support Medina, Baldwin, etc doesn’t mean we disagree with them or you and that we don’r see the DANGERS, WE DO. What we don’t see is the viability of sucess and we see that Palin is a better choice judging from her record.

    I for one will help anyone that furthers our causes because it helps our causes BUT I will not stop supporting Palin just because someone vilifies her in order to promote someone else. This is what the Lefties do all the time.

    Please stick to the issue and refrain from making it personal. Keep educating us on the positives of your points and pointing out the pitfalls BUT don’t make it personal. Anyone can be a sellout or break promises. Palin can do it just as easily as Medina or Baldwin…we trust and help these people because we identify with them but we can be disappointed.

    I say Medina and Baldwin haven’t proven themsleves to me litttle is known about either one BUT someday inteh future they may be viable candidates. Right now I think the viable candiate in Texas is Perry and for Preisdent is Palin/Bachmann or DeMint even Inhofe. DeMint has siad that he doesn’t want higher office. These are the 4 people especially Bachmann, DeMint, Inhofe have been stellar in defending America and the COnstitution and fought valiantly when they were few voices in the wilderness of the District of Criminals.

    They are to be respected and honored without them we wouldn’t be here talkign about NWO, Medina, Baldwin, etc…the country would already be shrouded in Communism and Sharia Law if nto for especially the 3 amigos Bachmann, DeMint and Inhofe.

    We are mostly all aware of what is at our door with one foot inside. We are aware of the dangers we face and how this country is riddled with corruption, incompetence, ignorance and enemies and I think until we have a massive workstoppage, boycott, etc they will do what they want.

    The Tea Parties and others if not successful enough on Nov 2010 to Reverse Course wil have to go the next step and start national workstoppage and other actions that will cripple the country and politicians to their knees and DEMAND RESIGNATIONS and start over with a tenporary gov’t and a new Continental Congress to Reverse Course end the USA CORPORATION and get back to our Foundings.

    Please keep educating us BUT I’m an adult with a mind and don’t need to be Politically Bullied and/or LECTURED.

  319. BTW,

    As to postings I remember long ago being asked in a blog don;t remember if it was here whether we prefered the format we use or other formats that the blog automatically places your replies with the commnet you are replying to. I myslef prefer the wawy we do it because you can follow chronologically and never miss anything that could be commented after you already read those comments. I prefer the way we do it but cuttting and pasting like I and JS do and others makes it much easier to refer to what comment is being addressed without having to scroll around. It is pretty semple when you see the comment you already know that the top is Cut and Paste and below the marks ///////. ******, #######, etc is the NEW COMMENT or REPLY. It is an easy scroll down to teh comment and an easy scroll up to refer to the comment beiung replied to if you have to review it. It makes it much easier to ready the next day or in the middle of the night.

    I think if we standardized it in this manner it would be beneficial to those of use that try and keep up hours or days later whenever we find time without having to scroll around. It takes a nano second to scroll down to teh Reply or next comment, it takes much longer to go back and find the comment even if the posting time is there, especially if it was hours prior and 10’s 0r 100’s of comments earlier.

    Just my 1.25 cents (inflation LOL).

    Happy Jesus the True Prince of Peace Day adn Happy Valentines Day to all Lovers out there.

  320. Wow sorry for all spelling errors, still half asleep. Not that my spelling is much better when I am awake LMAO but I know you Constitution Warriors are smarter than the average Polar Bear and can decypher the hidden message that I meant 🙂

  321. Red State and Eric “not so Red” Erickson

    I used to be on their e-mail list and all of a sudden haven’t received my updates. Now that I read here what you have written about it, it makes sense. I stopped receiving the daily update after I ventured to post comments at Red State on the INSURGENCY PRESIDENCY.

    We keep learning everyay who to trust and many times we trust those that eventually backstab us. I in the past have encouraged others to get on the e-mail update and I still encourage you to do it because he does a tremendous job of finding important stuff for us to read and be aware of BUT his CENSORING SUX, reminds me of Obama on YouTube during the election 100% CENSORSHIP on his videos/channels yet you went to McCain and all commenst were posted even the demonizing ones.

    One disappointment after another, red state turned purple for me.

  322. Good Morning! Happy Valintine’s Day!

    I wonder if Obama and Reggie Love exchanged cards?

  323. Zach,

    ObamaLove if it was just cards Mooch-elle would be so jealous

  324. Happy Valentine’s day to everyone.

  325. I sent letter and article to state legislators in the following states: Arizona, Wyoming, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alaska (Judiciary Committee)

    I didn’t realize that gmail suspends your account if you send over 500 emails in one day. I was suspended yesterday.

  326. Zach,

    I got a warning to suspend my Juno account several ago. Someone complained that I was sending spam.

    Can you open another account?

  327. several years ago.

  328. I don’t know how to cut and paste so I will do mine this way. Sorry!

    bob strauss……. 12:33 am … AMEN

    Peter Francisco ….. 7:32 am…. AMEN

  329. Jonah – They only suspended it for 12hours. I will just send a couple of hundred emails a day. Thanks

  330. Pingback: US Constitution for dummies, Presidential eligibility, Accountability, Glenn Beck, Obots, Drug users, Kerchner v Obama, Obama avoids presenting records with attorneys help « Citizen WE lls

  331. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

  332. **** New Post ****

  333. It does take a very EVIL person to live in a lavis life style and bestow such fear and hunger upon another. To take the other hard earned lifestyle to give to themselves and others is a SIN against HUMANITY. The EVIL MORONS may feel they are in the superiority and have the right to do as they please will have a very rude awakening when our LORD gets ahold of them!

  334. Good morning!
    And Happy Valentine’s Day.

    I’ve been visiting here since before election day and it has become one of my favorite sites. I learn so much from every one because each person comes from a different frame of reference and has something unique to contribute. I feel like we’re a family. And like all families we many times disagree. However, it is disheartening to see family members bickering in a public forum. We all know there are those who come here to cause chaos. We know who they so don’t feed them. The other side watches our comments and it gives them great pleasure to see us snapping at each other.

    Please keep in mind why we are here, that we are united in the belief that Obama is a fraud and government is out of control. If your agenda is to promote or disparage a candidate or to advance your conspiracy theory, please post somewhere else.

    Peter Francisco ….. 7:29 am…. AMEN

    It has become difficult to keep up with the increasing volume of comments here so I agree that it’s helpful when responding to a comment if we include that person’s name and the time. Then you can highlight the time , hit ctrl F and voila! And when posting an article, please just a brief, tantalizing description and the link.

    Just putting in my 2 cents; correction, 1.25 cents.

  335. SUEK
    If you are tested for Lyme’s disease above all DO NOT LET THEM MAKE YOU BELIEVE that the Western Blot test is the only accurate test. In reality the Western blot test can be as WRONG as the others. There are at least 23 known antigens that theBOURGODORFERI(spirochete) produces. The Western Blot can only test for ONE of these. There is a BATTERY of tests that must be used. In addition there is only a very narrow period of time that any one of these antigens can be detected. The Western Blot test is useful only for determining if one of the antigens exists in your system. A good Lyme’s doctor will know this, and if he finds the presence of ONE of the antigens, he will realise that there are more than likely others present,and will proceed with other tests that are designed to detect the other antigens. But again ONE test WILL NOT necessarily determine the presence of antigens produced by the bourgodorferi( my spelling of this spirochete may be incorrect. Go to your search engine in your computer to WEB MD, and look up the spelling. It is responsible for putting the antigens into your system to begin with. Bourgodorferi, comes from having had a tick feeding upon your being. Deer are NOT the only bearers of the pertinent ticks. Dogs,cats, and OTHER pets can have them as well. They can,and SOMETIMES do transfer to humans. these ticks carry the bourgedorferi (spirochete). While the deer tick is the most commonly known source,it was recently found that several other types of ticks also carry the spirochete. In your instance it might easily be the case that you have Lymes. Many doctors still even refuse to believe that Lymes is a disease. Yet it is common with dogs, and getting that way with cats. The clinic I referred you to at Baltimore might be a place to consider. Lymes is also known to be really virulent in certain ares of the Northeast, New England,Etc, also in Michigan as well. I hope that you can find a dilligent Lymes practioner. Lymes is really the result of several infections(Antigens) at the same time. It requires a really skilled specialist to even accurately assess.
    At the same time read everything you can find on the subject. Johns Hopkins University may very well have a substantial, database on the Bourgodorferi. Public libraries will be another source. Learn,learn, learn. You really need to if you are infected with Lymes.

  336. Fernley Girl // February 14, 2010 at 10:02 am

    Happy Valentine’s Day to You, too!

    What an inspiring video! Thanks so much for sharing!


  337. SUEK……………………………addendum

    I recently read an article in which it was found that Lymes is starting to become much more prevalent in the US. Particularly in the Northeast tier of states, as well as several other states in which Lymes had never even been detected before. There is also clear correlation with the presence of pets. Many people don’t have a clue even what a tick on their pet looks like. You will see him with the naked eye,especially after he has enjoyed a huge meal of your, or your pet’s blood. He could get as much as 3/8″ across, and be sort of a dark blue or purple color. On your pet he can be found literally anywhere on the pet,but more often behind the ears, and on their rumps. They are easily removed with a pair of tweezers. A light steady pull on them for a period of time will usually result in them letting go. However try not to separate the head from the body. If the head remains a new body will grow. There are also special medications that will cause them to let loose. Some people think that you can heat a needle or pin redhot and lay it across the ticks’ hind end. I have never tied this but what the hell, maybe a hot backside will give him reason to let loose. Finding the tick is relatively easy. JUST LOOK CLOSELY at your pets, and on your personal being. As i said he is not hard to see. A good place to start looking is on your ankles. After all that is much closer to the floor than anywhere else. It is the floor or carpet upon, or in which the tick is likely to be roaming around looking for a pet or human to attach to and feed upon. If your pets are on the floor then there is a strong possibility that any tick that gets on you will have originated from your pets. Not fancy, just fact.

  338. Happy Valentines Day all…..I agree with your remarks Peter….that is why I cut and paste…it is easier for me to re-read what was said and to make my comment…..also…..thank you Zach for all of your hard work in notifying these elected officials….I don’t know if you have been over at AGJ site….I go there because I served on two of them… is what one lady did all on her own….Thank you Suzanne!!! 🙂

    Emailing American Grand Jury Presentments
    February 14th, 2010

    One of our jury members, Suzanne in Illinois, took it upon herself to email the Grand Jury Presentments to some of the most famous names in politics. The Presentments are 18 pages long so I know it took Suzanne a great deal of time to accomplish this work.

    Thanks Suzanne.. great job!

  339. Ginger // February 14, 2010 at 9:47 am

    Left click….to highlight in blue what needs copying….remove finger
    Right click….choose copy
    Take cursor to desired location
    Right click…..choose paste

    This is copied and pasted….hope this helps.
    Ginger // February 14, 2010 at 9:47 am

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