Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, US Constitution Hall of Shame, Fox News protects Obama, Constitutional hypocrisy, Selective journalism


US Constitution

Hall of Shame


February 19, 2010

The newest inductees into the Citizen Wells US Constitution Hall of Shame are…..




Yes, that’s Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly of Fox News and radio shows.

First let’s address what did not get them in the US Constitution Hall of Shame. Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Fox did not adequately cover the Obama eligibility issues and did not dig deep enough into Obama’s corruption ties. Although that is cowardly and journalistically dishonest, that did not qualify them for the Hall of Shame.

There are two distinct and important issues that clearly qualify Beck and O’Reilly for the Hall of Shame.

The first has been the most controversial. That is, Obama’s eligibility issues. The details of that can be found on this blog and elsewhere and are legitimate, constitutionally based concerns. What Beck and O’Reilly have done is clearly defined and beyond question. Both Beck and O’Reilly have insulted and criticized concerned Americans for asking questions about Obama’s eligibility. Those asking questions come from many backgrounds, including, but not limited to, active miltary, retired military, high ranking military officers, attorneys, well educated people and even congressmen. The hypocrisy and self aggrandizement coming from these two knows no bounds. They speak the virtues of the US Constitution while criticizing those exercizing their First Amendment Rights. Beck has insulted concerned Americans on both his radio show and Fox TV show. O’Reilly had the audacity to question Lou Dobbs about his decision to question Obama’s birth certificate.

The second major issue, the one that Fox has crossed over the line on, was having Rod Blagojevich interviewed by Bill O’Reilly and others and not addressing the bulk of the indictment charges and questioning the involvement of Obama when he was in the IL Senate. The alleged selling of Obama’s IL Senate seat was focused on as if that represented the years of corruption that tied both Blagojevich and Obama to convicted corruption figure Tony Rezko. The Obama Senate seat controversy is a well crafted diversion and Fox, along with the rest of the MSM has embraced it to protect Obama.

A dedicated phone was set aside several weeks ago and the phone number was emailed and left on phone messages for several Glenn Beck accounts. Glenn, you may provide this number to your pal Bill O’Reilly. Glenn, as you state on your Fox program, the phone has been silent and silence is an answer.



174 responses to “Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, US Constitution Hall of Shame, Fox News protects Obama, Constitutional hypocrisy, Selective journalism

  1. From the Texas Observer…..
    You can read the entire article at…..

    Republican of the People
    Can Debra Medina’s grassroots rebellion dethrone Texas’ Republican royalty?

  2. It seems that every time I make a post lately CW post a new one…..LOL I have a couple of responses to previous post in the last post…

  3. Glad to see they finally made it to the Hall of Shame.

    Traitors, the both of them.

    Beck and Oreilly know exactly what all of us know, but they have a vested interest in protecting.

    Controlled Opposition.

    They really don’t know what an ass they look like by saying on live television ‘we’ve seen his birth cert’ … ‘he was born in HI’, the paper said so.

    We know you know ‘everything’ we know Beck and Oreilly.

    We know that you know, and you know that we know, that you know, and we know, that you know, that we know, that you know everything that we know!

    These two are a pair of tricksters!

  4. JJ // February 19, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Subject: Poll: 77% of Tea Party Supporters Backing Hayworth Over McCain!

    Please spread the word that the leaderless Tea Party movement is unifying
    behind Hayworth and against illegal alien AMNESTY supporter John McCain!
    read details at this link…;
    hmmm, what would Palin say??

    It doesn’t matter what Palin says….it will be up to the voters from AZ……2010 will be the year of the candidate who is most Conservative…’s who AZ should be voting for….Not McCain or Hayworth……Jim Deakin….

    Learn More About Jim Deakin…
    View More Protect Freedom

    * America should not have Czars
    * Win against Terrorism
    * Fight in Afghanistan not America
    * End the Patriot Act
    * The 2nd Amendment is NOT a Loophole

    View More Protect our Economy

    * Drill Here Drill Now
    * End the Fed
    * Free Trade is not Free
    * No Amnesty – Secure our Country

    View More Protect the Children

    * Let the States set education agenda without federal interference
    * Balance the Federal Budget
    * Eliminate Federal Debt
    * Pro Life includes not rationing Health Care

  5. Obama supporters are starting to push back

    February 19th, 2010

    These two spineless wonders wouldn’t touch this story with a ten-foot pole, either.

  6. I hope that J.D. wins if only to send a message to Palin……. Be very careful who you support! Signing up with FOX and the Saudi morons has lost a vote and respect from me because I soooooo smell a rat!

  7. RUSH : Oreilly’s Fair And Balanced On Socialism and Destruction Of Our Society

    Feb 19 2010 | RTF

    Oh, really?

  8. I see we are still falling for those oh-so-pleasant-sounding platitudes. For example, “Let the States set education agenda without federal interference.” Well, that’s real easy; states have no obligation to comply with most federal education legislation on this one condition: they must reject federal funding for their public schools. Simple as that. So, what an honest politician would use as a campaign platform is this: “Let the States reject all federal funds to run our schools so that we no longer have to follow the federal education agenda!”

    Of course, given the huge budget deficits of most major school systems in this economic downturn; an honest statement like this would be political suicide.

    (I could go on…For example, one role of government is to increase spending during depressed economic conditions to stimulate employment.) (Please don’t talk about personal finances. As individuals, if we have no money to spend, we might decide not to borrow. But governments are organized so as to fulfill those functions together which states are less well equipped to manage separately. This justifies forming the republic in the first place!)

  9. From a newsletter today re Glenn Beck…

    “We have no idea what this man’s ideology was — he could be from the left, he hates capitalism, he has an anti-business creed that goes on and on. It sounds like anything you could hear in a speech from Van Jones. When you read his anti-tax ravings and his anti-tax or IRS stuff it sounds like you could be reading bumper stickers off the cars or the signs of the Tea Party. We have no idea. But here’s the point. I have no idea if he’s left or right. Is he a communist or a radical constitutionalist. Here’s the point: it doesn’t matter. The guy is a killer.”
    “…get away from anybody who’s calling for a revolution — whether it’s a Tea Party revolution or a communist one.”

    Quote Source
    Notice how he draws the connection and then instead of taking it away or condemning anyone making the connection he simply says “it doesn’t matter.”

    Actually it does matter Glenn Benedict, real patriots who want the government to follow the constitution and bill of rights are in no way terrorists or violent criminals, to suggest that to be the case is the most vile of political intimidation and slander, how dare you and the Washington Post, New York Magazine, and TIME make that connection and act as though you are a red blooded American.

    The Tea Party movement you claimed to support has never been about terrorism or violent revolution and to suggest that to be the case but then say “it doesn’t matter” is inexcusable and despicable.

    All Tea Party members and “radical constitutionalists” need to take heed this man is not your friend and he is not one of us.

    (because we are constitutionalists, we are radical??)

  10. Linda from NY // February 19, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    Obama supporters are starting to push back
    Don’t you worry. It just so happens I had already planned to post an extremely provocative article (on Sunday) in part aimed directly at BO’s supporters; challenging them in ways they will find hard if not impossible to refuse, to join us in our quest to determine once and for all whether BO is Constitutionally qualified for the job.

    And you know I am not prone to hyperbole.

  11. jbjd // February 19, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    Hooray! Go get ’em! I am confident once you have presented your position, they will be so confused they just might join us out of frustration…lol.

    Thanks jbjd for all you do to educate and promote the common good through your tireless efforts. Hope your till is filling up, too!

    Anxiously awaiting your post…Linda

  12. Glenn Beck is wrong about Social Security.

    World Net Daily ^ | 2/18.2010 | michael master

    He’s wrong about a lot of things lately!

  13. Daily Beast names Jon Stewart ‘the Left’s #1 Journalist’

    David Horowitz’s NewsRealblog ^ | Kathy Shaidle

    What an honor! Sorry CW…you weren’t nominated…lol

  14. A star in the making?

    Clubs Rule

    jbjd ^ | 02.19.10 | jbjd

  15. Read the whole Message from Freedom Fighter (Terrorist) Joe “The Pilot” Stack

  16. What am I missing? How is this any different than the accusations against Blago? Bribery is bribery.

    Obama Tried To Buy Off Specter’s Opponent

    “In a major political scandal orchestrated by the Obama Administration, a popular Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania has revealed that the White House tried bribing him to drop out of the upcoming U.S. Senate race.”


  17. Federal Funds and Education.

    First of all most Education Funds come from local Property Taxes. The federal fudning comes from the STATES anyway so the states could pass a law to keep some of those funds. Most of teh Federal fudning for Education is to FORCE Federal Mandates.

    END THE FEDERAL EDUCATION DEPT. Make it local and less complicated. Allow for charter schools and Home schooling.
    Keep in mind most recent Spelling Bee Winners are home schooled.

    We need a TAX REVOLUTION and a HUGE Reduction in Federal and Local gov’ts. Also make most political positions Public Service with less pay and benies so that only people that want to serve run instead of the Kronies that want to take advantage. End Political Entitlements.

    A mayor in Lynn, MA was making $79,000 as mayor he lost the election (GOT FIRED BY HIS BOSSES) and now without doing anything he will receive $59,000 for life. This is ridiculous and needs to be ENDED.

    END the Federal Education Dept.
    End the Lawyers Monopoly in DC.

  18. Polygamy and Tiger Woods.

    I just heard today there is a polygamist being indicted for Polygamy which really has NO VICTIM if the wives are all consenting adults.

    Yet someone commits Adultery like Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, etc where there are Victims and no one is arrested.

    Homosexuality was a crime i many societies and now they have more rights they anyone else BUT yet Polygamist continue being PROSECUTED WHY?

    There are Mooslum Polygamist in USA and many of them are forced marriages, bordering on slavery, is anyone arresting them? I didn’t think so only Mormons?

    Why are Mormon Polygamists Civil Rights being Violated by our Gov’t? WHY?

  19. Today at the doctors I had to fill out a form and one of the question asked Are you feeling depressed/blue and I answered YES and wrote in I’m feeling Blue it’s Obama Syndrome.

    The Dr asked me what it meant and I told him it was going around people are feeling Blue because of Obama’s Destruction of America as it used to be. Taking from the worker and giving it to the users and abusers. He agreed that things were BLUE andwe both said and only gettign worse.

  20. 912 project, re: Insider Extreme
    Dear Jared,
    Glenn Beck’s new endeavor sounds great but unless he produces a serious, objective and scholarly program detailing why patriotic citizens challenge Barry Sotoero’s (Barack Husein Obama) eligibility based upon article II, section 1 of the Constitution regarding natural born citizen, I must take Glenn Beck with a great big grain of salt.
    Don’t misunderstand me. I am a fan of Glenn. This issue I have is with his integrity. He presents his material with originality, enthusiasm, and a seemingly profound love for the history that led our fore fathers to create the constitution. In that area his passion matches my own. However, there is strong evidence that Steve Dunham (Barack Husein Obama) fails to meet the constitutional requirements to be president. In the spirit of conforming to the constitution and protecting our national security, responsible citizens have taken these questions to the courts. The courts have repeatedly dismissed these cases upon a technicality called “standing” and not upon merit. To this date it is estimated that Barry has spent approximately 1.5 million dollars in legal fees getting these cases dismissed. To this date he has failed to produce one document that would reveal any vital information that would shed light upon his NBC status to either prove he rightfully is eligible or not. Among the documents he has failed to produce that have been requested–besides the vault copy of the birth certificate–are his school records, his passports, his military documents (not in the military but his draft paper he had to file at he time), his Law practice records, his Columbia and Harvard records. Wouldn’t it just be easier for Sotoero to simply produce these requested documents instead of fighting America in the courts?
    Such arrogance from Mr. Sotoero, a man sitting in the most powerful position in the world, diminishes trust and confidence in the man who is “fundamentally changing America” into a third world country. Mr. Beck’s attitude on the subject has been rather cavalier. Some times he has been out right demeaning to the people who happen to take this part of the constitution very seriously. He calls them birthers and conspirators among other names. This past Wednesday and Thursday he had a photo of Phil Berg on his black board labeling him a birther, anarchist and extremist. While Mr. Berg is not perfect and has made some mistakes, I consider Mr. Berg a true hero in his effort to establish Husein’s legitimacy as our true president.
    I once heard Mr. Beck say–these are not precisely his words since I am working from memory–“Of course Obama is the president. What would happen to the country if we thought he wasn’t?” Is Glenn Beck so gullible as to believe hook, line, and sinker that Hussein is our true president simply based upon Hussein’s word? Isn’t Mr. Beck just a little curious as to why the president of the United States vehemently refuses to produce a single document regarding his background? Doesn’t Mr. Beck who constantly advises his viewers–“Question with boldness”–think America has a right to know who the man in our White House is? Since Obama refuses to produce a single document to prove himself, doesn’t this in itself raise valid suspicion and demand accountability from the leader of alleged leader of our nation? If Glenn Beck fails to confront this issue, he diminishes his credibility and sincerity in everything he does. It matters little how great his material may be as long as he persists in ignoring the really big one! He appears to his fans as a man simply promoting his own career at the price of the travesty being perpetrated upon America, Is it any wonder he is losing fans and sponsors?
    Look what’s happening to America by permitting Barack Hussein Obama to experiment with us while his eligibility and legitimacy continues to remain unanswered. What a powerful service Glenn Beck could do for America and the world if he would produce one truly objective program about this question!
    A is A. The first item on the agenda to honoring our fore fathers and author of the greatest document ever written–the constitution–is to be certain–beyond a shadow of a doubt that our leaders are who they say they are. Whether or not Mr. Beck believes Steve Dunham is legitimate or not is no reason to fail to do a scholarly program on the topic rather than using denigrating and dismissive statements to deal with the single most important issue in the world today. Failure to do so makes Glenn along with thousands of others complicit in possibly the greatest and most shameful hoax in the entire world’s history.

    I wish Glen Beck success in his new endeavor, but I also ask–for the sake of America–to please confront this most important issue. It is not hard. All Sotoero has to do is produce the documents requested in the law suits. America has the right to know!

  21. Obama Classmate in Occidental spills the Obama beans. Finally someone from hsi past that new him way back when…..

  22. To anyone choosing U.S. Senate candidates in AZ based on talking points about issues like, for example, education, without doing the research:

    Here is a 2008 report detailing AZ’s 48th place in K-12 education results; even with its present level of federal funding. (Did you know that, unlike the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution of AZ, like that in MA, mandates public education?)

    Click to access Educating_Arizona_Full_Report.pdf

    P.S. Next time you contradict me, please, don’t make this a shouting match. Whose argument is valid is not determined by who speaks last. You could have taken this opportunity to obtain these facts and then countered my point with the evidence, educating people here about these issues, at the same time.

  23. PRWH,

    Great find. Quite authentic, but this vid might not have been available before now. And that’s meaningful enough.

    As to the content – well it’s what we expected, isn’t it?

  24. Linda from NY // February 19, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    A star in the making?
    No; I posted this article over there.


  25. Thank you, Citizen Wells. These two have a well-deserved place in the Hall of Shame. Keep up the good work. It seems like Beck is deteriorating from the pressure that you and others in the eligibility movement have sent back his way–and from the guilt of lying about the issue.

  26. A proposition to be voted in California……amazing!!

    Proposition 16 simply requires politicians to ask for our permission before they spend or risk our tax dollars on electric utility bureaucracies. Prop. 16 adopts the same standard of voter approval for local special taxes and bonds for police and fire facilities, parks and roads, libraries, water systems and other important priorities.

    (why not adopt it for every state, county, local spending?? It might even go national!!)

  27. Katie // February 19, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    What am I missing? How is this any different than the accusations against Blago? Bribery is bribery.

    Because he’s so ‘transparent’ about it???(sarcasm)

  28. Looks like citizens need to get on the phone Monday and contact Lawmakers again…..what part of KILL THE BILL don’t they understand????

    Obama to Offer Health Bill to Ease Impasse as Bipartisan Meeting Approaches

  29. Rick Santelli – The Free Market Media Personality Who Inspired a Tea Party Movement

    On Feb. 19, 2009, one year ago tomorrow, Rick Santelli lost his temper while reporting from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The CNBC reporter was angry about bailouts of businesses and homeowners.

    His passionate free market rant spoke to many Americans equally distressed about the direction of the nation. The Tea Party movement was born.

    Today the Business & Media Institute celebrates the anniversary of the the rant “heard round the world” and Santelli’s fervor for free market capitalism with a video.

  30. Great comparison at….

    Presidential Eligibility: Three Simple Requirements

    Presidential Eligibility: Three Simple Requirements

    by Sally Vendée

  31. Great job by our friend John Charlton….

    Obama has lied to the Press for three decades

    Obama has lied to the Press for three decades

    by John Charlton

  32. This was posted by jrinNC over at RS. An eye-opener.

  33. jbjd-Linda from NY @ 6:56 pm
    jbjd-Love it when you get provocative.
    Thank you as Linda says for the education, sometimes when I read this Obama misery I feel like it is a Ponzi Scam interwoven with criminal activities-almost too numerous to mention and that is just the Chicago stuff.

  34. A word of caution to everyone here. Do not fill out forms that question your mental health during a routine office visit unless, of course, it is specifically a mental health physician. You can simply write on them “I reserve the right to refuse to fill out this form.” It’s that simple. Just like the census. You are only required to answer 3 questions by law. You must be aware these could be used against you in many ways. One such example would be to deny you the right to own a fire arm or purchase a fire arm and ammo. If they have this documentation they can create a “profile” on you that could be used to your detriment. Think about it for a minute. More than likely this isn’t a form that your doc created. These forms have come from outside the physicians office. If you are unsure, ASK what the doc what the form is for and where it came from. You may be surprised.

  35. obama at columbia. Hey I lived a WPI for a summer in the frat house and talk about many things and partied all the time. Why is this coming out REV MANNING thats why

  36. Jacqlyn Smith @ 8:35 pm
    I just want everyone to know that Rick Santelli and his guys that were cheering him on in his rant represent most of the folks in Chicago and surrounding suburbs. Obama and him minions do not represent most Chicagoans in any way, shape, form or ideology. The Mercantile is not the easiest place to work either, they do it the old fashioned hard way.

  37. Anyone,

    Am I correct in assuming that all you need to tell the census is how many people live in the home?

    Think I’ll pick up one of those pocket Constitutions…

  38. SueK,

    Only 3 things you have to answer. #1 number of people at addy on form

    #2 age of each person

    #3 sex of each person. THAT’S IT.

  39. Jim Traficant, a former congressman from Ohio, is responsible for challenging the IRS, thus getting the language changed and thus the burden of proof in IRS civil tax cases changed from the taxpayer back to the IRS. He was railroaded and targeted by the IRS and spent the last 7-1/2 years in prison. This is the price you pay for standing up for the American taxpayers. His story needs to be heard far and wide, because his story is our story.

  40. I’m with Michael Savage…I will now refer to O’Reilly as “The Leprechaun” and Beck as “The Hemorrhoid with ears”

  41. Kim // February 19, 2010 at 10:11 pm

    Thanks, Kim…that’s all they’ll get from me.

    Any further questions will get a copy of the Constitution in his/her face, asking by what authority do they ask me these questions?

    Constitution has been ordered…

  42. Fernley Girl // February 19, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    Hi, Fernley Girl, and thanks for that vid.

    Looks like the census didn’t wanna answer those questions, doesn’t it?


  43. marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    Hi marmar,

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I just snorted cheese. How the heck do you snort CHEESE????

  44. 570KLIF radio personality cuts loose on Glenn Beck. This is part 1.

  45. SueK,

    By answering those 3 questions you have fulfilled your obligation. Title 13 is totally unconstitutional and null and void. Do Not Answer any other questions. Don’t have to. If threatened you tell them you will take them to court.

  46. I get the sense that beck and orielly are realling making it a point to stay awya or discredit major issues, Seems like something big is going to happen soon

  47. SueK // February 19, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    Hi marmar,

    I just snorted cheese. How the heck do you snort CHEESE????
    Sounds painful…does your nose hurt???

  48. Beck says sometimes I’m a alcoholic and speak fluent B S. He’s cornered

  49. Part 2

  50. Trying again: Part 2

  51. Again: Part 2 (for some reason their not posting)

  52. Kim // February 19, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    Thanks, Kim, will do.

    I have a couple of attack rabbits he/she doesn’t wanna meet, either.

  53. marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    Just getting over some sort of flu, marmar-everything hurts; the nose hurts more, though…

  54. Part 3

  55. Palin Populism (Sarah takes on the pathology of the elites who think they are smarter than thou)

    National Review ^ | 02/19/2010 | Michael Knox Beran

    BILL O’REILLY: Do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?

    SARAH PALIN: I believe that I am because I have common sense, and I have, I believe, the values that are reflective of so many other American values. And I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the kind of spinelessness, that perhaps is made up for with some kind of elite Ivy League education . . .

    — The O’Reilly Factor, Nov. 21, 2009

  56. Part 4

  57. SueK // February 19, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    Just getting over some sort of flu, marmar-everything hurts; the nose hurts more, though…
    I’m sorry…I am also getting over a bad cough. Weird virus that started in the throat. Feel better soon!!! ;0)

  58. SueK…this is what I copied months ago when ACORN was petitioning for the job….no reference though..


  59. If you haven’t listened to this video series, it’s REAL GOOD!

    Here’s part 5

  60. SueK @ 10:20 pm
    Are you back to your old tricks-snorting cheese? Is your new little girl going to scarf up what ever lands her way? Possibly she will need a little raincoat for when twe returns.

  61. marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Yup, marmar-that’s where they usually start-in the throat! I know that the violent coughing can cause you to see stars.

    I take a few tablespoons of honey before bed; that really knocks it down, and lubricates your dry throat.

    May be worth a try? (Yummy, too!)

  62. I’m shocked with Beck. he really had me fooled and thats hard to do. But when you see his controlled show and his attack on medina. I won’t listen to him anymore

  63. JJ // February 19, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    Thanks, JJ.

    I don’t have a problem with that, or the questions Kim listed, but anything beyond that is an invasion of privacy.

    I doubt they’ll catch me at home; I’ll probably get the mail version. The rabbits will be happy that they won’t have to go after ankles….

  64. SueK // February 19, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    marmar // February 19, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Yup, marmar-that’s where they usually start-in the throat! I know that the violent coughing can cause you to see stars.

    I take a few tablespoons of honey before bed; that really knocks it down, and lubricates your dry throat.

    May be worth a try? (Yummy, too!)

    Thanks Sue…I’m @ the end of it now but my husband woke up with it this morning. Will try the honey tonight on his throat. Thank you again. ;0)

  65. Michelle // February 19, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    Yup, Michelle…it was very unexpected!

    Lucy is still very skittish, and is driving poor Mitzi nuts-she’s very persistent at wanting to be friends! I’m purchasing an add-on pen, and am thinking of getting a third to keep her company. It doesn’t end! I don’t want Mitzi stressed, but I don’t want Lucy to be lonely, either.

    Let’s see who picks up what on the floor. Hope twe and Mrs. twe are OK.

  66. Here’s the final Part 6 of the series. This guy really exposes Beck!

    I think I’ll start listening to 570KLIF more often.

  67. JJ,

    Thank you for these videos from KLIF. I haven’t watched Beck except for yesterday (when he said birthers were “dangerous radicals” What a NUT!) for a couple of weeks. I have been clueless on the Medina thing. Thanks for letting me catch up. I use to be a Beck fan. Hubby got me “Arguing With Idiots” for Christmas, which I haven’t read yet. Maybe it would be a nice edition inside my fireplace since it might be cold tomorrow.(I am in California and we are supposed to get rain tomorrow).

  68. The South, there is a series of videos at this link that may be of interest to you.

  69. Debra Medin at Brownwood Tea Party Part 1

  70. Brownwood Tea Part Part 2

  71. Thanks Kim, I’ll check it out.

  72. Brownwood Tea Party Part 3

    This guy mentions the birth certificate 🙂

  73. Here’s Debra again. I don’t think these are all in order, I’m getting them in pieces (really like the guy above, he’s FIRED UP!)

  74. The South // February 19, 2010 at 11:35 pm
    Do you have any idea how Debra Medina is doing right now in the polls and/or what the word is on the street about her chances? Sure would be another stake in the heart of career politicians if she got elected in Texas! JMHO.

  75. Texas on fire tonight!!

  76. I really like this girl.

  77. LJ,

    I think the powers to be are squelching the polls. I think Debra’s probably doing pretty good, but they don’t want the people to see that.

    Check out her face book page.

    Over 21,000 fans now!

  78. Can you imagine Debra Medina as Governor of Texas, fighting along side Ron Paul who’s a Congressman there?

    They are both strict Constitutionalist.

    This could get damn good in a hurry!

  79. I don’t know which book is worse, my boss gave me Ted Kennedy’s book for Christmas. I was gracious, she had no idea that never could stand Chappaquidic Ted. I have read a lot of the Clinton’s books and I treasure them, but I am not interested in the Kennedy’s. I am glad no one gave me a Glenn Beck book.

  80. Hi, all.

    Check out this new billboard.

    Missouri Billboard Calls for ‘Revolution’ and ‘War’ Against the Government

    The giant billboard displays the message: “A Citizens Guide to Revolution of a corrupt government.” And then list actions for Americans to take:

    “1. Starve the Beast.
    2. Vote out incumbents.
    3. If steps, 1 & 2 fail?
    Prepare for War-Live Free or Die”

  81. Glennedict Arnold CAN GO TO HELL I LIVE IN TEXAS. Priceless.

    Why haven’t we heard about this????????

  83. Dear The South,

    Thank you very much for the KLIF 570 Radio: Glenn Beck Manipulated the audio of the Medina 6-part series. The guy’s got the goods big time on Beck and Pat Grey. Beck is losing it both over the eligibility issue and Medina. He got major push back on both and the meltdown has begun. It will be interesting to see if it continues tonight at his speech to CPAC.

  84. Wow! Great info being offered here tonight.

    Regarding Beck – I am as angry as anyone.

    Did anyone hear his speech to CPAC? Is there a link?

  85. GB speaks @ CPAC tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. (est)

  86. His name is HERMAN CAIN INSPIRING SPEAKER how come we never heard of him before.

    GREAT, GREAT, GREAT …. He Signed the Mount Vernon Statment (Mount Vernon is the home of George Washington) yesterday.

  87. “The giant billboard displays the message: “A Citizens Guide to Revolution of a corrupt government.” And then list actions for Americans to take:

    “1. Starve the Beast.
    2. Vote out incumbents.
    3. If steps, 1 & 2 fail?
    Prepare for War-Live Free or Die”

    These career policitians are absolutely clueless. They first awakened a sleeping giant, then they ignored the 800lb gorilla in the room, and NOW they have an angry tiger by the tail……..did they actually think we would let them get away with all of this nonsense??

    We did not ask for this conflict, they brought it to our front door. And we will make them very sorry they ever thought of cheating the American people out of the fair representation they promised us when they first campaigned for office.

  88. Herman Cain Black Conservative from
    WSB Radio Atlanta Talk Show Host.

    Founding Fathers and NOW we Need DEFENDING FATHERS.

  89. PRWH,

    This guy is awesome on CSPAN! I cannot read his name on the small video screen

    Please tell me his name.

  90. You already answered my question – Thanks!

  91. CA Patriot –

    Clueless is right. They have been believing their own hype for too long.
    Well, this year is NOT politics as usual. No incumbents, no dems, no politicians.

  92. I’m Feeling BLUE.
    Doctor tells me I have Obama Insantasy Syndorem

  93. Hermain Cain for Leader of the GOP to replace Michael Steel.

  94. Hermain Cain was beyond awesome! I am hoping for a youtube of his speech so I can send it around.

  95. GBAmerica // February 19, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    At least o. is consistent, right? Everything and everybody is flawed except him.
    How wonderful that he showed up here to set America straight. (gag) lol

  96. Does Pawlenty – on now on CSPAN – have a birth certificate?

  97. Pawlenty sounds too much like a Televangelist remind me of Joel Osteen in his voice and maneurisms. Not Presidential Material to me.

  98. At least 2 dems have said they would oppose reconciliation.

    Two US Senate Democrats oppose healthcare strategy 26 Jan 2010 22:31:55 GMT

    That parliamentary procedure would require a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate, but would risk a possible political backlash by bypassing unified Republican opposition to a bill that polls show is unpopular with the public.

    Two moderate Senate Democrats facing potentially tough re-election fights — Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Evan Bayh of Indiana — said they would oppose that strategy.

    Bayh said it would “destroy any prospect for bipartisan cooperation on anything else for the remainder of this year. That would be a regrettable state of affairs and the public would not react well.”
    Unpopular bill? Toxic is more accurate.

    Public reaction? Oh yeah!! Comin’ right atcha.

  99. Mike Pence great speech.

    He would make a great Speaker of the House once Pelosi get Arrested

  100. Happy about Rush’s light smackdown on O’Reilly. One of the commenters at FR mentioned that Rush also made reference to O as Sotero yesterday too.

    Hopefully Beck will be next on his list of smackdowns since Beck is obviously following O’Really? like a kid wanting to be “in” with the bully’s.

    Beck is extremely immature.

    On another note…Linda from NY, Sarah’s reply to O’Really? about elitists was a beautifully orchestrated smackdown on O’really. Good for her. She gave both O’Reilly and Beck some praise in her book, and they’ve absolutely been rude and condescending to her in return. Looks like she’s cutting them off her “praise” list and beginning not to trust them.

  101. Obama’s Own Healthcare Proposal Readied for Launch
    Friday, 19 Feb 2010 12:25 PM

    “f next week’s meeting does not break the logjam, congressional Democrats will face a tough choice. They can pass a highly diluted healthcare bill or nothing at all, which would send them into the November elections with a high-profile failure despite their control of Congress and the White House.”

    (My comment: Too late! Voters are already alienated BECAUSE dems voted YES on this deathfare mess. How can they not get that? What? They don’t believe the reports about massive voter exodus from the o. agenda? Really, at this point, nothing would work much better for their re-election campaigns. Oh well. Their pain, our gain.)

    … or resort to reconciliation

    “Both parties have used reconciliation rules in the past. But Republicans have practically dared Democrats to do so on healthcare, citing polls showing significant opposition to the legislation.

    It’s unclear whether the House or Senate can muster the necessary votes. Democrats, who hold 255 of the House’s 435 seats, drew only one GOP ally when the House passed its healthcare bill, 220-215, in November. Since then, one Democrat who voted for the bill has resigned, one has died, and a third plans to leave office Feb. 28. Moreover, changes meant to meet Senate demands could peel away enough liberals on one end, and party centrists on the other, to cause the revised bill to fail.

    In the Senate, Democrats control 59 seats, and reconciliation rules require only a simple majority. But several Democratic senators have expressed discomfort or outright opposition to using the rules to thwart filibusters on healthcare.

    House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Thursday, “A productive, bipartisan conversation on healthcare starts with a clean sheet of paper.”

    Boehner’s office labeled next week’s meeting the “summit of all fears.” ”

    more . . . .
    Waterloo, ol’ Bully Boy, BO. Waterloo. Keep on bullying the American electorate. Keep on driving those polls down. Keep on shredding the dems’ relection possibilities. Keep on destroying the Democratic Party.

    We’re lovin’ it, BO. Popcorn, anyone?

  102. CPAC starts again tomorrow at 2 PM with Newt and Glennedict Arnold will speak after.

    CPAC blogger of the year NEXT YEAR we need to Nominate Citizen Wells and the Constitution Warriors.

  103. TO:
    !?!! // February 20, 2010 at 2:47 am

    \\\\\\\\ ////////////

    No one is enjoying the popcorn more than George Bush…..Obama is making him look like a GENIOUS.
    Bush enjoy your popcorn, you deserve it!

  104. MY HERO IS ON NOW and our Next Vice President Michele Bachmann is on RIGHT NOW everyone listen.

  105. PRWH – PF

    Pelosi’s arrest cannot happen soon enough for me.

  106. Arrest them all anyone that is a Traitor, Fraud, Corrupt, Treasonous, Oath Violator, Accomplices, etc. Hold them in Guantanamo, waterboard them until they confess, try them in Military Tribunals then LINE THEM UP AT NOON on the Steps of the Capitol and assemble a Firing Squad of Tea Party Leaders and execute them all as a deterrent to NEVER HAVE ANYONE TRY to introduce Communism in America.

  107. Michelle Bachmann

    Act Worthy

    We need to stop the Decline and bring back American Greatness, Conservatism, Americanism, Love of Constitution and History and Most Important Morality, Family and Love of GOD.

  108. I thought Michelle Bachmann was awesome!

  109. ACORN Whitle Blower Anita Moncrief and Former ACORN Worker who runs a blog now speaks at CPAC.

  110. Ladyhawke // February 20, 2010 at 3:26 am

    I thought Michelle Bachmann was awesome!
    \\\\\\\\\\ ////////////

    Her Soldiers and Chaplains story made a grown hardcore man cry like a baby.

  111. Seems to me that if Ms. Medina doesn’t want to be called (or misunderstood as) a “truther”, she would steer clear of Alex Jones.
    According to Moms R US, we are who we “hang out” with.

  112. TO:

    j.b. // February 20, 2010 at 3:49 am

    Seems to me that if Ms. Medina doesn’t want to be called (or misunderstood as) a “truther”, she would steer clear of Alex Jones.
    According to Moms R US, we are who we “hang out” with.

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////

    Maybe Ms Medina is a PROUD TRUTHER like most of us here.

  113. Thank YOU OBAMA you single handledly are making this Country a Conservative Country again.
    What a backfire Obama ended up being.

    Mission Accomplished Obama you have made The RINO George Bush look like a genius compared to your Failure and Decline.

  114. To All:

    hopefully, the tird time will be a charm.

    This is “supposedly” the video that FOX NEWS has been
    trying to show that is constantly blocked by the administration.

  115. Good Morning! Well said Citizenwells. Zach

  116. Oh Me – Oh My… Obama Caught in a Major ACORN Lie

    We are witnessing one of the most dishonest administrations in American history. If you have any doubts watch this horrible Obama lie on ACORN caught on tape.

  117. …..What does Barack Obama say? Basically nothing, but by saying nothing, he is saying that I’m walking all over the Constitution, that I don’t care about the Constitution, and I think it’s a disgrace. Also, who’s a disgrace, the national media. I was interviewed by the New York Times about six months ago and said that I wished I could sue the natioal media for not vetting Obama. Look what they did to Sarah Palin, they went behind every door and under every rock asking lots of questions. What do they do with Obama? Nothing. They have asked him nothing about his past and it’s like — a taboo topic. And the reason it’s a taboo topic is because the major media is owned by three or four corporations. And they say — stay off this birth certificate issues. And that’s why I think a Birth Certificate March on Washington is really going to identify so many people, the initial response in overwhelming…people contacting me, can I help, can I get buses, so we’re gonna pick the date soon…

    This was a good interview. I hope Berg gets a chance to confront Beck today at CPAC.

    Have a Great Day! Zach


    March on Washington to tell president to quit
    ‘It is time to motivate the citizens of U.S. to expose ‘hoax’ of Obama’

    Posted: February 20, 2010
    12:15 am Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2010 WorldNetDaily

    Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

    The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama’s eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that presidents be a “natural born citizen.”

  119. Zach,
    Berg in Beck’s face.
    Would love to see & hear it.

  120. The Original Birther Makes the Rounds at CPAC
    By David Weigel 2/19/10 5:45 PM It’s been almost exactly 18 months since Philip J. Berg, a Pennsylvania lawyer and Hillary Clinton supporter, filed a lawsuit demanding that his state keep Barack Obama off the presidential ballot until he provided satisfactory proof that he was born in America — something Berg said Obama couldn’t do. Today Berg appeared at CPAC, handing out a leaflet promoting his ObamaCrimes website (it argues that the president is a “citizen of Indonesia”) and seeking out reporters to promote his case.
    I stumbled upon Berg as a Belgian TV station gave him a pretty polite and short interview — anyone’s guess whether they were genuinely curious or whether they were humoring him so they could move on. But as he spoke, Berg drew some more onlookers, including another reporter who taped the interview and gushed about what a fan he was of Berg’s work.

    “These are people who really support this particular issue,” said Berg of the CPAC crowd. “This issue transcends party lines.”


    There is also a video of interview.

  121. Hey CitizenWells. It’s at the above link. Good interview. I do wish Berg would go into the possibility that even if Obama was born in Hawaii he is not a NBC because of the cititzenship of his father.

  122. The South et. al 11:55pm,

    That vid pretty much states what is at stake. Texas is the last bastion for government takeover. This race is bigger than Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts put together…

    The plane crash is not coincidental. Symbolically it was a miniature 9/11 and that alone tells you how important this race is. Note the absence of such events in other states. Those races were designed to crush Obama and that project is now complete.

    This race is about Constitutionalists against the federal government. It’s going to be tougher.
    Medina is about a good a governor as Texas can have. She is committed, has clarity of vision, and most importantly has the people behind her.

    CW I wonder if a thread on this is not of an urgent matter.

  123. venice, right on. A total distraction from 9/11 but made to look like a inside job. so they can have countless investigations and not bother with the real 9/11 incident. There are some truly evil people at work here,they are losing their cover for the NWO and are trying to do anything.

  124. Obama Approval Index History

    The American people are not buying what these two “Hall of Shamers” are selling, I guess…

  125. Bo attached his evil health care bill to the budget so that it will pass with 51 votes. Bo is so evil and sneaky. What a snake. He will do anything to destroy our country and the people of this country and make it into communism. He has committed so many crimes and is still getting away with it. Something has to be done about this. He needs to be impeached, forced to resign, removed from office, something like that.

  126. Linda, his “Strongly Approve” is at the lowest it’s ever been at 23%



    ” the Democrats failed because, thinking the economic emergency would give them the political mandate and legislative window, they tried to impose a left-wing agenda on a center-right country. The people said no”.

  128. Greg,

    If you scroll down, there was one other day, but whose counting. At this point we can just sit back and watch the numbers degenerate into a black hole.

  129. #

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 20, 2010 at 1:33 am

    Herman Cain Black Conservative from
    WSB Radio Atlanta Talk Show Host.

    Founding Fathers and NOW we Need DEFENDING FATHERS.

    Herman Cain has been to Vegas on several occasions and I heard him speak twice at two of the tea parties…..very good speaker…..don’t know what else he has done…..I know he has been on Fox News before….I have seen him interviewed by Cavuto at least 3 times!!!

  130. Gregg Goss @ 10:05 AM:

    I find it hard to believe his “approval rating” was anywhere near 60%. He never got 60% of the vote so how does that translate into a high approval rating?

    I think less than 25% of the American people “selected” him. Did we have an election or a “selection?” With the enormous amount of election fraud, how can anyone say he was “elected?”

    What right to we have to monitor foreign elections if our own are “fixed?” Is it because we have to “fix” them, too?

    Just thinking out loud…what do you think?

    Happy Day…Linda

  131. #

    ticktock // February 20, 2010 at 2:38 am

    Happy about Rush’s light smackdown on O’Reilly. One of the commenters at FR mentioned that Rush also made reference to O as Sotero yesterday too.

    Hopefully Beck will be next on his list of smackdowns since Beck is obviously following O’Really? like a kid wanting to be “in” with the bully’s.

    Beck is extremely immature.

    On another note…Linda from NY, Sarah’s reply to O’Really? about elitists was a beautifully orchestrated smackdown on O’really. Good for her. She gave both O’Reilly and Beck some praise in her book, and they’ve absolutely been rude and condescending to her in return. Looks like she’s cutting them off her “praise” list and beginning not to trust them.

    Palin will prove herself…..she is a free thinker….and on the side of the people….keep your friends close and your enemies closer….that definitely should be her motto!!!

  132. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 20, 2010 at 2:45 am

    Mike Pence inspiring and Godly Speech.


    I love Mike Pence…..he turned down running for the Senate but he will be needed in the House if we are to take back both of these bodies of our government in 2010!!!

  133. !?!! // February 20, 2010 at 2:47 am

    Obama’s Own Healthcare Proposal Readied for Launch
    Friday, 19 Feb 2010 12:25 PM


    Yeah…..he was spreading his manure in Vegas yesterday……the only thing his bullCRAP will grow is his immoral, corrupt and incompetent government and we have enough of that!

  134. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 20, 2010 at 2:51 am

    MY HERO IS ON NOW and our Next Vice President Michele Bachmann is on RIGHT NOW everyone listen.


    Another great American Patriot… of the few to stand up to PeLOUSY’s threats and Spector’s stupid A$$ rants!!

  135. #

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 20, 2010 at 3:34 am

    ACORN Whitle Blower Anita Moncrief and Former ACORN Worker who runs a blog now speaks at CPAC.

    A great….great Patriot…..Anita is on the death threat list along with Manning!!!

  136. #

    j.b. // February 20, 2010 at 3:49 am

    Seems to me that if Ms. Medina doesn’t want to be called (or misunderstood as) a “truther”, she would steer clear of Alex Jones.
    According to Moms R US, we are who we “hang out” with.

    j.b……yes….her one down fall….the nation as a whole does not buy into the “truther” conspiracy theory and Alex Jones is a polarizing individual….I agree with you and I disagree with Peter on this one…..the majority of people here are not “truthers”……may seem like it lately because of all the comments from truthers being put up here but most of that is “conspiracy theories” and easily debunked and has been debunked… just has to listen to all the witnesses of the day to know that planes were driven into those buildings and the ground in PA! Some of their information may be believable but nothing has been proven beyond reasonable doubt and that is the crux of their plight!!!

  137. Jacqlyn Smith // February 20, 2010 at 10:17 am

    When Palin was chosen as McCain’s running mate, I watched and listened to what she had to say…I continue to watch and listen.

    The LSM treated her no differently than they treated Clinton, except that Clinton was allowed to speak, while Palin was sidelined.

    When she stepped down from her position as Governor of Alaska, I was stunned until I heard what she had to say about why she felt it was necessary. I respected her decision. When she said she would support like-minded candidates, I looked forward to see who she would support.

    When she spoke before the Financial Gurus, I wondered why. When she made decisions about which group she would address, I do not believe she was aligning herself with that particular group, but rather she was aligning herself with the principles for which they stood.

    I was distressed when she came out in support of Perry in Texas but again, I believed it was “principle” [his pro-life stance] for which she stood. Her support for McCain was “payback” only, and she came out for both in the primary; she has not campaigned for either of them yet.

    When she joined Fox News, I thought she was “bold” for doing so; what better way to keep an eye on the enemy, I thought.

    You are spot on…keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You say it should be her motto…maybe it already is.

    The Republican Party will not support her as a Presidential candidate because they will not let go of the “good ‘ole boys club.” After all, look who they have chosen to lead them…Steele.

    Neither party will support Sarah Palin. However, she will be a thorn in the side of both IMHO because she is grassroots savvy, and both parties are too far removed from the needs of the average American.

    Happy Day…Linda

  138. zachjonesishome // February 20, 2010 at 8:30 am


    March on Washington to tell president to quit
    ‘It is time to motivate the citizens of U.S. to expose ‘hoax’ of Obama’


    ZAch….I think this march needs to get all the players involved who have been challenging the Fraud….not just Berg…..we need Manning, Taitz, Apuzzo, Kercherner, Deal, Donofrio, Pidgeon,American Grand Jury,Dr. Keyes, Larry Sinclair etc……..all should be speakers and tell what they have done to get the truth out……this is something that should have been done long ago…..and we need it to go viral…..broadcast on C-SPAN…..we know the Lame Stream Media won’t cover it!!! I don’t think it will be very powerful if Berg is the only one to be pushing this!

  139. #

    zachjonesishome // February 20, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Hey CitizenWells. It’s at the above link. Good interview. I do wish Berg would go into the possibility that even if Obama was born in Hawaii he is not a NBC because of the cititzenship of his father.

    Zach…..That’s the problem with Berg…..he doesn’t understand the NBC requirement and won’t push the citizenship issue of the FRAUD’s father….he never has…..I have heard him speak many times and he doesn’t believe that you need to citizen parents to be POTUS…..that is why I quit supporting him long ago!

  140. TO:
    Kathy // February 20, 2010 at 5:43 am

    To All:

    hopefully, the tird time will be a charm.

    This is “supposedly” the video that FOX NEWS has been
    trying to show that is constantly blocked by the administration.

    This Video has been on here many times. I posted it at least 2 times, but it is great to see to see it again and again to remind us.

    Is Obama a Muslim or a Christian?
    Just listen to him he quotes frequently from the “HOLY QUARAN” PRAISES MUSLIMS, etc.

    Now have you ever seen him Quote the HOLY BIBLE? PRAISE CHRISTIANS?

    When Campaign he tried veryu hard to cover-up his Moo-slum upbringing and roots and pushed his FAKE CHRISTIANITY.
    Now as an “ELECTED LEADER” he trips over his teleprompters to Claim and Praise Moo-slums and NO MENTION of Christianity, Bible or EVEN A VISIT TO A CHURCH on the Holiest of Christian Holy Days, CHRISTmas.

    I told you everyone since early 2008 that Jeremiah Wright’s and Louis Farrakhan’s “churches” were Mooslums in Christian Clothing and mosques masquerading as churches. Mooslum Infiltration to take over the nation by Population, Infiltration and LITIGATION learned from Civil Rights and many liberals especially Blacks showing them the way to take over our nation one day.

    Is Obama a Mooslum or a Christian?
    If you need more proof you are too stupid to understand any answer other than the one you have been brainwashed with.

  141. Legit or Quit

    We The People say you’re a FRAUD and MUST GO.

    Prove us Citizen Truthers Wrong
    Otherwise Quit & MOVE ALONG!

  142. March on Washington should be on APRIL FOOLS’ Day to drive the point That Obama is a Joke and a HOAX.

  143. The Republican Party will not support her as a Presidential candidate because they will not let go of the “good ‘ole boys club.” After all, look who they have chosen to lead them…Steele.

    Neither party will support Sarah Palin. However, she will be a thorn in the side of both IMHO because she is grassroots savvy, and both parties are too far removed from the needs of the average American.

    Happy Day…Linda


    Linda….great analysis….even McCain has never come out and been a total supporter of Palin for President and you are spot on about the Repub…establishment….the corrupt ones are just as terrified of her as the DemoCRAPS…..she is one of us and that will send them all running if they know she has the people’s support… attention to who the media is trying to tell us to elect…..Romney….Newt….Huck…..all are too weak or too entrenched in the establishment to take it on…..Palin is brillant… and see….she has to play all sides of the spectrum….she will beat them at their own game and that is exactly what it is in 2010…..A GAME to be won of the people, by the people and for the people!!! Thanks Linda for your common sense thinking!!!

  144. February 20, 2010

    The Economic Crisis Is Only a Symptom

    By Monty Pelerin

  145. February 20, 2010

    The Wisdom of Conservatism

    By Andrew Foy, MD

  146. **********New Thread**********

  147. venice // February 20, 2010 at 8:47 am

    The South et. al 11:55pm,

    That vid pretty much states what is at stake. Texas is the last bastion for government takeover. This race is bigger than Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts put together…
    I know all I see is that if the Trans-Texas Corridor is allowed to be built, that is the beginning of the end of this nation’s sovereignty…….hello New World Order!!

    Mr. Perry can change the name and call it what he likes, it’s still putting lipstick on a pig–it’s still a NWO pass.

    In spite of public complaints – and both the 2006 platforms of the Texas Republican[26] and Democratic[27] parties opposing the plan – Governor Rick Perry continues to support the TTC.[28]

  148. TO:
    Linda from NY // February 20, 2010 at 10:45 am

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 20, 2010 at 10:17 am

    When Palin was chosen as McCain’s running mate, I watched and listened to what she had to say…I continue to watch and listen.

    When she joined Fox News, I thought she was “bold” for doing so; what better way to keep an eye on the enemy, I thought.

    You are spot on…keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You say it should be her motto…maybe it already is.

    The Republican Party will not support her as a Presidential candidate because they will not let go of the “good ‘ole boys club.” After all, look who they have chosen to lead them…Steele.

    Neither party will support Sarah Palin. However, she will be a thorn in the side of both IMHO because she is grassroots savvy, and both parties are too far removed from the needs of the average American.

    Happy Day…Linda

    \\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////

    Great comment and right on.
    I believe the GOP will fully support her BECAUSE by then the GOP my have a totally different mindset and Leadership.

    The Conservative are coming!
    The Conservative are coming!

    You can see them already starting to change their tune because they see how ineffective they are against this Conservative Wave as proven by the election results.
    Conservative have won almost every election, RINOs and LIEberal has lost them.

  149. February 20, 2010

    Family Breakdown and the Nation’s Pocketbook

    By Janice Shaw Crouse

  150. February 20, 2010

    A Tax Holiday for Corporations?

    By Jon N. Hall

  151. The Republican Party will not support her as a Presidential candidate because they will not let go of the “good ‘ole boys club.” After all, look who they have chosen to lead them…Steele.

    Neither party will support Sarah Palin. However, she will be a thorn in the side of both IMHO because she is grassroots savvy, and both parties are too far removed from the needs of the average American.

    Happy Day…Linda

    \\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////

    Great comment and right on.
    I believe the GOP will fully support her BECAUSE by then the GOP my have a totally different mindset and Leadership.

    The Conservative are coming!
    The Conservative are coming!

    You can see them already starting to change their tune because they see how ineffective they are against this Conservative Wave as proven by the election results.
    Conservative have won almost every election, RINOs and LIEberal has lost them.


    The Republican establishment started running from her when she was the Governor of Alaska….she outed her own party……she has to run as a Repub because that is the party that brought her to the dance… doesn’t mean she is one of the establishment though…..quite the opposite…..that is why when any Repub is asked on national tv about Palin running in 2012 for Prez watch how they all react…..first complimenting her for something or other then excusing her as a real candidate who could win….YES THEY ARE ALL AFRAID AND RIGHTLY SO…..she will clean out the RINO’s and the game is over!!!

  152. Jacqlyn Smith // February 20, 2010 at 11:18 am

    “The Republican establishment started running from her when she was the Governor of Alaska….she outed her own party……she has to run as a Repub because that is the party that brought her to the dance… doesn’t mean she is one of the establishment though…..quite the opposite…..that is why when any Repub is asked on national tv about Palin running in 2012 for Prez watch how they all react…..first complimenting her for something or other then excusing her as a real candidate who could win….YES THEY ARE ALL AFRAID AND RIGHTLY SO…..she will clean out the RINO’s and the game is over!!!”

    I agree…I would love to see that! However, I do think she needs to take stock in some “broom” company…she has a lot of cleaning to do IMHO.

    Happy Day…Linda

  153. I agree…I would love to see that! However, I do think she needs to take stock in some “broom” company…she has a lot of cleaning to do IMHO.

    Happy Day…Linda


    That’s for sure…..maybe she can borrow the FRAUD’S mop he keeps talking about!! LOL 🙂

  154. Ladyhawke, Perhaps you should requests Bobby Jindal’s birth certificate at CPAC. That would throw them for a curve.

  155. connie // February 20, 2010 at 12:41 pm


    Excellent idea. We must show that we are not partisans nor ideologically driven. Me must demonstrate that we are constitutionalists – however and wherever the chips may fall.

    I have stated many times, that the best way to demonstrate all this is to “go after” BJ.

    Let’s roll.

  156. Jacqlyn Smith // February 20, 2010 at 10:21 am

    Yeah. He’s done enough damage in Nevada already.

    I read that the town hall meeting doubled for a campaign rally for Reid. Bye-bye Reid!!

  157. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 20, 2010 at 3:54 am

    Thank YOU OBAMA you single handledly are making this Country a Conservative Country again.
    What a backfire Obama ended up being.
    Ain’t that the TRUTH? He’s single handedly done more harm to his agenda than nation full of conservatives have done. Let him keep bashing his head against the same brick walls. Very entertaining.

    God does work in mysterious ways. ha ha

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