Max Baucus, Howard Dean, Redistribution of wealth, Tax and control bill, US Constitution, Comrades Baucus and Dean

In another sign that the Democrats are ignoring the US Constitution, Senator Max Baucus and Democrat Chairman Howard Dean openly speak of redistribution of wealth in open defiance of the Constitution.

From Fox News.

“Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address ‘Mal-Distribution of Income'”

“After the Senate passed a “fix-it” bill Thursday to make changes to the new health care law, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the influential Finance Committee, said the overhaul was an “income shift” to help the poor.

As Democrats tout the moral underpinnings of the federal health care system overhaul — ensuring health care coverage for nearly all Americans — one senator appeared to go off message when he said the legislation would address the “mal-distribution of income in America.”
After the Senate passed a “fix-it” bill Thursday to make changes to the new health care law, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the influential Finance Committee, said the overhaul was an “income shift” to help the poor.
“Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind,” he said. “Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America.”
That contrasted with the arguments Democrats have been making in the past year for reinventing the health care system: to expand health care coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans and tighten regulations onĀ  insurance companies while reducing the federal deficit.”

Read more:

Howard Dean ADMITS Health Care/Tax is to Redistribute Wealth

247 responses to “Max Baucus, Howard Dean, Redistribution of wealth, Tax and control bill, US Constitution, Comrades Baucus and Dean

  1. Finally some progress.

    Obama: Tea Party Built Around Core Group Who ā€˜Question My Legitimacyā€™

  2. truthbetold11

    They need this because they are losing the poor voters and need to steal from the middle class to make ammends for our sins of working hard ans saving money.

  3. “Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind,ā€ (Max Baucus quote)

    Is this “middle class ” talk just window dressing?
    It is interesting that the gist of this redistribution of wealth concept is supposedly to help the poor class. Yet we all know that if socialism takes over we will have destruction of the middle class. There will only be the very poor and the very rich, which will consist of only the elitists who are in control. We find that true in banana republics around the world.

  4. Right on top of Barry’s latest denial of socialist leanings,

    His own PEOPLE continue to out him.

    Dean, “Re-Distribution of Wealth”,

    Biden, “We have every intention to destroy private health insurance”,

    Sharpton, “The people overwhlmingly voted for socilism when they elected Obama”,

    Cornell West, “Socialism has a chance with Barack Obama. He is my brother and my friend”,

    His own followers, “What’s wrong with a little socialism?”

    Alinsky tactics,

    Lie, lie, lie…

  5. Marxism is the elimination of the middle class.

    Redistribution of wealth is a strategy to bring about Marxism, Socialism , Obamism , etc.

    Castro , Soetoro , Hitler were not NBC from the country they ruled.

  6. Hitler/Obama weren’t necessarily their original names either…

    Hitler supposedly changed from “Schicklegruber” to hide his Jewish heritage.

    Barry supposedly changed from “Dunham” to hide his European heritage.

  7. ā€œToo often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind,ā€ (Max Baucus quote)

    How dare those evil rich guys work hard to make something of themselves when there are so many who don’t really want to work hard but want everything for free. It’s just not fair.

    They did a study that most Millionaires who worked hard for their wealth but end losing everything will eventually regain their wealth through their work ethic. While the majority of Lottery winners end up broke again in two years.

    We have to stop this “give me I deserve it” attitude.

  8. Just last night a co-worker bummed me for the millionth time for fifty cents for coffee.

    Fifty Cents!

    I finally called him for the MOOCH he was in the hope he’ll never speak to me again.

  9. Rep. Dingell (D): Obamacare Soon Will ‘Control the People’

  10. Obama brought up the topic of his legitimacy to be president. Great opportunity to get people talking about his birth records!

    Email and post this video where ever and whenever you can. Add info about the lawsuits and all his undisclosed records. I can’t believe he opened the door to controversy about his birth certificate and eligibility. Run with it!

    Obama Says Tea Party Is Built Around Core Group of Birthers (Video)

  11. I cannot find a straight answer to the census question. What am I legally obligated to fill out?
    What is the significance of the OMD #?
    Please, if any of you know and care to chime in, I’d really appreciate it! TIA.

  12. truthbetold11

    Hannity is going off must listen!!!!!!

  13. Linda from NY

    Joe Biden on Taxes: “You Call it Redistribution of Wealth,” I Call It “Just Being Fair”

    yahoo! Finance ^ | March 30, 2010 | Joe Biden

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:06:24 PM by Choose Ye This Day

    “There’s also the issue of whether these tax cuts, in conjunction with the health care reform bill signed last week, represent a redistribution of wealth in America, as many claim.

    “It’s a simple proposition to us: Everyone is entitled to adequate medical health care,” Biden says. “If you call that a ‘redistribution of income’ — well, so be it. I don’t call it that. I call it just being fair — giving the middle class taxpayers an even break that the wealthy have been getting.”

  14. Linda from NY

    This must be the week trash the Tea Party…

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    Scott McClellan on Tea Party “This is a Divisive Protest Movement That Plays Too Much To People’s Fears and Hatred, It’s Got Limited Appeal”

    “Scott McClellan and David Frum on Liberal King Live, fair and balanced…”

  15. Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

    Is now


  16. “HI State Senator responds to Hawaii Petition Campaign”

    HI State Senator responds to Hawaii Petition Campaign

  17. Linda from NY

    Is this to whom the wealth will be distributed?

    The Invasion Continues – Report and Photos from Arizona


    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:30:57 PM by Ladycalif

    “The following is a forwarded report from Arizona. Note that there are eight different trucks pictured with approximately 25 to 35 people in each. These images were taken in broad daylight. There were several more camera activations at night showing vehicles rolling by.

    ***********Forwarded report Below************

    All images taken 45 miles due south of downtown phoenix, 80 miles north of the border , 3 miles south of Interstate 8.

    ZERO active Border Patrol presence in this area (Ajo BP station responsibility)….. no visible LE response to to our 911 calls or calls to the Ajo BP station. How can this many Vehicle loads of IAs make it 80 miles north of the AZ/Mexico Border without being detected? This area is a case of “if we don’t see them they don’t exist”.

    The “numbers are down…. by HALF” says Janet Napolitano. Yeah…. Right !”

  18. New “Robin Hood” movie coming out soon.

    Barry and co. are gonna love it.

  19. Substitute “robbing the rich”, to “robbing the working middle class…”

  20. Linda @ 2:36,

    Loved what a commentor posted…

    “…Brand new Democrats on their way to register…”


  21. We should draft Hannity to run for President, he can talk circles around the fraud, Obama.

  22. Linda from NY, Those future voters from Mexico are going to flock to this country in larger numbers than ever, with the hope of being granted amnesty and getting free health care. Nice huh?

  23. Amnesty, free healthcare and those almighty Obama Bucks (!)

    Then again, under the Fraud’s regime, who can blame them..?

  24. I think the democraps are intentionally offering the illegals health care to draw them to this country to dilute the vote in favor of their party. For this they should be charged with treason!

    I can’t wait for November.

  25. If the conservatives sweep congress in November and not a word is spoken of treason and/or impeachment we’ll all know the fix was in.

  26. Gad,

    The First African American President,

    And it had to be the Fraud…

    I’m pissed…

  27. Rambling now,

    Just saw Colin Powell the other day and thinking to myself,


  28. Obama Steps Up Confrontation
    White House Seeks to Rally Supporters With Aggressive Tone Against Opponents

    ā€œYou will not surely die [if you support ObamaCare],ā€ the serpent [Obama] said to [the ignorant proletariat] the woman. ā€œFor God knows that when you eat of it [the fruit of Socialism] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like [Me, an omipotent dictator] God, knowing good [Marxism/Captivity] and evil [The Constitution of the United States/Freedom].ā€ (Genesis 3:4-5 )

  29. Truthseeker: Remember, the Usurper is half white and another 38% african-arab and only 12% black african. He seems to conveniently forget this all the time as do his followers. There was a black woman on Fox yesterday (Cavuto I think) and she reminded Cavuto of this very thing. She was a staunch tea partier too. Very refreshing to hear her and she was classy and intelligent with her comments.

  30. True, CJ, true,

    We need more people like that lady who can hold an intelligent debate withou the racial BS.

    I’m just hoping the Fraud doesn’t blow people’s perception of people of color for the next several decades

  31. Don’t ya just love these clowns who rave about ‘redistributing’ wealth, that some people make too much, corporations are too big, etc. etc. I will be willing to bet they won’t be ginving up any of their riches anytime soon.

    They are mostly millionaires or more and they are protected by their elected(by us) positions from having to share anything in social security(they have their own which we pay), pensions (we pay), raises (we pay), job security and now don’t have to join us in the HC pool. How easy and convenient for them to say ‘you’-meaning us have to be fair and share the wealth we so “obscenely” earn and accumulate. Nice of them isn’t it? Biden is a worm who has eaten American citizens for years and smiled doing it. He has no right to tell us we need to be “fair.” He never has and the people of his state are the dumb ones for re-electing this parasite.

    Now they are considering taking our retirement savings and using that too. WE MUST stop this deranged group of communists elites. They accumulate and we pay. Cannot happen folks. Keep fighting.

  32. Truthseeker: I agree. When the blacks realize–if they ever do–how much harm he has brought to them and how little he cares for them, they will understand what reality is and how they’ve been used. Same for hispanics. The rest of us have a bad taste about anything to do with racism already and it will get worse.

    I wonder when the big jerks in Hollywood will get their notice to cap their salaries, join the HC plan, and charge less for tix to the movies because we can’t afford to go and that’s not ‘fair’. Or how about the mega rich athletes who grab as much money as they can and hold out for more because 100 million dollar contracts aren’t quite enough?When do they get to go to the woodshed with Biden or dear leader? I’m waiting for that, but not holding my breath.

  33. Dang,

    Want to go to lunch then Praire hangs mewith her article,

    Yeah Prairie,

    We all knew Barky was all up into that EU/NWO BS didn’t we?

    I mean how else do we explain that during the worse recession in decades he managed to raise a record breaking 3/4 billion (with a “B”) bucks in illegal foreign funds then PROMPTLY trots off to campaign in EUROPE to people who will never be able to vote for him.

    Telling isn’t it?

    Okay, I’m off.

    Back in a bit…

  34. CJ,

    Check one of my very last posts in the previous thread concerning betrayal and Jesse Jackson and Dr. King.


  35. Obama is now giving the royal treatment to French President Sarkozy…. Recently he gave our best ally in the middle east, P.M. Netanyahu, the bum’s rush, with no dinner invitation, no official photographs, etc. He is a complete bungling ignoramus…….or, is this behavior all intentional??

    Either way, it’s a disaster for America.

  36. Wow..I can’t believe the response from the Hawaii Senator… “Dwelling on a non issue of Obama’s birth place is harmful.” Since when is the law of America a non issue? No peron except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the united States at the time of this adoption of the Constitution shall be eligible for the office of president. That is not a NON ISSUE !!!

  37. TruthSeeker

    You are exactly right. Obama has kicked race relations way back. He actually insights racism.
    I just wish the black race would embrace some of the intellegent blacks instead of the race baiters. Things would be a whole lot different if they actually knew and understood what was going on! The white man will never convince them!

  38. The only way “redistribution of wealth” (stealing) can be lawfully undertaken is to first abolish property rights.
    “Redistribution” is but a thinly sanitized euphemism for stealing, the direct consequence of “coveting your neighbor’s goods”. This is the foundation of “socialism”. It is morally wrong and anti-American.

  39. Answering earlier question posed about census:
    Although the form has all kinds of questions about race, etc., the only question that should be answered is the number of people living in the residence. The Constitution only requires the census taker to COUNT THE NUMBER OF CITIZENS–not obtain any other PRIVATE information as the from suggests. I put the number of people and refused to answer any of the other questions on the form and mailed it back.

  40. Just checking in. Zach

    New short post and graphic! Gotta go! Zach

  41. Linda from NY

    Good for him! They don’t deserve a penney!

    Marine’s Father Will Not Pay Court-Ordered Funeral Protesters’ Fees

    Fox ^ | March 30, 2010 | The Associated Press contributed to this report.

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:01:27 PM by Mrs. Frogjerk

  42. Linda from NY

    This stinks! More re-distribution, I guess!

    Section 9002 of the Healthcare bill raises your reported gross income liability (Vanity)

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:01:18 PM by Sneakyuser

    “Example: You receive $5000.00 in medical insurance from your employer. At a 25% tax rate you will owe an additional $1250.00 in taxes.”

  43. Linda from NY

    Where’s HLS and the FBI on this one?

    NY Muslims Travel to White House to Invite Obama to Islam~ Video

    March 30, 2010

    By admin

    NY Muslims Travel to White House to Invite Obama to Islam~ Video

  44. Bill Cutting

    I would be glad to chip in and level the income playing feild Max.

    Please send the poor who are taking government money over to my house for chore assignments.

    My wife could use a helping hand while I work long hours to pay the tax bill .

  45. Bill Cutting

    {I wonder when the big jerks in Hollywood will get their notice to cap their salaries, join the HC plan, and charge less for tix to the movies because we canā€™t afford to go and thatā€™s not ā€˜fairā€™}


    You nailed it.
    I can’t afford to take my kids to an NFL or MLB game. We need to get those prices down so the working man can go to games.

    We need to cap the salaries of proffesional sports so we can all go to the games.
    Maybe some kind federal wage guidline based on seniority.
    It would not be fair to pay some who excel over the others.

  46. Islamaburg in American have support of the FEDS.

    Savage radio

  47. Linda from NY

    OT…but important!

    Italian elections marks surge of Right wing support across Europe

    “A far-Right party has emerged as a key winner in the Italian elections marking a continuing trend of support for Right wing parties across Europe.”

    Nick Pisa in Rome

    Published: 7:06PM BST 30 Mar 2010

    “The League is now a key figure in Berlusconi’s coalition and as a result its members have been given key cabinet posts including Roberto Maroni as Interior Minister.

    Mr Bossi described the League’s performance as a ‘tsunami’ but assured his government partners in Rome that the balance of power in the coalition would not change and said the result of the regional vote could only give momentum to federalist reforms.

    The League’s advance appeared to be at the expense of Berlusconi’s People of Freedom (PDL) party which saw its share of the vote fall to 26.7 per cent from 35.3 per cent in the European elections, 37.4 per cent in the general elections and 29.3 per cent in the 2005 regional vote.

    The League has campaigned against the building of mosques and are also pressing for legislation on the wearing of burkas.”

  48. Kidmon,

    you might enjoy reading Kevin Jackson’s information. He is a clear thinking, rational conservative – who happens to also be black. Check him out at:

    Don’t forget to support Lt. Col. Allen West in Florida, too! He is presidential material and NBC to boot… šŸ˜‰

  49. Linda from NY

    ARMY D.A.V. // March 30, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    Do you think that is why he canceled his trip to Indonesia? Maybe, he is a “marked” man in the Islamic world, and he is safer here.

    I wonder how the FEDS are going to protect him there. He cannot keep insulting people and expect it not to come back and bite him.

    Is he planning the Islamification of America? What do you think, Army D.A.V.?

    Thanks for your thoughts…Linda

  50. Linda from NY


    Growing ‘Frustration’ With Steele Inside RNC

    Fox News ^ | 3/30/2010 | Jake Gibson

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:50:04 PM by iowamark

    “Steele also controversially said on a cable talk show he thought some Republicans were “afraid of black people”…

  51. Linda from NY

    What next?

    Feds Investigate Death Threats to IRS Employees After Health Bill Approval ^ | 3-30-10 | Jana Winter

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:45:29 PM by Justaham

    When are they going to “investigate” pp?

  52. Linda from NY-SueK-jbjd-and everybody in the NorthEast.
    Our national news was just on-re: flooding and terrible weather up there, sure hope everyone is OK.

  53. Linda from NY

    Ed Rendell Is a Dope

    Attorney General Tom Corbett’s legal challenge to Obama-care is exactly the right thing to do. Why is the governor playing politics with it?

    Posted on 3/30/2010 at 7:15AM


  54. Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Thanks, Michelle…treading water like mad!

    We had 10″ of rain 2 weeks ago, then another 3″ last week. Today, it’s still raging out there with another 6+” or so when it’s all said and done.

    All rivers and streams in MA are in/will be in flood by Thursday. We’ve not seen anything close to this since the 1950s when back-to-back hurricanes blew through.

    Took a personal day today to keep an eye on the basement; so far, just a little water. ‘Governor’ Cadillac Deval Patrick has declared a state of emergency and mandatory evacuations are taking place.

    It’s angry out there and the ground is saturated from 13+” of rain already.

    It’ll be a nail-biter of a night.

    Thanks for checking!

  55. Linda from NY

    Do not believe or trust anyone who claims to have a plan of action , we are in uncharted waters.

  56. Linda from NY

    Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Chelley, we’re okay here, and I think my mom and brother and family are okay, too…just heavy rain.

    Hope SueK is okay; heard it is pretty bad in MA; the Gubnor declared a “state of emergency” there.

    Thanks for asking and caring…Linda šŸ™‚

  57. Linda from NY

    ARMY D.A.V. // March 30, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    What are the Vets saying? Anything positive in the “grapevine?” Or, aren’t they talking?

    Know any guys in the service in Iraq and/or Afghanistan? I heard they don’t have a clue…is that true? I also heard it is difficult for them under the new “rules of engagement.”

    Thanks for your service…love you guys!


    PS I am putting my trust in the Lord and not in man.

  58. Linda from NY

    They can take a “charge off” while we pay higher premiums…more spreading the wealth?

    Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q (ObamaCare)

    AP ^

    Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 11:56:26 PM by Chet 99

  59. Linda from NY

    Alexander: Obama’s ‘Soviet-Style’ Takeover of Student Loans

    NRO (National Review On-Line) ^ | 03/30/10 | [Robert Costa]

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:28:30 PM by bushwon

    Is this a way to placate the youth and buy votes at our expense?

  60. SueK,

    I just read on Drudge that you’re getting tons of rain and that Mass. is under an emergency now. I hope that you’re okay. You have flooded yet, have you? I hope not.

  61. Regardless of past efforts, disappointments, and scams. . . we must support this Patriot. (could this be part of the Resore America Plan?)

  62. Wet here but we are rural and with high elevation.

  63. Kittycat // March 30, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    Doing OK, Kitty-thanks!

    I can honestly say that I’ve never seen rain come down like that, not even in thunderstorms.

    I’m not in a flood-prone area but the basement does get some water with rains like this; the sump pump takes care of it. Monitoring it.

    Getting to work (or anywhere) will be like an obstacle course tomorrow, but I’ll get there. I’ll stop and snap a few pics of one of our major rivers-it should be in flood by Wednesday.

    I pray for the folks who must evacuate and will keep on top of the news.

    Greg Goss….how are you faring ‘up north?’

  64. This Patriot needs to be educated on the issues, he is risking it all and appears to be concerned only on the BC.

  65. well that didn’t post.

  66. is anyone listening to Savage right now? I just turned him on and heard the tailend with someone named Carla who said something about Obama being “Anti-Semetic” and that she had her sources and didn’t feel comfortable talking about it on the radio. She briefly said something about Pakistan but I missed what she said about that. Did anyone sum up her conversation with Savage?

  67. marmar

    Yes, reality radio.

  68. Linda from NY

    President Obama to visit Charlotte

    NewsChannel 36 ^ | March 26, 2010 | RAD BERKY

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:24:21 PM by MinorityRepublican

    Lots of Luck, Foxx…he doesn’t have a clue!

  69. Linda from NY

    EXCLUSIVE: Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. In CIA ‘Intelligence Coup’

    ABC News ^ | 03/30/10 | Matthew Cole

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:14:24 PM by MissesBush

    Friend of pp’s?

  70. SueK:

    Thanks for posting that. Please keep us informed. We got home from Passover study today around 5:30 or so. But then I finally read Drudge and saw the massive flooding. Just didn’t know everywhere it was happening.

  71. Oh, still trying to play catch-up on the Restore America thing. It has been difficult to remove it from my mind, well, just hoping it’s so.

  72. LT-COL. FORCING HIS OWN COURT MARTIAL in defense of the US Constitution. Do I have your attention now?

  73. Prairie -You absolutely have my attention and I’m off to read article.

  74. Army Officer Seeks Truth About Obama’s Eligibility

  75. Zach,
    I watched the video and am just concerned that he seems to be after the BC and ignoring the other issues. Perhaps this was just short and sweet for the general public to grasp. Perhaps this is an element of the Restore America Plan. I don’t know but HUA!

  76. Prairie – Double Wow!

  77. Linda from NY

    Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    I understand your concern…it is mine, too. Why would this guy put his career in jeopardy for the BC…they will just “forge” another fake!

    I’m gonna pray for him…hope you will, too.

    Isn’t it true that even pp cannot get the original because it is sealed due to his adoption?


  78. Prairie – I can’t get video to play. Going to press release.

    Hopefully, Carmen can set him straight on issues.

  79. Linda,

    If he produces a fake, he must use BHO Sr. as his father- dual citizen and SOL.

    If he doesn’t produce a fake- SOL.

    If he can’t produce it because it is sealed on adoption- SOL.

    Crack a beer people, this is getting good!

  80. Zach,
    I was trying to post the video but it would not work. He repeats the words from the transript, there is no new info- still, he looked around 50, very distinguished, serious, and purposeful.

  81. marmar

    He will not succeed . He’s only a LT. Col, Christian and American hero.

    The radical Fascist regime in power will spear and squash him under their jack boots.

  82. Hey Prairie,


    Thanks for the good news :).

  83. Linda from NY

    Defending Against Enemies Domestic ^ | March 30, 2010 | INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY Staff

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:08:26 PM by Kaslin

    “Homeland Security: Forget about foreign jihadists getting nukes or planting bombs in their underwear. The real enemies, some say, are domestic militia groups who play at war and those nasty Tea Party racists.”

  84. Thanks Prairie for this gem. I’ll sleep better tonight. Yes We Can!

  85. Prairie@ 6:55…sorry i didn’t know you had already posted that article.

  86. I put headlines in Drudge tip box.

  87. Just got this via e-mail from my Dear Cousin in Cabby – AZ’s territory. It’s a goodie:

    Barack OBAMA, during his Cairo speech, said: “I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America ‘s story.”


    Dear Mr. Obama:

    Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

    Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

    Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution?

    Declaration of Independence ?

    Bill of Rights?

    Didn’t think so.

    Did Muslims fight for this country’s freedom from England ? No.

    Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as “pug nosed slaves.” Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family’s “rich Islamic heritage,” doesn’t it Mr. Obama?

    Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.

    There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

    Where were Muslims during this country’s Woman’s Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the ‘hajib’ or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women’s rights, aren’t they?

    Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi’s in killing Jews.

    Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren’t flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East . No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very “moderate” Muslims who’s asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

    And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the “rich heritage” Muslims have here in America .

    Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslim.

    And now we can add November 5, 2009 – the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan .

    That, Mr. Obama is the “Muslim heritage” in America .

  88. I think we must send his name and rank to every, EVERY, media source possible so they can not ignore this. So they can not shove this guy under the bus. Spread the word- this is the least we can offer this Patriot.

  89. Prairie – video is playing now. He is perfect to represent the issue. Zach

  90. zachjonesishome // March 30, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    I put headlines in Drudge tip box

    You Rock.

  91. Linda from NY

    ARMY D.A.V. // March 30, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    Maybe, they will just cancel his deployment like they did the other guy Dr. Taitz was representing…what was his name? The guy who lost his job with a Defense contractor…

    Are you okay, Army? You sound pessimistic. Any reason?


  92. He does need some updating about the issue.

  93. The best thing is he is not represented by any of the “controversial” paypal lawyers.

  94. ARMY D.A.V. @ 11:48 am
    Who ā€˜Question My Legitimacyā€™-Could this be why you sealed all of your documents-who wouldn’t question, since day one? A COLB passed off as a birth certificate?
    Your hoodlum, shady convicted business acquaintances, along with terrorist friends?
    We know more about King Tut than you.

  95. Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 7:23 pm (edit)

    The best thing is he is not represented by any of the ā€œcontroversialā€ paypal lawyers

    You are right! He needs a former JAG attorney!

  96. Linda from NY

    Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    Thanks, Chelley…that was great comic relief.

    I think we all needed that; at least, I did.

    Happy Night…Linda šŸ™‚

  97. Linda from NY @ 2:28 pm
    “This must be the week trash the Tea Partyā€¦”
    I think while they weren’t paying attention to WE THE PEOPLE it just became huge. It is the most simple proposition-the Tea Party is all about the Constitution. Democrats that are not on the take can’t get there fast enough, Obama and his handouts (extortion) most proud hardworking Americans do not want that.
    I expect as much denigration as they can muster Tea Party people have been insulted all along, so what else is new. I hope we change the political landscape forever.

  98. SueK

    Your cousin nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  99. Prairie

    I think we must send his name and rank to every, EVERY, media source possible.

    Yea , just like we did with the undocumented Marxist Indonesian Muslim, that’ll work.

  100. Today, according to the news release, Colonel Lakin said he had informed his superiors that he cannot understand how his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” does not permit him, as a military officer, to pursue proof of eligibility from his commander-in-chief. In addition, he noted that his efforts have been rebuffed with legal evasions. Given the Obama Administration’s “transparency” initiative, the colonel believes many U.S. citizens are also demanding release of the original birth certificate.

    Colonel Lakin’s numerous awards and decorations include the Army Flight Surgeon’s Badge, Combat Medical Badge, the Bronze Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, the Armed Forced Expedition Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon and the NATO service medal.

    Now compare that to Obamaliar’s Sealed Records, 39 Social Security #s, forged COLB, Fake Selective Service Registration and a Fraudulent Nobel Peace Prize (while the wars go on)…. who would you TRUST? Who’s side are you on a Neo-Commie Usurper or an American Patriot?

    Enough said

  101. Christian Militia , first well documented political prisoners??????

  102. Army DAV,
    Just to let them know, we know. I don’t expect our foreign/ corporation owned media to report this- we just need to let it sink in for them that their days are numbered.

  103. AND Army DAV
    It would be fun! Now crack a beer and lighten up.

  104. Linda from NY

    SueK // March 30, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    Hey, Suey…That letter was fabulous!

    We should send that around to friends and family. What a GEM! Looks like your cousin inherited your sense of humor, eh? Must run in the family…can tell she is related to you! šŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Night…Linda

    PS Any news from any MDs or research? Hope all is well with you.

  105. Here is my position. Obama is screwed- if he court martials this Col. for asking for a measly BC, which o claims to possess and costs $12 to order, that is as good as an admission of guilt.

  106. Sue K@7:18, Bravo! Bravo!

  107. Prairie – I’ll put it up tomorrow. Send it to Rush and Hannity in the morning.

  108. Linda from NY

    ARMY D.A.V. // March 30, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    One group of many…including that lady who exposed the IRS.

    I am praying some day they will all be FREE!


    PS Make that two beers to lighten up, pretty please?

  109. Good night good people! Zach

  110. Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    AND Army DAV
    It would be fun! Now crack a beer and lighten up


    I don’t drink , smoke ,gamble but you are right , the problem is I don’t know how to lighten up, any tips.

  111. Night Zach,
    May your dreams tonight be Red, White, and Blue.

  112. ARMY D.A.V. @ 7:39 pm
    “Christian Militia , first well documented political prisoners??????”
    Could this group have standing? political, religious persecution? I wonder who their lawyer might be? I wonder what might come out of court trial?


    On Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 9:00 PM ET, I will make another appearance on drkate’s REVOLUTION RADIO to update everyone on ongoing efforts to redress the ballot fraud that tainted the 2008 Presidential (Electors) election, with particular focus on shenanigans in the great state of Texas. jbjd ELECTION FRAUD – ALIVE AND WELL (AND LIVING IN TEXAS)

    Please spread the word!

    (My first 3 (three) appearances are still available on podcast; links are in the sidebar on my blog. As anyone who has listened to these can tell you, they fly by!)

  114. jbjd @ 7:50 pm
    jbjd is right, it always seems like 5 minutes and you learn so much. Don’t miss this.

  115. Linda from NY

    ARMY D.A.V. // March 30, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    “Conscious Relaxation” will relax you, and bring you peace.

    Laughing helps, too.

    Anyone have a funny video?

    Peace, Army…Linda

  116. Has anyone read the posts from Lame Cherry recently? Could someone interpret and what does it mean for the US conservative citizen ?

  117. OT.

    The Real Face of Jesus? – Premieres
    Tuesday March 30 at 9/8c.

    History Channel.

  118. Army DAV,
    We have been let down so many times it is hard. This is the theory I take. Fight each day, stay informed, and slip in a few prayers for a miracle. Let yourself believe, hope is a great gift. Good night all.

  119. Linda from NY

    jbjd @ 7:50 PM

    Yay! Am anxiously awaiting your presentation!

    You are one in a million!

    Thanks for all you do…Linda

  120. Linda from NY

    Thanks Linda , I’ll give it a try .

  121. Linda from NY

    cherilee // March 30, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    To which post are you referring…got a link or title?

    Will try to help…Linda

  122. Kidmon // March 30, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    Yep, Kidmon…she’s a good egg šŸ™‚

  123. Linda from NY @ 7:55 pm
    “You are one in a million!” she sure is.
    Are all you guys in the NorthEast OK? They showed a lot of flooding up your way on the national news tonight, NY, NJ, MA, RI.
    Worried about you all.

  124. Linda from NY // March 30, 2010 at 7:46 pm

    Hey Linda(r),

    That sense of humor does run in the family, I guess. Cuzz is NOT happy!

    Feel free to cut, paste, and send around!

    Got the name of a local Lyme doc, so I’ll be giving him a buzz this week. Right now, we’re all dealing with this catastrophic flooding…the world is on hold until we come out from under this.

  125. bob strauss // March 30, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    Thanks, Bob…I’ll pass your kudos along!

  126. Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    LT-COL. FORCING HIS OWN COURT MARTIAL in defense of the US Constitution. Do I have your attention now?

    What I can never understand is why people don’t frame their questions re: O’s eligibility under the broader question of just plain “citizenship”.

    That would give people something outside of the “birthers” more narrow soundbite practiced knee jerk replies and cause more questions to surface about all the other stuff – esp. why he’s also hiding school entrance records; Indonesian history; which would also lead to his current policies re: favoring Muslim countries, dissing Israel, etc. People should at least be getting curious about just why he’s now doing what he’s doing to this country – what’s the cause of it. Getting the background info out there might just satisfy a lot more people these days – with their futures looking more dismal than ever. And if he’s a criminal on top of everything else … well, that’s the out.

  127. Let me get this straight. We’re going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congressthat hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, andfinanced by a country that’s broke.

    What the hell could possibly go wrong?




    Plaintiff, Ā§


    v. Ā§Civil Action: 10151 RCL &nb! sp; Ā§


    Barack Hussein Obama, Ā§ MOTION TO THE &nb! sp; Ā§ JUDICIAL PANEL ON Defendant. Ā§ MULTIDISTRICT Ā§ LITIGATION

    Ā§ 28 USC Ā§ 1407(c)(ii)

    Pursuant to 28 USC Ā§1407(c)(ii) Plaintiff Orly Taitz moves for the Multi District Judicial Panel to coordinate and consolidate this action with Florida et al. v. United States Department of Health and Human Services et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida, Pensacola Division, Case No. 3-10-cv-91 and motions for both actions to be heard jointly by the Honorable Royce Lamberth in the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

    These cases involve the following issues of commons fact:

    On Tuesday, March 23 Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has signed into law H.R. 3590. This Unprecedented act of encroachment on constitutional liberties of US citizens and individual States by the Federal government is being challenged in the Northern District of Florida, Pensacola division by thirteen state Attorney Generals, who filed their complaint the same day, on March 23, 2010. The same act is being challenged by the undersigned, Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, who is suing pro se Mr. Obama in regards to damages suffered by her, and who included a challenge to the above bill as part of her First Amended Complaint, which was filed by her in the District of Columbia on March 19, 2010 when the passing of the bill was imminent.

    H.R. 3590 was signed into law by Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, who amazingly does not posses a valid US Social Security number, which every legal citizen of the US is supposed to possess, never proved his legitimacy to presidency and therefore the act is invalid, as it was not signed by one legally entitled to sign it.

    Attached is Exhibit 1, Affidavit from a retired Deportation Officer with the department of Homeland Security and licensed investigator Mr. John Sampson, stating that social security number used by Mr. Obama most of his life 042-68-4425 cannot be a lawfully obtained number, as 042 are the initial digits assigned to the state of CT, while Mr. Obama was never a resident of CT.

    Exhibit 2, is an affidavit from a private investigator, licensed with the Department of Homeland Security, Susan Daniels. It concurs that for most of his life Mr. Obama has used number 042-68-4425, which cannot be lawfully his, as indeed it was obtained in CT, when Mr. Obama resided in HI. Moreover, Ms. Daniels research shows that this is a number that was issued to an individual born in 1890, and Mr. Obama assumed this number unlawfully. Ms. Daniels provides a list of 8 more social security numbers used by Mr. Obama, as well as several numbers used by Michele Obama.

    Exhibit 3 is an affidavit from a licensed investigator and retired Scotland Yard elite anti organized crime officer Mr. Neil Sankey, who has compiled from the most reputable National databases: Lexis Nexis and Choice Point a list of multiple addresses under the names of Barack Obama and Barry Obama, those addresses are connected to 39 different social security numbers, none of which were issued in the state of HI.

    Exhibit four is an affidavit from a licensed document expert Sandra Ramsey Lines, which states that the short version (abbreviated) COLB -Certificate of Life Birth of Barrack Hussein Obama cannot be viewed as genuine without examining the original, currently sealed in the Health Department in HI, which Mr. Obama refuses to unseal in spite of over 60 Federal and multiple State actions brought by citizens, State Representatives and high ranked members of the Military from around the nation. None of the above actions were heard on the merits, but rather were dismissed on technical procedural grounds, such as standing and jurisdiction. All of the above facts cast a doubt as to the legitimacy of Mr. Obama to serve as a president du! e to his lack of Qualification as a Natural Born citizen per Article 2, section 1, Ā§5, making him ineligible to sign H.R.3590. Additionally, Dr. Taitz has brought a Quo Warranto action, as specified in District of Columbia statutes Ā§16-352 Ā§16-353, which allows Quo Warranto action against a federal officer within the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia . As Florida does not provide such jurisdiction, it appears to be imperative to join two causes of action in the District of Columbia , where it is already being heard by Honorable Chief Judge of the US District Court for the District of Columbia Honorable Judge Royce C. Lamberth. There has to be a Quo Warran to determination, regardless to Mr. Obamaā€™s place of birth, whether he is eligible to serve as US President and Commander in Chief, as he had since birth split allegiance citizenship of multiple countries: Great Britain , Kenya and Indonesia . Such Quo Warranto action will dispense with H.R. 3590, as it would be deemed signed by an ineligible party and it would dispense both causes of action.

    Current Health Care Bill H.R. 3590 represents a Tortuous Interference with Existing Contracts. As millions of citizens have worked and contributed into the Medicaid program, relying on the promise by the US Government and Congress, that this money will be in safe keeping when needed as Doctors such as Dr. Taitz have spent years in training and invested in their practices, relying on the promise that such programs will exist for years and they will be paid reasonable fee for their services, and as the individual States have spent billions of dollars in building an infrastructure to service Medicaid programs. Currently, the Pelosi-Reid lead majority in Congress and Obama administration are simply stealing from the Medicaid program billions and trillions of d! ollars and interfering with the existing contracts without any Constitutional right to do so. While the Obama administration hails this bill as a great gift to the Nation, in reality neither Obama administration, nor the Pelosi-Reid Congress are giving anything, they are simply stealing from the existing programs, that are on the verge of bankruptcy as it is.

    H.R.3590 represents a Breach of Contract. Every governmental program and entitlement program represents a contract with the American people. As the public and the States contribute into the program, such funds are supposed to be kept safe and prudently invested. Today it is quite clear that the funds have been mismanaged, misappropriated or embezzled, as currently there is a 45 trillion dollars debt in unfunded obligations in Social Security and 57 trillion in unfunded obligations in Medicaid. US government and Congress have breached their obligation towards the citizens, like Dr. Taitz and towards the States. Taking billions and trillions of dollars from the ! programs that are already in deep debt and overburdened, is more than just the breach of an obligation, it is reckless and it is a breach of Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. This breach represents nothing but an enormous Criminal Ponzi scheme, which rests on a pyramid of prior Ponzi schemes.

    H.R. 3590 represents an Unenforceable Illusory Contract. Today US government and US Congress are facing a 13.5 trillion dollars of foreign debt on top of 102 trillion of unfunded obligations described previously, with a total of 115.5 trillion dollars of total debt and obligations with the Obama administration running over 1.5 trillion dollars of unprecedented yearly deficit which is expected to double our foreign debt in the near future. When the overburdened US government signs such an enormous program of entitlement without any reasonable means! to sustain it, it creates and Unenforceable Illusory contract.

    H.R. 3590 represents a violation of the Commerce Clause. While the government has a right to provide some regulation of the commerce, it is not allowed to overburden Interstate Commerce and interfere with existing commercial relations. Today Dr. Taitz, as a doctor, is providing treatment to patients, some of them chose not to pay thousands of dollars for insurance, but rather pay Taitz for their care directly. Under H.R. 3590 those patients will be forced by the government to purchase a product or be penalized by the government. How is this different from the mafia bosses ruffling up business owners choosing not to buy the ā€œinsuranceā€ of their protection? While Taitz is aware that Obama was groomed in Chicago , the birthplace of such activities, United States of America as a whole is not Chicago . The US Constitution gives the Federal government very limited powers, such as National Defense, Border patrol and coinage. Based on the recent history, federal government has failed in all of the above, and as such it is time for the Federal courts to intervene and curb this insane unprecedented expansion and limit the Federal government to the functions that they are mandated to perform, but have failed to perform so miserably. This is the same red line in both the pleadings by Taitz and State of Florida v Department of Health.

    Dr. Taitz has a contractual relationship with her patients. This contractual relationship is based on the premise that they are gainfully employed in their occupations, not overburdened by taxes and are able to pay for such services. In the last number of years, roughly starting from the Clinton administration, US government and Congress seemed to favor campaign contributions and lobbying positions for their family members coming from the multinational corporations, more so then the well being of their countrymen, as the Federal Government and Congress have completely dismantled the whole system of tariffs, which protected American jobs and accounted for the difference in the cost ! of living in the US versus third World countries, like China, India and Philippines, which are using nearly slave labor. As a result American workers have lost their jobs by the millions, became unable to pay their mortgages and lost their homes by the millions and became destitute by the millions. As the Federal and the State governments saw their revenues from income taxes dwindle, they came up with more tax schemes to make up for the deficit in the ever increasing budget. As a result the citizens of this nation found themselves in a vice, between a rock and a hard place, unable to pay for medical services provided by Dr. Taitz or other doctors or anybody else for that matter. H.R. 3590 represents the last straw in the Interference with the existing contracts between Dr. Taitz and her patients and similarly existing contracts of the States. Tax penalty for refusal to buy insurance represents unlawful capitation or direct tax in violation of Article1, sections 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the United States .

    While the individual States are asserting their rights as Sovereigns under the 10th amendment, Dr. Taitz is asserting her right as a Sovereign under the 9th amendment in the same claim that H.R. 3590 violates both 9th and 10th amendments, violates the mandate given to the Federal government by the sovereign free citizens and sovereign States, that the federal government is overreaching and infringing upon such rights.

    The penalty on citizens under H.R. 3590 is abusive, as it does not punish any illegal behavior, but simply penalizes citizens for living and breathing. This penalty will be increasing in future years, and it represents a slippery slope as a precedent, whereby the Federal government will be allowed to penalize citizens for anything without any Constitutional mandate to do so. What if tomorrow the Federal government decides that for the common good and to reduce 115 trillion dollars total debt and obligations incurred by the Federal government, everyone will be required to participate in hard labor work projects and do those for free, and refusal to do so will be penalized? How is it called? Slavery!

    At the end it might be a stroke of providence that this unconstitutional bill was signed into law by an ineligible President, and that these responsive pleadings were submitted for consideration only a few days before the day of the ancient holiday of Passover, which celebrates freedom from bondage and usurpation. It is time for the lawful and law abiding free sovereign citizens of this Nation to have standing and representation alongside free sovereign States to brake from usurpation and bondage of the oppressive Federal government, which seized powers that were never granted to it by the US Constitution.

    Wherefore: The undersigned Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ respectfully prays for relief and granting of her motion of consolidation of cases 10-cv-151 RCL Taitz v Obama with 3:10cv-91 State of Florida et al v United States Department of Health and Human services et al , to be heard jointly by the Honorable Royce Lamberth, Chief Judge of US District court for the District of Columbia.


    1. Affidavit of retired Deportation officer with the department of Homeland Security, private investigator John Sampson

    2. Affidavit of licensed private investigator, licensed with the department of Homeland Security Susan Daniels

    3. Affidavit of retired Scotland Yard anti organized crime officer and licensed private investigator Neil Sankey

    4. Affidavit of forensic document expert Sandra Ramsey Lines


  129. Linda from NY

    March 30, 2010

    See you in November

    Thomas Lifson

    “Democrats and their media allies are counting on voters forgetting the intensity of their opposition to ObamaCare and other elements of the state takeover of parts of American life formerly safely in private hands. “Six months is an eternity in politics,” goes the mantra they chant to reassure themselves that retribution at the polls will not be so terribly bad for them, because, after all, the common folk are pretty stupid and unable to carry an idea for very long.”

    Oh, really? Don’t bet on it!

  130. i hope they keep orly’s case separate
    due to

    raisens i won’t pour onto

    my corn flakes

  131. Army DAV

    When I have what I call my “Weezer Moments” (taken from the Movie Steel Magnolias, when you just want to hit someone), I calmly retreat to our screen porch and rock a prayer away (In the rocking chair), It really does wonders! And I feel God listens. HE hears us, I just believe he is letting the Dems dig their hole really deep so there in no way in hell they can get out!

    God Bless you and sending Love.!

  132. Linda from NY

    Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    Guess you missed my previous post. We are all fine here, my mother and brother and family downstate are fine as well.

    Thanks for caring…Linda

  133. Army Dave @ 7:53OT.

    The Real Face of Jesus? ā€“ Premieres
    Tuesday March 30 at 9/8c.

    History Channel.
    Do you know if this is about “The Shroud of Turin?”

  134. First, do no harm. Second, sue the government.

    With the president’s ink barely dry on the health care overhaul’s final fixes, a group of nearly 5,000 American physicians is filing suit to stop the mammoth new law dead in its tracks.

    “I think this bill that passed threatens not only to destroy our freedom in medicine but to bankrupt the country,” said Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

    The Arizona-based medical coalition filed suit on March 26, arguing that congressional reforms illegally coerce individuals into buying insurance from private companies.

    Starting in 2014, anyone who chooses not to buy health insurance faces a small federal penalty, but in 2016 the fine jumps to $695 a year per person or 2.5 percent of overall income, whichever is greater. That means that anyone earning more than $27,800 would be subject to increasing penalties, with a maximum fine of $2,085 per family.

    Supporters of the law call it a simple tax meant to shore up coverage nationwide; but the AAPS says the mandate is an “unprecedented overreach” ā€” an unconstitutional grab that rewards insurance companies and allows the federal government to seize private property in violation of the 5th Amendment.

    Insurers “will have millions of new, unwilling customers that they wouldn’t have gotten,” said Orient, an internist based in Tuscon. “They’re counting on getting all this new money.”

    Though legal challenges to the new law are popping up nationwide, the conservative-leaning AAPS is the only medical society to file suit against the health care package. The American Medical Association, the largest physicians’ group in the U.S., supported the health care overhaul and lobbied on its behalf.

    Orient says she hopes more groups will join her suit, and predicts a shortage of doctors as the medical community adjusts to the new law.

    “We need to get back to the old-fashioned style of medicine where doctors worked for their patients and patients paid their doctors,” she said.

  135. Lt Col. Refuses to obey illegal order and stand up for the Constitution.

  136. Medical Association Lawsuit.

    What happened to AARP by seniors leaving and joining conservative senior groups needs to happen to the AMA and Doctors need to leave in droves and join this Arizona Group.

  137. Citizen Carlyle

    SueK // March 30, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    Just got this via e-mail from my Dear Cousin

    Welcome to Ummah America

    Remember also, there is no such thing as a “moderate Muslim”. That is a phrase we all made up out of wishful thinking. They all have the same religion, same sacred books, same leaders, and same worldview (religion mixed with culture mixed with government). Some may be “dormant” (at least for now), but that is the most you can say.

    How do I know this? Have you EVER heard of a Muslim describe THEMSELF as a moderate Muslim? Have you ever heard one “faction” of Islam denounce another “faction”? EVER?

    Ticking time bombs, one and all.

  138. Linda from NY @ 8:15 pm
    Glad to hear that you are all ok, the flooding damage and the flooding has not crested yet. Lot of damage-did you see the video I posted with the blown up street. This is going to be very expensive for all the folks.
    ā€œSix months is an eternity in politics,ā€ goes the mantra they chant to reassure themselves that retribution at the polls will not be so terribly bad for them, because, after all, the common folk are pretty stupid and unable to carry an idea for very long.ā€
    The way they made the American people suffer are they nuts? Of course the people will remember, everyone knew this recession was not going to be easy and they went out of their way to make it worse. The Dems are so out of it it is unbelievable, they usually are a little more astute that this.

  139. Linda from NY @ 8:15 pm
    I’m so glad to hear that you are all ok, the flooding damage and the flooding has not crested yet. Lot of damage-did you see the video I posted with the blown up street. This is going to be very expensive for all the folks.
    ā€œSix months is an eternity in politics,ā€ goes the mantra they chant to reassure themselves that retribution at the polls will not be so terribly bad for them, because, after all, the common folk are pretty stupid and unable to carry an idea for very long.ā€
    The way they made the American people suffer are they nuts? Of course the people will remember, everyone knew this recession was not going to be easy and they went out of their way to make it worse. The Dems are so out of it it is unbelievable, they usually are a little more astute that this.

  140. da verg @ 8:22 pm
    “Insurers ā€œwill have millions of new, unwilling customers that they wouldnā€™t have gotten,ā€ said Orient, an internist based in Tuscon. ā€œTheyā€™re counting on getting all this new money.ā€
    This part reminded me of Bernie Madoff.
    Free Bernie Madoff.

  141. Feds ā€œVisitā€ Dr. Manningā€™s Church A Second Time

  142. Video: What is the SEIU Hiding?

    Question of the Day: Do you think that people that go to Tea Parties are racists? Leave all your responses in the comment section.

  143. Citizen Carlyle // March 30, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Hi CC,

    Yes, I agree.

    If you’ve ever done even a bit of studying the Quran (or ‘Koran’) you soon get their philosophy that anyone who isn’t one of them is an infidel and is subject to death.

    This is why the word ‘moderate’ and ‘Muslim’ should never appear in the same sentence. Rather than tolerance for any religion different from theirs, they would rather kill us.


    When Barky said he would stand with Islam, that told me all I needed to know.

    They either live in peace (a concept foreign to them) or they don’t. If they refuse, let them go back to where they came from and practice their antiquated idealogy; it has no place in the modern world or in a tolerant nation like America.

    Freedom of religion is one of the things that made America great however, this isn’t a religion, and no one will ever convince me that it is.

  144. Peter @ 8:27
    The Lt. Col, it almost begs the question how many other high ranking military feel the same way. I’ll bet he is one of many.

  145. Protesters try to cuff Karl Rove, drive him off stage

    The former White House Deputy Chief of Staff and top Bush adviser was treated to a cadre of protesters Monday, who threatened him with a citizen’s arrest and ultimately succeeded in driving him offstage.

  146. #

    SueK // March 30, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Thanks, Michelleā€¦treading water like mad!

    We had 10ā€³ of rain 2 weeks ago, then another 3ā€³ last week. Today, itā€™s still raging out there with another 6+ā€ or so when itā€™s all said and done.

    All rivers and streams in MA are in/will be in flood by Thursday. Weā€™ve not seen anything close to this since the 1950s when back-to-back hurricanes blew through.

    Took a personal day today to keep an eye on the basement; so far, just a little water. ā€˜Governorā€™ Cadillac Deval Patrick has declared a state of emergency and mandatory evacuations are taking place.

    Itā€™s angry out there and the ground is saturated from 13+ā€ of rain already.

    Itā€™ll be a nail-biter of a night.

    Thanks for checking!
    We have a garden apartment; got flooded 10 (ten) days ago; mad scramble to get everything off the floor. Landlady’s handyman dropped off old wet vac – THANK GOODNESS! Rug removed, exposing nasty cracked old tiles and concrete. WE LEFT EVERYTHING IN PILES ON TOP OF SURFACES; AND IT’S A GOOD THING WE DID. Because now, I am watching the water trickle back in, fingers crossed, it does not grow to the inches we had last week. (The rain has let up considerably; but thunderstorms are predicted at around midnight, when rain accumulations could get heavy.)

    Thanks for asking.

  147. truthbetold11

    sorry folks but i’m throwing a little conspiracy your way. The last 3 weeks in mass I have been looking up in the sky to see the beautiful Chem trails way way more than usual. My son notice one in the same spot and size 3 days on the way were driving to school. By casuing a cloud to burst it can produce crazy amount of rain. notice the floods have distracted from health care in mass not hardly a peep. its all weather. Folks we have the capability to build nukes,lasers,haarp machine, They can mess with mother nature these days.

  148. jbjd @ 8:55 pm
    very worried about you guys tonight when I saw the news. They said worst in 100 years. As an experienced flood victim in Illinois-5′ of water in all of our houses, neighborhood gone. Take pictures of all the damaged stuff, bleach will be a very good friend. Wet stuff weighs a ton, don’t try to lift it-if it is too heavy. If it is old ugly tile it is probably marine grade linoleum-that stuff is indestructible-now it comes in beautiful colors.
    As soon as it gets warm enough open every window and door and let the house air out real good. You don’t want mold and air and bleach will fix that. If you get odors-Vinegar in a vase and or charcoal.
    Passover storms just keep passing over. Please.
    Saying a prayer that you all will be all right.

  149. Evening, jbjd,

    It’s a rough night all around.

    I deal with mold/flooding/air quality issues in my work, so let me give you and everyone else affected by this weather a few hints.

    First of all, if floodwaters are in your home or basement, consider the water to be contaminated. If you must move around in it, boots, a respirator (surgical mask) and either Nitrile or latex gloves, please; you don’t know where that water has been.

    If your possessions are damaged, discard any porous objects such as boxes, wooden items, carpets, clothing, etc. Plastics and non-porous items can be disinfected with a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water.

    If the floors have standing water they must be dried 24-48 hours after the flooding event or mold may begin to form. Pumps, fans, open windows, and heating devices should be used to dry the surfaces. Use towels if they’re available and are old enough to be discarded.

    If in doubt, throw the item out. You can’t ‘clean’ paper.

    Mold has been around since Day 1 and it’s not going anywhere; mold itself doesn’t generally cause a problem, it’s your reaction to it and the spores it produces.

    If the water damage is severe, you may want to consider calling in a company such as Servpro to do a thorough cleaning/restoration job.

    Hope this helps. It’ll be a busy week with the major flooding we’re experiencing here in MA.

  150. Interestin FR post regarding the Lt. Col.

    I posted this over at Sean Hannity Forums and it got up to ten pages real quick and over 140 posts and now they have deleted it saying it is a non issue.

    This would indicate to me, it scare the chit out of them and is for real.

  151. Linda, your thoughts on his most recent post would be appreciated! Wall Street Journal Confirms Lame Cherry Hutatree Assessment

  152. truthbetold11 // March 30, 2010 at 9:03 pm

    Hi TBT,

    Sorry, but I can’t buy the chemtrail theory for this one.

    This is an intense low pressure system that started in the South, picked up moisture from the Gulf, positioned itself off the NJ coast, picked up more moisture from the Atlantic, and exploded.

    I looked at the satellite/radar today throughout the day and there was an ‘eye’ to this storm. It’s still spinning near Long Island right now.

    If you think of the warm waters in the Gulf incorporating into any low pressure system, the recipe is there for a blockbuster storm, and that’s what we have…a long-duration storm that’s loaded with moisture.

    Just think where we’d be if it were snow?

  153. SueK said, “Just think where weā€™d be if it were snow?”

    Outside, playing!

    Everyone, thank you so much for the tips. The storm 10 days ago was worse, because the ground was still frozen. The warm rain melted the top layers but then hit ice and just ran off into basements. The landlady said there was no padding to the rug and she would have someone come in to clean them; I begged her to remove them. No. Then, her handyman came in – my son and I had been wet vac’ing the basement – and he pulled up the corner of the rug to expose the padding. We had been sloshing around in this muck for nearly 2 (two) days! So, the man and my poor son pulled up the padding, ripping the carpet where necessary. This was a mess. Then, she had the man tack down the carpet so that it could be cleaned the next day. Thank goodness, she spoke to her son-in-law, who owns a rug store. He said, rip up that rug and throw it away! HOORAY! The next few days were sunny and breezy; just what the doctors on CW ordered.

    (The water has slowed; advanced only a few feet in the last few hours. And the rain has let up. We should be okay; until the thunderstorms, around midnight.)

  154. truthbetold11 // March 30, 2010 at 11:55 am

    They need this because they are losing the poor voters and need to steal from the middle class to make ammends for our sins of working hard ans saving money.

    ā€œToo often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the MIDDLE INCOME class is left behind,ā€

    For us who still have pride and two legs to stand on…..shove the rich’s money up O’s monkey butt and yours…….

    Refreshing isn’t it?? There are still many of us out there!!

  155. Mass.

    Chemtrails and rain may be payback for Scott Brown.


  156. jbjd
    I’d wager a bet that your landlady is a Democrat! Doesn’t care about her tenants, just what it’s going to cost! Shame on her! Glad she finally listened.

  157. jbjd

    Doesnt sound all stressed out tonight. Good!

  158. jbjd @9:44 pm
    SueK said, ā€œJust think where weā€™d be if it were snow?ā€
    Outside, playing!
    What a kid, humor in the face of adversity. The old wet rug would not be worth keeping, I know rugs cannot handle wet. During the Hurricane Andrew debacle here in Florida, a lot of the folks ripped out the wet rugs and discovered the joy of terrazzo and never went back, it is so easy care. Be careful not to over due, you are going to be so sore, if you are not already.
    Just an FYI-a lot of books in Illinois got flooded during our floods, guess how they saved them. Freeze dried just like the coffee.

  159. SueK @ 9:22 pm
    Just so you know Florida had torrential storms with tornadoes 2 days ago. I have learned both here and Illinois the magic word is Gulf when that sucker gets mean it get really mean.

  160. Well I don’t know what to make of it considering the past record of the source but Ed Hale over on Plains Radio claims he has the Original Birth Certificate and he has had three different colleges authenticate it. He will be releasing it and all of documents proving it tomorrow night??? The only problem I have is that he is asking for people to pay to see it at first to help him recover the large amount of money he had to come up with to get it. He says that it is the real document not a copy or a print out that it shows Obama was not born in Hawaii and the signature of his Grandmother is on it and has been verified.

    So…. we’ll see. He’s gotten peoples hopes up before and a lot of people have a low opinion of him but then again he did manage to get the Dunham divorce documents last year. Who knows???? It sure would be a good day.

  161. A very happy Passover to all who celebrate šŸ™‚

  162. ā€œItā€™s a simple proposition to us: Everyone is entitled to adequate medical health care,ā€ Biden says. ā€œIf you call that a ā€˜redistribution of incomeā€™ ā€” well, so be it. I donā€™t call it that. I call it just being fair ā€” giving the middle class taxpayers an even break that the wealthy have been getting.ā€
    Wow, what a nice guy……we get to pay for health insurance premiums for 4 years to maintain current coverage for our families while being taxed for the deathcare taking place in 2014 also!!!

  163. Michelle // March 30, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Yup, Michelle…with water the temperature of bath water all year long, any disturbance that picks up that moisture is gonna be a bomb!

    Hope all’s OK down there.

  164. Interesting article, March 30, at

    “G-8 skips Iran sanctions to boost secret US opening to Revolutionary Guards”

  165. Jerome // March 30, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    Hey, Jerome,

    I’ll believe something from Hale when I see it.

    He never quits trying to feed his coffers, does he?

    Bring it, Ed. We’ll wait.

  166. TO:
    Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    Interestin FR post regarding the Lt. Col.

    I posted this over at Sean Hannity Forums and it got up to ten pages real quick and over 140 posts and now they have deleted it saying it is a non issue.

    This would indicate to me, it scare the chit out of them and is for real.

    Why don’t you give us a link and tel us what to do and we will all go there and keep POSTING IT

  167. SueK and all

    Blessings to you on this Passover! Praying for all of you facing the water! Be Safe! There is an end to all the madness!


  168. Oops – one more thing. Hale needs to show us and the world if he has the original BC. Then I will send a contribution! Anyone asking for money in advance is NOT a Patriot! (At least in my eyes)

  169. Hi SueK

    I’m with you. I’ve just about given up on the BC but he claims he’s spent 36 grand to get it and it would probably take a bribe like that to get it. So we’ll just have to see.

    It could just be a sick April Fools joke except he’s releasing it a day early???

  170. Remember in November: Take the 2010 Voter Pledge

    Petition calls for overturning ‘health-care reform,’ unconstitutional government

    WASHINGTON ā€“ November may be eight months away, but congressional candidates need to know which way the wind is blowing, says WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah. article –

    Petition – THE 2010 VOTER PLEDGE –

    Please pass on to families and friends.

  171. Court Marshall will never happen and we all know why.

    But they will destroy his career and or become a political prisoner.

  172. To SueK and others hit by the terrible storms:

    I’ve been busy with other projects and haven’t visited here much today. Feel so sorry for all you
    plagued by such bad weather and wish I could ship some of our warmth and sunshine to you from the great state of Arizona; however, we are in for a drastic temperature change tomorrow and Thurs. with possibly snow in the northern part where I live. Stay strong and try to cope with the flooding, which must be terrible.

    SueK – That was a marvelous piece from your cousin in AZ. The progression of thought, the reality of history, and the absurdity of Barky’s statements are all rolled into one fine article. I’m beginning to pick up some of what you folks say, like “Barky”, which I like. The power of influence and association? It’s OK!!

    Meantime, may the night be easier than it could be and the morning dawn with new hope weatherwise. Blessings to all.

  173. Obama opened the floodgate on the topic of his eligibility to be president in an interview on NBC. So flood the internet and email in-boxes with responses to Obama’s comments about the lawsuits and the birthers . This is a blanking golden opportunity to get the truth out!

    Obama Says Tea Party Is Built Around Core Group of Birthers (Video)

    These are two great links to pass on ā€¦ā€¦.

    The Obama Files

    Why Can Obama Keep College Papers Hidden

  174. Linda from NY // March 30, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    They can take a ā€œcharge offā€ while we pay higher premiumsā€¦more spreading the wealth?

    Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q (ObamaCare)

    Noone’s paying anything…….this is to be taken care of by constitutional lawyers in each state….this bill will never be funded since the repubs will take the house and maybe the senate in 2012….
    Lawsuits, and when they start taking from your payroll check, quit….I will!!!

  175. Ed has gotten enough money in the past for not producing, he should break about even!!

  176. To SueK and others hit by terrible storms:

    Being occupied with other matters today I haven’t visited here much and am very sorry to hear about the extremely bad weather and flooding that has hit so many of you.
    I wish that some of this warmth and sunshine could be shipped to you from the great state of Arizona; however, we are supposed to have quite a drop in temperature and possible snow in northern part where I live. (Just for two days)

    SueK – That was an excellent piece from your AZ cousin re. muslims in America (or lack thereof). It set forth so well the history of our country, the falsities constantly spewed forth, and the absurdities that flow from Barky’s mouth. Sorry, I am beginning to pick up some of your language, like “Barky”, which I like. Power of association and influence? That’s OK.

    May all of you enduring violent weather find that the dawn of a new day will bring peace and comfort. Blessings to all.

  177. Thanks, all, for your concern regarding the flooding situation in the Northeast.

    Here’s the link to Channel 5 in Boston’s home page in case anyone would like to see what’s happening here:

    One more trip to the basement….


  178. Sorry for the duplication. It appeared that the first entry didn’t “take”; now I see that there are the two versions.

  179. Prairie // March 30, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    Here is my position. Obama is screwed- if he court martials this Col. for asking for a measly BC, which o claims to possess and costs $12 to order, that is as good as an admission of guilt.

    Not one person has answered me……..where’s the BC in the shoebox??????/ Who gives a flying F about the one in Hawaii……..there’s one already, so why the one from Hawaii……….why not use the shoebox BC????


  180. Jacqlyn Smith

    I didn’t realize there was a new thread….here is what FTC says happened today with the Restore the Repbulic…..

    # Follow the Constitution Says:
    March 30th, 2010 at 2:24 pm

    Last update I heard is 35 governors were served yesterday. So hopefully the other 15 are served today.

    Bob Synderā€¦well said and you are exactly right!

    Here is a youtube link with Tim Turner. This is not about the restore america plan. It is about Tim Turner and what he does. He has been helping and educating people across this country and having great success. He does what he teaches and educates people how to use their our laws against them.

    If you want to really be free from the corporate fictional rulers you would do well to attend his seminar.

  181. JJ

    Ed has it!!

  182. Prairie

    If the court Marshall is ordered, then Soetoro would have show his paper work , passport ,BC and prove he’s constitutionally eligible .

    That’s exactly what we are trying to do here , get him into court. I pray he court Marshall’s someone ,,,,,,, but it will never happen.

    Like I said before , they’ll make him an offer , if he declines , they will ruin his career .

    Fascist dictatorship in progress.

  183. More Corruption, Fraud, Bribes??
    District of Criminals has earned it’s name

  184. Jacqlyn Smith


    Jerome // March 30, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Hi SueK

    Iā€™m with you. Iā€™ve just about given up on the BC but he claims heā€™s spent 36 grand to get it and it would probably take a bribe like that to get it. So weā€™ll just have to see.

    It could just be a sick April Fools joke except heā€™s releasing it a day early???

    Jerome….I would like to know what makes him believe it is real…..we’ve seen several of those fake one’s that others said were real???

  185. JJ,

    We all need to see the original BC, the one that has not seen the light of day in the DOH vault in Honolulu. Anything soetoro has in his grimy little hands I do not trust, and neither should you.

  186. Linda from NY

    cherilee // March 30, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    “Could someone interpret and what does it mean for the US conservative citizen ?”

    Lame Cherry doesn’t usually spell out what the point of the article is, but he does use examples from the past to prove and demonstrate his point. As a Christian, LC invokes the Holy Spirit to help him accurately assess the situation and explain his assessment to you.

    Those who were arrested from the Christian Militia group are being used as patsies [examples] to prepare us for other arrests of a similar kind in the future.

    The words for “more than a year” are words found in the indictment and are the key that opens the door. Mr. O has occupied the WH for “more than a year.” This is his M.O. [something he learned about through his experiences] and the M.O. of both his BFF, Holder of the Justice Department, and his BFF in Homeland Security, Napolitano.

    First, you define the “target.” Then, you plant a “mole” in the “target’s collective organization,” in this case A Militia Group not necessarily the “target group.” And finally, the “mole” gets the “target” to not only say what he wants the “target” to say, but espouse to taking action through trickery.

    The “target” was defined through Homeland Security as an extremist group using the words Militia and Christian. The “mole” was an FBI informant who was planted in another Militia group. The “mole” baited the “target” through “suggestive” conversations in which the “mole” gets the “target” to agree with his assessment of a particular situation; in this case, practicing attacks, military maneuvers, and engaging in anti-government rhetoric. So it doesn’t look like a set-up, you need a Cooperating Witness who will attest your “target” has somehow gone off the deep end.

    Well…we know what Militias do; they practice military maneuvers, simulate attacks, and defend the innocent. Nothing wrong with that. Enter the words “Christian,” “Terrorist,” and “Anti-Christ” to the mix, and you have the bait to create your own story that can be turned against your “target” so that he/she can be made an example to the masses of “what not to do, say, or even be.”

    With the “setup” in place, it was only a matter of time before the raid could be arranged.

    We have all been “sensitized” to the word “Terrorist.” If you are a “Christian,” you certainly know about the “Anti-Christ” in prophesy, and if you are against any of the policies of the current administration, you are considered “Anti-Government.” Simple as that. If, however, you happen to belong to a Militia…well Militias are detrimental to law enforcement because they are armed and trained in military maneuvers so that makes you as a “target” all the more enticing and desirable to bring down.

    “This is all being tied to smear Christians as Janet Napolitano already listed Christians as state enemies.”

    This particular Militia Group was a “Christian” group who believed they were preparing to defend their family and friends from the “Anti-Christ.” Nothing wrong with that; they are within their 2nd Amendment rights to have guns and ammunition, they are within their religious freedom to believe in what Christians believe, and they were within their rights to practice to defend themselves against their enemy, the Anti-Christ.

    Take that scenario and twist it around. Put a face on the Anti-Christ, make it into criminal activity [a planned attack], add the military maneuvers element [makes them appear more dangerous and somewhat professional], and you have a recipe for an indictment of an alleged attack on law enforcement, the C-I-C, and the government. In other words, you have become a domestic terrorist!

    This was all carefully and meticulously planned, and those arrested are being made an “example” of domestic terror for all of us.

    “What does this mean for the US Conservative citizen?”

    It means that ordinary activities can be twisted into domestic terrorism if you happen to be the “target” of a sting operation. It means it may not healthy to speak out against the government. It means no matter what you espouse to be; a Conservative, Christian, Independent, Republican, etc. citizen, you had better mind your “p’s” and “q’s” and watch what you say against the government whether in public or private. The “moles” can set up housekeeping anywhere; in any group or in any situation, and you could become a “target.”

    “And what were the evil things and damning evidence the Obama government seized to prosecute the Hutatree group?

    “…..spent about three hours searching the premises, taking, among other things, Bibles, her cellphone, notebooks, a camouflage military jacket and a belt buckle reading, “God, Guns and Guts.”

    Hope this helps explain the article…Linda

    PS They did not resist arrest nor did they fire a shot at anyone. They had no intention of doing anything to escalate the situation. Law enforcement was not their enemy; the Anti-Christ was their enemy. They were merely preparing for the “end times” and intending to defend their homes and their families.

  187. Jacqlyn Smith

    More Corruption, Fraud, Bribes??
    District of Criminals has earned itā€™s name*****


    Peter….did you notice that the officials they were talking about I believe were Repubs……MadCow is trying to distract us again!!!!

  188. Jacqlyn Smith

    They just announced that our AG in Nevada is not going to join in the law suits to sue over health care…..she believes it is constitutional…..Gibbons will do it anyway….she is a big Freakin’ DemoCRAP….she will be gone!!

  189. Jacqlyn Smith

    Rude for Reid
    Sarah Palin at Saturdayā€™s Tea Party Express: ā€œThereā€™s something not quite right when Fidel Castro comes out and says he likes ObamaCare when we donā€™t.ā€

  190. Jacqlyn Smith

    Have you all heard the latestā€¦.the reason the FRAUD and family donā€™t go to church is because he reads prayers daily from his Blackberryā€¦..going to a church would be too disruptive to his job commitmentsā€¦ā€¦boyā€¦.Iā€™ve heard it all NOWā€¦.what an freakinā€™ liar!!

  191. #

    Jacqlyn Smith // March 30, 2010 at 11:55 pm


    Jerome // March 30, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Hi SueK

    Iā€™m with you. Iā€™ve just about given up on the BC but he claims heā€™s spent 36 grand to get it and it would probably take a bribe like that to get it. So weā€™ll just have to see.

    It could just be a sick April Fools joke except heā€™s releasing it a day early???

    Jeromeā€¦.I would like to know what makes him believe it is realā€¦..weā€™ve seen several of those fake oneā€™s that others said were real???


    Well that’s always the problem. Even if someone from the Hawaii DOH had a change of heart and released the real BC people would still claim it was fake. Ed supposedly had it tested by three different colleges to to confirm it’s age and that the signatures are real. I don’t know. Will we believe it when we see it.? If it is real will it mean anything?

    I see the real problem being that, even if proof is shown that Obuma is a fraud, will anyone do anything about it? As we have seen, our laws and our Constitution are only as good as the people willing to enforce them. So far few in power are willing.

  192. ARMY DAV………………………………….
    Thought I would jump in and offer an observation from your comment “Court Marshall.”
    The correct term is “Courts Martial.” MY guess is that you was in a hurry and mispelled, just like I do more often than not.Aside from all of that I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Easter.

  193. Jacqlyn Smith

    Below is the post from Ed Hale at Plains Radio….it was posted tonight…March 30th..

    The Obama Birth Certificate is ligit

    I just got off of the phone with the Professor at the 3rd school. All test came back 100% postive. It has now been carbon dated to paper 1960, ink 1961, It is in O gandmothers hand wirting and now the final test is wirtten around the 15 of August 1961, Obama your azz is grass and I am (B)POWER LAWN MOWER(/B. We should ahve the document in our hand sometime tomorrow and our plans are to release it to the public on the “LIONS DEN” show on Plains Radio sometime around 8 pm center time. I will install the paypal button tomorrow and all of you who want to see this historial document 1st will be asked to pay $100.00 for a password. This is going to cost me and Caren $36,000.00 so we need your help. I will lock the chat room down and issue new password after tonight show. This is the real deal folks. I am so excited so please excuse the typing. Join us tonihgt in the chat room for Joe Saebi show. I will talk late in his show aobut this.

    State Tx

  194. I wonder what Biden thinks gives him and his SLIMEY goons the RIGHT to attempt to destroy American Insurance Companies, or any other business for that matter. If he actually stated that it was his intention to financially ruin all insurance companies, he will hear, and feel this come back on him in a not so amiable way. I sincerely hope that HIS LIFE INSURANCE CARRIER gets really offended, and cancels his life insurance.

  195. oldsalt78

    Thanks for the correction and you are correct . Marshall County, is part of my home address, . force of habit? .

  196. I just noticed Obama is throwing the Republicans a bow by allowing some off shore drilling. Why do the words “What’s the Catch?” keep popping in my mind???

  197. Jacqlyn Smith…………………………………
    Since the birth certificates are usually certified copies, and NOT the originals, there is NO WAY ED HALE could have had the alleged certificate analysed , by paper, or ink, since PHOTOSTATIC copies do not use INK of any kind to produce. Photostatic copies are just that. No printers ink involved. The photostatic copies. If the copy that he allegedly holds, is like the one on fight the smears, then it is fraudulent. It would have to say at the top”Certificate of Live birth.” It too would be a PHOTOSTATIC copy, just as were the copies for the Nordyke twins, AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATEs

  198. Sorry that was “Bone” not “Bow.”


  199. As with many things Ed Hale does, charging to see the Fraud’s BC is lame. That being said…why charge 100.00 to see a fake? Why take that risk with people? This just might be it foks. Instead of collecting money, Ed ought to be doing the right thing FIRST and relieving us all of this monstrosity sitting in the WH. But he also has never hid his disdain for “the one”. So collect your money Ed and then let’s get on with it!

  200. #

    oldsalt78 // March 31, 2010 at 12:47 am

    Jacqlyn Smithā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
    Since the birth certificates are usually certified copies, and NOT the originals, there is NO WAY ED HALE could have had the alleged certificate analysed , by paper, or ink, since PHOTOSTATIC copies do not use INK of any kind to produce. Photostatic copies are just that. No printers ink involved. The photostatic copies. If the copy that he allegedly holds, is like the one on fight the smears, then it is fraudulent. It would have to say at the topā€Certificate of Live birth.ā€ It too would be a PHOTOSTATIC copy, just as were the copies for the Nordyke twins, AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATEs


    Ed is saying in previous posts on his sight that it’s the ORIGINAL BC not a copy.

    That’s why I’m not getting too excited.

    Still if it was the original he managed to bribe someone into stealing. That could be a good thing. You know he would be in serious trouble. But then if they tried to prosecute him for theft??? Then it would be all over the news wouldn’t it???

    Let’s hope he did it this time.

    Or it’s just another April Fools. I don’t know.

  201. Jacqlyn Smith


    oldsalt78 // March 31, 2010 at 12:47 am

    Jacqlyn Smithā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
    Since the birth certificates are usually certified copies, and NOT the originals, there is NO WAY ED HALE could have had the alleged certificate analysed , by paper, or ink, since PHOTOSTATIC copies do not use INK of any kind to produce. Photostatic copies are just that. No printers ink involved. The photostatic copies. If the copy that he allegedly holds, is like the one on fight the smears, then it is fraudulent. It would have to say at the topā€Certificate of Live birth.ā€ It too would be a PHOTOSTATIC copy, just as were the copies for the Nordyke twins, AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATEs

    OldSalt…..I think he is saying he has the original…..Now that would be a trick!!!

  202. Jerome, From what I’ve picked up about Ed Hale, he is definitely crazy enough to steal the BC! In this case, thank God for crazy people! : )

  203. It’s not inconceivable that Ed was able to get the Original BC. He’s had detectives working in the past and the Hawaii DOH is not Fort Knox. I imagine everything is in a box or file cabinet in the basement somewhere. A few dollars in the right hands and…

  204. Okay I’m going to bed now. I’m hoping that just this once a miracle will happen with the BC but I’m prepared for it to turn out to be nothing. That’s the best we can do.

    This guys got some good stuff there…
    check it.

    *goin’ to catch up. do i see bc news?*

  206. Another Ed Hale scam. Haven’t been there for a long time , but it looks like his followers have him nailed , 100 bucks to get a peek………LOL.

    Good night all ………….God Bless.

  207. Oh boy, Ed Hale again?
    I think I saw this movie already…
    That dogs been walked…
    Dance with the one that brung ya…
    Wait. (nevermind that one.)
    Fool me once, shame on …Ed hale.

  208. I believe that ED Hale is trying to rip people off. A Certification of Live Birth is also just that. It is a condensed version of the Long form BC. Cannot be used to prove eligibility. The BASKET WEAVE SAFETY PAPER on which the COLB appears is a PREPRINTED BLANK FORM, and is a medium green in color. This could have been either preprinted sometime after the original was produced whic has not yet seen the light of day. The alleged “Birth Certificate”that everybody seems to think is the ORIGINAL was issued in 2007. Does that SAY ANYTHING?

  209. If the Certificate of live Birth that ED HALE allegedly holds is the original how the HELL could FUKINO have examined it, and certified it AFTER ED HALE said that he has it.?



  212. oldsalt78 // March 31, 2010 at 1:30 am



    Got a coin? ; )


  214. cherilee // March 30, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    Has anyone read the posts from Lame Cherry recently? Could someone interpret and what does it mean for the US conservative citizen ?

    Um, yes, unfortunately I have.
    But, no, I am unable to interpret anything he/she says.
    Always. Never.

    LC makes about as much sense as the “healthcare” bill Barry birthed recently.
    Is about as reliable as Barry.
    And to me, speaks the same non-sensical language, too.
    I will say that, I have no reason to believe that LC has been involved in anyones d*e*a*t*h, which is nice.
    (and set him/her apart from you-know-who)
    Oh and how about a source once in awhile LC?
    Been there, read that.
    Got the dizzying headache to prove it.
    *for the last time…*
    Aren’t ya glad you asked, cherilee?

    *goin back to see if anyone else answered you, cuz if not, that would be sad*

  215. I saw that OS. So sad. And makes me so f’in pissed off!
    Now Juan McCain (thx to Peter? for that) wants the Guard. Oh, nowwwwwwwwwwww we need a fence, eh?
    Stupid m-effer.
    Savages shot the dog, too.
    Last anyone heard, the victim, was “goin’ to help someone…”

  216. Not to parse, but, Fukino did not include the word “original” in her statement. Which is, in fact, what got everyone going on that track. imo.

  217. Jacqlyn Smith

    j.b……you are on a roll…..I am LMAO reading your posts!!! It is sad though about that farmer in AZ….I would be scared to death to be a farmer that close to the border!! You know they are coming over illegally and not a person in our government is doing CRAP about it!!! What a bunch of Buttholes we have running this great nation!

  218. Jacqlyn Smith

    Even if ED has the BC….I think he has yelled WOLF one too many times for folks to shell out $100 to take a peek!! I think I will wait until it shows up in the history books myself….What say you all???? šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    Keep in mind that when CONSERVATIVES TAKE BACK THE HOUSE IN 2010, THEY (depending on just how fed up and pissed off they are at barry) HAVE THE AUTHORITIY TO THROW his ASS OUT!
    Oh, yeah.

    A girl can dream…..*-*.

    g’night and may God Bless America.


  221. PERHAPS WE COULD EVEN GO ONE BETTER, BY UTYLISING A .5045 H&H double barrel rifle. These are magnum rifles and require a lot of a$$ to fire it. Definitely will rattle your teeth, and make your gonads climb a couple of feet, and tighten your puckerstring bigtime.

  222. Linda from NY

    March 31, 2010

    Tea Parties and the Republican Party

    By Bruce Walker

  223. Linda from NY

    March 31, 2010

    We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight

    By Stuart Schwartz

  224. Linda from NY

    March 31, 2010

    The Shock of Barack

    By Robin of Berkeley

  225. Linda from NY

    March 31, 2010

    Natural Law and the ‘Right’ to Health Care

    By Daniel H. Fernald

  226. Linda from NY

    This $550 exec seat cost kids millions (New York application for Fed education funds turned down)

    NY Post ^ | March 31, 2010 | YOAV GONEN

    Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:22:38 AM by lowbridge

  227. Linda from NY

    Sallie Mae Blames 2,500 Layoffs on Obama’s Student Loan Overhaul

    Fox News ^ | Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | Kelly Chernenkoff

    Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:31:40 PM by kristinn

  228. Linda from NY

    Bill Oā€™Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marineā€™s Father

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 9:37 PM
    Jim Hoft

  229. Linda from NY

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    Dick Morris Says Obama’s Wall Street Reform is “Pure Socialism”; Gives Treasury Secretary Powers “Even Castro Does Not Have” – Video 3/29/10

  230. Linda from NY

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    New Video Parodies Medication Ad While Pointing Out “Side Effects” of ObamaCare

  231. Linda from NY

    Attorney General Eric Holder Rules Out Death Penalty for Illegal Aliens ^ | March 30, 2010 | Penny Starr

    Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:29:29 AM by Man50D

  232. Just looking at Ed Hale posts. Hmmm? We will see or not.

    Oh sorry – Good Morning!

  233. citizenwells

    tried calling yesterday.

  234. Morning CitizenWells! No worries about calling. Just wanted to touch base.

    Are you going to cover ED Hale? I’m still gunshy from the last time.


  235. citizenwells

    Good morning.

  236. Pingback: Lt. Col. Lakin – Flight Surgeon Challenges Obama’s Eligibility – Free Republic – Advice From Dalai Lama – Sallie Mae Layoffs Caused by Obama Policy – What of Israel? – Wall Street Journal – The BOPAC Report

  237. Pingback: Lt. Col. Lakin – Flight Surgeon Challenges Obama’s Eligibility – Free Republic – Advice From Dalai Lama – Sallie Mae Layoffs Caused by Obama Policy – What of Israel? – Wall Street Journal – The BOPAC Report

  238. Pingback: Re: Lt. Col. Lakin…don’t think there is a cover-up?…read this: |

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