Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Lies, Obama birth certificate, Obama not natural born citizen, Lakin constitutional oath, Lakin court marshall

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Lies

Did Fox News and/or Bill O’Reilly sell their soul to the devil?
We need for journalists and those reporting in the media to take an oath of honesty and integrity. Except for perhaps Sean Hannity, Fox News is sorely lacking.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin took the following oath:
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.”
US Military officer’s oath of office

Officers in the service of the United States are
bound by this oath to disobey any order that
violates the Constitution of the United States.

On April 15, 2010, the Citizen Wells blog reported.

“Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Obama birth certificate”

Please provide fair and balanced coverage regarding LTC Lakin. Please do not trash people “birthers” who are asking legitimate questions.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
– John Adams

LTC Lakin is an honorable man and needs to be treated as such. He is standing up for what he believes. He believes in the oath that he took to defend his Country from enemies both foreign and domestic. His oath is to protect and defend the Constitution, as such, believes no man is “above the law” including the President.

Instead of questioning LTC Lakin’s motives, I would hope that you question Mr. Obama’s. Why would a sitting President who has nothing to hide go to such great lengths, spending millions, to refrain from providing basic documents that prove his eligibility for office?

I would also hope that your focus is NOT primarily on Mr. Obama’s elusive birth certificate. Mr. Obama, by his own admission stated that he was born with DUAL citizenship Kenya-British (Barack Obama Sr.) and USA (Stanley Ann Dunham). He was also a citizen of Indonesia when he was adopted by his step father Lolo Soetoro.

How can a person with DUAL citizenship, who has allegiances to counties other than the USA be a Natural Born Citizen?

NBC=Two Citizen ParentS and Born on US Soil.

You see, it doesn’t matter if Barack Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii, his Dual Citizenship disqualifies him for POTUS. This should be your focus Megyn, please don’t disappoint!”

“Will Fox News cover this story in a “fair and balanced” manner? Megyn Kelly has supposedly been researching this story. Will she do real research and report with objectivity? Will Kelly actually read the statements from Dr. Fukino, examine the steps taken by Obama and his cadres of attorneys to avoid presenting a real birth certificate? Will Kelly review the natural born citizen clause and what it means? Will Kelly consider the fact that Obama has done everything in his power to hide his past including his college records?”
Read more

We now have an answer as to whether or not Fox News, Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly intend to cover the Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin story with indepth research and objectivity.

I have a great many facts and opinions to use to respond to the biased, unprofessional statements of O’Reilly and Kelly on Fox. However, for the moment, the following, perhaps, screams louder.

From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff, in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“Friday, April 16, 2010

Newspaper Birth Announcement Ads in 1961 in two Hawaiian Newspapers do NOT prove Obama was physically born in Hawaii.

Newspaper Birth Announcement Ads in 1961 in two Hawaiian Newspapers do NOT prove Obama was physically born in Hawaii.

The two announcements in the Hawaiian newspaper in 1961 only prove a birth was REGISTERED there, not that he was born there. A registration was allowed under Hawaiian law in 1961 to be made by any family member via a simple mail-in form to the state Health Department. No 3rd party or independent witnesses to the birth were required. The statement of a family member registering a new born child as born home was accepted into the registration system with little or not questions back then. Thus the family could lie and register a birth in Hawaii when it occurred elsewhere, anywhere in the world, simply to get the child U.S. citizenship, a highly coveted status then and now. The false registration was not done so he could be President some day. The false registration was done to get the new born child citizenship for that time. It was a case of birth registration fraud to illegally gain U.S. citizenship for a foreign born child of the family.

Given Hawaii’s very lax birth registration laws, as I said, Obama could have been born anywhere in the world and if Obama’s maternal grandma filled out the form and mailed it in to the birth registration office saying Obama was born at their home in Hawaii, a vital record would be created. And the birth announcement was on the list of births registered that week and which lists were sent routinely each week to the two newspapers. With data systems it is GIGO, garbage (false registration data) in yields garbage out (fraudulently created birth record in the state’s vital record system out). And with a falsified birth registration in the system, subsequent computer print outs in later years and carefully crafted statements by Hawaiian officials that they have a record of Obama being born in Hawaii can be obtained and made. But those printouts and statements are being made based on a falsified vital record mail-in registration form back in 1961., an online newspaper, did investigations on this first in 2009. They also did follow on stories in 2010 into how the newspaper ads were placed in those two papers in 1961 and the research revealed that the birth announcements were placed by the state, not the family. See these two article links below and many other articles as to how the Honolulu Advertiser and the other sister pub got the birth announcements from a list from the state each week, not from the families. These were public service birth announcements provided by the state. Garbage/falsified data on the available and simple birth registration mail-in form sent into the birth registration office in 1961 by a fraudulent filing by Obama’s grandmother to get her foreign born new grandson U.S. citizenship, illegally but easily given Hawaii’s lax laws back then, yielded a birth announcement in the paper for a birth in Hawaii that was registered there but did not physically occur in Hawaii. Obama was physically not born in Hawaii, as James Orengo, Member of Parliament, in Kenya recently attested to, as have other MPs in Kenya and as have members of Obama’s paternal line family in Kenya.

2009 investigation into the two Obama Birth newspaper announcements:

2010 follow-up investigation report in the Obama Birth newspaper announcements:

My explanation to Bill Cunningham on his nationally syndicated radio show in the summer of 2009:

The main stream media is deliberately lying about how these birth announcements got into those newspapers when they tell America that the family placed the ads and that someone was anticipating that someday Obama would run for President. First the family did not place the ads, the state did. And the family member simply filed the false birth registration data on the mail-in form for the obvious purpose of gaining the child U.S. citizenship, a highly coveted status then and now. Birth registration fraud occurs today and it occurred then. And it occurred in with Obama. The Hawaiian authorities were victims of the birth registration fraud by Obama’s grandmother back in 1961 and now instead of admitting it, they are covering up that there is no independent evidence to verify the false registration that Obama was born in Hawaii. No hospital or doctor’s name no medical attendants name at the home. Nothing. Just the false testimony of the grandmother on a mail-in form that no one verified back in 1961.

With the contradictory statements being made in Kenya by government officials there and members of the family there that Obama was born in Kenya and is not a native born American, the true legal identity needs to be investigated in a court of law. Any reasonable person looking at the evidence for and against Obama being born in Hawaii would say there is reasonable doubt he was born in Hawaii and would demand a further investigation. But the media is covering up for Obama by making false statements to protect him. The media created Obama, covered up for him, and is still a propaganda organ for him. This is a national disgrace.

CDR Charles Kerchner

Posted by cfkerchner at 10:37 PM

316 responses to “Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Lies, Obama birth certificate, Obama not natural born citizen, Lakin constitutional oath, Lakin court marshall

  1. Linda from NY

    Wow! It’s all there…This post should go viral!

    You never cease to amaze me, CW! It is great to have all of this information compiled in one place for our reference and review.

    Great Post! Great Summary! Great Idea!

    Thanks so much for all you do…Linda

  2. From the TP&E:

    Please send this EXCELLENT & GREAT information to people far & wide: This is what the TRUE definition of what a “birther” truly is:

    * * * *

    Friday, April 16, 2010 at 4:37 PM

    “Birther” :

    A patriot who holds dear every word of the Contract between the People and the Government that is the envy of the world and whose ratification heralded the “BIRTH” of this great nation – The Constitution of the United States of America.”


    * * * *
    Durus says:

    Friday, April 16, 2010 at 10:08 PM

    A more excellent definition for “birther”, indeed!

    * * * *

  3. The U.S. Army says a surgeon who has publicly refused to follow any further orders until he sees documentation that Barack Obama is eligible to be president is being “reassigned” at Walter Reed Army Hospital after he refused to deploy to Afghanistan as scheduled.

    Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama’s eligibility.

    While there have been reports Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing an imminent court-martial, Army spokesman Chuck Dasey told WND today that Lakin is only “under investigation” at this point.

  4. As Rush would say… “Don’t pay attention to what they say, pay attention to what they do.” The fact that they never let anyone on the air who can actually present the facts, without ridicule and constant interruption, shows that they know what’s going on and are not allowed to say anything. They had to do the report on Lakin because it was getting attention.

  5. Linda from NY

    “Good to be Right” by Catfish Willie – Tea Party Music

  6. Linda from NY

    Jerome // April 17, 2010 at 11:05 am

    Hey, Jerr! Have to agree with Rush on this one!

    “They had to do the report on Lakin because it was getting attention.”

    Agree with you here, too.

    Sad, though, that TRUE INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM is dead! What the “Liberal Press” will do to suppress a story, huh?

    Peeved in NY…Linda

  7. dyoung @ 7:23 am
    That was an excellent video Dylan Ratigan did explaining Goldman Sachs frauds on WE THE PEOPLE and anything that moved. Great analogy with the car and the insurance bets AIG-taxpayers on the hook for 100 cents on the dollar. Does Geitner know how to negotiate or what? Pensioners=victims, taxpayers=victims and these crooks have the nerve to nominate themselves as the “smartest guys on the street” NO, you’re the biggest crooks EVER, you make poor Bernie Madoff look like a piker. I bet Eliot Spitzer is just itching to go back to work. When this Goldman stuff starts being investigated this will bring in lots more companies, players and other crooks. I bet there are many extremely nervous (they know their guilty participation) people out there. Mr. Picard has used CLAWBACK successfully for Madoff’s victims so precedence has been established. It would be so wonderful if the taxpayers could get 50 per cent or better of their money back. Maybe CRIME wont pay after all. Wouldn’t that be loverly. I think this is going to be huge and the tentacles will reach from DC to Wall Street and back again. I think it will get very UGLY, good.
    Irving H Picard
    It’s unclear how many people might have profited from Madoff’s practices, which went on for years and entangled tens of thousands of clients who invested directly or via hedge funds. But in previous fraud cases, investors who profited unjustly have faced partial or total clawbacks, and New York State law may allow authorities to retrieve gains over the last six years. That law applies even if the client had no clue that the profits were fraudulent.

  8. Linda from NY

    Starla // April 17, 2010 at 10:42 am

    Good Morning, Starla!

    Maybe, we should send that definition to Beck; you know, the guy who put “birthers” down.

    This definition does, however, lend itself to the broader “interpretation” of how the “Usurper” stole the WH in spite of the Constitutional Requirements.

    Thanks for sharing…Linda 😉

    Illinois Mayor Expresses Doubts About Obama’s Citizenship

    My “out on a limb” prediction from Friday, January 22, 2010:

    IF this trend of AKA Obama’s approval numbers falling continues, a prominent person (media or political) will endorse the investigation of AKA Obama’s hidden personal history.

    Saturday, April 17, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends

  11. #

    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 11:22 am

    Jerome // April 17, 2010 at 11:05 am

    Hey, Jerr! Have to agree with Rush on this one!

    “They had to do the report on Lakin because it was getting attention.”

    Agree with you here, too.

    Sad, though, that TRUE INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM is dead! What the “Liberal Press” will do to suppress a story, huh?

    Peeved in NY…Linda


    You’re so right! What we see on TV these days is NEWS ENTERTAINMENT and the reporters are just actors more concerned with their careers, making money and keeping their ratings up.

  12. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Morning, Chelley!

    All the more reason LTC Lakin must prevail so that we can “TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK” and make the “Robber Barons” pay back every RED CENT they took from us as well.

    To Patriots everywhere…




    Happy Day, Chelley…Lindy 😉

  13. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:29 am

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:30 am


    Thanks for the info…Linda 🙂

  14. Jacqlyn Smith

    Pt. 1……Dylan Ratigan blows the Goldman Sachs Bank Fraud WIDE OPEN…

    Now the question is, why are “they” letting him tell the truth on national TV?

  15. Jacqlyn Smith

    Sorry about my previous post….it would not embed so go here to see both parts…..eye opening…..

    !!! Dylan Ratigan blows the Goldman Sachs Bank Fraud WIDE OPEN!!!

    Dylan Ratigan blows the Goldman Sachs Bank Fraud WIDE OPEN

    Special Thanks to User ID: 941912 Netherlands for finding the UT vides

    here is the link. If you are NOT OUTRAGED after this then YOUR DEAD

  16. Deists, Deitism, etc. the root of this word is GOD.

    Latin: Deo
    Portuguese: Deus
    Spanish: Dio
    French: Dieu

    Therefore Diests are people that BELIEVE in GOD not what these parasites think it means, today.
    They are great Twister, Perverter, Sabotagers, etc. of TRUTH. Example today Bad means Good, Gay=Homosexual instead of Happy…etc.

    Deism is from God…not without God or whatever they try and tell you.

    BTW way back then not many people were Godless like it is today. When we trun our back on God he does not have favor with US.

    God Bless US

  17. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:29 am

    Hey, Chelley…I just thought of something.

    With more people jumping on the “bandwagon,” exposure to the “eligibility issue” increases exponentially.

    It is certainly “Good News” that more people are questioning pp’s eligibility.

    Thanks for sharing…Lindy

    PS Please listen to RBN Online…they are talking about Catholic Issues…Thanks!

  18. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 11:37 am

    Hey, Jackie! How are you doing?

    “Now the question is, why are “they” letting him tell the truth on national TV?”

    Does RAP come to mind?

    Just wondering…Linda

  19. CW…..

    I’m going to send your commentary to all my email contacts. thx

    Re. Analysis by Lame Cherry on Lt. Col Larkin.

    “A court martial would give Lt. Col Larkin full access to defend himself, by subpoenaing all of Obama’s hidden records to settle this once and for all if “O” is a fraud or as he is proven already illegitimate!”

  20. Jacqlyn Smith

    I hope Dylan Ratigan has his back covered….he is exposing some good stuff here and even mentions the FRAUD by name!!!

  21. Linda from NY @ 11:32 am
    As true believers in our Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE, on some level I think we all think/thought that TRUTH would prevail. Not only Obama is a liar, but look at some of our institutions-lying through their teeth and then some. Now the TRUTH is like a waterfall just rushing down, it is NOT going to be fun but for our country to get on an honest solid footing and right our ship of state all this travail will be worth it in the end. I’m just sorry that so many of our fellow Americans had to suffer because of these beyond notorious jerk criminal monsters.
    I can’t wait to see what Eliot Spitzer has to write about all of this. He knows and he has known all along-I wonder what huge efforts they had to employ to “eliminate” him, so glad he and his wife and family saw the bigger picture and endured. I would vote for him if I could, anyone who ever went through the vilification process like he did would never do anything remotely naughty again. They knew how to play him so well, by type-bookish, wonkish not too worldly just put temptation in the way often enough and well you see the result. This does not excuse bad behavior, but the person is so much wiser to all the ways of the world, I doubt that they would repeat.

  22. Linda from NY

    hapnHal // April 17, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Hey, Hap! I am going to do the same!

    Great Post, eh? Lots of great information and so complete!

    BTW…Love that quote from Lame Cherry; one of my favorites.

    Happy Day, Hal…Linda

  23. Just in case it has not been posted it here yet….

    Justice Thomas: “We are avoiding the eligibility issue”

  24. Jacqlyn Smith

    More info here folks…..

    8 more banks closed by FDIC oh yeah it’s a recovery.

    Regulators on Friday shut down eight banks — three in Florida, two in California, and one each in Massachusetts, Michigan and Washington — putting the number of U.S. bank failures this year at 50.

    So is anybody buying this recovery?

  25. Could someone please post a link to where we can donate to Lt. Col. Lakin’s defense?

  26. Jacqlyn Smith


    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 11:37 am

    Hey, Jackie! How are you doing?

    “Now the question is, why are “they” letting him tell the truth on national TV?”

    Does RAP come to mind?

    Just wondering…Linda

    Hey Linda…..doing okay….just waiting for the other shoe to drop……how about you???

    I’m not sure RAP has anything to do with this… commenter said this may be their way of starting a Civil War and declaring martial law…..I hope everyone watches those two videos though….very revealing!!!
    God Bless you too 🙂

  27. Philo-Publius

    In 1985, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote: “There is simply no historical foundation for the proposition that the Framers intended to build the ‘wall of separation’ that was constitutionalized in Everson. But the greatest injury of the ‘wall’ notion is the mischievous diversion of judges from the actual intentions of the drafters of the Bill of Rights. No amount of repetition of historical errors in judicial opinions can make the errors true. The “wall of separation between church and state” is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.”

  28. For those who might not have seen it, this has been brought over from prior thread:

    Has anyone heard that Orly’s Quo Warranto case was dismissed by Judge Lamberth?

    Check this out (the legal documents are posted).
    At first it seemed the case was going forward, but then ultimately he finally dismissed it. (read down to the end.)

    Another one has bitten the dust!?!! Why is it so hard to get anywhere in court? The main reason given is that she lacked standing. Sakes alive, according to the judge, it has to be the Attorney General of the U.S. or a District Attorney to bring the case. Why cannot we the people have any say at all? I know what jbjd would say, because she knew all along that this case would fail.

  29. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:47 am

    “As true believers in our Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE, on some level I think we all think/thought that TRUTH would prevail. Not only Obama is a liar, but look at some of our institutions-lying through their teeth and then some. Now the TRUTH is like a waterfall just rushing down, it is NOT going to be fun but for our country to get on an honest solid footing and right our ship of state all this travail will be worth it in the end. I’m just sorry that so many of our fellow Americans had to suffer because of these beyond notorious jerk criminal monsters.”

    Oh, Chelley…how true!

    BTW…Spitzer was SET-UP! I cannot believe he would be that FOOLISH! They caught him between a rock and a hard place IMHO. He had no choice but to resign. I watched his wife; I do not think she believes it, either. She had to go along to make it all believable.

    He has to stay out of Politics IMHO to be effective; a place where he did not belong. The Law and Politics are an oxymoron IMHO. He was good at what he does well; going after CORRUPTION as a prosecutor. That is where he belongs IMHO.

    I’ll bet he is just “itching” to “weigh” in on this Goldman Sachs Debacle. Cannot wait until someone has him on a “talk show” to “air” his side of the story. It should make for good analysis as well as good vibes.

    Peace Be With You, Chelley…Lindy

    PS The American people are resilient…We will survive this…we have survived the worst indignities…besides, it’s only money! Right now, it is just represented as a worthless NOTE!

    Money must be backed by GOLD or it is worthless so why are we worried about losing these worthless Federal Reserve Notes?

    The Wealth of our Nation has been STOLEN; we CAN get it back, and WE WILL!

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy 🙂

  30. Citizen Wells, do you know where we can donate to Lt. Col. Lakin’s defense?
    If you would provide a link, I would like to challenge all CW lurkers and posters to help with his cause!

  31. Hi, Linda – ( 10:13 from prior thread

    I agree with you about Justice Thomas and the eligibility issue. Many of us are letter writers, including myself, but this is one area, for the time being, that we would be wise IMHO to refrain from too much contact with Supreme Court members. It could hurt our cause. They won’t respond anyway, and I’m not so certain that it would influence them positively.

  32. Starla (from prior thread):

    Thanks so much for sharing the Matt Barber article with CW’s. I had just read that a few minutes before coming over to CW and was greatly impressed with it.

  33. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 11:52 am

    Hi, Jackie! I’m not having a good day; we had a cold front move through the area so I am aching today…just temporary…not to worry.

    Things that go “bump” in the “light” of day are not just coincidences IMHO.

    I just think there is more to this than meets the eye…financial revelations could be connected to RAP or not, however, it might also be a ploy to make people [taxpayers] think the “gubmint” is looking out for them. It could be a precursor of “things to come” as well.

    Anyway you look at it, it is hard to tell. We have to be ever watchful of what is going on around us to make even minor sense of it all.

    Keeping my eyes open in NY…Linda

  34. Either the Candidates Confront Obama’s Eligibility or They Don’t Get My Vote

    Unless Candidates Running For Office In November Confront the Issue of BHO” Eligibility—I am not voting for him/her.

    Not until every person who is running for office this November confronts the major issue of Obama’s eligibility to be president under the NBC article of the constitution will I consider any one of the candidates to have the sufficient moral and ethical character to represent me on any issue. Those running who deliberately ignore this issue are demonstrating their weakness by refusing to confront the one and most vital issue–Obama’s right to be president–in trade for their political careers and opportunities. Thus, they are proving to me, their weak characters and moral turpitude. They will be no better or different than any other politician who has willingly suppressed this issue in trade for his 30 pieces of silver.

    This list includes Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the rest of the disingenuous politicians running around the country shouting how much they want to take back America and restore America to the Republic under the Constitution. Unless they force Obama to release his records and come clean about who he really is–they, too, are as complicit and guilty as Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, and the rest of the Democratic thugs who conspired to perpetrate the great fraud upon America and the world in all of America’s history.

    Because of their selfish ambtions, America and the world are paying the greatest price of all–the loss of our freedom, prosperity, and our beloved constitution. Unless these candidates are willing to put country above their personal ambitions, I refuse to support any of them.

    To date the only person running with enough courage to confront this issue and the issue of Obama’s closet homosexuality is Larry Sinclair who may or may not have raised sufficient money to run. I would vote for Larry in a heartbeat if he runs.

  35. Linda from NY

    Philo-Publius // April 17, 2010 at 11:59 am

    Thanks, Philo…for the quote from Chief Justice Rehnquist!

    IMHO, Chief Justice Rehnquist was a wise and honorable Chief Justice. Am not sure about his successor, though, especially if he was part and parcel to putting the “Fraud” in the WH.

    Thanks for sharing…Linda 😉

  36. Thank you, CW! James said on the last post:

    We have been told through official channels that charges against LTC Lakin will be handed down shortly–perhaps as early as tomorrow.

    We have not reached our goal to raise $50,000 to hire civilian counsel to represent LTC Lakin, and, confidentially, are only about half way there.

    Terry needs civilian counsel NOW and not just anyonesomeone who is both a proven trial lawyer and a proven conservative who will champion both Terry and our cause to uphold the Constitutions requirement that only natural born citizens hold the highest office in the land.

    CW posted the link at 12:11 p.m.

    Posters and lurkers, please donate if you are able!

  37. >>>>>>>>>>Please Join Us to MARCH ON WASHINGTON THIS SUMMER! >>>DEMAND THE TRUTH! WE WANT THE TRUTH FROM OBAMA — WE NEED HIM TO PROVE HE IS A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN AND ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT!!!! _______________________ To sign up for the March on Washington — go to: http://WWW.DEMANDTHETRUTH.WORDPRESS.COM Click on the email and sign up! ______________________ IMPORTANT: NEW PROOF THAT OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB SITE. This proof is from the Kenyan Government (March 25th, 2010) and is on their official records! Read all about this and then JOIN US!! ____________________________ We are looking for 50,000 people and so far many people have signed up —- BUT WE NEED MORE!!! We need to set the exact date!! ____________________________ If we don’t demand the proof from Obama, he will continue ruining our country!! He was born in Kenya — why should he care about the USA??? Go to: —– SIGN UP NOW!!!!! THANKS!!!!

  38. Linda from NY @ 12:01 pm
    Eliot Spitzer as a Prosecutor.
    “prosecutor. That is where he belongs IMHO.”
    I think you are right. It is more suited to his personality, temperament, basic personality-the combat of pitting his mind v/s the criminal mind plus there is a lot of action.
    Politics I think would be a drag to that sort of personality, too much talking nice to people especially when you don’t want to, little to social for my taste. I like to be where the action is too, and I don’t need the weird frills-like AirForce One and other symbols of power. I think some got way too hung up on symbols-I really don’t like the attitude in DC that the potus and Congress now feel that they are some sort of brahamins (elites) and WE THE PEOPLE are the untouchable class. They deign to come down off Mt Olympus to speak to the people. Give it up DC. The presidency is a job-no more, no less-you don’t get godlike (Messianic) powers with it. One day I’m Michelle, I get elected to potus, then I’m President Michelle-the only the that changed is I have a different job.

  39. To all those who have posted comments re. the religious heritage of this country and its founders, I agree 1,000%. Actually, we are held to a much higher standard by God, because of the light we have had – the foundation upon which this nation was built. People who think otherwise should check out some literature by David Barton, who has done extensive research, including the personal possession of numerous original documents and books from our Founders. Many, if not most, were Christians, not just Deists. Early records are replete with proof of that. The beauty of our country is that, although we were founded on Godly principles, all religions are welcome to practice their faith freely. However, lately the practice of Christianity is coming more and more under fire. Strange, isn’t it, that Muslims seem to enjoy greater liberty than Christians at times.

    We are headed on a downward spiral, and it breaks my heart.

  40. Linda from NY

    citizenwells // April 17, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    Thank you for posting this video!

    All need to see and hear LTC Lakin present his case in his own words.

    He is a very courageous man; not only to be admired, but supported as well.


    Thanks, again…Linda

  41. What was the private secret meeting with congressional members? Was it in 2009 before the election? Did they receive a “gag order” on the eligibility issue to protect obama or was it on the eligibility issue to create a cover for a much larger thing, “ the sting.”

    Here is what we know. Not one senator, representative, Supreme Court justice, elector, governor, law suit or one news source has allowed the eligibility issue to take legs. Radio hosts invited to DC for dinner. Thousands upon thousands of letters sent to these people.

    Someone found someone (obama) practically unknown a few years ago, history and background shady due to his alleged CIA ties. Are they the only agency that could have pulled this off? Someone possibly not smart enough to be a double, evident by impromptu speeches, or he is a good actor. Someone the agency knew would take the country far left toward communism since he had a background and keep the people in the country tied up trying to get to the bottom of the eligibility issue and rallying to save it. At the same time, the sting to bring Chicago thugs, illegal banking, and the CORPORATION down. Lots of information about the three items now available.

    I believe obama is not a NBC and the installers of him to the White House knew this making it an immaterial issue to their mission. My concern now is whether he will be put out to pasture quietly for doing his job or be a hero for saving the country and world.

    Where’s Marty Dilder?

  42. RE: Kim // April 17, 2010 at 11:52 am

    Could someone please post a link to where we can donate to Lt. Col. Lakin’s defense?

    Hi Kim,

    Here is the official web site where people can get the official information about
    Lt. Col. Lakin, and the official relevant documents about this story from Lt. Col. Lakin.

    American Patriot Foundation:

    * FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund
    * “Safeguard Our Constitution”
    * “The Truth Matters”

  43. JS,
    GS Fraud…they are allowing it to be talked about to SHIFT Blame to EVIL Private Corp and away from the EVIL GOV CORPORATION.

    Deflecting the Public Ire.

    This is just like the Blago case shifting blame to save Obama’s neck.

    Shifting Blame to Goldman Sacks and using SEC before we blow it wide open and find the Blame goes all the way to the Top CORP NWO & IMF with US CORPORATION in charge of Domestic Fraud in benefit of NWO, UN, IMF, etc Basically The World Communist Network guided by KGB

  44. This is in reference to the article by Matt Barber, “Barack Obama: Enemy Within”. I have brought over my blog from Townhall, simply because there are some points we need to be aware of:

    The author points out that the only way O is going to be stopped is at the ballot box in November.

    Hmmm……. Let’s advance our thinking to the unthinkable! After all, O has already gone much farther than anyone really expected in such a short time. He sees the grassroots movement progressing and knows it is a threat. When people get desperate they do desperate things.

    First of all, he is putting amnesty on the fast track. With the lightning speed with which he pulls these things off, his supporters may well exceed his opponents.

    Next, expect voter fraud of the greatest dimensions.

    Finally, if he thinks it necessary – if it looks as though all else will fail, he could very easily create a crisis that would require the imposition of martial law, and…… suspend elections.

    Can’t happen? Would you want to bet on it??

  45. Jacqlyn Smith

    Peter…..I believe you are right…..however if you listen to both video’s the FRAUD is mentioned for having received lots of money from these evil folks!!

  46. IS,

    Most people will dismiss that as a “LIE” they won’t believe that their Messiah would do that and if he did it was to help them and damage the people he stole it from….THEY OUTTA BE THANKING HIM.
    That is why it is buried with the other stuff.

    KGB is the trainning arm behind most of what we see happening.
    I heard this yesterday on Savage’s show. There is a book about it. The Cold war wasn’t won totally only partially and they found other means to Defeat us.

  47. GREAT post CW……

    Something has been bothering me lately…in addition to the fact that Zero is not qualified to be in the WH…but the big question of how did it happen in broad daylight and what hidden force put him there in the first place.

    Seems to me all roads lead back to David Rockerfeller, and the CFR which seem to own or manager everything. We definately have a hidden government that running this country.

    A word of warning to those “elected” officials who are now in power. Those old Davy puts on in office can as easily be taken out of office. Sometimes the fall is mighty, just ask John Edwards.

    Seems to me we should be looking and focusing more on the REAL power structure in our country.

    ZERO is a nothing more that a shallow robot who will soon outlive his usefulness and either become a hero or heel….but the real heros like LTC Larkin will be long remembered.

    I vote heel for ZERO

  48. Linda from NY

    usapatriot-shout @ 12:15 PM

    I agree…but I wonder how many cannot say a word because they are somehow “complicit” in the “Fraud.”

    Otherwise, they have no EXCUSE for not questioning his eligibility IMHO EXCEPT to avoid incarceration.

    If, however, it is true pp is merely the CEO of the “Corporation,” then whether or not he is qualified is a moot point. This revelation would trouble me just as much as he does.

    For the most part, the American people are not aware of what has happened. They only know they are against his “policies” so they attack his policies and not the man.

    I wonder if people fear questioning him because of the color of his skin, however, if that is all about which they worry [or I worry, for that matter], then we should wear the “racist label or badge” with pride and oppose him.

    Determining for whom I will vote in the upcoming election will be difficult on so many levels and for so many reasons.

    However, I understand your quandary, and agree they should be held accountable!


  49. Citizen Don in California


    Reverse lawfare — a lawsuit is being prepared against the 94,000 Moe descendants for over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents.

    Back in March I reported on a new front that opened in the Islamic litigation jihad on the vastly superior West. A Saudi Arabian law firm launched a mega Muslim lawfare attack against the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten for the cartoons of Muhammad. The Saudi firm claims to represent 94,000 of Muhammad’s descendants.

    In a major counter offensive, Hans Erling Jensen, Eticha (HEJ), has counter sued — “now we know where to send our claims for all the threats, the bullying and violent acts that have come out of the Quran and hadith the last many centuries!” The Quran violates Danish law, specifically the well known ‘hate speech’ article 266b. Turning lawfare against jihad. I love it!
    It’s about time someone pushed back at the muslims.

  50. Jacqlyn Smith

    The Obama Spin Machine Fights Trial …

    I missed this video….did you all see this with Dr. Manning….

  51. I don’t understand the need to donate for LTC.Lakin’s Defense, Gas money to drive to DC and go to the Congressional Archives, and prove he did not meet the Eligibilty for President of the US, a Natural Born Citizen, which are those born in a country to citizen parents. Just like we were taught in school.

  52. Rocknee @ 12:29 pm
    That Obama may be part of a sting operation is a possibility-we don’t know why both the Obamas had their law licenses pulled, may be part of a plea bargain who knows?
    Sting operations were used extensively in Chicago and suburbs-I guess the cops got tired of chasing crooks/or got smart so they made their own “chop shops” and the crooks came to them with their ill gotten booty.
    Possible Obama was selected as not NBC, knowing he could/should get yanked at anytime lest power go to his head, maybe he had a reputation as a crook/go-between/South Side hood making him a useful attractive nuisance. He and Jarrett should win the Nobel prize for most disgusting slum lords ever.
    With all the lying surrounding Obama anything/everything is possible.

  53. My posts are still stuck in limbo someplace.

  54. JS,

    Couldn’t watch the video after clicking on link got this.


  55. TO:
    Margie // April 17, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    I don’t understand the need to donate for LTC.Lakin’s Defense, Gas money to drive to DC and go to the Congressional Archives, and prove he did not meet the Eligibilty for President of the US, a Natural Born Citizen, which are those born in a country to citizen parents. Just like we were taught in school.

    I don’t understand how it works but I would think the Military would give him a lawyer that is qualified to litigate within their court BUT it may be beneficial to have a civil lawyer to oversee it so that there is no shananigans

  56. MCM 14.c(2)(b) Sub (2),(a.i,ii) Inference of Lawfullness.

    i. An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and is disobeyed at the peril of a subordinate. The inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.

    ii. Determination of Lawfulness.
    The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a Military Judge.

    Bare with me, this may twist your brains a bit…

    Under the Geneva Conventions, any military member found to be operating under an illegitimate/unlawful Leadership on a field of war will be subject to prosecution as a War Criminal. As we know, via the Nuremberg trials… Ignorance of an Unlawful order is not an excuse, justification, or reason to carry it out. You will be tried, and you will most likely be executed for doing so if found guilty of the offence.

    Therefore under (i) The inference dose not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.

    Fact of redress, until there is a clear cut answer as to the eligibility issue of a lawful Commander in Chief directing the US Military, all military members are being ordered into the commission of crimes (war Crimes) as outlined in the Geneva Conventions and the international Laws of War.

    Ergo, the law of Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as the Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical accountability in cases of war crimes:

    Codification: The first international treaty to comprehensively codify the doctrine of command responsibility was the Additional Protocol I (“AP I”) of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

    Article 86(2) states that: the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from …responsibility … if they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or about to commit such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.

    Article 87 obliges a commander to “prevent and, where necessary, to suppress and report to competent authorities” any violation of the Conventions and of AP I.

    In Article 86(2) for the first time a provision would “explicitly address the knowledge factor of command responsibility.

    Definitions: In the discussion regarding “command responsibility” the term “command” can be defined as
    A De jure (legal) command, which can be both military and civilian. The determining factor here is not rank but subordination.

    Four structures are identified:

    Policy command: heads of state, high-ranking government officials, monarchs
    Strategic command: War Cabinet, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Operational command: military leadership; in Yamashita it was established that operational command responsibility cannot be ceded for the purpose of the doctrine of command responsibility – operational commanders must exercise the full potential of their authority to prevent war crimes, failure to supervise subordinates or non-assertive orders don’t exonerate the commander.

    Tactical command: direct command over troops on the ground.

    International case law has developed two special types of “de jure commanders.”
    Prisoners-of-war (POW) camp commanders: the ICTY established in Aleskovski that POW camp commanders are entrusted with the welfare of all prisoners, and subordination in this case is irrelevant.

    Executive commanders: supreme governing authority in the occupied territory – subordination is again irrelevant, their responsibility is the welfare of the population in the territory under their control, as established in the High Command and Hostages cases after World War II.

    De facto (factual) command, which specifies effective control, as opposed to formal rank. This needs a superior-subordinate relationship.

    Indicia are:
    Capacity to issue orders.

    Power of influence:
    influence is recognized as a source of authority in the Ministries case before the US military Tribunal after World War II.

    Evidence stemming from distribution of tasks:
    the ICTY has established the Nikolic test – superior status is deduced from analysis of distribution of tasks within the unit, it applies both to operational and POW camp commanders.

    Additional Protocol I and the Statutes of the ICTY, the ICTR, and the ICC makes prevention or prosecution of crimes mandatory.

    Stick with me here….

    Under (ii) The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a Military Judge. This means that although the Military Judge will not address the lawful/unlawfulness of O to be President or CINC as stated in the Courts-Martial. He will never-the-less need to have O’s vital documents read into the record as evidence in order to make a decision on the lawfulness of the orders to have final word on the Courts-Martial. Thus in order for him to make a decision under the UCMJ, he will also have to take into account the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the internal laws of war

    If the CINC refuses to grant those vital documents, then the Military Judge will have no choice than exonerate. Likewise, although the Military Judge can not press the issue of discerning the legitimacy should those vital documents show the CINC not to be a Natural Born Citizen… He will by law, none-the-less have to pass those documents off to the Civilian authority over the military for any legal recourse or action. Which would be the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of State at the bare minium.

  57. I give Up…. Will try some other time to get that posted. I keep going into moderation.

  58. Jacqlyn Smith


    Couldn’t watch the video after clicking on link got this.


    Peter….are you talking about the manning one?? I can get it fine! Here’s the youtube link…

  59. Fernley Girl

    If I understand the process correctly, Lakin will have to go through the courts-martial system, and then will have to appeal through the civil courts. (That presumes that the courts-martial will not allow discovery. Without discovery Lakin cannot defend his refusal of a lawful order.)
    jbjd, if you’re lurking please explain the process.

  60. Jacqlyn Smith

    Sorry Peter it won’t let me just post the link for some reason!

  61. Fernley Girl // April 17, 2010 at 1:16
    If I understand the process correctly

    I have posted on this 3 times since very early this morning. however they keep getting stuck on moderation.

  62. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    Hey, Jackie! I heard this video before; I believe it has been posted here.

    I wonder, though, what evidence Rev. Manning has that lends credibility to pp being a CIA Operative. It has been alleged that Bill Ayers, too, was a CIA Operative. That could be their initial connection.

    It does seem probable because the CIA has recruited some unsavory people to aid them in collecting information in places where they could not operate. This is according to the old CIA Operating Manual. Nowadays, they rely too heavily on technology and not enough on “human intelligence.”

    I do not know about what Rev. Manning is worried…what they are allowing to come to “light” are more lies they feel comfortable revealing…it just makes pp look worse and really does not discredit Rev. Manning IMHO.

    If Rev. Manning has “proof,” then he rests in the “truth.” I do not think they have any “proof” at all…just more cover-up with “sealed records” that make what they reveal continue to be “suspicious.” It is merely a diversion to confuse; not a revelation in the slightest. Rev. Manning probably knows that, and it makes him angry they would stoop this low.

    However, IMHO, Rev. Manning needs to put his trust more in the Lord and not concern himself with this nonsense. His BP must be sky high over this latest development, though.

    Praying for Rev. Manning in NY…Linda

  63. Jacqlyn Smith

    Blogger Responds to Obama: ‘We Will Never Say Thank You’

  64. Jacqlyn Smith


    CRB // April 17, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    I give Up…. Will try some other time to get that posted. I keep going into moderation.

    CRB….I don’t know what you are trying to post but sometimes if there is bad language or if the post it too long it will stay in moderation…..make sure there is NO bad language and try posting whatever in pieces…this could help! 🙂

  65. Citizen Don in California

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // April 17, 2010 at 1:05 pm
    If I remember correctly, the defense does not have an attorney, just an officer appointed. The attorney comes into play on the appeal unless the defendent hires one to work with the appointed officer.

    I could be very wrong though. It has been many years since I was in the military.

  66. Jacqlyn Smith

    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    Hey, Jackie! I heard this video before; I believe it has been posted here.

    I wonder, though, what evidence Rev. Manning has that lends credibility to pp being a CIA Operative. It has been alleged that Bill Ayers, too, was a CIA Operative. That could be their initial connection.


    Linda…..I think Manning is wise putting all of this out there… will help keep him safe as if they try to knock him off….the whole world will know why and who done it!!! Also….that was new information to me that he went to school in Moscow…..if that comes to light and hits the mass media then the FRAUD should be done for….more evidence the Communist have infiltrated our White House…..if nothing else the FRAUD should be impeached and held up for TREASON!!!

  67. Linda from NY

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    Hey, observer!

    Perfect! Krauthammer at his best but then, when is he not at his best?

    I really enjoy his commentary…Thanks for sharing that link.

    Happy Day…Linda

  68. No wonder Judge Thomas is speaking in the way he has recently, I forgot about his wife who is Tea Party. She says in this video DC is afraid of the Tea Party movement.

    secularstupidest — April 16, 2010 — The Atlanta Tea Party was graced with the opportunity to hear from Virginia Thomas. She was a refreshing voice from DC. May her patriotic devotion spread across that city! How many champions for the Constitution, our Founding, and Liberty are walking the halls of power, or have close access to those who do, and need to come out into the streets with their fellow citizens to demand fidelity to all that makes America’s foundations exceptional? Please, for our Nation’s sake, follow Virginia!

  69. Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:23 pm

    No, JS…No potty mouth going on, just a big post… Lots of Military Law stuff in it.

  70. Has Rev. Manning ever talked to Tom Fife re: the “Moscow connection”?

  71. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    “Also….that was new information to me that he went to school in Moscow…..if that comes to light and hits the mass media then the FRAUD should be done for….more evidence the Communist have infiltrated our White House…..if nothing else the FRAUD should be impeached and held up for TREASON!!!”

    Jackie, I think this is just a smoke-screen; a diversion to confuse the issue. They could say anyone posted that information; even Rev. Manning. IMHO, it is meaningless. Why would anyone in his/her right mind claim that pp went to a school in Moscow? It would send up a red flag faster than the speed of light! They could blame it on Rev. Manning, too, even if he never mentioned Moscow.

    It was just “leaked” to make Rev. Manning look just as ridiculous as the “leaked” information…to make him look like a conspiracy theorist who can easily be discounted.


  72. Jacqlyn Smith

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Has Rev. Manning ever talked to Tom Fife re: the “Moscow connection”?


    Observer…..It all makes sense then that some high official in Russia spilt the beans to Fife long before the FRAUD was placed in the White House…..I have said all along that Fife was not and could not be making this stuff up…..he gave too many details of his chance meeting with the arrogant Russian woman at that party he attended way back when!!! UMMM…I wonder too is Fife is in touch with Manning???

    The Tea Party Movement sure has gotten people all in a dither.

  74. Jacqlyn Smith

    Linda….I would have to listen again but I swear I heard Manning say that he does have the goods on the FRAUD and indeed he did attend that Moscow college talked about in his video….did I hear wrong???

  75. Linda from NY

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    Nah…Appellate Court!

    “Liu would bring added diversity to the appellate courts. There are no Asian-Americans actively serving, although Obama also has nominated U.S. District Judge Denny Chin for the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Liu would serve on the 9th Circuit. The liberal Alliance for Justice said there are 25 judges on that court who were chosen by Democratic presidents, and 22 chosen by Republican presidents.”

    Just noting, observer…Linda

  76. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    Jackie, I thought he said, “NO, he didn’t!”

    Guess we will both have to listen, again, huh?

    Not absolutely sure in NY…Linda

    BTW…How is it going with your new status?

  77. Speech about media bias of the Tea Party
    I was curious about the Tea Party in my hometown Chicago-Obama NOT.
    The Obama garbage started in Chicago, Rick Santelli’s rant started in Chicago.
    Let the reign of terror-Obama-end in Chicago.
    to think I was once a Chicago Democrat now proud Tea Party member.

  78. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Geeez, I hope not! If anyone makes a “Moscow” connection to Rev. Manning, that would not bode well IMHO. Think about it!

    If Rev. Manning wants to discount the “Moscow School Connection,” then he cannot have any connection with Moscow, Capiche?

    Just noting…Linda

  79. Linda from NY @ 1:20 pm
    “I wonder, though, what evidence Rev. Manning has that lends credibility to pp being a CIA Operative. It has been alleged that Bill Ayers, too, was a CIA Operative. That could be their initial connection.”
    I wonder if this is what “Inspector Smith” could have been also a CIA operative-remember when he said paraphrasing …sometimes it takes people like me… when he got the Mobassa birth certificate-could they have all worked together somewhere along the line.. and know each others “dark” secrets, skeletons etc.

  80. Trying this one last time:
    Although I know Military Law and the International Treaties it must also stay consistent with, I am not a Lawyer. However, there is more to Military Law than just the UCMJ when it comes to a Courts-Martial of this caliber. First and foremost, Military Law is also subject to and subservient to international treaties such the Geneva Conventions, and the international Laws of War. The Lt. Col. is a dually Commissioned Military Officer, and it is not only his job, but his duty to disobey orders he thinks might be unconstitutional as we discussed yesterday and the day before about Military Oaths

    MCM 14.c(2)(b) Sub (2),(a.i,ii) Inference of Lawfullness.

    i. An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and is disobeyed at the peril of a subordinate. The inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that
    directs the commission of a crime.

    ii. Determination of Lawfulness.
    The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a Military Judge.

    Bare with me, this may twist your brains a bit…

    Under the Geneva Conventions, any military member found to be operating under an illegitimate/unlawful Leadership on a field of war will be subject to prosecution as a War Criminal. As we know, via the Nuremberg trials. Ignorance of an Unlawful order is not an excuse, justification, or reason to carry it out. You will be tried, and you will most likely be executed for doing so if found guilty of the offence.

    Therefore under (i) The inference dose not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.

    Fact of redress, until there is a clear cut answer as to the eligibility issue of a lawful Commander in Chief directing the US Military, all military members are being ordered into the commission of crimes (war Crimes) as outlined in the Geneva Conventions and the international Laws of War.

    Ergo, the law of Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as the Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical accountability in cases of war crimes:

    Codification: The first international treaty to comprehensively codify the doctrine of command responsibility was the Additional Protocol I (API) of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

    Article 86(2) states that: the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from .responsibility . if they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or about to commit such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.

    Article 87 obliges a commander to “prevent and, where necessary, to suppress and report to competent authorities” any violation of the Conventions and of

    In Article 86(2) for the first time a provision would explicitly address the knowledge factor of command responsibility.

    In the discussion regarding command responsibility the term command can be defined as: A De jure (legal) command, which can be both military and civilian. The determining factor here is not rank but subordination.

    Four structures are identified:

    Policy command:
    Heads of state, high-ranking government officials, monarchs

    Strategic command:
    War Cabinet, Joint Chiefs of Staff

    Operational command:
    military leadership; in Yamashita it was established that operational command responsibility cannot be ceded for the purpose of the doctrine of command responsibility – operational commanders must exercise the full potential of their authority to prevent war crimes, failure to supervise subordinates or non-assertive orders don’t exonerate
    the commander.

    Tactical command: direct command over troops on the ground.

    International case law has developed two special types of de jure commanders:

    Prisoners-of-war Camp Commanders:
    the ICTY established in Aleskovski that POW camp commanders are entrusted with the welfare of all prisoners,
    and subordination in this case is irrelevant.

    Executive commanders:
    supreme governing authority in the occupied territory – subordination is again irrelevant, their responsibility is the
    welfare of the population in the territory under their control, as established in the High Command and Hostages cases after World War II.

    De facto (factual) command, which specifies effective control, as opposed to formal rank. This needs a superior-subordinate relationship.

    Indicia are:
    Capacity to issue orders.

    Power of influence:
    influence is recognized as a source of authority in the Ministries case before the US military Tribunal after World War II.

    Evidence stemming from distribution of tasks:
    the ICTY has established the Nikolic test – superior status is deduced from analysis of distribution of tasks within the unit, it applies both to operational and POW camp commanders.

    Additional Protocol I and the Statutes of the ICTY, the ICTR, and the ICC makes prevention or prosecution of crimes mandatory.

    Stick with me here….

    Under (ii) The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a Military Judge. This means that although the Military Judge will not address the lawful/unlawfulness of O to be President or CINC as stated in the Courts-Martial. He will never-the-less need to have O’s vital documents read into the record as evidence in order to make a decision on the lawfulness of the orders to have final word on the Courts-Martial. Thus in order for him to make a decision under the UCMJ, he will also have to take into account the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the internal laws of war

    If the CINC refuses to grant those vital documents, then the Military Judge will have no choice than exonerate. Likewise, although the Military Judge can not press the issue of discerning the legitimacy should those vital documents show the CINC not to be a Natural Born Citizen… He will by law, none-the-less have to pass those documents off to the Civilian authority over the military for any legal recourse or action. Which would be the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of State at the bare minium.

  81. Jacqlyn Smith


    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    Jackie, I thought he said, “NO, he didn’t!”

    Guess we will both have to listen, again, huh?

    Not absolutely sure in NY…Linda

    BTW…How is it going with your new status?

    Yes I will listen to it again….are you speaking of my status as a juror?? Nothing new on that front yet….they are getting things organized last I heard!

  82. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    “The Tea Party Movement sure has gotten people all in a dither.”

    Got that right, Chelley!

    Thanks for the giggles…Linda

  83. Nope, Even changing the format didn’t get my post out…. Well when CW goes though the Moderation quer, hopefully he will get it released.

  84. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    “I wonder if this is what “Inspector Smith” could have been also a CIA operative-remember when he said paraphrasing …sometimes it takes people like me…”

    Nah…I think “Inspector Smith” was just referring to his “insignificance” and not anything “clandestine.”

    If they did recruit him, why was he hitting Dr. Taitz for his expenses? The CIA would have financed him, no? And, why would they unless they were the “other” CIA.

    Just saying…Linda

  85. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    re: Liu

    I meant that that’s the logical step for higher nomination in the not so distant future.

  86. Jacqlyn Smith

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Geeez, I hope not! If anyone makes a “Moscow” connection to Rev. Manning, that would not bode well IMHO. Think about it!

    If Rev. Manning wants to discount the “Moscow School Connection,” then he cannot have any connection with Moscow, Capiche?

    Just noting…Linda

    I listened again and I do think that is the evidence Manning has that proves the FRAUD was not at Columbia…..he says NO he did not attend the school in Russia but only under the sense that the opponents are trying to confuse the evidence….I’m not clear what he means….couldn’t he have attended the school in Russia and at the same time have been a CIA operative… sure would explain a lot as to why Fife’s revelations are true!!!

  87. Linda from NY @ 1:57 pm
    I would not worry about Pastor Manning-he has been around the block and he knows this enemy with which he is dealing. He knows exactly what they are throwing at him and will not let his evidence get contaminated by their schmutz.
    I can’t wait until the trial to see what else Pastor Manning may have in his arsenal of truth.

  88. Linda from NY

    Chelly: This one’s for you!

    Scenes From A Tea Party: Tax Day 2010

  89. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Linda from NY @ 1:57 pm
    I would not worry about Pastor Manning-he has been around the block and he knows this enemy with which he is dealing. He knows exactly what they are throwing at him and will not let his evidence get contaminated by their schmutz.
    I can’t wait until the trial to see what else Pastor Manning may have in his arsenal of truth.

    I guess what is bothering me is that Manning has hung on to his so called evidence for so long… he waiting for the FRAUD to hang himself….is this why he wants to wait another month to expose the truth??? Just wondering!

  90. Interesting article re: Chavez rather recent visit and “speech” (rant) at the Patrice Lumumba school in Moscow:

    The growing authoritarianism in Russia and Moscow’s increasing militarism receives Chavez support. The burgeoning power of Russia will be an important element in the new world which Chavez believes is being born, as the power and influence of the United States ends.

    Interesting how, in pre- Obama times, his visits were characterized as “low key” …. well, apparently not anymore!

  91. Part 1: Although I know Military Law and the International Treaties it must also
    stay consistent with, I am not a Lawyer. However, there is more to Military
    Law than just the UCMJ when it comes to a Courts-Martial of this caliber.
    First and foremost, Military Law is also subject to and subservient to
    international treaties such the Geneva Conventions, and the international
    Laws of War. The Lt. Col. is a dually Commissioned Military Officer, and it
    is not only his job, but his duty to disobey orders he thinks might be
    unconstitutional as we discussed yesterday and the day before about Military

    MCM 14.c(2)(b) Sub (2),(a.i,ii) Inference of Lawfullness.

    i. An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be
    inferred to be lawful and is disobeyed at the peril of a subordinate. The
    inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that
    directs the commission of a crime.

    ii. Determination of Lawfulness.
    The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined by a
    Military Judge.

    Bare with me, this may twist your brains a bit…

    Under the Geneva Conventions, any military member found to be operating
    under an illegitimate/unlawful Leadership on a field of war will be subject
    to prosecution as a War Criminal. As we know, via the Nuremberg trials.
    Ignorance of an Unlawful order is not an excuse, justification, or reason to
    carry it out. You will be tried, and you will most likely be executed for
    doing so if found guilty of the offence.

    Therefore under (i) The inference dose not apply to a patently illegal
    order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.

    Fact of redress, until there is a clear cut answer as to the eligibility
    issue of a lawful Commander in Chief directing the US Military, all military
    members are being ordered into the commission of crimes (war Crimes) as
    outlined in the Geneva Conventions and the international Laws of War.

  92. Linda from NY @ 2:18,CST-NWS-teaparty18.article
    Tea Partiers are boiling mad in Illinois
    Linda-this is from our wild and crazy western suburbs of Chicago-where we all grew up.
    I think it is every Chicagoans secret wish and hope that both corrupt institutions go down in a blaze of glory: Obama and his South Side hoods and Daleys corrupt Cook County Machine. As they say with the Cubs “maybe this time”.

  93. Part 2: Ergo, the law of Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as the
    Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical
    accountability in cases of war crimes:

    Codification: The first international treaty to comprehensively codify the
    doctrine of command responsibility was the Additional Protocol I (API) of
    1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

    Article 86(2) states that: the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of
    this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors
    from .responsibility . if they knew, or had information which should have
    enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was
    committing or about to commit such a breach and if they did not take all
    feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.

    Article 87 obliges a commander to “prevent and, where necessary, to suppress
    and report to competent authorities” any violation of the Conventions and of

    In Article 86(2) for the first time a provision would explicitly address the
    knowledge factor of command responsibility.

  94. Part 3: Definitions:
    In the discussion regarding command responsibility the term command can be
    defined as: A De jure (legal) command, which can be both military and
    civilian. The determining factor here is not rank but subordination.

    Four structures are identified:

    Policy command:
    Heads of state, high-ranking government officials, monarchs

    Strategic command:
    War Cabinet, Joint Chiefs of Staff

    Operational command:
    military leadership; in Yamashita it was established that operational
    command responsibility cannot be ceded for the purpose of the doctrine of
    command responsibility – operational commanders must exercise the full
    potential of their authority to prevent war crimes, failure to supervise
    subordinates or non-assertive orders don’t exonerate
    the commander.

    Tactical command: direct command over troops on the ground.

    International case law has developed two special types of de jure

    Prisoners-of-war Camp Commanders:
    the ICTY established in Aleskovski that POW camp commanders are entrusted
    with the welfare of all prisoners,
    and subordination in this case is irrelevant.

    Executive commanders:
    supreme governing authority in the occupied territory – subordination is
    again irrelevant, their responsibility is the
    welfare of the population in the territory under their control, as
    established in the High Command and Hostages cases after World War II.

  95. Part 4: De facto (factual) command, which specifies effective control, as opposed to
    formal rank. This needs a superior-subordinate relationship.

    Indicia are:
    Capacity to issue orders.

    Power of influence:
    influence is recognized as a source of authority in the Ministries case
    before the US military Tribunal after World War II.

    Evidence stemming from distribution of tasks:
    the ICTY has established the Nikolic test – superior status is deduced from
    analysis of distribution of tasks within the unit, it applies both to
    operational and POW camp commanders.

    Additional Protocol I and the Statutes of the ICTY, the ICTR, and the ICC
    makes prevention or prosecution of crimes mandatory.

  96. Part 5: Stick with me here….

    Under (ii) The lawfulness of an order is a question of law to be determined
    by a Military Judge. This means that although the Military Judge will not
    address the lawful/unlawfulness of O to be President or CINC as stated in
    the Courts-Martial. He will never-the-less need to have O’s vital documents
    read into the record as evidence in order to make a decision on the
    lawfulness of the orders to have final word on the Courts-Martial. Thus in
    order for him to make a decision under the UCMJ, he will also have to take
    into account the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and the internal laws
    of war

    If the CINC refuses to grant those vital documents, then the Military Judge
    will have no choice than exonerate. Likewise, although the Military Judge
    can not press the issue of discerning the legitimacy should those vital
    documents show the CINC not to be a Natural Born Citizen… He will by law,
    none-the-less have to pass those documents off to the Civilian authority
    over the military for any legal recourse or action. Which would be the
    Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of State at the bare minium.

  97. TO:
    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:16 pm


    Couldn’t watch the video after clicking on link got this.


    Peter….are you talking about the manning one?? I can get it fine! Here’s the youtube link…

    No the one upstairs about Goldman Sachs with two videos.

  98. Part 2 and part 3 must still be to long…. Their stuck in omdration… Hopefully once all these get released it will make more sence.

  99. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Jackie, I think Rev. Manning was saying that “NO” pp did not attend a school in Moscow; his cousin Odinga went to a Marxist school there.

    Secondly, I think timing is everything. When was he “tapped” for this job? When did the woman make her prediction to Fife? If we do not know the answer to the first question, the answer to the second question doesn’t matter.

    Rev. Manning seems to think [if I remember this correctly] that pp was in Pakistan as a CIA Operative, which would make sense since no American could travel there at that time.

    Did you know that his grandfather’s FBI files have been destroyed? Why?

    Kruschev once said to America, “Your children will be communists!”

    I ask you…who in their right mind would want to connect pp to Moscow? Wouldn’t people be outraged? Or would they just think that was what makes him so valuable on the international stage? Well…that did not pan out now, did it?

    To my knowledge, Rev. Manning has not as yet presented evidence pp was a CIA Operative. However, he does say he has a witness.

    Sooo…guess we will have to wait until the trial to find out what gives.

    Just trying to think this through…Linda

  100. Jacqlyn Smith @ 2:21 pm
    Jacqlyn-I didn’t think of that, very shrewd observation and Pastor Manning is a shrewd dude. Smart tactic I would think-I like the part where Pastor Manning says “We’ve got them on the run”, maybe that is what he is referring to.
    I’m sure Pastor Manning verified everything every which way but loose and no one knows who is sources may be. Interesting. Also Pastor Manning is telling the truth, he has nothing to lose, the liars have everything to lose.

  101. Fernley Girl……………………
    It is possible to access the UCMJ online. You should type into your search engine the following….. UCMJ>Article 138 then click search.

  102. Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 2:21 pm
    I guess what is bothering me is that Manning has hung on to his so called evidence for so long… he waiting for the FRAUD to hang himself….is this why he wants to wait another month to expose the truth??? Just wondering!

    This is the part that really bothers me….Why hold on to it? Put on the front page of all the Newspapers, give it to all news outlets, if it is that concrete, that damning then why wait? just sayin…

  103. The Russians set up Patrice Lumumba University, a political school in Moscow for international students named after him. Malcolm X, who met a similar fate years later called him, “”the greatest black man who ever walked the African continent.”

    Not much else there though:

  104. TO:
    Citizen Don in California // April 17, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // April 17, 2010 at 1:05 pm
    If I remember correctly, the defense does not have an attorney, just an officer appointed. The attorney comes into play on the appeal unless the defendent hires one to work with the appointed officer.

    I could be very wrong though. It has been many years since I was in the military.

    I believe the officer appointed is a military “lawyer” like Lindsy GrahAmnesty is and also Scott Brown

  105. Jacqlyn Smith

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    No the one upstairs about Goldman Sachs with two videos.

    Peter….the only way I get it is by going to this link……

    I still get it but when I just went to…..

    and did a search it is NO longer there….someone scrubbed it!!

  106. Linda of NY

    I agree!

    Racism comes in all colors. So does good and bad exist in all people. If some people choose to call other people “racist” because they are performing their patriotic duty challenging the fraud’s eligibility–what does it say about them?

    If we are racists for insisting Obama produce his sealed documents, would they be aiders and abettors of a crime against America for refusing to ask Obama for his documents? Would they be part of the conspiracy? Are they suppressors of truth, fact, and failures in honoring the constitution? Are they not traitors to their own country? Do we not know who they are?

    Yes, they do know they are guilty. Isn’t that why they are trying to make we, the innocent, look guilty. Isn’t that why they are trying to make us bad and wrong? Isn’t that why they are attacking the Tea Party and all others who disagree with them?

    We all respect and appreciate loyatly but at what point do we trade loyalty for condoning crime. The OJ Simpson case is a prime example of loyalty regardless of the person’s actions. Johny Cochran claimed if he could get just one black person on the jury, he would get OJ acquitted.

    Stick and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Call me a racist but insist Barack Insane Obama prove his eligibility or remove the fraud from office.

    We just can’t do nothing. Failure is not an option. Yes we can. YES WE WILL!

  107. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 2:21 pm
    Jacqlyn-I didn’t think of that, very shrewd observation and Pastor Manning is a shrewd dude. Smart tactic I would think-I like the part where Pastor Manning says “We’ve got them on the run”, maybe that is what he is referring to.
    I’m sure Pastor Manning verified everything every which way but loose and no one knows who is sources may be. Interesting. Also Pastor Manning is telling the truth, he has nothing to lose, the liars have everything to lose.

    Michelle and Linda too……I sure hope his evidence is strong and will put the FRAUD away for life….I guess at this point in time we can only speculate…..I still think the FRAUD went to that Russian School and some how is a CIA operative at the same time…..guess we will know in a month….looking forward to verifying all of this mess!!

  108. Jacqlyn Smith

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    The Russians set up Patrice Lumumba University, a political school in Moscow for international students named after him. Malcolm X, who met a similar fate years later called him, “”the greatest black man who ever walked the African continent.”

    Not much else there though:


    Observer…..this is great….and we know how the FRAUD was connected to Malcom X….Tom Fife’s revelations are making more and more sense!!!

  109. Jacqlyn Smith

    Wait a minute Peter….it is there now….go to,,,,

    Look down the list for….

    Dylan Ratigan blows the Goldman Sachs Bank Fraud WIDE OPEN

    click on it and see the videos!!

  110. Part 2: Ergo, the law of Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as the Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical accountability in cases of war crimes:

    Codification: The first international treaty to comprehensively codify the doctrine of command responsibility was the Additional Protocol I (API) of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

    Article 86 states that: the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from responsibility if they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or about to commit such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.

    Article 87 obliges a commander to prevent and, where necessary, to suppress and report to competent authorities any violation of the Conventions and of API.

    In Article 86 for the first time a provision would explicitly address the knowledge factor of command responsibility.

  111. Part 2: Ergo, the law of Command responsibility, sometimes referred to as
    the Yamashta standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical
    accountability in cases of war crimes:

    Codification: The first international treaty to comprehensively codify the
    doctrine of command responsibility was the Additional Protocol I (API) of
    1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

    Article 86 states that: the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of
    this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors
    from responsibility if they knew, or had information which should have
    enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was
    committing or about to commit such a breach and if they did not take all
    feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.

    Article 87 obliges a commander to prevent and, where necessary, to suppress
    and report to competent authorities any violation of the Conventions and of
    API. In Article 86 for the first time a provision would explicitly address the
    knowledge factor of command responsibility.

  112. Found It …… Aparently CW’s Blog does not like the proper Spelling of Yamash(i)ta

  113. Part 3: Definitions: In the discussion regarding command responsibility the term command can be defined as: A De jure (legal) command, which can be both military and civilian. The determining factor here is not rank but subordination.

    Four structures are identified:

    Policy command: Heads of state, high ranking government officials, monarchs

    Strategic command: War Cabinet, Joint Chiefs of Staff

    Operational command: military leadership; in Yamash(i)ta it was established that operational
    command responsibility cannot be ceded for the purpose of the doctrine of command responsibility – operational commanders must exercise the full potential of their authority to prevent war crimes, failure to supervise
    subordinates or non-assertive orders don’t exonerate the commander.

    Tactical command: direct command over troops on the ground.

    International case law has developed two special types of de jure commanders:

    Prisoners-of-war Camp Commanders:
    the ICTY established in Aleskovski that POW camp commanders are entrusted with the welfare of all prisoners, and subordination in this case is irrelevant.

    Executive commanders: supreme governing authority in the occupied territory – subordination is again irrelevant, their responsibility is the welfare of the population in the territory under their control, as established in the High Command and Hostages cases after World War II.

  114. These folk in the media who say that this is a non-story based on their research, I have this question: What do you think you actually saw?

    A web site with a copy of someone’s birth cert?

    Did you see the original? Why are you taking the word of some liberal leaning website?

    Order your own copy from the State of Hawaii.

    Oh… that’s right, YOU CAN’T because they sealed the records.

    This is media malpractice in every sense of the word.

    It’s not conspiracy when the evidence exists to debunk the claim.

    We only seal records to protect or hide something, so which is it for BO?

    Americans who decry the Constitution is not being followed and upheld, cannot then turn away from this issue without revealing themselves as a hypocrite.

  115. Linda from NY

    observer // April 17, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    observer…Oh, sorry…perish the thought, though!

    Aren’t both of these guys he is promoting Chinese?

    Wonder why? Payback?

    Thanks for correcting me…Linda

    PS Am just trying my heart out to keep things straight…no offense to you… 😉

  116. ZERO is Going Down, Down Down…AGAIN in the polls.





  117. JS,

    This is what I get when I click the link:


    [with a pic here of the Burger King (king) with eyes on eyes signal with the hand.]

    Thank you for not stalking!

    If you need help you can email

    we sometimes have to ban entire ISP Providers because of attacks on this website..

    If you have been inadvertently caught up in one of these bans please accept our apologies email us and we will try to clear it up for you

  118. Linda from NY

    Peter: @ 3:12 PM

    It doesn’t matter…he has hit -21 twice; what changed? He got more arrogant than ever and more determined to “destroy our country.”

    Chelley says he is “delusional”; Jackie says he is a “fraud”; SueK calls him P(Resident), and I say he is a “pretend president.” I am sure there are many others here who have “titles” for him as well…we all agree not to call him President.

    He says we should “thank” him for reducing our taxes when, for everything we buy, we have seen an increase in “taxes.” In addition, Obamacare will add to our taxes as will “Cap and Tax.” High unemployment means less will be paying taxes, and just about anything else his little heart desires will be taxed.

    Accordingly, he thinks the Tea Party Movement is a nuisance…not a movement against his policies. He also thinks we will come to “love” his Obamacare Control Package some day.

    He has surrounded himself with “people of his own ilk,” and thinks he is “King of the Kastle!”

    About the only thing that would please me is both LTC Lakin and Rev. Manning take him out, he is arrested, and is sitting in some cold, dark, dank cell in Gitmo in a hospital gown!

    Thanks for the info…Linda

    He is on a “mission”

  119. For anyone who is interested in participating:

    Here is a chance to remove the usurper –

    Ltc Lakin has courageously given us this chance, take advantage of it or forever hold your peace.

    Operation: Investigate Obama aka Soetoro—
    not Lt. Col. Terry Lakin…

    Operation: Investigate Obama aka Soetoro, not Lt. Col. Terry Lakin – Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin said he is willing to risk a court-martial in order to determine whether or not Resident Obama is eligible to serve as POTUS and Commander in Chief. Lt. Col. Lakin is the lead flight surgeon charged with caring for Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey’s flight crew.

    Lt. Col. Lakin is now facing a court-martial for his refusal to follow orders until Obama proves he is Constitutionally eligibile to be Commander in Chief.

    The Army now states that Lt. Col. Lakin is only under investigation at this point.

    The only person that should be under investigation is Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro. Call, email, write, and demand they investigate Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro, instead of Lt. Col. Lakin. We must show the Military leaders that we stand with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. Please Be Respectful.

    Start Time: Monday, April 19, 2010 at 8:00am
    End Time: When this issue is resolved.
    Location: Anywhere USA – This is a phone/email/letter protest, it will begin at 8 AM EST on 4/19, there is no end date as of yet…

    Army Spokesman, Chuck Dasey at (202) 782-7500 or e-mail at him at

    Army spokesman, Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, inquire with pentagon switchboard.

    Pentagon Switchboard
    (703) 545-6700

    Pentagon Public Inquiries – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday (Eastern Time Zone) – call (703) 571-3343

    1400 Defense Pentagon
    Washington, DC 20301-1400
    (703) 697-1776

    Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
    Washington, D.C. 20318-9999

    Contacting Senior Army Leaders…
    If you would like to contact a Senior Army leader (Secretary of the Army, Chief of Staff of the Army, Sergeant Major of the Army) please use the following address:

    The address for mail would be as follows:
    (Name of recipient) ie; Chief of Staff of the Army… Secretary of the Army… etc.
    1400 Defense Pentagon
    Washington DC 20301-1400

    Department of Defense web comment form;

    Call, email, write, and demand they investigate Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro, instead of Lt. Col. Lakin. We must show the Military leaders that we stand with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. Please Be Respectful.

  120. Just received this from JeffM:

    Arizona Enacts “Constitutional Carry” For Firearms
    “Freedom To Carry” may replace so-called “Right To Carry” nationally

    PHOENIX — With governor Jan Brewer’s signature on the new “Constitutional Carry” firearm law today, Arizona becomes a beacon state for the nation on the gun-rights issue.

    Arizonans, who have been free to carry firearms openly since statehood in 1912, will now be free to carry discreetly as well, without permits or red tape. Low-crime Vermont has had this freedom intact since Colonial days. The permit system remains in place but will no longer be required for discreet carry.

    Alaska enacted a Constitutional Carry law in 2003, and Texas passed a limited version for traveling in 2007. Montana has enjoyed this freedom since 1991 on 99.4% of its land (outside city limits). These states experienced no increase in crime or accidents from the expanded freedom to discreetly bear arms in public. However, numerous dire warnings of “blood in the streets” preceded those new laws, but proved false. A list of circulating myths about the law, also known as “Freedom To Carry,” appears at the end of this article.

    Arizona’s extremely strict laws on criminal misuse of firearms are unaffected by the new public freedoms, although a penalty for criminals got tougher. New language now makes concealed carry in the commission of a serious crime a felony. This led to support of the bill from police around the state. Formerly, that offense was a misdemeanor.

    Go Arizona….Ky. next???

  121. CRB…..
    You are absolutely correct in your assessment of Part 5 you noted above.

    A military judge differs from a civilian judge in that respect. Bottom line. the military judge will not rule on O’s right to be C in C, but must affirm O’s documents to determine Larkin’s guilt.

    So…no BC, no conviction of LTC Larkin.

    The military will not be able to brush aside Larkin’s request for written birth documents verification, because that is the basis of his refusal of orders in the first place. Larkin has the highest of STANDING to see O’s documents.

    Those silly childish Certification of Births O has been floating on the internet will not work!

    Pawn to king…checkmate!

    O must now produce a valid full birth certificate if the Army expects to get a conviction of Larkin. Otherwise he walks, and then the whole damn world knows without doubt, Obama has no legal right to be president and C in C.

    Then the S – – t will hit the fan! All hell will break loose and there is no one to blame but the Democrate Party, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the nanny Congress, the mute SCOTUS, the controlled media, and the hidden powers who put O in power to begin with.

    As LTC Larkin says, “Bring it On”.

  122. Fox News, Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly have committed JOURNALISTIC MALPRACTICE.

  123. Citizen Don in California

    Greg Goss (ReElect “NoBody”) // April 17, 2010 at 2:40 pm
    Even if he released it to the newspapers/tv/radio, do you really think they would even report on it?

    I don’t think they would touch it, no matter how much evidence Pastor Manning presented.

  124. Linda

    I call him Obamaliar, O’Fraud, O’Zero and many more but there is only one name that I’m waiting to call him: CONVICTED ENEMY OF AMERICA ready for EXCECUTION.

    Thank You Mr. Obama/Soetoro for waking us up and uniting us for America. You Organize for “America” working for NWO and KGB wing of the CIA with all your Neo-Commie BUT We Unite to Defend America and Our Constitution.
    Thank You for UNITING US vs your policies and INSANTASY PRESIDENCY.

    I also call him INSANTASY.

    I have been saying since last July he won’t celebrate two July 4ths as Prez adn I still believe he will be REMOVED before Independence Day truly giving us something to be Thankful to God for on Indendence Day.

  125. Jacqlyn Smith

    Peter….try emailing them….there’s lots of information at this site that you may be interested in!

  126. Dr Manning’s strategy is good.

    He will be doing a Circus Trial that will attract a lot of students adn will start a discussion that can grow thru-out all campuses in the wolrd.
    The Mock trial is a good collegiate strategy and he is approached those that will have plenty of time this summer to spread the news of The One who Stole The Presidency.

    Good Luck Dr Manning. Keep at it…soft water can cut thru the hardest rock with pressure and persistence….

    The INSANTASY will end.

  127. JS I did long haven’t heard back yet. I believe I have been on that site a while back.


    Any news on TT & RAP?

  128. TO:
    JJ // April 17, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Just received this from JeffM:

    I posted that article earlier today you must have missed it.

    How is JeffM hasn’t been here lon ago. I just posted earlier today something that he posted here on Founders’ Religiosity which he posted back in Nov 09

  129. AZCDL ALERT | 16 April, 2010 | AZCDL Fred

    Posted on Friday, April 16, 2010 6:55:37 PM by marktwain

    “YOU did it! Today, April 16, 2010, Governor Brewer signed SB 1108, the AzCDL-requested Constitutional Carry bill, into law. Arizona now becomes the third state to not require written permission from the government for law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to bear arms discretely. Because Arizona is the first state in the U.S. with a large urban population to take this significant step, this is a watershed moment for the entire country.”

  130. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Whoa, Jackie! I just listened to both Dylan tapes…

    Question: Was this the “bombshell” that was supposed to explode in the third week of April?

    I am directing this to Jackie because she posted the tapes, but anyone could “weigh in.”

    Thanks for the link…Linda

  131. Jacqlyn Smith

    JS I did long haven’t heard back yet. I believe I have been on that site a while back.


    Any news on TT & RAP?

    Not really Peter…..I think the indictment of Goldman Sachs and the FRAUD’s car czar is an indication that something is going on…..let’s watch for those signs Tim and Dr. Kennedy have discussed in their broadcasts…..I for one am waiting to see the FED income tax go away….they take $100 out of my husband’s check twice a month…..when that happens I will know things are well on it’s way!

  132. Jacqlyn Smith


    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Whoa, Jackie! I just listened to both Dylan tapes…

    Question: Was this the “bombshell” that was supposed to explode in the third week of April?

    I am directing this to Jackie because she posted the tapes, but anyone could “weigh in.”

    Thanks for the link…Linda

    JMO….but I think it is one of the signs as I wrote to Peter!! I am just speculating…..not any information I have from anyone!

  133. Jacqlyn Smith

    Those asking about Jeff M….I’m not sure why he isn’t posting here anymore….I do get his email on a regular basis and received around 3 or 4 from him this week….I’ll have to ask him why he isn’t posting info here anymore!

  134. TO:
    Michelle // April 16, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    This was a great comment on Breitbart re: Really Lame Street Media.
    To the Racists at NBC:
    Blacks make up 12% of the population. if ALL were at the tea party.. 12 of each 100 would be Black, so it wouldn’t look like much.
    Since Conservative Blacks make up maybe 10% to 20% of the that population that would make approximately 3 of every 100 at a teaparty would be black.


    There is a few things you overlooked on your observation.

    Of the 12% of population blacks 95% voted for Obamaliar which only leaves 5% that may be conservative if all of them are conservative it would mean 12 X 5% = .6% which means that the ration would be in a crowd of 1000 tea parties if all of those .6% came there would be 6 blacks to 994 whites and others. I believe that is about teh ratio they are getting.

    ALSO who is stopping any blacks from coming? They are free people to decide to come or not…The Tea Parties are supposed to do like LIEberals in ACORN and send buses and bribe them and round them up like cattle to be on display?
    We don’t believe in trading cigarettes or hot dogs to get blacks to show up to look balanced and fake. They are welcome to come on their own…otherwise it is astroturf.

    Everyone is welcome Freedom of Choice to join Tea Parties or even the Conservatives or Republican Party.

    BEWARE of the Great Twisters, Deflector and outright FRAUDS in the Party of Blithe and Failure.

  135. JS about JeffM

    I seem to remember some issue way back that he got upset don’t remember with who or what the issue was maybe jbjd and the eligibility.

  136. Linda from NY

    More good news…NOT!

    EDITORIAL: Democrats are hiding deficits

    Speaker Pelosi tries to keep bad news secret until after the election

    Thursday, April 15, 2010


    “A few months after moving into the White House, President Obama promised to reduce the large deficit in 2010 and continue reducing it further in 2011. This promise was broken, and the deficit in 2010 is expected to be approximately $200 billion more than in 2009. This creates political danger for Democrats, as the party in power is reluctant to acknowledge its stewardship of worsening budget problems with midterm elections coming in November. As a result, congressional Democrats are shying away from a vote on this year’s budget resolution, causing chaos to the federal budgeting process.

    Avoiding a budget resolution would be unprecedented. Since the Budget Act was passed in 1974, the resolutions have served as a blueprint for Congress to identify priorities and set parameters on budget proposals, which help ensure that spending doesn’t go even further out of control. In the absence of a resolution, congressional committees operate without any stipulated limits, which encourages freewheeling spending.”

  137. Articles of Freedom will be presented in every state house Patriots Day which is Monday.

    Is it possible that is the Bombshell mentioned above by Linda?

    If you can look up your state and go to the presentattion with family and friends. Let’s celebrate partiots day by restore the work of the Patriots that give us a Great Gift from God.

  138. This is the part that really bothers me….Why hold on to it? Put on the front page of all the Newspapers, give it to all news outlets, if it is that concrete, that damning then why wait? just sayin…

    What newspaper would print anything —they are on O’s side…….bought and paid for.

  139. Linda from NY

    You’ll Get Nothing And Like It!

    by Keith Johnson

    April 14, 2010

    David Icke Hammers Home The Truth: “Zionism Is Organized Terror, I Don’t Give a Sh!# If They Call Me ‘Anti-Semitic!’”


    “No, this isn’t a game of “Battleship”, it’s your place in line to get that broken finger looked at by a healthcare professional. That’s right, I said “healthcare professional”. That nurse who used to greet you and take your blood pressure before turning you over to a physician has now become your doctor. And that general practitioner who used to treat you for minor illness has now become your brain surgeon. Welcome to life under Obamacare!

    According to a recent Associate Press article:

    A nurse may soon be your doctor. With a looming shortage of primary care doctors, 28 states are considering expanding the authority of nurse practitioners. These nurses with advanced degrees want the right to practice without a doctor’s watchful eye and to prescribe narcotics. And if they hold a doctorate, they want to be called “Doctor.”

    The article goes on to say:

    Massachusetts, the model for the federal health care overhaul, passed its law in 2006 expanding health insurance to nearly all residents and creating long waits for primary care. In 2008, the state passed a law requiring health plans to recognize and reimburse nurse practitioners as primary care providers…”

    “The article goes on to say:

    Health insurance stocks experienced periods of volatility through most of 2009, as the economy bottomed out at the start of the year and then the debate over health insurance reform raised investor concern. But the stocks have largely stabilized this year, as health reform passed through Congress and was signed into law, eliminating uncertainty for investors.

    And how about that bio-tech giant, Amgen? On Monday, the stock closed trading at $60.37 compared to the 52 week range of $44.96-$64.76. Not too shabby.”

  140. Linda from NY

    Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi: Dem Official, Truther & Code Pink Contributor

    Saturday, April 17, 2010, 11:54 AM
    Jim Hoft

    “On Thursday April 15, two violent leftist infiltrators disrupted the St. Charles Tax Day Tea Party Rally. St. Charles is located just a few miles west of St. Louis. The two men threatened and attacked elderly protesters and shouted down speaker Lt. Governor Peter Kinder during his speech.

    One was identified as John Durajczyk, the Secretary of the St. Charles County Democratic Committee.

    John Durajczyk’s infiltrator pal, identified as Steve Belosi, attacked an elderly woman at the rally until she started to cry.”

  141. Linda from NY

    FBI: Home Grown Extremists As Dangerous As Al-Qaeda

    Saturday, April 17, 2010, 9:32 AM
    Jim Hoft

    “FBI Director Robert Mueller says home grown extremists including right wing extremist groups pose as great of threat today as Al-Qaeda. This comes on the day after Bill Clinton linked tea party protesters and talk radio to non-existent terrorism.

    FOX News reported:

    The warning, from the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, came as the former President Clinton drew parallels between the Oklahoma City tragedy and a recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric.

    Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the specter of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as Al Qaeda and its affiliates, The Times reported on Saturday.

    The warning, from the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, came as the former President Clinton drew parallels between the Oklahoma City tragedy and a recent upsurge in anti-government rhetoric, while American television audiences heard Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, describe the “absolute rage” that drove him to plan an attack that killed 168 men, women and children.

    An FBI spokesman said Friday that Mueller was referring to right-wing extremist groups and anti-government militias, as well as American Islamists, in his testimony to the Senate committee that must approve the FBI’s $8.3 billion budget.

    Last month federal agents arrested nine members of a Christian militia based in Michigan, calling itself the Hutaree. They have been charged with plotting to murder local police with a stash of guns, knives and grenades.”

  142. I ache to end your slavery, and yet you steadfastly embrace that which pierces you with arrows and shackles your very being. You chose to be ruled by humans rather than God and so you will suffer until you repent and return to the Lord of All. God isn’t pushy. You have been allowed to make complete fools of yourselves and chose bondage over freedom.”

    Saw this somewhere I think it is from First Samuel 8: 6-21

  143. Had heard months ago that Obama was staying or visiting a couple in Russia when he was younger.Maybe someone can investigate this
    Neil Goldberg running against Boxer Clever !! needs funds to get on ballet

  144. Linda from NY

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    All that glitters is not Goldman Sachs

    “The first thing that one has to understand in the Security and Exchange Commission targeting Goldman Sachs, is this has nothing to do with “fraud” as what the SEC is looking at is peanuts in the Obama multi-trillion dollar world of fraud.”

  145. This should be our theme song.

    What’s Going On?

    Twenty – five years and my life is still
    Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
    For a destination
    And I realized quickly when I knew I should
    That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
    For whatever that means
    And so I cry sometimes
    When I’m lying in bed
    Just to get it all out
    What’s in my head
    And I am feeling a little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning
    And I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high
    And I scream at the top of my lungs
    What’s going on?
    And I say, hey hey hey hey
    I said hey, what’s going on?
    Ooh, ooh ooh
    And I try, oh my god do I try
    I try all the time, in this institution
    And I pray, oh my god do I pray
    I pray every single day
    For a revolution
    And so I cry sometimes
    When I’m lying in bed
    Just to get it all out
    What’s in my head
    And I am feeling a little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning
    And I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high
    And I scream at the top of my lungs
    What’s going on?
    And I say, hey hey hey hey
    I said hey, what’s going on?
    Twenty – five years and my life is still
    Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
    For a destination

  146. Linda from NY

    A Sign of the Times?

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    The Tempest Earth

    “It has been an amazing first few months in watching the signs of the earth as the planet seems one large oracle now, a global ball of omen declaring something violent is about to be born.

    After Haiti the indications were pointing to a coming lone large American quake, but as spring left behind winter’s doldrums, the entire
    planet seemed to expand in an exhale of energy with 7.0 earthquakes becoming the weekly norm. Utah had it’s largest quake recorded and the pretty lava plumes of Iceland suddenly erupted into a sooty shroud covering Europe with a sign that they apparently are being wrapped in a swaddling cloth of an evil to come.”

  147. Will Obamaliar’s arrogance and cockiness lead him to be trapped???

  148. This is waht we need to see all across this great country support the best person that will help restore this nation To Hell With The Party CORPORATION.|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link5|


    Obama: Fresh crisis without new financial rules

    Now you no longer have to wait for a crisis to take advantage of, you can create one from nothing. Revised edition of Alinsky!

    Rationale for government to take over more financial institutions, kick out the board of directors, and replace them with Marxists (you know, people who haven’t even run a Dairy Queen).

    The U.S. is destined to endure a new economic crisis that sticks taxpayers with the bill unless Congress tightens oversight of the financial industry, President Barack Obama said Saturday.

    The overhaul is the next major piece of legislation that Obama wants to sign into law this year, but solid GOP opposition in the Senate is jeopardizing that goal.

    “Every day we don’t act, the same system that led to bailouts remains in place, with the exact same loopholes and the exact same liabilities,” Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address. “And if we don’t change what led to the crisis, we’ll doom ourselves to repeat it.

    “Opposing reform will leave taxpayers on the hook if a crisis like this ever happens again,” the president said.

  150. Jacqlyn Smith

    Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    All that glitters is not Goldman Sachs


    IMO….Lame Cherry has hit the nail on the head…..why is the FRAUD now shining the light on the very people who lined his pockets at one time and helped get him elected…..the FRAUD is trying to draw attention away form his crimes while trying to paint Wall Street as the villains when he is the biggest villain of all!!!

  151. truthbetold11

    JS you are correct when you see the income tax go away game on. public will start talking and seeking like crazy and momemtum will build. This is exactly the only way only way this could happen. I personally had many thoughts similar to how the only way to avoid a civil war. Truly we will ber set free. But true freedom is found only in christ.

  152. If you’re unable to access the previous links, try this…….

    Dylan Ratigan MSNBC – SEC files civil lawsuit against Goldman Sachs – Part 1

    Dylan Ratigan MSNBC SEC files civil lawsuit against Goldman Sachs – Part 2

  153. Linda from NY

    truthbetold11 // April 17, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    Hi, truthbetold11!

    Agree true freedom comes in Christ.

    Have you seen the “Articles of Freedom” for which Peter posted a link above?

    There is a part in this document that requests the 16th Amendment be “deleted” since it was not properly ratified.

    It is a “beautiful” document to behold! It is also interesting to note the “Prayer” the writers of this document prayed before they began work on these “Articles of Freedom.”

    Please read it…it is impressive to say the least!

    Peace in Christ…Linda

  154. Jacqlyn Smith

    Someone posted this at AGJ…easy to understand and not too long…..

  155. #

    Fernley Girl // April 17, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    If I understand the process correctly, Lakin will have to go through the courts-martial system, and then will have to appeal through the civil courts. (That presumes that the courts-martial will not allow discovery. Without discovery Lakin cannot defend his refusal of a lawful order.)
    jbjd, if you’re lurking please explain the process.
    I previously responded on this blog to several questions about Lt. Col. Lakin’s situation. Please see my blog, “a href=””>COURAGE of CONVICTION .

  156. I don’t know if anyone posted or this, but WOW. Illinois mayor expresses doubt about obama’s citizenship:

  157. Sorry; bad link.

    “a href=””>COURAGE of CONVICTION .

  158. Geesh; having problems posting link. Just go to my blog, okay?

  159. Champaign, IL Mayor Schweighart says ” I don’t think he’s American, personally”.

  160. re: Lakin/court martial/appeals

    They must allow pre-trial discovery. That’s why all the hemming and hawing presently. How to avoid this. And then, yes, the appeals too are a problem since the higher court’s judges are selected by the President – shouldn’t, in this case, the president, um, recuse himself???!!! or else the defendant has a case for a mistrial. And sooner or later, onward and upward to the Supremes.

    Now, they can’t just let the process delay itself since it’s an ongoing story … and to begin the long process itself would also mean daily questioning as to just how noticeable it is becoming that the president in question is stalling handing over pre-presidential personal history. What to do! What to do!!

  161. We need to get WND to start a billboard campaign alerting America of the FRAUD they’ve been subjected to.

    Text could include:

    In 1868 the 41st Congress Incorporated the UNITED STATES and made us all property of their corporation.

    1.Ever wonder why your name on your drivers license is in all CAPITAL letters?

    2.Did you know you’ve been tricked by your own government?

    3.Are you tired of the IRS stealing your money?

    Go here to find the truth www.

    We need a website specific to this issue to point people to, so it’s easy to understand and follow.

    One convenient place, a one stop shop, that has Tim Turner seminars/videos, statutes, laws, evidence.

    I doubt Joseph Farah has the balls to start something like this, but I can dream.

  162. Linda from NY-PBS down here has Andre Reiu Radio City Hall Live in New York; I think it was done 2006 or 07. Thinking of you and all the New Yorkers.

  163. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Chelley…How sweet of you! We do love Andre’, don’t we?

    Hope you enjoy the broadcast. I have heard him many times; never seem to tire of his productions, either. I even bought some of his CDs and DVDs.

    Enjoy…Linda 😉

  164. Linda from NY

    Greg Goss: @ 5:42 PM

    Greg, read your blog entry and enjoyed it very much…Thank You.

    Wrote you a “small book” to tell you a little of my experience…hope you like it.

    Happy Night…Linda

  165. Linda from NY 7:20 pm
    Harlem Gospel Choir was just on, now they are combining to do Sister Act-I will Follow Him.
    Simply beautiful. The New York audience is very good.

  166. Linda from NY


    By Marc Hujer and Thomas Schulz
    Der Spiegel

    14 April 2010

    “US President Barack Obama came to power promising to unite the nation. Now he has divided it even more than his predecessor George W. Bush. The burgeoning conservative Tea Party movement is calling for Obama to be removed from office.”

  167. Linda from NY

    18 arrested in SF Bay area mortgage fraud case

    San Jose Mercury News ^ | 4/15/2010 | Anonymous

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:31:00 PM by ProtectOurFreedom

    “Federal authorities have arrested 18 people in the San Francisco Bay area in a $10 million mortgage fraud case. Indictments against the defendants were unsealed Wednesday, the same day they were taken into custody.

    Authorities say between 2005 and 2009, the defendants misrepresented buyer’ incomes, identities and other information in order to obtain mortgage loans from banks and other lenders. The defendants include current or former bank employees, real estate agents and one mortgage broker.

    FBI spokesman Joseph Schadler says the losses added up to at least $10 million. He said some of the defendants worked together on the loan applications and all 18 are believed to have some affiliation with each other.”

  168. Linda from NY @ 7:46 pm
    Der Spiegel-We Americans are united all right, united in his legal removal from office, by his illegal usurpation of it. We learned from your Hitler lesson, another snake that slithered into power.

  169. Linda from NY


    self | April 17, 2010 | swampniper

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:29:37 PM by SWAMPSNIPER

    “These are the halfwits passing out commie literature at the St. Augustine Tea Party. The tall one was really good at looking away from the camera.”

  170. Linda from NY

    The SEC’s Fraud Case Against Goldman Seems VERY Weak

    Business Insider ^ | April 16, 2009 | Henry Blodget

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:22:55 PM by honestabe010

    “We have now read the SEC’s fraud allegations against Goldman and Fabrice Tourre in detail.

    This will sound surprising given how much Goldman’s stock and the equity market have been hammered by the allegations, but here’s our initial take:

    The SEC’s case against Goldman Sachs seems very weak.

    The SEC’s case against Fabrice Tourre seems slightly stronger, but it’s hardly a slam dunk.

    Let’s go to the details… “

  171. Linda from NY

    Oh, brother!

    Clinton Calls ‘Tea Party’ Movement Bigger Threat than Al-Qaeda

    A Semi-News/Semi-Satire from AzConservative ^ | 17 April 2010 | John Semmens

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:18:46 PM by John Semmens

    Remember this is semi-satire…

  172. “We have confidence in our son Baraka (“chance” in Arabic) Obama and, if he continues his wise and peaceful policies, we will help and support him so that they succeed,” Gaddafi, dressed in white suit and black shirt, told the crowd of around 1,000 people.

    Now finally we know who Barry’s real father is.

    Doug Ross at Director Blue also has an analysis on how Barack Hussein Obama’s view of Israel appears to parallel that of… Ahmadinejad.

    But what I think is that this constant wound, that this constant sore, does infect all of our foreign policy.

    The world powers established this filthy bacteria, the Zionist regime, which is lashing out at the nations in the region like a wild beast.

  173. Linda from NY

    !?!!: This one’s for you! And…it’s got more numbers for your perusal… 😉

    Bad News for Sen. Harry Reid (D)
    Flopping Aces ^ | 04-17-10 | Mike’s America

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:15:24 PM by Starman417

    “The Senate Majority Leader may soon be expelled from office by an overwhelming majority of Nevadans!

    Full story in the Las Vegas Review Journal. Harry Reid, the nastiest man to be Senate Majority Leader in decades, is about to be dethroned. Look at how weak his support is even among Democrats in Nevada. I guess this poll explains why he couldn’t get more than a hundred union thugs to show up at his campaign kickoff yet Sarah Palin drew thousands to the rally to defeat him!”

  174. Linda from NY

    Whoa! We have a new “title” for pp!

    Pharaoh Obama The Arrogant. Plagues Will Increase Until The People Reject This Son Of Perdition.

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 6:12:26 PM by Armaggedon

    “When the elect were deceived and placed the usurper Obama in the White House on January 20, 2009, the tribulation count began. We are now in the second year of increasing slavery under this Pharaoh. Obama will make us build his socialist projects and delusions. We will be forced to produce while the straw, our money is made useless.

    The Pharoah in Egypt forced his slaves to produce bricks without straw. Pharoah Obama destroys our (straw) currency and commands us to produce out of nothing. He commands us to praise him for lowering our taxes while Obama raises them before our eyes. Obama truly is the supreme Liar in Chief.

    We were commanded in Revelation 18:4.”

  175. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 8:04 pm

    Evening, Linda(r),

    Personally, I like ‘turd.’

  176. Linda from NY

    Pelosi: Two ‘pillars’ down, one more to go in passing Obama ‘blueprint’

    By Sean J. Miller – 04/17/10 06:51 PM ET

    “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said the Democrats are one bill away from completing President Barack Obama’s “blueprint for American prosperity.”

    “We have passed two of the three pillars in the historic healthcare and education reform and are working towards a clean energy and climate agenda in Congress,” Pelosi said in her remarks to the California Democratic Party state convention in Los Angeles on Saturday. “And essential to prosperity for middle-income Americans is reining in Wall Street.”

  177. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    Thank you Linda, I responded on the comment page.. Thank You

  178. Linda from NY

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    Cincinnati Tea Party Leader Explains to Crowd Why Sean Hannity and Fox News Pulled Out of Event – Raw Video 4/15/10

    “Here is raw video from Thursday, April 15, 2010, where a Cincinnati Tea Party Leader (his name is not given in the video) explained to the assembled crowd why Sean Hannity and Fox News bailed on their participation in the event that night. Hannity had been scheduled to headline the event, and broadcast his Fox News TV show live from there. But in the afternoon, Fox News Executives reportedly ordered him and his staff to return to New York to do the show.”

  179. Linda from NY @ 7:56 pm
    I don’t want to shock Mr. Bill but half the Tea Party is Clinton Democrats (former). Bill the Democratic party has lost it big time. Too much insanity for far too long, Obama and his corruption and total inept approach to gee just about everything the DNC is done and no one can resurrect it. You can thank the DNC itself, Obama, Pelosi and Reid for starters.

  180. If you are interested. There are directions as to signing and security. If not interested, please pass on to others.

    Thank you.

  181. Linda from NY @ 8:16 pm
    This poll is now up to 60 per cent want to see proof of eligibility-the Court of Public Opinion.
    59% surveyed by the NY Daily News, who trashed Lt. Col. Lakin, want to see proof of Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief, Got Small Fringe Group!? – Thanks Charles
    Posted on April 18th, 2010 by David-Crockett

  182. CW
    What a great post. Thank you!

  183. People make me laugh. ‘Impeach” A crime was committed, therefore Arrest. Pelosi should be in a cage, for her role in placing an ineligible citizen on the ballot for U.S. President, and evey single Media outlet….
    With all the Military rules…it is quite easy to read the Law of Nations….and see the definition of a natural born citizen…Damn the whole world knows he is not a NBC. So can they make deals and expect them to be legal?

  184. If at birth, Obama was ineligible for American citizenship of any kind, he cannot be “natural-born.” If a person is not at the time of his birth an American citizen, he cannot be a natural-born citizen and is ineligible for the Presidency.
    LTC Lakin and other patriotic military officers should not face punishment or retribution for adhering to their oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and for seeking the truth about the President’s Constitutional eligibility.

    *Mrs. Hemenway is a friend of LTC Lakin. Her father-in-law filed one of the early eligibility lawsuits in federal court.
    Read the whole story: Over 6,000 carefully vetted words!

    Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans.

  185. Linda from NY this is for you.
    Thank you city of NY, and Andre Reiu-Harlem Gospel, all good Colonels everywhere. America the Beautiful is at the end. Someday soon we will see this America again.

  186. #

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Linda from NY @ 8:16 pm
    This poll is now up to 60 per cent want to see proof of eligibility-the Court of Public Opinion.
    59% surveyed by the NY Daily News, who trashed Lt. Col. Lakin, want to see proof of Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief, Got Small Fringe Group!? – Thanks Charles
    Posted on April 18th, 2010 by David-Crockett
    Yes; and that’s too bad. Because they have no right to see any proof. THEY DO NOT ELECT THE PRESIDENT; THE ELECTORS DO, ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION. I wish they would start to focus their attention on where the laws were broken; that is, ask Nancy Pelosi or Boyd Richie or Kathy Hensley, the (former) Treasurer of the SC D party; what documentary evidence did YOU look at to determine BO was a NBC before YOU swore to election officials in VA, and TX, and SC that BO was eligible to get on the ballot, given that the only candidates whose names are allowed on ballots in those states are the ones eligible for the job?

    I wish people would stop wasting time focusing on BO. He did not elect himself; the Electors, whose names came from the political parties, did. And their names did not even appear on the general election ballot next to the D, even though they are the people we all voted for; no, the front name for the Electors on the ballot was BO. Go after the people who put him there, on the ballot.

  187. Linda from NY

    Greg: @ 8:15 PM

    Read your 2008 article…What a revelation!

    Sent you a message…

    Happy Night…Linda 😉

  188. Linda from NY

    SueK // April 17, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Hey, Suey! Where ya been? Sleepin’ it off?

    “Turd” is a good name if you are into “waste removal” and/or “management.”

    I am sure everyone here has a name for him other than “whatever” name he was given when he was “hatched” in a test tube!

    To each his own, I say…Linda 😉

    PS How are the “kidlets” doing? And, you? Getting some much needed rest, I hope!

  189. jbjd,

    You seem to keep overlooking that if he used FRAUD to deceive and get elected that is criminal. What you are saying is important BUT don’t overlook the other crimes, too.

  190. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Hey Linda(r),

    Saturdays are always busy and I’m very much under the weather today.

    I do like ‘turd.’ ‘Turdboy’ is even bettah 🙂

    Kidlets are holding their own, thanks.

    Will be getting some much needed rest shortly…

    Gotta go read Greg’s post in a few.

  191. Whoa!

    Anyone else catch the Nightly News?

    Someone was looking for a 1789 edition of Vattel’s “Law of Nations” at the National Library and found it missing.

    Now who do you suppose would be looking for such a specific book..?

    And why..?

  192. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    Oh, Chelley…Thank You! That was fabulous! No matter how many times I see it, I enjoy it every time.

    Rev. Manning must be so proud of the Harlem Gospel Choir! After all, Harlem is his home town! Unfortunately, Andre was a bit “out of it” when they were singing; it is definitely not his kind of music…LOL

    NYC is the Cultural Capital of the World! Its musical diversity is second to none IMHO.

    I remember going to Radio City Music Hall when I was a “kidlet” to watch the “Rockettes.” That was before the Japanese bought the Hall; it was never the same! I wanted so much to be a “Rockette” until I found out what their daily schedule was like…all work and no play!

    Thanks for sharing, Chelley…Linda 😉

  193. Oops,

    I meant PRESENTLY looking for it since the last person to have checked it out seems to have been…


  194. Linda from NY

    TruthSeeker // April 17, 2010 at 9:38 pm,

    Hey, TruthSeeker! Nice to hear from you!

    Couldn’t be anyone in Congress; they can’t or don’t like to read!

    And…pp just likes to carry books around to “impress” people!

    Hmmm…now who could it be?

    Maybe, pp’s lawyers looking for a “loophole?”

    I don’t have a “Clue” but I know it happened in the Library…

    Happy Night…Linda

    BTW…how did you discover this or are you just pulling our legs?

  195. #

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // April 17, 2010 at 9:15 pm


    You seem to keep overlooking that if he used FRAUD to deceive and get elected that is criminal. What you are saying is important BUT don’t overlook the other crimes, too.
    No, you seem to keep insisting on pursuing retribution based on emotionalism. I seem to keep reminding people, we live in a Constitutional Republic. Fraud is a reason to Impeach the POTUS; but the fraud that will unseat him IS NOT THAT HE IS NOT A NBC. Rather, the fraud that will unseat him is that he conspired to get his name on the ballot notwithstanding he is not a NBC. And in several states, being a NBC is required to get on the ballot. REMEMBER, THE ELECTORS CAN ELECT ANYONE, EVEN SOMEONE NOT ON THE BALLOT!

    Stop telling me what I seem to forget. You only say that because you still don’t understand how our government works.

  196. Thomas and the “evading” eligibility: according to Appuzo:

    The YouTube video may be viewed at
    A biography on Rep. Serrano may be found at

    What does all of this mean in relation to Obama’s eligibility question? What is the message behind all the joking, laughter, and body language that can be viewed on the video? From Justice Thomas’ first mentioning that one does not have to be born in the United States to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, it appears that Justice Thomas is telling Congress that the Court is angry with Congress for allowing Obama to sit as President even though there is a reasonable doubt as to whether he was born in the United States. Rep. Serrano read the real message of Justice Clarence’s statement and let him know about it, saying “Oh, really.” Rep. Serrano did not like Justice Thomas blaming Congress for the mishandling of the matter so he shoots back at Justice Thomas by telling him the Court failed to answer the Obama eligibility question when it should have but now is answering the question of whether someone who is not born in the United States can sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. From this comment we can conclude that Congress did not believe that it was its job to answer the question of whether Obama is eligible to be President and expected the judicial branch of government to answer that question. This is borne out by the many letters that Congressmen wrote to concerned Americans on the question of what was being done to address the issue of whether Obama was eligible for the Presidency. Justice Thomas then answered that the Court is “evading that one” and giving Congress “another option.” Here we can see that the Court is telling Congress that it avoided addressing the Obama eligibility issue so Congress could resolve it through the political process, giving Congress some other unknown “option” to resolve the crisis. We can only speculate what that other “option” is at this point. Needless to say, it appears that both Congress and the Court are angry at each other for the constitutional crisis that each accuses the other to have caused regarding the Obama eligibility question.

  197. Linda from NY

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    Bill Clinton on Rush Limbaugh Slapdown of Him: “It Doesn’t Make Any Sense” – Video 4/17/10

    “ADDED: Here is audio of the Rush Limbaugh comments that Bill Clinton was reacting to in the video above:…”

    Rush says: “We are living in their heads rent free!”

  198. Real Deal, Linda,

    CBS News I think,

    Maybe I can link an article here.

    Wish me luck.

    P.S. Wish I could post more often but I gotta work to earn that retirement I’ll never get under Zero, right?

    Thanks for the greeting.


    Well, Bunning, now that you’ve found your *****, wish you’d stay in our Senate.
    But Rand Paul seems a great follower of your small government philosophy.
    A baseball hall of famer-who’d have guessed it??

  200. >>>>JBJD,
    THEY DO NOT ELECT THE PRESIDENT; THE ELECTORS DO, ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION. I wish they would start to focus their attention on where the laws were broken; that is, ask Nancy Pelosi or Boyd Richie or Kathy Hensley, the (former) Treasurer of the SC D party; what documentary evidence did YOU look at to determine BO was a NBC before YOU swore to election officials in VA, and TX, and SC that BO was eligible to get on the ballot, .<<<<<


    Really, you have forgotten more law than I will probably ever learn. Be that as it may, I still have a significant problem with one concept that you haven't really addressed, that goes with your theory on how things play out. You see, if you gain property(or in this case political office), based upon crimes or fraud (or both in this case), you ARE NOT ENTITLED to keep it. I have researched this, and every single court has come to the same conclusion. So my problem with your conclusions is that you freely admit that Obama (and others) committed fraud and crimes to gain the office…..but say that he is a legitimate POTUS because of the electors. I say, NAY.

    Therefore, I believe that Lt Col Larkin is correct. Obama obtained his office by fraud of the people and the electors. Further he is an ursurper because he obtained the office illegally by fraud and crime, and occupies the office against the Constitution because he is not a NBC.

    This might be politically, to steal a phrase, an inconvient truth, but there it is. The attempt to avoid the issue by the SCOTUS (see Clarence Thomas) and the courts, by standing, is just a reminder to the masses that we no longer live in a Constitutional republic, wherein rule of law exists.

    While I agree with the Lt. Col take, deeply admire his bravery and conviction, I have no doubt about the last statement that I typed. The Lt. Col. will likely end up in jail, because the truth is more than the socialists conspirators want you to know.

    Finally, people asked…they asked before and after the election. They were ignored by the people that you mention. We fear the Government, it no longer fears us.


  201. jbjd,

    If he used FRAUD to get elected the electionis null and void.
    They just arrested 18 because of mortage fraud if BO use ELECTION FRAUD to get lected the crime happened before he was president and the election is null and void and he need to be arrested. Especially if he isn’t who he pretended to be.

    Anyway keep up the good work BUT I say pursue all angles and venues

  202. Pete,

    The government will always fear the people because without them there will be no one to govern. In any relationship power is distributed among the participants, even though at times strongly skewed.

  203. jbjd,

    Lets put it another way. Say McCain used election Fraud and lost. If there was an investigation and they found evidence of election fraud could McCain get arrested for that crime? If so what makes Obamaliar above the law?

  204. TO:
    venice // April 17, 2010 at 10:15 pm


    The government will always fear the people because without them there will be no one to govern. In any relationship power is distributed among the participants, even though at times strongly skewed.

    They don’t need us…they just want our stuff. They can always populate the again country with illegals, plus they say the world is overpopulated and they want to redistribute what we have to the rest of the world what better and easier way than to get rid of us by war, disease, etc.

  205. Pete // April 17, 2010 at 10:07 pm


    Really, you have forgotten more law than I will probably ever learn. Be that as it may, I still have a significant problem with one concept that you haven’t really addressed, that goes with your theory on how things play out. You see, if you gain property(or in this case political office), based upon crimes or fraud (or both in this case), you ARE NOT ENTITLED to keep it. I have researched this, and every single court has come to the same conclusion. So my problem with your conclusions is that you freely admit that Obama (and others) committed fraud and crimes to gain the office…..but say that he is a legitimate POTUS because of the electors. I say, NAY.
    You don’t understand our Constitutional Republic. And you certainly don’t understand my work. BO did not need to be on the ballot to be elected because the Electors were the only people ‘elected’ in the general election. The Electors could have vetted BO for Constitutional eligibility but nothing in the Constitution said they had to vet him.

    But what would state ballots have looked like if BO wasn’t on them? There would have been no names next to the D. None. Because only the name of the nominee is on the ballot. According to election laws in each state.

    The election was perfectly legal. The election was perfectly legal. The election was perfectly legal. The Electors did exactly what they were supposed to do, according to the law. The Constitution says, they elect the POTUS. There is no mention of vetting as to Constitutional eligibility. (Have you begun to amend your state laws to add that requirement? Because some states have already enacted laws to tell Electors what to do; only, these states tell Electors they must vote for the party nominee.)

    The fraud consists of using ballots in states that require ballot eligibility. The fraud only relates to the ballot, and not to obtaining the office of POTUS. But this is criminal fraud, meaning, it would be enough to get BO out of office.

  206. Agreed Peter,

    But my point is that you have to have somebody to breed (though science will soon look after that too). It may not be Americans sadly.

  207. #

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // April 17, 2010 at 10:10 pm


    If he used FRAUD to get elected the electionis null and void.
    They just arrested 18 because of mortage fraud if BO use ELECTION FRAUD to get lected the crime happened before he was president and the election is null and void and he need to be arrested. Especially if he isn’t who he pretended to be.

    Anyway keep up the good work BUT I say pursue all angles and venues
    There are no other angles. Electors can elect anyone they want, even people not on the November ballot. Criminals can be elected. But presumably, they would not be elected, even by the party selected Electors. That is, had they known they were electing criminals at the time.

    BO cannot be said to have committed criminal election fraud in connection with getting his name on the Elector ballot in states with eligibility laws; until we know whether NP or BR or any other member of the D party committed criminal fraud in swearing he was eligible to get his name on the ballot in states with ballot eligibility laws. Then, obviously, we can establish, he was a part of that criminal conspiracy. But we cannot target him, first; because HE DID NOT SIGN THE CERTIFICATIONS OF NOMINATION THAT GOT HIS NAME ONTO STATE BALLOTS!

    Stop wasting time.

  208. The Constitution also says that nobody but a Natural Born Citizen can be POTUS regardless of what the electors think. NBC is the primary and inviolable requirement and if the electors failed by electing a usurper, they have committed fraud and treason, which on it’s face invalidates the election and sends them to jail! It comes down to the chicken or the egg scenario, what came first!

  209. Oops Part II: The Sequel,

    It WAS the NYC Library,

    Not the National Library,

    My Bad.

  210. JBJD,

    I appreciate your input on this but the truth is we need to do WHATEVER it takes. Go after whoever is at fault, and put the crack in the dam that causes the truth to come flooding through.

    The real trouble is that now that obama is in Our White House, he is doing everything he can to stay in. Lies, deception, fraud, etc. And my take is he won’t go without a fight.

    I don’t believe I’ve read it here before, but what is your take on the validity of bills he signs into law when it is proven that his occupying 1600 Pennsy Ave is illegal? Does this undo everything he has done?

  211. Jacqlyn Smith // April 17, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    If this is true, as someone here has tried to explain that for years this nation has been a corporation, this country better get ready for a real REVOLUTION WITH ARMS, NOT RHETORIC when the population learns the following:
    39. The intent and objective of the bankruptcy was not to resolve any “emergency”;
    it was to create one for the express purpose of changing the governmental, social, economic and industrial character of the de jure society, to infringe and abrogate inalienable Rights, steal and alienate the birth Rights of the People, impair the obligations of honest contracts, to defraud and obtain a benefit therefrom, create turbulence and contention, overthrow, and to establish a corrupt totalitarian oligarchy and combination, in direct contravention to the Law of the Land, and against the Peace, Dignity and Security of We The People (the real State).

  212. jbjd,

    One other thing this nation is not currently a Constitutional Republic, it’s a corporation, has been since FDR! Welcome to the twilight zone!


    Happening all across this country Monday April 19, PATRIOTS DAY at 3 Pm EST in all 50 State Capital Buildings.

    Do Your Part if you want to be Free from the US CORPORATION that Incorporated all of us as subsidaries of their CORPORATION.
    Obama is right is is EVIL CORPORATION that have destroying our country that EVIL CORPORATION is the US CORPORATION.

    “Give me Liberty, or give me Death!!”

    I Say “Give me Freedom, Not Debt”

  214. Linda from NY

    Prairie // April 17, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    Prairie! What an excellent find! Apuzzo is brilliant!

    However, what a revolting development this is!

    Thanks for sharing!


  215. Funny thing about the California elections, Peter,

    Both Goober-natorial candidates Whitman and Poisner are claiming and running as Conservative Republicans,

    Yet all their t.v. spots to date are all about how LIBERAL their pasts are.

    Dunn is just par for the course bucking for that presently much coveted Repub tag here in Liberal Hell California.

  216. We have ALWAYS been in Bankruptcy…and every 70 yrs that bankrupcty has to be restructured that is why some of these major crisis happened.

    We have posted many sites that explaining about the Bankrupt state and the CORPORATION and FED, IMF, NWO, etc.

    Every cent that we pay in taxes goes to pay the interest on the over 50 trillions of Debt and anything that is done is dunded by new debt and floating bonds.

  217. C.W. – As is customary, your article is an oasis of truth, strong and sane, in the vast wastelands of twisted-speak and deloozhunland. Thanks!

  218. JJ // April 17, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Who is posting as me?

    Yes I haven’t been here for a while. Sorry but I’ve been involved in a major project, one which the other security “sectors” perk their ears at.

    If you have seen posts from me in the last 5 months it is not from me at all. Keep me posted. I will notify certain key players of the activity and we will notifity other patriots of it.

  219. Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // April 17, 2010 at 10:37 am

    !?!! // April 16, 2010 at 11:21 pm

    re: neurofryk
    You’re right. No such poster. In one of your posts, the name was the sender of an email, suggesting that our issues with o. are based on his skin color.

    Please “deem” my post to be re-worded to that effect. Thanks. lol

  220. Linda from NY

    TruthSeeker // April 17, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    Thanks, TruthSeeker! I got it now!

    That book is somewhere, and someone took it from Washington after he died.

    Problem is…they have NO IDEA where to look!

    Interesting find…Thanks for sharing!

    Know what you mean about working for “possible retirement funds.” Aren’t we all? I still work, too, but have been laid up for 8 weeks from an accident in the home.

    Hey…Maybe, some day we won’t have to worry about retirement funds…maybe, we will get our money back from the “Robber Barons.!” All we need is a “good sting!” LOL

    Keep smiling…keep popping in from time to time, and please let us know how you are doing, mkay?

    Peace Be With You…Linda

  221. Linda from NY

    Peter! @ 10:56 PM

    I read those “Articles of Freedom!” What an impressive document…so well-constructed and organized. What an accomplishment for all involved!

    What impressed me most was their “Prayer;” the one they prayed before beginning their work!

    Wow! Oh, Wow! Amazing! Sure hope the recipients take it seriously.

    Thanks for bringing that to our attention…Linda

  222. That’s notify, not notifity. That’s an ACORN phrase…

  223. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    hahahahaha Thanks.

    More funny numbers.

    Now do I believe 37% of Nevada voters want to re-elect Reid? Nope.

    But then, I don’t believe that 27% (per Rasmussen) of the country’s voters strongly approve of o.’s job as president, either.

    Taken any statistic courses? If so, you know statistics can be tweaked any which way.

    I have concluded that polls, like the “conservative” media have their purposes, of which informing the public is not necessarily the highest priority.

    As for Reid, I’m stickin’ with the on-the-ground data for now.

  224. Linda from NY @ 9:38 pm
    When I saw the Harlem Gospel Choir I immediately thought of Pastor Manning. I’m trying to type to the Saints Go Marching In.
    ” I wanted so much to be a “Rockette” until I found out what their daily schedule was like…all work and no play”
    this is why all the professional dancers have such hard bodies, these people really work hard, yet they make it look effortless.
    You New Yorkers really know how to throw a concert,-most joyful I’ve seen you all since 9/11. It was good to see. New York on 9/11 broke our hearts, but the bravery and courage was awesome to behold.

  225. I’m fine, Linda,

    Thanks for the concern,

    Hope you get better soon. We got a buddy here we nearly lost here at work. Trust me, there are two words we never want to hear together here for a very long time,



    He’s getting better pretty well and should be back in two or three months,

    You get better soon, too, promise?

  226. The elections are fixed. No change will occur in 2010. Keep dreaming people.

    Cancel your cable.

    Do not watch the MSM, including Hannity and Beck.

    Stay away from the phone.

    Wait for the signal.

    We are at actual WAR with the Federal Government.

    You are not alone.

    Get involved in local and state politics.

    States feel your pain.

  227. Prairie @ 9:56 pm
    If the Legislative and the Judicial branches need a scapegoat heck I’ll volunteer. I can one for the team WE THE PEOPLE. It’s all my fault-happy Legislative and Judicial branches now you can proceed.

  228. Truthbetold11

    Pwrh. Patrick Henry was about religous freedom. He came upon3 men burned at the stake what crime did they commit the king said u needed a lincense to preach the gospel thus started the revolution

  229. Oh yeah. Dunn. Another ineligible candidate that the CA Sec of State hasn’t taken off the ballot. He’s only been registered as a repub for 9 months. The requirement to run for office is 12 months.

    Documents posted on Orly’s site show that Dunn even tried to have his Democratic Party membership records scrubbed from the data banks in FL.

    Kudos for the person there who followed the rules and denied his request, and has so stated in writing.

    Guess if he does manage to cheat his way into office, he can be removed right away.

    I’m wondering how many other repub candidates are dems in disguise. Could be a move to counter the expected dem demolition in November.

  230. SueK.

    Vacation!! A word that ranks high in my dictionary. Right up there with relaxation and recreation.

    Hope the yard and the docs don’t monopolize all your time, and that you get good results in both venues.

  231. You folks fall on deaf ears. Nothing will happen with the elections. There are no Republicans. There are no Democrats. There is only the constant beating of “Big Business” government drum trying to sucker you into some sort of structured regime.

    Pay attention, folks. Reality is here. There are only 2 choices. Swing with the elections or fight. If you choose to fight, get involved with your local Patriot politicians or NRA training groups.

  232. !?!! // April 17, 2010 at 11:45 pm

    Hi c.n.d.e,

    Yup, haven’t taken 2 weeks in maybe 15-20 years??

    Most of the time will be at appts., and doing yard chores.

    Just read something interesting: Luci Johnson, LBJ’s daughter, was admitted to the hospital with severe muscle weakmess. She’s in the neurological ICU in Austin, I think.

    They suspect Guillain-Barre syndrome. That may be another avenue to explore.

    I always liked Luci and am praying for her recovery.

  233. JeffM // April 17, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    Hi, Jeff. Good to see you after so long.

    Has it really come to this?

  234. Linda from NY

    !?!! // April 17, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Hey !?!! Left you a message @ 8:00 PM. Enjoy!

    😉 Linda

  235. Rinos in Disguise,

    You saw further than I did, !?!!,


  236. jbjd // April 17, 2010 at 10:31 pm
    Posted at CW on Dec. 7, 2008

    I just received this from MoniQue of the moniquemonicat blog:

    “This is MoniQue from moniquemonicat blog. I sent requests to 50+ Secretary of State offices through the Public Records Act (PRA) requesting Obama’s original filing papers for each state and some other docs too.

    Attached is one I just got back from THE SOS IN ARIZONA.


    I think this document is important because it is HIS word [which I believe to be a lie] that he is a natural born us citizen. He says “i do solemnly swear he is a natural u.s. born citizen”

    A copy of the document is posted at
    As I recall, you also had this document posted on your site. I remember being very impressed with your thinking about the candidate certification issue.

    Has this document been taken out of play?

  237. TruthSeeker // April 17, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    Nah. I just drop in at Orly’s site now and again. The network of folks sending her info is amazing.

    The entrenched political bosses in this country have nooooo idea how popular she is. Believing their own made-up stories is their fatal flaw.

    Dung, I mean, Dunn should already be DONE.

  238. SueK,

    Yes it has. As ole Grandma used to say:

    “Shit, or get off the Pot”.

    It’s time. No longer can we wait. We must get our papers and our supplies in order. The Military is moving like Chess pieces. So shall we.

    I am very surprised we have staved off Revolution so long. You can feel it in the air. Be prepared. Be alert. An stay alert.

  239. Linda from NY // April 17, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    REALLY do enjoy all those funny numbers.

    Check my msg. to you at 11:31. I verified my paste this time!!

  240. Citizen, why are you moderating me?

    You know better.

  241. JeffM,

    What a pleasant surprise. Welcome back. I agree on all of your points unfortunately.

  242. venice,

    Cheers. Same here. It’s not the end of the World. Only the beginning. Everyone knows on here there is only one way out of this hole.

    I do not wish harm to anyone. I only follow history. Our nation is split down the middle. Many thought the deathcare bill would be the split. It’s not. It’s the Amnesty Bill.

  243. JeffM,

    Could you please elaborate.

  244. Linda from NY

    !?!! // April 17, 2010 at 11:31 pm

    Glad you got a giggle out of it! Yup…took two statistics courses…will drive you up the wall and back down again!

    However, these polls are just for amusement IMHO. They never really reflect the “true” mood of the country. I cannot believe anyone would be in either Reid’s or pp’s corner, but some are still brain dead, I guess.

    Have a Great Night…Linda

  245. SueK // April 17, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Too bad about Luci’s condition. Hope the added attention to the syndrome ends up helping you and others in a major way.

    Yep. Every avenue is worth exploring.

    I’d say you are overdue for a day where you do just what you want to do. Hope you can fit in one like that.

  246. Linda from NY // April 18, 2010 at 12:18 am

    lol Yeah. Polls — Just more amusing window dressing for the “slaves.”

    My conclusion about statistics is: Well, they COULD mean what I’m being told, OR maybe they don’t. 50/50 odds every time. lol

  247. !?!! // April 18, 2010 at 12:19 am

    Yes, c.n.d.e.,

    I pray for Luci. I always liked LBJ’s daughters, but not him.

    Right, another avenue to explore if the Lyme fizzles out and I get negatives on the tests.

    Very perceptive of you-a day that I do what I want. That will be worked in…I plan to visit a local firearms dealer to become armed and dangerous! That’s my idea(r) of a good time 😉

  248. Linda from NY

    TruthSeeker // April 17, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    Sorry to hear about your friend…TruthSeeker! He is definitely far worse off than I am.

    Doc said 12 weeks recovery; am finishing my 8th week…slowly, but surely. I took a flying leap onto a cement floor and that caused a hematoma in my quadriceps leg muscle; no word to describe the intense pain. In another week, I can begin my exercise therapy to strengthen my “wobbly wayward walk.” So tell your buddy, there is a “light” at the end of the tunnel!

    Thanks for caring…Promise to get better…Linda

  249. Well JeffM raised the matter. So I’m posting a link regarding the new Amnesty Bill. I’m assuming this is what he is referring to.

  250. JeffM, glad to see you back!

    Remember, the County Sheriff has power against the federal government:

  251. Linda from NY

    Michelle // April 17, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    Chelley…became a gymnast instead of a “Rockette.”

    “You New Yorkers really know how to throw a concert,-most joyful I’ve seen you all since 9/11. It was good to see. New York on 9/11 broke our hearts, but the bravery and courage was awesome to behold.”

    Yes, Chelley, we are a hardy, tough group here in NY and yet, we know “how to party.” We work hard and play just as hard.

    NYC is one of the toughest places to live; ethnic neighborhoods, violence, gangs, and drugs galore. But, you know all about that coming from Chicago.

    That is why I have such respect for Spitzer! He took on the Wall Street gang. Hard to believe his job here is over. Politics ruined his career, but it looks like he is making a comeback in his “chosen” career. He has already weighed in on the Goldman Sachs debacle. He is so intelligent; when he speaks, people listen.

    Time for bed…Good Night, Chelley…It’s been fun…Linda

  252. To !?!! – Outstanding information re. O’s attesting to his purportedly being a NBC and qualified to be president ass evidenced by the copy of document filed with AZ’s Sec. of State!! I wasn’t blogging back in Dec. 2008 and so this is news!!

    I’ll be anxious to see what jbjd has to say about this, and if there could be some action taken by us citizens in AZ, i.e., applying pressure on the AG, who happens to be a Dem. Hmmm….?!?

    I’m going to copy that 2008 post and paste it for future reference. It seems to me that POTUS could be held on criminal charges if he lied on that document. But who would bring those charges? jbjd, where are you?

  253. Sorry – “ass” should be “as”. My fingers get too fast sometimes.

  254. #

    !?!! // April 17, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    jbjd // April 17, 2010 at 10:31 pm
    Posted at CW on Dec. 7, 2008

    I just received this from MoniQue of the moniquemonicat blog:

    “This is MoniQue from moniquemonicat blog. I sent requests to 50+ Secretary of State offices through the Public Records Act (PRA) requesting Obama’s original filing papers for each state and some other docs too.

    Attached is one I just got back from THE SOS IN ARIZONA.


    I think this document is important because it is HIS word [which I believe to be a lie] that he is a natural born us citizen. He says “i do solemnly swear he is a natural u.s. born citizen”

    A copy of the document is posted at
    As I recall, you also had this document posted on your site. I remember being very impressed with your thinking about the candidate certification issue.

    Has this document been taken out of play?
    The only use of this document is to support a claim that BO knows the difference between “Natural Born Citizen” and “native,” the word he uses on FTS. Because as I have been saying ever since June 2008, it makes absolutely no sense to try to prove BO is not a NBC, by searching for documents. Rather, it makes sense to establish, if we cannot locate documentary evidence in the public record that would establish BO is a NBC then, no one else who certified his eligibility could have found documentary evidence on which to base that eligibility Certification.

    The AZ form only comes into play to establish BO participated in the ballot fraud (in which the other D officials are found culpable).

  255. Oil Prices

    There is absolutely no common sense reason why oil prices are increasing, in fact it makes very little sense why it’s above $60 a barrel.

    But when you add in wall street speculators instigating inflation and destroying 3rd world countries who are most at risk of high oil prices it all makes sense.

    Price of oil will spike back above $100 for no “apparent reason”, but peel back the layers and beneath it is a push to inflate and destroy economies of the world.
    h/t wanderer

  256. Linda of N.Y. – So very sorry to hear of your healing time from your severe injury. I can truly empathize, since I had a number of serious fractures in the ’90’s and was on crutches for about seven years. Being severely confined is no fun, but you certainly have a wonderful, loving attitude, in spite of your physical problems. Do take heart, for as the saying goes, “This too shall pass”. God bless you!

  257. Linda from NY

    Dang! What else is in that bill?

    DemCare’s Secret $1.62 Trillion Immigration Time-Bomb

    Director Blue ^ | April 16th | Doug Ross

    Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 11:46:03 PM by Halfmanhalfamazing

    “Nancy Pelosi wasn’t kidding when she said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

    Buried deep within the the Democrat health care bill is a secret payoff to immigrants that defies American traditions and was heretofore undisclosed.

    Hidden within the 2,400-page DemCare legislation is a bullet to the head of the longstanding “public charge” doctrine. The doctrine states that “no alien can be allowed into the United States if he is going to become a burden on the US taxpayer upon entry — a public charge.”

    By granting amnesty for at least 10.8 million illegal immigrants, the Democrat health care bill will cost $162 billion a year — or $1.62 trillion, which the CBO never took into account.”

  258. Cabby – AZ, read the comment from !?!! carefully; it mentions, ‘I recall seeing that AZ Certification on your site.’ That’s MY site s/he’s talking about. So, I have known about that SoS form BO submitted to get into the primary in AZ, for more than a year now. He also submitted forms in other states, too. But going after him directly for lying to state officials meant, KNOWING he is not a NBC. We don’t. But we KNOW if we don’t KNOW then, neither did the D officials who swore he was.

  259. Linda from NY

    Cabby – AZ // April 18, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Thanks, Cabby! What a loving message!

    In many ways, I think God has blessed me as well as others around me so I do not feel slighted. The people who frequent this blog have been so helpful even if they were not aware they were helping.

    I believe God allows things to happen to bring us to a better place. I know I have learned much from Him through each step in my recovery.

    God Bless You for caring…Linda

  260. ‘Night, Linda!

    God Bless!

  261. WOW!!! I’m not sure if this video has already been posted, but you guys need to check this video out.

    Dr Alan Keyes Keynote Speaker At Dayton OH Tea Party – Obama Birth Certificate

  262. Ditto,

    What Cabby said…

    “Night, Cabby,

    “Night All!

    God BBless us All!

    God Bless the Republic!


  263. Linda from NY

    Re 11:48am
    Sent out my e-mails.
    Great stuff today. Need to save this material. I hope others forwarded todays commentarys.

  264. Yeah, my post finally made it out of moderation pergatory!!! However it looks like folks either skipped over them, or didn’t see them yet.

    Anyway… Those posts are part of the Courts-Martial that nobody is telling you about or reporting on. Because Civilian Legal talking heads honestly have no concept that the UCMJ is subserviant to the Geneva Conventions. So I posted here that part of International Laws of war known as the Law of Command Responsibility.

  265. “He (Obama) has, inside of a year, destroyed our alliances, abandoned our allies, nationalized banks, insurance companies, the automotive business and rammed communist healthcare down our collective throats.He has bankrupted this country and stolen the wealth of our nation and our children. He has embraced Islamic anti-semitism, sanctioned the Islamic bomb of the Iranian mullahcracy, handed Russia Eastern Europe on a plate, threw away our nuclear advantage, and despised us for our superiority. And then contemptuously told us to thank him and kiss his marxist ass.

    Now he is going to nationalize Wall Street. Another government takeover euphemistically packaged as “reform” which, like healthcare, actually means rout. All those asshat Wall Streeters that supported this dangerous usurper are going to get their ass, the future and their dreams handed to them in a pile of steaming……..

    He is taking it all over. It doesn’t matter how destructive, how chaotic his plan is – the objective is …. seize control and then move on and seize control of the next sector. No time spent looking at the problems he has created or the terrible reverbs of what he has wrought. ” Atlas Shrugs

  266. Here are some interesting comments at under the heading:

    “Operation: Investigate Obama aka Soetoro, not Lt. Col. Terry Lakin…
    – Thanks Charles –

    Posted on April 16th, 2010 by David-Crockett” below:

    Please Read The Following Interesting Comments Under The Above Heading:

    * * * *

    “ebysan said on Apr 16, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    Madlyn Payne Dunham is Obama’s grandmother. She signed & submitted BC .

    I have a screen shot of the BC posted by Madlyn Payne Dunham but it will not copy on this site.

    Grandmother signed this on Aug 8th 1961.

    Under Place of Birth she typed Honolulu with a “1″ as a footnote!!… At the bottom she posted:

    1. Birthplace: Kenya; Registered Honolulu. HRS 338-17.8 per Grandmother.

    A copy of this was found by the family of the friend who co signed this! [The co-signer] Looks like: Martin Blaine Errison.

    Under signature of parent “Other” was checked by both Madlyn & friend.

    But I still think Obama does “not’ look like his “Legal Father” /Obama Sr.

    He looks like Malcom-X …….(Malcolm-X daughter Qubilah Shabazz & Obama look a lot alike..Also Malia looks like Shabazz)……….either Stanley Ann was impregnated
    by Malcom-X or she adopted Malcom-X
    child………Obama Sr may have just been a patsy…. Remember – the Dunhams were active members of “CPUSA”….. [CPUSA is the Communist Party of the United States Of America.]

    Stanley Armour Dunham was photographed with Obama Sr in Hawaii before Stanley Ann met him at College.

    In 1960 at the Theresa Hotel completely unknown Kenyan student gain elbow-rubbing proximity to the then-notorious Malcolm X.

    Also at the Theresa Hotel was the poet and playwright Langston Hughes, a close friend of Frank Marshall Davis, as well as Charles Rangel who was working his way through law school as a desk clerk.

    It must also be mentioned that during the General Assembly meeting in September 1960, Nikita Khruschev traveled from midtown Manhattan up to Harlem to the Theresa Hotel to meet with Fidel Castro.

    What were Malcolm X, Fidel Castro, and Nikita Khrushchev talking to each other about? And where does Barack Obama (Sr.) fit in?

    Was he being recruited and groomed to be the “father” – or father in name only – of Barack Obama II, in furtherance of a grand conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government?

    1959, Khrushchev expanded on his previous statement: “We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”

    ”Was this odd but powerful assemblage at the Theresa Hotel planning to bury the United States by orchestrating yet an even more spectacular coup d’état – this time of America itself?”

    Not by a bloody revolution of the Castro variety, but rather by stealth – an operation carried out by leftist moles and sympathizers with the goal of overthrowing and taking the reins of the United States government?

    Is there any connection between Malcolm X and Obama Sr.? In 1959 Malcolm X traveled to the Middle East and Africa , including Kenya, and is reported to have met with Jomo Kenyatta, future Prime Minister, and later, President of Kenya, as well as with a prominent Kenyan politician named Tom Mboya (who Obama Sr. called his “godfather”). Mboya was a close friend of Barack Obama Sr.’s family, so it’s no mystery that Barack Obama Sr. was selected to give his name to Malcolm X’s son.

    We have no idea if Stanley Ann gave birth to Barack Obama or was just the woman chosen to raise him by the grand conspirators who plotted his rise to power from as far back as the 1950s, before his birth!”

    # # # #

    “James said on Apr 17, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    Ebysan, this would be a clinch in support of the newspaper birth announcements and how the were posted. What site ??????”

    # # # #

    “ebysan said on Apr 17, 2010 at 6:36 pm


    This Birth Certificate was posted in 2009 the only reference now is @ post # 26

    26 posted on April 14, 2010 11:28:06 AM PDT by jcsjcm (American Patriot – follow the Constitution and in God we Trust – Laus Deo)

    Madlyn Payne Dunham signed this.

    People said she miss spelled her own name… in many places Madlyn did not use an e in her name most of this has been removed from net.

    I did not mention that under Hospital… Madlyn said: “Name of Hospital: Unknown– Kenya, Africa.”

    This may be the BC on file… When you first look at place of Birth,

    It says Honolulu with a lowered “1′ as a foot note!

    At the bottom line 22 —Delayed filing, –
    This is where Madlyn typed:

    “1. Birthplace: Kenya; Registered Honolulu. HRS 338-17.8 per

    This copy came from a relative of Co- signer… That person made of Copy of what they signed…”

    # # # #

    “James said on Apr 18, 2010 at 3:23 am

    Thank you Ebysan, Yes, I did notice all you had said. Also, made a copy to “my pictures”. Interesting might be that the title came up as, “post land mail”.”

    # # # #

    My comment: This is “Ebysan’s” link above here: post # 26

    * * * *

    Please look at the above link and look at #26 comment. There is a copy at the # 26 comment of a “typed” original long-form Hawaiian Birth Certificate for a Barack Hussein Obama II, with a Madlyn Dunham’s signature, and a co-signers signature here.

    Is this be a valid and an authentic copy of the typed original long-form birth certificate document that was filed in Hawaii for Barack Hussein Obama II, and that was signed by Madlyn Dunhan and a co-signer, that was submitted by someone
    at comment #26?

    Or has this one been proven a fake or a proven valid document?

  267. Obama’s brother Mark in China looks extremely like Obama, so I don’t think Malcolm X is involved.

  268. My comment: This is “Ebysan’s” link above here: post # 26

    * * * *

    Please look at the above link and look at #26 comment. There is a copy at the # 26 comment of a “typed” original long-form Hawaiian Birth Certificate for a Barack Hussein Obama II, with a Madlyn Dunham’s signature, and a co-signers signature here.

    Is this be a valid and an authentic copy of the typed original long-form birth certificate document that was filed in Hawaii for Barack Hussein Obama II, and that was signed by Madlyn Dunhan and a co-signer, that was submitted by someone
    at comment #26?

    Or has this one been proven a fake or a proven valid document?

    * * * *
    I am looking at it again, and I have noticed: (1) There is no assigned “file number,” and no assigned “Department Of Health” document number on this
    submitted “B. C.” at comment #26.

    (2) Look at comment #16 here that displays a photocopy of the 1961 long-form Hawaiian Birth Certificate of the Eleanor Nordyke’s twin girls.

    (3) Why doesn’t the “comment #26” B. C. have a file number and a “Department Of Health” document number printed on it? It should have both of these identifying numbers listed on it to be authentic.

    Does anyone know about this?

  269. Starla @ 6:43 am

    Good morning Starla,

    Look closely at “Madelyn” Dunham’s signature. Whoever signed it spelled the first name wrong, leaving out the “e” in Madelyn. The things a fake.

  270. CW,

    Something I just found very interesting. I am passing along as quickly as possible.

    Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 6:47 AM
    You and I go way back. Back to before you had this site, when we both posted on other blogs. I felt obligated to give this news piece to you, since I know how you felt about Vattel and the law of Nations, and how it pertained to the Natural Born Citizen Clause. What Natural Born Citizen meant was defined, and as John Jay recommended, was known to George Washington……but did George Washington read Vatel?

    Take a few moments, pat yourself on the back. Email me if you would like. Spread the word.


  271. Geert Wilders Exposes Islam and supports Israel part 1 of 2

    Geert Wilders Exposes Islam and supports Israel part 2 of 2

  272. Starla // April 18, 2010 at 6:13 am


    by John Charlton

    (Oct. 20, 2009) — At 10:22 PM Last evening someone purporting to be William Blaine issued the following email:

    The Blaine Document

  273. Jonah at 8:21 am,

    Thank you for forwarding The Post & Email’s (TP&E) information on this document.

    I did not see this specific document before last night. The Post & Email has a clear review of this docoment, and Charles Kerchner and Mario Apuzzo, and others think it is another fake.

    I noticed that it had no assigned “file number,” and no assigned “Department Of Health” document number on it.

    Here is a paragraph of the information that The Post & Mail article outlines about this document, “In the opinion of The Post & Email the signatures of the first two witnesses are similar forms of handwriting.

    Commander Charles Kerchner, issued this statement:

    Atty Mario Apuzzo and I believe it is a forgery and a fraud … probably done by some Obot to get our side scurrying around with it.

    The biggest reason we think it is a fraud is because the Hawaiian statute cited in the lower right corner as the version with the “.8″ amendment on the end, i.e., 338.17.8 did not exist in 1961. It was added to the statute in 1982. That jumped out at me right away. 338.17.8 did not apply to Obama in 1961 because it did not exist in the law books yet. But the registration of out of state children was permitted in 1961 under older laws such as the one in 1911 and another in 1955, as I recall off the top of my head.

    But since this doc is citing 338.17.8 it cannot be the initial or original birth registration document.

    Charles Kerchner.” at the link:

    The Blaine Document

    # # # #

    Thank you Jonah for the above information link ; )!!

  274. Linda from NY

    LM // April 18, 2010 at 8:10 am

    Good Morning, LM! What powerful vids you have provided for our education!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy Sunday…Linda

  275. Linda from NY


    Tea Party Report: I Met a 15-Year-Old Christian Girl With More Nerve Than Most Ministers ^ | April 17, 2010 | Doug Giles

    Posted on Sunday, April 18, 2010 8:40:11 AM by Kaslin

    “This past Thursday I was let out of my cage and allowed to emcee the Palm Beach Tea Party, and thankfully it went off without a hitch. Yep, it was a fantastic patriotic throw down that would have warmed the cockles of even the most pessimistic curmudgeon’s heart. It was b-e-you-ti-ful.

    There were no freaky dipstick Tea Party crashers in attendance (I was kinda hoping for some, honestly). The South Florida weather was stunning (which is why we live here). The music provided by Oscar Sastoque and and the live sounds supplied by Billy Bones of were unbelievable (you’ve got to check out Billy’s new song, “Freedom”). The various guest speakers, including our keynote Col. Allen West—whom I believe should be the next President and is the liberals’ worst nightmare—were all in fine game form.

    Indeed, all our speakers and attendees stood ready and giddy to crush all the goofy house and senate progressives and pathetic RINO pukes who are equally intent on ruining our nation at the polls this next November. Yes, my little children, our Tea Party rocked. I hope yours did as well.

    One of the many cool things that the rowdy Giles Tribe and I experienced was the pleasure of hearing a 15-year-old Christian girl speak out about her love for God and—I said and—her love for this country, as well as the necessity for Christians and patriots to oppose Obama’s hostile takeover of our freedom and funds.”

  276. Good article in the Canada Free Press

    Not satisfied to just goad his critics and take on the GOP Obama has decided to bring scripture references into the controversy
    Obama Mocks Armageddon: More Wright Theology that’s Wrong?
    By Rev. Michael Bresciani Friday, April 16, 2010
    Hearing of the Republican plans to challenge the constitutionality of the healthcare bill Obama replied with “Bring it on.” Has he moved up the ladder to challenge not just the GOP but perhaps God himself? If a thing is no more than the sum of its parts, shouldn’t somebody tell the President that he is only one part of the government, of the partisan system, of America in total?

    Not satisfied to just goad his critics and take on the GOP, Obama has decided to bring scripture references into the controversy. We know what Pastor Wright said about damning America but now we can see further into the Wright theology or the lack of it with Obama’s inference to last day’s theology more commonly referred to as eschatological doctrine.

    Even as he seemed to fulfill at least one last day’s prophecy, “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation;” (2Pet 3:4) he went on to mock another by saying, Reuters Mar 25, 2010, “Leaders of the Republican Party … called the passage of (the health care reform bill) Armageddon, end of freedom as we know it. So after I signed the bill, I looked around to see if there were any asteroids falling or some cracks opening up in the earth. Turned out it was a nice day. Birds were chirping. Folks were strolling down the Mall”

    Larry Elder author of the book “What’s Race Got to Do with It?” said in his column in, April 15, 2010, “This is an interesting definition of success: Government tax-spend-spread-the-wealth works if, come morning, our cars start.

    It would be hard to add more to what Larry Elder said about it unless we wanted to take a look at the theology or scriptural passage Obama made reference to and see exactly what’s wrong with that. I’m glad you do want to take a look and I hope that it is not “Quelque chose que tu savais déjà.”

    Long ago I laughed out loud when someone in a flick I was watching said, “I’m a man of few words – and I’ve said ‘em.” I am not a man of few words and I’ve surely not said ‘em as yet but, here I will be as succinct as possible with only two simple points.

    The first point is something that Theology 101 covers which is that Armageddon is not a natural occurrence. It is not the unpredictable cogitations of Mother Nature or some cosmic intrusion of meteors and asteroids. It isn’t a chance event resulting from any known natural phenomena. Such views make for good disaster movies and vacillating, question rich meanderings for the TLC, History Channel and other theologically unlearned offerings of eschatology. But in truth, such nonsense is not even close.

    The second and more important point is that Armageddon is the result of man’s failure to govern, find peace or give God credit for both creation and knowing what’s best for the crown jewel of his creation, which at this juncture in history, although hard to admit; is still man.

    Rather than meteors and asteroids, it is the gathering of every major military power on earth. Forces will be milling about on the vast plains of Esdraelon or the Valley of Jezreel about 55 miles north of the city of Jerusalem. These armies will be intent on the destruction of the little tiny nation state of Israel and intercepting the second coming of the Lord. They will utterly fail and will be completely destroyed before they ever hear the cry to attack. (Rev 16: 1f)

    Obama colored his no Armageddon quip with the fact that the day he signed the healthcare bill, the birds were chirping and people were strolling through the malls. Even if the President has no understanding of what Armageddon really is, there is little doubt that he will see the Armageddon of the 2010 mid-term elections and the mighty presidential battle that is promised for 2012. If these elections ramp up according to the present climate of complete dissatisfaction with his accomplishments so far, then, the only birds that will be seen in the sky will be vultures, poised to feast on a fallen administration. Don’t know much about vultures but I’m pretty sure they don’t chirp

  277. Linda from NY


    Good Morning! Sorry I am late in acknowledging your recent difficulties.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you for your son and your Dad.

    Unfortunately, I know only too well what you are experiencing with your Dad; I, too, went through the same experience for years before my Dad died. At some point in my agony, I turned him over to God knowing full well His will would be done eventually.

    I hope you can find some peace along the way, and that you will cherish every moment your Dad is here. It is not important what you do, just “how” you do it; with love and respect.

    I would like to encourage you to do something for your Dad you may or may not have thought to do before. Make time to sit down and write a letter to your Dad [while he is still here]. In that letter, tell him that you recognize the sacrifices he has made in his life to make your life better, tell him of some of the “fun” experiences you had with him that you remember over the years, and tell him how very much you love him. Don’t wait to do this, please. I am glad I did it before my Dad died.

    With you in “love” and “spirit”…Linda 😉

  278. Linda from NY

    Michelle: This one’s for you!

    Obama Delusion Syndrome ^ | April 18, 2010 | Kevin McCullough

    Posted on Sunday, April 18, 2010 8:32:31 AM by Kaslin

    “Few things are less tasteful than arrogance amongst the empowered. Few things are sillier than believing one’s own praise. Few people are more misguided than those who teach false doctrine, and few pose more danger than those who willfully deceive in order to gain power.

    On all four points President Obama stands head and shoulders above us all.

    It seems, however, that he saves his ugliest bit of guile, disdain, and self-exultation for when he is forced to deal with “We The People.” For as much as he would like to believe it to be the case, he is not higher than us, but rather our servant. And though he bristles at the notion that anyone should be allowed to instruct his behavior or review his job performance, in November of this year the voters of America will do both.”

  279. Linda from NY

    LDacar // April 18, 2010 at 9:25 am

    Good Morning, LDacar!

    Of all of the people in the “whole wide world,” he is the least likely to be “preaching” anything about the Bible!

    His arrogance, self-aggrandizing, and ignorance are second only to his delusion in thinking his words are the “end all” to any issue let alone opposing views. His stupidity rarely ceases to amaze me and yet, no matter how many times his ignorance is pointed out even to him, he is totally oblivious.

    Whoever thought this guy was worthy to be the “Leader of the Free World” is just as delusional as he is!

    Thanks for sharing…Happy Sunday…Linda

  280. Some Comments At TP&E:

    “James says:

    Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 11:03 PM

    So what is the definition of “Home Country”?

    Home Country: noun

    The country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship

    # # # #

    Mike says:

    Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    Obama may have been born in Kenya but he is no Kenyan. He lived there at the most a few days as a new born infant and that is it.

    What Obama is is a Indonesian Muslim, straight up.

    That is where Obama spent his most impressionable years as a child studying Islam in the country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

    This explains is decidedly strong pro Islamic point of view and anti-Israel view.

    Of course he got his Marxist indoctrination from his mother and his mentor as a teenager in Hawaii Frank Marshall Davis. It is also from Davis and Rev. J. Wright that Obama acquired his black liberation theology perspective and philosophy.

    So yes Obama may have been born in Kenya but he is a Muslim Indonesian and Marxist, Black Liberationist.
    Mrs. Rondeau replies: The Kenyan Parliament seems to consider him Kenyan, as they have said it in many ways and at many times. They claim Obama because of his birth there. I personally agree that he probably acquired his world view while growing up in Indonesia and with a communist father, mother and “mentor,” F. M. Davis. Overall, his entire outlook, orientation and thought process are un-American and anti-freedom. He does not believe in free markets, a free press, or a free people. Regardless of his origins, he cannot be a natural born Citizen simply because of his father, and his “election” has plunged this nation into the worst crisis since the Civil War.

    # # # #

    Durus says:

    Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 5:12 PM

    Are the four (4) Supreme Court cases which have already defined “natural born Citizen” nebulous?

    4 Supreme Court Cases define "natural born citizen"

    Is Michelle Obama’s statement about her husband’s home country being Kenya, which she stated at a meeting of the lgbt delegates two days prior to the Democratic National Convention nominating her husband as the Democrat candidate for President in 2008 nebulous?

    Obama’s Facebook page omits Michelle’s “home country of Kenya” remark

    What about James Orenga, Minister of Lands statement which was recorded in the official record of the Kenyan government’s Hansard for 25 Mar 2010, on page 31… would that be nebulous?

    “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?”

    Don’t you find it stunning that Michelle Obama’s statement about her husband’s home country being Kenya, agrees with the official statement recorded in the Kenyan governments Hansard of 25 Mar 2010?”

  281. Linda from NY

    NancyDrew // April 18, 2010 at 9:17 am

    Hi, Nance! Where ya been? Nice to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Great Video! Mark sure let Geraldo have it! Loved every minute of his “set him straight” speech…Should have happened a long time ago, and should happen to all of those “idiot interviewers” who call themselves reporters.

    Happy Sunday…Linda

  282. Watching Meet The Depressed – Interviewing Geithner. He reminds me of the old Jackie Gleason routine when he was going to sell a product on TV and got stage fright -” Humma-humma -humma”
    The subject is Goldman Sachs.

  283. Linda from NY

    Libya’s Gadhafi Urges Global Support For ‘Wise’ And ‘Peaceful’ Baraka Obama…

    Posted by FreeThinkerNY on Saturday, April 17, 2010, at 3:49 PM

    “Our glorious President is loved by tyrants the world over! Hallelujah!…”

  284. Linda from NY

    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    It is Logical: Engineered By Obama

    “With Barack Hussein Obama proving he is no Bill Clinton, in being one dimensional, a mind which simply follows the instructive impulses of Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers, incapable of advancing beyond what Bill and Hillary Clinton were accomplishing in the 1990’s in intrigue, it is logical in the evidence to formulate a profile in what the Obama federal police events will follow in strategy and operations.

    Hutatree was the first rung in this conspiracy showing a typical low level compartmentalized operation similar to David Koresch, but in this case, the federal police in expecting wolves in the woods were met with lambs who laid down and got arrested. Thee operational effect was intended to put the BATF on hair trigger with videos and recordings painting Hutatree to be this dangerous violent group, playing into the stereotype of the liberal propaganda the Southern Poverty group is prone to initiate in smearing Americans outside the liberal orb.
    Hutatree was supposed to be a trigger which would trigger other groups now infiltrated by the federal police to get them in their federal moles to act out in a Terry Nichols scenario.”

  285. Good morning.

  286. Linda from NY

    Interesting discussion on Republic Broadcasting Network Online…

    What it boils down to we are being barraged with all kinds of information asking us “to prepare,” however for what, no one is certain.

    They are talking about “stocking” food, supplies, ammunition for some event that could happen in the future.

    Jim Guest is the current program “Host.”

    Happy Day…Linda

    PS Current discussion is about presenting ID when you are not the driver of the car.

  287. citizenwells

    **** New Post ****

  288. Linda from NY

    bob strauss // April 18, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Hey, bob! How are ya this fine Sunday morning?

    Have a Great Sun-Day…Linda

  289. Bob it says page not found, any other idea?

  290. Margie // April 18, 2010 at 12:07 pm
    Notice that when you click on the link, the last few characters


    are omited from the url.

    So just “copy” !.aspx then click on the link. “Paste” !.aspx at the end of the url and go to the link

    BTW It appears that “ducky” is an adobe program so it is not unusual to see it in a photoshop image…….

    Feedback on Ducky and defeating DidTheyReadIt
    By Mark Gibbs, Network World
    June 28, 2004 12:10 AM ET
    A few weeks ago we mentioned that the headers of JPEG images created by Adobe’s Photoshop image editor contain three tags – JFIF, Adobe and Ducky – indicating the file is in JPEG File Interchange Format and produced by an Adobe program called Ducky.

  291. Pingback: Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey – Living in Times that Try Men’s Souls « “The BOPAC Report” & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations – ZachJonesIsHome

  292. Pingback: Lt. Col Lakin, Obama birth certificate, Living in Times that Try Men’s Souls, Lakin no Sunshine Patriot, Support Lt. Col. Terry Lakin « Citizen WElls

  293. Pingback: PATRIOTS!…Here is an absolute must read article…then contact the Pentagon, your state reps…Lt. Col. Lakin deserves nothing less from YOU!… |

  294. Pingback: And From Down Under: These are Times that Try Men’s Souls– Treatment of Lt. Col. Lakin « Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog

  295. Bill O is holding up a COLB and news paper clippings as sufficient proof of the presidency of the United State’s eligibility….What are you nuts? We don’t take news paper clippings as proof of any thing in any town or state.

    Why do you ask us to do it now? It only fuels the birther movement every time they try to get everyday natural-born American citizens to accept the two news paper clippings as proof of Obama’s birth place…. Hey fool news paper clippings aren’t official birth documents. You cant use them at the DMV.

    Or produce news paper clippings if you get pulled over.

    You should throw them in the trash.

    But they expect us to accept them about our presidents eligibility ? Bill …you are retarded, people are smarter than that.

    So keep right on trying to get intelligent people to take your news paper clippings for our president’s eligibility and you will loose this argument it is so weak you should crawl in a hole.

    News paper clipping for ordinary folks would be useless. And would not get you in the door of any thing let alone our white house.

    People see through your BS Bill. And I can only hope you keep using news paper clippings as proof of Obama’s birth place you are so dumb.


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