Obama trial, May 14, 2010, Dr. James David Manning, Columbia University Treason and Sedition Trial, Obama not natural born citizen, Obama did not attend Columbia University

Obama trial, May 145, 2010, Dr. James David Manning, Columbia University

In what could be a precursor to the indictment, impeachment and removal of Barack Obama from office, Dr. James David Manning is conducting a trial on May 14, 2010, empowered by the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

From The Post & Email, April 27, 2010.

“We have proof of Obama’s ineligibility”

“Today The Post & Email welcomed back Dr. James David Manning, Ph.D., to speak about the upcoming Columbia University Treason and Sedition Trial which he is conducting in Harlem, NY, from May 14-19, 2010.  Dr. Manning reports that he has documented evidence that Barack Hussein Obama II is not a “natural born Citizen” as required by the U.S. Constitution to be President of the United States, and that Obama also did not attend Columbia University from 1981-83 as Obama has claimed.

MRS. RONDEAU: In your most recent video, you stated that a highly-placed government official will be testifying at the trial.  How did you get him to agree to testify, and will he be there in person or submitting something written?

DR. MANNING: Right now, we are anticipating at least two government officials will testify.  One will be through statements that will be uttered that will be documented, and the other will be a physical presentation where he will actually take the stand.

MRS. RONDEAU: And are they in government now or were they past employees of the federal government?

DR. MANNING: One is in government now, and one is a past employee.

MRS. RONDEAU: How did you reach out to them and when?

DR. MANNING: Actually, one reached out to me and the other became a matter of my investigation discovery.

MRS. RONDEAU: How long has the investigation lasted?

DR. MANNING: I have been following the Obama ineligibility issue from 2007, quite frankly, but more emphatically since the election on November 4, 2008.  That is when I began observing the issue of ineligibility more closely.  I have been on this matter for a couple of years now.

MRS. RONDEAU: How long have you had a formal investigation going on?

DR. MANNING: Six months or so.

MRS. RONDEAU: I know that the trial will take place May 14-19.  You’ve also mentioned a march around Columbia University.  Does that coincide with those dates, or will that be at a separate time?

DR. MANNING: The two are synonymous.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you have any other key witnesses coming?

DR. MANNING: I have some very interesting witnesses that I have subpoenaed such that if they show up, it will be explosive.  If they don’t show up, we’re going to have them testify based on previous statements they have made, carefully observing the rules of evidence to enter those statements into evidence.  Having said that, I have subpoenaed George Stephanopoulos, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Condolezza Rice; I have subpoenaed Michael Sovern, the President of Columbia University at the hour when the breach and the infractions took place; and I have subpoenaed Rod Blagojevich, whom I think is integral to a number of things that went on with the surrender of Barack Obama’s law license back in the spring of 2008 when Blagojevich was still governor; I want to talk to him about that.  I’ve subpoenaed all of the faculty that were a part of the Political Science program during the years that Obama would have been a student at Columbia University.

More recently, I have subpoenaed Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson mainly because they were in Chicago in an eminent way during the years that Obama was an alleged community organizer.  Jesse Jackson was running PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition, and Louis Farrakhan was eminent in  forming the Million Man March, and Obama was allegedly a community organizer during a stretch of years.  I want to know what their relationship was and why they did not know him until he rolled into the Senate seat in Illinois some years later.  More specifically, the tenor of Chicago needs to be outlined by those two leaders.

I have also subpoenaed James Cone, who is a professor and the founder of the whole idea of Black Theology.  He wrote a very explosive book in the early ’80s outlining black theology.  He was the mentor of Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama’s pastor for 20 years.  Jeremiah Wright has developed his theology out of James Cone’s Black Theology; all the tenets which Wright preaches are based on Cone’s philosophical, religious and cultural outline.  I’ve subpoenaed him for two reasons.  One is that Dr. James Cone was an eminent professor at the Union Theological Seminary, which had a very close relationship with Columbia University.  During the years that Obama would have studied at Columbia, James Cone was right across the street as the most eminent black theologian in 1979-81.  Everyone on the planet was talking about James Cone then.  I want to ask James Cone this one question:  Why is it that he and Obama never knew each other with Obama being a black person searching for his roots, and James Cone right there  with everyone wanting an interview with him.  Why didn’t Obama take any classes with him?  The Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University were connected.”

“DR. MANNING: The  Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives us the absolute, mandated right to call for a trial with a jury of we the people sanctioned by the Constitution if we discover that the courts or government officials are not executing their duties and allowing the people due process.  Thusly, the Constitution empowers our courts.  We, at times, will present evidence that crimes have taken place.  At that point, it becomes the responsibility of the officials to arrest those who have been charged with crimes in a public and duly-authorized hearing or court.  We will point out that crimes did take place.  If the court is duly authorized, then the contempt of that court is also an infraction, and you can be arrested for that as well.  So anyone who does not show up can be in contempt of a duly-authorized, Tenth Amendment, constitutionally-mandated court.  That’s the best way to answer that.”

“DR. MANNING: The trial, at present, is being structured by me, as a prosecutor, in three phases.   Phase One will demonstrate unequivocally with proof, with documentation, with statements, with a plethora of evidence that Obama is indeed not a natural born Citizen.  That would be the objective, and we will have evidence that will substantiate that at least 12 different acceptable ways.  From there, we will demonstrate that since he isn’t natural born, he violates the U.S. Constitution.  That’s No. 1.

The second stage of the trial will demonstrate that the alleged Columbia years were not spent at Columbia University and the issuance of the degree all over the place demonstrates that Obama did not attend Columbia in a traditional or non-traditional, satellite or correspondence course.  He was not enrolled in any of those courses.  We will demonstrate the type of program that Columbia had and the requirements for a political science major to complete and that Obama did not participate at that level, yet he was issued a degree.  We have the documentation at Stage 2 of the trial to demonstrate that both Columbia and Obama were in a criminal conspiracy to issue and to accept, respectively, knowing that he had not completed the required courses to have done so.”

 Read more:


134 responses to “Obama trial, May 14, 2010, Dr. James David Manning, Columbia University Treason and Sedition Trial, Obama not natural born citizen, Obama did not attend Columbia University

  1. Linda from NY

    Read this very interesting and all-encompassing interview on the Postemail.

    However, much of the success in this endeavor depends upon how many of the “necessary” people show and participate in the trial IMHO.

    Hopefully, this “mock” trial will bear fruit.

    Hoping and praying in NY…Linda

  2. We Need to DEMAND Rep CARSON RESIGN for lying to the press and the American people and being a RACIST unless he can disprove this video with PROOF.

  3. Linda from NY

    OT, but amusing!

    Tuesday, April 27, 2010

    New Ad Mocks President Obama’s Upcoming ” Wild Ride JobLESS Tour” – Video


  4. Linda from NY

    What is wrong with these people? Obviously, they still do not know what is in the bill!

    LIVE VIDEO: Obama town hall meeting in Ottumwa

    Posted on Apr 27, 2010 by Admin.


  5. From the previous post:
    Linda from NY // April 27, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    SueK // April 27, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    Hey, Suey! If you were in law enforcement, we would not have room enough for the ones you have “rounded up!”

    Nor would we have enough people to “process” or “guard” them once you transfer them from “fingerprinting” to “jail.”

    Yikes…just the thought of it makes my head spin…after all, there are 22M of them!

    When can you be “shotgun ready?”

    Awaiting your reply…Linda
    Linda(r), I AM shotgun ready and I’m not talking about rounding anyone up, especially those who attack law enforcement, if ya get my drift…

  6. WOW what a breath of PATRIOTISM and no negro dialect LOL

  7. Linda from NY @ 5:24 pm
    SueK @ 4:46 pm
    Just wanted you to know I sent the Glenn Beck CCX videos to the hillbuzz guys, they need to know, they are in Chicago and they have no love lost with Al Gore Mr. Climagate.
    The folks that Glenn Beck mentioned may be entering the perfect storm: Tea Party people, a Congress that is waking up due to the people, media could use a good story-beyond Watergate for corruption, WE THE PEOPLE are not happy with this government (or excuse for a government) people really tired of the lying, cheating, dirty double dealing, a scandal this huge is hard to miss. Add anything else you can think of.

  8. I don’t know if y’all have seen this. Go here:


    Scroll down to the Photo of the Day. That is the best sign ever!

  9. kittycat @ 6:31 pm
    He didn’t mince any words did he?

  10. Let’s pray Dr. Manning stays safe as this trial comes to fruition.

    I know some have said he should release the proof he has, but even if he did so today, who would listen?

    The courts?
    The media?
    Our elected officials?

    So perhaps, having the mock trial is a better way of getting it the attention it deserves, since the media and courts sure won’t touch it.

    Somewhere, somehow, someday, someone with the political clout to bring this issue to the forefront, will do so!

    God Bless You Dr. Manning, keep on keep’n on!!

  11. Citizen Don in California

    I don’t know if this is a repeat or not. But I enjoyed so much< I wanted to share:

  12. Citizen Don in California

    America is color blind. Prob another re-post, but I just saw it and enjoyed.

  13. Tomorrow on Committee of Safety the discussion is from Dr. Vieira and Oklahoma Senator about the tenth amendment and state’s rights…..sounds like I might tune in.

  14. Linda from NY // April 27, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA


    I watched the Senate Hearings on Goldman Suchs all day. Chairman Senator Carl Levin from Michigan used the “S” Bomb many times and scolded David Viniar for Short Selling. I hope you all remember the two most famous short sellers of all time. The first one was Joseph Kennedy who made a fortune in the 1929 crash and George Soros who made a billion in 1 day selling the pound short. Also, Goldman contributed over a million $’s to the Obama campaign and when asked if they were going to return it under the circumstances said “No because it was money given by the employees and not the company.”

  15. Linda from NY


    Review this unemployment map of the United States and study the legend lower right first… then hit play & watch how it changes!


  16. Citizen Don in California-
    Thanks for the videos!

  17. Peter..will you give me the link to Alan West video??>>


  18. No, Michelle, he just said the truth. CW needs to park that sign on his blog, if he can.

    CW, please ask if you can have that sign here. It’s the best ever. It’s the one of the Photo of the Day at AGJ.

  19. Marco Rubio, Fla. candidate for U.S. Senate, has expressed concerns over the AZ immigration law.

    I just had to get an e-mail off to him as follows:

    “Before you comment on the AZ law, may I ask, have you read the law itself?
    Methinks you are reacting out of emotion rather than from full understanding!

    I’ve lived in AZ for almost fifty years, and, believe me, things are completely out
    of hand. This law has been carefully crafted in order to be constitutional and
    mirrors the federal law, which is NOT being enforced by the feds!!! If the U.S.
    government were doing its job, this AZ law would not be necessary.”

    Of course, Mr. Rubio is himself an immigrant from Cuba, and I have respect for that; however, it really upsets us in AZ when people like him express opinions before they have all of the facts.

  20. Citizen Don in California

    Cabby – AZ // April 27, 2010 at 7:58 pm
    Maybe you should take the same attitude as pelosi on the deathcare bill. Pass the bill, then you can find what is in it.

    The parts I have read are really well thought out and is designed to protect the citizens of AZ.

  21. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    The last thread is not quite dead yet – and I’m afraid I am one of the culprits. Sorry.

  22. Cabby – AZ @ 7:58 pm
    I don’t understand any governmental official that would put the illegal immigrants ahead of the legal citizens of any state, especially with so many murders and that much drug running going on.
    That said I in Florida there are many Haitian emigres (pre-earthquake) pursuing citizenship with the Cubans it is wet foot/dry foot. The Haitians can’t seem to understand that when they swim for it, if caught they are deported but Cubans are not. I tell them it is a special deal US worked out with Cuba years ago, I can’t remember the reason anymore.
    I think at least 80 per cent or more of the Haitian community is natural born citizens, naturalized or pursuing citizenship. They are so grateful for any opportunity.

  23. I have all my id’s in my purse, we all need them all the time.
    Question: Do you carry an ID with you at all times? If so, what’s the hyperventilation about asking illegal aliens to do the same or go home?
    Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: Arizona Immigration Enforcement, Why is the left so against showing an ID? |
    [137] Comments
    We’ve never understood two things about all those on the Left who enjoy taking to the streets screaming and yelling for amnesty and open borders:
    (1) Why they think waving the Mexican flag at these events helps their cause
    (2) Why they have such a problem with the enforcement of existing law
    In Chicago, we need to carry an ID with us at all times, because at least three or four times a day we are asked to show it.
    80% of the time we use a credit card here in Chicago, the clerk at the register asks to see an ID.
    IDs are required to get into any bar or club, and even some restaurants after a certain time of night.

  24. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) // April 27, 2010 at 8:14 pm

    Hi Carlyle,

    Read your replies and points well taken regarding the vaccines.

    Regarding the ‘rights’ of illegal aliens, of course we all have basic human rights, but when a group who doesn’t belong here (broke into America, actually) demands the same rights and privileges as legal American citizens, that’s what gets my hackles up.

  25. Linda from NY // April 27, 2010 at 7:41 pm

    The graphic shows a steady rise in unemployment since January 2007.

    Uh, when did the Dems take over Congress?

  26. WTH- TOOT?


  27. Hey folks I’m back!

    Several days of BS at work finally winding down enough for me to come back here and chat.

    Photo of the Day is spot on..

    Next month during Phil Berg’s BC march an effort should be made to point out that there IS an Illegal Alien in the White House!

    How hypocritical on the immigration issue,

    Zero demanding the “constitutionality” of the new law,

    Contrary to slamming it to shove DeathCare up our backsides, guess that “piece of paper” only applies when it’s to his own advantage…

    Hypocritical, lying sack o’…

    I remember the first immigration march some years back,

    So many Mexican flags we were all witnesses to a very real invasion by an enemy power,

    I saw the flipside…


    Nothing says “National Pride” like flying the flag of the country…


    I’ll keep mine, thank you very much…

    Rant over.

    It’s good to be back.

  28. I think the reasons for these statics is the citizens live in the real world and see the abuses etc., whereas DC has descended into LALA Land or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
    Obama at -12.
    Voters across the nation are extremely skeptical about the federal government’s role in the immigration debate. Three-out-of-four voters believe that the federal government is not doing enough to secure the nation’s borders. In fact, 56% believe that the policies of the federal government encourage illegal immigration. Among voters who are angry about immigration, 83% are angry at the federal government. Only 12% direct their anger at the immigrants.
    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 58% favor a policy that would welcome all immigrants except “national security threats, criminals and those who would come here to live off our welfare system.” Just 26% disagree with such an approach, while 16% more are not sure.

  29. Citizen Don in California

    Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    One of her sons, Malik Obama, is a frequent visitor to the USA but is currently in Kenya though he had travelled to Nairobi when we visited.
    While she welcomes visitors, Mama Sarah is getting a little fed up with the disruption they have caused in her life.

    “The day before the Sunday Nation team arrived, she had played host to a crew from CNN.”

    Interviwed by CNN? When was that interview broadcast??? Did anyone see it??

  30. In listening to O’Rile’s program (while he’s gone), I was gratified to hear a couple of legal talking heads agree that the AZ law was carefully crafted to pattern the federal law and it would, in their opinions, pass a constitutional challenge for that reason.

    Here’s the problem, though. In the meantime, people are getting all worked up countrywide and influencing others to protest, boycott AZ, etc. I just heard the mayor of San Francisco urge people to boycott our state. Maybe if the CA government had been more prudent, there wouldn’t be so many Californians wanting to move here anyway. (Citizen Don in CA, we would LOVE to have you and others like YOU.

    It is barely possible for me to watch BO say anything about this matter, or anything else.

  31. Michelle,

    From another thread the other day, you asked if i know any in the CIA ? A few that i went to school with but have not kept in touch with. One flies satellites for NRO. The other was Warren Christopher’s body guard while he was secretary of state. They are primarily concerned with our interests outside our borders, unless of course there is treason in collusion with a foreign entity.

  32. Don,
    How about this:
    “According to the family, Obama’s father travelled to America to study at the University of Hawaii in 1959. While there, he worked for an oil company and married his second wife, a white woman, named Anna Toot, and their union produced Barack Obama Jr.”

    Who the hell is Anna Toot? Click on some of the highlighted links at the bottom- wow- wth?

  33. Citizen Don in California

    Cabby – AZ // April 27, 2010 at 8:55 pm
    Thanks for the invite. I have considered moving to Yuma. But, due to family and our church being here (our son-in-law is our pastor), we are kinda stuck in kommunist kalifornia.

  34. Anyone know if Kenyan Parliament has it’s own version of C-Span?

    The video on James Orengo’s statement would be EXPLOSIVE!

    Counting down the next two months until the next Kenyan session.

  35. Richard @ 8:55 pm
    Some questions of our friends who work in governmental activities you know not to ask because you know they can’t answer. Do you think they have a clue?

  36. kommuist kalifornia,

    I agree Citizen Don,

    I mentioned my mom being from Texas.

    I’m starting to feel homesick for a home state I’ve never known.

  37. Michelle – Thanks for your comments re. the immigration experiences you have had. It is so true, we all just expect to have to have ID’s with us.
    First and foremost, a driver’s license and social security card…. What is the big deal all about anyway? Someone on TV reminded listeners that green card holders have to have them ready to show at any time. This is all a “tempest in a teapot”, BUT not to be minimized, because the powers that be are going to work it for all it’s worth.

  38. Runaway taxes, job and business killing laws, wreckless spending, and eroding values and morals as the once properous state in the Union slides figuratively into the Pacific,


    I’m just about ready to go.

  39. ” CHICAGO, Nov. 3 (UPI) — Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s grandmother, “Toot,” died Monday at her home in Honolulu, the family said.”

  40. Citizen Don in California @ 9:00 pm
    Don how big of a distance would it be? Is there anything good about CA anymore? Are the problems fixable or too far gone?
    We used to be so envious of you in the Mid-West, but I think all states experience their ups and downs until everybody gets real and decides to start solving the problems. Citizens/government/the will. One thing I know about problems avoiding them doesn’t make them go away.

  41. Cabby – AZ @ 9:07 pm
    I know in Illinois if you forgot your license and were stopped by the police you got in big trouble for not having it on your person at all times. I don’t know if that is still the law. I never did it but I had friends who did. It happens, just running out to get milk whatever and that is when someone would get stopped without it.

  42. Michelle // April 27, 2010 at 9:03 pm

    It is hard to be objective after knowing all about the election fraud that BO and his handlers have committed, i believe the eligibility thing is starting to glow red hot. A lot of folks were deceived by the COLB’s and newspaper announcements, just look at our entire Congress responding to the letters from CW.

    So, it is very possible that they might not know, people are starting to take notice and are starting to ask questions………

  43. >>>Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 8:56 pm
    Who the hell is Anna Toot? Click on some of the highlighted links at the bottom- wow- wth?<<
    Anna Toot is a palindrome, name spelled the same forward as backward. Like mom, dad, wow, just alot more sophisticated. I'm sure that the Obama family didn't get the 'joke', and still doesn't. Just another family Alias.


  44. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Prairie, Where did you find this gem? Were you just surfing around and it just popped out? Very strange article indeed!

  45. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Further and further down the rabbit hole.

  46. LJ,
    Found the original on free republic. Followed the highlighted links in blue at the bottom and it is taking me ALL OVER!

  47. Prairie – I read that article about Obama’s African roots. It was written before he took the Illinois State Senate seat. Interesting reading, however!
    Yes, in 1059 he is supposed to have married his 2nd wife, an Anna Toot?!? That is the first time I’ve ever read her name. What a mixed up mess!

    It sounds as though he lived over there. Just when would that have been? According to all of the investigative reports I’ve read the timeline has been pretty firmly established with respect to events right after his birth. I mean, with as much info as has been sought out. His father took off not long after BO was born, so when did
    BO actually LIVE in Kenya? Or, perhaps, as some believe, he was truly born there. Hmmmm! I agree, if this article becomes too popular we may find it scrubbed soon.

  48. Citizen Don in California

    Michelle // April 27, 2010 at 9:16 pm
    From here to Yuma is about a 2 hour drive. I quit my last job because I was driving to Yuma 2 -3 times a week and my old body just couldn’t take it any more.

    Some of us here are trying to get this state strighten out. We are working on getting responsible people elected. If we don’t succeed, this state may be lost. The idiots in Sac. right now, wouldn’t know a reasonable law if it hit them in the face. For instance, one is trying to stop open carry of unloaded guns. It’s bad enough that most of can not even get a permit to carry concealed since the sheriff decides who gets one and who doesn’t.

  49. Correction – 1059 should be 1959.

  50. Richard @ 9:22 pm
    ” i believe the eligibility thing is starting to glow red hot. A lot of folks were deceived by the COLB’s and newspaper ”
    I agree, I was not deceived since I’m from Chicago and know or should know a South Side scum bag when I see one.
    If they think we’re mad, can you imagine how the ones that were deceived are going to feel, they are going to be 1,000 times more po’d, they will feel like they were played for suckers and no one likes that feeling. All he will have left is his die-hards and not even all of them.

  51. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 9:28 pm
    Maybe Grandma “TooT” is in fact “mama”?
    Man what a mess!!?? Time to come clean, Barfy!

  52. Me personally, Michelle,

    California has gone, or always has been, too far liberal left in my opinion to really accomplish anything anytime soon.

    Our “Republican” governor is a screaming RINO sucking up to his Liberal Kennedy In-Laws. Our most promising Goober-Natorial candidates, Whitman and Poizner, are no better. Both claim to be Conservatives yet both their pasts are as Liberal as any Far Left Democrat as both their attack ad campaigns can attest.

    I’m still on the fence for either of them and not holding my breath.

    Back to you with apologies, Don.

  53. New post from Leo Donofrio, 4/26/10,

    Educating The Really Really Confused About “Nbc-gate”…
    Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2010 by naturalborncitizen

    It looks like Nbc-Gate is hitting top volume. I’ve witnessed some very desperate blogging propaganda trying to stop the bleeding as the nation finally wakes up to the fact that President Obama was a British citizen at the time of his birth. Having been born with dual nationality, he was born with a recognized allegiance to a foreign nation. I have explained previously in great detail why this disqualifies him from being President.

  54. HOLY CHIT !

    “Nairobi — Blood, they say, is thicker than water. That is the only reason many of Kenya’s voters support President Kibaki. His policies and performance do not matter. What matters is only that “he is our son”.

    This irrational sense of ethnicity is universal. It is what governs Kenyans’ intense interest in Barack Obama becoming president of the United States.”

    It is telling me on several links now that I need to be a paid subscriber to access the entire artlicle.


  55. TruthSeeker // April 27, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Me personally, Michelle,

    California has gone, or always has been, too far liberal left in my opinion to really accomplish anything anytime soon.

    Our “Republican” governor is a screaming RINO sucking up to his Liberal Kennedy In-Laws. Our most promising Goober-Natorial candidates, Whitman and Poizner, are no better. Both claim to be Conservatives yet both their pasts are as Liberal as any Far Left Democrat as both their attack ad campaigns can attest.

    I’m still on the fence for either of them and not holding my breath.

    Back to you with apologies, Don.

    I was first interested in Whitman until I heard more about her. Then I noticed that Mclintok supports Poizner. So I may hold me breath and go for him. Anythings better than Brown.

  56. And I’ll never forgive Schwartzi for overruling the California voters choice of The Gold Panner over John Muir for the State Quarter to appease his Kennedy Masters.


  57. Should’ve mentioned, Michelle,

    I like McClintock, too.

    Wish he was running.

  58. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    This article is from 2007. The previous one from 2004. Why are these little snippets of info just NOW coming into view? It’s not like no one was looking for stuff 2 years ago. I don’t get it?

  59. LJ,
    I see it as one of 3 options:
    1. The NWO regime is done with him.
    2. America is being restored through RAP.
    3. NWO is trying to bring us to a civil war and constitutional crisis.

  60. jerome @ 9:39 pm
    I’m a center right Dem, but now Tea Party-born in Chicago but raised in DuPage (conservative, but with an open mind). I think in many ways each of our states is a little bit different than others I know live in Florida-it is a mix of someone from every state in the Union and like Chicago citizens from every country on Earth. Charlie Crist is current governor, I guess by end of the week he will decide to run as an independent. (my view). Charlie as gov neither good nor bad, mostly boring-but a good looking and a nice guy. If anything Florida could use maybe a more dynamic leadership. On balance FL got creamed in the housing bubble, which was stupid-in my opinion a horror to watch, will not miss McMansions-building new is starting to resume but half the size of the monsters that they were building-lot more realistic and sensible and FL got hit with 3 years of bad hurricane seasons. When you think just going back to 9/11 all that the American people have been through wars, Wall Street meltdowns, terrible storms, terrorist attacks-it’s a miracle we’re not all crazy.

  61. L J @ 9:45 pm
    Prairie @9:37 pm
    What was scrubbed is being unscrubbed for reasons unknown to us both scrubbed and unscrubbed versions.
    Americans do NOT like tangled webs-never have never will.

  62. Hi, Prairie – You and I have been investigating around the same site(s)…… Did you see this one dated Jan. 2009?


    Here is a quote:

    “History is now made. President Obama, a former Senator of Illinois, of an American mother and Kenyan father, is now the 44th President of the United States of America and first African American to become so.”

    I realize that Kenyans refer to BO as a “son” but there are some who would argue that the “son” term means that he was born of a Kenyan and not necessarily born on Kenyan soil. HOWEVER, there is no question from this article that his father was Kenyan and his mother American. In other words, he is NOT a
    natural born citizen. We’ve known that all along, but here is more proof.

  63. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    Can I have door number #2? The other doors look like too much heartache and pain.

  64. Michelle // April 27, 2010 at 9:58 pm

    Well, for whatever the reason, time for reckoning is closing in, be it the good, or the bad, and it sure may get UGLY!

  65. Re: BO Eligibilty

    Isn’t it amazing two years after he took office Americans as a whole are still clueless to his ineligibilty due to his father.

    We should ALL understand Margie’s frustration.

  66. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    jerome // April 27, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    TruthSeeker // April 27, 2010 at 9:34 pm


    Whitman has a bad 2nd Amendment record and attitude. Poizner may be better but is largely unknown in this regard. On the other hand, Brown has a long and known record. He is not awful in that regard. It least he is a devil that is known.

    Californians have no good choices.

  67. ONE Year,

    It just seems like two.


  68. LJ,
    Time to “fire them pistols” and stop “whistlin’ dixie” eh?

  69. True CC (FUBO),

    We’re just screwed.

  70. Prairie // April 27, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    Ya Think?

  71. I’m re-reading bob strauss’ post at 9:36 regarding BO’s dual nationality with Britain.

    I’ve mentioned before I’ve always believed his loyalties were with his Muslim-Kenyan heritage.

    How else do you explain his frequent Kenyan visits and his illegal stumping for his Marxist-Muslim, Christian slaughtering cousin Raila Odinga’s presidential run in 2007?

    And his wife’s obvious pride in declaring Kenya as his “home country” didn’t help matters.

    THERE’S your conflicting “dual citizenship”…

  72. Not that I’m disagreeing with you, bob,

    I know you’re only presenting Leo’s piece.


  73. #

    bob strauss // April 27, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    New post from Leo Donofrio, 4/26/10,

    Educating The Really Really Confused About “Nbc-gate”…
    Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2010 by naturalborncitizen

    It looks like Nbc-Gate is hitting top volume. I’ve witnessed some very desperate blogging propaganda trying to stop the bleeding as the nation finally wakes up to the fact that President Obama was a British citizen at the time of his birth. Having been born with dual nationality, he was born with a recognized allegiance to a foreign nation. I have explained previously in great detail why this disqualifies him from being President.
    No one knows who is BO’s father because no one has seen original birth documents.

    Leo has been insisting that BO is a dual citizen; and that dual citizens cannot be NBC’s. Leo also went to the SCOTUS insisting the SoS of NJ had a ministerial duty to vet BO’s Constitutional eligibility for office – Mandamus – when no such duty is spelled out in law. (For the appropriate use of Mandamus, see my post, “IDIOMS!”) Then, when the courts disagreed with Leo, he posted a photograph of the Justices, superimposed with the word, “WUSSY.”

    All of you who insist BO is a dual citizen and, therefore, cannot be a NBC; and, further, that this means, he is not the President are presumably basing this false belief on Leo’s insistence, all of this is true. Well, it is not.

    Worse, the stubbornness with which Leo and, by extension, you pursue this train of thought has meant, your minds are closed to the real solution to whatever your objection is to BO’s Presidency. And that is, go after the people who put him into office.

    It makes no difference to the legality of his Presidency whether he is a NBC; but his status as a NBC could put those D’s who swore he was a NBC without ascertaining he was, in jail. AND THEN, IF BO PARTICIPATED IN THAT ELECTION FRAUD, HE CAN JOIN THEM THERE!

  74. Barky = Little Toot
    So how many more social security numbers can we find for the Toots?

  75. ms.helga // April 27, 2010 at 7:35 pm

    Linda from NY // April 27, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA


    I watched the Senate Hearings on Goldman Suchs all day. Chairman Senator Carl Levin from Michigan used the “S” Bomb many times and scolded David Viniar for Short Selling.
    The internal GS memo from which Sen. Levin read, called the asset backed securities they were pawning off on unsophisticated customers, “Shitty.”

  76. L J // April 27, 2010 at 10:03 pm
    “Well, for whatever the reason, time for reckoning is closing in, be it the good, or the bad, and it sure may get UGLY!”
    I think all in all it has been UGLY, but better an UGLY truth, than the most beautiful lies.
    We can face it, have been preparing for it, now we know much more of the corruption in our government-our institutions etc., and I say this with the greatest of sadness. It will be a great day for all the people who held on to their integrity and other virtues, especially when it was not easy or the cool thing to do. They will be the ones to recreate our nation so that our nation can live up to its highest aspirations and ideals again.

  77. We need to show more sympathy for these people.
    * They travel miles in the heat.
    * They risk their lives crossing a border.
    * They don’t get paid enough wages.
    * They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
    * They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
    * They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day ~ every day..

    No, I’m not talking about illegal Mexicans

    I’m talking about our troops!

    Doesn’t it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don’t support our troops.

    God bless each and every one.

  78. JJ @ 11:22 pm
    You are right, that is not right and it not just. We do need to speak up much more for our military especially when they try to cut benefits. They certainly earned them-the hardest way possible.

  79. jbjd 10:57:
    Obama himself said his father was a British citizen. He also said he saw his original bc while going through a shoe box of family papers w/his parents names. He’s also referred many times to his father’s homeland and his own African heritage. Now maybe you think he’s lying(because we know he does frequently) and we have not seen his real bc, granted, but the big guy himself said it plain as day. Seems pretty damning evidence to me when the actual person involved admits his father was a Brit. Are you saying he doesn’t know who his father is either? Just wondering.

  80. Gosh I hope the hillbuzz guys are wrong on this one, but we have both seen the same things in Chicago. If this is the DNC’s idea of humanity it is the cruelest most demeaning thing I have ever seen and just plain wrong and very short sided too. Also bribes for votes? this is quid pro quo.
    Question: Is the intent of the DNC to replace black voters with Hispanic ones, as low-information pets of the party?
    In 2008, Donna Brazile famously declared, during the presidential primaries, that the DNC no longer needed blue collar workers, rural voters, senior citizens, or gay and Jewish voters, because the coalition they were building of blacks, college-aged first time voters, Hispanics, and women were enough to win national elections. No one else need apply.
    Today we wondered if there’s something much bigger behind the Left’s push for amnesty and open borders, something akin to what the Labour government in Great Britain did with unrestricted Muslim immigration…which was to import a new segment of low-information, presumably easily controlled voters to replace a voting bloc the party previously depended on (but has now decided to cast aside and stop dealing with).
    Blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims are debased as pawns and animals, treated as sub-humans, and prevented from ever succeeding in life on their own merits because the welfare system hinders their personal development.

  81. Obama de Murderer?

  82. Breaking News: Did Obama hide damning health-care report?

  83. Peter @ 11:46
    Maybe Obama is trying to silence a witness to Obama’s activities.

  84. HI lawmakers vote to limit Obama document requests

    HONOLULU (AP) – Hawaii legislators have passed a measure allowing a state agency to ignore repeated requests from a person or organization for President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    The measure approved Tuesday by the state Legislature would carve an exemption in the state’s public records law and allow officials to ignore all kinds of duplicative requests, including those for Obama’s birth certificate.

    Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino has issued two statements since 2008 saying she had seen vital records proving Obama is a natural-born American citizen. Obama was born in Honolulu to a Kenyan father and an American mother.

    But state officials say they still get between 10 and 20 e-mails each week seeking verification of Obama’s birth.

    The bill now goes to Gov. Linda Lingle


  85. Prairie………………………
    Anna Toot is another alias that Stanley Anne Obama used …….sometimes while travelling. This info was acquired from Orly Taitz . I never attempted to verify the accuracy of this name.

  86. “Hawaii lawmakers vote to limit Obama document requests”

    Apr. 27, 2010 08:07 PM
    Associated Press

    “HONOLULU – Hawaii legislators have passed a measure allowing a state agency to ignore repeated requests from a person or organization for President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    The measure approved Tuesday by the state Legislature would carve an exemption in the state’s public records
    law and allow officials to ignore all kinds of duplicative requests, including those for Obama’s birth certificate.

    Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino has issued two statements since 2008 saying she had seen vital records proving Obama is a natural-born American citizen. Obama was born in Honolulu to a Kenyan father and an American mother.

    But state officials say they still get between 10 and 20 e-mails each week seeking verification of Obama’s birth.

    The bill now goes to Gov. Linda Lingle.”


  87. “Eligibility sponsor fears GOP protecting Obama”

    “A legislative plan in Arizona that would require candidates for president to document their constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office needs only an affirmative vote from the state Senate before it could be advanced to the governor, but the sponsor has told WND she’s concerned the GOP leadership will end up protecting President Obama’s secrets.

    Public ridicule also has targeted the state for even considering a law that would require presidential candidates to document their eligibility, even though several other states also have adopted a similarly questioning stance.

    The Arizona Republic cited Democrats who said “presidential candidates already have to prove their citizenship,” and it added, editorially, “Secretary of State Ken Bennett, who lives in the real world, not on conspiracy island, points out that it could be unconstitutional for a state to impose its own requirements on federal office.”

    The newspaper called the plan, “worse than a foolish waste of time.”

    “It suggests Arizona is a place where any crackpot whim can be enshrined in law.””


  88. Has anyone read this:
    “Practicing Presidency Without a License” ?

    Not long, but good:


  89. Citizen Don in California

    GORDO // April 28, 2010 at 1:01 am
    Any Repub that votes against this law should be kicked out of the GOP and impeached.

    Any state can require that a candiate show proof that they qualify for that states ballot. In my opinion.

  90. Citizen Don in California


    SF Calls for Arizona Boycott
    City attorney urges businesses to take a stand against AZ law.
    I think AZ would be having a party over this.

  91. “Eligibility Bill introduced in Georgia”

    “Georgia follows Arizona, which has proposed its own eligibility bill. That proposal has now passed the Arizona House 31-29 and is now in the Senate awaiting action.

    Similar plans have been submitted in Maine, Oklahoma, Missouri and Montana but have not been adopted. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Oklahoma is attempting to bring the issue directly to its citizens by way of a referendum.

    According to the NCSL database, several other states have similar actions. New Hampshire, New York, and South Carolina are all proposing requirements to ensure presidential eligibility requirements are validated prior to being placed on the ballot.”

    Eligibility Bill introduced in Georgia

  92. Michelle California

    I put up a video on you tube exposing Cardinal Mahony’s religious and political agenda.

    I am a Catholic and have been exposing this stuff in the Church for some years now. I belong to Concerned Roman Catholics of America.

  93. cw,
    Have you seen this –
    Secret papers reveal Senate ‘talks’ between Obama and Blagojevich

  94. Linda from NY

  95. Linda from NY

    Comic Relief…in honor of twe…who is sorely missed…

    Today’s Toons 4/28/10

    GOP Briefing Room ^ | 4/28/10 | pookie18

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:42:04 AM by pookie18


  96. Linda from NY

    Revisiting Obama’s Selective Service Registration… Got Deferment!?

    http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2010/04/revisiting-obamas-selective-service.html ^ | Saturday, April 24, 2010 | by JeanWTPUSA

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:17:01 AM by Fred Nerks


    “ObamaRelease YourRecords on 6:11 PM

    This article appeared in the Post & Email awhile ago. It pertains to Obama’s mulitiple records of Selective Service registration. http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/03/08/are-there-multiple-records-of-obamas-selective-service-registration

    The Selective Service Registration records indicate that Obama received a 1H Classification. Class 1-H means “Registrant is Not Subject to Processing for Induction.”

    Typically, registrants are given a 1-A Classification, which mean “Available for unrestricted military”

    If Obama received ANY other type of classification other than 1-A, he would have had to applied for it, which means that there is an additional file on him.

    If you read about the Selective Service Classifications at this link: http://law.justia.com/us/cfr/title32/32-

    you will see that when someone registers for the Selective Service, in order to get a Classification that is NOT 1-A, the person registering has to request it.


    And, that evidence is kept in a separate file.

    I really didn’t understand the Selective Service Classifications until I performed some research.”

    Continue reading…interesting

  97. Linda from NY

    Are we going to allow Lt. Col Terry Lakin to go to prison?

    Sioux Falls Conservative Examiner ^ | 4-26-10 | Lori Stacey

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:18:54 AM by STARWISE


    “If you have been keeping up with the efforts of Americans across the country on the ineligibility issue of Obama, you will have undoubtedly heard about the serious situation involving Lt Colonel Terry Lakin. I had posted his video in a previous article.

    The latest update as of this writing is that the US Army is going to proceed with a Court Martial against him. He has been reassigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Center but stripped of the right to practice medicine.

    His computer has been seized. He was also on track to be promoted to full Colonel which of course has also been scrapped.

    This gentleman has risked his entire military career on trying to finally settle the issue of an unlawful Commander In Chief, a Usurper according to our Constitution.

    Are we as South Dakotans, are we as Americans going to just let an honorable man like this lose everything for standing up for the truth?

    He is now facing the possibility of being sent to Ft. Leavenworth prison for seeking justice against overwhelming corruption of our political and judicial systems.”

    …”There is also another effort sponsored by Rev. James Manning and will be covered by American Grand Jury.

    They are having a people’s Grand Jury Trial May 14-19th against Columbia University and Obama regarding the alleged fraudulent degree perhaps issued by Columbia University while it is documented that he actually was working for a CIA front company and believed to have spent those years in Afghanistan. This trial is focused on this particular issue regarding possible fraud of Obama’s reported history.

    I am asking for help in setting up this effort in Sioux Falls and throughout the State of South Dakota. Please email me if you would like to help defend our Constitution by having the courage to stand up for what is right and peacefully defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

  98. Linda from NY

    A valiant effort…

    Totally grassroots California Personhood effort gathers almost 600,000 signatures, but falls short

    AIPNews.com ^ | Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 | Walter B. Hoye II

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:35:02 AM by EternalVigilance


    “Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

    Dearly Beloved …

    The California Human Rights Amendment did not qualify for the 2010 ballot.

    However, close to 600,000 signatures were collected, which is unprecedented for a Grass Roots campaign. We needed 694,355 signatures to qualify for the 2010 ballot. We were so very, very close.

    What a valiant and noble effort it was to fight for the life of the preborn child with you. Lori and I want to express what a pleasure and a privilege it was to meet and work with all of you. Please know that we love you and have prayed for each of you.

    The question I have been asked the most is: Where do we go from here?”

  99. Linda from NY

    FYI…Developments in NY

    Just read this morning a major gas and electric corporation in our area held a public hearing to determine whether or not the commission should allow them to hike electric prices $11/month and gas prices $21/month. Customers who attended the meeting were outraged considering the state of the economy, unemployment, food prices, and those on fixed incomes. Watch out for increases in your area and be there to voice your opinion.

    Also, read this morning there is a bill in the NY Legislature that would put all NYers on an Automatic Organ Donor List. More control over our bodies? I sure hope not. Will be keeping an eye on this legislation for sure.

    Thanks for listening…Linda

  100. Linda from NY


    How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens

    Townhall.com ^ | April 28, 2010 | Michelle Malkin

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:29:20 AM by IdeeFixe


    “Mexican President Felipe Calderon has accused Arizona of opening the door “to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” But Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens. While open-borders activists decry new enforcement measures signed into law in “Nazi-zona” last week, they remain deaf, dumb or willfully blind to the unapologetically restrictionist policies of our neighbors to the south.

    The Arizona law bans sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce immigration laws, stiffens penalties against illegal alien day laborers and their employers, makes it a misdemeanor for immigrants to fail to complete and carry an alien registration document, and allows the police to arrest immigrants unable to show documents proving they are in the U.S. legally. If those rules constitute the racist, fascist, xenophobic, inhumane regime that the National Council of La Raza, Al Sharpton, Catholic bishops and their grievance-mongering followers claim, then what about these regulations and restrictions imposed on foreigners?

    (Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com …”

  101. Linda from NY

    Tawanna Brawley, Madonna Constantine, Crystal Magnum, and now Reps. Carson and Lewis exposed

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:01:54 AM by hecht


    “Race baiting liars and their MSM enablers exposed.”

  102. Linda from NY

    After policy stumbles, Obama turns to politics

    Washingto Examiner ^ | April 28, 2010 | Michael Barone

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:58:21 AM by gusopol3


    “The policy achievements of the first 14 months of the Obama administration clearly have not energized these voters. Large majorities see the stimulus package as a boondoggle that has failed to revive the economy; solid majorities would like to see the health care legislation repealed. Even the provision that lets you stay on your mom and dad’s health insurance policy until age 26 doesn’t seem to have set young voters’ hearts palpitating.

    So if policy doesn’t work, try politics. Gallup reports that “very enthusiastic” voters favor Republicans 57 percent to 37 percent in congressional elections. Will attacks on Wall Street, deep-sixing the cap-and-trade bill and getting beaten on immigration change that? The Obama Democrats hope so. But I wouldn’t bet heavily on it

    (Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com …”

  103. Linda from NY

    1,100 Turn Out to Protest Obama in Macon, Missouri… A Town of 5,500

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 9:26 PM


    ” More than 1,100 tea party patriots and concerned Missourians rallied for freedom in Macon on Tuesday—just down the road from the site of President Barack Obama’s visit.

    Several special guests addressed the Stand Up Missouri Rally, including Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer, Congressman Roy Blunt, Carl Bearden, state director of Americans for Prosperity-Missouri, former State Rep. John Loudon, and conservative activist Paul Curtman.

    “Our common concern is that the country is literally being bankrupted by foolish ideas,” said Cindy O’Laughlin, an organizer of the rally. “Tonight, people from all around Missouri have spoken—and we are upset with the direction of this county! More than 1,100 people made our voices heard loud and clear, and Barack Obama can certainly hear us now!”

  104. Linda from NY

    IMHO, no matter what you think of Sarah Palin, she is a powerful and consistent voice for We the People. While the efforts of We the People get ignored or under-reported by the LSM, she gets the exposure we cannot.

    Sarah Palin: I’m Sick & Tired of Obama & White House Coming Out With a New Crisis & Sticking it to the People (Video)

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 7:51 PM


    “This is why we love her…

    The former Alaska Governor told Sean Hannity tonight, “I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people.”

    Right on.

  105. Linda from NY

    Disaster Delayed…

    Leading Economist Peter Schiff: US in Worse Shape Than in 2008; We Are In As Bad or Worse Shape Than Greece (Video)

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 7:05 PM


    “Doug Ross posted this earlier today–

    Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital, announced today that the US economy is in worse shape than it was in 2008. Schiff said, “You can’t have an economy based on spending borrowed money. You can’t consume your way to wealth.”

    Tell that to Barack Obama and Pelosi:…”

  106. Linda from NY

    Like they care…

    Dems Admit Obamacare Will Cost US Companies Billions

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 5:03 PM


    “After Obamacare was signed into law last month several US corporations reported that the democrat’s health care bill would cost their company millions of dollars.

    On top of AT&T’s $1 billion, the writedown wave so far includes Deere & Co., $150 million; Caterpillar, $100 million; AK Steel, $31 million; 3M, $90 million; and Valero Energy, up to $20 million. Verizon has also warned its employees about its new higher health-care costs, and there will be many more in the coming days and weeks.

    In response, Congressional democrats announced that they would hold show trials to humiliate these US companies for the bad publicity.

    After several more corporations announced their losses from Obamacare the democrats decided to cancel their Congressional dog and pony show.

    Today, Congressional democrats finally admitted the corporations were correct and that Obamacare would end up costing US companies billions of dollars.

    The New York Times reported:…”

  107. Watch Beck and listen also on radio.Tell all to watch
    Call Republicans ,the ones you trUST?? and tell them
    to investigate CCX
    What radio show would expose this? Rush,Savage??
    http://www.wnd.com needs to do an article !!

    http://www.puzo1.blogspot.com Is Kerschner aware of this CCX ??

  108. Linda from NY

    Surprised? I didn’t think so…

    CODE RED ALERT: White House Withheld Information to Pass ObamaCare

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 6:06 AM


    “It looks like a certain scandal story is starting to pick up some steam…

    ** Code Red Alert **

    The NRCC is reporting this latest Code Red Alert:…

    More… David Freddoso weighs in at The Washington Examiner.

    UPDATE: The Chief Medicare Actuary, Richard Foster, denied the report today.”

  109. Linda from NY

    Two faces have I…

    Obama Praises Coal Industry at Miners Memorial But Just Days Earlier Imposed New Rules That Will Cost Coal Mining Companies Hundreds of Jobs

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 5:06 AM


    “On Sunday April 25, 2010, President Barack Obama praised the coal industry during the memorial service in West Virginia for the 29 miners who perished in the nation’s worst mining disaster in 25 years earlier this month.

    “Five miles into a mountain. The only light, the lamp on their caps. Day after day they would burrow into the coal. The fruits of their labor that so often we take for granted. The electricity that lights up a convention center; that lights up our church or our home our school our office. The energy that powers our country. The energy that powers the world.“

    But, the president forgot to mention a thing or two.
    Less than one month ago his administration enforced new rules that will cost the mining companies hundreds of jobs. His administration has even been coordinating protests against the coal mining industry from the White House.

    The Prowler reported:…”

  110. Linda from NY


    Drudge Report ^ | April 27, 2010

    Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:11:14 PM by Bigtigermike



    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a Senate hearing Tuesday that unmanned aerial drones will soon fly through Texas skies!

    “Big Sis” declared that over the past 15 months, federal law enforcement initiatives have made the border more secure than in any other time in history, the SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS reports in Wednesday editions.

    The new “predator bees” have the capability to fly at altitudes used by commercial aircraft, and are designed to enhance intelligence capabilities of federal, state and local law enforcement.

    But a recent analysis of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles found that they were twice as likely to crash as manned aircraft, according to the Congressional Research Service.


  111. citizenwells

    Good morning.

  112. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2501646/posts

    Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA

  113. Bill Cutting


    “The Obama family are among the few Muslims in the locality.”

    “Barack has deep roots here. He once told me he has two homes – Kenya and the United States, she says happily”
    Sarah Obama, 2004

  114. Linda from NY


    Good Morning!

    “My allergies are acting up with reason?”

    Just kidding…

    Happy Day…Linda

  115. Linda in NY @ 6:45 a.m.
    Who are the drones for? Those trying to prevent illegal immigration?

  116. Linda from NY

    zach: @ 7:02 AM

    Have you seen both parts of that Beck presentation? Do you know if he has video of last night’s program yet?

    Interesting…very interesting

    Thanks for reminding us…Linda

  117. Linda from NY

    Kim // April 28, 2010 at 7:32 am

    Good question…

    If I had my druthers, I would send them to DC.

    Happy Day, Kim…Linda

  118. Linda from NY


    Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness

    CNSNews ^

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:02:29 AM by Sub-Driver


    CNSNews.com) – “A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.

    The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, was published by the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health – a combination of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

    The report’s overall thrust is for more federally funded research to investigate the alleged links between global warming and public health, including the potentially negative effects from warming and the potentially negative side-effect of green technologies.

    (Excerpt) Read more at cnsnews.com …”

  119. Linda from NY


    Opponents of immigration law call for boycott of Arizona Iced Tea – but it is brewed in New York!

    New York Daily News ^

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 6:47:04 AM by Sub-Driver


    “Opponents of immigration law call for boycott of Arizona Iced Tea – but it is brewed in New York!


    Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 4:00 AM

    Opponents of Arizona’s new anti-immigrant law are calling for a boycott of the state’s products – including the popular Arizona Iced Tea.

    The problem: Arizona Iced Tea is actually brewed in New York.

    Online, misguided tea fans vowed to switch to Lipton or Snapple.

    “Dear Arizona: If you don’t change your immigration policy, I will have to stop drinking your enjoyable brand of iced tea,” Twittered Jody Beth in Los Angeles.

    “It is the drink of fascists,” wrote Travis Nichols in Chicago.

    The company did not return messages asking if they planned to set the public straight.

    Founded in Brooklyn in 1992, the firm was based in Queens before moving into a new $35 million headquarters in Nassau County last year.

    (Excerpt) Read more at nydailynews.com …”

  120. Hey Linda from NY – I haven’t seen Beck’s presentation. On another note – woke up to 3inches of snow this morning.


  121. citizenwells

    **** New Post ****

  122. Linda from NY

    Uh, Oh! Securing the vote?

    Obama Slams Arizona Anti-Illegal Immigration Law; Describes Path to Citizenship – Video 4/27/10

    Freedom’s Lighthouse ^ | April 28, 2010 | Brian

    Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:41:34 AM by Federalist Patriot


    “Here is video of President Obama yesterday commenting on the issue of Immigration, particularly the new Arizona law.

    Obama criticized the Arizona law as “ill-conceived,” and one that will likely lead to the “harassment” of Hispanic-Americans in the state. Obama is slamming the Arizona law despite the fact his own Justice Department is still reviewing the new law!

    Obama said it is time to make the “11-12 million” illegals in the United States “take responsibility” by forcing them to register, pay a fine, and learn English as part of a “comprehensive approach” to the problem.

    What he is describing is a path to citizenship (amnesty) for what is undoubtedly far more than 11-12 million people in the United States illegally.

    (Excerpt) Read more at freedomslighthouse.com …”

  123. Linda from NY

    zach: @ 7:41 AM

    Whoa! We had some snow showers on Monday night, too, but no accumulation.

    Around here, the farmers wait until the third week in May to plant due to frequent frost warnings.

    It probably won’t last…but geeez…what a way to start the day at the end of April.

    Have a Great Day, anyway…Linda

  124. SF Calls for Arizona Boycott
    City attorney urges businesses to take a stand against AZ law.
    I think AZ would be having a party over this.

    I wonder if SF has noticed fewer visitors to their fair city??
    Boycott anyone??

  125. Also, read this morning there is a bill in the NY Legislature that would put all NYers on an Automatic Organ Donor List.
    Would there be an ‘opt out’ form for others?

  126. Opponents of immigration law call for boycott of Arizona Iced Tea – but it is brewed in New York!

    Now, that’s funny!!!

    Research, people, research!!

  127. Obama said it is time to make the “11-12 million” illegals in the United States “take responsibility” by forcing them to register, pay a fine, and learn English as part of a “comprehensive approach” to the problem

    But this does not alleviate the financial strain on the states that is placed due to non-reimbursed funds by a failing federal govt economy!!
    Illegals are not the cream of the crop from Mexico or they wouldn’t come here—they’d stay put!!

  128. AZ Ice Tea……hmmmm, think I will go right out to the market on my lunch break and buy up all the bottles I can. Nothing better than supporting the right team!

  129. SF boycotting AZ………………..HHMMMM, think I will avoid going to Giants baseball games this season, and will stop doing business with clients whose companies are located in that twisted upsidedown city. Newsom and company are really over the edge on this one.

  130. Arnold: Get A Clue!

    Don’t you think you and the boys and girls under the dome in Sacramento should start looking at doing more to secure our Southern border? 70% of AZ residents think this bill is a good thing. Wonder what our people here think………………………..

  131. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Linda from NY // April 28, 2010 at 7:38 am


    Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness

    Ha ha! AGW and Mental Illness are certainly correlated. That’s for sure!!!

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