Vera Baker Obama Cheating Scandal, National Enquirer, 2004, First reported October 11, 2008, Baker campaign aide

Vera Baker Obama Cheating Scandal, National Enquirer, 2004

I received the following comment from someone I refer to as a Washington insider.

“A very curious report that is featured at the website today, originating from the National Enquirer – and keep in mind, the National Enquirer was nominated this year for a Pulitzer Prize based on its reporting of the John Edwards affair.”

From The National Enquirer.


“A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions

Now, the investigators are searching for a hotel surveillance videotape.

While Baker has insisted in the past that “nothing happened” between them, reports reveal that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says in 2004 that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous in where Obama was staying.”

Read more:

This story was covered well by No Quarter back on October 12, 2008.

“Is Vera Baker Surfacing as a Potential Story in the Presidential Race?”

“Well, this is curious. Sharon Churcher, a reporter with the Daily Mail, published this piece last night without naming a name other than Barack Obama:

Barack Obama is the target of a shadowy smear campaign designed to derail his bid for the US Presidency by falsely claiming he had a close friendship with an attractive African-American female employee.

The whispers focus on a young woman who in 2004 was hired to work on his team for his bid to become a senator.

The woman was purportedly sidelined from her duties after Senator Obama’s wife, Michelle, became convinced that he had developed a personal friendship with her.

The allegations were initially circulated in August, just two weeks before the convention at which Obama finally beat his opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, Hillary Clinton. . . .

According to our investigation into the rumours, they originated with political veterans who claim to be loyal Democrats.”

“‘They said she was removed from her position and the political scene because Michelle got wind of the fact that she had a close friendship with her husband,’ the source said. ‘She disappeared, then she reappeared in the Caribbean.’”

“After you read Churcher’s article take a look at today’s piece by Hill Buzz, which carries the nifty title, Who is Vera Baker and Why is She in Martinique? and seems to have similar story line sans the allegations of any romantic entanglements.
According to Hill Buzz:

FEC Senate campaign records show she was paid a pretty penny as “Finance Director”.

However, people familiar with Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign say Claire Serdiuk was Obama’s Finance Director. Looking through everything we can see online for that 2004 campaign, Claire Serdiuk is consistently listed as the Finance Director – because that’s what she was.

There’s no mention of Vera Baker…but Vera Baker was paid as the “Finance Director” too.

And then, suddenly, Vera Baker was relocated to New York.”

“It is true that Vera Baker had a business in Washington raising campaign funds. She was partners with another African American woman, Muthoni Wambu, Baker Wambu & Associates, a political fund-raising firm. Guess who Wambu works for now? Joe Biden. The Politico had a story about Baker Wambu’s business challenges in May 2007:

That’s what happened when Muthoni Wambu and Vera Baker, both African-American women, set up their own fundraising shop, Baker Wambu & Associates, in 2000.”

Read more:

126 responses to “Vera Baker Obama Cheating Scandal, National Enquirer, 2004, First reported October 11, 2008, Baker campaign aide

  1. TO:

    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 1, 2010 at 9:10 pm


    You should get in touch with Tim Turner to REVERSE and ATTACK those that have harmed you by becoming a Sovereign and Filing a Neg Aver’t to arrest the Bonds of those that have harmed you.

  2. Leo Patrick Haffey

    The way to Legally Remove BHO & his local co-conspirators is by the Citizens Grand Jury process either by Indictment or Presentment.

    Imagine if we had 1000′s of Trials like the Blago Trial going on all across the Nation.

    Here’s how to do it. Scroll down through the Article to the 12 Simple Steps for Removal of Criminally Corrupt government officials.

    23 Patriots forming a Grand Jury in their Local County is all it takes to get Indictments.

  3. Hmmmm….. Pastor Manning has been making remarks about Obama being a homosexual, Larry Sinclair is more in the news…… Sounds to me like they are trying to make Obama look like a heterosexual to cut off the “rumors”.

    As we have seen these past few years, nothing gets printed about Obama that isn’t approved by his regime. Yes, the Edwards story was out there, but Edwards is a competitor of Obama and may have known something…..

  4. TruthSeeker

    !?!! from previous post.

    Re: Renee Obama,

    And yes, mention was made of “her” birth/death dates.

    Awfully symbolic that she was “born” on All Hallow’s Eve then “died” on the Winter’s Solstice (Christmas Day), isn’t it?

    And doesn’t Grandma Robinson practice some sordid witchcraft or some such crap?

    Everything on BO is a mystery twited around another sick mystery.

  5. TruthSeeker


  6. JS et all RAP??

    Is Sam Kennedy on tonight or is it Sunday Night.

    Just listened to John Gliha he has been doing a plan like TT for approx 17 yrs.

    Did you listen. I recorded it. You can record if you listn on REALPlayer

  7. truthbetold11

    totally agree its to make him look like hes not a closet man

  8. Jacqlyn Smith

    JS et all RAP??

    Is Sam Kennedy on tonight or is it Sunday Night.

    Just listened to John Gliha he has been doing a plan like TT for approx 17 yrs.

    Did you listen. I recorded it. You can record if you listn on REALPlayer

    Peter….I am listening to Rod Class right now….very informative….you must listen to last nights too……he spoke about forming the De Jure Grand Juries……great info…….

    you can get an archive of last nights show at: show was on 4/30.

    They also have another call tonight on talkshoe at 9PM (Saturday).. here is the link…

  9. Jacqlyn Smith

    Peter….Sam Kennedy is on Sunday nights!

  10. TruthSeeker

    I’ll remind everybody,

    The hotel video was supposedly released.

    YouTube search turns up as “removed due to copyright infringement.” is charging a mere 3.95 for a peek (sorry, not biting for now),

    And is requiring you download their software to view it…nope again…

    It’s out there somewhere,

    Just a matter of finding it.

  11. Jacqlyn Smith

    Peter…..Did you know that ACLU is actually American Communist Lawyers Union……Rod talked it about on his show last night and again tonight……all these years folks thought it meant something else……American Civil Liberties Union…..non profit paid for my we the tax payers…..disgusting UH!@!!

    The Grand Juries are so important…..we have our authorization in the 1789 Bill of Rights….given to us in the 5th Amendment!! The only problem is educating folks and being able to understand WTH has been happening to our country for hundreds of years!!


    Please read this whole article about Greece and send it to any young people you know and encourage them to get politically active to support fiscal conservatives. It will give them a preview of what we are heading toward if we don’t get the entitlements, national debt, and government expansion in control. Everything they say about the Greek government having huge public pension problems caused by public unions and 30 years of spending out of control is exactly what we are doing now. We still have time to stop this and protect the freedom that our young people deserve–not the caged frustration the youth of Greece feel right now.

    By the way, the money they refer to in discussing the bailout they are getting is International Monetary Fund (IMF) money of which the US is the largest contributor. Most recently, the administration is asking for $18 billion from congress just to “plus up” the fund since it is decimated by the recent economic problems around the globe.

    Please everyone–this is real–the clock is ticking.

  13. TO:
    Jacqlyn Smith // May 1, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    Peter…..Did you know that ACLU is actually American Communist Lawyers Union……Rod talked it about on his show last night and again tonight……all these years folks thought it meant something else……American Civil Liberties Union…..non profit paid for my we the tax payers…..disgusting UH!@!!

    The Grand Juries are so important…..we have our authorization in the 1789 Bill of Rights….given to us in the 5th Amendment!! The only problem is educating folks and being able to understand WTH has been happening to our country for hundreds of years!!

    INSANTASY explains it all.

    I don;t know if I have you e-mail or not but I can e-mail the showto you with guest John Gliha he is using some of what TT does and he has a company that has been doig it for approx. 17 yrs. He explained what has been going on very well.

  14. Jacqlyn Smith

    Peter…..You can tell CW to give you my email if you want to email me…..I don’t know that I will have time to listen to this right now….I am pretty busy listening to the information I am being sent for the Grand Jury trainings……there’s lots of reading and studying……we are having meetings 3 times a week now…..2 days on conference calls and 1 day in person.

  15. Cabby - AZ

    Marie – 10:38PM – What an article about the present condition of Greece! Yes, we are on the fast track toward the same future if we continue down this irresponsible financial path.

    The social unrest and accompanying violence are a sample of what we are going to be facing here if things don’t change. The truth is that BHO shows no signs of wanting to convert to sound fiscal policies. In fact, just the opposite is true. He is doing everything he can to cause a financial train wreck!

  16. TruthSeeker

    Uh OOhhh,

    Were we just punk’d or did the Obot-Thugs get to the Enquirer?

    National Enquirer Retracts Hotel Video Claim.

  17. Jacqlyn Smith // May 1, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Hey Jackie and Peter,

    I have you both, so expect an e-mail shortly 🙂

  18. truthbetold11

    Why is tim turner still having seminars, they said sit tight. Ok so how can these freedom seminars be of value? Seems like we all will be notiifed to become a sovereign citizen. Like the scam we all heard about going to vegas by keith. Im very patience but it seems like a slow grind

  19. Jacqlyn Smith

    Thanks Sue……how you doing…..are you still on vacation and did you get all your doctor stuff finished??? Hope you are feeling better! 🙂

  20. TruthSeeker

    I give up.

    “Night Folks!

  21. Jacqlyn Smith // May 1, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    E-mail sent, Jackie, to both of you.

    Doing OK, and vaca is almost ovah! Would love a few more weeks, but not just yet.

    Doc stuff is ongoing after a gig in the E.D. on Wednesday. You just push on…

    Feeling much bettah-thanks! Hope you are, too :).

    Trying to keep up tonight….

  22. Jacqlyn Smith


    truthbetold11 // May 1, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    Why is tim turner still having seminars, they said sit tight. Ok so how can these freedom seminars be of value? Seems like we all will be notiifed to become a sovereign citizen. Like the scam we all heard about going to vegas by keith. Im very patience but it seems like a slow grind

    truth…..the big thing right now is getting the juries up and functioning…..lots of stuff going on behind the scenes….I expect some big things to happen be the end of May!

  23. Jacqlyn Smith

    Sue….glad to hear you are better…..I have doctor’s appointments next week and a visit with my attorney this week…..I will be glad when my case gets rolling and we can get a decision…..hopefully by a jury…..I don’t want some corrupt judge deciding my case!

  24. To add to the mysteries-Oil for Immigration is a blank screen.
    Knocked out or down for repairs?

  25. Eventually, the entire country will be touched by this fiasco. The American people are not stupid. When a human being has lived freedom, there’s no way they’ll EVER give it up. America will rise.

  26. Uh, does “The Globe”, who has been one of the few who has been reporting on Barry’s ineligibility, get their news from “The National Enquirer”? They have the “affair” on their cover this week too! They haven’t retracted their story yet.

  27. SueK @ 11:17 pm
    Glad to hear you are feeling better, how are all the flood victims doing up there? Everybody ok? Was the damage very extensive?

  28. Oil for Immigration is back for me at least.
    Too many coincidences too close together start looking very suspicious-mine accident, then this. Thats one question that pops into my mind. Other countries are still pumping near the same area and the CCX Gore/Obama/etc. is starting to be investigated. Very strange set of circumstances-a little too close together? Could this be sabotage, if so maybe an error by plotters.
    Oil Spill a Catastrophe of Monumental Proportions: Is It Sabotage?

  29. Michelle // May 1, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    Hi Michelle,


    Really don’t know how everyone’s doing; it’s off the news at this point. FEMA was here and certain counties in MA were declared disaster areas (mine included).

    Hopefully, those who need help will be able to get it.

    Still cleaning up in certain cities and towns. Other than that, it seems that most are pretty much back to normal as far as I can tell.

  30. SueK @ 11:52 pm
    I know if the folks are busy repairing their houses they don’t need furniture to get in the way, but when they are ready-thrift, consignment,resale are very helpful to a budget.
    Been there, done that.

  31. Maybe the Vera Baker thing was resurrected in an attempt to hide the coming CCX Scandalgate-Horrificgate.
    Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA
    I’ve said it many times on this board… Obama will be the first President to go to prison. It may not happen during his term, but it will happen at some point. Chicago style politics will eventually fall flat on a national level. The demand for corruption investigations will prove too much, even for the slickest political machine ever

  32. McCain Tells Newsmax: Crime, Drugs Sparked Arizona Law; Declares Bipartisanship Dead in Washington

    Thursday, 29 Apr 2010 07:00 PM
    Article Font Size   

    By: Jim Meyers

    Sen. John McCain tells Newsmax that drug cartels and human traffickers have taken over Mexico and pose a direct threat to the security of the United States.

    The Arizona Republican and 2008 presidential candidate also says bipartisanship is dead in this Congress as Democrats are intent on ramming through a left-wing agenda . . . asserts that the Obama administration has demonstrated a “fundamental misreading” of Iran and its nuclear ambitions . . . and warns that Americans will likely face a “dramatic” increase in taxes.

    In an exclusive interview with Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy for, McCain explains his support for the tough new immigration law recently signed by Gov. Jan Brewer in his border state.

    “I think the legislation is clearly a reaction to the federal government’s failure to

  33. CW,
    Just can’t get excited about whom obama is having sex with. I already know he is a liar, cheat, and criminal, so the personal life thing matters not. Anybody with a brain already knows he is a fraud, any sex scandal will just be washed away by the liberal media. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying it’s not wrong, just that the last Democratic POTUS has made me numb to it.


  34. Some proof that Socialism/Communism doesn’t work when you run out of other people’s work.

    When the self-reliant become reliant on handouts from other people’s sweat IT ALWAYS ENDS UGLY…. and IT ALWAYS ENDS.

  35. Remember when the Government said, that images taken by the Full Body Backscatter technology can not be stored, can not be retrieved, and as a result can not be placed in databases?

    EPIC v. Homeland Security: Government has Over 2,000 Photos from Airport Body Scanners: As a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, EPIC has obtained hundreds of pages of documents from the Department of Homeland Security about the plan to deploy full body scanners in US airports. A letter to EPIC reveals that the government agency possesses about 2,000 body scanner photos from devices that the DHS said earlier “could not store or record images.” EPIC has also obtained the most recent device procurement specifications, and several hundred new pages of traveler complaints. For more information, see EPIC: Whole Body Imaging and EPIC: EPIC v. Department of Homeland Security. (Apr. 16, 2010)

  36. Welcome to Big Brother’s Wet Dream, nationwide public surveillance:

    Air Force officials announce candidate list for basing of MQ-1/9 ground control stations

    4/23/2010 – WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Air Force officials released their basing criteria and candidate list April 23 for the basing of the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper ground control stations. The list of candidate bases was approved by the secretary and chief of staff of the Air Force and includes: Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D.; Langley AFB, Va.; Mountain Home AFB, Idaho; and Whiteman AFB, Mo

  37. Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D (Nuclear)
    Langley AFB, Va (Intel)
    Mountain Home AFB, Idaho (Nuclear)
    Whiteman AFB, Mo (Nuclear)

    Play a little connect the dots here.

  38. Democrat, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Comes Out Against Puerto Rico Becoming 51st state

    SO BEFORE WE START… The Editor has just received the following flash information from an impeccable US source whom he has known personally for the best part of two decades:

    ‘I just heard that John Hemenway’s younger son, also named John, was shot to death outside Bedford, Virginia. John Hemenway is the attorney who filed the Quo Warranto lawsuit against Obama. I just got off the phone and there’s an autopsy going on…’.”

    I believe Lakin’s lawyer is Margaret Hemenway and her father-in-law is the John Hemenway who brought forth the Hollister case.

  40. An investigative Intelligence report from Orly’s site on Barry’s eligibility.

    Barry put up or ship out! We don’t need you…..

  41. LM // May 2, 2010 at 2:17 am

    Democrat, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Comes Out Against Puerto Rico Becoming 51st state
    No, he didn’t. (More misrepresentation of facts on CW.) He only rightfully opposes the means used by the sponsors of this proposed legislation – of course, the Congress cannot MAKE PR a state when PR consistently votes against BECOMING a state – to define what the bill means and to limit discussion that would not only clarify the meaning of ‘statehood’ or, “sovereignty in association with the United States,” a term that the Congressional Research Service cannot even define.
    Rep. Gutierrez said, if the resolution for PR statehood had passed when Gingrich was Speaker; when he was afforded more time to discuss amendments than his current D party is giving him; then, he would have voted for statehood. He supports statehood. He just does not support THIS bill, which fails to define statehood (for example, he cites, the PR proponents of statehood want to keep PR’s Olympic team; and keep Spanish the predominant language) or the process undertaken by THIS leadership to pass such a bill.

  42. HMMMMMM…..Michelle is not next to bo…why? Vera Baker Enquirer story?|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link5|

  43. At the White House Correspondents’ Associaton dinner:

    “It’s been quite a year,” said Obama, making his second appearance at the correspondents’ dinner. “Lots of ups, lots of downs, except for my approval ratings, which have just gone down. But that’s politics. It doesn’t bother me. In fact, I know my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth.”

  44. lots of info
    More corruption?????????
    New Book THE BLUEPRINT Imperial Presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Another arrest. I don’t know if this has been posted yet (I haven’t had a chance to catch up on everything here yet).

    Police State Amerika…FBI arrests Darren Huff last night in Blount County Tennessee

  46. citizenwells

    I basically ignored the story before, but it is news and really
    is only important as a puzzle piece in the bigger picture of Obama narcissism, lies
    and hiding his past.

  47. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Good Advice from an Annonymous Marine

    “The time for grand gestures is almost upon us all. But the time is not yet… You’ll know the time when you see it. It’ll be a “Nathan Hale” moment or a “Boston Massacre” moment. It could even be a ‘false flag’ moment.

    In the meantime: Build networks. Build alliances. Concentrate locally, then county and state-wide. Make national connections, but beware of entangling alliances on the national level. When the SHTF, any organization that’s a thousand miles away isn’t going to be of much direct assistance to you. In a year, maybe two, the internet and interstate communications will first be restricted and then be offline for one reason or another, in the latter case, most likely the result of an EMP.

    Make plans for every contingency. Do the survivalist/prepper thing and stock up on the beans, bullets and band-aids. Make sure that your family will survive, no matter what happens. If you’re in or near an urban population, move to a rural location or else organize and prepare your neighborhood as best you can.

    When this is all over, we’ll need a few good lawyers who truly understand the principles and ideals laid out in The Constitution. We’ll need you to help rebuild a new society. You can’t do that if you get yourself killed prematurely, before the battle begins in earnest…

    As the world is a global civilization, and has been for over five hundred years, you can chart the cycles of history and see how they match with the collapse of a global civilization and culture. You’ll see that the global civilization is also nearing the end of a sixty year Cycle. Oddly enough, the same part of the cycle that the US finds itself. The next step of the cycle is freedom…” Annonymous Marine

    Although I agree with the Good Marine’s conclusions, I hasten to add that the collapse of global civilization can be avoided if we Patriots take action and form Citizen Grand Juries to reform our Government before it is too late.– Leo Patrick Haffey

  48. Atlas Shrugs toon.

    obama: I think it’s illegal to make illegals illegal.

  49. I think I am going paranoid – I watched the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in its’ entirety on c-span and heard one of the worst ones ever in regards to audience laughter for both the USURPER and Jay Leno. I watched this AM on MSNBC review on the show with a lot of the quotes from the USURPER. I swear to God that CANNED LAUGHTER was put in for the segments.
    Another sad scene was Ma. Senator Scott Brown talking very friendly with David Axelrod. .Axelrod kept patting him on the back with that”We should get togrther sometime”look.

  50. Cabby – AZ // May 2, 2010 at 3:06 am (edit)

    This e-mail which I received is a must read. It is long, but well worth it. Sobering indeed!

    I believe this email to be a fake. I went to David Kaiser’s blog and the following comment is on the front page.

    ..The email circulating widely attributed to me comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler is a forgery: see …

    I almost put the comment up but decided to check first. I’m glad I did.

    Have a great day!

  51. Teedee // May 1, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    Eventually, the entire country will be touched by this fiasco. The American people are not stupid. When a human being has lived freedom, there’s no way they’ll EVER give it up. America will rise.
    I hope and pray you’re right… I said, only 2 others in my neighborhood are ‘in the know'(sisters)….one refuses to own guns.
    Went to Aldi’s last night and bought more canned goods for my stash…
    Flash floods and more rain until 5:00 tomorrow morning!!

  52. Ms Helga: I have to agree that it did sound a bit like canned laughter at the Corespondents’ Dinner. If true, that would be really bizarre (like everything else lately).

  53. JJ: Still stashing here, as well, for what it’s worth. Sorry to hear they took down ‘Lights Out’. Hopefully it will be published soon!

    I got a breadmaker on clearance sale. I’ve been experimenting with it the past few days. Hopefully the lights stay on!

  54. JJ: No guns here either. The closest thing we own is the “bang stick” my husband uses for shark fishing.

  55. truthbetold11

    Tea party people get at there rallies swat teams and riot gear, but the illegals get unlimited free press. Whats wrong with this picture.

  56. Jacqlyn Smith


    NancyDrew // May 2, 2010 at 9:39 am

    JJ: No guns here either. The closest thing we own is the “bang stick” my husband uses for shark fishing.

    Hi Nancy….We are not gun owners either… trust is in the LORD….we would never stand a chance against all of their big guns anyway so I would rather have them take me away peacefully if that is what the LORD has in mind for me……a civil war is what we are trying to prevent with the RAP…….hopefully we will see some things happening in the very near future…..hang tough though…..there could be a bumpy ride for a little while…..mostly stock up on some food and water and gas if you can!

  57. JJ: In case you’re interested, they’re going to be giving away 20 signed copied of ‘Lights Out’>

  58. Jacqlyn Smith


    truthbetold11 // May 2, 2010 at 9:57 am

    Tea party people get at there rallies swat teams and riot gear, but the illegals get unlimited free press. Whats wrong with this picture.

    truth……what is wrong with this picture is we have a gangster government in our mist!!! One that we the people never knowingly signed up for….now we must abolish it!

  59. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Gov. Bredesen of Tennessee called in the FBI, TBI, HIGHWAY PATROL and SWAT TEAMS because 20 people with Oathkeepers came to a very small town in East Tennessee along Interstate 75 between Chattanooga and Knoxville, TN.

    The Oathkeepers did make the mistake that they would be carrying weapons from Atlanta to Tennessee. NOT SMART! However, all 20 Patriots were carrying guns with permits. Gov. Breseden, an Obama supporter, clearly violated these Citizens Constitutional Rights.

    Remember these facts when you prepare your Indictments, Grand Jurors.

  60. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Gov. Bredesen of Tennessee called in the FBI, TBI, HIGHWAY PATROL and SWAT TEAMS because 20 people with Oathkeepers came to a very small town in East Tennessee along Interstate 75 between Chattanooga and Knoxville, TN.

    The Oathkeepers did make the mistake of ANNOUNCING that they would be carrying weapons from Atlanta to Tennessee. NOT SMART! However, all 20 Patriots were carrying guns with permits. Gov. Breseden, an Obama supporter, clearly violated these Citizens Constitutional Rights.

    Remember these facts when you prepare your Indictments, Grand Jurors.

    And remember once you have formed your Grand Jury of 23 to 25 Grand Jurors. KEEP IT SECRET until you render your INDICTMENTS.


  61. Leo Patrick Haffey

    12 Simple Steps for Forming your Citizens Grand Jury:


    Stop the U.S. Senate in its tracks as it renews discussions of a new amnesty plan for tens of millions of illegal aliens in America.

  63. LM // May 2, 2010 at 10:31 am

    Morning, LM,

    That link you provided…did you realize that ALL your contact info is on the right of the form?

    Can you wipe it clean and repost? This isn’t good :(.

  64. Georgetown

    I. Securing the Border First Before any Action can be Taken to Change the Status of people in the United States Illegally

    II. Detection, Apprehension, and Removal of Unlawfully Present Persons in the United
    Gang members will be prohibited from entering the United States and will be deported when apprehended

    IV. Reforming America’s Legal Immigration System to Maximize American Economic Prosperity

    Click to access 9e8bdb2698954d2af0737e3f33345c07.pdf

  65. Georgetown

    Above is the “Conceptual Proposal for Immigration Reform” Reid-Schumer-Menendez proposal

  66. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Nashville TV Stations have announced that TORENTIAL RAIN resulting from GULF OIL EXPLOSION is causing FLOODING of “BIBLICAL…EPIC…HISTORICAL PROPORTIONS” in NASHVILLE.

    They reported that there is flooding in the Belle Meade section of Nashville. As I recall Obama-supporter Al Gore’s address was published online by a Nashville Newspaper.

    Doesn’t Al Gore live in the Belle Meade section of Nashville?

  67. Cabby - AZ

    Zachjonesishome – 9:17AM – Thank you for your research re. the e-mail I posted. I’ve had it for awhile (like about a week), but should have checked it out, as you did. Actually, the article is very good, but someone has fraudulently attached David Kaiser’s name to it, which is BAD. I’m beginning to learn that internet stuff can run amok if not watched.

    I now have visited his website and looked up the snopes site, the latter of which is, I’ve heard, rather suspect at times; although the posting about this article agrees with the statement made by Kaiser.

    Interestingly enough, the dear friend who sent it to me checked with her friend from whom mine received it. He personally knows the one who sent it to him (they were good buddies years ago in government service) and relied upon that. So…… it just goes to show…..

    To all CW bloggers, I apologize for passing on forged information. However, I still say that this article mirrors my own sentiments or I wouldn’t have posted it.

  68. Citizen Don in California


    Scroll Left Scroll Right U.S. Immigration Law “Awakened a Sleeping Giant” 1 of 9 60 Minutes Conan: Not Possible Show Lost Money 2 of 9 Sports Super Saver Wins Kentucky Derby 3 of 9 Politics Obama Pokes Fun at Leno, McCain 4 of 9 U.S. Suspected Car Bomb Found in Times Square 5 of 9 48 Hours A Killer Defense 6 of 9 Health Kids’ OTC Cold, Allergy Meds Recall 7 of 9 Video Second Cup: Mary Chapin Carpenter 8 of 9 Will GOP Abandon “Drill, Baby, Drill”? 9 of 9 Home CBS Evening News NEW YORK, April 15, 2010
    Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets
    Your Office Copy Machine Might Digitally Store Thousands of Documents That Get Passed on at Resale

    Play CBS Video

    Copy Machines, a Security Risk?

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the good, old-fashioned copy machine. But, as Armen Keteyian reports, advanced technology has opened a dangerous hole in data security.

    John Juntunen’s company Digital Copier Security – developed software that can scrub all the data on photocopier hard drives. (CBS)

    Modern office photocopiers with a hard drive could pose a security risk for those who use them. (CBS)
    Previous slide Next slide 01Stories
    Copiers: Gold Mines for Identity Theft
    (CBS) At a warehouse in New Jersey, 6,000 used copy machines sit ready to be sold. CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports almost every one of them holds a secret.

    Nearly every digital copier built since 2002 contains a hard drive – like the one on your personal computer – storing an image of every document copied, scanned, or emailed by the machine.

    In the process, it’s turned an office staple into a digital time-bomb packed with highly-personal or sensitive data.

    If you’re in the identity theft business it seems this would be a pot of gold.

    “The type of information we see on these machines with the social security numbers, birth certificates, bank records, income tax forms,” John Juntunen said, “that information would be very valuable.”


    But it wasn’t until hitting “print” on the fourth machine – from Affinity Health Plan, a New York insurance company, that we obtained the most disturbing documents: 300 pages of individual medical records. They included everything from drug prescriptions, to blood test results, to a cancer diagnosis. A potentially serious breach of federal privacy law.

    “You’re talking about potentially ruining someone’s life,” said Ira Winkler. “Where they could suffer serious social repercussions.”
    Would be nice to get a copied from o’s campaign.

    This is a real eye opener. Be careful of where you copy any personal or Grand Jury documents.

  69. Citizen Don in California

    Sorry about the top junk that got copied too.

  70. You decide

    Who Should Take the Lead in Fighting Gulf Oil Spill?


  71. Leo Patrick Haffey // May 2, 2010 at 11:03 am

    Morning, Leo,

    Rain as a result of the explosion?

    I don’t think so, unless there’s something I’m missing.

    What I see this morning is a bad-azz cold front that stretches from Canada to Mexico. Temps ahead of the front are in the 70s and humid; in back of the front, temps are in the 50s with much drier air.

    This is your typical spring airmass clash. Sorry, ain’t buyin’ any explosion causing this! I guess they have to blame something, other than normal severe springtime weather.

  72. jbjd-this is for you.,0,6860609.story
    Politicians put civics at the head of the class
    This bill, unlike others that faced legislative debate, will make a difference for generations to come, and not a moment too soon. Floridians’ — as with many Americans — grasp of civics leaves a lot to be desired
    Former U.S. Senator Bob Graham tells a story from his days in the Florida Legislature to illustrate the point. As chair of the state Senate Education Committee, he recalled the testimony from a group of high school students in Jacksonville complaining about the food served in their school’s cafeteria. The students had taken their complaints to the mayor and sheriff, who had no role in selecting foods for public schools. They then took their complaints to state lawmakers, only to strike out a third time since the Legislature had no jurisdiction over food served in school cafeterias.
    The lesson? You can’t fight city hall if you don’t know which city hall to fight.

  73. Expect obama to cover for Muhammed cartoon bomb try….

    “The device, which failed to detonate, was left near the offices of Viacom, which owns the irreverent cartoon series.

    Last month postings on an Islamic website warned the creators of South Park – Matt Stone and Trey Parker – that they could face violent reprisals after an episode of the show featured Muhammad in a bear suit.

    Images of the Prophet are strictly forbidden in Islam, and Comedy Central, which broadcasts South Park, has banned Stone and Parker from depicting Muhammad in the past. In 2006 the network stopped them from featuring Muhammad in an episode which followed worldwide protests over a caricature of the Prophet by a Danish cartoonist.

    Detectives are also understood to be investigating striking similarities between the New York bomb and two car bombs planted by Islamic terrorists outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in London in 2007.

    In both cases, the devices comprised cylinders of propane gas and cans full of petrol intended to be ignited by electronic detonators. ”

  74. Finally someone in the EXTREMIST FRINGE MEDIA is waking up.

  75. JJ: In case you’re interested, they’re going to be giving away 20 signed copied of ‘Lights Out’>

  76. Testing…..

    My comments seem to be in moderation. 😦

  77. Linda NY, I hope you’re not close to that bomb they found in NY city?

  78. Enquirer needs to investigate the CCX ,Chicago Climate Exchange and expose all involved.
    This is big time Corruption!!!!!!!!

    Glenn Beck will expose much more this week 5 est
    No journalists anymore.
    Need a class action against the media,wonder how many would sign up for a class action,?sue for fraud and deception against America !!Bankrupt all of them!! info
    info on Pelosi signing 2 docs after Denver convention
    plus much more.What’s up Nancy ???

    Enquirer needs an article on Larry and Reggie and the rest of the group that favor BHO!!!!!

  79. SueK, I agree with you on this storm. I live within 9 miles of Memphis, Tn. For more than a week we have been warned of this probability of the devastation this Storm would wreak with the temp remaining in the 80’s and a cold front behind it. However, the cold front changed position and tracked along beside the warm front and caused more problems. At 3:30 Am this morning, my kitty cats woke me up howling and I found there was a Tornado within 3 miles. With prayers to God we were safe. this area is famous for springtime heavy rains and tornadoes. The ill equipped Government here never uses resources to prepare and possibly slow the flooding problem down (larger drainage holes would solve a lot of this. Culverts run underground straight to the Mississippi River, which runs through the middle of Memphis would solve nearly all the flooding, but they would rather misappropriate the funds to some useless project or steal them.) The Tornadoes, I suggest calling on God, he saved our lives last night as I prayed. God Bless All

  80. Profiling IS GREAT when they use it against Christians and Whites and especially CONSERVATIVES.

    Profiling is a great tool of the Leftie Extremists

  81. citizenwells

    **** New Post ****

  82. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Sue K, I’m just reporting what what on WSMV-TV in Nashville.

    Nashville TV Stations have announced that TORENTIAL RAIN resulting from GULF OIL EXPLOSION is causing FLOODING of “BIBLICAL…EPIC…HISTORICAL PROPORTIONS” in NASHVILLE.

    It doesn’t take a Climatetologist to recognize that the Gigantic Oil spill has, to use algore’s term, put the “Earth out of Balance,” all across the Southeast.

    They reported that there is flooding in the Belle Meade section of Nashville. As I recall Obama-supporter Al Gore’s address was published online by a Nashville Newspaper.

    Doesn’t Al Gore live in the Belle Meade section of Nashville?

  83. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Sue K,

    Do you “buy” that Al Gore & TN Gov. Bredesen are both Big-Time supporters of Obama?

  84. bob strauss

    Sue K, Very strong high pressure air mass over the Reno area, yesterday the wind was blowing 30 mph from the north with much stronger gusts. This air mass is plowing into the humid air in the east and the resulting collision causes the storms.

    Stories about the explosion having anything to due with it is about as stupid as saying the last snow storm is the result of global warming. The weather on this planet has killed millions of people over the years, and if it isn’t the weather it’s the geology. Living on this planet is not the safest thing that can be imagined. Many things on Earth can kill you just in the course of daily living, not to mention other humans and their activity. The weather we live with can be deadly, long before man was around the earth was a frozen world and then it melted and since then the earth had ice ages and melting long before man had any influence. We should be grateful for warming because plants that we eat won’t grow in the cold. You can equate cold with death of life. Besides if we have to go south to escape an approaching glacier we will find ourselves crossing into Mexico. I wonder if they will let the gringos cross the border?

  85. Jacqlyn Smith

    A Hero debates a Zero.


    You’ve got that right Peter!!!!

  86. Joy // May 2, 2010 at 11:49 am

    Hi Joy,

    Glad you’re OK down there. If you’re to the north of Nashville, watch out for the lightning!

    Here’s what happened: You had cooler air coming in from the north, hot air coming in from the west, and nice, juicy humid air coming in from the Gulf. You happened to be at the ‘triple point’ where all these air masses met. You see the results!

    The cold front actually was stationary on Saturday; nothing was moving. The cooler air caught up with the warm air in place and stalled the front. It’s on the move now.

    Once this mess passes you (and heads towards me!) your weather will be a bit more comfy.

    We had the same issue here in the Northeast in March…18-20!” We couldn’t handle that amount of rain all at once.

    Your storm is moving to the northeast at 50-60 MPH, so it’s *really* moving! Hopefully, it’ll be out of your hair shortly.

    Please take care!

  87. Linda from NY
    as soon as I heard about that bomb I thought of you.

  88. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Bob Strauss,

    Here are the email addresses for WSMV if you want to tell them that they are “STUPID!”

    But enough about the Weather Debate, Bob Strauss.

    Do you “buy” that Al Gore & Tennessee Gov. Bredesen are both Big-Time supporters of Obama?

  89. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Bob Strauss,

    Here are the email addresses for WSMV if you want to tell them that they are “STUPID!”

    But enough about the Weather Debate, Bob Strauss.

    Do you “buy” that Al Gore & Tennessee Gov. Bredesen are both Big-Time supporters of Obama?;;;;;

  90. Leo Patrick Haffey // May 2, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    Sure, Leo-I know Algore is, but don’t know that much about the Governor; I suppose he is, too.

    But to suggest this is totally ludicrous and you don’t have to have a science degree to know this is pure crappola.

    Bob Strauss’ analysis is 100% spot on (thanks, Bob!)

    This ‘administration’ and their mouthpiece media must think Americans as a whole are a very special kind of stupid…

  91. Linda from NY

    Trudy // May 2, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Newp, Trudy! But, thanks for your concern!

    Am many miles away…however, this is not the first attack on NYC as I am sure you are aware.

    The subway system has been a favorite target since 9/11, however, they will not stop until they have brought the whole city to its knees IMHO…a real attack on the financial markets.

    NYers are strong and resilient; we have been through major upheavals since our inception, however, we will continue to be a favored target, especially now since Wall Street is so reviled in the financial sector. The sharks are plentiful in both the ocean and Wall Street.

    Thanks for caring…Linda

  92. EVERYBODY!………………………….

    I beleive that the story relating to Soetoro’s illicit adventures was engineered by his GOON squad,and was deliberately published by some of his cronies to make the public think he is really hetrosexual rather than HOMOSEXUAL. He and his goons will live to learn that the aforementioned stigma is not easy to erase from the minds of humankind. In the ww2 era,and into the 1950s the military dealt with this problem via Section 8 discharges,when a military person was found to be a deviate,or homosexual. This kept the military for the most part cleansed of these people. With respect to such a person being contained in a Company of combat soldiers the homo very quickly became an outcast. Nobody would talk to them,or even associate with them. Their presence upset the necessary cohesion of fighting men. These people were looked upon as incapable of rational thinking and were quickly separated from the group. More recently we have encountered another of such people within our midst, who was charged with the responsibility of being one of the people having oversight of Fannie Mae,and Freddie Mac. It soon became painfully obvious that he was too caught up in his deviate practices to do the job that he was being handsomely paid to do . Consequently we sufferred an economic catastrophe unmatched in our modern society. I would then guess that perhaps the military leaders were right,when they said “These deviate persons are incapable of rational thought,and/or performing soldierly functions.”While I am only repeating what has already been long since published,and practiced it still remains my belief that it is all true. I will go to my grave with this belief. Today you are labeled as HOMOPHOBIC if you are opposed to their agenda. Well these deviates can call us whatever names they chose but it really doesn’t provide them with a cure for their FULL BLOWN AIDS which they earn in the course of their demented,and deviate practices,then have the audacity to expect the rest of our society to pay for their healthcare. I say “TO HELL WITH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM”because that is what their pathetic, slimey little lives will turn into anyway. Soetoro is no exception. Given his KNOWN homosexual past who can accurately say that he is NOT HIV POSITIVE. This would account for much of his erratic behavior. The liberals would hide this until it can NO LONGER BE HIDDEN. It is also within reason to suspect that anyone having any sexual contact with Soetoro would now be HIV positive as well. It is also probable that the Carolina get away was also just another attempt by the goon squad to manipulate the minds of the voting public. Nothing like a little PR. Better late than never will not wash in Soetoro’s case.

  93. Profiling is a TOOL invented by the Extremist Erosionists to Ridicule and STOP law enforcement.

    If they go after illegal aliens they want the Sheriff to harass WHITES so that whites join illegals to STOP the enforcement. They also say that they should go after the Employer BUT as soon as they go after the Employers they Complain that they are harassing people that just want to work…YOU CAN’T WIN.

    EXTREMIST EROSIONISTS use every tool to slow down any enforcement.
    Profiling is great when they use it against Conservatives…

  94. TO:

    May 1, 2010 at 9:14 pm


    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 1, 2010 at 9:10 pm


    You should get in touch with Tim Turner to REVERSE and ATTACK those that have harmed you by becoming a Sovereign and Filing a Neg Aver’t to arrest the Bonds of those that have harmed you.

    Could you please reply

  95. #

    Michelle // May 2, 2010 at 11:32 am

    jbjd-this is for you.,0,6860609.story
    Politicians put civics at the head of the class
    This bill, unlike others that faced legislative debate, will make a difference for generations to come, and not a moment too soon. Floridians’ — as with many Americans — grasp of civics leaves a lot to be desired
    Former U.S. Senator Bob Graham tells a story from his days in the Florida Legislature to illustrate the point. As chair of the state Senate Education Committee, he recalled the testimony from a group of high school students in Jacksonville complaining about the food served in their school’s cafeteria. The students had taken their complaints to the mayor and sheriff, who had no role in selecting foods for public schools. They then took their complaints to state lawmakers, only to strike out a third time since the Legislature had no jurisdiction over food served in school cafeterias.
    The lesson? You can’t fight city hall if you don’t know which city hall to fight.
    Unbelievable! When my students get upset over the policy against electronics, in the student code of conduct, I explain how that provision got into the code. ‘The education act passed by the state legislature and signed into law by the governor provides for school site councils at which parents and guardians make up the rules for the schools.’ Kids invariably object. ‘My mother WANTS me to have a phone at school so she can get a hold of me!’ ‘Well,’ I ask, ‘does she attend the school site council meetings?’ ‘No.’ ‘Then, the parent who did made up all of the rules for the rest of you!’

    Michelle, this story reminds me of people complaining to the FEC that BO is not a NBC. I cannot tell you how many times I posted the link to the FEC, along with the explanation, the FEC has nothing to do with determining the eligibility of the candidates; they only follow the public money given to candidates for campaigning!

  96. EXTREMIST FRINGE MEDIA strikes again.

    Read this and compare it to the coverage of the Tea Parties or 9/12 March of 2 Million in DC

    6500 in New York is NEWS??? Even 50,000 in LA where there are millions of legal and illegal immigrants is news?? BUT 2 Million in DC is NOT NEWS?? Obama said he was not even aware of us being in DC.

  97. Leo Patrick Haffey……………..Good day sir!
    I am writing this comment in response to your comment relating to Al Gore. I do in fact believe that he is in TOTAL support of Soetoro, and has been from day one. For someone who stakes a claim to having INVENTED the INTERNET he certainly sounds demented whenever I hear him speak. Perhaps a demented person can be a successful inventor, and even a climate scientist but he sure needs to work on his thought processes. He makes me think that his IQ might be somewhere around 30.

  98. Leo Patrick Haffey

    23 Patriots forming a Grand Jury in their Local Counties is all it takes to get Indictments of BHO’s co-conspirators in every County in Tennessee.

  99. Here is still another example of our sick depraved Fedseral Judges who ally themselves with misguided lawsuits by misguided CHILDREN. A class Valdictorian has filed a successful lawsuit against his classmates to block a prayer at the graduation ceremonies. The lawsuit was filed via ACLU,and was adjucated in the courtroom of US District Judge Sarah Evans Barker who issued an injunction against Green wood High School which had planned the prayer at it’s May 28 commencement. The injunction stated that the process by which the students voted to have the prayer violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment. The Civil liberty union sued claiming that the prayer and the senior class vote approving it unconstitutionally subjected religous practice to majority rule. This ends any future prayers at any commencement within the state of Indiana. Here is another example of a out of control Federal Judge who thinks she is going to ram her liberal rulings down the tthroats of everyone else,whenever she can. I personally think that she along with all of her counterparts are eventually going to learn that when they screw around with the religous practices of PRIVATE citizens that they themselves will ultimately pay dearly when push comes to shove. It will happen sooner or later!

  100. Leo,

    Grand Juries are exactly what the Restore America Plan is doing.

    Can you please Reply to this. Thanks.

    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 1, 2010 at 9:10 pm


    You should get in touch with Tim Turner to REVERSE and ATTACK those that have harmed you by becoming a Sovereign and Filing a Neg Aver’t to arrest the Bonds of those that have harmed you.

  101. Leo Patrick Haffey…………………………
    I can’t help wonder if the MMMSSS. IMPORTANT who arrested you a few months back will now arrest ALL of those participating in a gathering specified in our Constitution. We have a GUARANTEED right to gather and/or form a Citizen Grand Jury. I am betting that she will attempt to arrest everyone participating.

  102. NancyDrew // May 2, 2010 at 9:39 am

    .32 stays in the ‘bug out’ bag in the closet……
    12 guage for ‘up close and personal’ and a Henry HMR for ‘other.

    Would I use it??
    I’m almost 60 with no children……what do you think??

  103. Jacqlyn Smith // May 2, 2010 at 9:59 am

    I have sacrificed for almost 2 years to store supplies and food…….

    Oh, I’ll go to the bread lines like everybody else, but I won’t starve as quickly as most!!
    Have to keep up a good front, you know!!

  104. Leo Patrick Haffey // May 2, 2010 at 10:29 am

    I believe the Governor of Tn is like most dems ….a political position bought and paid for..I bet most polls show disapproval of the Tn voters…….
    As I said and I repeat……..until we get all electronic machines destroyed, and return to paper ballots, nothing in this nation will change.

  105. Georgetown // May 2, 2010 at 10:58 am

    Above is the “Conceptual Proposal for Immigration Reform” Reid-Schumer-Menendez proposal

    ~~~~~~~~~Just let us give this amnesty to the legal, non-criminal Mexicans, their children, parents, nieces, nephews, sisters-in law, brothers-in-law, aunts, uncles this one time and we swear we won’t ever allow amnesty again for law breaking, lazy, illegal Mexicans who came here to rob, steal, murder, rape, and defraud you American people.

  106. Jacylyn Smith at 10:02 am,

    Yes, indeed, America has a truly CORRUPT & out of control Congress, Executive Branch (with an ILLEGAL ALIEN Barack INSANE Obama II/Barry Soetoro who is currently today a 100% Indonesian citizen, and formerly a 100% Kenyan British citizen, who was, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY TRULY BORN IN KENYA, AFRICA, and with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY TRULY WHO IS NOT EVEN A LEGAL U.S. (NATURALIZED LEGAL) USA CITIZEN, WHO IS, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY a 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN Foreign Born Domestic Enemy of the USA, who is running America and many countries into complete destruction and WAR, in the White House), and a CORRUPT Judicial Branch destroying our freedoms in the USA.

    If Americans had any God-Given Wisdom & Intelligence and ANY Love for Each Other – People would be going to the White House in convoys, by the MILLIONS to put handcuffs on the ILLEGAL ALIEN Barack INSANE Obama II/Barry Soetoro in the White House who is today while sitting in our White House TRULY
    CURRENTLY USING as his personal Social Security number, a 100% STOLEN Social Security # 042-68-4425 that the CIA got for him from the state of Connecticut, that came from a deceased man who was born in 1890.

    IF people loved Each Other & America, they would go to the White House and put handcuffs on Barack INSANE OBAMA/Barry Soetoro….and drag his ILLEGAL ALIEN a** out of the White House…..for his many multiple Daily Felonies and many multiple Daily High Crimes & Daily Treasons that he has been committing in the USA…..against ALL 310 + Million USA citizens……

    My peaceful cry is DAILY: IMMEDIATELY ARREST Barack Hussein Obama II/Barry Soetoro…..who is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who is committing multiple Daily Felonies, multiple Daily High Crimes, and multiple Daily Treasons in the White House against ALL 310 + Million USA citizens, the USA Rule of Law in the USA Constitution, and against the Sovereignty of the USA.

    The Serial Criminal and the Power-Mad Deliberate Serial Liar who is Severely Mentally Unfit and who is a Completely Delusionally Insane, Sociopath Psychopath – ILLEGAL ALIEN USURPER Barack INSANE OBAMA/Barry Soetoro, is a current Indonesian citizen, who is an ILLEGAL ALIEN in the USA.

    USURPER 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN Barack INSANE OBAMA/Barry Soetoro is the MOST DANGEROUS NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER & THREAT to the LIVES of ALL Americans that has ever existed in the USA.

    We The People are within our legal rights as Americans, according to the Declaration of Independence, to abolish the USA government that is NOT listening to our pleas, letters, faxes, telephone calls, emails…. of the USA people who only consent to be a people who are governed by our consent, – as the USA government has become incredibly dangerously out of control and is trampling down on our God-Given Unalienable Freedoms, Civil Rights, and Liberties, that are God-Given to us in the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    Unfortunately, some blind and extremely ignorant USA citizens have allowed our government to be overtaken by a Foreign and Domestic Enemy the 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN Barack INSANE Obama/Barry Soetoro, who is TRULY, a Foreign Born Doesmtic Enemy of the USA who has declared WAR on the USA from within, and who is working in our USA government, setting up the USA government (he thinks) to be abolished so he can transform the USA by killing the USA Sovereignty, and by changing and transforming the USA into a Totalitarian Dictatorship One World Government/New World Order run by the people Barack INSANE OBama is working with & for 365/24/7 to DESTROY THE USA with, who are also Foreign & Domestic Enemies: The Insane & completely CORRUPT Banking Elite Gangster Cartels: The Federal Reserve Insane & Corrupt Gangster Elites, the Corrupt & Insane Elite CFR group, the Corrupt & Insane Elite Trilateral Commission group, The Corrupt & Insane Elite Bilderbergers, and the Foreign & Domestic Enemies: who are Communist Totalitarian Dictators and Radical Islamic Muslim Totalitarian Dictators who have their money mixed with the others mentioned here….

    Americans, the USA government is so far corrupted it is beyond repair. Malignant Cancer of out of control CORRUPTION is literally everywhere in the USA government. Americans, should and need to abolish the current USA government per the Declaration of Independence, and set up our own NEW American government, as we write our own NEW USA Constitution keeping much of what was written and contained in our present Constitution we have now, but we need to put in extremely specific laws, and NOT general laws that cannot be abused and twisted out of meaning…..and to keep government in the hands “Of the people, By the people, and For the people” NOT, to keep the current USA government run by a Totalitarian Dictatorship Elites government where the federal government has ALL of the power centally located within it, ( which is what Barack INSANE OBAMA is trying to accomplish), in his attempt to overthrow the USA government, and the USA Constitution.

    We The People must practice our God-Given freedoms….civil rights, and liberties…..

    Americans, the present USA government is so corrupted, it CANNOT be fixed. It has to be abolished and virtuous and honest people need to be put in the the NEW USA GOVERNMENT that needs to be, and that should be created by We The People in the USA, according to the Declaration of Independence…..

    I am NOT advocating WAR, I am advocating people in law enforcement IMMEDIATELY ARREST the criminals in the USA GOVERNMENT who are overthrowing our USA Government in a coup d’etat now, or these will be total and complete WAR of the USA government and of foreign nations ON THE USA CITIZENS!!

  107. truthbetold11

    JS, can somone help me to understand the RAP because it seems like it could be a hard for me to say, a controlled govt operation funded by the rich.they told us to sit tight. But yet very little info. Yet we were lied to by Keith go to vegas and be free!!! then i heard tim say the other nite not sure about the irs going away. hum!! 3 weeks ago he said basically they were toast. yet the seminars are continuing at 500 a pop!!!! i thought with all hiks backing these seminars wouldnt be needed. this sit tight approach seems odd. and if all fails they still make money. Bill Clinton squashed the freemen movement in 95. So all the planning for obama im sure this was a plan for them. lets see

  108. I am NOT advocating WAR, I am advocating people in law enforcement in the USA to IMMEDIATELY ARREST the criminals in the USA GOVERNMENT who are overthrowing our USA Government in a coup d’etat now, or there will be total and complete WAR -perpetrated BY and of the USA Government and foreign nations soldiers, and foreign nations police forces, (Insane Obama’s Illegal Executive Order ) and the Illegal Aliens who will be Radical Islamic Muslim Terrorists, and Illegal Alien Mexicans, and other Illegal Aliens in USURPER BARACK INSANE OBAMA’S neded “Civilian Army” to overthrow and arrest the Legal USA citizens, through the avenues of non-compliance to the 100% Unconstitutional & 100% Illegal OBamaCare, etc.

    Don’t believe me? Sorry to tell you, I am telling you the FACTS and the TRUTH. Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke, etc…..and the thoroughly 100% Illegal & Unconstitutional CZARS of the Insane Usurper Obama are enemies of the USA working with the enemies of the USA, to DESTROY the USA from within……If you don’t believe me……Janet Napolitano is a Communist agent calling from “Homeland Security” in the USA that American veterans, patriot Constitutional Tea Party groups, Christians, USA citiaen militias are ALL TERRORISTS on the soil of our USA, AND are ALL ON ENEMIES OF THE USA GOVERNMENTS TERRORIST LISTS!

    Are you wondering WHY Janet Napolitano said during the staged false flag of the underwear bomber that the USA terrorist defense systems worked “perfectly,” and twent as planned… and when it is known that the underwear bomber was escorted on the plane with NO passport……by intelligence people who are trying to destroy the USA… Janet Napolitano needs to be arrested, she is NOT who you think she is…..she was put in office to help get 100% Illegal & 100% Unconstitutional laws passed against the USA citizens to overthrow the USA government (she is an enemy lawyer Communist plant against the USA people…working with INSANE Barack Obama to overthrow the USA government.)

    I will be naming other names and what these people are doing 100% Illegally & Unconstitutionally against the Legal USA citizens in this nation, America.

  109. Jacqlyn Smith

    truthbetold11 // May 2, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    JS, can somone help me to understand the RAP because it seems like it could be a hard for me to say, a controlled govt operation funded by the rich.they told us to sit tight.

    ******************************************Truth….I would say the best way is to follow the many links that have been posted here and at various other blogs…..below is one that will help you get started……I am not the spokesperson for the Plan so it is best you get it directly from the website… are the two links you can start with….

    Also if you have time….check out this interview with Tim Turner….start with part1 and listen to all 6 parts….each one is about 10 minutes long so plan on an hour if you want to get through the entire interview! Good Luck 🙂

    Mr Turner pt1

  110. Let me clarify some information for you: Janet Napolitano is a Marxist/Communist (NWO) New World Order /One World Government globalist plant being used to help overthrow the USA government from within….She is a NWO/One World Government Gloabalist, CFR, and Trilateral Commission, and a Marxist Communist Globalist plant, and she is an enemy of the USA who is being used to destroy the USA Sovereignty…this is why Usurper 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN Barack Obama appointed her and is using her…to do the Illegal & Unconstitutional things she is doing in office. Janet Napolitano needs to be fired and brought up on High Crimes and Treasons charges with Barack INSANE Obama II/Barry Soetoro, and others…..working in our own USA Government to overthrow the USA Government FROM within….in 100% corruption.

    By the way, the 100% Illegal & 100% Unconstitutional “ObamaCare,” I call it, Obama DEATHCare is known by Usurper Obama & his co-workers against the USA Government to be 100% COMPLETELY FINANCIALLY UNSUSTAINABLE and will BANKRUPT the USA, and will cause millions of people to be arrested and put in jail….to lose everything they have, and to force people to be implanted with the Mark Of The Beast chips or they will be put to death…..OBamaCare MUST be legally repealed, and Obama and the people working with Obama FROM WITHIN to overthrow the USA Government who are NWO New World Order/One World Government radical Global Elite Bankers, and Totalitarian Dictator Radical Islamic Muslims and Marxists/Communists, need to be rounded up and put in jail and on trial for crimes against humanity and the USA citizens….

  111. Jacqlyn Smith

    Illegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers

  112. Cabby - AZ

    To CW – In light of the information that Zach Jones surfaced re. my posting of an e-mail (3:06AM on the preceding thread) purportedly authored by David Kaiser, perhaps you should scrub it, if possible. It is a good piece, IMO, but unfortunately the real writer felt he had to use the credentials of Kaiser, who disclaims authorship, and that is fraudulent. My posting was in good faith, but I should have done further checking. I’ve learned a valuable lesson. Thank you.

  113. JJ at 2:43 PM,

    ALL Americans need to say NO BLANKET AMNESTY For ILLEGAL ALIENS!! Illegal Aliens are here, ILLEGALLY, and why didn’t try try to come into the USA legally? Sorry, Illegal Aliens MUST be ALL deported out to where they came from… OUT AWAY FROM THE USA TO SAVE THE USA SOVEREIGNTY AS A NATION!!

    There are NOT ENOUGH LEGAL jobs in the USA for millions of Illegal Alliens in the USA, seriously……. and Illegal Aliens are contributing today to destroying our government financially, through receiving emergency room medical care, incarceration, and school education with phony I.D’s, etc…

    MANY Illegal Aliens are predators on the USA LEGAL citizens as MANY ILLEGAL ALIENS in the USA are drug dealers, and who are violent criminals who commit many despicable crimes on and against the LEGAL USA citizens!! Shall this be tolerated? Definitely NOT!

    THE 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN, BARACK INSANE OBAMA II/BARRY SOETORO, actually had the INSANE audacity to call the GREAT AMERICAN Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
    “misguided” for obeying the USA Federal Illegal Alien Laws….

    Americans, please don’t take this ANY LONGER from Barack INSANE Obama, the ILLEGAL ALIEN…….The Usurper Barack INSANE Obama MUST be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED for his Daily multiple High Crimes and Treasons he is committing in the USA against the USA citizens, as BARACK OBAMA REFUSES TO OBEY the USA Constitution, and BARACK

    Americans, please listen to me, Barack INSANE Obama is a 100% LAWLESS 100% CORRUPT 100% INTERNATIONAL GANGSTER of the NWO/One World Government piece of human garbage who is a TRAITOR and a Serial Criminal who is committing DAILY MULTIPLE FELONIES & CRIMES AGAINST ALL 310+ Million USA Citizens as a LAWLESS SERIAL CRIMINAL…BARACK INSANE TRAITOR OBAMA REFUSES TO OBEY THE FEDERAL RULES OF LAWS of the Federal Government of the USA, as a Traitor, as he sits 100% Illegally & 100% Unconstitutionally in our White House regarding Illegal Aliens, and many, many other issues in the USA, because, Barack INSANE Obama is a 100% LAWLESS Serial Criminal and a 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN himself!! Wake Up Quickly, Americans!!

    I am trying to Wake Americans Up…..Quickly to what is happening in the USA……

    THE 100% LAWLESS 100% SERIAL CRIMINAL 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN BARACK HUSSEIN INSANE OBAMA II/BARRY SOETORO, THE 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN is pushing for AMNESTY to get a higher voter base of people to vote for him… and he plans on using ILLEGAL ALIENS THROUGH AMNESTY in his 100% Illegal & 100% Unconstitutional Civilian Army that the 100% Delusionally Insane 100% Psychopath & 100% Sociopath Deliberate Constant Liar Power-Mad Barack INSANE OBama II/Barry Soetoro plans to have and to use in the USA in his own “personal Civilian Army” that will operate 100% outside of the USA Federal Laws, and 100% outside of the Constitution – used AGAINST (hello…….) the LEGAL USA Citizens (US!!) hello……… Americans Wake Up Americans Quickly!!!

    Please support the 100% Great American Arizona Governor Jan Brewer 100%. Gov. Jan Brewer simply 100% obeyed and upheld the USA federal and state laws to PROTECT LEGAL USA citizens FROM Illegal Aliens. Governor Jan Brewer is 100% LEGALLY, 100%MORALLY, & 100% ETHICALLY Correct in her excellent work she is doing in the state of Arizona!! We MUST 100 support Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer for obeying and upholding the Federal and State laws to PROTECT THE USA CITIZENS in the state of ARIZONA against lawless Illegal Aliens who are dangerously encroaching as dangerous criminals on the rights of the LEGAl USA citizens!!

    I 100% support 100% LEGAL IMMIGRATION by people who Obey and Respect the USA Immigration Laws. I do NOT support and I do NOT respect legally financially supporting Illegal Aliens who IGNORE and who REFUSE to obey the USA Legal Immigration Laws of the USA!! We The People MUST Close the borders of the USA to protect the LEGAL USA CITIZENS who obey the national USA Sovereignty IMMIGRATION LAWS from the ILLEGAL Immigration of ILLEGAL ALIENS who do NOT Obey and who do NOT respect the national & Sovereign USA Immigration Laws of our USA Sovereignty, of the USA!!

    I am not against Illegal Aliens. If they want to come to the USA, they MUST simply come into the USA LEGALLY, because Illegal Aliens are NOT above the LAWS of the USA, and the USA can’t afford to take care of ALL Illegal Aliens who come into America in our economy!!

    I 100% support 100% Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), Judge Andrew Napolitano, Gino DiSimone (Independent) Candidate running for Governor of Nevada, Miki Booth, and many other candidates who will uphold the USA Constitution Laws, and who will especially uphold the USA Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 Constitutional & Legal USA President& Commander-In-Chief Eligibility Laws; and who will uphold ALL just Federal and State Laws.

    I 100% support 100% ALL of the Attorney Generals who filed law suits against the 100% Illegal & Unconstitutional ObamaCare.

    We need to make our voices heard and known. We are the Media!! Let the sunshine of 100% TRUTH & 100% FACTS come into America and lead and guide the United States of America in & through ALMIGHTY FOREVER LIVING GODS’ Graces and Mercy and Holy Spirit again, through the ALMIGHTY POWER OF GOD ALMIGHTY GOD, GOD THE SON, LORD JESUS CHRIST – the True Savior of Humanity, who is The Forever Living Always Faithful & Always True ALMIGHTY GOD Messiah… Emmanuel (GOD WITH US!!) CHRIST THE LORD, (YAHSHUA), in GOD ALMIGHTY – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY.


    NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! TO AMNESTY!!!

    NO TO: The Illegal Aliens who are in the USA ILLEGALLY….. I am sorry for them….but they are here ILLEGALLY, and they do NOT have ANY LEGAL RIGHTS to be here in this country!!

    WHY DON’T ILLEGAL ALIENS Respect and Obey the USA Immigration Laws that PROTECT THE LEGAL USA CITIZENS IN THE USA, and WHY didn’t they try to come into the USA LEGALLY? ILLEGAL ALIENS, NEED to be deported and their own foreign countries NEED to give them jobs and to pay for all of their own healthcare and education!!

    Sorry, America can’t afford to pay for ALL of the citizens in the world to come into America and to get the benefits of living in the USA!!!! Especially ILLEGAL ALIENS, should NOT be catered to, (like Obama wants) and given AMENSTY!! (So they can vote for him, and be used in his private civilian army against the LEGAL USA citizens!!)

    Let ILLEGAL ALIENS now riot against our USA Legal Imigration Laws that they are breaking!! We will just arrest them and throw them out of our country the Beautiful America!!

    I am sick and tired of parasites like Insane Barack Obama, and drug dealing career criminal illegal aliens who are sucking the SOULS and sucking the BLOOD out of America, as the Illegal Aliens REFUSE to Obey & Respect the national Sovereignty USA Immigration Laws that will keep the USA Sovereign and Protected as a sovereign nation, and the Illegal Aliens who are REFUSING to Honor, Obey and to Respect by LAW the Civil Rights, Freedoms, and the Liberties of the LEGAL USA citizens of America!!

  115. Jacqlyn Smith

    Dr. Kennedy’s broadcast is on now!

  116. Starla // May 2, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    Starla, I was repeating Clinton’s order in ’96.

    Being facetious!!

  117. Stella…..
    I moved from my hometown of 57 years, from a home I built with my own hands (drew the plans on a sheet of paper)…….when illegal Mexicans moved into my neighborhood in Tennessee; I moved to Kentucky.

    I’ve counted about 20 here in almost 3 years and many of those are here only in tobacco season.

    No U.S. citizenship papers ???
    No driver’s license, insurance, welfare, food stamps, or voting!!

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