Philip J Berg on Michelle Obama Spain trip, One last celebration before Obama’s removal

Philip J Berg on Michelle Obama Spain trip, One last celebration before Obama’s removal

From Philip J Berg August 12, 2010.

For Immediate Release:  – 08/11/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire         
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                         
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659

Berg Says Michelle Obama Celebrated, one last time,
in Spain with her friends and daughter
as She Knows Her Husband, Obama/Soetoro’s, Time
as President is Coming to an End
as he is forced to Quit
as He Will Admit He Was Born in Africa
and Adopted in Indonesia where his
name became “Barry Soetoro”

* * *

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/11/2010) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “Constitutional qualifications” to serve as President of the United States. 
Berg said, “Michelle Obama Celebrated, for one last time, in Spain with her daughter and others as she knows that her husband, Obama/Soetoro’s, time as President is coming to an end as he is forced to quit as he will admit he was born in Africa and adopted/acknowledged in Indonesia and therefore, is not Constitutionally eligible to be President.”
Berg’s comments came as the controversy is building since Michelle Obama, her daughter and upwards of 40 friends traveled to Spain for a five [5] day vacation.  The issues included spending money overseas when our country is going through economic turmoil; traveling overseas when she could have spent a vacation in the United States where her spending could have helped a local community; staying at a five [5] star hotel with sixty [60] rooms used for her friends, staff and security; and why she would travel overseas after widespread criticism when Michelle, her husband and two [2] children recently travelled to Maine for a four [4] day vacation and not to the Gulf of Mexico area.

Berg continued, “The pressure is building to force Obama/Soetoro to admit that he is an Imposter, a Fraud, a Phony and his tale is the largest ‘Hoax’ in the history of the United States, over 230 years.  Actually, the pressure is building because the overwhelming evidence is that Obama/Soetoro was born in Africa and more important is the fact that Obama was adopted/acknowledged by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia and Obama’s ‘legal’ name became ‘Barry Soetoro’ and there is no evidence that he has legally changed his name and therefore, every time he uses the name of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ he has and is committing fraud.”

Berg concluded, “I am in the final days of planning for the largest March/Rally in Washington, DC in October 2010 to force Obama/Soetoro to step down from the Office of President, a position he is not Constitutionally eligible to be President as he is an ‘Usurper’ and he has led our country into a Constitutional crisis.  When Obama/Soetoro steps down, all of the appointments and programs including ObamaCare will end because all of them are ‘voidable’”.

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

134 responses to “Philip J Berg on Michelle Obama Spain trip, One last celebration before Obama’s removal


    Okaloosa Island resident Joseph Yerkes, who had been employed by BP as a VOO operator, wrote in a letter that he distributed at Tuesday night’s meeting that he had “witnessed and reported” suspicious activity over the Gulf of Mexico on July 30.

    Yerkes, who was sitting on the back porch of his third floor condo about 1:30 p.m., wrote that he witnessed a military C-130 “flying from the north to the south, dropping to low levels of elevation then obviously spraying or releasing an unknown substance from the rear of the plane.”

    The unknown substance, Yerkes wrote, “was not smoke, for the residue fell to the water, where smoke would have lingered.”

    Austin Norwood, whose boat is contracted by Florida Fish and Wildlife, also provided a written account of a “strange incident.”

    While Norwood was observing wildlife offshore, he had received a call from his site supervisor at Joe’s Bayou. After telling the supervisor that he and his crewmember were not feeling well, the supervisor had the two men come in “to get checked out because a plane had been reported in our area spraying a substance on the water about 10- 20 minutes before.”

    Norwoord complained of a bad headache, nasal congestion while his crewmember said he had a metallic taste in his mouth.

    After filling out an incident report, both Norwood and his crewmember were directed to go to the hospital. The following day, the two men were once again “asked to go to the hospital for blood tests.”

    When reached for comment, Lt. Cmdr. Dale Vogelsang, liaison officer with the United State Coast Guard, told The Log he had contacted Unified Command and they had “confirmed” that dispersants were not being used in Florida waters.

    “Dispersants are only being used over the wellhead in Louisiana,” Vogelsang said. “We are working with Eglin and Hurlburt to confirm what the flight pattern may be. But right now, it appears to be a normal flight.”

    Vogelsang also said Unified Command confirmed to him that C-130s have never been used to distribute dispersants, as they “typically use smaller aircraft.”

    But according to an article by the 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office, based in Youngstown, OH., C-130H Hercules aircraft started aerial spray operations Saturday, May 1, under the direction of the president of the United States and Secretary of Defense.
    “The objective of the aerial spray operation is to neutralize the oil spill with oil dispersing agents,” the article states.

    Evidence of Air Force spraying Corexit in Gulf

  2. What a Hurricane could do to Gulf Coast

  3. What a Hurricane could do to Gulf Coast



    By: J. B. Williams

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  5. If all there is in the hawaii doh files is some records that were sent in by a relative of obama, I’m still a little confused as to what would be our next step. I’ve always contended that the entire media world would say “that’s good enough, move on, etc, etc.” And then the various courts would continue to try to evade the case.

    If there is evidence in the file that his name is legally soetoro, he will have lied on his entrace to the illinois bar, and lied on every other legal paper he has signed. It really ought to be a gas watching them all say in there most dignified tone “this does not rise to the level of impeachment”. You know they will, too.

  6. Philo-Publius

    What part of the Obama-eligibility saga has made you most doubt his legitimacy?

    Obama’s refusal to release virtually all of his historical records, ranging from his childhood schooling to his college records (26%)×43475

  7. Philo-Publius

    Schools Erase America From U.S. History

  8. Philo-Publius

    Is the U.S. Department of the Treasury undertaking a new role? Taking its newest press release as an example, one could be excused to imagine that our Treasury Department has decided that it is now our next Department of Muslim Outreach.

    Treasury Department Statement Marking the Beginning of Ramadan

    WASHINGTON – As Muslims in the United States and around the world begin their observance of Ramadan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury recognizes the importance of this period of intense devotion, reflection and charitable giving. Charitable giving and philanthropy are core American values, reflected in many faiths and traditions, and are of particular significance within the Muslim faith during the holy month of Ramadan.

    The Treasury Department fully supports the ability of American Muslims – and Muslims worldwide – to fulfill their religious obligations through charitable giving and seeks to advance charitable giving at home and abroad

  9. As the wolves of challenge are inching closer to an open confrontation of Obama’s eligibility, Obama and his coconspirators are preparing. Lately, I been picking up comments here and there saying:
    “You don’t have to be a citizen, to be president of the United States.”
    They are also preparing to convolute the NBC clause in the Constitution to justify their blatant violation of the Constitution. Of course the best of their obsfucation is saying he is the “will of the people”. They purposely avoid the fact the will of the people cannot over ride the laws of the constitution.

    Elena Kagen denied eligibility suits against Obama filed in the Supreme Court nine times. Though she has been sworn in as the judge, I suspect her career will be very short. There are already efforts to “impeach her” based upon past crimes of tampering with documents.

    Our effort will be to help separate main stream media and the Obama regimes lies from the facts. We will also have to work hard on keeping those well intentioned but ignorant Obama supporters focused upon the importance of honoring the constitution and not keep a man in the WH merely because he is “black”.

  10. Philo-Publius

    U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It

    Let’s get real. The U.S. is bankrupt. Neither spending more nor taxing less will help the country pay its bills.

    At 11:14 am,

    Great Comment Like Usual!! Thank You For Posting It!!

  12. Tar Balls Hit New York Beach & Massive Fish Kills Stretch From New Jersey to Massachusetts

  13. Philo-Publius

    Some job-screening tactics challenged as illegal

    Companies using criminal records or bad credit reports to screen out job applicants might run afoul of anti-discrimination laws as the government steps up scrutiny of hiring policies that can hurt blacks and Hispanics.

    A blanket refusal to hire workers based on criminal records or credit problems can be illegal if it has a disparate impact on racial minorities, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The agency enforces the nation’s employment discrimination laws.

    So now its ok to hire criminals if they are members of minority groups.

  14. Listening to Rush now…..saying there is no oil to be found. How can that be ….if I am readng about the undersea plumes os oil? ???

  15. Philo-Publius

    Anatomy of the latest bailout

  16. Philo-Publius

    FBI Investigates You: National Security Letter:
    No Warrant, No Probable Cause, And No Way For You To Talk About It

  17. Philo-Publius

    Another article about the demand for Kagan indictment via CGJ

    A former federal prosecutor turned into a watchdog on Washington’s antics, legal and otherwise, is calling for a citizens grand jury to seek an indictment against the newest Supreme Court justice, Elena Kagan, for her “fraud” in changing the testimony of a medical organization.

    Klayman said now that Kagan has been confirmed, the organizations also will seek her impeachment.

    “However, this punishment is not sufficient to right the wrongs of Justice Kagan’s criminality,” he said. So he said a citizens grand jury will be assembled under the proper rules and procedures to take up the case.

    There have been numerous citizens grand juries whose members have met and tried to bring charges against President Obama, but Klayman said his study of those cases revealed that there were procedural defects, such as holding the event in the wrong district.

    He said the procedure specified by the Constitution and Supreme Court, if followed, actually can force the system to address the issue being raised.

  18. 8 Miles of Dead Fish on New Jersey Beaches

  19. Keep fighting the good fight. stay safe, God Bless!!

  20. I emailed this blog topic to McConnell with the heading:
    Plan on sending information to his staffers every day about this unqualified, illegal alien in the WH.

  21. Philo-Publius

    EXCLUSIVE: DHS Caught and Released 481 ‘Fugitive’ Illegals from State Sponsors of Terror and ‘Countries of Interest’

  22. Philo-Publius

    Rahm Emanuel is supposed to be gathering up most of the dead fish.

    Looks like he missed Massachusetts & Jersey.

  23. Ten of Thousands of Dead Fish Wash up on New Jersey Shore.

  24. Video Thousands Dead Fish On Jersey Shore

  25. What most already know:

    Here are 10 reasons for why the American people are losing faith in the President:

    1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people
    2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership
    3. Obama fails to inspire
    4. The United States is drowning in debt
    5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat
    6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake
    7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive
    8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration
    9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security
    10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness

  26. i DONT WANT him to step down.. i want him tried and convicted and found guilty as he is…

    if he steps down all the damages he has done will stand.. if he is proven illegal we can get rid of everything he has done EXPECIALLY get rid of the bogus S C justices he planted in the courts plus all the ex orders he signed

    not to mention do away with the wastefull spending bills he signed..


  27. Police Hid Muslim Identity Of Palestinian Serial Killer In US

  28. I don’t have one psyche cell in my body. It st amazes me that this article should come forward right after I posted the above statement.

    California Congressman says birth in U.S. not necessary to be president

    by David F. LaRocque

    Rep. Brian Bilbray stated on MSNBC that it’s “a legend” that a person must be born in the U.S. to be president.
    (Aug. 7, 2010) — I arose early this morning to start some work I had planned when I stumbled onto a new video on YouTube showing my congressman, Brian Bilbray (CA-50), asserting that “natural born Citizen” does not mean “born in the country.”

    I was so outraged that I immediately wrote an email to some friends on this subject.
    (for complete story go to post & email)

  29. Carol | August 12, 2010 at 12:15 pm |
    Listening to Rush now…..saying there is no oil to be found. How can that be ….if I am readng about the undersea plumes os oil? ???
    Rush needs to get out of his bunker and take a walk on Florida Beaches. There are dead fish and tar balls being reported on beaches from Texas to Massachusetts. Several Scientists have confirmed massive underwater oil/corexit plumes from the bo/bp disaster.

  30. My case will be heard by all 9 Justices of the Supreme Court. Whether they will actually read a word, or it will be decided by the same clerks, remains to be seen. There were no signatures of any Justices in Lightfoot v Bowen and no signature on prior “denial” by Thomas

  31. Dr. Sam Sewell: “I think CGJ is the quickest, most effective, and most practical way to clean up government corruption. I have yet to see a viable argument against that premise.”

    Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    Mark Levin: “The possibility of impeachment does not immunize the president from criminal prosecution. He remains, at all times, a citizen of the United States who is answerable to the law.”

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the BHO regime:

  32. SEIU Exposed: SEIU Assaulted Workers During Corporate Campaign

  33. Patriots call for Grand Jury Indictments of Corrupt Politicians

  34. Citizens Grand Jury – Speech by Gerry Donaldson

  35. will | August 12, 2010 at 1:32 pm |
    Not to mention jailing hundreds of CONgress persons for misprision–criminal neglect of duty or wrongful execution of official duties.

  36. Philo-Publius

    I’ve posted some updates on the Blago trial in the previous thread for those interested but not following it.

  37. I saw this on FOX News the other day…………

    ‘Ground Zero’ mosque faces another hurdle

    A Christian law firm is elated about a bombshell report revealing that the developers of the controversial “Ground Zero” mosque only own half of the site where the structure is supposed to be built.

    The New York Post broke the story on Sunday that the proposed mosque site on Park Place actually comprises two buildings that were connected years ago when the common walls taken down in order to house a Burlington Coat Factory Store.

    According to the report, one of the two buildings is actually owned by Con Edison and has been leased to the owner of the other building where the mosque is going to be housed.

  38. | August 12, 2010 at 11:14 am |

    “We will also have to work hard on keeping those well intentioned but ignorant Obama supporters focused upon the importance of honoring the constitution and not keep a man in the WH merely because he is “black”.”


    I agree with everthing you said except the above quote. EVERYONE in the MSM knows the truth and they know that they will go down with the USURPER. THEY WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO LIE FOR HIM TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. They have sold their souls.

  39. “Our effort will be to help separate main stream media and the Obama regimes lies from the facts.”

    I mistakenly left this out from my previous post.

  40. Can we have a time-out for a riddle?

    *The Queen’s Riddle*

    Barack Obama met with the Queen of England. He asked her, “Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give to me?”

    “Well,” said the Queen, “the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.”

    Obama frowned, and then asked, “But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?”

    The Queen took a sip of tea. “Oh, that’s easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle.” The Queen pushed a button on her intercom.

    “Please send David Cameron in here, would you?”

    David Cameron walked into the room and said, “Yes, my Queen?”

    The Queen smiled and said, “Answer me this please, David, your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your Sister.

    Who is it?”

    Without pausing for a moment, David Cameron answered, “That would be Me.”

    “Yes! Very good,” said the Queen.

    Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden, his vice presidential choice the same question. “Joe, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It’s not your brother and it’s not your sister.

    Who is it?”

    “I’m not sure,” said Biden. “Let me get back to you on that one.” He went to his advisors and asked every one, but none could give him an answer.

    Finally, he ended up in the men’s room and recognized Colin Powell’s shoes in the next stall.

    Biden asked Powell, “Colin, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it’s not your brother or your sister. Who is it?”

    Colin Powell yelled back, “That’s easy, it’s me!”

    Biden smiled, and said, “Thanks!” Then, he went back to speak with Obama.

    “Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It’s Colin Powell!”

    Obama got up, stomped over to Biden, and angrily yelled into his face, “No, You idiot! It’s David Cameron!”


    Back to our regularly scheduled programming!

  41. Remember Nathan Deal, the Rep who questioned Øbama’s birth?
    Be sure to read the last paragraph to see the true colors of the “professional left”…………

    Birther Nathan Deal’s GOP gubernatorial win came up at yesterday’s daily White House press briefing with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

    Q: In the Georgia Republican gubernatorial primary, the winner in that race, Representative Deal, has actually dabbled in birther conspiracies. I don’t know if he is an avowed birther, but he certainly has pushed the notion that the President wasn’t born in this country. And I’m wondering if you — upon reflection, what do you think of the fact that the Republican Party has put forth someone to run a state who doesn’t believe in the President’s birthplace?
    READ MORE…………

  42. Philo-Publius

    Near Riots in Atlanta over Section 8 Vouchers

    Housing crisis reaches full boil in East Point; 62 injured

    Hey it’s another free handout from Obama…This will keep their approval of him in the 90’s and all will vote to re-elect in 2012.

  43. Philo-Publius

    Jonah at 3:10 pm |


    The White House clearly thinks the best angle of attack against Deal is to go after his alleged ethical issues rather than his bigot-baiting.

    As a member of the professional left, I would have preferred Gibbs threaten to pound and slice Deal with a hammer and sickle, then dance on his remains while singing the Internationale.

    Sounds like a death threat to me but its ok, the remarks were made by a leftist.

  44. Philo-Publius

    A New Hampshire state legislator resigned his office Thursday after becoming the second Democrat in as many days to speculate about Sarah Palin’s death on Facebook.

    State Rep. Timothy Horrigan made the remarks Wednesday night in a thread discussing the Alaska plane crash that killed former Sen. Ted Stevens.

  45. Philo-Publius

    Rangel dismisses critics, pledges tough re-election fight

    Nothing “will stop me from clearing my name from these vile and vicious charges,” he said.

    He must be referring to those right wing nut cases on the Ethics Committee.
    Even if they find him guilty, O’Charley will get re-elected…Dems like to put criminals back in government. Can you say Alcee Hastings, Marion Barry, Gerry Studds, John Murtha

  46. Reporter suspended for reporting the facts.

    WJLA-TV reporter Doug McKelway was suspended by the station following his July 20 report on a Capitol Hill rally by the left-wing groups Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and Public Citizen. Anonymous sources at the station said he “lapsed into partisan territory,” according to the Washington Post.


    Drilling Experts Says BP Well Is Not Dead, Static Kill has Failed, and BP Needs To Answer Questions About Clouds Coming From Sea Floor.

    Oil Industry Expert Bob Cavnar has posted a series of blog posts over the last few days that have escalated in charges that BP and the Federal Government BP and the Federal Government are deliberately providing the public with misinformation to cover up the fact that the static kill has backfired and made the BP Gulf Oil Spill well much harder to kill.

    In a few of those posts Bob Cavnar says BP needs to explain the huge clouds coming from the sea floor…

  48. Updated 07.15.10, The Decline: The Geography of a Recession by LaToya Egwuekwe (OFFICIAL)

  49. Philo-Publius | August 12, 2010 at 3:42 pm |

    I’d imagine we could add one every hour to your list here Philo-Publis, regardless of party affiliation.

    1. Ted Kennedy

  50. HEY PEOPLE………OT but important!
    On the news this afternoon was a word that many bank accounts are being cleaned out. This is being done with a TROJAN HORSE sort of virus. I would suspect strongly that it relates to the recent Saudi thing having to do with BLACKBERRY DEVICES. It somehow enters the computer,and penetrates the EXE files. Watch out! Get a pass word protection of at least 10 characters. The more the better! At present the problem is concentrated in the UK, but it is only a matter of time until the perps attempt it inside the US. This is not the time to have your checking and savings accounts cleaned out!

  51. Philo-Publius @ 3:42 pm | I hadn’t thought about Marion Barry in a long time until you reminded me so I looked him up. Marion is such a mess.
    These are actual quotes taken from Mayor Marion Barry, of Washington, D.C.
    “The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist.”
    “If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.”
    “What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?”
    “People blame me because these water mains break, but I ask you, if the water mains didn’t break, would it be my responsibility to fix them then? WOULD IT!?!”
    “Bitch set me up.” Nice try on that one Mr. Barry

  52. RE: oldsalt79 | August 12, 2010 at 4:35 pm |

    Thanks for the heads-up!

  53. Pingback: Ground Zero Mosque – Gay Bar Next Door – Obama’s Social Security Number(s) – Natural Born Citizen – The BOPAC Report « “The BOPAC Report” & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations – ZachJonesIsHome

  54. Afternoon. New post New Graphic.

  55. U. of South Florida Scientist confirms under surface Oil Plumes.

  56. bo/bp sending boats out at night to spray corexit on oil in Gulf.

  57. Bill Cutting

    Lawyers: Blagojevich jury is gone for the week
    This is getting better by the day.

    Obot’s have all weekend to spin the anticipated mistrial!!

  58. Bill Cutting

    “Just because a jury may be hung on some counts, that doesn’t exonerate either brother, as it allows prosecutors to pursue retrying either or both in a renewed attempt to make the charges stick.”


    In case anyone didn’t know, Blago is now broke, his next trial defense is on the taxpayer’s dime.

  59. Philo-Publius

    oldsalt79 at 4:35 pm |

    HEY PEOPLE………OT but important!
    On the news this afternoon was a word that many bank accounts are being cleaned out. This is being done with a TROJAN HORSE sort of virus….

    Trojan Virus Zeus V3 Called The Most Dangerous Ever Created, (steals your money)

    Thousands of online banking customers have accounts emptied by ‘most dangerous trojan virus ever created’

    Thousands of British online banking customers have fallen victim to a sophisticated attack by cyber criminals who have stolen thousands of pounds from their accounts.

    About 3,000 online banking customers have been victims of a computer virus attack that empties their accounts while showing them fake statements so the scam goes undetected.

    Experts have described the attack using a ‘trojan’ virus as the most sophisticated and dangerous malware program ever created…it collects data such as passwords and even transfers money out of accounts automatically…

    I’m a Microsoft MVP in Windows Security who does volunteer work at security online security forums. I posted the above yesterday to warn members…I thought I posted a note here too in a previous thread.

  60. An Open Letter To: Senator John McCain

    From: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
    “Will you stand up now for the Constitution and your Oath and help correct the wrong you helped perpetrate in 2008, even at great personal pain to yourself and your legacy? Or will you let a fellow commissioned officer, LTC Lakin, who served his country bravely and with honor in Afghanistan, be court martialed and be destroyed by the corrupt politicos in Washington DC and their followers in the Pentagon leadership … for LTC Lakin standing up for his oath … while you remain silent as to what you know about the 2008 election and Obama? Will you continue to allow Obama to corrupt every institution in the nation to protect his phony life of fraud as a con-man and a grifter as to who he really is. We will see John. We the People, history and God will be your final Judge.”

  61. NTEB: Minnesota Under Attack From Sharia Law




  63. Jul 28, 2010
    Veteran Defense Lawyer: Blago Will Win Some Counts

    By Carol Felsenthal

    After the closing arguments on Tuesday, I called a prominent defense lawyer in town whom I’ve known for decades. He asked not to be identified, but his insights are worth sharing as jurors begin deliberating today in the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich. Caveat: His experience, legal acumen, and street smarts are from years of working as a criminal defense attorney.

    How was Sam Adam Jr.’s closing arguments compared to that of the prosecutors?
    He’s a tremendous orator, incredibly populist. He did what he had to do… and was a lot better than the prosecutors. The prosecutors’ closing arguments were boring. It’s hard to get a jury angry if you don’t appear to be angry. There should have been some passion. You remember how animated [U.S. Attorney Patrick] Fitzgerald was at the press conference [on the day Rod Blagojevich was arrested]. He was indignant; he and the FBI guy in charge were insulted that there could be a governor like that—Lincoln was rolling over in his grave. The two prosecutors [at Blago’s trial] very cerebrally outlined the evidence. They were very low-key, and I don’t think it helped their cause. Adam’s failure was that he didn’t argue the facts very well; he didn’t have the facts. The failure of the prosecution is they argued the facts beautifully, but they lacked the passion that Adam had.

    What about the fate of Rod’s brother, Robert Blagojevich?
    I think his attorney did a wonderful job. They shouldn’t have indicted him in the first place—it was a bad decision. Poor guy spends his whole life trying to be a good citizen, comes to help his brother for four months. I think a jury would acquit him.

    Predict the verdict for Rod.
    He’ll win some counts and [get a hung jury] on others. The government’s arguments didn’t impress me. I think he’ll get some acquittals.




  65. Philo-Publius

    Everything you need to know about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (Ground Zero Mosque Imam)

  66. Philo-Publius

    Obama’s Secret Life

    In a bombshell world exclusive, GLOBE reveals that President Barack Obama has a phony Social Security number and is embroiled in an elaborate scheme to conceal that he is NOT a natural born U.S. citizen! Sources say the shocking new evidence will prove for once and for all that Obama’s presidency is illegal. It’s must reading for every American!

  67. It turns out the Obama administration thinks Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the right man to participate in a State Department trip to Muslim countries in the Middle East. “The State Department has no responsibility to send fruitcakes around as if they are representatives of America,” says former Unit…

  68. Dead Fish on Mass. Beach

  69. Dead Fish Gulfport MS

  70. Andrew Klavan: A Young Person’s Guide to the United States Constitution




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  72. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    GOM Oil Gusher Update

    Time for a sanity check.

    1. Dead fish or birds washing up is the expected event at the moment, based solely on what we know of the oil that was leaked before the recent static kill. This is not indicative of anything new.

    2. Abnormalities are far north and east as, say, New York are not expected even by the most wild-eyed ravings of the most well-known lunatic fringe. So whether or not these reports are true or not, they seems to have nothing to do with the GOM situation.

    3. I am not a wisher and a hoper, so I am always scouring credible sources to find out if there are things we need to know that are not being reported in the MSM. I have found a lot of hysteria but nothing important, in the last few days. I will, however, hasten to add the well known scientific principle: Not finding something does not prove it’s absence.

    I think the best and most interesting thing I found is that statement from and anonymous poster on another blog. It seems to sum up what a lot of us are seeing and feeling:

    Will this seeing evil/monsters/explosions/gas clouds/FIRE!/sea-floor-wiggling/sea monsters/catastrophic bubbling in every youtube video madness never end? Over the past 90 days or so, I’ve learned not just about the nuts and bolts of this accident and its resolution, but also how delusional and paranoid and absolutely unprepared most people are for comprehending anything outside of their immediate experiential base. The sheer numbers of people with the technological prowess necessary to merely find this web site, but who, NEVERTHELESS, possess the scientific and logical knowledge of Chimpanzees Screaming at an Eclipse is astonishing and terrifying. And to think that lawyers, bankers, jornolists and politicians, not to mention oil company PR hacks move freely within this idiocracy…

  73. It is time for the people of every State from Texas to Maine to INDICT bo and his co-conspirators for their crime in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the BHO regime:




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  75. Bill Cutting

    FLINT, Mich. — Nearly a day after his arrest in connection with a string of 18 stabbings in three states that left five people dead, an Israeli national suspected in the crimes remains a mystery, and possible motives in the attacks are unclear.

    If they had strict Knife Control these crimes could have been avoided!!

  76. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | August 12, 2010 at 7:34 pm |
    GOM Oil Gusher Update

    Time for a sanity check.
    How welcomed it is!!! Thanks for the good common sense approach.

    Here are a few points re. critical thinking, which we should all use:

    We are thinking critically when we:

    – rely on reason rather than emotion;
    – require evidence, ignore no known evidence, and follow evidence where it leads;
    – are concerned more with seeking for the best explanation than being right;
    – analyzing apparent contradictions and asking questions;

    Read more at: :

    Someone recently said this:
    “The main problem of internet era is a flood of information, not lack of thereof; we need to be methodical at judging it, else we might get lost in La-la-land. If you’re not seeking for the truth as it is, but for tidbits that would support your preconceived idea, you will always find them – even those supporting the Flat Earth theory.”

  77. Watch Judgment at Nuremberg to see fate of bo’s co-conspirators.

  78. WOW! This is what I call “SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS”!!!

  79. Free Speech @ 8:34 pm |
    His suicide did not make the allies happy, they wanted him hung along with the rest of the mass murderers.
    Göring surrendered to U.S. soldiers on 9 May 1945 in Bavaria. In Novermber that same year, he was put on trial in Nuremberg for war crimes
    Defying the sentence imposed by his captors, he committed suicide with a potassium cyanide capsule the night before he was to be hanged

  80. will | August 12, 2010 at 1:32 pm | i DONT WANT him to step down.. i want him tried and convicted and found guilty as he is…

    if he steps down all the damages he has done will stand.. if he is proven illegal we can get rid of everything he has done EXPECIALLY get rid of the bogus S C justices he planted in the courts plus all the ex orders he signed

    not to mention do away with the wastefull spending bills he signed..


  81. Free Speech @ 8:34 pm |
    This is a real cool place to go visit. My brothers office manager took me there at that time they were replanting with all Florida native species. We parked by the bridge, then they have a water-taxi that takes you to the island-it is so beautiful. What a lot of people don’t know the state of FL, probably LA and other states used tons of tax dollars (fed, state, local) to rebuild, and restore habitats, that is why they will be monitoring any Gulf spill problems very, very carefully-all aspects, birds, fish, plants and more and they know what to look for-think folks like Billy-well there is only one Billy. Capone sure had a lot of secret hiding places, I wonder if they found them all.
    Nestled along the Intracoastal Waterway at the border of Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach, Florida, rests this 56-acre designated Urban Wilderness Area. Deerfield Island Park, formerly known as Capone Island, is a triangular-shaped body of land bounded by the Hillsboro Canal along its southwest side, the Intracoastal Waterway on the east and the Royal Palm Canal on the north.

  82. I am so depressed after reading today’s thread. It’s one frightening news story followed by something even worse. So I took a visit over to Free Republic and got a few good laughs. You gotta read this story and especially the comments. Hysterical!

    Pea Enters Lung, Grows Into Plant
    A man, who the doctors suspected to be suffering from a cancerous tumor, is found to have a pea sprouting inside his windpipe.

    “My blood pressure was very low. My oxygen count was very low. I was dehydrated, my left lung collapsed, and I had pneumonia,” 75-yr-old Ron Sveden from Brewster told the Herald.

  83. Free Speech | @ 8:58 pm |
    will |@ 1:32 pm
    I think they should follow the Constitution-whatever the penalty is for treason that is what you get, plus he has a bazillion other crimes on his rap sheet-those too- whatever penalty applies. This is not Nixon/Watergate-this is a what’s the biggest number in the universe- times worse, and the people are in no mood. I think Nixon should have gone to trial not resign, but even the most dim see the handwriting on the wall after awhile. I would not have pardoned him either. What’s good for the citizen is good for the potus. Are you above the Constitution, I’m not either and neither is he.

  84. LTC LAKIN has been threatened by the prosecutor in his court martial with physical violence. The American Patriot Foundation URGENTLY requests you call, email and fax his commanding general tomorrow starting 9:00 am eastern time, and say “DON’T TASE LTC LAKIN. Stop Brodsky’s misconduct.” Major General Carla Hawley-Bowland’s phone number is (202) 782-1104; fax is (2020 782-0940, and her email is

  85. Jonah@ 9:12 pm |
    Jonah-that was very good, that poor man and his very surprised doctors. In life why do people always discount the unexpected? It’s always something. The comments were a riot.

  86. jbjd’s “A COUP, THROUGH and THROUGH (1 of 3)” has been crossposted at NoQuarter.

  87. No vacation for Obama from eligibility question
    Report: First Family likely to see ‘Where’s the birth certificate’ on vacation

  88. Supremes looking at eligibility, again
    California lawyer’s question referred to court for review

  89. Another vacation coming up for the OB family. This time it’s Martha’s Vineyard.

  90. Really. They are taking another vacation. They said it’s five in six weeks. I can’t even remember them all. There was Maine, Spain, and now Martha’s Vineyard with a stop first in Florida to pretend they have sympathy for the oil spill.

  91. Tina @ 11:33 pm | This is called after they stick in the knife, they rub in the salt. Do they think any voter in the entire country thinks this is cute? even foreign countries are making mock of these two and the Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette cartoons and nicknames are now quite popular. Obama really does a mean Sun King.

  92. Totally agree, Michelle. This is after they made fun of McCain having five houses. What hypocrites the OB’s are.

  93. Obama as the Sun King

  94. Tina @ 11:40 pm but wasn’t Cindy McCain and heiress. The Obama are on the taxpayers dime, I don’t think that was the case for the McCains.

  95. Yes. Cindy McCain’s family earned their money. Very true.

  96. It’s all about Eligibility! Meroni V Illinois Board of Elections

  97. Senator Harry Reid Defending Islam !

  98. LM | August 12, 2010 at 11:46 pm
    Thanks for that link. That woman is a true Patriot, intelligent and very well spoken. Our country is totally out of control and the Democrats just sit their smug, looking down their noses at us. I hope and pray that we take back our governments in November. Then let the subpoenas fly.

  99. LM @ 11:58 pm |
    What is with these Democrats their torrid love affair (suddenly) with Islam? As an American I feel like the unwanted part of a lovers triangle.

  100. LM | August 12, 2010 at 11:29 pm |
    Supremes looking at eligibility, again
    California lawyer’s question referred to court for review
    We have been down so many similar roads before to no avail, but this case of Orly Taitz’s petition to have the penalty waived has been finally accepted by Justice Alito, after refusal by Justice Thomas. It will be heard before the nine justices. Does anyone else think that they could grant her the right of discovery presentation? This is going to be a case to watch closely, IMHO.
    After reading the above WND article I feel cautiously hopeful.

  101. Tina | August 12, 2010 at 11:40 pm |
    Totally agree, Michelle. This is after they made fun of McCain having five houses. What hypocrites the OB’s are.
    DITTO! You know what I truly think? They (Obamas) don’t give a hang as to what anyone feels about their vacations. Their consciences are seared, imo.
    In fact, we must not forget what O’s purposes are – to bring this country down to third world status, and below, if possible.
    Therefore, he is not going to try to improve the job market, he is not going to try to help people get on their feet (unless it promotes him politically), and he doesn’t care if we get riled up over their excesses – expensive vacations, lavish parties, hours of golf, etc., simply because we will then get rebellious and that just fits their goals perfectly. We’ve got to start looking at this administration with eyes bathed in reality. He has no regard whatsoever for the morals and principles which have made this country great. HE IS NOT ONE OF US, AND NEVER HAS BEEN!!

  102. LM | August 12, 2010 at 11:46 pm |

    It’s all about Eligibility! Meroni V Illinois Board of Elections

    Yes; but here is the problem in IL. No law requires the candidate on the ballot must be qualified for office.

    This woman is fabulous; but she needs to stop butting heads with the same people. They cannot help her. She needs to go to the legislative branch to change the laws. Then, she can demand the executive branch carries them out.

  103. GORDO | August 12, 2010 at 10:45 pm |

    jbjd’s “A COUP, THROUGH and THROUGH (1 of 3)” has been crossposted at NoQuarter.
    Thanks for mentioning this. Good news; they invited me to post there. Bad news, now I am twice as busy (and still finishing Parts 2 & 3, simultaneously). I came back here just now for the first time all day…

  104. JBJD, thank you as well for all of your contributions, hard work and insight.

  105. Am Funniest Home Video-Kid and President’s Legacy.mpg

  106. The State Department on Thursday dismissed Republican criticism that it illegally funneled millions of taxpayers dollars to help pass the Kenyan constitution, which allows abortion in some cases.

  107. Paxson | August 13, 2010 at 12:54 am |

    [jbjd], thank you as well for all of your contributions, hard work and insight.

    You are welcome.

  108. JBJD,

    At 3:34 in the video, it sounds to me like they asked her to go through their processes which she did here at this hearing after being told by one of their representatives to do so. Here at this hearing, after a lot of hard work, they tell her that there are no processes. They sent her out, thinking that she would go away, on a wild goose hunt because they mock us. They are inherently unprincipled people. It is so sad.

    I agree with you that her next logical step, in a world that wasn’t upside down, would be to go through the legislative process, but in Illinois that will obviously not be fruitful either. Their state legislature is chock full of unprincipled people (I am choosing not to use the word evil).

    My legal acumen is like a child’s compared to yours, but it sounds like she is banging her head against the wall. Would a court case that ends up at the State Supreme Court be the correct method? But I’m sure that their court is stacked too. They would just refer it back to the state legislature?

    The bottom line is that this is not just about Obama’s eligibility. It is ensuring that this can never happen again at any office in every state and national election.

    So it seems to me that the only method is to vote the Democrats and like minded Republicans out of all state held offices in the country and change the laws in every single state???

  109. Free Speech | August 12, 2010 at 8:58 pm |

    will | August 12, 2010 at 1:32 pm | i DONT WANT him to step down.. i want him tried and convicted and found guilty as he is…

    if he steps down all the damages he has done will stand.. if he is proven illegal we can get rid of everything he has done EXPECIALLY get rid of the bogus S C justices he planted in the courts plus all the ex orders he signed

    not to mention do away with the wastefull spending bills he signed..



    Plus – If he justs steps down we will have a continuous attempt to pull-off the same scheme by USURPERS. THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME.

  110. From

    Listen to the G. Gordon Liddy show on Friday, August 13 at 10am eastern to get a real time update from attorney Paul Jensen and LTC Terry Lakin. Go to to listen live

  111. Ms. Helga………………………………

    It appears to me that before much of anything can be done to get rid of Soetoro, we will first have to0 clean out both houses. If we don’t clean them out we will end up shoveling manure against the tide. Congress as a whole does not have the courage to even hiccup when necessary. We need to provide our Congressmen,and Senators a little incentive to return to honesty. Such incentive would include possible prosecution for NOT upholding the Constitution, and/or aiding and abetting conspiracy, high crimes,and treason against the American people In November things will turn around. We must vote to get rid of as many LIBERAL DEMS as possible. MASS prosecution of the CRIMINALS in Congress needs to happen, along with a squarely placed size 11.

  112. 68Truthseeker

  113. Dr, Alan Keyes…one of the smartest Americans today…..I would vote for him for POTUS against anyone…and I’m a white man, age 75, southern born….I guess according to the left leaning liberals, that makes me a racist!

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