November 2, 2010, Buh bye congress, Vote jackasses out, Video, Citizen Wells open thread, September 18, 2010

November 2, 2010, Buh bye congress, Vote jackasses out

We can do it. We must do it.

From Citizen Wells March 23, 2010.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln





Obama and the Democrat controlled congress have won a skirmish or battle. They will  not win the war. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are liars and hypocrites. We now know that Bart Stupak and many other Democrats in Congress are also liars and hypocrites as well as being un American. They have made it easy to identify who to vote out in November.

Nancy Pelosi may not be voted out anytime soon, but her power as Speaker of the House is coming to an end.

It’s The People’s House, Not Pelosi’s House

“Republicans in Congress have listened to your concerns in the debate over health care.  They’ve fought hard to make the voices of the people who opposed this bill heard in the halls of Washington, D.C.  In fact, by any objective account, they won the debate.   Unfortunately, the only side of the debate that matters to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is her own.
After all her wrong-headed policies and failed promises, we know she isn’t listening to the people’s voice and isn’t doing the People’s business.  It’s her business, her agenda that she fights for – and a radically flawed agenda it is.
Over the last year, Pelosi promised to preside over the most open and transparent government, yet even her own Democrats admit they simply “aren’t transparent;”she promised to create jobs, yet America has lost 3.3 million since the passage of her maligned stimulus bill; she promised to legislate with a spirit of bipartisanship, yet Democrats say “they have been explicitly told not to work with Republicans.”  Now, despite overwhelming opposition from the American people, she’s forced her health care bill through the House Chamber, after calling opponents of government-run health care “un-American.”
This is exactly why, in the few hours since Madam Speaker passed her government-run health care bill, Americans have donated more than $600,000 (far exceeding our original goal of $402010) to fire Speaker Pelosi and help Republicans regain the majority in 2010 to reverse the damage she has done.”

Read more:

96 responses to “November 2, 2010, Buh bye congress, Vote jackasses out, Video, Citizen Wells open thread, September 18, 2010

  1. Good morning CW and All…

  2. Just voting them out is not enough, bo and all his local co-conspirators must be INDICTED, CONVICTED AND IMPRISONED.

    Dr. Sam Sewell: “I think CGJ is the quickest, most effective, and most practical way to clean up government corruption. I have yet to see a viable argument against that premise.”

    Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    Mark Levin: “The possibility of impeachment does not immunize the president from criminal prosecution. He remains, at all times, a citizen of the United States who is answerable to the law.”

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the BHO regime:


    <embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always"

  3. “Nancy Pelosi may not be voted out anytime soon, but her power as Speaker of the House is coming to an end.”


    pelosi is just one (1) Grand Jury Indictment away from being permanently removed from our Congress and imprisoned for her crimes.

    Republican Meg Whitman has pledged to form a Grand Jury to investigate fraud if she is elected Governor and Patriots all across pelosi’s home State of California are calling for Grand Jury Indictments. It is just a matter of time before Patriots have pelosi removed permanently.

  4. Now is the time to get the Grand Jury Indictments of bo and his local cohort congressmen in your State. Don’t give the demRats and rinos a chance to steal another election from We the People.

  5. That evil woman NP should go to prison for voter fraud and removing the constitution words to allow the usurper on the ballot.

  6. Good Morning!

    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln


    In the news:
    Records on Obama? … Go Fish!
    By William R. Mann Friday, September 17, 2010

  7. Carry over from a previous thread.

    Cabby – AZ September 18, 2010 at 1:40 am
    Citizen Carlyle 1:11 AM
    “Why is it every time I quote someone or suggest what is in the mind of others, people attribute the sentiments to me? Have our education systems failed so badly that people can no longer read simple dialectic?”
    This problem has been straining my brain cells for awhile, too. I’ve come to the conclusion that in some instances there is a woeful lack of the art of conversation.

    That’s part of the problem. Sometimes the poster does not clearly indicate they are quoting someone or presenting thoughts attributed to others. When that occurs it causes confusion. My reply to CC and CC’s reply back to me in yesterday’s topic is a prime example. My subsequent reply was not directed at CC but at those who dismiss the Founders and what they had to say. CC’s subsequently reply to that was to question why I attributed my remarks to CC which I didn’t. So it appears we both made the same mistake. When this occurs, rather than attack each other with rebuttals, we should ask for clarification or admit something was taken the wrong way. To do otherwise only continues the confusion and can create animosity which perpetuates itself.

    I am not here to denigrate anyone who participate at CW. If any of my postings come across that way, then I apologize.

  8. I just did a google news search for “Christine O’Donnell” and got only 3 hits. Is Google up to its mischief again?

  9. Without quotes she gets a lot more hits. Sorry to imply Google might try to shape the news. Not.

  10. Looks like O’Donnel has raised $1,745,641.00

  11. Gotta go! Have a great day! Zach

  12. Evidence bo/bp poisoning of the Gulf

  13. Zach – I caught on c-span radio last night The Family Research Council being held in D.C. Christine O’Donnell gave her first speech since winning her primary. I just found it on the computer and you can find it by moving the time”bug” to – 01:31:47 Introduction “Bumble Bees are not supposed to fly”. Her message was great and with a little more experience she will be a stunner.

  14. “Governments, states, cities and even rural towns, believing they are participating in a Homeland Security initiative, have contracted with this and other organizations under foreign control, ” tracking organizations as diverse as the Tea Party and the Sierra Club. Reports submitted by ITTR showed them spying on nearly every organization they could find, no matter how innocent, patriotic or public minded. In fact, databases include every organization, regardless of its membership or policies, with personal information on members being stored in foreign databases. Never has a nation funded a foreign spy organization’s efforts to catalog potential intelligence assets, operatives and, at the same time, take over the job of watching themselves. This is one of the greatest intelligence coups in history. Combine this with control of America’s airport security and total control of America’s communications networks, everything, mobile, internet, even landlines….we might as well pull down the flag and roll over.”

  15. Was the $800 Billion Federal Stimulus Fund used to payback Obama supporters like the Chicago style?
    Should Obama be investigated to see how many who supported his campaign and now have received Stimulus money?

  16. Gov. Deval with the usual slam against the Tea Party, like that is going to stop us.
    Gov. Patrick Deval discusses the Tea Party movement during a gubernatorial debate in Mass.

  17. Now president, Barry Obama still disputes one college grade

    Where is the rest of his grades?

  18. Mr. Clean,

    The answer to your question is yes, he should and will be investigated.

    Over 100 billion went to the teachers Unions to support their dues, bonuses and retirement packages. Oner 113 billion went to the other Unions, for the same, and not to include the billion to bailout a failed Auto industry.

    Payback? You bettcha…

  19. Billions, to bail out the failed Auto industry, not billion



  21. This is funny at the end of page no more due to when questions are being vandalized or answers have become debates.

    What were Barack Obama’s grades in college?
    In: US Presidents, Barack Obama, Nobel Prize Winners

    Barack Obama has not released transcripts for his grades from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. He has also not released his SAT and LSAT scores. No explanation has been offered for not releasing them.
    Per the Wall Street Journal September 11, 2008, “Obama’s Lost Years,” Obama graduated from Columbia University (to which he transferred after his first two years at Occidental College in California), with a degree in Political Science without honors, so had a GPA less than a 3.3. His roomate Sohale Siddiqi indicated Obama itially felt alienated, felt “very lost,” and used drugs to get high, which could have led to low grades initially. The roomate indicates that he then turned serious and “stopped getting high.” Obama transferred to Columbia because he was concerned with urban issues. Based on his overall undergraduate GPA of less than a 3.3, Mr. Obama’s admission to Harvard Law School may reflect affirmative action statutes, low grades early, then higher grades later (purely speculation) and/or other factors.

    Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.

    This answer is closed to changes. This is done in rare cases when questions are being vandalized or answers have become debates.

    link for a laugh's_grades_in_college

  22. Oops, hit post accidentally??


  23. Mr clean @ 11:09 am |
    It could be Obama’s latest con, trying to “convince” people he attended, yet again no proof-just his mouth.

  24. Philo,

    You correct whereby sometimes what we write can be construed differently than the intent. For this reason, it is always best to repeat the statement/question back to the person to ensure their polint of view is understood. Speaking for myself only, I too am guilty of not doing that, but working on it.

    However, some attacts are obvious and just that, attacks. Many have issues with FreeSpeech, I however do not, and appreciate his comments. That does not mean I agree with him 100 percent, but hell, I don’t agree with anyone 100 percent including my own self….

    Just my thoughts on the matter


    Second big fish kill in less than week reported in Plaquemines Parish

    “We have never seen large fish kills like this or the frequency of them prior to the spill.”

  26. Free Speech | September 18, 2010 at 7:46 am |
    Just voting them out is not enough, bo and all his local co-conspirators must be INDICTED, CONVICTED AND IMPRISONED
    Well, well…for once FS, I agree with you…but be realistic…19 states are on verge of bankruptcy, holding off pensions, refusing to pay tax returns to citizens, closing state parks, laying off police and firefighters, forced to work 4 days a week to save money for the state govt.
    Unless every lawyer involved donates their talent, there is no way states can prosecute thousands for treason and misprision of felony…not even considering all other costs regarding litigation.
    It will never happen–MAYBE A FEW AT THE TOP?? That’d be nice!!


    David L. Valentine, a professor of microbial geochemistry at UC Santa Barbara — told Brown that the oil-gobbling properties of the microbes have been grossly overstated.

    “It’s hard to imagine these bacteria are capable of taking down all components of oil,” Valentine said. “These stories about superbugs taking down all the oil ” it’s more complex than that.”

    What’s more, some experts suggest that the proliferation of the bacteria may be causing health issues for Gulf Coast residents. Riki Ott — a marine toxicologist — says that the bacteria might be responsible for an outbreak of mysterious skin rashes local physicians have lately noted.

  28. bo/bp Thugs threaten Scientists reported the Truth about bo/bp Oil/Corexit Poisoning.


    Ron Kendall, director of The Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech University in Lubbock and a member of the assessment team for the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989, says it will take “extensive environmental sampling” over a period of years to determine how much oil is embedded into coastal habitats, and where.

    Oil that remains trapped under a marsh or buried beneath a beach is particularly threatening because the lack of oxygen will prevent bacteria from breaking down the oil, meaning “it will be there for all time,” says Nancy Kinner, codirector of The Coastal Response Research Center at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. Twenty-one years after the Valdez spill, oil remains submerged in the beaches of Prince William Sound in Alaska.

    The same is true in Massachusetts’ Buzzards Bay, where a 1969 spill released 175,000 gallons of diesel fuel; 41 years later, sampling shows oil three to eight inches below the land’s surface.

    When oil gets buried that deep, says Ms. Kinner, it creates a “trade-off” to mitigate, especially when it involves a fragile habitat, like the coastal wetlands, whose survival is already threatened.

    “Is it better to leave it there than to dig up the whole marsh? Because when you dig up the whole marsh, you do a tremendous amount of damage. You’ll never get the marsh back,” she says.

    The risks of having oil hidden so deep below the surface are numerous. Among them: Drinking water is degraded; the food chain is affected because organisms like mussels and crustaceans are threatened; and animals such as sea turtles have no place to bury their eggs.

    Oil that makes its home below sand is also vulnerable to seasonal storms, which means it is potentially mobile and can represent “a new release of oil into the environment” when it returns to the freshwater table, Kinner says.

  30. Wow, JJ ..Thank You for those Pictures. Amazing Turnout in St. Louis!

  31. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    SirWilliam | September 18, 2010 at 11:21 am |



    Since I am so frequently misquoted or misrepresented, I am guilty of having a hair trigger in this regard. I apologize.

  32. I just did a google news search for “Christine O’Donnell” and got only 3 hits. Is Google up to its mischief again?

    Ixquick Search Engine……….pages on Christine O’Donnell

  33. Free Speech @ 11:40 am | To me sampling is sampling-the scientists are searching for an unknown. They probably take random samples from a given area and test it for “the unknown” then log the data-repeat for an undetermined length of time. I don’t understand samples identified as “gov’t” samples as opposed to any other random samples. Sampling illegally? what the heck does the government mean by that?

  34. JJ-You know how I would handle this, have the interviews at the Tea Party-I’m busy campaigning to win an election, interview me there. That way the press could get out of DC and might have a clue as to what is going on.
    JJ @ 12:05 pm |
    Senate hopeful O’Donnell cancels national TV spots
    September 18, 2010
    WASHINGTON—Christine O’Donnell, the tea party darling whose Republican primary win in Delaware’s Senate race shocked the GOP, has canceled her appearances on two national news shows.
    O’Donnell had been set to appear on “Face the Nation” on CBS and “Fox News Sunday.”
    Diane Banister, whose public relations firm booked the shows for O’Donnell, said in an e-mail Saturday that O’Donnell canceled so she could attend a Republican campaign event Sunday in Delaware’s Sussex County.
    On Friday, O’Donnell made her first national appearance since her primary win in Washington at the annual Values Voters Summit. Her appearances on the news shows would have further put her in the national spotlight.
    O’Donnell’s campaign manager did not immediately return phone messages from The Associated Press.

  35. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    This web site has been gaining credibility as being an accurate representation of the impact of the GOM Oil Spill on the wildlife. So far they don’t seem to have been “infiltrated”, “pressured”, or “compromised”.

    I would highly recommend it as an antidote to frequently posted BS.

  36. JJ | September 18, 2010 at 11:29 am |

    There will certainly be hundreds, if not thousands, of bo criminal co-conspirators indicted. Simply no way for boCohorts to stop the indictments, too much public outrage.

    Of course, there will be very few trials, vast majority of criminal cases settle by plea bargain. The evidence is just too overwhelming for the boCohorts to risk lengthy prison terms. They are already lining up to plea bargain and testify against bo.

    I have been practicing law for nearly 20 years. That’s just the way things go in criminal law, JJ.

  37. Free Speech @ 12:27 pm |
    “Of course, there will be very few trials, vast majority of criminal cases settle by plea bargain. The evidence is just too overwhelming for the boCohorts to risk lengthy prison terms. They are already lining up to plea bargain and testify against bo. ” YEAH

  38. I love the way Mario Apuzo states the condition of Obama’s eligibility.

    (19) Obama refuses to produce a contemporaneous birth certificate created in 1961. This is the most important piece of evidence which would conclusively prove that he was born in Hawaii because it would tell us exactly where in Hawaii Obama was born (e.g. in which hospital) and who was present at the moment of his birth in that exact location (e.g. the delivering doctor or a midwife). This document, unlike the COLB with he posted on the internet (see No. 16 above), would contain Obama’s parents’ names, the exact place in Hawaii that he was born, and would identify what source provided the birth event details serving as the foundation for the veracity of the original birth certificate itself. It is this long-form, vault birth certificate which would contain contemporaneous evidence such as the name of the hospital where Obama was born and the name of the doctor or midwife that delivered him. This is highly corroborating evidence which goes to adequately prove that he was in fact born in Hawaii. What is highly disturbing and suspect is that Obama has not only refused to release to the public this crucial piece of evidence, but he has taken extraordinary and highly unprecedented steps to block anyone from seeing or having any access to the 1961 contemporaneous birth certificate, hiring teams of lawyers who are presumably instructed by him to take all necessary steps to block anyone from seeing or having any access to that document and spending his, third parties’, and the public’s large amounts of money, time, and others resources in doing so. Obama’s lack of transparency and integrity is further evidenced by the fact that, in addition to refusing to release to the public his 1961 birth certificate, he has refused to release to the public his travel, education, and employment documents, all while demanding that the people accept him as the legitimately elected President. It is rather clear and commonplace knowledge that Obama needs to release to the public his long-form, vault copy, of his 1961 contemporaneous birth certificate in order to meet his burden of proving that he was born in Hawaii, but still he without any reasonable explanation simply refuses to do so.

  39. Karma-it is amazing what loyal Americans can find when they research.
    9-1-1 Mosque will Be Built on a PILE of DEAD PIGS
    by Cheryl Tracy on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 3:42pm
    The perfect Karma will be when Imam Rauf completes his expensive 9-11 Mosque, and after it’s completion, discovers that he has built his Monument, proclaiming Muslim victory over America, on the pig grave yard that lies beneath the site. The area where the 9-11 Mosque will be built was used by early Colonial settlers as a huge pork holding area to control the pigs that ran wild through Manhattan Island, in the colony of New Amsterdam, now New York City. In fact there were so many pigs roaming freely in New Asterdam that they were ruining the early settlers vegetable gardens.  In Colonial Days, New Your City was over run by wild and domestic pigs. They were considered the city’s early “street cleaners”. On Manhattan Island, in the colony of New Amsterdam, now New York City, the Dutch settlers constructed a long solid wall on the northern edge of the colony to control roaming herds of pigs. This area is now known as Wall Street. There was a big forest fire and pigs ran to safety in the vicinity of the old Burlington building, where the 9-11 Mosque is to be built, but it did not save them. So many of the pigs were killed by the smoke from the fire, that the Colonists did not have enough smokehouses to process and cure them. These early New York settlers had no choice, but to bury hundreds of the dead pigs right there.
    The first pigs in what is now the United States arrived from Cuba with Hernando de Soto’s expedition (1539–42) through the Southeast, and later introductions came from the British Isles, most notably to Sir John Smith’s settlement of Jamestown in 1607. A few years later, the pigs had multiplied to several hundred head. In Virginia, and elsewhere in eastern North America, pigs fit well into the forested countryside as foragers. Abundant oak and chestnut mast in the Appalachians offered a good return in meat for almost no investment in feed or care. In late autumn, the semiferal animals were rounded up and slaughtered, and their fatty flesh was made into salt pork, which along with Indian corn was a staple of the early American diet.
    Semi-wild pigs conducted such rampages in New York Colonists’ grain fields that every owned pig, 14 inches high, had to have a ring in its nose. As the seventeenth century closed, the typical farmer owned four or five pigs, supplying salt pork and bacon for his table with surpluses sold as barreled pork. Pigs played an important role in the early United States Colony settlement celebrations. Swedes, and Germans frequently choose pork or ham for their New Year’s meal. They brought this tradition with them when they settled in different regions of the United States. New Englanders often combine their pork with sauerkraut to guarantee luck and prosperity for the coming year. Holiday feasts throughout the northeastern US often featured a whole roast pig with an apple in the mouth of the pig, as the cente-piece of the feast.

  40. Michelle | September 18, 2010 at 1:06 pm |

    The perfect Karma will be when Imam Rauf completes his expensive 9-11 Mosque, and after it’s completion, discovers that he has built his Monument, proclaiming Muslim victory over America, on the pig grave yard that lies beneath the site. The area where the 9-11 Mosque will be built was used by early Colonial settlers as a huge pork holding area to control the pigs that ran wild through Manhattan Island, in the colony of New Amsterdam, now New York City.



  41. Free Speech @ 1:11 pm |
    “HILARIOUS!” wasn’t it. Now Rauf can’t shake down the Muslims for donations because they now know. He can’t shake down Donald Trump for 20 million because now he knows and I’m sure the 25 per cent premium Mr. Trump offered is off the table and the best part the Lyin Iman did it to himself.


    Ground Zero Mosque to be Built on Pig Burial Ground

    June 10, 2010

    Here’s The Stopper For The Ground Zero Mosque!

    The land was once roamed by pigs and is a pig burial ground.

    Oink, oink!

    From Creeping Sharia:
    Pious Muslims ought to know that any mosque built downtown will be built on soil that was roamed by pigs and is a veritable pig burial ground. From the archive:

    . . . Where Wall Street got its name?

    Free-roaming hogs were famous for rampaging through the valuable grain fields of colonial New York City farmers. The Manhattan Island residents chose to block the troublesome hogs with a long, permanent wall on the northern edge of what is now Lower Manhattan. A street came to border this wall — named aptly enough, Wall Street.

  43. First of all, there is a very depressing widespread reality, a real trip to the heart of darkness , which is that tens of millions of Americans (nearly sixty million now depend on food stamps) who no longer have a job, no longer have a house, no longer have any savings, are wondering how they will survive in the years to come (11). The young (12), retirees, African-Americans, workers, service employees (13),… they constitute this mass of angry citizens who will speak violently next November and plunge Washington into a tragic political impasse.
    Supporters of the Tea Party (14) and new secessionist (15) movements… want to break the Washington Machine without having feasible proposals to solve the country’s myriad problems (16). The November 2010 elections will be the first opportunity for this suffering America to express itself on the crisis and its consequences. And, won back by the Republicans or even the extremists, these voters will help to further cripple the Obama administration and Congress, only pushing the country into a tragic gridlock just when all the signals turn red again. This expression of widespread anger will in addition, from December onwards, collide with the release of the Deficit Commission report set up by President Obama, which will automatically place the issue of deficits at the heart of public debate at the beginning of 2011 (17).
    (As they say, a dollar late, a dollar short)


    Free-roaming hogs were famous for rampaging through the valuable grain fields of colonial New York City farmers. The Manhattan Island residents chose to block the troublesome hogs with a long, permanent wall on the northern edge of what is now Lower Manhattan. A street came to border this wall — named aptly enough, Wall Street.

  45. Free Speech @ 1:27 pm |
    When you think about this logically what a low-tech, super cheap protection device-the Israeli’s are so smart. This could also be used as a containment device-put a ring of lard around land that the Muslim terrorists have taken over and they can’t get out.
    The Israelis have been using this strategy since 2004. They put containers of pork fat in all their buses and made sure everybody knew about it. If a suicide bomber decides to explode himself in a bus, he’s taking the chance that some of the pig fat ends up on his body and therefore he will not go to Paradise. Israelis buses have been safe from attacks since then. No more attacks. Thanks to Susan K

  46. Please listen up!
    After reading something last evening, I was stricken with a great deal of seriousness. Some of you may have already heard of the following, if so, pardon me. If you haven’t heard of it, pleeeeeze don’t take it that I am agreeing with the predictions of this Prof. Panarin. He has already been wrong on the date, BUT I think we should listen to what others are saying about the future of the USA. We already know that our overwhelming debt is going to kill us IF something isn’t done. Some of our country’s creditors are awaiting for our demise and it will happen IF we don’t change course.

    Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He …appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations. His bleak forecast for the U.S. is music to the ears of the Kremlin…. Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war ….and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June,2010, or early July, he says the U.S. will break into six pieces…..His ideas are now being widely discussed among local experts. …

    Go to the article carried in the Wall St. Journal:

    However, my first reading was from another source:

    Here is a quote:
    The Coming Collapse Of The United States Of America
    Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground MMF

    “From the moment that Barack Hussein Obama took control of the Presidency, things on all levels have gone from bad, to worse, to unbelievable. Over the past 18 months he has been steadily removing the pillars that have supported this country since it’s inception in 1776. It is obvious to anyone who is paying attention, that he has an agenda to weaken and cripple us. The amazing thing is how fast he has been able to accomplish that goal. This is no longer about Red or Blue, black or white, rich or poor, liberal or conservative. It’s about our survival as a nation, which at the time of this writing, hangs very much in the balance.”

    “Today, I would like to introduce you to a man named Igor Panarin. He is a Russian Professor who wrote a book called “The Crash of America”, just recently published. Even though the book is just out, his prediction was actually made way back in 1998, when he picked the year 2010 as the starting point for the crash. Why should you listen to this man? Because he also predicted that the Soviet Union would crash, and it did. Professor Panarin even had the year right. So I think we should, at the very least, give a listen to what he has to say.”

  47. Ooops – The site posted for the Wall St. Journal article is WRONG. I will try to retrieve the right one. Sorry.

  48. Here is the correct WSJ site for my post of 1:38 PM:

  49. Freespeech,

    Great video above showing bo and thugs threatening our scientists. The SOB”s and MSM refuse to report this disaster for what it is. They don’t want bo to have a tarnished record for handling (or the lack thereof I should say) disasters,

    Oh but what a tangled web they weaved, and set themseles up when it all comes crashing down, soon.

    Even Matthews may have to move into bo new mansion in Kenya at that time.

  50. Double blooper – for my post of 1:38 PM the second link should be:

    Sorry again. Batting average bad today.

  51. In reference to my 1:38 PM post, here is a quote from the WSJ article, in case you didn’t look it up:
    Prof. Panarin says:
    California will form the nucleus of what he calls “The Californian Republic,” and will be part of China or under Chinese influence. Texas will be the heart of “The Texas Republic,” a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence. Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an “Atlantic America” that may join the European Union. Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls “The Central North American Republic.” Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

    “It would be reasonable for Russia to lay claim to Alaska; it was part of the Russian Empire for a long time.” A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall. “It’s not there for no reason,” he says with a sly grin.

    The WSJ article has a map of Panarin’s predictions. Unbearable to even have a passing thought about this, but we’d better. Don’t ever say it can’t happen here. Other countries that were taken over said the same thing. However, I feel there is strong hope that God will help us stave off this bleak outlook.

  52. SirWilliam | September 18, 2010 at 1:46 pm |

    Great video above showing bo and thugs threatening our scientists. The SOB”s and MSM refuse to report this disaster for what it is. They don’t want bo to have a tarnished record for handling (or the lack thereof I should say) disasters,

    Oh but what a tangled web they weaved, and set themseles up when it all comes crashing down, soon.

    The few msm perverts who LIE for bo are no match for the Thousands of Patriots who are posting the Truth on sites like CW and

  53. Dear Friends:
    Last night, Senator Lisa Murkowski announced plans seek re-election as a write-in candidate in Alaska. Rather than accepting defeat and working to unite Republicans behind Joe Miller, she has decided to put her own personal interests ahead of everything else.
    Murkowski’s betrayal provides more proof that big-tent hypocrites don’t really care about winning a majority for Republicans.

    Support Joe Miller for U.S. Senate
    Each of the three candidates that we endorsed who lost their primaries gracefully accepted defeat and supported the nominee. Marlin Stutzman endorsed Dan Coats in Indiana, Chuck DeVore endorsed Carly Fiorina in California, and Ovide Lamontagne endorsed Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire and even declined a recount which he could have demanded.

    But when Arlen Specter faced defeat in the Pennsylvania, he left the party. When Charlie Crist faced defeat in Florida, he did the same. And now Lisa Murkowski is following in their footsteps.

    This is why Republicans shouldn’t apologize for supporting principled conservatives in primary elections, even in states like Delaware. Conservative candidates are in it for their country while too many establishment politicians seek office to preserve their status and power.

    Murkowski’s move puts this seat at serious risk. Many experts believe she could split the Republican vote and hand victory to the Democrats in November. Murkowski’s decision is also a major reversal from her statement following the primary that she would “return home” later this year.

    Principles have never been that important to Murkowski. She supported a massive cap-and-trade energy tax that would permanently destroy millions of jobs in this country. She has waffled on whether she would support repeal of Obama’s health care take over. She is one of the worst abusers of the pay-to-play earmarks system. And she doesn’t support the sanctity of human life. With positions like these, it’s no surprise she’s leaving the party.

    Joe Miller, however, offers voters the chance to have a constitutional conservative in the Senate who will fight for the principles of freedom that are the backbone of this great country.

    Let’s show the Washington establishment that the way to build a big tent is with strong conservative candidates.
    Yours truly,
    Jim DeMint
    United States Senator
    Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

  54. “The suppression of information is…going to be COSTING A LOT OF LIVES”

  55. Reporter: “Entire communities where they’re vomiting blood” — “Passing Blood when they go to the bathroom”

  56. Free Speech | September 18, 2010 at 1:11 pm |
    Michelle | September 18, 2010 at 1:06 pm |

    The perfect Karma will be when Imam Rauf completes his expensive 9-11 Mosque, and after it’s completion, discovers that he has built his Monument, proclaiming Muslim victory over America, on the pig grave yard that lies beneath the site. The area where the 9-11 Mosque will be built was used by early Colonial settlers as a huge pork holding area to control the pigs that ran wild through Manhattan Island, in the colony of New Amsterdam, now New York City.


    Fricking ironic at it’s best!!
    Sent to all contacts!!

  57. JJ @ 2:42 pm |
    Fricking ironic at it’s best!!
    Sent to all contacts!!
    Good Job, I believe the Iman has some “splainin” to do. I’m sure the Muslims that he hit up for donations aren’t going to be happy. Did he Taqiyya us? Trump showed him up as the extortionist that he is. Now I know why he and Obama remind me of each other. I hope all your contacts send to their contacts. America has been a farm country for a very long time, I wonder how many mosques are sitting on the same thing.

  58. Michelle | September 18, 2010 at 3:12 pm |
    JJ @ 2:42 pm |
    Fricking ironic at it’s best!!
    Sent to all contacts!!
    Good Job, I believe the Iman has some “splainin” to do. I’m sure the Muslims that he hit up for donations aren’t going to be happy. Did he Taqiyya us?

    Another irony is the saudi TERRORIST “martyrs'” body parts landed where Pigs once roamed wild and are buried.

    That’s what happens when a couple of TERRORISTS like bo and his gz mosque iman plan a “community center” to honor their “martyrs.”

  59. Another irony is the saudi TERRORIST “martyrs’” body parts landed where Pigs once roamed wild and are buried.

    That’s what happens when a couple of TERRORISTS like bo and his gz mosque iman plan a “community center” to honor their “martyrs.”

    I wonder if you get 72 virgins in bo’s Pig “heaven?”

  60. 2:28 pm ——–

    Jim DeMint: “Let’s show the Washington establishment that the way to build a big tent is with strong conservative candidates.”
    From August 2009:
    “DeMint Defends Obama Against ‘Birthers’ — But Little Else”

    On Monday, however, the South Carolina Republican found himself defending Barack Obama from the fringier elements of his own political party: the conspiracy theorists who insist the president was not born in the United States.

    “I may have disagreements with [the president] on issues,” DeMint told the Huffington Post. “But he is my president, he deserves our respect, and we need forget that nonsense …

    “He is not only a citizen,” he added, “he is our president.””
    It’s all a game played by ‘the Washington establishment’ to manipulate the public. Revealing Obama’s ineligibility would be the game-ender.

  61. GORDO | September 18, 2010 at 3:43 pm |
    thanks, Gordo, will remove myself from the e-letter and submit my disappointment in his statements…Geeze–another Glenn Beck zombie.

  62. MinutemanCDC_SC | September 18, 2010 at 3:52 pm |
    What I’m about to write is a stretch, I know. But it makes sense, when little else does.

    This judge, Col. Denise R. Lind, has in effect kicked this case upstairs to a higher jurisdiction. Just like every other judge that has dismissed a case for lack of standing (that is, lack of jurisdiction), she knows that she does not have the power and authority to defy the Obama usurpation and make a subpoena for his records stick. So she is sending it to a more powerful court, which will send it to a more powerful court, until eventually either the U.S. Supreme Court, or in this case, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will have to oust the usurper. This will result in the same endgame as the Honduran military ousting and deporting ex-Pres. Manuel Zelaya when he made moves in the direction of changing the term limit in the Constitution.

    I don’t see how lind’s ruling does anything but hurt Col Lakin’s case. However, I do agree that bo will be legally removed like zelaya.

  63. JJ | September 18, 2010 at 4:03 pm |
    GORDO | September 18, 2010 at 3:43 pm |
    thanks, Gordo, will remove myself from the e-letter and submit my disappointment in his statements…Geeze–another Glenn Beck zombie.
    Well, imho, Sen. DeMint is one of the very best we have in Congress. He is not perfect, by any means. After all, who is? Back in Aug., 2009, you couldn’t have gotten probably one congressman to take a stand on the birther issue, which I wholeheartedly support. However, I will not “throw out the baby with the bath water”.

    Who else is better than he? I strongly support his efforts to bring forward and give aid to those people, like Ms. O’Donnell. He has shown himself to be willing to buck the tide of opinion among the GOP, regardless of what it may cost him. Isn’t that worth something? There comes a time when we have to meet people half way.

    Officials in Plaquemines Parish are reporting a fish kill in Bayou Robinson – the third such fish kill in the parish in recent days.

    The previous fish kills were reported in Bay Chaland and Bay Joe Wise and were predominantly menhaden, also called pogie.

    The Bay Chaland fish kill was discovered on Sept. 10 and the Bay Joe Wise fish kill was discovered by officials Thursday.

    “Hahn said Thursday that the fish (in Bay Joe Wise) covered at least one-fourth of a square mile, with oil visible among them. He said he wanted the area tested because it was affected by oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill,” said a report from the Associated Press.

    In addition to hundreds of thousands of dead fish floating west of the Mississippi River in Bayou Chaland, several days before, a large starfish kill was found in nearby Barataria Bay, and a dead baby whale was discovered near Venice a few days later.

  65. Czarina Elizabeth – it’s not just the confirmation end run we should worry about

    While the President’s attempt to defeat the constitutional checks and balances provided by the confirmation process is troubling enough, Warren’s appointment as White House czar is undoubtedly also intended to defeat the checks and balances provided by Congressional oversight. Such oversight typically involves testimony by Cabinet and sub-Cabinet officials before Congressional committees and the subpoenaing of agency documents.

    In sharp contrast, the Obama White House has made it clear that its czars cannot be compelled to testify before Congress and will not be allowed to testify voluntarily.

    The Dems made Congress itself irrelevant by not challenging Obama’s power grabs and now he can circumvent them at will.

  66. GORDO | September 18, 2010 at 3:43 pm |
    Mission accomplished..thanks for the enlightenment…

    Senator Jim Demint:
    I insist you remove me from your newsletter after learning your response to my belief that the fraud in the White House is not legally qualified to be there.
    Perhaps a little background would help you better understand why citizens like myself are convinced of the above; that and a study of our Constitution:

    For those who don’t know, the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II started life as the child of Barack Hussein Obama I and Stanley Ann Obama. Barack Obama I was a visiting student from Kenya, was attending college in the United States, in Hawaii.

    Within a couple of years, Barack and Stanley Ann got divorced. Stanley Ann then married an Indonesian citizen named Lolo Soetoro. Lolo Soetoro was also a visiting student to the United States. Eventually Lolo and Stanley Ann moved to Indonesia. Lolo adopted Barack Obama II and Barack Obama II’s name was changed to Barry Soetoro. Barry Soetoro’s citizenship was changed to Indonesian, his American citizenship was given up, and he was enrolled in an Indonesian school.

    After a few years, Stanley Ann and Barry returned to the United States. Stanley Ann divorced Lolo. Barry has never given up his Indonesian citizenship and has never re-acquired American citizenship. To this day, the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II is an Indonesian citizen and his legal name is still Barry Soetoro.

    It is unknown by the general public where Barry Soetoro was born. A birthplace of Mombasa, Kenya is just as likely as Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. If Barry was born in Kenya, then he started life as a British citizen, since in 1961, Kenya was a British colony. His mother was too young to confer American citizenship upon him. Regardless of where Barry was born, he is today an Indonesian citizen.

    Since Barry is not a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, he is not the President of the United States, because he is constitutionally ineligible. This means that, since January 20th, 2009 the United States has been operating without a President. All appointments made, actions taken, and bills signed by Barry are invalid. All actions taken by Barry’s appointed government officials, including Supreme Court justices, are invalid. The United States is in the midst of a constitutional crisis of extreme proportions.
    Every official at all local, state, and federal levels that conspired in this ‘coup’ is guilty of misprision of felony–be warned, ignorance is not a defense.

    Judy Hulsey

  67. JJ | September 18, 2010 at 4:03 pm |
    GORDO | September 18, 2010 at 3:43 pm |
    thanks, Gordo, will remove myself from the e-letter and submit my disappointment in his statements…Geeze–another Glenn Beck zombie.

    Way to go, JJ!

    demint is either ignorant of the Constitution or an unprincipaled rino. Either way, demint should have just kept his mouth shut. It is very damaging to our Nation for rinos like him, graham and mccain to make false statements. America needs leaders who tell the Truth.

    His foolish statements were clearly racially motivated (SC has a large Black population). It is despicable for him to play the race card with lies.

  68. 4:30 pm —

    “There comes a time when we have to meet people half way.”
    Depends on the issue.

    On Constitutional eligibility for POTUS: NO RETREAT – NO SURRENDER

    These people are traitors.

  69. GORDO | September 18, 2010 at 5:03 pm |
    4:30 pm —

    “There comes a time when we have to meet people half way.”
    Depends on the issue.

    On Constitutional eligibility for POTUS: NO RETREAT – NO SURRENDER

    These people are traitors.

    AMEN! True Patriots don’t meet Traitors “half way!”

  70. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Cabby – AZ | September 18, 2010 at 1:38 pm |


    A couple of years ago (especially in the election run-up) there was a YOUTUBE floating around where a senior Russian official (ex KGB?) was discussion the Communist grand plan against America. He was talking about the various phases we would go through and how the infiltrated communists would help push us along to our doom. I don’t remember exact name and details, but could maybe find it if someone else here does not have it readily to-hand. It is the same way – SCARY TO THE CORE.

    But of course in our rush to never NEVER commit the “great evil” of McCarthy, nobody pays any attention to it. To even recognize this video in any way would not only prove McCarthy right, but would show that he was an optimist and barely scratched the surface.

    Then of course there is this from 1963!

    This and the video mentioned above are not some random analysis from the present looking back. These are focused and detailed predictions from way back then looking forward!!

  71. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Michelle | September 18, 2010 at 1:06 pm |


    I really don’t think this mosque will ever be built. I can’t even imagine a rough framework getting higher than about a couple of stories. If the locals have neither the imagination or cojones to deal with it. I am absolutely sure some good ol’ boys from the Gulf States will know what to do. And them big Cajuns and other right-leaning god-fearing country-lovers have plenty of imagination AND cojones.

    The question is whether the idiots/bastards/hatemongers will go away peacefully.

  72. bo/bp poisoning US Food Supply. Threatening independent Scientists who are reporting the Truth about the poisoning of the Gulf.

  73. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Cabby – AZ | September 18, 2010 at 2:06 pm |

    California will form the nucleus of what he calls “The Californian Republic,” and will be part of China or under Chinese influence.


    With our National debt to China, and corresponding State debt to China – and both governments in the toilet and unable to repay such debt, ever – and the Chinese demanding payment or collateral – – –

    It does not take a genius to see THAT one coming. And I don’t mean in some hazy future. I mean within one generation. We are on the very brink.

  74. “Governments, states, cities and even rural towns, believing they are participating in a Homeland Security initiative, have contracted with this and other organizations under foreign control, read “Israeli,” tracking organizations as diverse as the Tea Party and the Sierra Club. Reports submitted by ITTR showed them spying on nearly every organization they could find, no matter how innocent, patriotic or public minded. Organizations tied to Jewish causes, however, managed, somehow, to slip under the radar.
    Those that were included are so comprehensive that it would be nearly impossible for an American to escape having confidential files, collected under government authority and financing, paid for by American taxpayers, held by Israeli intelligence agencies. In fact, databases include every organization, regardless of its membership or policies, with personal information on members being stored in databases in Israel.Never has a nation funded a foreign spy organization’s efforts to catalog potential intelligence assets, operatives and, at the same time, take over the job of watching themselves. This is one of the greatest intelligence coups in history. Combine this with control of America’s airport security and total control of America’s communications networks, everything, mobile, internet, even landlines….we might as well pull down the flag and roll over.”

  75. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Free Speech | September 18, 2010 at 2:11 pm |


    Yes – true – but the “diamonds” are so rare and the “dirt” so plentiful, that it is next to impossible for anybody reading the Internet to know what is real. Remember: “The internet is a great cesspool of disinformation”.

    Something in the overall paradigm needs to change before honest and true Citizen Journalism can take hold and be effective – i.e. achieve it’s full potential.

    There is nothing a mere individual such as myself can do about changing this paradigm. But I CAN cry out and DO cry out whenever obvious disinformation is discovered or championed. That is why what I do is so important. If each of us that is knowledgeable in various areas can spear a few zombies every day – then there is some hope.

  76. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Cabby – AZ | September 18, 2010 at 4:30 pm |


    I agree with you IN THIS CASE.

    But it greatly depends on the bathwater. Sometimes the bathwater is so VILE that you have no choice. When Rev. Dr. JDM embraced the concept that Muslims had noting to do with 9/11 and it was an inside job collaboration between the Bush Administration and Israel – well, you just have to totally sever connections. There is just no choice. That theory is, in it’s moral repugnance, indistinguishable from Holocaust.

  77. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    A couple of threads past, downstairs, I posted a hot comment with an even hotter question. Dr. Sam rose to the challenge and provided a solid response. Please direct your attention here:

  78. CC @ 5:27,
    Is this the Ex-KGB man mentioned? Yuri Bezmenov. One of his vids is here….

  79. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    tennbrock | September 18, 2010 at 5:58 pm |


    Awesome – many thanks – yeah – that’s the guy.
    I think there were 40-50 minutes of this total, in 3 or 4 parts.

  80. bo/bp poisoning US Food Supply. Threatening independent Scientists who are reporting the Truth about the poisoning of the Gulf.

  81. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Here’s a couple more late hits from downstairs you might want to check out. Sorry in advance for the Bowdlerized profanity, but I cannot think of any gentler terms to describe what I was talking about.

  82. SirWilliam | September 18, 2010 at 1:46 pm |

    Great video above showing bo and thugs threatening our scientists. The SOB”s and MSM refuse to report this disaster for what it is. They don’t want bo to have a tarnished record for handling (or the lack thereof I should say) disasters,

    Oh but what a tangled web they weaved, and set themseles up when it all comes crashing down, soon.

    The few msm perverts and internet blog obots who LIE for bo are no match for the Thousands of Patriots who are posting the Truth on sites like CW and

  83. Free Speech – 5:05 PM
    AMEN! True Patriots don’t meet Traitors “half way!”
    There you go again, FS, quoting statements out of context and implying something that is not there! You take the cake, and actually not worthy to be responded to, imo.

  84. Citizen Carlyle 5:27 PM
    This and the video mentioned above are not some random analysis from the present looking back. These are focused and detailed predictions from way back then looking forward!!
    Exactly! It’s truly frightening to see how far along the road we are, as predicted over 45 years ago. I remember a formula that Dr. Fred Schwartz used to give: External encirclement + internal demoralization + threat of thermo-nuclear blackmail = PROGRESSIVE SURRENDER.

    I don’t believe there has ever been a time when we have been at greater risk with respect to “progressive surrender” than now, what with the threat we have in the W.H. He would sell us down the river at any time if he so chose.

  85. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | September 18, 2010 at 5:54 pm |
    Oh, I agree with you about Dr. Manning and his position re. 9/11. That is too fundamental an issue for me to ignore. I wouldn’t say that it negates everything the Dr. has done, but it comes pretty close, because I have heard of other things that are questionable, too. This revelation about his beliefs has severely hurt the cause. It is a good thing that this has all come to light now.

  86. Keep fighting the good fight, on my way out the door to inform (educate) my fellow law abidding citizens.

  87. I wish someone would get CW to remove my email from

    JJ | September 18, 2010 at 4:38 pm |


  88. David Yerushalmi explains why Shariah Law is sedition in clear terms. Email or print it off for others so that they can understand what is at stake in the struggle to maintain our secular, constitutional government and laws. Shariah-compliant finance instruments designed to capture petro-dollars may be part of a trade campaign to integrate the Muslim world with the U.S. (Murray v. Geithner) and Europe, and their weight may have already convinced some in positions of power that all religions are the same.
    “Is Shariah Law the Same as Jewish Law?

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