Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Robert F. Bauer was a partner in Perkins Coie before becoming White House Counsel in 2009. Bauer also began defending Barack Obama in eligibility lawsuits in 2008. Perkins Coie has represented Obama for America for over 2 years. Bauer is married to Anita (“I look to Chairman Mao”) Dunn.

Here is the payment total to Perkins Coie from Obama for America for the second quarter 2010.

      PO Box 8102
      Chicago, Illinois   60680

FEC Committee ID #: C00431445
This report contains activity for a General Election
Report type: July Quarterly

Filed 07/15/2010

Perkins Coie    152,978.58 

Total Disbursements This Period    461,104.98 


It is a crime for an attorney to aid a client in illegal activities. By definition, aiding Obama in hiding his birth certificate and other records, is a criminal activity if not treasonous.

216 responses to “Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

  1. It is a crime for an attorney to aid a client in illegal activities. By definition, aiding Obama in hiding his birth certificate and other records, is a criminal activity if not treasonous.
    Exactly! And I put Devaney & Bauer on Notice of the Criminal Conduct of the BHO campaign in April of 2009.

    Please note that I was 1st arrested on FALSE CHARGES, the week after I sent these emails to jimmie devaney of the FIRM Perkins Coie.

    More CLE 4 Jimmie

    To: JDevaney@perkinscoie.com


    Sent: Fri, Apr 24, 2009 01:14 pm


    Free Speech // May 28, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    May CLE



    Sent: Mon, May 04, 2009 05:49


    Free Speech // May 28, 2010 at 2:04 pm


    To: JDevaney@perkinscoie


    Sent: Sat, Apr 25, 2009 09:34 AM

    These seemingly petty burglaries are to the Nashville BO Campaign what Watergate was to the Nixon Campaign.

  2. Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:


    For information on Crimes committed by the BHO regime:


    Exclusive Report

    In Col. Lind’s decision, she stated that “the authority of military officers to issue lawful orders and the concomitant duty of military service members to obey such lawful orders does not depend on whether the president is qualified under the constitution to hold office”

    Let’s review the estimable insights by Brigadier General John S. Cooke on “MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL 20X” during a speech presented March 10, 1998:

    “As with most legal questions, a good place to begin is the Constitution. I know you are all familiar with the powers of Congress and the President over the armed forces and military justice, but I would like to begin with an even more fundamental point, the Preamble…”

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    “It is important to recall two things when you consider those words. First, as lawyers and as military officers, we have as large a role as any members of our society in helping to meet those goals that the Framers adopted. That is something of which we can be proud.

    Second, those words remind us that all power flows from the people and that, through the genius of our constitutional structure, there is a direct bond between the people and the men and women in the armed forces. Every soldier, sailor, airman and marine takes the following oath…”

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    “That oath is not to the President, the Congress, the Government, or to the fatherland or motherland; it’s to the Constitution, and thereby to the people. At the same time, the people, through Congress and the President, assume responsibility for the men and women of the Armed Forces, and a primary means by which they have exercised that responsibility is mentioned in that oath – the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

    As those charged with the administration of the UCMJ, we must bear in mind our responsibility and accountability to the people and their elected representatives. This is our system; but in a greater sense it is theirs. We are simply the trustees.”

    full report here:



    HOUSTON –For the second time this month, 11 News is learning about a death possibly linked to a flesh-eating bacteria.

  5. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2597822/posts

    FBI Raids Home of Obama Associate & Radical AAAN Leader in Terrorism Sweep
    Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:26:39 PM · by 2ndDivisionVet
    Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government ^ | September 28, 2010 | Jim Hoft
    Last Friday FBI agents raided the homes of far left activists in Chicago and Minneapolis who are linked to the FARC and Islamic radicals as part of a terrorism investigation. The home of radical Hatem Abudayyeh in Chicago was raided in the terror sweep. The AP reported on the raid in Chicago. FBI agents in Chicago took a laptop and documents from the home of a Palestinian-American anti-war activist in an attempt to silence his advocacy, an attorney said Sunday. The FBI on Friday searched eight addresses in Minneapolis and Chicago, including the home of Hatem Abudayyeh, who is the…

  6. http://www2.tbo.com/content/2010/sep/27/271417/usf-research-included-in-gulf-oil-spill-tv-special/news-metro/

    It was funded by USF’s Research Foundation and led by chemical oceanographer David Hollander, Paul, biological oceanographer Kendra Daly and geological oceanographer David Naar.

    They discovered plumes of dispersed oil at the bottom of an undersea canyon about 40 miles off the Florida Panhandle.

    It was found to be toxic to microscopic sea organisms, causing mutations to their DNA.

    If this plankton at the base of the marine food chain is contaminated, it could affect the whole ecosystem of the Gulf.

    “I call these canaries in the coal mine as they are the first to feel the effects,” Paul says. “The oil is out of sight as far as the surface is concerned and there are no tar balls on the beaches and the birds are not getting coated in oil but the story isn’t over.”

    “The problem with mutant DNA is that it can be passed on and we don’t how this will affect fish or other marine life,” he says, adding that the effects could last for decades.


    A close relative of the bacteria infamous for seafood contaminations that often lead to fatal disease, the microbe Vibrio parahaemolyticus, is common in warm coastal waters like the Gulf. The long comma-shaped bacteria, slurped down with raw oysters, brings twisting cramps and nausea to 4,500 American shellfish aficionados each year.

  7. ← Philip J Berg update, September 27, 2010, Berg interview, Laurie Roth Show, Talk radio
    Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys
    Posted on September 28, 2010 by citizenwells| 7 Comments
    Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

    “Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

    Robert F. Bauer was a partner in Perkins Coie before becoming White House Counsel in 2009. Bauer also began defending Barack Obama in eligibility lawsuits in 2008. Perkins Coie has represented Obama for America for over 2 years. Bauer is married to Anita (“I look to Chairman Mao”) Dunn.

    Here is the payment total to Perkins Coie from Obama for America for the second quarter 2010.

    PO Box 8102
    Chicago, Illinois 60680

    FEC Committee ID #: C00431445
    This report contains activity for a General Election
    Report type: July Quarterly

    Filed 07/15/2010

    Perkins Coie 152,978.58

    Total Disbursements This Period 461,104.98


    It is a crime for an attorney to aid a client in illegal activities. By definition, aiding Obama in hiding his birth certificate and other records, is a criminal activity if not treasonous.


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    Obama attorneys facts, Obama and attorneys hide Obama birth certificate, Co…
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    Obama Attorney Threatens Lawyer Over Birth Certificate
    This entry was posted in Attorneys, Barack Obama, Birth Certificate, Citizen, Citizen News, CitizenWells, Citizens for the truth about Obama, Courts, Crime, DC, FEC, Federal Court, Government, Law firms, Lawsuits, Lawyers, Natural born citizen, News, Obama, Obama Nation, Obama administration, Obama indictment, Obama lies, Obama records, The Case Against Barack Obama, US Constitution, US Department of Justice, United States, Washington DC, constitution, white house and tagged Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Payments to attorneys, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records. Bookmark the permalink.
    ← Philip J Berg update, September 27, 2010, Berg interview, Laurie Roth Show, Talk radio
    7 Responses to Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys
    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 1:36 pm |
    It is a crime for an attorney to aid a client in illegal activities. By definition, aiding Obama in hiding his birth certificate and other records, is a criminal activity if not treasonous.
    Exactly! And I put Devaney & Bauer on Notice of the Criminal Conduct of the BHO campaign in April of 2009.

    Please note that I was 1st arrested on FALSE CHARGES, the week after I sent these emails to jimmie devaney of the FIRM Perkins Coie.

    More CLE 4 Jimmie

    To: JDevaney@perkinscoie.com


    Sent: Fri, Apr 24, 2009 01:14 pm


    Free Speech // May 28, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    May CLE



    Sent: Mon, May 04, 2009 05:49


    Free Speech // May 28, 2010 at 2:04 pm


    To: JDevaney@perkinscoie


    Sent: Sat, Apr 25, 2009 09:34 AM

    These seemingly petty burglaries are to the Nashville BO Campaign what Watergate was to the Nixon Campaign.

    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 1:40 pm |
    Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:


    For information on Crimes committed by the BHO regime:


    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 1:50 pm |

    Pixel Patriot | September 28, 2010 at 2:04 pm |
    Exclusive Report

    In Col. Lind’s decision, she stated that “the authority of military officers to issue lawful orders and the concomitant duty of military service members to obey such lawful orders does not depend on whether the president is qualified under the constitution to hold office”

    Let’s review the estimable insights by Brigadier General John S. Cooke on “MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL 20X” during a speech presented March 10, 1998:

    “As with most legal questions, a good place to begin is the Constitution. I know you are all familiar with the powers of Congress and the President over the armed forces and military justice, but I would like to begin with an even more fundamental point, the Preamble…”

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    “It is important to recall two things when you consider those words. First, as lawyers and as military officers, we have as large a role as any members of our society in helping to meet those goals that the Framers adopted. That is something of which we can be proud.

    Second, those words remind us that all power flows from the people and that, through the genius of our constitutional structure, there is a direct bond between the people and the men and women in the armed forces. Every soldier, sailor, airman and marine takes the following oath…”

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    “That oath is not to the President, the Congress, the Government, or to the fatherland or motherland; it’s to the Constitution, and thereby to the people. At the same time, the people, through Congress and the President, assume responsibility for the men and women of the Armed Forces, and a primary means by which they have exercised that responsibility is mentioned in that oath – the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

    As those charged with the administration of the UCMJ, we must bear in mind our responsibility and accountability to the people and their elected representatives. This is our system; but in a greater sense it is theirs. We are simply the trustees.”

    full report here:

    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 2:06 pm |


    HOUSTON –For the second time this month, 11 News is learning about a death possibly linked to a flesh-eating bacteria.

    Zach Jones | September 28, 2010 at 2:20 pm |

    FBI Raids Home of Obama Associate & Radical AAAN Leader in Terrorism Sweep


    Heads of bo’s TERRORIST PALS are starting to roll quickly now.

    Thanks Zach!

  8. Zach Jones | September 28, 2010 at 2:20 pm |

    FBI Raids Home of Obama Associate & Radical AAAN Leader in Terrorism Sweep


    Heads of bo’s TERRORIST PALS are starting to roll quickly now.

    Thanks Zach!

  9. Only if the FBI would do their jobs and investigate the usurper and all his crimes and the crimes of his other associates like his lawyer.

  10. http://biggovernment.com/jhoft/2010/09/28/fbi-raids-home-of-obama-associate-radical-aaan-leader-in-terrorism-sweep/

    In 2003 Barack Obama was an honored guest at a dinner sponsored by the AAAN for former PLO-operative Rashid Khalidi. During the dinner a video was taken that shows Barack Obama celebrating with members of this Palestinian group who are openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama even gave a toast to a Rashid Khalidi at this going away party. The LA Times will not release the video from this Jew-bashing dinner.

    Here’s a recent quote by Hatem Abudayyeh:

    “The U.S. and Israel will continue to describe Hamas, Hezbollah and the other Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations as ‘terrorists,’ but the real terrorists are the governments and military forces of the U.S. and Israel. The vast majority of the world sees and understands this, and are in full support of Lebanese, Palestinian and worldwide resistance to Israel and the U.S.’s naked aggression, war, imperialism and occupation. As we have seen in Iraq, where the resistance is standing up to U.S. power, the U.S. military is not indomitable.”

    Last Friday the FBI raided the home of AAAN leader Hatem Abudayyeh. He is Barack Obama’s friend.

  11. FreeSpeech,

    You (or others) may have to “jog” my memory a little more clearly.

    But isn’t this the reason that Bauer/Cole in this case with Orly Taitz, whereby he was representing both “Nancy P” AND Obama at the same time ran into difficulty and probable barring?

    In other words, Bauer had asked for a “judical Notice” in a footnote. He, by law, could not defend Obama whilst at the same time throw his other client “Nancy P” under the Bus and face criminal charges. He would have been dis-barred for that, hense reason he attempted a “judical notice” which in and of itself could have had him disbarred if challenged.

    This was a couple of years ago. I am sure others have the exact details.

  12. Philo-Publius | September 28, 2010 at 2:34 pm |

    FBI Investigating Obama Confidant and Union Chief Andy Stern

    FBI Investigating Chief Steward for SEIU

    FBI Terror Targets Tied To Obama’s Socialist New Party

    FBI Raids Home of Obama Associate & Radical AAAN Leader in Terrorism Sweep

    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 2:41 pm |

    These seemingly petty burglaries are to the Nashville BO Campaign what Watergate was to the Nixon Campaign.



  13. Here’s the last comment on Glenn Beck’s birth certificate article:

    Posted on September 28, 2010 at 2:37pm
    A Man who questioned “with boldness” because of his allegiance to the US Constitution, a Man who put on the line his life and his sacred honor to uphold the US Constitution, a real Hero is LTC Terry Lakin. Remember it, Glenn!

  14. BOB BAUER:



  15. BOB BAUER:


  16. http://blogs.tampabay.com/buzz/2010/09/rubio-stirs-crowd-with-talk-of-nation-of-go-getters.html

    September 28, 2010
    Rubio stirs crowd with talk of nation of ‘go-getters’
    RIVERVIEW – Jan Crosby showed up at a Hilton here to hear Marco Rubio, unsure whether she’d vote for him or Charlie Crist. She left nearly in tears and with no doubt who she will support.

    “He moved me,” Crosby said. “I will vote for him. He is what we are looking for in the state of Florida. I like where he comes from.”

  17. Michelle,

    Guess the pages were scrubbed, but as I reported in 2009 before I was arrested on false charges by bo cohorts, the bo campaign in Nashville stole computers from the Nashville Election Commission and TN Hospitals for the criminal purpose of identity theft and voter fraud.

    Here are more links.



  18. More links to reports of CPU Thefts by bo co-conspirators in Nashville.



  19. What I want to know is when will the SH%$#$%IT hit the fan???

  20. Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    Glad to see your post. My answer to your question is “It already has, BUT no one knows it yet.”


  21. Dan Parisi’s attorney, Richard Oparil and the law firm Patton Boggs have been slapped with a $500 million dollar libel, slander, defamation lawsuit.

    How far up on Richard Oparil’s priority list will Parisi’s lawsuit against LARRY SINCLAIR’S scathing tell-all book; “Barack Obama; Sex, Lies and Murder” be with his attorney distracted cover his own butt? Parici has lost his retainer at best. Parisi’s hope for an out-of-court settlement from the booksellers he’s attempting to extort just flew out the window.

    LOS ANGELES, CA — 08/30/10 — Getfugu, Inc. (OTCBB: GFGUE), the next generation mobile search tool, today announced that it has filed a $500 million Lawsuit against James Hunt, Richard Parsons, Richard Oparil and Patton Boggs for Malicious Prosecution, Libel, Slander Per Se, Defamation, Intentional Interference With Prospective Economic Advantage, Unlawful And Fraudulent Business Practices, Declaratory Relief and Demand for Jury Trial following a favorable ruling by a Federal Court on August 26, 2010, dismissing with prejudice all civil RICO claims brought against the Company and its officers and directors. In throwing out the frivolous litigation filed against the Company, U.S. District Court Judge George H. King determined that there was absolutely no valid basis to file a lawsuit accusing the company of being a racketeer influenced corrupt organization.
    Full Article:

  22. Mia.
    Check earlier comments on the previous thread for updates.

  23. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    What I want to know is when will the SH%$#$%IT hit the fan???


    As soon as your newfound Messiahs do even ONE thing they said they were going to do. Or as soon as the people that followed them return to the real world and actually contribute to a solution that has a remote chance of working. But, hey, that’s just me. I insist on logical thinking. No magical thinking allowed in MY world.

  24. Yes, Michelle, I am aware of the Identity Theft & Vote Fraud by the bo regime across the Country, but Nashville is the only place that I know of where bo’s cohorts actually stole computers from an Election Commission Office with the Names, SSN’s and Date of Birth of every registered voter.


  25. Buzz Patterson: Obama’s ‘Conduct Unbecoming’

    “Asked about the morale of American troops in Afghanistan, Patterson tells Newsmax: “The morale is not doing well. They understand quite clearly that their commander-in-chief is not looking out for their best welfare, that their commander-in-chief is not dedicated to winning the war in Afghanistan or giving them the tools necessary to win, and the morale is suffering.”

“The guys in uniform right now have absolutely no faith in Barack Obama.”


  26. JS. Why would you “want the sh.t to hit the fan”? Wouldn’t you prefer our nation of laws to work as it should? Albeit very slowly and as frustrating as it has been?

  27. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 4:49 pm |
    Free Speech @ 3:34 pm Dems gone wild or insane?
    This would be considered assault correct? Hot coffee on your back (a sensitive part of a persons body) would hurt a lot I think.
    A Republican staffer (and Iraq War vet) has hot coffee poured down his back by a Strickland supporter while trying to videotape Gov. Strickland’s remarks at a campaign event. The assailant later returns to make an obscene gesture. Authorities are trying to identify the man in this video. If you can assist, contact the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office at (740) 497-1120.
    Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 4:49 pm |
    Free Speech @ 3:34 pm Dems gone wild or insane?
    This would be considered assault correct? Hot coffee on your back (a sensitive part of a persons body) would hurt a lot I think.
    A Republican staffer (and Iraq War vet) has hot coffee poured down his back by a Strickland supporter while trying to videotape Gov. Strickland’s remarks at a campaign event. The assailant later returns to make an obscene gesture. Authorities are trying to identify the man in this video. If you can assist, contact the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office at (740) 497-1120.

    Such Assaults by demRats have become common lately. Here is a NC Congressman assaulting a citizen for asking him if he supported bo.

  28. Often there is an October surprise before a major election. What surprises do you think may be in store this October or scadals revealed?

  29. Sorry. Meant scandals.

  30. FS. The neandrethals attack again. Yet it is we who are violent. The left is disintegrating.

  31. Re: ms. helga | September 28, 2010 at 4:07 pm |
    Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    “Glad to see your post. My answer to your question is “It already has, BUT no one knows it yet.”

    # # #

  32. ms. helga | September 28, 2010 at 4:07 pm |

    Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    Glad to see your post. My answer to your question is “It already has, BUT no one knows it yet.”


    Hi Ms. Helga…..I have always been around……I just don’t post here that much because my comments always go in moderation first and then I never know if they have been read so I go other places and discuss! 🙂

  33. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | September 28, 2010 at 4:24 pm |

    Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    What I want to know is when will the SH%$#$%IT hit the fan???


    As soon as your newfound Messiahs do even ONE thing they said they were going to do. Or as soon as the people that followed them return to the real world and actually contribute to a solution that has a remote chance of working. But, hey, that’s just me. I insist on logical thinking. No magical thinking allowed in MY world.

    So share what you are doing since it is obvious you don’t know what I am doing!!

  34. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 5:20 pm |
    Free Speech @ 4:53 pm |
    “mentality of a tweener homosexual ” now I know the answer “arrested development” from when he started doing drugs, from what I understand you never catch up.
    “The part of the brain that handles decision-making is not fully mature,” he said.
    When a teen starts using drugs or alcohol, it literally creates a case of arrested development. Norton said the brain remains stuck at the level of maturity it was when drug use began.
    “The theory is if they stop (using drugs) soon enough (before age 24 or so), there’s enough time for the brain to catch up,” he said.
    But in reality, few people are able to beat addiction that quickly. So drug users are left permanently stunted.
    Norton calls it “the hijacking of the adolescent brain.”
    The consequences to society are staggering.
    “I’d say of the people who drop out of high school, 80 percent are abusing drugs or alcohol,” Norton said. “It affects their ability to learn, plan and make decisions. It also leads to crime, because adolescents lose their ‘braking’ ability, their inhibition against violence.”
    And don’t forget that Frank Marshall Davis started raping bo when bo was a pre-teen which is probably want caused bo’s psychosis. Don’t be surprised if bo disintegrates psychologically in the same manner that hitler and charles Manson did.

  35. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 4:55 pm |

    JS. Why would you “want the sh.t to hit the fan”? Wouldn’t you prefer our nation of laws to work as it should? Albeit very slowly and as frustrating as it has been?

    We are NO LONGER a nation of laws…..the Constitution has been shredded and we are now ruled by men and their leader Satan!!

  36. Starla | September 28, 2010 at 5:17 pm |

    Re: ms. helga | September 28, 2010 at 4:07 pm |
    Jacqlyn Smith | September 28, 2010 at 3:40 pm |

    “Glad to see your post. My answer to your question is “It already has, BUT no one knows it yet.”

    # # #

    Hi Starla…..Hope all is well with you! 🙂

  37. TV News Reports of Deaths from BO Gulf Plague in Houston & New Orleans

  38. What is astounding is the left feels they are so justified in their views. They know so much that they can’t be wrong, and somehow pouring coffee on someone is okay. They are crazy, in my view. If Palin did it, it would be breaking news 24 X 7. Katie Couric would be talking about it all over the place and SNL would make a skit out of it.

  39. CW —

    Okay, I’m caught up now — Thank you and I’m sorry. I thought I had done a search for Larry on both pages before posting… I guess I confused myself and searched this thread twice.

    I hope one day Larry realizes what an inspiration he has been for so many people. I hope one day he can wear the abuse he’s suffered as a badge of honor as he fought the good fight. Good luck and God bless Larry Sinclair.

  40. march on DC this weekend by Communist Party USA endorsed and encouraged by White House !!!!

    Obama’s political organizing group is throwing its hat in the ring of increasingly popular marches in Washington D.C. as it pushed supporters on Saturday to attend next weekend’s rally on the National Mall.

    Organizing for America

    The Communist Party USA had links to Obama’s OFA page posted on their web site but I can’t access it anymore.

    OneNation lists every Communist, Socialist, Marxist and radical group in the country that supports this effort

    National Action Network
    National Council of La Raza
    Rainbow PUSH Coalition
    Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
    Democratic Socialists of America
    Working Families Party

    And hundreds more. A whos-who list of what should be the FBI’s most wanted list and Obama supports their efforts.

    So you know folks who argue that Obama is not a Socialist. Here is absolute proof in the public domain. Show them this information and ask how come he supports all these radicals if he is not one of them?

  41. Of all the serial killers in history, bo is most like hitler and charles manson, in that he has used his followers to harm others.

  42. What happened to Larry? I found this at Rense:

    “Larry Sinclair Alive – Found By
    Law Enforcement Early AM
    According to reports, law enforcement personnel located Larry Sinclair in a hotel room right outside the Maryland-DC border. The internet is full of rumors but we can confirm that he is alive in an unspecified hospital. We will bring you more details as they can be substantiated. “

  43. Re: Pixel Patriot | September 28, 2010 at 2:04 pm |
    Exclusive Report

    “In Col. Lind’s decision, she stated that “the authority of military officers to issue lawful orders and the concomitant duty of military service members to obey such lawful orders does not depend on whether the president is qualified under the constitution to hold office”

    Let’s review the estimable insights by Brigadier General John S. Cooke on “MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL 20X” during a speech presented March 10, 1998:

    “As with most legal questions, a good place to begin is the Constitution. I know you are all familiar with the powers of Congress and the President over the armed forces and military justice, but I would like to begin with an even more fundamental point, the Preamble…”

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    “It is important to recall two things when you consider those words. First, as lawyers and as military officers, we have as large a role as any members of our society in helping to meet those goals that the Framers adopted. That is something of which we can be proud.

    Second, those words remind us that all power flows from the people and that, through the genius of our constitutional structure, there is a direct bond between the people and the men and women in the armed forces. Every soldier, sailor, airman and marine takes the following oath…”

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    “That oath is not to the President, the Congress, the Government, or to the fatherland or motherland; it’s to the Constitution, and thereby to the people. At the same time, the people, through Congress and the President, assume responsibility for the men and women of the Armed Forces, and a primary means by which they have exercised that responsibility is mentioned in that oath – the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).
    Full Report here:
    # # #
    When Col. Lind’s stated, “The authority of military officers to issue lawful orders and the concomitant duty of military service members to obey such lawful orders does not depend on whether the president is qualified under the constitution to hold office,” this statement shows she is committing illegal and unlawful crimes on the bench as Col. Lind is CLEARLY aiding & abetting the current Foreign Coup D’Etat Attack Of War on the USA by the Foreign Usurper Terrorist Destroyer the Daily Serial Criminal Barry Soetoro/Obama’s WAR he is LEADING AGAINST THE USA that will lead
    her to be arrested, tried, and convicted for her part in committing multiple High Crimes & High Treasons against Lt. Col. Dr. Terry Lakin, and against ALL 310 + Million USA American citizens, and against the Free United States Of America. (Con’t.)

  44. SirWilliam | September 28, 2010 at 2:37 pm |


    You (or others) may have to “jog” my memory a little more clearly.

    But isn’t this the reason that Bauer/Cole in this case with Orly Taitz, whereby he was representing both “Nancy P” AND Obama at the same time ran into difficulty and probable barring?

    In other words, Bauer had asked for a “judical Notice” in a footnote. He, by law, could not defend Obama whilst at the same time throw his other client “Nancy P” under the Bus and face criminal charges. He would have been dis-barred for that, hense reason he attempted a “judical notice” which in and of itself could have had him disbarred if challenged.

    This was a couple of years ago. I am sure others have the exact details.
    This ‘theory’ came from my articles on Bob Bauer, links to which GORDO posted above. I wrote that in August 2008, when Nancy Pelosi signed Certifications of Nomination swearing Obama was Constitutionally eligible for the job, and submitted these to election officials in several states to get them to print his name on the ballot; the strongest evidence available in the public record that even hinted he was eligible was that on-line image of the mock-up of the COLB, which was the center of his campaign’s on-line advertising campaign. But in January 2009, when Bauer defended Obama against the Hollister civil suit, filed by Berg, the strongest evidence he had of his client’s eligibility was those Certifications signed by Nancy Pelosi. I reasoned, given the gravitas of a Certification signed by the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, 3rd in line of Presidential succession, that same Certification that was sufficient evidence in several states which require eligibility for office as a condition to get the candidate’s name on the ballot; why didn’t Bauer ask the federal court to take judicial notice of this Certification instead of the on-line image (through (Annenberg Political) Fact Check)? The answer I surmised is this: Bauer at that time was counsel to not only Obama in Hollister but Nancy Pelosi and the DNC. Thus, while he was willing to skirt his “candor to the tribunal” in asking the court to take judicial notice of Fact Check’s ‘validation’; he could not fudge the document signed by Nancy Pelosi because introducing that into evidence would have subjected her to criminal liability.

    Click on the links.

  45. Unfortunately, Col. Lind is a despicable disgrace, & an ILLEGAL TREASONOUS TRAITOR to all women, humanity, the free United States Of America, and to all Americans who have suffered and been injured, maimed, and who have died to give to the USA the exceptional Rule Of Law Protections of the US Constitution’s Freedoms, Civil Rights, and Liberties that we have today. Col. Lind is CLEARLY showing the USA American citizens that she is perverting what the USA Military should be doing to protect the USA American citizens FROM Foreign & Domestic Enemy like Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama.

    Col. Lind has become a Domestic Enemy War Combatant together with the Foreign Born Domestic Enemy War Combatant, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah Alias Barack Obama, who is a current Foreign Indonesian Citizen, and a 100% Illegal Immigrant, 100% Illegal Alien Terrorist Usurper, as Col. Lind is illegally standing & waging WAR Now Against ALL Americans with the FOREIGN TERRORIST Usurper Barry Soetoro/Obama. Unfortunately, Col. Lind has decided to be a Treasonous Traitor and now she deserves to be ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY with the Foreign Daily Serial Criminal Con-Man Terrorist Foreign Usurper Barry Soetoro Soebarkah Alias Barack Hussein Obama II, together with Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Timothy Geithner, Cass Sustein, Ben Bernanke, and others!

    Rise Up Americans and Defend Lt. Col. Dr. Terrence Laken who is laying his life down on the line for ALL Americans, and who is laying his career down, freedoms down, and his future down on the line of daily life itself as Lt. Col. Dr. Terrence Lakin COURAGEOUSLY Stands Up and DEMANDS the Military & the Courts allow him to Save the USA from the Complete & Total Annihilation and Complete and Total Destruction of the USA having a Foreign Born Domestic Enemy Terrorist, The Foreign Usurper Terrorist Barry Soetoro Soebarkah Alias Barack Obama II attack the USA in a Foreign Coup D’Etat Attack Of WAR as he is trying to OVERTHROW THE USA GOVERNMENT!!

    Lt. Col. Dr. Terry Lakin is laying his own life down on the line courageously doing what he is doing to try to save ALL Americans lives, and to save all the lives of all of the people and all of the animals on earth because residing in our White House is a 100% Indonesian Citizen, 100% Illegal Alien, 100% Illegal Immigrant, a 100% Massive Daily Serial Criminal Con-Man Madman, a 100% Insane & Delusional, Sociopath Psychopath who is sitting 100% Illegally inside of our White House committing, Outrageous and Massive Daily Serial High Crimes & Outrageous Daily Serial High Treasons near the Nuclear Arsenals of the USA as the Foreign Terrorist Enemy War Combatant Usurper Barry Soetoro Soebarkah Alias Barack Obama II is DAILY BUSY WORKING TO DESTROY & TO OVERTHROW THE USA GOVERNMENT IN THE FOREIGN COUP D’ETAT WAR BARRY SOETORO HAS DECLARED ON THE 310 + MILLION USA AMERICAN CITIZENS & ON THE USA!! WAKE UP QUICKLY AMERICANS!!

    The Foreign Usurper Barack Hussein Obama II does not have a legal USA Social Security number or a Legal USA Birth Certificate of his own. WAKE UP QUICKLY AMERICANS!! The Foreign Indonesian Citizen Barry Soetoro Soebarkah is using the Stolen Social Security Number 042-68-4425 from the state of Connecticut that belongs to a deceased person who was born in 1890 as the Foreign Born Domestic Enemy & Foreign Terrorist Enemy War Combatant Usurper Barry Soetoro Alias Barack Hussein Obama the Foreign Born Kenyan Communist/Fascist/Marxist, 100% Indonesian Citizen Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist is WORKING TO DESTROY & TO OVERTHROW THE USA IN SOETORO/OBAMA’S FOREIGN COUP D’ETAT WAR ON THE RULE OF LAW IN THE USA CONSTITUTION & ON ALL USA AMERICANS!!!

  46. Zach Jones at 6:02 pm

    Not good regarding Lt. Col. Lakin’s persecution.

    The military judge responded by determining that the orders (Specifications 1-3 of Charge II) given LTC Lakin were lawful.

    Then why continue? The judge has already found him guilty BEFORE the trial even starts.

  47. Politico:

    “During his first year and a half in office, President Obama has had myriad off-the-wall charges leveled at him: He’s a socialist! He’s a Muslim! He’s not a U.S. citizen!

    Authors Edward Klein and John LeBoutillier are seizing on the conspiracy theories in order to spoof them in “The Obama Identity,” the pair’s satirical novel. The plot? C.I.A. agent Theodore J. Higginbothem III is tasked with looking into shady theories about Obama.

    Vanity Fair has published an excerpt from the book, and one scene involves Fox News’ Sean Hannity talking to Dagmar D. Dagmar, the head of a conservative group called “Only the Truth.””



  48. Philo-Publius | September 28, 2010 at 6:31 pm |

    I’m holding out some hope for a jury pardon. That would be an earthquake. A long, long shot. There are certainly reasonable appellate issues. However, I have lost a lot of faith in the judicial system.

  49. CC,

    Your responce to Jacqlyn Smith was spot on and humorous. Its something you would expect from me and not you.

    What was that guys name again? Tim Alan I think (could be wrong on the new President), and all the newly elected (my bad, self appointed) governors, senators and house reps, which held Trillions of dollars of our economy at his disposal, plus ALL, yes ALL the Military branches behind him as supportive and the Chiefs of Staff, as well as the CIA protecting him during this entire overthow – not to mention the U.S. Naval Seals and the Atlantic and other fleets at his command – least the Financial banking institutions at the whims of his finger tips to prevent ALL Forclosures, ALL Bankruptcy on housing days ..(opps..) weeks .. (opps) months …(opps) last year. Each time, to announce, next week it will happen…..

    Somehow, (it may be magic) I don’t see that appointed RAP person that he and his group appointed as the new Governor walking in the State Capitol saying “Get out of my Office” Tim Adams said I’m now the Governor. Nor do I see Tim Adams doing the same at the White House.

    I do however see a dirrect correlation in Tim Alan and Jim Jones as well as Tim Alan and another minister in the 19th Century attempting to predict the second coming of Christ, whereby he talked his followers into selling their farms, their land, homes and all belongings. No sence in telling that outcome, other than a some homeless, hungery people, and being pissed off would be an understatement.

    Just saying..

  50. SirWilliam | September 28, 2010 at 6:40 pm |
    Hi, Sir William – Just popped in again and read your post. The name of the appointed “President” is Tim Turner, although there has been a division in the ranks, resulting in rather a splintering among the adherents. I believe that JS has taken somewhat of a different course. The blogs that recruit posters who believe in the principles of what was RAP, are somewhat fractured, and much is due to a difference of opinion with JS.

  51. Jbjd,

    Thanks for jogging my memory.

    I knew I read that somewhere quite some time ago. You are correct, it was at your website.

  52. This was on the national news.
    This is Obama’s latest story now he’s really lying and/or desperate.
    (AP) ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) – President Barack Obama, in a rare discussion about his religious beliefs, described himself on Tuesday as a “Christian by choice” who arrived at his faith in adulthood because “the precepts of Jesus Christ” helped him envision the kind of life he wanted to lead
    “So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead – being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me,” he continued

  53. Jbjd,

    As I say to my wife in the kitchen, if I’m in your way, just kick me. I’ll move.

    Thanks for kicking me JBJD and jogging my memory.

  54. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 6:54 pm |
    This was on the national news.
    This is Obama’s latest story now he’s really lying and/or desperate.
    (AP) ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) – President Barack Obama, in a rare discussion about his religious beliefs, described himself on Tuesday as a “Christian by choice” who arrived at his faith in adulthood because “the precepts of Jesus Christ” helped him envision the kind of life he wanted to lead.
    What a master deceiver!! He is so full of it.

  55. Cabby AZ,

    Thank you for the update.

    On a side note, how is the weather their? Raining and cool temps here.

  56. Cabby,

    I did know his name was Tim Turner. I was being humorous and factious simultaneously.

  57. Wow, the USA sure has changed, so depressing…

  58. SirWilliam | September 28, 2010 at 7:17 pm |

    I did know his name was Tim Turner. I was being humorous and factious simultaneously.
    LOL! I have a tendency to be too literal! The weather here is absolutely perfect today. A bit warm – I think in low 90’s but the humidity is very low –
    blue skies, etc. I wish it were possible to ship some of it over your way.
    When I lived in Ohio many years ago, we used to vacation often in the Smokies, one of my favorite spots; however, one year on our two-week vacation in Gatlinburg it rained just about every single day for two weeks, and put quite a damper (no pun intended) on our plans. So we take what we are given weather wise and be grateful – Huh?

  59. @FS thanks for posting the videos on NPD.

    We have discussed here many time the traits that Øbama shares with Adolf Hitler. A lot of people actually refuse to have a good look at Øbama and make the comparison with Hitler.

    It is, as stated by Ali Sina, not about becoming a mass murderer like either Hitler or Manson for that matter, but the actual traits that are displayed.

    I referred to the book written by Alice Miller when commenting to USA Patriots Shouts. The book “For their own good”, delves into Hitler’s childhood background (it also covers the background of some other deeply disturbed people and murderers), and the conclusion is that Hitler was playing out his childhood on the world stage.

    It is not hard to see Øbama doing the same thing. For the time being he has not committed mass murder, but he has committed crimes in the Gulf of Mexico region, affecting in particular the people of Louisiana. (now I do not subscribe to the conspiracy theories regarding the actual explosion so I am not touching on that subject). I remain concerned about the use of Corexit in the GOM, mainly because of the quantities used, and the fact that the method used was aerial spraying. It reminds me of the use of Agent Orange which was the aerial spraying of a product that caused destruction of trees etc. What is critical about the spraying of Agent Orange is that it caused a large number of illness to the veterans, plus in some cases it caused sterility. My cousin was one of those affected with sterility.

    It seems that now it was an error to use the oil eating microbes because this has increased the bacteria in the salt water which has possibly led to the death of at least three people (all of them had compromised immune systems).

    It also looks like there are other hidden consequences that people are still researching.

    The crime in this case is the action taken after the oil rig explosion, or should that be inaction, since the lack of action was a real crime as well.

    How does this relate to NPD? Simple, Øbama saw the oil rig explosion as an opportunity to exploit and to move forward his own agenda to shut down oil drilling in the USA. He saw this as a means of providing cover to George Soros who has an interest in the oil drilling off the coast of Brazil through Petrobas. He does not care about the welfare of the people in that region. He has shown them a “let them eat cake” attitude. Also, he has displayed the “it’s all about me” attitude. Even more damning has been his lack of interest as he has continued to play golf, have parties at the White House and go on vacations.

    I remain concerned about the influence of George Soros in American politics. I suspect that he has also penetrated Australian politics, and that he has found a way of funding either the watermelons aka the Greens or the ALP. Keep in mind that we now have a Marxist as Prime Minister – a woman who is extraordinarily deceitful.

    George Soros is of real concern because of his own Polish-Jewish background (not because he is a Jew but because he betrayed the Jews). This man’s family changed their names to avoid being sent to the death camps, and then he assisted in rounding up Jews. Yet, he has never faced a tribunal as one who is a criminal. Soros was a Nazi. In fact Soros has remained a Nazi. This leads me to believe that Øbama in his statist leanings is also Nazi and a follower of Hitler. This would not be surprising since the Arab Muslims were also pro-Nazi.

  60. Hey Cabby, I’m about 1.5 hrs from the Smokies, I love it there.

  61. If Obama weren’t in charge of the justice department, I would think that something major was afoot. Story after story the past few days on many fronts.

  62. OMG, do you mean I will have to piece my mortgage back together….I ripped it up back in May, I thought Rap was going to take care of all that petty stuff, you know with all those millions of tons of gold. Or was it the Queen’s money? I have been going crazy for days now looking at all those flags at the current UN meetings….trying to see if any had gold fringe.

    Sheesh, back to the real world.

  63. Post-Rahmbo, Obama Administration May Face Chaos

    This is an interesting read about Rahm Emanuel’s influence in the White House. Much is plausible but disgusting, too. Politics, politics!! It seems that Emanuel was able to keep things “on track” in some instances, and, then again, he was opposed to Holder’s decision to hold terrorists’ trials in NYC.


  64. tennbrock | September 28, 2010 at 7:39 pm |
    Hey Cabby, I’m about 1.5 hrs from the Smokies, I love it there.
    Oh, Tennbrock, you pull at my heartstrings! My experiences in the Smokies go back to the 1940’s and 50’s. We moved to AZ in 1961 and always wanted to visit Tenn. again. One of our neighbors warned us that we would not recognize Gatlinburg (this was in 1987), but we took it in on a motor trip back to the East coast and were VERY happy to be there once again for a few days. The Smokies are so up close and personal – much different than the western Rockies. Also, they are GREEN!! Ha! I will never be able to go back again – just memories now, but happy to have them AND pics!

  65. tennbrock | September 28, 2010 at 6:19 pm |
    Well, that link sure made my blood boil! Wonder how many other federal agencies besides NASA, and now the NCTC, have been ordered by Zero to make muslim “outreach” their first priority?

  66. HonorFirst 7:46 PM
    “I have been going crazy for days now looking at all those flags at the current UN meetings….trying to see if any had gold fringe.”
    LOLOL!! Yeah, that gold fringe was exceedingly important!?!?!

  67. CABBY – AZ | September 28, 2010 at 6:59 pm |
    Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 6:54 pm |
    This was on the national news.
    This is Obama’s latest story now he’s really lying and/or desperate.
    (AP) ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) – President Barack Obama, in a rare discussion about his religious beliefs, described himself on Tuesday as a “Christian by choice” who arrived at his faith in adulthood because “the precepts of Jesus Christ” helped him envision the kind of life he wanted to lead.
    What a master deceiver!! He is so full of it.

    Beat me up. Kick the chit out of me. Fine. I do not care if I am your punching bag tonight. kinda gotten use to it.

    But – his mother and grandparents were the stronger influences in his life not Sr or Lolo. He never new his father and he left Indonesia b/c it wasn’t his home. He couldn’t relate, obviously. Does this mean he may be a christian in the traditional sense, heaven’s no, but his grandparents attended the Universalist Church in Hawaii, gosh, I don’t know the correct name b/c I don’t attend to such things, but this was the church he attended w/toot and stan when he returned to Hawaii.

    His faith may very well be called christian but it’s on the farthest liberal side one can identify rather than the farthest right which is Liberty, Pat and John.

    This may very well why few of us can understand his faith.

    Obama is not muslim. He’s only said he would stand with and by the muslim faith if the winds were to change. two very different meanings.

    Now, don’t go saying I’m an obot or crazy or uninformed. I’m a psychology major who herself left the Catholic dogma and found a home of worship at a church known as Unity. Why? B/c as I’ve stated gosh, umpteen times, I hate war, hate division and hate liars.

    Barry’s religious beliefs are derived from his mother and toots. Not Lolo nor Sr. Why? B/c he wasn’t indoctrinated in the Islam culture. No. His mother taught him, by all accounts, a faith based in the principles of christianity as she understood it and by no means were her teachings based in traditional christian faith.

  68. The Unitariant Church of Hawaii, finally came to me, was the church that administered to Toot’s oceanside burial was featured long ago as the church Barry attended for many of years.

    Anyone who has kept up with and studied the info coming out about Obama and his past knows of this church and its influence on him.

    This Church gave sanctuary to Vietnam draftees who did not want to go fight the corporation’s war.

    Just stating the facts here people. Not making a judgement of right or wrong.

    But the Unitarian Church of Hawaii served all those who felt victimized, whether real or not, as a safe haven.

  69. NOT Unitariant BUT Unitarian. my bad and my apologies.

  70. Helen @ 8:09 pm | I think Obama uses the word Christian as if it were a label in a shirt. I don’t think he is any more familiar with Judeo/Christian concepts than he is with our Constitution. The 10 Commandments, I doubt he could name one. If he were a Christian and practiced the religion he would not be potus-“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”-his perpetual lying. Morality, ethics-no understanding there. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin would not have the troubles he is currently having if Obama told the truth. If Obama is a Christian he has to step down. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Lying big time on that. He is a con man, today he’s Christian, tomorrow if facing a Muslim crowd he’s Muslim, he is so confused, crazy-story changes day to day.

  71. Helen,

    …and if you are going after “global government” – the UN’s ultimate agenda – all sects need to be represented.

    The Muslim Brotherhood was used by Britain to control Egypt and other areas of the M.E. – for…what else…their natural resources. Britain and the CIA fostered the Brotherhood and used them as an ally against Nassar, among others. I believe, ultimately, they created their own worst enemy. It’s all there in black and white…Suez Canal was one of the most important events of the Cold War Era. The Muslim Brotherhood, funded and fostered by Britain and the US were an integral part.

  72. Call me crazy, but LS will be put on a psych hold if he attempted suicide. Once he’s “in the system” it might be really easy for the “system” to keep LS away from the public until after the 2012 elections. Sheesh, it’s soooo easy to come up with goofy ideas about what the government might do when you don’t trust them.

  73. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:09 pm |

    You don’t know any of this stuff to be true. All that we have is a pieced together chronology of his life. You are making big assumptions as fact. I’ll say it again, Helen. You need to find yourself a different place to voice your feelings and thoughts. But feel free to keep on yacking, it’s a free country (for now). It’s not that you are a obot, or whatever name that I can call you. I can honestly say, and I believe that I have a very long fuse, that you get on my nerves. It’s not that you are saying things that I am opposed to, or that we have a difference of opinion (which we do)…I find you to be very abrasive and full of disinformation and I can’t just let your garbage stand unchallenged.

  74. http://hillbuzz.org/2010/09/28/wisconsin-voter-poll/
    Obama is running around the country trying to drum up support for the Dems. On the news tonight they did OH, a bell weather state-he is doing very badly there, and the WI figures almost the same. Most people are disgusted with the WON and the party he rode in on. Tea Party support is motivated and great can’t wait until Nov-35 days.

  75. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:09 pm |
    He never new his father and he left Indonesia b/c it wasn’t his home. He couldn’t relate, obviously.

    What is this cr.p? We all know the narrative of Obama’s life, Helen. But your analysis is so f’ing stupid I can’t help to confront you. He left Indonesia because it wasn’t his home? How the f do you know this?

    I’ll tell you, you don’t know it. You are making it up like all of your other hallucinations on this blog. It is really tiresome. If other people didn’t read this blog, I would let your garbage go unchallenged. But you are an agent of disinformation.

    I just can’t tell if it is on purpose, if you are brainwashed or just plain stupid.

    Sorry. I don’t like getting like this with people. But come on folks.

  76. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:24 pm
    This Church gave sanctuary to Vietnam draftees who did not want to go fight the corporation’s war.
    Who is the corporation ,what kind of sanctuary , would you be so kind to explain this a little farther , thank you .

  77. TENNBROCK, are you near dear ole Knoxville, Tn? My home for fourty years. Just wondering.

  78. HonorFirst | September 28, 2010 at 7:46 pm |

    LOL – loved it thanks

  79. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:34 pm |

    what Paxson said with knobs on and in double dose.

  80. ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:36 pm |
    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:24 pm
    This Church gave sanctuary to Vietnam draftees who did not want to go fight the corporation’s war.
    Who is the corporation ,what kind of sanctuary , would you be so kind to explain this a little farther , thank you .

    She doesn’t know. She is taking a tidbit of information that we are all aware of, and then changing it around to support her b.s. narrative. It has also been said the William Ayers and other Weather Underground (SDS) Draft dodger types were harbored there. From what I have read about that particular church, I can believe this.

    Helen is whitewhashing the church to be some beacon of goodness in protecting merely harmless concientious objectors.

    We don’t know either to be true, but with the associations that I have read about that church my opinion is probably more than likely.

  81. um Helen, did you forget to take the meds? It sure sounds like you do need to go take those meds.

    The Unitarian Church is not Christian, although they pretend to be Christian.

    The Dunhams left their original congregations when they lived in Washington State and began attending the Unitarian Church on Mercer Island. That Church was well known for being a Marxist stronghold.

    The Unitarian Church taught Marxism and what is known as Liberation theology. It had a little bit of Christianity laced into it but it was not and is not a Christian church.

  82. ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:36 pm |
    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:24 pm
    This Church gave sanctuary to Vietnam draftees who did not want to go fight the corporation’s war.
    Who is the corporation ,what kind of sanctuary , would you be so kind to explain this a little farther , thank you .
    For God’s sake Army D.A.V. please don’t get her started again on her dribble. She has just enough information to make her extremely boring, until you read what she is really saying. Then you realize that she does not belong here.

  83. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Paxson if that church hid William Ayers and his Weather Underground cohorts it is because that particular church was a Marxist stronghold.

    The Unitarian church pretends to be Christian. It is like Wright’s church in Chicago. It is not a Christian Church. Wright’s Church is Marxist and teaches Black Liberation Theology.

  84. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Amen to that… and might I add that she pretends not to be involved with the TRAP yet she espouses what they preach.

    In fact I strongly suspect that Helen is the real Bobot

  85. Helen
    Do you mean Draft dodgers or Vietnam War draftees ? .

  86. http://www.suntimes.com/news/sneed/2752062,CST-NWS-SNEED28.article
    Rahm Emanuel kept out of Chicago home by tenant?
    September 28, 2010
    BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist
    It’s Chicago politics at its best.
    Sneed hears an effort by Chicago mayoral hopeful Rahm Emanuel to move back into his North Side home next month was axed by the man who leased it.
    Sneed hears an effort by mayoral hopeful Rahm Emanuel to move back into his North Side home (right) next month was axed by the man who leased it.
    • The kicker: Sneed also hears rumbles there was a nixed request for Rahm to move into the basement of his leased home if the tenant didn’t move out.
    • To wit: Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, who has been in the process of quickly building a network to run for mayor — had been trying to move back into his leased home at 4228 N. Hermitage.
    • The upshot: Sneed has learned the tenant, Robert “Rob” P. Halpin, 59, who holds the lease with his wife, Lori, until June 2011, refused to budge.
    • The backshot: Sneed is told Halpin learned of the availability of the Emanuel home in 2009 via the Internet. Halpin had never met Emanuel when he initially leased it from Sept. 1, 2009, to Sept. 1, 2010.
    • The surprise shot: In a strange turn of the political screw, the lease with the Halpins was then renewed on Sept. 1 — six days before Mayor Daley announced his decision NOT to run for mayor on Sept. 7!
    • The buckshot: “Can you imagine,” said a top political source. “Rahm must have gone nuts! He had extended the lease until June 2011.”
    • The big question: Is Emanuel going to have a residency problem in a bid to run for mayor?
    • The answer: It’s all over the place . . . but probably not.
    • The flip side: “You can bet it’s going to be challenged,” said an election expert who asked not to be identified. “It’s a hot button. Simply owning a building isn’t enough. But the terms of the lease might be a different story.”
    • The stats: Emanuel is a registered voter at the North Hermitage address and voted absentee in the Feb. 2, 2010, Illinois primary, according to Chicago Board of Elections records . . . and the Halpins also updated their voter registration to the Emanuel home in November 2009
    (AP/Jean Lachat~Sun-Times)
    Lynn Sweet: Rahm might quit on Friday

  87. tennbrock | September 28, 2010 at 7:39 pm |

    I got to visit the Smokies when we lived in Fairborn Ohio back in 1984-85. We took a trip to Florida and visited Chatanooga (sp) on the way. You might say that visit had something to do with trains ROFL

  88. Joy, Yes I am about 60 miles from knoxville.

  89. ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:50 pm |

    She means the draft dodgers.

    Draftees like my cousin John actually went to Vietnam.

  90. Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 8:48 pm |
    Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Paxson if that church hid William Ayers and his Weather Underground cohorts it is because that particular church was a Marxist stronghold.

    The Unitarian church pretends to be Christian. It is like Wright’s church in Chicago. It is not a Christian Church. Wright’s Church is Marxist and teaches Black Liberation Theology.

    I am not saying that it is a fact that it harbored William Ayers, although I am saying that it has been written, and I believe documented (I’ll have to research again) that it harbored SDS members. One and the same. Some have surmised that this was the first time that he met William Ayers. Come on, his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, Marxist, from Chicago. They are birds of a feather and they flock together.

    My original point was that Helen is full of shi.t …. Neither of us know for sure. From what I have read about the church, I believe that the version that I’m putting forward is more accurate.

  91. Cabby – AZ | September 28, 2010 at 7:55 pm |

    Sounds like Rahm (love him or hate him) had been the voice of sanity. I do not blame him for wanting to leave the White House to the insane one.

  92. Aussie @ 8:48,
    The Unitarian church pretends to be Christian. It is like Wright’s church in Chicago. It is not a Christian Church. Wright’s Church is Marxist and teaches Black Liberation Theology.
    I agree, and one can easily be a muslim and still fit in at a church like that.

  93. Aussie,
    I didn’t realize that you lived here in the states before. Are you from here originally?

  94. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:55 pm |

    I think that your version is correct.

    Keep in mind that William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn went on the lam to somewhere. Yes, this Marxist church very likely sheltered members of the Weather Underground and SDS when things got too hot for them……

  95. Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 7:38 pm |
    @FS thanks for posting the videos on NPD.

    We have discussed here many time the traits that Øbama shares with Adolf Hitler. A lot of people actually refuse to have a good look at Øbama and make the comparison with Hitler.

    It is, as stated by Ali Sina, not about becoming a mass murderer like either Hitler or Manson for that matter, but the actual traits that are displayed.

    I referred to the book written by Alice Miller when commenting to USA Patriots Shouts. The book “For their own good”, delves into Hitler’s childhood background (it also covers the background of some other deeply disturbed people and murderers), and the conclusion is that Hitler was playing out his childhood on the world stage.

    It is not hard to see Øbama doing the same thing. For the time being he has not committed mass murder, but he has committed crimes in the Gulf of Mexico region, affecting in particular the people of Louisiana. (now I do not subscribe to the conspiracy theories regarding the actual explosion so I am not touching on that subject). I remain concerned about the use of Corexit in the GOM, mainly because of the quantities used, and the fact that the method used was aerial spraying. It reminds me of the use of Agent Orange which was the aerial spraying of a product that caused destruction of trees etc. What is critical about the spraying of Agent Orange is that it caused a large number of illness to the veterans, plus in some cases it caused sterility. My cousin was one of those affected with sterility.

    It seems that now it was an error to use the oil eating microbes because this has increased the bacteria in the salt water which has possibly led to the death of at least three people (all of them had compromised immune systems).

    It also looks like there are other hidden consequences that people are still researching.

    The crime in this case is the action taken after the oil rig explosion, or should that be inaction, since the lack of action was a real crime as well.

    How does this relate to NPD? Simple, Øbama saw the oil rig explosion as an opportunity to exploit and to move forward his own agenda to shut down oil drilling in the USA. He saw this as a means of providing cover to George Soros who has an interest in the oil drilling off the coast of Brazil through Petrobas. He does not care about the welfare of the people in that region. He has shown them a “let them eat cake” attitude. Also, he has displayed the “it’s all about me” attitude. Even more damning has been his lack of interest as he has continued to play golf, have parties at the White House and go on vacations.

    I remain concerned about the influence of George Soros in American politics. I suspect that he has also penetrated Australian politics, and that he has found a way of funding either the watermelons aka the Greens or the ALP. Keep in mind that we now have a Marxist as Prime Minister – a woman who is extraordinarily deceitful.

    George Soros is of real concern because of his own Polish-Jewish background (not because he is a Jew but because he betrayed the Jews). This man’s family changed their names to avoid being sent to the death camps, and then he assisted in rounding up Jews. Yet, he has never faced a tribunal as one who is a criminal. Soros was a Nazi. In fact Soros has remained a Nazi. This leads me to believe that Øbama in his statist leanings is also Nazi and a follower of Hitler. This would not be surprising since the Arab Muslims were also pro-Nazi.

    IMHO, bo is FAR WORSE THAN HITLER. bo masterminded the bombing of the bp oil well. bo knew exactly what he was doing when he ordered the US Air Force to spray Corexit POISON on the Gulf.

  96. Sorry everyone. I don’t mean to ruin the pleasantries here. But it’s like the old Sesame Street song….”Three of these things go together, one of these things is not the same”…. Which is o.k., but has anybody else really read and contemplated the cr.ap that comes out of her mouth. I can almost see Eric Holder standing behind her at the DOJ blogging team headquarters that they put together saying…”smirk…smirk…smirk…say this ‘Helen’ “…. Helen is really just a pseudonym and is really a fat bald guy, sucking down hotdogs by the dozen. (nothing against fat guys or hotdogs)…

    Oh well, I’ve digressed far enough.

  97. Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 8:54 pm | ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:50 pm |

    She means the draft dodgers.

    Draftees like my cousin John actually went to Vietnam

    That all I wanted to hear from Helen , because I was also a Nam draftee. I had no intention of attacking her and I see no reason for calling her names .

  98. tennbrock | September 28, 2010 at 9:00 pm |

    Tennbrock, no I am Australian born and bred. I was born in Melbourne, Victoria. I follow St. Kilda the AFL team (Carn the Saints we gotta win on Saturday). I went to school in Melbourne and I am a graduate of Melbourne University. I was married in Sydney at St. John’s College Chapel of Sydney University.

    We were in Fairborn because of a posting to AFFIT to complete a degree and then we returned home.

    When we lived there we traveled as much as we could, taking in New York, parts of Canada, Pennsylvania including a trip to Gettysburg, San Francisco, Sacramento (we had to go there for the trip home), Florida (Disney World as well as Kennedy Space Centre) Reno in Nevada, and Yellowstone National Park (at least the entrance). We also had a day in Washington D.C.

  99. ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 9:05 pm |
    Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 8:54 pm | ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:50 pm |

    She means the draft dodgers.

    Draftees like my cousin John actually went to Vietnam

    That all I wanted to hear from Helen , because I was also a Nam draftee. I had no intention of attacking her and I see no reason for calling her names .

    Well I’m sorry Army D.A.V., and thank you for your service by the way. But she has an agenda here. I’ll try to let you find it yourself. But read her c.rap and contemplate.

  100. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Philo-Publius | September 28, 2010 at 6:31 pm |

    Zach Jones at 6:02 pm

    Not good regarding Lt. Col. Lakin’s persecution.

    The military judge responded by determining that the orders (Specifications 1-3 of Charge II) given LTC Lakin were lawful.

    Then why continue? The judge has already found him guilty BEFORE the trial even starts.


    Why are you all surprised? I told you the first time this would happen. Judge Lind took Obama “off the table” the last time. By making the ruling she did at the last hearing – there is no other possible outcome of this hearing or any subsequent trial. Further there is no way this will remotely touch Zero.

    I explained all that in detail last time.
    And all I got was a truckload of CHIT.

    This is not what I want to happen, not what I hoped would happen. But the truth is just the truth. This line of attack was totally neutralized at the previous hearing. “Orders come from the Pentagon, not President”. How much more clear can that be. It is black and white.

    In the meantime – AFTER this has run its course over months and months, then an appeal can be mounted because the judge is a criminal moron. But the appeal will likely be denied – discipline in the military is more important than truth. [After all, we can’t have officers questioning every little order over every ridiculous little detail, now can we. SNARK] And we already know that the USSC will not touch this with a 10ft pole.

    And of course the MSM will not report this, so “no one” will even know it is happening and there will be no outrage.

  101. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 9:05 pm |
    Sorry everyone. I don’t mean to ruin the pleasantries here. But it’s like the old Sesame Street song….”Three of these things go together, one of these things is not the same”…. Which is o.k., but has anybody else really read and contemplated the cr.ap that comes out of her mouth. I can almost see Eric Holder standing behind her at the DOJ blogging team headquarters that they put together saying…”smirk…smirk…smirk…say this ‘Helen’ “…. Helen is really just a pseudonym and is really a fat bald guy, sucking down hotdogs by the dozen. (nothing against fat guys or hotdogs)…

    Oh well, I’ve digressed far enough.

    It is sunstein not holder who is in charge of bo’s internet gestapo and obot-carlyle is the chief obot assigned to disrupt intelligent discussion on CW.

    Outing Obama’s Internet Brownshirts

  102. dodgers.

    The Unitarian Church of Hawaii has been documented as protecting those with viewpoints other than the mainstreams. I’ll give you that. Is it Christian, no Unitarian Church in the US teaches the commandments or adherence too. Although I’ve never attended service, I have been told that it their service is constructed around some sort of christian theme which is then discussed, at length, amongst the adherents.

    I do not possess any type of opinion or judgement of this faith. I am only stating this information to add to your cauldron.

    I have yet to find a republican or TP website that talks about the Unitarian Churchs’ influence on his grandparents, his mother and on him. They’d rather take the few years he spent in Indonesia with an abusive Muslim father than to speak to the natural phenomena of most men and women religiously following in the footsteps of their mothers. Not to diminish fathers.

    Just look at the Jewish lineage – Jewish lineage follows the bloodline of the mother. Not the father. This truth, which I suspect is quite natural, that is, natural law, frustrates the hell out of hubris men who position themselves as ‘know it alls’ on blogs such as this one.

    aussie, do not read my posts or comment on them anymore. you are mean. condescending. trite. dismissive and one I wish not to pay attention to me any longer. you strike me as a stalker and a man of such weak character that you would do malicious harm to a woman who dares to challenge you and your remedial senses.

    paxson, i ask you too not to read my posts and respond to them. i find your ridiculing childish behavior beneath you. i do not take you seriously and i never will. you have shown your character sir and i not only find you to be mean and condescending, but i also find you dangersous. extremely dangerous. you are the type of individual who is dared to be challenged by your sister, your mother or your wife who is then punished with lobs from your fists to their heads. i do not like you. i do not trust you. i do not wish to ever have any further communication with you. you are a peon in my world and i have no use for little d!C& peons.

    paxson and aussie, ignore my posts from here on out. please. do everyone a favor on this blog and don’t way in with your belittling, condescending and mean comments. none of us could give a rip what you think.

    and don’t mess with me gentlemen. I’m in this game to win my country back and not to be diverted by small petty minds like yours.

  103. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    SirWilliam | September 28, 2010 at 6:40 pm |


    Your responce to Jacqlyn Smith was spot on and humorous. Its something you would expect from me and not you.


    What? You don’t think I’m capable of being “spot on” or “humorous”??

  104. His Mom was an Athiest, Fathers muslims..as well as the other men…Do you recall..”you’re right john mccain never brought up my muslim faith,” the interviewer had to correct him ” you mean your Christian faith??? and do not forget to visit all 57 states..

  105. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 9:14 pm |

    It must be meds time for Helen. She has started descending into the hysterical rant phase….

  106. @margie,
    you are correct that Ann Dunham was an atheist. That is normal for Marxists to be atheists.

    However, the Dunhams went to the Unitarian Church after ditching their Methodists roots, in Mercer Island. That church was well known for being a Marxist stronghold. When they went to Hawaii they again attended the Unitarian church.

    The Unitarian church teaches Liberation theology which is at odds with Christian theology as most of us understand it. Liberation theology is quasi-Christian. It is not Christian by its nature. It uses Scripture for its own ends.

  107. Obama at WI campaign rally: ‘Change is gonna come’

  108. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:27 pm |

    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 8:09 pm |


    This is EXACTLY the point. And the MOST CRITICAL point of the whole Obama business. WE DON’T KNOW JACK.

    It is absolutely imperative that we get these records so we can see what he was exposed to in his formative years. There is hugely solid anecdotal evidence that he was DEEPLY trained as a Muslim. But who knows, maybe that is more diversion?

    I don’t know what else is in his hidden records, but I will bet you anything that it shows he sat at the feet of and worshipped every radical marxist and/or agitator disruptive professor he would find. I think it will show that he was steeped in Islam from around 6-14, was practicing how to be a street hood discontent from 14-18, and absolutely bathed in marxist and globalist poison from 18-22. After that, for the next dozen or years or so he was deep into entitlement politics and the politics of victimhood, and semi-violent collective “agitation”. And I don’t mean any of that in a good way. Think ACORN and SEIU!

  109. Margie @ 9:22 pm |
    Obama is a slum landlord from the cesspool of corruption Chicago’s South side. This is about as low as you can go even by their extremely low standards, lower than pimps, prostitutes, panderers and drug dealers, for 20 years the scum bag set got away with it by calling it “Community Organizing”, scumbags like ACORN. When it involves stealing the taxpayers money, then Obama is not confused-everything else he forgets his lies without teleprompter assistance.
    Grim proving ground for Obama’s housing policy
    The candidate endorsed subsidies for private entrepreneurs to build low-income units. But, while he garnered support from developers, many projects in his former district have fallen into disrepair.

  110. This trite and misleading comment proves my point. Paxson and Aussie are little men who have little to do but belittle WOMEN, STRONG WOMEN AT THAT, b/c the brain they wish to use lies b/w their legs rather than the one God gave them to THINK. What little peons the two of you are!!! You are abusuers and little, small minded, dweebs who wouldn’t know the truth if it stared you in the eye. I don’t do small minded nor do I respond to such abusers as the two of you – small minded pervs. You go away. I’ve been here for nearly three years. You are the recent scum to infect the good work CW is doing here, so bugar off.

    “DOJ blogging team headquarters that they put together saying…”smirk…smirk…smirk…say this ‘Helen’ “…. Helen is really just a pseudonym and is really a fat bald guy, sucking down hotdogs by the dozen. (nothing against fat guys or hotdogs)…”

    I am owned by no one. How about the two of you tag teamers? Who owns you?

    Damn CW, start monitoring your blog. If you don’t have the time then empower FS. Please. If you only understood how offensive these newbies are!!!

  111. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 8:34 pm |

    OUCH! I’m glad that was you and not me. What a little fire breathing dragon you have become!! Commitment to one’s beliefs is one thing, but when said beliefs make no sense, and when said beliefs fly into the face of universally KNOWN facts, then sanity has to be considered.

    ARMY D.A.V. | September 28, 2010 at 8:36 pm |

    Please PLEASE – Don’t DON’T bait her! She does not need any encouragement. LOL

  112. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | September 28, 2010 at 9:30 pm |

    That was my point with Helen. She states information as fact and then elaborates and uses it for her own agenda, which is that of a disgruntled Liberal with no where to go.

    For the record, Helen, I apologize for being so condescending towards you. It’s statements like the one that I posted above that really shows your hand and drives me insane. “….and he left Indonesia b/c it wasn’t his home. He couldn’t relate, obviously.” You don’t know this and I don’t know otherwise. Your loose use of facts to protect your Mooslum/anti-American agenda is beyond the pale.

  113. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 9:35 pm |

    By the way, Helen, I’ve been here for three years as well. I finally just got fed up with some of the garbage and lies posted by some on a daily basis. You will find that I do not confront many people. So there must be something really special about you. By the way, I don’t care what gender that you happen to be. There are many powerful female footsoldiers in the Obama matrix. The part about the DOJ blogging team was a joke, you do remember that little tidbit that was brought up in the news about a year or so ago about Holder’s team?

  114. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 9:35 pm |

    Damn CW, start monitoring your blog. If you don’t have the time then empower FS. Please. If you only understood how offensive these newbies are!!!


    Why do you keep kissing up to FS? After me (simply because my very aura makes him foam at the mouth), you would be the first to be permenantly banned. Have you failed to read what that dear lad has written about you? Do you somehow think he is your friend? That he agrees with you? I think the only time he EVER agreed with you was once you made some nasty statement about my parentage or some such and he just piled on. That’s just what he does.

    On the other hand, maybe you are right. You each have different areas of Irrational Belief, and you both have phases of activity that demand that people ask you if you are on or off your meds. So, I dunno, maybe you two really are kindred spirits?

  115. bob strauss | September 26, 2010 at 8:18 pm |
    Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | September 26, 2010 at 8:04 pm |
    In any case, there seems to be too much raw animal behavior on this blog – kicking, gouging, b-tch slapping, ankle biting, etc. – and not nearly enough civilized human behavior.
    That’s your opinion, my opinion is, the people on this site are true patriots, who love their government when it is operated according to the US Constitution.

    bob strauss | September 26, 2010 at 8:45 pm |
    Free Speech | September 26, 2010 at 8:19 pm |
    Typical alinsky/tacqiya/lying tactic by obot-carlyle, accusing Patriots here on CW of the uncivilized tactics that obot-carlyle and the other obots use.
    Nice how the truth comes out eventually, and then the name calling begins, they accuse us of doing what they are doing. Name calling, ankle biting, b-tch slapping, kicking, and gouging. Did I forget any?
    The subject here is Obama’s lack of credentials to be president, and the corruption in the court system preventing discovery of Obama’s NBC status. Hawaii has some explaining to do also.

  116. Jonah | September 26, 2010 at 7:20 pm |
    Free Speech | September 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm |
    Notice now that obot-carlyle is in moderation, sunstein sends in the B-string obots, but they are easily recognized by the fact that they immediately start defending obot-carlyle rather than engaging in intelligent discussions or they start posting long NONSENSE posts about bo being a CIA agent & Malcolm X being bo’s daddy. Best thing to do is just ignore these B-string obots.
    Does anyone see what happened here?
    The obot’s goal is to antagonize sincere commentors in attempt to detract from the topic. They’ve attempted to steer conversation away from the original discussion and they have succeeded

  117. bob strauss | September 26, 2010 at 6:26 pm |
    Free Speech | September 26, 2010 at 6:11 pm
    It is getting easier to spot the obots. Notice how they work in teams making personal attacks and backing each other up.
    They did the same thing over at the Right Side Of Life site. 3 or 4 posters took up most of the time, to the point where you couldn’t discuss anything without them posting a long message espousing misinformation.
    You can argue with them all day long but their disregard for the truth makes it a waste of time.

  118. Army judge tells officer: Shut up and be punished!
    Defense counsel warns ‘fair trial’ impossible under military rulings

  119. Eligibility a flashpoint in state House election
    Democrat politician says racism is reason Obama’s birth documentation questioned

  120. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 9:31 pm |

    It is also Valerie Jarrett who is the slum lord. If Chicago had won the Olympics Jarrett would have cleaned up millions on a property deal… too bad it fell through 🙂

  121. Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 10:12 pm |

    For the record, I am not teaming up with anybody. I find misinformation and misdirection to be more damaging to our cause than just about anything else. Very rarely will you see me lash out at anybody. The last time was all of that RAP b.s. that, if it wasn’t designed to make us all look bad, was pushed by a bunch of lunatics. When I do lose my temper, admittedly, I don’t hold back. Also, for the record, I do not oppose people merely because they are liberal, or hold a different point of view. I myself am more Libertarian than anything else. But when the misinformation is used in the form of, we are all together here with the same objectives, and then that same misinformation has an agenda I admit that my blood boils.

    Sorry folks.

  122. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) | September 28, 2010 at 9:17 pm |

    SirWilliam | September 28, 2010 at 6:40 pm |


    Your responce to Jacqlyn Smith was spot on and humorous. Its something you would expect from me and not you.


    What? You don’t think I’m capable of being “spot on” or “humorous”??

    Wasn’t anymore humorous than my reply….still the same BS here….by the same commenters….with the same NO action….not very funny in my book!

  123. LM | September 28, 2010 at 10:18 pm |

    The Dhimmicrats are always screaming racism when it comes to the issue of the birth certificate but it is not true.

    It is like screaming racism when people say anything about Muslims. That is also true because Muslim is neither a race, nor a religion.

    A birth certificate contains vital information such as where a person was born. For example I was born in the Queen Victoria hospital in Melbourne Victoria Australia. The certificate also gives the time, date, and naturally the names of my parents. It also gives my weight and length at birth.

    I am not sure about your certificates but I think ours gave religion. If religion is included on the certificate and the real one state Muslim, then yes Barry would be quite embarrassed.

    None of this resolves the fact that he claims that his father is Barry Øbama Sr. This means that he is a British citizen by nature of his birth. Under British law at the time it was the father that gave citizenship and not the mother (especially one considered a minor by the law of the land at the time).

    Why is it racism to request that this man, like any other Presidential candidate present his credentials to prove that he is eligible to be a candidate in the first place? No.. it is not racism… that is just an epithet that is being thrown around as a diversionay tactic because these people are running scared about the truth – that Øbama was never eligible to be a candidate in the first place.

  124. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 10:21 pm |
    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 10:12 pm |

    For the record, I am not teaming up with anybody. I find misinformation and misdirection to be more damaging to our cause than just about anything else. Very rarely will you see me lash out at anybody. The last time was all of that RAP b.s. that, if it wasn’t designed to make us all look bad, was pushed by a bunch of lunatics. When I do lose my temper, admittedly, I don’t hold back. Also, for the record, I do not oppose people merely because they are liberal, or hold a different point of view. I myself am more Libertarian than anything else. But when the misinformation is used in the form of, we are all together here with the same objectives, and then that same misinformation has an agenda I admit that my blood boils.


    obot-carlyle is working in tandem with Helen now to disrupt intelligent discussion. He did the same thing with jacqlyn smith.

    This is how they work.


  125. Here’s Paxson –

    DOJ blogging team headquarters that they put together saying…”smirk…smirk…smirk…say this ‘Helen’ “…. Helen is really just a pseudonym and is really a fat bald guy, sucking down hotdogs by the dozen. (nothing against fat guys or hotdogs)…

    By the way, Helen, I’ve been here for three years as well. I finally just got fed up with some of the garbage and lies posted by some on a daily basis. You will find that I do not confront many people. So there must be something really special about you. By the way, I don’t care what gender that you happen to be. There are many powerful female footsoldiers in the Obama matrix. The part about the DOJ blogging team was a joke, you do remember that little tidbit that was brought up in the news about a year or so ago about Holder’s team
    Finally, Paxson, you state something honest, that is you are what is known as a nester…watch the blog, report to the powers that employ you, and weigh in when someone goes “oh contrair against your masters mission”.

    I get it, Paxson, and I have every intention of outing you and your master aka employer. You Paxson are a nester. When someone like me comes along and upsets that apple cart of yours with, OMG, the truth, you must demean and divert.

    CW posters have become inoculated to this silly trite game dreamed up by a bunch of wet dreamers who attended Haaaaaavad or Yaaaale or Coooooolumbia, who pegged the average citizen in America as stupid. Well guess what, tell your employer, whoever he/she is that we the average American, bible loving, country song singing, square dancing American says, it’s time you neanderthals catch up with us.

    We have no intention of slowing down to catch our breaths, b/c we will twirl your lilly white rumps into a complete dizzy spell, where we then SMACK your silly face to say – don’t you betray us. We are watching you.

    Get it Paxson and Aussie. Hope so, now let’s get this rodeo going.

  126. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 10:08 pm |
    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 10:11 pm |
    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 10:12 pm |


    What IS your point? If you want to make a comment on something specific somebody said on one thing or another, then say it. Posting random gibberish is juvenile and useless.

  127. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    “…….that is you are what is known as a nester…watch the blog, report to the powers that employ you, and weigh in when someone goes “oh contrair against your masters mission”.

    WOW! Go out and get some excercise and breath in some fresh air. Then come back and learn to critically analyze the words that you choose to use here. You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

  128. Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 9:27 pm |

    you are correct that Ann Dunham was an atheist. That is normal for Marxists to be atheists.

    Margie | September 28, 2010 at 9:22 pm |

    His Mom was an Atheist, Fathers muslims..as well as the other men…Do you recall..”you’re right john mccain never brought up my muslim faith,” the interviewer had to correct him ” you mean your Christian faith??? and do not forget to visit all 57 states.
    Margie and Aussie , I have heard the Atheist story also, but then I took a long hard look at the Soetoro family photo and it appears that Ann is wearing a headscarf and appears to be dressed in proper Muslim dress.

    If it were known she was a Muslim it would ruin Obama’s lie about him being a Christian.

  129. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

    …..and we’ll never get the answer out of her. I’ve gone through this excerise with her before.

  130. FS – trust, from here on out, whether you like it or not, I will support you in outing these slimy, demeaning, belittling, and condescending astroturfers. You, my recent friend, have a ne friend on your side. And understand THIS WOMAN, read that WOMAN, WOMAN WOMAN, will not take your meanness anymore. And if I see you treating another woman who posts her truth here at CW’s place, trust that I will come down on you with a ton of bricks.

    No more, paxson, aussie, CC, of belittling and demeaning the posters here who are true patriots who choose no side of the two-headed snake, but rather embrace their INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION.

    Your days of playing these good people are over. Now go away and infiltrate a blog like Malkin’s or Geller’s. I dare ya. B/c those gals can smell a rat a mile away. Leave us Indy’s alone once and for all!!!

  131. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 10:36 pm |

    Why engage with the obots? I ignore obot carlyle unless I choose to show him for the fool he is. I never let him bait me answering him.

    Bob Strauss and Jonah have the obots pegged.

    bob strauss | September 26, 2010 at 6:26 pm |
    Free Speech | September 26, 2010 at 6:11 pm
    It is getting easier to spot the obots. Notice how they work in teams making personal attacks and backing each other up.
    They did the same thing over at the Right Side Of Life site. 3 or 4 posters took up most of the time, to the point where you couldn’t discuss anything without them posting a long message espousing misinformation.
    You can argue with them all day long but their disregard for the truth makes it a waste of time.

    Jonah | September 26, 2010 at 7:20 pm |
    Free Speech | September 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm |
    Notice now that obot-carlyle is in moderation, sunstein sends in the B-string obots, but they are easily recognized by the fact that they immediately start defending obot-carlyle rather than engaging in intelligent discussions or they start posting long NONSENSE posts about bo being a CIA agent & Malcolm X being bo’s daddy. Best thing to do is just ignore these B-string obots.
    Does anyone see what happened here?
    The obot’s goal is to antagonize sincere commentors in attempt to detract from the topic. They’ve attempted to steer conversation away from the original discussion and they have succeeded.

  132. All that I hear are the crickets chirping. Sorry for focusing on such minutia, but this stuff is important. They want everything to be a mish mash of opinions, false assumptions and misdirection. We are getting closer and closer by the day to putting together a better time line and proof of the fraud than any media outlet could even imagine. Some are still out on the battle lines mucking things up for us.

  133. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:48 pm |

    Paxson and Aussie are not obots. obot-carlyle is sunstein’s primary obot on CW.

  134. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

  135. chirp…chirp….chirp….

  136. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 10:50 pm |
    All that I hear are the crickets chirping. Sorry for focusing on such minutia, but this stuff is important. They want everything to be a mish mash of opinions, false assumptions and misdirection. We are getting closer and closer by the day to putting together a better time line and proof of the fraud than any media outlet could even imagine. Some are still out on the battle lines mucking things up for us.
    Exactly. obot carlyle is only interested in disrupting intelligent discussion. Notice how he consistently is bashing “birthers”, Grand Juries, all the Scientists reporting on bo’s poisoning of the Gulf. His only purpose is to disrupt any exposure of bo’s crimes and they to make Patriots think there is nothing we can do to bring bo to justice.

  137. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

    I know why you said it, because your next comment was to tell us how perfectly normal that his next church was in Hawaii and about his Grandparents Christianity etc. I just want to hear you say it.

    None of it really matters, because none of us know for sure. But what were you driving at there Helen?

  138. Aussie | September 28, 2010 at 10:18 pm |

    Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 9:31 pm |

    It is also Valerie Jarrett who is the slum lord. If Chicago had won the Olympics Jarrett would have cleaned up millions on a property deal… too bad it fell through 🙂
    Chicago never had a chance to get the Olympics, everybody world wide knows it would take twice as much money to have the Olympics in Chicago after paying off every politician with his hand out, and greasing the unions.

  139. Boy, another wild ride here this evening. Because my attention is seriously divided these days, I was at least one less thorn in the side. There are a couple who post who seem to be the agitators here – I like the term “flame throwers” which CC coined, I believe.

    If everyone would just settle down, be respectful of others who disagree, and when they must and should disagree to correct bad information do it kindly and gently…… Well, wouldn’t things be better and more harmonious?
    We are all only human with human passions. I include myself in what has been said and need to try to disagree agreeably.

    That doesn’t mean we should refrain from speaking the truth. I know this is somewhat of a quote from another commenter here, but facts are one thing and opinions are another. Let’s face it. Some folks probably like to liven things up with a few sparks here and there – a few grievous misquotes hither and yonder. It is against my personal liking, but………what can we do about it? I guess we just have to plow through anyway.

  140. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 7:46 pm |
    Interesting… top of Drudge right now.

    Oh, hell, here we go…wonder whiich state he’ll tell them to hit—any bets it’s Az.??

  141. Aussie @ 10:18 pm | some times criminals get their just desserts. The people of Chicago are thrilled, they would have been the losers-via taxed more to death.

  142. Some people are taking the same facts, the facts that each of us know like the back of our hands, and spinning them to spitshine a tu.rd.

    I will add that if Obama was legitimately elected as an NBC, it wouldn’t matter if he worshipped Satan himself (well it would matter to me). But you wouldn’t see me b.s.’ing with the likes of Helen, I can assure you of that.

    The fact of the matter is that some here have an obvious agenda.

  143. >>>LM: Army judge tells officer: Shut up and be punished!
    Defense counsel warns ‘fair trial’ impossible under military rulings<<<

    Lakin fiasco is a modern, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair , Dreyfus. Sadly, the truth won't be available for years and he will languish. The Marine Corp will forever be marked by the actions and dishonor. I have asked before, can we have a Marine Corp without honor?


  144. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 10:50 pm |
    All that I hear are the crickets chirping. Sorry for focusing on such minutia, but this stuff is important. They want everything to be a mish mash of opinions, false assumptions and misdirection. We are getting closer and closer by the day to putting together a better time line and proof of the fraud than any media outlet could even imagine. Some are still out on the battle lines mucking things up for us.
    Christians don’t allow their drinking buddy to rape their daughter (Stanley Ann) and grandson (bo) the way the Dunhams allowed Frank Marshall Davis to rape SAD and bo.

  145. Something for 9-11 Truthers to think about. The Plot that the Victory Mosque will be built upon used to be a building. The Building was destroyed on 9-11-2001 due to the Landing Gear of the Aircraft that Crashed into one of the towers falling on it. Since when did Missile’s have aircraft landing gear attached to them???

  146. Paxson| September 28, 2010 at 10:36 pm |
    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    “…….that is you are what is known as a nester…watch the blog, report to the powers that employ you, and weigh in when someone goes “oh contrair against your masters mission”.

    WOW! Go out and get some excercise and breath in some fresh air. Then come back and learn to critically analyze the words that you choose to use here. You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.
    CW posters, that is you normal, thoughtful good souls, allow me to take a moment and show you how these trolls work. Let’s take Paxson’s recent jab at me and disect it –

    “WOW! Go out and get some excercise and breath in some fresh air. Then come back and learn to critically analyze the words that you choose to use here.”

    What this nester/troll is saying is first, WOW, all capital letters to insinuate “shock” “I’m aghast” or “how dare you challenge me”.

    Then he challenges my sensibility by adding to WOW

    “Go out and get some excercise and breath in some fresh air. Then come back and learn to critically analyze the words that you choose to use here.”

    What Paxson is saying here is that I’m off my rocker, I must get back on whatever meds these two tag teamers – Paxson and a guy who likes to pretend he’s living in Australia – have dreamed up. They are telling me to take a walk little girl, calm down and get control of yourself. Hello ladies, how many damned times have we heard this from our boyfriends, spouses, male co-workers? Gheddit? When Paxson is belittling comment and demeaning my assertions he then, w/o saying it, b/c we girls have been here umpteen times before, he insinuates that I should shut up.

    Tell me you see this. Silence is no longer an option folks. If you don’t want to wear a burka, then you damn well better start paying attention to these patronizing yahoos who are not only trying to silence the truth but are trying to shut down we WOMEN!!! You wanna know why, sssshhhhh, it’s a secret….their p…s are really small so they have to make up for their lack of manlihood by demeaning women…gheddit. this is sharia law.

    Now, this joker, nester, mysoginist Paxson goes on to challenge me to answer his moronic question. Ready for my answer –

    Paxson says –
    “You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

    Helen’s answer is – Obama was being physically abused by Lolo, by his mother’s own assertion, and sent him home to live with his grandparents.

    Imagine for a moment a child at the age of 6 to 10 living in a hostile, police state which is what Indonesia was at the time, his step father being physically abusive toward him (which has been documented time and again), why in the hell wouldn’t the kid want to go to Hawaii to live with his grandparents?

    As a mother who divorced her second husband on grounds of abuse, I would have sent my child to my parents too. So why is this simple maternal need to protect one’s child turned into something dastardly and evil?

  147. Here you go folks:
    A Lesson on How to Argue and How Not to Argue

    This link came through on an e-mail. It is short, but worth reading:


  148. Good article from the Post&email.

    Natural Born Citizen and Natural Law
    Print This Post

    by Jedi Pauly

    How did the Founding Fathers define the term “natural born Citizen”?

    (Sept. 28, 2010) — I just wanted to teach everyone the true meaning of ‘natural born Citizen’ because I am astounded at the level of incompetence and ignorance that exists surrounding this issue.

    First, let me say that the term ‘natural born Citizen’ from Article II is NOT an undefined legal term. It is perfectly self-evident and defined within the context of Article II and the Declaration of Independence, Natural Law, and the opposite which is Positive Law, and the term just means exactly what it says.

    Second, it most definitely DOES NOT require both parents to be citizens, or for the person to be born on U.S. soil, because ‘natural born Citizen’ has absolutely nothing to do with your mom or soil jurisdiction.

    Third, the purpose and intent of Article II ‘natural born Citizen’ is to preserve our Constitutional Republic form of government to be under NATURAL LAW by protecting our sovereignty from foreign royalty so that we will not become a MONARCHY form of government like England or Europe, which is what the founders feared most and were trying to separate themselves from.

    It is declared in the Declaration of Independence that it is a SELF-EVIDENT TRUTH that all MEN are CREATED equal and that governments are instituted among MEN. The Declaration of Independence is not talking about women’s political rights! Women are not the source of sovereign political authority, MEN are. What is being declared is that in nature, under Natural Law, that all men INHERIT a SOVEREIGN POLITICAL AUTHORITY EQUAL TO A KING as a natural inalienable right and it is not just for the privileged few families of royalty that existed in Europe at the time, and still exists today. The Declaration specifically lists LIBERTY as one of the inherited inalienable natural rights. Liberty is just a fancy way of saying that one possesses a sovereign political authority. The person with the most liberty (freedom) is the king who is a sovereign authority. Under Natural Law, sovereign political authority is inherited from males, not females or soil. Women do not have natural political sovereignty. That is why we have to have a 19th Amendment to the Constitution in order to extend the legal PRIVILEGE of Positive Law to extend political rights (voting rights) to women. Men and women’s political rights are not equal under natural law due to a man’s natural superiority in physical strength. It is a self-evident truth that men fight the wars and defend the tribe, and negotiate the peace, and institute governments, and make and enforce the rules. Men do this as a function on nature, not women. The political authority of any clan is passed on with the surname inherited from the father. Even a queen can not be queen without a statutory law (privilege) put in place from the males from whom her authority comes from (her father because there are no male heirs).

    Natural Law gives one Natural Rights which is an endowment from Nature or the Creator depending on your religious point of view. Even an atheist can accept Natural Law because the Laws of Nature (Declaration of Independence) are a scientific objective subject that one can just observe and realize independent of a Creator or God concept. The legal opposite of Natural Law is called Positive Law. The term Positive Law comes from the Latin root ‘posit’ which means that which is declared and agreed to. Positive Law is statutory man made law that gives you ‘Legal Rights’ which are PRIVILEGES of government and they are the opposite of Natural Rights which are NOT privileges.

    Now, let us examine the self-evident meaning of Article II ‘natural born Citizen’ and prove that it is not an undefined legal term. First, just look at the part ‘natural born’. This is meant to convey that we are talking about being CREATED under Natural Law and not the opposite which is Positive Law legal privileges. This eliminates soil jurisdiction from any consideration because you only get legal privileges from soil jurisdiction. Soil does not give you natural inherited inalienable rights. Next, and here is what everyone is missing, let us apply the simple rules of English grammar to ‘Citizen’ and notice that ‘Citizen’ is capitalized. The word citizen is a noun, and when you capitalize a noun in a sentence that makes the noun a PROPER noun. A proper noun means a specific instance or special TYPE of citizen. What special TYPE is being referred to? The answer is they are referring to a SOVEREIGN U.S. Citizen. You can not have a sovereign nation if there are no sovereign citizens. Furthermore, you can not have any sovereign citizens without sovereign fathers to create them! A sovereign citizen is one who inherits a sovereign political authority as a natural inalienable right as declared in the Declaration of Independence. Since you only inherit a sovereign political authority from males under natural law, this eliminates your mom from consideration since she is a female and you only get ‘legal privileges’ from positive law due to your mom, not the natural inherited political sovereign authority which only comes from males. Simply put, ‘natural born Citizen’ just means that one must INHERIT their right to be President from their citizen father as a natural right and not a legal privilege, and we have just proven that your mom and soil jurisdiction are irrelevant and that ‘natural born Citizen’ is perfectly defined within the context of Article II, Natural Law, Positive Law and the Declaration of Independence.

    Now let’s examine from the point of view of the purpose and intent of Article II ‘natural born Citizen’, which is to prevent a monarchy form of government and protect U.S. sovereignty from foreign royalty, in order that we may further prove that soil jurisdiction and your mom are totally irrelevant. Lets suppose for a moment that you could somehow inherit a sovereign political authority from just the soil or your mom. Then any foreign king could impregnate an American woman or have his child born on U.S. soil and that child could qualify for President due to an inherited sovereign political authority from mom or the soil, and at the same time would be a prince or king of a foreign country inherited as a sovereign political right from his foreign royal father. Oops! There goes the Republic! Now you have foreign royalty in power and you have a monarchy again. Clearly the founders prevented this by realizing that you only get legal privileges of positive law from your mom or soil jurisdiction and if you are created (natural born) by a citizen father from whom you inherit a sovereign political authority from (all MEN are created equal) then this would protect American sovereignty from foreign royal influence. I have settled the issue. the term ‘natural born Citizen’ just means inherited from a citizen father. Mom and soil are irrelevant. Obama is not qualified because he was not created by a U.S. citizen father.

    Here endeth the lesson!

  149. Or was it the Queen’s money?

    Honor First??

    You didn’t hear?? The queen stole money from the poor subject’s account to pay her utilities.

  150. Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 11:09 pm |

    What type of Grandfather would put their Grandson in that type of environment with Frank Marshall Davis?

  151. bob strauss @ 11:01 pm | They are so stupid in Chicago, Cook County-with their graft and corruption. They made DuPage County rich, and that spilled out to the other counties-Kane, Will-etc. Once upon a time Chicago had it all, then blew it starting with Mayor Daley’s (father) head tax. The businessmen got so mad, straw that broke the camels back and just relocated to the burbs and were glad they did. This is why lower taxes, generate a lot more revenue-we learned that when we were 5.. Greedy politicians, business people like oil and water they don’t mix well.

  152. I still say the “Lucas” Kenyan Birth Certificate is a Certified Copy of the Genuine Article. (Accepted as a Legal Binding Document in Several Court Cases even though the Cases were thrown out.) Adding to that the Kenyan Parliament stating that Obama was Born there as further Evidence.

  153. Cabby – AZ | September 28, 2010 at 11:12 pm |
    Here you go folks:
    A Lesson on How to Argue and How Not to Argue

    “To test something means to argue its points. That is, to assume the starting point and work out its logic. It’s called “answering a fool as his folly deserves”
    Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |
    You still haven’t answered why you said that Obama “chose” to leave Indonesia because “he didn’t belong there”.

    I know why you said it, because your next comment was to tell us how perfectly normal that his next church was in Hawaii and about his Grandparents Christianity etc. I just want to hear you say it.

    I feel like I took her through the paces there, Cabby.

  154. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 11:12 pm |

    So why is this simple maternal need to protect one’s child turned into something dastardly and evil?

    That simple Helen, SAD knew that her father and Frank Marshall Davis were pedophiles because she was raped by both her father and Frank, and she also knew that Frank raped boys and girls.

  155. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 11:15 pm |
    Free Speech | September 28, 2010 at 11:09 pm |

    What type of Grandfather would put their Grandson in that type of environment with Frank Marshall Davis?

    Same type that would allow his daughter SAD to be raped by Frank.

  156. Free Speech @ 11:09 pm |
    Sometimes when I see/hear the rehash of the Obama biography, I think really bad B movie, world worst soap opera-(I don’t know how anybody can watch that garbage but a lot of people love them) plot (s) that make no sense, characters mostly deviates and a great big pity party for/to benefit Obama. It doesn’t make good trash and I think 99 per cent is total fiction.

  157. What this nester/troll is saying is first, WOW, all capital letters to insinuate “shock” “I’m aghast” or “how dare you challenge me”.

    Then he challenges my sensibility by adding to WOW

    No, Helen, the WOW was to put an exclamation on your faulty reasoning that you present to each of us nightly as fact. In addition, hiding behind your womanhood is in true Obot form. Obama has been hiding behind his race since he entered the scene. I am no mysogynist. But I have been hesitant to call you, or anyone else this before, you are in my eyes an Obot.
    Your last summation of the life and times of Anne Dunham that parrots the “company line” is proof enough for me.

  158. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 11:32 pm |
    Free Speech @ 11:09 pm |
    Sometimes when I see/hear the rehash of the Obama biography, I think really bad B movie, world worst soap opera-(I don’t know how anybody can watch that garbage but a lot of people love them) plot (s) that make no sense, characters mostly deviates and a great big pity party for/to benefit Obama. It doesn’t make good trash and I think 99 per cent is total fiction.

    …and Helen is dishing out the company line in fantastic form.

  159. Emudude | September 28, 2010 at 11:20 pm |

    I still say the “Lucas” Kenyan Birth Certificate is a Certified Copy of the Genuine Article. (Accepted as a Legal Binding Document in Several Court Cases even though the Cases were thrown out.) Adding to that the Kenyan Parliament stating that Obama was Born there as further Evidence
    Emudude, I agree it’s real. The British must have a copy on file, I wonder what it takes to get it authenticated. Something tells me, we will get no help from our state dept.

  160. Fernley Girl | September 28, 2010 at 8:26 pm | Call me crazy, but LS will be put on a psych hold if he attempted suicide. Once he’s “in the system” it might be really easy for the “system” to keep LS away from the public until after the 2012 elections. Sheesh, it’s soooo easy to come up with goofy ideas about what the government might do when you don’t trust them.

    Uh-oh…Sirhan-Sirhan…Bobby Kennedy…mind control…the fraud needs to disappear and wouldn’t Larry be a perfect subject and appear to have a reason????

  161. | September 28, 2010 at 9:25 pm |
    Aussie the mysoginist says | September 28, 2010 at 9:14 pm |

    It must be meds time for Helen. She has started descending into the hysterical rant phase….

    Now, we’ve tackled Paxson’s mysoginist, dismissive, demeaning and patronizing behavior, well let’s wake up to Aussies.

    First, his user name. Has anyone else noticed that Aussie doesn’t sleep? He appears on CW’s blog whenever he is called into action; especially against a truther, such as myself. Go back and look at the times aussie is posting. I sware the man needs some rest b/c he seems to work around the clock.

    However, his sleeping patterns are of no interest of mine, but his dredging up such tired, old and condescending excuses such as Helen “take your meds” is so reminiscent of what small and scared men said of the equal rights movement, the womens voting rights acts amendment, and so much more.

    aussie’s comments toward me, an independent and freedom thinker is the same crap my fore sisters endured long before I was born.

    ignore this condescending and mysoginist poster who pretends to be from Australia when he posts at all different times of EST. Last I read, Australia wasn’t on Eastern Standard Time, so who is this character who so freely demeans we WOMEN.

    on a personal note, aussie – your opinions, thoughts, ideas to me mean nothing. as a matter of record, all of your trite and dismissive statements are lower than whale chit at the very bottom of the ocean.

    like i said, i do not like you or trust you nor do i give a rip what your opinions are. so back off, and cease your war on me NOW!!!

  162. Michelle,

    ”…characters mostly deviates and a great big pity party for/to benefit Obama. ”

    You must be psychic. I was just thinking the same thing. We must never pity bo, no more than we would pity hitler, charles manson, john wayne gacy or ted bundy.

  163. strauss | September 28, 2010 at 11:13 pm |
    Good article from the Post&email.

    Natural Born Citizen and Natural Law
    Print This Post

    by Jedi Pauly

    Total BS ………………….

  164. bob strauss | September 28, 2010 at 11:13 pm
    From the article I posted from the Post&Email.

    I have settled the issue. the term ‘natural born Citizen’ just means inherited from a citizen father. Mom and soil are irrelevant. Obama is not qualified because he was not created by a U.S. citizen father.

  165. JJ | September 28, 2010 at 11:40 pm |
    Fernley Girl | September 28, 2010 at 8:26 pm | Call me crazy, but LS will be put on a psych hold if he attempted suicide. Once he’s “in the system” it might be really easy for the “system” to keep LS away from the public until after the 2012 elections.

    I didn’t want to be the first to say it, but I thought the same thing.

  166. I agree. This was the line of the night, Michelle. ”…characters mostly deviates and a great big pity party for/to benefit Obama. ”

    As Kris Kristofferson once wrote…”…partly truth and mostly fiction”…

    Good night all. I will try to be better behaved tomorrow night. Sorry for disrupting the blog. I was thinking earlier about how productive that it was becoming again.

  167. Army D.A.V., I thought the same thing when I first started reading what she wrote but I kept reading and then the Author started to make sense. Re read the entire article and I think you’ll agree that it is a valid description of natural born Citizen.

  168. tennbrock | September 28, 2010 at 8:54 pm | Joy, Yes I am about 60 miles from knoxville.
    I was 25 miles from Nashville.

  169. Parts of Lame Cherry I understand, much escapes me, but this part I liked a lot.
    Two years ago the Obama deluded were attacking this blog. Now the majority is concluding exactly what this blog was posting and the majority is growing too immense to be ridiculed or attacked.
    The tides of battle turn. Two years could reveal an America stepping to the cascade of waves where indictment and Nuremberg trials will be the cleansing for this revolution and all those who supported it.

  170. bob strauss


  171. Michelle | September 28, 2010 at 11:50 pm |
    Parts of Lame Cherry I understand, much escapes me, but this part I liked a lot.
    Two years ago the Obama deluded were attacking this blog. Now the majority is concluding exactly what this blog was posting and the majority is growing too immense to be ridiculed or attacked.
    The tides of battle turn. Two years could reveal an America stepping to the cascade of waves where indictment and Nuremberg trials will be the cleansing for this revolution and all those who supported it.

    I agree.

  172. Free Speech @ 11:42 pm | Honest to goodness, it is sickening the woe is me Obama story-rendered more pitiful by Oprah-it’s total crap and not even good crap. I have always hated soap operas but some of my girl friends love them, I prefer to hang with the guys and discuss interesting things-concepts, world news, events, strange things about cars which I love the explanation but I don’t understand what they are talking about, etc. I accidentally turned on a soap opera one day and it was so stupid-this woman was getting divorced for the 13 th time some ridiculous amount of “marriages” but here’s the dumb part, she’s crying her eyes out. I thought how stupid for this woman this was a routine. It reminded me yet again how much I hate soap operas-they are so dishonest.

  173. bob strauss @ 11:44 pm |
    “not created by a U.S. citizen father.” Someday and I hope it’s soon NBC American guys will resume their rightful place in our country/society. It’s a proud bunch you really are. U.S. citizen father sounds good to me.

  174. Paxson 11:27 PM

    I feel like I took her through the paces there, Cabby.
    Absolutely! We just have to stand up and correct what we see as misconceptions. I would be in there also but have to rather conserve my strength level for pressing work right now.

  175. Philo-Publius | September 28, 2010 at 9:28 pm |
    Obama at WI campaign rally: ‘Change is gonna come’

    Oh, isn’t this the rally that noone came to?

  176. Paxson – you are the one who disrupts this blog and demeans posters who don’t think like you. I’m not into collectivism, I remain in the mindset of individualism. You, on the other hand, want all to agree with you and your particular set of morals and beliefs. I do not hold this mindset of believing I can control others thoughts, expressions and opinions.

    Instead, I place a value on these independent and individualistic mindsets. Why do you, sir, have such difficulty in accepting people for who they are and how they have arrived at a place of wisdom?

    Rather, you demean and belittle those who have opposing thoughts or viewpoints. Why? Do you not wish to grow and learn? Maybe it is safer for you to stay in your limited box. I don’t know the answer, but I can assure you that I for one will never, ever take you seriously about a daggone thing until that beautiful mind of yours, you know, the one God gave you, to be opened up to knowledge or opposing information that you lack a solid foundation.

    Demonstrate to all of us that you have the maturity or the desire to grow beyond your current myopic box. The moment you do this we will recognize it and cheer you on.

    Sleep well, Paxson, and hope your dreams are filled with truth and how damned hard it is to stand by and protect it.

  177. Cabby – AZ | September 29, 2010 at 12:13 am |
    Paxson 11:27 PM

    I feel like I took her through the paces there, Cabby.
    Absolutely! We just have to stand up and correct what we see as misconceptions. I would be in there also but have to rather conserve my strength level for pressing work right now.

    stand up and correct what we see as misconseptions? who is “WE” cabby? Paxson? Hello???? Who is “WE”.

    If this comment isn’t indicitave of a “team” effort, heck, I don’t know what is!!!

    does this little man who posts under the user name Paxson actually think or believe he is going to have any influence over a woman who has spent the last 30 years of her professional life in the political and policy-making trenches? REALLY?

    I smile.

  178. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Final thought for to night – – –

    Hmm, maybe I was actually wrong – rare, but it happens.
    It is looking more and more like FS and Helen are twins.
    I thought that hateful things said between them over the
    past weeks might poison them working together, but the
    more I see and the more I think about it, they are just
    two sides to the same coin. Both are absolutely and
    irrevocably married to facts that are just not so. Which
    in turn leads to inability to engage in a meaningful or
    productive dialog. It just boils down to a verbal form
    of self-pleasure — talking to ones self. Like I have said
    before, the British have a perfect word for it, but it is
    probably on the mandatory moderation list. Sigh.
    Some days here are certainly better than others. One
    still wonders why CW makes no attempt whatsoever
    to control or police this blog. I obviously don’t want
    to see any censorship or banning of useful dialog,
    but I see nothing wrong with demanding at least a
    rudimentary level of politeness and sanity. But, that’s
    just me.

  179. http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/2010/09/28/last-ditch/
    POTUS is said to be disconsolate and strangely uninspiring in meetings with confidants, allies, strangers, well-wishers, even the usual uninformed and fervent boosters.
    The White House operation is said to be hollowed-out, half-hearted, defensive first and second and third, reflexive at any event; in sum, overwhelmed by the poll plunge, the desertions, the screaming from the doomed members of Congress.
    See the profile of the blame-shifter-in-chief David Axelrod in the TNR for a glimpse at the man they all blame, and who then blames them.
    There are Democratic congressman who look ashen on the floor of the House, such as Patrick Murphy, PA-8, who is stunned and despairing to learn he is 13 points down and cut off from the money.
    The Democratic Senate is “sauve qui peut.” The White House waits for the surrender terms from the GOP. Evacuation barges alongside the Oval Office.
    The last ditch is in Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel will provide 15-inch Rodmans and legions of Union Label ground troops to hold off the marauders of the right.
    And this is all the good news.

  180. CC – this is the one and only time I shall ever respond your ridiculing posts. Never again, after tonight will I set myself up for you to shred. Those silly days are over.

    I, Sir, find it a great compliment to be in FS’s camp so to speak. Leo is like Larry, we go way back and all these two decent individuals are attempting to do is expose CW’s readers and lurkers to the truth. I am more than honored to be accounted among these two truthers.

    Goodnight CC, and remember to never, and I mean never, to address me again. Skip over my posts and ridicule others who are simply stating their truth. As of tonight, at 12:47 am, you, Paxson nor aussie no longer exist in my world.

    Now, bugar off…

  181. JJ | September 28, 2010 at 11:40 pm |

    sheesh, I never thought of that. You’re obviously much better at venturing over to the dark side than I am. 🙂

  182. Paxson | September 28, 2010 at 10:21 pm |

    Paxson I agree with your points about the spreading of misinformation. I have very similar reactions.

    Personally, I think that we have to be wary of a lot of the information available on the Internet and on some blogs. I have been forthright in stating that I tend to disregard Alex Jones. On the other hand there are others who are professionals in their field and I will take notice of their comments, especially regarding illnesses that are surfacing in the GOM region. I feel a lot of concern for people living in that region.

    Even with the birth certificate thing, I was slow to accept why people were making the request, but the more I discovered (and let many theories go), the more I realized that it is a necessity. Every candidate for the position of POTUS should be fully vetted and that includes seeing all of the records including a birth certificate plus school records.

  183. bob strauss | September 28, 2010 at 11:01 pm

    @Bob, I have learned a lot from people who live in Chicago :). I agree with you 🙂 They did not stand a chance…

  184. bob strauss | September 28, 2010 at 10:41 pm |
    re that photo of Ann with the headscarf and what looks like Muslim dress.
    I am probably in a better position than most because I live in that region – in Australia. Up until recently most Indonesian Muslim women did not even wear a headscarf (not saying that they never did either). It is just that there has been a subtle change over the past 10 or so years so that more and more women are wearing Muslim clothing.

    Anyway, I have noticed the same thing, and have wondered about why she had on the scarf since not even Christian women at the time were required to wear such clothing. You could very well be correct that Ann, upon marrying Øbama became Muslim, and certainly after marrying Lolo Soetoro and living in Indonesia this is very possible.

    What is in the back of my mind is the identification of Barry as Muslim on those Indonesian school records.

    In my view that is a good pick up :)….

    It seems that once again the official story has a few holes, and so far nothing that was written in that “autobiography” seems to be real.

  185. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 10:31 pm |

    How long before the full break down? The language is deteriorating… and the screaming has begun…
    It is sad really… this is what happens when people are so darned irrational.

    That also goes for the constant ad hominem. These constant attacks are what will keep people making the point that there is something seriously wrong… something that requires medication….

  186. Aussie | September 29, 2010 at 1:07 am |
    “…..Personally, I think that we have to be wary of a lot of the information available on the Internet and on some blogs….”
    Oh, this is SO true! I’ve only been having access to the internet for about ten months and have discovered that one must be very wary of the source, the accuracy (confirmed by other unrelated parties), the date, and the reliability of the authors, etc. It is amazing to me how MUCH there is to discover about almost anyone or anything, but the web can be an ocean of truth or a cesspool of misinformation as well. Motives of the providers of info play a big part in my testing to determine reliability. Of course, there are other factors, too.

    It is a pleasure to converse with you, Aussie, because you are very well into history, and I appreciate your level-headedness. Don’t get discouraged, please.

  187. Aussie – 8:53 PM
    “I got to visit the Smokies when we lived in Fairborn Ohio back in 1984-85.”
    Aussie, I used to live in Lima, Ohio, and also spend parts of summers with my aunt and uncle in Dayton. I know the area pretty well, having lived there for about twenty- seven years. You have had a very interesting life!

  188. Aussie, BTW, I have had my fair share of communication with Helen and found her to be quite volatile. She has an extremely vivid imagination to the point of speculating who is who, who owns this blog, etc. She seems to make very rash conclusions, so I prefer to not have any direct discourse with her. She is wrong in her speculations a great deal of the time, as you have observed.

  189. Helen | September 28, 2010 at 11:41 pm |
    | September 28, 2010 at 9:25 pm |
    Aussie the mysoginist says | September 28, 2010 at 9:14 pm |

    This crap about people being a misogynist is truly just crap. How do you know that your assumptions are correct? It is laughable and it is one reason it appears that Helen needs those meds.

    Helen, the victim mentality that you display is wearing very thin. Whenever you are challenged over your beliefs you start with the ad hominem attacks. Calling me a mysoginist is nothing more than an ad homimem attack based upon assumptions that you have made. It is not fact, it is fiction.

    This victim mentality is the same kind of thing as an Øbot pulling the race card. The real Øbots pull the racism card because they have no answer as to why so many people want to see the damn birth certificate. Well it is the same with you, and a few others who pull this victim card. It has little weight. It is not reality.

  190. Helen | September 29, 2010 at 12:48 am |

    Can you at least learn how to spell?
    It is “bugger off”
    You claim to be educated but you cannot spell!!

  191. @Cabby-Az
    Cabby – AZ | September 29, 2010 at 1:50 am |
    I have seen the volatility. In fact when I first came to this blog I was a lurker, and I only spoke up when Helen was being excessively volatile on a couple of subjects, including the cop killers.

  192. Cabby – AZ | September 29, 2010 at 1:44 am |
    Aussie – 8:53 PM
    “I got to visit the Smokies when we lived in Fairborn Ohio back in 1984-85.”
    Aussie, I used to live in Lima, Ohio, and also spend parts of summers with my aunt and uncle in Dayton. I know the area pretty well, having lived there for about twenty- seven years. You have had a very interesting life!

    Then you will know the Wright Patterson Air Force Base 🙂
    It was an interesting time for us.
    What made that time really special was the fact that my aunt and cousins lived in Michigan which was about 5 hours away by car. We had a few trips back and forth to visit. It was great to be able to meet all of my cousins.


    For anyone here who attempts to disparage the Tea Parties take note of Ms Moncrief’s words at about 5:50 to 6:15.


  194. For the person who said in a previous thread:
    “Take a look at some of the photo’s or videos of the first rally’s and what you will see is the middles message “Country before Party.” You don’t see such homemade signs with this message on it anymore. Why? B/c the party elite has changed the message to fit their Parties goals”.

    Here are some recent homemade signs that convey the message of the Tea Party Patriots……


  195. Good morning and some good news:
    Poll: Obama, Dems Poised to Lose Grayson House Seat
    Wednesday, September 29, 2010 5:58:21 AM · by Johnny B. · 32 replies
    Sunshine State News ^ | 9/29/2010In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webste | Kenrick Ward
    In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida’s 8th Congressional District, according to a new Sunshine State News Poll.

  196. Let us pray to GOD in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua that Floridians ride Rep. Alan Grayson out on a rail and get him voted out of office because he is a strong Foreign Usurper Terrorist Obama supporter and he votes for everything the Foreign Usurper Terrorist, Daily Serial Criminal, current Indonesian Citizen, current Illegal Alien Usurper Obama wants. Alan Grayson is one of the Congress people who are financially & ethically out of control who are running the USA over a cliff of ethical & moral & financial unaccountability & bankruptcy.

  197. Re: Helen | September 29, 2010 at 12:48 am |
    “CC – this is the one and only time I shall ever respond your ridiculing posts. Never again, after tonight will I set myself up for you to shred. Those silly days are over.
    Goodnight CC, and remember to never, and I mean never, to address me again. Skip over my posts and ridicule others who are simply stating their truth. As of tonight, at 12:47 am, you, Paxson nor aussie no longer exist in my world.”
    # # #

    My humble condolences to you Helen. I know how you feel. When I post things that people don’t agree with here some people get very strange, mean spirited, and start personally attacking me here. I have some humble advice for you Helen, please ignore the mean spirited bullies who post here. And when they get simply over the top & too malicious and disgusting simply tell them to bug off. Mainly, the best thing is to not comment to their ridiculous posts. Anyone with any intelligence can see who the kind, loving, well mannered, & informed people are, & who the rude, mean spirited bullies are who have very little ethics and bad manners.

  198. Thank you, Starla. Your words informed by personal experience are inspiring and spot on. You are a seeker and know I always read your posts. Keep seeking and keep inspiring others.

  199. bob strauss | September 28, 2010 at 11:13 pm |

    Good article from the Post&email.

    Natural Born Citizen and Natural Law
    Print This Post

    by Jedi Pauly

    How did the Founding Fathers define the term “natural born Citizen”?

    (Sept. 28, 2010) — I just wanted to teach everyone the true meaning of ‘natural born Citizen’ because I am astounded at the level of incompetence and ignorance that exists surrounding this issue.

    First, let me say that the term ‘natural born Citizen’ from Article II is NOT an undefined legal term. It is perfectly self-evident and defined within the context of Article II and the Declaration of Independence, Natural Law, and the opposite which is Positive Law, and the term just means exactly what it says….
    “[I]ncompetence?” “[I]gnorance”? Such words from the P&E directed at those of us who have maintained for more than 2 (years) now, the only definition of NBC that counts in practical terms is that definition issuing from a holding by the Supreme Court in a case directly on point; is a seminal case of the proverbial ‘pot’ calling the kettle, ‘black.’

    So much time wasted on an endeavor with no practical application in relation to whether a non-NBC is in office. Meanwhile, real election laws pursuant to ballot eligibility were broken in several states, and not enough citizens are sufficiently motivated to file complaints with their state law enforcement officials, let alone visit their offices to insist they do their jobs; to motivate the law breakers to clean up their acts.

    As for the majority of states that remain without such ballot eligibility laws, well, perhaps citizens from those states are too busy discussing ad infinitum on the blogs whose definition of NBC is correct, to petition their state legislators to enact laws adequate for protecting the integrity of the ballot in the next general election.

  200. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Starla | September 29, 2010 at 11:18 am |


    You both need to read my post on this subject upstairs. You paint with too broad a brush. There is a critical difference between being mean-spirited JUST BECAUSE OF DISAGREEMENT, and trying to police ourselves to ensure a sane blog. Some indeed do become belligerent and rude based solely on opinions. Others are more righteous in their outbursts. You need to notice the difference and not lump them together.

  201. I think one of the reasons obama has been able to hide his records is he ued to work for the CIA. All his records have been scrubbed and either he was part of the CIA or he was put in place by a spy ring, some of whom were discovered last month. That still doesnt mean he was born in the United States.

  202. Pingback: Robert Bauer et al illegally scheme with Obama, Attorney ethics, Rules of Professional Conduct, Criminal or fraudulent conduct | Citizen WElls

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