LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial

LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama  Army and Nation on trial

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

“Roses are red, violets are green,
Get off your butt and join the Marines.”…John Wayne

“Roses are red, pansies are mellow,
If you don’t support Lakin, you are all yellow.”…Citizen Wells
 “Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. ”

LTC Terry Lakin

American Hero


This is not a request. If you have not done so, get off of your lazy, self absorbed ass, pay attention and get to work!
If you have not done the following, do so now!

  • Tell everyone you know about LTC Terry Lakin and the upcoming court martial.
  • Keep it simple!
  • Stay away from grey area debates.
  • Get this story in front of the media. In their face.
  • Do not let people like Glenn Beck weasel out.
  • If you are in or about to be in Congress, pay attention and listen! Do your damn job!
  • If you are a judge, read the US Constitution and follow it!
  • If you are in the military and you are not supporting LTC Lakin and obeying your oath to defend the US Constitution, remove the lace from your panties.

****  UPDATES  ****

10:18 AM – I just made my third phone call to Senator Richard Burr’s office in a month.
I spoke to a nice lady who listened and took down the information.
I told her about the articles here, Lakin court martial and Senator Burr’s
earlier misinformed quote about Obama presenting an official BC copy.

11:00 AM-Just left a message with a major NC newspaper news office.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

7:45 AM– CDR Kerchner arrived on base yesterday and spoke to LTC Lakin. More later today.

12:14 PM– LTC Lakin pled guilty to 1 of 2 charges. Not meeting with a superior when ordered to do so and not showing up at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.

1:13 PM-No mention of Lakin on Glenn Beck’s Citizen Wells respponse.

8:00 PM-Lengthy phone conversation with CDR Kerchner, Dr. Kate & others. Video and report to follow in the AM.

320 responses to “LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial

  1. Good Morning!
    “Roses are red, pansies are mellow,
    If you don’t support Lakin, you are all yellow.”…Citizen Wells

    Like it.

  2. Thanks Zach.
    I did not want for there to be any confusion about my position.

  3. Vallely is on Peter Boyles radio show RIGHT NOW ( talking about Lt. Col. Lakin’s trial, AND the question of eligibility for natural born citizen. I’m hearing him talk about the failure of the parties to vet obama, the failure of the electoral college to do it’s job, the failure of the media, and the failure of Congress. He’s talking about the constitutional crisis, he’s talking about treason…this is surreal.

    And where’s the press?


  4. Maybe this is way off base,…but do you think the current escalation between North and South Korea (today) is a planned diversion/distraction by the radicals in power? (diversion from Lakin’s court martial, and the Constitutionality of the current administration)

  5. Katie – Thanks for the Peter Boyles radio show. Hope he gives some coverage tomorrow on the Lakin Trial.

    Please read the comments also in this link.Follow the money!

  7. This Government is making criminals of all Americans!

    Julienne Assange has caused international chaos with his release of “sensitive documents” which not one to date implicate Obama in any thing. The socialist Dems are fighting over the proposed tax extensions called “tax cuts”. The insider articles are suggesting those closest to the top are conspiring to remove Obama. Oh, pray he is right!

    LTC Lakin is facing court this Wednesday. The Kerchner case was denied by SCOTUS. There are over 20 cases by state’s AG challenging Obamacare. The Tea Party groups are growing larger and louder. There must be over 10,000 Patriotic groups and web sites protesting one or more violations of American law from Sotoero’s usurpation to the Logan act to illegally appropriating funds from the US Treasury or elsewhere to fund the restoration of Mosques around the world.

    The universal failure of American courts from the states all the way to the SCOTUS establishes beyond a shadow of a doubt that our courts are corrupt and the judicial system has failed America. It should be abundantly clear by now Americans no longer have a safe harbor of protection of their rights under the Constitution because our government has betrayed us, committed treason, and sold the greatest country in the world for 30 pieces of silver to make ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

    The regime is still trying to pass S510, the bill designed to starve Americans. They have violated are freedom of speech via “political correctness”, FCC control of airwaves, government control of main stream media, and soon their take over of the inter net. They ruined our real estate, nationalized GM, and are attempting to remove our guns. They are in the process of attempting to control our water, energy, bank accounts, invade our bodies through TSA searches and Obamacare. I doubt if the judges will rule against Obamacare.

    Under all of these new laws and regulations, it is impossible for the most honest and careful American citizen to not be in violation of something. Let us not forget Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security Report that calls all Americans who disagree with the government–TERRORISTS. This makes the search and seizure of our autos, homes and bodies without warrants legal and justified. The government has now made criminals of every American. The double standard here is that it is the government who is the criminal making up laws as is convenient to justify the crimes they are committing against us.

    Is this a temporary black period in American history that will pass when the current regime is removed–if they can be removed? Or–is America facing the beginning of a life style under dictatorship? The Progressive-socialist-one world government groups are rich, ruthless, cunning, and very willing to commit mass murder when it is time. America and many free countries are in grave peril now.

    The best hope Americans have is to go under ground. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Disregard the laws and risk growing home gardens. Close all bank accounts. Collect gold and silver if possible, home school children, collect guns and ammunition. Be very careful about trusting any one, and stay alert. Establish a trusted life line of like minded people.

    Critical mass is here. Between now and the end of January, America will either remove the fraud and begin the long, painful process of cleaning the Communists and Muslims out of government or witness the end of the REPPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES.

  8. ************ Notice ************

    I just made my third phone call to Senator Richard Burr’s office in a month.
    I spoke to a nice lady who listened and took down the information.
    I told her about the articles here, Lakin court martial and Senator Burr’s
    earlier misinformed quote about Obama presenting an official BC copy.

    1. I am obviously serious about this.

    2. I expect the same from you.

    God bless

  9. Dear Lord Savior……………


  11. oldsalt79,
    I agree.

  12. The weather may prevent some citizens from going to Lakin’s Court Martial. Keep fighting the Good Fight. Stay Safe, God Bless!

  13. CW……………………
    In a very recent meeting of our community members(veterans) there was an open expression of COMPLETE ANGER. I am NOT saying just pissed off,I am saying EXTREME DEEP SEATED ANGER. Out of which I extrapolate the anger is BUILDING everywhere, and this courts martial could very easily be the STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMEL’
    S BACK. We are going to witness a very extreme and otherwise hostile trial. I personally doubt that there will be much civility in the courtroom.There is still time for ANY OF THE JOINT CHIEFS to stand up and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.THERE WILL BE NO COURTS MARTIAL, but there WILL be a COMPLETE INVESTIGATION of the entire matter,including ALL EVIDENCE that would have been submitted by the DEFENDANT.

  14. CW, just emailed Dean Heller and told him to stand up for LTC Lakin, and demand proof from Obama of his NBC status., send him an email.

  15. MMMMSSSS. IMPORTANT did not have a legal ,or Constitutional right to bar discovery. This is NOT a civil trial it is a MILITARY COURTS MARTIAL. LTC LAKIN WAS ILLEGALLY DENIED HIS RIGHT TO A DEFENSE. He will have plenty of material to use in a countersuit after Soetoro is out of office. The trick will be for Lakin to find a US judge with sympathetic ears. There might just be a few of them who are scared about their future, which could easilt end up becoming a Neurenburg type of warcrimes trial,involving a hell of a lot of Congressmen/women,judges, and even cabinet members.


  17. the thugs will convict him
    then waive his sentence, and dishonorably discharge him from the military

  18. Pingback: LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of … |

  19. Daverg…………………………………………..
    You are correct. That certainly is an option.

  20. Today’s show may not be posted until tomorrow, but look at the links for what has been openly discussed in the Denver metro market.

  21. Daverg………………………..
    No matter what sentence is handed down, the upper echelon brass are going to be the targets of the forthcoming public outrage. Veterans everywhere need to get on board and help inundate the PENTAGON with incoming ……………mail.

  22. With Col Lakin’s lawyer stating that he is guilty and that it is certain that he will be convicted, what hope is there that Col Lakin will win acquittal?

    Advise me if otherwise but I have not seen a single congressman stand up for Col Lakin, so what hope is there that congress will investigate Col Lakin’s wrongful conviction?

    Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, December 13, 2010, 11:10 AM

    U.S. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled today that the Constitution’s commerce clause prevents the federal government from requiring individuals to purchase health insurance.

    Legal observers say Hudson, a President George W. Bush appointee, ruled against the Obama administration in the lawsuit filed by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinell

  24. Free Speech…………………………………….
    You are talking REALITY,and it is exactly that with which we are dealing. You are in all probability correct. If the prevailing circumstances were even slightly different I would see a little hope, but as it stands…………there is LITTLE hope. I am praying that he is not treated harshly. There is a remote possibility of this,but I simply don’t see it happening. Yet we must understand it . It is not a civil trial it is a MILITARY COURTS MARTIAL (general) out of which there are a lot of options regarding sentencing. Knowing military protocol ANYTHING could result. I think that Daverg may have nailed it. If he is to be let off then he will be summarily discharged,under dishonorable conditions. He could lose his citizenship as a secondary occurance.

  25. Jonah has just reported:
    Legal observers say Hudson, a President George W. Bush appointee, ruled against the Obama administration in the lawsuit filed by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinell
    This is why some of us should not prematurely be fatalistic with respect to such issues. This IS good news. Also, this is a reaffirmation as to why the appointment of good federal judges is so important.

  26. Oldsalt79

    You are so right. However, as I mentioned in a previous post, I feel LTC. Lakin will ultimately be “the shot heard around the world.”

    The travesty of justice is so obvious and heinous regarding LTC Lakin, it will become a glaring exposure our UNJUST DOJ and Eric Holder for the corrupt racist, liar, criminal and anti American activies since he has become head of the DOJ. When Eric Holder talks his garbage about American justice for captured Muslim terrorists and the need for civilian trials, America will constanly remind him of LTC Lakin.

    It may seem right now as if there is insufficiant media coverage about Terry Lakin’s case–and I agree there is–but time has a way of persisting. Like the little snowball that becomes a giant monster–so will LTC Lakin’s story–no matter what is decided this week. Of all the law suits against Obama regarding his eligibility, none of them have more evidence of the government blatantly violating an American with STANDING than Lakin’s case. This is no longer about LTC Lakin. It is about catching the government red handed up to their eyeballs in a clear conspiracy of denying Lakin his rights in trade for protecting and covering up a usurper who illegally took over the American government –a cout de etat.

    As I wrote yesterday:

    I truly believe Lakin will rise like the phoenix bird from the flames as America’s brightest light during its darkest history.

    What I want in my heart most is for the courts to over turn his court martial and demand Sotoero prove his eligibility or stand down. However, strange as this may sound–if Terry Lakin is court martialed—it will only empower him, our cause and prove beyond a shadow of the doubt America is under tyranny. God forbid–which I don’t believe they would dare do–something fatal happens to Lt. Col. Lakin, it will hasten the revolution upon which we are teetering. Yes. I do believe Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is the phoenix.

  27. When it comes to the pending court martial trial for LTC Lakin, that is entirely a different matter. We have seen the results of the previous hearings and know the outcome will not be good. I just finished contacting 10 senators, some of whom are on the Armed Forces committee, about the dilemma facing this honorable man. Rather than call or fax, I used their own contact form via e-mail. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.

  28. I salute US District Judge Henry for his STAND UP RULING on Obamacare… Now lets see what the lilly- livered Supreme Court does with the Appeal that is surely coming their way!

    Does anyone out there think we could get Judge Hudson to rule on Obama’s birth certificate issue? How about moving Lt. Col Larkin’s trial to Judge Hudson’s court room? Would LTC Larkin get discovery then?

  29. Better yet….how about some soldier asking Judge Hudson if he could bring suit against that pantie waist military judge …

    what’s her name?… MSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LIND?

  30. USPatriotsShout………………………………..
    I am wondering if the TEA PARTY is going to pick up on this ILLEGAL COURTS MARTIAL I would dearly love to see it get world publicity. Again I say Soetoro CANNOT continue such punishment of our military forces officers without getting an adverse reactions sooner or later from the joint chiefs. If they are man enough they will tell Soetoro that they will no longer sit still for his bvullsh##.

  31. usapatriots-shout | December 13, 2010 at 12:25 pm |

    “I feel LTC. Lakin will ultimately be “the shot heard around the world.”


    How is it a shot heard round the World when it is not even heard by conservative Americans or congress?

    Col Lakin’s case was terribly mishandled by his lawyers. His lawyers should have raised the NBC issue for appeal. When Puckett announced that Col Lakin was guilty 11 days before trial, he sealed the Honorable Officers fate.

  32. With Col Lakin’s lawyer stating that he is guilty and that it is certain that he will be convicted, what hope is there that Col Lakin will win acquittal?

    Advise me if otherwise but I have not seen a single congressman stand up for Col Lakin, so what hope is there that congress will investigate Col Lakin’s wrongful conviction?

  33. Free Speech.
    I believe that my edict this morning addresses this issue.
    Let’s roll!

  34. Free Speech | December 13, 2010 at 12:39 pm |
    Col Lakin’s case was terribly mishandled by his lawyers. His lawyers should have raised the NBC issue for appeal. When Puckett announced that Col Lakin was guilty 11 days before trial, he sealed the Honorable Officers fate.
    FS, does this, in your opinion, predict the tone of the defense at the trial? It sounds to me that the plan is to have him throw himself on the mercy of the court and ask for leniency? Weigh in more, please, if you wish.
    In other words, at this point

  35. Please scratch the stray words, “In other words, at this point” Sorry.

  36. I’ve read on several JAG blog sites that LTC Lakin’s defense committed gross errors in his case such as failure to use pretrial discovery and waiving right to appeal the decision of the military court.

    Judge Lind may be playing fast and loose with rules, his command may be illegally influencing the members of the court, etc. But, the central fault in the challenge really rests on the incompetence of the Colonel’s [civilian] representation.

    Regardless, may the Lord have Mercy and place his Benefaction on this Soldier in harm’s way.


  37. RMin NC…………………………………
    You and I know that Lakin is receiving a KANGAROO COURTS MARTIAL. I am hoping that somebody is using a court recorder person to document everyword that comes out of MMMMSSSS LIND’S mouth. then make it available to Lakin after the fact. I am sure that she will err at something in her haste towards conviction,and her mistake will be permanent CERTIFIED testimony. Much like a deposition. Hopefully she will err at something which can be really exploited. Many times these snot nosed judges think that they are really hot manure,and sometimes try to take short cuts. It seems like she could be a copy of MMMMSSSSS. DUMAS who Free Speech is quite familiar with.

  38. Pieter
    Well said!

  39. Pieter………………………
    I have a problem with the retired Generals. If they are involved with helping people who are already serving time in Leavanworth,why the hell didn’t they step forward SOONER, and at least provide some assistance to Lakin’s incompetent legal representation. Really it needed to be somebody with extensive UCMJ trials under his/her belt.

  40. FreeSpeech,

    I don’t know about any acquittal, but I will say this from a personal point of view. If the Military makes an “example” out of LTC Lakin, it will backfire on them, not only in the U.S. Supreme Court for his appeals, but also in the Congressional Military review. Even in the case the Congress does nothing, it is recorded in history.

    But then again, as retired 3 Star General McInenary stated, whom happens to be deeply and integrated with the military code of Justice, suggested the “Best thing the military could do is drop the charges”, as he said.

    After further thought, I believe this will happen under the current circumstances. A Minor charge for missing deployment, just enough to force him to retire, no jail time, and considered a “Victory” on the part of the Military and Obama Administration, and even satisfying the supporters whereby LTC Lakin thereby has NO recourse of action to answer his original Constitutional question.

    Just saying, in my opinion,

  41. Howdy Salt!

    There was a time I considered facing UCMJ to force discovery as to my CIC’s bona fides. With what I could figure, the math didn’t work. To disobey the order one has to know that the order is illegal or the officer giving such lacked the authority to give such. The operative term is “know”.

    So, can Soldiers abrogate Duty on doubt or an intelligent hunch. I decided, no, they could not. Like everyone else, I thought I deserved to know the truth in the matter, that I was entitled to clear and simple chain of command. That the authority delegated to me and other Soldiers from the President was, in fact, valid.

    To be frank, I blame civilians for being to lazy to insist that their representatives investigate the matter. If they were to trade the time they spent ranting on a blog and instead flew to Washington to be a pain in the ass to someone in power that has jurisdiction…well, perhaps things might be different and folks like Lakin could focus on their profession and save lives on the battlefield.



  42. “Really it needed to be somebody with extensive UCMJ trials under his/her belt.”

    I concur.


  43. Free Speech……………………………
    What sort of defense lawyer would openly ADMIT THE GUILT OF HIS CLIENT……EVEN BEFORE THE TRIAL. To me this smacks of a complete MORON.

  44. A bit O/T, but it will put a smile on your face. Check out Drudge right now. They have the news about ruling on the HCR bill at the top of the page. Big pic of Zero. In a HUGE bold under his pic the word “Unconstitutional”, then the Drudge logo under that. If the headline had the word “Wanted” at the top it would be perfect. 😀

  45. Cabby – AZ | December 13, 2010 at 12:46 pm |

    FS, does this, in your opinion, predict the tone of the defense at the trial? It sounds to me that the plan is to have him throw himself on the mercy of the court and ask for leniency? Weigh in more, please, if you wish.
    Puckett’s pre-trial statements abdicated any defense that Lakin had.

    Had his lawyers raised the NBC issue, he might have had a good faith grounds for appeal, but by merely raising the BC issue, his lawyers played into BO’s hand.

    It appears that Col Lakin was used as a pawn. Any “mercy” by the Court Martial now will be to BO’s benefit.

  46. Don’t worry bout a Kangaroo Court. Here’s why:

    The Supreme Court’s denial of certiorari on lack of standing in the Kerchner case, coming after the multitude of no-standing cases, essentially confirms that the SCOTUS will not extend Marbury v Madison to review alleged Congressional deriliction under the Constitution, as opposed to alleged Congressional legislative infringement under the Constitution. That’s what Kerchner really means in legal terms — the Court defers to Congress on Const. Art 2, Sec 1.

    This does, however, set the stage for the House of Representatives (first at the Armed Services Committee) to review the upcoming Lt.Col. Lakin Court Martial IN THE EVENT THE LAKIN MILITARY TRIBUNAL REFUSES DISCOVERY (I.E. “KANGAROO COURT”). In essence, the Congress WILL undertake discovery.

    Inevitably the House of Reps will have to act for two reasons: (1) new GOP House Armed Services Committee review and (2) “birther” is now becoming lib-mainstream, first on Leno and now on SNL!

    And so THAT is how things will end for Mr. Obama, and very well could lead to new House Speaker John Boehner — Speaker of House next in line AND GOP likely interim pick — becoming either the 45th President of the United States (or the 44th POTUS if Obama’s ‘presidency’ were nullified, which POTUS nullification the SCOTUS felt it simply could not undertake as an extension of Marbury v Madison).

  47. … and Lame Cherry seems to agree with my Boehner assessment, as next POTUS (perhaps in the hiatus before Palin):

    “I do suppose though when John Boehner is Speaker, that when Mr. Obama according to the Pelosi certification files is proven undocumented, that America would in the succession of power actually have John Boehner being President………..and then for the first time there would be someone darker in the White House than the Obama’s.”

  48. oldsalt79 | December 13, 2010 at 1:07 pm | Free Speech……………………………
    What sort of defense lawyer would openly ADMIT THE GUILT OF HIS CLIENT……EVEN BEFORE THE TRIAL. To me this smacks of a complete MORON.


    I have seen lawyers offer a guilty plea in private to the DA to get a plea bargain, but I have never seen a lawyer publicly to guilt in this manner. I can not think of any benefit to Col Lakin by Puckett’s public admission of guilt.

  49. Ted,

    Interesting post and thanks. As for whether President Obama is, indeed, the 44th POTUS. Sorry to say, he is. Now that doesn’t mean he is ineligible for the office and can be relieved of his duties. But until such time, the guy is the POTUS and there is good chance the bills he has signed and the appointees he has made could stick. Determining his bona fides is only the tip of the iceberg, the ramifications of his time in office will be an even larger issue for contention.


  50. Lakin will loose, this was absolute the minute he was denied discovery and defense. He will not rise like a phoenix, but it all will be remembered like the Dreyfus affair.

    Sadly, it will reflect badly on the Marine Corp, for many decades to come. Further, it will confuse people as to chain of command, military discipline, and legal orders resulting in potentially reversible ill fated future events. I wouldn’t be shocked if a captured US soldier is denied simple rights because he is an ‘illegal combatant’ by our enemies, now and in the future.

    The thing is, Lt. Col was willing to take his punishment if the order was legal. He was denied discovery and an answer, and I cannot blame his defense team, no matter how incompetent, for his supervisors whom failed to do their duty.


  51. Pieter…………………………..
    Have you ever watched the CAINE MUTINY? While this was only Hollywood fantasy it reflected several interesting points. One being that a SUPERIOR OFFICER CAN INDEED have charges brought against his competence,and/or irrationality, which holds the possibility of endangering the crew of a ship needlessly. This case was about the MENTAL STATE of the CO. He was found to be a paranoid schitzophrenic. Under Navy regs of the 1950s the CO could be challenged in a Courts Martial to prove his LUCIDITY. By the way, I had two friends who served aboard the USS Hambleton DMS 20 aboard which a large part of the Caine mutiny was filmed. It was a converted 1650 destroyer.

  52. Pieter Nosworthy | December 13, 2010 at 1:05 pm |

    …”There was a time I considered facing UCMJ to force discovery as to my CIC’s bona fides.”…

    That would have been highly foolish on your part Pieter as an NCO. Your Oath does not allow you the “Le way” to dispute such orders. Only an Officer in the Military is allowed to “Not Follow orders”, if such orders are questionable in defense of Constitutionality.

    Good thing you didn’t.

  53. Pieter, OK, so the only question for ’12 is whether Palin will be the 45th POTUS (if Obama were voided ab initio) or the 46th — but either way, after President Boehner.

  54. Salt,

    Yep, great flick…and how cool is that it was your ship that made film history.

    As for a commander’s competency, well, UCMJ does not apply. Last I checked only Congress or the DC court can relieve the dude. Folks get their panties in a wad that a usurper has bastardized our Constitution…perhaps, so that we don’t all look like hypocrites, we need to use the measures held to be insoluble as the mechanism for correction.

    I know, crazy idea.


  55. Oldsalt79,

    The Tea Party groups should have picked up on LTC Lakin months ago. They didn’t. It seems to me the Tea Party people try to be too slick for my taste. Nevertheless, LTC Lakin’s court martial could become precisely the grist for their mill to demonstrate this regime’s lack of respect for American law.

    Free Speech

    Way back when “the shot that was heard around the world” occurred, the benefit of modern communications we have today, didn’t exist. I am certain from the time that first shot was fired and the rest of the world heard it many months passed. The analogy I gave was the little snowball that grows into a giant rolling ball. At this stage–it could be stated that LTC Lakin’s case didn’t get enough publicity to be useful prior to 12/14. This is what we were all hoping. None of us who have been following this great man’s trial want to see any more harm come to him.

    However, LTC Lakin and the public have the rest of their life after 12/14. Simply put–it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Win, lose or draw tomorrow, begins the rolling of that little snowball.


  56. Sorry Pieter, in the absence of proof of eligibility, Obama is not POTUS.
    Swearing in & electoral college votes are not enough.

  57. Pete………………..
    I agree,and in reality it will reflect military incompetence upon ALL of our services. Particularly the Army.

  58. Hypothetical question.
    I wonder what effect a 2 million plus united militia would have on some decisions?

  59. CW,

    I beg to disagree. Mr. Obama was sworn in as POTUS. He remains such until relieved of his duties.

    I agree that he appears to lack the bona fides to hold office. Unfortunately, it is not within our power to render that truth. Only a properly constituted body possesses such right. Picking and choosing which parts of the Constitution you feel are worth of obedience is no less agregious in reasoning then those progressives who blatantly ignore aspects in their pursuit of socialism.



  60. Pieter.
    The swearing in is not even in the Constitution.

  61. Pieter.
    I suggest you reread the US Constitution & the US Code.

  62. CW,

    Why concern an armed militia? Why not fly to Washington and camp out at your representative’s office and insist that they explore the matter? I imagine if 2 mil folks did such, action would follow.


  63. CW,

    Wanting something to be true doesn’t equate a reality. The church insisted on Aritotlean worldview long after disproven.

    I get it, you have convinced yourself that Mr. Obama is beyond a reasonable doubt ineligible. Try getting your Senators and Representative onboard before inciting armed rebellion and active duty Soldiers to abrogate their duties.

    Check it out, it is against federal law to foment insubordination in the memebers of the Armed Services during time of war…


  64. US Code
    TITLE 3 > CHAPTER 1 > § 19
    § 19. Vacancy in offices of both President and Vice President; officers eligible to act

    “(1) If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is neither a President nor Vice President”

    “(1) If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is no President pro tempore to act as President”

    “(e) Subsections (a), (b), and (d) of this section shall apply only to such officers as are eligible to the office of President under the Constitution.”


    The timing is perfect for the new House to take up a “Kangarood” Lakin (if he were denied discovery tomorrow), coming after SCOTUS tossing Obama’s NBC ineligibility back to Congress under the Kerchner case, while the new House can be excused from charges of hypocracy and guilt admission by only lately taking up Obama’s NBC ineligibility, since the Cheney led Congressional counting of electoral votes can be claimed to have relied on the newly FORMER Speaker Pelosi’s fraudulant certification.

    The stars are aligned!

  66. Notice:
    I had been watching Pieter for some time.
    Pieter just gave away motivation.
    Buh bye.

  67. Swearing in or no swearing in, false swearing is NO swearing.

  68. CW,

    Granted, but “failure to qualify” applicable during the congress counting the electoral votes. Afterwhich, the dude must be found unqualified and impeached or the DC court (empowered by the congress through statute) determines the federal official failed to meet the qualifications for office.

    He gets to play President until such time he’s relieved.


  69. CW,

    Perhaps you misjudge me? I am unsure as to whether I should be offended or disgusted. I have offered my honest opinion on the matter…supported with sincerity of someone still wearing the uniform.

    Is it the policy of this forum that one has to agree to be accepted (let alone posted)?

    I am happy to accept your apology. At least, some small thanks for defending the 1st Amendment rights that you enjoy at my peril.


    Pieter Nosworthy

  70. Pieter Nosworthy | December 13, 2010 at 1:32 pm |


    I beg to disagree. Mr. Obama was sworn in as POTUS. He remains such until relieved of his duties.

    I agree with this assessment. The “until” is a matter of time, not if discovered.

    I agree that he”appears” to lack the bona fides to hold office. (Emphasis Mine)..

    What part of “Lack” of Bona Fides do you not understand First Sgt?

    …Unfortunately, it is not within our power to render that truth. Only a properly constituted body possesses such right.

    What do you mean by “We the People” do not have the power to render truth? We the People ARE THE POWER. And what the hell do you mean by ONLY a PROPERLY Constituted “body” possess such right? Such right do what? Please explain.

    … Picking and choosing which parts of the Constitution you feel are worth of obedience is no less agregious in reasoning then those progressives who blatantly ignore aspects in their pursuit of socialism.


    Excuse me First Sgt., briefly, but where in the hell do you gather your assessment whereby decisions upon egregious reasoning’s pertaining to the U.S. Constitution are in fact a matter of litigation’s? Please explain..

  71. Ted | December 13, 2010 at 1:10 pm | Don’t worry bout a Kangaroo Court. Here’s why:

    The Supreme Court’s denial of certiorari on lack of standing in the Kerchner case, coming after the multitude of no-standing cases, essentially confirms that the SCOTUS will not extend Marbury v Madison to review alleged Congressional deriliction under the Constitution, as opposed to alleged Congressional legislative infringement under the Constitution. That’s what Kerchner really means in legal terms — the Court defers to Congress on Const. Art 2, Sec 1.


    No, you are incorrect, Ted. SCOTUS merely upheld the Court of Appeals ruling that the case raised a political issue which SCOTUS according to the Marbury precedent will not hear; and the petitioners had no standing congress et al regarding political issues.


    is does, however, set the stage for the House of Representatives (first at the Armed Services Committee) to review the upcoming Lt.Col. Lakin Court Martial IN THE EVENT THE LAKIN MILITARY TRIBUNAL REFUSES DISCOVERY (I.E. “KANGAROO COURT”). In essence, the Congress WILL undertake discovery.


    On what do you base your assumption that congress will review the Lakin case?

  72. On this eve of the momentous Kangaroo Kourt trial of LtC Lakin, I have this practical question for all you Deep Thinkers here at CW.

    Suppose Barry Soetoro were indeed proven and recognized as in imposter – in short, an illegal and illegitimate CIC. That would place him and the DoD and the Pentagon and many many senior officers squarely in the camp of war criminals (remember, fully and carefully, Nuremberg). Every “warlike” action undertaken internationally would then immediately fall under flagrant violations of the Geneva Conventions and under the jurisdiction of the World Courts at The Hague.

    That would, in turn, destroy the USA as a major world power, topple her from her long-time moral high ground, and perhaps forfeit her sovereignty. The magnitude of the War Crimes would easily exceed ALL previous War Crimes and World Court actions put together.

    So – now – big question – as a practical politician and as a practical military leader – Do you allow this to happen or do you cover-up like crazy? Granted, the problem just gets worse and worse – and the longer it goes before it is found out makes everything mentioned above even worse.

    But, never-the-less, do you fess up now and 100% suffer unbearable penalties, or choose a path of lesser probability but even worse penalties?

    Politicians for sure (and I am guessing, Senior Career Military) are above all PRAGMATIC. Not only that – but short term. I fear I know their choice.

  73. That last post may have been confusing.. I will redo.

    Pieter Nosworthy | December 13, 2010 at 1:32 pm |


    I beg to disagree. Mr. Obama was sworn in as POTUS. He remains such until relieved of his duties.

    (SirWilliam response)I agree with this assessment. The “until” is a matter of time, not if discovered.

    (Pieter Nosworthy Said) I agree that he”appears” to lack the bona fides to hold office. (Emphasis Mine)..

    (SirWillaim Response) What part of “Lack” of Bona Fides do you not understand First Sgt?

    (Pieter Nosworthy Said)…Unfortunately, it is not within our power to render that truth. Only a properly constituted body possesses such right.

    (SirWilliam Response) What do you mean by “We the People” do not have the power to render truth? We the People ARE THE POWER. And what the hell do you mean by ONLY a PROPERLY Constituted “body” possess such right? Such right do what? Please explain.

    (Pieter Nosworthy Said)… Picking and choosing which parts of the Constitution you feel are worth of obedience is no less agregious in reasoning then those progressives who blatantly ignore aspects in their pursuit of socialism.


    (SirWilliam Responce) Excuse me First Sgt., briefly, but where in the hell do you gather your assessment whereby decisions upon egregious reasoning’s pertaining to the U.S. Constitution are in fact a matter of litigation’s? Please explain..

  74. Pieter, you crossed the line.

    “Try getting your Senators and Representative onboard before inciting armed rebellion and active duty Soldiers to abrogate their duties.”

  75. usapatriots-shout | December 13, 2010 at 1:27 pm |

    I agree and as I have stated many times, bo is about to get a series of smackdowns by SCOTUS.

  76. CW et al are correct. BO did not qualify himself for POTUS by making a false Oath. Nor did he qualified himself for POTUS by his BC fraud and other frauds. BO merely qualified himself for indictment, conviction and imprisonment.

  77. Judge Hudson (pg 24): mandate “exceeds the Commerce Clause powers vested in Congress under Article I”

    Hudson rejected the government’s argument that it has the power under the Constitution to require individuals to buy health insurance, a provision that was set to take effect in 2014.

    “Of course, the same reasoning could apply to transportation, housing or nutritional decisions,” Hudson wrote. “This broad definition of the economic activity subject to congressional regulation lacks logical limitation” and is unsupported by previous legal cases around the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

    More analysis at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

    “A thorough survey of pertinent constitutional case law has yielded no reported decisions from any federal appellate courts extending the Commerce Clause or General Welfare Clause to encompass regulation of a person’s decision not to purchase a product, notwithstanding its effect on interstate commerce or role in a global regulatory scheme.”

    Section 1501 is the linchpin of the entire health care regimen underlying the ACA. However, the bill embraces far more than health care reform. It is laden with provisions and riders patently extraneous to health care-over 400 in all…. [at p. 38]

  78. AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE about who the TRUE FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ENEMY OF THE USA, Treasonous Traitor, & the Sociopath Serial Criminal George Soros is.

    Soros is openly wokring hard to Attack the USA in a Coup D’Etat War in his Satanic attempts to OVERTHROW & TO DESTROY THE USA GOVERNMENT IN HIGH TREASONS with his plans to use Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Obama’s 100% ILLEGAL INSTALLATION & 100% HIGH TREASON USURPATION OF THE USA GOVERNMENT to try to accomplish this!!


  79. citizenwells | December 13, 2010 at 2:02 pm |

    Pieter, you crossed the line.

    “Try getting your Senators and Representative onboard before inciting armed rebellion and active duty Soldiers to abrogate their duties.”

    Good Job CW. I was nailing his arse as his statements became reductive in nature. First, He was a First Sgt., and speaking in legal Military terms. Then, he “Reduced” his language to that from a professional to a common complaint(er). Then Reduced himself even further by commonly complaining that the Military has absolutely no ability for discovery with a CIC. Then, and now he whins and complains, with threats, “of armed rebellion of active duty soldiers..”

  80. Re: oldsalt79 | December 13, 2010 at 10:31 am | Dear Lord Savior……………

    # # # #


  81. Make sure to Prosecute Piglosi for placing an ineligible citizen on the ballot.

  82. OLD SALT….
    Good afternoon….Yes, you and I both are fully aware that Lt Col Larkin has no chance of getting a fair trial under this military judge who has refused to allow him his RIGHTS of Full discovery under the UCMJ ( Uniform Code of Military Justice).

    The UCMJ says quite clearly a defendant has a right to any, and ALL, discovery that could prove his innocence of the charges brought against him by the government.

    Lt Col Larkin has been denied ANY and ALL discovery related to Obama. That was the major reason Lt Col Larkin’s refusal to deploy. He did not, nor do you and I, or millions of other rational Americans believe Obama, is a “natural-born citizen”.

    Because of Obama’s refusal to prove his qualifications to be POTUS and
    C-in- C, he has placed ALL military people in harms way when veiwed from the Geneva Convention point of view.

    I know there are bloggers out there who will say; So what, the damn terrorist Muslims don’t believe or adhere to the Geneva convention anyway.
    That is true. God help any soldier who is captured while preforming his duties now! The uncivilized SOA (Soldiers of Allah) give him back to us in several pieces.

    Yet, our government insist on bringing those same terrorist to trial in our civilian courts giving them full rights and privilages accorded to a citizen of this country.

    Sadly, few terrorist are brought to trial in the first place. It has been over 10 years now since 9-11, and we are still waiting for the murderers of over 2,000 to step foot in a civilian court room. WHY?
    Answer; because we have a Muslim sitting in our White House protecting the same murderers who vow to harm Americans.

    There seems to be a terrible imbalance in the justice system in America. What’s wrong when we see the current government willingly destroy the career of an outstanding officer in order to protect the “unconstitutional usurper” at the highest level of our government!

    But Salt, in the end, I still believe Justice will be served. If you rercall the Drayfus Case in France in the early 1900’s. Drafus was convicted and sent to prison…years passed, but eventually the Drafus was cleared of all charges and the affair destroyed the crooked government that placed him in prison to begin with.

    I pray if Lt Col Larkin is convicted (which you and I know he will be) that the veterans of America will RISE UP “en mass” and demand our government formally apologize for the injustice committed against Lt Col Larkin , then restore him to his status before this “Kangaroo Court” ruling, and finally immediately open a FULL investigation about Obama’s rights as POTUS and C in C…..and then let the chips fall where they may.

    You, I and most American’s know there are many,many people occupying positions in our government who have played an active part in the “cover up” for Obama. In my eyes, these people are just as guilty as Obama, and must eventually answer for their shortcomings…

    In the meantime…Lt Col Larkin must walk into that viper’s den on wednesday and stand tall against this injustice leveled at him. I’m sure he will hold his head high and not disappoint his supporters. I do not expect much from his civilian lawyers…if MSSSSSSSS LIND won’t let a 3 star General enter a plea in support of Lt Col Larkin, what else can we expect?

    What really pissed me off was learning that judge Lind said Lt. General McLearney wasn’t qualified to comment on the UCMJ….what a stupid statement by this incompentent military judge!

    Anyway…this trial should DEMONSTRATE to ALL military people they now have NO rights under the UCMJ…our military judges are doing a “mirror effect” of our civilian courts….they are making up law as they go.

    But I have faith the millions of veterans who have served this country with honor will not let this matter rest till the “wrongs have been righted”.
    If the main stream media was unbias and fair, the wrongs would already be righted and Obama would be in jail where he belongs. But we didn’t get to this low point in our country overnight…and it will take a little time to set the problems right,… with or without the main stream media’s help.

    God bless you Old Salt…keep the faith and keep the TRUTH out there.



    “Interview with attorney Stephen Pidgeon. The case for probable cause of high treason against Barack Obama. Atty Pidgeon explains how there is already enough probable cause to warrant investigations and indictment against Obama for high treason under the Logan Act. Atty. Pidgeon also explains Obama’s constitutional eligibility in full detail. Parts 1-3 embedded below. Enjoy!

    Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama’s eligibility.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama’s eligibility.

    # # # #

  84. Re: Margie | December 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm |
    Make sure to Prosecute Piglosi for placing an ineligible citizen on the ballot.

    * * * * * * * * *
    We are working on getting Soetoro Soebarkah and all of the people who are his co-conspirators that are aiding & abetting his Massive Daily Serial High Crimes, High Treasons, & Massive Daily Serial Felonies to look the other way and give aid to prevent Soetoro from being vetted & giving his aid and protection to attack the USA in war to try to overthrow & destroy the USA. Pelosi, Holder, Emanuel, Geithner, Reid, Biden, Bauer, Bernanke, Gibbs, Jarrett, Sustein, Soros, and many others should be arrested and tried along with Soetoro Soebarkah & I pray & hope they will.

  85. Re: Margie | December 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm |
    Make sure to Prosecute Piglosi for placing an ineligible citizen on the ballot.

    * * * * * * * * *

    We are working on getting Soetoro Soebarkah and all of the people who are his co-conspirators that are aiding & abetting his Massive Daily Serial High Crimes, High Treasons, & Massive Daily Serial Felonies to look the other way and give aid to prevent Soetoro from being vetted & giving his aid and protection to attack the USA in war to try to overthrow & destroy the USA. Pelosi, Holder, Emanuel, Geithner, Reid, Biden, Bauer, Bernanke, Gibbs, Jarrett, Sustein, Soros, and many others should be arrested and tried along with Soetoro Soebarkah & I pray & hope they will. I am working daily to be sure this gets accomplished.

  86. It is going to be very interesting to see and hear comments about ObamaCare and the lack of a “severability clause” in the law. This was inadvertently omitted from this massive, unconstitutional bill, and, according to legal experts, the omission means that if ANY PART is judged to be unconstitutional, the ENTIRE BILL could be considered so. Let’s watch and see what happens next in this respect.

  87. Carlyle 1:57 PM
    That would, in turn, destroy the USA as a major world power, topple her from her long-time moral high ground, and perhaps forfeit her sovereignty. The magnitude of the War Crimes would easily exceed ALL previous War Crimes and World Court actions put together.
    Could it be that the usurper would gain either way? I don’t mean personally gain, but rather achieve his goals; i.e., if he is publicly “found out” and what you state above comes true, he will have achieve the destruction of the USA that we have known. On the other hand, if he continues in office he will proceed with his policies of economic destruction (unless the Repubs have the spine to stop him), as well as putting us all in grave peril as far as national security is concerned. Unless something drastically changes, it looks like we are on a collision course in either event.

  88. Personally I feel that there is a good chance that the 112th Congress will begin investigations into O’s illegal activities, of which there are many to choose from. The criminal charges that could result would circumvent the need to directly pursue the eligibility issues at that time. Some would effectively be “let off the hook” – not a good thing – but it would avoid the international mess that Carlyle feels could result.

  89. Carlyle | December 13, 2010 at 1:57 pm |

    “On this eve of the momentous Kangaroo Kourt trial of LtC Lakin, I have this practical question for all you Deep Thinkers here at CW. …….”


    Carlyle – Just when I was starting to feel secure about everything, you had to go and throw me off-base with your serious and thought provoking questions. Every angle has to be looked at.

  90. Polarik:

    “FORGED PHOTOGRAPHS were used by the media to generate hundreds of stories about alias Barack Obama’s biography. They treated these photos like videos or worse, like eyewitness experiences. A handful of photos were endlessly recycled in countless “puff-pieces about Obama’s fraudulent family ties.”

    “alias Barack Obama: A Photoshopped Presidency”

  91. Thanks RO for saying,

    “Thanks Orly for standing up and for your bravery and fighting for us.

    I wish I could have been there because right now I am beaming with so much pride in you that I can hardly speak,” because you speak for me as well.

    # # # #


    By Dr. Kate

    High Treason and Espionage

    # # # #


    By Pamela Geller

    Islamic supremacists are grifting the system big time. And yet the biggest theft of all is one that everyone has overlooked.

    The UK learned the hard way that appeasing Islamic supremacists DOESN’T WORK! When will the liberal elitists wake up to this fact?

    # # # #

  92. That opens up a whole new avenue of thought, Carlyle. If things get too dicey for the PTB and Obama is near exposure (which is imminent) he may be well advised to look both ways before crossing the street.

  93. GORDO | December 13, 2010 at 4:15 pm |

    Thanks Gordo.

  94. RMinNC,

    One question,

    As you have stated that you have been a Commanding Officer (CO) in the United States Military, why are you sir, not listed on any legal suit and only “Blogging”?

  95. CW & Sir William——–I think you may misunderstand Pieter. From a military point of view, you have to follow orders. If you have proof that something is amiss, then you can appeal to higher authorities in the system, such as the IG.

    If it is just a suspicion or question, is that sufficient ground not to follow an order? NO. If an officer’s suspicion is strong enough, however, and if it goes against his conscience or better judgment to accept such an order, he can resign his commision.

    An enlisted person cannot leave the service until his enlistment contract runs out. He is required to follow direct orders of officers. But an officer can resign his commission. LTC Lakin could have resigned from the service.

    What he cannot do is openly disobey an order without putting himself in grave jeopardy. LTC Lakin did this deliberately because he was quite sure in his mind that Obama was not eligible to be President. He thought that by making this stand, he could force the President to openly prove his natural born status, or be proven to lack such a status.

    This is where the breakdown has come: There is now a division in our country between the “elites” and us “regular Americans.” The people responsible–our representatives in Congress–have a self-serving elitist attitude. Those in the bureacracies do, too. Government has become elitist and self-serving. The Media has become part of this self-serving complex as well.

    So, those “in the know,” the elitists in Government and in the Media, to include otherwise Conservative commentators like O’Reilly, do not feel they have to answer to the “regular Americans.” O’Reilly pretends, and Glen Beck, too, but it has gone to their heads. They have joined the elitist club.

    As I’ve said before, I believe Obama is a natural born citizen. The CIA has guarunteed this to the elitist club. But what about us regular Americans? What about LTC Lakin? Don’t we have a right to see the documents proving the fact? The elitists say “NO! YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT! WE KNOW BETTER. WE’RE WATCHING OUT FOR YOU.”

  96. Dean M. | December 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm |

    With respect to the CIA vouching to the “elitists”, I say “possibly”. But this is the United States of America and the CIA is not the KGB (in theory at least). Keeping this leak sealed would be a monumental task.

    In addition, regardless of the Natural Born Citizen issue that you say that they “vouched” for, the COLB that Obama presented was a forgery. Also, you are claiming the Obama’s father is not Barack Sr., as his COLB clearly states. If Obama Sr. is his father then he is not NBC, by virtue of dual citizenship at birth (no matter where he was born, even given the fact that no hospital in Honolulu will claim that prestigious honor). If Obama Sr. is not his father then we have a world class liar and a forgerer (along with a government conspiracy of epic proportions).

    So while you may feel as though this is hopeless, it serves nobody to maintain your defeatist attitude because any way you slice it we, the people, are getting screwed.

  97. Dean M. | December 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm |

    CW & Sir William——–I think you may misunderstand Pieter. From a military point of view, you have to follow orders. If you have proof that something is amiss, then you can appeal to higher authorities in the system, such as the IG.

    Dean, this is highly untrue, and in addition you are “Buying ” into the theory that an NCO has the same obligation in authority that an Officer holds, which is incorrect.

    Dean M. | December 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm |

    CW & Sir William——–I think you may misunderstand Pieter. From a military point of view, you have to follow orders. If you have proof that something is amiss, then you can appeal to higher authorities in the system, such as the IG.

    As I mentioned yesterday..

    The U.S. Military Officer holds a substantive difference in questioning whether or not orders are legitimate vs. an NCO. One notable difference between the officer and enlisted oaths is that the oath taken by officers DOES NOT include any provision to “obey orders”; while enlisted personnel are bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice to obey lawful orders, officers in the service of the United States are bound by this oath to disobey any order that violates the Constitution of the United States.

  98. Exellent Comments From:


    High Treason and Espionage

    December 11, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    – 1994 Wright, Farrakhan meet with Qadafi about Islamic USAfrica
    (unified African continent under islam)
    – Qadafi running proxy wars to exterminate nonmuslims in north africa
    half million slaughtered in southern sudan alone (darfur), other genocides in Chad, Somalia, Kenya, Algeria
    – Oil money used for war efforts, from Qadafi, al Bakari, Saudis, etc.
    – Obama attends Wright’s church, Wright says he’s a former muslim but
    since all apostates have fatwahs on their heads and he has none, he is just an al taqiyya jihad agent
    – 2004 Obama writes book “Jihad from Jakarta to the Whitehouse”
    For sale:

    – 2006 Obama campaigns for fellow muslim cousin Odinga in Kenya, violating Logan Act!!!
    – Odinga threatens genocide if he loses, which he did, he then sicked Luos to kill Kikuye Christians.
    – 3,000 killed systematically, 50 women and children burned alive in church, 300,000 displaced.
    – Odinga negotiates copresidency with Kibake to end genocide, Odinga regularly confers with Obama during his 2008 campaign.
    – Odinga vows to install sharia constitution via pact with Muslim Brotherhood.
    – 2009 Obama gives $23+ millions of USA taxpayer’s money to Odinga to install Islam/Sharia Law & Abortion in a Kenyan constitution.
    – 2009 Obama sign memo to release Lockerbie terrorist to Libya, BP gets huge offshore drilling contract.
    – 2010 Halliburton “fixes’ BP rig which blows in gulf, destroying economy and Obama imposes oil drilling moratoriums.
    – Obama gives $3 billion for Petrobras offshore drilling.
    – Libya and OPEC enhance offshore drilling greatest degree in history, no US competition.
    – More oil dollars inflow to profit USAfrica proxy wars and Islamic Jihad.
    – 2010 Wikileaks exposes Obama preventing southern Sudan receiving its weapons for self defense from Islamic Jihadi terrorist murderers
    thus making Obama guilty of genocide himself.”
    – Wikileaks proves Obama supports genocide in darfur.,1518,733775,00.html

    # # # #
    December 11, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    “It all makes so much sense.

    Falling into place nicely.
    – The Air Force One flyover in Manhattan
    – The Lockerbie murder’s release.
    – The Kenyan Constitution dedicated August 4, 2010”

    # # # #

    “True Patriot
    December 13, 2010 at 9:03 am

    “If there has ever been a clear case of treason it is spelled OBAMA.

    This illegal communist muslim usurping fraud has been given a pass by all of our corrupt “Pravda” media, & our Rino Traitor John McCain did nothing during the campaign for President to stop the DNC from pushing this fraud right through to the White House.

    I remember different people at the town hall meetings in the audience asking McCain directly if Obama was even eligible to be President for which he replied he is a nice person!!!!!!

    McCain is also part of the high crimes and treason against America.

    They should all be in jail for the rest of their miserable Traitor lives.

    The other high crime that really angers me is some of the Tea Party orgs, who have totally ignored this dangerous issue of an illegal alien in our White House. I got out of all of them over a year ago, because they only want sheep that do what they say.

    I in no way mean to offend the sincere Americans trying to help our country, because “We The People” need all we can get, however the ignoring of Obama’s ineligible status & then the complete ignoring of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s case, and his illegal Court Martial by some self appointed goons within our military is just too much to tolerate.

    For the Tea Party Orgs. who have blatantly ignored O’s ineligible status, and Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s case we Patriots around the country have enacted
    OPERATION SLAM, which involves mass emails, comments, blogging of these issues, requesting the heads of sites to post these issues and keep them out here to inform the American people.

    There are sadly still many who do not realize Obama is ineligible to be President, and know nothing about LTC Lakin, nor his illegal Court Martial on Dec 14th.

    The TP’s can not have it both ways. You can not dare whine and moan about the Constitution, yet ignore the most treason & criminal acts against it, and that is having a dangerous illegal communist muslim usurping infiltrator in our White House and his band of thugs.

    Everyone shout this out to everyone. Most of the people I educate are very grateful for the information, and refer them to sites like Dr. Kate’s for updates and info.

    Many of the supposed conservative sites are ignoring the issue, so my friends how conservtive are they really? There are many lefty plants in high positions in these Tea Parties so call them out. Expose them. We have to save America from this tyranny.”

    # # # #

    The Foreign & Domestic Enemy, Foreign Terrorist Jihadist Radical Islamic Muslim Usurper, Radical Communist/Marsxist/Fascist, Constant Daily Liar Con-Man Madman, Illegal Immigrant & the Illegal Alien Psychopath & Sociopath Daily Serial Criminal, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, alias Barack Obama is literally breaking almost every law there is in the USA by his committing his daily, unprecented, massive, Serial Daily High Treasons, Serial Daily High Crimes, and Serial Daily Felonies in the USA!!

    There are extremely serious laws in USA law books that outline what HIGH TREASONS & HIGH CRIMES & FELONIES are, and the 100% Lawless, Daily Serial Criminal, Barry Soetoro/Obama is clearly psychotic,
    delusional & insane and he is ignoring ALL USA laws, and he is literally refusing to obey all federal and state USA laws.

    As the Radical Islamic Muslim Terrorist, Radical Communist/Marxist/
    Fascist, Foreign Born Domestic Terrorist Usurper, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah continues DAILY to commit DAILY MASSIVE SERIAL 100% High RICO Racketeering Frauds, 100% Daily Massive High Crimes, 100% Daily High Treasons, & 100% Daily Massive Felonies against all Americans, the 100% Illegal Align & the 100% Illegal Immigrant, Foreign Imposter Terrorist, 100% Massive-Serial-Criminal-Terrorist-In-Chief does not think he will be held accountable for committing his Daily High Crimes & High Treasons & Anti-American High Crimes against humanity that he is committing!!!

    Americans Unite to PUBLICLY DEMAND that the 100% Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, 100% Foreign Terrorist Usurper, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, & George Soros receive Public Immediate Arrests so they can be forced to face We The People in 100% Accountability for their Massive Daily Serial High Treasons & High Crimes they are committing 100% Lawlessly in their Massive Daily Serial Crime Spree in the USA!!

    Americans Unite to Demand the 100% Immediate Arrests of Everyone involved in aiding and abetting the Foreign Treasonous Traitors Barry Soetoro Soebarkah & George Soros’ orchestrated Daily Serial Crime Spree in committing their Massive Daily Serial High Crimes & High Treasons, & Massive Daily Serial Felonies as they wage a Coup D’Etat War against the USA and try To Overthrow & To Destroy the USA government, in High Treasons in front of our eyes!! They must be Immediately Stopped & Immediately held 100% Publicly Accountable for their massive crimes they are committing!!

    There are a few hundred people that need to be Immediately Arrested for aiding and abetting them as well. This MUST be done to save the United States Of America!! ALL of these Traitors MUST be 100% Immediately Arrested & 100% held Accountable for committing their 100% lawless Daily Massive Serial Crimes against We The People!!

  99. Sir William…you ask:
    As you have stated, you have been a commanding officer min ther United States military, why are you sir, not listed on any legal suit and only blogging?
    Yes I have been a commanding officer in the United States military..and I’m damn proud of it… and no I am not listed on any legal suit against obama….

    If my age was such that I could be recalled to active duty, you better believe my name would be on a current list of officers objecting to Obama in some court somewhere.

    However, at my age, 75, I don’t think any court in America would think for one moment I would be recalled to active duty service…do you?

    Since we are playing the game of Q and A…may I ask of you the same question?

    As a citizen of America, why haven’t you taken some form of legal action against the Usurper?

    Have I answered you question?

  100. I may be wrong, but what concerns me most about Obama is I fear we have underestimated him. The birth issue and the extreme liberal issue may both be red herrings to throw us off the track. Have we taken the bait?.

    I believe he may have created a false image of himself, but not in the way most of us are thinking. In other word, there is no birth issue. He has manufactored that. He wants everyone guessing. And he is not a liberal. That is his disguise.

    What I fear is that he is a dedicated Shiite Muslim, working to destroy Israel and bring America and the West into submission.

    Taqiyya, the Shiite Muslim doctrine of dissimulation, justifies deception and masquerading–pretending to belong to another faith–for the ultimate glory of Islam. (Sunnis do not approve of this doctrine.)

    Obama told a reporter that the prettiest sound at sunset is the Muslim call to prayer, which he can recite with a perfect Arabic accent. And he said in an interview on national TV with George Stephanopolous, as a supposed slip of the tongue, “My Muslim faith.”

    During the Presidential campaign, Obama met privately with Shiite Iraqi-born Muslim, Hassan Al-Qazwini, leader of the largest mosque in the US in Dearborn, Michigan, to discuss the Middle East, Israel and to receive a copy of his book, AMERICAN CRESCENT.

    During the campaign, Obama also said he would go after jihadist Sunnis in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but wanted US troops out of Iraq where Shiites are in a majority and are trying to subdue Sunni influence.

    Iran has the largest Shiite population. Obama’s chief advisor, Valerie Jarret, an Iranian born African-American, spent her formative years in Iran. She has an obviously favorable attitude towards Iran and is featured at one Iranian website as “Iranian of the Day.”

    When Obama was elected, Iranians danced in the street and called him “brother.” Arabic Sunni clerics, however, made death threats for hiding his identity as a Muslim.

    With the Iranian crackdown on protestors after their rigged election, Obama would not forcefully speak out and was hardly critical of the atrocities.

    The Shiite Dearborn mosque of Hassan Qazwini has hosted Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Black Muslims, as a special guest. So has Obama’s former Trinity Church of Jeremiah Wright, who is a former Black Muslim himself. This same church allows Muslims to join without undergoing the Christian conversion process.

    Obama’s supposed cousin, for whom he campagined in Kenya, Raila Odinga, head of state in Kenya, makes trips to Iran and signs agreements with Ahmadinejad, who in return visits Kenya and signs agreements to assist Kenya, including to build a nuclear power plant there.

    During the Iranian New Year Obama addressed the Iranians in their own tongue, extolling Iran for its cultural contributions. During a recent visit to the UN, Ahmadinejad had a private meeting with Louis Farrakhan in which they also dined together. A sign of Middle Eastern hospitality, Obama would not dine with Israeli leader, Netanyahu, nor even be photographed with him.

    It seems Obama is doing next to nothing to halt Iran’s nuclear development.

    These things are specific to Shia Islam and Iran. There are other reasons to question that have to do with Islam itself as a whole, going beyond the Shia-Sunni differences:

    1. Obama bowed and looked like he kissed the ring of the King of Saud, guardian of Mecca.
    2. Obama always refers to the Koran as the HOLY Koran. He quotes from the Koran. When has he ever quoted from the Bible or referred to it as the HOLY Bible? He even botched his swearing in on the Bible.
    3. Obama stood up for those wanting to build a mosque at ground zero.
    4. Obama warned Americans “not to jump to conclusions” concerning the Muslim doctor who was a secret jihadist at Fort Hood, who cowardly murdered in cold blood 13 unarmed US soldiers on American soil. Why? Who was jumping to conclusions?
    5. Neither Obama nor his wife and children celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. They only observe it in a secular manner. They do not give presents nor exchnage gifts. The call the Christmas tree “a holiday tree.”
    6. Shortly after taking office, Air Force One was sent unannounced to buzz New York City, causing a panic on the ground. What did this perverse act imply?
    7. Obama wants to give the terrorists at Gitmo rights as civilians and citizens instead of what they are: enemy combatants. He wants to try these combatants as civilians at New York City where the Twin Towers fell, giving them a platform for their cause.

    The list goes on and on, but I’ll stop for now. As one looks at these things, however, picture begins to emerge. It could all be coincidences, I suppose, but it sure is a huge list of coincidences. As we go looking for birth certificates and seeing the lightweight cigarette-smoking liberal in the White House, are we missing seeing a diedhard Shiite Muslim practicing taqiyya? I wish I didn’t have this horrible, sinking feeling that we are not seeing the big picture.

  101. The Holy Bible Is God’s Forever Living Words. God’s Word In The Holy Bible Stands Forever & Is Our Forever Life!

    The Holy Bible: Proverbs 2:2-5

    “Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the LORD, and discover the knowledge of God.”

  102. For those interested in my latest update on and the HDOH seal:

    Thank you again for letting me post my links with your Lakin articles, Mr. Wells!

  103. RMinNC,

    Yes Sir, you may ask me any question you wish.

    First, I personally have induced myself into the research and discovery of the FOIA claims against the Attorney General representing such deviation to dismiss, and I have filed a Personal sworn affidavit in the Federal D.C. federal Court, hand delivered.

    Any other questions for me sir? Do you honestly think I sit back and do nothing but type in a blog?

  104. FabulousDarlene

    FabulousDarlene, haha, I spelled my own user name wrong, too funny!!

  105. FabulousDarlene

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    This is not a request. If you have not done so, get off of your lazy, self absorbed ass, pay attention and get to work!
    If you have not done the following, do so now!

    * Tell everyone you know about LTC Terry Lakin and the upcoming court martial.
    * Keep it simple!
    * Stay away from grey area debates.
    * Get this story in front of the media. In their face.
    * Do not let people like Glenn Beck weasel out.
    * If you are in or about to be in Congress, pay attention and listen! Do your damn job!
    * If you are a judge, read the US Constitution and follow it!
    * If you are in the military and you are not supporting LTC Lakin and obeying your oath to defend the US Constitution, remove the lace from your panties.
    I feel like my Daddy just gave me one of those FIRM talks, haha! I will continue to do the above CW!! Command and Demand, Accept no Excuses, only Solutions, Now that’s LEADERSHIP, CW!!

  106. Way to go Sir William….

    I’m going to recommend you for a medal! Your actions are ADMIRABLE!
    I’m truely impressed.

    What makes you think all I’m doing is blogging?

  107. Sir William…
    are you a lawyer?

  108. Thanks FD

  109. RMinNC,

    just to add,

    I have also been in direct contact and an advocate with the passing of the legislative laws in Arizona for the past 9 months and now with Texas nearly a month. So Please Sir, tell me what more I need to do?

    lead by example, is my paradigm,

  110. RMinNC,

    No, I am not an Attorney. My Bachelors Degree is in Engineering and Business Management, duel. Attempted to finish my MBA, and possibly will one day.

  111. Like I said William…I’m impressed…

    Now what has all of your listed impressive credentials got to do with getting rid of Obama?


    Current military hierarchs seem ruthlessly determined to intimidate anyone who seeks reassurance…

    By Alan Keyes

  113. William….are you a resident of Texas or Arizona?…does you BS degree have anything to do with your expert advise to Texas and Arizona?…are they really listening to you?

  114. Not sure if this has been viewed here before … it’s OT but strong and to the point … and what many ought to be saying:

    Austrian MP Ewald Stadler adresses Turkish Ambassador

  115. Free Speech @ 5:37 pm |
    Free Speech-I know everyone has discussed the legal ramifications of Lt. Col. Lakin, obviously our government isn’t too worried about moral and ethical problems but those sins are on their consciences. My question is for Terry Lakin and his family they can’t take his doctor credentials away from him can they? He would be the most popular Doctor in America. Hero Doctor-cool. Due to the never ending horror of Mr. Madoff here in Palm Beach, now his son-can you imagine if any of the people who are sitting in judgement of Terry Lakin themselves or a family member go to a doctor who faked his credentials like Obama, maybe then they would understand the ramifications of these discussions. If Obama pulled what he did, what are the odds that there are quite a few “fake” doctors, nurses out there. Discovered all the time.
    Monday, December 13, 2010
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends).

  116. RMinNC | December 13, 2010 at 6:04 pm |

    Way to go Sir William….

    I’m going to recommend you for a medal! Your actions are ADMIRABLE!
    I’m truely impressed

    Do not Patronize me Sir, nor with sarcasm. It’s not worth my breath, nor yours.

  117. William…may I remind you that you were the one to start this verbal battle with your snide remarks…and believe me, I’m not patronizing you…just laying it on the line.

    You right in one respect. This discussion is not worth my time either…….but if you insist on comparing awards and decorations…I’ll play that game !

  118. HERE IS AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE about who one of the FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ENEMIES OF THE USA, George Soros, the Treasonous Traitor & the Sociopath Serial Criminal is.

    George Soros is openly working hard to Attack the USA in a Coup D’Etat War in his Satanic attempts TO OVERTHROW & TO DESTROY THE USA GOVERNMENT IN HIGH TREASONS with his plans to use Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Obama’s 100% ILLEGAL INSTALLATION & 100% HIGH TREASON USURPATION OF THE USA GOVERNMENT to attack the USA government in war & to overthrow the USA government!!



    House Minority Leader John Boehner has a reputation among Washington insiders for his hard-partying ways, but public suggestions that Boehner might have a drinking problems have been a rarity. That’s what makes MSNBC host Joe Scarborough’s remarks about the Ohio Republican’s bar-hopping habits worthy of notice.

    “I hear it on the Hill, I’m sure you hear it on the Hill all the time, it’s not reported,” Scarborough told a guest from Politico on Wednesday’s Morning Joe. “But so many Republicans tell me that this is a guy that is not the hardest worker in the world.”

    “After five o’clock, six o’clock at night he’s disengaged — at best,” Scarborough continued. “You can see him around town. He does not have, let’s say, the work hours of Newt Gingrich. … Every Republican I talk to says that John Boehner, by five or six at night, you can see him at bars.”

  120. MUST SEE!!

    “THE GULF OIL SPILL CONSPIRACY WITH JESSE VENTURA” – High Treasons & High Crimes & Coup D’Etat War Being Waged On The USA Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, the CIA, and others!

    December 12, 2010

    Alex Jones joins former Gov. Jesse Ventura again to investigation the BP Oil Spill and the plot to reign in the Gulf Coast economy.

    Watch FULL EPISODE below Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

    From Associated Content: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Season 2, Episode 7 aired on truTV Friday night, which alleged that the BP Oil Spill is a massive plot to rid the area of locals so big oil can set up giant operations there. And shocking charges were made on this program about President Obama by one person interviewed. Yes, Season 2, Episode 7 of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura once again showed how profits are the god for many in this country.

    # # # #

    China is buying oil rigs and oil companies in the USA, as well as many corporations, land, industrial energy businesses, and high tech businesses in the USA!!

  121. RMinNC,

    You Sir, are the one that asked specifically what I have done as an Individual towards the goals of the removal of Obama. I stated what I have done thus far, in brief.

    I do not recall (nor can I find in the scrolls) “Questioning” what have YOU done lately RMinNC? Rather you question me without reservation?

  122. MUST SEE!!

    “THE GULF OIL SPILL CONSPIRACY WITH JESSE VENTURA” – High Treasons & High Crimes & Coup D’Etat War Being Waged On The USA BY Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, the CIA, and others! Americans, we must Immediately Arrest these evil & Satanic Serial Criminals!!


    Holder Meets with Muslim Advocacy in San Francisco
    The Lipman Times ^ | Dec. 13, 2010 | Matt Murray

    The Al-Qaeda Bar (Big Law Firms Line Up to Represent Terrorists)
    The Two Malcontents ^ | 11/24/2009 | Rowan Scarborough

    Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:55:24 PM by mojito

    Some of the nation’s wealthiest and most powerful law firms have donated hundreds of millions of dollars in free legal services to terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay prison.

    Their work, bolstered by left-wing activists groups, has helped to free, or force the transfer, of hundreds of al Qaeda suspects to third countries. Some have gone back to terrorism and the job of trying to kill Americans.

    The work of big American law firms on behalf of al Qaeda is drawing new attention since Attorney General Eric Holder decided this month that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who orchestrated the murder of over 3,000 9-11, is coming to New York City for trial. Holder was a partner at Covington & Burling, which in 2005 gave one its attorneys an award for aiding 17 Yemeni suspects at Guantanamo.

  124. RMinNC,

    And YES, take me back to where “I Started a Snead” offense against you personally in any comment. I’m listening.

  125. Excellent Comments From:


    December 8, 2010 at 3:01 am

    Two new military groups being funded by the obamacare bill:

    Guess he won’t need our troops to come home, he’ll have his own military.”
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    BARRY SOETORO SOEBARKAH – ALIAS THE SERIAL CRIMINAL FOREIGN TERRORIST BARACK OBAMA PUTS 2 ILLEGAL & TREASONOUS ARMIES INSIDE OF THE ILLEGAL & TREASONOUS OBAMACARE DEATH-CARE BILL THAT NOBODY READ WHEN PEOPLE VOTED YES ON IT – that would, if not overturned by the Rule Of Law in the USA courts – control over 1/6th of the American people’s economy!! Here are MORE Examples of High Treasons being committed!!

    # # # #

    “Quantum Leap
    December 8, 2010 at 12:56 am

    Blame Soros aka Swartz. Obama does everything Soros tells him too do. Everything. If not him then there’ll be another puppet.
    The birth issue will not fly because of Soros’ money or lack thereof and his threat to use it for or against the Democrats.

    Soros admitted on ’60 minutes’ that he had started shadow governments in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia where coups later occurred. The current Democratic Shadow Party resembles those shadow governments.

    The Soros Agenda:

    -promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand
    -defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
    -opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
    -promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
    -defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
    -promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
    -advocating stricter gun-control measures
    -advocating the legalization of marijuana
    -promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
    -promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
    -opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
    -depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
    -financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
    -advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
    -promoting socialized medicine in the United States
    -promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization”
    -bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
    -promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike—> THE DREAM ACT.

    Well, that explains the madness that is consuming America. George Bush got in the way of all that is listed above. Soros would have done this in Russia but Putin is too powerful. Schwartz was afraid he would be put in jail as some of the other oligarchs were if he challenged Putin. Putin is a good Orthodox Christian and fiscal conservative. Fortunately for atheists, Soros found another country he could control, —>America.

    Hitler had followers too and so does Soros. Did you think the war that ended 65 years ago would not have an aftershock that would reach even today?

    Soros has almost conquered America. His Democratic Shadow Party controls almost half of it. He still has a small chance to control it all. However, since he believes there is no God he is blind to the effect prayer has on the world. Like Lucifer he cannot see God’s true power. His “pride” blinds him. Soros ignorance of God will be his downfall. “He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.” – Luke 1:51.

    All the Democrats concluded that the Tea Party was successful Nove 2 because it is heavily financed or that the Democratic message was not clear enough. They will never acknowledge that people who pray can move mountains. Instead they will promote lies and propaganda about any conservative especially if they are Republican. Prayer is America’s secret weapon. There are still enough Christians and God Loving people left in America who pray and say “God Bless America!”. Soros will never say “God Bless America!”. Instead of blogging now, I pray. That’s all we have left. That’s enough!

    Everything that’s being done is because of Soros. Everything. Free speech is next. So pray. Fight this Lucifer with your prayers. Fight the Athiests with your prayers.

    Gird your lions and go for the jugglar—->Soros. There is no other taking this country down. Learn all you can about him. Here—-> Now is not too soon.
    Obama is just a distraction. Soros hates the military and won’t let LTC Lakin go.”

  126. RMinNC,

    By the way, thank you, dearly for your Military Service protecting our Country.

  127. Cabby – AZ | December 13, 2010 at 4:09 pm |

    The criminal charges that could result would circumvent the need to directly pursue the eligibility issues at that time. Some would effectively be “let off the hook” – not a good thing – but it would avoid the international mess that Carlyle feels could result.


    This is exactly the case. The Eligibility Crime has become FAR TO BIG to prosecute. The pain of exposing him would be too great. For those of you who have been waiting to see him swing for the heinous crime – you will never be rewarded. Ever.

    There is a better than 50/50 chance he will be “encouraged to gracefully resign” over regular crimes. Next year with new congress.

    You just have to think this thing all the way through – and consider the practical implications.

  128. William…

    this will be the last blog I will make concerning our dispute…

    if I recall the FIRST blog addressed to me read exactly as follows:

    RMinNC …..One question

    As you have stated that you have been a commanding officer (CO) in the United States Military, why are you sir not listed on any legal suit and only blogging?

    From this initial blog, our discussion grew into what it became. From your first entry, I took it that you felt my name should be on some legal action against Obama simply because I had been a commanding officer. I also got the impression you thought my only actions against the Usurper has been only to blog…if that is your impression, I can assure you it is a wrong one.

    I took your remarks as being snide and questioning of my integrity. If I was wrong in that assumption, then I stand corrected. Perhaps the war started over the way I read your initial blog directed toward me.

    I’m an old soldier that has never took crap from anyone..have no intentions of starting now either. I think most people who blog on here know me by now….I ask for no quarter and give none. If I’m wrong, I will apologize…if I’m right, I will never apologize.

    I try to write plainly in order to never be misunderstood. But, if I am misunderstood and ask for clarification, I will usually give a clear response.

    I don’t expect people to always agree with my point of view, and in return I will respectfully disagree with those who do not share my views. BUT THE BOTTOM LINE HAS ALWAYS BEEN: I RESPECT EVERYONE’S RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEIR OWN OPINIONS. That’s the stuff wars are fought over.

    I try to be civil in all my communications, but when my feathers are ruffled and the bell rings…I come out swinging. If my “gruffty old war horse” attitude offends you, then I have no apologizes.

    If you were sincere in your remarks concerning my service to our country..I humbly accept you remarks…but may I say I felt I was only doing my duty….

    I hope this blog has cleared the air as far as my position and ends this petty bickering between us, we have bigger fish to fry!

  129. I certainly agree with you CARYLE. This elegibility crime IS WAY TO BIG TO PROSECUTE.The entire government,courts and military JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF ARE ALMOST ALL IN IT. NOBAMA is not the man—–BARRACK OBAMA -NOT AT ALL.
    May the Good Lord give us mercy and strength,to endure it,whatever way it turns out. He may flee the country,if anything comes out. But you can “I can almost be sure ——“NOBODY WILL EVER SEE OR HEAR FROM HIM AGAIN” !!

  130. Dean M. | December 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm |

    Dean says:
    So, those “in the know,” the elitists in Government and in the Media, to include otherwise Conservative commentators like O’Reilly, do not feel they have to answer to the “regular Americans.” O’Reilly pretends, and Glen Beck, too, but it has gone to their heads. They have joined the elitist club.
    The CIA has guaranteed this to the elitist club. But what about us regular Americans? What about LTC Lakin? Don’t we have a right to see the documents proving the fact? The elitists say “NO! YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT! WE KNOW BETTER. WE’RE WATCHING OUT FOR YOU.”
    Dean M., your analysis of this elitism which we experience today is right on, imo. And isn’t it something how power goes to their heads in a relatively short time? Of course, we have seen it in government officials and the MSM, but we also unfortunately see it emerging in people like Beck and O’Reilly. Humility is becoming a rare virtue.
    I can see that you are an astute observer of human behavior, and I appreciate reading your posts.

  131. PLEASE this video and article is very important to watch and pass on to every American!!!!

    Please take the time to watch and pass on very important!I’m still watching!!!!!!

  132. RMinNC | December 13, 2010 at 9:27 pm |

    this will be the last blog I will make concerning our dispute…
    It’s usually unwise for an outsider to get involved in a dispute, but because I respect both of you very much, allow me to say this. When Sir William inquired as to your having signed on to any legal action, I said “ouch”. It did seem provocative, but he probably didn’t mean it the way it came across.

    Then, of course, as you say,”I try to be civil in all my communications, but when my feathers are ruffled and the bell rings…I come out swinging.” And, you know, both you and Old Salt, as well as Army DAV, have a perfect right to do so. You have been “no nonsense” people all of your professional life and most of us here understand that.

    To the credit of both you and Sir William, the olive branch has been extended, and as you say, “we have bigger fish to fry.” Peace to both of you and keep up the good work!

  133. Cabby – AZ | December 13, 2010 at 9:45 pm |

    Cabby, I’m not sure that Dean’s theories are “spot on”. They are definitely interesting, well thought out and plausible. The individual facts are correct and at this point anything is possible. But what Dean is proposing is more than a mouthful and quite a wild eyed hypothesis (however intellectually sound that it appears to be).

    I personally think that the “circle of trust” (as in Meet the Fokkers) is quite a bit tighter than some international conspiracy that includes Iran. But I could be wrong. I personally think that it is just the Chicago communists (Bill Ayers and crew) and the webs associated with ACORN and the unions (also CPUSA etc.). I’m not saying that international entities are interested in “fundamentally transforming” the U.S. and I’m not discounting anything at this point.

    The more that I see of Obama, the smaller in stature that he appears. When the curtain is finally pulled back I have a feeling that we will find a very diminutive human being.

  134. To Paxson | December 13, 2010 at 10:23 pm |
    My thoughts about Dean M.’s theories were directed more to the elitism factor, not so much the broad, international aspect. However, I cannot say that he is wrong, either. I DO believe that he has not sufficiently acknowledged the thoroughly Marxist background and the many years of association with like-minded cronies during the Chicago years and even before.

    Having said that, however, today we are seeing a collusion between Islamic and Marxist forces, because they have united under a common goal – to bring the USA down to its knees. Just my observation and 2 cents worth.

    You say, “The more that I see of Obama, the smaller in stature that he appears. When the curtain is finally pulled back I have a feeling that we will find a very diminutive human being.” You could well be right. Kind of like the “Wizard of Oz”??

  135. Here’s a great story. In order to counter claims that he is not eligible to run for Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel released a number of his records, including his LONG-FORM BIRTH CERTIFCATE from a hospital in Chicago. This is a big story! Obama supporters have been saying forever that no public figures release these kinds of private records.

    Link to story:

  136. Gianni………………………………
    Do you suppose that Rahm saw the handwriting on the wall?

  137. Sir William………………………………
    Did you read my enclosure regarding the job potential in Indiana that I posted to you.Northern Indiana that I posted?

  138. TYPO having some trouble with the IP. Sorry

  139. OldSalt, I don’t know, perhaps. Maybe it was a finger in Obama’s eye, letting the world know in no uncertain terms, Obama is hiding something. Releasing the long-form hospital birth certiface is pretty standard fare, no big deal. He took the lead, and now the world is looking to see what Obama will do.

  140. Evening, Gianni and OldSalt,

    I’ve always suspected that there was some bad blood between Rham(it) and Barky; old Rham’s departure from the snake pit was quite sudden, no?

    Since Barky seemingly has the tendency to p*ss off pretty much anyone he meets, I wonder if this is payback for something. Why would Rham release his birth certificate other than to throw a hint out there? Why now? Is it necessary to do that in order to run for Mayor? I don’t think so…


  141. SueK | December 13, 2010 at 11:25 pm |

    Seems like it doesn’t it SueK?

  142. Dean M……………………………
    Are you familiar with the “Chain of Command”? Officers, and enlisted personell alike are REQUIRED to forward grievances through the chain of command. Yes officers can resign their commission, but that doesn’t address the reason for the greivance to begin with. If an officer SUSPECTS that an order is illegal he has an option, he can refuse to obey it or he can obey it. If such an order is later deemed illegal he is exonerated from all charges of disobedience. In the case of the CO of the USS Indianapolis, a heavy cruiser which was torpedoed and sunk in 1945 by a Japanese submarine the CO was POSTHUMOUSLY restored to his rank,and his record was expunged to remove all aspects of the sinking of the Indianapolis. This was done because extensive reviews of the courts martial showed that the CO had been told only that he had his choice to either use submarine evasive tactics (zigzaging), or follow a straight course to LUZON in the Philipines. He chose to follow a straight course, He was never advised that japanese subs were active along his planned route. The Navy KNEW that the Japanese subs were there.but for some unknown reason the CO of the Indianapolis was never advised.The CO of the Japanese submarine testified at the trial of the skipper,that it would have made no difference whether he was zigzagging or not. He was in a perfect shooting position. So I would conclude that the CO of the Indianapolis should never have been prosecuted, but the Navy brass were looking for a scapegoat. They convened a courts martial of the CO. He was convicted. He ultimately committed suicide in 1968, after enduring the pain of the sinking for twenty three years. It finally consumed him!.

  143. Suek………………………………
    I am not totally convinced that there was a high level of hostility between Rahm and Barry. Perhaps they had a LOVER’s spat. Further Mayor Daley had already stated that he was not going to seek re election. Allegedly his wife had cancer,and he chose to step down to be with her. This announcement came some time before Rahm decided to leave the WH. I see no reason to doubt his intentions. I read a few articles that appeared in various publications that the relationship between Rahm and Barry was sometimes stormy but not really hostile,. So I would conclude that this wasn’t a precipitating agent in his choice to return to Chicago to run for Mayor.

  144. Goodnight all from my filthey, and smelly little trailer in slime city. Time for my pain pill.

  145. oldsalt, you always give me a chuckle when you describe your “little trailer in slime city,” because one time you told us of the circumstances surrounding that caption……just the opposite is true, as I recall. Hope you sleep well tonight and don’t suffer as you sometimes do.

  146. Dean M. | December 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm | CW & Sir William——–I think you may misunderstand Pieter. From a military point of view, you have to follow orders. If you have proof that something is amiss, then you can appeal to higher authorities in the system, such as the IG.
    If it is just a suspicion or question, is that sufficient ground not to follow an order? NO. If an officer’s suspicion is strong enough, however, and if it goes against his conscience or better judgment to accept such an order, he can resign his commision.
    An enlisted person cannot leave the service until his enlistment contract runs out. He is required to follow direct orders of officers. But an officer can resign his commission. LTC Lakin could have resigned from the service.
    What he cannot do is openly disobey an order without putting himself in grave jeopardy. LTC Lakin did this deliberately because he was quite sure in his mind that Obama was not eligible to be President. He thought that by making this stand, he could force the President to openly prove his natural born status, or be proven to lack such a status………………
    As I’ve said before, I believe Obama is a natural born citizen. The CIA has guarunteed this to the elitist club. But what about us regular Americans? What about LTC Lakin? Don’t we have a right to see the documents proving the fact? The elitists say “NO! YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT! WE KNOW BETTER. WE’RE WATCHING OUT FOR YOU.”<<<

    Dean, Sir William, Pieter,
    Can't argue much with the logic you have written above Dean. The elistist are saying he is NBC, and telling us to believe it. They say it's CIA stuff, and he is protected by CIA (that was going on long before Nov 2008). I say if Obama worked for the CIA, and they are helping him in any way, that this represents a CIA operation on US soil against 'We the People'.
    No matter how you look at it, the truth needs to be told.
    BTW, SG Peiter, if your in the field my best to you and good luck.

  147. Pingback: Lt. Col. Lakin’s Persecution Begins Today – Admiral Mullen Don’t Allow America to Lose Two True Patriots – Larry Sinclair Posts New Article – Obamacare – The BOPAC Report « The BOPAC Report & Larry Sinclair�

  148. In my humble opinion, LTC Terry Lakin’s facts and justification for refusing illegal orders
    are just as strong as those that Lt Calley faced in My Lai.
    In the My Lai example, the scope was smaller.
    In the Obama example, he can put his finger on the nuclear trigger.
    You tell me that LTC Lakin had an easier decision.

  149. CW…you stated:

    In your humble opinion that LTC Larkin’s facts and justifications were just as strong as Lt Calley at My Lai….

    You are so right CW…

  150. where is lt. col. allen west and his support for lt. col. lakin. he has been silent. also the big protectors of the constitution so they all claim to be such as rush limbaugh sean hannity glen beck laura ingram mark levine bill cunningham neil boortz herman cain pat buchannan . all these phonies must be pressured to stand up. prove they are real patriots and not just there for money. keep the e-mails and phone calls flowing to them with no let up. we must expose all of them as hyprocrits traitors and phonies so as they lose their listeners. they have become a bigger enemy than obama and that is saying something.

  151. Good morning! The weather forecast called for 1 to 3 inches of snow last night. We got 13+.

  152. Drudge has link to article about Lt. Col. Lakin’s persecution.

  153. CW – I just heard you on the Boyles show. I don’t understand his disrespectful questioning of your comparison. I think he had Joseph Farah of WND on just before you. Well, at least he is discussing it. Today’s Trial will go down as one of the-best-kept-secrets ever. BUT we all know the MSM is listening. The Truth will win out.

  154. First of all, congratulations RMinNC, you pass the IQ and attentiveness test.
    Radio host Peter Boyles just flunked it.

    I wanted to pass along some information about the LTC case, CDR Kerchner, etc.
    I was at the coffee shop working, dialed in and waited for quite a while.
    I packed up with one hand.
    Loaded the car with one hand.
    Drove home.
    Got into the house, teeth chattering (we are having artic weather).
    Finally a call screener got to me and a minute later Boyles came on.
    Boyles is another example of how anyone, including Glenn Beck, can get on the air.
    He was rude, unattentive and exhibited a low capacity to process information.
    Of course, when you are not listening and know everything, that often happens.
    I was attempting to present my comment from this AM:

    “In my humble opinion, LTC Terry Lakin’s facts and justification for refusing illegal orders
    are just as strong as those that Lt Calley faced in My Lai.
    In the My Lai example, the scope was smaller.
    In the Obama example, he can put his finger on the nuclear trigger.
    You tell me that LTC Lakin had an easier decision.”

    1. Both Calley & Lakin were military officers faced with the dilemma of following questionable orders.
    2. In Calley’s case, the issue was clear. If he did not question orders, civilians would be killed.
    3. In Lakin’s case the issue is clear. If Obama is not eligible (and there is no evidence that he is), then all
    being killed in foreign wars, subject to harm due to diminished security and trust and potentially under his command
    would die under illegal circumstances and perhaps needlessly. I believe that the most concerning issue is having a non eligible person with control over the detonation of nuclear weapons.
    4. Lt. Calley was criticized for not disobeying illegal orders.
    5. LTC Lakin is being court martialed for disobeying illegal orders.

    Peter Boyles, you cannot be that dull witted. Is this just about power, control?

    What Boyles has done for me is strengthen the resolve that we need better news reporting
    in this country. That is something we will explore.
    Boyles, call me.


    Cold Blast Strains Farmers


    While they are sunning themselves with global warming in Cancun, the local area has seen record-breaking cold. Cancun set a 100-year record low temperature date of 54 F. while negotiators from over 200 countries obsessed with global warming. Miami broke a record that had remained unchallenged since 1897. Temperatures dropped to 63 degrees, two degrees lower than 113 years ago. Fort Lauderdale, Florida breaks 169-year cold record: Fort Lauderdale broke a low temperature record of 42 degrees for Dec. 7 that had been in place for 169 years, said Dan Gregoria, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Miami.

    “In parts of Florida, hit Tuesday morning with a freeze not seen this early since 1937, some growers were already reporting severe frost burn and ruined plantings, reducing supply and driving up prices for winter vegetables,” says this article in the Wall Street Journal. With sweet corn “turning blackish green and slimy” and green beans wilting, prices have soared by up to 62 percent.

  156. Great take CW….well written and so correct

  157. Thanks

  158. What some people can’t seem to understand is in the military you can be court martialed FOR obeying orders as well as being court martialed for NOT obeying orders….CW your example put it very well in your last post.

    It’s a two edged sword that all soldiers must balance….and that’s not hard unless your a complete idiot.

  159. There is so much Evil. School Boards are responsible. Teach the Constitution. Keep fighting the Good Fight, stay safe,God Bless.

  160. Birther faces court martial for refusing deployment orders
    Yahoo! News ^ | Dec. 14, 2010 | Jade Walker

    Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:13:53 AM by SvenMagnussen

    A court martial proceeding against an 18-year Army veteran who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan will begin today at Fort Meade in Maryland.

    According to The Associated Press, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin disobeyed orders to report to a Kentucky base earlier this year because he doubts whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States and questions his eligibility to be president. Click here to view the charges.
    To: Hotlanta Mike
    Lt. Col. Lakin will not rot in jail. He will become a ‘Cause Celebre’ and will be a rally point in the House of Representatives for Obama to demonstrate how he is constitutionally eligible to be POTUS.

    Darryl Issa would be remiss not to subpoena and the HDOH to confront Obama on his papers.

    “A Disappearing Act & Eyeball Tricks”

    10 posted on 12/14/2010 6:39:55 AM PST by Hotlanta Mike


    I would like to believe that your assumptions are correct. However, I do not know of a single congressman who has spoken out in support of LTC Lakin, nor any congressman who has promised an investigation of BO’s illegitimate presidency. Do you know of any?

  161. With the death of Richard Holbrook–may he rest in peace–and LTC Lakin’s hearing–it promises to be an interesting day. I see a large caldron boiling with three witches around it. They are chanting as the many ingredients of explosive issues are being thrown into the pot. The ground zero mosque building efforts, the Dems at the top challenge to remove Obama, the unconstitutional ruling on Obamacare, the strange case of LTC Lakin, Assange, the economic crisis, the ever intensifying anger of America, the mystery of Mr. Holbrook’s death, plus, plus plus just to mention a few of stuff they are cooking in this pot of chaos.

    With the changing of the guard come January, it is all coming to a head. It is clear Obama has far less power today than when he entered the WH two years ago. It is clear America is in far worse shape that it was two years ago. The answer to the question “Do you feel safer living in America today” is NO. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The worst of what is happening is 7/8ths below the surface.

    2011 will be the deciding year–will we witness the final blows that destroy American freedom as we believed it to be or has America awakened enough to throw the fascist/communists bums out and restore America. The first step will begin with openly challenging Obama by Congress to produce his documents or ultimately be thrown in jail.

  162. “Billboard cartel crumbling on eligibility issue?”

    “WASHINGTON – One of the three major media conglomerates that banned display of WND’s “Where’s the birth certificate?” billboards more than a year ago has changed its tune.

    CBS recently began wooing WND’s business, with one of its agents explaining that opposition to the campaign has crumbled in light of the deep recession within the outdoor advertising industry.

    However the agent also discouraged the idea of any news coverage of CBS Outdoor’s second thoughts.

    In response, Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, said he has no interest in taking up CBS on its offer – and neither will he consider any offers from the other two members of what he calls “the billboard cartel” that banned the campaign when he launched it in May 2009.”

  163. Free Speech,
    I believe that they can be persuaded.

  164. RMinNC.
    Thanks very much!

  165. PS-My point & I was trying to make it to Boyles is that this is not a clear cut issue. Lakin pondered this
    decision for some time and tried his best to handle it through the proper channels. This was not a knee
    jerk reaction.

  166. CW…..exactly!

  167. CW,

    I appreciate your support for LTC Lakin. However, there is a problem with this: “■Tell everyone you know about LTC Terry Lakin and the upcoming court martial.
    ■Keep it simple!
    Stay away from grey area debates.

    The entire “defense” of Lakin’s first lawyer was a “grey area debate.” It is inexplicable why the first lawyer did not raise the NBC issue, no discovery was even necessary to raise the NBC issue.

    Then Puckett ended all debate by declaring that his client was guilty 11 days before trial, did he not?

  168. I will be speaking with CDR Kerchner later today.
    One of my questions is:

    Is the blatant/hostile bias and prejudice in this case a preordained setup to allow
    an easy reversal & thus avoidance of discovery?
    As we all know, our judicial system has been unanimous in squelching discovery.

  169. Free speech,
    I was not addressing legal teams with the suggestion to keep it simple.
    The American public has such a short attention span & has been brainwashed.

  170. Citizenwells | December 14, 2010 at 11:18 am |

    Is the blatant/hostile bias and prejudice in this case a preordai—-ned setup to allow
    an easy reversal & thus avoidance of discovery?


    What basis is there for what LTC Lakin’s lawyer has concluded is a “certain conviction?” Puckett stated that all of Lind’s rulings re: discovery were correct, did he not? What issues does LTC Lakin have for appeal of the “certain conviction” predicted by his lawyer?

  171. CW,

    Putting legal strategy aside, would it not have been simpler for LTC Lakin’s lawyers to educate the American people about the NBC requirements to be POTUS than to try and convince the American people that bo was born in Kenya without any means of the presentment of discovery of bo’s place of birth?

    LTC Lakin’s lawyer are the ones who failed to keep it simple, are they not?


    Assange Lawyer: Secret Grand Jury Meeting Outside Washington on Leak

    Voice of America News ^ | 12-14-10 | VOA

    Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:28:34 AM by FS11

    A lawyer for the founder of the WikiLeaks website says a secret grand jury is meeting outside Washington to consider charges in the release of thousands of sensitive U.S. documents.

    The lawyer, Mark Stephens, told David Frost on Al-Jazeera television that they have heard from Swedish authorities that there has been a “secretly empaneled” grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia.

  173. All I have to say is if LTC Lakin is not somehow redeemed AND if the Supremes ultimately rule that the Ocare mandates are constitutional then we, as a Nation are gone. If they feared a “black” revolt if O was proven a fraud………………they better gear up for another American Revolution. It’s time EVERY branch of the US Government understands this. I salute ALL sacrifices defending our Nation and our freedoms. They must not and will not be lost in vain! God Bless America.

  174. “Army birther pleads guilty to 1 of 2 charges”

    Associated Press – December 14, 2010 12:14 PM ET

    “FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) – An Army doctor who disobeyed orders to deploy to Afghanistan because he questions President Barack Obama’s citizenship has pleaded guilty to 1 of 2 charges against him.

    At a court-martial proceeding Tuesday in Maryland, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin of Greeley, Colo., pleaded guilty to a charge that included not meeting with a superior when ordered to do so and not reporting to duty at Fort Campbell.

    Lakin faces up to 18 months in prison and dismissal from the Army.

    He pleaded not guilty to a second charge of missing a flight he was required to be on. His court-martial at Fort Meade is continuing on that count.

    Hawaiian officials say they have records proving Obama was born there and is therefore eligible to be president. But so-called birthers challenge that.”

  175. Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin Court-Martial Trial Update(s): LTC Lakin pleads guilty to 1 of 2 charges.


    Army Doc: Deployment Orders Illegal Without Pres. Obama’s Birth Records
    7NEWS ^ | December 14, 2010 | Deb Stanley,

    Sounds as if he may have had some bad legal advice. He should have deployed under protest and then filed a petition for writ of mandate for the Army to produce the documents in question. He probably would have lost, but he would still have his commission.

    43 posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:42:12 AM by P-Marlowe
    I agree. Furthermore, his “lawyers” failed to raise the NBC issue.

    Now what basis for appeal is there for what LTC Lakin’s lawyer has concluded is a “certain conviction?”

    Puckett stated that all of Lind’s rulings re: discovery were correct, did he not?

    What issues does LTC Lakin have for appeal of the “certain conviction” predicted by his lawyer?

  177. What a disappointment this is. I am disheartened at the failure of Lakin’s legal team. The judge was certainly biased and was presiding over a kangaroo court but it seems the whole issue of Obama/soetero’s eligibility was just pushed under the table.

  178. No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President. Natural born citizens are those born in a country to citizen parents. Dual citizenship are not eligible. And I did not need a Harvard education.

  179. Free speech.
    I will wait to comment on the legal defense of LTC Lakin until after the court martial.
    A) I am not the quarterback.
    B) The fat lady has not sung.
    C) I do not have all the facts yet.
    D) Though I am well educated and informed, I am not a legal expert.

  180. mfc | December 14, 2010 at 12:53 pm | What a disappointment this is. I am disheartened at the failure of Lakin’s legal team. The judge was certainly biased and was presiding over a kangaroo court but it seems the whole issue of Obama/soetero’s eligibility was just pushed under the table.


  181. citizenwells | December 14, 2010 at 1:07 pm | Free speech.
    I will wait to comment on the legal defense of LTC Lakin until after the court martial.
    A) I am not the quarterback.
    B) The fat lady has not sung.
    C) I do not have all the facts yet.
    D) Though I am well educated and informed, I am not a legal expert.

    All of my questions pertaining to Lakin’s appeal are withdrawn being that they have been rendered moot by his Guilty Plea.

  182. I don’t know anything but this: another apparent self-inflicted gun shot death.. Illinois politician. Could the Arkansas flu be spreading?

  183. 1:13 PM-No mention of Lakin on Glenn Beck’s Citizen Wells response.

    Anyone else trying to wake up Beck or hold him accountable?

  184. Today’s outcome really wasn’t unexpected given his attorney’s stance these past few weeks. What is next will be to determine whether or not Lakin has given up, at this point it seems like he has. Like I said a few weeks ago, it seems that he is now trying to minimize the penalty against Lakin (because of poor legal advice from civilian attorney). Possibly a deal to “just shut up and go away” type of thing….

    I hope not…

  185. CW…………………………………
    I pray that somebody at the trial is recording every word spoken throughout the entire trial..

  186. Free Speech……………..OT………..
    The last I read regarding MMMMSSSS.DUMAS was that she had been brought before the disciplinary commission of your stste. Did she receive any ….discipline?

  187. As predicted: KANGRAROO COURT…..

    I don’t know why anyone bothered to show up….the judge could have just emailed everyone a copy of her ruling.

    DAMN our army has gone to hell in a hand basket!

  188. “The Covert Court Martial of Lt Col Lakin: A National Disgrace”

    “Today, you are witnessing the silent persecution of Lt Col Lakin, a National Hero amid the darkness of a shameful media blackout as a Marxist Usurper flies around in Air Force One. It is a NATIONAL DISGRACE” – Steve Cooper

    “Where are all of the frauds that love to repeat the word Constitution over and over again? The Ron Paul’s, the Glenn Beck’s, YOUR Tea Party Leaders and speakers? The morons over at the Free Republic website that supposedly stand for liberty, freedom and the Constitution, but they attacked my post to spread the word to support a man of honor, Lt Col Lakin.

    One man stood up and took a stand above all of the other officers in the U.S. Military to say enough is enough. This is a constitutional crisis and I want some answers now. …”

  189. CW. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Glenn Beck. I listen to him from time to time, but definitely isn’t the “end all be all” authority on these matters. It seems to me that his whole narrative these days are based on the work of Trevor Louden at New Zeal (I wonder if he throws him a few nickels for doing all of his research for him).

    Glenn gives out some good information, but he is also a narcissist in that he thinks that he is the ONE telling us all of this stuff. He needs to get the of his high horse. If nothing else, nothing else, even if you want to discard it, this Lakin trial is NEWSWORTHY. He buries his head in the sand. The same way that he begs others not to do.

    For that reason, I am not on board with Glenn Beck.

  190. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 1:36 pm |

    Like I said a few weeks ago, it seems that he is now trying to minimize the penalty against Lakin (because of poor legal advice from civilian attorney). Possibly a deal to “just shut up and go away” type of thing….
    Exactly, I suspect that Lakin’s “lawyer” has already gotten a plea bargain on both charges from the Army lawyers.

  191. Is anyone other than me thinking some kind of prior arrangement were made before this court martial began today?

    Did Larkin’s attorney send us a message the other day when he said it looks like Terry is guilty?

    Where does all this leave LTC Larkin…I can’t believe he intentionally put his career on line way back when he refusal to deploy … then rolled over today….but did he?

    Where does all this leave the NBC issue?

    Lots of questions…few answers.

    Comments are welcome!

  192. Is the trial over…..where can I read updates

  193. RMinNC | December 14, 2010 at 1:59 pm |

    Maybe my posts aren’t showing up at your house (or you are still mad at me from a few months ago 🙂 ), but I’ve been saying exactly that for a couple of weeks now and just a few moments ago (read above). Just an observation on my part, so not gospel and I hope that it isn’t true.

  194. Just Heard this reported on my local radio station as I listen to Rush. It was what GORGO’s post said. The just had to put in that part about Hawaii saying O was born in Honolulu.

  195. Paxson…not mad at you…never was…just different points of view!

  196. RMinNC | December 14, 2010 at 2:07 pm |
    What is different about our points of view? I seem to agree with most of what you say.

  197. Thanks for that link: Lakin’s statement:
    “I was praying and soul searching,” he said. “I believed there was a question that needs to be answered to ensure a valid chain of command. But I had asked every question, done everything else I could short of disobeying orders, without success.”

    Maybe he isn’t giving up, I just don’t know where the next place for him to go would be? Congress? I hope that is the plan. Maybe Gen. McInerny’s comments were a harbinger of things to come.

  198. Beck should be happy if Lakin goes to prison. After all, he condemned him over a year ago.

  199. GORDO….I agree with you…

    This LTC larkin court martial is a NATIONAL DISGRACE…..

    and every Congressman, every judge, every elected official, every media source, every general officer in our armed forces bears equal responsibility for permitting this to come to this stage.

    When 54% of the people in America think Obama is hiding something…you damn well better believe he is!

    Every citizen should step back from the trees in the forest and ask himself or herself:

    1. What kind of President do we have that will not permit the citizens to know anything of his background other than what he publishes himself?

    2. What kind of a government will permit an UNKNOWN to rise to such a powerful position without full vetting him for the protection of it’s citizens.

    3. What is wrong with the media of America that refuse to publish what they already know about the UNKNOWN?

    4. Finally I have to ask…are we still living in a Republic, or are we morphing into something alien to our way of living?

  200. Judge Lind’s ruling was that whether or not Obama was a NBC it didn’t matter in the case of disobeying orders. IOW apparently it didn’t matter whether the lawyers raised that question or not or even if there WAS evidence presented to the court or available to present to the court.

    I’m wondering if an active duty military had indirect but pretty reliable sources’ evidence of a planned terror operation and tried to bring it to the attention of those above his own short chain of command; got no interest or response and would not put himself or those under him in that “line of fire” based on the facts he attributed as more than likely to be authentic; the attack took place after his refusal – would his sentence for disobeying orders remain intact because orders are more important than use of reason in order not to commit suicide? In the case of Obama originating the orders that tied the hands of our military in defending themselves against evidence of terrorists’ presence we know that more deaths occurred – and yet the judge in Lakin would not admit the effect of orders if they originated above a lower chain of command over one who would be effected in just the same way. Civilian common sense had to enter into the trials of Nuremberg – when will this happen in this present co-opted military?

    They’re damned either way: It was during these trials (Nuremberg), under the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal which set them up, that the defense of “Superior Orders” was no longer considered enough to escape punishment; but merely enough to lessen punishment.[4]

    Command responsibility
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

    Peace Palace in The HagueCommand responsibility, sometimes referred to as the Yamashita standard or the Medina standard, is the doctrine of hierarchical accountability in cases of war crimes.[1][2][3]

    The doctrine of “command responsibility” was established by the Hague Conventions IV (1907) and X (1907) and applied for the first time by the German Supreme Court in Leipzig after World War I, in the 1921 trial of Emil Muller.[4][5][6]

    The “Yamashita standard” is based upon the precedent set by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita. He was prosecuted in 1945, in a still controversial trial, for atrocities committed by troops under his command in the Philippines. Yamashita was charged with “unlawfully disregarding and failing to discharge his duty as a commander to control the acts of members of his command by permitting them to commit war crimes.”[7][8]

    The “Medina standard” is based upon the 1971 prosecution of US Army Captain Ernest Medina in connection with the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War.[9] It holds that a commanding officer, being aware of a human rights violation or a war crime, will be held criminally liable when he does not take action. However, Medina was acquitted of all charges.[7][10][11]

    Perhaps Lakin might have been better off if he had accused the top of his personal chain of command of dereliction of duty when presented with certain facts such as Indonesian citizenship form as the last document available to the public re: Obama’s current status of “citizenship” of any kind.

  201. I have appreciated the enlightened discussion from all of the posters on a range of issues. With regard to LTC Lakin and considering that all previous challenges questioning Obama’s eligibility seemed to have failed to meet the question of “standing”, This question logically comes to mind…Did LTC Lakin plan to essentially plead guilty to to improve his opportunity to claim standing? It does not seem logical to me that such a high profile issue could be completely characterized by poor strategy and legal defense. I hope he isn’t giving up as we are losing opportunities to force the truth out into the open. We may not get Obama out with any of these manuevers but we all need to keep pressing so that it can never happen again. Again, thank you for so many lively debates and educated perspectives. M-P

  202. Michigan-Patriot | December 14, 2010 at 2:35 pm |

    Good questions and well said, MP…


    United States v. Lakin liveblog

    Perhaps this blog written by a retired Judge of the Air Force Court of Appeals will help in understanding the result of Lakin’s guilty plea:

    “For those unfamiliar with the court-martial process: to plead guilty, a military accused must enter into a colloquy with the military judge in which the judge explains the elements of each offense and the legal definitions that accompany it. See United States v. Care, 40 C.M.R. 247 (C.M.A. 1969). The accused has an opportunity to discuss the elements and the definitions with the judge, who must be satisfied that the accused understands them before accepting his plea. The accused must also describe under oath the acts he committed that give rise to his plea, so that the judge is satisfied that he is, in fact, guilty. If the accused makes statements or offers evidence inconsistent with his plea, it cannot be accepted, and the military judge must reopen the discussion with the accused (formally referred to as a “providency inquiry” or more often and informally known as a ”Care inquiry”) to resolve the inconsistency; or, if it cannot be resolved, reject the plea and enter a not guilty plea on his behalf. UCMJ Article 45(a). Per press reports, it appears LTC Lakin entered guilty pleas to three of the specifications of Charge II. For those pleas to be accepted, he would have to explicitly admit that the orders he received were lawful orders which he had a duty to obey.”

    In order words, By pleading guilty, Lakin gave up all rights to appeal on the basis that bo’s order to deploy troops was unlawful based on his illegitimate Presidency.

  204. over at they have a headline: “Army Birther pleads guilty to 1 of 2 charges.”

  205. Cavuto to Chris Matthews: Cram your remarks about Chris Christie’s weight up your tingly you-know-what
    Allahpundit 12/14/2010

    Video of Neil Cavuto

    To Chris Matthews..”Stick your condescending comments up your U know what!”

  206. Michigan-Patriot | December 14, 2010 at 2:35 pm |

    Did LTC Lakin plan to essentially plead guilty to to improve his opportunity to claim standing?
    No, Lakin gave up all standing to appeal or to file a lawsuit in Civilian Court when he pled guilty. See my post above for further explanation.

  207. FS, thanks for that useful information. I am just thinking about this sentence.. “For those pleas to be accepted, he would have to explicitly admit that the orders he received were lawful orders which he had a duty to obey.”

    It seems to me that the next and only place for this guilty plea to go would be Congress if Lakin wants to keep up the fight. At first, I thought that this would be a nail in the coffin. But it could be possible to admit that the order was lawful based upon the current chain of command as perceived by the military, however Congress could investigate whether the chain of command is legitimate. So yes, the orders were valid, but Lakin did his due dilligence and then received poor advice from a civilian attorney as to how to procede.

    In his statement to the court he is sticking by the fact that his perspective with relation to Obama’s eligibility is firm. You would think that they would have made some agreement as to what he would say to the court if the plea were to make him “shut up and go away”.

    Basically Lakin is saying yes I am guilty, I should have proceeded with the orders which were correct, however I still believe that the President is not eligible to be CIC.

    Do you foresee Congress taking up this issue as McInerny suggested would happen? I am sure that McInerny would be in contact with somebody.

  208. Bridgette | December 14, 2010 at 2:45 pm |

    I saw that Bridgette. Neil Cavuto is a man of real class. His mind dwarfs the mental and mean spirited midgets on MSNBC who are always lamenting the lack of civility in politics yet seem to promote the sophmoric approach on a daily basis.

  209. Finally, a link!!!!

    Linked to from Drudge

    interesting comments.


  210. Free Speech…Thanks for the explanation. We need to see exactly where the dust settles but it appears we will end in the same place as all the others. More questions and mystery as to what is really going on behind the scenes. Like all of you there is still a growing sense that something wrong…something is not right. I don’t think any of us who are paying attention to what is going on behind the MSM can go back to any sense of normalcy in our lives without finding out the real truth. I think this issue have drained many of us of our ability to rejoice in anything. It is too important for our children and grand children that we persevere and find a way to slow the encroaching evil that we can all feel. I don’t know about all of you but I can’t get comfortable at a time when I should be solely focussed on providing for my family’s financial future. For me protecting the liberty that most people have taken for granted has now taken precedence over most of my life objectives. Whatever is actually going on we must all find a way to contribute to derailing it for the sake of those too busy to understand what is happening before our eyes. M-P

  211. Observer | December 14, 2010 at 2:31 pm |

    Interesting comments Observer.

  212. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 2:53 pm |

    FS, thanks for that useful information. I am just thinking about this sentence.. “For those pleas to be accepted, he would have to explicitly admit that the orders he received were lawful orders which he had a duty to obey.”

    Do you foresee Congress taking up this issue as McInerny suggested would happen? I am sure that McInerny would be in contact with somebody.
    U R welcome. I have great respect for Gen. McInerney, however, I have seen no indication of any interest by congress whatsoever in Lakin’s case.

  213. Michigan-Patriot | December 14, 2010 at 3:09 pm |
    Free Speech…Thanks for the explanation.

    U R welcome. I share your concerns for our Country.

  214. From:

    “Rep. West: ‘Crazy’ to Fight Over ‘Don’t Ask’ With War to Win”

    By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter


    “It is time that we challenge this liberal social welfare perspective of victimization and dependency that is coming out of places like the Congressional Black Caucus, and I look forward to bringing that debate.”

    Asked about Rep. Charles Rangel, a founder of the Congressional Black Caucus who was censured by the House on Thursday for violating House ethics rules, West says: “There is a standard, and when you bust the standard, you have to be held accountable.

    “Some of the things Charles Rangel was guilty of, the average American citizen would go to jail for. We cannot continue to have this sense of a ruling-class elite that is above the American people. So I think it is very important that we hold our legislators’ feet to the fire, and we cannot allow them to believe that they are separate and above the laws that they’re supposed to be creating and upholding.”
    He feels that the GOP does not need to shut down the government and should find ways to cut spending without a shutdown. And he says the central bank’s move to “magically print $600 billion trying to monetize our debt” is an example of the disconnect between “fiscal policy,” which is the domain of Congress, and “monetary policy,” which is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve.”

  215. In order words, By pleading guilty, Lakin gave up all rights to appeal on the basis that bo’s order to deploy troops was unlawful based on his illegitimate Presidency.

    >>>in other words, he caved ???

  216. so why did he go this far , to cave ?


    LTC Lakin pled guilty to all four of the Article 92 specifications alleged in Charge II (media reports had suggested mixed pleas to these offenses).

    During the hour-and-a-half long Care inquiry, LTC Lakin acknowledged no less than half a dozen times that the orders he received were lawful, and that he in fact had a duty to obey them. Judge Lind found his guilty pleas to be provident and accepted them. The defense then moved to dismiss the dereliction of duty spec as an unreasonable multiplication of charges in light of the accused’s guilty plea to Specification 3. The prosecution did not oppose the motion, and Judge Lind granted it. She then entered guilty findings on Specifications 1-3 of Charge II and on Charge II itself.

  218. he should have kept his mouth closed

    and said nothing

  219. FS, I agree that Congress has shown no interest to date. However, if Lakin actually spends time in prison (and that’s a big “IF”) I can foresee an even larger grassroots effort to push it on his behalf. The longer that he is in jail, the more of a living breathing example that he becomes to highlight the eligibility issue. Especially if the clamor grows. This is the type of “visual” that our soft co.cked leaders need to move on issues of real importance.

  220. da verg | December 14, 2010 at 3:33 pm |
    In order words, By pleading guilty, Lakin gave up all rights to appeal on the basis that bo’s order to deploy troops was unlawful based on his illegitimate Presidency.

    >>>in other words, he caved ???

    da verg | December 14, 2010 at 3:33 pm |
    so why did he go this far , to cave ?

    That is a good question.

  221. From:
    Comments From:

    “Darryl Cunningham

    Military personnel are not obligated to follow illegal orders or orders where the constitutionality of the chain of command is suspect. Obama’s people have gone out of their way, and at great expense into the millions of dollars to fight any attempt to get him to produce a long-form birth certificate. Until the long-form birth certificate can be presented (a document that ANY American citizen can obtain) this matter will never go away.

    A computer printout dated 2007 is insufficient proof.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    “Plenty Offish

    Obama’s COLB is a forgery, with a faked inverted seal. You are a natural born Citizen, with no first generation foreign ties by blood or soil at birth. Obama was never vetted by Congress. Thus he fails article II, 20th amendment, and is guilty of felony document forgery.”
    # # #

  222. da verg | December 14, 2010 at 3:36 pm |
    he should have kept his mouth closed

    and said nothing
    It sounds to me like he didn’t have a choice. Either way he was going to be guilty. He could have either bent over and taken it the easy way with KY, or gotten on his knees and done it the hard way with much higher penalties.

  223. Lakin needs to sue for printing false information and ignoring the request for a retraction.

    We might all have standing to sue

  224. 12 days of Obama Christmas carol

  225. Snippets via; Lakin drew a distinction between the charge he pleaded guilty to — failing to report for duty — and the charge of missing movement by skipping the flight to Fort Campbell. Lakin refused to deploy to Afghanistan this summer because he maintains that if Obama is not legally eligible to be commander-in-chief and therefore any orders he issues would be unlawful. …Whether or not Lakin is convicted on the one remaining charge, he still faces a maximum of 18 months in jail, separation from the Army, and loss of all pay and allowances. One of the four counts of disobeying orders was subsequently dismissed by the court because the same charge is incorporated into one of the other counts. Had the conviction remained he would be looking at an additional six months confinement. Lakin admitted he disobeyed orders to report to superior officers. “But my orders to Fort Campbell were for the purposes of deployment,” he said, arguing since those deployment orders were illegitimate, he was justified in not following them. … The birther cause did make it into discussion, however, as Lakin spent more than an hour answering Lind’s questions about his decision to plead guilty to failing to report for duty. Lakin spoke in low tones throughout the morning session, sometimes with long pauses before answering a question or pausing mid-sentence. Around the time he refused orders to meet with several superiors, he said, he was dealing with advice from legal counsel and was wrestling with his own conscience and personal beliefs. …Though the court-martial is not going to weigh Lakin’s arguments about Obama, the colonel’s brother said Lakin “is looking forward to making a statement at the end of the trial.” -Source.

  226. not correct free speech

    Lakin drew a distinction between the charge he pleaded guilty to — failing to report for duty — and the charge of missing movement by skipping the flight to Fort Campbell. Lakin refused to deploy to Afghanistan this summer because he maintains that if Obama is not legally eligible to be commander-in-chief and therefore any orders he issues would be unlawful. …Whether or not Lakin is convicted on the one remaining charge, he still faces a maximum of 18 months in jail, separation from the Army, and loss of all pay and allowances. One of the four counts of disobeying orders was subsequently dismissed by the court because the same charge is incorporated into one of the other counts. Had the conviction remained he would be looking at an additional six months confinement. Lakin admitted he disobeyed orders to report to superior officers. “But my orders to Fort Campbell were for the purposes of deployment,” he said, arguing since those deployment orders were illegitimate, he was justified in not following them. … The birther cause did make it into discussion, however, as Lakin spent more than an hour answering Lind’s questions about his decision to plead guilty to failing to report for duty. Lakin spoke in low tones throughout the morning session, sometimes with long pauses before answering a question or pausing mid-sentence. Around the time he refused orders to meet with several superiors, he said, he was dealing with advice from legal counsel and was wrestling with his own conscience and personal beliefs. …Though the court-martial is not going to weigh Lakin’s arguments about Obama, the colonel’s brother said Lakin “is looking forward to making a statement at the end of the trial.” -Source.

  227. >>>in other words, he caved ???

    If he really wanted to cave , plead guilty as charged , accept deployment .

    Six months and two thirds pay , time served , return to duty .

    Get his rank back to LTC , retire.

  228. UPDATES:

    Lakin drew a distinction between the charge he pleaded guilty to — failing to report for duty — and the charge of missing movement by skipping the flight to Fort Campbell. Lakin refused to deploy to Afghanistan this summer because he maintains that if Obama is not legally eligible to be commander-in-chief and therefore any orders he issues would be unlawful. …Whether or not Lakin is convicted on the one remaining charge, he still faces a maximum of 18 months in jail, separation from the Army, and loss of all pay and allowances. One of the four counts of disobeying orders was subsequently dismissed by the court because the same charge is incorporated into one of the other counts. Had the conviction remained he would be looking at an additional six months confinement. Lakin admitted he disobeyed orders to report to superior officers. “But my orders to Fort Campbell were for the purposes of deployment,” he said, arguing since those deployment orders were illegitimate, he was justified in not following them. -snip-

    more at

  229. Lakin drew a distinction between the charge he pleaded guilty to — failing to report for duty — and the charge of missing movement by skipping the flight to Fort Campbell. Lakin refused to deploy to Afghanistan this summer because he maintains that if Obama is not legally eligible to be commander-in-chief and therefore any orders he issues would be unlawful. …Whether or not Lakin is convicted on the one remaining charge, he still faces a maximum of 18 months in jail, separation from the Army, and loss of all pay and allowances. One of the four counts of disobeying orders was subsequently dismissed by the court because the same charge is incorporated into one of the other counts. Had the conviction remained he would be looking at an additional six months confinement. Lakin admitted he disobeyed orders to report to superior officers. “But my orders to Fort Campbell were for the purposes of deployment,” he said, arguing since those deployment orders were illegitimate, he was justified in not following them. … The birther cause did make it into discussion, however, as Lakin spent more than an hour answering Lind’s questions about his decision to plead guilty to failing to report for duty. Lakin spoke in low tones throughout the morning session, sometimes with long pauses before answering a question or pausing mid-sentence. Around the time he refused orders to meet with several superiors, he said, he was dealing with advice from legal counsel and was wrestling with his own conscience and personal beliefs. …Though the court-martial is not going to weigh Lakin’s arguments about Obama, the colonel’s brother said Lakin “is looking forward to making a statement at the end of the trial.” -Source.

  230. misstickly | December 14, 2010 at 3:42 pm |
    Lakin needs to sue for printing false information and ignoring the request for a retraction.

    We might all have standing to sue

    FS, correct me if I am wrong, but as is merely a private organization who didn’t swear under any type of oath, in any court of law, there is no way that that they are liable for any incorrect information that they publish other than libel or other legalities that other “news organizations” would be subject to.

    That is what is so screwed up about this. The MSM, Obama et al point to this organization as being the “holy grail” of proof when they are, in fact, under no obligation to give factual information. “Fact” is a misnomer and nobody gives a sh.t.

    I do encourage, and greatly appreciate, you to continue pointing out their erroneous ways, TerriK. The more that they are exposed, the better our case.

  231. da verg | December 14, 2010 at 3:58 pm |

    Lakin drew a distinction between the charge he pleaded guilty to — failing to report for duty — and the charge of missing movement by skipping the flight to Fort Campbell.
    A meaningless distinction without a difference.


    United States v. Lakin liveblog

    Perhaps this blog written by a retired Judge of the Air Force Court of Appeals will help in understanding the result of Lakin’s guilty plea:

    “For those unfamiliar with the court-martial process: to plead guilty, a military accused must enter into a colloquy with the military judge in which the judge explains the elements of each offense and the legal definitions that accompany it. See United States v. Care, 40 C.M.R. 247 (C.M.A. 1969). The accused has an opportunity to discuss the elements and the definitions with the judge, who must be satisfied that the accused understands them before accepting his plea. The accused must also describe under oath the acts he committed that give rise to his plea, so that the judge is satisfied that he is, in fact, guilty. If the accused makes statements or offers evidence inconsistent with his plea, it cannot be accepted, and the military judge must reopen the discussion with the accused (formally referred to as a “providency inquiry” or more often and informally known as a ”Care inquiry”) to resolve the inconsistency; or, if it cannot be resolved, reject the plea and enter a not guilty plea on his behalf. UCMJ Article 45(a). Per press reports, it appears LTC Lakin entered guilty pleas to three of the specifications of Charge II. For those pleas to be accepted, he would have to explicitly admit that the orders he received were lawful orders which he had a duty to obey.”

  232. While Congressional culpability in its January 2009 Cheney led approval of electoral votes can possibly be excused by reliance on Speaker Pelosi’s, now shown as fraudulent and/or deficient, certification of Obama eligibility, Speaker Boehner will have an obligation, not only to Lt. Col. Lakin, but to the American people, to lead review of Speaker Pelosi’s ‘Obama certification’, or Congressional culpability remains on the new Congress.

  233. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 4:36 pm |

    FS, correct me if I am wrong, but as is merely a private organization who didn’t swear under any type of oath, in any court of law, there is no way that that they are liable for any incorrect information that they publish other than libel or other legalities that other “news organizations” would be subject to.

    To be liable it would have to be proven that they were complicit to the fraud.

  234. Interesting interview with Puckett. He is looking out for his client’s best interests.

    “The prosecution is really out to get him,” Puckett added. “They really trumped up the charges higher than they needed to be.”

  235. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 5:35 pm |
    Interesting interview with Puckett. He is looking out for his client’s best interests.


    If he is “looking out for his client’s best interests” then he is clearly incompetent at it. Competent lawyers simply do NOT plead their clients guilty without an agreement to the terms of the sentence.

  236. FS. I suppose that you are correct. I was taking for granted that the military justice system worked differently.

  237. Everybody thought Al Capone was TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE. Take a look around is he still around? Nobody is TOO BIG to PROSECUTE. The difference lies in whether anyone has the intestinal fortitude,and wherewithall to go forward with a prosecution at a level that WILL be successful. As was the case with Al Capone,it was a lowly accxountant who brought an end to his world of crime, along with the efforts of Elliot Ness. Unfortunately Ness really didn’t have much on Capone until the accountant cracked. After which Capone was arrested and charged with income tax evasion. Nobody is above the law. Some might think they are. But until somebody stops them cold,they probably will remain UNTOUCHABLE. This could indeed become the epitaph of Barry Soetoro.

  238. oldsalt79 @ 5:59 pm |
    “Everybody thought Al Capone was TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE.” Nixon suffered under that delusion also, and I have lost track of how many of his henchmen went to jail also. Enron suffered under this delusion, MCI, Bernie Madoff (how many banks will be prosecuted too?). This list could be very long of those who thought they were above the law, any law.

  239. It would appear that the Army in court martialling LTC LAKIN has indeed made UP into DOWN,left into right. Now we are expected to believe it! For me HELL WILL FREEZE OVER FIRST. Sadly Lakin will endure the punishment. But those of us who know the truth, will NOT FORGET this BULLSH##,and everyone can rest assured that this is NOT going to go away. Just like the Soetoro BIRTH CERTIFICATE ISSUE. The courts martial will be kept in the faces of the slimey political criminal perpetrators,for as long as it takes to reverse the tide of MANURE emanating from the WH.

  240. The trial did not go well for Lakin today.

    United States v. Lakin liveblogging, Day One wrap

    By Christopher Mathews, December 14, 2010

    The prosecution has now rested and the court-martial is in recess until tomorrow. Some highlights from today:

    According to LTC Lakin, his former counsel, Paul Rolf Jensen, told him that although disobeying military orders would be consistent with Lakin’s thinking, he specifically said “I can’t ethically advise you to disobey” those orders. This testimony came during the providency inquiry and was not heard by the members; but it is part of the record and can be presented to them in sentencing.

    The most damaging evidence of the day came during the testimony of the accused’s brigade commander, Colonel Gordon Roberts. The accused and Mr. Jensen came to visit with Colonel Roberts on March 30, 2010, but the colonel was attending to other matters and couldn’t meet with them then. When Colonel Roberts summoned Lakin to his office the following day, he received this response: “You had your chance.” This testimony was before the members, and Colonel Sullivan is of the opinion that the accused’s insolence toward his commander — a Medal of Honor recipient — did not go over well at all.

    On the contested offense, the defense theory appears to be that no one told the accused to be on the flight alleged on the charge sheet. If true, it would be difficult to see how the prosecution could secure a conviction in light of United States v. Kapple, 40 M.J. 472 (C.M.A. 1994), as we discussed last month here. According to Colonel Sullivan, the defense appeared to making some headway — no one said they specifically told the accused to be on that specific flight — until the next-to-last witness, LTC Christine Edwards. She testified that the brigade commander told her to tell Lakin ”his place of duty is on that airplane.” She said that’s the order she relayed to the accused.

    We will see if he testifies to a contrary version of events tomorrow.

  241. Hopefully the STINK coming from the OOZING WH SLIME container will screw up every meal that Soetoro tries to ingest. Hopefully he will PUKE his backside up after every meal. I personally will continue to be in contact with various Veterans organisations like VFW etc, and I will always do whatever I can to keep the flame of HOPE burning. We need to keep ALL of the BS coming from the WH RETURNING TO THEM……. AIR EXPRESS. KEEP THEIR OWN CRAP RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSES. As each day passes we are closer to 2012. We need to hand the WH occupant ANOTHER defeat. This time TOTAL.

  242. Someone needs to contact Jessie Ventura ASAP Get this LAKIN CASE on his Friday night
    show TRU T-V Need an emergency show !! ALEX JONES and Ventura need to get this exposed Asap

  243. EVERYBODY…………………………
    TORO…TORO…TORO. Give the enemy no quarter,do not allow him any peace,a chance to regroup, or mount a counter offensive. Keep him confused, and off balance. Cut his supply lines. Take no prisoners!

  244. Thanks for the pep talk, Oldsalt. I know that I rationalize things, as it is my nature, but I am burning up inside.

  245. Zero has been planning for this day for a very long time. He may be so deluded that he actually believes he has evaded a confrontation. The evidence that he holds the troops and the voters in contempt is his insistence that we are not worthy of answers.
    For those of you who have served and for those whose sons and daughters serve under the UNKNOWN CINC, you have my sympathies and prayers for the safe return of those dearest to you.

  246. Truth Now…………………………..
    While it may already be too late for any meaningful counter offensive,by Lakin’s alleged lawyer, it is NOT TOO LATE TO GET THE ENTIRE DEBACLE UNDER THE SCRUTINY OF ALL AMERICANS. LETS SEE HOW PEOPLE FEEL WHEN THEY KNOW THE ………REST OF THE STORY!

  247. Win, lose or draw every American needs to learn the story of LTC. Lakin. this is why I suggest we start making up bumper stickers and other signs that simply say: LtC. Lakin for President of the United States. Post them on telepone poles, car bumpers (that are yours. of course), park benches, or where ever. Just leave a few where ever you go–doctor’s office, post office, super market, shopping centers, etc. Also include a web site that tells the story of Ltc. Lakin on the bumper stickers. This–more than anything–should get the curiosity of main stream media.

    If “The Rent Is Too Damn High” candiate could get an interview on Fox news and coverage–this should get America’s attention!

  248. TRUTH NOW…………………………….
    Remember the USS COLE. Remember 17 of our military died needlessly. A slimey enemy who could have just as easily been blown out of the water with ONE ROUND,or one surface to surface missile. YET the CO was FORBIDDEN to fire upon anybody in offense. Yet he was expected to be DEFENSIVE. That is IMPOSSIBLE without being OFFENSIVE at some point. Then the CO is ADMONISHED for not being defensive,and relieved of his command,and not exactly in good graces. Then a few years later an ALLEGED CINC chooses to KISS THE ASS OF THE ENEMY by FORGIVING THEIR ACT OF WAR against an AMERICAN warship that was not engaged in any offense of any kind and was simply REFUELING. The skipper should have fired upon the approaching boat. Had he done this the CO would have without a doubt been court martialed. But 17 sailors would still be alive,and the USS COLE would not have received a 20’wide hole in it’s hull. What sort of POTUS ALLOWS the enemy to win? Then compounds that offense by FORGIVING the ENEMY.

  249. What kind of “lawyer” allows his client to testify to privileged information?


    United States v. Lakin liveblogging, Day One wrap

    By Christopher Mathews, December 14, 2010

    The prosecution has now rested and the court-martial is in recess until tomorrow. Some highlights from today:

    According to LTC Lakin, his former counsel, Paul Rolf Jensen, told him that although disobeying military orders would be consistent with Lakin’s thinking, he specifically said “I can’t ethically advise you to disobey” those orders.



    High Treason and Espionage

    “True Patriot
    December 14, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    LTC Lakin plead guilty to the charge of disobeying orders to report to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky to deploy to Afghanistan.

    He plead not guilty to all other charges.

    The corrupt press will twist and turn this.

    The bottom line is LTC Lakin’s commanding officer is guilty of treason for not honoring his oath to protect, defend and obey the U.S. Constitution, and Lakin had to step forward and do it.

    So only the high ranking generals and joint chiefs are guilty.

    LTC Lakin was obeying the oath he took to protect our Constitution.

    The high ranking Generals and Commanding Officers should be tried for high crimes and treason against the U.S.


    That sums it up period. Set it straight with all the liberal scum that will say he admitted guilt. He admitted he is standing for America, in an illegal Court Martial by a bunch of self appointed Communist filth in our military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    # # # # #

    I 100% agree with your VERY EXCELLENT COMMENT, & I will share your comment far & wide!! Lt. Col. Dr. Lakin is a 100% Great American Hero & a Great American Leader!! This is only the beginning!

    The 100% Massive Daily Serial Criminal, Daily Constantly Lying Taqiyya practicing Radical Islamic Muslim Con-Man Madman, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, alias Barack Obama, who is a 100% Illegal Alien, and a 100% Foreign Terrorist Usurper is currently committing 100% Anti-American attacks of a Coup D’Etat War on the USA National Security, USA Military, USA American’s Treasury, USA economy, and on ALL of the protected & guaranteed Freedoms & Civil Rights & Liberties of ALL 310 + Million legal American citizens!!

    Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama, is an Illegal Alien Usurper Terrorist War Criminal waging Declared War Crimes against the United States of America!!! Lt. Col. Dr. Lakin is trying to stop this Coup D’Etat War & Stop the Daily Serial Crime Spree Of the Daily Serial Criminal Usurper Barry Soetoro Soebarkah/Obama!

    The unprecedented, criminal, Massive, Daily Serial Felonies, High Crimes, Seditions, and High Treasons Soetoro/Obama is committing in the USA, while he constantly Refuses to obey the USA laws in his 100% Anti-American Treasons, can be STOPPED!! Americans MUST DEMAND that Soetoro/Obama be brought before Public Anti-American Congressional Hearings!! Americans MUST DEMAND that Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama be held 100% Accountable Publicly for committing Massive Daily Serial Anti-American Felonies, High Crimes, Seditions, & High Treasons against the USA & the American people!!!

    We The American People MUST DEMAND the 100% Public Accountability of Barry Soetoro/Obama be held in Anti-American Congressional Hearings for his 100% Daily Serial, 100% completely Lawless, Massive, Despicable, 100% Anti-American High Crimes, Felonies, Seditions, & High Treasons that he is committing in the USA with his co-conspirators!!!

    This is the perfect answer & will remove Soetoro with his arrest & the arrests of his co-conspirators. Americans MUST PUBLICLY DEMAND that the 100% Illegal Alien, Foreign Terrorist Usurper, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama MUST be held 100% Publicly Accountable for committing his Daily Serial Crimes with his co-conspirators BY THE PUBLIC CONSTANT OUTCRY & PUBLIC DEMAND OF THE USA AMERICAN CITIZENS in his Daily Serial High Crimes & High Treasons, and Illegal Usurpation!!



    High Treason and Espionage

    “True Patriot
    December 14, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    LTC Lakin plead guilty to the charge of disobeying orders to report to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky to deploy to Afghanistan.

    He plead not guilty to all other charges.

    The corrupt press will twist and turn this.

    The bottom line is LTC Lakin’s commanding officer is guilty of treason for not honoring his oath to protect, defend and obey the U.S. Constitution, and Lakin had to step forward and do it.

    So only the high ranking generals and joint chiefs are guilty.

    LTC Lakin was obeying the oath he took to protect our Constitution.

    The high ranking Generals and Commanding Officers should be tried for high crimes and treason against the U.S.


    That sums it up period. Set it straight with all the liberal scum that will say he admitted guilt. He admitted he is standing for America, in an illegal Court Martial by a bunch of self appointed Communist filth in our military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    # # # # #

    I 100% agree with your VERY EXCELLENT COMMENT, & I will share your comment far & wide!! Lt. Col. Dr. Lakin is a 100% Great American Hero & a Great American Leader!! This is only the beginning!

    The 100% Massive Daily Serial Criminal, Daily Constantly Lying Taqiyya practicing Radical Islamic Muslim Con-Man Madman, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, alias Barack Obama, who is a 100% Illegal Alien, and a 100% Foreign Terrorist Usurper is currently committing 100% Anti-American attacks of a Coup D’Etat War on the USA National Security, USA Military, USA American’s Treasury, USA economy, and on ALL of the protected & guaranteed Freedoms & Civil Rights & Liberties of ALL 310 + Million legal American citizens!!

    Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama, is an Illegal Alien Usurper Terrorist War Criminal waging Declared War Crimes against the United States of America!!! Lt. Col. Dr. Lakin is trying to stop this Coup D’Etat War & Stop the Daily Serial Crime Spree Of the Daily Serial Criminal Usurper Barry Soetoro Soebarkah/Obama!

    The unprecedented, criminal, Massive, Daily Serial Felonies, High Crimes, Seditions, and High Treasons Soetoro/Obama is committing in the USA, while he constantly Refuses to obey the USA laws in his 100% Anti-American Treasons, can be STOPPED!! Americans MUST DEMAND that Soetoro/Obama be brought before Public Anti-American Congressional Hearings!! Americans MUST DEMAND that Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama be held 100% Accountable Publicly for committing Massive Daily Serial Anti-American Felonies, High Crimes, Seditions, & High Treasons against the USA & the American people!!!

    We The American People MUST DEMAND the 100% Public Accountability of Barry Soetoro/Obama be held in Anti-American Congressional Hearings for his 100% Daily Serial, 100% completely Lawless, Massive, Despicable, 100% Anti-American High Crimes, Felonies, Seditions, & High Treasons that he is committing in the USA with his co-conspirators!!!

    This is the perfect answer & will remove Soetoro with his arrest & the arrests of his co-conspirators. Americans MUST PUBLICLY DEMAND that the 100% Illegal Alien, Foreign Terrorist Usurper, Barry Soetoro Soebarkah alias Barack Obama MUST be held 100% Publicly Accountable for committing his Daily Serial Crimes with his co-conspirators BY THE PUBLIC CONSTANT OUTCRY & THE PUBLIC DEMAND OF THE USA AMERICAN CITIZENS for his Daily Serial High Crimes & High Treasons, and Illegal Usurpation!!

  252. Paxson……………………
    The fire in your gut is exactly the same fire in my own gut. Brought about by the INCOMPETENT, and otherwise criminal acts by our loving Barry Soetoro. Then having his GOON squad carry out KANGEROO xcourts Martials of officers who followed their beliefs, and acted exactly as set out in the UCMJ. It is OK though because EVERYTIME this is done it will INCENSE the American people even to a higher degree each time. In the end it will explode into a serious conflict within our own country.


    At one point, LTC Lakin appeared to draw a distinction between the orders to report to his brigade commander’s office — which he seemed quite willing to admit were lawful — versus the order to deploy to Fort Campell — which he characterized as a step in deploying to Afghanistan and appeared to tie to President Obama’s surge order. Judge Lind carefully inquired into whether LTC Lakin thought he had a legal defense to violating the order to report to Fort Campell. And she elicited several statements from him that the order was legal, he had a duty to obey it, and he knew at the time that the order was legal. And, of course, he said all of that under oath.

    When COL Roberts — the brigade commander — testified, he indicated that LTC Lakin did subsequently go to his office. COL Roberts — a Medal of Honor recipient who was amazingly impressive; the kind of guy you would follow into hell to do battle — said he had four reasons for wanting to meet with LTC Lakin: (1) he was concerned about LTC Lakin’s mental health; he knew LTC Lakin had deployed before and thought he might be suffering from PTSD: (2) he wanted to ensure that LTC Lakin understood the ramifications of what he was doing; (3) he was concerned about LTC Lakin’s family and the effect of his decision on them; and (4) he was concerned about the actions of LTC Lakin’s defense counsel because he was aware of Mr. Jensen’s Internet postings of LTC Lakin’s statements and questioned whether LTC Lakin was receiving sound legal advice.

    Neal Puckett began his cross-examination of COL Roberts by telling him he was honored to speak with him and recognizing COL Roberts’ extraordinary service to the country. He also assured COL Roberts that he wasn’t the same civilian counsel who was advising LTC Lakin in March and April 2010.

  254. Free Speech……………………….
    Chris Mathews is a MENTALLY disturbed, and otherwise MORONIC character. He can’t even get his facts straight. If that is the best that his boss can field it clears up the question as to the very poor ratings of his organisation. It is one thing for an angered blogger to incorrectly state something but is is INEXCUSEABLE for Mathews. He puts me in mind of Joe Biden. As evewrybody knows Joe Biden shovels load after load of manure……….and always………AGAINST THE TIDE!.

  255. Testing

  256. oldsalt79 | December 14, 2010 at 8:05 pm |

    You are confused, oldsalt. The is not the same Matthews as the msnbc host you are thinking about.

    What kind of “lawyer” allows his client to testify to privileged information?


    United States v. Lakin liveblogging, Day One wrap

    By Christopher Mathews, December 14, 2010

    The prosecution has now rested and the court-martial is in recess until tomorrow. Some highlights from today:

    According to LTC Lakin, his former counsel, Paul Rolf Jensen, told him that although disobeying military orders would be consistent with Lakin’s thinking, he specifically said “I can’t ethically advise you to disobey” those orders.

  257. Time to get the phone nos to our NEW servants in Congress and make them aware of Lakin. Congress should be ashamed of themselves.Some are aware of Lakin and what have they done to step up????? Where is McCain ?????????
    Where are those that take the Constitution sooooo seriously ????????What about their OATH,MEAN ANYTHING ??????
    Also why have we allowed 80 card members of the dems socialist of America,a Marxist org. be in Congress.??? This would conflict with the Oath to the U.S. CONSTITUTION,WOULD IT NOT???? DO A SEARCH OF CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS GET THEIR NAMES

    Orly Taitz has 160 Military as clients,are they going to step up???

  258. Observer…………………….
    Perhaps in the obviously warped mind of MMMMSSSS. Lind whether the POTUS is or isn’t an NBC doesn’t matter. Well she can twist words and she can change meanings of laws, but she will NOT be able to CHANGE THE MEANING OF HER OWN GENERAL COURTS MARTIAL which hopefully is just over the horizon. It will be about her failure to uphold the Constitutional rights of the defendant. It will be about TREASON as well, and her support of a known criminal who presently occupies the WH.

  259. Free Speech…………………….. The way it was stated seemed to imply that it was the mouth foam of our beloved Chris Mathews,of msnbc. I stand corrected, and I roundly apologise if I berated an innocent person. At least you know how I feel about our HARD BALL player.

  260. **** Update ****
    I had a lengthy phone conversation with CDR Kerchner, Dr. Kate & others at approx 8:00.
    Technology failed me but I was able to record most of it.
    A video and report will follow in the morning.
    What I will say now is that much of the reporting you are reading on the internet
    does not reflect what happened.

    Birther Report uploading video of their update now.


  262. citizenwells | December 14, 2010 at 8:27 pm |

    Thank you for everything, CW. Your tenacity is much appreciated.

  263. But I still stand with my already expressed view of Chris Matthews of MSNBC. I am sure that there are many others who feel the same way. I have personally BRIEFLY come across him while changing channels on my TV. I do not stick around msnbc. Given my choice of PUBLIC TV or msnbc, I will sit and watch RED GREEN if need be.

  264. oldsalt79 | December 14, 2010 at 8:41 pm |

    Oldsalt, you are our General. The wisdom that keeps us grounded.

  265. CW…………………………..
    Looking forward to your update tomorrow! Have a great evening.

  266. when this kangaroo court convicts him he should seek sanctuary of nearest church

  267. Paxson……………………………..
    I tend to think that if the military is to question orders it needs to happen on a HUGE scale. Thousands of our officers need to stand together, and refuse to obey an order which they perceive to be illegal. This includes both active and retired GENERALS, right down to second looeys, and Admirals right down to ensigns. I exclude WOs. They are the WORKING class. They know up from down.

  268. Cabby AZ………………………..
    My little sign off either a “grass shack.or a trailer in slime city”,is said with a purpose in mind .It is a sort of sarcasm directed at somebody who I havn’t seen around the blog lately. Perhaps their 4000 square foot home was forclosed on. I do this for the purpose of adding a little FRUSTRATION to the person’s day.. The person started it so I have seen fit to ram a little sarcasm back at the person. In short with the hope of exploding the person’s mind. You may or may not know who I am talking about. The persons name is best left out of the conversation. Just for clarification,this is a person who is a bit of a narcissist ……like soetoro. The person seems to think that he/she is superior to everyone else. I would even be willing to bet that the person even drives a SUV. The SUV is often their icon of their imagined superiority.

  269. da verg @ 9:05 pm |
    Sometimes hero’s come in amazing packages and not only claim Sanctuary for you but rescue you in bold way also.

  270. ldsalt79 | December 14, 2010 at 9:37 pm |
    Cabby AZ………………………..
    My little sign off either a “grass shack.or a trailer in slime city”,is said with a purpose in mind .It is a sort of sarcasm directed at somebody who I havn’t seen around the blog lately.
    Yeah, Oldsalt, I get the “drift” and that is why it’s a chuckler! On a very serious note, having been very occupied today, I am extremely saddened by the direction the LTC Lakin court martial is taking. For once I am dumbstruck and don’t feel there is much I could add to the already outpouring of sentiment here today. There are some ideas circling in my brain but I’ll wait until after tomorrow’s proceedings before commenting further. It is one sad day for America! May God help us and help this brave hero!

  271. from my little grass shack in waikiki ………im out of here!

  272. It hit yahoo,they are calling him a Army birther!The comments of some of these people are ridiculous!LTC Lakin is a Constitutionalist!God Bless You Sir!!!!May God hold you in his hands and lift you up!!You Sir are a true Patriot that loves his country dearly!!!

  273. A rather disappointing summation:
    His new lawyer — who has not been working with us — convinced Terry that by changing his strategy and abandoning any argument about Obama’s eligibility, he would be able to plead for mercy tomorrow when he is sentenced.

    Terry was able today, and will be able tomorrow, to explain that he was motivated by his concerns about eligibility, but of course by pleading guilty he abandons any opportunity to appeal, and thus any chance that the appellate courts would reverse Judge Lind’s rulings.

    The Lakin case will now never provide an answer to the questions the nation has as to the eligibility of Barack Obama to be Commander-in-Chief. However, Terry cannot be blamed for doing what he believes is in his, and his family’s, best interests and of course Terry had the courage and fortitude to put himself in jeopardy in the first place. We wish him all the best tomorrow as the trial continues to its conclusion.

  274. GBAmerica….I read several pages of comments at Yahoo. The ignorance is astounding. I truly believe we are raising several generations of total idiots. God help us.

  275. observer
    that is a completely erroneous post

    he plead guilty on one charge because he did defy orders on purpose because he believed that obama was ineligible and that the orders were invalid.

    He obviously didn’t follow the order, the point was not whether the order was legal or not. The point was did he follow the order, he said no he did not follow the order. And the reason he didn’t follow the order was because he believed obama did not have the authority to provide the order in the first place. Next the prosecution tried to prove that he was given the order, but all the witnesses that they called said no one gave him the order.

    So where is this all going ? To a dismissal, that’s where.

  276. HonorFirst,
    They all in need of Constitution classes bad!It does not matter where he was born his father needs to be a U.S citizen!His father held foreign allegiance to another country Kenya!Wake Up America!To be President= born on U.S soil and BOTH PARENTS U.S citizens with NO Foreign Allegiance to another country!

  277. Observer | December 14, 2010 at 10:28 pm |
    A rather disappointing summation:
    His new lawyer — who has not been working with us — convinced Terry that by changing his strategy and abandoning any argument about Obama’s eligibility, he would be able to plead for mercy tomorrow when he is sentenced.

    Terry was able today, and will be able tomorrow, to explain that he was motivated by his concerns about eligibility, but of course by pleading guilty he abandons any opportunity to appeal, and thus any chance that the appellate courts would reverse Judge Lind’s rulings.

    The Lakin case will now never provide an answer to the questions the nation has as to the eligibility of Barack Obama to be Commander-in-Chief. However, Terry cannot be blamed for doing what he believes is in his, and his family’s, best interests and of course Terry had the courage and fortitude to put himself in jeopardy in the first place. We wish him all the best tomorrow as the trial continues to its conclusion.


    It does not appear that Lakin’s supporters at Safeguard our Constitution are too thrilled about Puckett’s representation either.

  278. FS, I’m not an attorney (obviously) and I’m trying to wrap my arms around this. Question: if Lakin is found guilty of the “missing movement” charge, would he have an opportunity to appeal that specific charge and then introduce discovery upon appeal (even though he has pled guilty to the other lesser charges)?

    …and if he is found innocent of that charge? What does that say? The jury is sympathetic to Lakin’s concerns over Obama’s eligibility?

    I’m feeling a different vibe from this WND article and that Lakin has not merely “laid down” to protect his family. Do you see anything positive coming from this strategy?

    “[Puckett] wants to focus on the big issue here,” Greg Lakin told WND. According to Lakin, Puckett chose to concede the smaller matters in order to direct the court martial panel’s attention on the “missing movement” charge, which is most closely linked to Obama’s personal authority because it ties directly to the order to deploy to Iraq as part of Obama’s surge strategy.

  279. Most of those bloggers are apolitical. They have no clue what’s right, just what’s hip. They all reside in their virtual worlds and and spread false statements with anonymity. I pity them when they have to face the real world and what a mess it is in.

  280. Wells, I hope your audio/video turns out more clear than mine. 😉

    CDR Charles Kerchner, Patty Dunn, and Dr. Kate report on the LTC Lakin court-martial from Fort Meade… 12-14-10

  281. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 11:23 pm |

    FS, I’m not an attorney (obviously) and I’m trying to wrap my arms around this. Question: if Lakin is found guilty of the “missing movement” charge, would he have an opportunity to appeal that specific charge and then introduce discovery upon appeal (even though he has pled guilty to the other lesser charges)?

    No. In his allocution today, he admitted that the orders that he disobeyed were lawful. His defense to the missing movement is strictly technical, i.e., he claims that he did not knowingly (intentionally) miss the flight. Furthermore, his lawyers got no discovery regarding BO’s ineligibility so there are no facts in the record upon which to base an appeal.

    The reports at Safeguard our Constitution are accurate. Other reports are not. His brother is a Doctor, not a lawyer and I don’t think he has any idea about what has just happened to his brother.

  282. Paxson | December 14, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    Today at his Court-Martial, Army LTC Terry Lakin pled guilty to four specifications of refusing to obey lawful orders, one of which was then dismissed as duplicative. In so doing, he stood before Judge Lind and over and over told her that he was wrong to have disobeyed his orders, which were lawful.

    He then pled not guilty to the most severe charge against him, missing the movement of US Air Flight 1123 on 12 April 2010. His sole defense to that charge will be that he was never ordered to board that flight, but instead that his orders required him to report to Ft. Campbell, KY and did not specify the means of transportation.

  283. The DREAM Act is close to passing in the Senate! Millions o
    of illegal aliens will get amnesty, and encourage millions more
    to come into this country.

    Drop whatever you’re doing and call your 2 Senators Wednesday.
    It’s going to be a very close fight.

    Go to for info. Too late for faxes, just call!

  284. FS – I agree a hundred percent with you.

    Question – might he have been advised to be found guilty on these other charges to possibly get a lighter sentence? I am way out of my league here so thought I’d ask.

    Also, if I recall correctly, the initial attorney Mr. Jensen??? was released and I could have sworn I read somewhere that the American Patriot Union hired the new attorney Mr. Puckett. Does anyone else recall this?

    If so, then wouldn’t all these retired military guys who got Puckett on board and who have worked countless court martial’s in the past be looking for minimal personal/professional impact while also making their point?

    Tomorrow I hope will reveal more to this strategy. Thanks for explaining and helping us understand all of this. Trust me, it’s quite helpful.

  285. was watching fox news today and caught the end of a scroll where lakins name was mentioned… waited all day for a rerun but it never came up again.. MISTAKE?

  286. Free Speech | December 14, 2010 at 11:41 pm |

    Thanks FS. There are many layers to comprehend, I appreciate your insight tremendously.

  287. Free Speech said: “His brother is a Doctor, not a lawyer and I don’t think he has any idea about what has just happened to his brother.”

    Actually Greg Lakin was a lawyer. He even practiced law in Hawaii. He left Law to become a doctor.

  288. And folks, for what it’s worth American’s are watching this trial and eager for any information as to what is happening inside the courtroom.

    Dean M – please get a subscription to Wayne Madsen Reports and read the entire series on Obama, Ann, Stanley and Toot. Today’s report is stunning. It’s more than worth your money and your time. He affirms much of what you hypothesize and then much, much, much more. If you want to know who Obama is Wayne has it all sourced and documented. And you are correct, he is CIA. I can only hope today’s report gets into the right hands regarding the Lt. Col. and his trial.


  289. FS, also I’m not familiar with the military justice system. Was the jury present when the judge kept forcing Lakin to admit (repeat) his guilt on the 3 other charges (not that it apparently matters, except to Lakin and the severity of his penalty)?

  290. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Eddie wrote, “eddie h. | December 14, 2010 at 9:45 am |

    where is lt. col. allen west and his support for lt. col. lakin. he has been silent. also the big protectors of the constitution so they all claim to be such as rush limbaugh sean hannity glen beck laura ingram mark levine bill cunningham neil boortz herman cain pat buchannan . all these phonies must be pressured to stand up. prove they are real patriots and not just there for money. keep the e-mails and phone calls flowing to them with no let up. we must expose all of them as hyprocrits traitors and phonies so as they lose their listeners. they have become a bigger enemy than obama and that is saying something.

    As you know, Congresman-Elect West had a very tough election he needed to win. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet. Let’s give him the benefit of doubt shall we?

  291. Rosemary Woodhouse

    edit: Congressman- Elect…because I hate typos. 🙂

  292. Regardless of what some might think or have opinion…
    Pray for LTC Lakin.
    Pray hard.
    It could help and certainly not hurt.
    Lord knows, I’ve been foolish many times in my life and only saved due to the providence of something greater than myself.

  293. We have an official label now for those promoting ZERO
    as being eligible for pResident.


    I like it………….

  294. Good Morning.

    Is the U.S. now ruled by Military Dictatorship?

    Interesting article. I will not criticize Lt. Col. Lakin’s decision to enter a guilty plea to some of the charges. I have not walked in his shoes.

    He will have the opportunity to explain to the why of his actions (albeit on a short leash). If the jury then convicts the Lt. Col. Lakin on the missing movement charge, my respect for the military leadership of our forces will plummet so far that I doubt it will be able to be regained.

    Lt. Col. Lakin will always be a man I respect and honor for his courage.


  295. The American Thinker article is excellent.

  296. I keep thinking about the song American Pie.

    I hope December 15 is not going the day my respect for the military died.

  297. Zach – if the goal is to “break” the powerful military in the US, can you think of a more effective way for the evil-doers to do it? I can’t. And I believe that is the goal of this operation.

    Dr. Kate was present and she just posted her observations –

    Standing with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin

  298. Katie thanks again. I read Dr. Kates version of events and I liked it. However, I have watched many trials with reporters present and when I read what was written it was like they were watching another event. I only mention this to say that I’m waiting for a more detailed analysis and then I would want a copy of the transcript.

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