Chris Matthews, Enemy of birthers, Enemy of Constitution, Enemy of American people, Abercrombie Matthews Page Corn, Lies lies and more lies

Chris Matthews, Enemy of birthers, Enemy of Constitution, Enemy of American people, Abercrombie Matthews Page Corn, Lies lies and more lies

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”…Joseph Goebbels

Chris Matthews, Neil Abercrombie, Clarence Page, David Corn.

Lies, lies and more lies.

Chris Matthews interviewed Clarence Page and  David Corn regarding Neil Abercrombie’s recent remarks about Obama and his birth certificate. If you are really paying attention, you realize that Abercrombie made those statements to provide a forum for the Orwellian Big Brotherhood of the mainstream media to continue to spread their lies about Obama and his eligibility issues. There is no bigger liar on this subject than Chris Matthews. However, Page and Corn proved yesterday that they are strong competitors.

Here is some background information on what Neil Abercrombie has been up to.

““Abercrombie states:

“This has to do with the people in Hawaii who love him,
who loved his mom and dad.
This has to do with the respect of the office of the president is entitled to.”

No Governor Abercrombie. This has to do with respecting the US Constitution, office of the presidency and the American people!””

““Neil Abercrombie knew Barack Obama’s parents when the future president was born here in 1961″

My response:

People in Kenya knew Obama’s parents, so he must have been born there, applying that logic.


“Maybe I’m the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, ‘I was here when that baby was born.’ “

My Response:

I was here when that baby was born. Does that mean Obama was born in NC?”

Read more:

Let’s examine some of the transcript from Chris Matthews show yesterday. The transcript passages were taken from the MSNBC site and closely match the video.

Matthews: “i am not a birther. i am an enemy of the birthers.”

My response: This is the most honest thing Matthews has said in a long time. Interpretation: Matthews is an enemy of the US Constitution and the American people.

Page: “President’s got more important things to do, thank goodness. Governor Abercrombie says that because he was a classmate of obama’s parents. He is tired of people accusing his parents. He wants to try to put this to rest. Of course, it won’t work because the birthers aren’t interested in evidence that obama was born a u.s. citizen. They only want to hear evidence that he was not. That’s not going to happen.”

My response: If Obama is not eligible, he is not president. What does Abercrombie being in Hawaii and being friends with Obama’s parents have to do with proof Obama was born there? And who is accusing Obama’s parents of anything? Not wanting evidence of Obama’s US birth? That is all we have been trying to get for over 2 years. And once again, it is not Obama’s US Citizenship that is in question, it is his natural born citizen status.

Corn: “There’s enough evidence out there already. More importantly, there are two birth announcements in honolulu newspapers.”

My response: There is no evidence out there of Obama having a Hawaii long form birth certificate. He has employed many attorneys to avoid presenting one. The birth announcements were automatic when the COLB was applied for.

Page: “The president doesn’t care.”

My response: The only true statement by Page.

Matthews: “Doesn’t care that 43% of the country isn’t sure he’s an american.”

My response: An attempt by Matthews to ask questions, but in reality playing the “straight man” role for the next lie.

Page:  That copy you’ve got, the copy that the president has provided on the web is all you need if you’re a hawaiian to get a passport. everybody accepts that birth certificate as proof of his citizenship except for the birthers.”

My response: This is really easy to answer. If you did not get this on your own, go to Constitution 101. You do not have to be a natural born citizen to get a passport!!!

Matthews ” but the department just said the other day that there is such a thing. it exists. the document is available in storage. they have it in storage, they say. if it exists, why not put it out. just asking the obvious question. will there be any harm done by releasing the original document?”

Corn: “I will take the brave position of saying that if they can find it, they could put it out there and we can make even more fun of the birthers.”

My response:

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans


151 responses to “Chris Matthews, Enemy of birthers, Enemy of Constitution, Enemy of American people, Abercrombie Matthews Page Corn, Lies lies and more lies

  1. All these people have to go by is that forged photoshop fake so-called COLB. The person who said they want to make more fun of the “birthers” for one thing sounds childish and another, they are making fun of the constitution and the laws of our country. They haven’t seen bo’s long form bc either. Anyway, even if there was one they could find, then it wouldn’t matter because of bo’s being a british subject at birth by his own admission and being adopted in indonesia. He still is ineligible. Making another forgery won’t end this issue.

  2. speedy | December 28, 2010 at 9:27 am |
    …Anyway, even if there was one they could find, then it wouldn’t matter because of bo’s being a british subject at birth by his own admission and being adopted in indonesia. He still is ineligible. Making another forgery won’t end this issue.

    BO is NOT constitutionally qualified to be POTUS regardless of where he was born because by his own admission his dad was a British/Kenyan citizen.

  3. Good morning CW,

    The forum is the problem, there was no one there to refute them with facts in real time. Why not lease a convention hall that would have participants to attack this topic unabated for an entire day. The cost for the venue could be paid for by attendees that will be there to witness the event. The panel should including lawyers pro & con, journalists pro & con, professionals with experience in fields such as document analysis and forensics, retired law enforcement, retired military, constitutional law professor and a retired judge, etc. A predetermined set of topics could be established but no time limit set on any one area. If it goes into day two or three, so be it. As long as attendees cover the cost of the venue, why stop? It can be recorded and broadcast on YouTube and streamed live via Skype. The TRUTH will win out even if you can’t find a network to cover it. An open and honest debate is what has been missing. I am already discussing this with others. I would be interested in feedback.

    Just my honest opinion.

  4. I think it may also have been in response to Andy Martin’s coming press conference. This is going to be an interesting year.

  5. Someone please educate me. Has Andy Martin’s previous press conferences had any press coverage? Don’t get me wrong, I wish him all the best; I am just unaware of any press coverage in an open debate. I saw his segments on Hannity, but that was an edited piece. I would like to see the opposing sides debate unencumbered by commercial interruptions.

  6. Pixel Patriot – It would be nice if we could have it in Hawaii. The only place that is warm in regards to its’ weather and politics!!.

    1- Obama
    2- Only
    3- Orwellian
    4- Opportunist
    5- Office-holder

    And the Anagram for “CHRIS MATTHEWS” – “SHH- SCREAM TWIT”

  7. Pixel Patriot.
    Yes. Bring it on!

  8. John King, USA: CNN: Birthers, the story that won’t go away
    CNN ^ | 12-28-10 | Ed Henry

    Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:30:07 AM by FS11

    Hawaii Governor Abercrombie concerned that Legislators in other States are introducing Legislation to require proof of citizenship to be on the ballot in 2012.

  9. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern

    If we begin addressing each other and ourselves here as Natural Born Citizens then at least when guests arrive and depart they will have
    an idea/remembrance of what is being discussed and emphasized.
    It might turn on the light of knowledge to those uninitiated, or haven’t taken the time to think it through. I was there once, as I’m sure many of us were.
    NATURAL BORN CITIZEN=Born here of TWO citizen parents=
    QUALIFIED to run for President and Vice-President.


    Join me?

  10. The most bothersome part of the interview was the assertion that part of those people who doubt the birth story simply “don’t care”.

    These people need to wake the hell up.

  11. RealClearPolitics – Video – Chris Matthews: Why Doesn’t Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?

    Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive – Hawaii governor vows to end ‘birther’ controversy < – Blogs

    having reviewed this last night and early morning, I'll give my analysis on it shortly.

  12. I agree Vic. Someone in the MSM needs to point out that there is a difference between a citizen and a natural born citizen. We need a court ruling to decide what the difference is, a case of first impression for SCOTUS.

    A child born on US soil of two citizen parents has never been doubted. Blood and soil. Anything less,”resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that.”

    O is lacking. Thus doubt exists in thinking people.
    If O was not born in Hawaii, he is not even a citizen. This is why I believe Ambercrombie is a baffoon. He is not working in concert with the WH. He is just rehashing old business the WH would like to keep buried. Now Ambercrombie has even Matthews and MSM agreeing that it is no big deal to release the bona fides. That is something team O has fought tooth and nail to keep hidden. They cannot unring all the bells of the past few years with a squeaky clean long form or more documentation now and they know it. The “discovery” will be O’s undoing one way or another it has always been about the “discovery” phase.

  13. My bad,

    The links did not post correctly.

    Just Release The Birth Certificate?

    Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive – Hawaii governor vows to end ‘birther’ controversy < – Blogs

    Hawaii governor vows to end ‘birther’ controversy

    having reviewed this last night and early morning, I'll give my analysis on it shortly.

  14. Quick comment,

    Yes, although the real issue is the definition of NBC (Natural Born Citizen) that obviously – as we currently understand – would be the Elephant in the room that prevents Obama from being qualified as President, the Root of establishing this evidence begins with his Long Form Birth Certificate.

    Does anyone “Trust” Obama’s word, that his parents are in fact who he claims they are? It may be true, but you certainly need the premise (grounds) to challenge the NBC status to “Begin with”, therefore, it is critical to have the B.C. upfront, otherwise one would be merely “Speculating” the NBC challenge, which is judicially incorrect.

  15. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern | December 28, 2010 at 10:36 am |

    NATURAL BORN CITIZEN=Born here of TWO citizen parents=
    QUALIFIED to run for President and Vice-President.

    BO is NOT constitutionally qualified to be POTUS regardless of where he was born because by his own admission his dad was a British/Kenyan citizen.

  16. Yes, get the BC out in the open front and center, Neil Abercrombie. Then we can have a discussion about what is and what is not a natural born citizen.

    The MSM has taken for years the position that O is a citizen. Has anyone ever heard them ask if O is a natural born citizen?

  17. If I may be permitted one correction: The observation that two birth announcements were published is NOT proof of anything. It is evidence of a birth, but NOT in and of itself, proof. I would not be surprised to find that the Hawaiian DOH has a record that indicates that Stanley Ann and Barack Senior were NOT the birth parents of Barry. The Birth Certificate is NOT the end – it is the beginning.

  18. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern

    Yes, of course. BO doesn’t qualify, and could well be
    an illgal immigrant if he traveled back to Hawaii from
    Indonesia on anything but a valid US Passport.
    Just marrying Michelle does NOT automatically make
    him a citizen either, as he would have had to indicate a desire
    to be a citizen, which he never did.
    Plus he could not use that to go back to NATURAL BORN,
    whatever the hell he thinks that is.

  19. Folks are getting organized to demand the new Congress investigate. We The People will never give up. Stay safe, God Bless America.

  20. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern | December 28, 2010 at 12:00 pm |


    I agree with you in partial statements within your comments. However, to move forward on any claims, one must certainly know “Who” his parents were through proper judicial verification, and only then. This is the crucial crux that must be overcome.

    Certainly, I could write a book titled “From Illegal Immigrant to CEO” and sell for millions of dollars, thus claiming my parents were illegally in the U.S. and so was I, but my parents obtained and paid for an illegal B.C. for themselves and myself, but overcoming all odds, I eventually became a CEO. Nice story. True?

    If the Homeland Security and Immigrations Officials “Arrested” me, and walked into a Court room, attempting to extradite me, with their sole evidence of what I wrote in a book, and never verifying whether or not I was being “Honest”, a legal defense team would have them for lunch, put politely. Only to find out, that I made up a sadistic sad sob story for “Monetary Gains”, and “Sympathy” reasoning of which, they research and find out I am in fact a U.S. Citizen, born in the U.S., both parents and Grandparents were also born in the U.S. and they found this out by presenting my B.C. and investigation, outside of my “Personal Claims” in my book.

    Obama’s Father may very well be whom he claims he is, but I most certainly want to know and verify that fact. This is the importance of his long form B.C., simply to verify. Many claim that Obama’s B.C. is of NO ISSUE, I questioned that analysis. Without knowing, without verification, to “Assume” what is listed on his B.C., is simply incorrect, and potentially a dangerous assumption, especially in a court of law.

  21. a forged long form birth certificate had better have two american citizen parents on it and not a kenyan father from africa. obama and his cronie friend commie neal had better know that. if obama changes who his father is now he will still be guilty of perpetrating a fraud on the american people and the united states. the forenics experts will have to be called in to examine closely any birth document produced by obama. if deemed a forgery he needs to be charged with federal felony fraud. they better not try forgery.

  22. For Whoever…………………………
    Abercrombie puts me in mind of the little guy who played BOSS HOGG on the DUKES OF HAZARD. Abercrombie probably has the same mentality as BOSS HOGG.

  23. RE: eddie h. | December 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm |

    “the forenics experts will have to be called in to examine closely any birth document produced by obama. ”

    called in by who?
    allowed by who?

    from ORYR….

    Anonymous said…
    phony colbs with no seal, seal recessed instead of raised, etc. All courtesy of the obama team.

    several states may pass bc law for candidates.

    obama wants to be re-elected. what to do?

    voila! obama’s close friend, abercrombie elected governor.

    haw doh head resigns.

    aber’s very, very carefully selected appointee to be confirmed as new has doh head.

    aber says he’s going to crush the birthers.

    i’ll leave it to readers who can add things up to do the math.

    forward to next year.

    after the very carefully selected new haw doh appointee produces what they have been conspiring to forge and show, they will again laugh at us birthers.

    when we ask for an accounting of the fake ss#, they will ridicule and scorn us as those same idiots who asked for the birth certificate.

    Now, tell me what i’ve missed.

    December 28, 2010 8:39 AM

    So what would be the difference in getting your hands on a forged COLB and a forged long form BC? Remember a Republican gov has already given the HDOH cover.

    Yes, they should be complying with UIPA reuests, but what if they don’t. Back to no standing unless you contest during the window of time allowed in your state.

  24. Eddie H…………………………….
    Simple logic tells me that there is NO CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH (LONG FORM) that was ISSUED on AUG 4 1961. This is the BOTTOM LINE. If there is no long form then he was NOT born in any of the Hawaii hospitals, because had hwe been born in any of the HOSPITALS HE WOULD HAVE A LONG FORM BC, bearing a date of Aug 4 1961. END OF STORY.

  25. No matter how much Soetoro LIES about his birthplace THERE IS NO WAY HE CAN GET AROUND THE FOREGOING FACTS. Nor can Abercrombie change anything. All of the hospitals were visited by competent researchers and have clearly established that no records exist of MMMSSSS. Dunham having given birth to an infant at ANY OF the hospitals in Hawaii. By the way the search also included Medical Clinics that existed in 1961 as well. Lie on Soetoro we have your NUMBER, and we know it by heart. You can fool some of the people some of the time, and you can fool all the people some of the time but you CANNOT FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! LIAR LIAR,pants on fire!

  26. Pixel-
    Any denied UIPA requests grants a person automatic standing to file a judicial appeal.

    The problem is phony lawyers screwing over their clients.

    Standing is automatic.

  27. Pixel-
    Any denied UIPA requests grants a person automatic standing to file a judicial appeal.

    The problem is phony lawyers screwing over their clients.

    Standing is automatic.

  28. Hi misstickly,
    glad your here…

    ? for you carried over from previous thread:

    Pixel Patriot | December 28, 2010 at 5:07 am |

    How can anybody have their identity protected when they are using a fake ID themselves?

    Why was Gov. Lingle able to deny access to Obama’s birth certificate by authority granted pursuant to Section 338-18 of the Revised Statues, a provision her office claimed was to prevent identity theft when the most telling evidence of fraud is the fact that the social security number most commonly used by Obama from 1981 until now is a number issued in the state of CT to an individual born in 1890. According to licensed investigators Susan Daniels and Neil Sankey Obama has used numerous different SS numbers that belonged to deceased individuals and numbers that were never issued. 39 such numbers were used according to National Databases, none of which were issued in HI.

    In light of the fact that Ms. Nagamine has indicated that Hawaii’s Attorney General’s office will not corroborate Dr. Fukino’s statement declaring “Obama Hawaiian-born and a “natural-born American citizen”, could this be used as a wedge to re-address the issue with Governor Abercrombi’s office and seek clarification?

    Could Ms. Nagamine be asked in court if Gov. Abercrombie can hide behind Section 338-18 where evidence to social security number fraud can and/or has been submitted to both the AG and Governor’s office?

    Leo Donofrio argued that since Obama posted a forged COLB that that in and of itself should deny Obama the right to deny access to his records at the DOH. That is on the state level, on the federal level how could the State of Hawaii afford identity protection to someone violating:
    The felony fraud provisions of the Title II programs found in 42 U.S.C. § 408(a)(1)-(8) of the Act.

    • forging or falsifying SSA documents;
    • using a Social Security Number (SSN)
    obtained on the basis of false information or
    falsely using the SSN of another person, for
    the purpose of obtaining or increasing a
    payment under Social Security or any other
    federally funded program, or for any other
    • making or causing to be made a false
    statement or representation of a material fact
    for use in determining rights to Social
    Security benefits, Medicare, Supplemental
    Security Income, or Black Lung benefits

    Can the use of a fake ID be IMPLICITLY proffered as the basis for seeking records through UIPA whereby subsequent compliance can form the basis of standing in other jurisdictions for further adjudication?


  29. I disagree,

    It is my personal belief, that Obama does in fact have a Long Form Birth Certificate in the State of Hawaii. However, that does not mean he was born in Hawaii! There were 4 different ways to acquire a B.C. in Hawaii in 1961, 2 of which could be obtained without being born in a hospital. The first, an at home birth, which of course would be discredited by any claims Obama made, and the second was a simple mail in form, up to the age of 1 year old of the child. It is my belief, that this is what Obama’s relatives did, the option of a mail in form.

    This would be consistent with retired CIA Agent (now private investigator) findings and detailed report analysis; consistent with the report from Hawaii, that he does in fact have a Long Form on “File”, but refused to give the details of “How Acquired”. Consistent with the fact that Tim Adams, in charge of the Hawaii DNC “Verified” that No Hawaii Hospital has any records of a birth of Obama, but the DOH does have a record of a B.C. but details not disclosed of how it was obtained. Also consistent with the 2 Hawaii newspaper reports, which simply list anyone that “Files” for a Hawaiian B.C. as posted by the DOH.

    There are too many consistencies that show Obama does in fact have a Long form vault B.C. in Hawaii, but the question is, how did he obtain it? It is also my belief, that it is for this reason alone, that he refuses to release it. It contradicts everything he has claimed and therefore “Questions” his origin of birth, as being a “Mail In Form”.

    more on this later

  30. Pingback: Tweets that mention Chris Mathews, Enemy of birthers, Enemy of Constitution, Enemy of American people, Abercrombie Mathews Page Corn, Li… --

  31. Pixel Patriot…………………………..
    Abercrombie is a MORON. If he “crushes” anyone it will probably be his own face when he drops his ……….”DUMBELL” As far as him crushing the BIRTHERS…. there is ALREADY too many facts that heve already been proven,and SIMPLE FACTS existing that NO POWER ON EARTH CAN CHANGE. NOT EVEN SOETORO HIMSELF, nor anyone from his goon squad. It is the SIMPLE FACTS that continue to GLARE in the LIGHT of day, and it is these facts that I repeat HE CANNOT CHANGE.He might successfully get on the 2012 ballot. If that happens then PATRIOTS ACCROSS the country need to come to the POLLS in unprecedented numbers, and ……..”CRUSH him”.

  32. MissTickly,

    Glad to hear from you. Long time no hear from, since the Leo blog days.

    I did get a chance to review your resent findings from your Hawaii Seal request and have concluded what I believe to be a positive finding, if you are interested in hearing my statement.

  33. I am beginning to worry that the Obots are about to announce that the USURPER was born in a Manger. Chrissy had that “Tingle up my leg” look yesterday.

    And then this –

    Do you think there is a subliminal meaning to this?

    “Obama Says Michael Vick Deserved a Second Chance”

  34. oldsalt79 | December 28, 2010 at 1:38 pm |

    Abercrombie is a MORON.


    100% in agreement with you. However, his stupidity just might lead to a higher acceleration of exposing BO.

    When an idiot is in the board room, let them talk, give them the reins and at times, encourage them. It will prove beneficial.

    just my opinion,

  35. oldsalt79
    I agree that PATRIOTS ACCROSS the country need to vote (FOR CONSTITUTIONALISTS) in overwhelming numbers for ALL elections!
    However, “We the People” also need the Citizens’ Grand Jury as the Republic’s check against tyranny. We should be able to remove the dark forces of evil & corruption at the point halls of justice become complicit as opposed to being subjugated to the devastating effects for 8 years. The founders were clear on this.

  36. sirwilliam, would love to hear your findings. Lets hear them. Please share.

  37. Sir William,
    I believe you are correct, for what ever my opinion in this regard matters. I suspect that Obama has used his ‘duel’ citizenship for decades to travel, get scholarships, special treatment and it is “embarrassing” to him that he has repeatedly claimed to be British, or Kenyan, or Indonesian, to receive ‘special’ benefits. He was never a “Natural Born”-as pertains to the requirements of POTUS, because he was (and openly claimed I might add) born a British Subject after 1790. The rest of the information would just solidify how he has ‘gamed’ the system for decades.

    His whole life is a fraud and has been about ‘cheating’ the stupid taxpayers.


  38. Sir William……………………….
    We can sit and pick apart this law, or that law as it allegedly pertains to Soetoro’s BC. Yet NOBODY has yet conclusively proven the existence of the alleged long form BC. It would have beenissued on the day of his birth(AUG 4 1961) and would bear all of the pertinent data surrounding his birth. Had he been born in ANY of the HAWAII 1961 he would have received the long form COLB. You can site laws,rules and premise,but you CANNOT GET AROUND THAT FACT. Further the LONG FORM THAT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN ISSUED would bear a number NEXT to the NORDYKE TWINS….. WHO BY THE WAY WERE indeed BORN AT KAPIOLANI. Then LOGIC says that his CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH will look exactly like those issued to the NORDYKE TWINS. Prior to the PHONEY LETTER which allegedly originated from the WH,and spoke in GLOWING TERMS of Soetoro’s birth at Kapiolani, BUT the hospitals had ALREADY been researched (MONTHS PRIOR) by a trained investigator to determine if MMMSSSS Dunham had given birth to an infant at each respective institution. NO RECORDS were found at ANY OF THE HOSPITALS,or clinics. OF IMPORTANCE IS THE TIMELINE . The research took place MONTHS BEFORE the INFAMOUS LETTER. The hospitals are ON PRIOR RECORD of stating that he was NOT born at their respective institutions. So which is it.? If Soetoro was NOT born in a Hawaii Hospital he CANNOT HAVE a LONG FORM BC,which was ISSUED BY the hospital. Since Soetoro himself has stated that the phoney which was posted on Fight the Smears
    by Miss GIBBS IS HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE. We all know this is plain out and out BULLSH##. If it waas it would bear the date 1961 NOT JUNE OF 2007. Anybody having a grain of sense in their head can rationalise that fact. As I said it is the glaring SIMPLE FACTS THAT serve to disprove most nearly all of the hype, and theories put forth so far.
    Have you seen incontrovertible proof of the long form that you allege does exist? If you have will you advise us as such?

  39. “How can anybody have their identity protected when they are using a fake ID themselves?”


    “Why was Gov. Lingle able to deny access to Obama’s birth certificate by authority granted pursuant to Section 338-18 of the Revised Statues,”

    Lingle has no authority over Obama’s vital records, the director of the Health Department does. So far as I know, Lingle never denied access to anything having to do with his vital records. Maybe what you are referring to was some crappy media spin? If it has to do with Andy Martin, his UIPA request was nothing of the sort. He ACTUALLY made a request for the court to declare him a person with an interest in Obama’s vital records. And he didn’t even need to do that, because the law through the HDOH’s admin rules already grants him disclosure as a person researching the President. I noticed he only used the word ‘researcher’ ONCE in his original court papers. And it was in reference to OTHER people. Everything Martin has done has been purposely to confuse people and make them believe he has this legal angle ‘covered’ already.

    “In light of the fact that Ms. Nagamine has indicated that Hawaii’s Attorney General’s office will not corroborate Dr. Fukino’s statement declaring “Obama Hawaiian-born and a “natural-born American citizen”, could this be used as a wedge to re-address the issue with Governor Abercrombi’s office and seek clarification?”

    My feeling now is that Leo lied to everyone when he said that someone called the HDOH and were told that the Att. General had anything to do with Fukion’s statement that Obama is a “natural-born citizen.” Now that I know Leo is a liar, I have a feeling that the vital records that allegedly verified he is a “natural-born citizen,” according to Fukino’s statement, is simply the National DNC Certification signed off by Nancy Pelosi and CERTIFIED by a notary, saying he met the Constitutional qualifications.

    I believe that Obama used that CERTIFIED record as evidence to register his late birth certificate.

    Personally, I think Obama has surely violated some laws at this point. But I can only handle Hawaii state law at the moment. Anyone wanting to research the laws he may have violated should. Because I have too much on my plate already.

    I can’t comment on anything else Leo has said or done. It infuriates me how he screwed everyone working on this UIPA issue over so bad. I hope he rots in jail someday. He’s is either a criminal or the stupidest lawyer to ever walk this earth.

    I hope this answers all your questions, Pixel!

  40. Pingback: Abercrombie CNN interview, Governor Neil Abercrombie, John King USA, Obama birth certificate | Citizen News

  41. “My feeling now is that Leo lied to everyone when he said that someone called the HDOH and were told that the Att. General had anything to do with Fukion’s statement that Obama is a “natural-born citizen.” Now that I know Leo is a liar, I have a feeling that the vital records that allegedly verified he is a “natural-born citizen,” according to Fukino’s statement, is simply the National DNC Certification signed off by Nancy Pelosi and CERTIFIED by a notary, saying he met the Constitutional qualifications.

    I believe that Obama used that CERTIFIED record as evidence to register his late birth certificate.”

    And this theory explains why all the people who requested the attorney general’s opinion on this issue (including me) always got the answer that there were “no records responsive” to their requests.

  42. “I did get a chance to review your resent findings from your Hawaii Seal request and have concluded what I believe to be a positive finding, if you are interested in hearing my statement.”

    Sure! Fire away! It just better be the same as mine…(just kidding=)

  43. “It is my personal belief, that Obama does in fact have a Long Form Birth Certificate in the State of Hawaii. However, that does not mean he was born in Hawaii! ” Sir William.
    Under this scenario there may be information on a LFBC that does not agree with his narrative, hence the posting of the fraudulent COLB in 2008 with false information and the incised, not raised, seal? Such information might be alternate birth location or parentage, either of which could affect qualifications.

  44. “Lingle has no authority over Obama’s vital records, the director of the Health Department does.”

    Correction: Lingle had no authority over his vital records…

    My typing really sucks…

  45. The Citizen Grand Juries are all well and good. When you receive the indictment where do you take it for prosecution? I believe that it is in FEDERAL court. Now all you have to do is find a Judge who ISN’T on Soetoro’s payroll. Until you do it is unlikely that the indictment will EVER move forward.

  46. “It is my personal belief, that Obama does in fact have a Long Form Birth Certificate in the State of Hawaii. However, that does not mean he was born in Hawaii! ” Sir William.

    He definitely has a Late Birth Certificate. This much I know, fo sho.

  47. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern

    Repost from this AM on previous article. Had problems posting the whole thing at the time.

    Vic Hern | December 28, 2010 at 7:46 am |
    misstickly FWIW,
    (Vic says) Last June I had several email exchanges with Margaret Hemenway and Sharon Rondeau about this……………………….
    (Vic says)Any litigant, attorney or government entity can get HI birth info.
    To: Bcc:
    Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 8:18 pm
    For Margaret Hemenway.

    (Vic says) Can you pass this on to LTC Lakin and attorney team?
    I copied this from a comment site re: Obama birth records.
    (Poster says) I’m curious why no lawyer who has filed suit against Obama has not gone directly to the Hawaii Department of Health on the basis of HRS388-18(g)(4) to at least get an official verification (noncertified copy of the original birth record) of Obama’s birth records?
    The department shall not issue a verification in lieu of a certified copy of any such record, or any part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant requesting a verification is: A private or government attorney who seeks to confirm information about a vital event relating to any such record which was acquired during the course of or for purposes of legal proceedings
    (Vic says) If a certified copy is required after introduction to court, have the Judge order it be done
    If a certified copy is required after introduction to court, have the Judge order it be done.
    (Vic says) It was surmised that the HRS number was wrong or did not apply.
    I notice today that the number was probably HRS 338, and not the 388
    as typed in the comment.
    Sharon had done an interview with Margaret for the postemail, and we had
    these discussions by email and not online.

  48. misstickley,
    RE: “Why was Gov. Lingle able to deny access to Obama’s birth certificate by authority granted pursuant to Section 338-18 of the Revised Statues,”

    Lingle has no authority over Obama’s vital records, the director of the Health Department does.
    I was basing my statement on a WND article…

    Why can’t correspondence between Ms. Nagamine / Hawaii’s Attorney General’s office and Dr. Fukino be obtained through UIPA to support your “feeling” that “the National DNC Certification signed off by Nancy Pelosi and CERTIFIED by a notary, saying he met the Constitutional qualifications” was in fact relied upon by Fukino for determining NBC qualification? Please forgive me if you have already made these UIPA requests to no avail.

  49. “Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern”

    *kisses your anonymous face*


    I didn’t know about this exact provision, but yeah, it sure makes sense with the OTHER two (three) laws that say these records should have been in the hands of people TWO freaking years ago.

    These lawyers are scam artists and plants in Obama’s Garden. They are. All of them.

    You just gave us a HUGE nugget of great info, Vic Hern!

  50. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern

    So with this in mind, it appears that any attorney can get a “verified” copy
    of birth information for a court case under HRS338.
    The attorney can present to the court and the judge should be able to order a “certified” copy.
    So does Obama’s executive order block either request? We don’t know,
    but perhaps could have known last June/July before LTC Lakin’s court martial, had the HRS number been correct and researched.

  51. oldsalt79 | December 28, 2010 at 2:19 pm |

    Sir William……………………….
    We can sit and pick apart this law, or that law as it allegedly pertains to Soetoro’s BC. Yet NOBODY has yet conclusively proven the existence of the alleged long form BC.



    First and foremost, I agree with you, 100%. As I mentioned in the opening of my comment, “In my opinion”, and its only my opinion, nothing more.

    Again, I agree, that he would have shown a “Certificate of Live Birth” same as you mentioned with the Twins, but he didn’t and instead, showed a Certification of live birth, from a 2007 request. And you are absolutely correct my friend, his order number is out of sequence. So what does that mean? I “Could” mean, that his grandmother “Filed” a quick mail in order or personally picked up the paperwork, to file for an Non-Hospital Birth to acquire a B.C. for him. Out of the spectrum of possibilities? I don’t believe so, but again, just my opinion.

    Naval Commander Charles Kerchner also agrees that this is most likely the plausible explanation, and I happen to agree with him; of “how” Obama obtained a B.C. It doesn’t mean he was born there, its just a way to use the Hawaii laws to be the recipient of it. This would also match the reasoning that Obama was given a “Certification” of live birth, as his actual birth, although can be filed and obtained, was not verified through the typical methodology, ie, in a hospital. In those cases, it was standard, to issue a Certification rather than a Certificate.

    I “Think” this is why Obama refuses to release his Birth Records, as they simply will show, he was not born in a Hawaii Hospital, as he claims, and will show that his grandmother instead, “Filed” for option 4, the mail in (or pick up and fill out the paper work) form. This would also explain why his number is “Out of sequence” from the Twins.

    Again, just my opinion, in short brief.

  52. “Why can’t correspondence between Ms. Nagamine / Hawaii’s Attorney General’s office and Dr. Fukino be obtained through UIPA to support your “feeling” that “the National DNC Certification signed off by Nancy Pelosi and CERTIFIED by a notary, saying he met the Constitutional qualifications” was in fact relied upon by Fukino for determining NBC qualification? Please forgive me if you have already made these UIPA requests to no avail.”

    Because no correspondence on this issue exists. Fukino looked at the DNC cert and made the statement with no help or intervention from the state att. general.

    And that certification is now part of his vital records ALTHOUGH, in thoery, the HDOH should have to release it because it is already in the public domain.

    That WND story is completely false. Weird. Obama’s records are not sealed or Fukino wouldn’t even be able to view them without a court order to unseal them. Besides, I really believe only a court could seal his records int he first place. The governor can’t.

    On that note, if the governor had ANY authority over Obama’s records, Abercrombie wouldn’t need to change ‘state policy’ to release them. He would have the authority to do what he wanted with them.

    Toxic info from toxic obots have infected this entire issue. We have to start fresh.

  53. Natural Born Citizen Vic Hern

    Bless you misstickly!!!!
    And back at you for sure.
    When I read your stuff yesterday, something clicked and I went
    back thru those emails.
    I was nearly in a panic this AM when words would not post because of
    brackets from my email box.

  54. “So with this in mind, it appears that any attorney can get a “verified” copy
    of birth information for a court case under HRS338.
    The attorney can present to the court and the judge should be able to order a “certified” copy.
    So does Obama’s executive order block either request? We don’t know,
    but perhaps could have known last June/July before LTC Lakin’s court martial, had the HRS number been correct and researched”

    Sounds like an attorney should just be able to request a copy.

    And, DUH, just like some attorney did with the COLB found on page 6 of these court records:

    Click to access pbkjr_vol5_p32.pdf

    These attorneys working on this issue are all plants. They are.

  55. eddie h. | December 28, 2010 at 12:52 pm | a forged long form birth certificate had better have two american citizen parents on it and not a kenyan father from africa. obama and his cronie friend commie neal had better know that. if obama changes who his father is now he will still be guilty of perpetrating a fraud on the american people and the united states. the forenics experts will have to be called in to examine closely any birth document produced by obama. if deemed a forgery he needs to be charged with federal felony fraud. they better not try forgery.


    Exactly. It appears that BO is going to stick with BHO Sr. as his birth father, thinking that he can keep the NBC issue from being adjudicated. That is why it is imperative to motion for original jurisdiction before SCOTUS and get the cases against BO on the fast track.

  56. misstickley, could you please share how you figured out a late birth certificate is a definite.

  57. No, I cannot, jc…sorry. I have to keep my cards very close right now.

  58. Thanks. I will be patient and wait for your conclusions.

  59. Any chance Obama/Soetoro was in the U.S. Witness Protection Program?

    Having One’s Identity Completely Erased

    “Once a person has been deemed in need of the Witness Protection program, the Marshals Service will then go about trying to make that person ‘fall off the face of the earth.’ This includes things such as creating a new identity for the witness and his family, as well as finding somewhere that they may be relocated. But creating the new identity is not done by the Marshals Service alone. It involves many different government agencies and top secrecy. Some may think that assuming a new identity will give them a clean slate when it comes to things such as loans and outstanding debts as the creditors will now no longer be able to find the witness. However, these and any other necessary obligations must be met before the person will be placed into Witness Protection. Once the witness has met with the Marshals Service, they and their family, and any other endangered persons related to the case, will be taken from their current location right away and will be moved to another location. This is not however, their new home, it is simply a temporary location where they will remain safe prior to their move. “

  60. Sir William & Miss Tickly……………………
    Had there been a “Late Birth Certificate” whatever that is…..issued it would typically have been issued as a CERTIFICATION….olb, NOTa CCERTICICATE olb. This is as I have thought is because any departure from the conditions in which a CERTIFICATE covers, justifies a CERTIFICATION rather than the prior. Again I cite the NORDYKE twins. It IS KNOWN FOR FACT THAT THEY WERE BORN AT KAPIOLANI. AQfter he posts the phoney on fight the smears his goon squad starts posting info that he was born at Kapiolani also .If that is the case why disd he say that the phoney on fight the smears IS HIS ORIGINAL BC. If that is the case then he could have been born anywhere on earth, and later registered for citizenship. Otherwise he wouldn’t even have had that. I believe that Madylyn registered him. I believe that if airline manifests are searched that evidence willbe uncovered that Madlyn travelled to Seattle and picked up Lil Barry,took him to Hawaii to live with them. I believe that it was Madlyn who registered him as well. There was an affidavit shown on the internet that was allegedly signed by Madlyn. There was also her signature on an alleged BC. I personally do not believe the validity of the signature. So far I am told that there are no known samples of her signature available. I think that we should still be trying to find a certifiable copies of both Madlyn, and Stanley Anne. If somebody is ever able to locate the Port of Entry customs forms,there will be no further need for any sort of BC,because the POE record will tell it all,and the icing on the cake, the signature of Stanley Ann D,Obama

  61. MissTickly,

    Did you review my comments in your initial response to your posting a couple of weeks ago pertaining to the Hawaii Seal that you posted in your analysis and findings?

    It was at the time (and forgive me, bad on names) that another poster commented on his Hawaiian B.C. Seal and Obama’s were identical.

    I reviewed your website, unfortunately, comments are turn off, and no way to get in touch with you. But I do believe I have a reasonable answer to that argument that ensued.

  62. Sir William–

    Any posters that have made the claim to have identical seals first agreed to let Hawaii directly release their COLBs to me.

    Then they backed out when I said I wanted them by certified mail and intended to have an Apostille authenticate them.

    So I don’t have any faith in this other seal at all and to be honest, I have moved on. It’s bogus.

  63. “CERTIFICATION….olb”

    Yes, Old Salt. “Certification” which means it was filed by affidavit, oath or notary, NOT by a hospital.

  64. “Any chance Obama/Soetoro was in the U.S. Witness Protection Program?”

    Having witnessed firsthand the crimes of Blagojevich and Rezko…perhaps. He does like to play the victim, eh?

  65. Free Speech…………………………..
    Can MMMMSSSS. FUKINO be subpoenad to a Citizen Grand jury that is convened in another state.


    By Linda Bentley
    March 3, 2010


    “The SS website proclaims, “Registration is the law. A man who fails to register may, if prosecuted and convicted, face a fine of up to $250,000 and/or a prison term of up to five years.”

    It goes on to say, “Even if not tried, a man who fails to register with Selective Service before turning age 26 may find that some doors are permanently closed,” including federal student loans or grant programs.

    A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the executive branch of the federal government, which includes president of the United States.

    Registration is also a condition for U.S. citizenship if the man first arrived in the United States before his 26th birthday.

    If Obama arrived in Hawaii as a citizen of Indonesia, as his school records and mother’s divorce records indicate, and he didn’t register with SS, he could have been barred from obtaining U.S. citizenship and may not be one now.

    However, those covering up Obama’s tracks have done a sloppy job, which means there really is a conspiracy to defraud the American people, not just a theory.”

  67. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Court Martial : Eyewitness Speaks Out
    U.S. Naval Commander Charles F. Kerchner Jr. (Ret.) discusses his eyewitness account while attending the court martial of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin



    By Joan Swirsky
    March 28, 2010


    “To this day, Obama has failed to produce proof that he was born in the United States and that he is a natural-born American citizen, one of only three absolute requirements in the U.S. Constitution to become President of the United States. In fact, if Obama is not a natural-born American citizen, he is acting as president under false pretenses, which de facto makes every statement he has made as the usurper POTUS, every bill he has signed, every czar he has appointed, every act, proclamation, signing statement, executive order, and law, et al, fraudulent, illegal, and therefore null and void — including this unconstitutional healthcare so-called reform bill.



    A coup d’état is never an overnight phenomenon. It takes years, often decades, of planning, and more often than not, there are thwarted attempts along the way. In America, leftists have been actively trying both to undermine and overthrow our country since at least the 1960s (actually well before then, as far back as a hundred years). They tried with Jimmy Carter, but in spite of the lasting harm he did, his stupendous incompetence ultimately did him in, relegating him to one ignominious term.

    They tried again with Bill Clinton, who as a student spent years — when he might have been fighting for our country in Vietnam — hanging around England smoking pot and, oddly, “visiting” Communist Russia. Clinton lasted two terms, largely because he was too narcissistic and undisciplined to stick to the leftist party line, craving the spotlight to such a degree that when the electorate smacked him and his wife down for trying to inflict socialized medicine on our citizens, he moved ever so nimbly to the center, where he stayed until he practically had to be dragged off the stage during the most self-aggrandizing departure of a president in American history.

    Through these failures, the left learned never to depend on a genuine natural-born American citizen to actualize their coup, that the real thing would somehow retain some random DNA strands of affection for our republic. They would have to find a faux American, one who looked and sounded like the real thing, but whose allegiance to America was non-existent — perhaps someone who had lived in a Muslim country, studied the Koran, subscribed to Sharia law, and had lifelong relationships with Marxists and Communists and other America-haters. Enter the man who calls himself Barack Obama.”

    Read The Excellent Article Here:

    and Here:

    # # # #



    By Joan Swirsky
    June 23, 2010


    “Is it only me, or do the multiple disasters that have struck both well before and ever since the disastrous election of Barack Obama seem fishy to you?

    I won’t discuss the stock market crash of September 2008 here, although if anything seemed suspiciously timed and deliberately manipulated, it was that! Even before that, we had the specter of a radical leftist of questionable birth origins and contempt for both capitalism and the U.S. Constitution being given a total pass by a strangely incurious media whose members had clearly been intimidated or threatened into a thundering silence.

    In the months that followed Obama’s “election,” we saw literally trillions of dollars in “urgent” bailouts and stimulus packages, all of which brought us escalating unemployment and a skittish if not paranoid stock market. We saw a nationally-loathed healthcare bill — gigantic in size and mysterious in content — rammed through Congress with bribes, threats, and intimidation. And we saw the attempts by Obama and his fellow leftists to jam an equally-detested cap-and-trade tax down our throats.”

    Read The Excellent Article Here:


    December 16, 2010
    Joan Swirsky, RA analyst

    “The fanatical hard Left — those communists, socialists, and radicals currently in power — view anything that is bad for our country — massive Intelligence leaks, disastrous oil spills, escalating unemployment, chaos on our borders, military setbacks, et al. — as a thundering success. To them, anything that undermines the United States brings them closer to their Grand Plan of toppling Big Bad America and transforming it into the kind of totalitarian Banana Republic they never tire of glamorizing.

    That’s why it is clear to me that the potential damage from the Australian-born Julian Assange’s release of 250,000 classified State Department and Pentagon cables on November 28 — and an equal number last July — is part not only of this Australian’s wish to harm our country but also the American Left’s premeditated and malevolent plan to destroy America. And let us not forget that Assange’s assault began in April 2010 with nearly 80,000 documents “dumped” for public consumption, as well as another 400,000 that the Marxist Assange released in October 2010 — all of which he claims are just the tip of the iceberg.

    The Accountability Factor

    Clearly Assange is delighted that his leaks have gained international attention. And so delighted are the Russians with his anti-American raison d’être that they suggested he be rewarded with a Nobel Prize!

    It is obvious that “president” Obama is pleased as well. Hence the complete lack of reaction or sanction not only from Attorney General Eric Holder, who seems never to have met a thug he didn’t like, but especially from Mr. Obama himself, who to this day cannot bring himself to speak out against Assange.”

    Continue To Read The Full Excellent Article Here:

  71. Another Excerpt


    By Joan Swirsky
    June 23, 2010


    “These disasters benefit Obama’s agenda, which is to destroy America’s potential for energy independence at the same time imposing draconian taxes designed to obliterate the middle class and make the lower class abjectly and forever dependent on the largesse of big government. In short, galloping socialism on the way to freedom-annihilating Communism!

    A Marxist-Inspired Disaster Central

    The route to Obama’s hate-America agenda is and always has been to create Alinsky-inspired widespread-and-sustained chaos, the better to keep people off balance, riddled with anxiety, and hoping for the redemption of big government. How else to explain the spate of unprecedented tragedies, catastrophes, and calamities that have struck our own country and around the world, for instance the three Muslim terrorist attacks in the U.S., including the attack at Fort Hood in Texas in which 13 were murdered and 30 injured; the wanton murder of police officers in Seattle; the explosion on New York’s Madison Avenue (which authorities claimed was a burst pipe); the calamitous earthquakes in Haiti and Chile; the eruption of the volcano in Iceland that disrupted European air traffic; the airline crash in Russia that killed the president of Poland, on and on.

    Crazy, you say, to suggest that the Obama regime is responsible for these domestic incidents and international “natural” disasters? Maybe…but consider HAARP. No, not the instrument that David played to King Saul to alleviate the old man’s depression. That harp had only one “a” in it. This HAARP is an acronym for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. The project, controlled by the U.S. Army and Navy, is made up of a dense grouping of gigantic antennae in Alaska which has the ability to generate several billion watts of energy that can be directed at any target. “Any target” meaning an underground fault, an airplane in flight, a fulminating volcano, or a mid-ocean oil rig!

    And what another coincidence — the BP explosion took place just a day before Earth Day!”

    Read The Full Excellent Here:

    # # # #

  72. There is a facinating interview with Cdr Kerchner about the Lakin trial on Post and Email today.

    The most disturbing aspect of LTC Lakin’s case is that he was so badly represented, dishonored and humiliated by his own lawyers.

    As soon as I read the WND article about his lawyer annonuncing that Lakin was guilty 11 days before trial and stating that Lind’s discovery rulings were correct, I saw Lakin’s “conviction was certain.”

    A good lawyer would have advised Lakin to plead Nolo Contendere to the charges of disobeying orders of his immediate superior officers and not guilty to the missing movement charge. He would very likely have gotten the same sentence of 6 months, but he would have had a fighting chance of acquittal on the missing movement charge.

    By pleading guilty to the charges of disobeying orders, he was doomed to a conviction on the missing movement charge and he severely damaged his chances for an appeal on all of his convictions.

    Despite the many failures of eligibility lawyers in 2009 and 2010, I still have faith that We the People will prevail when good, courageous lawyers bring strong cases that do not fail on political and standing issues.

  73. oldsalt79 | December 28, 2010 at 3:05 pm |

    Sir William & Miss Tickly……………………


    Again my friend, you are absolutely correct with your statements and I agree.

    As you ask, I will present my Answer, in my opinion in such Q &A form, (only way I know to do it here without confusion to other readers).

    Q: (from your comments) After he posts the phony on fight the smears his goon squad starts posting info that he was born at Kapiolani also .If that is the case why did he say that the phony on fight the smears IS HIS ORIGINAL BC.

    A: Obama Himself, never, ever, said that what was posted on the internet, was his “Original Birth Certificate”. Only (as you said) his goon squad, such as the MSM and Gibbs, claim it was a “Original Birth Certificate”.

    (note): this is the main point I will get to later….


    A: No one (that I know of) disputes this very well known legal fact. It is the basis and premise for all other connectivity in correlation and relationship analysis for reasonable deduction analysis.

    Q: (statement).. I believe that Madylyn registered him.

    A: So do I, or any other close relative within the legal authority to do so whist a resident of Hawaii. This is option 4 of registering a child for a B.C. in the State of Hawaii in 1961.

    Q: (comment) Had there been a “Late Birth Certificate” whatever that is…..

    A: A Late Birth Certificate is when it is filed using Option 3 or 4 in Hawaii. It is either a “Born at Home” Birth, or “Verified birth by witness” and later filed and registered with the DOH, which would be out of sequence with those born on the same day in a Hospital. (filed later, given a higher number, even a day later). Either of which, still generates a published newspaper announcement. Also keep in mind, that according to Hawaii Statistics of birth records during 1960’s, nearly 50% of Hawaiian issued B.C. were outside a Hospital and non-verifiable, other than a signed witness.

    Q: (statement).. I believe that if airline manifests are searched that evidence will be uncovered that Madlyn traveled to Seattle and picked up Lil Barry,took him to Hawaii to live with them..

    A: The Airline Manifests have in fact been pursued through legal request and FOIA. The Conclusion was that Airlines did not keep records nor record retention programs this late (45 years later) in order to obtain them. This avenue has been approach from many various outlets of researchers.

    Q: (Statement).. If somebody is ever able to locate the Port of Entry customs forms,there will be no further need for any sort of BC,because the POE record will tell it all,and the icing on the cake, the signature of Stanley Ann D,Obama..

    A: This is true OldSalt, however, coupled with my addition to Chris Strunk’s original FOIA, in Washington D.C., the Federal Judge dismissed this portion of the suit, thereby denying any Port of Entry information to be released in the suit. The Passport re-entry information, was also denied, ie, passport from Country of Origin used.

    This was critical – and a devastating blow – to the suit in order to acquire information much needed for analysis and the U.S. State Dept. is fully aware of such. In short summary, my affidavit in Washington D.C. Federal court, showed that the U.S. State Dept. either Misrepresented themselves (polite way of saying flat out lied), or is confused with document retention programs from U.S. State Dept. responsibilities. Either way, they loss. It did prove, that a prior 1965 Passport, was issued to SAD (the one they claimed destroyed by GSA orders) and it also showed and proved, that little Barry was “Dropped” of SAD U.S. Passport. That can only happen, as a minor child, if you are no longer a “Citizen” of the United States….

  74. “New Black Panther Leader [who is a brainwashed Anti-Christ Islamic Muslim] Reveals Collusion at Meeting With Ahmadinejad to Build Alliance, Secure Raw Materials and Overthrow America for New Black Nation”

  75. Here’s a question for anyone. It was posted above (OS maybe?) that there are no copies of SAD or Madeline’s signatures. That I find hard to believe as Madeline was a bank Pres. I think and prominent in her community. There must be a record of her signature somewhere and what about paperwork SAD had to sign for college apps etc? Isn’t there a copy of her signature on the passport info that was posted online? Are all their past records sealed also? Are their signature copies even relevant to anything about OB’s eligibility? I found this an interesting side note if true there are no copies of either of their signatures. Just looking for more info about this. Thanks.

  76. ELmo | December 28, 2010 at 11:53 am |
    And that’s why granny disappeared suddenly while recovering from surgery that was not life threatening??

  77. Here is some “RED MEAT” from googling up “Chris Matthews + birth certificste” in the News section.

    PS – Hardball is on Right Now

  78. Sir William,

    you said…
    A: Obama Himself, never, ever, said that what was posted on the internet, was his “Original Birth Certificate”. Only (as you said) his goon squad, such as the MSM and Gibbs, claim it was a “Original Birth Certificate”.

    FACT: Gibbs; a government official in the course of official government business stated in an official public forum (Washington press corps) that he personally put the COLB on the internet even though he was calling it the birth certificate.

    Based on your experience of filing FOIA requests, was that public disclosure by Gibbs a game changer with regard to the ability to withold the COLB (not LFBC) from release through a FOIA request. In other words, would a FOIA request to GIBBS personally and/or the WH require them to release a HARD COPY of an iteration of a COLB (not LFBC) WITH OR WITHOUT the folds and seal? Do you or anyone know if a FOIA request has been made after this event and citing this event specifically in order to obtain a copy of a COLB from Hawaii DOH?


  79. I am somewhat confused by some posters comments…

    Who said that their is no record of Signature of Stanley Ann Dunham/Soetoro?

    I will post the link to the FIOA response to Chris Stunk, of which I later filed the Affidavit too.

    Look on page 3.

  80. And, DUH, just like some attorney did with the COLB found on page 6 of these court records:

    Click to access pbkjr_vol5_p32.pdf

    These attorneys working on this issue are all plants. They are

    ~~~~~Or are they threatened?? We’d all save our children from harm if within our powers when said threat occurs.~~~~~

  81. And as far as her Mother, she owned property in Hawaii. One only needs to request a copy of such from Hawaii, this is a matter of public record. I don’t have it in front of me as typing, but I once (in 2008) had an entire list of all properties own by her. Its no different than looking up your neighbors property, if you have the address, then you can simply go to the court house and obtain the ownership property contract estate taxes paid to the County, City, State, ect..

    Not hard to get that. However, I do not see any relevancy in obtaining a “Signature”.

    But hope that helps for those looking.

    Just me,

  82. Thanks for the confirmation that the signaatures are out there and probably of no relevance to the issue at hand. Was confused myself.

    This accounting of the Lakin trial by Kerchner is devastating and frightening anddepressing. Worth the read and sorry if this link has been posted already. What his lawyer did to him was revolting, but it shows what we are faced with for questioning OB’s eligibility.

    CDR Charles Kerchner Speaks out about the Court-Martial of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin

  83. Pixel Patriot | December 28, 2010 at 5:10 pm |

    Sir William,

    you said…

    A: Obama Himself, never, ever, said that what was posted on the internet, was his “Original Birth Certificate”.

    FACT: Gibbs; a government official in the course of official government business stated in an official public forum (Washington press corps) that he personally put the COLB on the internet even though he was calling it the birth certificate.



    S0 where is my statement wrong? You answered your own question.
    “Gibbs” Said, “Obama Administration” Said, ‘Officials” Said, “Media” Said…..

    Not once, did “Obama” claim himself, that what was posted on the internet, was his Birth Certificate. If he did, please post the News Article.

    After 2 years of research on this topic, and finding no such claim made specifically by Obama himself, maybe I and others have missed it and you are aware of it, if so, please post it. Not a he said she said, Obama himself saying such.


  84. Chris Matthews, ‘enemy of the birthers,’ stumbles into debate about Obama’s birth certificate

    BY Aliyah Shahid


    Tuesday, December 28th 2010

    Chris Matthews has fumbled his way right into the debate over President Obama’s birth certificate.

    The liberal MSNBC host — while declaring the controversy over the President’s birth certificate “nonsense” — nonetheless asked on Monday night why Obama has not demanded the release of a copy of his full birth certificate.

  85. SirWilliam,
    Sorry for the confusing question. I did not mean to infer you said Obama said he posted it.

  86. Reprinted By Permission From:
    The Post & Email, Inc.



    By Sharon Rondeau
    December 27, 2010


    Let’s show support for Attorney Andy Martin who is NOT afraid to expose & legally tackle the Daily Serial Criminal 100% Imposter in the White House, Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH Obama’s Illegal Usurpation & attempted Coup D’Etat War against the USA to usurp & to overthrow the USA government!!


    “My view is to say, “He owes us the truth, period.” It’s not up to me to tell you what the facts of his birth are, although I will start to speculate on Wednesday in Concord as to what some of these facts might be. My role is to tell Obama that the American people want answers, and they want him to stop his rope-a-dope. But it’s not to go and produce forged documents and to make exaggerated claims.

    I was just dusting off our paperwork and I found where we had, in fact, sent a letter to the Army Chief of Staff supporting Lt. Col. Lakin pointing out that in principle, his concerns were correct.”


    “Also, people were drinking Barry Obama’s homemade Hawaiian kool-aid. So I was literally the Jeremiah, the voice in the wilderness, saying, “Look, this guy isn’t for real, and there are lots of questions, etc.” People were listening; obviously, McCain almost won, in spite of everything. But it wasn’t enough to overcome the media.

    This time, the glow is off, and I’m going to have a column coming out tomorrow. Since I’m snowed in, there’s not a whole lot we can do in the New York office. The title of the column will be “This is What the Media Calls a Comeback?” In other words, they’re trying to refocus Obama as having a comeback. He hasn’t had a comeback. The lame duck session was a confession of weakness and panic in the Democratic Party, not a confession of power and public support. So the Republican Party needs to have at least one person in the race who’s tweaking the other candidates to be aggressive with Obama instead of doing this kind of Texas two-step where they’re all afraid of tackling him.

    I’m not afraid to tackle this guy, and I now have what you might call an outstanding track record of bringing the truth to the people. When the media wouldn’t bring the truth to the people, Contrarian Commentary and Andy Martin brought the truth, and today, we estimate there are 100,000,000 Americans who feel uneasy about Obama’s family history. They’re not all “birthers” in the sense that they believe all this Kenyan stuff. I’m an unusual birther, but an ideal “King of the Birthers,” as they have called me, because I believe he was born in Hawaii.

    My concerns focus on Barack Hussein Obama, the father, the serial bigamist, who was married in Kenya and who then engaged in a bigamist and therefore criminally illegal sham marriage in Honolulu with this woman, and I think it’s about time that Governor Neil Abercrombie started telling the people the truth and stop trying to be a cover-up artist for the Obama scam machine.

    MRS. RONDEAU: Isn’t it interesting that Abercrombie initiated the discussion on releasing Obama’s vital records by suggesting that he would contact his new attorney general and health department director about making a new law? They don’t need a new law to release Obama’s records, do they?

    MR. MARTIN: No, they don’t. What’s interesting is that I think Obama hears Andy’s footsteps in the background, because he landed at the airport and within hours, Neil Abercrombie, the bobble-head, started saying, “Birther, birther, birther.” To me, the coincidence is just too great. I remember when I was in Honolulu two years ago, and I was making efforts to contact Obama’s grandmother, and all of a sudden, Obama got in his plane and turns it around from North Carolina to fly to Honolulu to see his long-lost Toots. The point is that they love to attack me, but they are afraid of the fact that I’m an honest man. The one thing politics and politicians can’t stand is an honest man, because they’re all a bunch of liars on both sides.

    Don’t get me wrong: just because I’m a Republican and I’m a conservative doesn’t mean that I bow down at the temple of the Republican Party in Washington. I don’t. My goal and my belief is that the truth must come out, and I’m going to try to convince Governor Abercrombie that the time for lying is over.

    By the way, I actually have a copy of a letter which I printed out asking him for an interview two years ago which he ignored. So I’ve been trying to get at the facts for a long time. […]


    MR. MARTIN: Yes. And you see, if Obama knows one thing, he knows that I know how to move the people. I don’t necessarily have the media behind me, but I have the people behind me, and we are going to create a firestorm of rebellion in both parties; actually, primarily the Republicans, but in both parties, about the fact that we have this imposter in the White House who won’t release vital documents. It’s not just the birth certificate, although that’s the Rosetta Stone; it’s the Punahou School records, the Occidental College records. Now that we have an MO on this guy and we have a much larger profile, we can be much more aggressive in speculating on where the blanks are and how you fill in the blanks.

    Two or three years ago, we didn’t have a full picture of Obama, so it was difficult just to do what some of the less responsible people did. I’ve always been very cautious about that. But now, as I see patterns. One of the things which occurs in profiling is that at a certain point you get the “Aha” or the “Eureka!” moment, and you say, “There’s a pattern; that’s what goes in the missing space.”

    By the way, do you have a copy of my book Obama: The Man Behind the Mask?

    MRS. RONDEAU: I do not but have been meaning to order it.

    MR. MARTIN: Well, what I was going to tell you is that you can get a copy (they’re almost sold out), and read Chapter 1, which was our psychological profile on Obama. I don’t think Amazon is stocking it anymore; I know you can order it from the publisher, Orange State Press. The thing of it is, if you read Chapter 1, you will get the willies, because four years ago, we explained who Obama was, and we analyzed him and laid it all out in black and white.

    MRS. RONDEAU: Did you speak with psychologists and other specialists?

    MR. MARTIN: A whole team of people, and we assembled a profile, just as we would be doing a profile of Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong Il. We analyzed just what would happen, and when you read it, you will say, “How did they hit it so accurately?” It’s uncanny how accurate we were in predicting what he’d be like as putative president.

    So the point is, he’s not going to get a free pass this time. He is going to have to answer to the American people, and he better be ready to turn over the birth certificate, the Occidental College records, the Columbia University records and the Harvard Law School records. Khalid al-Mansour, the spokeman for the Saudi government, who is also virulently anti-white, anti-Jewish and anti-American, is going to play a much larger role in the 2012 campaign than he played in the 2008 campaign, I can assure you. Where I have a fact to work with, I work the fact. What I don’t work with is imaginary birth certificates from Kenya because there hasn’t been any evidence that I find credible. As I’ve always said, if I thought there was a document that I could turn over to a federal judge and say, “Your honor, I’d like to offer this as Plaintiff’s Exhibit #1,” I would work with it. But if it isn’t credible enough to present to a federal judge, it’s not credible enough for the American people.

    As it turns out, we’re still going to be fighting the case that you’re aware of, the UIPA cover-up. That will be cranked up in early to mid-January.

    MRS. RONDEAU: I did want to ask you what you believe happened with that.

    MR. MARTIN: They held secret hearings which I knew nothing about. This guy, Judge Rom Trader, is as crooked as they come. I do have a motion to vacate pending, and I’m going to be asking the chief justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court to open an investigation, and we’re going to be filing more petitions. We’re not going away. If they think that Hawaiians are going to get away with this bogus birth certificate where they claim that it’s private, they’re not. There’s not “private” document involving the President of the United States.

    MRS. RONDEAU: They keep saying that Hawaii law prevents them from releasing his records, but it doesn’t. Other presidents have had all of their records opened for scrutiny.

    MR. MARTIN: The Hawaii court system is every bit as crooked as we find in Chicago, where it’s all politically-driven. The only difference between Honolulu and Chicago is they have palm trees in Honolulu. But as far as the rigged political structure… […]”

    Please Read The Excellent Full Article & The Excellent Full Interview Of Andy Martin, Esquire Here:

    # # # #

  87. The point I am trying to make is… can we get a copy of the COLB? Not the LFBC? Did Gibbs admission that he posted the COLB, even though he called it a birth certificate make him or the WH or the HDOH liable for having to produce a copy of a COLB (not LFBC) upon request from a FOIA?

    Wouldn’t a COLB itself be a vaulable tool for discrediting Obama’s claim?

  88. Rush – Obama Has Something In Common With God,God Doesn’t Have A Birth Certificate Either

  89. It is easy to tell a foreigner from an American. They speak in simple sentences and phrases joined together with ANDs. View:

    The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 21
    Clinton Just Another Nazi Spy

    Bush II has a US birth certificate but he is a German citizen as his parents were born in Germany and never naturized.

    The Clintons, Bushes, and Obama are foreigners as in Nazi Germany spies

  90. Pixel Patriot | December 28, 2010 at 5:10 pm |

    Based on your experience of filing FOIA requests, was that public disclosure by Gibbs a game changer with regard to the ability to withold the COLB (not LFBC) from release through a FOIA request. In other words, would a FOIA request to GIBBS personally and/or the WH require them to release a HARD COPY of an iteration of a COLB (not LFBC) WITH OR WITHOUT the folds and seal? Do you or anyone know if a FOIA request has been made after this event and citing this event specifically in order to obtain a copy of a COLB from Hawaii DOH?



    I’ll try to break this down in the same manner, a Q&A, to the best of my ability with short response. (Hopefully on point), but please feel free to ask if I did not answer completely.

    Q: Based on your experience of filing FOIA requests, was that public disclosure by Gibbs a game changer with regard to the ability to withold the COLB (not LFBC) from release through a FOIA request.

    A: First I will say this, I have no Idea what a LFBC is? Nevertheless, Gibbs making a public statement of his opinion, whether it be factual or not, has nothing to do with a FOIA. In other words, Gibbs also publicly claims Obama is a converted Christian and not a Muslim, but you certainly cannot file a FOIA to determine whether or not he is a Christian based on Gibbs Comments to the public. To whom would you file it with and which government agency would be responsible for such a record of maintenance?

    Was it a “Game Changer” for me personally? Absolutely not. I personally don’t fret over the exuberance of over egotistical self absorb idiots such as Gibbs, regardless of what flies out of mouth at any moment. The Question still remains and the answers are still deserving. Gibbs is not “Withholding” Obama’s B.C., He cannot, nor is he in legal possession of it. I don’t think I follow your take on that one, maybe I’m misunderstanding you statement to that portion of your comment.

    Q: Do you or anyone know if a FOIA request has been made after this event and citing this event specifically in order to obtain a copy of a COLB from Hawaii DOH?

    A: No Pixel, I do not. Remember, an FOIA is made, with a very specific Dept. of the Government to obtain records, and within that, are very specific guidelines for your request. A politician verbally claiming in front of CNN news, a personal opinion, does not fall under the category of FOIA.

    If I may offer a suggestion to you, look up FOIA legal websites, most give the outline in definition of what qualifies for an FOIA and what does not. That may be a great place for you to start. It is where I started 2 years ago.

    Hope that helps Pixel.

  91. If the BC was applied for later, why was the birth announcement in the newspaper issued the same time as the births of that week from the hospital records if the hospital wasn’t aware of a birth on Aug. 4th??

  92. Jon Carlson | December 28, 2010 at 6:28 pm |

    Interesting that TerriK is hot on the trail and then we get posts like the old “Nazi” spy one from this person here. This is done to discredit this blog, I am sure. If not, then somebody needs to up their medications.

  93. Pixel Patriot | December 28, 2010 at 6:06 pm |

    The point I am trying to make is… can we get a copy of the COLB? Not the LFBC? Did Gibbs admission that he posted the COLB, even though he called it a birth certificate make him or the WH or the HDOH liable for having to produce a copy of a COLB (not LFBC) upon request from a FOIA?

    Wouldn’t a COLB itself be a vaulable tool for discrediting Obama’s claim?


    There is no such legal qualifications under an FOIA that anyone can request based on a Politicians Ideological claims, press announcements or anything else, against that “Representative” himself.

    However, based on that Representatives claims, in this case pertaining to a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth, you can file a FOIA (now knowing the specific Dept. of government) a request to release the information. That has been done, numerous times, and each and all denied, for various reasons.

    Hope that helps.

  94. The title of the column will be “This is What the Media Calls a Comeback?”


    For a comeback, wouldn’t one had to have accomplished something great first??

  95. Pixel, yes, I outlined two laws under which Obama’s records are authorized to be disclosed through an open records request on my blog. You may not be able to request under “political ideological claim,” but under at least two laws–yes.

    And, yes, I have this in writing from the OIP.

  96. need to create a signature line for your posts that contains a link to your website.

  97. MissTickly,

    Would that fall under the FOIA request, as Pixel asked, or a different obtainment? My current understanding of FOIA requests, does not fall under what Pixel is asking, ie, Gibbs made a public statement, therefore file an FOIA with Gibbs claims. Under FOIA rules, that would be a dead end and cannot answer the basic requests.

    I am aware of many of the Hawaii “barriers” that each have faced, including – but not limited too – Hawaii public disclosure law, Public official announcement relinquishment of rights (upheld by the Hawaii State Supreme Court), and many more. But if you found a way to force the legal hand of Hawaii, I am all ears and eyes.


    “Paula says:
    Monday, December 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    Does the House have anything to do with removing a president? Isn’t this strictly set aside for the senate? Allen West was elected to the House, so he may not have much say anyway.
    Mrs. Rondeau replies: If it were a regular impeachment, that begins in the House of Representatives and the Senate acts as the trial court. However, either the House or Senate Judiciary Committee can issue a subpoena which is just as valid as that issued by a federal judge. Congress subpoenas people to appear to testify in front of them frequently. Why not Obama with all of his documentation, if he can produce it?”

  99. Paxson | December 28, 2010 at 7:08 pm | need to create a signature line for your posts that contains a link to your website.

    I agree Paxson,

    I had Terri’s link a couple of weeks ago or so, when she first announced Hawaii sent her a copy of the Seal, issued and used from 1988 to current. After studying it for a few days and cross checking, I wanted to post my comments/questions/findings, to her blog. However, TerriK blog did not (at that time) accept comments.

    Terri, is your comment section still turned off or are you now accepting comments to your recent findings?

  100. charlesmountain

    We have to keep pushing in from all directions. For those that have time, call your congressman…Senator…Hawaii… Abercrumbie. Just keep calling..and calling. Call General Horst..e-mail and call the White House. Hound every news media outlet. Barrage them with emails, phone calls and voice mails. Question the fake COLB, the phony Social Security numbers. Print flyers and hand ‘em out. Organize like the left does. Get a 10,000 people to march on Washington! Organize Birther Flash Mobs! Think of what is at stake here! Think about what a tremendous body blow to the left if we can get some traction and force the issue. Imagaine if we can remove the Great Pretender from office through an act of Congress and reduce all this Progressive legislation to null and void. We can send the Democrats to the political wilderness for the next 30 years and completely expose the MSM as nothing more than state sponsored, media biased, worthless garbage. End the 100 year Socialist progressive stealth creep. There is so much to gain..Push! Have confidence Patriots because you are on the side of truth! History shows us that truth and righteousness always wins the day! Nixon couldn’t cover up Watergate..Obummer can’t dodge this issue much longer. The cracks and strain are starting to show. America has alway been victorious in the face of adversity, why should we not expect it now. I am at your service America…..

  101. SirWilliam

    I thought LFBC was the ubiquitous acronym for Long Form Birth Certificate

  102. “He was born in Kenya and everybody knows it” along with other words of wisdom from Rev. Manning:

  103. cjzak | December 28, 2010 at 5:57 pm |
    This accounting of the Lakin trial by Kerchner is devastating and frightening anddepressing. Worth the read and sorry if this link has been posted already. What his lawyer did to him was revolting, but it shows what we are faced with for questioning OB’s eligibility.
    Thank you, cjzak, for posting that link. There have been videos posted before with Commander Kerchner speaking, but my computer buffers so slowly and I also have trouble hearing some of them. This interview with Kerchner is heartbreaking and tells it like it is. It was wonderful that Kerchner was able to meet so miraculously with Lakin the night before and observe his demeanor.

    What a travesty! What an injustice! And, yes, even though Lakin was broken down, he was and will always be a hero. The truth will prevail some day. This just shows exactly what we are up against. Congress, the courts, the media – all in collusion to cover up the greatest deception perpetrated on a free people.

  104. charlesmountain | December 28, 2010 at 8:47 pm |

    Nice Charles…very rarely do I get fired up from a rah rah speech..but yours was good. Are you a coach?


    For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama ‘birthers’ is a top priority

    by Michael A. Memoli

    Democrat Neil Abercrombie, who knew Obama’s parents, is determined to torpedo the conspiracy theory. Underlying his effort may be a desire to dispel the view that Hawaiians aren’t Americans in the same way as mainlanders.

    Neil Abercrombie knew Barack Obama’s parents when the future president was born here in 1961, and he has been aggravated by the so-called birther movement, which alleges Obama was not born in the United States and thus should be expelled from office.

  106. SirWilliam | December 28, 2010 at 7:26 pm |

    Sir William..I’m not asking TerriK to open up her comments, I just want a ready link to her site.. Right now if she accepts comments she will get blasted by the Obots. We know where to find her and that is right here at CW.

  107. That post about Andy Martin announcing a run for POTUS is a joke, right? Please tell me it’s a joke.

  108. Some choose to be interested in the long form BC and other distractions. Well, consider yourself part of the problem. Don’t be decieved by the hype that proved successful for President Arthur, place of birth is not the issue.

    There was a truth understood before Wong Kim Ark.

    Matthews and everyone else that wonder now as to the BC are part of the problem. Lakin fell on his sword needlessly for this falsehood…

    Minor v Happersett and the dissenting opinion for United States v Wong Kim Ark…read them.

    This is not a contention solely based on Jay or Vattel.

    Wake up.


  109. Another hit job on the TRUTH!
    Associated Press…YOU LIE!

    “The Obama campaign issued a certificate of live birth in 2008, an official document from the state showing….”

    It was a digital copy of a Photoshopped image created to look like a COLB or CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH, not a long form birth certificate.

  110. charlesmountain

    LTC. Lakin did not fall on his sword needlessly…if we stand and fight this battle. Not that blogging here is wrong..but you need to do more. You need to act! Think! What can I do to make a difference? Am I the only one who understands what we can achieve? We have a prime opportunity to lay a new foundation for the republic if we get Congress to recognize obummer’s ineligibility! Think of who gets exposed here! With the midterms and the census redistricting and the weakening of the left, ineligibility can be the final nail in the coffin for the Progressives and the New Radical Democrats! Has everyone here seen this link?
    Print it! Make copies send it out in flyer form!. E-mail it to everyone!. Stop whining already. Think of the Founders and the blood and sweat they gave! Make a few clicks spend a little of your Christmas bonus if you can! Who on this blog can or knows someone who can organize?…… What? Conservatives can’t organize? Only the left can generate community organizers? The facts are overwhelming and yet we grovel…..Think of the spoils of a conservative victory…why waste such an oppurtune moment!
    LTC. Lakin is a hero! A man who gave himself for the pursuit of truth! What can you do? Its time to act America! Are you ready? I am at you service America…

  111. Mentioned earlier that LTC Lakin did not fall “needlessly on his sword”;

    Go to Washington, march into your representative’s office, stand on his desk, and demand justice.

    If you are unwilling or haven’t the stomach for such…well, shut up and stop pretending to be part of the solution.


  112. charlesmountain

    Everyone can play a part ………I have contacted and awaken many people in my area and building…that is my part and I continue to do so…others can do more…I am willing to give up my weekend to March on Washington. I am willing to spend my next full weeks vacation on the White house Lawn with a bullhorn if I could find 1o other peple to go..Everybody can makea contributtion big small…….

  113. Starla at 7:25 PM posted the following quote:
    Mrs. Rondeau replies: If it were a regular impeachment, that begins in the House of Representatives and the Senate acts as the trial court. However, either the House or Senate Judiciary Committee can issue a subpoena which is just as valid as that issued by a federal judge. Congress subpoenas people to appear to testify in front of them frequently. Why not Obama with all of his documentation, if he can produce it?”
    Focusing on the last part of Mrs. Rondeau’s statement (I have a great deal of respect for her), I see a problem with any attempt by Congress to subpoena “Obama with all of his documentation, if he can produce it.” After all, there is what is called “executive privilege” which is claimed many times by the executive branch. In many instances those in the administration can evoke that in accordance with the doctrine of separation of powers. Sometimes these issues have to be litigated, I believe. How far would that go?

  114. CharlesM,

    Thank you ever so much for your service and sacrifice. It has meant so much in reflection of those still wearing the uniform and serving time in military prison.



  115. charlesmountain

    Whats yout beef Pieter? Spit it out already….instead of being condescending….

  116. charlesmountain

    I am veteran! What have you done besides blogging your two cents here?

  117. CM,

    I find fault with those that commiserate without feeling need for risk of well being. You, like hundreds of thousands of others, bitch from the comfort of your livingrooms considering more for your own welfare than that of the Republic.

    Prove me wrong. Buy a ticket to Washington or file a petition for redress.


  118. During this evening I’ve been reading here considerably. First of all, kudos to those who are especially trying to ferret out the truth about the facts concerning Obama’s origins, regardless whether it has to do with the COLB, seals, or whatever. Many posters here are trying very hard in these efforts and they are to be commended.

    What is somewhat disconcerting to me are a few of the rather wild accusations being tossed around. For example, ” It infuriates me how he screwed everyone working on this UIPA issue over so bad. I hope he rots in jail someday. He’s is either a criminal or the stupidest lawyer to ever walk this earth.” (reference is to Leo Donofrio) and “These attorneys working on this issue are all plants. They are.” These are rash remarks to be made on a public forum. Regardless of how strongly one feels about these attorneys, I don’t think it is wise or helpful to throw around such judgments without actual proof that one is willing to disclose. Truthfully, it is better not to make them at all, imho. What good purpose is served?
    Those are just my thoughts. No offense is intended.

  119. Well, looks as if we’re being read the Riot Act, here.

    Some of us don’t have the time, money, or good health to go to D.C., so we do what we can to spread the word. Today, I had a nuclear medicine test and gave the URL of CW’s site to the very nice Medical Technologist who did the test.

    I resent being told to ‘shut up’ just because I am physically unable to make it to D.C.

    Many of the bloggers here work tirelessly to get the word out and converse with those who have questions or want to know more; we’re far from being layabouts on this very important issue, as has been covertly suggested.

    I will continue to do what I do and will not shut up simply because I cannot place myself in a Congressperson’s office and read *them* the Riot Act.

    There are many avenues available to keep chipping away at this illegitimate administration, and we cover as many of the bases as we can.

    Sorry if that’s not good enough.


    “No, no, no – it’s not up to the president,” Abercrombie said in the CNN interview. “It has nothing to do with the president. It has to do with the people of Hawaii who love him, people who love his mom and dad.”

    “It’s a matter of principle with me… I was here when he was born,” he told CNN.

    “His father was one of the first scholarship students coming to the United States and he came to the University of Hawaii, which we were very proud (of),” the governor added. “We became good friends.”

  121. Cabby – AZ,

    Thank you for your adamancy…no insult is taken, especially with regard to Donofrio. God Bless and thank you for your continued support of the eligilibity argument.


  122. Free Speech et al,

    Did I insult you? Some can not be bothered to sacrifice time, money, liberty in an effort that they state so important on the web?

    Pardon me, if I consider those hypocrites and cowards.

    LTC Lakin is in prison. What, exactly, are you doing now and are committed to in the future? He was wrong, in my estimation, in his course and venue…still, without a doubt, a Patriot and devoted to our Constitutional Republic.

    Who are you, what do you believe, and to what extent?


  123. Actually my comment were directed at SueK (et al)…thank you so much for your sacrifice and support. My apology to Free Speech…

    Er, what is it that you, SueK, have done other than comment on a blog? Uhuh, right, nothing of consequence. Thanks, again, for absolutley nothing.


  124. Off to bed, suffice it to say Mr. Matthews is a day late and a dollar short. The eligibility contention is not one of a hidden mysterious birth certificate but rather the one of the ever present obvious. Mr. Obama was born to a father that never naturalized or ever intended permanent residence in the United States.

    ORIGINALISM. I challenge anyone to find a Founder (i.e. Jefferson or Story) that would consider our current President a viable candidate.


  125. Pieter,

    Who are YOU to jump on this blog and insult people who’ve been here for a very long time?

    We all do what we can in the manner we see fit, and that which we can physically, monitarily, and emotionally do.

    You don’t know me and what I’ve done, so knock off the insults. I suspect you’re a paid Obot here to stir up a little trouble, as you’ve done in the past. You seem to be dangerously close to stepping over that line yet again.

    Do me a HUGE favor: Do not address my posts and I will not address yours. It’s not worth my time.

  126. SueK | December 28, 2010 at 11:18 pm |
    There are many avenues available to keep chipping away at this illegitimate administration, and we cover as many of the bases as we can.
    Hi, SueK – You are so right on this one! There are many avenues that we as individuals take, and who is able to judge the effectiveness of any of our efforts? Only God knows what is truly be done that will really count. Yes, many of us are unable to go to DC, but what about letters, phone calls, etc. backed by prayer? Who is in a position to judge one effort as better than another? I think no one. Let’s all stay the course and be considerate of each other’s methods and means. Just your spirit that is manifested in your comments here helps encourage others. Did you come through the weather okay?

  127. SueK,

    No doubt you are adamant and opinionated…but are you committed and ready for personal sacrifice?

    Thanks for blogging…time to buy a ticket to Washington.


  128. Correction – “what is truly be done” should be “what has truly been done”

  129. Pieter Nosworthy | December 28, 2010 at 10:33 pm |
    Mentioned earlier that LTC Lakin did not fall “needlessly on his sword”;

    Go to Washington, march into your representative’s office, stand on his desk, and demand justice.

    If you are unwilling or haven’t the stomach for such…well, shut up and stop pretending to be part of the solution.


    Pieter, Noz< did you have a couple of cocktails tonight? You are better than this line of rhetoric. Everybody has a role to play, some more important than the next, yet everyone important. As long as we are moving forward, together, we will succeed.

  130. “Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate'”

    “Although Hawaii’s newly elected Democrat governor, Neil Abercrombie, has recently given a flurry of high-profile media interviews condemning “birthers” who question Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, suddenly he is declining to answer a few hard questions.

    “Maybe I’m the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye and tell you, ‘I was there when the baby was born,'” Abercrombie told the Chicago Tribune in an attempt to provide personal testimony to buttress the argument Obama was born in Hawaii as he has long claimed.

    The problem with Abercrombie’s testimony is that Barack Obama Sr. and his wife, Ann Dunham, did not live together as man and wife with their baby son as Abercrombie claims to have witnessed.

    Strangely, Abercrombie is the only witness on the public record claiming a recollection of Barack Obama Sr., Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Jr. living together and interacting with him socially as a family in Hawaii.”

  131. SueK et al,

    When I was a platoon sergeant I’d joke that there was a need for a “hugs and cookies” NCOIC, someone to provide solace for the wronged and pats on the head for the deserving.

    You need both. Get a grip. Some of us are off to far off places that you destined us to show. Don’t come off as innocent…you voted, you encouraged, you ignored as necessary.

    The rest of us have to live with your apathy and whatever. Thanks a bunch. At least Lakin was willing to suffer on principle…you, I have no idea.



  132. Paxson,

    For your edification…I always enjoy “cocktails”. Keeps me from choking the life out of cowards and hypocrites such as some that consider themselves TRUE PATRIOTS.

    The only true patriots I’ve met from this crowd are the ones I’ve had to raise…as in, their children, who have joined and willed themselves to sacrifice for thier Republic.

    You’re welcome.

    -1SG Nosworthy

  133. Pieter Nosworthy | December 29, 2010 at 12:42 am |

    For your edification…I always enjoy “cocktails”. Keeps me from choking the life out of cowards and hypocrites such as some that consider themselves TRUE PATRIOTS.

    Fair enough, Noz…but any movement that is successful finds itself to be inclusive as it is the masses that will make it successful. A few mavericks here and there, while this is the stuff that movies are made of, will not suffice. We thank you for your service and please give the rest of us a break whom you don’t think are pulling our weight and know that we are on your side, brother….

    Have a drink on me, bro…

  134. Paxson,

    Roger. No doubt there is need to lighten up on fellow Americans that pay others to carry a certain burden.

    Sorry. Sometimes I get beyond reason…I get upset at times that there is expectation of those in uniform to carry a load that should be had by civilians (i.e. the eligibility challenge).

    Why is Lakin in prison?


  135. Pieter Nosworthy | December 29, 2010 at 12:58 am |

    People who care will give all that is in their capacity to give. That is all, bro.

  136. Paxson,

    Perhaps we should have a discussion on “capacity”.

    This is the most affluent and libertarian nation on the face of this earth…what exactly does those that comment expect from the few that enlist and have probability of mayhem?

    No sympathy or slack. Either they are willing to make personal sacrifice or they are not. Have I missed something fundamental in the continuance in our way of life?


  137. Pingback: Neil Abercrombie and media lies, Governor Abercrombie exposed, Obama birth certificate, Natural born citizen status | Citizen WElls

  138. Just got through early am radio show with Trey Radel. They were discussing Birthers. I called in and told him I was. Trey is a conservative but he thinks all the hullabaloo is caused because Birthers are only concerned with where one is born.I explained that it doesn’t matter WHERE HE WAS BORN, but the Natural Born Citizen clause of the Constitution. I blamed our educational system for not teaching the Constitution. He asked me if Marco Rubio could be President and I said “NO”. I said it was not a matter of where he was born, but of his parents. I mainly emphasized that there are only two kinds of Americans – Those that believe in the Constitution and those that don’t. I closed out saying the new 112th Congress was going to read the Constitution on Jan. 6th. The next few calls backed me up. The best part is that all of this is getting play is because Gov. Abercrombie is bringing the issue to the forefront. Remember what Rahm Immanuel said – “You always want to take advantage of a CRISIS!!”

  139. Great job ms.helga!

  140. Drudge just had link to Abercrombie’s statements in article at My Way followed by link to WND’s article debunking those statements of “knowledge” of Obama seen as infant with mother and Sr socializing. Those are gone but now new one with picture of Abercrombie:

  141. CW – The Abercrombie story is growing. On Drudge now –

    I’LL PROVE OBAMA WAS BORN HERE… (Yeah-Even IF I Have To Make It Up)

  142. Good comments –

    I bet Chrissy Matthews wished he hadn’t started this.

  143. Something is going on ! All of a sudden the Gov of Hi wants to talk about the
    BC. I think they are worried that the new GOP House could look into the BC
    to see if BO has one.
    Call your Reps. ask them to check it out.

  144. Hmmmm….and while Obama vacations in “Hawaii”! Those trips do seem to always contain some “personal” work.

  145. 11:20AM – Dec. 29th – Your new post or next one seems to have disappeared CW.

  146. Here’s some interesting info: (from Wikipedia, so take it as is)

    Obama Sr. graduated from U. of HI in June, 1962
    Abercrombie got his PhD from same in 1974

    Abercrombie claims to have attended classes with Obama Sr.

  147. Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’
    After blizzard of attacks on ‘birthers,’ Abercrombie now avoids interviews

    Read more: Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’

  148. Pingback: Abercrombie Orwellian lies and misinformation, Setup for mainstream media, Tell the big lie and repeat it | Citizen WElls

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