Judge Roll threat to Obama?, Federal judge murdered, US District Court Arizona, Ruling against Obama government

Judge Roll threat to Obama?, Federal judge murdered, US District Court Arizona, Ruling against Obama government

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

From the European Times January 9, 2011.

“A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations plan to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshals protecting him removed.

According to this SVR report, Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona who this past Friday issued what is called a “preliminary ruling” in a case titled “United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” [Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010] wherein he stated he was preparing to rule against Obama’s power to seize American citizens money without clear and convincing evidence of a crime being committed.

The case being ruled on by Judge Roll, this report continues, was about bulk cash smuggling into or out of the United States that the Obama administration claimed was their right to seize under what are called Presidential Executive Orders, instead of using existing laws. The Obama administration used as support for their claim before Judge Roll, the SVR says, the seizing of all American citizens’ gold, in 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s signing of Executive Order 6102, which was ruled at the time to be constitutional.

Should the Obama administration win their argument to seize their citizen’s money by Executive Order without having to abide by the law was made more chilling this past week when reports emerged from the US stating that President Obama and his regime allies were, indeed, preparing to rule America by decree since their loss this past November of their control over the US House of Representatives, and in the words of the Washington Posts columnist Charles Krauthammer: “For an Obama bureaucrat … the will of the Congress is a mere speed bump”.

Since taking office in early 2009, Obama has completely overturned the once free United States through his use of Executive Orders that asserts his power to put anyone he wants in prison without charges or trial forever and his right to assassinate any American citizen he deems a threat.

The most chilling of these powers Obama has asserted for himself, however, are contained in Executive Order 13528 he signed nearly a year ago (January 10, 2010) creating a Council of Governors he has hand-picked to rule over the United States in place of its elected representatives when their next “disaster” strikes and orders them to begin “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities”.

Going from the chilling to the outright scary, about whatever “disaster” the American regime is preparing their people for, is Obama’s Homeland Security Department, through their Ready.Gov organization, beginning to air this past week a public service television commercial titled “World Upside Down” that shows a typical family sitting in their home suddenly losing all of its gravity and warning all who watch it to begin preparing.

Note: In our previous reports US Descends Into Total Police State As 2012 ‘Solar Chaos’ Fears Grow, Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport and Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths we had detailed some of fears the US government are most worried about, but which they still will not be truthful to their citizens about.
Interesting to note about the assassination of Judge Roll is that it is being blamed on a “lone gunman” said to be mentally unstable (aren’t they all) said directed at a US Congresswoman named Gabrielle Giffords, who survived this mass killing, and that killed at least 5 other innocent people, including a 9-year-old girl named Christina Taylor Green “curiously” born on September 11, 2001 (9/11).

Equally interesting to note about the assassin, a 22-year-old man named Jared Loughner, is that he is being described by the propaganda media organs in the US as an “anti-government” type individual who prior to this mass killing is said to have left “crazed rantings” on the Internet, but whose “handler”, described as a white male between 40-50 years old with dark hair, is still being sought after.”

Read more:


131 responses to “Judge Roll threat to Obama?, Federal judge murdered, US District Court Arizona, Ruling against Obama government

  1. If there was ever a time for our government to step forward and resolve the eligibility issue, it is NOW. Saturday’s carnage of decent, God Loving people to be murdered in a cold blooded manner in front of their friends and relatives reflects on the sorry state that has come to this nation. As long as I live I will never forget the picture of little 9 year old CHRISTina Green’s picture of sweetness and innocence. GOD SAVE OUR COUNTRY AND BLESS THE SOULS OF THE DECEASED.

  2. Michelle | January 10, 2011 at 12:06 am | Free Speech @ 11:57 pm |
    Terrible murders but they do investigate Federal Judges, thank God for experience everybody saved screen shots before they were pulled-I think many are on to most of the tricks pulled by this so called administration. I know the hillbuzz guys will be listening up to the word on the streets in Chicago.
    “The assassination of Federal Judge Roll right after he ruled against the BO regime is going to come back to haunt BO.”

    Hillbuzz has been in the forefront in exposing the crimes of BO and his criminal cohorts.

  3. Excellent Report, CW!

  4. | http://thedailypen.blogspot.com/


    On August 27, 2008, the Democratic Party of Hawaii (DPH), led then by Chairman, Brian Schatz and acting Secretary, Lynn Matusow, signed and had attested by notarization, an Official Certification of Nomination (OCON) for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Some time between August 27, 2008 and 4:30 p.m Hawaiian Time (9:30 p.m. Eastern Time) September 5, 2008, the DPH filed the document with Chief Elections Officer, Kevin Cronin. The copy provided for public review did not contain a Hawaiian Elections Office “RECEIVED DATE” stamp and it contained the following words in the body of its content:

    “THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States (Obama and Biden) are legally qualified to serve under the provision of the national Democratic Parties balloting at the Presidential Preference Poll and Caucus held on February 19th, 2008 in the State of Hawaii and by acclamation at the National Democratic Convention held August 27, 2008 in Denver, Colorado.”

    However, Hawaiian Revised Statute 11-113 (c)(1)(B) requires that this statement must explicitly state that each candidate is legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution in order for the Hawaiian Elections Commission and the Chief Elections Officer to be able to approve the candidate for ballot placement.

  5. “Obama is Responsible for the Cult of Violence Embraced by His Supporters”

    ©2011 drkate

    “When the putative Commander in Chief tells his supporters to bring a gun to a knife fight, to “get in peoples faces”, calls vast swaths of the American public his enemies, pays his bloggers to threaten, intimidate, and attack; has his homeland security chief assault Americans, has his justice department free terrorists and allow voter intimidation to go unchecked, has his military court martial, jail, and discredit the service of decorated army officers and enlisted personnel, and calls anyone racist who disagrees with his policies, then the source of “cult” of violence plaguing America is clear.”

    Obama is Responsible for the Cult of Violence Embraced by His Supporters

  6. Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Certificate Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  7. Thanks Zach.

  8. CW, I am trying to source this articles author. Who is Sorcha Faal? It keeps linking back to whatdoesitmean.com. It this for real? I am pretty sure years ago this Sorcha Faal was found to be an American guy doomer hoaxster just making and stirring it up. Does anyone else know?

  9. Alright, enough chatter…..

    Blindfolded were trying to pin the tail on the ass of a dOnkey. Let’s not forget that Barry is a product of the devils loins. So, let me ask the question.
    What happens next when we pin the tail on the dOnkey’s butt? What is going to be the EXIT strategy?

    Rebellion, Civil Uprisings, Insurrections, Military Intervention, Maintain the Status Que, Open the FEMA Camps, Business as Usual (huh)? Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

    Do any of you seriously think we will have an orderly transition? I envision the libs and media off the chart and in overload mode. By the way, who forgot to anoint the messiah.
    No, sorry folks Barry’s exit scenario needs to be prepared and well orchestrated.
    The best thing that could happen would be if O would resign, but I don’t see that happening now or in the future…..unless someone throws Barry a big bone ($$$).

    How about it Sir Gerorge Soros. Any spare change in your pockets?

  10. jc | January 10, 2011

    Stop posting BO disinformation. The article is not attributed to the person that you allege it is.

  11. This is a comment on freerepublic:

    To: woofie
    From facebook for a Jared Laughner from Tuscon, Arizona, the man named as the shooter. People who inspire him include Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Huo Chavez, Noam Chomsky, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, and Yassir Arafat. He writes “Fight the Right! Obama and the Progressives will overcome the tyrrany of big business and the racist Tea Party.


    21 posted on Saturday, January 08, 2011 5:53:22 PM by Scanian

  12. Even more curious are Loughner’s ‘heroes.’ He mentions by name Venezuelan Communist Hugo Chavez, Latin American Communist mass-murderer Che Guevara, American Socialist revolutionary Saul Alinsky, and even Barack Obama.

    Continue reading on Examiner.com: Who is Jared Lee Loughner? – National Conservative | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-national/who-is-jared-lee-loughner#ixzz1AeCeHew4

  13. http://hillbuzz.org/2011/01/09/brace-yourselves-democrat-fred-phelps-and-westboro-hate-group-announce-plans-to-picket-9-year-old-shooting-victim-christina-greenes-funeral-a-new-low-for-democrat-hate-groups/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

    The Left does some truly despicable things in this world, but this is a new low for Democrats.

    Former three-time Democrat gubernatorial candidate Fred Phelps Jr. (commonly called just “Fred Phelps”) and his Westboro Hate Group have announced plans to disrupt the funeral of 9 year-old shooting victim Christina Greene.

    Christina was murdered by Jared Lee Loughner yesterday in his assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The little girl was born on September 11th, 2001, so her parents have been cursed with a horrific trifecta of high profile trauma: their daughter born on the worst day in our generations’ lives, their daughter murdered in an assassination attempt on a member of Congress, and Democrat Fred Phelps aiming his hate machine at their family during their daughter’s funeral.

    Democrat Phelps (an enormous supporter of Al Gore’s, though the media conveniently leaves off that he’s a Democrat …

  14. Free Speech, you are wrong. This BO disinformation name calling crap should stop. Look at the European Union Times source at the bottom of the article. Push and see where it goes. Do a little basic research yourself before spewing your opinions in my direction. I am only asking a question of who authored this crap. Trying to filter this crap is becoming more difficult and when is it is found good people should point it out.


    January 9, 2011

    Top US Federal Judge Assassinated After Threat To Obama Agenda

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations plan to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshals protecting him removed.

    Um, this sounds familar? No.

  15. Faked “Republican” voter registration for the “shooter.”


  16. Thanks again Zach.

  17. You’re welcome CW.

  18. Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  19. jc | January 10, 2011

    First of all, jc, CW does meticulous research. I am sure he would not publish an article that he had not thoroughly researched.

    Secondly, you LIE. The article is NOT attributed to the person that you falsely allege it is, i.e., THERE IS NO BYLINE in the article.

  20. Prairie | January 10, 2011 at 11:00 am | Faked “Republican” voter registration for the “shooter.”


    Thanks, Prairie.

  21. jc – Regarding Sorcha Faal, I have heard a number of credible sources say this person is a disinformation agent. I regularly receive SF updates but they must be regarded with great skepticism. I don’t think most reputable journalists would cite Sorcha Faal as a source. Having said that, there are elements of truth mixed in with these reports. SF will take known facts in a case and then weave a “plausible” but sensational scenario that is again mixed in with elements of truth, but overall very little can be corroborated (at least by American journalists). The problem is ferreting out the truth from the sensationalism. Unless there is corroborating evidence I tend to disregard most of what is reported by Sorcha Faal.

  22. CW, did you drop the ball on this one? Who wrote this article? FS sure has his knickers in a wad over this. Perhaps you could clear this up?
    First of all, jc, CW does meticulous research. I am sure he would not publish an article that he had not thoroughly researched.

    Secondly, you LIE. The article is NOT attributed to the person that you falsely allege it is, i.e., THERE IS NO BYLINE in the article.
    FS, go to the European Union Times article. Scroll to the bottom. You will see “source” in red letters. Push it! Let me know what you find? The BYLINE is in this article, the European Union Times sourced.

    This is the BYLINE.

    January 9, 2011

    Top US Federal Judge Assassinated After Threat To Obama Agenda

    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


    FS, you can retract your ,”Secondly, you LIE. ” comments anytime. I just was asking who is author of this ?

  23. jc | January 10, 2011 at 10:59 am |
    Free Speech, you are wrong. This BO disinformation name calling crap should stop. Look at the European Union Times source at the bottom of the article. Push and see where it goes. Do a little basic research yourself before spewing your opinions in my direction.
    jc, I will accept nothing that is attributed to Sorcha Faal unless it can be independently verified. You are absolutely right in your findings. The “source” page for the EUTimes article lists the heart of that article as attributed to this person, whoever it is. We can all be mistaken at times, but I am thoroughly disgusted with FS’s adamant remarks. He leaps before he looks.

  24. WTH does it matter who wrote the article? Research and find out if there is truth to the statements regarding the legal case. Personally, I am always on guard when I see “in the Kremlin.” Still, if the info is valid it will stand on it’s own. Too much about this shooting stinks to high heaven to write it off because of a dispute about the source.

  25. jc, et al.
    I didn’t drop any damn ball.
    I simply quoted an article.
    Perhaps you desire that I hide them?

  26. Thanks cabby! I am not interested in what FS has to say on the subject. I was pointing out to CW that he may not want to be associated with this crap by posting this current thread. CW, did you really mean to post this article by Sorcha Faal? Is it a mistake?

  27. BTW, I’m out of here for awhile. All of this constant speculation as though it is the TRUTH, is getting to me. I HAVE tried to find the case in question in the
    EUTimes article and cannot. It takes someone with the ability to navigate the court dockets. There are some things we are certain of, but the rest of it is making cyberspace dizzy. Take a deep breath…….. Bye, bye.

  28. CW,

    It appears that the Obots are trying to set you and then discredit you. Independent of the EU Times Article, there is plenty of Proof of the BO regimes involvement in the Arizona murders.

    Obots like Cabby show their false flag colors when they go out of their way to try and set you up, CW, and then have the gall to attempt to defend their messiah, BO, on your Blog.

    You should permanently ban Cabby and all of her BO Cohorts. They attempt to disrupt every Thread that you publish.

  29. Free Speech @ 9:09 am | from prior post.
    Free Speech-yes they have, they have been attacked early and often by the regime of crazies for lack of a better term. They are downtown Chicago a place that us suburbanites loved to visit until it became way too dangerous for anyone. Remember that old WW2 phrase “loose lips sink ships”, due to guilty consciences I’ll bet many are hitting the saloons hard and the talk on the streets of Chicago should be very informative. I hope intrepid reporters are listening up down there and I really hope they are doing their best to “blend”. It was an obot that attacked me re: me saying Obama was as phony as a $3.00 bill (I meant it in the Chicago way as in a total phony) not anything as in gay. It wasn’t until a year later that the Man’s Country/Down Low Club revelations came about that I put two and two together. DUH, in the suburbs you don’t have much experience with life in the fast lane or beards or anything like that. Educational for us suburbanites.
    “Hillbuzz has been in the forefront in exposing the crimes of BO and his criminal cohorts.”

  30. Cabby – AZ | January 10, 2011 at 11:38 am | BTW, I’m out of here for awhile
    Good! Hopefully, CW will ban you permanently along with the rest of your BO Obot disinformation agents.

  31. Michelle | January 10, 2011 at 11:39 am | Free Speech @ 9:09 am | from prior post.
    Free Speech-yes they have, they have been attacked early and often by the regime of crazies for lack of a better term. They are downtown Chicago a place that us suburbanites loved to visit until it became way too dangerous for anyone. Remember that old WW2 phrase “loose lips sink ships”, due to guilty consciences I’ll bet many are hitting the saloons hard and the talk on the streets of Chicago should be very informative. I hope intrepid reporters are listening up down there and I really hope they are doing their best to “blend”. It was an obot that attacked me re: me saying Obama was as phony as a $3.00 bill (I meant it in the Chicago way as in a total phony) not anything as in gay. It wasn’t until a year later that the Man’s Country/Down Low Club revelations came about that I put two and two together. DUH, in the suburbs you don’t have much experience with life in the fast lane or beards or anything like that. Educational for us suburbanites.
    “Hillbuzz has been in the forefront in exposing the crimes of BO and his criminal cohorts.”


    All the Obots like Cabby and her cohorts are accomplishing is making more and more Americans sick of their vile messiah.

  32. citizenwells, really?
    You didn’t just quote an article. You put it out there without the true byline. No one is asking you to hide articles but if you are going to throw it out there it would be nice to have all the facts, including who to attribute it to, so we can all see the whole picture.

    How credible is the European Times if they publish this Sorcha Faal crap?

    Prairie, of course the source matters.

  33. Zach Jones | January 10, 2011 at 10:40 am |
    This is a comment on freerepublic:

    To: woofie
    From facebook for a Jared Laughner from Tuscon, Arizona, the man named as the shooter. People who inspire him include Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Huo Chavez, Noam Chomsky, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, and Yassir Arafat. He writes “Fight the Right! Obama and the Progressives will overcome the tyrrany of big business and the racist Tea Party.


    21 posted on Saturday, January 08, 2011 5:53:22 PM by Scanian

    Zach, I’ve been looking and I’m not seeing this any where else. Has this been documented?


    From: https://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/democrats-and-media-fearful-of-obama-eligibility/


    By Eowyn
    January 4, 2011


    “In a remarkable radio interview with Steve Malzberg on December 30, 2010, Jeff Kuhner of the Washington Times says that people around the White House, Democratic circles, and the liberal media – including senior top editors — all know there’s something there about Obama’s birth eligibility but are afraid to pursue the matter.


    The topic of Obama’s birth certificate begins at the 3:52 mark in the audio. Here’s the gist of what he said:

    “They” know there’s a problem: Beginning at the 5:18 mark, Kuhner says: “I’m choosing my words now very carefully because I don’t want to burn my sources. People around the White House and especially in Democratic circles, in private at a cocktail party, at a restaurant, will tell you ‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.’ They don’t know what it is. Even some liberal members of the media I’ve spoken to off the record have said, ‘Jeff, we don’t want to touch this story because we know there’s something there. We don’t know what: We don’t know if it’s going to reveal his religion that was given to him by his father or stepfather; we don’t know if it’s records that will eventually come out about his travels to Pakistan when he was a student at a university; we don’t know if he applied for foreign aid as a foreign student. We don’t know exactly what it is, but the reluctance of the White House on not just his birth certificate, but his health records, school records. They are hiding something, there’s no question about it.’ And the only question is how bad the damage is going to be. If, and I emphasize if, it turns out that he was not born in the United States, we have a legal, constitutional and political crisis without precedent in this nation.”

    Read The Excellent Article & See The Video Here:


  35. Prairie | January 10, 2011 at 11:32 am | WTH does it matter who wrote the article? Research and find out if there is truth to the statements regarding the legal case. Personally, I am always on guard when I see “in the Kremlin.” Still, if the info is valid it will stand on it’s own. Too much about this shooting stinks to high heaven to write it off because of a dispute about the source.
    I agree 100%!

    There is plenty of proof of the BO regimes involvement in the Arizona murders, independent of the EU Times Article.

    Cabby and her cohorts’ attempt to discredit CW backfired on their vile messiah, BIG TIME!

  36. jc,
    In this day and age, I respectfully disagree. Only the facts matter now. If a serpent hisses in your ear that the sky is blue… is it not blue? Does the source change the color of the sky? No. As stated, I am always skeptical, time and research will shed light.

    BTW, who is credible beyond doubt? Who has the integrity to not be questioned? Who is not human and suseptible to the temptation of bribes and power? Be careful who you follow. Be careful who you toss aside. Perhaps there is something to learn from even the serpent.

  37. http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2011/01/09/a-guide-to-trolls/#comment-20431

    Dave | January 9, 2011 at 3:48 pm | Reply

    Trolls are easily identifiable and dealt with, as they are pretty far down on the intelligence totem pole.

    Plants are far more dangerous than trolls, as they are out to damage a site’s image.

    They start out pretending to agree with the bulk of the members for a time, then will start slipping in racist/sexist/(insert your fave lib pet peeve here), then run back to Kos, DU, Huff N Puff, Morn.org, or whatever lefty sh*t hole they crawled out of and tell all their friends.

    Next thing you know, it’s all over the net.

    We have had more than a few over at NB, and many of us there keep a very close eye out for these people.

    I once uncovered an actual self-professed NAZI that had been around for about six months.

    And I busted some others, too.

    Big time.


    Free Speech | January 9, 2011 at 7:11 pm | Reply

    There is a Obot Plant on the Citizen Wells Blog who has used several aliases, currently his AKA is Carlyle. You are right Dave, Carlyle is constantly trying to disrupt intelligent discussion. The best thing to do is to out these Obots so that new posters or visitors do not take them seriously.

  38. I don’t often post here for various reasons (probably similar to those cited by jbjd), but I am concerned for the tone of this blog, primarily what is written by the blogger known as Free Speech. This blogger has done more to divide the posters on this site than any other blogger on any blog I visit. Now FS is claiming that BHO is responsible for the Tucson murders. Where is the evidence? It is one thing to give your opinion, but it is another thing to make a statement without evidence. I’m sure FS will call me an obot, but nothing could be further from the truth and I really don’t care what FS says. My only point here is that FS is definitely doing his/her best to undermine this blog, not only by his/her wild accusations against fellow bloggers, but also clogging up the blog with repeated posts, repeated blogs, repeated videos, and repeated vitriol. The mental state of a person that would do these things on a daily basis must be questioned.

  39. crystal, your attempt to disrupt intelligent discussion like carlyle and cabby’s are futile.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  40. The more things change the more they stay the same.

  41. Rosemary Woodhouse

    jc- that is exactly whom “Sorcha Faal” is .

    This was gleaned from another “out there” site, but since I’ve read this information before and for the sake of expedience, I’ll use their post.

    Note:. There is no such person as “Sorcha Faal, Russian academic” “Sorcha Faal” is actually David Booth, an American computer programmer “Sorcha” is alleged to be a Russian academic but there is absolutely no record of anyone with such a name in Russian academia. These periodic eruptions have absolutely no basis in any kind of fact or reality and are typical of the nonsense bespangling the internet. These reports, however, have a good deal of entertainment value. This idiocy is almost as funny as the Scientology cult babblings. Ed.

    PLEASE use discernment, patriots! I cannot stress this enough. Do not be led astray by fanciful delusions of an ego in search of attention and notoriety on the net. To some, negative attention is better than none at all, and, as of late, these “patriots” seem to have grown exponentially.

    As I wrote last night on this blog, nothing destroys a blog’s credibility faster than posting conspiracy theory as fact. A moderator who allows nonsense to remain on their blog as if it were factual, is condoning that which is posted, unless otherwise noted. Again, discernment is key. Trust your intuition and try your best to vet the source.

  42. There is plenty of proof of the BO regimes involvement in the Arizona murders, independent of the EU Times Article.

    Cabby and her cohorts’ attempt to discredit CW backfired on their vile messiah, BIG TIME!

  43. Here is an excellent & informative comment that I read. I want to share this with ALL Americans. Please send this information far & wide:

    From: http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/2011/01/09/obama-is-responsible-for-the-cult-of-violence-embraced-by-his-supporters/

    January 9, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    And this, Obama’s illegal behavior unravelling:

    New analysis of Democrat Party’s official 2008 Certification of Nomination for Obama reveals that reasons for his sudden trip to Hawaii in October, 2008 was to visit more than just his sick grandmother. Hawaiian election laws and post-dated documents reveal he may have attended a hearing with Hawaiian Chief Elections Officer regarding his disqualification from ballot due to lack of certified Constitutional eligibility.-

    Honolulu, Hawaii – At the center of the war over Barack Obama’s illegitimacy as president are a series of deep seated, unanswered questions about the detailed involvement of several municipal employees and officials within the government of the State of Hawaii. From former governor, Linda Lingle’s convenient deniability to former Health Department director, Chiyome Fukino’s intentionally misleading statements about Obama’s vital records. From the blatant dismissive ignorance of Hawaii’s legislature about the difference between “U.S. Citizenship” and “Natural-born citizenship”, to the claims by a former Honolulu senior elections office clerk that the State of Hawaii does not possess an original, 1961 Certificate of Live Birth for Barack Obama, the State of Hawaii has emerged as the primary co-conspirator in keeping Obama’s identity a well kept secret from the American people.

    Now, however, a new investigation of Hawaii’s Election Commission and the laws used by the state’s Office of Elections to approve or deny candidates for inclusion on presidential ballots raises shocking revelations about the power held by too few unaccountable people. The evidence shows that agents, working within the jurisdiction of state law, opened shadowy legal channels enabling Obama an opportunity usurp presidential power and assault the Constitutional sovereignty of the American people.”


  44. You just don’t get it, Obots. Patriots don’t need an EU Times Article to bring criminal charges against BO and his criminal co-conspirators. There is already plenty of proof of evidence to indict them.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  45. Because they were always showing old movies in Chicago-
    Quicksand-this is how I picture Obama/DNC and their spin on a terrible tragedy-because in our Judicial system this person will have to represented by a defense lawyer in order to receive a fair trial, only facts should be allowed in court. Breitbart.tv and Hillbuzz guys plus many others will be following this closely. We Tea Party (former Dem division) as opposed to two of my neighbors Tea Party (Rep division) don’t like to be maliciously accused.

  46. TMZ has posted a poll. Looks like the lefties are succeeding in their plot to cast blame on the TEA Party. You may want to participate…….

    Arizona Shootings — Take A Stand
    1/9/2011 8:33 AM PST by TMZ Staff
    The Arizona shootings raises serious issues …. from Sarah Palin telling people to “reload,” to banning automatic weapons. So we’re taking your temperature.

    Is Palin partly to blame?
    * 55%No
    * 45%Yes
    Total Votes: 234,628

    Incites more violence
    * 50%Tea Party
    * 29%Democrats
    * 21%Republicans
    Total Votes: 205,352

    Violent revolution — ever ok?
    * 77%No
    * 23%Yes
    Total Votes: 204,584

    More threatening to America …
    * 66%Domestic policy
    * 34%Foreign policy
    Total Votes: 191,938

    Would you want a loved one to run for office?
    * 70%No
    * 30%Yes
    Total Votes: 195,623

    Should automatic weapons be outlawed?
    * 65%Yes
    * 35%No
    Total Votes: 208,644

  47. Michelle | January 10, 2011 at 12:27 pm | Because they were always showing old movies in Chicago-
    Quicksand-this is how I picture Obama/DNC and their spin on a terrible tragedy-because in our Judicial system this person will have to represented by a defense lawyer in order to receive a fair trial, only facts should be allowed in court. Breitbart.tv and Hillbuzz guys plus many others will be following this closely. We Tea Party (former Dem division) as opposed to two of my neighbors Tea Party (Rep division) don’t like to be maliciously accused.

    Heretofore, BO has been given far more benefit of doubt that he ever deserved. That is about to change. The murders of a Federal Judge, an innocent 9 yr. old girl et al is beyond the pale.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  48. I have often thought that our Founding Fathers like Melchizedek and the High Priests of Old were of the pure of hearts. I always have taken the George Washington view of power, he always understood in his heart of hearts that power should belong in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE.
    “I have no lust after power”: George Washington
    “Yahweh hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek .

  49. jc.
    Is you finger broken?
    The link is always provided.

  50. Michelle | January 10, 2011 at 12:41 pm |
    I have often thought that our Founding Fathers like Melchizedek and the High Priests of Old were of the pure of hearts. I always have taken the George Washington view of power, he always understood in his heart of hearts that power should belong in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE.
    “I have no lust after power”: George Washington

    How sadly the USA has fallen from President Washington to this vile miscreant.

  51. Jonah @ 12:36 pm |
    Jonah–I can’t wait for them to mention one specific incident. Malicious accusary, that is what we used to call material like this in Chicago, it was not politics it was just some poor person accused of some nebulous something.
    Incites more violence
    * 50%Tea Party
    I don’t think so and look at all the Tea Party sponsored people that just got elected to Congress-

  52. Since the Dems are trying to portray themselves as innocent victims or whatever and randomly accuse everybody else of vitriol-Michelle Malkin (she is not a woos), Breitbart.tv and Hillbuzz guys and others will be all over this.
    Warning some of this material I had never seen before I just glanced through it and some of it looked pretty gross. The Dems are no innocents and this proves it.
    The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010
    SA4Palin Says:
    From comment at Hillbuzz.
    January 10, 2011 at 12:51 pm
    Michelle Malkin has thrown down the gauntlet. No more quiet acceptance of leftist hate-mongering…

  53. citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 12:46 pm |
    Is you finger broken?
    The link is always provided.
    Just so we are clear. I followed the link. You cited the European Times

    From the European Times January 9, 2011.
    The source for the European Times is http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1438.htm
    A writer from the European Times did not write this article.

    My take away is that you don’t care the article was written by Sorcha Faal. But only revealing the European Times as your source which sounds credible sounds less than truthful to me. You even confused FS so much that he decided to call me out as a liar or obot and declare you a “meticulous researcher”. I guess I never felt like I had to fact check you or your blog article before. I was just trying to give you a heads up. I now know better.

  54. The Blame is to go to the School Systems. What are they teaching? Call and inquire!!! The MEDIA IS BEYOND CORRUPT. Stop the flow of money. Turn off the tv news.

  55. Several posts back someone mentioned a Glenn Beck show where he was visibly upset over a perceived plot to discredit and smear the conservative media.

    If anyone personally recalls that episode could you please chime in with your personal thoughts.


  56. jc | January 10, 2011 at 1:17 pm | citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 12:46 pm |
    Is you finger broken?
    The link is always provided.
    Just so we are clear. I followed the link. You cited the European Times

    From the European Times January 9, 2011.
    The source for the European Times is http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1438.htm
    A writer from the European Times did not write this article.

    My take away is that you don’t care the article was written by Sorcha Faal. But only revealing the European Times as your source which sounds credible sounds less than truthful to me. You even confused FS so much that he decided to call me out as a liar or obot and declare you a “meticulous researcher”. I guess I never felt like I had to fact check you or your blog article before. I was just trying to give you a heads up. I now know better.

    Once again, jc LIES and tries to create the false impression that CW does not meticulous research the articles that he posts. BTW, I was not the least bit confused when I called jc a LIAR, i.e., there is no Byline in the EU Times Article.

    But again the source of the EU Times article is irrelevant. The Fact is that there is plenty of Proof that the BO regime was involved in the Arizona murders.

  57. Capt. Rhodes (Taitz) v. Col. MacDonald (Obama): The Supreme Court of the United States Denies Atty Orly Taitz’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari


  58. Margie | January 10, 2011 at 1:18 pm | The Blame is to go to the School Systems. What are they teaching? Call and inquire!!! The MEDIA IS BEYOND CORRUPT. Stop the flow of money. Turn off the tv news.

    msm is a source of nothing but BO propaganda these days. CW and Fellowship of the Minds and Post and Email are some of the best sources of the Truth that I have found.

  59. I’ve read Orly’s nine page amended writ of certirari to SCOTUS.

    If the public knew of the details and pleadings of her case and the SCOTUS’ ruling not to touch it the country would be in flames by now.

  60. It is always nice on CW when carlyle and cabby are not here to disrupt from intelligent discussion.

  61. FS, did you hit your head? How did I lie? How am I creating a false impression? Why do you always post crap without thinking?
    The European Times article is only a reprint from whatdoesitmean.com. Have you looked at that site. Of course there is a BYLINE. It belongs to Sorcha Faal. The European Times sources it as such but does not reveal it on their own webpage, why? Perhaps because many people view Sorcha Faal negatively.

    The source of the EU Times article is relevant and if you cannot see its importance that says a lot.

  62. WE THE PEOPLE ARE AWAKE IN THE STATES IN THE USA & ARE FIGHTING BACK IN THE STATES TO SAVE THE USA FROM the current Coup D’Etat War that is being waged against the USA & against ALL American citizens, & against the national sovereignty of the USA from inside & within the USA government that is occurring today in the USA!!

    I found this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT OPEN WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS Paid Advertisement that was placed on page 4 of the Ocala Star Banner (Ocala, Florida) newspaper!

    Please read this Paid Advertisement. Please place this Paid Advertisment in newspapers in the USA, if you agree with this, and if you want to share this important information with the American citizens in your county, town, city, and state.

    Ocala Star Banner, Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    “Paid Advertisement”


    By Marcel G. Verrando

    “Three members of the leadership team from Ocala TEA Party Solutions, Inc. led by Ed Wilsom, President, presented a briefing before the County Commission last night, describing how “Sustainable Development” and its many tentacles in the form of rules and regulations, are all part of a grand plan by the United Nations and proponenets of “one world government” to systematically and gradually make private ownership of land by U.S. citizens more and more difficult, so that eventually, it will be easier to convert all land ownership to public, i.e. government ownership. This is not a conspiracy theory, its being done right out in the open and is being implemented by appointed (not elected) senior members of our Government, and sanctioned by our elected officials.

    In June, 1992, the United Nations Conference on Development, assembled in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and outlined a comprehensive action plan for environmentally sustainable development for the entire world, known as Agenda 21. In August, 1992, Nancy Pelosi sponsored HR 353, a bill to adopt Agenda 21 in totality, even though the Agenda 21 plan had not been reviewed or presented to the public. Nevertheless, the House passed the bill and sent it to the Senate, where it stalled in Committee. In March, 1993, Nancy Pelosi sponsored HR 166, another verson of HR 353, which failed in Committee. Currently, Senator Chris Dodd, (D-Ct.), has introduced the Livable Communities Act (S.1619), which will enforce the provisions of Agenda 21 on ALL COMMUNITIES in the USA. So the [100% Anti-USA National Sovereignty, 100% Anti-American, 100% Lawless, 100% Extremely Dangerous, 100% Corrupt & Ruthless, 100% Illegal & Deadly New World Order/One World Government Globalist Communist/Marxist/Fascist/Liberal Socialist Nazi/Islamic Muslim Totalitarian Dictator] progressives in this country have been trying to enforce Agenda 21 through legislation for 18 years.

    However, the current Obama adminstration is not waiting for legislation; instead they are using rules and regulations promulgated by the EPA, HUD, DOE, Department of the Interior, US FISH and Wildlife Service, USDA, and
    the US National Park Service, to implement the provisions of Agenda 21. For THE PAST YEAR THEY [THE 100% ILLEGAL, 100% UNCONSTITUTIONAL, 100% CORRUPT, 100% LAWLESS, 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN, 100% DAILY SERIAL CRIMINAL, 100% FOREIGN BORN & DOMESTIC ENEMY, 100% FOREIGN TERRORIST USURPER, BARRY SOETORO SOEBARKAH ALIAS THE FOREIGN TERRORIST BARACK OBAMA’S 100% ILLEGAL MASSIVE DAILY SERIAL CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION] have been busy implementing Agenda 21 with some 600 cities, towns and counties actively implementing Agenda 21 in their communities. Miami-Dade is a good example, having been involved since 1991; the recent use of condemnation of land to “take” their citizens property, without just compensation, in order to replace whole naighborhoods with “sustainable” development, high density, planned housing & commerical retail facilities that have not evolved from private investment and market forces, but instead from government fiat. To their credit, citizens from Miami-Dade are resisting.”

    1 of 2

  63. Michelle | January 10, 2011 at 1:12 pm |

    With all due respect, I think Hillbuzz gives Malkin far to much credit. She is anti-birther and her latest article is belated and weak.

    It is time for Patriots to make a strong stand.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  64. citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 11:34 am |

    jc, et al.
    I didn’t drop any damn ball.
    I simply quoted an article.
    Perhaps you desire that I hide them?


    If one freely quotes things without vetting them (at least a little), one quickly falls into the category of a non-reputable and “sensationalist” reporter. If that is what you want for yourself and this blog – – –

    I was very disappointed to see that you got sucked into FS’s whirlpool. Please be more careful. SIGH.

  65. jc | January 10, 2011

    GIVE US A BREAK! None of the True Patriots who post on CW are buying your misrepresentation of the facts and LIES about CW.

    CWis a meticulous researcher, one of the best on the Internet. All of us True Patriots know that.

    You only succeed in discrediting yourself and BO by attacking CW.

  66. citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 11:34 am |

    jc, et al.
    I didn’t drop any damn ball.
    I simply quoted an article.
    Perhaps you desire that I hide them?

    That is exactly what the BO False Flag Agents desire, the hiding of the Truth.

    The Obots can’t handle the Truth.

  67. Winston Churchill once stated that a “FANATIC IS ONE WHO WON’T CHANGE HIS MIND & WONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT”

  68. Carlyle | January 10, 2011 at 1:48 pm |
    citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 11:34 am |

    jc, et al.
    I didn’t drop any damn ball.
    I simply quoted an article.
    Perhaps you desire that I hide them?


    If one freely quotes things without vetting them (at least a little), one quickly falls into the category of a non-reputable and “sensationalist” reporter. If that is what you want for yourself and this blog – – –

    I was very disappointed to see that you got sucked into FS’s whirlpool.
    LOL! @ Obot carlyle.

    What “whirlpool” are you referring to, DELUSIONAL Obot carlyle? LOL!

  69. To paraphrase the Late Great Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater,

    Fanaticism in the defense of liberty is no vice!

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  70. FYI, Alex Jones has just verified the info in dispute here. Oh, that’s right… the info was not in dispute but the source was. I forget the rules of the dispersants. Bottom line is that America has lost a true patriot in Judge Roll. Now go on and argue about Jones or listen to his reputable caller, author and friend of the late Judge.

  71. It is time for all Patriots to act.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  72. FS @ 2:15 p.m.,

    In light of my previous post on Beck, that’s very comforting,

    And strangely amusing.

    Thank You!

  73. WE THE PEOPLE ARE AWAKE IN THE STATES IN THE USA & ARE FIGHTING BACK IN THE STATES TO SAVE THE USA FROM the current Coup D’Etat War that is being waged against the USA & against ALL American citizens, & against the national sovereignty of the USA from inside & from within the USA government that is occurring today in the USA!!

    I found this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT OPEN WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS Paid Advertisement that was placed on page 4 of the Ocala Star Banner (Ocala, Florida) newspaper, a few days ago!

    Please read this Paid Advertisement. Please place this Paid Advertisement in newspapers in the USA, if you agree with this, and if you want to share this important information with the American citizens in your county, town, city, and state.

    Continued 2 of 2 – Paid Advertisement (This article was printed in one ad. To post it here, I had to make two posts of it.)

    Continued 2 0f 2

    Ocala Star Banner, Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    “Paid Advertisement”


    By Marcel G. Verrando

    2 of 2 – (Con’t.)

    …To their credit, citizens from Miami-Dade are resisting.

    In Marion County, Florida, the State took ownership of more than 1700 acres last year in the second and last purchase of 5000 acres near Silver Springs [Florida]. In Alachua County [Florida], where the City of Gainesville flies the UN flag at city hall to celebrate UN day every year, a land buying program similar to Florida forever was approved in 2000. It will manage over 5000 acres and was involved in acquiring over 10,000 acres. It used a property tax-hike to raise $29 million dollars to fund the purchases.

    Locally, there is a drive under way to require annual septic tank inspection, supposedly to eliminate nitrate contamination of ground water. Never mind the fact that properly designed and installed septic systems do oxidize harmful nitrates, but not in the septic tank; rather nitrates are oxidized as effluent is discharged into the drain field, (within the first 5 feet), to levels below what the EPA clean water standards requires. If clean water is not the reason to impose new septic tank requirements, what other reason could there be? Could it be that by making new home construction and annual maintenance more expensive, that more people can be persuaded to live in urban development communities? The same can be said about the recent attempt to have automatic sprinkler systems installed in all new private homes. Federal regulations which govern fire prevention systems mandate that they be supplied by a “reliable water supply,” i.e., a municipal water supply, not a private well. With that requirement on the books, new homes in rural areas will be a thing of the past; AND THAT’S PRECISELY THE INTENTION.

    Likewise, the moratorium on off-shore drilling and the refusal to develop other domestic petroleum reserves, which is HOLDING US HOSTAGE TO FOREIGN OIL PRODUCERS AND CAUSING A GOVERNMENT MANUFACTURED SHORTAGE OF FUEL for transportation, thus making long distance commutes more expensive and urban living more attractive. All of these seemingly unconnected initiatives are “nudges” as Regulatory “Czar” Cass Sustein would call them, to nudge people to actions they would not ordinarily make. Public land ownership is a central tenant of the Agenda 21 – the UN says that “public control of land use” is “indispensible,” and that private land ownership contributes to “social injustice.”

    Our God-given civil rights, protected by the Constitution are under assault; our national political leaders are so far doing little or nothing to stop it. Fortunately, these initiatives can be stopped by “We the people.” Both the US and the Florida Constitution protect private property; all participation in Agenda 21 is therefore voluntary. Therefore, we have to make our local County and City Commissioners aware of the aims of Agenda 21 and alert the citizens that their basic rights are threatened if they do not make it clear to our [your] local governments that we do not want any part of Agenda 21 in Ocala or Marion County [and in your County & State!!]. Make your presence known at the County and City Commissioners meetings and vocally reject the concept of “Sustainable development” [in your County governments & in your State governments in the USA now!! Fight Back & Stop Dead In Their Tracks The New World Order/One World Government Globalist Totalitarian Dictators & By Fighting Back In The Thousands Of Communities In The 50 States TODAY NOW!!]. http://www.teapartysolutions.com

    & Save The USA National Sovereignty in the 50 States & the the Communities TODAY NOW!!]. http://www.teapartysolutions.com

    Advertisement Paid For By:
    http://www.tea partysolutions.com

    2 of 2


  75. We have less than 72 hours before we must finalized the
    “Repeal ObamaCare” petitions for delivery to Speaker
    Boehner’s office.
    Please go here to sign right now:

  76. Prairie | January 10, 2011 at 2:08 pm | FYI, Alex Jones has just verified the info in dispute here. Oh, that’s right… the info was not in dispute but the source was. I forget the rules of the dispersants. Bottom line is that America has lost a true patriot in Judge Roll. Now go on and argue about Jones or listen to his reputable caller, author and friend of the late Judge.


    Thanks Prairie!


    Thanks Truth Now!



  79. TruthSeeker | January 10, 2011 at 2:24 pm | FS @ 2:15 p.m.,

    In light of my previous post on Beck, that’s very comforting,

    And strangely amusing.

    Thank You!

    You are Welcome TruthSeeker!

  80. Free Speech | January 10, 2011 at 1:38 pm |
    It is always nice on CW when carlyle and cabby are not here to disrupt from intelligent discussion.
    ENCORE – CURTAIN CALL – Let me relate a story. A number of months ago I posted an e-mail here at CW’s which I thought was plausible. Another poster kindly gave me information that the authorship was not valid. It was embarrassing to me, BUT did I go ballistic? No, actually I was VERY GREATFUL that the record was set straight. It would be nice if we could see a little of that spirit right here today. (Visualize my making a bow.) 🙂

  81. Should be “GRATEFUL”, not “GREATFUL”

  82. I didn’t get the lead from FS.
    I was taught many years ago.
    When we AssUMe, we make an Ass out of U and Me.

    And furthermore,
    I will post any damn thing I want for whatever reason.

  83. Cabby – AZ | January 10, 2011

    It would be nice if you, Obot cabby, could be true to your word and GET THE HELL OFF CW!

  84. Obama’s trip to Hawaii in 2008 more than a visit to a sick grandma

    read large article here http://www.commieblaster.com exposing commies in American govt and more


    From: http://www.commieblaster.com/


    The Facts: AFL-CIO / SEIU / ACORN

    LATEST COMMIE NEWS – Updated: Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 9:01 PM

    See: http://thedailypen.blogspot.com/2011/01/o-con-had-legal-help-from-non-partisan.html

    “Friday, January 7, 2011

    OCON Docs: Hawaii Ballot Chief…And Grandma…Called Obama To Hawaii In 2008

    New analysis of Democrat Party’s official 2008 Certification of Nomination for Obama reveals that reasons for his sudden trip to Hawaii in October, 2008 was to visit more than just his sick grandmother. Hawaiian election laws and post-dated documents reveal he may have attended a hearing with Hawaiian Chief Elections Officer regarding his disqualification from ballot due to lack of certified Constitutional eligibility.


    Read More Here: http://thedailypen.blogspot.com/2011/01/o-con-had-legal-help-from-non-partisan.html

  86. citizenwells | January 10, 2011 at 2:57 pm | I didn’t get the lead from FS.
    I was taught many years ago.
    When we AssUMe, we make an Ass out of U and Me.

    And furthermore,
    I will post any damn thing I want for whatever reason.
    Bravo CW!

  87. It is good to see Obot carlyle and Obot cabby shown to be the BO BS Obot ASSES that they truly are!

  88. Used http://www.bing.com searched phone nos 112 congress

    Repub.govs. need to know the truth and who thy are really dealing with!
    All should be furious when they find out they have been bambuzzled BIG TIME!!!!
    They should have http://www.citizenwells.wordpress.com
    http://www.orlytaitzesq.com lawyer who has 160 military as clients and DR, ALLEN KEYES ORLY ,HAS SPOKEN WORLDWIDE SO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE a nd leaders worldwide know the TRUTH, NOT GOOD FOR NATIONAL SECURITY ??
    http://www.protectourliberty.org learn whay NBC means !!
    http://www.wnd.com great articles daily
    They all need to be informed daily,obviously !!!!!!?????
    Need to read RULES FOR RADICALS BY SAL ALINSKY,BHO playbook,
    book dedicated to Lucifer ??? what does that tell you?????
    Manchurian President all documented

  89. I heard on a UK radio in depth news report earlier (and I have no way of knowing if it is true or not) that the gunman was not a “right wing extremist” but a communist dopehead who is a big fan of Karl Marx.
    If there is anything in that the atempts to blame the Tea Party and smear Sarah Palin are going to look pretty silly.

  90. Obot carlyle and Obot cabby before you come or go again, I thought you might like to read the about the Filthy Odor that emanates from your Messiahs Butt.

    A Poem by Barack Obama about having Gay Sex with Frank Marshall Davis


    Pop takes another shot, neat,
    Points out the same amber
    Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
    Makes me smell his smell, coming
    From me

  91. http://www.wnd.com scroll half way down

    5200 Pentagon Employees BOUGHT CHILD PORN !!!!! SICK

  92. Free Speech, you’ve just shown me what kind of a man you are, to talk in that manner to a 77-year old lady. You ought to be ashamed of yourself! I’d slap a person’s face if he talked to me like that in person.

  93. Obot carlyle and Obot cabby before you come or go again, you might want to check the sources of these Articles about your Vile Messiah.

    What say you, Obot carlyle and Obot cabby, dare me trust the articles from the Washington Post and New York Times about your Vile Messiah?


    Obama’s Indonesian gay nanny and other things from his past

    With Obama visiting Indonesia today, the New York Times has a story that is just chock-full of interesting tidbits about Obama’s time living there as a child in the late 1960s. For example, the Times reports that back then Obama was “chubby” and that some of the locals referred to him as “the boy who runs like a duck.”

    Then, of course, there’s this:

    His nanny was an openly gay man who, in keeping with Indonesia’s relaxed attitudes toward homosexuality, carried on an affair with a local butcher, longtime residents said. The nanny later joined a group of transvestites called Fantastic Dolls, who, like the many transvestites who remain fixtures of Jakarta’s streetscape, entertained people by dancing and playing volleyball.

    The National Enquirer now suggests Barack Obama had an underage, gay affair with a pedophile.

    The ENQUIRER exclusively reports a “sex pervert” was Sen. Barack Obama’s longtime mentor and “father figure”.

    For seven years, the presidential candidate had a “father-son” relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children, sadomasochism, bondage and practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities.

    In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama identifies his childhood mentor only as “Frank,” but Obama insiders later confirmed he was referring to Davis, a journalist and poet who was a pal of Obama’s maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham.

    Frank Marshall Davis admitted in his private papers that he had secretly authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography called Sex Rebel: Black, published in 1968. The author of the book – a copy of which was been obtained by The ENQUIRER – is listed as “Bob Greene.” Davis later confessed to its authorship after a reader noticed similarities in style and phraseology between that book and Davis’ poetry.

    Davis confessed: “I could not truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine.”

    “Davis’ admission he wrote this disturbing book exposes Obama’s mentor as living a secret double life – and as a sexual pervert,” disclosed a source.

    In his shocking tell-all, Davis admits to seducing a thirteen year-old girl, voyeurism, exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape and sadomasochism.

    Barack describes how Frank Davis had a lasting effect on him and became a father figure over the seven years they knew one another on the tropical island.

    In Dreams from My Father, Obama wrote: “He would read us poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.

    “As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks.”

    Obama described being counseled by Frank often and recalled drinking whiskey with him.

    Since Frank Davis has been identified as the author of Sex Rebel: Black, Obama has been extremely secretive about the true nature of his experience with the self-admitted deviant.

  94. Obot cabby,

    I do NOT believe for a minute that you are 77 years old. 77 year olds do not make JUVENILE posts like you make, Obot cabby.

    And I am CERTAIN you are NOT a “lady,” Obot cabby. Ladies do not support VILE PERVERTS like BO.

  95. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    One of the reasons I choose to read CW’s blog and not comment very often is because of what is going on in here today.

    FS’s repeated comments, suggesting people who are simply asking questions are “OBOTS”, and suggesting that CW ban certain commenters are the biggest reasons I do not comment here regularly.

    I read your blog daily CW, and I appreciate it, however there are times like today that reading your blog has been discouraging.

    FS should be ashamed of himself for some of the things he comments, and please STOP with the repeat “copied and pasted” comments.

    Just my thoughts.

  96. Interested Bystander | January 10, 2011

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  97. OT but what do you think of this? >>>>>>>>

    Wife of White House Aide Found Dead in Burning Car

    Ashley Turton, wife of the Obama administration’s House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting.

    Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire.


  98. Jonah | January 10, 2011 at 3:59 pm | OT but what do you think of this? >>>>>>>>

    Wife of White House Aide Found Dead in Burning Car

    Ashley Turton, wife of the Obama administration’s House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting.

    Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire.


    BO probably found out that Dan Turton was going to testify against him and his criminal cohorts.

  99. Free Speech | January 10, 2011 at 3:49 pm |
    Obot cabby,

    I do NOT believe for a minute that you are 77 years old. 77 year olds do not make JUVENILE posts like you make, Obot cabby.

    And I am CERTAIN you are NOT a “lady,” Obot cabby. Ladies do not support VILE PERVERTS like BO.
    Okay – So YOU don’t believe it. This is absolutely true, just ask Oldsalt79, because one time I told him that I was not far behind in age. Frankly, I don’t care what you think, I AM a refined lady, and I DO NOT SUPPORT VILE PERVERTS like BO. That is all a figment of your imagination for you to say that I do. This is the last response I will make to YOUR VILE statements. It’s not worth the effort.

  100. Wells –

    Do you actually read the insane things that Free Speech posts?

    Whether or not you get drivel from Free Speech directly or independently happen upon it – feeding Free Speech makes him grow. And as others have pointed out, the fact that you let him free wheel over everything and everybody makes it seem as if indeed HE has taken over this blog.

    As you may recall, his major mistake and MO is to put false words in other’s mouths. To accuse them of things they did not say. People are allowed to have their own opinions, but not to make up facts as they go along. There is a repeated pattern of this.

  101. I believe Ronald Reagan was speaking from direct experience.
    This weekend we all were horrified to hear the news of the violent shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and several others in Arizona.
    One thing that surprised us was how many in the news media and liberal political figures and organizations immediately launched into an attack on the tea party movement – assigning blame for the shooting to our grass roots, Constitutionalist movement in general, and Gov. Sarah Palin in particular.
    Friends, this is outrageous.
    It is quite clear that liberals are trying to exploit this shooting for their own political benefit, and they used deception and dishonesty to try and smear all of us and our beliefs.
    You know what the truth is? The truth is that the shooter, Jared Loughner is the one responsible for this atrocity. But liberals are trying to place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement.
    We here at the Tea Party Express find that disgusting and revolting.
    This isn’t a new concept for liberals. Let us harken back to the words of Ronald Reagan when he called out the Left for similar behavior in years past:
    “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
    – Ronald Reagan
    If Jared Loughner does have a definable political ideology it is that of a far Left anarchist. Loughner is a mentally disturbed young man who sought his ideological fulfillment from the Communist Manifesto – hardly the Bible of the Tea Party movement. He posted videos of flag burning on his YouTube channel – again, antics more consistent with Blame America First liberals, not the tea party movement.
    In fact, Loughner’s interactions with Congresswoman Giffords date all the way back to 2007 when he confronted her with a question he had, and received an answer he found unacceptable. You read that right – Loughner’s interactions with Congresswoman Giffords date back to 2007 – well before the tea party movement had even been launched.
    This was all an effort to try and demean us and diminish support for the tea party movement, since the Left could not beat us at the ballot box. Sadly way too many people in the media cooperated with this smear campaign.
    The media didn’t tell you that the left-wing website, DailyKos, had targeted Congresswoman Giffords, putting a BULLSEYE on her, did they? But that’s just what happened.
    Instead they tried to blame Gov. Sarah Palin. Friends, their hypocrisy and double standards are appalling.
    This kind of media bias is a large part of why our tea party movement exists – because the voices of We The People have not been represented fairly by the news media, and listened to by our elected officials.
    Well guess what: to those liberals in the news media and on the political Left who think you can silence us, you are wrong! Your efforts to try and smear us and shut us up will fail.
    We have nothing to do with this awful, tragic event in Arizona. Our prayers are with Congresswoman Giffords and the victims and families of this massacre.
    But we will still fight just as passionately for this country we love, and the vision of our Founding Fathers as outlined by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
    We’re taking our country back through the ballot box and in the public square – through peaceful means. And we will prevail, because our ideas and ideals are stronger than the scare/smear/defame tactics of the leftists we face.
    We ask you to please stand with the Tea Party Express and show your support for our efforts.

  102. Michelle.. From one Tea Party Patriot and former bluedog democrat to another..Thank you…. We, as tea party members, will continue to fight passionately and respectfully for this country that we love so much.. The liberals, with all their lies and deceit, will never succeed in bringing the tea parties down to their level.. We love America and our flag. We believe In God We Trust. We respect the Constitution and our founders and our military who have fought with great honor to protect our country . You will never take that away from us.. We will ensure that through legal process, our government will get smaller, this unnecessary spending will stop, and we will have fiscal responsibility….We the people, members of the Tea Party, promise you this… We are still here, and stronger than ever..


    By Bob Unruh
    © 2010 WorldNetDaily


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    © 2011 WorldNetDaily




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    Fox News
    January 9, 2011

    “President Obama is putting plans in motion to give the Commerce Department authority to create an Internet ID for all Americans, a White House official told CNET.com.

    A d v e r t i s e m e n t
    White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt told the website it is “the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government” to centralize efforts toward creating an “identity ecosystem” for the Internet.

    The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace is currently being drafted by the Obama administration and will be released by the president in a few months.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

  105. Amen to Michelle and Amy. Fight on against the violent crazed left in USA politics.

  106. I saw the article about Judge Roll this morning and thought it was interesting but wasn’t sure if it was even remotely possible, but after I read the article about the woman found dead in the burning car…. I got really freaked out.

    This is getting serious, how long will TBTB let this go on?

  107. From:

    A History Of Obama’s Violent Rhetoric


    “During his short time in the American mindset, Barack Obama has used violent rhetoric on several occasions to get his point across. His public use of use language is one of many firsts for this president. Here is a list that is sure to grow as time goes on.”

    A Comment From The Above:

    “True Patriot January 10, 2011 at 11:21 |

    Excellent. I have been trying to organize all of this fraud’s violent rants into one page and here we have it.

    Thanks for the hard work. I will forward this to all fellow patriots.

    We will make the left choke on their own words. This illegal fraud is inciting violence.

    Hate Crimes anyone? Seperate from being illegal Obama needs to be tried for hate crimes.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



  108. Re: Bankroller | January 10, 2011 at 7:01 pm |

    I didn’t know you posted this, or I wouldn’t have posted this. Our country is being assaulted and a war is raging for the USA!! Americans!! Stand Up & Pray & Work Constantly to save the Beautiful & Free United States Of America 24/7/365 TODAY & GOING FORWARD WITH LORD JESUS CHRIST IMMANUEL, THE SAVIOR OF HUMANITY!! WE THE PEOPLE outnumber the criminals!

  109. Thanks Bankroller



    “1977 Senate Hearing found that U.S. government had infected hundreds of cities with biological agents”

    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
    Prison Planet.com
    Monday, January 3, 2011

    “A mass die off of birds and fish in Arkansas which prompted a response by U.S. Environmental Services has residents asking questions about the cause – could secret government testing be responsible for the carnage?” Video Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    By Anthony Gucciardi
    Jan 6, 2011

    “With countless fish and bird deaths mounting across the globe, the reason for their death is still mostly unknown. While it could be anything from government testing to some form of disease, the mainstream media may soon start declaring that it may be the result a bird flu epidemic. With the New York Times reporting that Japan is on high alert regarding the possibility of an outbreak, it seems that the media may have already begun hyping a new ‘bird flu epidemic’ that mirrors the fabricated swine flu ‘pandemic’.

    If there was indeed a resurgence of what is considered “traditional” bird flu, or an entirely new strain, there would be cause for concern. It depends, however, on the type of stain. When people use the term “bird flu” they are usually referring to the H1N5 virus. The H1N5 virus has created global concern due to the fact that it has claimed at least 300 humans throughout Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Laos, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. This is due to its highly pathogenic nature, and prevalence in poultry-rich areas. The H5N1 virus is indeed a threat, however it seems as though the mainstream media may be fabricating a bird flu pandemic with little solid evidence.”

    The Resurgence of a Swine Flu-Like Scare:


    * * * * * * * * * * *

  111. Both Giffords and Roll were threats to the BO regime.

  112. http://www.debbieschlussel.com/31483/climate-of-hate-murdered-judge-was-there-about-illegal-alien-invasion/

    Judge Roll, 63 years old, attended the event Saturday in Tucson to thank Rep. Gabrielle Giffords for signing a letter to Judge Alex Kozinski, the chief judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, according to Michael Daly Hawkins, a judge on the court.

    The letter was intended to help persuade the court to declare his federal district a judicial emergency due to the high number of immigration cases that were being heard there. Such a declaration would trigger measures such as allowing judges to delay a trial because of strained resources.

  113. CW,

    It is now clear why you were attacked by Obots carlyle, cabby and jc for merely questioning if Giffords and Roll were threats to BO.

    Both were clearly opposed to the BO regimes aiding and abetting the Terrorist assaults on the people of Arizona.

  114. Thanks FS.
    It is all about keeping info in front of the American people.
    Each person can decide for themself.

  115. Who ordered Judge Roll’s US Marshall protection removed? What was the motive for removing Judge Roll’s protection?

  116. Who was behind the Death Threats to Congresswoman Giffords by BO’s Left Wing Terrorist Pals? What was the motive for the Death Threats by BO’s Left Wing Terrorist Pals?

  117. Free Speech | January 11, 2011 at 11:00 am |
    Free Speech | January 11, 2011 at 11:06 am |


    Thank you.

    Questions GOOD.
    Premature conclusions BAD.

    Jumping to conclusions makes us no better than our enemies.

  118. CW — Hope you see this.

    I’m so sorry you had to take so much grief for just posting this. I’m not a Sorcha Faal fan, but I found this case he refers to was in fact docketed 11/30/10 and Judge Roll was indeed the judge assigned:

    United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al

    Plaintiff: United States of America
    Defendants: $333,520.00 in US Currency and Saturn Aura XE 2007, VIN 1G8ZS57N97F136757

    Case Number: 4:2010cv00703
    Filed: November 30, 2010

    Court: Arizona District Court
    Office: Tucson Division Office
    County: Santa Cruz
    Presiding Judge: John M Roll

    Nature of Suit: Forfeiture / Penalty – Other
    Cause: Bulk cash smuggling into or out of the United States
    Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Plaintiff
    Jury Demanded By: None

    Source: Justia.com Dockets and Filings

    I also found the plaintiff’s motion posted at GodlikeProductions.com: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1317247/pg3

    I cannot find any official record of any action Judge Roll took on it tho. Doesn’t mean he didn’t — just means I can’t find it 🙂

    Thanks, as always, for all you do and keep giving ’em — well, you know 🙂

  119. A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today

    (SVR) = (KGB)


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