HR 1503 revisited?, Presidential Eligibility Act, Brian Williams interview of Speaker Boehner, Williams says citizen, Natural Born Citizen

HR 1503 revisited?, Presidential Eligibility Act, Brian Williams interview of Speaker Boehner, Williams says citizen, Natural Born Citizen

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Speaker of the House John Boehner was interviewed by Brian Williams last friday after the reading of the US Constitution in the House Chambers and the shout of “Except Obama, except Obama” when the Natural Born Citizen clause was read. Williams continues the Orwellian tradition of the mainstream media of obfuscating the Obama eligibility issues by using citizen instead of Natural Born Citizen. Boehner, as Speaker of the House, should know better and should have corrected Williams. Otherwise, we have just another Pelosi look alike.

At approx one minute Williams brings up the fact that twelve congressmen have challenged Obama’s eligibility. Apparently he was referring to HR 1503 that was initiated by Representative Posey with twelve cosponsors.

HR 1503, which expired with the end of the 111th Congress contained the following language:

“To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.”

Williams speaks in the present tense about the twelve congressmen. Is he referring to the 2009 bill or new initiatives?

John Boehner needs a quick tutoring on the US Constitution and the status of Obama eligibility questions. He did state that he would not tell the other congressmen what to think. That is good, but he can and must do better.

134 responses to “HR 1503 revisited?, Presidential Eligibility Act, Brian Williams interview of Speaker Boehner, Williams says citizen, Natural Born Citizen

  1. Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.

  2. truthbetold11

    The hottest N-Word on the planet!!! Seems they know if this is enforced it could cause massive chaos and riots. %0 million zombies won’t understand there boy was illegal. We as a country would be divided like never before. This is what obama wants. Those on his side stand here etc,etc See this is a hot hot hot potatoe. This is more a brick by brick approach till the house falls. the white house that is.

  3. C.W.
    Have you considered speaking to Franklin Graham? ,since all are in N Carolina
    He spoke his beliefs on Islam.
    Think he needs some Truth,maybe he can make some positive suggestions???
    America is GOD’S COUNTRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. tHINK WHEN America is presented with the TRUTH ALL WILL BE FURIOUS AT THE RIGHT PEOPLE. All truth,like Sinclair encounters,campaigning for Odinga in Kenya,breaking the Logan act,many ss nos,The list goes on and on
    Maybe Pastor James Manning can go on the air waves and speak the TRUTH,
    Team up with Dr.Allen Keyes,Allen West,Herman Kane get a Great Group with Truth

  5. Truth Now.
    I will speak to anyone.
    By the way.
    I have never followed up on it.
    My great grandmother was a Graham.

  6. Called Boehner’s office and told them to review your articles C.W.
    Also told them to contact you.Said we have had it out here and why are the elected officials so dumb or are they covering up??
    Also gave more Truth on NBC

  7. Maybe the people mentioned above and Retired General Vallely,McInereny
    and others can have a meeting and see what can be done ASAP.
    Orly has 160 military as clients and they all know people,need to get together.
    Also I said that Orly Taitz has spoken worldwide and MILLIONS of people and LEADERS WORLDWIDE KNOW WHO HE IS.DUH!!!!!!! NOT GOOD FOR NATIONAL SECURITY !! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM,DON’T THEY GET IT??????

  8. truthbetold11 | January 13, 2011 at 5:16 pm | The hottest N-Word on the planet!!! Seems they know if this is enforced it could cause massive chaos and riots. %0 million zombies won’t understand there boy was illegal. We as a country would be divided like never before.

    Blacks will drop BO like a rock when he is OUTED as the PERVERSE PRODUCT OF WHITE TRASH that he is.

    Obama’s Indonesian gay nanny and other things from his past

    With Obama visiting Indonesia today, the New York Times has a story that is just chock-full of interesting tidbits about Obama’s time living there as a child in the late 1960s. For example, the Times reports that back then Obama was “chubby” and that some of the locals referred to him as “the boy who runs like a duck.”
    Then, of course, there’s this:
    His nanny was an openly gay man who, in keeping with Indonesia’s relaxed attitudes toward homosexuality, carried on an affair with a local butcher, longtime residents said. The nanny later joined a group of transvestites called Fantastic Dolls, who, like the many transvestites who remain fixtures of Jakarta’s streetscape, entertained people by dancing and playing volleyball.

    The National Enquirer now suggests Barack Obama had an underage, gay affair with a pedophile.

    The ENQUIRER exclusively reports a “sex pervert” was Sen. Barack Obama’s longtime mentor and “father figure”.

    For seven years, the presidential candidate had a “father-son” relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children, sadomasochism, bondage and practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities.

    In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama identifies his childhood mentor only as “Frank,” but Obama insiders later confirmed he was referring to Davis, a journalist and poet who was a pal of Obama’s maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham.

    Frank Marshall Davis admitted in his private papers that he had secretly authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography called Sex Rebel: Black, published in 1968. The author of the book – a copy of which was been obtained by The ENQUIRER – is listed as “Bob Greene.” Davis later confessed to its authorship after a reader noticed similarities in style and phraseology between that book and Davis’ poetry.

    Davis confessed: “I could not truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine.”

    “Davis’ admission he wrote this disturbing book exposes Obama’s mentor as living a secret double life – and as a sexual pervert,” disclosed a source.

    In his shocking tell-all, Davis admits to seducing a thirteen year-old girl, voyeurism, exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape and sadomasochism.

    Barack describes how Frank Davis had a lasting effect on him and became a father figure over the seven years they knew one another on the tropical island.

    In Dreams from My Father, Obama wrote: “He would read us poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.

    “As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks.”

    Obama described being counseled by Frank often and recalled drinking whiskey with him.

    Since Frank Davis has been identified as the author of Sex Rebel: Black, Obama has been extremely secretive about the true nature of his experience with the self-admitted deviant.

    A Poem by Barack Obama about having Gay Sex with Frank Marshall Davis


    Pop takes another shot, neat,
    Points out the same amber
    Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
    Makes me smell his smell, coming
    From me

  9. CW…………………
    I never missed the televised Billy Graham Crusades all through the sixties and into the 70s. I have found a few of them that were illegally recorded, and reproduced but to my knowledge wre never sold for money. The illegal copy that was given to me I still have. It was transcribed into BETA format. I got a real spiritual lift from watching the cruseades.

  10. Visit ;ots of TRUTH that America needs to know
    Pass the site far and wide.

    See what is new with Orly

  11. Judging by the RIDICULOUS OUTBURSTS by Obot Carlyle and his SYCOphants like the FOOLISH KNAVE oldsalt, it is obvious that their “messiah” is now desperately afraid of being INDICTED.

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.

  12. Great Letter to Obama from ORLY MUST READ AND PASS ON.

  13. Judging by the RIDICULOUS OUTBURSTS by Obot Carlyle and his SYCOphants like the FOOLISH KNAVE oldsalt, it is obvious that their “messiah” is now desperately afraid of being INDICTED.

  14. Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 6:19 pm |
    Judging by the RIDICULOUS OUTBURSTS by Obot Carlyle and his SYCOphants like the FOOLISH KNAVE oldsalt, it is obvious that their “messiah” is now desperately afraid of being INDICTED.
    Why is this being tolerated????? WHY, please!

    Who are you, Leo and what’s your purpose here?

  15. Breaking News

    Another missile launch off So Cal coast. Just like last one. Same type of contrail, same time of day, roughly same position. First hand report from reliable close relative.

    Watch and listen for reports from elsewhere.

  16. SueK | January 13, 2011 at 7:28 pm |

    Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 6:19 pm |


    Just ignore him. He is thoroughly discredited. Every cause he has taken up has proved to be either a dead end or just flat wrong. “By their results ye shall know them”.

    BTW – there is a complete article on American Grand Jury on who he is and what he is and what his purpose is. CW refuses to smack him down so everybody just has to put up with it. Enjoy.

  17. Truth Now, here is Orly Taitz’s letter to the usurper.

    My letter to Barack Hussein Obama

    Posted on | January 13, 2011 | 10 Comments






    ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603


    Mr. Barack Hussein Obama

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave


    District of Columbia

    Dear Mr. Obama,

    I listened to your speech in Arizona yesterday and took it to heart. I would like to work with you in restoring empathy, civility and honesty in this country.

    So, let’s start!

    Civility starts with respect. Since you are occupying the position of the Commander- in- Chief, how about you starting with giving respect to the members of the U.S. military.

    You talk about “Honesty”. Please, provide some honesty and respect and civility to the members of our military.

    Your next suggestion was “Empathy”

    What a great idea. I am with you on that.

    How about you starting with honesty and civility and empathy for a war hero, decorated U.S. army officer, veteran of operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Honduras, army surgeon Dr. LTC Lakin. Lieutenant colonel Lakin filed proper UCMJ Article 138 grievances and went to the highest ranks of the military and Congress with a simple question “How can I follow orders of Barack Hussein Obama, as a Commander in Chief, when he never offered any proper documents to show his legitimacy to US presidency, he never showed his original long form U.S. birth certificate with the name of the doctor and hospital and signatures.” LTC Lakin is a doctor with nearly 20 years of experience. He knows that a baby cannot be born in this county without having a proper hospital birth certificate. You spent over a million dollars fighting me and other attorneys in court, keeping your original long form birth Certificate sealed. What honest person will behave in such a manner? What is there to hide? The state of HI was willing to provide the original birth certificate, as long as you sighed the consent. Why didn’t you sign the consent? The state of HI statute 338-5 allows you to get a birth certificate based on a statement of one relative only, like your grandmother , who could have been lying and claiming that you were born here, while you were born in Kenya. Clearly, then your grandmother did not think that one day you will run for presidency. Lying and getting a phony HI birth certificate was simply a way to quickly get welfare benefits for you and your mother.

    Senior Deportation officer John Sampson provided a sworn affidavit, that the Social Security number you are using today in the White House 042-68-4425 is a Connecticut social security number, that you could not legally obtain in HI. Multiple databases show that it was issued in 1977 to an elderly individual, born in 1890 in CT. At the time you resided in HI, nowhere near CT. Why are you instructing U.S. attorneys’ office to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars in courts fighting me, instead of unsealing your Social Security application.? Why don’t you explain to American people, why you do not have a valid Social Security number of your own from HI, why are you sitting in our White House, using someone else’s social security number?

    All evidence points to massive fraud committed by you against American citizens and members of the U.S. military. Because of your fraud, your regime threw LTC Dr. Lakin into Fort Leavenworth military prison, while you arrogantly stand on the stage and lecture us about honesty and civility and empathy.

    Where was your empathy when Lakin was stripped of his rank, stripped of nearly 2 million dollars of military pension he earned over the years and thrown into prison. Did you show empathy to Lakin’s wife and 3 children”?

    Lakin’s family are Democrats, they voted for you, they asked you to disclose your records, if you are really telling the truth, if you are an honest man, but alas… They never heard from you or anyone else in this regime.

    I was persecuted by your regime and fined $20,000 for daring to represent active members of the U.S. military, challenging your legitimacy and exercising their Constitutional right for redress of grievances.

    It is a testament to utter corruption in our government, Congress and Judiciary, that such massive fraud can go on for two years and nobody in the position of power has shown integrity and honesty and civility in saying enough is enough, let’s get to the bottom of it. If Obama is legitimate, he can serve and lecture us, if he is not, he needs to pack his bags and go, and the Nation will go to a SPECIAL ELECTION.

    I submit to you sir, that this nation was never torn like this before. We never saw such discourse. The reason is not in Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh. The reason is you and your pathological lying. Every time you open your mouth and start speaking, you make most of this nation extremely angry, our collective blood pressure is going through the roof and even an army of cardiologist will not cure it. A Pantheon full of preachers will not pacify us. Legions of crooked judges and crooked U.S. attorneys will not subdue us.

    When something of value is taken from you, you can’t just forget about it and move on, until this valuable thing is returned. U.S. presidency was taken away from American people by virtue of fraud. Our right for redress of grievances was taken away by your abusive regime.

    So, if you really want civility, empathy and honest dialog, why don’t you start with a drop of honesty in an ocean of your pathological lying.. Unseal all your records: your long form birth certificate, your Connecticut Social Security application, you claim you legally obtained, while residing in HI, your 1980-1981 passport, your Columbia University records, provide information on your Kenyan, British and Indonesian citizenship and so on. You lead the way and we will follow you.


    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq

  18. Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 6:04 pm |
    Free Speech,
    If I give you a link to a video of Frank Marshall Davis reading his own poetry will you please stop repeating the comment about FMD having sex with BO? It is so repulsive. Please???

    I assure you some of the poetry is very revealing as to what may have influenced Obama’s disdain for white America. You may even judge for yourself if BO resembles FMD.

  19. ‘…please stop repeating the comment about FMD having sex with BO? It is so repulsive. ‘ YES!
    FS, do you get the message? We are collectively tired of your machinations!

    Obama Operative David “Popcorn” Kernell — the son of disgraced Democrat Tennessee State Rep. Mike “Bad Father” Kernell — is officially an inmate in a federal penal facility tonight.
    Where he’ll be exposed to other similar “p” words, I’m sure.
    Like pen…ance.
    Pen…cils (you know, for writing letters telling everyone how sorry he is).
    All sorts of “p” words.
    The cherubic-curled Obama volunteer will be in prison until at least Thanksgiving (you know, the holiday where turkeys are basted and stuffed), but will not serve his full year sentence in lock-up because of good behavior early release provisions. He will, however, remain a convicted felon for the rest of his life, thanks to his zeal to recklessly attack the Palin family in service to Obama.
    After his prison stint, Kernell will live in a halfway house with many other Obama voters, where they can all contemplate where “Hope!” and “Change!” got them…and the rest of the country.

  21. Oh Michelle, that post by the HB Boyz is too funny!

  22. Helen @ 10:28 pm | They are something else, what he did to Sarah was a crime so glad a wee bit of justice leaked out. I wonder if he understands convicted felon for the rest of his life.

  23. Jonah | January 13, 2011 at 9:28 pm |

    I am not interested in reading BO’s Gay Lover Frank Marshall Davis’ poetry. I too find BO’s poem about Gay Sex with Frank Marshall Davis REPULSIVE.

    I do not post BO’s DISGUSTIN “poetry” for your or me, Jonah. I post it for those who are not aware of how Perverse this Product of White Trash is. Thus, I will continue to post it as necessary to OUT BO.

    It is regretable that such a Perverse pResident has been forced upon us. Hopefully, a sufficient number of Americans will be repulsed as you and I have been and BO will be legally removed.

  24. Michelle | January 13, 2011 at 10:16 pm |

    Kernell was quilty of far greater crimes than merely hacking Palin’s email, but of course, BO’s dept of injustice covered up for him. Hopefully BO will be legally removed before the Statute of Limitations has run on Kernell’s other crimes.

  25. “Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: A History of Socialism from Marx to Obama”
    Yuri N. Maltsev who defected from the Soviet Union to America in 1989 lectures for about half an hour on the violent propensities of socialism at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute on Sept. 18, 2010. Socialism makes every citizen the human property of the state so that when citizens’ demand for resources exceeds the collective, it is in the State’s self-interest to preserve itself by eliminating ‘excess citizens.’ Socialism cannot exist without murder according to Maltseve. And, Socialism is responsible for the extermination of approximately 160M people in the last century, 46M of which may have been murdered in Russia alone. Maltsev estimates that the highest economic growth in the USSR was in the 1930’s when the Soviet Union was murdering about 12,000 citizens a day with the help of the KGB.
    In the last part of the video, Maltsev comments on Obama’s open Marxist/Socialist roots and relates informaton about FMD and Paul Robeson. Robeson was a KGB spy and friend of Stalin an FMD was likely sent to HI to spy on naval intelligence. Maltsev mentions FMD’s poetic bent and the titles of some of his poems such as “Ode to the ed Army,” and “Praise to Stalin.” [Perhaps, CW will feature some of these poems].

    Arizona Boycott Ends With Chicago Vulgarity And Surrender
    It had all the dignity of a Filene’s Basement bridal gown sale. It was as uniting as a Westboro Church rally. It was as inspirational as the golden arches of a McDonald’s fast food franchise. It was Obama’s “Let’s Make A Deal” moment.
    Many Republican/conservative writers today reacted not with revulsion but with applause for Obama’s remarks. Why shouldn’t they applaud? Obama and his thugs tried all week to sell the notion that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were to blame for the Arizona shootings. The Big Blog Boys collaborated with the Obama White House to perpetuate the smear. Last night Obama waved a surrender flag on that carefully calculated ploy.
    Last night was a time to remember those killed, pray for or encourage the families of those fighting for their lives in hospitals, and in a dignified manner remind the nation that what unites us is greater than what divides us. We did not get that either.
    The protocols and conventions of memorial services and funerals are fairly well established. Whether in a small church or a large auditorium, gym, or open field the necessaries are well known. A choir, a hushed solemn audience, speakers in soft voices, hymns, spirituals, and dignified bearing by all are ingredients for these events.
    T-shirts, whooping, booing, screaming, carnival barker voices booming into microphones are memorial service “don’ts.” We suppose gratitude should be expressed in that there were no vuvuzela horns, pom-poms, air horns, hookers, or Greek columns.
    What we got last night was a Peter Pan president turning a dignified congresswoman into a Tinkerbell that applause could revive. Instead of dignified grief we witnessed treacly embarrassments calculated to tickle the tear ducts. Fortunately for us all, the family of Christina Green allowed us a glimpse of dignity.
    May she and the others killed rest in peace.

  27. “Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: A History of Socialism from Marx to Obama”
    The Ludwig Von Mises Institute may have violent propensities towards Socialists and Socialism; Maltsev’s lecture was recorded at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute on September 18, 2010.

  28. Lillibet | January 13, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    Thank you for this new info on BO’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis. All this info about FMD’s crimes need to be revealed to the American people. There is no doubt that BO is following in his mentors footsteps in more ways than the gay way.

  29. Free Speech @ 10:38 pm
    Yikes, I didn’t know he committed other crimes. I wonder what other crimes the young and the gullible are committing for the sake of “the cause” being so naive that they don’t know the sharks are going to use them as fish bait.

  30. Thanks, FS. Please excuse the typos. Computer working very slowly. Homeland Security must be monitoring keystrokes. As a loyal citizen, I have nothing to hide from them, and well they should know it.

  31. Michelle | January 13, 2011 at 10:43 pm |

    BO’s Repulsive Pep Rally in Arizona was not a signal of surrender by BO at all. It was another unilateral attempt by BO to get “Conservatives” and rinos to surrender and it appears that some such as Kraut have.

  32. Michelle | January 13, 2011 at 10:46 pm |

    Massive Identity Theft, Bank Fraud and Voter Fraud to mention a few.

  33. Lillibet | January 13, 2011 at 10:50 pm |

    You are welcome. I appreciate the valuable information that you provide.

  34. Free Speech @ 10:53 pm |
    “Massive Identity Theft, Bank Fraud and Voter Fraud to mention a few.” then he did get off with a light sentence.

  35. FYI, I have sent links to CW to all on my email list and on various Blogs, because there is much valuable information posted here and that is another reason that it is necessary to repost info. There are new visitors to CW every day and it is a public service to get the Truth about BO out.

  36. ‘Thus, I will continue to post it as necessary to OUT BO.’ Free Speech says after posting a disgusting poem for the umteenth time.

    Billions of words engulf the net outing BO. Free Speech, you are no friend to liberty or freedom. We collectively reject your disgusting and repetitive posts, and condescending attitude. As a result, reasonable patriots here reject as falsehood or dissembling all that spews from your keyboard.

  37. It is gratifying that Obot carlyle and his SYCOphants are so upset by my revelations of BO’s crimes and the practical methods for bringing him to justice. It reveals how terrified the Obots are of Grand Jury Indictments of BO and his co-conspirators.

  38. It is my practice to acknowledge the Good Patriots who post good information on CW. These Good Contributors to CW are the ones that count. The opinions of Obots are irrelevant.

  39. Bill G | January 13, 2011 at 11:09 pm |
    Billions of words engulf the net outing BO. Free Speech, you are no friend to liberty or freedom. We collectively reject your disgusting and repetitive posts, and condescending attitude. As a result, reasonable patriots here reject as falsehood or dissembling all that spews from your keyboard.
    It is absolute ignorance to think that people reading here for the first time are going to be attracted to this site because of the disgusting repetition and nasty insults and name-calling. FS is living in la-la or no-man’s land. It remains to be seen which.

  40. Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 11:20 pm |

    It is my practice to acknowledge the Good Patriots who post good information on CW.


    I find it more than laughable, more than ludicrous, more than narcissistic, more than ego-maniacal, more than frightening –

    That you are the great arbiter of good and bad, and the sole judge of good and evil.

  41. Bill G | January 13, 2011 at 9:54 pm |


    What happened? I thought you and FS were BFFs? A tag-team as it were.

  42. Here is a message I just received from my Dear Ol’ Dad. You can really see those bad, idiot, Obot genes – inheritance is a wonderful thing:

    Had I been in the audience yesterday in Tucson I would probably be trying to get out of jail today. This is why.
    I heard the man that some people think is President of the United States say that we should treat each other like the children expect us to. He said this in three different ways and by the time he got to number three I would have probably been standing and shouting at the top of my lungs. “Great idea Mr. President since that is what you claim to be. Why don’t we start with you. He are a few simple question and like a child or a parent dealing with a child I expect an answer and I expect truth on all answers to my questions.
    1. Who are You? .
    2. Why are you paying millions of dollars to hide your past.
    3. Why does fight smears put out a false, no signature and no number phony “Certification of live birth.
    4. Why don’t you get your own Social security number?
    5. Why did you not tell the Illinois Bar that you had a different name than the one you now use?
    6. How did you get a passport with no US Birth Certificate to visit a country that was off limits to American citizens?
    7. Since your Father was a Kenyan/British Citizen what makes you think you are not a citizen of England no mater where you were born?
    8. Why do you give us false information about the cost and complexity of your agenda and what happened to transparency?
    9. It would be so easy for you to settle this situation once and for all by just answering, truthfully all the questions about yourself you are paying to hide. That would stop the vile things being said about those of us who want truth and it would also stop the demands for a proven legitimate President. Some day the truth will be known. What is wrong with NOW?

  43. Carlyle….Your dad is a wise man.. It appears to run in the family and I don’t see any evidence of obotism.

  44. FS.. I plan on showing a friend a copy of that disgusting poem tomorrow evening.. He will be shocked, I am sure. He is slowly finding out (and admitting) that O is not who he thinks he is.

  45. Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 10:35 pm |
    Jonah | January 13, 2011 at 9:28 pm |
    I am not interested in reading BO’s Gay Lover Frank Marshall Davis’ poetry. I too find BO’s poem about Gay Sex with Frank Marshall Davis REPULSIVE.
    I do not post BO’s DISGUSTIN “poetry” for your or me, Jonah. I post it for those who are not aware of how Perverse this Product of White Trash is. Thus, I will continue to post it as necessary to OUT BO.
    Free Speech, I mentioned to you over at FR that I had read a few pages of The Sex Rebel online and did this old grandma get an education! It was disgusting!

    We’re aware of the injustice you experienced last year and we all know how Mr. Wells championed your plight. So we understand your well deserved disdain for BO. And I am aware of the tactic of repetition but sometimes just a tease with the supporting link would prompt visitors to read for themselves. How about this link?

    BTW The Kaleokualoha who comments at mofo is likely FMD’s son. He posted comments here too at CW a while back, defending FMD, if I remember correctly.

    In the 28 minute video, FMD and others read some of his poetry. Since Obama himself claims FMD influenced him as his mentor, I think it offers insight into Obama’s mindset if you can get past the sappy praise and adulation of the infamous FMD.

    “My skin lay raw and sore from the poison ivy of discrimination and the hidden brambles of Jim Crow… I say no sensitive negro can spend his life in America without finding his cup holds vinegar and his meat is seasoned with gall……….. I aimed my eyes at the holy doors of a white man’s church and I heard God’s servant say “Niggas must be saved elsewhere”……… I saw the hungry mouths of six guns daring his black folk to come to the polls and vote………… A free country. Complete equality. Yeah! And the rich get tax refunds and the poor get relief checks”.

    I wish I knew a biological anthropologist who could determine if FMD and BO might be related. Watch this video if you dare.

  46. Thank you, Jonah.

    I am astonished that BO is even sicker than we already knew.

    There is no doubt that his cabal of Obots is full of likewise depraved perverts.

    Outing Obama’s Internet Brownshirts

  47. Depraved: Obama Turns Arizona Memorial into A Political Campaign Rally … T-Shirts And All!

    I’ve been to a lot of memorials and funerals in my life, so many that every time I attend one, I swear it will be the last until my own. I’ve never been to one that was marketed like a sporting event, with slogans, t-shirts, special logos, and had a pep rally atmosphere.

    Last night’s event in Arizona was the Wellstone Memorial on steroids, complete with nifty slogans and T-shirts.

    People actually thought the funeral for Senator Paul Wellstone was the lowest the democrat party could ever sink in their continuing efforts to exploit tragedy and suffering, but that was before America was introduced to Barack Obama’s democrat party.

  48. amy,

    Perhaps it is because you do not spend much time here on CW, but you are wrong about Obot carlyle. He like his “messiah” BO is a DEPRAVED mentally deranged man. If you had seen all the vile disgusting LIES that Obot carlyle has posted, then you would know how SICK he is.

    Fortunately, CW keeps him and his worst SYCOphants away in moderation most of the time.


    Barack Obama has repeatedly sprinkled his political campaigning with words more appropriate to a street thug than the President of the United States. During his 2008 campaign he said in June, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” and in September, “I want you to go out and talk to your neighbors. . . . I want you to argue with them, get in their faces.” He kept it up during the recent midterm election with this comment: “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends . . . .”

  50. Dr. Orly’s letter was AWESOME!!

    BTW…..I read where John Boehner is going to have an “Open to the public” e-mail addy…..
    Perhaps we should start writing??

  51. By all means, write Boehner.

  52. What BO and his SYCOphants like Obot carlyle try to do daily is to demoralize and divide us. We must keep the Faith and realize that if we unite in our Constitutional Moral cause we can defeat these vile faithless creatures for they are weak in mind and spirit and have no faith to sustain them.

    Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

  53. Exploitation — some would say facilitation (but we needn’t go there) — of the Tucson event must be seen in the broader context, which is, Team Obama sees it as absolutely essential to quash efforts by the Arizona State legislature to pass certification of POTUS eligibility requirements to be on the ’12 ballot.

    One does not have to be a “birther” or “Art 2 Natural Born Citizen’er” to see the criticality of this for Team Obama. Hence, they’ve needed to change the political climate in Arizona. Tucson DOES that.

  54. Someone needs to email Orly with Boehners email

    He needs a meeting with Taitz,Retired General Vallely,all of Orly’s 160
    military clients and many others

    Thanks for posting Orly”s letter.Needs to send it to Boehner!!
    What does it take to wake elected officials up??

  55. Ted | January 14, 2011 at 9:35 am |

    Exploitation — some would say facilitation — of the Tucson event must be seen in the broader context, which is, Team Obama sees it as absolutely essential to quash efforts by the Arizona State legislature to pass certification of POTUS eligibility requirements to be on the ’12 ballot.
    I agree. Furthermore BO and his criminal cohorts had to silence strong critics of his criminal regime like Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords.

    To silence Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords, BO incited his Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner with his violent rhetoric against them.

  56. Truth Now | January 14, 2011 at 10:04 am |

    Someone needs to email Orly with Boehners email

    He needs a meeting with Taitz,Retired General Vallely,all of Orly’s 160
    military clients and many others

    Thanks for posting Orly”s letter.Needs to send it to Boehner!!
    What does it take to wake elected officials up??
    Just finished sending Orly’s letter to the Speaker.


    Funeral or Campaign Rally?; Inappropriate tone at service for Tucson shooting victims

    I was going to let this go. I was going to write about something else instead, but the more clips I listen to, the more I think about this whole situation, the more disgusted I am. Mark Levin made the point on his talk radio show last night that Barack Obama’s leadership was needed when this incident occurred, and instead Americans got a speech four days after the event. That’s four days too long, especially with death threats against Sarah Palin reaching, as her aide put it, an “unprecedented level” (hat-tip Hot Air’s Allahpundit).

    An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska governor’s team has been talking to security professionals.

  58. Speechwriter revealed .Who really believed O wrote the speech???
    Young man used to work for Kennedy,I think.30 yrs old
    Why do people believe speeches????? A bunch of propaganda !
    An actor reading words

    businessman questioned about MLK REVOLUTIONS.
    I had heard all he talks about yrs ago.Why do we praise people when they are really not who they pretend to be?????????

  59. Oops!… It Looks Like Obama Fibbed About Giffords “Opening Her Eyes for the First Time” (Video)
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, January 13, 2011, 5:10 AM

    In one of the most memorable moments of the memorial last night in Tucson, Barack Obama told the pep rally audience that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time on Wednesday night.
    It was very emotional moment:

    But, unfortunately it was not true.
    The Sonoran Chronicle reported that Rep. Giffords could open her eyes on Sunday.
    (The Sonoron has since pulled the article.)

    The bullet “traveled the entire length of the brain on the left side,” said Dr. Rhee, Chief Trauma Surgeon at the University Medical Center, at a press conference on Sunday. In terms of being shot in the head, this is “about as good as it’s going to get,” said Rhee.

    Giffords can open her eyes, but because she is on a ventilator she can’t speak, said Rhee.

    The surgery took about two hours, said Rhee.

    Rhee attributed Giffords’ surviving the gunshot wound to a variety of factors, including a fast response by paramedics, proper care by the hospital staff, and luck. The bullet did not cross from one hemisphere of the brain to the other, nor did it go through the geometric center of the brain.

    Would someone please tell me this was not planned.

    More… The Tucson Sentinel also reported that Gabby could open her eyes in their Tuesday article.

    UPDATE: ABC explained Obama’s “first time” statement today.
    It looks like the hacks at Media Matters owes this blog an apology.

    Now I’m trembling in fear that this offering may not pass muster with the self appointed blog censor …. where CW is taking on the skewed definition of “conspiracy web”!!!!

  60. sorry meant revealations not revolutions




  61. The more Facts are exposed about Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords’ opposition to BO’s criminal regime, the clearer it becomes that BO incited his Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner to murder with his violent rhetoric.

  62. Free Speech | January 13, 2011 at 6:19 pm |

    Judging by the RIDICULOUS OUTBURSTS by Obot Carlyle and his SYCOphants like the FOOLISH KNAVE oldsalt, it is obvious that their “messiah” is now desperately afraid of being INDICTED.


    You Sir (FreeSpeech) are absolutely full of your narcissistic self and no different that the exact same symptoms of the mental disease that Obama himself “Suffers” from.

    Just to be clear, and read this very slowly Freespeech for a partial understanding – as it most likely will require multiple reviews upon your behalf for full comprehension – there are those that are “Doer’s” and there are those that simply “Talk”, and you sir, are a “Talker”, not a doer.

    Rather than utilizing your skill set, as an attorney, you instead choose the path of running your mouth, so called advising everyone on what to do, but do nothing yourself. You personally choose to sit back and do nothing whilst “Advising” everyone else including, but not limited too, childish elementary bully style name calling and tactics not worthy of anything worth remembering in our historic crisis.

    You sir, are a “Coward” at arms.

  63. Need to call Republican governors offices and giv ethem some sites to update so they know the TRUTH and what they are dealing with

    BREWER ARIZ 602 542 4331

    JINDAL LA 225 342 7015

    KASIC 614 466 3555 OHIO

    BENTLY ALA 334 242 7100

    CORBETT 717 787 2500 PENN

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    NEED http://WWW.WND.COM



    Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
    Thursday, 13 January 2011
    As the Loughner Lefties at the New York Times realized they jumped the shark in blaming the Arizona Massacre on Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Right, they smoothly shifted their strategy yesterday (1/12).
    In a transparent ploy to monkey wrench the 112th Congress’ program to dismantle ObamaCare and other Dem disasters, the NYT is now claiming that Boehner & Co must “play a less partisan role,” and not “allow the House to slide back into confrontational politics.” Translation: Republicans need to surrender to the Democrats.
    And Boehner’s response? As Eliza Doolittle said to Professor Henry Higgins, “Not bloody likely!” Zero and the Dems (and the Enemedia) are going to get the shock of their lives when they learn what Boehner has planned for them.
    Get ready for this, folks, for it’s going to knock the polka dots off your undies. This is going to make Boehner’s bones.
    (more) but this is as far as I can go.

  65. From “The Obama File”:

    “Natural Born Citizen”

  66. Free Speech | January 14, 2011 at 8:32 am |

    Fortunately, CW keeps him [Obot Carlyle] and his worst SYCOphants [presumably at least CabbyAZ] away in moderation most of the time.


    Citizen Wells, sir:

    You could significantly improve the tone on this blog and significantly enhance the integrity of the discussion here, if you would simply confirm this statement. YES or NO.


  68. Little william,

    Judging by your RIDICULOUS OUTBURST, it is obvious that you are AFRAID that your “messiah”and his criminal co-conspirators are going to be INDICTED in multiple States on multiple counts.

    I DO what I choose to DO, little william, not what some BLOWHARD BHO COHORT on the internet tries in vain to exhort me to do.

    What I choose to do now is to advise all Good Patriots to do this:

    Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Election Fraud, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.

  69. Another LIE by the BO regime

    BO’s denial that the HIDEOUSLY PERVERSE “Together We Thrive” T-Shirts were BO’s idea is clearly a LIE.

  70. I would like to point out something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. And I hope CW can feature this sentiment in a headline, or otherwise expound on it.

    By making accusations, and by PREMATURELY assigning fault and reasoning to criminal activities, we are no better than our opposite numbers.

    I was more on-board with the ranting and railing in regards Maj Hassan, because it was obvious from the very beginning that his was an act of Islamic Jihad. And the preliminary evidence that was unearthed IMMEDIATELY simply confirmed that diagnosis. It was further infuriating in the official non-recognition of the obvious circumstances.

    In this case, the facts, the background, including motives and targets are TOTALLY UNCLEAR at this time. We know with 101% certainty that it was NOT a conservative-induced political action. So we have every reason to be indignant in regards these outrageous accusations.

    There are many legitimate questions to ask. Who was the real target? Was the killer a lone lunatic or was he influenced by someone? Who knew what when? How and why did he have firearms.

    But it is EXACTLY the behavior of our opponents to prematurely answer these questions. It gives us NO moral authority and NO moral highground for us from which to operate. It is despicable in the extreme.

    People who do this (mostly the same people who have been saying incredibly stupid and disruptive and embarrassing things since during and before the Gulf Oil Disaster) are damaging us deeply. In fact it damages us so badly, that it calls into question true motives.

    This blog needs serious dialog. This blog needs consideration of a wide range of opinions and options. For example, a favorite whipping boy is the “CIA Theory”. Personally I have always been not quite a believer (but Dean M, himself, will tell you in my cynicism I have always been civil and supportive). But as one who has worked fairly extensively in these environments, I also know that the theory is extremely credible. We need to keep this option on the table. To lash out at proponents of this theory is counter-productive to the Nth degree.

    In contrast, mixing truth with lunacy, pounding pounding pounding the same failed and unworkable items over and over and over – is not only dis-helpful to the extreme – but casts grave doubt on the motives of people who do these things. Ooops, I said that already.

    In my long memory of this blog – and TD blog before – as THE place to be – there have been a few disruptions that have welled up. Disruptions like I am describing. All but this current one have been squelched or quashed – through various means.

    This one still remains – a grievous sucking chest wound.


  71. CW, sir – do you actually READ the things that get posted on your blog? Do you APPROVE of having your faithful readers and thinkers so offended? And many driven away?

  72. Obama’s Memorial and Pep Rally

    In an Excellent Article on P&E, Sher Zieve voiced her disgust with BHO’s consort with his depraved cabal in Arizona. The vile hideousness of BHO’s degenerate display of perversity is more than enough to render most decent Americans speechless.

    The hypocritical irony that has been missed by most is that the Arizona Killer was a supporter of BHO; and Congresswoman Giffords was a strong critic of the BHO regime’s aiding and abetting of the flooding of murderous Mexican Terrorists into Arizona.

    Sher Zieve exposes the Fact that BHO’s cohort, Dupnik, was on notice that BHO Supporter Loughner was a threat to Congresswoman Giffords and he neglected to do anything to stop Lougher from murdering Judge Roll et al.

  73. Free Speech | January 14, 2011 at 12:14 pm |

    Little william,

    Judging by your RIDICULOUS OUTBURST, it is obvious that you are AFRAID that your “messiah”and his criminal co-conspirators are going to be INDICTED in multiple States on multiple counts.


    First and foremost, calling me “Little William” is obviously an attempt to regulate my impact upon statement against you in my previous comment.

    That’s ok Freespeech, it surely shows and proves my point of your absoulte “Ignorance” as predicted. I AM AND HAVE BEEN, AND CURRENTLY, LISTED IN FEDERAL COURT, AGAINST OBAMA, THE DOJ, IN AFFIDAVIT, OF SUCH. WISH TO CALL ME AN OBOT MORE, OR LITTLE WILLIAM, WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR NAME IN D.C. ?? ITS NOT IS IT…..

    You sir, are Pathetic, and do not know those whom actually are part of the legal suits, researchers for others with suits, coupled with their own against this fraud. Rather you, yes you, claim everything of knowledge, yet cannot get off you couch and chair to become a “doer” rather than a “Talker”.

    I do not have any intentions, nor should others, to quell your talk, but for you to attack others that are actually doing something, is simply beyond resound redundancy, stupidity, and absolutely ridiculousness.

    Again, tell me how my name, my affidavit in D.C. Federal Courts, testimony, ect. is Pro Obama and I’m an Obot?

    This “PROVES” your complete “IGNORANCE” and rather you “ATTACK” by “Talking” your way through something of which you know not of.

    You have no hope of intellegence to this cause, other than postings youtube videos of what is already known, articles which you copy and paste of what is already known, news that is days/weeks/months/years of what is already known. What is it, exactly that you Leo are bringing to this fight of our sovereignty that we already don’t know?

    If you answered nothing, move to the head of the class.

    I am an Obot now… Too funny.

  74. Would everyone here please send this to your U.S. Congressman & Senator.



  75. Freespeech (leo)

    You just cant control that mouth of yours, nor that simple ignorance and continue to call everyone an obot, including me.

    You continue to stick your foot up your wahoo and require a quick backtrack of your comments or continue to defend what is a known lie upon your comments.

    Either way, you are caught. Nothing but a talker, and do nothing, whilst accusing others and name calling. How pathetic. Do you actually sleep at night with your narcissist self or does it require drugs to put you to sleep?

  76. You don’t say…


    “Private investigators have revealed to Conservative Examiner the details of an investigation into the frantic effort by Obama operatives to stop all questions concerning the Constitutional issue of Presidential eligibility…”

    “…Investigators have also received a copy of the entire membership lists of the groups involved and have discovered that a team of top Democratic attorneys have been working in tandem with the groups to attempt to shut down all talk about the issue of Presidential eligibility as it relates to Barack Obama.”

  77. Pixel Patriot

    From Devvy Kidd…
    Just released from FOIA in 2008 for docs related to Stanley Ann Dunham

    …this pdf file was created 1/11/2011

    Click to access soetoros-mom.pdf

    Mailed from Dept. of State in DC 12/10/2010

  78. Was Loughton paid to do what he did?

  79. Free Speech | January 14, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    Old news, doesn’t work, try again..

    In fact, I just reviewed on Yahoo more about Obama in Arizona speech. Go get it real quick, post it here for all of us to view.

    This is your usefulness Freespeech. A runner and errands boy between one site and another.

    You do such a good job of it, I may pay you a quarter for fetching me the paper. You bring nothing else.


  80. SirWilliam | January 14, 2011 at 1:19 pm |

    little william,

  81. “Opinion: Elected Officials Flunk Constitution Quiz”

    “In fact, elected officials tend to know even less about key provisions of the Constitution than the general public.

    Elected officials at many levels of government, not just the federal government, swear an oath to “uphold and protect” the U.S. Constitution.

    But those elected officials who took the test scored an average 5 percentage points lower than the national average (49 percent vs. 54 percent), with ordinary citizens outscoring these elected officials on each constitutional question. Examples:

    Only 49 percent of elected officials could name all three branches of government, compared with 50 percent of the general public.”

  82. Freespeech,

    Little Leo that lost the sheep he never had (except in his own mind), there is new news. You need to quickly post it Freespeech, paperboy.

    Gibbs is currently having a disagreement over Obama’s event in Arizona. Hurry Freespeech, post it, with the youtube link, already established and being discussed. Your complete usefulness to the cause, paste and post news already known. we all know. You know us, too stupid to be aware of past or current news without you.

  83. GORDO | January 14, 2011 at 1:39 pm |

    Undoubtedly the 51% of politicians who can’t name even 3 of the 4 Branches of Government are BHO demRats who think there are 57 States.

  84. Free Speech | January 14, 2011 at 1:36 pm |

    Communist Leo,

    This fits your twisted personality, kinda like……..

  85. Excellent Information on how to get BO and his cohorts Indicted.

    The Power of the Grand Jury Can be Ours Once Again

  86. This was recently published in a comment over at Mario Apuzzo’s blog. This paragraph itself may have been quoted from the Wall Street Journal. It is hard to tell.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Obama will not be successfully challenged and removed from office on his citizenship status. Such an action would allow international questioning of all official acts by his administration, including acts of US combat troops fighting the ongoing wars under an illegal Commander-In-Chief. (This explains the snuff out reaction of the Pentagon to Lakin’s challenge.)

    This raises again (I for one have raised it before). Are there some crimes TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE? And is Obama’s Fraud one of them? Are the outcomes of exposing him worse than not exposing him?

    Again, my opinion or your opinions are of insignificance. For us to understand what might be practically possible as a way to proceed, we need to understand the minds of the decision makers – the PTBs.

    Yesterday I asserted that if you were to get a candid meeting with such a PTB, that they may hint that they know the truth and they agree with you, but might further ask you “Is this a responsible thing to do?” and “Are you willing and are you suggesting that you and I allow the total avalanche for this to come down on your head and my head?”.

    One of the things that motivates us who “know the truth” is the tremendous national security risk of the present circumstance. That frankly scares some of us spitless. But the fact of the matter is that this seems to be a future consideration, not a present or past one. It is a crystal ball fraught with uncertainty and probabilities.

    Whereas, it appears that most (all?) PTBs believe that outing him now would have CERTAIN 100% national security problems. If you were they, and you imagined that you were practical and utilitarian, and further believed the well being of the country rested on your shoulders, how would YOU deal with 2 choices before you: 100% massive international (or internal riots) problems, or another choice with less than 100%. i.e. “Maybe we will get lucky and just squeak by”.

    If you ever expect a PTB to listen to you, you need to understand this and have ready an answer to them that placates their fear. Do any of us have such an argument?

    I further sense that the present grand plan is to get him removed for reasons other than eligibility. This “solves” the problem without raising the specter of International Legitimacy.

    I solicit rational and well-reasoned comments.

  87. CW sites has been infiltrated by the communistic Leo (aka FreeSpeech).

    It occurred to me in the affirmative, although I have suspected it over the last many, many months, that the poster FreeSpeech, is in fact, a Communist and is in fact portraying on this Site (kicked off all others) as a supposed true American patriot. How can this be true, when he in fact, and with proof, attack every single American Patriot, American Soldier, American constitutionalists, every American lawyer fighting the battle against Obama he disagrees with, but he himself, claims to be an American Patriot?

    Leo fights againsts and name calls anyone that fights against Obama, involved with Obama in court to expose him, yet offers his opinions only and Attacks True American Patriots fighting the battle upfront.

    Who is the real OBOT here and Communist? If you answered FreeSpeech, using Socialist tactics and communist means, move to the head of the class. The real “Divider” on CW’s site, KGB style, the do nothing person, is in fact,
    Freespeech (Leo).

    You have been exposed Leo, as the communist provider against our Free Republic society for what you truly are. You despise anyone that holds legal issues pertaining to obama, your pal, in court, and now its time to pay the piper for explanation, or run.

  88. Bravo, Sir William, It’s about time someone called out Leo for what he is, and a true nuisance to boot.

  89. Carlyle | January 14, 2011 at 12:32 pm |
    CW, sir – do you actually READ the things that get posted on your blog? Do you APPROVE of having your faithful readers and thinkers so offended? And many driven away?
    Carlyle, only CW can answer that, of course, but now is the time to express some true feelings of my own. I truly weep and lament over this blog – the very first one of this type that I began posting to about a year ago when I first began going on-line.

    As most know, I am a senior citizen in Old Salt’s age range and cannot do as much as I once did; however, for years I have been busy writing letters, informing my friends and doing as much as humanly possible even back into the Clinton administration.

    This blog became a very large part – maybe too large – from my earliest introduction to it, because it gave me a sense of community with others of like mind. I have always tried to share good reliable links that would be informative and have also expressed my own personal sentiments many times. Is this a sin? Is this a crime?

    There have been conflicts before, but to be so rampantly called an obot, when it is the last thing from the TRUTH, indeed hurts and angers, as some of you others have found out. I don’t have to post here, nor anywhere, for that matter.

    My life is full and happy regardless; however, why should one person have free rein to create such an atmosphere that chills the very basic freedom that we should all have as long as it is responsible and not injurious to someone – the freedom of speech?

    I suppose that one, or more, perhaps, would be just as happy if I dropped out. Until I am told that I’m banned, however, it just doesn’t seem right for one party to make it so distasteful for one to even say, “boo” here. Who needs to endure insults, snide and nasty remarks, and even the command that I “get the h…..out of CW” ?

  90. SirWilliam | January 14, 2011 at 2:07 pm |

    Sir William, thank you for expressing my own serious reservations about this matter. Thank you for being fearless and for being faithful in the cause that we share. You ARE a true patriot, SIR.

  91. Margie | January 14, 2011 at 1:10 pm | Was Loughton paid to do what he did?

    It is more likely BO Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner was programmed by BO cohorts in Arizona to murder Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords and it is a FACT that BO Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner was INCITED to MURDER by BO’s VIOLENT RHETORIC.

  92. Cabby AZ –

    Please don’t drop out and go away. I dropped out for a while because I “just didn’t need the ankle biting”. But I have come to realize that I owe it to myself and to others to help expose what is going on here.

    Consider this interesting true story. You know it is true because you have been involved. Every once in a while Free Speech gets on his high horse and makes statements that are “absolutely positively true”. Not only is the tone and accusations extreme, but often capitalized yelling. He seems to do this to stress “the truth”. You may remember him doing this on a number of topics on which he has declared himself an expert – oil wells, positive and negative liberties, the CIA Obama, citizen grand juries, and on and on.

    Then with the same fervor and insistence and yelling he makes a STRONG statement – not just a guess and a hunch – but a PROOF. Something along the lines like Carlyle is DEFINITELY and Obot and is Sunstein’s minion. No ifs ands or buts. Just solid revealed truth.

    Well – now – here is the catch. Think about it from MY point of view. And I know you can do this because you have been so accused also. I know for a definite fact that I am a strong patriot, am a tried and true Obama “disliker”, and a “crier in the wilderness” – WOE IS WE – as long as anybody. Clear back to mid 2008. So, if I know that and therefore know the FS is FOS on this one specific issue he claims to be right on, how would I then feel or know about his credibility on ANYTHING ELSE over which he claims divine wisdom?

    Do you all deeply understand this?

    Well, anyway, I am renewed and rededicated to getting to the bottom of this. Sir William has proven more temperate and more long-suffering than most – but I think he has now “had enough”. Bill G used to be a great FS defender, but has recently turned against him. I think OldSalt (who has also been around for YEARS – since the beginning) has popped a cork.

    And then lately, FS has been particularly outstanding on praising and encouraging people who agree with him and pizzing on people who disagree – like he was Pavlov and we were all dogs.

    Slowly and surely the worm is turning. You may see my post above. FS made a specific statement/accusation about something CW did or does. When CW weighs in that he did or does no such thing, I think this may be the last straw in FS’s credibility.

    FS is rude and uncivilized. He is not a worthy discussion or debate partner. He has driven away DOZENs of useful commenters here. He has almost single-handely made a joke out of this once fine blog. He is a BAD EXAMPLE for newbies that may drop in here with an open mind. He embarrasses all the rest of us.

    We will keep plugging away. Like the other “problems” I mentioned before that were eventually weeded out, this one too will be eventually solved.

    Patience, my friend.

  93. Did Barack Obama’s Violent Rhetoric Inspire Mass Murder In Arizona?

    Barack Obama may have very well inspired radical Marxist Jared Lee Loughner to commit mass murder.

    January 14, 2011
    Maine Governor to NAACP: “Tell ‘em to kiss my butt. If they want to play the race card, come to dinner and my son will talk to them.”
    Posted by kevindujan01 under HillBuzz, Kevin DuJan | Tags: Al Sharpton, blacks males cornering market on blackmail, False shouts of RAAACISM, Jesse Jackson, Obama Oprah Henry Gates, Paul LePage tells NAACP to kiss his butt, Race Industry |
    Paul LePage, the Governor of Maine, has stood up to the thugs at the NAACP…who ginned up the old racebaiting machine to brand him a RAAACIST! for not being available to attend a Martin Luther King tribute dinner this year. His office had already scheduled other engagements that day, but the NAACP demanded he cancel those and attend their event instead. If not, you know what that means…that Paul LePage must be a RAAACIST!
    “They (the NAACP) are a special interest. End of story…and I’m not going to be held hostage by special interests. And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they’d like about it,” said LePage.
    LePage is a Republican…but clearly not part of the Cocktail Party crowd that crumples in terror whenever the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or the “Justice Brothers” of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton team up to bully and threaten anyone who dares say no to whatever demand they make that day. Those last two, Jackson and Sharpton, are two black males who’ve made racial blackmail a profitable art form for well on 30 years now.
    The black community will one day come to regret a great many things — but chief amongst them will be their behavior during the 2008 presidential campaign. Aside from the massive blowback that’s going to come out of the Pigford Black Reparations Scam (which Obama engineered), that will be hitting the fan this and next year, the Race Industry is going to soon realize all the false charges of RAAACISM! leveled against anyone who opposed Obama in 2008 have completely nullified this smear attack.
    Everyone under the sun has been called a RAAACIST, if that person didn’t do whatever high-profile black opportunists wanted that person to do.
    People are tired of it.
    And they are standing up to the Race Industry.
    That’s a marvelous thing.


    The media and democrats want us to focus on the nation’s “caustic political climate” after the tragedy yesterday. Maybe they should start with President Obama.
    He may be the worst offender.

    ** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
    ** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
    ** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    ** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
    ** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
    ** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
    ** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
    ** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
    ** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”

    If the media really wants to improve the “caustic political climate” they may want to start at the White House.


    Obama’s Violent Rhetoric

    A Democrat who has pursued a wide range of leftist causes and has drawn the praise of ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now wants to ban language and symbols that could be used to perceive a threat against a federal official.

    So the question is whether it would allow statements such as:

    “So I know whose ass to kick.”
    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
    and “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry.”
    That’s because those statements all come from Barack Obama.


    Would crackdown on language include Obama?
    A Democrat who has pursued a wide range of leftist causes and has drawn the praise of ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now wants to ban language and symbols that could be used to perceive a threat against a federal official.

    So the question is whether it would allow statements such as:

    “So I know whose ass to kick.”

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

    and “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry.”
    That’s because those statements all come from Barack Obama.

    Read more: Would crackdown on language include Obama?


    Well, using the very same standard the Left Wing, and their corrupt media partners have used to smear and slander Sarah Palin, all evidence says yes, Barack Obama may have very well inspired radical Marxist Jared Lee Loughner to commit mass Murder.

    PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures

    As we reported earlier, Loughner has been fixated on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, one of the many Victims, since at least 2007, long before the Tea Party was formed, or anyone knew who the hell Sarah Palin was.


    That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

  100. Carlyle | January 14, 2011 at 2:00 pm |

    “If you ever expect a PTB to listen to you, you need to understand this and have ready an answer to them that placates their fear. Do any of us have such an argument?”

    It would be easy to sit here and say that the PTBs got us into this mess and now let them get us out of it. They assumed the Power of God to make the selection for us, and By God let them now get us out of it. However, the predicament is obvious enough to scare one to death. I see only one-way out with the least amount of harm or destruction. The USURPER, and he is by all Constitutional standards, must decide NOT to run in the next election. IF he loves this country as he emotes, then he will be looked on as a hero by his followers. On the other hand, if his narcissism has a hold on his soul, he will again seek reelection and the whole house of cards will come crashing down destroying our Nation. THE BALL IS IN HIS COURT.


    PPS – CW – I would like to get this problem solved before my comment number reaches 666 which isn’t too far away.

  101. Carlyle | January 14, 2011 at 2:47 pm |
    Please don’t drop out and go away. I dropped out for a while because I “just didn’t need the ankle biting”. But I have come to realize that I owe it to myself and to others to help expose what is going on here.
    You are heard loudly and clearly in my ears, Carlyle. I did stay away on a couple of occasions just to regain sanity but agree that we need to resist what has become a hijacking, imo.

    It is one thing to give opinions with which others don’t agree, but it is another to so adamantly and rudely resist those posters who are civilly expressing themselves. So, we have a situation where one poster is trying desperately to “control” the others by using insults, name-calling, and the rest, and is not content just to express his own theories. What is wrong with that picture?

    It isn’t right that we should be silenced. After all, doesn’t that just serve BO the way he prefers it? If BO can indirectly decimate a conservative blog, then we all are the losers, and he doesn’t care HOW it happens. Yes, this is a battle that must be waged.


    On Thursday of this past week, I saw a QUOTE from the anointed one himself. This quote came out of one of the endless fundraising events and campaigning stops that Barry has made in support of his struggling comrades. Our esteemed president WARNED his audience that if the republicans took control of congress after the election this November, then the result would be “HAND-TO-HAND” combat on capitol hill

  103. SirWilliam | January 14, 2011 at 2:07 pm
    Cabby – AZ | January 14, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you. I don’t post here much anymore but do read CW’s blog daily. But it’s times like this that I wish I hadn’t forwarded the link to friends because if I were a first-time visitor and read what the past couple of days have produced, I would never come back.
    I do keep coming back though because I really think CW keeps us all filled with hope – and provides information to keep us all aiming for the day when our beautiful country is restored to its glory.

  104. Margie | January 14, 2011 at 1:10 pm |

    Was Loughton paid to do what he did?

    It is more likely BO Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner was programmed by BO cohorts in Arizona to murder Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords and it is a FACT that BO Supporter Arizona Killer Loughner was INCITED to MURDER by BO’s VIOLENT RHETORIC.

    Obama’s Memorial and Pep Rally

  105. For the love of God, CW.

  106. Cabby,

    Did I read here at CW that you do tax returns? You might be interested in the
    Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

  107. Paxson | January 14, 2011 at 3:39 pm |
    Maybe a CIA plant.

  108. Carlyle,

    Yes, I have had enough of the poster FreeSpeech (Leo). You are also correct that I have been a participant for quite some time, in fact, since 2008. Your assumption is correct.

    My suspicions, of the poster under the guise of “Freespeech”, is in fact, a communist/socialists supporter of Obama, claiming otherwise; with nothing to share other than personal attacks against true American Citizens with court cases pending – past or present – against his beloved Obama.

    How else can his personal attacks against patriots with due diligence, and in court, can he explain himself? He cannot.

    FreeSpeech is a communist/socialist posing as a concerned American, attempting to use “Empathy” of his own criminal mistakes as a means to disrupt the true cause of exposing Obama.

    You are exposed FreeSpeech. Give it up and move on.

  109. scarolina | January 14, 2011 at 3:20 pm |

    I am listening, and fully understand your concerns. My question to you would be what is it in your opinion that persons such as myself, should do when falsely accused by users such as FreeSpeech?

    A) do nothing
    B) Say something polite
    C) Be political correct so it doesn’t hurt Leo’s feeling
    D) State the facts, put Leo in his place and demand he stop personal attacks

    Your call.

  110. Sir William, awhile ago you posted the records your received from a FOIA request to State. Where can I find those records? Thanks in advance, h

  111. Sir William – you left off e) Ignore and f) do not engage

  112. Hey Coward FreeSpeech,

    You advise everyone else but yourself, too:

    “Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime”

    And your letter of such undertaking is where?

    Coward and given ill advice, as an attorney, you know is in itself, a crime. Bet you didn’t think of that one did you.

  113. Many of those posting here have the integrity to honestly represent their own thoughts and concerns and are open to learning from similar contributions by others so motivated. However, the topic and its ultimate outcome is serious enough to attract contributors without integrity but with an agenda to disturb, misdirect and discredit honest discourse. In the time of Watergate, this was called “ratf***ing”. This site is encumbered by such contributors, many of whom are quite apparent in the disingenuous and repetitive postings. They are trying to hinder honest discourse and they are neither Patriots or defenders of liberty. I hope any who have the means to, discourage such insidious writing; I like the idea of filing a complaint with the local bar for any person is an officer of the Court, such as suggested by Old Salt. But this will not discourage others we can routinely ignore, chide or request ‘en mass’ the moderator exclude.

  114. Carlyle | January 14, 2011 at 2:00 pm |

    This was recently published in a comment over at Mario Apuzzo’s blog. This paragraph itself may have been quoted from the Wall Street Journal. It is hard to tell.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Obama will not be successfully challenged and removed from office on his citizenship status. Such an action would allow international questioning of all official acts by his administration, including acts of US combat troops fighting the ongoing wars under an illegal Commander-In-Chief. (This explains the snuff out reaction of the Pentagon to Lakin’s challenge.)

    This raises again (I for one have raised it before). Are there some crimes TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE? And is Obama’s Fraud one of them? Are the outcomes of exposing him worse than not exposing him?

    Assuming Obama is Constitutionally ineligible to be POTUS, he was nonetheless lawfully elected President. Because no provision of any state or federal law, including the Constitution, requires Electors to elect only a President who meets the Article II, section 1 eligibility requirements. No law requires Congress to only Certify the Electors’ vote when their choice for President meets Constitutional eligibility. Nor is the CJ of the SCOTUS similarly required to refrain from swearing in to office, a man who is Constitutionally ineligible for the job.

    Again, assuming Obama is not a NBC, I am certain had people generally known, he is not Constitutionally eligible for the job, the D’s would not have installed him as their nominee, for this simple reason: people would not vote for (Electors for) an ineligible candidate. And they knew this. That’s why they advertised the lie, the mock-up COLB they posted on the advertising platform, FTS, really means ‘something.’ Not because Electors could not elect him – remember, no law says they cannot – but because you would not stand for that.

    Want to increase the likelihood Electors chosen by whichever party, only elect eligible candidates? Enact a law telling them they have to.

    DE-CODER RINGS (1 of 2) and (2 of 2)

  115. In response to Carlyle’s post @ 2:00 pm.

    Personally, I feel that you have hit the nail squarely on the head. In reading this blog the past few days, we have seen videos, read articles saying that EVERYBODY KNOWS that Obama is not eligible, but no one is willing to do anything about it. I believe the things you have stated are exactly the reason WHY.

    I hope that no one got sidetracked by the “mess” on this blog to not think about what you have said… was very well put ( much better than I can expres it) and cetainly a legitimate concern. Along with your earlier posts, it sort of hit me like a slap in the face, a wake up call…..I feel you are EXACTLY right!!!

    The time to have done this was when he first got into office ( or BEFORE)…and I am as ANGRY as can be that all of our attempts at that time were thwarted.

    Perhaps NOW, it really IS too late…too much damage will be done….and maybe it IS time that we ask ourselves….how far are we willing to take this, only for the chance to say….”See?, we were right!! I told you so!!”? Are we willing to have our troops be tried as war criminals? make them endure “Nuremberg style” trials and executions?..and we KNOW the Muslims would be calling for THAT…and SO Many other dangers, not just to our Country “from the inside” but from the outside too.

    My God, just THINK about the implications, it really IS so scary that I honestly feel, and appreciate Carlyle pointing out, that if we truly thought of all the implications of us being “proven right”, we would be in on the “cover-up” too.

    Perhaps it IS time we not worry about our indignation, and swallow our pride and think about anther solution….for the good of our Country that we love. The truth MAY come out one day, and we can say….”Dammit, we TRIED to tell you!!”..but, I am not sure that NOW is the time that we try to force that….

    The question that Carlyle asks..and I am also asking is…..does anyone have any thoughts on what we DO do at this point? Do we convince our Representatives that we are right and then encourage them to “blackmail” him out of running for a second term? Do we PUSH for legislation that makes candidates PROVE their eligiblity? Do we join the cause to get him impeached..for the many reason that we CAN impeach him?

    Just think, at THIS point, Obama really has us between a rock and a hard place….now, if we try to do something ELSE, he can threaten to expose that he is not eligible to be President anyway…..and cause all this backlash himself. That would probably help the domestic outcry, but would put us in grave danger from the rest of the World.

    Can we get some serious discussion on this without being called “Obots”?

  116. Sharon in VA | January 14, 2011 at 8:55 pm |


    Thank you for your wise and respectful response. If I knew the right answer, I would have published it rather than the questions.

    I get very depressed that we waste so much time on penny ante stuff and potential solutions that don’t or won’t work. I feel we are really and truly fiddling while Rome burns.

    We need to squarely tackle the BIG issues and BIG questions. The biggest and deepest is the one you highlighted – at this point, what is the most painless and responsible thing to do FOR AMERICA – not what to do to assuage our collective bruised egos.

    Barry Soetoro is certainly the worst president ever. He is almost certainly a fraud, and very likely an actual traitor. Even if we could, is giving him the correct traitor’s punishment the best thing for America? Or is that even the right question? One theory is to ALWAYS pursue RIGHT and let God take care of the consequences. Is that a wise and rational approach?

  117. Pingback: John Boehner blocks Obama investigation, Mike Zullo confirms, Boehner continues status quo disregard for US Constitution, Boehner used citizen and natural born citizen interchangeably | Citizen WElls

  118. Pingback: John Boehner Is the One BLOCKING Sheriff Arpaio’s Posse From Busting Obama | Kelli D Gordon III% Texas USA

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