Obama and Blagojevich ties to Rezko Chicago corruption, Why Justice Dept has been covering for Obama

Obama and Blagojevich ties to Rezko Chicago corruption, Why Justice Dept has been covering for Obama

“Why did the Illinois Senate Health & Human Services Committee, with Obama as chairman, create and push Bill 1332, “Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act,” early in 2003, which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, just prior to rigging by Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

Before I continue on with my case against the US Justice Department in their ongoing efforts to protect Obama, here is an article from the LA Times, April 7, 2008. American public, you were warned.

“Under cross-examination by Rezko attorney Joseph Duffy, star prosecution witness Stuart Levine, a Chicago-area lawyer, is admitting to conspiracy, extortion, bribery, fraud and other bad acts while he “served” at the Illinois public school teachers pension fund board.

At Duffy’s urging, Levine is detailing 30 years of drug usage including sordid day-long binges with other men at a Chicago inn called the Purple Hotel. Rezko’s attorney Duffy is wondering whether all that cocaine, crystal meth and other drug use has perhaps fogged Levine’s memory.

That aside, much of the trial’s focus is on money — much of it given in the form of campaign money in the careers of Obama and Blagojevich.

It’s an unfolding, seemingly local political story that’s fascinating in its revealing details about the subterranean world of business, financial and family connections in Illinois and Chicago politics that helped take a virtually unknown black Chicago attorney, nurtured him politically and financially and turned him into…. the polished candidate who today thrills crowds of thousands across the country with his eloquence.

Obama currently leads in delegates for the Democratic nomination for president.

This tale is long by Ticket standards. We’ll do this rarely. But for those interested in delving into details it provides important background about the early political connections of a little-known newcomer to the national political scene.

This story concerns two men, neither of whom face any legal charges today. They are two of Illinois’ top Democratic politicians — Gov. Blagojevich, who’s been mentioned often in court, and Sen. Obama, who’s received only passing mentions. They’re entwined in the Rezko saga, particularly through the bounteous campaign money he raised for them both.

Get used to that name. Rezko’s currently in a long-running Chicago trial on federal extortion and bribery charges. Few campaign donors were more responsible than Rezko for the rise of Blagojevich (Blah-goy-ah-vitch) and Obama. Both politicians came to rely on him for political and personal advice — and lots of campaign money.
Their intimate relationship is coming into focus through Rezko, a Syrian-born businessman who made his money in real estate and restaurant franchises and now sits daily in the federal courtroom of U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve. The trial’s daily events are covered in this Tribune Rezko court blog.

So far, Blagojevich, reelected in 2006, is more deeply enmeshed in the scandal than Obama, who’s not been implicated in any wrongdoing.

But all three operated in the murky world of Illinois Democratic politics, where money, family relationships and long business associations provide the invisible glue of the local political world.

Witnesses in Rezko’s trial have testified that Rezko recommended friends and associates for government jobs and posts on Illinois state boards when Blagojevich took office in 2003, and some of those friends were generous donors to Blagojevich.

An early trial exhibit from prosecutors was a spreadsheet. Prepared by an FBI agent , the spreadsheet identifies Rezko-related donors who supplied $1.43 million between 2001 and 2004 to Blagojevich, who was first elected governor in 2002.

Using Federal Election Commission and Illinois state records, The Times’ Dan Morain compared donors on the FBI spreadsheet to Obama’s contributors. Guess what.

Sen. Obama received $222,000 during the same 2001-2004 period from Rezko-related Blagojevich donors.

And Obama received at least another $32,000 from them for this presidential run — although Rezko, indicted in 2006, has not been involved in Obama’s current campaign.

Those Obama-Blagojevich donors include Rezko himself, along with his family members, employees and associates of his various business enterprises. There’s also the head of a major Chicago investment firm that received Illinois public teachers’ pension money to invest.

Jay Stewart, of the nonprofit government watchdog Better Government Assn. in Chicago, called the overlapping list of donors a “who’s who of the inner circle” of Democratic politics in the Land of Lincoln.

“Did they come from the same general political environment?” Stewart said of Blagojevich and Obama. “Yes. They’re Chicago pols. They both knew Tony Rezko. Tony Rezko raised money.”

In his presidential race, Obama increasingly has relied on small donations delivered via the Internet from more than a million individuals. But when he started in Illinois politics, Stewart noted, “if you wanted money, you needed to ask the big boys.”

Rezko was a big boy. He was, for instance, a link between Obama and Santa Monica developer Jay Wilton of Wilton Partners. On July 16, 2003, Wilton gave $5,000 to Obama’s first U.S. Senate run. A few days later, Wilton gave $50,000 to Blagojevich, Illinois state records show.
Unlike the federal system, Illinois state campaign finance law permits donors to give as much as they want to state candidates. So, in Illinois they do.”

Read more:


This commenter was paying attention.

“this TOP OF THE TICKET Special Report on Obama & Rezko & illinois gov blagojevich is a topnotch reportage. it’s an expose, in a great way, on obama’s hidden character.

how in Christ’s name was obama able to stand–for quite a time–a drug addict like rezko, and an opportunist of a poltician like blagojevich without batting an eyelash, or, worse, without experiencing any qualm of conscience?

the answer is very obvious: obama is a “user” himself who, in his machiavellian politics, will take in anybody, just anybody, who can help him (obama) advance his political career, and push his selfish agenda.

if obama “operated” this way in the “murky world of illinois politics,” as your writer put it, then what could you expect of him to be, what do you think he’s doing now in his bid to win the democratic presidential nomination?

what’s clear by now is that obama has pulled everybody’s legs so successfully that no one, not even the reputedly “perceptive” PRESS, has noticed it. it’s pretty obvious he’s been deadpanning his posture as a self-proclaimed “agent of change.”

given this damning expose by the LOS ANGELES TIMES TOP OF THE TICKET Section, IT BEHOOVES OBAMA TO RESIGN, IN A JIFFY, HIS SENATE POST & QUIT THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATING CONTEST NOW–IF ONLY FOR DELICADEZA (but really for more serious reasons). in like manner, it is incumbent upon blagojevich to resign as illinois gov.

the great american people deserve no less, even as they should demand of obama–who touts himself as a presidential candidate of impeccable character–the strictest code of conduct as a politician.

obama has been throughly vetted–and has been found wanting. it’s time for him (obama) to cut, and cut cleanly NOW!

Posted by: jennifer potenciano | April 07, 2008 at 07:52 AM”

246 responses to “Obama and Blagojevich ties to Rezko Chicago corruption, Why Justice Dept has been covering for Obama

  1. Good Morning. I just retweeted you post.

    I put the following post up at one of the military site I frequent:

    Well imagine this happening. Hmmmm – Let’s see – Many allege that Obama’s daddy was a Kenyan with British citizenship that passed to his child. Does Obama have dual citizenship? Did he renounce it? Seems like more support that Obama could have been born in Hawaii and still not be a Natural Born Citizen.

    From The American Thinker:

    February 28, 2011

    Dual citizenship could force Thai leader from office

    Phil Boehmke

    Late last week during a debate in Parliament, Thailand’s Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajjiva publically admitted his dual citizenship for the first time. The 46 year-old Thai/British citizen has been prime minister since December of 2008 (the youngest prime minister in nearly 60 years) after a political career that began with his election to Parliament at the youthful age of 27. Until last week Abhisit had successfully concealed his British citizenship. …

    …Under British law citizenship is granted to all persons born in the UK, Commonwealth or British colonies and is also conveyed to children born to British fathers in other countries. Unless specifically renounced British citizenship cannot be surrendered. Many countries including the United States consider a person holding dual citizenship to be ineligible to serve as commander in chief.…

    Now it seems academia is willing to shape their views and earlier writings to try and cover for Obama. The following analysis is provided at Leo Donofrio, Esq.

    THE SCRUBBING OF AMERICA: How Professor Lawrence Solum Disgraced Himself To Protect Obama’s Eligibility.

    In September of 2008, the Michigan Law Review published an article by Lawrence Solum, the John E. Cribbet Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, entitled, “Originalism and the Natural Born Citizen Clause”. The article focused upon the issue of whether John McCain was eligible to be President despite his birth in Panama. The article did not even mention Barack Obama. The direct citation is Michigan Law Review: First Impressions Vol. 107:22 2008.

    The opening paragraph of Solum’s article states:

    “What was the original public meaning of the phrase that establishes the eligibility for the office of President of the United States? There is general agreement on the core of its meaning. Anyone born on American soil whose parents are citizens of the United States is a ‘natural born citizen.’” (Emphasis added.)

    According to this reference, there is general agreement that the core meaning of the natural born citizen clause = born in the US to parents who are citizens. According to Solum back in September 08, anyone who doesn’t fit that description, like McCain, falls into a “twilight zone” of eligibility…..

  2. Eligibility Lawsuits have failed, even if SCOTUS grants a hearing, an eligibility lawsuit could not proceed quickly enough to remove bo by 2012. 25th Amendment efforts to remove bo have failed. The 2010 Elections have failed to remove bo. The only way left for We the Prople to legally remove bo now is by the 4th Branch of our Government the Grand Jury.

    Dr. Sam Sewell: “I think CGJ is the quickest, most effective, and most practical way to clean up government corruption. I have yet to see a viable argument against that premise.”

    Justice Antonin Scalia: “…In fact, the whole theory of its (the Grand Jury) function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people

    Justice Lewis Powell ruled:“ Such an (Grand Jury) investigation may be triggered by tips, rumors… or the personal knowledge of the grand jurors.”

    Justice William O. Douglas: “The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of the people.”

    Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

    Mark Levin: “The possibility of impeachment does not immunize the president from criminal prosecution. He remains, at all times, a citizen of the United States who is answerable to the law.”



  3. I’ll be back later.

  4. Contact Sam Rodriguez Sacramento,Calif Has influnce over 16 million Hispanic group upset about marriage law Obama ignoring law and acting like a dictator He was on Huckabee this weekend.

    He needs to know who Obama really is give him http://www.commieblaster.com
    He and his Hispanic people have been BAMBUZZLED,LIED TOO NEED TO KNOW WHO HE REALLY IS
    on t-v again today ,dictator ,sick of his fraud and face
    Neut says impeachable offence possibly CALL CONGRESS ON MARRIAGE LAW

  5. Gibbs and Obama fraud,on line fraudulent B.C.




  6. Finally someone who gets it.
    Birth right citizenship and BO eligibility issue go hand in hand.
    Pearce stated, “We’re not changing the 14th Amendment. We’re going to go back to its original intent. It … doesn’t take a constitutional amendment. It says right at the end of the 14th Amendment, Congress will regulate this amendment through legislation. All it takes is clarification.

    “Again, if you’re born to a legal resident, a legal citizen, then you have the right to that citizenship status that they have. It is just like if you are in the military and you are born overseas, you’re still an American citizen. They’re a citizen of the country where they came from, if they came here illegally.”

    For example, Pearce said, “If you’re visiting the United States, you’re from France … you’re visiting the United States and you’re pregnant. All of a sudden you have an early birth. Now all of a sudden you’re a citizen of the United States? You’re from France. You’re on a visa, you are just visiting.”

    He said, “They are citizens of the country of the legal residency and the citizenship of their parents.”

    Continue reading on Examiner.com: Sen. Russell Pearce to introduce 14th Amendment bill – Phoenix Crime | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-phoenix/sen-russell-pearce-to-introduce-14th-amendment-bill#ixzz1FGwPj1UP

  7. The straw that would break the camels back, candidate Andy Martin for President may just be going along for the ride on Obama’s coat-tails. “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” , may just lead Mr. Martin’s campaign to a sudden end in the New Hampshire primaries. http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/02/28/is-andy-martin-a-natural-born-citizen

  8. Ron Paul: Reject the Welfare-Warfare State!

  9. Truth Now | February 28, 2011 at 11:38 am |

    Gibbs and Obama fraud,on line fraudulent B.C.



    Thanks for the info.

  10. Thinking people reject Ron Paul.
    Trump was right.

  11. NEW VIDEO – “The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama”

  12. Bill Cutting | February 28, 2011 at 11:48 am |

    Thinking people reject Ron Paul.
    Trump was right.
    You thinking that doesn’t make it so and all the polls prove it!! That means you and Trump are wrong!

  13. WASHINGTON — Congressman Allen West (FL-22) released the following statement today on the passing of the last United States veteran who served in World War I:

    “With the passing of the last American veteran of World War I, we say goodbye to a generation of Americans who showed the world that the United States was the most powerful defender of freedom and liberty on the face of the earth. Frank Buckles embodied the spirit of a true American. He lied about his age so he could enlist in the Army at the age of 16. Like millions of Americans who came before him, and millions more who followed, Frank Buckles fought for his country at the hour of its greatest need for his generation. He is the epitome of the American citizen soldier.

    At this trying time in our nation’s history, we remember men like Frank Buckles – what they stood for, what they fought for, and what they lived for.”


  14. Free Speech | February 28, 2011 at 11:16 am |


    Odd that you would enumerate a list of “failures” then promote the greatest failure of them all. Remember? Over a year ago you said there were dozens or hundreds underway and that there was light at the end of the tunnel.

    Based on that statement alone, CGJ’s have been the most spectacular failures of all. Total FIZZLE.

    You are like a woodpecker chipping away at a 30′ thick cement wall. If you want to waste your own time doing this – by all means – go do that and leave us alone – and them come back when you have a success.

    In the meantime, quit trying to conscript suckers to join you and divert from other activities that at least may have a slim chance of working.

    Nothing breeds credibility like success. Nothing indicates incompetence or fraud more than failures.

  15. | February 28, 2011 at 11:53 am |
    Bill Cutting | February 28, 2011 at 11:48 am |

    Thinking people reject Ron Paul.
    Trump was right.
    You thinking that doesn’t make it so and all the polls prove it!! That means you and Trump are wrong!

    I’m thinking a President Ron Paul would be almost 78 years old on Jan 20th 2013 his first day in office. Reagan was Paul’s age when he left office.
    Common sense says RP is not electable, Trump (who is no conservative) just said what everyone already knows.

    Chances of old white guy RINO or RP type winning in 2012?

    You are entitled to your delusions, carry on.

  16. jacqlynsmith | February 28, 2011 at 11:53 am |


    Riddle me this:

    Why should we believe you or even listen to you when you have been so wrong before? You have a demonstrated penchant for latching on (like a rat terrier) to loony ideas – even in the face of incontrovertible evidence otherwise.

    It is a simple and obvious question. I hope you have an equally simple and rational answer. Otherwise please go away. PS – a “tongue lashing” does not qualify as a rational answer.

  17. Watch this vid in full screen, here’s the scoop on Ron Paul/supporters:

  18. The only Grand Juries that have failed miserably were the illegitimate Grand Juries illegally convened by AGJ/RAP.


    Why citizen grand juries haven’t worked up until now:

    In short, sloppy legal work and overeager but clumsy and misinformed patriots.

    There is a very important issue that isn’t being discussed. The obvious problem with AGJ is even if a presentment were accepted by a jurisdiction the first question a judge or prosecutor would ask would be; “How was this Grand Jury formed?” If the question were answered accurately one would need to reveal that a group of citizens with the desire to indict AKA Obama got together and indicted him. So the next question the judge would ask is, “So there was not a random selection of Grand Jury members to insure basic fairness and people found out that the purpose of the Grand Jury was to indict AKA Obama and that is why they volunteered to serve? Is that is how jury members were selected?”

    And we would be forced to say, “Yes Your Honor, that is how it was done.” And the judge would rightfully say, “I can’t order a trial on the recommendation of a Grand Jury convened in that manner.” And the jeering would begin.

    The citizen’s Grand Juries are impotent if the do not do jury member selection from a random source whose members do not know who it is they are being asked to investigate and indict.

  19. Cabby and Aussie:

    I/we left you a response downstairs. It may sound like despair, but on one hand “the truth is the truth” and “the truth will set you free”. On the other hand, you cannot win a “war” unless you “know thine enemy”. See comment above about woodpeckers. Flailing is not helping. Like sexual “self abuse” it may feel good but it doesn’t produce anything.

    We MUST find the weak spots and push there. There are also so few of “us” and so many of “them” that we MUST join forces with somebody. That will require us to reign in our egos and/or except a lesser result. But all of that is better than no result at all.

    Unless we start working smarter, we are on a trajectory to see Himself win the 2012 election as well.

    We need to quit wasting blog space here and intellectual energy on failed and ineffective ideas. We need to use this forum to start brainstorming actual workable ideas.

    Finally, in defense of despair, the little optimistic birdies chirping here are lulling you into complacency. Oh, we are almost there! Another failure! The light at the end of the tunnel! Poll numbers plunge, it can’t be long now! The fact of the matter is that we are a long LONG ways from relief. We need more thinking and smarter action plans. What we are doing now, nor any suggestions currently on the table, will get us there.

    If anybody actually spent anytime to “know thine enemy” it would be obvious. Unless you can look your enemy right in the eye and say: We know exactly who you are, we know who controls you, we understand your agenda, we perceive what keeps you in power, your source of strength — unless you can do these things, you are just pizzing in the wind.

    You all also need to develop a way to objectively look outside in. You need to be aware of your own image, and like a “brand” understand that perception is everything, credibility is king. Do you know how most of us despise Truthers? Well, that is how the outside world looks at Birthers. Lunatics and sore losers. We need an image consultant. A marketing arm. A communications director.

    We look like we are playing children’s games in an adult world. IT IS TIME FOR SOME SERIOUS INTROSPECTION, serious regrouping, and serious adjustments.

    Are any of you up for that? Or do you prefer “self abuse” and “pecking”.

    The Collective

  20. Free Speech | February 28, 2011 at 12:54 pm |


    As usual, a misdirection and an evasion. We are not talking about THOSE grand juries. Your point is well taken and correct. We want to talk about the dozens or even hundreds that you used to advertise as “being underway all over the country” – in fact you stated this just again recently.

    Either you are a liar or ALL HAVE FIZZLED. Further, there is NO EVIDENCE of ANY underway anywhere right now. So again are you delusional or an active disinformation agent?

  21. The political long shot for 2012 – Herman Cain – is already a winner:


  22. Dual citizenship could force Thai leader from office

    Phil Boehmke
    Looks like the American Thinker article left out a few deatails.

    Here is the key part

    [But his political opponents have jumped on the admission and claimed that as a British citizen, he can be sued in international court over alleged abuses during his administration’s crackdown on anti-government protests last year.]

    Thus British Subject BO could also be prosecuted in International court for whatever crimes they dream up, whenever they want.

    The US state department needs to offer an opinion on this matter, BO needs to renounce all foreign allegiance immediately.
    Political opponents have claimed Thailand’s prime minister could lose his job… because of his British citizenship.
    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajjiva today publicly acknowledged his dual nationality for the first time during a debate in Parliament.
    Mr Abhisit, 46, automatically holds British citizenship because he was born in Newcastle, to parents from a well-off Bangkok family.
    He would have to specifically renounce it to lose British citizenship.
    But his political opponents have jumped on the admission and claimed that as a British citizen, he can be sued in international court over alleged abuses during his administration’s crackdown on anti-government protests last year.
    Red Shirt protesters torched government buildings during violent clashes with the Thai army in May last year, with scores of people killed.
    Opponents have continuously ridiculed Mr Abhisit for his upper-class Oxford University education and typically refer to him in speeches by his English name, Mark.
    He attended Eton College and gained a first class degree from St John’s College, Oxford.
    He was elected into Parliament at the age of 27, and became Democrat Party leader in 2005. He was endorsed as Prime Minister in December 2008 after a vote by Parliament – the youngest in nearly 60 years

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1360246/Thai-Prime-Minister-Abhisit-Vejajjiva-lose-job-hes-British.html#ixzz1FHIDRkT4

  23. More STUPIDITY from obot FOS AKA carlyle

    FOS Alert | February 28, 2011 at 12:35 pm |

    “Especially if anybody touches so much as a hair on the Obamessiah’s head. The entire country is a powderkeg just waiting for this “match”… “birthers” are DANGEROUS. Not just mistaken or ill-advised – but a MAJOR NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.”

  24. “Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama’s eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach”

    Professor Rice:

    “… If it turns out that Obama knew he was ineligible when he campaigned and when he took the oath as President, it could be the biggest political fraud in the history of the world. As long as Obama refuses to disclose the records, speculation will grow and grow without any necessary relation to the truth. The first step toward resolving the issue is full discovery and disclosure of the facts.”


  25. Like bo, al capone was guilty of myriad felonies which could have gotten his the Death Sentence, but in the end, capone died in prison as a result of a conviction for income tax invasion because that was the easiest charge to prove. Likewise the easiest charge to prove against bo is FRAUD because we have video proof of Gibbs admitting GUILT.

    Gibbs admits again to posting bo’s forged COLB on the internet. BO committed fraud when he had Gibbs post his forged COLB on the internet and falsely alleged that his Long Form BC was on file in Hawaii. BO should be immediately indicted for fraud.

    Since Gibbs and bo committed FRAUD on the World Wide Web when they posted bo’s FORGED COLB on the internet. bo can be indicted for FRAUD in every County of every State in the USA.

  26. GORDO | February 28, 2011 at 1:21 pm | “Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama’s eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach”

    Professor Rice:

    “… If it turns out that Obama knew he was ineligible when he campaigned and when he took the oath as President, it could be the biggest political fraud in the history of the world. As long as Obama refuses to disclose the records, speculation will grow and grow without any necessary relation to the truth. The first step toward resolving the issue is full discovery and disclosure of the facts.”


    Thanks Gordo. The best and quickest way to get discovery of bo’s records is by Grand Jury Indictment.

    BO committed fraud when he had his forged COLB posted on the internet and falsely alleged that his Long Form BC was on file in Hawaii. BO should be immediately indicted for fraud.



  27. Free Speech….Did you see this?

    Ginger | February 28, 2011 at 12:31 pm | WASHINGTON — Congressman Allen West (FL-22) released the following statement today on the passing of the last United States veteran who served in World War I:

    “With the passing of the last American veteran of World War I, we say goodbye to a generation of Americans who showed the world that the United States was the most powerful defender of freedom and liberty on the face of the earth. Frank Buckles embodied the spirit of a true American. He lied about his age so he could enlist in the Army at the age of 16. Like millions of Americans who came before him, and millions more who followed, Frank Buckles fought for his country at the hour of its greatest need for his generation. He is the epitome of the American citizen soldier.

    At this trying time in our nation’s history, we remember men like Frank Buckles – what they stood for, what they fought for, and what they lived for.”

  28. Free Speech | February 28, 2011 at 1:15 pm |


    Oh, WE LOVE IT! Back to the scoundrel’s tactic of misquoting. Further, you left out the pertinent punchline:

    It is pretty glib and ill-informed to say “oh, pshaw, that will never happen, fears overblown”.

    It would seem to us that purposeful misquoting, twisting, and therefore lying would get one banned from this blog. People have been banned for less. At a minimum, one would hope to see a “naughty boy, don’t do that” from the blog owner. Unless of course FS is a sacred cow, as has been claimed before, in which case FS will be allowed to continue to trample over everybody unchastened.

  29. PS – for the curious – – –

    The persona “FOS Alert” was chosen for the express purpose of pointing out these sorts of “Freedom Of Speech” outrages, taken a bit too far.

    True “Freedom Of Speech” requires a certain level of responsibility on the part of the speechers. Often that is sadly lacking.

  30. Ginger | February 28, 2011 at 1:27 pm |

    Free Speech….Did you see this?
    We all need to be “American citizen soldiers” in the fight against the Tyranny in America today.



  31. More STUPIDITY from obot FOS AKA carlyle

    FOS Alert | February 28, 2011 at 12:35 pm |

    “Especially if anybody touches so much as a hair on the Obamessiah’s head. The entire country is a powderkeg just waiting for this “match”… “birthers” are DANGEROUS. Not just mistaken or ill-advised – but a MAJOR NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.”

    Here’s FOS AKA carlyle’s entire STUPID comment


  32. Prima Facie Proof that bo and Gibbs committed FRAUD

  33. BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 12:45 pm |

    | February 28, 2011 at 11:53 am |
    Bill Cutting | February 28, 2011 at 11:48 am |

    Thinking people reject Ron Paul.
    Trump was right.
    You thinking that doesn’t make it so and all the polls prove it!! That means you and Trump are wrong!

    I’m thinking a President Ron Paul would be almost 78 years old on Jan 20th 2013 his first day in office. Reagan was Paul’s age when he left office.
    Common sense says RP is not electable, Trump (who is no conservative) just said what everyone already knows.

    Chances of old white guy RINO or RP type winning in 2012?

    You are entitled to your delusions, carry on.

    I’m delusional….more like YOU are…..look at the polls……Again…..you and Trump thinking he isn’t electable doesn’t make it so……he is most likely in better health than many and would not be afraid to produce his medical records like someone else we know……he is after all a physician……he would run circles around most…..including the FRAUD. BO is a smoker and and druggie……Paul doesn’t do that stuff…..he is a very vibrant 70 year old….What is most important is his vision to reign in the FEDs and get out of the wars……his message is vibrating across this country and across Party lines…….he will be backed by the Tea Party and the young people……and don’t forget the Tea Party is made up of all parties……not just the RINO’s…….Paul’s time has come……it is a PERFECT STORM for him to get the nod to run…..especially if they try to put these RINO’s up against him…many people are awake now to the two headed snake and the consequences of putting another RINO in the White House!

    My concern is whether we even have fair elections anymore…..I don’t trust the voting machines…..that’s why Dirty Harry is still running the Senate……much corruption surrounding his re-election and the machines at various polling places were not working properly!

  34. http://bigpeace.com/pschweizer/2011/02/28/report-saudi-king-to-buy-facebook-to-end-the-revolt/

    Is the a Facebook site for Eligibility; apparently the ones set up for Egypt and Libya are credited with catalyzing the revolt.

  35. Is THERE a, sorry

  36. FOS Alert | February 28, 2011 at 12:46 pm |

    jacqlynsmith | February 28, 2011 at 11:53 am |


    Riddle me this:

    Why should we believe you or even listen to you when you have been so wrong before? You have a demonstrated penchant for latching on (like a rat terrier) to loony ideas – even in the face of incontrovertible evidence otherwise.

    It is a simple and obvious question. I hope you have an equally simple and rational answer. Otherwise please go away. PS – a “tongue lashing” does not qualify as a rational answer.

    The answer is…..don’t listen to me…..LISTEN TO RON PAUL…..pretty simple if you want your Constitution back….end the Fed…..get out of the wars…..and elect someone who doesn’t play games and means what he says……..or is all this complaining about the current system by you and many here just rhetoric!

    Video: Ron Paul’s Speech at Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit; Paul Wins Straw Poll Drawing Most Votes Overall
    Submitted by Michael Nystrom on Fri, 02/25/2011 – 08:32

    * Ron Paul 2012

    Update from Washington Post:

    PHOENIX — Tea party supporters voting in a straw poll at a national summit favor conservative Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia radio host Herman Cain for president in 2012.

    Full Story at The Washington Post

    Ron Paul won the online poll with 49% of the vote, and had the most votes overall of any of the candidates. He placed third in the in-house poll: Herman Cain, 22%, Tim Pawlenty, 16%, Ron Paul 15%.

    Thanks to DPer j for the video find of Ron Paul’s speech.

    Part I

    Part II below:

  37. Death to all Traitors !!! The end.

  38. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 12:52 pm |

    Watch this vid in full screen, here’s the scoop on Ron Paul/supporters:

    indyMUCK…..the propaganda against Paul is not going to work this time…..true and caring Patriots are on to you RINO shills……real Americans want their country back…..they don’t just talk about it and they for sure KNOW better than to believe folks like you who are trying to smear the good DOCTOR and his supporters! Alinsky tactics are DOA!!

  39. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 1:14 pm |

    The political long shot for 2012 – Herman Cain – is already a winner:

    NOW here’s the TRUTH…….The total of all the polls…in house and on line were won by RON PAUL so this is more half-truths and lies from you indyMUCK…..I do like Cain though and if he were to get the nomination I would certainly support him for PREZ but my hope is to get the real TEA PARTY PATRIOT nominated and that can only be RP! Cain would make an excellent VP though as long as Paul was in charge and could move his agenda forward!

  40. I know this is an old video, but wasn’t sure whether it’s been posted in here before or not. I thought it was interesting…especially when those in Obama’s own party didn’t seem to buy into his lies, either. (Toni Preckwinkle, Don Rose and it was great when John Kass describes Rezko’s purchase of the space next to Obama’s house as paying full price for shrubbery!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaCSplH3dEs

  41. [he is a very vibrant 70 year old]
    Uh , JS.
    If he was a vibrant 70 year old at swear in time Jan 20th 2013 he would have to have been born in 1943.
    RP was born in 1935

    Here’s how lefty would play an RP (R) candidacy.

    1. He is senile
    2. He has Alzheimers
    3. He will die in office, you are only voting for his running mate.
    4. Another Old White guy to lose for the Republicans, they must not really want the Presidency.
    on and on and on

    Please stop with this nonsense.

  42. Here’s FOS … entire STUPID comment



    Thank you. See, that is quite different than what you implied in the misquote. You may continue to play on a different playground, but some of us want to take “the game” to the real playground on which the match is being played. i.e. actually interact with the elites and power brokers on their own turf. Playing on a secondary field or a side field and thinking we are somehow influencing the “real game” is preposterous.

    You cannot win if you do not know your enemy. You cannot counter their misconceptions or interpretations unless you honestly face what they are.

  43. Professor Charles E. Rice on Obama’s ‘eligibility’
    “…the citizens whom the media and political pundits dismiss as “birthers” have raised legitimate questions.”

    Exactly. Whether Obama is or is not eligible for the Office of the Presidency based on natural born citizen status is a valid legal question and not a conspiracy theory . An issue as to whether someone is constitutionally qualified to be President according to the requirements specified in the Constitution deserves due process and due diligence.


    From: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=19315

    February 27th, 2011 @ 2:13 pm

    Is Barack Obama planning to bring 50 – 100 million MUSLIM refugees into America?

    According to Arabic language broadcasts, “The Muslim world is saying that President Obama wants amnesty for the current Hispanic 12 million illegal immigrants in the US in order to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegals from the Middle East to the United States, leading to 50 to 100 million Muslims living in the US. before the end of Obama’s second term.

    “Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi/Muslim ‘Plant’ in the White House?” The answer is obvious. The video claims that “for years before” the 2008 election, Lipkin’s wife, who worked for the Israeli government monitoring Arabic radio broadcasts, picked up broadcasts of Saudis saying, “We will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008.”

    Special Guests – While the world fixates on the Middle East upheaval, there is a quiet undertow building toward likely impending mass protests and terrorism in the United States; according to author/translator in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Avi Lipkin, who has been reporting on Islamic population and terrorist concentrations in Latin America and Canada now for about twenty years, wrote about it extensively in his first book, “Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat?” (published in 1998).

    Avi Lipkin has a source with a senior United Nations official that the U.S. will be a Muslim country by the end of Obama’s second term. It is now easy to see how that can happen, and quickly, since the economies of Egypt and other Mid East nations will likely fall apart under impending rigid Islamic rule with the new regimes. Lipkin outlines Obama’s three prong plan in the Middle East:

    1) Obama fomenting unrest in each Middle Eastern country so that each regime can be taken over by fanatic Muslim Brotherhood Sunni Regime in order to use them as proxies to overthrow the competing Shiite regime in Iran without involving American troops.
    2) As a result of the takeover of the regimes in the Middle East there will be a massive exodus of Sunni Muslims and Christians from Egypt to America and to Europe in order to bring about Muslim majorities in European countries, U.S., Canada and Latin America.
    3) The Muslim Brotherhood nations will then march on Israel in an effort to destroy it and thus Obama keeps his promise to show the Muslim world what he’s going to do to destroy Israel”.


  45. This is interesting:

    States Pursue New Tactic to Restrain Federal Debt

    Louisiana one of 10 states with leaders seeking Jeffersonian, anti-debt amendment

    NEW ORLEANS, La. – Americans fed up with expanding federal debt, officially at $14 trillion, are seeking to revive a Jeffersonian wish and address it without begging to congress.

    The National Debt Relief Amendment, with two legislative sponsors in Louisiana, is rapidly advancing towards being the first state-initiated constitutional amendment since ratification. The NDRA, promoted by RestoringFreedom.org, reads:

    “An increase in the federal debt requires approval from a majority of the legislatures of the separate States.”


  46. Here’s how Ron Paul obots manufacture poll results.

    form a comment by XXXXX
    [Ron will be speaking at the TEA Party Patriots rally on Saturday at 2:00 pm MT. There will be a straw poll, and a ton of fanfare regarding the results.
    Folks around the country can watch the whole event, including Ron’s speech, online for $10 through this link , and online participants will be allowed to vote in the Straw Poll. Romney’s people are making a big push, so it is important we do our best.
    We should have plenty of people on the ground (but if you are nearby, please show up), we have a chance to win this, but it’s imperative we win the online straw poll!]

  47. BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 2:45 pm |

    [he is a very vibrant 70 year old]
    Uh , JS.
    If he was a vibrant 70 year old at swear in time Jan 20th 2013 he would have to have been born in 1943.
    RP was born in 1935

    Here’s how lefty would play an RP (R) candidacy.

    1. He is senile
    2. He has Alzheimers
    3. He will die in office, you are only voting for his running mate.
    4. Another Old White guy to lose for the Republicans, they must not really want the Presidency.
    on and on and on

    Please stop with this nonsense.

    Spoken like the true RINO you appear to be! This election will be about who we can TRUST…..and Paul will clearly be the front runner there as he pulls NO punches and allows the TRUTH to unfold….something the RINO’s don’t do!

  48. Emanuel Administration Already Embroiled In Scandal

    President Obama’s former chief of staff hasn’t even been sworn in as Chicago mayor and already his administration has been tainted by a major scandal involving the illegal use of public resources to conduct political business.

    The co-chair of mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel’s campaign, also a top member of his transition team, quit abruptly after the local media revealed that she engaged in “prohibited political activity” as a high-level state employee to help none other than Obama get elected in 2008.

  49. Walker gives 24-hour deadline to fleebaggers

  50. BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 3:05 pm |

    Here’s how Ron Paul obots manufacture poll results.

    form a comment by XXXXX
    [Ron will be speaking at the TEA Party Patriots rally on Saturday at 2:00 pm MT. There will be a straw poll, and a ton of fanfare regarding the results.
    Folks around the country can watch the whole event, including Ron’s speech, online for $10 through this link , and online participants will be allowed to vote in the Straw Poll. Romney’s people are making a big push, so it is important we do our best.
    We should have plenty of people on the ground (but if you are nearby, please show up), we have a chance to win this, but it’s imperative we win the online straw poll!]

    All it proves is that Romeny Rino’s people did not make their push and Paul is clearly the leading contender in the Tea Party straw poll conducted both in house and on line…..Alinsky tactics DOA!

    Ron Paul 2012…vote for PAUL if you don’t want your country to FALL!

  51. “This is the way the US Dept. of Justice works. It uses the media to slander the victim.”

    Judge Howard Riddle, the bane of Julian Assange’s existence for the past three months, has granted Sweden’s extradition request. The WikiLeaks founder has already repealed the ruling, but his worst fears have been cemented: the rape charges are going to follow him for the rest of his life, perhaps even after years of repeals. Former Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts says there is a concerted effort to shut Assange up. If the legal attempt fails, he’ll be assassinated by a CIA assassination team.

  52. A We the People’s Protest Whose Time Has Come

    Obama Researcher says:
    Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 12:19 AM

    We have to have a way to form local Citizen Grand Juries. The 5th Ammendment gives us the right to Citizen Grand Juries. The purpose was that we are the 4th part of the government and we are totally independent of the other 3 parts. They have no right to stop us. But we need help on this getting organized. The courts do not want us to do this. But the courts admit we have the Constitutional right to do it.



  53. WOW…..Alex Jones on the View today……WTH! LOL:)


  54. David Duke’s a big ron paul supporter. Other white supremacists are also big rp fans, giving money and support. You know what they say, birds of a feather and all…..Here’s a walk down memory lane (’08) and you’ll understand just how much attraction those old rp newsletters have for a nazi like duke.


  55. bo is losing in the polls on every issue now. Only people who still support him are musbros, union criminals and perverts.


    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 33% of Likely U.S. Voters would rather have Congress avoid a government shutdown by authorizing spending at the same levels as last year. Fifty-eight percent (58%) says it’s better to have a partial shutdown until Democrats and Republicans can agree on what spending to cut. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    The partisan differences are striking. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Democrats prefer avoiding a shutdown by going with current spending levels. But 80% of Republicans — and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party — think a shutdown is a better option until the two sides can agree on spending cuts.

  56. CW – Another smoldering Chicago “Thuggery” story.

    “Questions arise in 2004 death involving Daley nephew”


  57. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 3:29 pm |

    David Duke’s a big ron paul supporter. Other white supremacists are also big rp fans, giving money and support. You know what they say, birds of a feather and all…..Here’s a walk down memory lane (’08) and you’ll understand just how much attraction those old rp newsletters have for a nazi like duke.

    Alinsky tactics….DOA….you just don’t get it do you indyMUCK….real Patriots are awake and not buying into the propaganda and smears……how is it Paul’s fault if these people want to support him……they are much smarter than you it appears….ALL people should want to support this great and honest man! THE TRUTH…..YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

    Is Ron Paul Really An Anti-Semite or the only one with the balls to tell us the truth!?


    Ron Paul 2012……vote for PAUL if you don’t want your country to FALL!

  58. Keep it up FOS!
    I feel like you stand up for me and many others that are SO very tired of FS, JS, and BS. I’m so tired of “OBOT”, “GO EGYPT ON BO”, “RON PAUL 2012”, “indyMUCK”, etc., I could scream!
    They might consider expanding their mind as well as their vocabulary.

  59. Obama Researcher also posted today at postemail.com re: Andy Martin campaign for President.
    Shall we discuss this approach? Are the chances of success 50-50 or better?
    I believe they might be.
    Opinions please!!

    Obama Researcher also says:
    Monday, February 28, 2011 at 2:42 PM
    Here is what to do. Take Andy Martin to court. He will not raise objections. You will get discovery. The court will be forced to make a decision on Martin. The decision will put Obama into a corner.

    Martin will never answer your question until Obama answers the same questions. So get smart. Take Martin to court.

    We have tried to take Obama to court but without any luck. We will have perfect luck against Andy Martin.

    I love this. It is so simple. OMG. This is the Answer to our problem.

    Everyone knows Obama’s father is not a citizen. Now Martin’s Father was not a citizen. This is the perfect case to get the courts to finally make the judgment.

    This will be an easy case. It will go fast. This is the ONLY or at least a great way to solve our problem.

    There will be no objections to standing, etc. It is great. What a genius I am. haha.

    Case closed.

  60. Banned Ron Paul video

  61. OOOPS….where did the video go….I will try again…..this is from the last election cycle but it is a great response from a great Patriot…..

    Banned Ron Paul video

  62. SueQ | February 28, 2011 at 3:58 pm |

    Keep it up FOS!
    I feel like you stand up for me and many others that are SO very tired of FS, JS, and BS. I’m so tired of “OBOT”, “GO EGYPT ON BO”, “RON PAUL 2012″, “indyMUCK”, etc., I could scream!
    They might consider expanding their mind as well as their vocabulary.

    No one forces you to come here so try expanding your blogging!

  63. Interesting News from Thailand. They are working on ousting their Prime Minister because it was found out last week that he holds “Dual-Citizenship” Seems he was born in Thailand to parents from a British Colony thus making him Thai and British.


    Dual citizenship could force Thai leader from office
    Phil Boehmke

    Late last week during a debate in Parliament, Thailand’s Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajjiva publically admitted his dual citizenship for the first time. The 46 year-old Thai/British citizen has been prime minister since December of 2008 (the youngest prime minister in nearly 60 years) after a political career that began with his election to Parliament at the youthful age of 27. Until last week Abhisit had successfully concealed his British citizenship.

    According to the UK Daily Mail:

    Mr. Abhisit, 46, automatically holds British citizenship because he was born in Newcastle, to parents from a well-off Bangkok family.

    He would have to specifically renounce it to lose British citizenship.

    But his political opponents have jumped on the admission and claimed that as a British citizen, he can be sued in international court over alleged abuses during his administration’s crackdown on anti-government protests last year.

    Under British law citizenship is granted to all persons born in the UK, Commonwealth or British colonies and is also conveyed to children born to British fathers in other countries. Unless specifically renounced British citizenship cannot be surrendered. Many countries including the United States consider a person holding dual citizenship to be ineligible to serve as commander in chief.

    Once a rising star in Thailand’s Democrat Party, Abhisit’s popularity has waned since becoming prime minister. Many Thais now openly ridicule Abhisit and refer to him by his English name, Mark. The foreign educated prime minister is seen as an elitist who is out of step with the average citizen and since the bloody clashes between protesters and the army last May his regime has been viewed as dangerous and oppressive by a growing number of Thai citizens.

    During his meteoric rise to power the vibrant young leader was able to avoid any proper vetting regarding his background, a matter for regret among the people today.

    February 28, 2011

  64. JS, I will just try to ignore the static on this AM station. Maybe the reception will improve during the summer months.

  65. NBC Vic Hern | February 28, 2011 at 3:58 pm |

    Obama Researcher also posted today at postemail.com re: Andy Martin campaign for President.

    Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

    I’m lovin this.

  66. SueQ | February 28, 2011 at 4:11 pm |

    JS, I will just try to ignore the static on this AM station. Maybe the reception will improve during the summer months.

    Whatever turns you on SusieQ but most of the static comes from you whiners when you don’t get your way! BOOHOO 😦

  67. jacqlynsmith | February 28, 2011 at 2:24 pm |

    FOS Alert | February 28, 2011 at 12:46 pm |

    The answer is…..don’t listen to me…..LISTEN TO RON PAUL…..pretty simple if you want your Constitution back….end the Fed…..get out of the wars…..and elect someone who doesn’t play games and means what he says……..or is all this complaining about the current system by you and many here just rhetoric!


    As usual and with some others here you obfuscate and miss the point. We like a lot of Paul’s ideology and even some of his strategy or tactics are badly needed. And yes I will listen to RP, not you, to get his own self-proclamations.

    But our major complaint is different. Most of the discussion here are about his electability – or more precisely the lack thereof. We are tired of your rants on THIS particular aspect. We are tired or you ATTACKING people who have a concern in this regard. I don’t think there are more than a dozen sane people in the world who think he is electable. Assuming you are sane, that leaves you and about 11 other people you may hang out with.

    It is disingenuous and juvenile of you to ATTACK people for having very respectable and credible opinions. You may or not agree, but you have to be civil.

    To paraphrase William F. Buckley – regardless of your ideology you have to be electable to be in the game. You and everybody else here need to grasp that you will not get your “favorite” into the whitehouse. Not only do we not all agree, but the general tone and orientation here is far to the right of what is electable.

    It is OK to discuss these extreme ideologies – especially when they are “right” but we need a seasoning of “practicality” and “electability”. For instance, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of Federal agencies and common practices that are UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. In a “practical” sense, it would be national suicide to get rid of them all at once. Even if we all agree, there needs to be a transition plan. Further no one is going to get elected who proposes wacko or impossible things.

    So – go support RP if you want to, but quit coming here and trying to recruit people who would otherwise be available to put their shoulders behind an actual electable candidate. In the end RP is a spoiler. Any vote for or support for him is a vote taken away from whoever “our” candidate will ultimately be. We will need all the votes we can get. Please quit trying to skim off some of them.

  68. NBC Vic Hern | February 28, 2011 at 3:58 pm |

    Shall we discuss this approach?
    Opinions please!!


    Yes, this is something new and something that might work. AM would make a lousy president (for many reasons) and I am very much at odds with his anti-semitism.

    But we all need to do whatever we can to help him be a serious candidate – at least for a critical time period. As a legitimate candidate he is in a position to demand a lot of things, to ask a lot of things, to have a bully pulpit, and to generally cause political mayhem.

    And he is fearless.

    GO ANDY!

  69. In truth,Miss Gibbs was largely the primary perpetrator in the forged Certification of Live Birth, which was posted on Fight the Smears. I personally believe that it was he who actually carried out MOST of the actual COPY work. Rationale behind this notion suggests this because the fewer people involved the easier it is to keep it from being exposed(Verbally) .Sadly he failed to realise that there ARE people out there who DO POSSESS the ability to TECHNICALLY show his little phoney creation for what it really is……the work of a HORSE’S ASS. It was seen through in RECORD TIME, and anybody having even the slightest understanding of copying logic,and software would have been able to see through it as well. I congratulate those who risked a lot to technically ,layer by layer, show the alleged Certification of Live Birth for the phoney that it was, and post their findings. I personally thank,and support these people.

  70. Free Speech | February 28, 2011 at 3:23 pm |

    We have to have a way to form local Citizen Grand Juries. The 5th Ammendment gives us the right to Citizen Grand Juries.

    Yeah, sure. How can you argue with that. It is just one of dozens or hundreds of major “constitutional” problems with our Federal Government that needs to get fixed. But it won’t get fixed anytime soon. We need to prioritize all the constitutional problems and fix them according to some grand plan and with an eye to practicality and seamless transition.

    Free Speech | February 28, 2011 at 3:36 pm |

    bo is losing in the polls on every issue now. Only people who still support him are musbros, union criminals and perverts.

    Yea, more infantile optimism. Uh, maybe not so much optimistic. Look carefully, the list above is probably enough people to get him re-elected!

  71. Demand that your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman indict and prosecute BO and his local co-conspirators for these crimes:

    1. Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime

    2. Birth Document Forgeries

    3. TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches

    4. Election Fraud & Voter Fraud

    5. Identity Theft

    6. Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions

    7. Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists

    8. Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico

    9. Theft of Private Property (Chrysler, GM, Pension and Retirement Accounts etc.)

    10. Embezzlement of Government funds distributed to Foreign entities.

    11. WikiLeaks and other Leaks of US Secrets by the BO regime to our enemies.

    If the politicians refuse to take action then form a Grand Jury:



    Indictment Forms


    Click to access nc000205.pdf

  72. This is a real candidate and patriot. Larry O’Donnell didn’t have a chance.

  73. More excerpts of comments from thepostemail.com site
    Re: Andy Martin for President
    Harry H says:
    Monday, February 28, 2011 at 3:44 PM
    Obama Researcher says the way out of this mess is to sue Andy Martin as a proxy for Obama. That’s fine, but it may take a long time to produce the desired resolution. There is a better, easier, faster, more direct way: congressional hearings.
    Reply ch says:
    Monday, February 28, 2011 at 3:26 PM
    He has also positioned himself as a candidate, who will have automatic standing to challenge any other candidate in court. If he is challenged by anybody as illegal, he will prove his point and have legal status set, and also be able to challenge Obama. This is quite a chess game.

    So I present for your attention and discussion.
    Do we urge our side, attorneys Apuzzo, D’Onfrio, Taitz et al to pursue
    Martin, or do we allow Martin to play out his chess match to checkmate?
    I am not sure which is the better, faster course for resolution.
    Can we convince a reluctant House of Representatives to open hearings?
    What say you all?

  74. when i think of andy martin and court in the same sentence i think of this:

    gotta love that judge!

  75. FLOSS Alert says……..

    So – go support RP if you want to, but quit coming here and trying to recruit people who would otherwise be available to put their shoulders behind an actual electable candidate. In the end RP is a spoiler. Any vote for or support for him is a vote taken away from whoever “our” candidate will ultimately be. We will need all the votes we can get. Please quit trying to skim off some of them.

    NO….you miss the point……it is only in your delusions that RP is unelectable…..only RINO’s and LIEberals believe that……which are you???

    Also……IMO you need to take some of your own advice……there are other blogs if you are not happy here……I don’t tell you not to ATTACK others and you do it on a regular basis if they don’t buy into your nonsense…….just like you just did to me…….Y-O-U thinking RP isn’t electable doesn’t mean a thing……people who know what is really going on are not buying into your RINO/LIEberal nonsense and your smear campaign of a great man……I was on this blog long before you came here and seeing as you are not in control of this place it would be in your best interest to take some of your own advice and go elsewhere….or get used to hearing the truth and what the Good Doctor’s vision is!

    BTW……CW is not a RINO supporter either……where you get off smearing others who truly care about what happens to this country is beyond me…….maybe FS is right about you being an OBOT……one thing for sure….you are on the WHINERS list!!! All this complaining and whining about what others post and say is totally unproductive in moving the message forward that “we the people” are taking our country back! If you aren’t part of the solution…..then you are a part of the problem….that’s how I see your small mind…what little there is to see!


    From: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=19320#comments

    February 26th, 2011 @ 7:25 am

    Perhaps it is that Obama does not see himself as a “Constitutionally legitimate president” but, rather, as someone who has used the system to gain power to Topple it.

    Strangely, Al Qaeda said, after 9/11, that it would “decapitate” our government “from the top” in a way that we would not understand until it was too late.

    Could THIS be what they meant?

    Heaven preserve us!”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  77. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 5:37 pm |

    when i think of andy martin and court in the same sentence i think of this:

    gotta love that judge!

    You would take up for a traitorous judge……more proof you are a hypocrite….everyone knows by now how corrupt the judicial system is and the infestation of these evil judges! You just displayed your true colors!

  78. Each day I pray that we will soon find a person,or persons who possess the necessary GRAY MATTER, that will allow him/her/them to know exactly where, when and how to attack the fortress of our common enemy who illegally occupies the WH, which will cause the complete successive collapse of his entire domain. Once he and his cohorts are flushed out into the daylight, and are so damned frightened that they can NO LONGER think rationally, then WE THE PEOPLE can MOVE IN and clean up the garbage. We need to find such a person,or persons VERY SOON, who can lead in complete honesty,and in accordance with the US Constitution. I am personally tired of the people who constantly TWIST,and otherwise attempt to pervert the US Constitution, and make it mean something that it never meant to begin with.If America is to be saved from EXTINCTION we need to GET IT ON!

  79. JS
    Spoken like the true RINO you appear to be! This election will be about who we can TRUST…..and Paul will clearly be the front runner there as he pulls NO punches and allows the TRUTH to unfold….something the RINO’s don’t do!
    Go ahead and throw in with a loser, your call.
    78 years old in office on day 1.
    Maybe he can get the “depends” vote in the primary. If he even runs.

  80. jacqlynsmith –
    You said earlier in the day that Trump is no conservative. I was just wondering why you would say that. I heard him say on Laura Ingraham’s show that he is pro-life, to me that is HUGE. He also is in favor of small government, promotes big business, etc.

    I honestly don’t know if I’m missing something, but I truly thought he was a conservative but haven’t been following that closely.


    From: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=19320#comments


    FW: Video: Gingrich Warns Obama About Impeachment
    Friday, February 25, 2011 5:56 PM
    From: “Hans-Peter Healy”



    Hans-Peter Healy”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  82. I in no way defend Andy Martin for his accusation against his opposition………….BUT a person who is HOMOSEXUAL is BY INTRINSIC MEASURE a SEXUAL DEVIATE. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary describes a sexual DEVIATE as a PERVERT. So if this is actionable then SUE WEBSTER PUBLISHING Co. HOMOSEXUALITY IS OK ONLY IN THE EYES OF THOSE WHO SUPPORT,AND PRACTICE IT,but NOT IN THE EYES OF GOD, who is OUR MAKER. I am sure that Andy Martin knows that in Chicago he is up against a HUGE GAY COMMUNITY (which includes the NEW Chicago mayor), and according to Larry Sinclair also includes the ILLEGAL OCCUPANT of the WH. It would appear that Andy Martin has deliberately attempted to provoke a lot of cheap PR.


  84. From: http://www.impeachobamacampaign.com/calling-off-impeachment-is-premature-a-bad-sign-of-republican-weakness/


    “But with the facts at hand, Brown clearly points out and makes the case for at least four impeachable offenses Barack Obama committed while president of the United States: “The Obama administration has been mired in controversy and corruption since day one. Bribes were offered to Congressman Joe Sestak and former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff not to run for Senate. This is a felony and clearly an impeachable offense.”

    Read More At The Above Link.

  85. Funny how the left yelled at Bush for liberating Iraq, but now yell at Obama for not doing more to liberate Libya.

  86. Oh and just for the heck with it, down with the crazy Ron Paul.

  87. Oldsalt79 West is the one that impresses me the most. It does break my heart he will not go after the eligibilty issue. His thought is go after his policies, I say remove the ineligible citizen, and we can say bye bye to his destruction of our Constitution.

  88. Julie T | February 28, 2011 at 6:12 pm | jacqlynsmith –
    You said earlier in the day that Trump is no conservative.
    That was me
    Trump endorsed Marxist Rahm Emanuel for Mayor of Chicago. He is an oppurtunist. What kind of Conservative endorses a marxist for Mayor of a major city. I am sure that made Obungo happy.


    From: http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/02/27/arizona%e2%80%99s-proposed-interstate-birth-certificate-compact-law-is-both-unconstitutional-and-contrary-to-the-best-interests-of-the-united-states/


    By Mario Apuzzo, Esq., ©2011
    Published February 27, 2011

    Comments Under This MAGNIFICENT & GREAT ARTICLE:

    “Robert Laity says:
    Monday, February 28, 2011 at 3:45 AM

    “This proposed law…should be allowed to suffer a quick death”:

    In Biology some Persons after being conceived in the womb, become unable to develop properly because of gravely dysfunctional or mutated cell disorders. These poor souls spontaneously abort.

    Analogously, U.S.Constitutional Law, on it’s face, determines that “This proposed Law” cannot properly develop and IT will likewise, spontaneously abort.

    “Foreign influence” HAS already made it’s way into the Oval Office.Obama supports “Zakat,” Sharia Charity which requires that 1/8th of all contributions to it go to the ISLAMIC MILITARY and SHARIA FINANCING. Obama is a very Radical Islamist who has given aid and comfort to the enemy.


    Obama has never been POTUS and Obama has never been loyal to the U.S. Obama is “Guilty of Treason” as well as Fraud. In arguendo, if Obama were able to prove that he is an NBC, he would still have the obstacle of defending Treason charges, conviction of which, precludes him from holding “any office under the U.S.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “Thomas says:
    Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 8:36 PM

    “OBAMA” Show the entire world your Real Birth Certificate!! – Because even if “OBAMA” was born in Hawaii that would @ most make him a “Native ” Citizen not “Natural born Citizen.” “OBAMA” is not the Constitutional President of The U.S.A. , because his Dad, a Kenyan National, was NOT a U.S. Citizen; therefore “OBAMA” Is legally not the Constitutional President of the U.S.A. !! – Legal definition of Natural born Citizen per U.S. Supreme Court late 1700’s & Still upheld Today = “A child born on U.S. Soil to Parents not owing foreign allegiance to any other Country.” “OBAMA”s dad owed allegiance to Britain. Therefore he is NOT
    Legally the President of the U.S.A.!! – “OBAMA” Is not a “Natural born Citizen.”

    See 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381.

    I want to thank you for enlightening me about 8USC,Sec.1424. Obama was born a British Subject/Citizen. under the British Nationality Act of 1948. Not unlike,some of his treasonous predecessors in the 18th Century,Obama,a Brit. at birth is not allowed to be POTUS,is similarly against the US and is not loyal to it. “Obama,” as a Radical Islamist HAS manifested opposition to our form of government on several occasions.”

    * * * * * * * * *

    Constitutional Options for Removing Obama

    Published January 28, 2011

    ©2011 drkate

    “I am republishing this today as we move closer to Obama’s “American Moment”– the subject of an upcoming new post–where he will be removed by the people. We are out of time.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

  90. JS you wackjob, the judge found him in contempt after andy martin-figorna or whatever the heck his real name is accused the judge of being part of a ‘corrupt cabal’ — now where I come from you don’t lash out like a lunatic at the judge and not expect to be held in contempt. Take him away!! And Andy was in court to begin with due to his unprovoked assault on a cameraman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA7Yzy0rQG8 Andy shows just how dangerous he can be.

  91. This is a test to try to ascertain why my recent comments do not post.

  92. #
    Starla | February 28, 2011 at 6:22 pm |

    From: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=19320#comments


    FW: Video: Gingrich Warns Obama About Impeachment
    Friday, February 25, 2011 5:56 PM
    From: “Hans-Peter Healy”



    Hans-Peter Healy”

    You are being misled by shills on both the left and the right. Please, learn as much as they know about the law and stop being a victim to this hype. In short, Presidents all the time signal they will not actively pursue the court defense of laws or portions of laws already deemed unConstitutional by the federal courts. This practice is perfectly legal as long as they report their decision and supporting rationale, to Congress, as required under the U.S. Code. (I would bet you did not know, Congress passed a law 10 (ten) years ago formalizing the process for the Executive to ‘ignore’ current law, did you? Now, ask yourself, why didn’t Orly or Newt or WND (or, on the right, Daily Beast) point this out to you? Then, ask yourself, why do I?)
    FALSE ADVERTISING And, as always, make sure to read the Comments, and my Replies. A lot of the teaching and learning goes on there.

  93. I have tried (twice) to post a correction to Starla’s pronouncement (again, caps and exclamation points) that a comment on Orly’s blog is a “MUST READ” which proclaims Gingrich is right in questioning Obama’s decision to order the DoJ to refrain from actively defending against court challenges to DoMA. He is wrong; and he (and Orly, who has echoed his stance, on her blog) knows better. Hopefully, this shortened version gets through.

    You are being misled by shills on both the left and the right. Please, learn as much as they know about the law and stop being a victim to this hype. In short, Presidents all the time signal they will not actively pursue the court defense of laws or portions of laws already deemed unConstitutional by the federal courts. This practice is perfectly legal as long as they report their decision and supporting rationale, to Congress, as required under the U.S. Code. (I would bet you did not know, Congress passed a law 10 (ten) years ago formalizing the process for the Executive to ‘ignore’ current law, did you? Now, ask yourself, why didn’t Orly or Newt or WND (or, on the left, Daily Beast and the NYT) point this out to you? Then, ask yourself, why do I?)
    FALSE ADVERTISING And, as always, make sure to read the Comments, and my Replies. A lot of the teaching and learning goes on there.

  94. …….removed by the people. We are out of time.

    Removal must be for illegal activity.
    Signed laws and appointments must be reversed, voided.
    Otherwise we are all f.ed for decades if not longer.

  95. FOS Alert | February 28, 2011 at 1:04 pm |

    You all also need to develop a way to objectively look outside in. You need to be aware of your own image, and like a “brand” understand that perception is everything, credibility is king. Do you know how most of us despise Truthers? Well, that is how the outside world looks at Birthers. Lunatics and sore losers. We need an image consultant. A marketing arm. A communications director.

    We look like we are playing children’s games in an adult world. IT IS TIME FOR SOME SERIOUS INTROSPECTION, serious regrouping, and serious adjustments.

    Are any of you up for that? Or do you prefer “self abuse” and “pecking”.

    The Collective
    FOS, here’s my choice for communications director.

  96. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0211/On_call_officials_stress_public_options_in_health_care_shift.html

    Jennifer Haberkorn reports that President Obama’s move to allow states flexibility in spending health care funds is the “most significant change” since the law was enacted, and a potential gesture toward critics.

    But a source on a White House conference call with liberal allies this morning says the Administration is presenting it to Democrats as an opportunity to offer more expansive health care plans than the one Congress passed.

    Health care advisers Nancy-Ann DeParle and Stephanie Cutter stressed on the off-record call that the rule change would allow states to implement single-payer health care plans — as Vermont seeks to — and true government-run plans, like Connecticut’s Sustinet.

  97. Bill Cutting –
    If the endorsement of Rahm was your only reason, that is pretty weak.. I am from the Chicagoland area and there wasn’t really a good group to choose from. Trump is focused on getting business back up and getting respect back for our country.

    I see him as the only one of the bunch willing to call Obama out on his eligibility, that to me is a deal breaker. I was firmly behind Sarah Palin until she made the comment that we need to drop it. Every other problem in our country right now will get fixed if we prove Obama is not eligible. (IMHO)

  98. Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal

  99. oldsalt79 | February 28, 2011 at 6:03 pm |

    Each day I pray that we will soon find a person,or persons who possess the necessary GRAY MATTER, that will allow him/her/them to know exactly where, when and how to attack the fortress of our common enemy who illegally occupies the WH, which will cause the complete successive collapse of his entire domain. Once he and his cohorts are flushed out into the daylight, and are so damned frightened that they can NO LONGER think rationally, then WE THE PEOPLE can MOVE IN and clean up the garbage. We need to find such a person,or persons VERY SOON, who can lead in complete honesty,and in accordance with the US Constitution. I am personally tired of the people who constantly TWIST,and otherwise attempt to pervert the US Constitution, and make it mean something that it never meant to begin with.If America is to be saved from EXTINCTION we need to GET IT ON!

    OS…..Ron Paul is a great Constitutionalist….more and more people are waking up to exactly what you say Old Salt and that is why the PERFECT STORM FOR ELECTING RP IS UPON US! Why people here would continue to bad mouth and smear a great man like Paul is beyond me…….if you want someone who is honest and doesn’t change his stripes with the political winds then Ron Paul is our man!

  100. BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 6:10 pm |

    Spoken like the true RINO you appear to be! This election will be about who we can TRUST…..and Paul will clearly be the front runner there as he pulls NO punches and allows the TRUTH to unfold….something the RINO’s don’t do!
    Go ahead and throw in with a loser, your call.
    78 years old in office on day 1.
    Maybe he can get the “depends” vote in the primary. If he even runs.

    He will get their vote too and many others…..don’t worry your pretty little head about that…..a 78 year old that tells the truth and doesn’t change his stripes to please those in power is our man…..you can take that to the bank BC!

  101. Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

    Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

  102. BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 2:45 pm |
    If he was a vibrant 70 year old at swear in time Jan 20th 2013 he would have to have been born in 1943.
    RP was born in 1935
    RP is absolutely too old to occupy the highest office in the land. Furthermore, if he had the proper sense and respect he wouldn’t even be in the running. He would face reality. And this is said by someone who was born one year before him.

    I believe RP is flattered by the “attention” he is able to grab (and a few $$, too) more than his selfless concern for the country. Otherwise, why would he have been for term limits and then he himself served for, what is it, ten terms in the House?

    I’ve been getting letters from him for years about auditing the fed and various other subjects, but he never seems to be successful in getting enough co-sponsors for any of them. I would say that he has not been very effective.

    As far as alleged strong support by young people,( hardly dry behind the years), his libertarian views would be very appealing to many of them. After all, the youth today have the idea that they should be able to do whatever they feel like doing with few restraints. The libertarian philosophy suits them just fine, and it is that, rather than a return to smaller, responsible government that is attractive in RP.

  103. Julie T | February 28, 2011 at 6:12 pm |

    jacqlynsmith –
    You said earlier in the day that Trump is no conservative. I was just wondering why you would say that. I heard him say on Laura Ingraham’s show that he is pro-life, to me that is HUGE. He also is in favor of small government, promotes big business, etc.

    I honestly don’t know if I’m missing something, but I truly thought he was a conservative but haven’t been following that closely.

    Julie T….I don’t recall saying that but if that was your interpretation that is NOT what I said……I did say he doesn’t know what he is talking about when he says Paul is “unelectable”….just like many here! I think Trump votes with the RINO’s but he also supports some DemoCRAPS…..someone else here posted something about him supporting Dead Fish Emmanuel in his run for Mayor…..if that is true I don’t think you can trust Trump with your vote.

    I don’t like him personally……I think he is a male chauvinist PIG…..like many with his money and power!

  104. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 7:33 pm |

    JS you wackjob, the judge found him in contempt after andy martin-figorna or whatever the heck his real name is accused the judge of being part of a ‘corrupt cabal’ — now where I come from you don’t lash out like a lunatic at the judge and not expect to be held in contempt. Take him away!! And Andy was in court to begin with due to his unprovoked assault on a cameraman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA7Yzy0rQG8 Andy shows just how dangerous he can be.

    I don’t support Andy Maritn but I am also knowledgeable enough to know that the judicial system is so corrupt and that most of these judges should be locked up and the key thrown away for all the money laundering and scamming they have done in the name of JUSTICE…….if anyone is a wacko it’s YOU….again your Alinsky tactics are DOA and you prove your ignorance again to what is really going on and at stake in this country…..a PATRIOT YOU ARE NOT!!!

  105. Tina | February 28, 2011 at 7:00 pm |

    Funny how the left yelled at Bush for liberating Iraq, but now yell at Obama for not doing more to liberate Libya.

    Finally one thing you are right about…..the LIEberals and the RINO’s use this tactic to their advantage…..this is another way to divide us and keep us in the two party system with one SNAKE and two heads of the same destruction!

  106. NBC Vic Hern | February 28, 2011 at 3:58 pm |
    Obama Researcher also says:
    Monday, February 28, 2011 at 2:42 PM
    Here is what to do. Take Andy Martin to court. He will not raise objections. You will get discovery. The court will be forced to make a decision on Martin. The decision will put Obama into a corner.
    At first blush, it could sound like a workable strategy, BUT what happens if the court’s decision falls on the incorrect side of NBC and declares one citizen parent to be enough? That could happen. Anything could happen these days, especially with the courts on a lock down when it comes to anything that is going to expose the Usurper.

    The Usurper will then not only NOT be put “into a corner”, but he will be elevated way above the fray.
    We might be better off not forcing the issue in that manner. At this stage in his term we might as well prepare ourselves that such an exposure is not going to take place.

  107. jbjd….good post but I think you may be preaching to many dead heads here who are still buying into the LIEberal and RINO system that gives them the illusion of change. They think with the FRAUD in power that things have actually been different when in actuality BO is only extending more of what the previous presidents were doing….maybe just at a higher rate of speed so that it is awaking the sleeping sheeple!

  108. jacky knowledgeable? hows that cRAP workin out for ya? bahahah! As for andy martin, you did at least link him the other day when he announced his ‘candidacy’ — and spoke positively of him. I sure hope andy ends back up in court again: http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/02/28/is-andy-martin-a-natural-born-citizen/#comments

  109. bob strauss | February 28, 2011 at 8:16 pm |

    FOS, here’s my choice for communications director.


    bob…..Keyes got my vote in 2008….he too would be an outstanding candidate if he ran!

  110. GBAmerica | February 28, 2011 at 10:27 pm |

    Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal


    GBamerica…..good post…..now I see why indymack is a MUCK! LOL:)

  111. Cabby – AZ | February 28, 2011 at 10:37 pm |

    BillCutting | February 28, 2011 at 2:45 pm |
    If he was a vibrant 70 year old at swear in time Jan 20th 2013 he would have to have been born in 1943.
    RP was born in 1935
    RP is absolutely too old to occupy the highest office in the land. Furthermore, if he had the proper sense and respect he wouldn’t even be in the running. He would face reality. And this is said by someone who was born one year before him.

    I believe RP is flattered by the “attention” he is able to grab (and a few $$, too) more than his selfless concern for the country. Otherwise, why would he have been for term limits and then he himself served for, what is it, ten terms in the House?

    I’ve been getting letters from him for years about auditing the fed and various other subjects, but he never seems to be successful in getting enough co-sponsors for any of them. I would say that he has not been very effective.

    As far as alleged strong support by young people,( hardly dry behind the years), his libertarian views would be very appealing to many of them. After all, the youth today have the idea that they should be able to do whatever they feel like doing with few restraints. The libertarian philosophy suits them just fine, and it is that, rather than a return to smaller, responsible government that is attractive in RP.

    OLD is a matter of health and a state of mind……Ron Paul is very healthy and has an excellent mind…..you all are missing the BIG PICTURE here which is anyone else the RINO’s put up gives us ZERO change…..if that is what you want is to continue the same old corrupt and sinful policies then keep on pushing another compromised RINO….you will for sure sell your country down stream another 4 years and then it will be too late if it isn’t already! It is NO wonder this country is in the mess we are in….YOU PEOPLE ARE EVIDENCE OF THE IGNORANCE THAT HAS BROUGHT US TO OUR KNEES!

  112. wacky jacky, my nick refers to the fact that i’m and independent nicknamed mac. But if you wanna think I have something to do with IndyMac bank we can add it to the huge list of all your other delusions.

  113. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 10:53 pm |

    jacky knowledgeable? hows that cRAP workin out for ya? bahahah! As for andy martin, you did at least link him the other day when he announced his ‘candidacy’ — and spoke positively of him. I sure hope andy ends back up in court again: http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/02/28/is-andy-martin-a-natural-born-citizen/#comments

    I share all kinds of info here…..doesn’t mean I support it…..again your Alinsky tactics aren’t working anymore indyMUCK!

  114. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:08 pm |

    wacky jacky, my nick refers to the fact that i’m and independent nicknamed mac. But if you wanna think I have something to do with IndyMac bank we can add it to the huge list of all your other delusions.

    Glad you straighten that out…..I am all for the truth…the delusions are in your head…NOT MINE as evidenced by many of your posts!

  115. GBAmerica | February 28, 2011 at 11:09 pm |


    Good info GB thanks for sharing this link…..I do know about this stuff….hopefully some here will get informed!

  116. GBAmerica | February 28, 2011 at 11:20 pm |


    GB….I saw that video before…..Paul makes great points and as we both know….that is why he is being smeared by both the RINO’s and the LIEberals who fear him getting the truth out to the masses!!!

    Ron Paul in 2012……vote for PAUL if you don’t want your country to FALL!

  117. jacky you share nothin but bull$%& and anyone with a brain knows it. There is no discourse with you as others have pointed out. Then you point the finger of Alinsky at anyone who challenges your bull@*$& (which is itself an Alinsky tactic — accuse your opponents of what you yourself do). It doesn’t matter what your motivation is, as it doesn’t change the fact that your contribution here is a negative one. And you’re so predictable. Go ahead and attack lil doggie — I wear steel-toed boots.

  118. jacky/GBA work as a tag team. just fyi.

  119. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:29 pm |
    jacky/GBA work as a tag team. just fyi.
    Maybe a tagteam for our country!Are you a American or Globalist??

  120. indymac,

  121. bo musbro farrakhan threatens America

  122. Christian Pastor organizes a counter march against bo’s musbros


  123. bo demRat makes Death Threat to Republican Lawmaker.


  124. jacqlynsmith

    indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:28 pm |

    jacky you share nothin but bull$%& and anyone with a brain knows it. There is no discourse with you as others have pointed out. Then you point the finger of Alinsky at anyone who challenges your bull@*$& (which is itself an Alinsky tactic — accuse your opponents of what you yourself do). It doesn’t matter what your motivation is, as it doesn’t change the fact that your contribution here is a negative one. And you’re so predictable. Go ahead and attack lil doggie — I wear steel-toed boots.
    Proof again that you are most likely a traitor and shill for the other side….a Patriot you are NOT! DOA again!!!

  125. Even Soros has turned against bo.


    In a pre-recorded interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria set to air Sunday morning, investment billionaire George Soros accuses President Barack Obama of having “lost control” of the national economy and criticizes the Democratic president for allowing Republicans to set the national agenda.

    Furthermore, Soros goes on to predict that Obama‘s policy shortcomings will have a negative impact on the nation’s economic recovery and accuses the GOP of mixing economic and ideological priorities at the expense of the American worker.

  126. jacqlynsmith

    GBAmerica | February 28, 2011 at 11:43 pm |

    indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:29 pm |
    jacky/GBA work as a tag team. just fyi.
    Maybe a tagteam for our country!Are you a American or Globalist??

    GB…keep on keeping on…..don’t let the Shill get you down….this person has MUSH for brains….that’s for sure! Someone who supports the corrupt judicial system tells us lots!

  127. jacqlynsmith

    “Spooky Dude” Soros needs to spend some of his billions on a face lift or something…..he is looking especially OLD and SPOOKY these days! 🙂

  128. Sadly people like George Soros think that they are going to LIVE FOREVER. While he is among the worlds richest people (monetarily), it is without a doubt that he is also one of the world’s worst DEGENERATES. I look upon him as PUBLIC ENEMY #1. While I don’t wish DEATH upon anyone it is my opinion that the world would be well served by his DEMISE the sooner the better. He is a DIE HARD NAZI ,and really doesn’t care who knows it.

  129. Old Salt, I couldn’t agree more about Soros. His day is coming, and I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

  130. Mr. Farrakan…………….
    When you are ready to start your insane war,perhaps you might want to look around you REAL CLOSE, because there will always be someone in the crowd of your ALLEGED followers who DISAGREES with you and will be most happy to show you just how much he /she disagrees by perpetrating your demise. Sadly people like Dr Martin Luther King had to die so that SCUM like you could live. You are not a MAN. Dr. King was. Dr.King done a lot of good for America, you have done NOTHING except FOMENT HATRED.

  131. Starla | February 28, 2011 at 6:53 pm |

    Well done, Starla. This is the kind of thing that should be reported. It opens up the conversation to consider the impeachable offences.

    I would agree about the attempted bribery. It should be impeachable. However, I think that Østupid could beat that one by claiming that hed did not do the bribery. So, people who are looking for the means to impeach need to learn from the cases against both President Nixon and President Clinton.
    Tricky Dicky did not break into the Watergate Hotel. In all likelihood Tricky Dicky did not give permission for the break in. He stepped down before the proceedings could take place. It was the honourable thing to do in his situation. Tricky Dicky was caught because he was part of the cover-up. He lied. He committed perjury.
    Slick Willie was known for his philandering before he became President. Somebody got rid of Vince Foster (he did not commit suicide, he was murdered by a person unknown) because Foster was going to hand over documents relating to the Whitewater scandal. Those papers disappeared out of his safe on the same day that he was murdered. In the end Slick Willie was compromised because he perjured himself over answers relating to his relationship with Monica. He was impeached because of his PERJURY.

    Unless there is a whole catalogue of provable offenses ( and I am sure that is the case) the Congress will not touch the impeachment.

    I think that there is plenty of ammunition. The Pigford case is probably the strongest ammunition. Let me be clear that I am not referring to the original class action involving Mr. Pigford and others. They had a very legitimate case. I am referring to the fraud committed by people making claims who were not farmers. This includes the later claims by native Americans, Hispanics and women. The numbers making claims exceeds the number of farmers – it is fraud. In this case, Østupid has been pushing to get allocations to continue with this fraud and hand out taxpayer dollars to people who were never farmers in the first place. This is unfair to the original claimants.

    Investigating Pigford handouts is the beginning. I think that good cases can be made in relation to the refusal to lift the moratorium on drilling permits. On top of that I think that there should be an investigation of the money given to Petrobas (who made a very large profit last year).

  132. One of my favorite authors, Thomas Sowell, has just written a good article:

    What we have also heard, too many times before, is the assumption that getting rid of an undemocratic government means that it will be replaced by a freer and better government.

    History says otherwise. After Russia’s czars were replaced by the Communists, the government executed more people in a day than the czars had executed in half a century. It was much the same story in Cuba, when the Batista regime was replaced by Castro and in Iran when the Shah was replaced by the Ayatollahs.

    It is not inevitable that bad regimes are replaced by worse regimes. But it has happened too often for us to blithely assume that overthrowing a dictator means a movement toward freedom and democracy.


  133. Another fine article on the same subject by the articulate Dennis Prager:

    Eight Reasons Not To Be Optimistic About Egypt

    Countries almost never go straight from dictatorship to liberty.
    When a country overthrows a homemade dictator, it rarely replaces him with a free society. The French Revolution replaced the French monarchy with revolutionary terror. The Russian Revolution replaced the autocratic Russian czar with totalitarian commissars.
    When pro-American dictators are overthrown, far more repressive anti-American tyrants usually replace them.

    Read more:

  134. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:28 pm |

    You are correct in what you are stating. I am an outsider. To an outsider, the POTUS needs to be someone who projects strength. The POTUS needs to be one who can react to situations that are fluid. RP does not meet the creiteria. He is nothing more than an old “smell”.

  135. indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:08 pm |
    wacky jacky, my nick refers to the fact that i’m and independent nicknamed mac. But if you wanna think I have something to do with IndyMac bank we can add it to the huge list of all your other delusions.

    I suspected that you were an Independent. It shows that you try to look at both sides.
    Also, this is why you see through the very creepy RP

  136. to Indymac:
    indymac | February 28, 2011 at 11:08 pm |
    wacky jacky, my nick refers to the fact that i’m and independent nicknamed mac. But if you wanna think I have something to do with IndyMac bank we can add it to the huge list of all your other delusions.

    I suspected that you were an Independent. It shows that you try to look at both sides.
    Also, this is why you see through the very creepy RP

  137. Cabby – AZ | March 1, 2011 at 4:35 am |

    I agree that there are good reasons to not be optimistic about Egypt.

    However, I would base my assessment upon more recent events: Iran
    In 1979 when the Shah was ousted, it was the totalitarian Khomenei who grabbed the reins.

    In Egypt there is sufficient evidence that the fundamentalists are trying to do the same thing.
    1. the leader of the army’s name is Tawanti – this is the same name as the radical Iman from Alexandria (who passed away last year). Perhaps the army general is a brother? If so he is also an Islamist.
    2. Muslim Brotherhood.
    3. the return of Qadawini (sp) from exile. This particular imam has ties to Al Qaeda.
    4. there have been demands for the Camp David Accord to be ripped apart.
    5. the assassination of Anwar Sadat was ordered and carried out by Muslim Brotherhood. The reason for the assassination is obvious.

    Whilst Muburak was in power there was relative stability. Even though Muburak was detestable in so many ways, the people of Egypt have not know freedom from tyranny. This will not change because the chances are that either the Islamists or the Communists will take over.

    One more reason to be apprehensive about Egypt: Nasser was a Communist.

  138. However, I am more optimistic about Libya at this point in time.
    The original protests were probably by elements who have other sympathies. They were not involved in Al Qaeda.
    Once Gadhafi started firing upon the protesters, there was a swelling of protest. It is very similar to the Iranian situation.

    In Egypt there are clear signs of Soros involvement but this is not the case in Libya. In fact all of Gadhafi charges about the people behind the protest have been untrue – the drugs were handed out by the regime!!

    The things that I notice is the way in which the people acted quickly to form committees in Benghazi. These people came together very quickly once they joined in the protest. I see no sign of people wanting an Islamist style of government.

    What is very telling is that the military have joined the protesters. This is very much like what happened in Iran in 1979 when the military went against the Shah towards the end.

    Something else that has probably escaped most people is that Libya under Gadhafi is what could be considered either a Communist nation or at the very least a Fascist regime. Libya is actually called a Socialist Republic.

    Libya is over 90% Muslim, but it seems that there is no real desire for the people to want the Islamists to be in control. They have their young turks who are quite jittery, and some interesting things have happened. However, the protesters have not harmed any foreigners (even when brandishing those scimitars!!)instead, they stole from them and let them go. At this stage Australia is concerned about one person who was arrested and taken to prison since the trouble began.

    Either way, I see no evidence of involvement from Al Qaeda. This is a real movement of the people. I am not sure that the same can be said about Egypt, where it is more likely that outsiders influenced the protests.

  139. BTW with regard to the hysterical Andy Martin.

    He is not eligible to be POTUS because he is not a natural born citizen.

    As for RP…… you have to be absolutely joking…. as a candidate the man is hopeless.
    The man is not an economist, but a gynaecologist. He should have stuck to delivering babies.
    At 78 years old he is way too old to be a viable candidate for POTUS.

    If people think back to 2008 one of the attacks against McCain was about age…
    Also, Ron Reagan was attacked because of his age, and I can clearly remember that there were some who jeered at him and claimed that he had alzheimers even though President Reagan was the best POTUS during the 20th century.

    The candidate for POTUS needs to be well rounded and without the prejudices of being anti-Semitic. It should be a person who is a believer, but not someone who has been a pastor (my main objection to Huckabee). It also needs to be someone with Foreign Affairs experience.

    Chris Christie is not viable because of his pro-Islamic stances. Some of the most viable candidates are: John Bolton, Sarah Palin, Hayley Barbour, and yes even Mitt Romney, as well as Alan West and perhaps Herman Cain. I am not enthusiastic about Herman Cain but only due to his lack of political credentials. Alan West will be a good VP. I do not believe that New Gingrich is a viable candidate. On the other hand, I like Rudy Guiliani as a possible candidate.

    On the other hand, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, Gary Johnson, Jon Thune and Jon Huntsman are not viable candidates for a variety of reasons. This group of candidates tend to favour what is not best for the USA. The exception is Gary Johnson, and I am more concerned about his isolationist ideas. Such people should not be POTUS because that kind of attitude is seen as weakness by the Islamics which then makes the USA more vulnerable to attack.

    The following cannot be candidates: Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Nikki Hayley. They are not Natural Born Citizens.

  140. jacqlynsmith

    Revolution, The: A Manifesto

    The New York Times bestseller, and, quite possibly, the biggest selling libertarian book of all time!

    Ron Paul wrote this book in the midst of his 2007-2008 educational campaign for the Republican nomination. It is a response to the demand from so many to understand the political and economic philosophy that led to his campaign, which was a defining moment in modern libertarian history. The result is outstanding. He patiently explains why the average voter must care about liberty and what can be done about it in terms of public policy. He explains the workings of the free market, the incompetence of government, the real purpose of the Constitution, the dangers of an imperial foreign policy and much more.

    You learn things in this book that don’t appear anywhere else. He explains that government has increased in size regardless of the party that is in power and why this happens. He takes on all three branches of government and the entire process that is rigged against the the American people. Mostly, however, he shows that there is no reason for despair. A people determined to keep their freedom will do so, provided they refuse to go along with the status quo that the regime offers.

    Ron says that if we are to enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity once again, we absolutely must return to the principles upon which America was founded.

    This book was a bestseller even before it came off the presses. There can be no question that this is the best political primer written in our age, and it has a strong emphasis on the Austrian School of economics, as well as the contribution of the Mises Institute toward public education.

    Here is a book that you will appreciate, and you will want to hand out to all your friends and colleagues. You will especially enjoy his reading list at the end.

    Ron Paul is a hero of our times, and it seems that this book, of all his books, will go down in history as his greatest work.


  141. Philo-Publius

    China’s holdings of US debt larger than reported

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – China’s holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated, new data showed Monday.





  145. jacqlynsmith

    I just received the below email from the 9/12 project network….I haven’t been able to listen to Beck’s show of late but this is really beyond the realm….the THUGS want to silence him….time to speak up people and pray for Beck and his family….this is going to get really ugly…..

    At 9:42 AM Eastern Time, Glenn Beck revealed on his talk radio show that his security team is running down one hundred fifty-six CREDIBLE threats against Glenn Beck and/or his family.

    Apparently, Glenn Beck is hitting a nerve, and the forces of darkness are getting restless with desire to silence Glenn Beck’s voice of reason.

    Glenn went on to talk about good vs. evil, and he condemned Lenin, Stalin, and Mao’s genocide; he said that history IS REPEATING ITSELF, and he can’t find a Churchill, he cannot see anybody ringing the bell.

    I submit to you that Glenn Beck, and the 9.12 Project/Tea Party movement IS the Churchill; I just hope that one (or a dozen) leaders will rise up and join Glenn Beck’s voice for freedom and turning to God (I’m actually surprised that more Republicans haven’t echoed Glenn’s message in public; I know that some have been so doing in private, but it’s time to go public).

    Glenn then said that if God is on our side, the rivers will reverse themselves for our benefit, and stand behind God, so he can protect us, and he warned the forces of evil that they will see the hand of God. Glenn predicted victory in the end for the forces of good.

    I absolutely agree with Glenn. And I’m absolutely certain that the forces of darkness desperately wish to crush Glenn Beck and hurt him as deeply as possible, if they cannot get at him directly.


    Our window of opportunity to restore America is on its way to being closed; PLEASE IDENTIFY which of your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, church congregation members, and other peers agree with our 9 principles & 12 values, and INVITE THEM to JOIN OUR NETWORK! Please invite them to educate themselves.

    We must do the work…work like it all depends on us, and PRAY like it all depends on God. As far as doing our part goes, let me emphasize it again…PLEASE walk your neighborhood. Please talk to your friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, church congregation members, etc. and INVITE THEM to join us. Get them to read The Five Thousand Year Leap: 30 Year Anniversary Edition with Glenn…. Get them to read A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Dis…. Same with Glenn Beck’s Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Gover…. And don’t forget The Real George Washington (American Classic Series), Broke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and Treasure, The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents–The Definitive Edition (Th…, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Muss…, and the other books Glenn has recommended.

    Please invite them to learn about early 20th century progressivism, and about communism, fascism, and other forms of socialism. Invite them to learn the truth about America’s history, and how history is repeating itself, but this time, it may be the LAST time prior to the coming of the Lord, which obviously means great destruction, which will be far worse than we saw in WWII, is at our door, and the time when we could safely deny God’s divine aid, for a time, is at an end. Further turning FROM God will have eternal consequences.

    It is now essential that we TURN TO GOD! And for the sake of Glenn Beck, for yourselves, and for America, please ask for His Divine Aid and Protection for Glenn, his family & employees, for you, for your local 9.12’ers and Tea Partiers, and for America!



  147. Aussie | March 1, 2011 at 5:17 am |
    Hi, Aussie – Always good to get your input! I agree very much with your assessment of the Mid-East situation with respect to the differences in the various countries Also, I appreciated hearing your views on the possible presidential candidates.

    Right now I am fairly much in a wait and see attitude with the exception of strong feelings re. Ron Paul (against, as already explained in former posts) and Newt Gingrich, who I feel has the brain power but has too much baggage and vacillates too much to suit me.

    There is one aspect of this examination of potential candidates that is troubling. That is, there seems to be too much tendency to immediately jump on the band wagon for a particular one and then as soon as it is heard that (s)he said or did something that doesn’t SEEM right, BANG!, that one is blackballed.

    Imho, we need a little more thoughtful reflection and more time to appraise candidates remarks and actions. Of course, there are times when the candidate’s positions are so obvious and longstanding, that it doesn’t take a month of Sundays to figure where they are coming from. We just should not jump to conclusions so quickly.

    Let me illustrate. Rep. West, who is a great patriotic American and has the accolades of many, recently declined to take up the eligibility issue to the dismay of his supporters. Almost immediately he was on the black list, at least temporarily. If we are going to evaluate people in that manner, there won’t be a single potential candidate that suits us. Let’s be a little more reflective and cautious.


  149. jacqlynsmith

    Truth Now | March 1, 2011 at 11:05 am |


    I like Morris and agree with him on Romney not being someone we can trust but I am really tired of him pushing other RINO’s on us…..I listened to his interview with Hannity last night and there was NO mention of Ron Paul winning in many polls…….FIX NEWS is trying to put their bias spin on Paul and his chances of being elected……they are trying to persuade us to elect another RINO……Hannity even slipped once and said they would be doing their best to sway the perception of the candidates to make some appear more electable……this was very telling to me….the Lame Stream Media is at it again…….if the sheeple don’t wake up and demand them to give all candidates a fair and unbiased look then you can count on another 4 years under the same corrupt cabal!!! DESPICABLE TO SAY THE LEAST!!

  150. jacqlynsmith

    Is it any wonder we are in such a mess…..willful ignorance rages across this country…it’s NOT only the LIEberals though……..IMO…..the corrupt 2 party system is broken and needs to go!

    SA@TAC – David Letterman’s Willful Ignorance
    Submitted by MMJ Ministry on Mon, 02/28/2011 – 18:52

    When David Letterman had Sen. Rand Paul as a guest on his television show, the late night talk host let his liberal faith dictate his own facts.

  151. Philo-Publius

    The Real 2012 Tea Party Straw Poll: Over 1.5 Million Votes so far

  152. In this morning’s e-mail

    Here’s a great not politically correct message from an American biker.

    I am the Democratic Liberal-Progressive’s Worst Nightmare.
    I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker. I am a Master leatherworker. I work hard at leather worker hours with my hands to earn a living.

    I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don’t push it on others.
    I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and drive American-made cars, and I believe in American products and buy them whenever I can.
    I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal governmental functionary,Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don’t work!

    I’m in touch with my feelings and I like it that way! I think owning a gun doesn’t make you a killer; it makes you a smart American.

    I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!

    I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English.

    I believe there should be no other language option. I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

    My heroes are Malcolm Forbes, Bill Gates, John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and Willie G. Davidson, who makes the awesome Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

    I don’t hate the rich. I don’t pity the poor.

    I know wrestling is fake and I don’t waste my time watching or arguing about it.

    I’ve never owned a slave, nor was I a slave. I haven’t burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks, and neither have you!

    I believe if you don’t like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country!

    This is AMERICA …We like it the way it is and more so the way it was ..so stop trying to change it to look like Russia or China , or some other socialist country!

    If you were born here and don’t like it… you are free to move to any Socialist country that will have you. Massachusetts started the ball rolling. Keep it going.

    I believe it is time to really clean house, starting with the White House, the seat of our biggest problems.

    I want to know which church is it, exactly, where the Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution? Can I get an AMEN on that one?

    I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if you’re breaking the law, regardless of what color you are, but not just because you happen to ride a bike. And, no, I don’t mind having my face shown on my driver’s license. I think it’s good….. And I’m proud that ‘God’ is written on my money..

    I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don’t want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

    I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making ‘donations’ to their cause…. Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family!

    I believe that it doesn’t take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents….
    I believe ‘illegal’ is illegal no matter what the lawyers think!

    I believe the American flag should be the only one allowed in AMERICA !
    If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I’m a BAD American. If you are a BAD American too, please forward this to everyone you know….
    We want our country back!

    My Country….. I hope this offends all illegal aliens.

    My great, great, great, great grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in the Revolution & the War of 1812. My great, great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Mexican American War. My great, great grandfather watched as his friends & brothers died in the Civil War. My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Spanish-American War. My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I. My father watched as his friends died in WW II. I watched as my friends died in Vietnam , Panama & Desert Storm. My son watched & bled as his friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq . None of th em died for the Mexican Flag. Everyone died for the American flag.

    Texas high school students raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole, other students took it down. Guess who was expelled…the students who took it down.

    California high school students were sent home on Cinco de Mayo, because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them. Enough is enough

    This message needs to be viewed by every American; and every American needs to stand up for America ..

    We’ve bent over to appease the America-haters long enough. I’m taking a stand. I’m standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the American flag.

    If you agree, stand up with me. If you disagree, please let me know. I will gladly remove you from my e-mail list.

    And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.
    AMERICANS, stop giving away Your RIGHTS !

    Let me make this clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY ! This statement DOES NOT mean I’m against immigration ! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY, welcome to come legally:

    1. Get a sponsor !
    2. Learn the LANGUAGE, as immigrants have in the past !
    3. Live by OUR rules !
    4. Get a job !
    5. Pay YOUR Taxes !
    6. No Social Security until you have earned it and Paid for it !
    7. NOW find a place to lay your head !

    If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone, then YOU’RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !

    We’ve gone so far the other way . . . bent over backwards not to offend anyone. Only AMERICANS seems to care when American Citizens are being offended !

    WAKE UP America ! ! !
    If you do not Pass this on, may your fingers cramp !
    Made in the U S A & DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!!

  153. jacqlynsmith

    Truth Now | March 1, 2011 at 11:10 am |

    Truth Now…
    Exactly what I am talking about…..this is one of the people FIX NEWS and Morris will be promoting…….if they are promoting anyone then you know that is NOT in our best interest! That is why I say RP is the “we the people” candidate…….you watch in the next year if RP decides to run they will be coming out in droves to smear and ruin his good name…..they are already starting to do it and he hasn’t even announced he will run yet!

  154. Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

    Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

  155. JS. Do you think beating people over the head is an effective method of persuasion?

  156. usapatriots-shout | March 1, 2011 at 11:31 am |

    I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making ‘donations’ to their cause…. Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family!
    Yeah, the above reminds me of an incident a few years back when my cousin’s husband was approached by a “vendor” at a street corner. He had a sign, “Need work for food”, or something similar. My relative pointed to a restaurant across the street and said, “I believe they are hiring over there.” The fellow said inasmuch, “Get lost – scram”

  157. Think Ron Paul is great,BUT WILL NOT CARRY THE COUNTRY.



  159. Huck, who loves Israel and the Jews and America, would be a thousand million times better than the evil Jew hating and way too ugly and old squeaky sounding, Ron Paul, as a candidate. Huck and many others, including West, Cain, Trump, etc., are better choices than Paul. It is just the truth. Just saying. Sticks and stones may break my bones but J’S names will never hurt me if you want to scream and shout.

  160. CabbyAZ:

    Imho, we need a little more thoughtful reflection and more time to appraise candidates remarks and actions.


    Ha ha – what planet do YOU live on. You know first hand what happens to people here who actually dare to think things out. The “my way or the hiway” crowd have dominated this blog for a long time!

  161. http://www.newschannel5.com/story/14144240/newschannel5-investigates-unlicensed-psychologist

    Then, in late 2008, documents show that Judge Eisenstein wanted to put Casey on staff using federal money, writing in a memo that Casey had proven himself “an excellent psychologist.” In that same document, the judge noted that Casey had previously “conducted weekly group therapy” for Mental Health Court defendants.

    “You told the Department of Justice that he was an excellent psychologist. What gave you that idea?” NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked.

    Eisenstein didn’t respond.

    His lawyer says the judge later learned that Casey wasn’t licensed, although he felt that Casey could still be useful in other roles. Casey’s contract with the Mental Health Court Foundation — which began in February 2009 — is unclear on his exact duties.

    But more than a year later, the Mental Health Court Foundation’s tax return — sworn to by the judge himself — listed Casey as “staff psychologist.”

    “If you knew that he wasn’t licensed, why would you tell the IRS that he was your staff psychologist?” we asked again.

    Still, the judge had nothing to say.

  162. jacqlynsmith | March 1, 2011 at 9:35 am |

    Ron says that if we are to enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity once again, we absolutely must return to the principles upon which America was founded.


    Good for him. And like we said the other day, RP has many good features. In the end, he may actually be the candidate most closely aligned with the average/majority ideology on this blog.

    However, SINCE HE IS NOT ELECTABLE, only a dim bulb would keep bringing him up. Yes, by all means let us listen to him. Read his books – several REALLY goods ones on economics and monetary issues. Give him some bully pulpits.

    But for Christ’s sake – just lay off the “for president” stuff. You take us for morons. And by so doing, it casts great doubt on your own sanity.

  163. PS – we may be very close to a similar decision on Sarah Palin. Many of us here like her a lot. Some are gungho for a run at president. I am coming very close to the opinion that she too is not electable. But must wait a bit longer to read some more tea leaves.

    If that turns out the case, the SANE position is to immediately abandon her for that purpose and immediately do everything we can to maximize her talents and her ability to sway public opinion to the better.

    If we really wanted to be helping RP and his message, that is what we would be doing now. Not wasting time beating a dead horse.

  164. US Patriots Shout………………………..
    I stand 100% behind the alleged American biker. BUT……….talk is cheap,we need a leader who is ALREADY standing UP and, calling a SPADE A SPADE, and has the wherewithall to back it up. HE will be the magnet that acts upon the rest of us. So for the only person who has had the intestinal fortitude to say what he thinks is Colonel Allen West. HOWEVER he ALONE can do LITTLE, it will require a couple of million people to back him up, verpally,and physically. I know that there are other potential leaders out there, but they all have good reasons to stay out of the coming fracas (framilies,etc). Never stop looking for a leader. You will know him as soon as you lay eyes on him. There will be an unmistakeable AURA about his being that will tell it all. LOOK,LOOK,and continue to look………for a LEADER,not an articulate politician. We will find such a person,but time is running short.

  165. We have an historic chance to bring some of the jewish vote over to the GOP. The jewish vote is key in many big states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, NJ, and pennsylvania where elections are won and lost. By constantly screaming that Ron Paul is the answer to Obama, we may be losing that chance already. We have to find someone who can win a general election.

  166. jacqlynsmith | February 28, 2011 at 11:12 pm |

    indymac | February 28, 2011 at 10:53 pm |


    Yes, that’s right. JS just “reported” on cRAP once. She didn’t actually support it.


  168. Getting back to reality topics for a change:

    Does this guy sound familiar?

    TheDC Analysis: Radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary may be a fraud and a clown, but he is still dangerous

    While Choudary’s followers and friends are anything but frauds, Choudary himself may be one. He certainly lived a far different life when he went by Andy Choudary and was a law student at the University of Southampton in the late 1980s.

    A close college friend of Choudary told me during an e-mail interview last week that back in college, the radical cleric who seeks to impose a cruel and medieval vision on the world was anything but a puritan.

    “Andy and I were good mates. We were drinking buddies, essentially,” he told me via e-mail. “He had a small group of good friends, who were a mixed bunch, from hard workers to stoners.”

    Described as “a bit of a slacker” who didn’t do himself any favors “with his orange perm,” Choudary was nonetheless a “well liked, gregarious kid” according to his old buddy.


    Most importantly, Choudary’s college friend noted, “He was a million miles away from the bombastic and silly-sinister parody he’s transformed himself into.”

    Today, Choudary advocates that a strict form of Sharia to be implemented in Britain. “The sort of world that Choudary lived in, back in the 1980s, just wouldn’t exist in Andy’s nightmare vision of a Caliphate state,” his old friend said.

    Indeed, as Choudary himself has said, someone caught drinking alcohol in his ideal vision of society would be subjected to 40 lashes. And since Choudary apparently goes around denying his college escapades – despite photographic evidence of some of his Sharia-violating indiscretions – he could expect even more lashes for lying. At least, if he provided that false testimony to an Islamic court.


    Obviously then what the country needs is not another little man talker whose talk never manifests into action of any kind using the power of his position, but someone of real courage which most of those discussed here have not demonstrated beyond being opportunists of the moment. If the next leader cannot envision the apocalyptic state of the present world – that can only escalate – and relate that to the very desecration of any remnant of sacred morality – then God’s Justice, being held back now for quite a while, will be forced upon even the most blessed country in the world. IOW, we need a God fearing sacrificial leader. When you are fighting a satanic enemy and a General knows what he’s up against he still will lead the troops into the inevitable battle, bloody or not. You don’t wait until you’re surrounded, out of fear or naive ignorance. It will be either that or a totalitarian tyrant for whom the ground is now being laid by the ruffians and thugs openly persecuting the innocent.

  169. Cabby – AZ | February 28, 2011 at 10:50 pm |


    Our mutual friend used to say that if any court either took the opportunity or were forced to define NBC during the Obamessiah Reign, they must of practical necessity broaden it to include him or make the definition active as of 2016. There is NO way they would pinch a sitting president over one of the most obscure “technical details” in the constitution.

    Consider for example that it turned out he missed the age or residence requirement by a little bit but was elected anyway. There is NO WAY they would pinch him. They would finesse it or pass some temporary (albeit unconstitutional) law to “fix it”.

    That is why that mutual friend has always disparaged the NBCers. Just like Ron Paul – lots of truth and good ideas, but just a “non starter”. Why bead a dead horse.

    Must focus instead on finding the REAL HISTORY of Hisself. Absolutely positive that this history will be damning enough and will not twist on minutiae.

  170. Tina | March 1, 2011 at 12:26 pm | We have an historic chance to bring some of the jewish vote over to the GOP. The jewish vote is key in many big states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, NJ, and pennsylvania where elections are won and lost. By constantly screaming that Ron Paul is the answer to Obama, we may be losing that chance already. We have to find someone who can win a general election.

    The obots like FOS AKA carlyle continue to post NONSENSE pro and con about these fringe unelectable candidates simply to disrupt from intelligent discussion to discredit CW.

    I know it is frustrating but you can not reason with obots. Best to just ignore the obots and post info about legitimate contenders for the Repub nomination.

  171. Paxson………….Ref; Beating people over the head…..
    is one of the ways that our Maritime industry used to acquire shipboard help. Those unfortunate sailors who were “hired” by this method were said to have been SHANGHAIED. Often times they were passed out drunks, who awakened to find themselves in a makeshift brig,upon a ship which was already hundreds of miles at sea. They became FORCED LABOR,and often severely flogged with a “CAT OF NINE TAILS” before the mainmast.

  172. Good idea, free speech.

  173. Geez – who’d’a thought?!

    Pentagon Sees Element of Financial Terrorism in 2008 Economic Crash

    From Bill Gertz at the Washington Times:

    Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor report suggests that financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system.

    The unclassified 2009 report “Economic Warfare: Risks and Responses” by financial analyst Kevin D. Freeman, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times, states that “a three-phased attack was planned and is in the process against the United States economy.”

    While economic analysts and a final report from the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission blame the crash on such economic factors as high-risk mortgage lending practices and poor federal regulation and supervision, the Pentagon contractor adds a new element: “outside forces,” a factor the commission did not examine.

    Suspects include financial enemies in Middle Eastern states, Islamic terrorists, hostile members of the Chinese military, or government and organized crime groups in Russia, Venezuela or Iran. Chinese military officials publicly have suggested using economic warfare against the U.S.

    Our big question of the week:

    For the future, can outsiders totally control USA elections? Can terrorists and other enemies behave during “bad” administrations and act up during “good” administrations so that the American people panic and elect only “bad” leaders?

  174. The primary financial TERRORIST is bo.


    It seems those Pentagon economic “war games” we reported on in December may have been a very good idea.

    That’s because it was revealed yesterday that a Pentagon contractor report suggests the U.S. may have been, and may currently be, the victim of financial terrorism. As the Washington Times says, the 2008 economic crisis may have included “financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations … covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system.”

  175. FOS Alert | March 1, 2011 at 12:45 pm |

    While economic analysts and a final report from the federal government’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission blame the crash on such economic factors as high-risk mortgage lending practices and poor federal regulation and supervision, the Pentagon contractor adds a new element: “outside forces,” a factor the commission did not examine.
    I’d say it’s a combo …. outside forces noticing the time was ripe to strike and use the useful idiots who lemming like followed their useful idiot leaders of disreptuable behavior – Barney and Chris. And they were delighted that another super useful idiot got even further control of a once great and respected nation.

  176. Voice of Reason Joins the Eligibility Debate!- Professor at the Law School of Notre Dame

    Is he or Isn’t he an American citizen? – Professor Emeritus at the Law School of Notre Dame University

    “It is time for a new approach.”

    The speculation about President Obama”s eligibility goes on and on, with no reliable access to the truth and with no end in sight. It is time for a new approach.

  177. The Real 2012 Tea Party Straw Poll: Over 1.5 Million Votes so far


    Ryan and Gov. Christie. Paul Ryan knows how to explain the debt and Christie is big enough to make us stick to it.

  178. Here is what we need in a candidate:
    Someone who is conservative enough and wants low taxes and smaller government. Someone who is articulate, bright and experienced on foreign policy and domestic policy. They have to appear presidential, calm, and confident. Someone who loves America and will stand by her friends like England and Israel. And they have to come over well on TV, and be able to debate Obama well, and they have to be eligible for the office. No one is perfect, but they have to have enough of this to win.

  179. Wonder what Christie will do. Paul ryan has to improve his confidence level, but he might be able to.

  180. Could Marco Rubio be a good VP candidate?

  181. Tina | March 1, 2011 at 1:03 pm |

    Wonder what Christie will do. Paul ryan has to improve his confidence level, but he might be able to.

    Rubio is great but his parents are Cuban – NBC problem.

  182. Free Speech

    Tina | March 1, 2011 at 1:00 pm | Here is what we need in a candidate:
    Someone who is conservative enough and wants low taxes and smaller government. Someone who is articulate, bright and experienced on foreign policy and domestic policy. They have to appear presidential, calm, and confident. Someone who loves America and will stand by her friends like England and Israel. And they have to come over well on TV, and be able to debate Obama well, and they have to be eligible for the office. No one is perfect, but they have to have enough of this to win.

    I agree, Tina.

    At this time, It appears (NOT AN ENDORSEMENT–I PREFER A MILITARY MAN HEADING THE TICKET) that Romney, Trump or Jeb Bush will get the nomination.

    Trump is on Rush now. He says he is seriously thinking about running.

  183. Tina,
    What do you think of Allen West? He certainly has the “gray matter” that Oldsalt speaks of, and a tremendous amount of COURAGE! He is in my opinion an honorable man worth consideration.

  184. Dream Ticket: Trump – West 2012!

  185. Old Salt. @12:43

    Thanks for the history lesson.

  186. West may be an excellent choice. I would seriously consider him.

  187. Bankroller,
    Can you imagine a VP debate between West and Biden? OMG!

  188. SueQ; I like the sound of that!

    Imagine a Presidential debate between Trump and Dinglebarry! Now that’s entertainment! ;^)

  189. I like Trump’s stance too against OPEC and against China’s business practices. I would vote for Jeb Bush and Mitch Daniels also. Pawlenty appears too meek on TV. He might be better as a VP choice.

  190. West would kick Biden’s a _ _.

  191. Trump would get our economy roaring again in less than a year.

  192. Philo-Publius

    Tina | March 1, 2011 at 12:26 pm |

    We have an historic chance to bring some of the jewish vote over to the GOP.

    According to Bernie Goldberg, the majority of American Jews are political rather than orthodox including the rabbis. As such, they are progressive and ideology trumps their support of Israel and traditional values. That explains why they continue to vote for Dems despite the support those congressional leaders provide to Muslims.

  193. Free Speech

    Tina | March 1, 2011 at 1:39 pm |
    I like Trump’s stance too against OPEC and against China’s business practices.
    I agree. One of my main criticisms of Pres. Bush 41 & 43 is they sent our Troops to the Middle East and we have nothing to show for it. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraqi etc. owe us Trillions for our policing the Middle East.

    Now bo is sending US troops to Libya to help his musbro Terrorists seize control of Libya and he is undermining our military presence in Iraqi so that his musbro Terrorists in Iran can takeover Iraqi.

  194. My complaint with Trump was his statement and theory/philosophy – “If you owe a bank $10,000.00 you have a creditor hanging around your neck. If you owe the bank $100,000.00 you have a BANK FOR A PARTNER.”

    This is what got us into this mess.

  195. Bankroller,
    I’m thinking a big part of getting the “economy roaring” would simply announce that we are going to drill here, drill now! Pizz on the Enviros, and the Arabs as well. (Isn’t it strange that those 2 groups have so much in common?)

  196. Sam Sewell | March 1, 2011 at 12:53 pm | Voice of Reason Joins the Eligibility Debate!- Professor at the Law School of Notre Dame
    Excellent! Rice is highly respected. Issa ought to move on THIS discovery. Then it would follow that his other problems with O’s policies and refusals of info would become moot. This would be something worthy sending to our “brave” new representatives for action. Too bad it can’t be of some influence in the upcoming SCOTUS 3/4 discussion!

    I must say that I’m rather surprised by such a good summation and pleading for congressional action towards this unanswered question of possible real fraud and all of its current repercussions for our good citizens. There is actually someone reputable who is willing to publicly drive the question? Amazing!

    Often wonder why WND or CBN hasn’t devised a case and used Jay Sekulow to push it to the Supremes before whom he’s argued often in the past. Rice could no doubt offer an amicus brief of demand to resolve question and one justice who would be familiar with and favor Rice would certainly by Thomas,…. as well as Scalia.

  197. What does Trump have to offer our creditors outside of his disapproval of their tactics? Would he save us by bartering his towers?? They (Chinese)need us? Yeah, to pay up so all those Chinese can afford the energy Russia can use to manipulate them or to pay for their now advancement in military arms for the real possibility of their ultimate confrontation with Russia over just that energy.

  198. Our Man in Pakistan
    The dreadful treatment of Raymond Davis is a reminder of how dysfunctional our relationship with Pakistan has become.
    By Christopher Hitchens
    Posted Monday, Feb. 28, 2011, at 12:10 PM ET

  199. JS @ 11:06

    Please don’t worry about walking your neighborhood. We’d like to keep a few of them on our side. 🙂

  200. Free Speech

    Sam Sewell | March 1, 2011 at 12:53 pm | Voice of Reason Joins the Eligibility Debate!- Professor at the Law School of Notre Dame

    Is he or Isn’t he an American citizen? – Professor Emeritus at the Law School of Notre Dame University

    “It is time for a new approach.”

    The speculation about President Obama”s eligibility goes on and on, with no reliable access to the truth and with no end in sight. It is time for a new approach.

    Thanks Sam Excellent Article.

  201. Observer: Who do you think keeps all those Chinese factories humming? More than anything, China needs a healthy (but dumbed-down) American consumer market to purchase all the crap they’re producing.

  202. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Re: Farrahkan- he is an enemy of state, and in any other nation, he would be deported or incarcerated. The abnormal exception in this instance is he has a comrade in the White House.

    “And I hope that President obama remembers his instructions”. His instructions! Wake up, America! I know I am preaching to the choir.

  203. More than anything, China needs a healthy (but dumbed-down) American consumer market to purchase all the crap they’re producing.
    Currently they (as a lot of others) are concerned with whether the dollar will be worth anything in the future if it’s replaced with another universal currency. So I’d be more concerned with what we are in hock to them NOW than foolishly relying on some monetary icon’s own new “hope and change”, who is himself just as much identified with that loser currency. It’s our world status in power that matters – not our trade retribution, if it were even currently possible while others hold the cards, for “bad treatment” that’s been accepted here for decades.

  204. They ARE trying to kill us. Great business for “obamacare”

    Security Theatre Creep: Full Strength X-Ray Body Scanners Touted For Airports
    Trials begin for devices that can scan your insides, deep penetrating radiation scans cause 15,000 deaths per year

    March 1, 2011

    The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones.

  205. Free Speech

    Rosemary Woodhouse | March 1, 2011 at 2:26 pm |
    Re: Farrahkan- he is an enemy of state, and in any other nation, he would be deported or incarcerated. The abnormal exception in this instance is he has a comrade in the White House.

    Exactly, bo is a musbro TERRORIST no different from farrakhan, ossama, and ahmedinejad.

  206. jacqlynsmith

    Truth Now | March 1, 2011 at 11:53 am |

    Think Ron Paul is great,BUT WILL NOT CARRY THE COUNTRY.

    Millions think he’s great…..that’s why we need him…..his time has come….Maybe not in the past but now we need him!
    Here’s another poll just sent to me where Paul is right behind Palin….it was the vote in Feb. so to say Paul will not carry the country is unfound on facts….he has many of the young behind him now and his vision will begin to resonate more and more as we get his plan and message out to the masses….the Lame Stream Media are on the attack against him and still he leads in many polls

    Ron Paul 2012……vote for PAUL if you don’t want your country to FALL!!

    Palin Wins February Straw Poll——PAUL in 2nd

    Big Changes from January Straw Poll, March Voting Underway

    After tens of thousands of votes were cast in the February Townhall/HotAir GOP presidential Straw Poll, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin took the victory with 18.23% of the vote. Coming in 2nd was Texas Congressman Ron Paul with just over 15.49%. The results from February showed a tightening in the race when compared to the results from January. Votes for Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain, John Bolton, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty,Jim DeMint, John Thune, Haley Barbour and those indicating undecided slightly decreased.

    Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum saw a slight increase in voting percentage.

    Paul Ryan, Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Perry were new to the poll this month.

    With rumors flying about potential candidates officially announcing, this could be a very exciting month for GOP presidential politics. Maybe some candidates are using this poll as a factor on whether they will run or not. It’s up to you to show your support to let them know that you want them to be the next President of the United States!

    Thank you to everyone who voted in February. Voting is already underway in our March poll, so please vote today and spread the word to your friends and family!

    Senator John Thune (R-SD) has been removed from the poll since he officially announced that he will not be running for President. We also rearranged the order of the poll for fairness.

  207. I read at one time that the Saudis held the majority of our debt before the Chinese stepped in. Me, with my conspiratorial mind,… I’m thinking that that was why we shut down all oil exploration and development, although gradually, until just recently it has ground to a halt. Is there an agreement between us and the Arabs that we the people are not aware of? Why did President Bush cave so easily to the enviros on this issue?
    Am I ignorant of the facts? How far back does our debt go with China? It seems to me that I was greatly surprised to hear, 3 years ago, that China virtually owns us. (I think it was Glen Beck or Quinn & Rose). Who owned us before then? I should’ve paid attention. Anyway…

    “The borrower becomes the lenders slave.” Proverbs 22:7

    I just read recently that Jefferson had regretted not adding an amendment to the Constitution that would have prohibited Congress from borrowing.

  208. Philo-Publius

    Police Ordered To Stop “Incidental Immigration Enforcement”

    The leftist civil rights group that serves as a de facto branch of Obama’s Justice Department is ordering California law enforcement agencies to stop arresting illegal immigrants and ignore federal detainers usually placed on those with criminal convictions or deportation orders.

  209. jacqlynsmith

    Tina | March 1, 2011 at 12:26 pm |

    We have an historic chance to bring some of the jewish vote over to the GOP. The jewish vote is key in many big states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, NJ, and pennsylvania where elections are won and lost. By constantly screaming that Ron Paul is the answer to Obama, we may be losing that chance already. We have to find someone who can win a general election.

    In case you don’t know the Jewish voters are behind RP as well…..you are just too closed minded and small brained to figure it out yet! Time to use those “critical thinking” skills you supposedly have!

  210. Tina,
    Just ignore the static.

  211. Free Speech

    This Anti-sharia legislation should be enacted in all 50 States.


    AP) NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee is considering making it a felony to follow some versions of the Islamic code known as Sharia.

    The bill’s sponsor, Republican Sen. Bill Ketron of Murfreesboro, said the proposal exempts the peaceful practice of Islam yet would give authorities “a powerful counterterrorism tool.”

  212. jacqlynsmith

    Several posted about a Ron Paul run over at that Townhall straw poll where Paul came in second to Palin…….this guy has a good point…maybe Ron should consider it but I doubt he will…..

    Robert Kost
    February 28, 2011 at 8:46 pm | Permalink | Reply

    I would welcome a Ron Paul candidacy, but NOT under the banner of the Republican Party, which is at least as corrupt as the Democratic Party.

    Run Independent, Ron, and exemplify the truth — the US Government is systemically corrupt and beholden to Wall St. (Democrats) or Energy and Defense (Republican).

  213. jacqlynsmith

    Another great comment…..maybe Paul should reconsider and get out of the RINO party…..become an independent..

    February 28, 2011 at 10:59 pm | Permalink | Reply

    If he runs as an independent, he will be 10x more likely to get the liberal vote…I know a lot of my fellow dems like him and his ideas but still can’t get past the thought of voting for a republican. There are a LOT of dems who are beyond frustrated with the Obama administration and the party in general, and there is a lot of talk about the possibilty of forming a third party, or even a primary challenge to Obama.

    Dr. Paul needs to clearly draw the distinction between himself and the other 2 parties-the contrast will be night and day. Running as an independant will free him of the baggage of both parties and as soon as people hear what this man has to say he will have this in the bag.

  214. jacqlynsmith

    This commenter gives you information on how to help get Ron Paul to run for PREZ by pledging your vote…..for those of you here who want the truth and want your country back please go to the website and sign the petition which will let Paul know we need him to run….also pass this on to friends and family who may still be listening to the Lame Stream Media whores and RINO’s!

    February 16, 2011 at 1:03 pm | Permalink | Reply

    If we want to convince Ron Paul to run in 2012 we must do 2 things.

    1. Donate to his http://LibertyPAC.com and also show we want him to run by pledging your vote at http://ronpaul2012.net

    2. Hold our noses and register as Republicans so we can vote for this STATESMAN in the Primaries

    Dr. Ron Paul/Dr. Rand Paul 2012

    “Only Doctors Will Heal Our Country”

    Pass this far and wide please!!!

  215. jacqlynsmith

    WOW….another great comment over there…..now why can’t we get these intelligent posters over here……guess I need to spread CW’s blog around!!!

    February 14, 2011 at 6:37 pm | Permalink | Reply

    I am as fiscally conservative person, of indian origin, with liberal views towards everything else in life.

    I have to commend and appreciate Mr. Ron Paul for being a very honest, fact-talking, straight-shooter. Congrats on his 2nd C-PAC straw poll win.

    I am less likely to vote for any republican (not in a million years for The Bankrupt Trump), but if Mr. Ron Paul runs for President, I will be happy to be a part of his campaign (…as long as keeps up to his promise of cutting down the military-industrial complex and eliminate the fed).

    I am sick and tired of the Fed and Wall-Street Shenannigans carried out everyday in the market to create more bubbles and increase the disparity between rich and poor. Thanks to the fed: Food prices have risen 50-100 plus % since the QE2 prices were annouced.

    For the first time in my life: I am feeling that America is becoming a negative force in the world. SERIOUSLY.

  216. jacqlynsmith | March 1, 2011 at 3:58 pm |

    WOW….another great comment over there…..now why can’t we get these intelligent posters over here……guess I need to spread CW’s blog around!!!

    I dare say, if the Paulbots all come here, many here will leave.

  217. jacqlynsmith | March 1, 2011 at 3:58 pm |
    “For the first time in my life: I am feeling that America is becoming a negative force in the world. SERIOUSLY.”

    Ron Paul should be proud. He has managed to get Nik to agree with Michelle Obama. “For the first time in my adult life….”

  218. Maybe the Ron Paul folks should start their own independent blog and stop the nonsense here. Let me remind you that the independent Ross Perot, despite being a great guy, by running independent, handed the election to Clinton.

  219. What is America anyway? Is it the Government? Or is it hard working, God fearing anonymous people who take care of their families and mind their own business?
    No wonder RP appeals to college kids. They are taught in college to distrust America, and have not yet held a job. They don’t have kids nor have they served in the military, so they really have no idea what personal sacrifice is.
    Poor Nik,
    “For the first time in my life: I am feeling that America is becoming a negative force in the world. SERIOUSLY.”

    You are so wrong! America the beautiful, God shed His grace on thee.

  220. People who think Trump would be a great candidate. for President. should take a long indepth look at his investment career. He has had winners,and he has had losers. I think that it might be informative to look at what the SEC has to say about him. My question centers a little more with taxpayers. Would he start using taxpayer money to fund certain investments that would earn him a tidy sum at a personal level? This is just one of my questions. Remember TRUMP is FOR TRUMP……..BOTTOM LINE! Just be careful people! We don’t need another Soetoro.

  221. Free Speech

    Tina | March 1, 2011 at 4:18 pm |
    Maybe the Ron Paul folks should start their own independent blog and stop the nonsense here. Let me remind you that the independent Ross Perot, despite being a great guy, by running independent, handed the election to Clinton.

    Tina, the obots are not RP supporters. They are bo supporters. They post BS simply to disrupt intelligent discussion and discredit CW.

    If they were not pretending to RP, they would be pretending to support other fringe “candidates” like the cRap people or Andy Martin like the obots have in the past.


  222. Tina,
    Just a little heads up. If you don’t agree with FS on even the most minor detail, you will be called an obot also. And then you will be accused of disparaging CW.

  223. Some good stuff here this afternoon. As I’ve said before, RP is absolutely too old to run, and imo if he had the good sense and respect for the country he would back off. A part of good character is being realistic, but I think he has evidenced that there may be – I say may be – somewhat of an ego problem. After all, few people like to think that their prime is past.

  224. Free Speech

    Another bo musbro calls for islamic State.

    SANA, Yemen — As thousands of demonstrators for and against President Ali Abdullah Saleh took to the streets on Tuesday, a cleric who is a former mentor of Osama bin Laden joined them to call for the replacement of the government with an Islamic state.

    The cleric, Sheik Abdul Majid al-Zindani, has been on the United States Treasury Department’s list of “specially designated global terrorists” since 2004, suspected of fund-raising for Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

  225. SueQ | March 1, 2011 at 5:13 pm |


    Too true. People have been banned over goring this particular sacred cow. At one time, it was so bad and so obvious that there was legitimate speculation as to whether FS and CW were one and the same person, or whether CW had disappeared and FS had taken over.

    FS is allowed to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to whomever he wants. He has never been rebuffed or banned, even when he provably lied about CW.

  226. Free Speech there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that MB are involved in Libya. I think that you should desist from making that statement.

    The Libyan situation is a special case. There is no evidence of outside forces being involved – not Al Qaeda as claimed by gadhaffi, not Code Pink, not George Soros and definitely not Muslim Brotherhood.

    It is a genuine people revolt, just like in Iran. On top of that Gadfaffi was aware of the probability of the revolt and he prepared by bringing in mercenaries from Kenya, Chad and other African regions.

    As it stands, the Libyans do not want military interference. It is their struggle against Gadhaffi.

  227. Huckabee falsely claims Obama was raised in Kenya (too bad he isn’t interested in investigating the real O. epic from beginning to end)

    “The only reason I’m not as confident that there’s something [invalid] about the birth certificate, Steve, is because I know the Clintons … and believe me, they have lots of investigators out on [Obama]. And I’m convinced if there was anything that they could have found on that, they would have found it, and I promise they would have used it.”


  228. Free Speech | March 1, 2011 at 5:49 pm |

    You are correct about Yemen – that MB are behind the unrest. You are correct about Egypt – that MB are behind the unrest. The same is true in Oman and Bahrain. There is sufficient evidence.

    However, you have underestimated the influence of Iran. Most of the protesters are Shiites in Yemen and Bahrain. In Egypt the Iran puppet was easy to pick – his name is El Baradei.

    Not everything ties to Østupid. There are other forces at work. It is more like Østupid does not know how to respond – so he has more parties and plays golf.

  229. It seems like as a foreigner I need to continue to point out a few home truths with regard to why RP is the worst of the worst potential candidate for POTUS. The man is just too extreme.

    What is really important is not the getting involved in wars but the ability to prevent wars getting out of hand in the first place.

    The Østupid response to the situation in Egypt was absolutely horrendous. Whilst I believe that violence against the people should be condemned, in Egypt there was in fact very little in the way of violence when the condemnations began. Oh how different was the situation when hundreds of Iranians were killed, shot and imprisoned. This was all about the messages being sent to the rest of the world.

    One reason that President Reagan was so successful on the world strange is that he was not afraid to make demands on certain world leaders. Hence his “tear down that wall”. Reagan used the arsenal of nuclear weapons to bring the Soviets to heel.

    However, right now the USA is extraordinarily weak, and the concessions made to Russia have added to the impression of weakness.

    An isolationist policy is bad for the USA. A policy that refuses to lead only shows weakness and when dealing with the M.E. this is very bad indeed. The M.E. rulers do not tolerate such weakness.

    Whilst many of us disagreed with the reasons given for the invasion of Iraq, one outcome had been the taming of Gadhaffi. Up until recently Gadhaffi had become almost neutered. However, the actions of Østupid meant that Gadhaffi had become emboldened once again. Now is not the time to send military to Libya. My point is that Bush showed strength by invading Iraq and ousting Saddam Hussein. In the eyes of those M.E. rulers Bush came over as strong, rather than as the weak quisling that is Østupid.

    The election of an RP type would be the continuation of this quisling weakness. I see this as being dangerous for the USA. What it would mean in the long run is that the ME types would become so bold that they would seek to invade the USA via the Mexican border.

    Such an event is very likely so long as the USA is perceived to be weak. The point is that if RP was the POTUS this would be added incentive to the enemies of the USA to go ahead and invade the nation.

    There are other potential candidates who would be equally as weak: Gary Johnson, Huckabee, Christie, Thune and Huntsman.

    The problem with Chris Christie is his pro-Islam stance. He is very much a no-no person.

    In fact any of those potential candidates who have backed the NYVM are not POTUS material. The best potential candidates are those who have stood up to the idea of building the NYVM at GZ. In my mind, there is one outsanding person: John Bolton. However, I know nothing of his domestic policies.

    Any candidate that pushes Green or watermelon issues should be dropped as a good potential candidate.

    As for Jeb Bush, now is not the right time to put another Bush in the White House. Jeb is a very good person, but it is not the right time for him.

  230. Aussie | March 1, 2011 at 6:28 pm |


    Thank you for some sanity. Blaming Ø for everything is just a good way to squander credibility. Not even Satan himself is as evil as the summation of everything FS heaps upon Ø.

    It is an exact mirror image of Bush Derangement Syndrome and deserves exactly the same kind of “respect”. Same as the Truthers. Blame all of 9/11 on Neocons and Mossad. Bah.

  231. kaks | March 1, 2011 at 6:28 pm |

    Kaks, Hilary Clinton was the original birther. I suspect that the Clintons do have the goods on Øbama but they were threatened in some way into silence.

    It seems odd to me that Bill Clinton would lie as much as he has lied to cover for the fraud in the White House. It would be interesting to know what Øbama has on the Clintons.

    Also Berg is a Democrat and Clinton supporter, and his case was one of the earliest requesting that proof birth in the USA be given.

    The fake certificate that was posted online is not evidence of birth in the USA. In fact nobody should have been taking notice of that fraudulent COLB.

  232. To add to my comments regarding Libya (and only Libya) take a look at this link:

  233. Eric Holder: Black Panther Case Demeans “My People”

    Eric Holder told the House Appropriations subcommittee that the New Black Panther voter intimidation case demeans “my people.”
    The Politico reported:

    Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American.

    Holder’s frustration over the criticism became evident during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing as Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) accused the Justice Department of failing to cooperate with a Civil Rights Commission investigation into the handling of the 2008 incident in which Black Panthers in intimidating outfits and wielding a club stood outside a polling place in Philadelphia.

    The Attorney General seemed to take personal offense at a comment Culberson read in which former Democratic activist Bartle Bull called the incident the most serious act of voter intimidation he had witnessed in his career.

    “Think about that,” Holder said. “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people,” said Holder, who is black.


  234. NBC Vic Hern

    Just remember……Huckabee is a politician first…..they tell you what you want to hear and once elected don’t do anything about it!
    I’ll certainly remember you and this GIGANTIC …WTF….MOMENT!!

  235. Don’t shoot the messenger here more than one subject to mull over with Mancow Muller:

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