Donald Trump on Geraldo Rivera, Obama birth certificate, There Is a Chance that He Wasn’t Born in this Country

Donald Trump on Geraldo Rivera, Obama birth certificate, There Is a Chance that He Wasn’t Born in this Country

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Donald Trump was interviewed by Geraldo Rivera.

Geraldo: “There is something very Strange going on. He spent a lot of money to keep this out of print. There’s something very very strange going on. A lot of legal fees. Why can’t he produce a birth certificate?”

175 responses to “Donald Trump on Geraldo Rivera, Obama birth certificate, There Is a Chance that He Wasn’t Born in this Country

  1. Good morning everyone……………………….
    Looks as though here in Northeastern Indiana it is going to be a cool but pretty day. Regarding Soetoro, until such time that he produces a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH which looks exactly like the Hawaiian BCs issued to the Nordyke twins, and such time that Kapiolani Hospital produces the records of his birth at their facility in August of 1961, I will continue to look upon the POTUS as NOT A LEGAL POTUS,AND AN ILLEGAL CINC, as well. Further when Congress is finally forced to deal with his presence, GOD willing,I will be among the millions of people SCREAMING for his PROSECUTION,and IMPRISONMENT.

  2. Good Morning CW and OldSalt79! OS79 isn’t Butler in Indiana? If so, congrats on their victory over the Gators. I spent some time in Gainesville so I was hoping for a Gator victory, but Butler dug deep and pulled it out.

  3. President Dwight Eisenhower Had to File a Birth Certificate to Run for President – Unlike Obama, Ike had nothing to hide!

  4. I watched The Donald on The Geraldo Show last night. I think this could be the “Straw That Breaks The USURPER’S Back”. Watch for things to happen fast now.
    CW – I noticed that the previous subject ended at total 333. That’s half of 666!

  5. CW I can only say this from Donald Trump’s lips to GOD’s ears.

  6. >>>oldsalt79 | March 27, 2011 at 6:46 am |
    Good morning everyone……………………….
    Regarding Soetoro, until such time that he produces a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH which looks exactly like the Hawaiian BCs issued to the Nordyke twins, and such time that Kapiolani Hospital produces the records of his birth at their facility in August of 1961, I will continue to look upon the POTUS as NOT A LEGAL POTUS,AND AN ILLEGAL CINC, as well. Further when Congress is finally forced to deal with his presence, GOD willing,I will be among the millions of people SCREAMING for his PROSECUTION,and IMPRISONMENT.<<<<

    Oldsalt and CW goodmorning,
    Oldsalt first let me say "Ditto"……but I will add this. Obama is a symptom of a disease. He is Fraud, and those that have placed him into position knew. The CIA has covered for him, and done essentially a CIA operation on US soil. The SCOTUS and Congress have been complicit, and have to know as well. This disease can't be treated, and this Constitutional Republic cannot heal, until this entire episode is exposed and treated.


    Arab World | 24.03.2011
    Libyan Islamists stand to gain with or without Gadhafi

    …”The real threat to US security is flying under the radar. The fate of once-jailed Islamist fighters who are now at large should be among Washington’s top concerns. Islamists freed by Gadhafi and those who escaped from prison during the uprising are now able to operate in an environment of evaporating state control, abundant small arms caches, and under-guarded stocks of chemical warfare agents,” Christopher Boucek, an analyst with the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for Peace, told Deutsche Welle….

    …..Libyans constitute the third-largest contingent of jihadists in Iraq after Iraqis and Saudis. Several Libyans also graduated to senior positions in al-Qaeda, including Abu Yahya al-Libi, the group’s chief ideologue and a potential successor to Osama bin Laden. The LIFG, which attempted to assassinate Gadhafi on three different occasions, posed the greatest threat to the Libyan leader’s regime prior to the popular revolt.

    A US diplomat noted in a US embassy cable disclosed by Wikileaks in 2008 after a visit to the eastern Libyan city of Derna, home to many Libyan jihadists, that they were focused less on attacking Western targets than on undermining the Gadhafi regime.

    The diplomat said the militants believed that the US and Europe were supporting Gadhafi after his 2003 renunciation of weapons of mass destruction. They saw participation in the Iraqi jihad against US forces as “a last act of defiance against the Gadhafi regime,” the US diplomat wrote in the 2008 cable.

    Noman Benotman, the London-based former LIFG leader who was one of the group’s negotiators with Saif al-Islam, warns that eastern Libya hosts a younger, more radical group of Islamist militants who see jihad as a religious obligation….
    “many Libyan jihadists, that they were focused less on attacking Western targets than on undermining the Gadhafi regime.”

    Is anyone familiar of Maslow’s hierarchy (pyramid) of needs? To move up, one has to have met those needs below the objective.

    Why isn’t there a Libyan Jihadist Pyramid of Needs that the military brass recognizes? In the above article they are telling us what has to be done first before they turn their attentions to America and the West. First they need to defeat Gadhafi! It’s not rocket science.
    “Violent Islamists have long sought to bring down the hated Gadhafi regime – just as they have looked to topple other ‘apostate’ governments in Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen – and some may now see this as their best opportunity to overthrow the government,” Boucek said.”

  8. Must read article by joe farrah in the Post Chrinicle:

    and if you want a good laugh from a birth certificate cartoon:

  9. Bill Cutting

    Paxson | March 26, 2011 at 10:25 pm |

    I am one of those that did, and I don’t take it back.

    I still don’t think Trump is going to win the (R) primary, But I have changed my opinion of him. He is smarter and has more ba22s than I thought.
    I could be wrong about him not winning the primary, who knows stranger things have happened. I would have never guessed that the D would install a Marxist.
    What I also find strange is how the Fox crew take their shot at Birthers then back down, almost as scripted to do so.

    Let’s face it talking about the BC gives Fox good ratings, look at Glenn Beck the socalled Constituionalist. He slammed Birthers/Doubters so hard he cam no longer discuss the subject without looking like a complete aXX. His ratings tanked and he has no where to turn.

    Although I still believe the BC is a red herring covering up the dual citizenship issue. That MSM is talking about eligibility at all is a plus.


    We all saw Trump on the Birth Cert issue, BUT, did y’all see GERALDO and Gerry Weintraub? Now THAT was THE intereview! Here’s what Weintraub had to say to the question posed by Geraldo as to will Obama have a second term:
    If Gaddafi does NOT go (or words to that effect) – Obama is OUT.
    If Gaddafi is dethroned or GOES (or words to that effect) – Obama is IN.
    Here’s where all of us should squelch Weintraub’s thinking because he is WRONG, and here’s why! If Gaddafi GOES but is replaced by the Muslem brotherhood or Al Queida, it is WORSE than if Gaddafi stayed in power. IMHO, if THAT happens then Obama is STILL out. Furthermore, whether Gaddafi stays or goes OBAMA will STILL be OUT because, he’s a bad president. Our policy — ie, the US’s policy has nothing to do with our foreign affairs. We have no business being in Libya. The US in this instance was and is AN OCCUPIER.
    Obama is a liar and broke all campaign promises. He also did not follow our Constitution, he is a usurper. Forget that he’s trying to destroy OTHER countries, he has destroyed AMERICA and THAT”s all that matters.

  11. Bill Cutting

    Zach Jones | March 27, 2011 at 7:08 am |

    News Papers also investigated Herbert Hoover and could only find census records. They didn’t always fill out birth certificates in those days. But everyone knew who he was and knew the family. Unlike BHO

  12. Read about this event?

    Recently one of Glenn Beck’s guests noted that it’s the control of the world media, what is reported and how that is forming this “New World” thinking, economy, etc. Here is a perfect example of unreporting a pivotal event … except by the one who can control the message in the countries he needs to effect:

    Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

    It’s amazing how many lower level people in the financial world – who will be effected the most – think this guy is “smart” rather than be scared to death of his ideas and those in lock step with him. Just look at the names involved.

    Unfortunately for him though, at least in slowing things down, are all the mobs forming in just about every country these days. But these are of the “entitlement” generation so all he has to do to gain their acceptance is to pay them off … even if only temporarily until they’re “bagged”. And then they’ll act nicely as his thugs.

  13. Bill Cutting

    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 8:00 am |

    Take the eleigibility out of the equation and you are still looking at the most incompetent fool ever be elected to the office.
    Marxism fails ever time. Hopefully the D party will be permanently destroyed.

  14. NBC Vic Hern

    Thanks Bill Cutting, Miri and FS for the support.
    A very big hat-tip to CW.
    I knew I could come here and get good info and answers.
    Great teamwork will get er done.

    Will be interesting to see if the big bad boys start pressuring the
    Trumpster and try to place him in a political and financial box,
    or outright threaten and bully.
    Will be watching closely.


    Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 8:10 am |

    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 8:00 am |

    Take the eleigibility out of the equation and you are still looking at the most incompetent fool ever be elected to the office.
    Marxism fails ever time. Hopefully the D party will be permanently destroyed.
    To further bolster yours and my view of this, take a look at the Independent’s Front Page today!, Sunday headline “Obama sends risky message” it says, “Events in Libya will send a signal to rogue states that the United States has no appetite for leadership and every intention of retreating behind its own frontiers.”


    NBC Vic Hern | March 27, 2011 at 8:13 am |
    Will be interesting to see if the big bad boys start pressuring the
    Trumpster and try to place him in a political and financial box,
    or outright threaten and bully. Will be watching closely.
    TRUMP NEEDS TO STOP “EXPLORING” AND PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL. He needs to ramp it up — come right out and in grand Trump style, announce he’s running for President! Watch what happens then!!!! Prediction, the WH is SO dysfunctional that they’ll s**t themselves.

  17. trump is wrong. the issue is n b c . he needs to say that obama is not eligible because of his father. he has a dual citizenship. the place of birth is not the main point to be stressed.

  18. Waiting to see if either Mike Wallace(Fox) or David Gregory(NBC) will mention the Donald this AM.

  19. Bill Cutting

    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 8:25 am |
    Prediction, the WH is SO dysfunctional that they’ll s**t themselves.
    LOL, well said.
    Trump could take them out before they even start a 2012 campaign. Maybe open the door for D primary challenge? Interesting……….

  20. P.S. They are trapped between a National conspiracy or Ratings.

  21. So far FOX has wimped out and all they are talking about is Obamacare. Now watching Meet The Press.

  22. NBC Vic Hern | March 27, 2011 at 8:13 am | Thanks Bill Cutting, Miri and FS for the support.
    A very big hat-tip to CW.
    U R Welcome, Vic.

  23. Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 7:58 am |

    Although I still believe the BC is a red herring covering up the dual citizenship issue. That MSM is talking about eligibility at all is a plus.
    I agree.

    If we take BHO Jr. at his word then there is no doubt that he is not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States as required by the Presidential Qualifications Clause of Article II Section 1 Paragraph 5 of the United States Constitution. The Constitution requires that to be the President of the United States, a person must be born in the United States of two parents who are citizens of the United States. By BHO Junior’s own admission his father was a British/Kenyan subject (citizen) at the time of his birth. Thus BHO Jr. is disqualified for the Presidency.

    There is a clear, concise definition of the term “Natural Born Citizen” in Vattel’s Law of Nations which was the principal legal reference book used by the Founding Fathers in writing the Constitution.

    “The natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens…it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

    There have been innumerable United States Supreme Court Decisions that have referenced Vattel’s Law of Nations as a resource in interpreting the original intent of the Founding Fathers when writing the Constitution.

  24. Is anyone watching Meet The Depressed? Miss Hillary is wearing The Hooded Cobra hairdo!!

  25. Bill Cutting. You didn’t call him a loon and chastize those who support him. I wouldn’t support Trump either merely because he really is the first big name potential candidate to bring up this issue.

    BUT IT DOESN’T HURT. The rest have scurried like rats. By the way, in mu opinion Trump is very electable.

  26. I had a dream last night and in the last debate Donald Trump turns to Obama and says ” Mr. Obama, your fired!”….classic.

  27. Bill Cutting | March 26, 2011 at 10:15 pm |

    The Obot on the internet is the worst kind of person, always assume they lying.


  28. ms.helga | March 27, 2011 at 9:12 am | Is anyone watching Meet The Depressed? Miss Hillary is wearing The Hooded Cobra hairdo!!

    Did U hear her promoting Al Jazeera again?

  29. Bill Cutting

    “You didn’t call him a loon and chastize those who support him. ”
    I get him and Ron Paul mixed up.

    I just want the most conservative R candidate who makes it through to win. I will pinch my nose and vote for that person, same as 2008.

  30. Best to ignore the obot his only purpose here is to disrupt the great intelligent discussuons we have had for the past 3 days while the obots have been “out of here.”


    Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 8:52 am |
    Trump could take them out before they even start a 2012 campaign. Maybe open the door for D primary challenge? Interesting……….
    Totally agree with you. He would change the entire landscape of the upcoming Primary, in fact, he’d OWN IT.

  32. Most people assume that Barack Obama had been vetted before he was able to run for President. Guess what?

    A congressional document posted on the Internet confirms no one – not Congress, not the states and not election officials – bothered to check Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, and that status remains undocumented to this day.

    As a genealogist, I personally find some troubling aspects to the Certificate of Live Birth he posted on the internet. It’s all about the folds. The are missing from the first COLB at fightthesmears and then appear at factcheck but they are in the wrong place! I suspect he is hiding something. Something seriously damaging to his eligibility or his character. Or probably both.

  33. Bill Cutting. I hear you.

  34. I’m liking Trump more and more.

  35. Bill Cutting on March 27, 2011 at 9:47 am

    I get him and Ron Paul mixed up

    I just want the most conservative R candidate who makes it through to win. I will pinch my nose and vote for that person, same as 2008. ——————
    While I appreciate Trump raising the BC issue, he is on record supporting demRats.

    Ron Paul is a 911 Truther who associates with anti-semites.

  36. More from Geraldo’s show (beginning at 4:52) – clip includes comments from Mike Huckabee.

  37. Thanks, GORDO on March 27, 2011 at 10:09 am

  38. Just a thought – Why doesn’t Trump start and run as a –


    Let’s start a Why & Why Not List –

    Why List

    1. Fed up Dems will not become Repubs and fed up Repubs will not become Dems.

    2. People would be proud to be called Constitutionalists.

    3. A. Democrats nothing but politicians.
    B. Republicans nothing but politicians
    C. Constitutionalists are the Laws of the Land


    US officials: Libyan operation could last months

    But asked on ABC’s “This Week” if that would mean a U.S. military commitment until year’s end, Gates said, “I don’t think anybody knows the answer to that.”

    The lack of clarity on that question reflects a worry for lawmakers clamoring to hear fuller explanations from the administration on why the U.S. was embroiling itself in another Muslim conflict and what the ultimate goals of the intervention are.

  40. In an early piece written by Aristotle the Hun and cross postes here in the early days of Leo’s incarceration, Aristotle described FS as being a Democrat up until the 2008 election.

    So all of this DemRat garbage and finger pointing against others is of the highest level of hypocrisy. Trump is a business man, not a career politician. Judging him on donations that he made to increase his business is smart in my opinion. Especially in palaces where there is no real opposition from a Republican candidate.

    I have not decided to support Trump yet. I like Herman Cain. But I find it very odd that some/one tried to do such an early takedown of Trump. That those who might support Trump are either Obots or Loons.

  41. Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”

    Is their nothing that the obot tells the truth about?

  42. Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…
    The demRat was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

  43. If our military services end up under the command of a foreign commander it is the same thing as having the INVALID CINC. One of our gallant officers was imprisoned for asking a legal question. Now they will be forced to IMPRISON ALL OF OUR OFFICERS from every military, should they too ask the question. Can you envision the little snot nosed Lind sentencing a quarter of a million officers to prison. She would look even more like the sort of pig which a lot of people already see her as.

  44. Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…
    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

  45. Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”
    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.


    Free Speech | March 27, 2011 at 9:59 am |
    Ron Paul [snip] associates with anti-semites.
    I happen to like R. Paul.

    As a REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE Jew, I’m interested in that comment. Back it up for me, explain yourself, or retract it.

  47. This from –

    “Trump Takes Birther Crown From
    Orly Taitz With Saturday Night
    Geraldo Appearance”

    Read the comments.

  48. The point being that anybody who has followed Citizen Wells for 3 years or more knows that Leo aka FS was a Democrat up until the 2008 as reported by Citizen Wells and Leo’s buddy Aristotle the Hun.

    The question that we SHOULD ask FS as he is chastizing our choices as to whom we want to win the Republican primary is this: Leo, given the fact that you were a Democrat and active in Democratic campaigns, as reported by your friend’s Aristotle the Hun and Citizen Wells, which Democrats did you support and what campaigns did you work on as your time as a Democrat?

    It is no crime to have been a former Democrat, however having a former Democrat call lifelong Republican’s loons because they may support Donald Trump is very rich…. and suspicious.

  49. Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”
    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”
    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

  50. Bill Cutting

    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 10:59 am |
    You may have missed the RP battles going on here over the last few weeks.
    A person who was banned from here spammed the blog with RP videos, alienating most.

    I think RP has some good ideas, but I see him as a spolier.
    And at 78 years old, age would be an issue if he were to advance to the general election. IMHO.
    No disrespect to the opinion of others here.

  51. I personally look upon many of the LEFTIST females as being SEXUALLY hung up on Obama. It seems as though all of them would do a “BLUE DRESS” thing on him if they hasd an opportunity. I tend to think that this is one of the reasons why so many YUPPIE females are similarly hung up on him. It is usually the 20- 30 year old sheap looking bleached blond who thinks that she is a VIP, who is most often hung up on him. It is noteworthy to also stste that many of these females drive a SUV. The SUV is their STATUS saymbol. Even further it is this segment of our society, who try very hard to demean the Constitution, or try to make others think the Constitution is an out of date, and otherwise an impaired document.which needs to be re-written. Some months back a University of Chicago referred to the Constitution as a FLAWED DOCUMENT. She is a LEFTIST who can only see what she wants to see in the Constitution, and wilL otherwise attempt to subvert it in a HEART BEAT.

  52. Which Democrats did you support up until 2008 when you left the DEMOCRATIC party?

  53. Well, it was nice while it lasted. We true conservatives had great intelligent discussuons for the past 3 days while the obots have been “out of here.”

  54. Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”
    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”
    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussuons for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”


    oldsalt79 | March 27, 2011 at 11:13 am |
    I personally look upon many of the LEFTIST females as being SEXUALLY hung up on Obama. It seems as though all of them would do a “BLUE DRESS” thing on him if they hasd an opportunity.
    Totally agree! It also depends on what the meaning of “is” is. [LOL]

  56. Great comment from on the Trump interview last night.

    “This is a case where the nefarious use of the media has been shown under a bright light. If a presidential candidate refuses to show a document which could prove that he does not qualify for the office, which seems more rational? a.) to continue to insist that the candidate show that document and all pertinent documents, and to become more and more skpetical the longer such documents are withheld, or b.) call anyone who questions the withholding of such qualifying data “crazy.” It seems as though everyone in the media, including conservative talk radio, and public life is tripping over themselves in order to say that they believe he was born here, and yet they have absolutely no proof. This is because they’re terrified of the public thrashing they know their reputations and plausibility will take if they question anything about his birth or other aspects of his life. They are completely cornered and cowed – “poltroons” or “castrati” as Rush would say. Who has carried this off? The Chicago mob infesting Washington right now, and their willing accomplices in the radical media, using the old Alinsky tactic that still works like a charm: isolate your opponent and then mock him. Since no one wants to become a laughing-stock, this usually shuts the opponent up. Trump may just have enough power and prestige to question with impunity. “


    Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 11:13 am |
    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 10:59 am |
    You may have missed the RP battles going on here over the last few weeks.
    A person who was banned from here spammed the blog with RP videos, alienating most.
    Thank you for that. However, what you have just described has nothing to do with anti-semitism. But point well taken, I’m not looking for an argument. We’re on the SAME side — we need to work together. RP IS WITH US. I don’t care HOW OLD HE IS, look at the moron in the WH, he is young and dangerous. I’d rather have someone with some REAL life experience at 78 than whats there now — EVEN IF IT IS RP.

  58. Bill Cutting

    “which Democrats did you support and what campaigns did you work on as your time as a Democrat?”

    I supported Jimmy Carter 1976 because he promised to legalize a certain plant, then I got a full time job and saw the amount of taxes I was paying.
    Shazam….. Instant Conservative ever since.

  59. Why don’t you Just answer the question. Which DEMOCRATIC campaigns did you work on? Aristotle early on described you as being a Democrat active in Democratic campaigns.

    Given that you are calling lifelong Republicans obots because whom they support doesn’t pass Your test, who did you support when you were active in Democratic campaigns?

    It’s a fair question.

  60. Bill Cutting

    “Thank you for that. However, what you have just described has nothing to do with anti-semitism.”
    That was posted a while back in a video, I beleive, never watched it. I don’t know if RP is an anti semite.
    I take alot of these things with a grain of salt. A couple of weeks before the primary is when I decide.

  61. Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”

    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |
    “I’m outta here.”

    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussions for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”

    This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.

  62. Bill Cutting. That wasn’t 2008. You can find the information right here in Citizen Wells archives. Also, I encourage former Democrats, as many as possible. But FS is hiding his own RECENT past.

  63. I have been a conservative Independent my entire Adult life. I supported and voted for Presidents Reagan, Bush 41 & 43, and Mcain.

  64. The point being FS went from being a Democrat active in Democratic campaigns TO being the panty Sniffer on who passes the “true conservative ” test.

    Somebody needs to say this stuff. I welcome FS to our side, but he should have some respect for our Republican process.

  65. Zach…………………..
    Yes Butler is about 40 miles north of us. If you are giong 30 miles per hour as you enter town and inadvertently blink twice you will have missed the huge metropolis. I think that the population is something around 3000 people.

  66. FS. In 2009, Aristotle the Hun (Your friend) on this very blog called Leo the Lawyer (you) a Democrat who has been active in Democratic campaigns.

    Which campaigns?

  67. LOL! Speaking of “RECENT demRat past” obot/demRat paxson was PROMOTING Hillary for President just 6 days ago on CW.
    Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”

    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |
    “I’m outta here.”

    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussions for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”

    This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.


  69. Bill Cutting

    “I have been a conservative Independent my entire Adult life.”
    That was what I was driving at in my last post. I understand the young voting liberal. But when you reach adult hood and are still lib then your probably mentally ill. That is why Obumbo targets the young in his campaigns.
    Let’s not forget there was a Conservative wing to the D party once, my late FIL was one . He voted for Reagan twice.
    But the conservative D is no more, they are either independent or R.

  70. Paxson | March 27, 2011 at 11:16 am |

    After ruminating for the past few days while avoiding posting I’ve come to the conclusion that just like JS he’s not delusional but working at cross purposes to the cause. Like JS he uses the Alinsky method of ridicule, labeling anyone who opposes his blog-hogging and general bs flinging an “obot”. You know what they say, “he who smelt it dealt it.”

  71. Bill Cutting

    LM | March 27, 2011 at 11:43 am |

    cool site , wonder if they gat flagged as spam though.

  72. UN Declares War on Property Rights – Most of the USA would be Off Limits to Americans

  73. More Obama talk???

    Check this out… OUCH!#@*

    Obama Tests Well at Start of Re-election Run.

    Obama 47%
    Republican 37%

  74. Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 11:47 am | “I have been a conservative Independent my entire Adult life.”
    That was what I was driving at in my last post. I understand the young voting liberal. But when you reach adult hood and are still lib then your probably mentally ill. That is why Obumbo targets the young in his campaigns.
    Let’s not forget there was a Conservative wing to the D party once, my late FIL was one . He voted for Reagan twice.
    But the conservative D is no more, they are either independent or R.


    And I might add that President Reagan was a democrat before it turned into the Socialist Party of America that the obot/demRats NOW support. It is impossible to be a Conservative and PROMOTE a demRat for President. IMPOSSIBLE!

  75. Zach ………..OT…
    I guess you could call it a “HICCUP “town. There is a grain elevator, a filling station a church, a town marshal,and one or two sit down eateries. I heard that McDonalds did put a store there. In the last couple of years a lot of the small industries that WAS there are now gone. Perhaps others will see fit to locate there. They have a well oriented and OUT OF WORK employee pool. All of the companies that WAS there were to a degree oriented to the manufactured homes and RV industry,which is scattered across the northern part of this state. Their products ranged throughout a wide variety of mechanical,and electronic products. But where it relates to their sports abilities apparently they are UNEFFECTED by rampant unemployment.

  76. loaves&fishes

    I agree with the age of female support for Obama – OSalt but not the vehicle or hair – I am both other than the age and a mother of 4 , entrepreneur , pragmatic conservative – I love my country , almost every male figure above the age 60 in my family has served this great land in the military – GEN D MacArthur is my 3rd cousin . Its never good to over generalize a group – there are 8 children in our family – all female s are younger than myself and do not fit the description of liberal – they are young , vibrant and very proud to be American and trying to raise their children with moral principled thoughts and deduction
    ability – so they can stand up to the evil corrupt faceless diseased minds trying to destroy truth . I agree with your anger – I simply believe there are more of ‘us’ then anyone realizes and we are not all over 50 – it is very hard to go to sleep at night knowing our world is no longer at peace and our evryday lives are no longer innocent in pursuit and freedom to choose threatened- that we have to be wiser stronger even suspicious is a weight I wish my children did not have to become aware of yet- God must give =us= the wisdom to discern the truth vs the lier if we ask – how else will we survive as a race ?

  77. Bill Cutting. The term conservative D hasn’t been applicable for over a decade now. My point is, given the labelling and ” high horse ” approval or disapproval of whom somebody may support here, That we should be given the opportunity to know which DEMOCRATIC campaigns That FS was involved in.

    Part of my guess is given the fact that Leo worked in Entertainment Law, the Democratic label served a purpose working in that industry as well.

    Remember That FS lashed out at those who may approve of or Trump. Called them loons.

  78. LOL! Speaking of “RECENT demRat past” obot/demRat paxson was PROMOTING Hillary for President just 6 days ago on CW.

    Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”

    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |
    “I’m outta here.”

    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussions for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”

    CW blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.

  79. Bill Cutting

    Not trying to start the whole RP argument again, but it came up………

    Found this, if true disturbing.
    The Ron Paul Campaign and its Neo-Nazi Supporters

  80. Bill Cutting

    Ok , going to a wake.
    Have a nice day all.

  81. Update: Presidential Ticket: Paul E. Vallely and Donald Trump?

    While I agree, they should raise the NBC issue, it is necessary to raise the Fraudulent BC, Adoption and Fraudulent Social Security Number issues as well. I have been communicating this information to all of the above except for Trump for over 2 years now…

    I don’t know Trump but I appreciate that he has made the BC a hot issue in the media.

  82. Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm | Ok , going to a wake.
    Have a nice day all.

    Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm | Ok , going to a wake.
    Have a nice day all.

    Same to you!

  83. I SWEAR

    Let’s take this oath and send copies of it to every and any hopeful candidate as well as every official already elected.

    I swear by all that is great about America I will never vote for any hopeful candidate running for any office who AVOIDS, DENIES OR DENIGRATES THE PRIMARY ISSUE OF BARRY SOTOERO’S AKA BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA QUALIFYING AS A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN UNDER ARTICLE II OF THE US CONSTITUTION. So help me God.

    I also swear to support, contribute and vote for any candidate who makes challenging Obama to prove he meets the qualifications of the NBC the center piece of his political plat form.

  84. If Citizen Wells blog is threatened by people who merely disagree with you, FS, then the foundation is built on sand. I feel as though the local “authoritarian” on “conservative purity” should be called out on his past. People who disagree with FS are not automatically Obots or DemRats. Remember FS recently tried to immediately cut Donald Trump off at the knees by calling him and those who support him, loons.

    Also, for those to say that they don’t know much about Donald Trump haven’t been following politics. It is still early days for me to endorse anybody in the Republican primary (I lean towards Cain), BUT I AM NOT GOING TO STAND BY IDLY AND WATCH FORMER DEMOCRATS (in FS) TRASH POTENTIAL CANDIDATES WHO MAY EVENTUALLY HAVE TO FACE OBAMA.

    If somebody doesn’t call FS out for being a former Democrat, who will?

  85. LOL! Speaking of “RECENT demRat past” obot/demRat paxson was PROMOTING Hillary for President just 6 days ago on CW.

    Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”

    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |
    “I’m outta here.”

    Obviously the obot/demRat paxson has great difficulty telling the truth, but it would be nice if he could at least be honest about being “outta here” for good.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussions for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”

    This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.

    obot/demRat paxson just could not stand seeing CW thriving again, so he broke his own “boycott” to come back here to disrupt CW.

  86. Update: Presidential Ticket: Paul E. Vallely and Donald Trump?

    I don’t know Trump but I appreciate that he has made the BC a hot issue in the media.

  87. If FS and a crew of “yes” men and women is thriving, then I suppose that it is thriving. Why shouldn’t those that support Donald Trump in the Republican primaries be able to post here without fear of being called an Obot or Loon by former Democrat FS?

    Also, I’m happy that FS has chosen to leave the Democratic party after so many years. I want him to stay on our side. I would, however, want him to have a little bit more decorum when isolating certain Republican candidates in the primary and not destroying them early on should they win the election and have to face Obama.

    In a nutshell, welcome to the Republican party, FS. This is not the Democratic Party that you belonged to for so long. We do things differently on this side of the fence.

  88. This is my 2cent’s,I have been comeing in here before we had FS,and leo,When we went to bat for him and the way he was wronged bye TN. I have 5 son’s 4 of which have been to war,2 are still there.I am not an obot,will support all whom are against him.But everyday,just like today,FS has at least 27 of the post so far,i do get overwelmed bye his constant, grand jury post.I do feel this has become his personnel blog,no offense FS but sometimes i just want to say SHUT UP. I know i do not post alot here,but do not support all the back and forth attacks,wish CW would have a little more control,but hey it’s a free blog and I understand.MO only.

  89. FS said:
    LOL! Speaking of “RECENT demRat past” obot/demRat paxson was PROMOTING Hillary for President just 6 days ago on CW.
    Not once did I ever say that I supported Hillary Clinton for President. I said that she looked like Barry “frigging” Goldwater compared to Obama. I also went on to say that I have never he policies. So if FS wants to live in a fantasy world about what side of the fence that I have ALWAYS resided, so be it. Rational people can see through the ruse.

    If people want to find out some facts on who Leo is then just google his name. You’ll find that it was reported on Citizen Wells and by Aristotle the Hun that FS was a Democrat “active in Democratic campaigns until 2008”.

    On it’s face, nothing is wrong with finally seeing the light to your past errors in judgement. Welcome. But don’t come over to our side and jack things up and operate the same way that you were accustomed to in the community activism realm of the Democratic party for so long.

  90. The obot/demRat paxson is not fooling any of us true Conservatives. That is why his STUPID boycott of CW failed and paxson was outed as the obot/demRat that he is.

    Bill Cutting | March 21, 2011 at 10:29 pm |

    Obots tired of BHO, like to paint HRC as mainstream.When the fact is she is Marxist who hates the Constitution and has contempt for America as well.

    Obot’s like to show up on conservative blogs heap praise on blog owner, claim to be long time lurkers and then attack regular conservative commentors.


    LOL! Speaking of “RECENT demRat past” obot/demRat paxson was PROMOTING Hillary for President just 6 days ago on CW.

    Paxson | March 21, 2011 at 8:58 pm |

    “SueK…funny That you mention that. … Hillary… is looking like Barry frigging Goldwater to me right now. She’s the only grown up in the room and as much I disliked her policies at one time, there is no doubt that she is an American and loves our country…”
    The demRat paxson was at least truthful about his admiration for and support of Hillary.

    We true conservatives had great intelligent discussions for the past 3 days while the obot/demRat paxson has been “out of here.”

    This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.

  91. Thanks Kudos. I said a while back that I would never turn my back on Citizen Wells and I almost left this blog for good because I could stand that sanctimonious labelling bull shard by FS. He does not own our movement, nor is he the sole arbitor of who is right and who is wrong.

    Disagreeing with him does not mean that you are an obot or a DemRat.

  92. Obot boycott

    This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots are gone.

    Although I like CW the best, I post at other blogs and the personal attacks, lies and obot/demRat BS is NOT tolerated on any other conservative blogs. CW has always been a bastion of FREEDOM OF SPEECH that you simply can not find anywhere else.

    Just as I predicted, the obots would be banned from all other conservative blogs and would break their own boycott to come back and disrupt CW.


    Ladyhawke | March 24, 2011 at 1:40 am |

    “It is time for no one to post here again for a while…please those in the morning just post enough to pass on the word of the boycott.”

    Aussie | March 24, 2011 at 2:40 am |

    “Ladyhawke, I agree and will be back some time in the future when the virus on this blog is removed. “

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”

    Aussie | March 24, 2011 at 3:20 am |


    I am following Paxson, and will cease from posting until such time as the present virus that is infecting the blog is removed. You know where to find me.”

    indymac | March 24, 2011 at 7:29 am |

    “Cabby – AZ | March 24, 2011 at 3:51 am |

    Aussie | March 24, 2011 at 2:40 am |

    Ladyhawke, I agree and will be back some time in the future when the virus on this blog is removed.
    I agree with you both and will do the same.

    Ditto here.”

    Bill G | March 23, 2011 at 11:02 pm |

    “CW’s site has been a great vehicle for some time. But we have many other options now.”

    FOS Alert | March 24, 2011 at 11:51 am |

    “outta here also”

  93. I still have not seen a credible link reporting that Trump actually contributed to Emanuel’s Chicago mayoral campaign or other dimocraps for that matter. Sounds like more obot mis-information. . .

  94. Zach……………………
    I find myself somewhat embarrassed by my tangent speil about a tiny toen to our North. But what the hell now you know pretty much all there is to know about Butler,Indiana.
    I didn’t realise until after I posted the garbage that you was talking about Butler University,which is in Indianapolis…..about 120 mileas South by slightly West of us. Apparently they pulled off a victory of 71 – 74 in OT. The school being where it is enjoys a unique geography,because it is next to Carmel,Indiana a small town which has in the near,and distant past produced a lot of Indiana’s best basketball players. Must be something in the water there. I can only say in defense of my speil,that I was sidetracked by having not followed collegiate ball for a number of years. But why I thought you was talking about the HICK town north of us is anybodies guess. I can only chalk that one up to a growing mental vacuum taking over the diminishing grey matter. Oh wwell such is life,in our pulsing metropolis. Hell we even now sport a minor leage baseball team. If you follow hockey we have the Fort Wayne Comets. They have been here for over thirty years. To date the only Collegiate Basketball teams that I really ever followed was the Boilermakers. When Bobby Knight got the axe I left too. I havn’t felt any compulsion to return either. Again sorry about my ignorance.

  95. Update: Presidential Ticket: Paul E. Vallely and Donald Trump?

    I don’t know Trump but I appreciate that he has made the BC a hot issue in the media.

  96. Trump comes out strong against the demRat bo.

  97. Paxson | March 27, 2011 at 1:06 pm |

    He’s a blog-hogging clown and not a funny one. Reminds me of Lon Chaney’s line that “there’s nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight”. A lunatic with an agenda.

  98. More Obama Talk…. (From Dave King Post)

    Is Obama Incompetent?

    The Real Danger isn’t Only Obama’s Incompetence.

    Most thinking Americans would now agree that Obama is in over his head, that he is plotting for an America that will cause all Americans to be more hungry, colder in the winter, less employed, less educated, less happy, less healthy, less traveled, more poorly housed, and have less wealth (and these things would also apply to his own daughters when they reach adulthood).

    All of these things are dangerous enough on their own, but the real danger with Obama is that he honestly can’t see the negative results of his actions and policies. � Everything he does is right and good as far as he is concerned, and if he changes his mind after making a mess, that, too, was the correct thing to do and not an indication of any mistake on his part. � On the other hand, in his mind most of the decisions he has to make are because of the poor thinking of George Bush or another scapegoat, so any bad outcomes were already there before he got involved. � This man really believes he can’t make a mistake. �

    We know from recent studies and books that Obama has never consulted with some of his cabinet members on issues under their jurisdiction, but we also know that he does meet daily with union officials and his radical czars, and in so doing he is getting advice that is way out of the mainstream, and therefore dangerous to the welfare of all Americans.�
    Obama is an intelligent man who simply lacks the ability for self examination, and can’t consider that he may not always be correct.� In short he’s an intelligent man who� is a fool, as opposed to being ignorant,�and lacks good judgment. �

    Obama’s years as president have already caused pain and suffering for the citizens of this nation, and the suffering will get worse after he’s gone and�his policies are in place and become practice, and his policies will eventually get Americans killed due to a lack of proper defense of our nation’s borders, and weakening of our military and missile defense, and a general sense among our enemies that America is weak and can be attacked, which is exactly the message Obama is sending. �

    And now with Obama’s flip-flop on the defense of marriage act, we have clear proof of his firm conviction regarding whatever his latest announced position is. � With his statement that he believes the defense of marriage act is unconstitutional, he’s setting up a constitutional crisis because the president doesn’t have the power to decide the constitutionality of anything; he’s executive, not judicial.� But to gain favor with his political supporters he is willing to reverse positions on nearly everything and anything. �

    Every decision Obama makes is for the benefit of Obama and his radical buds, and the people he was elected to serve are not even considered. � And this immoral man has 2 years left in office. �

    We are in serious trouble!!

    Impeach Obama!

  99. truthbetold11

    from day 1 2 years ago i knew that the only way is power people take out power people. we are just small fish in the big pond donald trump in 1 conversation lit the whole birther thing to the fore front. i think the power elites have had enough of his shennigans

  100. Zach………………….
    It seems that literally every political aspirant says a lot that sometimes turns out to be a real load of manure later on.. I tend to evaluate them based mostly upon their past behavior within their own business fields. But I do not exclude everything they have to say. If experience tells me that they are BULLSHI##ING me then I put their name on my FORGET list. I can only say that for now Trump does have some attraction. If he is willing to CONTINUE hyis rhetoric,and if he debates the others uses some of Soetoro’s lies to shoot Soetoro down verbally then I will see him in an improved light. One can SAY anything, but actually doing what they say is indeed another matter. That is primarily why I am no longer much impressed by Huckabee. I believe that he may have torpedoed himself with some of his recent remarks. Very sad too because he had a HELL of a lot of PR that most politicians can only dream of……then he turns around and shoots himself in the foot. This makes me think that he might be a carbon copy of Biden.

  101. This blog thrived again with intelligent discussion while the obots were gone.

    The personal attacks, lies and obot/demRat BS should NOT be tolerated on other conservative blogs.

    Just as I predicted, the obots would be banned from all other conservative blogs and would break their own boycott to come back and disrupt CW.


    Ladyhawke | March 24, 2011 at 1:40 am |

    “It is time for no one to post here again for a while…please those in the morning just post enough to pass on the word of the boycott.”

    Paxson | March 23, 2011 at 10:39 pm |

    “I’m outta here.”

    Aussie | March 24, 2011 at 3:20 am |

    I am following Paxson, and will cease from posting until such time as the present virus that is infecting the blog is removed. You know where to find me.”

    indymac | March 24, 2011 at 7:29 am |

    “Ladyhawke, I agree and will be back some time in the future when the virus on this blog is removed.
    I agree with you both and will do the same.

    Ditto here.”


    hapnHal | March 27, 2011 at 1:39 pm |
    More Obama Talk…. (From Dave King Post)
    Is Obama Incompetent?
    GOOD POST! Thanks.


    Paxson | March 27, 2011 at 11:42 am |
    FS. In 2009, Aristotle the Hun (Your friend) on this very blog called Leo the Lawyer (you) a Democrat who has been active in Democratic campaigns.
    You mean to tell me that FS is a LAWYER? Any LAWYER worth their salt doesn’t throw out allegations without backing them up. LAWYERS are held to a higher standard. Put it up LEO the LAWYER, where’s RP’s hanging out with anti-semites?

  104. Update: Presidential Ticket: Paul E. Vallely and Donald Trump?

    I don’t know Trump but I appreciate that he has made the BC a hot issue in the media.

    Obama’s House of Cards is Collapsing!

    Trump comes out strong against the demRat bo.

  105. Bill Cutting | March 27, 2011 at 12:10 pm | Not trying to start the whole RP argument again, but it came up………

    Found this, if true disturbing.
    The Ron Paul Campaign and its Neo-Nazi Supporters


    I agree.

  106. SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 1:50 pm |

    Just what kind of lawyer has no time for lawyering but only blogging?

  107. Bill Cutting | March 21, 2011 at 10:29 pm |

    Obots tired of BHO, like to paint HRC as mainstream.When the fact is she is Marxist who hates the Constitution and has contempt for America as well.

    Obot’s like to show up on conservative blogs heap praise on blog owner, claim to be long time lurkers and then attack regular conservative commentors.

    indymac | March 24, 2011 at 7:29 am |

    “Ladyhawke, I agree and will be back some time in the future when the virus on this blog is removed.
    “I agree with you both and will do the same.”

  108. The interview last night that Geraldo had with Mr. Trump did any one notice how calm Geraldo was? I am serious! Geraldo has always been so hyper talking about The kenyan fraud. (Just like Allen Colmbs the moron) I think Geraldo has finally seen the light and has decided that he loves his freedom and country more then a fraud who is trying to destroy our country.

    I could not get over how calm Geraldo was with Mr. Trump last night.

  109. Ginger | March 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm | The interview last night that Geraldo had with Mr. Trump did any one notice how calm Geraldo was? I am serious! Geraldo has always been so hyper talking about The kenyan fraud. (Just like Allen Colmbs the moron) I think Geraldo has finally seen the light and has decided that he loves his freedom and country more then a fraud who is trying to destroy our country.

    I could not get over how calm Geraldo was with Mr. Trump last night.

    Yes, I agree.

  110. Yes indeed, just what kind of lawyer has no time for lawyering but only blogging? Unless he’s a retired has-been I can see no logical reason for a ‘lawyer’ to be nothing but a blog-hog.

  111. for Trump posting and contact:
    Most of the postings are under your voices. I used the contact-us site to give Mr. Trump more information about O. I probably should have posted under your-voices. Oh well, I hope the information will be passed on to him.

  112. Update: The FBI Focuses on Corruption in Tennessee

    (Mar. 26, 2011) — Keith Richardson met with Special Agent Mark Shaffer (the duty agent) yesterday afternoon (Friday, 25 March 2011).
    Keith reported to S/A Shaffer events that are part of the larger criminal enterprise now discovered in Tennessee State, and the United States more widely. Keith was sure to connect his experience to building reports to the FBI regarding the experiences of others in this state.

    More Reported Judicial Tyranny in Tennessee


    President Obama has lost his legitimacy to remain in office. The Libyan war has exposed the administration’s lawlessness and rampant criminality. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.

  114. If your local public officials will not do their duty and indict BHO, then citizens should form their own Grand Juries as provided by the 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Then citizens should exercise their 1st Amendment Rights, as recently discussed by Rush Limbaugh, and march on the White House with thousands of Indictments of BHO and his co-conspirators in hand. Then it will be impossible for the main stream media to ignore the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama.

    As Rush Limbaugh said, “Obama can’t complain if we go Egypt on him because he said that’s how democracy works, that’s what he said on Friday. This is the way real democracy works, so he can’t complain if it happens to him, and it will.”



    Sat March 26 2011 17:04:37 EDT

    Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an Orlando Sentinel reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser.

    Reporter Scott Powers was the designated “pool reporter” for the vice president’s Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn’t arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.

    Not so for Powers. A “low-level staffer” put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. “When I’d stick my head out, they’d say, ‘Not yet. We’ll let you know when you can come out.'”

  116. BO LOSES AGAIN! All BO’S Final Four Picks LOSE!

    President Obama has selected his Final Four picks for the NCAA tournament. He’s predicting all number one seeds — Duke, Kansas, Ohio State and Pittsburgh for the men’s tournament –which he’s unveiling on ESPN Wednesday afternoon.


    indymac | March 27, 2011 at 2:09 pm |
    SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 1:50 pm |
    Just what kind of lawyer has no time for lawyering but only blogging?

  118. Trump for PRES. OBAMA YOUR’E FIRED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!









    “The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel.

    The group, launched as a more traditional media critic, has all but abandoned its monitoring of newspapers and other television networks and is narrowing its focus to Fox and a handful of conservative websites, which its leaders view as political organizations and the “nerve center” of the conservative movement. The shift reflects the centrality of the cable channel to the contemporary conservative movement, as well as the loathing it inspires among liberals — not least among the donors who fund Media Matters’ staff of about 90, who are arrayed in neat rows in a giant war room above Massachusetts Avenue.”


    By Truth Now on March 27, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    . If your local public officials will not do their duty and indict BHO, then citizens should form their own Grand Juries as provided by the 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Then citizens should exercise their 1st Amendment Rights, as recently discussed by Rush Limbaugh, and march on the White House with thousands of Indictments of BHO and his co-conspirators in hand. Then it will be impossible for the main stream media to ignore the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama.

    As Rush Limbaugh said, “Obama can’t complain if we go Egypt on him because he said that’s how democracy works, that’s what he said on Friday. This is the way real democracy works, so he can’t complain if it happens to him, and it will.”

  123. . i think the power elites have had enough of his shennigans

    By truthbetold11 on March 27, 2011 at 1:40 pm

  124. We are in serious trouble!! Impeach Obama!

    By hapnHal on March 27, 2011 at 1:39 pm




    I ain’t buyin’ ANYTHING “Tyson”. THAT’S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  126. Meanwhile all this “bigger picture” background music continues to play:


    George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution

    See which White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document

    Read more: George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution
    Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

    If this guy was demythologized the whole deck of cards would come down (including the major support for O) … at least for a while … until another wealthy holder of the puppet strings “philanthropist” arose on the scene.

    SEARCH Islamic symbols and it comes up.just a tiny LITTLE BIT OF common sense tells you something is NOT RIGHT HERE ??????? RIGHT ??


  128. If this guy was demythologized the whole deck of cards would come down (including the major support for O) … at least for a while … until another wealthy holder of the puppet strings “philanthropist” arose on the scene.

    By observer on March 27, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    I agree. Indict soros and it would bring down the entire demRat party.

  129. Sherman Tank and FS…

    Thx, you made my day… but,
    what really disturbs me is my earlier post.

    O = 47%
    R’s = 37% ?

    I know it’s early, but something is wrong with this picture.

  130. This might be the best thing to ever happen to Fox News. Let the mud sling!

    Fox will deliberately take on the taboo subject “NBC” re the Usurper. Maybe now Judge Napolitano will do a legal presentation of the Constitution’s Article II clause. Natural born citizen will be defined and maybe even Whoopi and some of the air heads on the View will “get it”. The guts of the issue of Barry’s legitimacy will finally be defined. Fox News ratings will rocket.

    Media matters will shoot itself in the foot for taking on a fight it can’t win. It will lose in credibility and ratings. In the heat of conflict the truth will be shed. Just maybe–just maybe–Obama will be charged and tried before the end of his term and SENTENCED TO PRISON INSTEAD OF RUNNING FOR A SECOND ILLEGAL TERM!

  131. The above post was a response to SHERMAN TANK | March 27, 2011 at 4:20 pm | ASSAULT ON FOX NEWS:

    “The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel.

  132. This might be the best thing to ever happen to Fox News. Let the mud sling! Fox will deliberately take on the taboo subject “NBC” re the Usurper. Maybe now Judge Napolitano will do a legal presentation of the Constitution’s Article II clause. Natural born citizen will be defined and maybe even Whoopi and some of the air heads on the View will “get it”. The guts of the issue of Barry’s legitimacy will finally be defined. Fox News ratings will rocket.

    Media matters will shoot itself in the foot for taking on a fight it can’t win. It will lose in credibility and ratings. In the heat of conflict the truth will be shed. Just maybe–just maybe–Obama will be charged and tried before the end of his term and SENTENCED TO PRISON INSTEAD OF RUNNING FOR A SECOND ILLEGAL TERM!

    By usapatriots-shout on March 27, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    RUN DONALD—-RUN–RUN–RUN !!!!!!!!!


    By ANNE MARIE on March 27, 2011 at 5:48 pm
    I agree.

  135. New article up at the Post&Email,
    Hawaii Governor and Lt. Governor Have Received their Petition Letters
    Share 0digg

    by Sharon Rondeau

    Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie has claimed that he knew Barack Hussein Obama’s parents when they attended the University of Hawaii in the 1960s

    (Mar. 27, 2011) — The Post & Email is in receipt of two return-receipt cards from the U.S. Postal Service confirming that both Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Brian Schatz’s offices are in possession of the letter sent last week with the names of the signers of the second and final Hawaii Petition Campaign.

    The office of the third recipient, Ms. Loretta Fuddy, Acting Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, to date has not returned the receipt. The Health Department has said that Obama’s vital records are protected by state privacy laws, although past presidents and candidates have made their original birth certificates available to the public (see more).

    Homepage new

  136. hapnHal | March 27, 2011 at 5:10 pm | … FS…

    Thx, you made my day… but,
    what really disturbs me is my earlier post.
    U R Welcome!

  137. 2004 Kenyan born all set to take Illinois State Senate.
    March 25 2010 Kenyan Parliament..If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?
    What more would Mr. Trump need? Have him call me, we need to talk. 🙂

  138. “First TV Ad on Jerome Corsi’s Latest Book Titled, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President.””

  139. Discover the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Founding Fathers which they said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desired peace, prosperity, and freedom.

  140. Rosemary Woodhouse

    loaves&fishes | March 27, 2011 at 11:57 am |

    I agree with every word of your post.

  141. loaves&fishes | March 27, 2011 at 11:57 am |

    I agree with every word of your post.

    By Rosemary Woodhouse on March 27, 2011 at 8:43 pm
    There is much widom in loaves&fishes’ post.

    Bo and cohorts have made the world a painful place. It saddens me to think what the world will be like for our children.

  142. News! Rubicon Crossed!

    Excellent, to the point, and needs to happen!

  143. Hey Bill Cutting……………………
    Boy am I really glad that somebody remembers Captain Marvel. He is the one who yelled SHAZAM when the fight started getting more than he could handle. Billy Batson turned into Captain Marvel. who promptly knocked the DOGGIE DO out of ALL THE BAD GUYS IN one SWING……..SHAZAM.

  144. The question is not why can’t he produce a birth certificate but why are We the People not allowed to enforce the constitution?

    Why has the Right to Petition for redress of grievances been denied by a “standing” rule invented by the courts?

    Why have all the Petitions to congress not even been read into the record?

    What right does the media and government have to assert that We the People who demand the Constitution be held supreme are not within our rights to make demands of them to uphold the laws of this nation? We are not “birthers” we are law abiding citizens demanding the laws be upheld, demanding due process be performed as guaranteed.

  145. Bill Cutting

    oldsalt79 | March 28, 2011 at 12:09 am |

  146. Bill Cutting

    Free Speech | March 27, 2011 at 3:41 pm |
    BO LOSES AGAIN! All BO’S Final Four Picks LOSE!
    Warbama knows as much about basketball as he does international affairs. ZERO

  147. Good Morning!

    Western double standards over Libya will help IslamistsBy Ömer Taspinar, Special to CNNMarch 28, 2011 7:34 a.m. EDT

    What’s that time honored Navy expression? Oh, I remember.

    What a Clusterf*&k.

  148. March 28, 2011

    Decoding Libya
    Sharia can tell us how this story ends.

    Andrew McCarthy

  149. RasmussenPoll Scott Rasmussen
    58% Now Favor Health Care Repeal…

  150. Andrew McCarthy’s article is good.

  151. Wake up in a good mode? I guess it works.

  152. LM March 27, 2011 at 11:51 am |
    UN Declares War on Property Rights – Most of the USA would be Off Limits to Americans

    Thanks LM. Interesting video. I’ve read about this Smart Growth garbage before. Check out this list of cities & towns around the globe that are members of ICLEI, the group that the video mentioned (some towns probably are unaware of what it really is). I found some near me.

  153. OOPS! Sorry for the double video post. Here’s the list:

  154. loaves&fishes

    I was sent a poster circulating from Palestine – a fist with green red and black – in arabic – a friend has tried to translate – the jist is the third intifada / liberating Palestine and it will begin May 11 and with Tunisia , Egypt and Libya in toe –
    May is also when the Union backed SEIU plans to try and collaspe Wall street again-and Soros is calling a convention to plan the new global bank plan – alot going on in month of May – in my faith it is the month of the rosary – and it was asked through the apparitions of the Blessed Mother to pray for conversions lest a WW111 will not be thwarted . Whether this is a valid warning or not what we are witnessing is a fertile ground for the wish of the Jews In Israel to be vanished by the Muslim hate coming at them from every direction – I will pray , prepare and not deny what I see – What I know is unreasonable hatred is driving the volitility in the world – we have to stand for truth no matter how hard – we have to stop the blatant corruption – we have to re – establish moral ground and draw lines – we must live by a rule of law to maintain civility or LOOK WHAT HAPPENS _ SHEER CHAOS – imprisionment of the individual spirit-
    we have to take our schools – education back – get the idiocy out of the classroom – allow parents to raise their children and teachers to teach REAL history that is not changed to suit the offended and reading writing math –
    you all know what I mean – get the social psychology out – the recycle garbage out – the green crap out – the guilt out – teach virtues and everything else falls into place – Erase entitlement mentality-
    It is not only Jews that are attacked , Christianity , Right to Life issues , prayer , morals , do you see where I am going – the classic good vs evil fight –
    there will always be a fight but this is insanity – I for one am praying and keeping my eyes WIDE OPEN !( you are labeled simple minded if you stand on moral absolutes )

  155. To be the President of the USA (POTUSA), the Constitution of the United States indicates clearly that the POTUSA must be “a natural born citizen”. To be a natural born citizen, the POTUSA MUST meet the following 2 conditions:
    1) The POTUSA must be an American citizen who was born in the USA.
    2) The POTUSA must be born of two parents who are American citizens.
    Both conditions are required!
    2) IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MEET, as Obama’s father was NEVER EVER an American.
    Conclusion: Obama is NOT eligible to be POTUSA!

    2 sites where there are useful information on this lack of eligibility of Obama to be president of the USA:
    1) Attorney Mario Apuzzo’s site at
    Several excellent articles with a legal perspective on Obama’s lack of eligibility.
    2) The main articles on WorldNetDaily at on Obama’s lack of eligibility are at

  156. My list of the worse things in the United States today.
    Barry Soetoro Hussein, SEIU, New Black Panther Party, Van Jones, Farakhan, NAACP, Klu Kluk Klan, General Electric Co., All of Obamas cabinet, Rep. or Demo. Janet Napoltano (JOKE) Eric Holder, Little and I mean Little Timmy Guithner, Puss) Davied Axlerod, (disgrace to JEWS) I could go on and on and on and on. Of course this is my opinion. OH one I almost forgot. Imelt and George Soros ENOUGH? Not really. LV

  157. Pingback: Breaking: Arizona Representatives Flying to New York City to Meet with Donald Trump on Friday, April 8; Obama’s “Fight the Smears” Website Offline| The Post & Email | Eastaustinvoice’s Weblog

  158. Pingback: Brennan Obama motivation for Trump removal: Treason, Brennan employee breached Obama passport data, Trump began questioning Obama in 2011 | Citizen WElls

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