Easter 2011, Jesus resurrection, Wisdom of God, Message to doubting Thomases

Easter 2011, Jesus resurrection, Wisdom of God, Message to doubting Thomases

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”…First Corinthians 1:25

What I am about to present is intended primarily for the Doubting Thomases out there. First some observations. Jesus was born in the Middle East. His skin color, neither lilly white or black, was average. He was born into a lowly existence and therefore could speak to everyone regardless of status. His message is simple and true. I can find no fault with it. He was crucified. No other method of death would have gotten the attention of humans. If that is not enough for you, I have studied the Shroud of Turin for years. I believe that it is real.

Presented here on April 5, 2010.

Is this the face of Jesus?

From the History Channel

“What did Jesus look like? Artists, scholars and millions of Christians around the world have been pondering the question for centuries. And on Tuesday, March 30, at 9/8c, HISTORY viewers may get closer to an answer than ever before, thanks to a special two-hour event.
The Real Face of Jesus? follows a team of graphic experts as they use cutting-edge 3D software to bring a holy relic known as the Shroud of Turin to life. Many believe Jesus Christ was buried in this ancient linen cloth, which bears traces of blood and the faint, ghostly image of a man. With the help of modern technology, can HISTORY finally unlock the secrets of one of the world’s most scrutinized and controversial artifacts?
To attempt this feat, HISTORY turned to computer graphics artist Ray Downing of Studio Macbeth, who used photographs and digital animation to reconstruct Abraham Lincoln in 2009. As Ray and his team grapple with the task, we delve into the Shroud of Turin’s long history, along with the many perplexing questions that centuries of scientific research have failed to settle. How, for instance, did the figure’s imprint appear on the cloth? And how can we extract 3D information from a two-dimensional piece of linen?
In The Real Face of Jesus?, HISTORY unveils the fruit of many months of labor, made possible by sophisticated computer tools in very capable hands: an accurate depiction of the man many believe to be Jesus Christ. For the devout and curious alike, this is a compelling story of transformation—a fascinating journey from the realm of creativity and imagination into the domain of science and technology.”

“The advent of photography in the late 19th century forever altered the course of the shroud’s history. In 1898, a lawyer named Secondo Pia took the first known photograph of the cloth, and his negative revealed new details—including strikingly clear facial features—that could not be observed with the naked eye. Scientific interest in the relic immediately picked up. In 1902, the French anatomist Yves Delage, an agnostic, inspected the photographs and pronounced that the figure on the shroud was indeed Jesus Christ.

The first direct examinations of the cloth were conducted in the 1970s, most famously by the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), a team of scientists led by physicist John P. Jackson of the University of Colorado. The group found that the markings on the cloth were consistent with a crucified body and that the stains were real human blood; they also suggested that the image’s shading patterns contained three-dimensional information. They could not explain how the imprint ended up on the fabric in the first place.

In 1988, scientists removed a swatch of the shroud for radiocarbon testing. Three independent laboratories concluded that the material originated between 1260 and 1390, leading some to deem it inauthentic. Since then, however, further studies have cast doubt on those results, suggesting that the shroud may indeed date back to the time of Jesus Christ’s life and death.

In March 2010, researchers unveiled a revolutionary radiocarbon dating method that could allow scientists to safely establish accurate ages for precious artifacts like the Shroud of Turin. Unlike traditional carbon dating, the new process does not require samples; instead, the entire object is exposed to an electrically charged gas that gently oxidizes its surface without causing damage. This means that, someday soon, the world may have a more precise estimate of the Shroud of Turin’s real age.

In the spring of 2010, the Shroud of Turin will be available for its first public viewing in 10 years, scheduled from April 10 to May 23.”

Read more:


After reading numerous books and articles on the Shroud of Turin beginning over 30 years ago, I found a book that convinced me that the Shroud could be authentic. Mark Antonacci wrote and published “The Resurrection of the Shroud” in 2000. From the preface:

“It actually began out of nowhere on a Sunday afternoon. I had just had a serious argument with a girlfriend. The problem was that she was religious, and I was not. She was very committed to her religious views, and I was definitely a committed agnostic. Because it was over a matter that threatened our relationship, it caused me great anxiety. Not wanting to hang around the apartment and continue to think about it all day, I decided to go to work at my law office to take my mind off the argument.

When I got to my office, I couldn’t concetrate on my work. Hoping to get my mind off the disagreement, I decided to go across the street and catch some lunch at Hummel’s, my favorite restaurant, and read the paper. On the way I happened to buy a particular newspaper for the only time in my life.

As I was moving down the serving line at Hummel’s with the newspaper on my tray, I couldn’t help but notice the words across the top of the paper, advertising what was inside the weekend edition. In the upper right-hand corner was a facial picture of the man on the shroud; next to it, a caption asked if this was a picture of the historical Jesus Christ. The paper was featuring an article on a recently published book about the Shroud of Turin. The picture was staring up right at me, and as I went down the line, I muttered to myself, “Great, this is just what I need.”

“I did not like seeing this picture and being reminded of the subject and the argument, so I pushed the paper a little bit away from me. As I continued reading, I noticed the picture again and pushed the paper farther away still. I did the same thing another time until, noticing the picture yet again, I finally said, “all right, I’ll read the !$#?% article,” and angrily threw down the sports page and picked up the article on the shroud.”

From an interview posted on Amarillo.com on April 14, 2001

“Ex-agnostic researches, writes book on shroud”

“Mark Antonacci said he was a committed agnostic until he stumbled upon an article about a subject he would eventually spend nearly 20 years researching.
Antonacci, a St. Louis lawyer, is author of “The Resurrection of the Shroud.” He spoke in a telephone interview about his book about the cloth that he and others believe wrapped the body of Jesus Christ.
His book delves into questions about the wounds suffered by the man whose impression is on the shroud, the shroud’s history and scientific challenges to the carbon dating of the shroud.
Now a Christian, Antonacci said much historical, medical and archaeological evidence exists to prove Christ’s death was consistent with Gospel accounts. The evidence he said he found changed his mind about God.
“I came to the conclusion that the literal, actual crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred,” he said.”

Read more:


From the book website:

“With the passing of a generation of research and development, science may now be able to move beyond the question of authenticity and prove some of the most startling events in history, while disproving the results of the Shroud’s controversial carbon dating.  Mark Antonacci, author of The Resurrection of the Shroud, the most comprehensive and substantive book ever written on the subject, and Art Lind, a retired physicist from McDonnell Douglas Aerospace and the Boeing Company, have devised a series of tests and experiments that will test what they consider to be the most likely explanation of the Shroud’s images and unprecedented features, while explaining the cloth’s aberrant carbon dating. Scientific tests and experiments utilizing nuclear reactors and accelerator mass spectrometers could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:”

  • Particle radiation irradiated the Shroud.
  • The particle radiation emanated from the length, width, and depth of the body wrapped within the cloth.
  • The event occurred in the 1st Century.
  • The event happened in Jesus’s burial tomb.

Read more:


Have a special Easter.

56 responses to “Easter 2011, Jesus resurrection, Wisdom of God, Message to doubting Thomases

  1. Happy Easter to CW & all True Patriots!

  2. Thank you for the informative article on the Shroud. It is certainly fitting to post this article on Holy Saturday as we await our glorious services on Easter morning. I believe. HE is my Lord and my God.

  3. Best Shroud site:

    Great informative article:


    Milagro Eucaristico Buenos Aires Argentina

  4. Happy Easter to All!

  5. Happy Resurrection Day to Everyone!

  6. CW Thanks for the post.

    Messianic Prophecy

    One of the most incredible types of evidence is the testimony of prophecy. The Old Testament contains a number of messianic prophecies made centuries before Christ appeared on the earth. The fact that He fulfilled each one is powerful testimony that Christ was no ordinary man. Christ fulfilled eight prophecies and many others.

    Genesis 12:1-3 states the Messiah would come from the seed of Abraham.

    Genesis 49:10 states that He would be of the tribe of Judah.

    2 Samuel 7:12 states that Messiah would be of the line of King David.

    Micah 5:2 states that He would be born in the city of Bethlehem.

    Daniel 9:24 states He would die or be “cut off” exactly 483 years after the declaration to reconstruct the temple in 444 B.C.

    Isaiah 53 states that the Messiah would die with thieves, then be buried in a richman’s tomb.

    Psalm 22:16 states upon His death His hands and His feet would be pierced. This is quite significant since Roman crucifixion had not been invented at the time the Psalmist was writing.

    Isaiah 49:7 states that Messiah would be known and hated by the entire nation. Not many men become known by their entire nation, and even less are despised by the entire nation.

    Christ has risen….

  7. HE has risen. Happy Easter everyone!

  8. hapnHal | April 23, 2011 at 9:56 pm |
    Thanks for reminding us of those wonderful prophetic Scriptures!

    Wishing a Blessed Easter to all.

    Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11:25-26)

  9. truthbetold11

    And he shall be called wonderful counsleor, prince of peace, almighty god. and his kingdom will have no end.

  10. truthbetold11

    the word christian only appears 3 times in NT the word to describe his followers were disciples. jesus said if you hold to my teachings your really are my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free john 8 31-32. amen mt 28-18-20

  11. Is it true that Old Salt was banned?



  14. Mr. Bill(ms.helga)

    Happy Easter and Passover to all.

    Are scientists becoming believers?

    “Large Hadron Collider rumoured to have found God Particle”


  15. Happy Easter, Peace

  16. Just wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Easter.
    GYEBALEKO (J BA LE KO) – Luganda for ‘Thank You For Your Work’
    My Personal Commenting Code

  17. To my fellow posters and CW:
    REJOICE!! This is a joyful day, Christ has risen! Believe and go forth to do good works to your fellow man.

  18. Pete…… Amen!

    cw…. Thank you for the wonderful reading. Yes, I believe.

    I believe that the picture is of Jesus Christ and I would like to say in a very respectful way that I find him a very handsome man. Look into his eyes and tell me if you see a feeling of gentleness!
    Again….Thank You ….cw …. for this wonderful message today.

  19. Happy Easter!

    He is risen!

    On a much lesser subject, relatively speaking, great article at:

  20. President Wilson
    “America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scriptures. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very simple thing to ask of you. I ask of every man and woman in this audience that from this night on they will realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily perusal of this great book of revelations. That if they would see America free and pure they will make their own spirits free and pure by this baptism of the Holy Scripture.”

    Happy Easter!!

    Luke 24:7
    Saying,The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,and be crucified,and the third day rise again.
    He has Risen!!!!Amen!!!

  21. britishvicar

    God bless everybody on this Holy day.

    Personally I support the view that the shroud is a medieval fake. It does not harm my personal faith one jot since you do not need artifacts if you have the living God.

    The shroud’s provenance is rather murky – nobody can prove where it came from and it lacks a certain amount of documentation concerning it’s origin. Does that remind you of anybody?

  22. Except for the posts at:
    | April 23, 2011 at 11:44 pm |
    | April 24, 2011 at 2:42 am |
    | April 24, 2011 at 2:56 am |

    This thread has been harmonious and informative. Let’s keep it that way.

    CW has established some good rules against personal attacks on other posters. CW has said it is permissible to disagree without personally attacking other posters.

    Peace to all on this Joyous Day!

  23. Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 9:29 PM
    Subject: Re: VIRUS Warning

    many thx!

    On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Dean wrote:

    You may already know about this. If not read on;


    Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton Please send it to everybody you know who has Access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled “Here you have it” If you open the file, a message will appear on your screen saying: ‘It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful….’

    Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your Name, e-mail and password. This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti-virus software’s are not capable of destroying it.

    The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself ‘life owner’.


  24. Sorry! I don’t mean to throw a blanket on Easter celebrations, but this is something we need to pay attention to..

    China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD Holdings
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/24/2011 11:05 -0400

    HyperinflationMonetary Policy

    All those who were hoping global stock markets would surge tomorrow based on a ridiculous rumor that China would revalue the CNY by 10% will have to wait. Instead, China has decided to serve the world another surprise. Following last week’s announcement by PBoC Governor Zhou (Where’s Waldo) Xiaochuan that the country’s excessive stockpile of USD reserves has to be urgently diversified, today we get a sense of just how big the upcoming Chinese defection from the “buy US debt” Nash equilibrium will be. Not surprisingly, China appears to be getting ready to cut its USD reserves by roughly the amount of dollars that was recently printed by the Fed, or $2 trilion or so. And to think that this comes just as news that the Japanese pension fund will soon be dumping who knows what. So, once again, how about that “end of QE” again?…

  25. citizenwells

    I promise you britishvicar, it is not a medieval fake.

  26. Zach Jones | April 24, 2011 at 12:51 pm |

    China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD Holdings

    Very bad news! That will send US into a major depression.

  27. Happy Easter Everyone! The future of the USA is at stake. Continue to fight for Truth and Justice. Stay safe, God Bless.

  28. Historians know that the Japanese Yen is the US Dollar left behind by the US occupation following World War II. The same with the Chinese Yuan and the euro. In fact, ‘eurodollars’ simply meant US Dollars deposited in non-US depository banks in Europe.

    What this means is that the US Federal Reserve is the Federal Reserve bank also for the Chinese Yuan.

    QE2, which is meant fight deflation in the US actually aggravates inflation in China: this would not happen except for the fact that the Chinese refuse to value their currency at market.

    It will be healthy for everyone if the Chinese would dump their US dollars onto the world market, because it will repatriate dollars to this country, creating cash for job growth, and reviving the real estate market. It will also go a long way in reducing the nation’s debt.

    The only one’s who want you to think this is a disaster, are those who sell worthless investments to a gullible public.

  29. For those interested:
    Easter-Resurrection Sunday blessings to all…
    The Passion of the Christ – TBN Channels – Sunday
    “The Passion Of The Christ” follows the last twelve hours of Jesus’s life from his emotional turmoil in the Garden of Gethsemane until his final moments of the crucifixion. Director Mel Gibson brings the struggle and sacrifice of Jesus (portrayed by Jim Caviezel) to life, like nothing ever seen before. Viewers must be cautioned that due to the graphic violence displayed in depicting the horrific death Jesus endured for us, this film is rated TV-MA-V.
    Program Schedule:
    Special show times:
    Sun 4/24
    4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
    Sun 4/24
    7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
    More from Jim Caviezel:
    “I couldn’t have done this without grace from God,” he says. “The physical beatings in the film and the suffering, it forced me into the arms of God. I had no other choice. … The whole time I was meditating in prayer, continually conversing in my heart about what this all means.”

  30. Today’s Chicago Trib has an editorial ridiculing birthers. Here is my reply.

    The Trib exists because our Founders insisted on freedom of speech. They also insisted our Commander in Chief be a Natural Born Citizen with no allegiance to any other Country; they understood this to mean born here of two US Citizen parents. Via SR 511 in 2008 the US Senate unanimously agreed with our Founder’s view, ‘born here of two US Citizen parents’. We ought not ridicule patriots who defend our Founder’s vision and the US Constitution. Each candidate ought to gladly present their Constitutional qualifications to seek office.

  31. citizenwells | April 24, 2011 at 2:38 pm |
    I promise you britishvicar, it is not a medieval fake.

    And the most obvious scientific concensus agrees with that assessment – esp. when it comes to the flora and the known history of ownership and transit. I would say that most who follow only a portion of the story are simply not up to date.

  32. @Bill G | April 24, 2011 at 4:36 pm |
    Well Said!

  33. observer | April 24, 2011 at 4:58 pm |
    I have been following the Shroud of Turin for a very long time. There is an image on the cloth, and I am almost 100% certain that the cloth is genuine and not a fake.
    Yes, I have heard about the finding of the flora that was found on the cloth which helps to confirm its origins.

  34. Philo-Publius

    Free Speech | April 24, 2011 at 12:15 pm |

    Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 9:29 PM
    Subject: Re: VIRUS Warning


    Its a bogus warning…just one of many similar hoaxes using Microsoft and Norton’s name and cites a hacker who calls himself “life owner”


    Happy Easter all.

  35. abbygirl | April 25, 2011 at 9:27 am |

    oldsalt79 | April 24, 2011 at 2:42 am |


    oldsalt79 | April 24, 2011 at 2:56 am |

    It is sad that you are leaving, but I understand. Yet for the life of me I can’t understand why CW has coddled this “MENTALLY ILL CHILD” at the expense of his once glorious blog. Many here have been banned for merely asking the wrong questions. Many more have “self banned” themselves because it is no longer productive, (wading through the sewage to get to a single nugget of truth).
    My understanding is that Dr. Sam wants us to “potty train” Leo, (reward him when he’s good, ignore him when he’s bad). That’s not my job. That’s not YOUR job. Dr. Sam can kiss my __! And so can CW for letting it go on this far! I’ve had it too, oldsalt.

  36. Thanks Philo

  37. I cannot understand how the person that posted that top story about the Shroud of Turin could in all good Christian conscience still allow the evil nasty attacks spewed by one person (and his imaginary friends) to continue unabated on this site.

    I have my theory, but it is Easter, so I shall save it for next week.

    I hope everyone is uplifted by today’s celebration!

  38. A Crazy Old Coot

    OldSalt is/was one of my favorite posters. I will miss him. I just cruise past most of the postings (mostly by one person) because the comments are worthless.

    HAPPY EASTER to you all and may God bless you and the USA!

  39. All the smart people have left the building. Bye bye Citizen OrWells.

  40. Bill G | April 24, 2011 at 4:36 pm |

    Today’s Chicago Trib has an editorial ridiculing birthers. Here is my reply.

    The Trib exists because our Founders insisted on freedom of speech. They also insisted our Commander in Chief be a Natural Born Citizen with no allegiance to any other Country; they understood this to mean born here of two US Citizen parents. Via SR 511 in 2008 the US Senate unanimously agreed with our Founder’s view, ‘born here of two US Citizen parents’. We ought not ridicule patriots who defend our Founder’s vision and the US Constitution. Each candidate ought to gladly present their Constitutional qualifications to seek office.
    God Bless The USA.

  41. Happy Easter!

  42. truthbetold11

    I don’t celebrate easter cause its today. everyday i celebrate it. today is the day of salvation!!!!

  43. Philo-Publius

    Hawaii senator questions Obama’s true birth father

    “My belief is that there is a birth certificate, he was born here, but that there is information that for reasons known only to him he doesn’t want released. If it were just the birth certificate, that would be one thing, but it’s his school records, it’s employment records. … Why would anybody, let alone the president of the United States, spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep that hidden?

    “As long as that goes on,” he concluded, “I think it’s a legitimate issue.”

  44. Philo-Publius | April 24, 2011 at 8:59 pm |

    Why would anybody, let alone the president of the United States, spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep that hidden?”

    “As long as that goes on,” he concluded, “I think it’s a legitimate issue.”


    It is definitely “a legitimate issue.”

  45. Face of Jesus still looks too European to me. I think he had much darker hair, and looked more semetic, but who am I to say? Jewish men in those days also had beards. But it is interesting to try to discover more about Jesus.

  46. Can they get DNA off the shroud? Does anyone know? I wonder if they can test it against the nails of Jesus that they claimed they found. Would be interesting if so.





  48. Philo-Publius

    Good morning all.

    Franklin Graham on Obama’s Birth Certificate: “I Can’t See Why He Won’t Produce It”

    “He can solve this whole birth certificate issue pretty quickly. I was born in a hospital in Nashville, North Carolina and I know that my records are there, that you could probably go and find out what room my mother was in when I was born. I don’t know why he can’t produce that?”

  49. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Good Morning to whose left. I didn’t want to be political on Easter and now is the start of a new week. Two events will happen this week which will keep the Birther issue out of the limelight. Morning Joe(MSNBC) will be doing their coverage from London for the Prince William & Kate marriage and the Space Launch from Cape Canaveral with Congress woman “Gabby” Giffords .
    Of all the politicians, I will always hold her in the highest esteem . She was truly serving her constituents when she was shot . Her husband Mark Kelley will be commanding this flight. GODSPEED

  50. Good Morning.

    Drudge has headline up about China thinking about dumping US debt.

    GYEBALEKO (J BA LE KO) – Luganda for ‘Thank You For Your Work’
    My Personal Commenting Code

  51. You’ll find some interesting reading over at Amazon.com forums. Remember when only a few blogs were discussing the birth certificate issue? You may want to put in your two cents. Or maybe it’s a nickel now since Obama’s been in office………..

    Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President forum

  52. britishvicar

    The Wikipedia summary seems to be fairly up to date:


    I’m not a Catholic – my Church has no horse in this race. If the shroud is faked or real it does not change what we know about Christ. There does indeed seem to be a whole load of wishful thinking concerning the shroud. I see a human face, but I have no compelling reason to believe that this is Jesus Christ – it could be almost anybody or nobody.

    I note that the Catholic Church seems not to have weighed in on the authenticity of the artefact. That’s probably for the best. I can see why some individuals might derive great joy from posessing such an arttefact, however I’m also reminded that there was a big medieval industry in faked holy artefacts.

    But I ought to be open minded – what would you say is the most compelling evidence for the Shroud’s authenticity?

  53. Pingback: Shroud of Turin authentic, Italian scientists, Created by flash of supernatural light, Not medieval forgery, Huge burst of energy at Resurrection of Christ | Citizen WElls

  54. Pingback: Easter 2012, Jesus face from Shroud of Turin, April 8, 2012, Italian scientists created by flash of supernatural light, God save us | Citizen WElls

  55. Do I believe this is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ? Absolutely I do. That being said, I would just like to compare this important piece of history to another. When Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem, the angels who appeared to the shepherds on the hillside told them, “And this shall be a sign unto you. You will find the babe, WRAPPED IN SWADDLING CLOTHES, laying in a manger.” How ironic that clothing would be used to identify Jesus at the beginning of His life here on Earth. Just maybe, God had it in His plan to use a piece of clothing to identify Jesus’ in death. Who can say if this isn’t a “sign unto you”. You shall find the swaddling cloth, laying in an empty tomb.” This, of course, is NOT biblical, just one person’s observation. Cloth was used to identify Jesus AT HIS BIRTH. Why not think God would use one to identify Jesus AT HIS DEATH?

  56. Clothing was used to help shepherd’s find their way to Jesus when He was born. Who’s to say God didn’t plan to use clothing to help people find their way to Jesus in His death? Just something to think about.

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