Obama natural born citizen?, Obama born in Kenya?, Howard Coble and Congress must investigate, Obama birth certificate fraudulent

Obama natural born citizen?, Obama born in Kenya?, Howard Coble and Congress must investigate, Obama birth certificate fraudulent

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Why did multiple news sources before and during 2008 state that Obama was born in Kenya?…Citizen Wells

Beginning in 2007, proceeding into 2008 and to this day, Barack Obama has been asked to present a legitimate certified copy of his birth certificate and he has not done so. The image placed on WhiteHouse.gov has been proven to be fraudulent. Where was Obama born? We do not know.

By the time  that the Tony Rezko trial took place in early to mid 2008, I began hearing rumors that Obama was born in Kenya. After several months evidence began appearing that confirmed that Obama was born in Kenya. Then we found out that some of that evidence had been altered or scrubbed.

The first Citizen Wells article questioning Obama’s birthplace was presented on June 10, 2008. That article has received 89,057 views.

“Obama has been asked repeatedly to present a copy of his birth
certificate. Obama has refused to supply a copy of his birth
certificate. Is Obama eligible to be president?

Was Obama born in Kenya? I have two powerful sources that indicate
that Obama was born on Kenya. One is a reporter working behind the
scenes. The other is from the following site. The headline is shown
below and states:

“Kenyan-born OBAMA makes history…wins presidential nomination.””

Read more

The USA Africa Online article quoted above originally had this caption.

This was not the only reference to Obama being Kenyan that existed. From The Sunday Standard June 27, 2004.

Here is some more information on this story from the Post & Email October 14, 2009.

And 2008 AP Story Repeats the Claim!

UPDATE:   Federal Court requested to investigate AP Story

UPDATE Nov. 21, 2009: See our reply to the Snopes.com article rebutting this story.

by John Charlton

(Oct. 14, 2009) — What most people know is that the Associated Press (AP) is one of the largest, internationally recognized, syndicated news services.  What most people don’t know that is in 2004, the AP was a “birther” news organization.

How so?  Because in a syndicated report, published Sunday, June 27, 2004, by the Kenyan Standard Times, and which was, as of this report, available at


The AP reporter stated the following:

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

This report explains the context of the oft cited debate, between Obama and Keyes in the following Fall, in which Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, self-admitted that he was not eligible for the office.  Seeing that an AP reporter is too professional to submit a story which was not based on confirmed sources (ostensibly the Obama campaign in this case), the inference seems inescapable: Obama himself was putting out in 2004, that he was born in Kenya.

The difficulty in finding this gem of a story is hampered by Google, which is running flak for Obama:  because if you search for “Kenyan-born US Senate” you wont find it, but if you search for the phrase without quotes you will find links which talk about it.”

Read more

I received the following email from CDR Charles Kerchner at 2:17 AM ET
on October 16, 2009.

“Since you are all covering this newly released/discovered webpage for
the June 27, 2004 article in your news sites and blogs, and that the
Obots are immediately labeling it a fake, I thought I’d share with you
a video recorded by a volunteer research on July 9th, 2009 showing the
documentation of the existence of the article’s page being found on
the net early this year, but contents scrubbed … but then in early
July the volunteer researcher found two copies in TWO (2) Way Back
Time Machine process archives servers at two locations in the world.
The second system has not been revealed as of this time before, as of
yet that I know of, while the first one was found and revealed by
someone yesterday. This video evidence we had been saving is hereby
being shown to you for news release via an attached video piece done
by the researcher that shows that the June 27th, 2004 article found is
not fake and existed on the net for quite some time and copies of the
article were inventoried and were still in the Way Back Time Machine
at two separate sites in the world on 9 July 2009.”


Congressman Howard Coble,

Members of Congress

Here is what we know:

Obama has not released a legitimate certified copy of his birth certificate.

Obama has employed private attorneys and US Justice Department attorneys at taxpayer expense for 3 years to avoid presenting a birth certificate and college records.

The image place on WhiteHouse.gov, purporting to be Obama’s birth certificate, is clearly fraudulent.

We do not know where Obama was born.

Based on the evidence, why should we believe that Obama was not born in Kenya.

I am demanding an immediate investigation by Congress. 

I believe that I speak for millions of concerned Americans.

101 responses to “Obama natural born citizen?, Obama born in Kenya?, Howard Coble and Congress must investigate, Obama birth certificate fraudulent

  1. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    To Cabby-AZ – Regarding Rubio from your last comment on previous comments.
    I googled up ‘Marco Rubio + ineligible’ and got the following –


  2. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Jonah – I am also waiting to hear if Cong. Allan West has been able to join the Congressional Black Caucus that he said he was going to try to get in with if he would win???.
    He sure laid it on Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Interesting that he lives in Schultz’s district and he can serve in another district. Oh well – Floridians are crazy.

  3. Hotlanta Mike

    Worth a read…perhaps a class action lawsuit can be initiated against the literary fraud that is “Dreams from My Father”.

    ‘Mortenson and Obama: Putting the Fiction in Nonfiction’


  4. The pattern of threats developing across the planet, typified by the recent events in Norway, indicate that we are in a situation very similar to the build up to the 2001 September 11th attacks. http://larouchepac.com/home

  5. Tick, Tick, Tick… Will the Markets Blow on Monday?
    July 24, 2011 • 8:18AM

    The insane President of the United States, in high dudgeon that he has not been able to impose a debt ceiling deal by Royal Decree, summoned the leaders of the House and Senate to meet with him in the White House on Saturday morning. “They have to explain to me how it is we are going to avoid default,” he proclaimed http://larouchepac.com/node/18883

  6. http://theobamafile.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=5405587

    07/22/11 at 08:40 AM

    “The Kenya Information and Tourism Worldguides website is running a piece about Kisumu in Kenya that identifies the town as the birthplace of Barack Obama.”

    07/22/11 at 12:45 PM

    “The cut ‘n’ paste image is archived in The Obama File.

    Here is the image as it originally appeared and here is the image as it currently exists. The reference to Barack Obama has mysteriously disappeared.
    What is very strange is that the WayBackMachine only has the revised image. Normally it maintains revisions.

    That took teamwork, but remember Google is the operator of the WayBackMachine, and Google’s CEO and The One are tight.

    This is a common occurrence in ObamaWorld. Stuff that contradicts the official Obama mythology is often scrubbed.

    I couldn’t keep up with the Obot’s scrubfest during 2008 and 2009. If they can’t scrub it, they seal it.

    While organizing my response to Birther Deluxe, I sent the URL to the WayBackMachine and recieved this page, stating that the archive didn’t have the original page, but moments later — lo and behold! — mirabile visu! — this page appeared — all scrubbed and all cleaned up!

    First they don’t have it and then they do. This is what we’re up against folks!”
    Image as it originally appeared:

    Image as it currently exists:

  7. Not sure if this is right , but according to Lame Cherry Marco Rubio’s parents were born under United States protectorate status. Meaning they were Americanized , they were all ready Cuban-Americans when they immigrated.Which would make Marco a Natural Born Citizen, if this is correct.


  8. Here we go again, more Kenya birth BS to cover for Hussein , Obot’s love to float this BS. All evidence points to Hussein’s birth in HI, the end.

    Funny on how more of this comes out just as Hussein and the D-Rat party are about to drive this country off the cliff with spending.

  9. rumplestiltskin

    If you think it’s all bullshit, try to tell us why the half breed moron has spent more than 2 million dollars of our tax money to lawyers to hide a REAL birth certificate, and any other records that would show him to be an American citizen that was born to American citizens, instead of an African junkie, and a white whore from parts unknown?

  10. The White Horse of Accountability

    I have been wrestling with the same question Dr. Kate brought forward in her excellent essay. The breath and width of the political corruption is overwhelming. I had to ask how did it get so out of control? Like it or not, I found some responsibility pointed to myself. Politics was a subject I avoided for years while naively believing those people in office along with our “checks and balances” system was all we needed to keep America. No one in those positions would betray America? To my horror, that is exactly what they did. Why wasn’t I paying closer attention? Just maybe, if I had done so twenty or so years ago, the cancer in our government wouldn’t be so lethal. No, I don’t mean that I single handedly could have prevented it. I mean If I the rest of us who were so busy taking care of our own business had been just a little more suspicious and a lot less trusting, we might have collectively demanded a different if not better government.

    That led me to the next questions. Is it too late? Can we stop it now? How do we stop it? I agree with Dr. Kate, there isn’t one wannabe candidate who is directly confronting the issues. I’ve been writing about that for the past two and half years. I called their failure to confront Obama’s eligibility the “acid test” of a candidates’ eventual performance once in office.

    No I don’t think it’s too late to do something about it. The first step in that direction has already happened. We the people have identified the problem. No, we can’t stop it now but we can stop it in the future if we begin now. The word that keeps coming forward for me repeatedly is “ACCOUNTABILITY”. Among the reasons the political corrupt continue in their betrayal of their oath, their country and justice is they are rarely held accountable. Since Obama has entered the WH, I have had a new education regarding our history, legal system, and political stage. Among all this information from “Quo Warranto, “Run away Grand Juries”, to Sheriff’s powers, to “Misprision of Felony” to simply bringing charges against the criminals, I have learned “accountability” is at the bottom of it all. It is through the use of the above mentioned methods including other methods as well, that we the people must begin the long, slow, frustrating steps to reign in these political rogues and hold them ACCOUNTABLE. Elections and voting are the less effective methods but do make their point, too. Every crooked politician must be disclosed and exposed. Now that we know who they are.

    Justice must be served and the Attorney Generals, Judges, Congressmen, Senators, CIA and FBI will learn their criminal careers are soon to be cut short. The white horse of ACCOUNTABILITY is on their trail. Justice is neither fashionable nor stylish. It is not decided by popularity or political pressure. It can neither be intimidated nor bribed. There shall be no mercy for these miscreants. The letter of the law shall be enforced. Justice will not decided by popular opinion nor the fake “social Justice” idea. Those who
    hold the positions of high priests and priestess in the sanctuary of the halls of justice who betray their oath to serve justice will be held accountable.

    This applies to demanding Obama’s proof of eligibility, why he uses a false social security number, why he falsified his draft records, and the rest of his vile treasonous crimes.
    My Response to Dr. Kate’s excellent article entitles Checkers On The Tip Of An Iceberg

  11. rumplestiltskin | July 24, 2011 at 1:16 pm |
    Because he was born a British Subject and most likely denationalized along the way due to an Indonesian adoption.
    The Kenyan birth myth is just that a myth.

  12. Saturday, April 24, 2010
    “Concerned Americans Have Good Reason to Doubt that Putative President Obama Was Born in Hawaii”

    “… The New York Times article is written in such a way as to give the reader the impression that Obama has convincingly proven that he was born in Hawaii and that those who do not believe that Obama was born there are misinformed and poorly educated. What the authors of the article fail to realize or refuse to report is that concerned Americans have very good reasons to doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    One might wonder why so many Americans are not convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii as he claims. Let us review the evidence pro and con on his place of birth being Hawaii or Kenya.

    Was Obama born in Hawaii? What is the evidence for and against?”


  13. Philo-Publius

    Marco Rubio, born on US soil in 1971, was born to foreign [Cuban exile] parents. Marco’s father Mario did not apply for Naturalized Citizenship until 1975, four years after Marco was born. Thus, without two citizen parents, Marco Rubio is not Natural Born. Marco Rubio is a citizen, for certain, as the 14th Amendment and elsewhere are clear about the positive law process of naturalization-at-birth for children born on the soil; but Natural Born, he is not.

    Reverse-Birther Leverage, Part 2

  14. According to POLITICO, Speaker of House read parts of the Constitution; pray he reads the rest.

    “After the deal collapsed Friday, Boehner took to the phones to talk to his colleagues in a rare Saturday conference call, and he made sure to include a bit of chest thumping. He told them there never was a deal with the president, and included a message he delivered to the Obama.”

    “As I read the Constitution,” he recalled telling Obama, “the Congress writes the laws and you get to decide what you want to sign.”

  15. Pat 1789 | July 24, 2011 at 1:03 pm |
    Here we go again, more Kenya birth BS to cover for Hussein , Obot’s love to float this BS. All evidence points to Hussein’s birth in HI, the end.
    With all due respect, after reviewing most everything out there re. Hussein’s birth place, I have to say that the preponderance of evidence strongly refutes your conclusion. Also, I find little evidence to prove that Obots float the Kenyan theory. If anything, they seem to want to purge, erase or deny any such connection.

  16. This video may have been posted here before, but I just saw it again and never cease to be amazed at O’s loss of memory, even re. his birth date.

  17. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    OK Folks – Who is right regarding Marco Rubio?

    1 – Kathy – Kathy | July 24, 2011 at 12:45 pm |

    Not sure if this is right , but according to Lame Cherry Marco Rubio’s parents were born under United States protectorate status. Meaning they were Americanized , they were all ready Cuban-Americans when they immigrated.Which would make Marco a Natural Born Citizen, if this is correct.


    2 – Philo-Publius | July 24, 2011 at 4:12 pm |

    Marco Rubio, born on US soil in 1971, was born to foreign [Cuban exile]
    parents. Marco’s father Mario did not apply for Naturalized Citizenship until 1975, four years after Marco was born. Thus, without two citizen parents, Marco Rubio is not Natural Born. Marco Rubio is a citizen, for certain, as the 14th Amendment and elsewhere are clear about the positive law process of naturalization-at-birth for children born on the soil; but Natural Born, he is not.

    Reverse-Birther Leverage, Part 2

    I hope jbjd reads these two sides!!

  18. @ Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | July 24, 2011 at 7:28 pm |

    Rubio not NBC, but an interesting case that I have not studied too much.

    I actually think BHO would have a claim to NBC status if he were born before HI became a state in 1959. One of these days I will explain why.

  19. I disagree with Lame Cherry’s assessment of Rubio. If Mario Rubio wa indeed born under protectorate status and was supposedly already an American, why did he need to apply for Naturalization status as stated in the Post Email article?

    Doesn’t make sense.

  20. @ Cabby – AZ | July 24, 2011 at 5:59 pm |

    So you think pregnant 18 year old SAD traveled to Kenya to meet her new inlaws and BHO1’s comon law wife all by herself ?

    2 weeks after the birth SAD showed up in Seattle to attend college, according to a witness and the Polk directory at the time.
    Where did SAD get all this money for air fare? The CIA


  21. Pat 1789 | July 24, 2011 at 9:02 pm |
    My statement probably was not clear when I said, “With all due respect, after reviewing most everything out there re. Hussein’s birth place, I have to say that the preponderance of evidence strongly refutes your conclusion.” Your conclusion was “All evidence points to Hussein’s birth in HI, the end.”

    I am not saying that the Kenyan theory is supportable in all respects, but to say that “all evidence points to Hussein’s birth in HI….” is dogmatic and lacks support, imho.

  22. Most evidence points to an Indonesian adoption and a foreign citizenship. Questions abound between Kenya and Hawaii but there are very few who doubt his adoption by Lolo Soetero. That is supported by his school records from Jakarta., statements made by Maya, and Stanley Ann’s passport renewal crossing BHO and writing in soebarkah. He is a fraud. He is ineligible. He is an illegal immigrant.

  23. **********REQUEST************

    Since I wrote the Rubio blog mentioned in the first post on this thread and at the end of the previous thread, I feel a little emboldened to make a request. There is a new post up today about action steps everyone can do individually right now – day – for free (almost).


    I make no money from anyone visiting the site, but we’re all broke if Obama sails through another election. If you have a few free moments, please check it out, and if you have additional ideas to add to the list, please add them in the comments section as soon as you can and I’ll add what I can to the main blog. Time is of the essence, now. America does not know – unbelievably – that Obama’s birth certificate really is a proven fake. We have to get the word out before November.



  24. PS: you don’t need to sign up to the blog to comment.

  25. Hotlanta Mike

    ‘Talk radio host launches news website. Aaron Klein gets online home of his own’

    “Talk radio host Aaron Klein, WND’s senior reporter, today launched his own website KleinOnline dedicated to breaking news, exclusive investigations, and news making interviews.

    Updated daily, KleinOnline covers topics across the spectrum, with hard hitting, exclusive investigations exposing corruption, waste, and fraud.

    The site emphasizes U.S. domestic issues and politics, investigations of the U.S. radical left as well as Klein’s famous, boots-on-the-ground reporting from the Middle East and inside the viper’s den of Islamic terrorism.

    KleinOnline also offers audio commentary and video analysis of the day’s top news trends.”


  26. Is Obama a pathological liar? Hmmmm…..one needs to ask?


  27. Obama: my administration is most pro-gay in history
    Only two GOP candidates sign marriage pledge, most reject

    Obama education secretary pushes gay groups in public schools


  28. citizenwells

    The answer is yes.
    That is one of the reasons he can’t remember his birthday and other “facts”.

  29. bob strauss

    Pat 1789 | July 24, 2011 at 1:03 pm |

    Here we go again, more Kenya birth BS to cover for Hussein , Obot’s love to float this BS. All evidence points to Hussein’s birth in HI, the end.
    What evidence?


    WND: The return of ObamaFake hits the big time after only 5 columns: The History of Document Forgery article on ObamaFake is listed as the World Net Daily “Column Du Jour”, at the bottom of the page, here!


  31. Pro Graphics July 25, 2011 at 9:13 am

    WND: The return of ObamaFake hits the big time after only 5 columns.
    Congratulations well deserved!!

  32. observer | July 25, 2011 at 7:19 am |
    Is Obama a pathological liar? Hmmmm…..one needs to ask?
    That is one of the reasons a debt ceiling resolution has been so elusive…… My mom used to say, “You can’t do business with a liar.”
    Liars don’t remember what they have said from one moment to the next. Their word means nothing most of the time.

  33. “Top Fourteen Signatures of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro Doe”
    © Bridgette WTPOTUS 2011

    “Below is a compilation of Barack Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham’s, many variations of her signature. Like anything else having to do with this fabricated family, there are just too many inconsistencies in provided information to say any of them are biologically related to each other or that they even exist. …

    How can these abnormalities be explained away? The obvious answer is they can’t. Someone has forged these government documents. It has been done by those who have conspired to cover-up the usurper and his less than illustrious family. …”

    Top Fourteen Signatures of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro Doe

  34. @ bob strauss | July 25, 2011 at 8:46 am |

    See SAD state department FOIA.
    Do you have any documentation placing BHO1 in Kenya since his arrival in the US?
    I guess one could dismiss everything as fake that does not support a Kenyan birth theory.
    Like I have said before, if I were to guess a foreign birth it would be Canada, that’s the only one that fits. SAD was in Seattle a few weeks after BHO2 birth.
    The Kenyan birth theory, is just nutz………
    Does anyone here bother to read Dr. Jack Cashill’s articles ?

  35. bob strauss

    Pat 1789 | July 25, 2011 at 12:31 pm |

    @ bob strauss | July 25, 2011 at 8:46 am |

    See SAD state department FOIA.
    Do you have any documentation placing BHO1 in Kenya since his arrival in the US?
    I guess one could dismiss everything as fake that does not support a Kenyan birth theory.
    Like I have said before, if I were to guess a foreign birth it would be Canada, that’s the only one that fits. SAD was in Seattle a few weeks after BHO2 birth.
    The Kenyan birth theory, is just nutz………
    Does anyone here bother to read Dr. Jack Cashill’s articles ?

    I didn’t say anything about his birth in Kenya. I said there is no evidence to show he was born in Hawaii.

  36. Great news; Chicago fundraising for 2013 is down compared to 2008.

  37. Obama’s comments to La Raza are frightening! And the crowd chanted “Yes you can.” The headline reads “change the rules” but the video shows that Obama actually said –
    “some people want me to bypass Congress and change the LAWS on my own…………believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.”
    Who are these people who want him to bypass Congress and change the laws? Could this be considered sedition??

    Obama: I’d Like ‘to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own’ – –
    President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”
    He told the National Council of La Raza, “Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you.”

  38. The phony birth certificate may be to conceal something other than the birth place. Evidence for the Hawaii birth:

    1. It was announced in two local newspapers on 13 Aut 1961, the Honolulu Sunday Adertiser and the Star Bulletin.
    2. Janice Okubo, head of the Hawaii Health Dept, says she has viewed the original long form of the birth certificate and it shows he was born in Honolulu.
    3. Dr. Chiyome Fukimo of the Hawaii Health Dept has verified the same in a sworn statement.
    4. S. Dunham, the mother, was living in Honolulu at this time. There is no verifiable evidence that she was anywhere else.

    It is possible in my mind that what is concealed is the true paternity. Obama Sr. came to the rescue by claiming paternity and marrying S. Dunham in order to extend his visa. Shortly after his renewed visa expired, he was gone.

    Someone from Israeli intelligence may have leaked information to the website, Israel Insider, which published an article on this way back before the election. As “far out” as it sounds, they suggested Malcolm Little, also known as Malcolm X and Malik Shabazz, as the biological father. He went to Seattle in 1960 to found a mosque for the Nation of Islam. That is when the parents got together.

    When S. Dunham became pregnant, the family took off for Hawaii. The original birth certificate either does not acknowledge the father, or it gives the name of someone other than Obama Sr. And that is what is being concealed. Obama Sr. stepped in to claim paternity and marry the mother in time for the news announcement and to have his visa renewed. But the birth certificate tells a different story.

  39. Another curious “coincidence” in regards to my last post. In 1964, after his trip to Mecca, Malcolm X traveled to Kenya and had private meetings with Tom Mboya, Obama Sr.’s sponsor to the U. of Hawaii. (This was a CIA project to bring Africans and other Third World studentsto study in the US.)

    It is curious that there was this connection–1964, Kenya, Obama Sr., Tom Mboya and Malcolm X. Then 1960, Malcolm X, Seattle, S. Dunham. It could all be coincidence, but one has to wonder. Did Malcolm go to Obama Sr.’s sponsor to convey his thanks to be passed on to Obama Sr. for giving his son a name? Though it was for a selfish reason (to extend his visa) he still provided a surrogate legitimacy for the infant boy and his mother.

  40. Free Speech

    Jonah | July 25, 2011 at 3:59 pm |
    Obama’s comments to La Raza are frightening! And the crowd chanted “Yes you can.” The headline reads “change the rules” but the video shows that Obama actually said –
    “some people want me to bypass Congress and change the LAWS on my own…………believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.”
    Who are these people who want him to bypass Congress and change the laws? Could this be considered sedition??

    Yes of course bo has committed sedition among other crimes.


    By Herman Cain
    July 24, 2011
    © 2011


    “In my column last week, I documented what I thought was a major crisis of leadership in the White House regarding our national debate over the debt ceiling and debt. The crisis in the Oval Office is apparently even worse than I thought – and, frankly, I thought it was pretty bad to begin with.

    This weekend we have learned that President Obama has more or less abdicated leadership on this issue. If he can’t get his way, which includes raising taxes and raising the debt ceiling, he doesn’t even want to talk. Congressional leaders are meeting without the president or even any of the president’s staff in an effort to reach a deal on spending and the debt ceiling.

    Now this is ironic when you remember that the president had tried to stay out of this very important issue for weeks before trying to swoop in like the super hero to save the day last week. He was trying to convince the nation that he, and he alone, was the lone reasonable adult trying to bring order to a chaotic debt mess.

    When the president got involved, the mess got worse.

    Spending cuts are just not something that a big-government liberal can ever get serious about – and if there’s one thing we know for sure – President Obama is a big government liberal. Of course, folks who were paying attention knew this long before Election Day of 2008. Everything that has happened since Obama took office – especially the events of the last few weeks – continue to hammer this point home.

    What we need now is a strong leader who understands that we must reduce the size, scope, reach and spending of our federal government. We must do it now, and we must do it dramatically. What we have is just the opposite of that. What we have in the Oval Office is a former senator who specialized in voting “present” on many bills, and in voting “yes” to all kinds of expansionist government and income-redistribution schemes.

    President Obama can’t vote “present” on this crisis. He owns this crisis, because it did not need to happen. He did not lead when he needed to lead.

    And of course, Mr. Obama’s yes man in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid, is not showing any more leadership on this issue, either. He refused to even allow debate and a vote on the Senate’s “Cut, Cap and Balance” bill put forward by Jim DeMint and some other responsible adults in the Senate, legislation that had already passed in the House.

    Let me remind you that this is the same Harry Reid who has run the Senate since the elections of 2006. This is the same Senate, of course, that has not even passed a budget in more than 800 days. Now you and I cannot even fathom trying to run our households or our businesses for more than two years without a budget, but this is what is going on in Washington under liberal Democrat control.

    Endlessly spending liberal Democrats are in control of the national checkbook. And now they want more authority to write more bad checks with no end in sight. They want even more credit so they can continue to spend money they don’t have – and do so without the accountability of a written budget.

    There’s a lot of nuance and misinformation out there about what will or will not happen if there is – or is not – an increase in the debt ceiling. But the simple fact is this: There is one party in Washington that is standing up now for fiscal responsibility – and there is another party in control of the Senate and the White House standing in the way.

    For too long, of course, both parties have been part of the problem. But for now, President Obama, Harry Reid and the congressional Democrats are the people who are spending us into oblivion and doing so recklessly.

    The president and the Democrats in Congress own this crisis. Some of us are smart enough to know that. Others, well, they are special.”



    By Chuck Norris
    July 24, 2011
    © 2011


    “As the White House and Congress debate cuts in federal spending, millions of dollars are being funneled overseas to help build many Islamic mosques and structures.

    An Atlanta television news station, WSB-TV, reported that “the State Department is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to save mosques overseas.” The anchor noted that the State Department’s Agency for International Development granted enormous funds for mosques in Cairo, Cyprus, Tajikistan and Mali.

    A USAID official spoke with FactCheck.org and confirmed about $2.3 million was used on the Cairo mosque “to help lower the groundwater at the mosque area, replacing the old sewage collector, and providing a healthier environment for people living in the area.” In addition to that 1,000-year old mosque, more than $15 million was given by the U.S. and the Egyptian government to restore another 1,300-year-old mosque, a Roman tower, a Greek Orthodox church and other buildings. And in Cyprus, $5 million in U.S. federal funds was granted to restore a mosque and a Greek Orthodox monastery. FactCheck.org went on to confirm that the Mali and Tajikistan mosque projects involved funding for computer equipment. Though USAID won’t specify exactly how much of their monies in 2010 profited mosques, the agency says it committed $18.8 billion for all of its global projects.

    The U.S. State Department confessed that, “Since its creation by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation has also provided financial support to more than 640 cultural preservation projects in more than 100 countries. This accomplishment … represents a contribution of nearly $26 million …”

    Read More Here: “The Separation Of Mosque And State?” http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=325625#ixzz1T9urh452


    By Chuck Norris
    July 24, 2011
    © 2011


    “The federal government’s actions using taxpayers’ monies to build Islamic structures overseas during a recession brings me back to the wisdom of our fourth president, James Madison, who said, “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

    I understand the necessity of America maintaining good global relations with other countries, but when we can’t even rebuild our economy, should we really be rebuilding others? Does diplomacy always have to include America dumping dollars at everyone’s front door? And if part of the increased Islamic grants under the Obama administration is to appease the wrath of extremists, then America is to be most pitied. For we above all should know that bribing Muslims not to bomb us is bad and futile diplomacy.

    In a little more than a month, the U.S. will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11. Ten years ago we all declared, “We will never forget.” But when does subsidizing Islamic structures and culture abroad with U.S. taxpayers’ monies cross the line and trample on the memory of 9/11 victims and their families? They brought down our twin towers and we build up their mosques?”

    Read More Here: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=325625#ixzz1T9vq9gUC

    (Article & Video)

    By Guy Benson


    “The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin reports that President Obama nixed a bipartisan debt agreement that was forged by leaders of the House and Senate over the weekend. If Jen’s sources are correct, this would be a genuine political jaw-dropper:

    A Republican aide e-mails me: “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan plan to the White House and the President said no.”

    If this is accurate the president is playing with fire. By halting a bipartisan deal he imperils the country’s finances and can rightly be accused of putting partisanship above all else. The ONLY reason to reject a short-term, two-step deal embraced by both the House and Senate is to avoid another approval-killing face-off for President Obama before the election. Next to pulling troops out of Afghanistan to fit the election calendar, this is the most irresponsible and shameful move of his presidency.” (snip).

    “According to this account, with the clock ticking down to 0:00, the President of the United States pulled the rug out from under a bipartisan proposal to address the debt crisis. His administration has been arguing — correctly — that a partial default and/or credit downgrade could trigger a financial “armageddon” for the country. Why in the world would Obama threaten to veto a solution that averts that fate, and does so with broad cross-party agreement? I can think of two reasons: Because a thumbnail sketch of the thwarted deal suggests it would (a) decline to raise taxes, and (b) involve a legislative two-step that revives the sticky issue during next year’s election season. In other words, the Boehner/Reid gambit would violate the president’s ideological obsession with tax “fairness,” and would inject another inconvenient narrative into his re-election campaign. These strike me as stunningly ideological and myopic justifications for scotching the first consensus deal to arise on this issue. AGAIN, IF THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE, pRESIDENT OBAMA HAS POSITIONED HIMSELF ALL ALONE IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT OF AN 18-WHEELER SPEEDING TOWARD A CLIFF. He’s offered no plan of his own, he’s undermined a developing plan by shifting his demands late in the game, and he’s rejected two separate proposals offered by Congress. JEN CONCLUDES THAT OBAMA IS “PLAYING WITH FIRE.” INDEED. IF HIS INTRANSIGENCE AND DOUBLE-DEALING PREVENTS A DEAL, HE COULD SINGLEHANDEDLY IGNITE A FINANCIAL BRUSHe FIRE THAT DECIMATES THE ECONOMY AND BURNS HIS RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN TO THE GROUND. [Emphasis my own]

    Are these really examples how you want the federal government spending your taxes? I’m certain that the 9.2 percent of unemployed citizens in our country would rather see these monies building jobs in America. (And President Obama wonders why the majority of Americans don’t want to pay more taxes?)

    In public, the White House says the president would sign any bipartisan agreement that emerges from Congress. In private, the president is threatening to do the opposite. Congress should pass the deal its leaders crafted, and call Obama’s bluff. An exasperated John Boehner rebuked the president for his reckless political posturing on Fox News Sunday:

    Speaking of Obama’s 2012 fortunes, where is the president today? Giving a speech to La Raza.

    UPDATE – New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte is tweeting about this story, lending it additional credence — and Jamie Dupree of the Atlanta Journal Constitution says his sources confirm Rubin’s scoop:

    The agreement involved Speaker Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate GOP Leader McConnell – in fact, staffers from Reid and McConnell’s offices were working on the legislative language together on Sunday. But when Reid took the bipartisan/bicameral plan down to the White House, it was rejected by the President. “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan,” a senior Republican aide on Capitol Hill told me. Another senior Republican aide in a different office and a GOP lawmaker confirmed the story as well.

    FLASHBACK – President Obama, almost two weeks ago:

    “I have shown enormous willingness to compromise and have taken huge heat for it,” he said, “but my responsibility is to the American people and there comes a point when I need to say, ‘Enough.’…This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this,” he said.

    UPDATE II – A senior GOP aide emails me with yet another confirmation of Rubin’s initial report:

    “Sen. Reid actually agreed with Speaker Boehner and Sen. McConnell on the general framework of a two-part plan that included no tax increases. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan proposal to the White House and the President said no.”

    This looks terrible for the president. Byron York has more details.”

    Read More Here And Watch Video Here: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/07/25/report_obama_rejects_bipartisan_debt_deal


    By Byron York


    “But the GOP bill to cut spending and raise the debt ceiling, which would avert the coming default crisis, would also require at least one more debt increase before the 2012 election, and the president, working hard for re-election, does not want to deal with the issue again before November 2012. After consulting with Obama Sunday evening, Reid’s willingness to work with the GOP disappeared. (The White House has all along blamed Republicans for blowing up the talks.)

    “I think Reid wants to get this done,” says the senior Republican. “The problem is, the White House is so far out on a limb on vetoing anything that doesn’t get Obama through the 2012 election that it’s now kind of personal.” For Reid to keep working with the GOP would be a slap at the president and leader of the Democratic party — a virtually impossible scenario for the Majority Leader.

    Read More Here:

  46. Kathy | July 24, 2011 at 12:45 pm |

    I kept quiet for a long time—I read that Cubans were naturalized(or whatever the term) US citizens if they touched land and made it off the boat.
    It wasn’t a joke; it was info included in an article about Rubio months ago.


    By Mike Needham
    July 25, 2011


    “America is at a crossroads. Will we embrace American exceptionalism or will accept a slow, managed decline? The outcome of the 2010 elections signaled that our nation’s founding principles still resonate with Americans of all stripes. The current struggle over whether and how to raise our nation’s debt ceiling is another battle in the long war over what sort of country we leave our children and grandchildren.”

    A Comment Under This Comment:

    “Retired_Geek_from_VA Wrote: 4 hours ago (2:50 PM)

    President Obama, what exactly will you choose to pay? What are your priorities?

    The Government has $181.1 billion on average a Month revenue.

    Monthly Obligations:
    $17.2 Billion service of existing debt.

    $52.9 Billion Social Security obligations.

    $41.1 Billion Medicare obligations.

    $52.7 Billion ALL Military Operations, the Wars, VA services, Military Families, Air Traffic Controller obligations.

    This leaves $17.2 billion.

    Barack Obama – what are your priorities – your real agenda?

    Why are you threatening Senior Citizens and the Military?

    Where’s that money going to go each and every month?


    Read More Here:

    * * * *


    By John C. Goodman


    “Apparently he is. And it’s not just me saying it. From across the political spectrum, there has been widespread condemnation of the way the White House is using Social Security checks as a weapon in President Obama’s budget battles with the congressional Republicans.

    “I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue [increasing the debt ceiling]. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it,” President Obama said in a recent interview with Scott Pelley of CBS News.

    “When I heard that, I took him at his word.” writes David Henderson at Econlog. “Silly me.” The President is “needlessly scaring the program’s fifty-five million beneficiaries” proclaims an article in the liberal Huffington Post. He is guilty of “either deliberately lying or being culpably ignorant of the relevant facts,” says libertarian blogger David Friedman.

    The issue is explained nicely by former Social Security Trustee, Thomas Saving in an editorial in The Wall Street Journal. Saving, who is also a colleague of mine at the National Center for Policy Analysis, says Obama’s claim that he could not guarantee that Social Security would be able to send out $20 billion in benefit checks if Congress did not raise the debt limit is completely baseless.”

    Read More Here: http://townhall.com/columnists/johncgoodman/2011/07/25/is_the_president_lying_about_social_security_and_the_debt_ceiling

    * * * *


    By Fred Wszolek


    “For those who may have written off Big Labor’s agenda after they failed to push the Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act (EFCA) through Congress last year, they may want to take a careful look at the actions being undertaken by President Obama’s Administration and they’ll quickly find that the job-killing movement is alive and well.

    In fact, EFCA has been resurrected in three specific changes being advanced by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Department of Labor (DoL). And this should not be a surprise to anyone, as union bosses have been very clear that they expect Obama to pay them back for their political support and secondly, in the absence of EFCA, they would use unelected government bureaucrats within administrative agencies to enact portions of the law that failed to receive sufficient support from elected representatives in the Congress.

    The NLRB and DoL are working to enact three sweeping rule changes that would restrict the freedoms of employers, while significantly shifting workplace power into the hands of Big Labor. Workers who would be directly and negatively affected by these changes are largely unaware that Washington, D.C. has declared war against them and jobs by advancing bureaucratic regulations that will increase unemployment and restrict hard-won liberties.”

    Read More Here: http://townhall.com/columnists/fredwszolek/2011/07/25/big_labor_seeks_to_force_unionization;_congress_must_step_forward


    July 25, 2011


    “Obama, if this thing survives, is this is what will be set up for him to sign. No guarantee on that yet. But that’s the only thing that’s on the table right now. Cut, Cap, and Balance… Oh, there is a push in the Boehner plan also for the Balanced Budget Amendment. Not immediately, but down the road. Cut, Cap, and Balance appears to be gone. McConnell’s deal’s gone. Dingy Harry’s $2.5 trillion tax increase, that’s gone — and the President is doing nothing. The President is the odd man out. The President is waiting for all this to come up. So that’s where we are and it’s what we’re looking at, and there are all kinds of stories today. You know, it’s kind of gratifying because there are stories today, “You know, we don’t need to raise the debt limit.”

    People are just beginning to realize this. You, of course, as regular listeners of this program have known this for months: We don’t need to raise the debt limit. In fact, if you’re really worried about the foreign markets (which, by the way, did not plummet), and if you are really worried about the our full faith and credit rating, and if you are really worried about all this, all we need to do is lower debt ceiling. If we actually lowered the debt ceiling? Whew! Folks, I shudder to think the impact that would have on markets. You want to talk about a boom? You would see a boom unlike you’ve seen in a long time, if there were legislation proposed to cut the debt ceiling, to reduce it. It’s a golden opportunity out there.”

    Read More Here: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_072511/content/01125114.guest.html

    * * * *


    July 25, 2011

    Read More Here: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_072511/content/01125106.guest.html

  49. “UPDATE 27 May 2011: Marco Rubio was born a Cuban Citizen via his parents. PDF copy of the Sep 1975 Petition for Naturalization for Mario Rubio, father of Senator Marco Rubio who was born in May 1971, more than 4 years before his father elected to become a U.S. Citizen and renounce his Cuban citizenship:”

    Get copy here:

    Marco Rubio is a Cuban Citizen. Senator Marco Rubio’s Lack of Natural Born Citizenship Update 27 May 2011: See PDF copy of the Sep 1975 Petition for Naturalization for Mario Rubio, father of Senator Marco Rubio. Marco was born in May 1971, more than 4 years before his father Mario elected to become a U.S. Citizen and renounced his Cuban citizenship in Nov 1975

  50. TruthSeeker

    RE: Zero Bypassing Congress/ La Raza Speech,

    I’ve said it before,

    He’ll get it through,

    It will be illegal as hell how he does it,

    And all our congressfolk from the Tea Party Repubs on down will roll over swearing up and down he’s the legal presient and within his legal authority to do so.


    As of 1:30 p.m. today California’s DREAM Act leading up to illegal immigrants being granted public funds for college is now law. (never mind it’s still illegal illegal to use those degrees for employment).

    Even in the face of economic disaster we’re losing our minds and committing suicide in stages.

  51. TruthSeeker


    Stuttered there on “illegal”.

    My bad.

  52. TruthSeeker

    Batting zeroes here,

    Mispelled “president”, too,

    Nap time.

  53. bob strauss | July 25, 2011 at 8:46 am |

    He speaks of that ‘original’ BC from Hawaii…you know, the one the bastard wouldn’t release to Lakin so he could stay out of prison??
    The ‘original’ that has been hidden by lawyers because of the ’embarrassing’ info……oh, wait—he did release it—where was the ’embarrassing’ info?? The info that cost over 1 million to keep hidden??
    Does anyone know?? Call the FBI–the ‘original’ with the ’embarrassing’ info is missing!!!

  54. bob strauss

    JJ | July 25, 2011 at 7:12 pm |
    What is embarrassing is the way the maingutter media covers for this fraud, just pathetic.

  55. Part of comments at jbjd’s site:


    Greg Goss: “I believe it was the Hollister case where Obama’s attorney stated that releasing the BC would be embarrassing? Do you remember that? If you do would that be in print somewhere?”

    jbjd: “None of Defendants’ pleadings in any of these lawsuits explicitly said, any of the information contained in Obama’s birth certificate would be embarrassing; people merely surmised this would be the case …”

  56. bob strauss

    Army Colonel Lawrence Sellin: Obama’s ineligibility; Prepare to defend America – Death of the Democratic Party
    ObamaRelease YourRecords on 5:39 PM

    Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Death of the Democratic Party – Lawrence Sellin

    When this episode in the American saga is written, historians will note that Barack Obama did not kill the Democratic Party; he was merely the murder weapon.

    He represents the Democrats’ suicide cocktail of hubris and a tyrannical lust for power, the arrogance of thinking themselves above the law.

    American politicians and journalists have degenerated so far that it is now possible for a President of the United States to present a clearly forged document on national television and no one blinks an eye.

    We have an illegal President, a Congress that tolerates criminal acts, and an intentionally impotent judiciary.

    The government has become hopelessly criminal and corrupt, where politicians, once elected, ignore their constituents, placing personal and partisan interests above those of the country.

    To protect their personal power and privilege, this government is deliberately closing its eyes to the greatest fraud and cover-up in the history of the United States.

    Obama should be indicted on multiple felony counts. All members of Congress should be indicted on a charge of Misprision of felony for actively covering up his ongoing felonies.

    When Obama took the Presidential “Oath or Affirmation” of office, knowing that he is not “a natural born Citizen,” he committed the crime of perjury or false swearing (see Article II, Section 1, Clause 7).

    Obama’s purported “Oath or Affirmation” being perjured from the beginning, makes every subsequent act in the usurped “Office of President” a criminal offense under Title 18, United States Code, Section 242.

    There is overwhelming evidence that the Certificate of Live Birth presented by Obama as his own on April 27, 2011 is a forgery.

    There is sufficient evidence that Obama has illegally used a Social Security Number and has a forged Selective Service registration.

    There is now only the most tenuous of threads, if that at all, connecting the American people to the present government. The people are ready to rebel.

    The truth about Obama’s birth certificate will soon be disclosed. That will be followed by a flood of revelations about his past, which will send political shock waves throughout the nation.

    The American people will then take out their vengeance on the political establishment and the main stream media. We will demand justice and the truth. MORE HERE http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/38774


  57. bob strauss

    The Thugs of SEIU have an Intimidation Manual!
    Posted on July 21, 2011 by Bridgette| 4 Comments

    Posted by Bridgette
    Who Would Have Guessed?
    SEIU’s Strategies and Tactics are Seeing Sunlight!

    SEIU Contract Campaign Manual

    This manual is now a Must Read for all businesses, companies, and government officials who are being Harassed and Threatened by Union Thugs. They must learn what they are up against and develop their own strategies to overcome and beat the opposition. ACORN follows the same model as the unions. The unions showed their purple colors in Wisconsin and in Arizona where they orchestrated and inflamed citizens by their antics and gathered and induced support from other cooperating leftist organizations.

    Is there a counterpart written by ethical, fair minded business people to counteract their practices? Sodexo may be the company leading the way, and may beat them at their own game.

    Continue reading →

  58. OB is a tax monster. He is holding out so that we pay more taxes. Small business people can’t hire if they pay more taxes.

  59. I don’t always have time to read through all comments; but I do search for “jbjd” in case people have questions. So, let me answer a couple of questions.

    As I have written extensively both here and especially on my blog; while the definition of NBC that requires both parents to be U.S. citizens is found in the blogosphere (and in people’s imaginations); no such legally binding definition exists in either the Constitution or in case or statutory law.

    (GORDO, thank you for reading my blog; incorporating the information; and applying that information elsewhere. I have dispelled so many rumors, so many times; I sometimes feel especially overwhelmed to keep reminding people when they are repeating as ‘fact’ what is only ‘fiction.’ It helps when readers like you, ‘share my load.’)

  60. Army Col. Denise R. Lind ruled in the prosecution of LTC Terry Lakin that opening up such evidence could be an “embarrassment” to the president. What embarrassing evidence might that be if not the birth certificate?
    Hmmmm. Maybe his school records? Or his medical records. Or his state Senate records? Or his fake SS number?

    When is Congress going to do their job and impeach Obama? His crimes against the government are far more serious than lying under oath.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Military judge to Lakin: Find another defense
    Rules that officer challenging Obama’s eligibility can’t see evidence
    Posted: September 02, 2010
    By Thom Redmond
    © 2011 WND

    FT. MEADE, Md. – A career officer in the U.S. Army acting as a judge in the prosecution of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin today ruled that the military is no place for Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility to be evaluated.

    Army Col. Denise R. Lind today ruled in a hearing regarding the evidence to be allowed in the scheduled October court-martial of Lakin that he will be denied access to any of Obama’s records as well as any testimony from those who may have access to the records.

    With her decision, Lind mirrored a number of federal judges who have ruled on civil lawsuits over Obama’s eligibility. They have without exception denied the plaintiffs’ access to any requested documentation regarding the president’s eligibility……..

    Paul Rolf Jensen, Lakin’s civilian attorney, said the case would continue. But he said the courts now have denied his client the opportunity to present his defense.

    Jensen had argued that under U.S.C. Rule 46, a defendant put on court martial has the right to call any and all witnesses and obtain any evidence in his or her defense.

    Lind, who took 40 minutes to read her decision to the court, disagreed.

    She said opening up such evidence could be an “embarrassment” to the president, and it’s up to Congress to call for impeachment of a sitting president.

    The decision came just days after a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant general who commanded forces armed with nuclear weapons said the disclosure of Obama’s documentation is not just critical to Lakin’s defense, but to the preservation of the nation itself.

    Read more: Military judge to Lakin: Find another defense http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=198465#ixzz1TCpxVtww

  61. I don’t usually watch television when “the ONE no one was waiting for” gives a teleprompter exercise, but last night, I broke one of my rules and watched his defensive position on the debt ceiling problem.

    As usual, he played the “blame game” and again Bush was his punching bag. No where in his speech did I hear him mention that he had created over 4 TRILLION dollars of our current problems in debt. And as always, he was pushing his “scare message” in his typical “Alenisky style” against the old people and the military who defend this country and the sorry bastard who is now leading it us over the cliff.

    But I only watched Obama in order to make a comparison to Speaker Boehner who followed. There was no comparison.

    Obama spoke for over 15 minutes and said nothing. Boehner spoke for about 5 minutes and ate Obama’s lunch! In addition he left only the peas on Obama’s plate to play with!

    Maybe, just maybe those in power in Washington are waking up to this Chicago flim-flam artist who has sold our nation wolf tickets for the past two years….
    Again I say…..with caution……just maybe.

  62. Who is a Natural Born Citizen and eligible for POTUS?

    We have a definition of Natural Born Citizen. The Supreme court told us so in Minor. Anyone with common sense and no political agenda can read it and see for themselves.

    Constituional scholars Breckinridge Long and A.P. Morse tackled this issue long ago. I suggest reading the papers they published in actual LEGAL JOURNALS !

  63. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0711/59908.html

    Blago: I was ‘bamboozled’

    By BURGESS EVERETT | 7/26/11 7:47 AM EDT

    Convicted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is seeking a new trial, saying he was “bamboozled” by the judge’s rulings in his case.

    “The Court explicitly told defense counsel that the only path to acquittal was through Blagojevich’s testimony,” reads a filing obtained by the Chicago Tribune. “When Blagojevich finally took the stand, he was bamboozled by the Court’s rulings and assertions throughout the trial.”

    Among the allegations by Blagojevich in the the 158-page document: Judicial bias by the court leaned the prosecution’s way, not enough of Blagojevich’s secretly recorded phone calls were played during his second trial, he wasn’t allowed to explain those calls and the prosecution benefited from information gleaned during an earlier mistrial.

    “Virtually every error in this trial stemmed from the fact that this Court deprived Blagojevich of the presumption of innocence and exhibited bias against the defense,” reads a typical passage of the motion.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0711/59908.html#ixzz1TDE5MYHx

  64. @ bob strauss
    “I didn’t say anything about his birth in Kenya. I said there is no evidence to show he was born in Hawaii”

    He says he was born in HI, He has produced a birth certificate, fake or not.
    You have no evidence that he was not born in HI, The FOIA supports this.
    Until a court says his documents are fraudulent, that’s all we have.
    And we all know that’s not going to happen.

    The document rabbitt hole is deep isn’t it ? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

  65. Dr. Manning needs help for getting testimony and evidence for his trial.

  66. bob strauss

    jbjd | July 26, 2011 at 12:05 am |

    I don’t always have time to read through all comments; but I do search for “jbjd” in case people have questions. So, let me answer a couple of questions.

    As I have written extensively both here and especially on my blog; while the definition of NBC that requires both parents to be U.S. citizens is found in the blogosphere (and in people’s imaginations); no such legally binding definition exists in either the Constitution or in case or statutory law.

    (GORDO, thank you for reading my blog; incorporating the information; and applying that information elsewhere. I have dispelled so many rumors, so many times; I sometimes feel especially overwhelmed to keep reminding people when they are repeating as ‘fact’ what is only ‘fiction.’ It helps when readers like you, ‘share my load.’)
    jbjd, I don’t know where to find the definition of NBC in our culture, but the definition, and the requirement, that the POTUS be such, has been under assault, from the progressives, for quite a while. The definition of NBC is well known, and that is why the progressives tried to change it 8 different times. Change it from what? Change the requirement to be eligible to be POTUS. They wanted to change it from, born in country of two American parents, to just, born in country.

    The usurper, and his protectors,know damn well the definition of NBC, that is why they had to try to change it.

  67. bob strauss

    rminnc | July 26, 2011 at 6:26 am |

    I don’t usually watch television when “the ONE no one was waiting for” gives a teleprompter exercise, but last night, I broke one of my rules and watched his defensive position on the debt ceiling problem.

    As usual, he played the “blame game” and again Bush was his punching bag. No where in his speech did I hear him mention that he had created over 4 TRILLION dollars of our current problems in debt. And as always, he was pushing his “scare message” in his typical “Alenisky style” against the old people and the military who defend this country and the sorry bastard who is now leading it us over the cliff.
    Where did all of this money go? I know I didn’t get any.

  68. TruthSeeker

    I can’t believe I stomached listening to the Fraud either.

    Boehner’s response was totally worth it.

  69. TruthSeeker

    Anyone else catch Zero’s “economic justice” remark?

    No longer hiding it.

    FOX News also reporting Fast and Furious hearings begin today.

  70. good morning Bob…

    You ask, where did all the money go? to all the overseas banks..for one…to all his criminal buddies in ACORN and SEIU for two….and to all of Mecheeel’s vacations for three…

    Want me to go on?

  71. Rumplestiltskin………………………..
    My question exactly. The OBOTS CAN’T, and won’t even attempt to answer that one. Because they KNOW that they can’t argue against the GLARING TRUTH without making themselves appear as NITWITS.

  72. >>>> Bob Straus: …and as always, he was pushing his “scare message” in his typical “Alenisky style” against the old people and the military who defend this country and the sorry bastard who is now leading it us over the cliff.>>>

    Just saw a democratic congressperson on FOX confirm the threat that the democrats plan on cutting off SS and benefits to vets. There is plenty of money to pay for it in the SS fund and military funds ect. The democratic party plan is to defund the treasury department so “THERE IS NO MONEY TO WRITE THE CHECKS!!!!”

    We need to spread this all over the internet. The people need to know the communists plan for chaos.


  73. Bob: “The usurper, and his protectors,know damn well the definition of NBC, that is why they had to try to change it.”

    There is one unquestioned definition of NBC, as quoted by the majority opinion of the SCOTUS in the past. They have attempted to ‘grey the line and circumstances’ to confuse and beguile the masses and have used legal help (probably even the ACLU) to accomplish this goal. They figured it was easier to beg forgiveness, then ask permission, to run an illegal candidate, then got into the cover-up game. The cover-up is where the real action lays, in those individuals whom performed treason to help hide the crime of treason.


  74. Pat 1789………………….
    A rabbit hole is only deep if YOU “THINK IT IS”,or if you take the word of others who no nothing more than you. When you are able to put absolute documented proof to the allegation that Soetoro was born in Hawaii,then I might look upon a rabbit hole as being deep. To an extent I tend to agree with JBJD. You need to do your own homework,and do your
    own research,which doesn’t mean go to a blog to find what someone else has to say,then you believe it. Remember that word of mouth is JUST THAT. Unfortunately the half truths,and the outright baloney hasn’t been filtered out ,so you get everything the person says, which he/she got from another blog. Get my point? Absolute and documented proof SEEMS to be lacking where Soetoro is concerned. Like another commentor asked…….if he has a legal,HOSPITAL GENERATED LF BC then why the HELL HAS HE SPENT A REAL WAD TRYING TO CONCEAL THE RECORD? Given the fact that he seems to be a narcissistic personality, he would have been trying to flaunt the BC in everybody’s face from day one. But in truth what I have to say is indeed my own thoughts reinforced only by the strength of what little we already know as truth. There is very little DOCUMENTED truth in existence. To say that Soetoro or anyone else is trying to create a RED HERRING,or anything else is to my way of thinking a falacy. If you think that “UP ” is DOWN, then until you look closer you will always be heading in the WRONG DIRECTION. If I say that UP is down and others believe it it is not MY FAULT, rather it is their own fault for not

  75. Soros retiring? Guess Now he’ll have even more time to take over the world!?!

  76. continued ……………….doing the necessary research. “Seek and ye shall find”. I personally like blogs simply because it is possible to gain a perspective, via intelligent discussion of an issue which you might not otherwise be privvy to. But……the information isn’t necessarily the complete truth. If you are willing to try to sort out fact from fancy then it is possible to learn something which you might not have known prior.

  77. Jerome…………….
    What is Soros retiring from? So far as I know he has NEVER held a job in the US. Do you think that he might be retiring from creating mayhem.

  78. Good article:
    Obama Following in Hitler’s Footsteps


    As Obama continues to toy with Republicans over raising the debt ceiling, he is well aware that the continuation of his policies will destroy the U.S. economy beyond repair. I believe his strategy from the outset has been to follow the Saul Alinsky model: Win the Presidency through a semi-legitimate election, then tighten your grip over everything and everybody, move swiftly to create economic chaos, and use the chaos you’ve created to establish a dictatorship.

    Now don’t go giving Obama too much credit for originality. He’s really just a slick and clever copycat. Getting elected and then using your powers to eliminate all competition is an old trick used by power-hungry thugs throughout history.

    For more:

  79. Pat 1789……………….
    It might sound as though I am being critical of you. In truth you have many times opened the door to lines of thought that I have not explored. Thank you for doing this. I think that the mission of a blog is grounded in offerring anything,and everything that MIGHT be pertinent to an issue. I have gained a lot of insight thanks to you and all the other participants in Citizen Wells blog. Some of this I believe,some I am NOT SO SURE of, and some I SIMPLY DO NOT BELIEVE. The blog provides us the FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Even Free Speech,such as he was, offerred me Constitutional correction. So I re read the Constitution and found him to be absolutely correct. But without him having not prodded me I probably would not have gone the extra mile. I take off my hat to Free Speech, even though his way of saying things irritated most of us.

  80. CabbyAZ……………………….
    ………….and look what Hitler’s adventure begot him,and the rest of the world,as well. Those of us who lived during Hitler’s lunatic regime,can still hear his words which in 1937,1938,and 1939 seemed to be omnipresent on the radio no matter where the dial was set. Our younger generations know only what they read that is written by our LIBERAL left in school books, and they end up thinking it is the truth. So now we have another Hitler type of person emerging,and our young people seem to think that he is a GREAT MAN. The NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN mindset seems to permeate our young people. They will apparently have to learn the HARD WAY.

  81. OldSalt 11:30 AM
    Yes, and my mind goes back to stories and movies I’ve seen as to the reaction of the German people when Hitler rose to power during the ’30’s.
    Just as today, there were some astute folks whose eyes were opened to what was happening then, and yet there were multitudes who didn’t grasp a clue.

    Can we say that those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are bound to repeat them?

    Just a little time for reminiscence: Do you remember the newsreels we would see in the theaters before/after a movie? That is where we got the most up-to-date news on Hitler’s latest moves to conquer freedom-loving people. As a youngster I was deeply moved and disturbed. Those experiences left an indelible imprint on my mind.

  82. Unfortunately Orly’s incorrect vision of her non-responsive attitude to specific court orders (which of course never apply to her in her own thinking) has come around to reorient her, again, to certain realities:

    Taitz v Astrue – Rules Violations – Scathing Memorandum and Order from Judge Lamberth – Obama’s Social Security Number Case


    From the comments, people are getting tired of her seeming inability to learn – esp. from those who wish to help her in this cause.

  83. What happened to Free Speech?I never see him on here anymore..

  84. 31 Foregone Facts Barack Obama Fans Should Ponder!

    Pass on to everyone!!!!!!!

  85. Old Salt. JBJD is a Liberal, feminist in sheep’s clothing. She creates circular firing squad logic of saying that We the People should file suit to force the Secretaries of States to Vet the Presidential Candidates for Constitutitutioanl eligibility, and on the other hand says there is no judiciable meaning of natural born Citizen. So what would they Vet then? Judge Waite’s views on Original Citizenship have been cited to the direct holding of Boyd v. Nebraska,
    and he says himself that Virginia Minor did not need the 14A to be labled a US Citizen BECAUSE she is a natural born Citizen. Further, he said that Minor’s US Citizenship was a direct holding of the case. Read more on my response to jbjd here:

    jbjd is a Hillary supporter, angry that Obama and his machine used the D Party Caucus system to cheat HRC out of the nomination, nothing more.
    Minor v. Happersett is absolutely precedent for the definition of natural born Citizen. Judge Waite’s

  86. Orly Taitz is a double agent. That has been apparent for a long time.

  87. ‘Embarrassment’:
    “United States v LTC Terry Lakin – Ruling on Motions(Discovery)”

    September 2, 2010


    “(5) an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political decision already made or the embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various departments on one question.

    13. In the context of this Article 1 court-martial for a servicemember accused of disobeying orders to challenge the constitutional qualifications of the President to hold office, there is also an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political policy decision already made. The potential for embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various departments on one question are uniquely powerful to ensure that courts-martial do not become the vehicle for adjudicating the legality of political decisions and to ensure the military’s capacity to maintain good order and discipline in the armed forces.”
    “Military judge to Lakin: Find another defense”

    September 2, 2010


    “She said opening up such evidence could be an “embarrassment” to the president, and it’s up to Congress to call for impeachment of a sitting president.”

  88. TO JBJD ,

  89. Thanks Eddie H!

    Since the Libs are such fans of “precident”, they should follow the courts’ ruling. Oh, wait, it’s only when it benefits THEM….

  90. Mick | July 26, 2011 at 12:35 pm |

    Thanks Mick , well said!

  91. Trying to compel a particular interpretation of a legal case which interpretation is not supported in either the language of the case holding or, 14th Amendment jurisprudence; but which interpretation supports only the opinion of the speaker evidences the speaker’s innate biases and prejudices, and not the current status of the law. The law is what it is; and no amount of foot stomping or name calling will make it otherwise.

    No court of law has ruled as to the definition of NBC. As I have explained in detail on my blog; the Minor court, inasmuch as it ‘peeked’ at the issue, only said, in (non-binding) dicta, even before the 14th Amendment clarified the inconsistency among authorities as to what is the definition of “citizen”; authorities were consistent in finding, given her circumstances, Minor was “native” or “natural born.”

    Of course, had Minor been born in Washington, D.C.; she would not have been considered a citizen before the 14th Amendment, when citizenship was often (wrongly) found to be linked only to one’s relationship to a particular state, and not to the U.S. (All of this is fleshed out on my bog. http://jbjd.org/2011/07/01/sense-and-non-sense/ )

  92. citizenwells

    Free Speech comments from time to time.

  93. jbjd, I already posted that link to your silly blog, full of circular firing squad logic which is common in Liberals (especially fans of Howard Zinn). Your argument was totally destroyed in that thread. Waite’s view of Original Citizenship in Minor v. Happersett was cited directly to the holding of tBoyd v. Nebraska , just like it will be directly cited to any coming case directly on point as to who is a natural born Citizen. It has already proven it’s precedential value in defining US Citizenship, and not only as a voting rights case.

  94. Maybe his book “Dreams of My Father” should have been titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism” . With the son’s ambition clearly in view it is only right to deny an opportunity for him to repair his father’s image on our republic’s expense. Article 2 is a valid check. The government has gone despotic. http://www.keywiki.org/index.php/Barak_Obama_-_%22Problems_Facing_Our_Socialism%22

  95. GBAmerica | July 26, 2011 at 12:16 pm
    Hi, GB..while visiting a new church Sunday ( I fired my old one) the minister said it’s time we need billboards not saying God Bless America, but America Bless God!!

    I thought that was a great statement.

  96. I wish there were enough conservatives in Congress that would come right out and tell Obama that he is neither King nor Dictator, so quit trying to be one or the other. America does NOT vote for either. We have elections for Presidents, and the ONLY job a president has is to keep the country, who voted for him, SAFE. Obama has done none of that. He has raped this land of tax dollars that was earned by the sweat of Americans and was sent to countries who hate us, like those dollars sent to refurbish mosques in the middle east. Or how about his influence in Africa to vote for abortion and Shariah Law? Prior to this, African people revered the sanctitiy of life. I believe they still do, but what does Obama or those greedy leaders in Africa care about that? Taxpayer money was sent for even more crude purposes like the genital hygene of men in Kenya after sex, or the education of prostitutes in China regarding the use of alcohol. How about the medal given for “restraint under fire?” A medal, I’m sure, will only be collected posthumously. Or how about the money given to SEIU, Planned Parenthood, or Acorn. Great, freedom loving and reputable organizations, right? And the list goes on and on. We NEED to get rid of this idiot in the people’s house. Did all of Congress lose their minds in 2008? Did they all make a pact with the Devil? Time to bring them back to common sense, or dare I say ‘sanity?’ There is a reason the constitution requires all presidents and vice presidents to be ‘natural born citizens.’ Obama is a perfect example of why this is important. He isn’t legit, so his interests are Not with American interests, our beautiful country, or our God & country loving, generous and hard working, industrious people. Let’s tell our executive branch that they need to remind Obama that he isn’t ‘the King’ or even a ‘Dictator’ and he needs to get ‘out of The People’s House’ if this is his goal.

    For those who might call this racist……well, I detest Obama’s WHITE half even more. If one can believe that his mother is who he says she is, as well as his maternal grandparents, then they were scumbag communists and not worthy of being called American citizens. True, freedom loving Americans of all races and religions have fought for this country’s values and beliefs for over 2 centuries, but these are now under attack from this illigitimate pResident and his sicko hoard of enablers. Vote out all the socialist/communist/marxist/atheist &%^$*@#$ in 2012. It’s time to clean house. Obama and socialist House/Senate members must GO. Then should we go after George Soros and the Lamestream, lying, cover-up, filthy betraying media next? And how about those judges that rule against the constitution or try to make laws themselves? I say, “Yessssssssss!!! Get ’em!”

  97. Hotlanta Mike

    Arizona Tea Party Groups Overwhelmingly Pass Motion for Rep. Franks to Open Congressional Investigation into Obama’s Eligibility


  98. I think the worst problem we now have in our country, is the fact that NONE of our senators or the congress will investigate (not that an investigation is necessary at this point) to find Obama’s REAL birthplace, (like we don’t already know), and determine how many social security numbers he uses,(we know of 13), and why he is allowed to use taxpayer money to hide all of his records like the Birth certificate, passports, college records, kindergarten, high school, and where is his so called law degree, and why doesn’t anyone come forward and say that they remember him in ANY of the schools or colleges he supposedly attended? I think the next best move for the American people is to FORCE our government to put this to rest, and get the illegal bastard out of office, or we should put them to rest, and get THEM the hell out of politics, along with those that are protecting him. They are refusing us at every move. If that doesn’t work, then I would guess an armed revolution would be the only answer. They will leave us no choice.

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