Brian Williams most influential anchor, Wenzel Strategies poll, Williams NBC in bed with Obama administration, Welcome to age of Big Brother

Brian Williams most influential anchor, Wenzel Strategies poll, Williams NBC in bed with Obama administration, Welcome to age of Big Brother

“As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any partiucular number of the Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in it’s stead. This process of continuation alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound tracks, cartoons, photographs–to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to be correct; nor was any item of news, or expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to be on record.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

From World Net Daily August 28, 2011.

“Brian Williams
The names are legendary: Edward R. Murrow, Eric Sevareid, Walter Cronkite, Paul Harvey, Peter Jennings, David Brinkley and Chet Huntley.

All powerfully influential in their time because of their positions delivering the news to Americans.

Now follows NBC’s Brian Williams, picked in a new scientific poll as the media personality thought to be the most influential in America today – even though his liberal bent is so well-known President Obama himself publicly joked about being in bed with him.

One in four respondents picked NBC’s Williams in response to the question, “Of the people on this list I am going to read to you, please tell me which media personality do you think is the most influential figure in America today?”

Williams beat Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Oprah Winfrey.

The results come from a scientific telephone survey of nearly l,100 respondents conducted Aug. 20-22 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.93 percentage points, according to Wenzel Strategies, which worked on the project.
Williams was picked by 31 percent of the Democrats, 21.9 percent of the Republicans and 21.4 percent of the independents responding to the poll, for a total of 24.8 percent of all those who answered. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly was second with 17.7 percent of the vote, talk show entertainer Oprah Winfrey third with 16.6 percent, ABC’s Diane Sawyer fourth with 13.7 percent and Rush Limbaugh fifth at 11.7 percent.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity had 6.4 percent, CBS’ Scott Pelley was at 3.6 percent, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer at 3.1 percent and Bill Maher brought up the end with 2.4 percent.

The Media Research Center has profiled Williams’ liberal bent a number of times: when he equated elite U.S. military members with terrorist bombers, when he championed leftist U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi for “making history,” when he asked a World War II veteran who was part of the crew that delivered the war-ending atomic bomb on Hiroshima whether he was remorseful, and when he giddily touted “two for the price of one” when interviewing Bill Clinton about Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency, among many other incidents.

It was in 2009 when Obama was addressing the 65th Annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner that the president acknowledged that mainstream journalists are to be credited with making him a celebrity and even joked that an NBC news anchor is in bed with him

“I have to admit though, it wasn’t easy coming up with fresh material for this dinner,” Obama said. “A few nights ago, I was up tossing and turning trying to figure out exactly what to say. Finally, when I couldn’t get back to sleep, I rolled over and asked Brian Williams what he thought.””

Read more:

73 responses to “Brian Williams most influential anchor, Wenzel Strategies poll, Williams NBC in bed with Obama administration, Welcome to age of Big Brother

  1. Are you sure bo was joking about brian williams literally being in bed with him?

  2. The demRats are doing their best to try and incite arguments between the various supporters of the Good Republican candidates. I for one will not be baited into it. IMHO Rick Perry is the best hope for defeating the demRat nominee in 2012, but any candidate in the current field is better than anyone the demRats nominate.


    If you can judge a political candidate by the enemies he makes, Texas Gov. Rick Perry stands pretty tall.

    For example, the national tort-lawyer lobby is set to spend millions to try to stop the GOP presidential hopeful in his tracks.

    No wonder: Perry, in his 10 years as Texas governor, has managed to implement serious tort reform in a state that even a top litigator concedes was once “the golden goose” for high-end jury verdicts.

    Don’t think for a moment, though, that the tort bar is gearing up in the names of truth, justice and the American Way.

    As John Coale, a former tort lawyer and major Democratic contributor, told Politico: “Most of the guys I know don’t like [President Obama] . . . But when your livelihood, your money’s on the line, it concentrates the mind.”

  4. Citizen Wells,
    So we have experienced 3 years of Keynesian economics and how’s that economy working for all you? Well, apparently the White House doesn’t feel we have had enough Keynesian economics! They are going to nominate yet another Keynesian theorist to ‘help’ with the economy.

    Albert Einstein, and I paraphrase, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”. The Obama administration is either insane, or attempting to destroy the economy and jobs of America.



    While Michele Bachmann founded the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives before she even decided to run for president, Texas Governor Rick Perry, her 2012 rival, is reportedly more popular among Tea Partiers, garnering double the support in a recent Gallup poll.

    The poll, released Friday, shows Perry with 35 percent of Tea Party supporters while Bachmann trails considerably at 14 percent.

  6. Birther Summit Doubles Hawaiian Newspaper Offer to $10,000, and Will Be in Honolulu to Support Orly Taitz on September 14


    Contact: Dean C. Haskins
    Posted: August 29, 2011
    © 2011 The Birther Summit

    (Aug. 29, 2011) — The Birther Summit has increased its offer to purchase an original copy of a Honolulu newspaper to $10,000! An original copy of the August 13, 1961 edition of The Honolulu Advertiser or the August 14, 1961 edition of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin will earn the first bearer $10,000.

    Birther Summit Doubles Hawaiian Newspaper Offer to $10,000, and Will Be in Honolulu to Support Orly Taitz on September 14

  7. Pete,

    “The Obama administration is either insane, or attempting to destroy the economy and jobs of America.”

    Those two conditions aren’t mutually exclusive. bo is insane and is destroying the economy of not just America, but the entire World.

  8. Video: Senator “Obama Told Me Pass Amnesty Or I’ll Leave The Borders Open”
    by Administrator 28. August 2011 22:42


    Mike Baselice, Perry’s longtime pollster, said his client is of the Ronald Reagan school of management: “Trust people and manage well.”

    “The political graveyard in Texas is buried full of people who have underestimated Rick Perry,” he said. “We had a U.S. senator who did that and she didn’t even make the run-off. Sooner or later, they’re going to figure out that he’s not just lucky, he’s good.”

  10. bob strauss | August 29, 2011 at 9:48 am |

    Kyl & McCain need to support Sheriff Joe in getting bo indicted in Arizona.

    Attorney Orly Taitz, known as the ‘queen of birthers’, has been trying to get the … In a separate action, Taitz has also filed a Writ of Mandamus to force …
    While the power brokers who made sure a community organizer with no experience, dubious education credentials and a hidden past pulled off the election of Obama, the headaches continue to build. Not only is Obama being pilloried by independents, conservatives and increasingly, columnists and talking heads on the left, there is a major problem date looming: September 14, 2011. Attorney Orly Taitz, known as the ‘queen of birthers’, has been trying to get the Hawaii Department of Health to comply with a court ordered subpeona to examine Obama’s birth original certificate since he released it to the world back on April 27, 2011.

  12. Free Speech | August 29, 2011 at 8:23 am |

    The demRats are doing their best to try and incite arguments between the various supporters of the Good Republican candidates. I for one will not be baited into it. IMHO Rick Perry is the best hope for defeating the demRat nominee in 2012, but any candidate in the current field is better than anyone the demRats nominate.

    I agree, but giving RP supporters a hard time is so much fun.

    It’s also fun to watch these, ” I will stay at home if my candidate does not win”
    Obots come here and post. LMAO

  13. It will take more than bogus conspiracy theories for the demRats to beat Rick Perry.

    Perry reminds many of us of President Reagan who was the greatest President of my lifetime.

  14. Pat 1789 | August 29, 2011 at 10:30 am |

    Many if not most of the posters who claim to be Ron Paul supporters are demRats just attempting to create arguments.

    Ron Paul has a place in the Republican Party especially regarding fiscal policy but he will not get the nomination. So what is the point in discussing his candicacy? It just starts arguments.

    It is now a two man race Perry v. Romney. I can’t see Romney beating Perry in the Republican Primaries except maybe in New Hampshire and Utah. Even Ron Paul said that Perry is “politically astute.”

  15. Who can conservatives get elected President to start the reversal of 100 years of liberalism?

    Perry is tied to the Bilderbergrs as is Soros… (Are the same folks who control Obie behind Perry?)

    Ron Paul’s on target much of the time , but his 5% that’s off is so far out there… (Radical Islam is not against us… Ron – check out the last 1000 years of history… ask the folks in India…)

    Sarah Palin – already run over by the media .. has a very high “anybody but Sarah” percentage

    Michelle Bachmann – not sure if she’s got enough to push her over the top… seems like she has good values, but getting ripped in the press…

    Mitt Romney – from the Peoples Republic of Mass – you’ve got to be kidding

    Newt? Can he pose once more with Pelosi to support Gore and global warming?

    Is there someone else waiting in the wings?

    I’d suggest a comedian.. we did rather well with an actor..

    I’ll vote for anyone running against Obie…so at least we can get a few things turned around.. but another Soros puppet is not going to solve our problems.

  16. The three primary reasons Perry will beat Romney are:

    1) Perry is a Christian. Romney is a Mormon.

    2) Perry has a great record of economic success as Governor of Texas. Romney’s economic record as Governor of Massachusetts is a disaster.

    3) Perry has vociferously spoken out against boCare. Romney created the model for boCare as Governor of Massachusetts. That is a HUGE problem for Romney in the GOP primary.

  17. The smear that Rick Perry is connected to George Soros is a LIE without any basis in fact whatsoever.

  18. Cabby – AZ | August 29, 2011 at 11:06 am |

    Ha! Thanks Cabby

    They arrested the wrong OBAMA, he live’s in Washington DC.

    Bad day for obots LMAO !


    The gnashing of teeth over Bilderberg is ridiculous, says Times columnist David Aaronovitch. “It’s really an occasional supper club for the rich and powerful,” he argues.

    So why do groups like this cause so much alarm? Aaronovitch, who wrote the 2009 book Voodoo Histories, says plots to install a new world order have traditionally been a conspiracy fantasy. “They tend to believe that everything true, local and national is under threat from cosmopolitan, international forces often linked to financial capitalism and therefore, also often, to Jewish interests.”

    The charter of Hamas – the Islamist party governing Gaza – asserts that the Freemasons are in league with the Jews and those unlikely bully boys – the Rotary Club – to undermine Palestine.

    John Hamill, spokesman for freemasonry’s governing body in England and Wales says the organisation is aware of Hamas’s allegation.

    “There’s no truth in it, freemasonry is apolitical. It probably arises because one of our ceremonies is about the story of King Solomon’s Temple. For some reason Islamic governments translate that into Zionism.”

    More recently, former sports journalist David Icke has proclaimed that the world is governed by alien, reptilian shape shifters. In other words, giant lizards.

    There is obviously no right-wing monopoly on conspiracy theories. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Hilary Clinton blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for her husband’s predicament. And more recently, some on the left have argued that the 9/11 attacks were organised by President Bush’s inner circle in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

    “To have a strong belief in the Bilderberg Group means believing in a fantasy,” he says. “It suggests that there are people – like God – acting as a higher power. And it replaces the intolerable thought that there’s nothing at work at all, that the world is chaotic. It may be a form of therapy but it has people believing in an anti-scientific message.”

  20. One of the reasons that Gov. Perry’s campaign has taken off is that he reminds people of President Reagan. While I did not agree with everything President Reagan said and did, I always believed that he was an honest and moral man and I never doubted that he sincerely loved our Country. I see the same sort of sincerity in Rick Perry.

    The honesty and moral conviction of a man like Rick Perry is just what America needs now. We can not afford another imoral, dishonest scumbag in the White House who has no moral convictions, a political opportunist who will say or do anything to get elected. It is not the 60’s or the 90’s anymore. The United States is now in very serious trouble. We need an honest leader with strong moral core convictions.

  21. Pat 1789 | August 29, 2011 at 11:22 am |
    Ha! Thanks Cabby
    They arrested the wrong OBAMA, he live’s in Washington DC.
    Bad day for obots LMAO !
    You’re welcome! Tehehehehehe!! I wonder if he will get to stay in the USA like O’s aunt? Allegedly ICE is after him.

  22. There is obviously no right-wing monopoly on conspiracy theories. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Hilary Clinton blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for her husband’s predicament.

  23. One of the reasons that Gov. Perry’s campaign has taken off is that he reminds people of President Reagan. While I did not agree with everything President Reagan said and did, I always believed that he was an honest and moral man and I never doubted that he sincerely loved our Country. I see the same sort of sincerity in Rick Perry.

    The honesty and moral conviction of a man like Rick Perry is just what America needs now. We can not afford another imoral, dishonest scumbag in the White House who has no moral convictions, a political opportunist who will say or do anything to get elected. It is not the 60′s or the 90′s anymore. The United States is now in very serious trouble. We need an honest leader with strong moral core convictions.


    SAN ANTONIO—Gov. Rick Perry says U.S. forces heading into combat must be led by American commanders, not multinational organizations.

    Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ annual convention, the Republican presidential hopeful said Monday he wants the U.S. to avoid “military adventurism.”

    But he also said the U.S. military must be ready to strike whenever necessary and “not concede the moral authority of our nation to multilateral debating societies,” drawing sustained applause.

    Perry didn’t elaborate. But the Obama administration has backed NATO-led airstrikes in Libya.


    he said that the United States should engage its allies in military operations and not make mistakes the government made during the Vietnam war, when soldiers “were called to a war our leaders were not prepared to win.”

    “I do not believe that America should fall subject to a foreign policy of military adventurism,” he said.

    “We should only risk shedding American blood and spending American treasure when our vital interests are threatened. A president should never send our sons and daughters into war without a plan to win, and the resources to make that possible,” Perry said.

    he said that the United States should engage its allies in military operations and not make mistakes the government made during the Vietnam war, when soldiers “were called to a war our leaders were not prepared to win.”

    “I do not believe that America should fall subject to a foreign policy of military adventurism,” he said.

    “We should only risk shedding American blood and spending American treasure when our vital interests are threatened. A president should never send our sons and daughters into war without a plan to win, and the resources to make that possible,” Perry said.

    Perry was a captain in the U.S. Air Force from 1972 to 1977.


    Two weeks ago, Perry, who flew C-130s in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977, stated that one of his greatest motivations to run for president was to ensure “every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of this nation respects highly the president of the United States.”

    “I think the military men and women respect the commander in chief … I think they really like to see a person who’s worn the uniform in that office …” Perry told a group of reporters at the Iowa State Fair earlier this month. “Go ask your veterans if they’d rather see somebody who’s never served as the commander in chief.”

    “A great nation cannot turn its eye away from wounded warriors. We should honor them with the best healthcare possible, with help transitioning back to civilian life and with jobs,” Perry said. “It anguishes me to see young men and women come home scarred, feeling isolated, unable to cope with what they’ve experienced. these are our precious sons and daughters. They are our nations’ newest generation of heroes. They are our own flesh and blood. We must take care of them, everyone of them.”


    As the Vietnam War raged in the 1960s, Mitt Romney received a deferment from the draft as a Mormon “minister of religion” for the duration of his missionary work in France, which lasted two and a half years.

    Before and after his missionary deferment, Romney also received nearly three years of deferments for his academic studies. When his deferments ended and he became eligible for military service in 1970, he drew a high number in the annual lottery that determined which young men were drafted. His high number ensured he was not drafted into the military.

    The deferments for Mormon missionaries became increasingly controversial in the late 1960s, especially in Utah, leading the Mormon Church and the government to limit the number of church missionaries who could put off their military service.


    BETTENDORF, Iowa (AP) – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday defended his five sons’ decision not to enlist in the military, saying they’re showing their support for the country by “helping me get elected.”BETTENDORF, Iowa (AP) – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday defended his five sons’ decision not to enlist in the military, saying they’re showing their support for the country by “helping me get elected.”

    (AP) Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday defended his five sons’ decision not to enlist in the military, saying they’re showing their support for the country by “helping me get elected.”

    Romney, who did not serve in Vietnam due to his Mormon missionary work…

    “My sons are all adults and they’ve made decisions about their careers and they’ve chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard.”

    He added: “One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I’d be a great president.”

    The woman who asked the question, Rachel Griffiths, 41, of Milan, Ill., identified herself as a member of Quad City Progressive Action for the Common Good, as well as the sister of an Army major who had served in Iraq.

    “Of course not,” Griffiths said when asked if she was satisfied with Romney’s answer. “He told me the way his son shows support for our military and our nation is to buy a Winnebago and ride across Iowa and help him get elected.”


    In a 1994 letter to the Log Cabin Republicans, who advocate gay rights, Romney said he was in favor of “gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly” in the military.

  30. Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations

    Read more:


    Tea Party supporters are backing Rick Perry for the GOP presidential nomination, giving him a strong double-digit lead in the latest Gallup Poll over rivals Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann.

    Perry is the choice of 35% of the Republicans and GOP-leaning independents who consider themselves supporters of the small government, anti-tax movement. Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, and Bachmann, a Minnesota congresswoman who founded the House Tea Party Caucus, were each the choice of 14% of Tea Party supporters.

  32. Thank You, Dr. Ron Paul
    by Chuck Baldwin
    September 23, 2008

    Again the only party!

    Republican Congressman Ron Paul endorses Constitution Party nominee Chuck Baldwin for President of the United StatesFrom Wikinews

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008


    A third national poll, this time from CNN, shows Rick Perry with a major lead over Mitt Romney:

    The survey, released Monday, indicates that 27 percent of Republicans nationwide support Perry for their party’s nomination, with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who’s making his second bid for the White House, at 14 percent. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin follows at ten percent, with Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani at nine percent, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who’s making his third bid for the presidency, at six percent. Every one else listed on the questionnaire registered in the low single digits.

    The survey follows a Gallup poll out last week which also placed Perry at the top of the GOP field. Other polling released in the past week also confirms the findings of the CNN and Gallup surveys.

    “Perry’s support is higher among Republican men, at 32 percent, than Republican women, at 23 percent, but he has more support among either group than any other candidate,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

    According to the survey, Perry supporters tend to be older and have higher incomes, but the longtime Texas governor also tops the list, albeit by smaller margins, among lower-income Republicans and those under 50 years old.

    “Perry’s biggest support comes from Republicans who say they are supporters of the tea party movement – he wins 37 percent of their vote – but he also edges Romney by a couple of points among Republicans who don’t call themselves tea party supporters,” adds Holland.

  34. So if 27% of Republicans support Perry, then 73% support someone else. While I personally don’t have anything against Perry, He doesn’t enthuse me as much as some. Herman Cain seems to be the most straight forward candidate (in my eyes).

  35. New CNN Poll: Perry sits atop GOP field

    Washington (CNN) – A new national survey is further proof that Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s entrance earlier this month into the race for the White House has dramatically altered the battle for the Republican presidential nomination.

    According to a CNN/ORC International Poll of Republicans and independent voters who lean towards the GOP, Perry now sits atop the list of Republican presidential candidates, with strong support from most demographic groups.


    Rick Perry has shot to the top of yet another national poll.

    The Texas governor now leads in a new CNN/Opinion Research poll 32%-18% over Mitt Romney.
    Rep. Michele Bachmann is third with 12%. No one else cracks double digits. Newt Gingrich pulls in 7%, Rep. Ron Paul 6%, Herman Cain 3%, Gary Johnson 2%, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum, and Thaddeus McCotter all at 1%. Neither Huntsman nor Santorum has been able to break through despite full-fledged, on-the-ground campaigning.

    With Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani factored in, Perry still leads by 13 percentage points, 27%-14% over Romney. Palin gets 10%, jumping ahead of Bachmann at 9%. Giuliani also gets 9%.

    The poll is a marked shift from earlier this month, just before Perry got in, when Romney led Perry 23%-18%.


    A new CNN/ORC International poll released Monday confirms Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s ascendancy atop the Republican presidential field and demonstrates, along with last week’s Gallup poll, that Perry has the potential to build a broader coalition of supporters than his GOP opponents.

    When those respondents who chose Palin and Giuliani are prompted for their second (or third) choices, Perry (32 percent) increases his lead over Romney (18 percent), while Bachmann sits in third at 12 percent.

    But as Ronald Brownstein wrote in this space about last week’s Gallup poll, it is Perry’s ability to appeal to voters across socioeconomic strata that most notably underscores his position as frontrunner. In the initial matchup, Perry earns 22 percent of the vote among Republicans who did not attend college, leading Palin (16 percent). Romney has the support of just 10 percent of the non-college vote.

    Among those who did attend college, Perry surges to 31 percent, while Palin sinks to 7 percent. Romney jumps into second place, at 17 percent.

    Without Palin and Giuliani, Perry leads Romney by identical, 15-point margins among both non-college and college respondents.


    Washington (CNN) – A new national survey is further proof that Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s entrance earlier this month into the race for the White House has dramatically altered the battle for the Republican presidential nomination.

    According to a CNN/ORC International Poll of Republicans and independent voters who lean towards the GOP, Perry now sits atop the list of Republican presidential candidates, with strong support from most demographic groups.

  39. Free Speech: I have to agree with you on Perry. I was a Texas Democrat who changed to Republican when I moved back to California. A Democrat in Texas is way different from Democrats in a lot of other places. Most Texas Dems are catching on and have changed parties as Gov Perry has done.

    Also, I have a number of Mormon connections, friends and family members. During Vietnam it was agreed that the LDS missionaries returning from their missions would go to the top of the draft list. To try and get another deferment was a not in good faith. So Romney apparently used the agreement his church had made to avoid service by getting an additional deferment. That is a slight against the many good LDS former missionaries who did serve and that in itself is enough to void him in my mind from being Commander in Chief. That shows a character weakness, as do his waffling on issues like homosexual marriage.

  40. Perry must be reading my comments at this blog (-;
    He understands, those so called promises are dust in the wind. Sad people still believe they got something coming for all they put into it.

    Perry: Social Security a ‘Ponzi scheme’

    Rick Perry is sticking to the book. His book, that is. The GOP presidential candidate made appearances in Iowa over the weekend and reverted to claims from his book, Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America From Washington, that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. “It is a Ponzi scheme for these young people. The idea that they’re working

    and paying into Social Security today … is a lie,” Perry said. “It is a monstrous lie on this generation, and we can’t do that to them.” A reporter asked him later if he was backing off some of his positions in his book for the campaign trail, and the Texas governor shot back: “I haven’t backed off anything in my book. So read the book again and get it right.”

  41. I expect that the Republican field will shrink as the few supporters of candidates like Johnson, McCotter, Santorum, Huntsman, and Cain realize that their candidacies are lost causes.

    I expect Ron Paul will continue despite his poor showing in the CNN Poll because he seems to have a small core of right wing support and support from demRats using Paul’s candidacy to create dissent in Republican ranks. I also expect Gingrich to stay in despite his poor showing because his candidacy helps him promote himself as an author and lecturer.

  42. Dean M.,

    Yes the fact that Perry is former democrat conservative will help him among independents and ex-democrats.

    Frankly, I don’t see how Romney can pull out of his tailspin. People are just now beginning to find out about all his negatives. I for one did not know he evaded the Vietnam War and that none of his five sons have served in the military. Even bigger negatives for him are his poor economic record as Governor of liberal Massachusetts and his creation of the government health care program that was the model for boCare. Those are HUGE negatives in Republican primaries.

  43. “Texas governor shot back: “I haven’t backed off anything in my book. So read the book again and get it right.”

    I LOVE IT!

  44. The comments over at the Atlantic are great, here’s one.
    “Social security is a pool that gains interest.”
    From ourselves, perhaps.

    you can do the same thing our government has done with social security:

    1. save $100 a month and put it in a savings account.

    2. Write your savings account an IOU that says you will pay back the $100, with 5% interest.

    3. Withdraw $100 cash and spend it on a nice dinner out.

    4. In thirty years, withdraw $100 IOU from your savings account and present it to yourself, asking for $100 cash + $150 in interest.

    Where will you get that money?

  45. Admittedly, Gov Perry is stretching the political envelope with some of his statements, but it is working for him. He keeps going up and up in the Polls while Romney is crashing. Perry has staff who poll every position and view that he has. Some pundits call some of his statements brash and off-the-hip but it appears to be all very surveyed.

  46. Gov Rick Perry will be on Hannity at the top of the hour.

  47. Criminally complicit banks who knowingly issued worthless mortgage securities to be given immunity in Obama Administration mortgage foreclosure settlement. New York Attorney General still has power to go after criminall complicit banks despite being kicked off the 50-state settlement panel this morning.
    Could this be the telltale sign that Obama is actively protecting his No. 1 campaign bundler whose former family bank, Superior Bank, is implicated in subprime scandal? Another Chicago conflagration is brewing, and Obama, Holder and Geithner want to douse it before the public gets wind of its origins. Naturally, the other banks involved in improprieties (worthless mortgage-backed securities, inducement to fraud, predatory lending practices, dubious chain of title and rights, and gestapo foreclosure tactics) want to settle this scandal to dictate terms that none of the AG’s signing off on this settlement can go after the criminals behind the fraudulently originated and fraudulently conveyed mortgage-backed toxic trash.
    New York Attorney General Kicked Off Government Group Leading Foreclosure Probe
    For a full background on how deep the rabbit hole goes read here:
    Thanks to Dr. John at Flopping Aces for the story and updated link.

  48. Odumbo needed 2 teleprompters to give a 3 minute speech.


    “I am very pleased to appoint Alan and I look forward to working with him,” Obama said, staring at the large, flat-screen monitor to his right, then shifting his eyes to the teleprompter on his left. “I have nothing but confidence in Alan as he takes on this important role as one of the leaders of my economic team.”

  49. “Admittedly, Gov Perry is stretching the political envelope”

    I don’t think so, he’s telling the truth. I hope he keeps it up.

    Anyone see Sarah Palin lately ?

  50. Gov. Rick Perry is about to be on Hannity!

  51. Pat 1789 | August 29, 2011 at 3:48 pm |
    “Admittedly, Gov Perry is stretching the political envelope”

    I don’t think so, he’s telling the truth. I hope he keeps it up.

    I agree that Perry speaks the truth. However, he is stretching the political envelope with his bold statements, but it is working for him because he keeps going up in the polls while Romney is crashing.

  52. Gov Rick Perry is on Hannity now!

  53. oops! one more commercial break before Gov Rick Perry is on Hannity!

  54. pResident Obama’s uncle, Onyango Obama, age 67, was arrested in Farmington, Mass over the weekend for drunk driving and crashing his SUV.

    He (or someone) has retained the same attorney that represented pResident Obama’s Auntie Zeituni when the government was ready to ship her back to kenya because she was here illegal.

    By the way, Uncle Onyango is also here in the USA illegal.

    I’m beginning to see a pattern develop concerning the entire Obama family and their complete disregard for our laws…..

    Shouldn’t someone be checking the pResidents REAL birth certificate?

    Like Uncle and Auntie…like Nephew!

  55. Gov Rick Perry will be on Hannity now!


    Rick Perry broadens national lead over Romney, Bachmann, Palin

    Fourteeen days after announcing his Republican presidential candidacy, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has expanded his frontrunner’s lead in a new national poll, while both Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin slide slightly and Michele Bachmann is in single digits.

    A new CNN/ORC International Poll of Republicans out today shows Perry now holds the support of more than one-in-four (27%), up significantly from the 15% he had before his Aug. 13 announcement at the Redstate Gathering of conservative writers in South Carolina.

    Romney, who had 17% then, now has 14%. Sarah Palin, who’s expected to make her candidacy plans or lack thereof known at an Iowa tea party rally Saturday, has slipped from 12% to 10%.

    While Bachmann, the Iowa native and early tea party favorite, has 9%, down from the 12% she had in mid-July. The congresswoman’s win at the Ames Straw Poll seems to have provided a minimal lasting bump.

    With Palin and non-candidate Rudy Giuliani out of the race, Perry’s support jumps to 32% to Romney’s 18%.


    Rick Perry pushes Mitt Romney aside atop another GOP poll

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry has moved to the top of the CNN/ORC poll released Monday, again nudging former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney away from the position of favored candidate in the GOP presidential sweepstakes.

    Perry, who only formally entered the race this month, easily surpassed Romney, earning 27% support among Republicans, while Romney, the former front-runner, get 14%. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gets 10% while former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani comes in at 9%. Neither Palin nor Giuliani has announced a run, though both have done little to discourage media speculation.

    Without those two in the mix, Perry increases his standing to 32% while Romney weighs in at 18%.

    The CNN finding is consistent with other polls showing Perry surging while Romney, who has been at the top of most polls for months, has been fading. Romney’s downturn is a reflection, in part, of the strong opposition to his candidacy from some conservative elements who have been searching for a political “ABM”: Anybody But Mitt. Many conservatives object to Romney’s support of the healthcare overhaul in Massachusetts.

  58. More than Romney, Palin or Bachmann, Gov Perry’s phenomenally strong showing in the polls hurts Hillary. It is no secret that Hillary desperately wants to be the next demRat pResident, but Perry, the former conservative democrat sucks all the oxygen out of Hillary’s hopes. Hillary is a former “republican” from Chicago. Perry isthe real deal, a former Democrat from Paint Creek, Texas. Who do you think former democrats and independents will vote for if it is Perry v. Hillary?

  59. The problem that the demRat have is that they have no viable candidates for pResident other than Hillary and bo. kerry, algore, richardson and john edwards have all been done in by scandals and criminal investigations. When will the demRats learn the 11th Commandment and stop eating their own?

  60. NBC Vic Hern

    Allow me to interject periodically with…….

  61. The website: Obama Release Your Records is reporting Barack Obama’s Uncle, Onyango Obama, although he is in this country ILLEGALLY ,had in his possession, when arrested, a VALID Social Security number, and a VALID Drivers License…..

    Now how-in-the-hell do you suppose that happen?

    Maybe he sould go down to Washington and give his Nephew, Barack, some pointers on how to beat the system and get a VALID Social Security number and long form Birth Certificate!

  62. NBC Vic Hern | August 29, 2011 at 5:44 pm |
    Allow me to interject periodically with…….



    It’s been awhile since we’ve used the acronym P.U.M.A to describe intra-political fighting so here is a quick refresher: it stands for Party Unity My Ass, and was a phrase coined during the Democratic primary of 2008, born from the rivalry between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. It’s apropos today because of a question asked by World Net Daily’s White House Reporter Lester Kinsolving, who asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney if the President is concerned about a Hillary run in 2012.

    The best part of the clip below, is not the good-natured response by Carney — nor Kinsolving’s peers — who seem to both laugh and appreciaite the ballsiness of the question. No the best part is the look on Kinsolving’s face after he asks the question. As Mediaite’s own White House reporter Tommy Christopher points out, “whenever Les gets a good question in, I’m always reminded of the guy in Oceans 11 who makes it all the way out of the casino with his armful of chips.”

    The epic battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination ended two years ago, but the “Clinton-Obama intrigue” is far from over. There has been a sudden burst in speculation that now-Secretary of State Clinton may run on the Democrats’ presidential ticket in 2012. Socialite and journalist Sally Quinn says in an online column for The Washington Post that Clinton could replace Vice President Joe Biden as Obama’s running mate. But some conservatives are starting to speculate that Hillary might challenge Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2012

  64. TRASH..TRASH…TRASH…the whole damn Obama clan is nothing but trash.

  65. p.s.

    I forgot to add…they are ALL sponging off the US taxpayer!


    Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe formally endorsed Texas Gov. Rick Perry for president today, saying his fellow Republican has the right combination of executive experience and know-how about government regulations to beat President Obama.

    In the same Tulsa story, Inhofe knocked former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney as being “a little mushy on environmental issues”


    The CNN/ORC International Poll, which surveyed Republicans and GOP-leaning independents, showed Perry with 27 percent support. Romney trailed with 14 percent, and Sarah Palin, who may or may not even enter the race, followed with ten percent support.

    Rep. Michele Bachmann and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (who, like Palin, has yet to announce a decision about entering the race) both got nine percent, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul weighed in at six percent support.

    Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman slipped to just one percent, trailing even the relatively unknown former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson.

    The survey also indicates that Perry is the favorite among both men and women who identify as Republicans: 32 percent of Republican men and 23 percent of Republican women said they supported the Texas Republican. Fifteen percent of GOP women, and 14 percent of GOP men, supported Romney.

    The poll signals what appears to be a continuing Perry surge in the campaign: Last week, a Gallup poll had him leading Romney by twelve points, with 29 percent support to Romney’s 17 percent.

  68. NBC Vic Hern

    Go there.

    The rest of us will stay here.

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