9/11 Memorial George W Bush speech, Amazing Grace singing during Bloomberg speech, Flight 93 Memorial Speech, September 11, 2011

9/11 Memorial George W Bush speech, Amazing Grace singing during Bloomberg speech, Flight 93 Memorial Speech, September 11, 2011

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine

God bless and protect America. God bless those who lost loved ones on 9/11. And God bless those who gave their lives protecting their fellow Americans.

George W. Bush gave a  speech in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11 and praising the brave Americans of Flight 93.

I hope that the following occurs.

From Ironic Surrealism September 10, 2011.

“MUST GO VIRAL! Ground Zero Memorial FLASH SINGING of Amazing Grace When Bloomberg Speaks”


All of you in attendance at Ground Zero for the 9/11/11 Memorial Service.

When Mayor Bloomberg begins to speak let “Amazing Grace” FILL THE AIR”

The Mayor can keep our Clergy out, but he can’t keep ALL those in attendance from singing.


“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me….
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T’was Grace that taught…
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear…
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares…
we have already come.
T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far…
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me…
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be…
as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

When we’ve been here ten thousand years…
bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise…
then when we’ve first begun.

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me….
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

If you participate PLEASE have someone tape it and upload it to YouTube.


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39 responses to “9/11 Memorial George W Bush speech, Amazing Grace singing during Bloomberg speech, Flight 93 Memorial Speech, September 11, 2011

  1. “MUST GO VIRAL! Ground Zero Memorial FLASH SINGING of Amazing Grace When Bloomberg Speaks”


    All of you in attendance at Ground Zero for the 9/11/11 Memorial Service.

    When Mayor Bloomberg begins to speak let “Amazing Grace” FILL THE AIR”

    The Mayor can keep our Clergy out, but he can’t keep ALL those in attendance from singing.


    God Bless America!

  2. Orly Taitz Confronts Gov Rick Perry on Obama’s Fraudulent Connecticut Social Security Number – 9/8/11

  3. CAUGHT! US GOV’T’s eVERIFY Database Says Obama’s SSN Never Assigned to Him


  4. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-florida-gop-20110911,0,1205033.story

    In his 2010 campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Florida, Republican Marco Rubio proposed raising the Social Security retirement age for younger workers and “people thought the world had ended,” said Alberto Martinez, then his campaign spokesman.

    But Rubio survived the predictable criticism — including attack ads from an opponent promising to “protect Social Security” — and won election as one of the first “tea party” senators.

    “Candidates need to be careful about how they approach the issue,” Martinez said. “The ones who will be successful are those who offer honest solutions. People want to hear the truth. They know Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt.”

    That was the view among a quartet of Social Security recipients who meet daily for lunch at the West Tampa Sandwich Shop. None quibbled with Perry’s description of Social Security, in last week’s presidential debate, as “a Ponzi scheme.”

    “It was a Ponzi scheme from day one,” said retired firefighter and registered Democrat Ernie Carrera, 81, sipping a tropical fruit milkshake. “People can see that the money’s not coming in compared to what is going out.”

    Mario Castillo, 68, a semiretired auto paint distributor who is also a Democrat, leaned over from an adjoining table to say that Perry used the wrong language, but he added that Social Security “needs to be fixed.”


    SC retirees agree with Perry on Social Security as Ponzi scheme


    Texas Gov. Rick Perry has gotten all kinds of grief from the smartest guys in the room crowd in New York and Washington for calling Social Security “a Ponzi Scheme,” and “a monstrous lie to our kids.”

    I can’t think of a more fitting place to demonstrate a Reaganesque honesty than the Reagan Library, with former First Lady Nancy Reagan looking on benignly as a couple of her crisply-coiffed Liberal Mainstream Media friends do their best to discredit the heirs to her husband’s political legacy.

    Reagan himself often spoke just as bluntly about liberalism’s many sacred cows, and he invariably got the same sort of outraged responses from the smartest guys in the room crowd.

    Like when he said “government isn’t the solution, government is the problem.” They were scandalized when he called the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” too. And who can forget “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Some of his own advisors were aghast that he was going to say that one.

    Now Perry is getting the business from the same crowd. And it started with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney – who knows a thing or two about appealing to the smartest guys.

    Of course Perry did NOT say he wanted to “abolish” Social Security, he simply called it what it is. It’s a classic Ponzi Scheme because money from the last investors must be used to pay the first investors. The fact Social Security is compulsory while a Ponzi Scheme is voluntary is beside the point.

    And it’s a monstrous lie to tell anybody under age 50 because everybody knows and has known for decades that the Ponzi Scheme’s days are numbered by the reality that too few new workers are paying into the system to fund payments to current and projected beneficiaries.

    You’ve heard of being “upside down” on a car loan? That’s when you keep trading in for a new model before paying off the old one. You transfer the outstanding balance on the old loan to the new loan. That’s just the way Social Security “works.”

    Like Reagan said in 1964, the only thing that “saves” Social Security is that Washington can always raise taxes.

    Except that it can’t. Only three workers pay in to Social Security now for every one beneficiary. The day is coming soon when it will only be two workers. Can you say “ruinous taxation?”

    And that’s why Perry is way ahead of the smartest guys in the crowd on this issue.

    Sure, the politically shrewd thing to say is to we have to “save” Social Security. It reassures the old folks without threatening the younger workers who must pay the taxes that fund the benefits.

    What the smartest guys in the room crowd apparently missed is that Perry also said this:

    “And people who are on Social Security today, men and women who are receiving those benefits today, are individuals at my age that are in line pretty quick to get them, they don’t need to worry about anything. But I think the Republican candidates are talking about ways to transition this program …”

    Perry appears to understand something Reagan knew very well: The smartest guys in the room crowd are slaves to conventional liberal wisdom and they are out-of-touch with the values and views of most Americans.

    Our political elites in New York and Washington are far more attuned to that conventional wisdom than to everyday Americans. If you don’t grasp that fact, you will never understand why three-fourths of the voters trust the people more than professional politicians.

    And that is why Perry’s candor may well prove to be his greatest asset in the months ahead.

  5. Number of illegal immigrants getting in-state tuition for Texas colleges rises

  6. I am sitting in a coffee shop writing this.
    A musical group that plays here regularly just played the Star Spangled Banner.
    I was moved.

  7. It is incredible that Romney thinks he can lie to Republican Primary Voters and get away with. Republican voters are not stupid like the boHillary demRat voters who believe any lie that the demRat politicians tell them, but Republican voters are well informed enough (Thanks to Rush, Hannity and Levin) to know that Romney is lying when he says that SS is not a problem.


    “Why are we trying to kid our kids, and say, keep paying into this thing, it’s going to work out all right for you,” Perry said Friday. “It’s not. It is broken. It’s not going to be there for them. We’re trying to be political gamesmen. Be leaders. Leaders stand up and say we got a broken system, here’s how we fix it.”

    “We wouldn’t be talking about this issue if it wasn’t for Gov. Perry bringing this up and saying it should be fixed,” Miner said. “Mitt Romney would have been fine, going down the road and never addressing Social Security, never addressing these issues.”

  8. http://news.yahoo.com/bill-maher-seriously-hates-rick-perry-205000150.html

    Bill Maher, the HBO ranter, seriously does not like Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the front-runner for the Republican nomination for the presidency.

    The real reason Maher hates Perry is that he’s religious, a Texan and a conservative, in that order. Since he is these three things and opposes President Barack Obama, Perry is also a racist… Perry ought not to take it personally. Maher, like a lot of other lefties, hates righties as part of their DNA, as Dan Gainor recently pointed out. Perry is just the latest target of the media pile on.

    Almost as much as Sarah Palin, Perry represents a nightmare and an opportunity for Maher. He is a nightmare, of course, because of the qualities enumerated above. Perry is also an opportunity because should he be elected, which at this moment in time seems likely, he will provide Maher endless opportunities for things to rant about. It won’t be funny rants, mind, except for his studio audience whom Chris Hitchens one time complained would cheer and clap at anything that comes out of Maher’s mouth.

    One suspects Maher really hates Perry because he has a certain, swaggering self confidence that many on the coasts find off putting, though Maher shares that quality as demonstrated by saying some of the most outrageous things imaginable with a straight face. That was one of the things that ticked off people like Maher about George W. Bush, conviction and principles with a Texas accent.

    Mind, these days Maher doesn’t like anyone in the political arena, not even his former favorite president, Barack Obama. In a way, Maher’s discontent with Obama is a kind of sour grapes, preparing himself psychologically for his almost inevitable defeat in 2012. If one can believe that the president is a weakling in the face of those evil, rascally Republicans like Perry, then his being removed from the Oval Office will not sting quite so badly.

  9. http://news.yahoo.com/bill-maher-seriously-hates-rick-perry-205000150.html

    One of the funniest lines, partly because it displayed a colossal ignorance of the issue on the party of Maher, was the one about Perry’s instance on calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” the equivalent of handcuffing oneself to a dead hooker… The point that he was trying to make is that Perry was playing with fire by telling the truth that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme because it will frighten old people into thinking he will take their checks away from them. Maybe, but Maher and everyone else who thinks that Perry will be sunk by the issue may be in for a shock.


  11. Ron Paul lies in 2008 and says there is a Social Securtity trust fund, we all know that is not true. Why lie?

    Also note that Ron Paul wants to phase out SS for young people while maintaining comfortable benefits for those in the system, or something.

    [Right now they’re getting behind because they’re having a 10% to 12% inflation rate and we give them a 2% increase, and they’re really hurting. I don’t want taxes on the Social Security benefits that they receive. I have a bill in that would secure the trust fund, where none of that money could be spent in the general revenues.]

  12. FBI Releases Photo of Suspected Terrorist – Suspected in 2011 Car Bomb Plot – Added to the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted http://vinienco.com/2011/09/10/must-read-fbi-releases-image-of-man-wanted-for-911-threats-share-widely

  13. THANK GOD we did not have to listen to the muslim communist pervert bo and his LOVER-GAL hillary giving disgusting speeches on this SOLEMN DAY!

    It is disgusting the bill clinton was allowed to speak at the Memorial in Pennslyvannia after he was primarily responsible for the Trajedies on 9/11 because of his FAILURE to protect America from muslim TERRORISTS!

  14. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/276571/reagan-s-house-nro-symposium

    Rick Perry persuaded me that he was not scary, and that he won’t be seen as scary by the vast public. The interviewers tried to goad him into defending his position that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and that the scheme had been unconstitutional from the beginning. But he didn’t take the bait. He deflected questions about the origins of the program — it has been in place for over 70 years, no one was going to be dispossessed of benefits long thought coming, and the question was how to fix things now. He didn’t budge from the claim that Social Security was a Ponzi scheme, and everyone knew that there won’t be enough money to pick up the obligations that will be accumulating. Perry wouldn’t be rattled in questions on capital punishment and global warming, and he would have time later to pick up the names of those important scientists, like Will Happer at Princeton, who support his position.


    The news media really don’t get Rick Perry and his appeal to Republicans. The questions designed to undermine him (Social Security, death penalty, creationism, etc.) strengthened him with Republicans. Mainly, they liked what he said and how he said it. Perry’s a natural, like the man whose library served as a backdrop.

  16. Each of these Republicans — unlike Obama — meets the test of the Founders, to bring experience and good character to the presidency.

    This is something Ronald Reagan understood with every fiber of his being.

    Somewhere, Wednesday night, Ronald Reagan was smiling.

    — Craig Shirley is author of Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the Campaign That Changed America.

  17. http://www.newser.com/story/127999/election-2012-opinion-roundup-michele-bachmann-is-done-fini-kaput.html

    Bachmann Is ‘Done. Fini. Kaput.’

    •It was “remarkable” to see this once-top-tier candidate “relegated to an afterthought, getting barely as much face time as Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich,” writes Michael A. Memoli in the Los Angeles Times. Rick Perry has indeed “taken the oxygen out of Bachmann’s campaign.”
    •“Hate to agree with the conventional wisdom, but unless something torpedoes Perry, she’s no longer a factor in the race,” concludes David Weigel on Slate. “The mannered efforts to pretend that some congressional battles have given her all the experience she needs to serve are just unbearably weak with three governors onstage.”

    •Ezra Klein sums it up in the Washington Post: “Mitt Romney looked like he had already won the Republican nomination. Rick Perry looked like he will win the Republican nomination. Michele Bachmann looked like she was beginning to realize she definitely wouldn’t win the Republican nomination.”

    •In the International Business Times, John Talty declares that last night’s debate “definitively” turned the contest into a race between Romney and Perry. Bachmann is “done. Fini. Kaput.” Unless, of course, someone taps her as VP—at this point that’s her “only nomination chance.”

  18. http://news.yahoo.com/nader-almost-100-percent-chance-democratic-primary-challenger-020811577.html

    Nader now says that a primary challenge is a near certainty.

    Nader promised in an interview with The Daily Caller. “I would guess that the chances of there being a challenge to Obama in the primary are almost 100 percent.”

    The only question, he said, is the stature of that opponent and whether it will be either “an ex-senator or an ex-governor”

  19. http://www.electionprojection.com/blog/archives/aug11/rick_perry_will_win_the_gop_nomination_081511.php

    Rick Perry will win the GOP nomination
    Let me come right out and predict it. Governor Rick Perry will be the Republican nominee for president in 2012. The only two legitimate contenders other than Perry are Mitt Romney and Michele Bachman. But Perry combines the best of each into one presidential package. He has Romney’s executive experience and Bachman’s conservative credentials. That’s what conservatives like me have been yearning for.
    One more thing: If Obama’s job approval stays where it is now for the next 15 months, Rick Perry is your next POTUS. Mark my words.

  20. Rick Perry Is A Lot Closer To The 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination Than You Think

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/rick-perry-is-a-lot-closer-to-the-2012-gop-presidential-nomination-than-you-think-2011-8#ixzz1XfggjDqK

  21. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/18/paging-rick-perry-how-a-southerner-could-sweep-to-the-g-o-p-nomination/

    Being a Southerner conveys certain advantages upon a Republican presidential candidate.

    The White House has been occupied by a Southerner — counting the Massachusetts-born and decidedly patrician George H.W. Bush, who resided in Texas at the time he ran for office — in 30 of the past 46 years. I’m not sure this is entirely a coincidence. One reason behind the success of Southern candidates may be that, in competitive primary elections, the region offers a larger home-field advantage than the other parts of the country.

    The South is more culturally coherent and has a stronger regional identity than the other parts of the country. That is, the typical Alabaman has more in common with the typical North Carolinian than the typical Michigander has with the typical Kansan, or the typical Californian with the typical Montanan.

    … a candidate like Mr. Perry, who would have advantages like fundraising and establishment support that would extend to all corners of the country, might be more like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, doing very well in the South and still well enough outside of it to win his party’s nomination.

    Now we can imagine an even more advantageous path for a candidate like Mr. Perry. He’d stand a good chance at doing well in Iowa, and if he did, he’d probably follow it up with a win in South Carolina, and possibly also Florida. And then he’d pick up plenty of delegates in the Southern states that voted on Super Tuesday and beyond — including of course Texas, which itself accounts for 140 delegates.

  22. http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/08/perry_will_win_big.html

    You read it here first: Rick Perry will amble to the Republican nomination and will win the presidential election easily. In June I wrote an article — “Is Perry the One?” — suggesting that Rick Perry may be the best nominee for Republicans. His personal life is spotless. His policies reflect his political beliefs and have worked the way conservatives intend.

    Talking like a tough Texan is the worst thing anyone can say about him, but that attack will fail. The unpopularity of George W. Bush in his last two years created a false notion among leftist elites that America does not like cowboys. Wrong: we love leaders who look confident and act decisively; we love our frontiersman and cowboys. We like straight talk and straight shooting. Most Americans also sense that we desperately need a tough hombre in the White House in 2013.

    We also want heart. Perry’s long and happy marriage shows that heart. His hard work on the family cotton farm shows that too. Perry’s honorable and significant service in the military shows the courage of a true patriot. His love of America’s most noble private organization, the Boy Scouts, shows that heart too. Perry’s unabashed faith in God will hurt him only in Manhattan or in San Francisco.

    Perry, like Reagan, governed the second-largest state in the Union for multiple terms. He also has had the chance to connect with other Republican governors, arguably the strongest force in the party. Several governors have come close to endorsing Perry already and more will openly support him. His message of genuine federalism is vital to these governors. Strong support from conservative Republican governors will make winning the nomination much easier.

    Next year anyone touched with the deficit deal in Washington will be damaged political goods. Republican political leaders who have created prosperity at the state level will look much better. Rick Perry in 2012 will not just be able to run against Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, whose leaders have appalling bad approval ratings, but Perry will be able to run against the federal government itself. He will run as the longest-serving governor in America running a state (as large as a nation) which works.

    Polls already show Perry leading the Republican field, ahead of a much better-known Romney who has been campaigning for years. Gallup shows a very high intensity level for Perry as well. As other conservatives drop out, their support will inevitably gravitate to Perry. A united Republican Party in 2012, led by a sitting governor, will sweep to victory. An America given the choice between an unapologetic conservative and a clear liberal will give that conservative a landslide.

    In 1979, enclaves of pundits were feverishly analyzing the candidates. It was very clear what would happen: the popular conservative big-state governor would win the nomination fast and then crush the bitter but smiling one-term leftist in the White House. That is exactly will happen next November 2012.

  23. Found this at Drudge.

    Solyndra investigation expands as agents visit executives’ homes
    Feds Visit Homes of Solyndra CEO, Execs http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/obama-officials-sat-solyndra-meetings/story?id=14476848

  24. “Never Forget” Hold onto your,”hats”. This real is another order from the usurper. “God have Mercy, on us”. http://www.fireandreamitchell.com/2011/09/10/wtf-obama-declares-september-11th-2011-to-be-national-grandparents-day

  25. WTF? Obama declares September 11th, 2011 to be “National Grandparents Day”

    obama-pictureSo what would you declare September 11th, 2011 to be? The 10th anniversary of the worst attack ever on American soil is now officially declared to be “National Grandparents Day” by Barack Hussein bama. The idea of honoring grandparents all across this country is actually a great idea. Giving them their “day” is great too. But must be it on the 10th anniversary of 9/11? How pitiful is Obama?
    Obama is a typical Taquia spouting bastard. The fastest way for the world to forget about the Muslim attack on America, is to distract people from the truth. Then they can proceed with taking over the world.

  26. James | September 11, 2011 at 12:56 pm | FBI Releases Photo of Suspected Terrorist – Suspected in 2011 Car Bomb Plot – Added to the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted http://vinienco.com/2011/09/10/must-read-fbi-releases-image-of-man-wanted-for-911-threats-share-widely

    A dual citizen muslim like b-ho

    who would have guessed!

  27. Rick Perry’s 1st Debate gains 2.4 Million viewers than bo’s BS speech, eventhough bo’s BS was aired on 11 times as many networks!


    MSNBC aired the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night, drawing a total 5.4 million viewers and so far, becoming the highest-rated Republican debate in 2011.

    The GOP debate — which was the first to feature Texas Gov. Rick Perry — delivered 1.7 million in the key A25-54 demo, outranking three earlier Republican debates. After the debate, MSNBC’s team analysis drew 817,000 viewers in the A25-54 demo and 2.7 million total viewers.

  28. There is going to be another presidential debate tomorrow in Florida, sponsored by CNN, I believe. Bring it on!

  29. Rick Perry’s 1st Debate gains 2.4 Million viewers more than bo’s BS speech, eventhough bo’s BS was aired on 11 times as many networks!


    MSNBC aired the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night, drawing a total 5.4 million viewers and so far, becoming the highest-rated Republican debate in 2011.

    The GOP debate — which was the first to feature Texas Gov. Rick Perry — delivered 1.7 million in the key A25-54 demo, outranking three earlier Republican debates. After the debate, MSNBC’s team analysis drew 817,000 viewers in the A25-54 demo and 2.7 million total viewers.

  30. Breaking News – “Don’t, tell the Grandparents”, or the FBI, one could be Obummer the others just some poster boy with “sparkle’s”. http://biggovernment.com/publius/2011/09/11/breaking-two-men-falsely-claim-to-be-air-marshals-on-dc-bound-flight

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