The Corruption of America, Porter Stansberry, America is in decline, Americans Are Getting Poorer Fast, Entitlement root of many serious cultural problems

The Corruption of America, Porter Stansberry, America is in decline, Americans Are Getting Poorer Fast, Entitlement root of many serious cultural problems

The following are exerpts from a well written article by Porter Stansberry on many of the economic and social woes of America. The full article is worthy of your time.

The Corruption of America

“Why I’m still bullish on America
By: Porter Stansberry
The numbers tell us America is in decline… if not outright collapse.

I say “the numbers tell us” because I’ve become very sensitive to the impact this kind of statement has on people. When I warned about the impending
bankruptcy of General Motors in 2006 and 2007, readers actually blamed me for the company’s problems – as if my warnings to the public were the real problem, rather than GM’s $400 billion in debt.

The claim was absurd. But the resentment my work engendered was real.

So please… before you read this issue, which makes several arresting claims about the future of our country… understand I am only writing about the facts
as I find them today. I am only drawing conclusions based on the situation as it stands. I am not saying that these conditions can’t improve. Or that they
won’t improve.

The truth is, I am optimistic. I believe our country is heading into a crisis. But I also believe that… sooner or later… Americans will make the right
choices and put our country back on sound footing.

Please pay careful attention to the data I cite. And please send me corrections to the facts. I will happily publish any correction that can be
substantiated. But please don’t send me threats, accusations against my character, or baseless claims about my lack of patriotism. If I didn’t love our
country, none of these facts would bother me. I wouldn’t have bothered writing this letter.

I know this is a politically charged and emotional issue. My conclusions will not be easy for most readers to accept. Likewise, many of the things I am
writing about this month will challenge my subscribers to re-examine what they believe about their country. The facts about America today tell a painful
story about a country in a steep decline, beset by problems of its own making.

One last point, before we begin… I realize that this kind of macro-economic/political analysis is not, primarily, what you pay me for. You rightly expect me to provide you with investment opportunities – whether bull market, bear market, or total societal collapse. And that’s what I’ve done every month for more than 15 years.

But that’s not what I’ve done this month. You won’t find any investment ideas at all in these pages. This issue is unlike any other I have ever written.

I’m sure it will spark a wave of cancellations – costing me hundreds of thousands of dollars. I fear it will spark a tremendous amount of controversy. Many
people will surely accuse me of deliberately writing inflammatory things in order to stir the pot and gain attention. That’s not my intention. The truth is,
I’ve gone to great lengths throughout my career to protect my privacy.

I am speaking out now because I believe someone must. And I have the resources to do it. I am sharing these ideas with my subscribers because I know we have arrived at the moment of a long-brewing crisis.

Our political leaders, our business leaders, and our cultural leaders have made a series of catastrophic choices. The result has been a long decline in
America’s standard of living.

For decades, we have papered over these problems with massive amounts of borrowing. But now, our debts total close to 400% of GDP, and America is the world’s largest borrower (after being the world’s largest creditor only 40 years ago)… And the holes in our society can no longer be hidden…

We’ve reached the point where we will have to fix what lies at the heart of America’s decline… or be satisfied with a vastly lower standard of living in
the future.

How do I know? How do I statistically define the decline of America?

The broadest measure of national wealth is per-capita gross domestic product (GDP). Economists use this figure to judge standards of living around the world.
It shows the value of the country’s annual production divided by the number of its citizens. No, the production isn’t actually divided among all the
citizens, but this measure provides us with a fair benchmark to compare different economies around the world. Likewise, this measure shows the growth (or the decline) in wealth in societies across time.

So… is America growing richer or poorer based on per-capita GDP? Seems like a simple enough question, doesn’t it? Is our economy growing faster than our
population? Are we, as individuals, becoming more affluent? Or is the pie, measured on a per-person basis, growing smaller?

This is the most fundamental measure of the success or the failure of any political system or culture. Are the legal and social rules we live under aiding
our economic development or holding us back? What do the numbers say?

Unfortunately, it’s a harder question to answer than it should be. The problem is, we don’t have a sound currency with which to measure GDP through time.
Until 1971, the U.S. dollar was defined as a certain amount of gold. And the price of gold was fixed by international agreement. It didn’t actually begin to
trade freely until 1975. Therefore, the value of the U.S. dollar (and thus the value of U.S. production, which is measured in dollars) was manipulated higher
for many years.

Even today, our government’s nominal GDP figures are greatly influenced by inflation. The influence of inflation is particularly pernicious in GDP studies.
You see, inflation, which actually reduces our standard of living, drives up the amount of nominal GDP. So it creates the appearance of a wealthier
country… while the nation is actually getting poorer.”

“You see, I believe the decline of our country is primarily a decline of our culture.

We have lost our sense of honor, humility, and the dedication to personal responsibility that, for more than 200 years, made our country the greatest hope for mankind. I want to detail some of the factors that gave rise to the current entitlement society. We have become a country of people who believe their well-being is someone else’s responsibility.

I’ve labeled these problems: The Corruption of America.

These problems manifest themselves in different ways across institutions in all parts of our society. But at their root, they are simply facets of the same
stone. They are all part of the same essential problem.

The corruption of America isn’t happening in one part of our country… or in one type of institution. It is happening across the landscape of our society,
in almost every institution. It’s a kind of moral decay… a kind of greed… a kind of desperate grasp for power… And it’s destroying our nation.

The Ethos of ‘Getting Yours’

Americans know, in their bones, that something terrible is happening. Maybe you can’t articulate it. Maybe you don’t have the statistics to understand
exactly what’s going on. But my bet is, you think about it a lot.”

“Bloomberg news published an article based on confidential sources about how Henry Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and the Republican U.S. Treasury secretary during the financial crisis, held a secret meeting with the top 20 hedge-fund managers in New York City in late July 2008. This was about two weeks after he testified to Congress that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were “well-capitalized.””

“This was the most outrageous example of graft and corruption I have ever seen. Certainly it involves more billions of dollars in misappropriated value than
any other similar story I can recall. These managers had the risk-free ability to make tens of billions of dollars, if not hundreds of billions, by using
derivatives to capitalize on what they knew was the imminent collapse of the world’s largest mortgage bank. Who picked up the tab? You know perfectly well.
It was you and me, the taxpayers.”

“What does that say about our country when even the most egregious kind of corruption – involving hundreds of billions of dollars – is simply ignored?

It seems like everyone in our country has lost his moral bearing, from the highest government officials and senior corporate leaders all the way down to
schoolteachers and local community leaders. The ethos of my fellow Americans seems to have changed from one of personal integrity and responsibility to
“getting yours” – the all-out attempt, by any means possible, to get the most amount of benefits with the least amount of work.”

“It is routinely alleged in national political debates that something is fundamentally unfair and un-American about the huge “wealth gap” between the poorest Americans and the wealthiest. Some politicians like to argue that the poor never have a real shot at the American dream, and as a nation, we owe them more and more of our resources to correct this injustice. Most important, it is alleged that only the government has the resources to correct this inequality.

This is a dangerous notion…

First, it promotes the idea of entitlement. Entitlement is a fairly new idea in the American political lexicon – perhaps because most of our nation’s wealth
is still fairly new. The American idea of entitlement argues that because you were born into a rich society, other people owe you something. The idea has
become pervasive in our culture. It underlies the basic assumptions behind the idea of a “wealth gap.” Implicit is the assumption that successful Americans
haven’t rightfully earned their wealth… that in one way or another, they’ve taken advantage of the society and have an obligation to give back most of what
they’ve “taken.”

As you’ll see, I believe the idea of entitlement lies at the root of many of our most serious cultural problems.

The more obvious problem is the idea that the government is responsible for fixing the “wealth gap.” But the government has proved wholly ineffective at
dealing with poverty in America. The data is nearly conclusive that government efforts are far more likely to be the cause of the wealth gap than the

“It has now been almost 50 years since the start of the War on Poverty, President Lyndon Johnson’s program to radically increase domestic welfare spending.
These programs and their various spinoffs have been at the center of Democratic politics ever since. In fact, if you compare speeches about these programs from the mid-1960s until today, you will find the verbiage never changes. Obama is merely echoing the same calls for “social justice” that Robert Kennedy used in his ill-fated 1968 campaign for president.”
“And what do the Democrats do with this power? They push a form of American socialism. This political system features transfer payments, government jobs, and lucrative government contracts to voters in exchange for political support – and in many cases, outright bribes. They do all of these things under the cover
of “progressive” politics and “social justice.”

But if you brush away the veneer, what you find is a history of abuse of power, corruption, and outright bribery. Conyers himself was found guilty of several
minor ethical violations in 2006 – mainly of using his staff as personal servants, forcing them to babysit and chauffer his children. In 1992, he was one of
the most egregious abusers of the House Banking scandal. He wrote 273 bad checks and left his account overdrawn for nine months. But that’s all small-time
graft compared to how things really work in his office and in his district.

How do I know? Well… just ask yourself where Conyers’ wife sleeps today.

Monica Conyers, the wife of the second-longest tenured congressman in the United States, sleeps in a federal prison in West Virginia. She pled guilty to
bribery in June 2009. She is serving a 37-month sentence for accepting $60,000 in bribes as the president pro tempore of the Detroit City Council. And yet…
and yet… Conyers won re-election handily in 2010.”

“Government Employee Unions:
Organized Corruption

A big part of the answer lies in understanding the key mechanism in the Democratic Party’s funding system. (Don’t worry… so far, we’ve been talking about Democratic Party failures, but I’ll get to the Republicans next. The corruption of America is a bipartisan problem.)”

“A government union turns the public servant into the public’s master. It is a means of using the government’s own spending to organize control of that
government. And that is exactly what’s happened. The government, unlike private companies, isn’t limited by normal economics because the government controls the monopoly on force and has the power to levy taxes.”

“Our country’s core problems are not found in only one political party.

There is just as much corruption, if not more, on the Republican side of the aisle. It was, for example, as I pointed out earlier, a white, Republican-
appointed Treasury secretary (Henry Paulson) who tipped off 20 top hedge-fund managers about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s imminent collapse after assuring the public that it wouldn’t happen.

For big business, the powerful role of government in our society is simply too valuable to ignore. And the amount of corruption it inspires is stunning. Few
politicians even bother trying to hide the fact that they’re bought and sold like furniture.

Take Newt Gingrich. The white, Republican former House speaker was paid $1.6 million for “consulting” by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during a period of time the two firms were under constant attack by Newt’s fellow Republicans. Were the attacks efforts to truly reform a major threat to our financial system… or were they merely shakedowns? All we know for certain is Fannie and Freddie collapsed, just as many Republicans warned they would. The Republican effort to reform the firms failed. Newt collected $1.6 million.

Fannie and Freddie could end up costing taxpayers as much as $500 billion. No, I’m not ignoring the colossal role the Democrats played in staffing Fannie and
Freddie, lobbying Congress for the companies, etc. I’m simply pointing out that, in Washington, everything and everyone seems to be for sale, on both sides
of the aisle.”

“Here’s a simple solution. Hold the senators and congressmen personally liable for any deficit, each year. We elected these people to be our leaders. We did
not elect them to spend us into bankruptcy. We did not elect them to feather their own nests with unlimited public spending. We did not elect them to buy
votes. The only way to stop what’s happening is to make them personally responsible for their actions. Either they will balance the budget or face personal
financial ruin.

Demanding personal accountability for fiduciary responsibilities would have an immediate and profound impact on our society. It would wipe out the
entitlement mentality that’s destroying our society – almost overnight.”

“I do agree that the nation will soon face a choice between heading down the path towards fascism… or turning back the power of government and restoring the limited Republic that was our birthright. I continue to believe Americans will choose personal liberty.

I believe they will choose more freedom rather than more totalitarian rule. I don’t believe Americans will tolerate martial law for long – even in the advent
of a real emergency, which I do believe will occur.”

“What gives me confidence for the future? Gun sales, for one thing. U.S. citizens legally own around 270 million firearms – about 88 guns per 100 citizens
(including children) today.

That’s a hard population to police without its consent. America is the No. 1 country in the world as ranked by the number of guns per-capita. That plays a
major factor in the kind of government you will see take root in America. Things might go too far in this country for a while… And I’d argue they’ve been
going the wrong way for too long. But the government can only take things so far before they’ll be faced with a very angry, well-armed opposition.

If the government attempts to take our guns… my opinion would change immediately. But that’s one right the Supreme Court has been strengthening recently.
It gives me hope that most people in America still understand that the right to bear arms has little to do with protecting ourselves from crime and
everything to do with protecting ourselves from government…”

Read more:

Thank you, Porter Stansberry,  for this well written and insightful article.

I urge you all to read the entire article and pass it along to your elected officials and those running for office.

156 responses to “The Corruption of America, Porter Stansberry, America is in decline, Americans Are Getting Poorer Fast, Entitlement root of many serious cultural problems

  1. Good morning all.

  2. Good Morning!

    Hennessy’s View
    Where Were You When Obama Nullified the Constitution?

    Most Americans know more about forensic evidence in the Casey Anthony case than they do about the Constitution. That ignorance gave Barack Obama the hubris to end constitutional government in the United States. He did it, and you probably didn’t even notice.

    Over the course of a week, Barack Obama made a series of so-called recess appointments. In the process, he and his henchmen in Eric Holder’s Justice Department effectively nullified the US Constitution.

  3. Off topic but an excellent read.

    Ever wonder why Mitt Romney will most likely be the Primary GOP candidate to face Obama? Why the Media and GOP officials push for jockeying Mitt to be the challenger? He is no different than Obama. Although he would certainly lose the election, even if he won, he would not be the savior of a burning America just because he has a R next to his name.

    The Case against Mitt Romney…by Steven Baldwin

    Another interesting piece about Mitt Romney and Ann Coulter…by Steven Baldwin

  4. good morning

  5. Obama petitions to be challenged in Illinois; President may be tossed from ballot

    January 13, 2012: Today, a group of Illinois citizens are filing objections to the petitions to place Barack Obama on the presidential primary ballot in Illinois. If successful, Obama will not appear on the ballot in the March 20 primary election.

  6. Obama -The One Video

    If you only watch one last video before voting for Barack Obama, this should probably be the one. Most of the secrets of Obama are unlocked here… at least, as many secrets as possible in the short time since the “Most Secretive Candidate Ever” was nominated for the position of “Most Powerful Man on Earth”. Some of the most enlightning ten minutes you can watch on the subject.

  7. Jonah…..

    Obama nullified our Constitution when he decided to be placed on the ballot for President.

    He has continued to nullify the Constitution for three years by occupying the Peoples White House.

    Serious jail time is in order.

  8. Huntsman is out, and endorses Romney. If Romney wins SC, it will be hard to beat him. While I like Newt, I think he’s damaged himself too much, but we’ll see. I am still keeping an open mind on Newt and Santorum. They both are very smart. Who can we get as a conservative VP? We could try considering Santorum, but I wonder how that polls? It’s not a lot of diversity which I think we need running against Obama. Does anyone have an opinion on Romney/Condi Rice since Rubio is not eligible? Condi Rice brings strong foreign policy experience that balances Romney’s business experience. And Condi Rice will be able to hold her own against Biden. I think women will be very excited with a strong woman on the ticket. Is Jindal eligible? I didn’t think so. Is the Gov of New Mexico eligible? How will she hold up in a debate with Biden? Of course we want the best possible ticket, so I will support the most conservative and electable ticket we can get.

  9. Bob Strauss……………..
    Does anyone remember the lady in Alaska who was taken off the ballot? She went on to win by virtue of WRITE IN BALLOTS. I can’t help wondering if Soetoro is successfully removed from a state’s ballot will he receive a WINNING WRITE IN BALLOT from our YUPPIE CROWD?

  10. Even though a candidate may not be officially on the ballot could a WRITE IN VOTE of at least 51% of the popular vote force the state electors to elect him/her anyway?

  11. A Crazy Old Coot

    I keep hearing on the news that the election is over after the SC primary. I thought that we had (at least) 50 states. Doesn’t the other 47 have some say about who will run for President in the GOP??

  12. I find it very unlikely that Soetoro will be sucessfully kept off of the Illinois ballot. All you have to do is take a quick look at what happened in New Hampshire. While I am not saying that this would occur in Illinois also, I tend to think that the NewHampshire debacle does provide a meaningful indication of what would happen in Illinois.

  13. A Crazy Old Coot | January 16, 2012 at 12:05 pm |
    I keep hearing on the news that the election is over after the SC primary. I thought that we had (at least) 50 states. Doesn’t the other 47 have some say about who will run for President in the GOP??

    Sure they do, but it still may be hard to beat Romney. I like Newt and Santorum, but at some point, we have to face reality. They are throwing the kitchen sink at Romney, and he’s still rising in the polls. The conservative endorsement of Santorum, looks like it is too late, but we’ll see. It is a jobs election, and it will be hard to unseat a guy for the GOP nomination who helped start up Staples, Sports Authority and Domino’s Pizza when people shop at these places everyday.

  14. I caught the last end of geraldo’s show last night, don’t know who he was interviewing but he brought up the fact that Romney’s father and grandfather were born in Mexico. His only point was why Romney never mentioned it….played it into any amnesty ideas he might have. The interviewee was of Hispanic descent and he said that Romney has talked about it, but Geraldo argued the point. Don’t think this will have legs, but we will see

  15. couldnt find the interview, but found this one from Oreilly a few days ago.

  16. Tina,

    True words in your statement. There is a reason Mitt is being chosen by the Media and the GOP. They also know (and so do we) that Mitt will not beat Obama.

    The article links I posted above provide some basic reasoning. If you haven’t read them yet, you may wish too.

  17. If you can find a sane alternative who can beat Obama, I’m all for it. Ron Paul isn’t a sane alternative.

  18. In my own view, about the only real shot we have is a MASSIVE,and OVERWHELMING VOTER defeat of Soetoro. The good news is that this is where the tables are going to be turned. Not because of any Republican candidate I think that aside of our YUPPIE crowd there is MORE than enough voters in the US who are FED UP with Soetoro,and are likely to deliver a CRUSHING landslide defeat to the LIBERAL LUNATIC in the general election. I am praying that this will happen. The LIBERAL WORDSMITHS keep trying to twist words,and issues but the more they do this the wiser the patriots become, and the more thoroughly we see through their cloud of steaming BULLSHI#.

  19. rminnc | January 16, 2012 at 10:21 am |
    Obama nullified our Constitution when he decided to be placed on the ballot for President.
    He has continued to nullify the Constitution for three years by occupying the Peoples White House.
    Serious jail time is in order.
    Yep, federal prison would be good. The thought of the fraud walking away from office with knowledge of ALL U. S. classified information is frightening.
    Bringing over this comment I made on the previous thread……..

    I DID IT!
    I received an email requesting a donation to Mass. Senator Scott Brown and I replied with the following response. Ooooooo! It felt so good!
    You should try it. And tell your friends to do the same. Strike back at the Dem Congress members too.

    Mr Barnett,
    Please relay this message to Senator Scott Brown……..

    I am disgusted that we have a socialist fraud in the White House who is totally disregarding the Constitution. Our elected officials in Congress are a bunch of spineless do-nothing cowards who sit idly by while our country goes to hell in a hand basket. I have donated to your last campaign however you will not get one red cent from me as long as this administration remains in the White House. I have included links to two lists describing Obama’s impeachable offenses. Choose a few of them and use your Constitution given powers to remove the fraud from office…..

    From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting

    PRESS RELEASE: Presidential Candidate Terry Jones Calls for Obama’s Impeachment

  20. William | January 16, 2012 at 8:50 am |
    Off topic but an excellent read.

    Ever wonder why Mitt Romney will most likely be the Primary GOP candidate to face Obama? Why the Media and GOP officials push for jockeying Mitt to be the challenger? He is no different than Obama.
    Thank you, William, for posting those links. Wow! All of that info, plus what I already have discerned, plus my own inner sense when hearing or seeing Romney, have made me come to a conclusion I never dreamed of.
    IF Romney becomes the Repub nominee, I cannot vote for him. Period.
    Why? Simply because (Oooh, I can hardly utter it)…. his being President would cause irreparable harm to the conservative movement and would likely bring the Tea Party Movement to an end, or severely weaken it.

    We all want the Usurper OUT, but, although Romney would be welcomed to do the job in removing him, there are two very important factors to consider, at least for me. 1) Romney is not likely to win over Obama, because true conservatives are NOT going to be energized to campaign for him and VOTE. The rest of the country won’t see all that much difference politically and ideologically, especially when O pulls out all of the stops, lies and smears. 2) With a Romney presidency, the double-speak he’s accustomed to using, and the overwhelming ambiguous way he has governed in Mass., more harm would be done to true conservatism over the long haul, including weakening the Tea Party grass roots movement.

    Strategically it would be the lesser of two evils to let O remain for another term and have a strong, Republican controlled House and Senate to keep him in check. The Congress just might do its job re. O’s occupancy of the W.H. when an election is not looming. A Romney presidency could well continue us along the same path that we have been treading, and so taint the future beyond repair. Just my thoughts.

    BTW, the Porter Stansberry article, “The Corruption of America”, which is the lead-in by Citizen Wells today, has contributed to my conclusion, although it has no reference to candidates at all.

  21. I agree, OldSalt79. I am hoping for a crushing defeat of OB/Soetoro. And even if the nominee isn’t the person we originally wanted, we can’t build the country back in one day. We have to stop the bleeding first. Romney will start to close the wound if he’s the guy, and then we have to build from there. We have to cut spending, cut taxes, create more energy sources in the US, support Israel and create jobs. I am confident Romney, Newt and Santorum will all do this. But we still have more primaries so let’s see how it goes.

  22. Just keep the spirit of November 2010 alive,and well. Then do the same thing again,only this time EN MASSE and in such numbers that the head of the serpent will be COMPLETELY severed……never to again raise it’s ugly head over all Americans. All we have to do is KEEP on putting everything we have out in the daylight for ALL Americans to see. A picture is worth a thousand words. Lets start drawing millions of PICTURES,and putting them in conspicuous places. However you choose but let it be graphic enough that even a child can get what it means,because this is in fact the average mentality of many Americans…….that of about 10 years of age.

  23. BYE BYE Time to shut down.

  24. It’s the MSM (including Fox to a certain extent) that want us to believe that the primaries are essentially “over” and Romney is the guy. It has been that way in past elections. RINO’S are complicit, also. They feel that this assumption that they constantly spew out will influence the electorate to either stay home and/or lose support for another of the candidates.

  25. Tina | January 16, 2012 at 12:28 pm |
    I agree, OldSalt79. I am hoping for a crushing defeat of OB/Soetoro. And even if the nominee isn’t the person we originally wanted, we can’t build the country back in one day. We have to stop the bleeding first. Romney will start to close the wound if he’s the guy, and then we have to build from there. We have to cut spending, cut taxes, create more energy sources in the US, support Israel and create jobs. I am confident Romney, Newt and Santorum will all do this. But we still have more primaries so let’s see how it goes.


    Addition to my comments…I should have said Perry will do all the above too, but with his stumbles in the debates, I am not sure he’s still a viable candidate.

    Cabby, I am sure the Tea Party movement will live on no matter who the President is. There are too many people who care about it. People want less taxes, not more. Business thrives with less taxes and fewer regulations, not more. The principles behind the Tea Party are sound. The Tea Party might change and evolve as any movement does, but it will continue. I have no doubts about that. Look how Ron Paul has revived the Libertarian movement.

  26. Tina………………
    Again I say to all…….Don’t send another person to do the job that WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be doing. Even if Romney becomes the candidate of choice, he is STILL only our SPOKESMAN. It is the American People who MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL,at election time. Vote from your HEART,and SOUL. When you do that it is very unlikely that you will cast an errant vote. Do not allow any mental,or physical infatuation of the candidate to control your thinking. THINK,THINK,and THINK some more before pressing the vote button.

  27. Good thoughts, OldSalt79. Gotta go.

  28. Tina…………..
    Just keep an open mind! A STUMBLE doesn’t always result in a FALL. In our alleged society,verbal stumbles are admittedly all telling,but you must always look past STUMBLES………anybody can accidently step on a MARBLE, or a banana peel.


  30. Tina,

    The reality is there is simply no GOP candidate (nor independent) that can beat Obama on the Karl Rove strategy of “Policy Only” politics. The sooner people realize that, the sooner they can ascertain alternative.

  31. “Ever wonder why Mitt Romney will most likely be the Primary GOP candidate to face Obama? Why the Media and GOP officials push for jockeying Mitt to be the challenger? He is no different than Obama.”
    When will be people wake up and get this.

    In order to win (R) POTUS you need money and orginazation.

    Both Reagan and Nixon traveled this country for years lining up support and donors. If they were “selected” by some the establishment run media their would have been no need for this. Does anyone think Nixon or Reagan were loved by the media? No.

    Which (R) has spent more time lining up “Nation” wide support and money than Mitt ?

    Nobody! (if you discount nutter Ron Paul, I do)

    You won’t here Rush limbaugh say this because he’s too stupid to understand.

    Did Obama need all of the above to win (D) POTUS nomination ?

    No he was selected by Harry Reid the Media and the establishment leftists on Wall Street and Hollywood.

    So keep praying for Barry Friggin Goldwater and stay home election day. You will get 4 more years of the Kenyan/ Brit.

  32. I agree, Pat1789. We have to stop the bleeding. Romney is a good start, assuming he wins the nomination, and right now he’s in the best position to do so.

    If evangelicals and other conservatives are not happy with the results that they can’t get a better quality candidate nominated, then we need to look in the future at the GOP nominating process. It doesn’t help in getting a conservative nominated when independents and democrats can vote in the GOP primaries and caucuses. Plus, it takes years to groom a nominee. We can’t just draft them at the last minute like Perry was drafted and hope they can win. Someone like Herman Cain has to be educated on the issues and prepared for debates many months and years, not days, ahead of time. Basically, there needs to be a plan for the 2016 and 2020 election cycles.

  33. A Crazy Old Coot

    Tina | January 16, 2012 at 12:28 pm |
    My main problem with what you said and with nitwit mitt, I just can’t see him doing anything that he says he will do. He would just be another obama, maybe a little lighter, but still the same.

  34. Citizen Wells,
    Thanks for putting up your article today. I agree with the corruption of america that the author relates to.

    For those discussing above, I suspect that Romney cannot win a general election without support from many cross-over democrats.

  35. i dont care who wins, but it must NOT be Obama…..he will feel vindicated and go even further down the socialist path……..If we take the senate, and keep the house, they can stop romney from being Obamalite

  36. A Crazy Old Coot | January 16, 2012 at 1:18 pm |
    Tina | January 16, 2012 at 12:28 pm |
    My main problem with what you said and with nitwit mitt, I just can’t see him doing anything that he says he will do. He would just be another obama, maybe a little lighter, but still the same.

    Again, I understand. I’m a Newt and Santorum person. I wish somehow Newt didn’t have all the baggage. But at the same time, I can’t say Romney is so bad that I won’t support him. My question is your premise that Ronney won’t do anything. Romney is his own person. How do we know he won’t cut taxes? I am sure he will. How do you know he won’t reduce regulations? I am sure he will. How do you know he won’t start more drilling and develop our energy resources? I am sure he will. How do you know he won’t support Israel? I am sure he will. How do you know he won’t work with business leaders to create jobs? I am sure he will and that is what he is good at, and that is what we need the most. These things alone will get us going in the right direction.

    One objection I regret that my fellow evangelicals have to Romney is his Mormonism. But he believes in Jesus. Romney is not a Muslim. Romney is loyal to America. Jewish voters have had to vote for Christian candidates all the time. Women voters have had to vote for male candidates all the time. You don’t always get a candidate that is just like you. America is a melting pot.

    Romney has been married for 40 years to the same women without a hint of scandal. He appears to be a great husband and father. He doesn’t smoke or drink. He believes marriage is between a man and a woman. He studied hard and went to Stanford and Harvard. He is an excellent role model for today’s kids. A vote to stay home or not to vote for Romney, if he wins, is a vote for Obama. If Hillary gets on the ticket with Obama, and people don’t vote for Romney, we could have decades of Democratic Presidents to follow.

  37. Tina | January 16, 2012 at 12:41 pm |
    Cabby, I am sure the Tea Party movement will live on no matter who the President is. There are too many people who care about it. People want less taxes, not more. Business thrives with less taxes and fewer regulations, not more. The principles behind the Tea Party are sound. The Tea Party might change and evolve as any movement does, but it will continue. I have no doubts about that.
    Tina, You are right. The TEA Party is gearing up for action…….

    Tea Party Leaders Launch Election for 2012
    Celebrations Planned Nationwide
    Marking the Third Year of the Citizens’ Movement in February

    January 11, 2012 – Local tea party leaders from around the country today announced the launch of the ElectionDayTeaParty.comwebsite, which will be the online information center for a series of national events that will get the tea party vote out in the November, 2012 election.

    The first national event of Election Day Tea Party 2012will be a celebration of the Tea Party movement’s 3rd anniversary on February 25th, 26th, and 27th. On February 27, 2009, the Tea Party movement was launched with simultaneous tea parties in fifty cities which were attended by more than 30,000 tea partiers. This was immediately followed by Tax Day Tea Party on April 15, 2009, when over 1 million tea partiers participated in rallies held in more than 900 cities.

    “The purpose of this website,” said Mark West, President of the Chattanooga Tea Party, “is to let the country know that the Tea Party movement is focused like a laser beam on getting out the vote to support constitutional conservative candidates on the biggest Tea Party event of all – Election Day, November 6, 2012. In addition, we are re-affirming the movement’s three core values – Constitutionally Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and Free Markets – so that the public will not be deceived by the false narratives about our movement that are constantly pushed out by the Left and the Democratic Party.”

    Patti Weaver, who organized the Pittsburgh Tea Party in February, 2009, added that “we want tea party supporters and open minded voters around the country to visit the site and sign up so they can participate in their local get-out-the-vote efforts.”

    Zan Green, organizer of the Birmingham, Alabama Rainy Day Tea Party in February 2009, said, “The first major event scheduled as part of the year long Election Day Tea Party project will be a national celebration of the 3rd Anniversary of the movement, which will be held in dozens of cities around the country over the February 25th, 26th, and 27th weekend. In Birmingham, we plan on coordinating our event with local radio host Dr. Gina Loudon.”

    Bill Hennessy, organizer of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition in February 2009, said “The website will be a place for volunteers who want to help get out the vote can sign up. We will put them in touch with their local tea party get out the vote efforts.”

    Teri Adams of the Independence Hall Tea Party said “The celebrations won’t be rallies, but rather celebrations of the Tea Party’s three core values, American Constitutionalism, and direct citizen engagement. Each participating local tea party will have its unique method of celebration. In Philadelphia, we’ll be holding an event at Independence Hall on February 26th, where Michael Patrick Leahy, co-coordinator of Election Day Tea Party, will speak about his new book, Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement.”

    Lorie Medina, founder of the Frisco, Texas Tea Party and creator of the Victory in a BoxGet-out-the Vote program added “After the wave of public rallies that dominated 2009 and 2010, hundreds of local tea party groups around the country have spent 2011 organizing under the radar to get out the vote in 2012. In addition to the takeover of the House of Representatives in 2010, the Tea Party was entirely responsible for the Republican Party’s takeover of the Virginia State Senate this past November. Tea Party 1.0 and 2.0 have come and gone. Now, we’re on to Tea Party 3.0. We’re organized and determined to win in November, 2012.”

    Additional tea parties who’ve signed up to be part of Election Day Tea Party 2012 and the third anniversary celebration in February come from Tennessee, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Mississippi, New Jersey, Texas, Delaware, Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, and Connecticut. Election Day Tea Party 2012 anticipates that tea parties from every state will participate.

    About Election Day Tea Party 2012: Election Day Tea Party 2012is a project of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of thirty local tea parties from around the country who work collaboratively on national projects.

  38. Tina | January 16, 2012 at 1:40 pm |

    ……..”He [Mitt Romney] believes marriage is between a man and a woman. He studied hard and went to Stanford and Harvard. He is an excellent role model for today’s kids.”

    You didn’t read the History of Mitt’s Leadership I provided above, otherwise, you would not be claiming such.

    Again, take an opportunity to review. I will require less than 10 mins. of you time. The links I provided are the 4th from the top.

  39. About Election Day Tea Party 2012: Election Day Tea Party 2012is a project of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, an informal federation of thirty local tea parties from around the country who work collaboratively on national projects.

    Welcome to Election Day Tea Party 2012

    Nationwide Tea Party Coalition

  40. William, thank you. I have always said, Romney is not my first candidate. But what if Romney IS the GOP candidate? I can’t stay home and not vote. If you give me another candidate who is better than Romney, I will consider them, assuming it’s not Ron Paul. If Santorum, Perry or Newt get the nomination, I’ll be happy to vote for them. I’m being realistic now that Huntsman has dropped out.

  41. A Crazy Old Coot

    Tina | January 16, 2012 at 1:40 pm |
    My question is your premise that Ronney won’t do anything. Romney is his own person. How do we know he won’t cut taxes? I am sure he will. How do you know he won’t reduce regulations? I am sure he will. etc
    I don’t know, and that is the problem. With all of his flip flopping, I just don’t know what he will do. And I didn’t say I wouldn’t support him “if” he is the one selected by the washington know-it-all’s. I don’t really think that the average voter will nominate him, but since when has the voters counted for anything anyway.

    One other thing and I will hang up my hat: I believe the polls as much as I believe Mr. obama is eligible.

  42. I understand, Crazy Old Coot. I gotta go too. Have a nice day.

  43. A Crazy Old Coot

    You too Tina

  44. Something on this may have been posted on another thread. If so, I apologize:
    Obama Lacks Sufficient Signatures to Get on the Ballot in Illinois


    Upon inspecting the petitions, it was quickly discovered that Mr. Obama’s ballot application had significant errors.  Frankly, we were astounded to see how sloppy it was; missing notary signatures, missing pages, and with slews of unregistered voters.
    As a result, three of us have decided to challenge Mr. Obama’s petitions.  What does this mean? It means we do not believe he has the 3000 good signatures required by Illinois law to get on the ballot.  If we prevail, Mr, Obama will not appear on the ballot in the Primary election.  I don’t know what the ramifications are for the General election in November.

    Read more:

  45. Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois
    by Michael D. Jackson

    Does Mitt Romney meet the eligibility requirements of Article II, Section 1, clause 5 as a “natural born Citizen?”

    (Jan. 15, 2012) — Editor’s Note: The following ballot challenge to Willard Mitt Romney for President of the United States was filed on January 13, 2012 with the Illinois State Board of Elections in Springfield, IL. The notarized copy is found below.

    Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois

  46. Thanks,

    There were several individual posters that linked the article written by Lawrence Sellin listed on the postandemail website.

    Want to Stop Obama? Then Boycott Republican Candidates

    This is exactly what I have been discussing since the summer of 2011. I have in fact held many conversations (written, blog, Verbal, Media) on this staggering strategic move in the near future with intent on yanking a knot in the arses of our failed elected politicians. However, I reserved moving forward with “Squatting the Vote” of No Confidence with our GOP as of now.

    It is possible that a (any) ballot challenge may produce some fruit as well as the production of records from Arizona Sheriff Joe’s team in a few weeks.

  47. From a previous thread………..

    jbjd | January 14, 2012 at 3:36 pm |
    I find odd that citizens in only 6 states have examined their state laws and, initiated complaints to their state A’sG.
    You have my attention. You cite on your website that – – –

    “For example, we already know that MO and AL are applicable states. For some reason, no citizens from either of those states have come forward to initiate the process to generate a complaint”

    You may remember that I’m from Missouri. At the Missouri State Qualifications website, Missouri Dem SOS Robin Carnahan requires candidates to meet certain qualifications for the 2012 election. She includes U.S. Senators and Representatives all the way down to Township or Ward Committeemen.

    However, I find it quite odd that Carnahan has neglected to list the Presidential candidate qualifications. Why is that? We all know there are Constitutional requirements to be President but Carnahan omitted them.

    The lowly elected position of Township or Ward Committeemen and Committeewomen must meet certain qualifications – – –
    *Resident of county and committee district 1 year next preceding the election
    *Registered voter in county and district for 1 year next preceding the election

    But no qualifications are listed for the President of the United States. Odd, don’t you think?

    Oh, and by the way, qualifications for presidential candidates were also omitted from the website in the 2008 election.

  48. Liberalism Destroys Families and Nations
    The stated agenda of the left includes destroying the American family and undermining the values of our culture. After the 2008 election I realized that my own children had been led away to disaster by the “Pied Piper” of socialism and political correctness. The below letter is a response from a friend who had his own family torn apart by modern “liberalism”. He also offers a source for a way to way to break the spell of the Pied Piper.

  49. Good Afternoon All: I just got my computer back, it had a virus…Enjoy this video, I did…

  50. “”I believe to a great extent we now live in a post-constitutional country, where much of the Constitution is ignored or evaded,” Levin told”

    “Mark Levin is known to hang up in your face if you mention Obama’s eligibility issue”
    “Mark Levin Bans Birthers: A Direct Challenge to Attorney and Radio Show Host Mark Levin”
    “Citizen to “Conservative” Talk Show Host: You’re a “Huge Disappointment””

    Citizen to “Conservative” Talk Show Host: You’re a “Huge Disappointment”

  51. Liberalism Destroys Families and Nations
    The stated agenda of the left includes destroying the American family and undermining the values of our culture. After the 2008 election I realized that my own children had been led away to disaster by the “Pied Piper” of socialism and political correctness. The below letter is a response from a friend who had his own family torn apart by modern “liberalism”. He also offers a source for a way to way to break the spell of the Pied Piper.

  52. For the latest news on Obama Ballot Challenge

  53. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Jonah | January 16, 2012 at 2:24 pm |

    Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois
    by Michael D. Jackson

    Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois


    Could this be called “killing two birds with one stone??”

  54. Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | January 16, 2012 at 5:20 pm |
    Jonah | January 16, 2012 at 2:24 pm |

    Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois
    by Michael D. Jackson

    Update: Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois


    Could this be called “killing two birds with one stone??”


    I think it’s a good idea. If Mitt doesn’t make it on the ballot, by default it brings up Obama, obviously, and we can’t be racists.

  55. The groundwork is being further laid:

    Senate Bill Authorizes Feds To Revoke Citizenship Of Americans

    …. it’s necessary to remember who we are dealing with in Washington, DC. To Janet Napolitano and her Department of Homeland Security, it is Libertarians, soldiers returning from combat, gun owners, militia members, devout believers in the Constitution and those who loudly mistrust and criticize the federal government who are the true threats of “engaging in hostilities against the United States.” Perhaps not coincidentally it is also members of these groups who are the most vocal critics of the Obama Administration!

    And as the Obama Regime considers each of these individuals a potential domestic terrorist, how long will it be until a member of one of these “highly suspect” groups is conveniently accused of “materially supporting hostilities against the United States?”

    Senators Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown have introduced this bill today.

  56. we must do whatever needs to be done to shut the current DOJ down.

    barky is just a spokesperson. the DOJ is actually suing our States and giving a wink to their Chosen People. the DOJ is protecting the usurpation/ coup.

  57. Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | January 16, 2012 at 5:20 pm
    Could this be called “killing two birds with one stone??”
    Interesting Observation!
    But then the Dems would put Hillary on the ballot. Maybe this is what they’re hoping for. An excuse to get rid of BO, because he is destroying the Democrat party. The Romney challenge was filed on Jan 13. When was Daily booted out of the White House????

    The Chicago machine put BO in office and the Chicago machine can take him out!

  58. Did anyone hear the caller, JoAnn from Texas, talk to Rush this morning. She said, something to the effect, “I’m gonna’ vote for Newt. Sure he has baggage, but everyone knows what the baggage is. Nobody knows what’s in Obama’s suitcase.” Sooooooo true.



    By Bob Unruh
    January 16, 2012


    “Rep. Daniel P. Gordon Jr. today told WND he has drafted a resolution, which is being circulated among the lawmakers even now, to express opposition to the sections of the NDAA “that suspend habeas corpus and civil liberties.”

    “Sections 1021 and 1022 of the act, signed into law on New Years Eve of 2011, provide for the indefinite detention of American citizens by the military on American soil, without charge, and without right to legal counsel and right to trial,” he explained.

    “Given the fact that the constitutions of Rhode Island and that of the United States are replete with guarantees of individual liberties, right to habeas corpus, and right to freedom of speech, the offending sections of that law are repugnant to the sensibilities of anyone that has a basic understanding of the foundation of this country,” he said.

    The opinions on the legislation signed by Obama vary. Commentator Chuck Baldwin, who himself has been the target of smears by the Department of Homeland Security-related apparatus, explained the law, “for all intents and purposes, completely nullifies a good portion of the Bill of Rights, turns the United States into a war zone, and places U.S. citizens under military rule.”

    He noted that Mike Adams at was horrified, writing, “One of the most extraordinary documents in human history – the Bill of Rights – has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the president’s signing of the National defense Authorization Act, a law that grants the U.S. military the ‘legal’ right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder. This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused.”

    Read The Entire Article Here:

  60. Jonah | January 16, 2012 at 3:37 pm |

    How far back does it go Johah…’04?

  61. In honor of MLK day.

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

    -Martin Luther King, Jr

  62. DABIGRAGU | January 16, 2012 at 7:16 pm |
    Jonah | January 16, 2012 at 3:37 pm |
    How far back does it go Johah…’04?

    How far back does what go?????

    You need to be more specific when making comments to us old folks.
    You know there are three symptoms of old age. The first one is memory loss………And I can’t remember the other two.

  63. Interested Bystander


    I’m glad you have finally seen Mitt for who he REALLY is.

    Thanks William.

    Happy MLK Day everyone.

    Does anyone but the UAW or Government workers get this day off as a paid holiday?

  64. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    Great artcle William.

    I stated a few weeks ago the only way to beat Romney was for Newt or Santorum to drop out.

    I believe Perry will be done after Saturday, and as long as Newt and Santorum BOTH stay in the race, they will split the vote.

    But in the back of my mind, I can’t help but think the GOP establishment is behind this.

    Romney is THEIR man.

    I also believe that Romney will be defeated by Obama, and I am hopeful that this will lead to a SPLIT of the Republican Party, and that TRUE conservatives can again be represented in DC.

    on another topic:

    Has anyone seen what is going on with the debt limit?

    I thought we were over the debt limit already (didn’t they authorize 2.2 TRILLION last May?).

    And the REPUBLICANS have a majority in the House.

    The Republicans have CAVED on every issue they needed to stand up for.

    It’s sad, really really sad. The Republicans are stabbing the Tea Party folks in the back.

  65. Interested Bystander


    Good to see you’re back.

    I missed you.

  66. Interested Bystander | January 16, 2012 at 8:08 pm |

    I’m glad you have finally seen Mitt for who he REALLY is.
    IB, I have for sometime, but the articles that William posted “sealed the deal.” I am afraid Romney cannot be trusted at all, and is rather a phony in many ways.

  67. Ah, the shell game is alive and well in the moderate Republican Party…i.e. the apologizers and protectors of Romney who are “shocked, shocked” at the “mean spirited” attacks upon him….by none other (this is the part that goes unspoken in the finger pointing) than the victims (like Newty) of Romney’s own mean spirited, vicious pacs who absolutely ruined Newt in Iowa. Gee Whiz, why would anyone wish to have some pay back…esp. when all the money was on the side of the original gorilla and there was no way for the victim to defend himself to the degree necessary to save himself? Sounds like more of the same – the “transparency” approach of another “emperor”.

    Hoping for the sunspot explosion to finally take out the the foundation for the network web of lies influencing the already dumbed down masses.

  68. Interested Bystander | January 16, 2012 at 8:32 pm |
    Romney is THEIR man.

    I also believe that Romney will be defeated by Obama, and I am hopeful that this will lead to a SPLIT of the Republican Party, and that TRUE conservatives can again be represented in DC.
    IB, I can’t disagree with you on the above. I can’t see how Romney can wage any kind of campaign against Obama, who is just champing at the bit to tear him apart on the class-warfare issue, as well as some info they have dug up on early Mormon beliefs concerning blacks. Who knows what else they will resurrect?

    Furthermore, if Romney becomes the nominee and he continues to fight the battle on policy only (He has already referred to Obama on TV as just being inexperienced and refuses to acknowledge his Marxism or lack of eligibility), he has a very slim chance of winning. He comes across as a wealthy, Wall St. type, and Obama will exploit that to the hilt.

    This COULD result in a realignment of the Repub Party and continued, greater prominence of the Tea Party Movement.

  69. Help! I’m in moderation – comment for IB.

  70. Interested Bystander


    I agree, the National Campaign is going to be a nasty nasty campaign.

    Romney hasn’t seen anything yet.

    The ONLY chance would be for the eligibility issue to come to light.

    But the Republicans won’t touch that issue.

    Is it because they are “in on it”??

  71. Interested Bystander

    Off to work.

    Have a good evening everyone.

  72. If the cowardly moderates get their way and Romney is the opponent for obama and he gets challenged re: class warfare he should simply ask obama to reveal to the public just who paid his way….in EVERY institution of higher education….esp. when he’s on record for revealing his own drug use and subject failure in high school which should have disqualified him from any monetary subsidizing because THAT is what he’s been hiding from the public.

    I’m listening to the debate and I for the life of me cannot understand any logic within Paul’s usual generalizations about very important realities. He is all over the place except for the place where most people live every day. I can just see him in a debate with Obama generally agreeing with everything O believes in while pretending to be a conservative!

  73. Ron Paul comes across as blathering idiot trying to equating a chinese dissident to a terrorist. What a putz, he’s finished, even the crowd is booing him. Look for that hook from the stage exist to pull him off anytime soon…..

  74. Jonah | January 16, 2012 at 8:02 pm |

    Too funny Jonah. I apologize though, let me rephrase; did they leave the NBC requirement off of the 2004 issue? Or does their way-back-machine go that far back.

  75. perry is having one of his best debates,……. best line of evening, when perry said to ron paul’s foreign policy statements the sound should be a bong !

    Newt is doing very well also.

  76. Re: just who and who is not a sworn enemy of us is making Paul devolve by the pressure of reality into a caricature of Captain Queeg.

    I think Romney’s equivocating in the current debate in order to protect his moderate position and assumed lead is making him look weak against Perry, Santorum and Gingrich

  77. gong that is

  78. Santorum and Perry seem to be the most reality based problem solvers for our current predicament…Newt is coming on more as a think tank guy, quoting “experts” in other think tanks. He gets the crowd roaring with his ingenious ideas but those ideas are possible only AFTER things improve at the base as Santorum pointed out. That’s common sense. And Mitt’s plan is not bold, as Santorum says. I wouldn’t mind a Perry/Santorum team either way….Santorum is the on point person with the facts and could well advise a man with the overall big picture take.

  79. I still agree with CW and support Rick Santorum. He has the facts, the spine and the principles.

  80. Well, apparently the Twitter folks were all a twitter for Paul….as far as “answering” the question. God help us with those knee jerk reactive types.

  81. Interesting debate. I thought Newt, Santorum and Romney were strongest. I always like his ideas. Perry just does not seem like he is alert, but he did better than other debates. Paul goes all over the place when foreign policy comes up. Newt and Romney got lots of applause lines tonight. Looking forward to next debate.

  82. hrmfc | January 16, 2012 at 10:48 pm | I still agree with CW and support Rick Santorum. He has the facts, the spine and the principles.

    Yes, esp. on the undergirding of the rest with the principles….seen by his life.

  83. Sorry. Meant to say I always like Newt’s ideas.

  84. The Paul supporters always manage to flood any on-line poll, twitter, or other medium. Tonight I joined Twitter so that I could interact with Dick Morris, with whom I often don’t agree, but it was fun to interact with Michel Malkin and David Limbaugh. (Joined the “big leagues” – Ha)

    I think Mitt did very poorly on his defense of Bain and the Pac issues; Newt won, as far as I was concerned. He was very good on a number of things.

    I like Santorum but don’t think he did particularly well tonight. Paul was absolutely ….(psst – “kooky”) He would spend the military budget on more bases in this country? In other words, we just need to ignore what is going on in the rest of the world and hunker down here in the good old USA. He is living in a world of unreality.

    Maybe someday when the lion can lie down with the lamb (in the 1,000 year reign of Christ) that would be appropriate. Well, then there will be no need for armaments at all.

  85. Valerie Jarrett Blasts Republicans from the Pulpit

    On the Sunday before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett visited Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta to give a political speech, in support of her boss (Barack Obama) and congressional Democrats.

    From the Weekly Standard – “The Blog” Jan. 16, 2012, by Daniel Halper.
    If any other church tried this political stuff for Repubs, the IRS would be breathing down their backs with threats of tax exemption revocation.

  86. CabbyAZ……………..
    Once again I will say that the MSM along with people wearing blinders is the LIBERAL STEERING factor in Romney’s campaign. The Democratic LIBERALS KNOW that by default he is a close second to Soetoro,and as such a viable “steering mechanism” for the LIBERAL Democrats to utilise in their own anti Republican agenda. This is one reason why they continue to agree with Romney. Yet many people don’t see it that way. That certainly is their prerogative. This is in part the reason why I believe that Romney cannot win against Soetoro. Too many people will see Romney as a close second to Soetoro. However I don’t see Romney being ANTI Constitution……rather just circumnavigating it “as necessary”.

  87. Cabby AZ……………
    Watch out for MMMMSSSS. Jarrett! In reality she has a very heavy hand in literally everything Soetoro does. Soetoro once himself stated that” ANYTHING he sets out to do he FIRST asks for her opinion before he DOES IT”. I think that she was a huge part of the reason why Daley decided to jump ship. Further I am inclined to believe that she also had some rather terse differences with MMMMSSSS. Gibbs as well.

  88. Cabby AZ…………..
    I tend to look upon MMMSSS. Jarrett as while being an American by blood…….really IRANIAN in HEART MIND,and SOUL. This is why I said so many times in the past that Ahmadinajad now has a representative in our own government, along with a DIRECT TELEPHONE LINE to the (“alleged)” POTUS.

  89. It would seem that the Iranian government has made phenomenal progress in their nuclear fuel program, and this fact causes me to wonder just how much of their progress was made possible via classified nuclear technology having been GIVEN to them by the US government. Just as Slick Willy gave our missile guidance technology to China.

  90. Old Salt, as always, you speak the truth! I like your term, “LIBERAL STEERING factor in Romney’s campaign”, because that is what it seems like. I have a hard time getting my arms around Romney’s persona and his glib promises. It is probably a bias on my part, but I can’t seem to help it.
    As far as Jarrett is concerned, she is alleged to have been at odds with Daley right from the beginning, and apparently Jarrett won out, notwithstanding the crocodile “tears” of Obama when Daley left. O is such a fraud and pretender.

  91. I also tend to think that our UNDERWATER defense strategy is probably now compromised, and the listening devices have been turned off. This would give the Chinese submarines complete operating security in US WATERS.

  92. oldsalt79 | January 17, 2012 at 1:44 am |
    It would seem that the Iranian government has made phenomenal progress in their nuclear fuel program…..
    Yes, remember when our drone landed in Iran, the best that Obama could do was to politely ask for them to give it back? What a joke! O sanctioned that the Iranians be allowed to steal our technology and share it to our other enemies. That is just one very apparent giveaway of our secrets.

  93. We have witnessed what could be seen as TRAITOROUS acts against our country by several recent administrations, which I personally believe includes similar acts by our present so called Commander in Chief.

  94. I’m afraid that we don’t really have any idea as to the scope of sharing of technological secrets with our enemies. This information will dribble out to us over a period of time, and it won’t be good. We may learn the truth someday when it could be too late.

  95. Old Salt, the big question for me is, “Why aren’t our Congressmen and Military concerned over this traitorous behavior?” After all, their personal security is at stake, too. Why this blindness, or lack of concern? Do you have an opinion?

  96. In this weekly news update for January 16-22, 2012, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses why the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) wants the U.S. to bomb Iran

  97. Good morning Zach, et al.

  98. Good morning.

    Just a quick question. I was reading this morning and came across the article mentioning Mitt Romney’s eligibility and came across the subtitle, “Rick Santorum Not Releasing Father’s Naturalization Papers.”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t someone no so long ago discuss in great detail Rick’s fathers Naturalization papers and claim to have them? If not mistaken, Rick was born “after” his father became naturalized.

  99. correction…

    Should be “not so long ago”.
    Claim to have them, i.e.., a copy of them.

  100. To be used for future punishment if the bad guys get to continue their control???:

    (and I agree with the doubtful sentiment re: any poll that would set off the paulbot organization!)

  101. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    I came upon this article from another blog:

    I’m thinking we should go to war with Nigeria to stop this.

    Well, I should comment that this would be the answer from all of the Republican candidates except one.

    Why doesn’t anyone answer the question, If that one candidate is so “scarey” when it comes to foreign policy, WHY does the military support him more than all of the other candidates COMBINED?

  102. On FOX and Friends Mark Levin supports Santorum and says Obama should release his college and law school records.

  103. zachjonesishome | January 17, 2012 at 6:12 am | Good Morning! white house insider obama is an atheist

    Thanks Zach. Hadn’t checked back there for a while. These “reports” put a stamp on what is pretty obvious to those with antennae anyway. It may have an ambience of the sinister from being “inside” but the evil radiates out to those who are truly “observant” and care about our future. I felt the same opportunity for evil to enter the WH when the Clintons entered and almost from the beginning they appeared to be against anything considered sacred about the place and our traditions…..always a spirit of being “against”. And both Clinton and Obama were messed up from their childhoods which left them open to be used via those personal weaknesses to evil taking control and influencing their actions. And both married someone who would push them to carry out their actions for power and money and revenge….arrogance!

    Here is what is of concern in the predictions of the current “report”….if it can be believed, maybe just a rhetorical means of writing personal opinion…….to manipulate the military by being the one who “feeds” them and then gain the control and loyalty to the regime….more corruption of the good:

    UM: Yes – during the union discussion – Obama’s hopes to unionize the military. So no reason you cannot talk about that now.

    Insider: Mmmm…maybe. Yeah – I recall something about that. You better believe it too. They ain’t the only ones to suggest the administration wants very badly to bring some kind of union presence into the American military. All of this Home for the Holidays thing…it’s there. Give Obama a second term…he’ll make that move. I know it.

    and…..That’s his God – anti-Americanism. …….Some day we will find out the monster we elected in 2008. The monsters that…the monsters who now inhabit the People’s House.

  104. 1- newt won hands down, but he’s damaged goods. he can debate
    but he can’t beat obama
    2- romney did ok, only candidate who can beat obama
    3- perry, coming on
    4- santorum…answers too complex, not a strong debate here
    5- paul…..gong show time

  105. DABIGRAGU | January 16, 2012 at 10:11 pm |
    II can’t answer your question because I was not able to find a website showing the 2004 MO candidate qualifications. .However, Carnahan was not SOS at the time. IIRC Carnahan was elected in 2004. GOP Matt Blunt was SOS at the time.

  106. Thanks Jonah.
    God bless Mark Levin.

  107. Interested Bystander | January 17, 2012 at 8:12 am |

    …”Why doesn’t anyone answer the question, If that one candidate is so “scarey” when it comes to foreign policy, WHY does the military support him more than all of the other candidates COMBINED?”



    I cannot answer that question. The reason is because I am unaware of any Military only Polls and data collections questioning the ranks on which possible Presidential Candidate do they and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Foreign Military Strategy support the most.

    Secondly, even if such an exclusive poll existed, I would not personally put much weight into it. After all, the Joint Chiefs and Supreme Commanders fully support Obama as an unconstitutional usurper. So what does that say? In other words, the same question you asked can be turned around to show military support for Obama. Doesn’t mean its correct nor proper.

    Just my opinion though.

  108. I.B.,

    I responded to your question,

    But its stuck in Moderation……………..

  109. Never mind,

    Its out…. 🙂

  110. Jonah | January 17, 2012 at 9:21 am |
    Thanks Jonah

  111. I’m not a big fan of Romney, but I will support him 100%, as it appears
    he will be our nominee.
    The Progressive train must be stopped and reversed and I would like
    that to happen sooner rather than later, as in arresting and charging
    Obama et al with treason and other crimes. Lacking that happening, we
    need to bust Obama from the train, grab the controls, and slow the whole
    SOBing thing down to bring it to a stop. This unfortunately, will take time.
    After over 3 years of much heartache and brain-busting agony… all
    know what I mean, for you were similarly affected……I’m concluding the election process appears our only route to go. We, at least, must appear
    united behind our candidate whose recent talk seems in line with our goals of smaller government and fiscal sanity.

    Slow and stop the train come November. Reverse gear will follow when we
    elect more conservatives to Congress, and just as important, select Cabinet
    heads that are Conservative enough and Nasty enough to begin cleaning the Marxists and Socialists out of the DC bureaucracy. This could be the hardest part of our smaller government mission and will take several election cycles to accomplish.
    Meanwhile, we will need to advertise our conservative products to enough of the electorate to continue that mission.

    Finally, I believe we will whip Obama and crush the Democrat Party,
    We must not let them back to their feet and must continue the crushing
    and stomping through elections in the future.

  112. Prizefight to watch: ‘Obama v. Arpaio’
    Exclusive: Jerome Corsi explains Alinsky tactics being used against popular lawman

    The front lines of the continuing Obama eligibility battle are being fought not in Washington, D.C., or before the U.S. Supreme Court, but in Maricopa County, Ariz.
    What is shaping up is an epic political battle in which the Obama White House has decided to launch a full-scale assault against local Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

  113. Cabby – AZ | January 17, 2012 at 1:52 am
    Yes, remember when our drone landed in Iran
    Perhaps another DOJ Holder weapons sting, giving
    him the hat-trick.
    1) FBI supplying detonators/explosives to the OKC bombing.
    2) Fast and Furious gun-running to Mexico
    3) Drones to Iran so that we can complain to the UN when they
    attack Tel-Aviv and The Straits of Hormuz with the technology.

  114. observer | January 17, 2012 at 9:02 am |
    “I felt the same opportunity for evil to enter the WH when the Clintons entered and almost from the beginning they appeared to be against anything considered sacred about the place and our traditions…..always a spirit of being “against”.
    This reminded me of the damage that was done as the Clintons were leaving the White House, when Bush was coming in. They had no respect for the place, or tradition.

  115. Three (3) worthy GOALS in Progressiveland.
    We could name their team The DC Icebreakers.

  116. NBC_Vic,

    How does on stop the progressive train by voting for another progressive such as Mitt? His record varies little from that of Obama.

  117. He has stated recently that he will attempt this mission.
    How forcefully and sucessfully remains to be played out
    IF, as likely, he is the nominee.

  118. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Cabby – AZ | January 17, 2012 at 2:02 am |
    Old Salt, the big question for me is, “Why aren’t our Congressmen and Military concerned over this traitorous behavior?” After all, their personal security is at stake, too. Why this blindness, or lack of concern? Do you have an opinion?

    “DON’T ROCK THE BOAT”(Ship Of State)

    Costa Lines is owned by Carnival Cruise Lines which bought Cunard Lines which bought White Star Lines which built the TITANTIC.

    What goes around, comes around!!

  119. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    PS – Costa Concordia set sail on Friday the 13th.

  120. da verg | January 17, 2012 at 9:06 am |

    1- newt won hands down, but he’s damaged goods. he can debate
    but he can’t beat obama
    2- romney did ok, only candidate who can beat obama
    3- perry, coming on
    4- santorum…answers too complex, not a strong debate here
    5- paul…..gong show time


    Best debate review I’ve seen yet!

  121. The Trib downplayed the Obama ballot challenge, but it was the #1 topic on Chicago talk radio yesterday.,0,7788295.story

  122. Video: Orly Taitz vs. Jill Nagamine; Georgia Subpoena Enforcement Hearing in Hawaii

  123. Pat 1789 | January 17, 2012 at 11:11 am
    Chicago talk radio
    I actually heard one talker say that even if Soetoro is not on the
    ballot, his delegates would be.
    Somewhat amazed, I recall at the time thinking HTF does that work?
    But then again we are talking about Chicago politics in Illinois.
    After all I predicted that bringing Hope and Change from Chicago to DC
    was just cover for bringing The Chicago Way to DC, and fertilizing the rest
    of the country with it.
    This was back in ’08 when workmates were asking WTF Soetoro was saying thru his Teleprompt interpreter.

  124. Upon further review, I should add that removing RINO Repubs and more
    ardently removing their monied backers from (R) Party dominance a daunting task.

  125. Do we need these RINO’s et al in the coming election(s)?
    Perhaps so.
    There is nothing in Alinsky’s rules/views that WTPOTUS cannot
    brand our very own band of useful idiots.

  126. To those following, new White House insider.

    Says big people, influence people, are defending and perhaps backing Ron Paul and they DON’T want Obama Re-elected.


  127. Mitt an NBC

  128. A Crazy Old Coot

    da verg | January 17, 2012 at 9:06 am |

    1- newt won hands down, but he’s damaged goods. he can debate
    but he can’t beat obama.
    2- romney did ok, only candidate who can beat obama
    Just a couple of comments: Newt CAN beat obama. Mickey Mouse could beat obama.
    Romney can beat obama because he is the same as obama only lighter. The dems would even vote for him to continue the takeover of this country.

    Just the opinion of a dumb ole (Natural Born Citizen) country boy!

  129. Folks should read this regardless of their persuasion:

    Five Ways Conservatives Will Have to Sell Their Souls if Romney Wins

    “This is not an academic discussion. Mitt Romney can still be stopped in South Carolina and “(b)etween now and March 3rd, the last event before Super Tuesday, only 15.20% of all delegates to the Republican National Convention will be selected and the vast majority will be proportional.” Mitt Romney is the least conservative candidate remaining in the field and isn’t particularly electable either.”

  130. A Crazy Old Coot

    I’m still confused. There have been two elections, SC will be the third and I keep hearing that if romney wins SC the it is all over. I seem to remember that there are (at least) 50 states. Why doesn’t the other 47 get a say so in who is the gop canidate?? Am I still just dreaming that I am the the United States of America??

    Just the opinion of a dumb ole (Natural Born Citizen) country boy.

  131. Pete | January 17, 2012 at 12:10 pm | To those following, new White House insider.

    Says big people, influence people, are defending and perhaps backing Ron Paul and they DON’T want Obama Re-elected.

    They’re guessing that the big influencing people are perhaps thinking that if Paul ran even as third party he’d take even more Dem votes away from Obama as Repubs from whomever.

  132. observer | January 17, 2012 at 1:09 pm |


    Ron Paul will only “threaten” to run on a third party ticket. In reality, the GOP will then grant Ron Paul a significant speaking slot at the National Convention and greater influence in Congress.

    Then it begs the question, who will run on the 3rd party ticket and where will they pull votes from?

  133. A Crazy Old Coot

    I spoke to attorney with Malihi Court
    Reply |Linda Jordan to me

    January 17, 2012
    7:15 AM PST


    I Just spoke with the staff attorney, Kim Beals (?) in Judge Malihi’s court. (pronounced Mali) She said that she was going to talk with the judge about the subpoena but when I asked her if the judge was going to consider evidence and witnesses on January 26th she said “Oh yes, there’s going to be a hearing. There are three separate cases and yes whatever she (Taitz) wants to bring forward will be her decision. She is presenting her case. He will be considering evidence.” or something to that affect. She is talking to the judge now about the subpoena process and is going to call me back.

    She just called me back. She said that I could honor the subpoena or make a motion to quash it which basically I would send her a request. I said that no, I wanted to honor it, I just wanted to make sure that the Judge had given Orly Taitz the authority to subpoena evidence and witnesses. And that she would be allowed to present her evidence and witnesses in the court room and the staff attorney said absolutely, maybe not all of it because of objections and what not. I asked that, concerning the subpoenas, did Orly Taitz do anything inappropriate by sending them out and she responded “No, Attorney Taitz has a case pending before Judge Malihi and she can send subpoenas–it’s a form on their website.”

    Please feel free to share this on your website and use my name. You have been maligned in this instance. See you in Georgia.

    Linda Jordan

  134. Palin returns fire on Newsweek for calling Obama critics ‘dumb’

    Directing her message to “@Newsweek,” Palin wrote, “Know what’s truly ‘dumb’? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn’t give birth to my son.”

    Read more:

  135. William | January 17, 2012 at 1:20 pm |
    In the long run it won’t matter since the Chicago process will head into action with fraudulent money and votes and various types of polling place terrorizers to get their way or create civil chaos if they don’t. They’re now doing similar tactics against Wisconsin’s governor in a fraudulent recall attempt. Where are the other Arpaio types to uphold the law with their honor in ALL of our states??

  136. William | January 17, 2012 at 1:20 pm |
    observer | January 17, 2012 at 1:09 pm |


    Ron Paul will only “threaten” to run on a third party ticket. In reality, the GOP will then grant Ron Paul a significant speaking slot at the National Convention and greater influence in Congress.

    Then it begs the question, who will run on the 3rd party ticket and where will they pull votes from?
    THAT is the BIG question, William! I agree fully about Paul’s intentions of persuading the RNC to give him prominence; and they will, too, lest his supporters wander away from the fold. I doubt that he would really run on a third party ticket, if nothing else but for his son, Rand’s sake, a rising star among conservatives.

  137. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    William | January 17, 2012 at 1:20 pm |
    observer | January 17, 2012 at 1:09 pm |


    Ron Paul will only “threaten” to run on a third party ticket. In reality, the GOP will then grant Ron Paul a significant speaking slot at the National Convention and greater influence in Congress.

    Then it begs the question, who will run on the 3rd party ticket and where will they pull votes from?

    “Occupy Wall street + Loves Ron Paul”,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=76147c48b2eb760f&biw=1333&bih=663

    He sucks the young libs from Obama and with the “Any Republican” total electoral college votes not totaling 271 needed votes , the Majority Republican House of Representatives SELECTS the next President.

  138. Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | January 17, 2012 at 1:55 pm |
    He sucks the young libs from Obama and with the “Any Republican” total electoral college votes not totaling 271 needed votes , the Majority Republican House of Representatives SELECTS the next President.
    I concur that this could happen, Mr. Bill, but the big problem would be: Whom would the Repub House pick? Would they base their selection on who had the most electoral votes? Or, would they get weak-knees and feel that it would be better for the Repubs to put Obama in for another 4 years, so that the Repubs would have a clear, clean shot at 2016? Just honest questions based on what we’ve already experienced. (They might just even “feel sorry” for him) Ughh!!!

  139. Mr. Bill, add to the above the same reasoning that the House is now using in refraining from impeachment proceedings. (Seemingly, they fear race riots and other uprisings.)

  140. Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | January 17, 2012 at 1:55 pm |


    Either way, Mitt will most likely be the GOP candidate. The Mr. “I am no different than Obama check my record Progressive Socialist” will not beat Obama. And even if he did, their reflective and historic record clearly shows their alignment is near Identical.

    The fires of America burning are not merely put-out by a politician pissing on a building whilst claiming doing their part. At some point in time, logically, people must realize the speed of which America is burning and the drastic immediate changes (reversals) need be enacted.

    Moreover, after Obama beats Mitt, most are not thinking about the next strategy of positioning Hillary in 2016 and 2020. We are realistically facing 12 more years of Progressive Socialists, and that is a fact. So how do we change that? Mitt? Vote for Liberal Progressive Republicans with the same agenda?

    Not hardly…

    (not that you said that, I am)

  141. By the way,

    Here is an excellent legal essay pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street Unconstitutional acts…. Great read. Arrest the all, make them pay for the financial damages….

  142. O.T., but very interesting if you are following the sinking of the luxury liner off the coast of Italy – This is a recording of the conversation between the captain, who abandoned ship, and the Port Authority repeatedly ordering him to get back on the ship. The guy must have been inebriated. Horrible.

  143. Dan Mahru’s lawyer is Jeffery Steinback the same lawyer as Daniel T. Frawley…Have to wonder if he did Mahru’s work probono too?

  144. Cabby,

    The Captain is and was a COWARD!!!!

    Their is a partial translation transcript between the Italian Coast Guard and the Captain, which can be found here:

    Dereliction of duty and oath is worthy of a prison sentence or relief of duty, not a vote of confidence.

    Just saying..

  145. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Let’s hope the grounding/sinking of the Costa Cocordia doesn’t become a metaphor for our problems. It has been determined that the captain was showing off for a fellow seaman that lived on Giglio and was trying to get as close to the island to salute the people of the island.
    Costa Lines is owned by Carnival Cruise Lines which owns Cunard which owned White Star which built the TITANTIC. The Costa Concordia set sail on Friday the 13th and this May will be the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titantic.

  146. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    The way things are going with our government, maybe the American Eagle should be replaced with the Ostrich!.

  147. Just to add to my previous statement,

    I stated: “Dereliction of duty and oath is worthy of a prison sentence or relief of duty, not a vote of confidence.”

    I should have added that treason and those whom either ignore treasonous acts or participate with treasonous acts, commit treason themselves, and certainly should be imprisoned as well – not voted in an office based on their name or party affiliation.

    When Benedict Arnold committed Treason, did we say – hey lets place a vote of confidence for his assistants in such act? After all, they were the lessor of 2 evils. Did our founding fathers, do people today, actually think that way? Hell, they were out to capture and hang all of them, not elect them to an office.


  148. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Sorry – Scroll down and click on “Life on an ostrich farm”

  149. Thanks Bessie.

  150. I think we’re getting a preview of our future in what is taking place in Wisconsin in the recall effort. The out of state union money (which btw is our money) is flowing in for such organization against the gov. He is saving the citizens with his necessary politicies but apparently the greedy pensions which we are also funding just aren’t enough. The people who need to be unionized today are the middle class who are themselves losing ground while having to fund those who are robbing them and who are well set.

  151. “They came for the Unionists first”…………….

    Sounds like a good strategy.
    Not really cheering for that final an outcome, however.
    Anyway, I’ll send this shout-out to the Universe,

  152. William | January 17, 2012 at 2:58 pm |

    The Captain is and was a COWARD!!!!
    William | January 17, 2012 at 3:58 pm |
    I should have added that treason and those whom either ignore treasonous acts or participate with treasonous acts, commit treason themselves, and certainly should be imprisoned as well – not voted in an office based on their name or party affiliation.
    It wouldn’t take much imagination to use the script of the conversation between the Port Authority or Coast Guard AND the Captain and adopt it to the situation We the People face with our Congress re. THEIR dereliction of duty.

    They are cowards, too, and all of our cajoling and pleading over the last three years to do something about the Usurper has met with just as deaf ears as this Captain. How many times have we individually and collectively asked and demanded that they do THEIR job?

    They are just as guilty of abandoning the Ship of State as the Captain was of abandoning his ship. Sounds like the basis of a good letter to a few senators and representatives! Something to work on.

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