Obama kept on GA ballot by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Kemp upheld Judge Malihi ruling, Obama attorney Jablonski on Kemp Advisory Council

Obama kept on GA ballot by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Kemp upheld Judge Malihi ruling, Obama attorney Jablonski on Kemp Advisory Council

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Why is Obama now employing private attorneys to keep his name on state ballots, despite compelling evidence that he is not a natural born citizen?…Citizen Wells

“Why did Indiana Appeals Court Judge Elaine B. Brown place the following in her ruling: “The same rule was in force in all the English colonies upon this continent down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, and in the United States afterwards, and continued to prevail under the constitution as originally established.””...Citizen Wells

From the Obama Ballot Challenge February 7, 2012.

“Kemp Upholds Deeply Flawed Georgia Ballot Challenge Ruling”

“Well, it appears tha GA Secy of State Kemp has upheld Malihi’s denial of the ballot challenges.

Last Friday’s ruling (see hearing video, transcripts) on the Obama Eligibility Challenge cases of attorneys Hatfield, Irion and Taitz was so over the top absurd, that it may cause tectonic shifts in the movement’s aproach to Obama’s obvious ineligibility.

Attorney Mark Hatfiled offered his strong RESPONSE to the Friday ruling by Malihi.

Taitz offered her APPEAL. No attorney has fought more battles in this war, nor suffered more defeats and ridicule.

Kemp, who previously said he would follow the recommendations, was presented with a dilemma. The question was, would he follow recommendations which obviously not only ignored, but twisted law and facts into a pretzel shape? Now we know the sad answer. There are precedents for SOS overruling of administrative judge rulings, even for Judge Malihi.

There appeared to be reasons for hope, when the Secretary of State assigned the Ballot Challenge cases to Malihi, when Malihi struck down motions to dismiss, to cancel subpoenas for Obama’s appearance in court and to compel providing documents.

When Obama attorney Jablonski tried to make an end run around Mahili’s court and quash the entire hearing, Kemp fought back and even said Obama and his attorney’s boycott would be at their peril.

In judge’s chambers, Mahili supposedly wanted to declare default judgment and the attorneys resisted, favoring an open hearing with evidence formally read into the record. They had only two hours to plead the biggest political scandal in history.

At this point, reasonable people need to contemplate whether we even have rule of law anymore and whether it could even be restored via working within the system. I am hearing much talk of extraordinary measures. God help us.”


And what a surprise this will be to you….right.

Michael Jablonski, General Counsel, Democratic Party of Georgia, who represented Obama in the Georgia ballot challenge and who defiantly refused to attend the hearing with Judge Malihi, is on the GA Secretary of State Elections Advisory Council.



Thanks to commenter SueK

128 responses to “Obama kept on GA ballot by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Kemp upheld Judge Malihi ruling, Obama attorney Jablonski on Kemp Advisory Council

  1. reason for re hearing? If they had known I would assume a recusal could have been demanded….is that possible for SOS?

  2. Well the COMMUNIST Party of Georgia, a branch of the combined COMMUNIST (Democrat and Republican) Party of Washington has ruled.

    Should We The Sheeples have expected anything more?

    The fix is in, and there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind what the results will be in November.

    Bye the way, Don’t expect the results from Sheriff Joe’s investigation to be any different. His delay until 1 March should be sending us a clear signal. He will play the same tune as all who have gone before him.

    God help America, we are in some deep doo-doo with no place to turn.

  3. Also today we hear John Boehner, REPUBLICAN, Speaker of the House, will …….HALT….I repeat HALT…….the “Fast and Ferious” investigation against AG Holder just when it is time to force Holder to resign, or impeach him.


  4. “Congressman John Boehner,the House Speaker better known for displays of weeping than of courage,is reportedly cutting a deal with Eric Holder which would provide a “mutually satisfactory” outcome in Barack Obama’s criminal,gun running endeavor Operation Fast and Furious.

    But in point of fact Boehner will,as usual,simply be doing do what is politically safe and expedient rather than what is RIGHT. He will continue his customary role of bowing and scraping before leftist media and political types who allow useful idiots like himself to remain in positions of strictly limited authority only on condition they make no waves and create no embarrassment for the real ruling class in the nation’s capital.”


  5. CW,
    You’re welcome; glad I could contribute something, even though it’s not good news. We’re used to that, though, aren’t we?

  6. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2843613/posts

    Catholic Church Decision Highlights the Totalitarian Nature of the Obama Regime
    Rush Limbaugh.com ^ | February 7, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh

    Posted on Tuesday, February 07, 2012 4:26:49 PM by Kaslin


    RUSH: Folks, let me tell you something. Don’t be surprised if the regime reverses this. I’ve heard that they’re rethinking it, that Obama might be rethinking this ban that he’s put in effect on the Catholic church and the schools and so forth. And it could be true. It could be true. I mean even Muslim clerics have come out against this decision.

  7. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    A little curiosity about two politicians – Bill Clinton and NewtGingrich.

    Both, when in front of a camera will say “During my Speaker-ship(Or Presidency) I cut government spending, reduced the deficit, blah blah blahblahblah.”

    REMEMBER they were both there AT THE SAME TIME!!

    “Politicians are the lowest form of life except for Liberal Democrats. They are the lowest form of politician.” – General George Patton

  8. It appears that the wires are hot re. Boehner’s decision to fold on Holder. I tried repeatedly to get an e-mail through with no success. I guess faxing would be better. “Go along to get along.” Urrrggg!!!

    No wonder we thought Rep. Issa looked so docile the other day. The fix was already in.
    Now we know, if we didn’t before, that the PTB are shredding the Constitution and destroying our country as fast as they dare.

  9. Something very fishy with this decision to stop the investigation into fast and furious.

    Recent military type manuevers in LA, O campaign returning money to Mexican drug criminals, FBI warning of anti-Govt extremists..and G Beck’s program today about cartels teaming up with islamist extremists: How both north and south borders are NOT secured (duh) and what is really coming into america You can view a trailer of the program at glennbeck.com….

    So, tell me, what exactly are we being set up for.

  10. I started trying Boehner’s email yesterday after Bessie posted. Still screwed up. Bad feeling.

  11. I have touched this subject before, and now I wish to expand it a bit.

    At best Xbama is a Dual-Citizen and of course NEVER a Natural Born
    He was born a half-black, half-white African/American.
    He was born half British/Kenyan, half American.
    That is clear.
    He was born Dual-Race and Dual-Citizen.
    It would not be fair to strip Xbama of the legacy of his Kenyan father.
    Worse yet it would be totally wrong to do so.

    Would it not be the epitomy of racism to attempt to deny him that legacy
    and heritage?

    So in view of this should we adopt a legal strategy to seek out
    the powers that be in Kenyan and attempt to remove Xbama from their
    citizenship rolls, their passport records, their birth records, their Xbama memorials, so that we may fully embrace the human being they sent to us by his faithful, freedom loving father?

    Do you know any Shyster Lawyers?

    Some one or some thing did not want me to post this, as hafway thru my screen starting jumping and moving all over the place. Anyone else having this problem?

  12. Insurgency in America? Former Border Agent Details National Security Threats Spilling Into the U.S.


  13. This is good to hear…..I have been saying we need a campaign person at every site telling anyone voting for Ron Paul to sign a roster before they go in and vote….that way they have a pretty accurate count if there is any funny business….

    Post Nevada turmoil Ron Paul SuperPac RevPac to amass exit polling army


    Revolution PAC secures national research firm to safeguard the Republican Primary vote.

    NORTHBROOK, IL – February 7 , 2012 – Amid allegations of election fraud and disenfranchisement surrounding Saturday’s Nevada Caucuses, grassroots-inspired Revolution PAC is embarking on an independent effort to help ensure each and every vote is properly tabulated in future Republican Primary contests.

    “Revolution PAC finds the litany of dissimilarities surrounding several ballot counts, suspect state party resignations, voters being asked to sign ‘religious declarations,’ in addition to precinct totals outnumbering actual registered voters documented by county election officials to be outrageous, unacceptable and patently un-American,” explains Revolution PAC Chair Gary Franchi. “This is no way in which to conduct any election, let alone a presidential primary nominating process.”

    Revolution PAC, aided by a nationally recognized research firm with more than 60 years of experience in the political process, will have boots on the ground in several of the upcoming states prior to Super Tuesday March 6 serving in both poll watching and exit polling capacities.

    “Going forward,” continues Franchi, “we will be ready to take immediate action and challenge any irregularities.”

    Charges of election fraud initially emerged following the Iowa Caucuses, which saw a last-minute change of venue for ballot counting, misplaced ballots and inaccurate counts in 131 precincts that produced a dramatic reversal of the results more than two weeks after the contest.

    Revolution PAC is supporting U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination and his consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising, direct mail campaigns and innovative Web promotions complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort

  14. Very good interview……

    Antonio Buehler on Ron Paul

  15. Philo-Publius | February 7, 2012 at 6:29 pm |

    Here’s the link:
    John Boehner to halt Fast and Furious investigation
    How disheartening!
    Oh how we put our trust in men that turn out to be such cowards!
    There’s no difference between them. They’re all disgusting.

  16. SueQ | February 7, 2012 at 7:12 pm |
    How disheartening!
    Oh how we put our trust in men that turn out to be such cowards!
    There’s no difference between them. They’re all disgusting.
    Yes, SueQ, today is really bad – Kemp’s decision, Boehner’s cave-in, Obama’s relentless attack on religious institutions, etc., etc.
    Personally I am struggling with the very critical condition of one of my dearest friends (for 57 years), and I’m sort of in another world right now, and it “ain’t” our country’s mess. HOWEVER, I’m still aware of what’s going on. This is all very discouraging, because it shows how this Obama corruption has permeated every facet of our national life.

    What about our Sheriff Joe? Frankly, I will not be one bit surprised if we are disappointed once again. Sigh.

  17. Sorry Cabby to hear of your dear friend. All I can say from knowing you here at CW’s, your friend is blessed to have you. I will pray for you both

  18. Cabby. I am sorry to hear about your friend. I will say a prayer.

  19. http://www.breitbart.tv/obamas-contraception-mandate-like-pre-holocaust-germany-author-metaxas/

    Author: Obama’s Contraception Mandate Like Pre-Holocaust Germany
    February 7, 2012 at 5:11 pm – MSNBC
    Dateline: America
    On MSNBC’s Jansing and Co. author Eric Metaxas compared the Obama’s administration’s encroachment on religious freedoms to Nazi Germany.

    “I met the president. I gave him a copy of my book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which he said he’s going to read,” Metaxas said during the interview. “In that book, you read about what happened to an amazingly great country called Germany…”

    “In the beginning, it always starts really, really small. We need to understand as Americans — if we do not see this as a bright line in the sand — if you’re not a Catholic, if you use contraception — doesn’t matter. Because eventually, this kind of government overreach will affect you.”

  20. Observer. They read a letter aloud after Mass this past Sunday. The Catholic church is going to stand it’s ground.

  21. Honor First and Paxson,
    Thank you so much for your prayers on behalf of my friend, who is really much more like a sister. She and her family are the closest people I have.
    This is a time of vigil. It looked Sun. as though she wouldn’t make it, but she is still holding her own. (pneumonia)

  22. Paxson | February 7, 2012 at 8:58 pm |
    Observer. They read a letter aloud after Mass this past Sunday. The Catholic church is going to stand it’s ground.
    If it is not done NOW, later it will be too late!! This has really captured the attention of most everyone.

  23. Obama lied point blank to the Catholic bishops.

  24. the media wont give leggs to that facts so america will remain divided cause 40 million will vote for hime no matter what is said about him cause he has a d next to his name and the gig is on. both sides have the goods on each other and the media at their beckon call to bring down anyone. they know most americans think thier fruads but they have sold their souls down the river for almighty dollar and power. true power is only from above.

  25. Obama is making his own bed..soon he will sleep with the dogs

  26. Cabby,
    I will keep your friend in my prayers. I hope that she is free of pain and at peace with God. Focus on her and don’t worry about anything else right now.

  27. Cabby……I’m sorry to hear of your friends demise. I pray she will be at peace with her Lord. Be brave, be strong.

  28. Just in from CNN………..

    Rick Santorum will win Missouri’s nonbinding Republican presidential primary, CNN projects.
    Missouri’s 52 delegates will be allocated on March 17 during state caucuses.
    Results will come later in the evening from caucuses held in Colorado and Minnesota.
    Tune in to CNN TV for live results from tonight’s contests. Also follow our coverage at CNNPolitics.com, on CNN apps, the CNN mobile website and on Twitter at #CNNElections.
    Watch live coverage now on http://CNN.com/Live

  29. Please, use your common sense. Representatives of both major political parties would necessarily sit on any board with respect to state elections/ballots!
    (From the link in the article.)

    The EAC is comprised of the following experienced election officials and leaders from across Georgia:

    Lynn Bailey, Executive Director, Richmond County Board of Elections
    Richard Barclift, Elections Superintendent, City of Chickamauga
    Todd Blackwell, Baldwin County Probate Judge and Elections Superintendent
    Nancy Boren, Director, Muscogee County Office of Elections and Voter Registration
    State Senator Hardie Davis (D – Augusta)
    State Representative Mark Hamilton (R – Cumming)
    Mike Jablonski, General Counsel, Democratic Party of Georgia
    State Representative Rusty Kidd (I – Milledgeville)
    Beth Kish, Elections and Registration Manager, Cobb County Board of Elections & Registration
    Anne Lewis, General Counsel, Georgia Republican Party
    Charles Schwabe, Mayor, City of Swainsboro
    David Shock, Associate Professor of Political Science, Kennesaw State University
    Jeff “Bodine” Sinyard, Chairman, Dougherty County Commission
    Charlotte Sosebee, Hall County Elections Director
    State Senator Cecil Staton (R – Macon)

  30. Appears now we need to find and confirm the source of the admission by the FBI that ousting Xbama would start a civil war.

  31. hrmfc | February 7, 2012 at 9:34 pm |
    I will keep your friend in my prayers. I hope that she is free of pain and at peace with God. Focus on her and don’t worry about anything else right now.
    Also, rminnc –

    It means so much to have the caring thoughts and prayers of you folks. She, her husband, and the entire family – four children and ten beautiful grandchildren – are all wonderful Christians. She is being heavily sedated and doesn’t seem to be suffering. Her son says they await to see what the Heavenly Father has in store. Although she has had a great deal of suffering with rheumatoid arthritis, failing eyesight, etc., this pneumonia came on very seriously and quickly. It is quite a shock for all.

  32. That is very sad, Cabby.

  33. The Mr. Binney Funeral Humiliates The Reputation Of The United States Supreme Court.

    The lack of historical analysis evident in every judicial opinion which has discussed Obama’s eligibility is staggering. If you compare Judge Malihi’s recent opinion in Georgia, and the Ankeny case from Indiana, to important citizenship decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, it becomes clear what separates the men from the boys. In a word; research.

    Mr. Binney and Justice Gray: A Study In Error.

  34. santorum

  35. Cabby,

    I am sorry to hear about your friend.

    And congratulations Santorum. What a great speech he gave tonight too. Love it.

  36. Karl Rove looks sick.

  37. In all of my years in the Catholic church I have never had a letter read to me specifically criticizing an individual politician. That happened this past Sunday. Given Santorum’s Catholicism it sets up a very interesting match up of he takesthe nomination.

  38. One thing is now reasonably certain……….the Catholic church is HIGHLY INCENSED by the decisions of the USURPER,and his GOONS. I will go so far as to say that the Catholic Church is alive and well,and are a very significant force in America, as well as nearly every where else in the world as well except for the Muslim countries. When the Catholic church sets out to do something meaningful,they are usually successful. The word COMPROMISE is NOT IN THE VOCABULARY of a Catholic. If anything is going to happen to Soetoro,I would be watching the Catholics closely because this is the quarter from which the CORRECTING FORCE could originate. Just my own viewpoint. No offense intended to anyone.

  39. Old Salt. I wholeheartedly agree. Hearing that letter was surreal. They have awoken to.what we already know to be true.

  40. FINAL OPTION getting closer and closer! Keep your powder dry and your weapons ready.

  41. Are there any Catholics out there who are willing to pay for some whore’s abortion meds? Remember this is why over $100,000,000.00 was STOLEN FROM our MEDICARE to pay for abortions of Europe’s WHORES. Only a really sick bastard would do any thing like that.

  42. Tina | February 7, 2012 at 11:35 pm |

    I am sorry to hear about your friend.

    And congratulations Santorum. What a great speech he gave tonight too. Love it.
    Thanks, Tina. I missed Santorum’s speech and wish I’d heard it. I’m a night owl, so maybe there will be a repeat. I’m listening to Krauthammer right now and he is changing his tune, too. I would have liked to have seen Karl Rove’s attitude.

  43. Paxson……………….
    I am also REASONABLY certain that where the Catholic church is concerned their literary expressions are only an indication of coming events. It could get really hairy.

  44. da verg | February 7, 2012 at 11:21 pm |
    Short and sweet.

  45. Paxson………………
    …………but as I remember so vividly Notre Dame University covered religious symbols, including the Crucifix of Christ BEFORE Soetoro arrived on campus in South Bend, to address the graduating class.Just maybe the Catholic people are NOT quite as incensed, as they would have everyone believe

  46. Paxson…………..
    In my last comment I said “Catholic People” when in reality ehis should have been Catholic clergy.

  47. Old Salt. That was really disappointing regarding the Notre Dame speech. Also. The church did not actively oppose Obamacare. So it’s better late than never. But they are going “all in” with respect to opposition now. The church can be fairly socialist. But their objective is to take care of the least among us. I don’t necessarily agree with the church all of the time. As you said earlier, a sleeping giant has awoke.

  48. This wouldn’t be the first time that the Catholic church said one thing and meant something else. It is well known fact that Pope Pius had assisted a lot of German Murderers in escaping to South America before they were caught and put on trial at Neurenberg. But that was then and today is NOW.

  49. The church is made up of men who are by design, imperfect. As a Catholic I am proud of the good works that they do, as a whole, for those who need it most.

  50. ……….but then I have to add that there was probably a hell of a lot of Catholics involved in the stringing up of IL DEUCE who was left hanging in a gasoline station drive up.

  51. Russian obots?

    Hacked emails allege Russian youth group Nashi paying bloggers

    Pro-Kremlin organisation reportedly pays hundreds of thousands of pounds to network of internet users to help political cause


  52. G’nite people, time to hit the pad in my DIRTY LITTLE trailer.

  53. Good night, Old Salt.

  54. FROM CNN………

    In a three-state sweep, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum will win the Colorado GOP caucuses, Colorado GOP chair says.
    Santorum is also projected to win the Minnesota GOP caucuses and the Missouri primary, held this evening.

  55. Missouri * Election results as of 1:20:10 on 2/08/2012………………….

    Precincts Reporting 3134 of 3134

    Obama, Barack DEM 64,405 88.3%

    Romney, Mitt REP 63,826 25.3%
    Santorum, Rick REP 138,957 55.2%
    Paul, Ron REP 30,641 12.2%

  56. Oh Cabby,
    I went to bed early last night and didn’t see your post till this morning. How I wish I could give you a big hug and comfort you. So many times you were an encouragement to me when I was going through such dark times. I could actually “feel” your prayers. I hope you “feel” mine for you now, as well as your friend/sister. Please let us know how both of you are doing.

    Love, Sue

  57. Interested Bystander


    Words can not explain the way I feel for you right now.

    Your “sister” feels your love and knows that you are going to be there for her and her family.

    I hope she has a remarkable recovery and gets better.

    Just know that everyone here is “with” you.

    This family is VERY lucky to have you with them.

    You are a special lady.

  58. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    How many times does oldsalt have to inform us that what is being taught now days is “UP is DOWN”?

    What the Federal Government did when they took over education was take the LOCAL and REGIONAL beliefs out of education. The PTA doesn’t hold the clout it once did, and with the Feds DICTATING what is taught in our schools, this is what we get.

    Indoctrination is alive and well.

    Just look, now we are being INDOCTRINATED to believe that a “natural born citizen” is simply someone born within a Country’s borders (well unless you are born to a diplomat or an occupying army).

    It’s truely unbelievable to me that we continue to allow this.

    And then the Speaker of the House pulls the plug on Fast and Furious?
    How can one believe that the fix isn’t in from BOTH Parties?
    And now they’re “negotiating” another continuing resolution (that’s what they call the “payroll tax holiday” bill). The Speaker is a joke, he’s a spineless coward who simply caves on EVERY issue. If Fast and Furious doesn’t sway your thoughts, then NOTHING will. The United States Government ALLOWED guns in to the hands of the very people who we are supposed to be hunting down, and one of those guns was used in the MURDER of a border patrol agent who Holder won’t even name by name.

    Santorum won’t change it
    Newt won’t change it
    Romney won’t change it

    There’s only ONE candidate who wants to give the STATES back their responsibilities granted by the Constitution.

    Then the CITIZENS will have a say once again.

    Get your heads out of your backsides people.

    There’s only ONE candidate who wants to shake things up, and that’s what we need, a big wound up slap upside the head.

  59. Interested Bystander

    Moderation at 6:43am……………darn it.

  60. Good Morning IB,
    What are your thoughts about Santorum’s victories? I tend to think it is a result of a push back by pro-lifers.

  61. Santorum can thank Obama. His 3 victories are more likely Catholic backlash.

  62. Good Morning CW, et. al.

    SueQ – I think what is happening is that after Bachman and Perry got damaged – people turned to Gingrich as the most electable not-Romney. Then when everything went so negative with lies and distortions (started by Romney but continued by Newt), people began to see the warts on both. It’s not important if the warts are real or just painted on by slander.

    Then when Obama overreached with his attack on Catholics right to hold firm to their beliefs about abortion. SueQ – you are spot on about pushback by pro-lifers. However, there might also be a pushback by all those that recognize that it is a dangerous slippery path towards a totalitarian dictatorship when people are told what is permissible to believe. There may also be a pushback against Romney’s attack with big money as soon as a challenger starts to gain ground. It’s just bad form – which might explain the low turnout.

    Maybe Rick Santorum will gain traction now. AND maybe, Obama’s attack on Catholics may insulate him against the brutal attack by Obama’s minions to come.

  63. I’m in moderation SueQ.

  64. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2843862/posts

    Study: Government Dependence Shoots Up 23% Under President Obama
    Investor’s Business Daily ^ | 2/8/2012 | John Merline

    Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 8:31:42 AM by IBD editorial writer

    The American public’s dependence on the federal government shot up 23% in just two years under President Obama, with 67 million now relying on some federal program, according to a newly released study by the Heritage Foundation.

  65. Jim DeMint: Why Republicans Must Become More Libertarian


    This is excellent. About 29 min. long but worth your time.

    “The new debate in the Republican party needs to be between conservatives
    and libertarians,” says Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). “A lot of the libertarian ideas that Ron Paul is talking about…should not be alien to any Republican.”

  66. Good morning Zach, et al.

  67. Zach,
    Thanks for Gov’t dependency article.
    Once again, great timing.

  68. Good Morning CW, et. al.

    SueQ – I think what is happening is that after Bachman and Perry got damaged – people turned to Gingrich as the most electable not-Romney. Then when everything went so negative with lies and distortions (started by Romney but continued by Newt), people began to see the warts on both. It’s not important if the warts are real or just painted on by slander.

    Then when Obama overreached with his attack on Catholics right to hold firm to their beliefs about abortion. SueQ – you are spot on about pushback by pro-lifers. However, there might also be a pushback by all those that recognize that it is a dangerous slippery path towards a totalitarian dictatorship when people are told what is permissible to believe. There may also be a pushback against Romney’s attack with big money as soon as a challenger starts to gain ground. It’s just bad form – which might explain the low turnout.

    Maybe Rick Santorum will gain traction now. AND maybe, Obama’s attack on Catholics may insulate him against the brutal attack by Obama’s minions to come.


  69. CW – I have a response to SueQ in moderation.

  70. Romney’s carpet bombing coming home to roost
    Wednesday, February 08, 2012 8:56:32 AM · by Lakeshark · 8 replies
    Legal Insurrection ^ | 2/8/12 | William Jacobson
    So what did last night mean? Rick Santorum won the two non-binding caucuses where all candidates competed, and the Missouri non-binding primary where Newt was not on the ballot. Does it mean that the Republican electorate all of the sudden has fallen in love with Santorum? That remains to be seen. Santorum has done well in three caucus states so far (IA, MN, CO), and very poorly in one caucus state (NV) and the three binding primary states where everyone competed (NH, SC, FL). While Santorum deserves to bask in last night’s glow and the media will give him plenty…

  71. If you all haven’t seen this you need to listen up and pass this on…….

    Chris Hedges “Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!”

  72. oldsalt79 | February 8, 2012 at 12:49 am | This wouldn’t be the first time that the Catholic church said one thing and meant something else. It is well known fact that Pope Pius had assisted a lot of German Murderers in escaping to South America before they were caught and put on trial at Neurenberg. But that was then and today is NOW.

    http://users.binary.net/polycarp/piusxii.html (a portion…there’s more):
    The Israeli consul, Pinchas E. Lapide, in his book, Three Popes and the Jews (New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1967) critically examines Pope Pius XII. According to his research, the Catholic Church under Pius XII was instrumental in saving 860,000 Jews from Nazi death camps (p. 214). Could Pius have saved more lives by speaking out more forcefully? According to Lapide, the concentration camp prisoners did not want Pius to speak out openly (p. 247). As one jurist from the Nuremberg Trials said on WNBC in New York (Feb. 28, 1964), “Any words of Pius XII, directed against a madman like Hitler, would have brought on an even worse catastrophe… [and] accelerated the massacre of Jews and priests.” (Ibid.) Yet Pius was not totally silent either. Lapide notes a book by the Jewish historian, Jenoe Levai, entitled, The Church Did Not Keep Silent (p. 256). He admits that everyone, including himself, could have done more. If we condemn Pius, then justice would demand condemning everyone else. He concludes by quoting from the Talmud that “whosoever preserves one life, it is accounted to him by Scripture as if he had preserved a whole world.” With this he claims that Pius XII deserves a memorial forest of 860,000 trees in the Judean hills (pp. 268-9). It should be noted that six million Jews and three million Catholics were killed in the Holocaust.

    We must remember that the Holocaust was also anti-Christian. After Hitler revealed his true intentions, the Catholic Church opposed him. Even the famous Albert Einstein testified to that. According to the December 23, 1940 issue of Time magazine on page 38, Einstein said:

    “Being a lover of freedom, when the revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but, no, the universities immediately were silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks…

    Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly.

    What history have you been unfortunately influenced by? If you’re speaking of Pius XII he ordered all Catholic institutions in Rome….all convents, hospitals, etc. to take in and hide the Jews…esp. after threats to anyone who did so. This was to his own detriment as well as those who risked them lives to do so. There was a plot against his life….the Church at the time had the dilemma to speak out publicly, endangering the lives of more millions of the faithful and others or work behind the scene. When one bishop did speak out against the Nazis during a time when at least Jewish converts to Catholicism were spared there was an immediate change to policy and those Catholic Jews also were rounded up….esp. in the Netherlands which had been a place of a certain refuge in convents. One of those rounded up was the more recently canonized St. Edith Stein. She and her sister were the victims of this new “policy” by the Nazis in retaliation and warning to any Catholic authority who would dare do such public speaking. How would like to have that choice? Ah, yes, the only premitted bigotry of our culture today….against the Catholic Church. Unfortunately the very reason for its current problems is because it opened itself to “progressiveness” and the new “tolerance” linked to “charity”. If you’re not familiar with the secular study of the abuse situation the statistics demonstrated that something like 85% of the abuse, going back, btw, 60 or so years, was active homosexual men against preteen to teen victims….not “pedophilia” as sooooo prevalently reported by the bigoted press who won’t touch the gay agenda….even within the Church. Now then…..it is also a fact that the Church’s studied stats of this current cultural horror is minescule to the abuse within the education system where abusers are to this day being covered up and transfer of abusers is prevalent. It is also known that in comparison other faith organizations, boy scouts, etc. have a far greater percentage. But then, for the dedicated attys who have lined their pockets…..those places don’t have the deep pockets. In fact, the courts, when confronted with an abuser which is limited due to the fact that accusers don’t get involved either, have done the same thing…..they send the abuser off for psychiatric evaluation, get the results from “treatment” which report that the abuser may go back into the community and then move into your neighborhood. Just check the online maps sometime and see the abusers living in your own neighborhood. And yet it is only the Church expected to supervise for a lifetime the abuser who has already been defrocked and sent off. Those are the facts. If anyone’s prejudice doesn’t care for them nor the correct history of threatened humans doing the best that their consciences permitted at the time of the Nazi horror….well, either look for the isolated history of truth or remain within the only permitted bigotry popularized by the pro death culture of our day! Perhaps this would be a good place to start: go to link provided at top.

  73. Hurrah Santorum! Finally we have something in the news to cheeer about!
    I hope this will give him the momentum to do well on Super Tuesday.

  74. Soros Eyes Secretaries
    By Matthew Vadum on 12.4.09

    The vehicle for this planned hijacking of democracy is a below-the-radar non-federal “527” group called the Secretary of State Project. The entity can accept unlimited financial contributions and doesn’t have to disclose them publicly until well after the election.

    Is Kemp one of those SOS’s?

  75. Kate Smith introduces God Bless America

    Saw this at:

    Breaking: Georgia’s SOS Brian Kemp Sides with Judge Malihi! (Open Thread)

  76. Pass this on…..could this be why Romney is falling now…..also he promises more information on threats being made to Dr. Paul and his family……

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    When the Blackbird’s Neck Breaks by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

    Sunday February 5, 2012


  77. Argue all you want about who saved whom. Common sense says, if the Catholic church had wanted to save Jews, they could have. Denmark did.

  78. jbjd.
    Almost everyone, every institution failed, including the US when it came to saving Jews & other
    elements of German society leading up to and during WWII.
    Some Catholics, Lutherans & others helped.
    Most were lured by the rhetoric of Hitler with his promise for a new Germany, better economy
    & lebensraum. Just as BO did in 2008, hope & change.

  79. jbjd | February 8, 2012 at 10:26 am | Argue all you want about who saved whom. Common sense says, if the Catholic church had wanted to save Jews, they could have. Denmark did.

    They did…..more than any others. You rely on your own “common sense” which has already proven less than adequate in other areas of foundational matters such as our Constitution. I rely on facts of history. What certain people have labeled “indifference” others know of as protection of lives using the personal knowledge of on the ground threats to millions who would be effected. The International Red Cross at the time also knew of this threat to lives and they too remained, for public purposes, “neutral”. Better get your guns pointed at them as well. If you cannot differentiate separate geographical as well as leadership control over communications, etc. you only advertise your own dearth of study. Your blanket generalizations here only repeat your past ivory tower approach to other important matters….pick a side, isolate it from the surrounding circumstances and try to influence those who do not know otherwise. Sad…..again.

  80. IB………………..
    There you go. Goebbels once said that a lie can be made the truth simply by repeating the lie OFTEN. People having a lower IQ don’t necessarily have the mentality to to discern UP from DOWN. So I would say that because so many Americans believe and support Soetoro that they show their level of intelligence by so doing. BTW even a 10 year old knows up from down. You can blame the MORAL breakdown in our country for much of this problem. Now we even see both female and male teachers making out with their students. Now the school systems even give 1st graders CONDOMS to PLAY with. Well there is your aso wonderful LIBERAL SLIME doing the only things they know how to do. TEACH DEVIATE SEX TO CHILDREN.

  81. This is a MUST read by everyone if you haven’t heard about it yet…..

    Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk


  82. Each word that Romney utters lends solidarity to my belief that the so called REPUBLICAN party is following the YELLOW BRICK ROAD,and at the end of the road they are going to discover their MISTAKE the HARD WAY. Try as he might to FOOL EVERYBODY ALL THE TIME he keeps showing his LDS orientation. But just to polish a little morsel I ask you to take a look at where the RECENTLY CONVICTED alleged leader of the Texas LDS group is now housed. He swore he was doing nothing wrong. The LDS mental poison NEVER LEAVES THE HUMAN SYSTEM. Romney is a LDS member.

  83. BTW, jbjd, it was the underground in several countries that worked to save others. The Danish “underground” was able to send 7000 or so Jews to Sweden, but Denmark itself surrendered in one day.

    In 2003, in a speech for the 60th anniversary of the end of the 1940–43 collaborationist government, Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that Denmark’s cooperation with Nazis was “morally unjustifiable”, which was the first public condemnation of the World War II era Danish leadership by a Danish leader.[1]

    The occupation of Denmark was initially not an important objective for the German government.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_DenmarkI would say that the “underground” in countries that were also under the double pressure of their own leaders who themselves were fascists controlling them far more closely, were probably even more willing to be martyred for others and for the good. In fact, the further east you went in Europe, the resisters received little or no support. Under Mussolini the Italian “underground” had to be even more courageous….and that was of course mostly the “underground” work of Catholic institutions. And, um, those numbers are perhaps even more impressive….but yet, anyone who saved even one victim with their own vulnerability should be commended….esp. those leaders who assisted the underground which weren’t many….but we do know of one, now, don’t we???!!

  84. Family Fued game show, question who in America has the biggest EGO? Lady said the President, she gets 21 points. dam near choked on my coke. Folks we are not alone. Her partner said trump, he had 40 points. There is not doubt, we will not see Justice until folks bring out there guns and demand it. Give us Liberty or give us death. Plan A, rule of law was lost. Amnisty (sp) to all thet rids the corrupt govt. As far as the Catholic church goes, when did they stop teaching the facts of OUR Constitution, and who meets the eligibility? I would expect them to teach what they taught me. And if they continue to allow folks like PIGLOSI to claim she is a Catholic, is there really any hope left? Stay safe all, may God Bless America again!! By the way who Murdered Donald Young?

  85. ……….yet ALL the FOOLS get behind him. Now the pendulum is swinging the same as it did in 2008. They will find that they have been FOOLED AGAIN. FOOL ME ONCE shame on YOU…….FOOL ME TWICE……SHAME ON ME.

  86. SueQ and IB –
    Your comforting words mean a lot to me now. We have all gone through tough calls at one time or another, but they serve to make us realize how important all of us are to each other. All of the issues we face sort of pale into insignificance when the very lives of those we love hang in the balance. Thanks for the prayers and concern. There is no update yet today on my friend’s condition.

  87. Michelle Obama Plays Tug Of War With Jimmy Fallon In The White House


    In celebration of her “Let’s Move!” campaign to curb childhood obesity First Lady Michelle Obama engaged in a “fitness challenge” with “Late Night” host Jimmy Fallon. In the White House. In an official photo provided by the White House Michelle Obama is seen competing in a tug of war with Fallon in the Diplomatic Reception Room.

    The two also hula hoop, do push-ups and run around the White House.

    I love this comment by “Fed Up With Liberals”:

    The only “let’s move” campaign I want to see from Michelle in the future is when the U-haul backs up to the White House on January 21st, 2013 and takes her and Barry’s crap back to Chicago.

  88. Here’s a comment I saw at the Daily Caller:

    Obama is my shepherd; I shall not work.
    He keepeth me out of the hands of the employers,
    He leadeth the country to class warfare and polarization.
    He encourageth sloth.
    He leadeth the government to new heights in deficit spending.
    Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Economic collapse,
    I shall fear no depression, for Obama is with me.
    His handouts and monetary indiscretion supplement my income.
    He maintains spending increases in the presence of insurmountable debt;
    He punisheth businesses with excessive regulations;
    He giveth the hard-earned fruits of labor to the unproductive.
    Surely, handouts and stimulus payments shall follow
    All the days of his administration;
    And I will stay unemployed ….forever.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/07/designer-obama-gear-raises-eyebrows-and-legal-questions/#ixzz1loPqCOS5

  89. SueQ | February 8, 2012 at 12:28 pm |

  90. Anyone still want to argue the point that it was a PLANE which hit the PENTAGON on 9-11:

    As you read this, remember the lady carried her child out of the hole that was created immediately after the explosion at the Pentagon on 9-11-01. She was an EYEWITNESS to the events that occurred. Yet according to this story, she is not a reliable witness and lost her case plus got a fine for even appealing it. JUSTICE, what’s that?.

    Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk

    Posted: February 4, 2012 in 9/11, 9/11 truth, propaganda, conspiracy theories, Pentagon, media, Military response

    Tags: 9/11 truth, conspiracies, World Trade Center, media, Controlled demolition, Flight 77, Flight 93, New world order, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, explosives, official story, hijacked planes, propaganda, Pentagon, False flag operations, 9/11, eyewitnesses, April Gallop, Richard Myers, William Veale

    The message is loud and clear. Go after justice for 9/11 in the courts, and not only will you lose, you’ll be punished for your efforts..

    That’s what April Gallop and her lawyer, William Veale, found out as their lawsuit against former Vice-President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers concluded with a final slap in the face. This came in the form of a $15,000 fine levied against Veale for filing a “frivolous” appeal (the appeal had already been turned down in April of last year).

    The decision was handed down by a three-judge panel headed by Justice John M. Walker, who just happens to be former President George W. Bush’s cousin – proving that the American justice system has a twisted sense of humor at times.

    In March 2010, a lower court threw the original case out, stating that it was based on “cynical delusion and fantasy.”

    Gallop, a former U.S. Army executive administrative assistant and her then two-month-old son were injured in the Pentagon event on 9/11 when an explosion in her office brought the ceiling down on them. Gallop’s desk was in the Pentagon’s E Ring, the outermost of the building’s five rings. Her desk was reported to be just 40 feet from where Flight 77 is supposed to have hit the building shortly after 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11.

    Gallop reports she carried her child to safety through the hole in the building where the plane was supposed to have entered. She says “she saw no evidence of a plane having hit: no wreckage, no bodies, no jet fuel, nothing”. She says she thought her computer had triggered the explosion, reporting that there were “flames coming out of the computers.”

    Gallop’s original suit pointed to the fact that no alarm was ever sounded at the Pentagon even though it appeared that Cheney and others were tracking a plane’s progress towards the Pentagon. She has stated that there were frequent alarm drills in the Pentagon in the days leading up to 9/11 but none on that day.

    The case laid out by Veale addressed the 9/11 official story and why the evidence points to it being false. It dealt with events at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and in Shanksville, Penn. The complaint pointed to a number of areas where the defendants clearly lied about where they were on the morning of 9/11 and what they were doing. It also looked at the evidence that neither Flight 77, nor any other 757 hit the Pentagon:

    “One of those possibilities is that there was a plane substituted for Flight 77, possibly while flying over West Virginia, that was fitted and painted to look like Flight 77, which plane actually flew over the building while some other plane, or missile exploded into the building on a slightly different flight path. There is the further possibility that no flying object hit the building at all, that the damage there was done by pre-placed explosives. Parts of an aircraft found in the rubble could have been planted in the building before the attacks so they could be found afterward. It will take an honest investigation and subpoena power to learn the truth.”

    I guess lawyers and their clients will think twice before using the courts to go after very powerful people who think they’re above the law – that’s because it appears they ARE above the law.

    But why should the court system be any different from all the other corrupted institutions in the country? Law enforcement won’t do its job, the media won’t do theirs, the politicians are bought and paid for, and much of the population is looking the other way while it all happens.

    It seems that with every new attack on civil liberties and Constitutional freedoms in America, the enemies of truth get bolder. The corporate media continue steering the public away from what’s really being done to them and to their country with the deft use of fear and distraction.

    Fortunately, there is a determined minority that continues to fight for truth. But it’s up against a population that is complacent and obedient and a powerful elite that feels invincible. It’s up to the sincere members of the 9/11 Truth movement to find a way to prove that they aren’t.

  91. CW….can you get me out of moderation?…..thanks

  92. A Crazy Old Coot



    If You Love “Individual Liberty” Or If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist

    Do you love America? Are you against a one world economy and a one world government? Do you deeply love individual liberty? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? If you answered any of those questions affirmatively, then you are a potential terrorist according to a brand new Department of Homeland Security report that was just released in January 2012. The report is entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008“, and it was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security. As you will see detailed later on in this article, the most shocking part of this report is when it discusses the “ideological motivations” of potential terrorists. The report shamelessly attempts to portray red-blooded Americans that love liberty and that love their country as the enemy. Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists.


    According to the new DHS report, the following are some of the beliefs and ideologies of American terrorists….

    -”fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”


    -”suspicious of centralized federal authority”

    -”reverent of individual liberty”

    -”believe in conspiracy theories”

    -”a belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack”

    -”a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”


    Read the rest at the above link

  93. What Price Freedom?


    What Price Freedom?

  94. Peter Boyles Show

    Monday, February 06, 2012
    February 6, 2012 6am

    Dr. Jerome Corsi joins the show to discuss the ruling handed down by Judge Malihi which will allow Obama to appear on the Georgia ballot in November. Peter takes calls in the latter half of the hour.


  95. re 911 and the Pentagon. Where did all the people go that were on the plane? Where did the plane itself go that was photographed at impact and seen by travelers on the highway as it crossed over that roadway? Where is the evidence that it wasn’t a plane? Just wondering.

  96. cjzak……..

    there was no plane…there were no people…although there were security cameras from every angle that day, and no plane has ever been seen by anyone impacting the Pentagon, only a ball of fire…could have been an explosion or could have been a missile….

    You ask “where is the evidence that it wasn’t a plane?”….I answer with, “where’s the evidence that it was?”

    Here’s something to think about…..if the Pentagon plane crash was a false flag fake….what about the Twin Towers?

    Lots of unanswered questions, lots of dead people at the Twin Towers and Pentagon…and very few answers….but there is a lot of stonewalling and cover up though.

  97. And what about Barbara Olson, who was on that flight……?

  98. kwajcat…..

    That was the Shanksville Pa. crash….where there were NO bodies, NO wreckage, NO baggage..etc……just a hole in the ground.

  99. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Hotlanta Mike | February 8, 2012 at 12:59 pm |
    Peter Boyles Show

    I listened to the show. Drag the “bug” to about 31 minutes and hear “Bruce” say he doesn’t care and it doesn’t matter that “O” isn’t a NBC.
    I guarantee he would if it was the other way around!

    We get the government we deserve.

  100. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    OR that which can be stolen from us.

  101. rminnc | February 8, 2012 at 2:14 pm |

    Barbara Olson WAS on that flight.

  102. Something that may seem to be unimaginable but with this “force is the answer” regime nothing seems to be beyond imagination. IF Obama’s backers do not come out in similar numbers to vote for him this time around it just may be that their reasoning is that they will simply claim any loss will be due to “racism” and there was “fraud” in vote counting based on that “racism”. They, like O’s “cousin” Odinga and his followers, will demand his election ….or else…. and simply raise hell as did Odinga’s thugs, burning churches along with the people inside, until he got a shared presidency. So…..these FBI people and others in our courts and elsewhere who say if the truth about O would come out there would be a civil war….well, they’re not really preventing anything by their protecting the guilty.

  103. rminnc | February 8, 2012 at 2:14 pm | kwajcat…..

    That was the Shanksville Pa. crash….where there were NO bodies, NO wreckage, NO baggage..etc……just a hole in the ground.

    Barbara Olson was on the flight that crashed into the Pentagon. And her husband, the atty, reported the phone call he received in her last words just before the Pentagon impact. Let’s try to keep to reasonable discussion of very serious terrorist strikes that have changed our entire way of living. Let the evidence interfere with your personal conjectures.

  104. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victims_of_Terrorist_Attack_on_the_Pentagon_Memorial

    DNA analysis helped to identify many of the dead. Human remains were taken to a military mortuary at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.[12] The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology conducted the DNA analysis.[13] Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the amount of usable DNA. The United States Department of Defense had previously collected “bloodstain cards” from all its civilian and military employees, and the DNA on these cards was used to identify many remains.[14] Families of those aboard Flight 77 provided DNA samples (from commonplace household items like combs or toothbrushes) for use in identifying their loved ones.[1]

    Not all the victims of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon qualified for burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Families of those who did often chose to bury the remains of their loved ones at a private cemetery. Sixty-four individuals who died at the Pentagon were buried at Arlington, and 57 of them were interred in Section 64,[11] their headstones facing the Pentagon about 1,100 feet (340 m) away to the southeast (visible through a few trees).[15]

    No remains could be identified for five victims:[1]

  105. observer | February 8, 2012 at 2:33 pm |

    I don’t know if you have read the Ulsterman Report and the White House Insider accounts, but I think he mentioned that BHO is absolutely fascinated with drones. They’re like big boy’s toys to him. Kind of scary if you ask me.
    Therefor it is in no way unimaginable that “force is the answer”. I put nothing past him. NOTHING!

  106. A Crazy Old Coot | February 8, 2012 at 12:56 pm | OT


    If You Love “Individual Liberty” Or If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist

    Do you love America? Are you against a one world economy and a one world government? Do you deeply love individual liberty? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? If you answered any of those questions affirmatively, then you are a potential terrorist according to a brand new Department of Homeland Security report that was just released in January 2012. The report is entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008“, and it was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security. As you will see detailed later on in this article, the most shocking part of this report is when it discusses the “ideological motivations” of potential terrorists. The report shamelessly attempts to portray red-blooded Americans that love liberty and that love their country as the enemy. Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists.


    According to the new DHS report, the following are some of the beliefs and ideologies of American terrorists….

    -”fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”


    -”suspicious of centralized federal authority”

    -”reverent of individual liberty”

    -”believe in conspiracy theories”

    -”a belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack”

    -”a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”


    Read the rest at the above link

    wow… looks like the founding fathers were TERRORISTS!!! Whodu thunk it!

  107. observer…..
    Maybe you are correct when you say Olson was on the Pentagon flight….but that does not change the facts concerning the Pentagon flight.

    I have been objective in trying to understand 9-11 and why it happened, but there are too many unanswered questions that our government continues to ignore or cover up.

    The FACTS speak for themselves in all three incidents.

    Concerning the Pentagon crash, would you please explain to me how a woman working at her desk ONLY 13 YARDS from the entry hole could walk out of that crash hole, with her 2 year old child, just minutes after it happened. She said under oath that she saw NO plane wreckage, NO bodies, NO baggage…NO plane engines, NO plane wheels, etc. I think her sworn statement deserves serious consideration and answers.

    Yes Barbara’s husband, was Ted Olsen, who worked for George Bush. I didn’t hear Barbara’s voice…did you?…Only Ted said she called. I’m not saying she didn’t call, I am saying no one but Ted Olsen heard her voice.

    You are correct when you said it was a very serious terrorist strike…but I just wonder who the real terrorist were on that day.

  108. observer, I agree…this is NOT the time or place for 9/11 conspiracies. Lets keep the focus forward.

  109. Regarding the eligibility and NBC… Didn’t someone from Obie’s former law firm write a paper of sorts saying the NBC requirement was in essence, silly.

    We might learn about the specific issues that they tried to remove. To me, it would seem like those were the issues that they knew they would have the most trouble with in a court…. and possibly the best place to press forward.

  110. TJ
    What you listed as terrorist identifying traits would appear to be those considered to be the most threatening only to the “current” regime…fear mongering if you will. More effective will be concentration camps and firing squads. These things were common in Stalinist Russia I believe.

  111. JoAnn Bjorkman

    Not only is Jablonski on Kemp’s Georgia EAC, he is also one of the fifteen (15) Presidential electors in Georgia, along with being the Attorney for the DNC in Georgia, and also Obama’s attorney in Georgia. His Wife is a Federal Bankruptcy Judge in Atlanta. Don’t you find this more than a little disturbing?

    Does Obama’s Attorney Michael Jablonski Know the Truth?

  112. I know you guys have seen this, but I just wanted to add this below JoAnn’s comment:

    Who is Judge Michael Mahili?


  113. SueQ | February 8, 2012 at 2:51 pm |
    observer | February 8, 2012 at 2:33 pm |

    I don’t know if you have read the Ulsterman Report and the White House Insider accounts, but I think he mentioned that BHO is absolutely fascinated with drones. They’re like big boy’s toys to him. Kind of scary if you ask me.
    Yes, SueQ…..I have read that, too, in several places. Those armed drones are all so “antiseptic” and “clean”…..No one that sends them really has to witness the outcome. BHO’s intrigue with them is understandable, but utterly disgusting and dangerous, imo, especially since law enforcement agencies are beginning to use unarmed ones in various places right here in the USA. One step….and …..bingo! Then we will have armed ones prowling around silently looking for prey…..like those whom HLS has designated….us patriots.

  114. Oh Cabby,
    How I hope all is well with you.

  115. Speaking of drones… imagine the possibilities…

    “Farmers who claim more EU subsidies than they should, or who break Common Agricultural Policy rules, are now more likely to be caught out by a camera in the sky than an inspector calling with a clipboard. How do they feel about being watched from above?

    Imagine a perfect walk in the country, a few years from now – tranquillity, clean air, birdsong in the trees and hedgerows, growing crops swaying in the breeze.

    Suddenly a model plane swoops overhead.

    But there is no-one around manipulating radio controls. This is not a toy, but a drone on a photographic mission.

    Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres up in space, the same patch of land is being photographed by a satellite, which clearly pinpoints individual trees and animals.

    What is there to spy on here? No secret military installations, just farmland.”


  116. My understanding is that Daniel Hannon will speak at CPAC. Not sure what day.

  117. cjzak | February 8, 2012 at 1:43 pm | re 911 and the Pentagon. Where did all the people go that were on the plane? Where did the plane itself go that was photographed at impact and seen by travelers on the highway as it crossed over that roadway? Where is the evidence that it wasn’t a plane? Just wondering.

    To believe that 19 Arabs with box cutters maneuvered those planes into the Pentagon, the most guarded building on earth with a multi-billion dollar defense system, shows a naivete I haven’t seen since teaching first grade.
    There are planes attacking buildings, and someone disarms the missile at the Pentagon??
    The planes and their passengers were directed to an airport, loaded onto one plane(for their safety, of course); the plane shot down in Shanksville held all passengers.
    The FBI report shows contact from Mr. Olson’s phone to Ms…seconds??…zero.
    Get off your butt, do some research; there are thousands of articles, videos, witness statements, etc..
    I have spent weeks on this subject–if you care to learn the truth…my email is judyh0603@logantele.com
    I find it intriguing one can believe in a Kenyan becoming president, with a British father, and not believe Israel’s Mossad couldn’t create a false flag on 9/11; Israel created all of the software for Secret Service, NORAD, FCC, ATC, FBI, CIA, every abc agency in this nation. Look it up.

  118. It’s about time people cast off the typical Pavlovian response to overwhelming factual evidence as being “anti-semitic”….or “racist”.
    People who throw around terms such as “anti-semite”, “racist”, “nazi”, etc. don’t have a factual argument. They are the enemy.
    So who is it that can’t be criticized?
    Why do people cower in fear of being “Sanchezed” for speaking the truth?
    BTW, who was Rich Sanchez? LOL
    How about Helen Thomas?
    There is a very, very long list.
    Let’s play a game………it’s called “Spot the Israeli”….

    You may have heard the name in connection with the so-called “birther” movement.

    Is Orly Taitz “Controlled Opposition” ?



    Orly Taitz was born to a Jewish family in Chi?in?u, Moldavian SSR in the Soviet Union (present day Moldova). Both of her parents were science teachers. In 1981, Orly immigrated to Israel, where she obtained a dentistry degree at Hebrew University.


    Before her national news exposure, Taitz was quoted in The Orange County Register in 2006 supporting Israeli military actions against Hamas and Hezbollah, and downplaying the impact of the espionage trial of two American Israel Public Affairs Committee staffers. Taitz has also said that she lost relatives in the Holocaust and that her grandmother witnessed the Kishinev pogrom.


    Do you think we need yet another Israeli citizen in the US Senate?

    Q: Which infamous Jew said: “The best way to control the opposition – is to lead it ourselves”?

    A: Vladimir Lenin.

    Q: What was Lenin’s real name?

    A: Vladimir Illych Ulyanov

    Q: Why did he change his name?

    A: So people wouldn’t know he was Jewish.

    Q: Why is that a problem?

    A: Because if people stated to recognize all the Jewish names clustering in positions of power – they might start catching on.

    In the US, Israeli’s get to vote for US candidates that promise to funnel US money to Israel and send US soldiers to fight to the last America.
    Next to voting, holding office is among the most important public privileges of citizenship and membership in a community. Individuals have many reasons for wishing to gain public office. They may wish to serve out of a sense of wishing to repay in some way the benefits that come with being a member of this community, they may do so out of a sense of civic responsibility or their desire to help improve and protect their country, their own ambitions, or some mixture.
    There are dual citizen Israeli’s (such as Carl Levin who wants the US military to arrest people on his say-so )serving themselves in the US Congress and Senate. There are many others.
    Dual citizen Israeli’s in our Congress routinely vote to send our money to Israel.
    The willingness to serve and protect your country is one of the most solemn responsibilities of citizenship. The Oath of Allegiance taken by new American citizens says in part, “that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law.” That oath, an outgrowth of a long history of citizen-solders, reflects the critical importance of being willing, even in an age of a volunteer army, to serve if necessary. There is no more important stake that a citizen has than the protection or preservation of his or her country.
    A prominent example of this is Rahm Emanuel – the current Mayor of Chicago. He served in the ISRAELI Army. He was born in the US – but chose to serve in the Israeli Army.
    His actions certainly demonstrate where his loyalty was and is.
    Have you ever wondered who decides what is “news” on a day-to-day basis?
    The overwhelmingly Jewish AP Board of Directors decides what is news – and how it will be reported.
    “The Associated Press (“AP”) is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased (NOT) news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. On any given day, more than half the world’s population sees news from the AP. Founded in 1846, the AP today is one of the largest and most trusted sources of independent newsgathering. The AP considers itself to be the backbone of the world’s information system, serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television, and online customers with coverage in text, photos, graphics, audio and video.”
    So who are these people? It is instructive to note who controls, for example, the U.S. Treasury Department.
    Timothy F. Geithner (Jew) – Secretary of the Treasury
    Neal S. Wolin (Jew) – Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
    Stuart A. Levey (Jew) – Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
    Alan Krueger (Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
    Michael S. Barr (Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions
    David S. Cohen (Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing
    Herbert M. Allison, Jr. (White European) – Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability and Counselor to the Secretary
    Of the seven (7) top officials in the U.S. Treasury Department, six (6) are Jews. How many of these Jews are citizens of the Jewish Nation (Israel)?
    This is a numerical representation of 86%.
    Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population.
    This means that Jews are over-represented among the top officials of the U.S. Treasury Department by a factor of 43 times, or 4,300 percent.
    This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the top officials of the U.S. Treasury Department cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance.
    You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the U.S. Treasury Department.
    Someone mentioned that Soros might be responsible for aiding in the Obama Deception.
    The birth-name of George Soros is György Schwartz. SOROS aka Schwartz is a Jew. SOROS aka Schwartz is a citizen of the Jewish Nation. SOROS aka Schwartz is a good example of the problem we face.
    You may want to take a look at other key policy making positions within the government as well – and note who the people are who are holding those positions.
    Prepare to vomit if you decide to look into the ownership of the various media outlets in the US – or management positions in ALL of the US Federal Reserve system member banks. They’re “kosher”.
    Our perpetual wars against Israel’s enemies – where Israel fights using American soldiers are starting to make more sense now…aren’t they?
    So is it “anti-Semitic” to state facts?
    If you want to know who’s “running things” – just follow the money.
    The key is understanding the nature of money ….what it is and what it is not.
    Money is a measure of value.
    It is not a commodity.
    There are only two basic kinds of things that have value in any economy – “Products” and “Services”. Money is merely a measure of value of products and services.
    A certain group has introduced the concept of treating money as a commodity – and not just a measure of value.
    The most basic trade relationship is barter. “I’ll trade you this for that”. So, in this case, the “buyer” has a fish and the “seller” has some grain. The “buyer” offers the fish to the “seller” for some grain and a trade is worked out. “I’ll TRADE you this fish for a bag of that grain”.
    Where Does Money Come In?
    “Money” is an arbitrary trade medium. It won’t rot away as easily as a fish will and can be “traded” for a wide range of goods and services.
    In my town we have a “Farmers Market”. On the weekends during the good weather, farmers bring fruits, vegetables, meat and baked goods to trade for things that they want.
    Do you need “money” to trade goods and services? NO – you don’t. You could “trade” something that you have for something that the farmer has.
    But what if you don’t have anything specifically that the farmer wants – but you want something that the farmer has?
    Money is used a mutually agreed upon means of exchange.
    Money itself is a non-perishable, durable – arbitrary trade medium. Literally, anything can be used as “money” just as long as people agree on its value.
    Money is what the measuring cup is to the flour that you need to bake the cake. It’s just a measure of something valuable.
    Say, for example, that you are baking a cake and you decide you need 2 cups of flour. The “cup” is a “measure” of the volume of the flour you’re going to use.
    The measured “cup” of flour is about 125 grams of flour on average. Grams are a measure of mass – not volume.
    The “cup” measure used in cooking is a measure of volume, not mass. To measure mass, you would need a scale to weigh it.
    Let’s say you decide to use a pretty worthless paper cup to measure out the volume of one “cup” of flour. The paper cup essentially has no value and is not flour….right? So, when you go to bake your cake you measure out a volume of 2 “cups” of flour.
    You don’t simply add “2 cups”.
    You add “2 cups of flour”.
    There’s a difference.
    So, 2 cups of flour makes a cake (about 8 inches in diameter with 2 layers about an inch thick). The measuring cup can’t make any cake at all. It’s the flour that’s the important part.
    MONEY: A Measuring Cup of Value
    Money works the same way. Money is merely a measure of value. It is not value. Only products and services have value. Money is just a measure…like a measuring cup.
    A certain group has tricked a lot of people into thinking that money is a commodity (value) – and not simply a measure of value.
    That same group also uses money as a commodity and charges interest on its use.
    So what’s wrong with using money as a commodity? Well, this enables manipulation of the valuation of money itself.
    Let’s go back to our cake baking analogy. Remember that you decided you needed a volume measure of “2 cups” (about 250 grams) of flour to make your cake.
    In this example, we’re going to pretend that you have a job and that you get paid in flour. Your job earns you a volume measure of “2 cups” of flour a day and you have a family of 4 and they only eat cake. Each day, your family consumes one cake. So, when you decide to bake a cake you can “afford” to because you make 2 cups of flour per day.
    Now, lets say I have a monopoly on all “cups”. I am the official issuer of “cups”. What if I decided to change the size of a “cup” to a smaller size. So now “1 cup” is equal to the older “1/2 cup” (or about 62.5 grams). Now you need “4 cups” of flour to make your cake (4 x 62.5 = 250).
    But your job only earns you 2 cups of flour. Now, 2 cups of flour is only 125 grams and not the 250 grams it used to be. But you still need 250 grams of flour to bake your cake.
    Now, instead of eating everyday – your family can only eat once every 2 days.
    Think of money as “A Measuring Cup of Value”. The only things that have value are products and services.
    This is done by printing more money and putting it into circulation.
    Think of products and services in the economy represented as a pile of flour of a certain size – and money as a measuring cup.
    Long story short:
    The above SWINDLE is what has been getting the Jews expelled from nation after nation.
    Do some research.
    They did it to the Germans. Now they’re doing it to us.
    If you get a chance, read “The Creature From Jekyll Island”.
    This same group has developed a vast propaganda network to hide behind. The propaganda network is known as the “Mainstream Media”. Replace the word “Mainstream” with “Jewish” and you’ll be a lot closer to the truth.
    We, as a people – must abolish this present money system, by any means necessary. But abolishing it isn’t enough. We need to replace is with a money system that helps our people.
    This is possible to do – and has been done in Germany.
    In Germany, Hitler based his currency on “Domestic Production”.
    German money was NOT based on Gold.
    German money was NOT based on Silver.
    German money was NOT based on any precious metal commodity that the Jews could purchase and therefore price-manipulate.
    German money was NOT based on debt to private Jewish bankers….as United States currency is today.
    Hitler based his currency on “Work”. Each dollar placed into circulation had to be “backed” by a dollars worth of domestically produced goods, or services.
    “Arbeit Macht Frei” meant that a money system based on “work” (Domestic Production) shall set you free from the Jews.
    Now, you know why the Jews attempted to transform “Arbeit Macht Frei” into some sort of slur aimed at imaginary “Holocaust” victims.
    That is how Hitler resurrected the Germany economy.
    “International Capital” a.k.a “The Jewish Money Conspiracy” knew that Hitler’s monetary policy was a direct assault on their ability to enslave nations.
    And that is the “WHY” behind WW2.

    Let’s say all products and services in the economy were represented as a pile of flour of a certain size – and a “dollar” (money) is a measuring cup of a certain size.
    Let’s say the pile of flour (representing all products and services in the economy) is equivalent to 100 “dollars” (or 100 cups) of flour.
    What would happen if one day “someone” replaced all the measuring cups with other cups that were only 1/2 the size of the originals? How may “cups” of flour in the original pile (representing all products and services in the economy) would exist now?
    There would be 200 “cups” (dollars worth) of flour in the original pile. But the actual size of the pile never changed.
    When the Jews put more “money” into circulation – the effect is to reduce the size of the “cup”. This action literally reduces the purchasing power of your “dollar”.
    The problem for you is that you get paid in “dollars” and your pay does not automatically increase with “inflation”.
    This money scam is one of the oldest existing Jewish Swindles. Another is the charging of interest (usury).
    Money creation and manipulation – and usury and the main weapons of the Jew.

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