Obama Rezko Daniel Frawley $ 400000 reported in NC by John Hammer, Rhino Times, FDIC lawsuit against Mutual Bank ties Obama to Rezko Chicago corruption

Obama Rezko Daniel Frawley $ 400000 reported in NC by John Hammer, Rhino Times, FDIC lawsuit against Mutual Bank ties Obama to Rezko Chicago corruption

“Why did the Illinois Senate Health & Human Services Committee, with Obama as chairman, create and push Bill 1332, “Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act,” early in 2003, which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, just prior to rigging by Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“Why did Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department wait until December 2008 to arrest Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“Why did Daniel Frawley provide $ 400,000 for Tony Rezko to give to Obama?”…Citizen Wells

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

John Hammer, Editor and Publisher of the Rhino (Rhinoceros) Times, is a good man. He is also a rare commodity these days. He has consistently put into print in NC articles that are critical of Barack Obama. I met with John last year and I was just thinking I should meet with him again about the possibility of a larger, real news organization. I finally got around to reading his latest opinions in “Under the Hammer.” I was pleased as usual but even more so because he quoted Illinois Pay to Play, a site that Citizen Wells has quoted and been quoted at. John Hammer, in print in North Carolina, the state that is hosting the Democrat Convention, has covered the Daniel Frawley $400,000 for Rezko to give to Obama.

From the Rhino Times March 08, 2012.

“Isn’t it funny what the mainstream media decides is news? According to the website Illinoispaytoplay.com, Obama has been implicated in the investigation of Obama’s good friend Tony Rezko, who has been convicted and sentenced to 10-and-a-half years for corruption involving, among others, Obama’s good friend former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption.

Before Blagojevich was caught trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat, Obama bragged about running Blagojevich’s campaign and getting him elected.

Rezko, or to be more precise Rezko’s wife, bought the lot next door to Obama’s house in Chicago on the same day that Obama bought the house. And while Obama paid less than the asking price for the house, the Rezkos paid the full asking price for the lot. Later the Rezkos sold part of the lot to the Obamas for less than they had paid for it.

But according to Illinoispaytoplay.com, a witness being deposed as part of the investigation said that he gave Rezko $400,000 to give to Obama. Since Obama happens to be the most powerful man in the world, it seems like people who were known to deal with corrupt politicians claiming to have given money to Rezko for Obama would be news, but for some reason the mainstream media have decided that it is not.”

“It has become accepted by everyone except diehard supporters of other candidates that Romney is going to win the nomination. Romney doesn’t have anywhere near the votes he needs to win at the convention, but he has more than twice as many as Santorum, who is the only candidate who is even close. While Gingrich shot himself in the foot, and it felt so good that he shot himself in the other foot.

No one seems to be able to withstand the withering attack ads that Romney focuses on the front-runner. That is actually a good sign because Romney is not going to beat Obama unless he is willing to go on the attack. Romney is going to have to attack early and often. Romney will be called a racist, not just by Obama but by the liberal media, and they won’t relent. But he isn’t going to get that vote anyway.

It will be interesting to see what Obama does long term if Romney runs a real campaign against him. The closest Obama has come to a real campaign was his race against Hillary Clinton, and by the time Hillary Clinton knew what hit her she had lost and attacking Obama would have only made her look bad.

One thing Romney should do is release every single bit of information that exists about himself and his family. If he has his first grade report card he should put it out there for everyone to examine. The public knows very little about Obama. He is president of the United States. I’d like to read his senior thesis or something that indicates his thought process as a young man. I’d be interested to know how he got to Columbia University, and the answer to the overriding question of did he play freshman basketball at Occidental College. (If he did not, why did a respectable newspaper like the Los Angeles Times report that he did?)

According to Wikipedia, Obama’s parents didn’t live together even before his father was accepted at Harvard and moved east. The story is always told of his father getting accepted to Harvard and leaving his wife (who was still a teenager) and child. But according to Wikipedia his mother attended the University of Washington in Seattle after Barack Jr. was born until Barack Obama Sr. left for Harvard. She then transferred back to the University of Hawaii. If that is true it certainly puts Barack Obama Sr. in a different light.

It is the kind of fact that the American people ordinarily know about their presidents.”

Read more:


It is past time for another meeting with John Hammer to discuss the possibility of a real news organization and to bring him up to speed on the rest of the Obama Rezko corruption. For example the FDIC lawsuit against Mutual Bank, which is currently underway. The bank that loaned money to Rita Rezko for the lot the Obama’s bought. The same bank that fired whistleblower Kenneth J. Connor . Connor stated that the appraisal for the lot was to high.

Hats off to John.

71 responses to “Obama Rezko Daniel Frawley $ 400000 reported in NC by John Hammer, Rhino Times, FDIC lawsuit against Mutual Bank ties Obama to Rezko Chicago corruption

  1. Rev. David P. McAfee

    The amazing assumption that few blogs/news sites seem to all be making is that there will be a fair election this year!!!???

  2. “The Obama Files”:

    “Labor and Delivery Birth Logs — an overlooked source of provenance”

    Beckwith: “I received this email this morning from one of the members:”


    I love your blog and read it multiple times a day. I am writing today to see if this avenue to finding the birth hospital for Obama has ever been investigated.

    I have been a OB nurse for 30+ years and I want to tell you about the Labor and Delivery Birth Logs. I have also worked for a software vendor that installs electronic charting all in Labor and Delivery Units all over the US and every Labor and Delivery used Birth Logs.

    Before the age of computers Labor and Delivery was in charge of recording all births in a Birth Log/Ledger. These logs were hand written and usually filled in by the nurse that attended the delivery or the Labor and Delivery Secretary. I will list item that may be listed in this log. What is listed will vary as to what kind of statistics that the Labor and Delivery wanted to track. In my hospital in the Labor and Delivery area there are Birth Log Books that date back to when the hospital opened up in the early 60’s. and all of the old Birth Log Books from the old hospital ( at least 40 years worth) are kept locked om Medical Records:” [go to link]


  3. Reference “BIRTH LOGS”. While this could be a great idea,I am of the thinking that this is a bit LATE to pursue. But if there is NOTHING ventured, there is usually nothing returned. So I would conclude that even if it is ground that was already covered, sometimes you find important things that were overlooked by simply taking the time to LOOK AGAIN!

  4. obama paased dream act ice!!!! back door style. crickets from his media!! illegals get free pass if go to college or sign up for miltary. sounds like his own army to me my furher

  5. From: http://www.joshuamediaministries.org/facetoface/prophet


    “Besides his unique ability to help people experience the Lord’s intense presence through worship during services, the ministry that the Lord Jesus has entrusted to David is a special face-to-face relationship and friendship with Jesus personally. The Glory manifested out of this friendship is what flows over to the people’s lives and brings them to meet with the Lord, just like it says about Moses’ life and ministry, “…and he brought the people to meet with God” Exodus 19:17.

    Jesus told David that through His face-to-face covenant and friendship with him, that this would allow those who have never had a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream or while awake to start experiencing Him in this way, for the purpose of deepening their intimacy with Him. These encounters have been documented and reported by many pastors and leaders and seen in the express testimonials of God’s people for years whom the Lord appeared to. Jesus told David that He would appear to those who came in contact with his ministry with divine face-to-face appearances from Himself not only once but on a consistent basis like He has done in David’s own life.

    This has been one the greatest privileges in experiencing David E. Taylor’s ministry with Jesus. It has been confirmed by the testimonies of leaders in the Body of Christ (pastors and apostles who have 400 churches under their leadership), pastors, spiritual fathers and other five-fold ministry giftings along with multiple thousands of people (including youth) who have had face-to-face encounters with the Lord as a result. Men who have never seen Jesus along with leaders who already have experienced face-to-face visitations have noticed an increase in their personal visitations from the Lord Jesus in dreams and in the open broad day light.

    The people who were experiencing these appearances in America ranged from his little children Joshua and Destiny (when they were seven and nine years of age) to the people in his multicultural staff, to the open appearance of the Lord in Washington State in the sight of three million people at one time over three whole regions in 2006. This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. This type or some similar manifestation happens where ever the Lord sends David. In whatever city or church David enters, he is accompanied by the special privilege of the Lord personally working with him.


    Humility and the meekness of Jesus, characterize David’s ability and character when serving the Lord. These two attributes are stressed and admonished along with living them.
    He has been entrusted with the end-time message of the “The Kingdom,” “The Power,” and “The Glory” for this generation. During a face-to-face visitation appearance from the Lord in a dream, in his sleep, Jesus instructed him saying: “David, I am giving you the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,” He continued saying, “whatever you bind on earth, I will personally back you up; and whatever you loose on earth, I will personally back you up.” This has been seen throughout the years of the Lord personally working with David, notably and appearing to others during his ministry in face-to-face visitation experiences.

    Each aspect of the unusual special ministry that the Lord Jesus has given David E. Taylor is birthed out of this intimate face to face relationship as a result of the Lord appearing to him. The dynamic evangelistic miracles healing ministry that the Lord has given to Him has been graced by Jesus telling him in heaven in the year 2000, that He would personally come down on earth in every one of the miracle crusades that he holds and walk among and in the midst of the people in the glorified body that He rose from the dead in 2000 years ago. Jesus told him to encourage the people with these words that He Jesus their Saviour and Healer would come and touch them and heal them especially and specifically those who are bound by wheelchairs. This has been evidently seen by the phenomenal miracles that has taken place and happened to tens of thousands of people over the years. Jesus visited David and told him he had been ordained to be a healing shepard to america and the world. The term “healing shepard” had never been heard by him the way that the Lord said and articulated it in this phrase.

    As a prophet he has been given the ability by the Lord to be what the bible terms to be a face to face prophet. Jesus told him in an appearance that like as unto Moses that he had a prophetic face to face ministry with Himself Jesus and God. Scripture bears this out in .. It says There arose not a prophet like unto Moses whom the LORD knew face to face and all the signs and wonders which God did by him.

    In his apostolic call he is visited by Jesus on a regular basis concerning different pastors and the business of His Churches in face to face appearances during the night while he is sleep and when he is also awake.”

    Read More Here:

  6. Marxist Barry Obama-Soetoro – Where Did This Guy Come From? A Petri Dish?

    “Somewhere in the rear view mirror of time already past, a cocky teenager stood admiring himself with the heady confidence he would someday be the leader of a no longer Free World…….”


  7. My dog and friend, Jerry, died this morning. He was 16 and I thought I was prepared. The Lord gave us dogs as faithful companions who will stand by us through thick and thin. I am very sad today but thank God for giving me such a good companion.

  8. citizenwells

    Sorry Paxson.
    It’s gotta hurt.

  9. Thanks CW. Real bad.

  10. Great article, CW, from the Rhino Times. Good luck to you and John Hammer with the news organization idea.

    For what it may be worth, a follow-up on the Malcolm X paternity of Obama might prove productive. I believe the birther issue was promoted by Obama himself to distract the right wing away from the truth. He knew the natural born clause would get people upset if it were implied that he might have been born in Kenya and that his father was Kenyan. It also creates an exotic, celebrity-like appeal for many–the connection to Africa through Obama Sr. He also knew that with his records sealed and classified by the CIA, he could play this game to the hilt.

    If the truth were known, that Obama was the illegitimate son of Malcolm Little, known as Malcolm X, he would be more white than black as Malcolm was of mixed negroid and caucasian ancestry. He would also be a plain, ordinary American with nothing foreign except his religion, which he tries to hide via a liberal Christian church that allows Muslims to join without formally converting. (That is how Jeremiah Wright, also a former Black Muslim, was able to infiltrate and become a minister.)

    Anyway, for those interested in the Bible Code, it strongly indicates Malcolm X is Obama’s true biological father and that he is also, without a doubt, a Muslim. It indicates he will not finish out his term in office because it suggests in the Code that Biden will be the 45th US President for a very short time. If Romney is elected, the Code indicates it will be as the 46th, not the 45th President. Though there is, as yet, no systematic way of interpreting encrypted information in the Hebrew scriptures, the coming together of associated information is highly suggestive, as is quantitative appearances of encryptions at a low probability. (If you can read biblical Hebrew and want the exact data for these “finds,” I would be happy to provide it. In fact, even if you can’t read Hebrew, if you want the data, I would be happy to provide it.)

    So exposure is what we need, to shine the light and get Obama removed from office–forced to resign or impeached–for the great fraud he his committed against the American people. For this we need God’s help. It is a spiritual battle that can only be won with help from the Almighty. Prayer and turning to God is of the upmost importance. Obama needs to be exposed and how the CIA has gotten out of control. A place to start might be Malcolm X’s visit to Seattle in 1960 to found a mosque for the Black Muslims. Also, his visit to Kenya and Tom Mboya (Obama Sr’s sponsor to the U. of Hawaii) on his way back from Mecca. Now is the time to shine the light–follow Andrew Breitbart’s path, but don’t sup with the enemy as he did. (The Bible Code indicates that was his fatal mistake–eating dinner with Dorn and Ayers.)

  11. Paxon–My condolences. Sorry to hear you lost your canine friend. Dogs are truly companion friends, a blessing to be sure. When my mother was on her deathbed, she started talking to people “on the other side,” i.e., her grandparents, etc., those who had passed on. Then, all of a sudden she said, “And Tippy, you’re here, too?!!” Tippy was our fox terrier, black with a white tip on the tail, when I was growing up. That indicated to me that dogs are in heaven, too. Those she loved, including Tippy, were waiting to help usher her on to the world to come.

  12. Dean M, Some years ago I looked into the Bible Code and found much of what I read to be credible. (Bible Code Digest). The scenario you describe seems plausible. One of the difficulties I recall was understanding what the code says of timing of future events.

    The plain text of the Bible is the most reliable source for Prophecy; Isaiah perfectly predicts who our Messiah is what what he would suffer. I became convinced the the hidden text, using equidistant letter spacings, is also a reliable source for Prophecy. It made sense to me because God created matter and time, and He lives in eternity, knowing the past, present and the future. It was simple for him to place in the Bible prophecy and clues to events we consider to be in our future. While Isaac Newton spent most his life studying the Bible for such messages, he had not computer and had to pursue this manually, and on his own. The advent of computers and worldwide communications toward these end-times, have stimulated much progress in disclosing the ‘hidden’ messages in scripture.

    Thanks for reminding us of the wisdom and truth in the Bible.

  13. Paxson, my heart goes out to you in the loss of your beloved doggy. He had a good, long life, but it is always too short for us who love them. They are such faithful friends, always understanding our feelings and never complaining. I know how painful it is to lose them. Take care, Friend.

  14. Are the Hawaii Newspaper “Birth Announcements” evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii?

  15. Paxson, I am sorry for your loss. Our furry friends accept us unconditionally and love unceasingly. They become a part of our family. Feeling the loss of your pet and grieving is just indicative of how much you loved and were loved. Keep the memories in your heart.

  16. 1 of 2


    “Intimacy Beyond Ecstasy”

    “It was December 1989, during the Christmas season. I fell fast asleep one night, about five to seven days before Christmas Eve. Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. Standing in front of me was the man I’d heard about as a little boy my entire life. I had heard about this man from my father and mother, and was taught that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day from the dead. He still was not truly real to me, only a religious opinion. He was just someone my parents told me about because of their religious beliefs. Then, out of nowhere, there He was standing in front of me, face-to-face. As He stood in front of me, His very presence exuded and emanated such gentleness; a pureness and kindness beyond this world. It was ecstasy! For the first time, I was standing in front of Jesus. My whole being felt Him. You can imagine the ecstasy I felt. It was a feeling of intense glory! It’s like wherever He stands… He fills the very atmosphere, air and molecules all around you. Even the atoms inside your very body and being respond to Him. It was total ecstasy, indescribable, blistering with ecstatic eruption! My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. The very atoms in my body made me feel like I was about to explode! Currents of electricity went through me!”

    “He Was All Glorious And Powerful”

    “Standing in front of me was an awesome man, handsome and perfect in stature. He was just a little taller than me about 6 feet or more, the perfect height of a normal man. As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy-brownish and parted at the top, coming over the sides of His face, down His shoulders in waves. The natural words of my vocabulary fail to describe how awesome He was then and how He is presently today! Jesus stood before me with eyes full of love and His face full of light and power. His eyes are so striking that when He looks at you, they penetrate through your very being, character and nature. When He looks at you with those eyes, He knows everything about you and nothing is hid from Him. His eyes are like an x-ray or a translucent ray of light. They penetrate and arrest you at the same time. Standing in front of me was Jesus, the King of Kings, but He stood there unassuming, just as common as a normal man. This was His humility and meekness I was seeing, but I didn’t understand it then.

    It wasn’t until years later that I understood what I was seeing in His character which He mentions about Himself in Matthew 11:29 when He said: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:”

    See This Information Here:

    And Here: http://www.joshuamediaministries.org/facetoface/more

  17. UPDATE – Why All This Confusion About What Natural Born Citizen Means? – Includes citations scrubbed from the Internet since this article was first published


  18. Mr. Wells,

    My comment at 2:55 pm is in moderation. Can you allow it through? Thank you so much!!!

  19. 2 of 2


    “Intimacy Beyond Ecstasy”


    “It wasn’t until years later that I understood what I was seeing in His character which He mentions about Himself in Matthew 11:29 when He said: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:”

    His humility was so shocking to me. At this point, He was no longer a distant person, who sat at the right hand of the throne beside God. He was real! He was alive! He was a man with a personality and He was standing in front of me!

    Wearing a beautiful flowing white robe stood the One I now love and I am telling you about. There He was, the One I had heard about growing up. He was so powerful, but yet gentle; so merciful, yet full of judgment; so meek and lowly, yet so silently bold. I was captivated by His love. The atmosphere was filled with electricity, but with a peace and a serenity beyond articulation. Who was I that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords would come and appear to me like this after I had lived such a riotous, worldly and sinful life? Years later, I wondered, for what reason would He come like this?

    My friend, who and what I am talking about is not just some religious myth, opinion or fairy-tale. He is more real than the very breath of air you’ve just taken, the clothes you feel on your body or this book you are holding in your hands reading this very second! I am talking about the most genuine person you will ever want to meet and I saw Him for the very first time eighteen years ago. He was nothing like the church has described Him or has even portrayed in this day. Even now, men and women everywhere, and in the church at large, have failed to describe Him to His fullest.”

    See This Information Here:

    And Here: http://www.joshuamediaministries.org/facetoface/more

  20. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Paxson – I am always reminded that when our dog dies, that “DOG” backwards is “GOD”. I found this poem to be very comforting – “The Rainbow Bridge”.


  21. SID ROTH with Daniel Kolenda
    March 5-11, 2012

    Daniel Kolenda has seen millions of people healed!! Get ready as Daniel unlocks the secrets of GODS’ Healings for us that can come to us by our faith in the MIGHTY AUTHORITY OF JESUS’ HOLY NAME. Our healings from GOD comes to us by our faith in the Almighty, Forever Living, & Infinite Power & Authority Of JESUS CHRIST THE LORDS’ Supernatural, Infinitely Powerful Words, Infinite Power, & Forever Living & Infinitely Powerful Promises to us!!


  22. Well, I DID send this very article to Drudge this morning and behold…..there it is now on Drudge….ha! Of course I couldn’t be the only one!! Too bad it’s not headline but it’s a pretty good one to get some notice:

    PRAVDA chides U.S. media for ignoring Sherrif Joe Arpaio investigation…


  23. Nation of Islam Newspaper Attacks ‘Minion of the Synagogue of Satan’ Glenn Beck for Farrakhan Comments: ‘We Will Not Allow Such Vicious Assaults’


  24. Expect anything different?:

    Jimmy Carter Says He Puts His Trust in Muslim Brotherhood… But Is Concerned About Israel (Video)


  25. If anyone would know about ancestry it would be the Mormons.
    Maybe Romney has a few connections that can get info on Obama.

    Ancestry.com Inc., formerly The Generations Network, is a publicly traded Internet company(NASDAQ: based in Provo, Utah, USA. The largest for-profit genealogy company in the world,[2] it operates a network of genealogical and historical record websites focused on the U.S. and nine foreign countries, develops and markets genealogical software, and offers a wide array of genealogical related services. As of December 2011, the company provided access to more than 8 billion records, 31 million family trees, and more than 1.7 million paying subscribers.[3]


    Infobases, Inc.

    Ancestry.com headquarters in Provo
    In 1990, Paul B. Allen (not to be confused with Microsoft cofounder Paul G. Allen) and Dan Taggart, two Brigham Young University graduates, founded Infobases and began offering Latter-day Saints (LDS) publications on floppy disks. Allen’s brother Curt and his brother-in-law Brad Pelo had founded Folio Corporation, where Paul Allen had worked in 1988. Infobases chose to use the Folio infobase technology which Allen was familiar with as the basis for their products.

    Why do Mormons do family history or genealogy work?

  26. Paxson, I am so sorry for your loss. Jerry will be in your heart and in your mind for days to come. Lily was with me for 13 years, one month, and one day, and I miss her terribly. Dogs have a way of endearing themselves because they are honest, sincere, and loyal. True little patriots, indeed.

  27. Bill G–Thanks for your imput on the Bible Code. Yes, Sir Isaac Newton spent his life looking for hidden codes in the Bible. It has always been part of Jewish tradition that God placed hidden codes in the Bible. Jesus (Yeshua) as Messiah is in the Code. One of the most impressvie places, at an equidistant skip of 45 is Psalm 22: “Yeshua Mashiach” it plainly states. That is the Pslam he eluded to on the cross, that begins with, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.” The plain text of Pslam 22 relates to his suffering. But as you pointed out, one needs a computer to discover the encryptions. And when information is found in a compact area, the question is how to read or interpret it?. After the fact it is obvious, but what about before the fact?

    As to Obama in the Code, the word “ANTI-ChRISTO” (skip 12018) goes through and is compact with ” ‘OBAMA” (skip 19) with a matrix of 6006. This is in the Torah, the Five Books of Moses.
    Hebrew spellings: ANTI-ChRISTO (alef,nun,tav,yod,khet,resh,yod,sin,tav,vav)
    ‘OBAMA (alef,vav,bet,alef,mem,alef)

    So what does that mean? Obama is in some way connected with, related to, associated with the person or work of the Anti-Christ? The letters spelling “Anti-Christo” come up at a very remote probability to begin with. At some point I have faith it will become clear what this may mean. Perhaps he is “an anti-Christ,” not necessarily “the Anti-Christ?”

    But returning to his identity, in one place, in the book of Numbers, Obama is identified as the 44th President, born in Hawaii, a Muslim, “name of father, Little” “and Malcolm.” It is encrypted “ed le-ha-emet mot,” “witness to the truth dead,” in this same area exactly on the matrix. In Genesis it is encrypted “President 45 JOE” and “VP (Hebrew Sar) Biden.”

    The problem concerns timing. When? Or is this just a possibility? Perhaps the Code takes into consideration all possibilities? Whatever the case, maybe the Bible Code is given to help us see through the lies in our time? That is why the strong indication that Obama is the son of Malcolm X might be worth investigating?

  28. Paxson | March 10, 2012 at 1:16 pm |

    Paxon, sorry for your loss. We lost one of our four precious friends two years ago. He was eight years old. We cried for two weeks and still miss him dearly. I am welling-up just thinking about it now. He was a rare stallion. Momma dog is 12 now. She is so funny. Anytime she wakes up or we have been away for an hour or so, she always greets us with a big smile. Over the years she has found that that works at the dinner table, as well. She is my constant shadow and has been sleeping with us since she was a pup. She had a litter of 10 when she was two years old. I built a birthing box for her, but she wouldn’t have it. So I took a shower curtain and a sheet and placed it on our bed. She birthed 9 of them, then got up, went outside and took care of business and came back. About a half hour later she gave birth to our dear stallion. He weighed exactly twice as much as any of the others. Throughout his eight years with us, he always got the first smile from momma dog. It always annoyed the big lug, because she showered him with kisses as well.

    All dogs go to Heaven.

  29. Paxson | March 10, 2012 at 1:16 pm |

    My dog and friend, Jerry, died this morning. He was 16 and I thought I was prepared. The Lord gave us dogs as faithful companions who will stand by us through thick and thin. I am very sad today but thank God for giving me such a good companion.
    We had to put my Austrailian Shepperd down 6 years ago. She had cancer. She was only 8 at the time. It was the hardest thing my husband and I ever had to do. I have never seen my husband cry so hard. Today is her birthday. I never forget every year. I still miss her. Dogs really are man’s best friend. They love you unconditionally and are so loyal. So sorry for your loss Paxson.

  30. Paxson,
    And everyone who shared stories…..it’s the hardest thing ever. We lost our three legged lab (lost his leg to cancer) a few weeks ago. Monday, our other dog (blind lab) goes in for cataract surgery. He will see again! I am more excited for that than anything else right now. We love them for what they are – our truest of friends. The Rainbow Bridge poem is now saved in my favorites. I cried when I read it.

  31. And apparently dogs even love angry conservatives. Thank God.

  32. Thank you all for your kind and comforting words. It has been a sad day in my home.

  33. Sorry for your loss Paxson…

  34. So sorry you lost Jerry, Paxson. You are truly loved here at CW’s , judging by all the kindness here. God bless you. Don’t be a stranger.

    Katie, so sorry for your loss also. Hope all goes well with your lab. Our pets seem to be ever loving and faithful. Never judgmental. Reminds me of someone….


    Alex Jones
    March 10, 2012

    “The impeachment of war criminal Barack Obama has begun but the globalist controlled traitor media is blacking this huge news out.”


    Media Cover-up Of Obama Impeachment Exposed!

  36. Obama Impeachment Resolution Submitted by Congressman Walter Jones Impeach Violation Libya



    Paul Joseph Watson
    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    “Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s testimony asserting that the United Nations and NATO have supreme authority over the actions of the United States military, words which effectively declare Congress a ceremonial relic, have prompted Congressman Walter Jones to introduce a resolution that re-affirms such behavior as an “impeachable high crime and misdemeanor” under the Constitution.


    In an effort to re-affirm the fact that “the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution,” Republican Congressman Walter Jones has introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives.

    The full text reads:

    Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

    Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it:

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”

    Under the terms of Jones’ resolution, both Panetta and Obama would be subject to impeachment for abusing their power and violating the Constitution in disregarding the authority of Congress and placing a foreign power above its jurisdiction.

    Despite the Pentagon’s efforts to claim that Panetta’s words were misinterpreted, the Obama administration itself has routinely cited the authority of the United Nations in relation to last year’s invasion of Libya, which was conducted without approval from Congress.

    In June last year, President Obama arrogantly expressed his hostility to the rule of law when he dismissed the need to get congressional authorization to commit the United States to a military intervention in Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism and remarking, “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question.”

    Obama tried to legitimize his failure to obtain Congressional approval for military involvement by sending a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner in which he said the military assault was “authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council.”

    In boldly asserting the authority of international powers over and above the legislative branch, Panetta and Obama are openly declaring that they no longer represent the American people and instead are water carriers for a global dictatorship that has usurped the sovereignty of the United States.”

    See The Entire Article Here:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Obama Admin Cites ‘Int’l Permission,’ Not Congress, As ‘Legal Basis’ For Action In Syria

    Uploaded by Senator Sessions on Mar 7, 2012

    “WASHINGTON, March 7—Under question from Sen. Sessions at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing today, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey indicated that “international permission,” rather than Congressional approval, provided a ‘legal basis’ for military action by the United States.”

  38. Paxton –
    We love our pets because they are somehow like ourselves, only with more innocence and trust.
    I know how much it hurts to say goodbye and how hard this must be for you now. Remember the happy memories you shared.

    ( from my online American Greetings subscription – didn’t have your email to send the card to you so I will send you the sentiments here at CW )

  39. Pravda does good work again….pretty good summation for the general public to comprehend:


  40. Paxson,

    Please check your e-mail; I sent you a new adaptation of the Rainbow Bridge set to lovely music:


    With deepest sympathy on the loss of your friend, Jerry.

  41. Paxson,
    I am deeply sorry for your loss.


  42. Paxton,
    We had to put down our dog of 15 1/2 years 3 days after my giving birth to our last child. Just the hardest thing to do. I cried everyday for 6 months. I have not been able to put myself out there to get another. He was just so special. I felt as if I could not love another as much. My heart aches for you and your family.

  43. Interested Bystander


    Sorry to hear about Jerry.

    We all have heartbreaking stories about our beloved pets that we have lost.

    Just remember you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.


    You will never be able to love a new pet LIKE you did a lost pet, but you will learn to love them as much, it will just be “different”.

    There’s a little puppy or kitten who NEEDS you as much as you need them. When the time comes and you cross paths with this new loved one, you will know.

  44. It was a great day for Ron Paul and LIBERTY LOVERS in Nevada today……the Smith’s are all delegates to the STATE convention and we just took over the Republican Party in Clark County!!! Please share this info….

    Paul supporters seize control of Clark County GOP party
    By Laura Myers
    Posted: Mar. 10, 2012 | 10:48 a.m.

    Supporters of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul on Saturday effectively took control of the Clark County Republican Party by winning election to 14 executive board positions, or two-thirds of the ruling body.

    Info continues here……


  45. Paxon, my heart goes out to you.

  46. Friend’s comment on Mittens: Pretty funny…

    He’s like the nerd in high school that goes from group to group trying to fit in with everyone. This would be Romney in High school: Monday hanging with the goth kids “I’m like sooooo morose today I could just die.” Tuesday hangin with the nerds “My life is over. I got a B on that math test.” Wednesday with the metalheads “can’t wait for that Megadeath concert.” Thursday with black kids “what up hommies? “. Friday with the jocks “yeah, can’t wait to pummel those guys this weekend and score some cheereleaders!” Saturday with a hot chic ” I’m soooo in touch with the inner beauty & suffering of women. I just want to hold you.” Sunday in church “Dear God, please let one of these personalities get me elected president of the USA one day.”

  47. Paxon, sincere sympathy for you and yours in losing your precious Jerry.
    Hope it won’t be too long before your grief subsides and happy memories ease your sadness. G B Y

  48. IB

    Thanks for your very thoughtful words…..We shall see what the future brings. 🙂

  49. Sorry, Paxson. I know how much it can hurt – over the years, I’ve had to say goodbye to many pets (friends).

  50. Paxson,
    October 9, 1996—November 10, 2009

    Looking past my glistening tears
    And pondering the happy years
    When God allowed this tiny face
    To occupy my quiet space,
    Where in my soul right from the start
    Lily grew into my heart.

    The loyalty that knew no end
    Came only from my furry friend
    Who sensed my every mood and whim
    And did her best to comprehend,
    And ever constant at my side
    In hope and love we did abide.

    When Life had turned its back on me
    She understood so comfortably
    That I had nowhere else to turn,
    My every fear was her concern.
    Despite her slightly, smaller size
    She kept her post with watchful eyes.

    Fierce and brave, and meek and mild,
    My heart aches for my sleeping child.
    But, God has called my angel home
    Where greener meadows she will roam
    And I am just a memory
    Of places where she used to be.

    Though God has seen for us to part,
    He lets me keep her in my heart.
    The little face will haunt me still
    Each passing day I grieve until
    My time on Earth comes to an end
    And by God’s grace, we’ll meet again.

    Thornton Parsons

    Email: rcrobbiecody1@gmail.com



    ARDC Lawyer Search Results from the ARDC database last updated as of March 9, 2012 at 1:11:24 PM: for the following terms: Last Name: obama, status: All, Country: all
    Name Date Admitted City State Authorized to Practice?
    Barack Hussein Obama December 17, 1991 N/A N/A No
    Michelle Obama
    Former name(s):
    Michelle Robinson May 12, 1989 N/A N/A No
    Address information is not available online for retired judges or lawyers who are retired, inactive, deceased or who never registered with ARDC, due to privacy considerations or because ARDC never received those addresses. For those lawyers, “N/A” is displayed above to indicate that the city and state information is not available online. Click on the name of a lawyer to obtain more detailed information regarding the lawyer, including registration status, registered business address and telephone number if available, and any public disciplinary or disability history.


  52. NEW UPDATE 9/30/11
    The Manning Report at http://www.atlah.org
    is an expose by a black preacher of the obamas. He says Michelle was forced to give up her license
    ($394,000 missing from Cook County
    Hospital where she worked) in exchange for no criminal sentencing. He also says the male obama is a fraud.
    WHY do you people think ‘obama’ sealed all his Illinois state bar exam results and records of what he did while he was in Illinois???????????????Can you get some reality??????????
    And why do you think he has spent MILLIONS of dollars sealing ALL records???Please open your eyes and wake up America? Or do you really want a communist muslim destroying your country?”

    The above is what I read on the net more then a year ago..


    Back in the Bad Old Days They Had Two Words for This – “Ni**er Rich!!!!” Oh Em I Gonna Catch Hell for This One

    read more below


  53. Larry Klayman on a Quest to Find a Judge Who Can Save America

    On The Steady Drip


    Paul Joseph Watson
    Prison Planet.com
    Wednesday, April 1, 2009

    “World Bank President and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick openly admitted the plan to eliminate national sovereignty and impose a global government during a speech on the eve of the G20 summit.”


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Andrew G. Marshall
    Global Research
    April 9, 2009

    “Following the 2009 G20 summit, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.”

    SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global “quantitative easing”. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.”

    The article continued in stating that, “There is now a world currency in waiting. In time, SDRs are likely to evolve into a parking place for the foreign holdings of central banks, led by the People’s Bank of China.” Further, “The creation of a Financial Stability Board looks like the first step towards a global financial regulator,” or, in other words, a global central bank.”


  55. Obama Calls Putin to Congratulate Him on Victory

    BTW, this was widely reported to be a stolen election. Someone not long ago posted a comment here which was flattering to Putin, as though he is a good guy, but the truth is he hates America and is an enemy to freedom.


  56. Just saw this on prisonplanet.com

    “Impeachment proceedings begin in the House”

    “Will A Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable For High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

    Impeachment proceedings begin in the House and the Senate over Obama’s brazen use of aggressive military force without congressional authority.

    Eric Blair
    March 11, 2012

    Since 2005, Veterans for Peace and others have been calling for the impeachment of the sitting president for war crimes. After their demands to lawmakers to uphold the rule of law against Bush were largely ignored, they renewed their effort to impeach Obama once he continued to bomb sovereign nations without congressional approval. Now, lawmakers seem to have finally decided to take the rule of law and Separation of Powers seriously.

    Obama will face impeachment over his failure to seek congressional authorization before launching offensive military action in Libya last year. Official impeachment proceedings have now been filed in both the House and Senate.

    Last week, North Carolina Representative Walter Jones filed an Impeachment Resolution in the House H.CON.RES.107.IH stating “Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”

    “Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution:

    Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”

    President Barack Obama becomes only the third sitting president to face impeachment following Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Johnson was impeached for illegally dismissing an office holder without the Senate’s approval, and Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. Both were acquitted by the Senate.”




    I didn’t expect the Klayman story to break so early so now this INSIDERS REPORT is on the blog
    Larry Klayman on a Quest to Find a Judge Who Can Save America


    Bradlee Dean
    Published: March 1, 2012


    “President Andrew Jackson said, “The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests.” And these are the principles that keep us united.

    The University of Houston political science professors searched to find where the Founding Fathers chose their ideas:

    * They assembled 15,000 writings from the era of the founders.
    * They researched for 10 years, isolated 3,154 direct quotes and identified the source of the quotes:
    * 8.3 percent were quotes from Baron Charles de Montesquieu;
    * 7.9 percent were quotes from Sir William Blackstone;
    * 2.9 percent were from John Locke;
    * 34 percent of their quotes came directly from the Bible – and when researching where Montesquieu, Blackstone and Locke got their ideas, they found that theirs came from the Bible as well.

    Here is the correlation between the Constitution and the Bible concerning America’s Christian heritage:

    * Separation of powers: Jeremiah 17:9
    * Immigration laws: Leviticus 19:34
    * President must be natural born citizen: Deuteronomy 17:15
    * Witness and capital punishment: Deuteronomy 17:6
    * Three branches of government: Isaiah 33:22
    * Tax exemptions for churches: Ezra 7:24
    * Republicanism: Exodus 18:21

    Watch the undisputable symbolism of America’s Christian Heritage below:”

    “Undisputable! America’s Christian Heritage!!!!!!!”

    “Watch the prayer that literally rocked the Capitol as Bradlee lays out our foundation to the Minnesota State Legislature:”

    “The Prayer that Rocked the Capitol NOW AVAILABLE!!!!!!!”

    See The Entire Article Here: http://www.wnd.com/wnd_video/americas-undisputedly-christian-heritage/

  59. Some facts to pass far and wide….

    Ron Paul has 9 Second Place finishes
    at 01:30 Posted by Vatic Master
    Vatic Note: I can’t believe it, they actually messed with this one. Not the alien ones we put up, but this one. I guess they don’t want you to know that Ron Paul is actually solidly in this race. Nor that he could and would, according to polls, beat Obama. Hows that for censorship??? Well, keep watching and following. The man is rising even better than he did in 2008. I want him to go third party if there is any bogusing up of the elections. Any at all. That would pay back the GOP neocon operatives for messing with our ability to determine our own leaders.

    Ron Paul has 9 Second Place finishes


  60. Cabby – AZ | March 11, 2012 at 2:37 pm |

    Obama Calls Putin to Congratulate Him on Victory

    BTW, this was widely reported to be a stolen election. Someone not long ago posted a comment here which was flattering to Putin, as though he is a good guy, but the truth is he hates America and is an enemy to freedom.


    You are so MISINFORMED Cabby…..Putin is ONE of the good guys trying to prevent WWIII and is trying to STOP the NWO from taking over the world….please STOP regurgitating the MEDIA WHORE bias which is controlled by the NWO Zionist and our very own MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!! The election wasn’t stolen and the NWO tried to assassinate him after their ploy to steal the elections from him didn’t work out!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!

  61. Reese | March 11, 2012 at 2:52 pm |
    Here is the Bill calling for impeachment of Barack Obama. Can I believe what my eyes are seeing? Please pray for Rep Walter Jones, NC.
    North Carolina? CW, That’s your state, isn’t it?


    Bill Text
    112th Congress (2011-2012)

    H.CON.RES.107 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high… (Introduced in House – IH)

    HCON 107 IH
    112th CONGRESS
    2d Session
    H. CON. RES. 107

    Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

    March 7, 2012

    Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


    Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

    Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

  62. paxson,
    Sorry to hear about your dog. I know it’s hard you’ll always have the memories though. I’m dreading when my 13 year old basset goes, i spoil her quite a bit these days.

  63. citizenwells


  64. I think it would be good if Congressman Jones was in touch with Senator Sessions. The Senator’s questioning of Panetta was quite forceful. Now if Issa pulled down Holder we might actually see our country recover.

  65. I hope everyone listens to this…..Dr. Paul is the ONLY candidate fighting to STOP all this tyranny……..

    FBI Director Can’t Answer Basic Question About Due Process

  66. Thank goodness, RP is getting no where. The anti-Semite is not catching fire, In my opinion, is hardly getting delegates, and is not winning the caucuses that he boasted he could win. People see RP for what he is; a libertarian who has a far left liberal social agenda who says he is a Republican for political expediency. Shame on him. It is the Fed! Rush RP his meds!

  67. Ron Paul is a likeable, eccentric grandpa or uncle that is part of most families. His supporters are evi, wicked, mean, and nasty. RP’s supporters remind me of Obots in their style. Both Obama and RP have youthful supporteres. Do you suppose that accounts for their incivility?

  68. Paxson, There’s something especially heart wrenching when the innocent pass on. “Bless The Beasts and the Children”, as the song goes…

  69. Pingback: Rhino Times publishing ends after 21 years, Rhinoceros Times donations, Truth in print in NC, John Hammer printed truth about Obama and local officials | Citizen WElls

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