FEC audit reveals Obama for America failed to file notice of nearly 2 million dollars in contributions in 2008, 1312 contributions, Prohibited sources?

FEC audit reveals Obama for America failed to file notice of nearly 2 million dollars in contributions in 2008, 1312 contributions, Prohibited sources?

“Why did Obama employ Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie, to request an advisory opinion on FEC matching funds that he was not eligible for?”…Citizen Wells

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”…Abraham Lincoln

From the FEC April 19, 2012.

Weekly Digest

Week of April 16 – 20

“Final Audit Report on Obama for America. On April 19, the Commission made public the Final Audit Report of the Commission on Obama for America (OFA) covering campaign finance activity between January 16, 2007 and December 31, 2008. The Commission approved a finding that OFA failed to file required 48-hour notices totaling $1,972,266 received in 2008.”


From the audit.

“Final Audit Report of the
Commission on
Obama for America
(January 16, 2007 – December 31, 2008)”

“Part I
Authority for Audit

This report is based on an audit of Obama for America (OFA), undertaken by the Audit Division ofthe Federal Election Commission (the Commission) in accordance with the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the Act). The Audit Division conducted the audit pursuant to 2 U.S.C. §438(b), which permits the Commission to conduct audits and field investigations of any political committee that is required to file a report imder 2 U.S.C. §434. Prior to conducting any audit under this subsection, the Commission must perform an intemal review of reports filed by selected committees to determine if the reports filed by a particular committee meet the threshold requirements
for substantial compliance with the Act. 2 U.S.C. §438(b).

Scope of Audit

Following Commission-approved procedures, the Audit staff evaluated various risk factors and as a result, this audit examined:
1. the receipt of excessive contributions;
2. the receipt of contributions from prohibited sources;
3. the disclosure of contributions received;
4. the disclosure of individual contributors’ occupation and name of employer;
5. the consistency between reported figures and bank records;
6. the completeness of records; and
7. other committee operations necessary to the review.

Audit Hearing

Obama for America declined the opportunity for an audit hearing before the Commission on the matter presented in this report.”

“• Treasurer During Period Covered by Audit Robert R. Bauer January 16,2007 – May 9,2007, Martin H. Nesbit May 10,2007 – Present”

“Part III


Commission Finding

Failure to File 48-Hour Notices
Based on audit fieldwork, OFA did not file required 48-hour notices for 1,312
contributions, totaling $1,972,266, that were received prior to the general election. OFA provided no further information regarding this matter in response to the Interim Audit.

Report recommendation.

The Commission approved a finding that OFA failed to file required 48-hour notices in 2008. (For more detail, see page 4)”

“Facts and Analysis

A. Facts

During fieldwork. Audit staff compared OFA’s 48-hour notices with contributions of $1,000 or more that had been reported as received during the 48-hour notice filing period.’ This review identified 1,312 contributions, totaling $1,972,266, for which OFA failed to file the required notices. A majority of the missing 48-hour notices arose from a transfer reported on October 24,2008 from the Obama Victory Fund (OVF), a joint fundraising committee composed of OFA and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). In order to verify whether the contributions in question had been received between October 16 and October 23, Audit staff traced contributions attributed to the October 24 transfer to the disclosure reports filed by OVF.”

“Commission Conclusion

On March 8,2012, the Commission considered the Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum, in which the Audit Division recommended that the Commission adopt a finding that OFA failed to file required 48-hour notices in 2008.
The Commission approved the Audit staffs recommendation.”


105 responses to “FEC audit reveals Obama for America failed to file notice of nearly 2 million dollars in contributions in 2008, 1312 contributions, Prohibited sources?

  1. Well, we all knew it ourselves….can’t believe that there is actually real documentation that isn’t kept hidden from the public.
    Classified Colonial-Era Files of Obama’s Kenyan Father Being Released by British Government


  2. Rules and laws don’t apply to democrats, only to all others.

  3. “Obama Campaign Contribution Fraud Continues: Donor Adolf Hitler, 123 Nuremburg Way, Berlin, Germany”

    “Back in 2008, I broke numerous campaign stories on the millions of dollars in illegal contributions that Obama received. It was meticuloulsy documented in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America. Also, check out my article in The American Thinker, “Obama’s Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes.” It was feckless, reckless and lawless. Worse, Obama got away with it. All of it.

    Atlas broke the story of tens of thousands of dollars coming in from Hamas-controlled Gaza, millions coming in from Muslim countries, and imaginary Obama contributors: “Good Will,” “Loving you,” “Doo da DooDa” and gibberish donors ….”

    “Obama Donations – Anyone, Anywhere”

    “The Obama campaign does not have the universal 3-digit security code feature for credit card transactions on their website. It appears that anyone, anywhere can donate to President Obama’s re-election campaign, all you need is a credit card number. Watch me put Obama’s donation system, as well as his opponents, to the test.”

  4. CA Coroner Rules That Breitbart Died of Heart Failure


  5. >>Bob Strauss: Rules and laws don’t apply to democrats, only to all others.<<<<

    That is exactly what I have been typing for 4 years now. We are the 'little people' that just don't matter and can be crushed under the liberal jackboot anytime they feel we get in the way of the agenda. Agenda and Party before Country and Constitution. They are an evil and treasonous lot. Expect no help from the lawyers/ACLU or the Justice department, and expect no law enforcement from the Executive branch, unless your not liberal.


  6. Cabby and CW,

    OK, the Coroner’s results are in.

    We’ll be getting busy with this the first of the week ;).

  7. Gordo

    I jotted down some of the contributions that the Obama campaign was getting in ’08 and I threw away all but one and when you had ‘Loving you’ …brought back what I had saved. If I remember right I saw where it was donated three times.
    employer: Loving
    Profession: You

    Gave $17,375

    Austin, TX

  8. @ Cabbyaz…….NO, I will NOT vote for a Romney/Rubio ticket, for obvious reasons. Not only is he (Rubio) ineligible, but I truly respected his conservative stance until he came out against AZ over their immigration policies. He’s history as far as I’m concerned.

    @ Gordo, I cannot get the video you placed in here to play (re: 8:54 post). Is anyone else having problems with this.? I’ve been having some major issues with my computer, so maybe it’s just me.

  9. A Crazy Old Coot | April 20, 2012 at 8:53 pm |

    So, to get my thoughts stright, if Mr. obama writes a letter to the editor of a newspaper, it would not be an official communiction. Is that correct? Because the WH site would be the same as a letter to the editor of a newspaper. In other words, the only official communication from the WH would be at a state of the union address or a joint session of congress.

    Therefore anything can be placed on a blog and it would not be official. Would that include threats? On a blog they would not be official, so how can anyone be held responsible for a threat on a blog?

    You are correct. Nothing Obama says is official communication because he is illegal. Criminals do what criminals do. They twist everything. Everything is heresay. “Well, I didn’t say it in a Union speech so therefore it’s not official”. There’s a thing called intent, something that must be lost in the courts, lost in cyberspace, and lost in the hearts of the American people. Well, those who are not Patriots. Is this something new? Hardly. This has been going on for countless generations. The real difference is our nation has lost touch with history and its identity.

    That being said, it is doubtful anything comes of this. CONgress is spineless. The Pentagon is complicit. Our FBI is gutless. And our Secret Service? What are they doing? Their duty to protect known criminals, thugs, and thieves?? The complicit behavior of this group of pirates is mind boggling. If you were to step off a plane at Dulles, take a cab to D.C. and sit in the mall for 1 hour, you would see it’s a totally different world devoid of reality. Washington is in its own orbit circling the planet of ME-ME-ME.

  10. thistle | April 21, 2012 at 12:22 am —

    “… I cannot get the video you placed in here to play (re: 8:54 post).”
    Try left-clicking on ‘YouTube’ in the lower-right corner.

  11. >>Bob Strauss: Rules and laws don’t apply to democrats, only to all others.<<<<

    They also don't apply to the Republicans complacent in the biggest fraud ever committed in the History of the United States….

    They all know and all took part….. That is simply unforgivable by me. Yes, they place political careers above the Constitution (including Ron Paul) the Rule of Law and We the People.



    By Monte Kuligowski
    American Thinker
    Friday, April 20, 2012


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  13. Philo-Publius

    Carry over from previous thread which was left in moderation


  14. Police drones that will see into your house coming soon – Judge Napolitano

  15. I am not voting FOR anyone I am voting AGAINST Obama.

  16. In late 2008 two Chicago attorneys filed a complaint with the FEC,and the DOJ regarding certain innappropriate campaign fund activities being practiced by the Soetoro campaign. Namely there was a HUGE sum of money which came to a Chicago bank from an offshore bank. The money was for the Soetoro campaign,and was found to have been sent by Nadhmi Auchi who is an Iraqi billionaire living in England. The money was broken into thousands of tiny amounts ($200.00)each and then placed in the Soetoro SMALL CONTRIBUTIONS FUND, by Soetoro’s Pakistani buddy who he hired to manage the fund. Contributer names was assigned to each contribution but the names were taken at random from a multitude of out of state telephone directories. Tough to prove! Not really. The complaints were NEVER acted upon by either the FEC or the DOJ. I would be remiss if I dinn’t think that they were contacted and SILENCED with threats.

  17. Hey CW my 10:43 AM comment is in moderation can you press the DEMODERATION BUTTON? No bad words or anything! Thanx

  18. After reading the reasons why the motion to remand was denied seems to suggest that the Judge feels that the Constitution somehow “MISSES THE MARK”. Does that sort of logic say anything about the JUDGE?

  19. JeffM | April 21, 2012 at 12:23 am |

    You are correct. Nothing Obama says is official communication because he is illegal. Criminals do what criminals do. They twist everything. Everything is heresay. “Well, I didn’t say it in a Union speech so therefore it’s not official”. There’s a thing called intent, something that must be lost in the courts, lost in cyberspace, and lost in the hearts of the American people. Well, those who are not Patriots. Is this something new? Hardly. This has been going on for countless generations. The real difference is our nation has lost touch with history and its identity.

    That being said, it is doubtful anything comes of this. CONgress is spineless. The Pentagon is complicit. Our FBI is gutless. And our Secret Service? What are they doing? Their duty to protect known criminals, thugs, and thieves?? …
    No one is a criminal, let alone a “known” one, who has neither been charged by the state of committing a crime, nor been convicted, by a court of law, of that crime.

    All of the federal agencies / departments you listed are in the Executive branch of government. Their boss is the President. However, co-equal with that branch is the Legislative branch.

    I find that reasonable people are amenable to hearing facts, sans hyperbole. No one, perhaps especially elected officials, whether federal or state; wants to appear a fool.

  20. Hint: another way to identify ‘suspicious’ FEC filings is to look at the cents column. Ever notice those odd amounts in the 2008 contributions to the Obama campaign? That may have reflected the differences in foreign exchange rates.


    [videos at link]

    Penbrook Johannson:

    “According to Nazi lie master, Joseph Goebbels, the ingredients required for a recipe of tyranny and violence are a political liar, an abettor and a compliant authority unwilling to stop both.

    The Nazis could not do it any better.”


  22. William | April 21, 2012 at 2:42 am |

    >>Bob Strauss: Rules and laws don’t apply to democrats, only to all others.<<<<

    They also don't apply to the Republicans complacent in the biggest fraud ever committed in the History of the United States….

    They all know and all took part….. That is simply unforgivable by me. Yes, they place political careers above the Constitution (including Ron Paul) the Rule of Law and We the People.
    It truly is surreal, and totally outside the bounds of the Constitution, for the entire Washington DC establishment to do what they have done. They may have been fooled by Obama and his lies to get elected, but if the FBI and the Secret Service had been doing their jobs, they would have known where Obama came from long before 2008, and they should have known if he was a foreigner, and still nothing was done.

    For these elites, it is hard for them to admit they made a mistake on a matter as important as electing a foreigner as President, for they would all be admitting to gross ignorance, and dereliction of duty, something they will not do. If they must be forced to do their duty, then they are traitors.

    At any rate, these bastards have been caught at their game, and certain Constitutional precedents must be upheld, especially the natural born Citizen requirement to be President. This must be litigated.

  23. >>>>>JBJD,
    No one is a criminal, let alone a “known” one, who has neither been charged by the state of committing a crime, nor been convicted, by a court of law, of that crime.<<<<

    Once again from the mouths of babes, and from this blog just under your post from Gordo:
    “According to Nazi lie master, Joseph Goebbels, the ingredients required for a recipe of tyranny and violence are a political liar, an abettor and a compliant authority unwilling to stop both."

    By your logic, Adolf Hitler and friends NEVER committed a crime in Nazi Germany because they were never charged by the Nazi State, nor convicted by a court of law in Nazi Germany, of any crime (I still don't Hitler has been charged or convicted). I don't think Stalin or Mao were charged or convicted. I say you have flawed logic. Communist Socialist (Stalin/Mao), Fascist Socialist(Hitler, Mussolini), Democratic Socialist (Obama), it's all the same.


  24. Pete,
    They always have an excuse, for why it doesn’t apply to them.

  25. A Crazy Old Coot

    Philo-Publius | April 21, 2012 at 7:45 am
    Carry over from previous thread which was left in moderation


    Can someone explain what this means. I tried to read the order and got lost.
    Crazy ole coot

  26. Old coot…………
    Remand means essentially to order a new trial.

  27. Hey Pete……………
    Good ole Adolf never committed any crimes. Since NOBODY ever charged him with a crime. Isn’t that great logic?

  28. A Crazy Old Coot

    Thanks OldSalt. Does that mean that it will be tried in obama’s federal court where no one has standing?

  29. Whistleblower

    Cover-up continues
    The Chicago Gulag discredits “CI2”


  30. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    We will probably read someday that CI2 died accidentally by backing into a knife 12 times!

  31. Every lawsuit against the usurper is going to end up at SCOTUS, it is a given.

  32. jacqlynsmith

    Everyone needs to hear this message and then forward it……ASAP…

    Special Interests…EXPOSED!!!


  33. oldsalt79 | April 21, 2012 at 2:52 pm |
    Hey Pete……………
    Good ole Adolf never committed any crimes. Since NOBODY ever charged him with a crime. Isn’t that great logic?
    Thanks, Old Salt and Pete. “Isn’t that great logic?” It’s the kind of logic that emanates from anyone who gets so immersed in the letter of the law that they can’t see the forest for the trees. It is making me very weary and a tad provoked.
    When folks are living under a dictatorship, all means of justice are controlled by the dictator, and wrongdoers are hardly ever punished. The ones who endure punishment in that situation are those who resist the tyranny. Somehow there is a great disconnect here in the rationale of certain legal eagles.

  34. Whistleblower; Frawley has had “mental health issues” sense he was 5 years old, the feds probably didn’t figure out just how mental he was until later. Frawley has beaten people up randomly on the street, his tenants, cab drivers, even other park goers at ball games, he has staulked numerous old girl friends for years on end, he was kicked out of a health club after stating that he urinated in the hot tub and the “XXXX” were bathing in his urin. He likes to forge letters and documents even diplomas to fit his agenda. I could go on for day’s about his vulgar violent behaviour but needless to say the U.S. Attorney’s office could NEVER put him on the stand, he makes Stuart Levine look like a prince. The Judge who signed off on the “Frawley vs. Weaver” file is his cousins brother-in-law and new best friend who have recently teamed up together as co-horts.

  35. Oh and Whistleblower; the only ones in danger were the public never Frawley. The feds don’t want you to know they let loose a violent psychotic to do their bidding.

  36. Now we are entering silly territory.

    I am at the point where, having established that the only way to address the President’s Constitutional eligibility for office is through state (election) laws; that according to fact and law, any images of President Obama’s birth certificate are part of a paid political announcement; and that, at least in TX, the only basis for swearing to Mr. Obama’s federal qualification to appear on the ballot is his application, I am working with Texans to alter those election laws. On the other hand, you are arguing that my objection to your calling a legally elected President, whether Constitutionally eligible, a “known criminal”; is tantamount to arguing that the deceased member of a group subsequently charged with war crimes, cannot be called a criminal.

    Yes; silly time. Four years of arguing and, meanwhile, no election laws changed in your state so as to prevent the President’s re-election, even though I have been telling you for 4 years now, how to write those laws.

  37. cabbyaz | April 21, 2012 at 5:01 pm |
    “Thanks, Old Salt and Pete. “Isn’t that great logic?” It’s the kind of logic that emanates from anyone who gets so immersed in the letter of the law that they can’t see the forest for the trees. It is making me very weary and a tad provoked.”
    Very good comment, Cabby. Lawyers took the Ten Commandments and turned them literally into hundreds. Then others turned them into thousands upon thousands, to the point where you can’t turn on a light, flush your toilet, take a shower, plant a garden, raise animals… much less get a decent job, without government control. “The letter kills (literally kills), but the SPIRIT gives LIFE! My prayer is that we have a spiritual awakening in this country. And I actually see that happening in my little part of the world. I am encouraged.

  38. Reported on TV, preparing papers to hold Holder in contempt of congress.

  39. “The Land Of “PRESUMPTIONS”: Living A Life Of Mistaken Identity As A
    “Foreign Government Agent”
    “How Your Unsuspecting Mother Helped Overthrow America”

    Folks, you better watch this seminar by Dean Clifford in Canada

    I’ve been studying this a long time, and this is the BEST seminar I’ve ever seen on explaining the con and how to inform others.

    Forget the UCC-1 crap; forget the “I’m a free man on the land” crap; forget the patriot paperwork, it’s a distraction. Once you watch this seminar, you’ll have an OH-CHIT moment and will have finally figured out the “presumptions con” they’re operating off of.

    They can tax the “name” on the b.certificate, because you have assumed that identity. They can NOT tax the “real” you that understands your Constitution is still in full force and effect.

    When you send in that 1040 every year, you are admitting under penalty of perjury that all your money you made that year, you made performing functions of gov’t, or operating in that capacity.

    Part 1 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2pMJyIikCk&feature=relmfu
    Part 2 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvKu2UNHQpA&feature=fvwrel
    Part 3 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xLzKRdsNLU&feature=related

    If you know what’s really going on though, they can’t “prove” you were operating as a gov’t employee while you made any money they are “presuming” you owe in taxes.

    Absolutely the best, most informative seminar I’ve seen to date!

    God Bless.

    ‘I will stand for the Lord, regardless of what my state tells me’


  41. SueQ | April 21, 2012 at 5:52 pm |

    I would add that ” The Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.” Romans 7:12, but it has been perverted.

  42. I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but I do know when a fraud has been committed. Obama, and the people who put him in office, have committed fraud against the American people and that is a felony crime.

    To say the only way we have to rid our selves of this Obama plague is to rewrite state election laws, or vote him out of office in November, is nonsense. Each state’s election laws MUST conform to the United States Constitution…seems like the election laws we have had for over 230 years have worked just fine until Bozo came on the scene.

    Our US Constitution, Article II, Section I, Clause 5, places only three requirements on a person to be the President and Vice-President. These requirements are the same for both offices, for obvious reasons.The person(s) desiring to hold these offices MUST be a “natural born citizen” (not native born), they must be thirty five years of age or older, and they have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

    The language of these Constitution requirements are clear and simple.

    It is NOT a duty, or requirement for the citizen to prove a candidate meets these requirements, It is a REQUIREMENT of the candidate to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt he or/ she meets the requirements for office before their name is placed upon a ballot.

    Anything less that this is simply FRAUD and those who violate this law should be required to pay for their transgressions.

    For almost four years, the American people have played these “word games” and word-smithing about who is, or is not at fault for allowing this usurper to take the highest office in the land.

    There were many in the food chain who were guilty of aiding and abetting this criminal act to take place, but the central figure in this charade has always been BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA, the man who benefited the most from the fraud.

    Lawyers, or make believe lawyers, can argue till they are blue in the face about where they want to place blame or HOW MANY STATE ELECTION LAWS THEY WANT TO CHANGE, but in the end, logic will tell the reasonable and thinking man or woman that blame lies with the man who benefits the most.

    Changing state laws that need no changing is not the answer. We only need to ENFORCE the laws we current have, and we need JUDGES with backbone to do their job for which they were elected.

    All or most Americans, knows Obama IS NOT QUALIFIED according to the US Constitution, yet no one can, or will do anything about it. The laws are clear as they are…we need ENFORCEMENT….not more LAWS.

    So to those who are harping and spreading their lawyer talk about changing state election laws, that need no changes in the first place, I say this….”that dog won’t hunt”….that’s only mudding the waters even more than they are now.

    I have lived my life by the KISS rule…To those who do not know what that rule is, it is very simple: “Keep It Simple Stupid”. I am sure there are many on here who have the same outlook on things.

    We should be hammering away at trying to get the laws we have now enforced not make more in confusion by creating more laws.

    This is all I have to say about changing state election laws.

  43. Cowards unite!

    Stratfor Emails Show Democrats Stuffed Ballot Boxes in Ohio and Pennsylvania in 2008
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, April 21, 2012, 1:08 PM
    According to stolen Stratfor emails published on Wikileaks, John McCain’s campaign in 2008 had evidence that the Obama Campaign was stuffing ballot boxes in Ohio and Pennsylvania and also had proof that the Obama team had “sleazy” Russian money in their cofffers.

    Business Insider reported:

    John McCain’s 2008 campaign staff allegedly had evidence that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in Pennsylvania and Ohio on election night, but McCain chose not to pursue voter fraud, according to internal Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks.

    In an email sent on November 7, 2008, and titled ” Insight – The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only – Pls Do Not Forward **,” Stratfor vice president of intelligence Fred Burton wrote:

    1) The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to “out”.

    In an email sent two days earlier and titled “Insight – McCain #5 ** internal use only – Pls do not forward **,” Burton wrote:

    After discussions with his inner circle, which explains the delay in his speech, McCain decided not to pursue the voter fraud in PA and Ohio, despite his staff’s desire to make it an issue. He said no. Staff felt they could get a federal injunction to stop the process. McCain felt the crowds assembled in support of Obama and such would be detrimental to our country and it would do our nation no good for this to drag out like last go around, coupled with the possibility of domestic violence.

    Just who was McCain representing??

  44. RMinNC,@ 7:08pm
    Exactly, saying new laws are needed in order to enforce the clearly written qualifications needed for a President to get elected, in Article 2 section 1 clause 5 is like saying the election of Obama was unconstitutional because he doesn’t meet the qualifications, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Even the second time around, I say bull$hit!

    This is why they wrote the second Amendment. In order for state militias to settle arguments with the wordsmithing shysters, over breaking the rules of the game and acting tyrannical.

  45. RMinNC | April 21, 2012 at 7:08 pm |
    I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but I do know when a fraud has been committed. Obama, and the people who put him in office, have committed fraud against the American people and that is a felony crime……..I have lived my life by the KISS rule…To those who do not know what that rule is, it is very simple: “Keep It Simple Stupid”. I am sure there are many on here who have the same outlook on things.
    Amen and Amen!!
    Yes, the KISS rule has always had to be a part of my professional life, because my clients require and thrive on it. (P.S. I like it, too, because it is pragmatic and sensible.)

    As far as changing state laws, the principle may have merit, but there are at least three reasons why we have not seen results:

    1) It has been tried but never got off of the ground either because of technicalities or it never passed legislative approval.

    2) It has been tried but we have never heard of any positive outcomes and time is running out to constantly repeat what can be an expected failure.

    3) It has never been tried, either because a number of states do not allow for it and/or because folks simply don’t believe in its merits, mainly because there isn’t any likely chance that it will get through the respective legislatures. Bills can be written and submitted properly, but the legislatures and the courts have the final word. We have seen how that turns out.

  46. Bravo Bob…I couldn’t have said it any better….as you say all this lawyering crap is nothing but pure Bulls**t….

    Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their display of their superior knowledge they “can’t see the forest for the trees”.

  47. Missouri legislators are attempting to pass a bill and we need your help. Please tell any Missourians you know to contact their state Senator and representative and persuade them to support HB1046. Pass this on at other blogs.

    HB 1046
    Requires proof of identity and status as a United States natural born citizen for the office of President and Vice President to be submitted with other required certification documents to the Secretary of State
    Sponsor: Rowland, Lyle (143)
    Proposed Effective Date: 8/28/2012
    LR Number: 4081L.01P
    Last Action: 4/16/2012 – Public Hearing Held (S)
    Bill String: HB 1046
    Next Hearing: Hearing not scheduled
    Calendar: Bill currently not on a House calendar


  48. Cabby……I hear what you say…but it seems to me that those who want to start monkeying around with each individual STATE election laws are doing only one thing: DIVIDE and CONQUER

    They are diverting and downgrading a NATIONAL PRIORITY ONE issue which requires only ONE correct read of the US Constitution, and

    then trying to turn that PRIORITY ONE ISSUE into 50 individual MINOR state issues which would never be resolved.

    If our United States Constitution cannot stand on it’s own today, with the common language as written over 230 years ago,…. then our Supreme Law of the land will not stand at all….

    If this is the case, no amount of state law we may legislate will save us then.

  49. Help CW…I”m in moderation

  50. We don’t need more laws, we need oath takers to abide by their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution. That’s all the authority that is needed to uphold presidential eligibility, and follow the laws.

  51. I don’t know if MO HR1046 would keep Obama off the ballot but I refuse to merely sit at my computer and argue with people I don’t agree with.

    I am conflicted because on one hand I don’t want to see Obama’s name as a candidate but then I’d also like to see him run and when the horrid truths are revealed even his own wife won’t vote for him.

    This is for those of us who have been banned at Free Republic. You’re not alone. 🙂

    Hitler finds out he’s been banned from FR

  52. Taken from The Daily Pen;

    Well said.

    Regardless of transient political ideologies, confidence in a presidential candidate’s eligibility must be upheld unanimously among all Americans as a preeminent requirement before any legitimate debate over that president’s policies can be possible.

    Any doubt, perceived or material, which befalls the legal status of a candidate must be remedied by that candidate to a degree which makes it impossible to undermine that candidate’s identity, loyalty, eligibility and citizenship to hold that office, whatsoever.

    Failure to secure this foundation undermines the rule of law for all Americans and makes all laws implemented under that president illegitimate while simultaneously breeding revolution against anyone who serves in government.

    Barack Obama’s failure to demonstrate this most basic and elementary quality ranks him with history’s most ridiculous and heretical tricksters.

  53. Cabby…this is a previous comment I wrote to you at 8:43pm, but was placed in moderation.

    Cabby……I hear what you say…but it seems to me that those who want to start monkeying around with each individual STATE election laws are doing only one thing: trying to DIVIDE and CONQUER

    They are diverting and downgrading a NATIONAL PRIORITY ONE issue which requires only ONE correct reading of the US Constitution, and

    then turning that PRIORITY ONE ISSUE into 50 individual MINOR state issues which would never be resolved.

    If our United States Constitution cannot stand on it’s own today, in the common language it was written in over 230 years ago,…. then the Supreme Law of the land will not stand at all….

    If this is the case, then no amount of state laws we may legislate will save us for there will be nothing to save.

  54. CW… please take my comments made at 9:35 out of moderation…thanks

  55. Also well said – this prayer from Daily Pen. Used with permission from DC.

    Our Heavenly Father,

    Please forgive us of our sins.
    Have mercy and grace for our fallen ways and lift us up to fulfill the purpose You have for our lives. Help us, oh Mighty King! Please don’t turn away from us. We are oppressed under the lies of the powerful and hateful.

    In Christ’s name, we give You praise and honor in faith knowing Your will shall be done in all things for Your glory and blessings upon those who love You. Thank You, Father, for this new day. Grant us peace and wisdom and strength with the provision of this day’s bread of Life.

    Father, what shall we do without you? Please protect us! Set us free with the knowing of the truth, by the ransom paid with the shedding of blood of those before us. My God, my God…You are the only Father. If You do not defend us…who will? Why do You delay? Why are You withholding Your defense of Your children? In the name of Christ, our King, come Lord and shed light unto this dark place. Reveal the Kingdom power against deceptions of this hateful brood. You are our King! We repent and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy and Love and honor and help!

    In Jesus’ name, Who is our King… Amen

  56. Doing the right thing can exact a heavy, personal price.

    The State of Arizona is very politically corrupt.

    Bar association order hits 3 who worked with controversial sheriff

    Referring to a recent national survey found at stateintegrity.org, Thomas said this week, “Arizona has some of the worst corruption in America.
    “Arizona after what happened yesterday has become Mexico,” Thomas said. “People in this community need to understand what happened yesterday when my law license was terminated.
    As county attorney, I took on many powerful special interests and corrupt individuals who retaliated with a witch-hunt targeting my law license,” he said. “Unless we want Arizona to become as corrupt as Mexico, the people of Arizona must take back their government. At this point, only the people of Arizona can make things right.”


  57. RMINNC………………
    There is many among us who are oath takers. Then there are thousands of us who are Oathkeepers.

  58. If his law license was terminated because of his participation in support of our Constitution,then he has an extremely strong case for the state supreme court. If he fails to fight them,he will NEVER get back his right to practice law in Arizona. He can easily win his case,after which he should then make it his business to “financially,and OTHERWISE clean house on the SLIME who perpetrated the cancelation of his law license. The appellate court should be his next stop. He should not stop until he has NAILED each and every one of the perpetrator’s carcasses to his “barn door”.

  59. Old Salt and RMinNC,
    Every day it does my heart so much good to be exposed to your resolve and dedication to our country. You’ll never know how much encouragement you and others are to the rest of us. Stand your ground and stay the course. We all are trying to do the same, but you set a fine example for us to follow.

  60. Thanks Cabby for those remarks….but anyone who has been baptized in fire have the same feelings….

    As Americans, we only have ONE country, and ONE home…to stand by and watch it go up in flames knowing the fire was set intentionally is not acceptable to “those who have been there and done that”.

    Old Salt has just a few years on me, but we are just part of a Band of Brothers….Salt was on water, I was on land.

  61. CW…..I have a comment in moderation from last night at 9:35pm…….could you please get that released….thanks much.

  62. This is a must watch by Ann Barnhardt. It’s an hour long but you won’t be disappointed. I watched it last night and it has got 3,000 hits since then. I hope it goes viral!

  63. CW: Have you read the Smithsonian Magazine – May 2012 issue? Ther is an interesting article titled: “Barack Obama’s Kenyan Family.”

  64. Ron Paul Only Candidate Able to Defeat Obama in New Poll

    2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul again polls better against President Barack Obama in a head-to-head matchup than establishment-choice moderate Mitt Romney, according to a poll released today from Rasmussen.

    The poll notes that in a general election matchup, the 12-term Congressman from Texas edges out Obama by 1 percentage point, 44 to 43 percent. The survey also notes that in a hypothetical 2012 head-to-head, Obama and Romney are tied at 45 percent, which bodes poorly for Republicans being urged to believe the race is over, only to later experience buyer’s remorse.

    The poll also finds that this far into Obama’s first term, 40 percent of voters respond that they “strongly disapprove” and 27 percent “strongly approve” of his performance. With a Presidential Approval Index of -13 points, it is noteworthy that some Republicans are seemingly settling on a candidate no more popular than the President, suggesting an establishment liberal Democrat is no more popular than a establishment liberal Republican. The Rasmussen poll may be prescient in showing a general election scenario of confusion among voters over which candidate has the least liberal record.

    “Now that other candidates presenting themselves as the ‘conservative’ alternative to Mitt Romney have stepped aside, the numbers are clear. Ron Paul is the only conservative able to garner the enthusiasm, resources, and votes required to win in November. Voters perceive the contrast, and are ready to elect the candidate who will end the status quo and Restore America Now,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

    Rasmussen’s daily tracking results are collected from 1,500 Likely Voters and have a +/- 3 percentage point error margin. To view the poll release online, click here.


  65. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ron-paul-only-candidate-able-011300652.html

    Ron Paul Only Candidate Able to Defeat Obama in New Poll

    Edges out Obama while Romney, suffering from Obama’s enthusiasm gap, at best ties Obama

  66. “If I wanted America to fail”

  67. CW, good morning,
    my post is in moderation. this video reminds me of Obama and his effort to get America to fail.

  68. “Cloward-Piven Paradise Now?”
    By Jeannie DeAngelis
    August 1, 2011

    “The duo taught that if you flooded the welfare rolls and bankrupted the cities and ultimately the nation, it would foster economic collapse, which would lead to political turmoil so severe that socialism would be accepted as a fix to an out-of-control set of circumstances.

    The idea was that if people were starving and the only way to eat was to accept government cheese, rather than starve, the masses would agree to what they would otherwise reject. In essence, for the socialist-minded, the Cloward-Piven strategy is a simple formula that makes perfect sense; the radical husband-and-wife team had Saul Alinsky as their muse, and they went on to teach his social action principles to a cadre of socialist-leaning community organizers, one of whom was Barack Obama.”

    “Welfare at all-time high under Obama”

    “Judicial Watch is reporting that the latest government figures reveal that an astonishing number of people are collecting public benefits such as food stamps and disability checks, revealing an alarming trend of dependence on government rather than self-sufficiency associated with the American dream.

    This week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reveals that 45 million people — one out of every seven U.S. residents — got food stamps in 2011, a whopping 70% increase from 2007. This represents a cost of $72 billion for U.S. taxpayers, which is a substantial increase from $30 billion four years earlier. For at least the next two years the food-stamp rolls will get even bigger, according the CBO, which studies economic and budgetary issues for Congress.”


  69. A Crazy Old Coot

    oldsalt79 | April 22, 2012 at 12:42 am |
    There is many among us who are oath takers. Then there are thousands of us who are Oathkeepers.
    There are a lot of us who took the oath and will continue to honor that oath that do not belong to Oathkeepers. I for one could never come up with the extra money to join them, but I “WILL” honor my oath (taken many times).

    Just the opinion of a dumb ole (Natural Born Citizen) country boy

  70. Yes Crazy Old Coot…..you are right….

    you don’t have to belong to the Oathkeepers to honor the OATH you once took to protect and defend….as you said there are tens of thousands, I would say in the millions, that still honor that oath…and thanks be to God for that….

  71. A Crazy Old Coot

    At this point and concerning the length of time this has gone on and the number of people involved, I’m not sure that threats and bribes were used. I’m beginning to believe that the people we have elected are “really” part of the take over. Look at how many admitted Commies are in office. That begs the question of how many of them are unadmitted commies? I am ashamed to say that I don’t believe that any of our elected officials or people running for office really have the Nations best interests at heart.

    I should add that I believe that they have been putting people in place for a good many years and are just not calling them into to action or lack of action. Putting judges on the bench for life and are now requiring them to rule against the people that pay their salary. Notice that most elected officials have been in office for most of their adult life. They believe that they are “royality” and we the people are the surfs. In other words, we cannot expect any official response to obama’s eligibility because that is what they want, overthrow the Constitution bit by bit.

    Just the opinion of a dumb ole (Natural Born Citizen) country boy

  72. A Crazy Old Coot

    Your comment is awaiting moderation. @2:46

  73. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Maybe Ted Nugent is on to something –

    In a Romney stump speech at the 2012 NRA Convention in St. Louis, Nugent said, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” He also compared the Obama administration to coyotes who needed to be shot, and encouraged voters to “chop [Democrats’] heads off in November.”[55]







    Gary Kah – Obama, The Vatican & The Coming Globalization




    Gary Kah offers a “Free Research Journal of Prophesy!!” here: http://www.GaryKah.org.

    I highly recommend people listen to EVERY SINGLE WORD THIS MAN IS SAYING IN THIS VIDEO!!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    Gary Kah – Towards the One World System

    Uploaded by kytekuttertv on Jan 28, 2011

    Learn about the New World Order and the international bankers that control the currency.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Gary Kah with Sid Roth – Exposing the Anti-Christ

    Uploaded by SidRoth on Nov 14, 2011

    “Gary Kah has spent a lifetime trying to understand and expose the Anti-Christ’s economic, religious and political system that is now being secretly implemented! Gary has intelligence information that is so HOT that the secular press doesn’t dare report it!!!”

    “The Anti-Christ’s Economic, Religious & Political Systems Exposed” – Gary Kah Offer 1443 – 1-800-548-1918 – 3 DVD Set –

    If this 3 dvd series is on YouTube, I will try to post it……God willing.

    Please watch Gary Kah’s information video’s on YouTube. He has factual inside information about Soebarkah – Soetoro alias “Obama” and what “Obama” is LITERALLY doing behind the scenes that is very true and accurate. His information is given to him by the Holy Spirit of God, He also does his own research as well. Gary Kah researches and uncovers his information, and he is given revealed information by GOD that he openly shares with people.

    Kah has documented evidence to prove what he is saying is true. I strongly recommend that American citizen’s definitely listen to what he is saying in the USA.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  75. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    CW – Just found this at Ulsterman’s Report from a commenter –

    @ ITYS There could very well be some information on Citizen Wells site, if it pertains to corruption, election scandals, bribery, payoffs, Obama associates, fraud, forgery, Obama’s lies, prosecutors not prosecuting, Obama cronies (both in jail, or not gonna be), Chicago crimes, bribery, hidden agendas, you name it. This site has been following BHO since he magically appeared on the scene.



    Final, FINAL Days

    Uploaded by DesignsByDianne on Dec 28, 2009

    “Interview with Gary Kah regarding the Last Days, during Jan Markell’s “Understanding the Time” 2009 Conference.

    See how it relates to you, your life, those you love and why the pressures have been turned up.



    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    2012 Time For Hell, Chuck Missler, Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer,

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Chuck Missler and Kent Hovind Exposes Illuminati, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort

    Two Excellent Comments Under This Video:

    “First, realize that if you have ever lied, stolen, blasphemed God’s name, lusted after someone, dishonored your parents, hated another person, God see’s you as guilty and are headed for hell. But God gives you a free gift of eternal life. He sent His son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for your sins. Jesus lived a sinless and perfect life, He died on the cross and rose again 3 days later. If you repent (turn from sin) and trust in Jesus Christ, He will save you. Pray to God The Savior Of Your Immortal Soul – God The Son, The Messiah – Lord Jesus Christ Emmanuel – Yeshua – right now!!” – 25blue24

    “Satan has done everything he could to undermine/end Christianity. There is a real war being waged everyday for your immortal soul on earth. Call on the ‘only’ name in the universe JESUS CHRIST. He is the “only” way to salvation and, HE will prevail, HIS millennial kingdom is coming, I want to be with CHRIST, & ‘not’ in the lake of fire. It’s one or the other, it’s not too late, repent & call HIS Name now.” – antekatetaketna

  77. citizenwells

    Thanks Mr. Bill.

  78. How about the oath most people are familiar with?

    The oath to, tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

    Which of course is meaningless to democrats, including the usurper.




    Sid Roth – Joel Richardson –
    The Return Is Near!!!

    The Return Of Jesus The Lord Is Near!!!
    Christ Jesus Emmanuel – Lord Jesus Christ – Yeshua’s Second Coming & Return To The Earth Is Extremely Near!!

    It Looks Like We Are The Generation Who Will See The Second Coming Of The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!


    Uploaded by RAPTURE5770 on Jun 22, 2011


    Joel Richardson shares a new documentary from Iran that is being broadcast in Iran and in the Middle East that boldly proclaims the Iranian Islamist Muslim false Messiah – The Mahdi – who is the biblical Anti-Christ is ready to come forward in the world, according to Iranian Islamist Muslims!! The implications are enormous in light of Bible prophecy and the End Time events happening now. Are millions of souls and Middle East peace hanging in the balance?

    For more information please go to: http://www.SidRoth.org

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Joel Richardson 2 with Sid Roth –
    End Times Prophecy

    Uploaded by SidRoth on Feb 11, 2011

    “Joel Richardson was hand-chosen by God and given a special revelation about End-Time Bible Prophecy. Through his teaching you will connect the dots and be shocked at the mysteries he unfolds from the books of Daniel and Revelation. Find out who the Anti-Christ could truly be and what role Islam will play in the Tribulation.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Walid Shoebat with Sid Roth – 666 God’s War on Terror

    Uploaded by SidRoth on Apr 15, 2011

    “Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Terrorist, says seven nations will rise up to destroy the Anti-Christ. Will America be one of those nations? Get ready to hear a prophetic wake-up call for America and the world!”

    Listen especially at the 21:15 mark – Walid Shoebat explains Holy Bible scripture and says: “The oil in the Middle East will be destroyed and burned especially in Saudi Arabia. Isaiah Chapter 21….. The burden against Arabia. Isaiah Chapter 24…Edam is Arabia. Persia is Iran.

    Isaiah 19:2 – Egypt will have a civil war. Egyptians with fight Egyptians. Christ the LORD will help the Coptic Christians.

    23:30 – There is an Assyrian figure (the Anti-Christ) who comes out and there are seven allied world leaders who will stand with Israel against the Anti-Christ. 24:14 –

    Walid Shoebat states that America
    will stand up against the Anti-Christ!!

    24:45 mark: Walid Shoebat He thinks one-half of the city of Jerusalem will be invaded and and taken over by these troups. He says there will be a rape epidemic in the Arabic sections against the Jewish women by the Arabs and that this is pretty clear in the book of Zechariah in the Holy Bible. When Israel sees this they will rise and be extremely courageous and zealous to fight for Israel and they will be victorious. The outrage of the Jews in Israel will mount up and they will fight to save the city of Jerusalem….from the invaders – and from the Islamist Muslim Anti-Christ and the Muslims. Then the appearance of Lord Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem will occur.

    Walid Shobat: “God’s War On Terror” contains what he says is God’s role on earth and Islam and the Middle East & America’s role in end-time scriptures.
    1-800-548-1918 – Offer: 9103 Book: “God’s War On Terror – Islam Prophesy and the End-Times”


    An Urgent Warning for the United States of America

    “Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world… 1:15: He mentions the Fema website. My guest says the key to end-times events is found in the book of Obadiah.”

    It was in Oct. 1987 – there was a homosexual rally in Washington D.C….Perhaps is was the largest homosexual rally in the history of the world in Washington. Then immediately following that rally – six business days after that rally – the crash of the stock market in 1987 occurred.

    2:44 – The LORD took me back a week before to that rally, and put what was happening in front of the T.V. and the rally together in my mind, and I heard His voice saying that I do not fear Him, and then if I feared Him – I would have humbled myself when I saw this rally, and cried out to Him for mercy. [THE LORD SAID] the church does not FEAR HIM in America and the country was naked and open before Him in judgment. I heard it vividly Sid. And I repented and I fell down on the floor and I prayed for GODS’ Mercy and Forgiveness because I didn’t FEAR HIM and that I should have……. God is trying to warn America that we in America are on a collision course with GODS’ JUDGMENT in America if we DON’T REPENT AND OF WE DON’T STOP OUR SINNING IN THE USA!! The Church does not fear GOD and GOD’S JUDGMENTS AGAINST UNREPENTANT SINNERS and the SINS, especially of abortion, homosexuality, and America coming against Israel….is what is making the Wrath of GOD be stirred up against America!!

    American citizen’s can stop God’s WRATH by repenting of our sins and turning back to GOD NOW!!!!

    GOD said that America is directly interferring with GOD’S plan for Israel through Clinton, GHB Bush, GW Bush and Soebarkah the Indonesian citizen, Sunni Islamist Muslim Communist terrorist who is a constantly lying servant of Satan and a murderer who is bringing America and the world of immortal souls into destruction!!

    The Wrath of GOD is and had been striking America because the continual horrible daily unrepentant sins of unrepentant sinners in America who keep on factually calling down the WRATH of GOD and the judgment of GOD on America because of citizen’s in America unrepentant outrageous sins against the FOREVER LIVING CREATOR – ALMIGHTY GOD, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY!!

    “Obama” is working in the USA as a foreign & domestic terrorist enemy to the USA & to Israel. “Obama” is working with other foreign & domestic enemies of God and humanity to try to overthrow and destroy America & Israel & other nations to destroy and overthrow the USA & Israel and other nations & to bring wars into the world & to kill as many people as he can in population reduction [billions of people] to set up a New World Order /One World Government Sunni Islamist Muslim Communist totalitarian dictatorship.

    Uploaded by theHanchars on Jul 21, 2011

    The United Nations vs. The Everlasting Covenant . . .



    “On this program of “It’s Supernatural”: Sid Roth’s guest John McTernan reveals the supernatural connection between America’s interfering with God’s prophetic plan for Israel and the disasters striking our nation.

    Also, predictions discovered within the ancient writings from the prophet Obadiah that point to a major earthshaking war that is soon to erupt. Learn how this will impact you and your family and how you can avoid being a victim of God’s coming warning judgments.

    (Permission is granted by “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural & Messianic Vision” for us to show “It’s Supernatural” here on our channel)

    DVD – “America and the Day of the Lord” is not available on Sid Roth’s show, but you can purchase the DVD directly from John McTernan’s site.

    Click this link to go there and then click BookStore on his website and the DVD will be listed there for you to purchase. Simply scroll down the page until you find the DVD listed there.


    John McTernan, 9/14-20/09 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! INTERVIEW, code: DVD522)


    Would you like to say a prayer to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? If yes, click this link to view a video we put on our channel:


    After watching the John McTernan video, click the link below to watch:

    “NINE WARNING SIGNS FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. The most important video you will ever watch!!

    Harbinger – Part 1 The Warning

    Harbinger – Part 2 The Shaking

    Also, you can link to:

    MESSIAH IS COMING VERY SOON! Signs Are Happening Everywhere.

    Sid Interviews L.A. Marzulli regarding a new and accurate revelation explaining the mark of the beast!

    Click this link:

  81. RMinNC,
    I’ve been away from the computer for awhile but read your post concerning states’ lawmaking efforts to keep Obama off the ballot. Hey, I agree with you completely. My only reason for posting what I did at 8:19 pm last eve. was to show the complete inadequacy of such efforts, at least so far. In the first place I feel there is a flawed foundation upon which this approach is based. If certain results can be obtained, more power to those involved, but what results are we really seeing, and how effectively will they hold up once they are taken to court by the Dems?

  82. I want to correct from typos:

    “Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world… 1:15: He mentions the Fema website. My guest says the key to end-times events is found in the book of Obadiah.”

    It was in Oct. 1987 – there was a homosexual rally in Washington D.C….Perhaps is was the largest homosexual rally in the history of the world in Washington. Then immediately following that rally – six business days after that rally – the crash of the stock market in 1987 occurred.

    2:44 – The LORD took me back a week before to that rally, and put what was happening in front of the T.V. and the rally together in my mind, and I heard His voice saying that I do not fear Him, and then if I feared Him – I would have humbled myself when I saw this rally, and cried out to Him for mercy. [THE LORD SAID] the church does not FEAR HIM in America and the country was naked and open before Him in judgment. I heard it vividly Sid. And I repented and I fell down on the floor and I prayed for GODS’ Mercy and Forgiveness because I didn’t FEAR HIM and that I should have……. God is trying to warn America that we in America are on a collision course with GODS’ JUDGMENT in America if we DON’T REPENT AND IF WE DON’T STOP OUR SINNING IN THE USA!!

    GOD IS SAYING – THE CHURCH DOES NOT FEAR GOD AND GOD’S JUDGMENTS AGAINST UNREPENTANT SINNERS AND SINS- especially of abortion, homosexuality, and America coming against Israel….which is what is making the Wrath of GOD be stirred up against America!!

    AMERICAN CITIZEN’S CAN STOP & GREATLY LESSEN GOD’S WRATH ON AMERICA by repenting of our sins and turning back to GOD NOW!!!!

    GOD said that America is directly interfering with GOD’S plan for Israel through Clinton, GHB Bush, GW Bush and Soebarkah the Indonesian citizen, Sunni Islamist Muslim Communist terrorist who is a constantly lying servant of Satan and a murderer who is bringing America and the world of immortal souls into destruction!!

    The Wrath of GOD is and has been striking America because of the continual horrible daily unrepentant sinners in America who keep on daily sinning in unrepentant sins against GOD ALMIGHTY, and this is what is truthfully & factually calling down the WRATH of GOD and the JUDGMENT OF ALMIGHTY GOD on America because of the citizen’s in America who have daily unrepentant outrageous sins against the FOREVER LIVING CREATOR – ALMIGHTY GOD, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY!!

    “Obama” is working in the USA as a foreign & domestic terrorist enemy to the USA & to Israel. “Obama” is working together with other foreign & domestic enemies of God and humanity attempting to overthrow and destroy America & Israel & other nations
    & to bring wars into the world which will kill as many people as he can – he hopes [he is a demon possessed, criminally insane sociopath & a psychopath] in population reduction [billions of people] to set up a New World Order/One World Government Sunni Islamist Muslim Communist totalitarian dictatorship.

    Uploaded by theHanchars on Jul 21, 2011

    The United Nations vs. The Everlasting Covenant . . .


  83. Re: Starla | April 22, 2012 at 5:24 pm |

    I want to correct from typos:

    Should be – I want to correct some typos. Sorry! ;)!

  84. GOP, where are you on eligibility?
    Man with camera confronts officials to demand congressional investigation

  85. Cabbyaz…..I understand your point and I also agree….we should use ever avenue available to get rid of this scourge.

    I responded 2 times to you last night but got put in mediation…I guess wordpress didn’t like me last night…

  86. http://www.wnd.com/2012/04/gop-where-are-you-on-eligibility/?cat_orig=politics

    “Another video created by Ballantyne is of Clair Van Steenwyk, a tea party candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona.

    [4th video]

    “Our so-called leader never really proved he is a citizen,” Van Steenwyk said.

    “I’d like to have seen Congress investigate it, everybody there doing their job.””

  87. Jack Van Impe Presents #1217 (2012-04-21)


    The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse are about to ride!!


    Jack Van Impe states that the two signs in the Holy Bible that show with definite certainty that we are the generation that will see the Second Coming of Christ are:

    1948 – Israel became a nation and
    1968 – Israel took back Jerusalem in 1968

    Jack Van Impe explains that when we combine the above two signs together with ALL of the other end-time prophecies that are given in the Holy Bible that are being FULFILLED VERY QUICKLY in one generation, (which is the generation we are living in), that this is the SELF-EVIDENT SIGN that SHOWS US we are living in the generation who will SEE THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD TO THE EARTH!!

    2 Peter 3:3 – Scoffers where is his coming? – Fulfilled.

    Mathew Chapter 24: 5, 11:24: False Christs and false prophets. Wars and rumors of wars. Sins and inequity abounding, Massive Evil Crimes, Massive Lawlessness, Kidnapping, Rapes, Murders, Starvation, Diseases, Pestilences, Gossipers, Adulteries, Fornication, Robberies, False Prophets and False Teachers abounding, False Religious Cults & False Lying Ideologies abounding, Satan Worshiper’s and Cult Worshiper’s and Witchcraft, Idol Worshiper’s, Suicides, Extreme Perversions abounding in America & in Other Nations, World-Wide Mass-
    Murders/Abortions of Infants Inside Their Mother’s Wombs, Public Demands For Homosexual and Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender “Human Rights,” Racist Supremacist Liberation/Nazi/Communist/Islamist Muslim False teaching, Mass Murders By Terrorists, Pedophilia, Pornography, Animal and People Sacrifices To Satan, Prostitution, Drug Addiction, Terrible Upheavals of Nature…..Signs in the sun, moon and stars…. – Fulfilled.

    Mathew 24:37: Terrorism. – Fulfilled. And many other scriptures are fulfilled….

    Jack Van Impe: It can’t be very long. It is at the doors. THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!

    When we see all of the signs in the gospels and the fulfillment of the prophecies about Israel – LORD JESUS CHRIST EMMANUEL – YESHUA – GOD THE SON – IS AT THE DOORS – READY TO OPEN THE DOOR AND RETURN TO THE EARTH IN THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST THE LORD!!

  88. Despite Downpour Ron Paul Draws 4,300-plus to Rally on Independence Mall in Philadelphia
    Thousands brave rainy weather to greet Paul near birthplace of where founders
    envisioned a small federal government of the kind Paul promotes

    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul drew a remarkable 4,300-plus voters to a major campaign rally he held on the Independence Mall in Philadelphia despite poor weather conditions that would have kept supporters of other candidates away.

    Event organizers noted that, despite the inclement weather, supporters and undecided voters greeted the 12-term Congressman from Texas with the characteristic enthusiasm for which his crowds are known. It had rained all day and with chilly temperatures to boot, many attendees responded that they were cold, uncomfortable, and feeling poorly. And yet, the people persevered for Paul.

    Also noteworthy is that the campaign event took place in the footsteps of America’s modern founders, who conceptualized, advocated for, and created a modest federal government of the kind Ron Paul has been promoting for more than three decades.

    Ron Paul’s campaign rally took place on the lawn at the Independence Mall Visitors Center, located at 1 North Independence Mall West (b/t Market and Arch Streets), Philadelphia, PA 19106. The rally commenced at 1:00 p.m. ET, while Congressman Paul addressed the crowd at around 2:30 p.m. Dr. Paul discussed his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the restoration of our civil and economic liberties, and provisions of his path-breaking ‘Plan to Restore America.’ In addition to keynote speaker Ron Paul, featured speakers included Paul backers Pennsylvania State Senator Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon) and former CIA officer and Bin Laden Unit leader Michael Scheuer, both of whom have endorsed him for the presidency.

    A photograph of Ron Paul’s Philadelphia campaign rally with 4,300-plus people on Independence Mall follows.

  89. jacqlynsmith

    Awesome seaque……SO MANY PEOPLE WAKING UP! 🙂

  90. Mitt Romney, American Parasite

    Very damaging article:

    “His formula was simple: Bain would purchase a firm with little money down, then begin extracting huge management fees and paying Romney and his investors enormous dividends.The result was that previously profitable companies were now burdened with debt.”

    The article:

  91. Worth watching

    US Marine Major Christopher Miller – Ron Paul 2012 Delegate

  92. Jack Hunter Comments on Marco Rubio: “Bush Did A Fantastic Job”

  93. jacqlynsmith

    This is good…..a must watch and pass this on…..

    US Marine Major Christopher Miller – Ron Paul 2012 Delegate

  94. seaque | April 22, 2012 at 6:43 pm |

    Mitt Romney, American Parasite

    Very damaging article:

    “His formula was simple: Bain would purchase a firm with little money down, then begin extracting huge management fees and paying Romney and his investors enormous dividends.The result was that previously profitable companies were now burdened with debt.”

    The article:
    A very damning article if you are opposed to free market capitalism. The Village Voice is a socialist rag, and proud of it. I’m sure that Bain Capital made some mistakes and that some of their investments didn’t pan out, but that is the way that the free market works. The bottom line is that somebody sold these companies to them, they didn’t just take them over illegally.

    The funny thing is that Ron Paul would not be for government interference in the capitalist system, yet we have Ron Paul supporters using a reknowned socialist publication to try to soil Mitt Romney’s reputation. Whatever anybody thinks of Mitt Romney’s past policy decisions, he is a decent man. He is also a free market capitalist.

    I like Ron Paul. I like Rand Paul. I like many of their positions. But I think that many of their supporters are just angry in general but don’t have a clue as to what they truly believe or desire out of our leaders.

    The Village Voice, what a hoot… 🙂 Who is providing you guys with your background smear misinformation? CPUSA?

    Also, why is Ron Paul running as a Republican if so many of his supporters hate the Republican party? They aren’t trying to change the hearts and minds of the membership, they are smearing them. Remember the old book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”? I think that Ron Paul would be polling much better if his followers took note of some of the principles put forth in the book…

  95. A Crazy Old Coot


    Rumours go that the elite Bilderberg Group could be meeting this year in Haifa, Israel. Haifa is the largest city in northern Israel, and the third-largest city in the country, with a population of over 268000. The mayor of Haifa, Yona Yahav, said that important personalities were going to meet in his town, and security preparations were already being made for their arrival. Last year’s Bilderberg meeting took place from June 9-12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland. This year it seems like the elite doesn’t have so much time to loose in organizing a new conference.
    Read the rest at the above link.

  96. jacqlynsmith

    Please share the following radio show……many things are about to come to fruition…..can’t wait……

    4-22-12 Drake on Wolf Spirit Radio Show… More Information…
    Posted on April 22, 2012

    Drake and his crew appeared on Wolf Spirit Radio today.

    Quote from Kauilapele……”Drake and company covered quite a large range of topics, from what is going on currently, to Fukushima, to clones, to Native Americans, to what will happen with our currency during this transition, banks, why the “saving” of the United States is important to the world, etc. I was quite drawn to this show, so I felt it essential to get the word out. I will continue to do this as long as Guidance tells me to.”


  97. jacqlynsmith

    This should give us all hope that the “good guys” are to taking down the Dark Cabal…….

    Poofness 4-22-12…”Dancing in the Streets”

    Poof repeats what many of us surely are sensing, that there is an expectancy of “‘something’ massive to happen”.

    Entire report and Kauilapele’s analysis can be found here….


  98. jacqlynsmith

    OOOPs….should say “are CLOSE to taking down the dark cabal”

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  100. Pingback: Obama Bain Capital contributions, Bain contributed more to democrats in 2008, FEC changes to Bain contributions, Treasurer Martin Nesbitt Pritzker ties | Citizen WElls

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