Obama Bain Capital contributions, Bain contributed more to democrats in 2008, FEC changes to Bain contributions, Treasurer Martin Nesbitt Pritzker ties

Obama Bain Capital contributions, Bain contributed more to democrats in 2008, FEC changes to Bain contributions, Treasurer Martin Nesbitt Pritzker ties

“He who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones.”…proverb

“It’s important to recognize that this issue is not a, quote, distraction. I think there are folks who do good work in that area and there are times where they identify the capacity for the economy to create new jobs or new industries. But understand that their priority is to maximize profits. And that’s not always going to be good for communities or businesses or workers. And the reason this is relevant to the campaign is because my opponent, Governor Romney, his main calling card for why he thinks he should be president is his business experience. When you’re president, as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, then your job is not simply to maximize profits. Your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. So to repeat, this is not a distraction. This is what this campaign’s going to be about.”…Barack Obama

“Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama says he’ll crack down on fraudulent sub-prime lenders. If he really means it he can start by firing his campaign finance chair, Penny Pritzker. Before taking over Obama’s campaign finances, she headed up the borderline shady and failed Superior Bank. It collapsed in 2002. The bank’s sordid story and its abominable role in fueling the sub-prime crisis are well known and documented. It engaged in deceptive and faulty lending, questionable accounting practices, and charged hidden fees. It did it with the sleepy-eyed see-no-evil oversight of federal. It made thousands of dubious loans to mostly poor, strapped homeowners. A disproportionate number of them were minority.

Obama’s home state, Illinois, ranked near the top of thee states in the percentage of sub-prime mortgages. Nearly 15 percent of home loans were sub-prime according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. But that only tells part of the tale. According to the Woodstock Institute, a Chicago non-profit that studies housing issues, the sub-prime fall-out was far higher in the predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods of South and Southwest Chicago.

The predictable happened when many of those lost their homes. When the bank collapsed Pritzker and bank officials skipped away with their profits and reputations intact. Aside from the financial and personal misery sub prime lenders caused the thousands of distressed homeowners, sub-prime lending has been a major cause of the housing crisis in many areas, and has dealt a sledgehammer blow to the economy. Obama has said nothing about Pritzker, Superior Bank, or their dubious practices.”…Huffington Post, February 29, 2008

“Obama was confident that he was destined for more than a day job
running a foundation or practicing law or languishing in the minority
party in the Illinois senate…He invited a group of African-American
professionals to the house of Marty Nesbitt, who had served as finance
chairman of his congressional campaign. Nesbitt is…vice-president of
the Pritzker Realty Group, part of the Pritzker family empire…Nesbitt
arranged a weekend gathering to help Obama reach inside the deepest
pockets he knew—those of the Pritzker family”…Common Conservative October 1, 2008

Many of us in 2008 began questioning contributions to the Obama campaign. Many of the donors listed looked suspect. I saved at least one least to search through and return to later. I will refer to it in a moment.

Barack Obama, et al have been trying their best to highlight Mitt Romney’s association with Bain Capital in a negative light. Consistent with past behaviour, the Obama camp continues to tell lies.

From the Boston Globe May 23, 2012.

“President Obama has accepted $92,270 in his last two campaigns from employees of Bain Capital, the private equity firm formerly led by Mitt Romney, which he has villainized for profiting on failed companies that laid off workers.
Romney has taken $229,650, more than any other politician. But together, Democratic candidates and committees have received more than $1.3 million from Bain Capital workers since the 2008 election cycle – double the amount collected by Republicans.”
“If accepting campaign contributions from Bain Capital has opened the president to charges of hypocrisy, the problem may be resolving itself. Bain Capital employees’ donations to Obama have dropped precipitously in recent months. The president has received just one gift of $1,500 this calendar year, after getting $32,500 in 2011 and $58,270 in the last election.”
Bain Capital contributed to Obama and Romney in 2008. Obama received $ 95,270. More striking is the fact that Bain gave $495,900 to the Democrat Party versus $183,150 to the Republicans.
Back to contributions to the Obama campaign for 2008.
The date stamp for the text file that I saved from the FEC is May 1, 2008.

PO Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680

NOTE: Address IS Different than previously reported
FEC Committee ID #: C00431445
This report contains activity for a Primary Election
Report type: July Quarterly
This Report is an Amendment

Filed 01/31/2008”

“BAIN CAPITAL 11,500.00


Clicking on the same link now reveals.

“Report type: July Quarterly

This Report is an Amendment

Filed 08/22/2008”
“BAIN CAPITAL 2,300.00

“Treasurer: Martin H. Nesbitt
Date Signed: 08/22/2008”

What does this mean? I am not certain.

Just thought you should know.

Especially since

Obama for America failed to file notice of nearly 2 million dollars in contributions in 2008.
From Citizen Wells April 20, 2012.
“Final Audit Report on Obama for America. On April 19, the Commission made public the Final Audit Report of the Commission on Obama for America (OFA) covering campaign finance activity between January 16, 2007 and December 31, 2008. The Commission approved a finding that OFA failed to file required 48-hour notices totaling $1,972,266 received in 2008.”
And you remember Martin Nesbitt.
From The Common Conservative October 1, 2008.

“This was exactly the time frame Superior Bank was very active in the
sub-prime lending and no doubt, Obama knew exactly who Penny Pritzker
was and her involvement in the ACORN sponsored lending practices.
Another direct link early on to Obama is with another foundation that
Pritzker in involved in. Pritzker is very much involved in the reform
of Chicago’s public education system. Currently she is vice chair of
the Chicago Public Education Fund, the successor organization to the
Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which is the same Board Sen. Obama served
with William Ayers.

Obama no doubt needed the financial backing of the Pritzker’s. They
are the owners of the Hyatt Hotel chain and Obama had inside
connections. David Mendell recalled in his 2007 book Obama: From
Promise To Power:
“Obama was confident that he was destined for more than a day job
running a foundation or practicing law or languishing in the minority
party in the Illinois senate…He invited a group of African-American
professionals to the house of Marty Nesbitt, who had served as finance
chairman of his congressional campaign. Nesbitt is…vice-president of
the Pritzker Realty Group, part of the Pritzker family empire…Nesbitt
arranged a weekend gathering to help Obama reach inside the deepest
pockets he knew—those of the Pritzker family…”

“…Nesbitt knew that if Obama could sell himself to Penny Pritzker, her
support would not only reap huge immediate financial dividends but
also be a crucial step in the foundation of a fund-raising network.”
“The Rezko/Pritzker connection goes deep and finding the link hasn’t
been easy. On October 1, 2006, Daley appointed Martin Nesbitt
chairperson of the Chicago Housing Authority. The CHA was created for
“the purposes of engaging in the development, acquisition, leasing,
operation, and administration of a Low Rent Housing Program and other
federally assisted programs,” according to the agency’s 2005 annual
financial report.”



121 responses to “Obama Bain Capital contributions, Bain contributed more to democrats in 2008, FEC changes to Bain contributions, Treasurer Martin Nesbitt Pritzker ties

  1. NBC_Vic_Hern

    Tip for Romney…………tie the Sub-Prime fiasco to Obama’s arse with
    his community organizing with ACORN himself, and all his underlings
    that he says he “proudly trained” to “force” banks et al to make these poorly concieved loans.
    People in Chicago know the story and all the links.
    Some of them will talk for 15 minutes of fame.

  2. citizenwells


  3. This is so good, I brought it over. Thanks TC.

    From, TC

    The Top Ten List to explain Mitt Romney’s “unlikablility.”
    1. Handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting’s #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.
    2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.
    3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
    4. Can’t speak in a fake, southern, “black preacher voice” when necessary.
    5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School…and by the way, his academic records are NOT sealed.
    6. Doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in the counter-culture age when he went to college. Too square for today’s America?
    7. Represents an America of “yesterday”, where people believed in God, went to Church, didn’t screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!
    8. Has a family of five great sons….and none of them have police records or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home mom, and that “choice” deserves America’s scorn.
    9. Oh yes…..he’s a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.
    10. And one more point…..pundits say because of his wealth, he can’t relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that’s because he made that money HIMSELF…..as opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad. Apparently, he didn’t understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unrelatable to Americans.

    It’s a strange world, isn’t it?

    © 2012 jbjd and kjcanon

    “Given current election laws; the only way to keep an ineligible candidate out of the White House is to keep the candidate’s name off the ballot, in a state that only allows to be printed on the ballot the names of candidates federally qualified for the job. But what happens when election officials in a ballot eligibility state – like Texas – are determined to ignore those laws? Then, the only way preserve the integrity of the ballot; is to take those officials to court.”


  5. Whistleblower

    Did you see that Dirbin and Kirk are going to ram thru Obama’s payoff to Thomas Durkin. Federal bench for life, for his pro-bono work with Daniel T Frawley. The cover-up continues. Frawley now does not report to prison until after the election 11-20-12 Camp Englewood Co. Right next to Blago.
    He can give Blago a ride home when Obama lets them both out.

  6. Brain Surgeon Confirms ObamaCare Rations Care, Has Death Panels!

  7. citizenwells

    Thanks Whistleblower.
    It ain’t over till it’s over.

  8. The son of a friend makes occassional business trips to Canada for his company. Last week, for the first time. he was required to fill out paper work before his flight, stating that he is not going to Canada to work.

    Does anyone know why the Canadian government has implemented this kind of documentation?

  9. CW………….
    I discovered Mark Levin earlier this year. He is carried in Fort Wayne from 6:00PM to 9:00 PM. over our 50,000 watt AM WOWO. They go EASTWARD after 9:00 PM During the day they are omni directional. I know that the station can be heard in Boston quite well after 9:00 PM. I don’t know about southeasterly. There aren’t very many of the old time 50KW AM stations left. Cincinatti,and Del Rio Texas still have duly licensed 100KW stations. There is another at Waterloo Iowa. I often wish that all three would take up the eligibility issue.

  10. I used to say before the 08 election, if they would just interview those that lived in those horrendous housing developments from Obama’s district…Rezko, jarret and the rest, slumlords indeed!

    They got the contracts and the money and when the money was gone they let the buildings go to ruins. disgraceful…Hillary tried a few times to bring it up, but I think if they had just interviewed those living in that squalor it would have been a “kodak” moment

  11. Tomorrow…
    Sheriff Joe…
    Can’t wait…

  12. oldsalt79 | July 16, 2012 at 7:48 pm |

    Yes, I have been following Mark Levin for years…I used to think he was a bit on the brash side, but now I don’t …He has to be tough with the jerks
    He is a constitutional expert and worked in the Justice dep’t under Ronald Reagan….I think he would make an excellent Attorney General
    . He comes on here at 5pm, so I pick up his replays on the internet from his website the following day. go here:
    click on audio and you can play any of the programs listed.

  13. Thanks Whistleblower…How did you find out about Frawley? I thought his status hearing wasn’t until August…

  14. NBC_Vic_Hern | July 16, 2012 at 6:26 pm |
    Tip for Romney…………tie the Sub-Prime fiasco to Obama’s arse with
    his community organizing with ACORN himself, and all his underlings
    that he says he “proudly trained” to “force” banks et al to make these poorly concieved loans.
    People in Chicago know the story and all the links.
    Some of them will talk for 15 minutes of fame.
    Romney can use this “newspaper article”. Only problem is they forgot to mention ACORN.

    Want to know who to blame for the economic collapse of 2008? Look no further than this list of contributors…

  15. Rob………….
    Thanks big time for putting the Mark Levin video on the blog. I lookupon Levin as being on a par with Micheal Savage. Both tell it like it is!

  16. Here’s a good reason to make Allen West the VP. The left HATE him……

    Soros-Backed Super PAC Plans to Take Out Rep. West

    Dump West,” the new George Soros-backed Super PAC charged with the task of taking out Rep. Allen West (R-FL), will file with the FEC as early as next week, according to documents obtained by the Shark Tank.


  17. Whistleblower; in Durbins original memorandum he wrote Judge Guzman he said that Frawley had suffered from mental illness since 1998….In his last memorandum he changed that to PTSD from his work with the FBI from 2006 on…Now why do you suppose they did that? The feds don’t want to take responsibility for recruiting a mental patient…No word from the judge or the U.S. Attorney’s on this obvious discrepancy.

  18. Whistleblower


    Frawley’s latest filings are on pacer. As for Frawley’s mental health, trust me when I tell you from personal expirience, and as Frawley has stated in an email, the feds do not take responsibility for anything these days. However that said, I do believe that there was some concern for how it would look for Tom Durkin once some light was shined on the whole Frawley nonsense. Thanks to sites like CW and ILP2P

  19. Thanks Whistleblower…

  20. citizenwells

    Levin & I exchanged some tweets back in 2008.

  21. Whistleblower

    CW and Bessie,

    You might find this interesting. Why is Daniel T Frawley not moving forward with his lawsuit against Weaver ?

    Click to access 1110935_R23.pdf

  22. HonorFirst & oldsalt,
    I disagree with you WHOLEHEARTEDLY that Levin is a constitutionalist! At best he is conservative… yet that is iffy. I CAN”T LET THAT STAND!

    He inferred Dr. Thomas Woods was a racist. He complained that the Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions were garbage!

    He has repeatedly hung up on those questioning BO’s eligibility! (Ask Gordo if you doubt me).

    He is crap.

  23. George Soros is STILL a Nazi sympathiser. He should be deemed PUBLIC ENEMY #1. Some of the people who he communicates with are also Nazi believers. Particularly in Spain. I have a lot of questions as to why the US has allowed his continued presence. After all the DOJ did finally deport Demanjuk who was a lowly concentration camp guard.

  24. SueQ | July 16, 2012 at 9:01 pm —

    “He has repeatedly hung up on those questioning BO’s eligibility! (Ask Gordo if you doubt me).”

    “Mark Levin is known to hang up in your face if you mention Obama’s eligibility issue”


  25. Levin won’t touch the eligibility/birther issue. He won’t allow the One to be confronted on his true identity.

    Neither will Savage. He talks around it but won’t confront it.

    A lot of hot air comes out of their mouths. They like to rant and rail. But who are they, really? Who is Mark Levin? And Michael Savage–that’s not his real name, is it?



    By David Catron on 7.9.12 @ 6:11AM

    “By taking aim at its insurance exchanges, the law’s Achilles’ heel, they can do it in.~

    “Now that conservatives and libertarians are beginning to recover from the injuries they sustained by banging their heads against walls, desks, and other hard objects on June 28, perhaps it’s a good time to introduce a ray of hope that might have seemed absurdly Pollyannaish during the dark hours immediately following the Supreme Court’s surreal Obamacare ruling.

    Although the voters can put an end to the madness on November 6, the states don’t need to wait until Election Day to take aim at a point of vulnerability that remains in place despite the Court’s latest caprice. They can refuse to implement the law’s insurance exchanges.

    The exchanges didn’t receive the attention their importance merits while the press, public, and political establishment remained intently focused on Obamacare’s individual mandate and the possibility that it might be ruled unconstitutional.

    The law calls for the states to set up these new bureaucracies, whose ostensible purpose will be to provide “marketplaces” in which people with no employer-based health insurance can shop for coverage at competitive rates. Now that the Court has upheld the individual mandate, THESE INSURANCE EXCHANGES CONSTITUTE THE KEY TO THE SUCCESS OR THE FAILURE OF THE LAW. (emphasis mine). They are also its Achilles’ heel.

    ===> How’s that? Well, as the Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon succinctly puts it, “Without these bureaucracies, Obamacare cannot work.” And, oddly enough, the law doesn’t actually require states to set up these “marketplaces.”

    ===> Moreover, there is no rational incentive for them to do so. If a state sets up an exchange, it then must pay for it, which won’t be cheap. Cannon writes, “States that opt to create an exchange can expect to pay anywhere from $10 million to $100 million per year to run it.” This is a burden that the states, most of which are already in deep financial trouble, are not likely to embrace with enthusiasm.

    The federal government can set up its own exchanges, in theory, but Obamacare stipulates that Washington would then be required to pick up the tab as well. And, as Cannon goes on to point out, “The Obama administration has admitted it doesn’t have the money — and good luck getting any such funding through the GOP-controlled House.”

    And it gets worse. If the federal government is forced to set up an exchange, it faces yet another huge problem. As Sally Pipes and Hal Scherz write, “The text of the law stipulates that only state-based exchanges — not federally run ones — may distribute credits and subsidies.”

    Thus, if a state refuses to set up an exchange, the feds have no real ability to do so either. The states have an opportunity, therefore, to shoot a poison arrow directly into Obamacare’s Achilles’ heel. Among those who get this is the Governor of Florida.

    That is why, when Rick Scott announced that his state would not comply with Obamacare’s Medicaid mandate, he also noted that Florida would not be setting up any state-run insurance “marketplace”: “Floridians are interested in jobs and economic growth, a quality education for their children.… Neither of these major provisions in Obamacare will achieve those goals.”


    ===> […] If the states simply decline to implement the insurance exchanges, the beast of “ObamaCare” will die. Will Obama and his HHS minions try to avoid this by ignoring the law and try to funnel credits and subsidies through federally created exchanges?

    ===> Yep. The rule of law, as they have repeatedly demonstrated, means nothing to them. But that’s where the voters come in. <===

    This won't be a problem if the electorate evicts Obama from the White House in November."

    See The Entire Article Here: http://spectator.org/archives/2012/07/09/the-states-can-still-kill-obam

  27. Ben Swann: Three Facts About A Candidate’s Name Being Placed Into Nomination at RNC

    Politics & Law
    Via Ben Swann’s Facebook Page:


    I have been in touch with a member of the RNC Rules committee over the past 4 days and have been able to confirm a few FACTS about the nomination process.

    1. For a candidate’s name to be placed into nomination at the RNC you DO need a plurality of delegates from 5 states.

    2. Binding and Non-binding distinctions DO NOT have an affect on nominating a candidates name. If “binding” is allowable by rule, (it is not) it would only pertain to a vote taken on the nomination, not the process of placing a name in nomination.

    3. The Ron Paul campaign HAS the majority of delegates in the following 5 states: Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, Louisana, Iowa. He MAY have the majority in Massachusetts and Colorado

  28. Truthbetold11

    The fruad hangin out on tv with usa basketball team. Looking for next reggie love. He is a phony baloney

  29. Whistleblower; Maybe Weaver found out that Frawley knows the judge…and fixed the case…a g a i n…

  30. Dean M @9:47,

    Levin never has, nor will conront the eligibility issue.Constitutionalist?

  31. Dean M. | July 16, 2012 at 9:47 pm —

    “And Michael Savage–that’s not his real name, is it?”
    “Michael Savage (born Michael Alan Weiner; March 31, 1942) is a conservative American radio host, author, and political commentator.”



    By Jeffrey Lord on 7.10.12 @ 6:10AM


    “Governments are not always overthrown by direct and open assaults. They are not always battered down by the arms of conquerors, or the successful daring of usurpers. There is often concealed the dry rot, which eats into the vitals, when all is fair and stately on the outside. And to republics this has been the more common fatal disease. The continual droppings of corruption may wear away the solid rock, when the tempest has failed to overturn it…”

    — Associate Justice Joseph Story, 1829


    “Why all the anger towards John Roberts? As here with Thomas Sowell and here, where Mark Levin details why the Obamacare decision was a decided loss.

    Because there is a considerable feeling the Chief Justice has treated with Statism and the Constitution’s foes as Neville Chamberlain once treated with Adolf Hitler.

    By appeasing, by attempting to pacify — yielding to demands from the Left at the expense of the Constitution’s First Principles.”

    “What is being discussed here is how conservatives should deal with two implacable foes: the impersonal, amorphous enemies that are disdain for the Constitution and the worship of the State that is Statism.

    These two foes are not forces that can be appeased, just as Chamberlain and Britain learned the hard way with the implacable enemy that was Hitler.”

    “By failing spectacularly to understand that the adversaries that are disdain for the Constitution and the worship of Statism must be seen clearly for what they in fact are: movements to assault and eventually remove liberty and freedom.”

    “But make no mistake, this drive to remove liberty and freedom in the name of Statism is exactly what’s happening.”

    “In the Roberts case resulting in an America where morsel by morsel — health care today, free speech tomorrow, freedom of religion yesterday and the separation of powers any time one feels political hunger pangs — American liberty and freedom slowly begins to evaporate. (See: Obama issues executive order on immigration, refuses to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act etc., etc.) And so on. And on.”

    ===> “For Roberts and his alliance with progressive Democrats on the Court, it was creating a previously non-existent legal theory to accommodate the newest Statist political whim — the individual mandate. Unleashing a veritable army of termites programmed to chew away at the Constitution using the new found taxing power that Roberts went out of his way to create by literally re-writing the Affordable Care Act from the bench. A decidedly non-judicial function.” But it is the Supreme Court that has frequently been in the lead of the Statist charge, as noted most notoriously with the Dred Scott decision. Levin points out in his classic devoted to the Court — Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America — that the cases that keep pouring forth from the Court over the centuries have by this point in American history cumulatively resulted in a relentless attempt to remove and override the Constitution and the liberties it represents. <====

    There is, in fact, only one way to stop this.

    "Statism must be fully engaged and battled, defeated at every turn, and vigorously so."

    See The Entire Article Here:


  33. “ObamaCare To Cost 3 Times More Than First Thought”

    “No Guarantee In Next Decade Subsidies Won’t Be Increased, Coverage Won’t Be Expanded”



    “Auditors: Obama Administration Is Bending Health Law”

    By Stephen Dinan
    The Washington Times
    Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    “Lacking the legal authority to undertake a project of this magnitude shows how the Obama administration tried to use a technicality to side step Congress and write itself a blank check to spend more money for political purposes leading into this year’s elections,” said Mr. Hatch, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, who has been keeping a close eye on the matter.

    Earlier this year GAO issued a report saying the program was likely doomed to fail. In unusually stern language the auditors urged the administration to cancel it altogether.

    Wednesday’s letter went a step further in questioning the legal authority.

    GAO answers to Congress and does not have independent authority to halt the demonstration project.

    Congress could withdraw funding, but Democrats [in the Senate who MUST be thrown out of Congress and defeated in November] have been wary of taking any action that would appear to undo major parts of the [100 percent illegal, 100 percent unconstitutional, 100 percent amoral] health law.”


  34. Another Illegal $8 Billion Dollars Slush Fund That The Current Foreign Imposter, The Current Foreign Indonesian Citizen, Soebarkah – Barry Soetoro aka Obama Is Currently Stealing From We The American USA Taxpayers As Soebarkah Is A 100 Percent Foreign & Domestic Enemy Terrorist, Daily Constant Law-Breaker, Daily Serial Criminal Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Member Who Is Daily Working With Other Foreign & Domestic Enemies Of The USA To Bankrupt The USA, & Destroy & Overthrow The USA From Inside The USA In The Domestic Terrorist Attacks Of The High Crimes They Are Committing In Their Coup D’Etat War They Are Waging On The USA From Inside Of The USA On We The American People

    “Auditors: Obama Administration Is Bending Health Law”

    By Stephen Dinan
    The Washington Times
    Wednesday, July 11, 2012

    “Congress’s non-partisan investigators said Wednesday President Obama is stretching the law TO GIVE BONUSES to mediocre private Medicare plans — an $8 billion program the auditors had already urged the administration to cancel.

    ===> In a pointed letter, the Government Accountability Office’s chief lawyer said the ADMINISTRATION HASN’T SHOWN THAT IT CAN LEARN ANYTHING BY A “DEMONSTRATION” PROJECT TO PAY BONUSES to average-performing Medicare Advantage plans. The lawyer questioned “the agency’s legal authority to undertake the demonstration.” Opponents have said the $8 BILLION DOLLAR PROJECT AMOUNTS TO A SLUSH FUND DESIGNED TO COVER UP UP THE MEDICARE CUTS [FOR THE HITLER-SOEBARKAH-SOETORO AKA OBAMA NAZI DEATH CARE] law, at least until 2014 when the law kicks into full effect. <===


  35. Whistleblower

    Or perhaps the lawsuit was designed to send a message to be careful when handing down a sentence on Frawley he might spill the beans. Maybe the lawsuit has already served it purpose. Frawley is still a free man and has not answered any questions or testified in any cases, other than that ridicules deposition in the Weaver case. Gee, I wonder what Tom Durkin his pro-bono attorney knew of what Frawley was up to ? Frawley says he discussed it with his attorney’s.

    Posted on ILP2P
    From: Dan Frawley (address deleted)
    Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 08:08:15 -0500
    Subject: Frawely [sic] vs Weaver
    To: Robert XXXXX (Cooley address deleted)

    Hi Bob
    I think the best way to bring this to the public and media is to fact plead the malpractice case against Weaver.

    I have discussed this with my attorney’s and they are willing to do it at the right time and way. Instead of a news conference being called like the gay guy did with Obama.


    I would bring this out in the for [sic] of a legal action not a personal vendetta. The media with the right reporters would make sure that was national news. When the usual denials are made or the old I don’t remember I hit him with the second naming names dates and places.
    Punches are always more effective when thrown in combination. know [sic] we figure out the best timing.

  36. My Name is America

    The Official Patriotic Anthem – Super!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    July 10, 2012


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



    Published: 12/11/2011 at 7:00 PM
    By Larry Klayman

    “You have certainly heard of and some of you watch “Comedy Central,” home to Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and a host of other comedians.

    But have you heard of “Liars Central,” the show in Washington, D.C., which is not funny, but instead the root of the nation’s ethical, legal and domestic and international decline generally?

    Last week, the continuing reality series of “Liars Central” was broadcast and seen in the hearing room of House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, where a bevy of professional lying congressmen from both sides of the political aisle grilled our professional lying Attorney General Eric Holder.

    It was a “real treat” to see so many liars in one room, a small snapshot of the cesspool of Washington’s corrupt political establishment. The game show atmosphere of the “event” was captivating, but hardly reassuring for the country – which is headed with each passing day into an increasing death spiral of sleaze, incompetence and indifference to the sinking plight of “We the People” caused in large part by our so-called ruling elite.

    Indeed, we no longer have a republic, but simply a televised tragicomedy I call “Liars Central.”


    “If Holder is not indicted for perjury, should we not empanel a citizens’ grand jury and charge him ourselves – a legal right under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution? And, let’s not single out Sir Eric! The mainstay of the Washington, D.C., political establishment, with few exceptions, should also be indicted for destroying our country and lying to us in the process!”


  37. The last couple of days Obama has been pounding in, “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen”.

    Tonight I listened to a discussion on O’Reilly (seldom listen to him) re. the above. The general feeling to Obama’s blatant statement is one of disgust and disdain; however, Obama uses the argument that all business is dependent upon infrastructure, legal protection, etc., all furnished by some level of government. To the uneducated and uninformed his arguments could make sense. He tries to act so noble and lay a feeling of guilt on business for not being more grateful for what government has done.

    This all begs the question – Who IS the government? Who should be running the government and what are its limitations? “Of the people, by the people, and for the people…..” comes to mind immediately. That’s why we who support the Constitution believe in very limited government.

    That is where the rubber meets the road – Obama believes just the opposite. He believes in a government controlled by elitists – in big government – the bigger the better. He advocates a government that has unlimited power to tax and to rule, just the opposite of our Founding Fathers. Frankly, he believes in dictatorship, as we’ve seen by his voluminous executive orders and failure to uphold laws passed by Congress.

    Therefore, his harping on business is full of nasty venom…….much more than is being pointed out by some who should take a stronger stand and show the difference.

  38. “It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
    Daniel Webster


    By: Devvy
    July 10, 2012

    “Some are saying ‘Obamacare now invalid because tax bills must originate in House’

    “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) may now be invalid because the Supreme Court ruled that it relies on a tax for implementation.

    “According to the United States Constitution, all tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives. This law originated in the Senate, because at the time the Democrats were selling it as a purchase – not a tax. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that the law is indeed based on a tax increase, it would have had to be initiated as a bill in the House of Representatives.

    “Consequently, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law is unconstitutional on a different criteria than the ones considered by the Supreme Court in this latest landmark decision. By calling the individual mandate unconstitutional but allowing the law as a federal program to be funded by new taxes, Justice Roberts essentially nullified the law.”

    Followed up by this commentary from Rocky Montana: “To give strength to the argument below: It is unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to create or rewrite law; it is charged with one, and only one, enormous responsibility which is to interpret and decide whether laws and cases coming before it are constitutional or not, period. The Obamacare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) Mandate was wisely “interpreted” and struck down as unconstitutional by five out of nine Supreme Court judges (a majority), including Chief Justice John Roberts.

    “Obamacare was not written as a Tax Law (under the broadly interpreted taxing-powers – Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution); it was written as a Mandate Law (under the Commerce Clause – Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution). The Obamacare Law has zero language in it that speaks to a tax upon the people. Don’t be hoodwinked America; neither Chief Justice John Roberts (nor any other judge) can magically wave their hand and rewrite Obamacare and ordain “it survives as a tax” like some grand wizard. Obamacare does not survive as a tax because it was not written as a tax! (Again, the Supremes DO NOT have the constitutional authority to create or rewrite law.)

    “Under the recent Supreme Court interpretation and decision, if Obamacare is ever to become law, as stated below, the law must be rewritten as a tax and be reintroduced in the House of Representatives for an up or down vote, and if passed must go to the Senate for an up or down vote, and if passed must be signed into law by the President. Anything less than this course of action is unconstitutional and, therefore, unlawful and illegal.”

    We shall see.

    My dear friend and constitutional attorney for over 35 years, Larry Becraft penned this:”

    Continue To Read The Entire Article Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    By: Devvy
    October 22, 2004

    “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” — Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter,1952


  40. You only need to hear the lunatic Soetoro business rationale to realise that he is a person who is NOT AN AMERICAN. He obviously hasn’t a CLUE as to how American businesses are built and/or operated. This tells me that he is a foreigner,and probably not even a US Citizen.

  41. Good post, Cabby -AZ. The question with all this Bain stuff still is for me: Who is Barack Obama??? Trump is our best spokesman in the limelight so far. You want to see Romney’s tax records, how about everything on Obama? Truthfully, we don’t know anything about the real guy, even whether or not his real name is Obama.

    That is why radio talk show folks like Levin and Savage can’t say anything. They’ve invented themselves, too. They come from Jewish imigrant backgrounds and have the knack for vaudeville-like performance. It comes out of the culture. A lot of what Levin and Savage say and do is for performance and effect. Sorry to knock fellow Jews, but that’s the reality, folks.

    Personally, I believe Obama Sr was not the real father. Also, whatever natural born status Obama Jr had was lost when he was adopted by his step-father, Soetoro and never properly reclaimed. He may have used foreign status to get educational aid.

    I think all of this is coming to a head faster than we realize. I’m trying to get used to the idea of having Biden for Prez with Obama removed from office or resigning soon. By the way, does anyone still have doubts that Obama is a Muslim?

  42. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

    Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity and so many others are all good men who love their fat pay checks more than they love our country.

    The communist bastards that they work for have set the guidelines.

    I just linked to an article over at WTPOTUS that describes how the Washington Post covered up government involvement that makes me want to barf.

    Show us your medal Sheriff Joe.

  43. Thanks seaque…..I have been posting lots of info on the DOC winning the nomination too but seeing how CW is a biased SOB he doesn’t allow most of my information out of moderation but he soon shall find out…..the REVOLUTION isn’t being televised…..but in the end all these BRAINWASHED ZOMBIES are going to pay BIG TIME for their STUPOR!!

  44. Dean M. | July 16, 2012 at 11:35 pm |
    Thank you, Dean M. Your points about Savage and Levin are very interesting. I would put them in the same class as Hannity and Limbaugh. They are all businessmen who have lucrative careers and must maintain powerful connections in order to keep the money flowing, as Ray implies. If those connections have warned them to stay away from eligibility issues then they willingly obey. Their livelihood means more to them than their country, it seems.

    Sadly we are not living in the days of the Founding Fathers when love of liberty meant more to them than life itself. “……..with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.”

    Are there any such people left today? I can think of two right now – Lt. Col. Terry Lakin and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Certainly there are others, too, but not in abundance.

  45. Jesse Ventura – The Bilderberg Group (Conspiracy Theory, S1 Ep 5)

    About The One World Government Totalitarian Dictatorship / New World Order Bilderberg Group

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    DEPOPULATION Plans Are In Place In The USA – The One World Government / New World Order, Completely Lawless, Daily Law-Breakers, Amoral Totalitarian Dictator Globalist’s Are Planning Genocidal Holocaust In The USA For The American People

    Uploaded on Feb 18, 2011

    Listen carefully to Rima Laibow, M.D.

  46. Ron Paul: We Must Stop the Fed from Causing More Harm

  47. I’ve listened to Savage over the years, an hour hear 15 minutes there, and he was the first talk show host that I listened to cover the illegal alien in the whitehouse. I had read about Phil Berg in September 08 on the internet, and it was Oct 23 2008? that I first heard Phil Berg on Savage Nation. We were coming home from a Sarah Palin Rally and he had Berg on for at least an hour. He had Berg on a few times after that. There should be YouTube videos as I had listened to them once after. My belief is that Michael has been threatened physically and that is why he never brings it up anymore. If you listen to him sometimes when he’s real neurotic he drops a little pearl and you have to connect the dots(pearls). My opinion only.


    By Marita Noon

    “So far our chronicle of the green-energy crony-corruption story, has focused primarily on the connections the players have to President Obama. This chapter stars Senator Harry Reid. When looking at the whole story, it’s important to note that Senator Reid “led passage of the $814 billion stimulus bill and worked to include the loan guarantee program to help finance clean-energy projects”—projects to which, as we will show, he is connected.

    In a DOE press release, Reid actually bragged about how he included the green loan guarantee in the stimulus bill: “As I led passage of the stimulus bill, I worked to include the loan guarantee program to help finance clean energy projects” that will “bring us closer to energy independence.”

    We’ve already unveiled two of these expensive and politically explosive projects through our Special Seven series––those that received the touted loans as a part of the stimulus bill (even though they were rated as “non-investment” grade) and grants, as well as “special” Department of Interior treatment.

    As the “Special Seven” moniker indicates, there are more companies and/or projects to reveal.

    Before we start on the new information, here’s a highlight of the previous players’ specific connections to Senator Harry Reid—the focus of this chapter.

    Last week, we exposed BrightSource Energy that received a $1.6 billion DOE loan. BrightSource’s executives donated almost $4000 to Reid’s 2010 campaign, including $2400 from the CEO John Woolard, who in September 2010, along with Peter Darbee, then Chairman of PG & E, hosted a fundraiser for the majority leader in his corporate offices.

    The week before, we uncovered the fact that a couple of SolarReserve (with its $737 million loan) board members are big Democrat donors, including contributions to Obama’s 2008 campaign as well as Senator Reid. The Washington Free Beacon divulged, “…Nevada Geothermal, Ormat Nevada, and SolarReserve—are located in Reid’s home state. Executives from all three companies have donated to Reid and his fellow Democrats, contributing more than $58,000 since 2008.”

    However, what you are about discover is that the two projects we’ll profile in this chapter have similar direct ties, some sly connections to the Senator, and some stinky consequences.

    Nevada Geothermal Power

    First we’ll look into Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP) as recent news exposes that its power is dimming. NGP may be the next green-energy bankruptcy.

    Here’s the NGP thumbnail presented in the introduction to the green-energy crony-corruption story:

    Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP) holds leasehold interests in six geothermal projects located in the Western United States. They hold a BB+ rating and received a $78.8 million loan, guaranteed by the DOE, in September of 2010. Executives from NGP contributed in 2008 to Harry Reid’s campaign.

    Additionally, since 2009, NGP was the recipient of more than $69 million in federal grants, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

    The New York Times reports: “Reid was instrumental in securing that financing for Nevada Geothermal.”

    See The Entire Article Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




    By Bob Unruh

    “Abramoff influenced legislators by lavishing them with access to private jets and junkets to the world’s greatest golf destinations, free meals and access to the best tickets to area sporting events. But the best way to peddle influence, Abramoff said, was to tell congressmen’s staffers high-salaried jobs would be waiting after their stint on Capitol Hill.

    The moment the job was offered, Abramoff explained, “That was it. We owned them. And what does that mean? Every request from our office, every request from our clients, everything that we want, they’re going to do.”

    “It was effective,” Abramoff said. “Most congressmen don’t feel they’re being ‘bought.’ Most congressmen I think, can in their own mind justify the system.”


    “Abramoff explains how lobbyists can game [Congress members and] the legislative process to secure payoffs for clients, often without their targets’ knowledge. By convincing members of Congress to insert into bills backdoor language that is intentionally obscure and draped in legal code, lobbyists can open up sweetheart holes in regulations for their clients.

    “We crafted language that was so obscure, so confusing, so uninformative, but so precise, to change the U.S. code,” Abramoff said.

    ===> It worked so well, he explained, because, “Members [routinely recklessly and lawlessly] don’t read the bills” [and they vote on bills and pass bills they routinely never read in their reckless, malevolent, arrogant, slothful, lazy, and evil Congressional malfeasance.] <===

    Former Rep. Bob Ney confirmed Abramoff’s story:

    “I had no idea [what the obscure, coded phrases changed in the law meant and]; I didn’t care,” Ney said. “It was a great big shell game. … I was dumb enough to not say, ‘What’s this thing do?’”

    In his book, Abramoff “outs” senators and members of Congress and sets out the details of insider deals previously unknown to most. He also sets forth a Capitol Hill reform plan that would rock the fraternal inside-the-Beltway culture.

    The scandals triggered by Abramoff led to the convictions of 20 people for payoffs in exchange for political favors, including Ney. Abramoff was released in June after nearly four years in federal prison."


  49. Whistleblower; I don’t think Weaver was in on this scam and for Frawley to admit this lawsuit was nothing but a threat to the U.S. Attorney’s office and to launch his book deal would be an ace for Weaver to have the case thrown out…this court filing was at the end of May, it might still be active…Weaver wanted the case moved out of Cook County because of all Frawley’s connections (ironically he knows the judge)…Many many possibilties for this case to be dropped, like you said it has served it’s purpose…

  50. Interested Bystander

    Cabby commented on Hannity, Levin, Savage and the like:

    “If those connections have warned them to stay away from eligibility issues then they willingly obey.”

    Which means they have NO INTEGRITY or character.

    Where would we be today if our Forefathers hadn’t spoken out?

    If you’re right, you’re right no matter how many people believe you.

    Money means more than character and integrity.

    The indoctrination continues.

  51. Tina, put that on UTUBE and FACEBOOK. Very nice.

  52. Interested Bystander

    Good morning CW and ALL here at CitzenWElls:

    Can someone explain to me when kids stopped learning respect, humility, integrity and character?

    I was taught to say “yes sir” or “yes ma’am” and “no sir” or “no ma’am”.

    I was taught to LISTEN to older folks and NOT talk over them.

    I was taught NOT to lie, and to admit when I made a mistake and accept the consequences for my mistakes.

    I was taught that a friend tells another friend what they NEED to hear, and NOT what they WANT to hear.

    I was taught that you go in to debt for TWO things (a vehicle and a home), and that you SAVE the money to buy other things.

    I was taught that you look at the person you are talking too.

    Young folks today are all about themselves. Everything is NOW, NOW, NOW.

    There’s a young kid at work (23) who lives at home with mom and dad, is still on his mom’s health insurance (even though our workplace offers health insurance), doesn’t own a car (he’s using his mom and dad’s car to get back and forth to work AFTER trying to buy a car FROM his mom and dad, but wouldn’t pay them for it, and then ridiculing them for taking it away, and making him drive the “junk” car, for FREE except for gas, and I shouldn’t comment that because he probably thinks THEY should be putting gas in the car too), and is in bankruptcy.

    But by golly he has at least three tatoos, the best designer clothes (I guess mom and dad paid for that also), and the newest “smart” phone out there and he walks around work like he’s the “cock of the walk”.

    Not only that, but almost everyone thinks he’s “cool”.

    Last night, I was mopping my work area, and here he comes with his earphones in and his phone out looking like he’s texting or whatever they do now days, and walks right through my clean floor with oil covered shoes.

    Man I’d love to give him a piece of my mind.

  53. Jonah | July 16, 2012 at 7:42 pm |

    The son of a friend makes occassional business trips to Canada for his company. Last week, for the first time. he was required to fill out paper work before his flight, stating that he is not going to Canada to work.

    Does anyone know why the Canadian government has implemented this kind of documentation?



    I’m not sure “when” the Canadian government first began such document(s) requirement, but I do know that it happened to one of our employee 7 years ago.

    We use to send our Robotic tech program employee to one of our suppliers in Canada. On one occasion, they held him at the boarder (he would drive 5 hours) and requested additional document that was never required before.

    They contact both us and the Canadian Company and demanded that they find an employee in Canada to do the job, of which they couldn’t. They also held him for 8 hours and interrogated him on cameras.

    Canada is a job protectionist State. In this case, it took two weeks for the company working with the government to allow someone to come back in. Our employee refused to go back. That’s 2 weeks of downtime not producing a product because of this type of job protectionism program.

  54. citizenwells

    Good morning IB, et al.

  55. Good Morning,

    Unfortunately I will be just starting work when Sheriff Joe gives his speech. I will however check for the updates from time to time while at work here via smart phone on the most informative blog, CW’s. 🙂

    I can hardly wait to read the upcoming great posts here pertaining to this news release this evening, but will not be able to respond.

    I am hopeful that maybe they discovered things like the missing page 13 of the records and possibly information (preferably physical documents) from the inside whistle blower. Who knows…

  56. citizenwells

    I still do not know where Obama was born.
    What is clear is his pattern of deception.
    For much of his life reports indicate a Kenyan birth.
    I’ll bet that is what the original college records indicate.
    His Selective Service application was forged because he stated he was from Kenya.
    The college records will probably tell the tale if they have not been destroyed or altered.
    Romney & others must continue to bring this up

  57. IB, you’ve got it all wrong, You need to give the punk a piece of your mop, not your mind.

    My wife and I have been raising her brother’s grandsons, ages 7 and 13, for almost three years now. They are getting all the old school (and Boot Camp) that my wife will allow me to bestow on them.

    We constantly hear from the parents of all of their friends, how well mannered and courtious they are. Yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir.

    One of the 13 year old’s friends was calling me Ray, when he called here. I nipped that in the bud, in short order.

    The 13 year old just walked by the office here and said good morning. I gave him his marching orders (feed the dogs and pick up the poop) before heading off to Kids College. All I heard back was: yes sir. Made my ears feel good.

    Every day God gives us on this earth is Bless-ed. I Pray that today will turn out to be ever more so.

  58. Starla | July 16, 2012 at 11:28 pm |

    By: Devvy
    July 10, 2012
    “Some are saying ‘Obamacare now invalid because tax bills must originate in House’
    We talked some days ago about Obamatax originating in the Senate but couldn’t find verification. Hannity’s show on Friday had 15 -20 political experts, from both Dems and GOP. I heard Ed Rollins say the very same thing, Obamacare now invalid because tax bills must originate in House’. Rollins said that when Romney is elected he should have the House vote to defund the law.

    Did anyone else see Hannity on Friday? I haven’t been able to find a video of Rollins’ comments.

  59. Don Williams – Lord, I hope this day is good

  60. I was reading yesterday morning where the IMF declared the United States needs to raise their Debt Ceiling..Again…..

    Furthermore, the Federal Reserve (Bernie) is discussing the possibilities of printing more money…Again…

    These morons don’t get that Keynesian Economics don’t work, never have worked and never will work. Or maybe they do and don’t care.

    Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The beautiful thing about history is it doesn’t lie, on the people do.

  61. opps,

    should read: Only the people do.

  62. Jonah & Starla,

    The problem is that there is a legal technicality in the origination of the newly declared tax bill known as Obamacare.

    It did not originate in the Senate, but rather the House. This is not the first time such has happened. In short, the house created a bill and sent to the senate, the senate gutted it and stuck obamacare in it and sent it back to the house, hence it originated in the house – technically. Again, this is not a first.

    The only 2 choices are either to defund it – or the GOP win 4 seats in the Senate in 2012 and eliminate Obamacare since its now declared a tax.

  63. I.B.,

    You were obviously raised by good respectful caring parents. We cannot say the same today for most others.

    Like you, I too was raised in a similar manner as you. I think I was the only Senior in High School that had a bedtime, an early one at that, at least that is what I thought at that time.

  64. bob strauss

    Donald Trump up next on FOX to talk about the usurper’s idiotic statements.

  65. William,
    Yes, I am aware of your version of the bill’s origination. However, Ed Rollins has been in the political arena for over 30 years, going back to Reagan. When I hear a man of his stature say the law is invalid, I consider his opinion to carry much validity. Apparently the issue is debatable.

    The GOP winning 4 Senate seats won’t eliminate Obamatax as long as we have a POTUS who will veto it. We must defeat BO!

  66. Jonah,

    Of course, it is not my version of history and law. Shell bill’s have been used in the past and upheld in the Supreme court. This is no different. Unless Ed Rollins has direct influence over the Supreme Court of overturning past Shell bill’s precedence, then maybe he knows something with his 30 years in politics that the Supreme Court doesn’t.

    We shall see

  67. Jonah, we need to INCARCERATE BO! And a whole bunch of others.

    I shudder at the thought of how much more damage these thugs will do between November and January.

  68. http://www.news4jax.com/news/Flash-mob-causes-havoc-at-Walmart/-/475880/15568130/-/vt1vdlz/-/index.html

    Flash mob causes havoc at Walmart
    YouTube video shows teens throwing food, merchandise around the store

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Flash mobs are known across the United Stats as a group of people, dancing, having fun and enjoying themselves while entertaining others.

    However, the Wal-Mart off Lem Turner Road in Jacksonville fell victim to a flash robbery when more than 300 people entered the store and destroyed the security system as well as some merchandise.

    This is what is now encouraged under Obama: overwhelming numbers of “flash mobs” let loose to wreak havoc upon business with the blessing of the regime that hates business. The word has gone out: “bring guns to their knives”. They know they can overcome local law enforcement in such numbers and if greater force had to be used they simply feel protected by shouting “racists”….and then Holder’s DOJ will investigate law enforcement rather than the thug destroyers of other people’s property.

  69. Starla | July 17, 2012 at 5:49 am |

    By Bob Unruh

    “Abramoff influenced legislators by lavishing them with access to private jets and junkets to the world’s greatest golf destinations, free meals and access to the best tickets to area sporting events. But the best way to peddle influence, Abramoff said, was to tell congressmen’s staffers high-salaried jobs would be waiting after their stint on Capitol Hill.
    This is how I imagined all of the congressmen in DC were influenced to ignore Obama’s eligibility.

  70. We need a list of the democrats in the Senate that are up for re election this year, and remind voters of the tax increase they are responsible for. To make a difference going forward, and to repeal Obamascare, the Senate must be wrenched from the control of the democrats. They have shown themselves to be criminals, and they need to be eliminated.

    Send them home, where they will draw their salary for life.

  71. More sickening reads in our Brave New PC World:

    Scholar charged with ‘misconduct’ for his work on gay parenting

    A University of Texas sociologist is being investigated for scientific “misconduct,” after angering gay activists with research suggesting children raised by same-sex couples have more problems as adults.

    Professor Mark Regnerus defended his June 2012 findings in an e-mail to the Austin American-Statesman newspaper, saying he worked with a team of “leading family researchers” from “across disciplines and ideological lines” to develop a protocol approved by the university’s review board.

    Initially, the university promoted Regnerus’ study as a “particularly significant” source of information on outcomes in same-sex parenting. It showed that adult children of same-sex households tend to have lower incomes, more physical and mental problems, less stable relationships and higher crime rates.

    Read more: http://www.ewtnnews.com/catholic-news/US.php?id=5789#ixzz20tHJK0AJ

  72. citizenwells

    A comment just posted on a April 16, 2008 CW article.

    Submitted on 2012/07/17 at 10:36 am

    “i haven’t read all the comments because as i started it sounded like i was in a school yard, this is exactly why this marxist, muslim tool has made it this far, he doesn’t even deny his beliefs, doesn’t deny his karl marx background, that he was raised a muslim, these two things alone should bring him down. all one has to do is watch some old footage of hitler and close their eyes, almost word for word it’s obama speaking. i just heard recently that he was interested in the the old one world government and doing away with all guns period for all citizens, don’t you fools realize this is exactly what all dictators did just before taking over a country. the entire country must have had it’s head buried in the sand for the last 20 years and be brain dead.”




  74. citizenwells | July 17, 2012 at 8:53 am |
    I still do not know where Obama was born.
    What is clear is his pattern of deception.
    I agree, cw,
    I still don’t know for sure where BHO was born. I admit there is compelling evidence that Barry was born in Kenya but my gut feeling is that he was born in Hawaii. I believe that BHO has assumed at least two, probably more, identities throughout his life and that’s a serious problem for any person who serves in public office.

    Why did his mom and step dad enroll Barry in a Catholic school in Indonesia? The weren’t Catholic , or even Christian. I’m guessing it’s because the Catholic school enrollment requirements weren’t as strict as those of Indonesian schools. Allowing attendance under an assumed name with lack of birth certificate and/or adoption papers provided BHO with a second identity. Two years later Barry transferred to an Indonesia school with documentation from the Catholic school that he was Indonesian Barry Soetoro.

    Barry used both identities, Barack Hussein Obama AND Barry Soetoro, throughout his life whenever convenient. And I believe there was at least one, maybe more, amendments to his original Hawaii birth certificate.
    I’ll stop here.

  75. Welcome to the new amerika of gov. established religion:


    ‘ObamaCare Catch-22′: Crushing Fines for Religious Entities in Mandate
    Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) talks to PJM about his new bill to counter provisions that could “tax religiously affiliated schools, hospitals, universities and soup kitchens right out of existence.”

  76. Bob,

    I completely agree with you. The Senate must be taken at 51 by the GOP. Not the solution necessarily, but certainly a filibuster insurance policy in the event Obama is re-elected.

  77. Are race riots not news?
    Thomas Sowell spotlights WND writer unafraid to cover black-on-white mobs


    Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities across America.

    Flaherty’s previous writings have won him praise and awards, but this book has been met largely with silence or abuse. However much ignoring the ugly realities his book reveal may serve the interests of the media or politicians, a cover-up is a huge disservice to everyone else – whether black, white or whatever.

    Even the young hoodlums who launch these mass attacks on strangers would be better off to be stopped now, rather than continue on a path of escalating violence that can lead to a lifetime behind bars or to the execution chamber.

    The dangers to the nation as a whole are an even bigger problem. The truth has a way of eventually coming out, in spite of media silence and politicians’ spin. If the truth becomes widely known, and a white backlash follows, turning one-way race riots into two-way race riots, then a cycle of revenge and counter-revenge can spiral out of control, as has already happened in too many other countries around the world.

  78. Jonah:

    Obama attended a Catholic school in Indonesia?


  79. William,
    It seems I may have come across as contentious. Like most other good people here, I am seeking the truth. I learn a lot from the wise discussions at cw. I respect your opinions.

    Can you tell me the title of the original House bill from which Obamatax was spawn?

  80. Jonah,

    You do realize that only 2% of the Citizens in Indonesia are Catholic. And the public school system is not Catholic in Indonesia, right? I don’t understand your basis for comment. Did you mean Muslim religion as the norm for public school standards?

  81. Jonah,

    I too certainly respect your opinions. I guess I’m trying to figure out your position of information. Unfortunately, typing in a blog does and can lead to misunderstanding each other.

  82. William | July 17, 2012 at 11:00 am |
    Obama attended a Catholic school in Indonesia?


    Yep. Assissi Catholic grammar school……..

    Barry Soetoro the muslim

  83. Whistleblower; I have a question; Is Frawley going to throw his lawyer Thomas Durkin ‘under the bus’? To keep from going to prison???

  84. William | July 17, 2012 at 11:00 am |

    Obama attended a Catholic school in Indonesia?



    Apparently it was a school run under the auspices of the Catholic Church but students were separated for religious instruction as to their personally noted religion on registration. Obama took religious instruction as a Muslim while attending the school.


    AP photo of school register reveals “Barry Soetoro” as muslim Indonesian

    “Obama’s mother, divorced from Obama’s father, married a man from Indonesia named Lolo Soetoro, and the family relocated to the country from 1967-71. At first, Obama attended the Catholic school, Fransiskus Assisis, where documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather. The document required that each student choose one of five state-sanctioned religions when registering — Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic or Protestant. Gibbs said he wasn’t sure why the document had Obama listed as a Muslim.”

    Gibbs may not have been sure, but it appears that the Obama campaign made sure that this image did not see the light of day, because the photographic listing of the candidate, even as a child, as an Indonesian whose religion was Islam was worth, well, a thousand words. “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim,” Gibbs said in the article. “As a six-year-old in Catholic school, he studied the catechism.”

    That may be Gibbs’ assertion, but evidence from grown-up school chums of little Barry Soetoro indicates that he studied, and excelled in, the teachings of the Koran in the original Arabic and could recite the Shehada, the Islamic article of faith, by heart, and with a decent tune, according to the New York Times roving columnist Nicholas Kristof, to whom “Obama” remarked that the sound of the Muslim call to prayer was one of the world’s most beautiful sounds.

    The AP article quoted Iis Darmawan, 63, Obama’s kindergarten teacher, who “remembers him as an exceptionally tall and curly haired child who quickly picked up the local language and had sharp math skills. ‘He wrote an essay titled, “I Want To Become President,”‘ the teacher said.” She didn’t indicate which country he wanted to become president of.

    The AP caption reads: “This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro into the Catholic school made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, and shows his Muslim step-father listed the boy’s religion as Islam. (AP Photo/ Tatan Syuflana)” Syuflana is a well-known and frequently published photographer, specializing in Indonesia.

    A representative of the AP confirmed that the photo is authentic.

    The most damaging revelation in the AP photo (registration required to see the large-scale image. A derived image is here.) may turn out to be the listing of his name as Barry Soetoro. It has been reported that he used the name Barack Hussein Obama and failed to mention Barry Soetoro when asked to provide any former names. (He reportedly also did not respond honestly when answering negatively to a question concerning illegal drug use, which he has since admitted.) It is believed that failure to report his previous name is not an isolated instance, and may have contributed to the perceived need to manufacture a forged birth certificate listing Obama’s preferred identity as if it were present from the start.

  85. Jonah,

    I believe it is HR 6079, that is the repeal Bill listing.


  86. William…………
    I remember reading some stuff relating to the period immediately prior to Stanley Ann marrying Lolo Soetoro. I believe that Lil Barry was enrolled in a Catholic mission school. I am going to try to go back in CW posts because I seem to remember that it was posted at this blog. I don’t think he was at the Catholic school very long. Allegedly when his mother married Soetoro,he was legally still underage. I believe that this was the motivation for Lolo to adopt him legally. There must be adoption records somewhere,perhaps there is a computer whiz among us who can go into Indonesia public records and find something. Legal adoption in Indonesia might very well be PUBLIC RECORD. If proof is found of the adoption it would be certifiable. I think that it would have been a separate action of the marriage.

  87. More of Obama’s influence….you deserve to get some….after all they didn’t get there without you!!!

    ‘Flash rob’ targets Troutdale Albertsons .


  88. I am not sure if Gibbs had it right either………..afer all it was Pastor Wright who made the statement that Soetoro had GIVEN UP HIS ISLAMIC pursuits. This statement does tend to confirm that he did in fact pursue the Islamic doctrine……….And I personally believe that he has NEVER RENOUNCED IT, and still practices it. I would further guess that there is in fact a secret mosque in the WH, and secretly built with taxpayer money. I have read this at several blogs, but that doesn’t mean that it is true.

  89. …………..but I would have to conclude that if Gibbs had that much, in all probability he had “everything” …………literally from “DAY ONE”

  90. Observer,

    I will certainly verify such over the next week. One of the reasons I make comments pertaining to Indonesia and schooling is from a personal perspective. After my mother past away many years ago, my father married a native Indonesian. It is through her that I also confer through discussions. She (and her family) is one of the few percentile that is actually Christian in a culture that remains the most highly populated country consisting of Muslims.

    It was also how I learned what “Soebarka” meant long ago. This is nothing more than a “Nickname” from Indonesian Language which means “the blessed one” from Allah, yes – Muslim religion. It is commonly used.

  91. Whistleblower


    I am not convinced Frawley is going to prison.

  92. OldSalt,

    I will verify from that timeframe with the schools standing in the 1960’s. I will have to research back again as well as a discussions. I will post when I get further information.

  93. Mornin’ all. Great article at American Thinker by Monte Kuligowski, “Why Obama’s College Records Matter.” The pressure now is really mounting for Obama to come clean. The dam is about to break.

    “Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear.” Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook.

    I am grateflul to CW, Sheriff Arpaio, Philip Berg, LTC Lakin and all the patriots who have been standing up for the Constitution and not allowing this issue to die. Maybe we are about to see the results of our efforts?

    I hope so, but if so, then we may be coming close to a national crisis–we must expect a lot of fall-out.

  94. Dean M. | July 17, 2012 at 12:20 pm |
    I hope so, but if so, then we may be coming close to a national crisis–we must expect a lot of fall-out.
    Yes, that is one of the consequences of Congress’ refusal to try to remove BO. Once a would-be-dictator comes to power, he gains control of the means by which he could be stopped. Imho, that is why we see the intimidation running amok and the court system and legislative branch all reneging from fulfilling their respective responsibilities. Regrettably, the longer he remains in office the worse it will get. Only Divine intervention can truly save us.

  95. DeanM……………
    Frankly,I am very doubtful that we would see much reaction at all if Soetoro was legally removed from office. Of course I hasten to temper this statement with the assertion that there will ALWAYS be the CRIMINAL element who would use such an incident as a pretense to justify a RIOTOUS gang sort of war against anybody they see on the street, BLACK, RED, WHITE, or YELLOW. These are the STINKING, human GARBAGE,who Soetoro thinks are such wonderful people. But they notoriously do not last very long,and tend to be more on a local level than national. While I AM optimistic about this vein there is always a chance that such acts by PUNKS could go to a national level. But it has been my experience that most youth gangs (PUNKS) are NOT WILLING to stop bullets, they too know that death is PERMANENT.

  96. Cabby – AZ [July 17, at 12:14 a.m.]

    Your remarks on Limbaugh and Hannity are well taken. At least, though, they are who they are. Same with Bill O’Reilly.

    Savage is not Michael Weiner’s real name and Mark Levin has his name pronounced differently than it is among Jews. It should be pronounced LEV-in, accent on the first syllable. He goes by La-VINN, trying to sound French or something.

    I understand. My last name was Anglicized by my antecedents. And I published a book with a pen name. But La-VINN and Savage irritate me probably because they seem like clowns on a vaudeville stage and pretend to be more serious than they really are. But who am I to say? Maybe they really are sincere, but are afraid–afraid of something–like what happened to Breitbart–happening to them. I personally believe Breitbart was assassinated. I guess I’ll leave it at that.

  97. oldsalt79 & cabby – AZ .. .

    One thing I do fear is if things get “too hot” for Soetoro-Obama, he may be seen by his foreign handlers and backers as becoming a liability. At that point, rather than have him exposed, they would eliminate him to make him into a martyr–trying to blame it on the Right.

    I know this is wild speculation, but I see some evidence of that in the Torah Code, meaning God knows what may really happen. That is why we do need Divine Providence to see us through.

  98. DeanM……….
    Anything is a POSSIBILITY, but it does take a lot more for it to become a PROBABILITY. I tend to think at this point it will remain only a POSSIBILITY. But I am sometimes WRONG. Just HUMAN!

  99. Is WND the only live streaming for the Sheriff Joe new conference?

    When I went to their website, it appears you have to sign up with them in order to view the news conference. Is that correct?

    I don’t like being forced to give information to any site.

    If there are other sites providing live streaming, please inform. thanks

  100. Jackie,
    I somehow don’t think that calling Mr. Wells, our host, a ‘biased SOB’ accomplishes anything.

    You don’t have to post here.
    jacqlynsmith | July 16, 2012 at 11:53 pm | Thanks seaque…..I have been posting lots of info on the DOC winning the nomination too but seeing how CW is a biased SOB he doesn’t allow most of my information out of moderation but he soon shall find out…..the REVOLUTION isn’t being televised…..but in the end all these BRAINWASHED ZOMBIES are going to pay BIG TIME for their STUPOR

  101. I personally would like to see the GOVERNMENT OF Kenya publish the BC for the WORLD TO SEE…….if they have it. Coming from the Kenyan government it would carry substantial weight, and I believe that such an incident would finally get Congress off their A$$ES, and they might then finally move to impeach him, or simply REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE AS A USURPER. Congress can do this ……but WOULD THEY?

  102. Old salt,
    I am sure the millions in US aid going to Kenya in the last three years will discourage them from releasing a government copy. I think the publisher’s bio listing Mr. soetero’s Kenyan birth did open some people’s eyes, at least a little bit to his prolific lying. Keep praying!

  103. hrmfc…………..
    Been doing a lot of praying lately, just as I think a lot of others are doing as well. I am now of the belief that in all probability the Fed will simply do NOTHING and watch as WE THE PEOPLE do what we do best in November every four years, and unless some measure of Constitutionality returns to the Federal courts it is my personal viewpoint that he will NEVER be brought to JUSTICE either,nor will any of his supporters. The last time there was a MASS prosecution of all the principles of a regime was the Nurenburg trials after the end of WW2. But this is exactly what cries out for recognition,and action. I no longer believe that the so called American have the stomach to do what is necessary. Many even do NOT CARE either way. They think that it will all just disappear, while they have their heads stuck in the sand. I once heard that IGNORANCE is a BLISS.

  104. BTW……….does anyone know the exact time of the Arpiao news conference? Will it be pacific time, central or eastern. Somebody please get back if you know. Thanx

  105. Philo-Publius

    Sheriff Joe on Trial

    …The trial in Melendres v. Arpaio, a class-action civil-rights lawsuit, is scheduled to begin Thursday in Federal District Court in Phoenix. .This case is only the first of what is likely to be a string of civil rights challenges against immigration actions in Arizona. A civil lawsuit, brought by the Justice Department, accusing Sheriff Arpaio of systematic and widespread civil rights abuses, is moving through the courts…

  106. oldsalt79 | July 17, 2012 at 11:38 am |
    I am not sure if Gibbs had it right either………..afer all it was Pastor Wright who made the statement that Soetoro had GIVEN UP HIS ISLAMIC pursuits. This statement does tend to confirm that he did in fact pursue the Islamic doctrine……….And I personally believe that he has NEVER RENOUNCED IT, and still practices it.
    Frankly, oldsalt, I don’t believe he has ever “practiced” sincerely anything. He’s too much of a slug. After all he didn’t have to do anything in order to have everything paid for and/or excused for him while he just played and “dreamed”. What he “practices” is the ideology of hatred and death to the various “satans” via the vehicle of the cult of Islam. THAT is what satisfies his own inner vengeance and hatred. He has a chip on his shoulder; a vindictiveness. He could never get dirty and actually carry a self destructive bomb on himself while he takes out the ones he hates. So he pays off and backs the thugs he can control from afar to do his dirty work. He likes to pick kill victims for his drones because he can do so while remaining distant again. He likes to kill off the most innocent and vulnerable in the womb or even out because they won’t fight back. The ones I think he really hates though but can’t admit it are those who raised him and taught him to hate: the Commie/atheistic mother/grandmother/grandfather/mentors who led him down the road of darkness. He can’t admit that though because whatever confused lie of his made up self identity would dissolve and he has nothing else left.

    When I wrote to a relative who lives in the Chicago area about Obama creating some kind of chaos to call out martial law and postpone the election if necessary he replied that all of his black friends whether conservative or liberal there say there will be riots because “the man has always had it in for him since he was elected”. Plus he said that there’s no way he’ll leave the White House….Michelle won’t let him!! She’s full of hatred against America as well!

  107. oldsalt79 | July 17, 2012 at 1:56 pm |
    BTW……….does anyone know the exact time of the Arpiao news conference? Will it be pacific time, central or eastern. Somebody please get back if you know. Thanx
    What I’ve seen, oldsalt, is 5:30 eastern.

  108. Philo-Publius

    Did the DoJ hide whistleblower memos that prove officials lied to Congress?

  109. Old Salt,
    The Arpaio news conference is at 5:30 PM Eastern. For me it is 2:30 and I will only get to see the first part, because of a doctor’s app’t. at 3:15.
    (Earlier I read that it was 4:30 Est. but that was changed)

  110. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Latest coverage on Arpaio news conference –


  111. This guy is mad that the phony BC didn’t really do that much to opinion:

    MIT Professor: The Birthers are (Still) Back; Independent Voters Not Buying Obama Story


    “Barack Obama was born in the United States”: Full Sample

    Polling conducted last week suggests that whatever remaining effect of the release of the birth certificate that persisted through January is completely gone today. From June 30-July 2, 2012, YouGov surveyed 1000 Americans and asked whether “Barack Obama was born in the United States of America.” In the table below, I present these results, alongside the earlier polls that I presented in my January post.

    These polls demonstrate that the public is back where it was before Obama released his long form birth certificate. In April 2011 55% of the public believed that Obama was born in the United States. Today 55% of the public believes that he was born in the United States.

  112. citizenwells

    Thanks Cabby.

  113. bob strauss

    oldsalt79, This is for you, re Soetoro’s religion.

  114. Whistleblower; Why do you think this? Is he going to trade-in Durkin?


    Leah Barkoukis
    Blogger, Townhall.com
    July 17, 2012 02:46 PM EST

    “The threats by the UN Arms Trade Treaty to the Second Amendment have been made well aware at this point and in ten days, the terms of the treaty will be finalized. Despite the UN’s feigned claims to the contrary, like a Myths & Facts section in the press kit, actions seems to speak louder than words:

    The U.N. is aware of the political dangers of appearing to stomp openly on the Second Amendment. It uses code words; it runs closed meetings—a veteran of the process tells me that meetings were normally open until the National Rifle Association began showing up at them—and, above all, it plays a long game. A big problem with talking about the ATT as a “gun grab” treaty is that the U.N. works by taking slices: when it comes to the U.N., being outraged by one development is no substitute for focusing on how the slices pile up over time.

    Lest we forget how we’ve arrived at this point in the first place though. In October 2009, the Obama administration voted for the U.S. to participate in negotiating the ATT – a dramatic reversal of the Bush administration’s position. This reversal, of course, comes as no surprise to avid defenders of the Second Amendment and was deeply concerning to dozens of U.S. Senators.

    After all though, the administration’s utter disdain for Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms is ubiquitous. Attempts to undermine it are happening by more of a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ strategy, however, rather than a single, more conspicuous blow. It’s evident in everything from Fast and Furious to the ATT and unleashing OSHA on a gun range fining spree (a must-read).”


    “I’ll leave you with a parting quote from Thomas Jefferson:

    “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

    Continue Reading The Entire Article Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Katie Pavlich
    News Editor, Townhall
    July 16, 2012 08:06 AM ES


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Monday, July 16, 2012
    Fox News, Politico

    Video: “Mitt Romney addresses Obama’s attacks on Fox and Friends.”


  116. Whistleblower

    I think a deal has already been made. Keep in mind, Tom Durkin was inline for the federal bench from the beginning of this Weaver game. Obama named Durkin for the bench in 2009. Lot’s going on here. Tom Durkin was one of Frawley’s handlers going way back (pro-bono). Really, why ? And Weaver is overriding Durkin in a meeting with the feds ? Really. Dick Durbin thinks Durkin is pretty ?

  117. Whistleblower; do you think this has something to do with Patrick Fitzgeralds early retirement? This whole thing is really wrong…Do you think Kirk is in on it or they’re taking advantage of his dibilitative state? To think that a person can black mail the President and get a seat on the federal bench, this is what movies and best sellers are made of but if you wrote it no one would believe you…as far as Frawley’s mental health, he has had mental health issues since he was 5 years old and he hasn’t gotten better over the years but much much worse…

  118. Whistleblower

    Zagel just let Ali Ata walk. This will be like nothing the folks have ever seen.
    You are right who would believe it, however people will be able to see it for themself. Wait, it will get even more unbelievable ! Does anyone really think Blago is done ? Patrick Fitzgerald, Elliot Ness my a–.

  119. Pingback: Schumer to Bernanke: MORE PORKULUS before November! And? What about Obama and Bain Capital? | Bloviating Zeppelin

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