Category Archives: Government


Covid vaccine more dangerous to 15-44 year olds than virus?, CDC data suggests that conclusion, If you have a pre existing condition consult with doctor, 2020 deaths over 2019 not significant, Vaccine deaths and injuries are

Covid vaccine more dangerous to 15 -44 year olds than virus?, CDC data suggests that conclusion, If you have a pre existing condition consult with doctor, 2020 deaths over 2019 not significant, Vaccine deaths and injuries are

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels

“More than 6,000 healthy children in the U.S. and Canada will be enrolled in the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Study for which the benefits to society are nil and the risks unknown.”...Citizen Wells

“Why are we vaccinating healthy adults under age 45 with an experimental vaccine?”…Citizen Wells

The following data comes straight from the CDC.

2020 deaths per 100,000 from all causes compared to 2019 deaths ages 15 – 44

____ 2019__ 2020__ Change

15-24__ 69.7 __ 83.2 __ 13.5

35-44_ 199.2 __ 246.2 __ 47

From the CDC April 13, 2021.

“Over 189 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 12, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 3,005 reports of death (0.00158%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

April 1, 2021 VAERS Data release.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received to the system for the previous week. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 1, a total of 56,869 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 2,342 deaths — an increase of 93 over the previous week — and 7,971 serious injuries, up 245 over the same time period.

From the CDC.

First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring — United States, December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021

Nonserious adverse event reports6,354 (90.9)
Serious adverse event reports*640 (9.2)

Age group (yrs)

18–494,539 (64.9)

Almost two thirds of the adverse events happened in the 18 – 49 year old group!

Anybody in the government or fake news media telling you that???

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Covid vaccine and patriotism: Nazi Dr. Mengele and 23 Nuremburg tried physicians and scientists patriots?, Blindly following government edicts leads to totalitarian regimes

Covid vaccine and patriotism: Nazi Dr. Mengele and 23 Nuremburg tried physicians and scientists patriots?, Blindly following government edicts leads to totalitarian regimes

“The internal stability of a regime always becomes a source of a people’s trust and confidence. When the masses in their millions see that above them there stands a government which is sure of itself, part of this certainty is transferred to the masses. Only in this way the boldness of a government’s plans is matched by a like boldness in the readiness of the people to execute and carry into effect these plans.”…Adolf Hitler March 21, 1934

“More than 6,000 healthy children in the U.S. and Canada will be enrolled in the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Study for which the benefits to society are nil and the risks unknown.”...Citizen Wells

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”…Ephesians 6:12

Blindly following the dictates of government is not patriotism.

It is nationalism.

And we know from history what that gets us.

Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and a host of other cruel regimes.

Were Dr. Josef Mengele and the other 23 physicians and scientists from Nazi Germany who were tried at the Nuremburg War Crime Tribunals considered patriots?

“The Nuremburg Code was drawn up by an American military tribunal during the trial of 23 Nazi physicians and scientists for atrocities they committed while carrying out so-called “medical” experiments during World War II. [Sixteen of the 23 Nazis on trial at Nuremburg were convicted, and 7 of these were executed (see Note 1)].

The Nuremberg Code’s Directives for Human Experimentation contained strongly stated guidelines. Its tenets included the need to obtain informed consent (interpreted by some to prohibit research using children), the need to minimize the risks to human subjects, and the need to insure that any risks are offset by potential benefits to society.

But, despite the well-articulated principles of the Nuremberg Code, it had little effect on research conduct in the United States. Federal rules, with the authority to regulate research conduct, would be needed for that. So, how did our current federal oversight of research come to be?”

“Now, consider Josef Mengele, a Nazi medical officer at Auschwitz, and the most infamous of the Nazi physicians. [Mengele was discussed several times at Nuremberg, but was never actually tried. Allied forces were convinced at the time that he was dead, but he had escaped to South America.] At Auschwitz, Mengele conducted germ warfare “research” in which he would infect one twin with a disease such as typhus, and then transfuse that twin’s blood into the other twin. The first twin would be allowed to die, while the second twin would be killed so that the organs of the two children might then be compared. Mengele reputedly killed fourteen twin children in a single night via a chloroform injection to the heart. Moreover, he unnecessarily amputated limbs and he experimented on pregnant women before sending them to the Auschwitz gas chambers.”

Read more:

2 American physicians and experts.

One believes it patriotic to get vaccinated, the other is critical of the approach taken by our government.

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm.

“In fact, I would go as far as to state that I consider it my family’s patriotic duty to get vaccinated.

Some have criticized me for using the word “patriotic” to describe the act of civic duty I believe it is, to undergo COVID-19 vaccination. But, in stating this, I am not attempting to pressure or shame anyone else to conform to my sense of duty or patriotism in this matter — and those who feel shame ought to consider why they do. In fact, here, there is an opportunity for all of us to consider what it means to be “a citizen”. Do we have any duty to the nation? Do we owe anything to one another?”

Read more:

DR. Scott W. Atlas.

“Optimistically, we should be seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel with the rollout of vaccines, now being administered at a rate of one million to 1.5 million per day. On the other hand, using logic that would appeal to Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter, in many states the vaccines were initially administered more frequently to healthier and younger people than to those at greatest risk from the virus. The argument was made that children should be among the first to be vaccinated, although children are at extremely low risk from the virus and are proven not to be significant spreaders to adults. Likewise, we heard the Kafka-esque idea promoted that teachers must be vaccinated before teaching in person, when schools are one of the lowest risk environments and the vast majority of teachers are not high risk.

Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of “the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated. Many have become afraid to speak up.”

Read more:

In Dr. Noorchashm’s defense, he has strongly recommended that people get screened before vaccinations and has warned about the consequences of not doing so.

He has also been against mandated vaccinations.

However, his position about getting vaccinated as a patriotic duty, although well intentioned, is dangerous and too reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany’s Dr. Josef Mengele

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Lin Wood whistleblower absolutely credible per Lt. General Tom McInerney, Attorney Wood Telegram comments: “I found the whistleblower interview …credible”

Lin Wood whistleblower absolutely credible per Lt. General Tom McInerney, Attorney Wood Telegram comments: “I found the whistleblower interview …credible”

“Ad Hominem: This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.”…Dept. of Philosophy, Texas State

“in phone conversation in 8/19, Justice John Roberts stated that he would make sure “the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected.” Roberts engaged in phone conversations with Justice Stephen Breyer discussing how to work to get Trump voted out.”...Attorney Lin Wood

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine


From Attorney Lin Wood on Telegram

“As I have earlier made clear, I found the whistleblower interview regarding Chief Justice Roberts, former Vice President Pence and other high ranking officials to be credible.

Given the seriousness of his statements, I made the transcript public and also provided the thumb drive to the United States Secret Service, the State Bar of Georgia, the Lawyers Club of Atlanta President and members of its Executive Committee, Mercer Law School, Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox, and the District Court of Colorado Bar.

Are the allegations of the whistleblower being investigated?

With the exception of the Secret Service, all of the other recipients of the whistleblower interview have to my knowledge done nothing except to falsely smear me.

I was just the messenger. I only did what I felt was my duty as a law-abiding citizen, lawyer, and officer of the court. And for that, members of the legal profession seek to destroy me.

I think you understand exactly what is going on here. I do.”

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney explains why Lin Wood’s whistleblower is absolutely credible


· “I started providing this in 2005, and in 2008 I
13· started working directly with Rod Rosenstein in Baltimore,
14· and because of the access with the other agencies, the FBI,
15· for instance, would come for corroboration of something they
16· were working on, or just to ask questions, if I’d seen
17· something like this, if this related to anything.· Then it
18· grew from there.
19· · · · · · Because of the undercover nature of many of the
20· investigations I worked on, terrorists or domestic terrorism
21· within the country, they kept me fairly well concealed, and
22· access was limited to a certain group headed by Rod
23· Rosenstein.”

· “INTERVIEWEE:· · · · That group, I mean, they’re all
13· interconnected one way or another.· That particular group was
14· Rod, VP Pence, Paul Ryan.· That was the core of that group.
15· Rod was in there, but that was the core of it.· It was an
16· attempt, where Rod was the brilliant legal mind behind it, to
17· remove President Trump under the 25th Amendment.”

“And Rod and Roberts, Chief Justice Roberts — a lot
24· of the younger people involved, the ones that were brought as
25· favors, were supplied by Jeffrey Epstein’s channels, through his channels, his people.
·2· · · · · · We were able to get FISA warrants because Chief
·3· Justice Roberts had vice court and helped prepare them, but
·4· it was also — Epstein was an intelligence asset of some type
·5· to various agencies around the world.· They used his
·6· information.· They exploited it for their own good.”


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Covid-19 vaccines Caution: look before you leap, Cost vs benefit, Elderly most at risk for disease most at risk from vaccines?, Deaths from over counted Covid?

Covid-19 vaccines Caution: look before you leap, Cost vs benefit, Elderly most at risk for disease most at risk from vaccines?, Deaths from over counted Covid?

“Having obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above, increases your risk of severe illness from COVID-19.”…CDC

“Severe obesity puts those with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) at particularly high risk of death, more so than related risk factors such as diabetes or hypertension”… Kaiser Permanente study

“Long before Covid-19 happened, we already had an epidemic in the US. Obesity.”...Citizen Wells




I do not pretend to be an expert on Covid-19 or vaccinations.

I am not sure anyone is.

I am good at asking questions.

You should be too.

I respect Ben Stein.

Warning: Ben Stein Suffers SEVERE Side Effects from COVID Vaccine!

Citizen Wells May 7, 2020

“Covid-19 deaths inpact on US, Facts not fake news, 5 states near NY City epicenter have 61% of deaths, 9 states have 76% of deaths, 14 states less than 100”

From John Hopkins study Nov 22, 2020 that was quickly retracted

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said.

Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths.”

From a French lawsuit

“Exhibit 5
Furthermore, the clinical trials brought to light adverse effects noted after receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine:
“After receiving the injection, 63 % of the trial participants noted that
they had experienced fatigue and 55% declared they suffered from
headaches. Chills were also mentioned by 32% of the participants, 24%
complained of joint pain and 14% developed a fever.”
Exhibit 3
Even more serious, certain patients appear to have contracted Bell’s Palsy, a
condition affecting the facial nerve which results in facial paralysis, and six of those individuals died during the clinical trials.
Exhibit 4
So, it is in this context of risk and total uncertainty that the President of France
affirmed during his speech of November 24th , 2020, in clear violation of the
precautionary principle, that the “vaccination campaign” would begin “in late
December, early January”.

Additionally, this announcement was made at a time when the very usefulness of the principle of vaccination against Covid-19 is very controversial within the medical community, namely due to its low efficacy, its dangerous nature and the lack of a track record for this new technology.
2. There is medical controversy as to whether a vaccine is appropriate.
According to Imperial College of London, after analyzing 175 studies published around the world, the real death rate of Covid-19, meaning the percentage of deaths reported to number of infected individuals is estimated at 1.15%, meaning
essentially nonexistent!
Exhibit 9
Furthermore, it was revealed that the average age at death from Covid-19 is 84 and that 90.8% of the people were over 65.”

Read more:

Please ask questions before you rush to get vaccinated.

Cost vs benefit

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Kathy Boockvar corrupt anti Trump Pennsylvania Secretary of State resigns Feb 5, PA senate: “numerous unawful violations”, Multiple court cases active

Kathy Boockvar corrupt anti Trump Pennsylvania Secretary of State resigns Feb 5, PA senate: “numerous unawful violations”, Multiple court cases active

“Using the title ‘President’ before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency”...Kathy Boockvar tweet 2017

“numerous unawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf; Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar”  “Due to these inconsistent and questionable activities, we believe that PA election results should not have been certified by our Secretary of State,”...PA senate Jan 4, 2021

“Until these unlawful practices are acknowledged and corrected, we cannot agree to support electors chosen based upon an inaccurate total vote count. The voters of Pennsylvania deserve integrity in the election process and equal protection under the law.”…PA Congress Members Dec 31, 2020


Kathy Boockvar resignation truth from Citizen Wells.

“Kathy Boockvar, who is Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, will no longer hold that position after February 5th, 2021. Boockvar is resigning at the urges of Governor Tom Wolf due to two major ‘scandal’ issues. Even though these 2 issues have recently come to light, she’s worked in that department for over 3 years, so who knows what else she has done during that time. Her resignation just so happens to come right after endless negative judgments were made about her handling of 2 major issues. Those two issues include her handling of the 2020 elections, which she was sued for by Trump’s 2020 campaign, and the way she managed the new state constitutional amendment that has to do with child sexual abuse victims. What exactly did she do that was so wrong??”

Read more:

President Trump and his supporters were never going to get fair treatment in Pennsylvania.

Kathy Boockvar anti Trumper

“The woman in charge of overseeing Pennsylvania’s ballot-counting process has repeatedly attacked President Trump, even tweeting that addressing him by his title “demeans” the office to which people elected him.

Since 2015, Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, has relentlessly attacked Trump on Twitter, starting from when he was an underdog in the GOP primary.

“This is awesome,” Boockvar tweeted on Dec. 11, 2015. “The absolutely epic trolling letter Jeb Bush’s leadership PAC sent to Donald Trump’s lawyer,” before linking to an article from the Washington Post.

Many of her tweets over the last four years included critical coverage of Trump, such as incorrect predictions that his victory would “significantly weaken the US, driving us into a lengthy recession.””

Read more:

Pennsylvania Senate exposes Boockvar January 4, 2021.

“As members of the Pennsylvania Senate, we believe in the integrity of the election process. After speaking with our colleagues, a majority of the State Senate is troubled by the many inconsistencies that happened in our Commonwealth during the 2020 election.

Due to the numerous unawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf; Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar; and the rogue State Supreme Court, the balance of power was taken from the State Legislature, who by the US and PA Constitutions set the time, place and manner of holding elections.”

“Due to these inconsistent and questionable activities, we believe that PA election results should not have been certified by our Secretary of State,”

Members, we ask for more time given the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court is to hear Trump vs. Boockvar in the coming days. We ask that you delay certification of the Electoral College to allow due process as we pursue election integrity in our Commonwealth.”

Read more:


“Unfortunately, the many unlawful actions undertaken by the Pennsylvania Governor’s office, the Secretary of State, and what has been described as a rogue Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeded and circumvented the state legislature’s clear constitutional authority.

“The unlawful actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Accepting ballots past 8:00 pm on Election Day
  • Not properly requiring signatures to match those on mail-in ballots or requiring dates
    • Meanwhile, the matching of signatures was required at a polling site
  • Authorizing the curing of mail-in ballots with less than a 24-hour’s notice
    • Only some counties were informed and adhered to this order leaving voters treated unequally from county to county
  • Authorizing the use of unsecure drop boxes, which is not permitted in statute
  • Prohibiting certified poll watchers overseeing the canvassing of ballots in Philadelphia”


Pennsylvania House Resolution 1094 November 30, 2020

“3. Disapproves of and disagrees with the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s premature certification of the results of the November 3, 2020 election regarding presidential electors; and

4. Declares that the selection of presidential electors and other statewide electoral contest results in this Commonwealth is in dispute; and

5. Urges the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Governor to withdraw or vacate the certification of presidential electors and to delay certification of results in other statewide electoral contests voted on at the 2020 General Election; and

6. Urges the United States Congress to declare the selection of presidential electors in this Commonwealth to be in dispute.”

Active court cases

Trump v Boockvar US Supreme Court

Trump v Boockvar US Supreme Court

Trump v Boockvar US Supreme Court

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Georgia legislature 2 questions: 1. How do you explain 95% adjudications (errors) 238k in 2 batches?, Why are you letting Arizona push for audit while doing nothing?

Georgia legislature 2 questions: 1. How do you explain 95% adjudications (errors) 238k in 2 batches?, Why are you letting Arizona push for audit while doing nothing?

“Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., a cybersecurity expert from Texas, testified that his team had compared data from Dominion voting machines in those places where they were used around the nation…..Ramsland estimated that these anomalies translated to between 123,000 and 136,000 extra votes for Vice President Biden in Georgia.”…GA senate chairman Ligon report on testimony from Dec 3, 2020 hearing

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“We are calling upon the elections officials to engage the GBI to investigate any and all fraudulent activities, including those which were brought to light during Senate committee hearings on December 3, 2020.”…Georgia Senate Republicans December 8, 2020


Georgia and Arizona have much in common when it comes to election irregularities, illegalities, cover ups and fraud.

They both had Trump haters overseeing their elections.

Gabriel Sterling in Georgia and Katie Hobbs in Arizona.

At least the Arizona Legislature is trying to find the truth and perform a legitimate audit.

From the evidence so far, Georgia has more instances of illegalities, irregularities, cover ups and fraud.

Georgia Legislature:

2 questions

  1. How do you explain having 2 batches in Fulton County with over 238,000 ballots needing adjudication? 95 % of the total.
  2. Why are you sitting there doing nothing with the efforts the Arizona Legislature has expended?

Adjudicated ballots

The following adjudication rates were revealed by GA election official Richard Barron.


During the Georgia Senate election hearing on December 30, 2020, it was revealed 106,000 out of 113,130 ballots had to be adjudicated. 93.69 percent. This happened on election night.”


Now we learn that on November 5, 2020, 132,272 out of 137,134 ballots scanned had to be adjudicated.

That is 96.45 %!!!


In one county.

In 2 batches.

A total of 238,272!


Virtually impossible these were all normal voter mistakes.

  • Were the ballots misprinted? An honest mistake.
  • Were the ballots misprinted to force adjudication?
  • Were new ballots created in the process?
  • If the old ballots were retained, how were they processed in a recount.
  • Supposedly 132,272 ballots were adjudicated the night before the morning of November 5.

GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night:


Georgia Legislature why no audit?

From the Georgia Senate report of December 17, 2020:

1- The November 3, 2020 election was chaotic and the results cannot be trusted.
2- The Secretary of State and the State Elections Board failed to enforce the law as written in the Georgia Code, and furthermore, created policies that contravened State law. As Senator Matt Brass concluded at the December 3 hearing, “We have heard evidence that State law was not followed, time after time after time.”
3- The Secretary of State failed to have a transparent process for the verification of signatures for absentee ballots, for the counting of votes during the subsequent recount and audit, and for providing the type of guidance and enforcement necessary to ensure that monitors and other observers had meaningful access to the process.
4- The Secretary of State instituted an unconstitutional gag order so that monitors were told not to use photography or video recording devices during the recount.
5- Election officials at all levels failed to secure test ballots and actual ballots. Many reports indicate that proper procedures were not followed, and there was systematic failure to maintain appropriate records of the chain of custody for these ballots, both prior to and after voting and throughout the recount.
6- The Secretary of State and Election Supervisors failed to stop hostile behavior of workers toward citizen volunteer monitors during the recount process.
7- The events at the State Farm Arena are particularly disturbing because they
demonstrated intent on the part of election workers to exclude the public from viewing the counting of ballots, an intentional disregard for the law. The number of votes that could have been counted in that length of time was sufficient to change the results of the presidential election and the senatorial contests. Furthermore, there appears to be coordinated illegal activities by election workers themselves who purposely placed fraudulent ballots into the final election totals.
8- Grants from private sources provided financial incentives to county officials and exerted influence over the election process.
9- The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”

So, is that the reason for no audit?

“the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”

Then do your damned job and decertify the election results!


Declare Perdue the winner of the Nov 3 Senate race.


More here:



Italian hacking corroborations from Patrick Byrne tweets Jan 9, 2021, Prof. Alfio D’Urso verbal statement and law license, “This is an “Italian job” And it is real.”

Italian hacking corroborations from Patrick Byrne tweets Jan 9, 2021, Prof. Alfio D’Urso verbal statement and law license, “This is an “Italian job” And it is real.”

“Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,”...Catherine Herridge CBS Dec 3, 2020

To those asking, “if the Italian job/Hammer & scorecard/Live voter data in Pakistan being penned are real, won’t and investigation turn this all up?” You forget: our institutions are captured. Yes, those are all real. However, our institutions are corrupt.”...Patrick Byrne

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln


Patrick Byrne retweet

Patrick Byrne retweet


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Patriots threatened to not file petition with SCOTUS to overturn illegal certification of Electoral College votes by traitors Pence Pelosi and members of congress??

Patriots threatened to not file petition with SCOTUS to overturn illegal certification of Electoral College votes by traitors Pence Pelosi and members of congress??

“Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but nothing in this world is certain but death and taxes.” … Benjamin Franklin

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine


Where is the petition to the United States Supreme Court to overturn the illegal certification of Electoral College votes?

Kept anticipating.

I must assume any patriots capable of doing so have been threatened or intimidated into not doing so.

This is not a grey area of law.

Multiple state legislatures notified Pence and congress that the earlier certified votes were invalid.

That they must not be certified by congress.

The state legislatures have plenary power over Electoral College votes that supercedes any court, congress, secretary of state, governor or Mike Pence.

Pence should not have counted those votes.

What he did was clearly unconstitutional.

From Citizen Wells January 7, 2021.

“VP Pence failed in his constitutional duty when he certified illegal Electoral College votes.

Votes in states where the legislatures deemed them invalid.

And clearly, he should have taken the advice of Ted Cruz, et al to pause for a 10 day audit.

Let’s start with the simplest no brainer state example.


Wisconsin Assembly Resolution 3 January 4, 2021.”

Read more.

Mike Pence

Nancy Pelosi

and many members of Congress

are traitors.



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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp about to be charged with election fraud?, Is that why President Trump suggested he resign?, Giuliani and Patrick Byrne remarks

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp about to be charged with election fraud?, Is that why President Trump suggested he resign?, Giuliani and Patrick Byrne remarks

“Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., a cybersecurity expert from Texas, testified that his team had compared data from Dominion voting machines in those places where they were used around the nation…..Ramsland estimated that these anomalies translated to between 123,000 and 136,000 extra votes for Vice President Biden in Georgia.”…GA senate chairman Ligon report on testimony from Dec 3, 2020 hearing

“We are calling upon the elections officials to engage the GBI to investigate any and all fraudulent activities, including those which were brought to light during Senate committee hearings on December 3, 2020.”…Georgia Senate Republicans December 8, 2020

” This must be about stopping Trump”…Gabriel Sterling , GA election official


3 significant events of the past several days raise a question that must be asked:

Is Georgia Governor Brian Kemp about to be charged with election fraud?


On December 30, 2020 President Trump tweeted:

** Note the continued lie from Twitter that Election officials have certified Biden the winner. That does not happen until Jan 6 at the earliest. Very sad. **

Was Trump trying to give Kemp an out? A face saving move?


On January 1, 2021 Rudy Giuliani tweeted:


On January 1, 2021 Patrick Byrne tweeted the following and later disclosed fake ballots found in Fulton County Georgia.

What other conclusion can be derived?



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