Category Archives: Impeach Senator Obama

Major General calls for Obama resignation, Paul E. Vallely, MGEN US Army, Retired, Barry Soetoro AKA President Barack Hussein Obama, Incompetence, Deceit, Fraud, Corruption, Dishonesty and Violation of the US Constitution.

Major General calls for Obama resignation,  Paul E. Vallely, MGEN US Army, Retired

From a speech given at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner on June 5, 2010 in Virginia City, Montana by Major General Paul E. Vallely, retired.

“The Declaration of Independence states:
“To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”
We cannot permit the current leaders in the White House and Halls of Congress to continue in their efforts to lead us down the road of Progressive Socialism and destruction of America. This is the current battle that we Constitutionalists face and we must be aggressive in our efforts. Incompetence, Deceit, Fraud, Corruption, Dishonesty and Violation of the US Constitution of officials now come into play as relates to our National Character, National Security, Economy and the Nation’s well-being and is the rationale for resignations. Demand Resignation of derelict officials by the people of this country in now required.
Where is our Moral Compass?
The oath of office is simple and reads:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Sadly, we have seen them violate their oath. Fraud, lying, and corruption are rampant and some have engaged in treasonous activities, and they effectively thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest bidder.”

“We now must call for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetoro (AKA President Barack Hussein Obama) — based on Incompetence, Deceit, Fraud, Corruption, Dishonesty and Violation of the US Constitution.
And a call for a National Petition for new elections to select the next President of the United States of America must be initiated. We can wait no longer for a change of Power and new Government.”

Read more:

Major General Paul E. Vallely, retired

“Paul E. Vallely retired in 1991 from the US Army as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii. General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961 serving a distinguishing career of 32 years in the Army. He served in many overseas theaters to include Europe and the Pacific Rim Countries as well as two combat tours in Vietnam. He has served on US security assistance missions on civilian-military relations to Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Central America with in-country experience in Indonesia, Columbia, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras and Guatemala.

General Vallely is a graduate of the Infantry School, Ranger and Airborne Schools, Jumpmaster School, the Command and General Staff School, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and the Army War College. His combat service in Vietnam included positions as infantry company commander, intelligence officer, operations officer, military advisor and aide-de-camp. He has over fifteen (15) years experience in Special Operations, Psychological and Civil-Military Operations.

He was one of the first nominees for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations under President Reagan. From 1982-1986, he commanded the 351st Civil Affairs Command that included all Special Forces, Psychological Warfare and Civil Military units in the Western United States and Hawaii. He was the first President of the National Psychological Operations Association. His units participated in worldwide missions in Europe, Africa, Central America, Japan, Solomon Islands, Guam, Belgium, Korea and Thailand. He has served as a consultant to the Commanding General of the Special Operations Command as well as the DOD Anti-Drug and Counter -Terrorist Task Forces. He also designed and developed the Host-Nation Support Program in the Pacific for DOD and the State Department. Most recently, he has in-country security assistance – experience in El Salvador, Columbia and Indonesia in the development of civil-military relations interfacing with senior level military and civilian leadership.

General Vallely is a military analyst for FOX News Channel and is a guest on many nationally syndicated radio talk shows. He is also a guest lecturer on the War on Terror. He has co-authored “Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror” & “War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World.”


I would like to personally thank Major General Paul E. Vallely, retired for his courageous and patriotic speech.

I support this effort to remove Obama from office.

Blagojevich Motion to Subpoena Barack Obama, Redacted sections, Rod Blagojevich trial, April 22, 2010, Chicago Tribune

Blagojevich Motion to Subpoena Barack Obama, Redacted sections


The Chicago Tribune has the redacted scetions of the Blagojevich Motion to Subpoena Barack Obama on their site. Here are the redactions,

9. Yet, despite President Obama stating that no representatives of his had any part of any deals, labor union president told the FBI and the United States Attorneys 

that he
spoke to labor union official on November 3, 2008 who received a phone message
from Obama that evening. After labor union official listened to the message
labor union official told labor union president “I’m the one”. Labor union
president took that to mean that labor union official was to be the one to deliver
the message on behalf of Obama that Senate Candidate B was his pick. (Labor
union president 302, February 2, 2009, p. 7).

10. Labor union official told the FBI and the United States Attorneys“Obama expressed
his belief that [Senate Candidate B] would be a good Senator for the people of
Illinois and would be a candidate who could win re-election. [Labor union
official] advised Obama that [labor union official] would reach out to Governor
Blagojevich and advocate for [Senate Candidate B].. . . [Labor union official]
called [labor union president] and told [labor union president] that Obama was
aware that [labor union official] would be reaching out to Blagojevich.” (Labor
union official 302, February 3, 2009 p. 3).

11. According to Senate Candidate B


on November, 4 2008, Senate Candidate B
spoke with labor union official about the Senate seat. Labor union official said
he spoke to Obama. Labor union official said he was going to meet with
Blagojevich and said “he was going to push Blagojevich hard on this. According
to Senate Candidate B, labor union official’s language could have been stronger
than the language that she was reporting to the government.” (Senate Candidate
B 302, December 19, 2008).

12. On November 5, 2008, Blagojevich told John Harris that labor union official

to Barack Obama, wants to come and see me.” Blagojevich then told Harris that
labor union official “was very explicit with me, “I talked to Barack about the
Senate seat. Can I come and see ya? Can I do it tomorrow?’ I said, sure.”
(Blagojevich Home Phone Call # 261).

13. A supporter of Presidential Candidate Obama

suggested that she talk to the wife of
Governor Blagojevich about Senate Candidate B for Senator. (Valerie Jarrett
302, December 19, 2008). Supporter of Presidential Candidate Obama is
mentioned in a phone call on November 3, 2008, having offered “fundraising” in
exchange for Senate Candidate B for senator (Blagojevich Home Phone Call #

17. President-elect Obama also

spoke to Governor Blagojevich on December 1, 2008
in Philadelphia. On Harris Cell Phone Call # 139, John Harris and Governor’s
legal counsel discuss a conversation Blagojevich had with President-elect
Obama. The government claims a conspiracy existed from October 22, 2008 continuing through December 9, 2008.6 That conversation is relevant to the defense of the government’s theory of an ongoing conspiracy. Only Rod Blagojevich and President Obama can testify to the contents of that conversation. The defense is allowed to present evidence that corroborates the defendant’s testimony.7

18. President-elect Obama

also suggested Senate Candidate A to Governor Blagojevich.
John Harris told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to
President’s Chief of Staff on November 12, 2008. Harris took notes of the
conversation and wrote that President’s Chief had previously worked as
Blagojevich’s press secretary. Obama agreed of Staff told Harris that Senate
Candidate A was acceptable to Obama as a senate pick. (Harris handwritten
notes, OOG1004463) President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that “he could not
say where but somewhere it was communicated to him that” Senate Candidate A
was a suggested candidate viewed as one of the four “right” candidates “by the
Obama transition team.” (Rahm Emanuel 302, p. 5, December 20, 2008). Harris
told Blagojevich Obama’s suggestion on November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Home
Phone Call # 539).

19. President-elect Obama

was also involved in other senate candidate choices. On
December 8, 2008, John Harris’ secretary’s call log noted President’s Chief of
Staff called at 10:47 am and wrote “needs to talk to you asap” (Harris 302,
February 20, 2009). President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that he had a
conversation discussing the Senate seat with Obama on December 7, 2008 in
Obama’s car. President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI “Obama expressed concern
about Senate Candidate D being appointed as Senator. [President’s Chief of
Staff] suggested they might need an expanded list to possibly include names of
African Americans that came out of the business world. [President’s Chief of
Staff] thought he suggested Senate Candidate E who was the head of the Urban
League and with President’s Chief of Staff’s suggestion.” (President’s Chief of Staff, 302, 12-20-08).

22. However, the defense has a good faith belief that Mr. Rezko, President Obama’s former friend, fund-raiser, and neighbor told the FBI and the United States Attorneys

a different story about President Obama. In a recent in camera proceeding, the
government tendered a three paragraph letter indicating that Rezko “has stated
in interviews with the government that he engaged in election law violations by
personally contributing a large sum of cash to the campaign of a public official
who is not Rod Blagojevich. … Further, the public official denies being aware of
cash contributions to his campaign by Rezko or others and denies having
conversations with Rezko related to cash contributions. … Rezko has also stated
in interviews with the government that he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo
offer from a lobbyist to the public official, whereby the lobbyist would hold a
fundraiser for the official in exchange for favorable official action, but that the
public official rejected the offer. The public official denies any such conversation. In addition, Rezko has stated to the government that he and the public official had certain conversations about gaming legislation and administration, which the public official denies having had.”10

23. President Obama is the only one who can testify as to the veracity

 of Mr. Rezko’s allegations above.

10 The defense has a good faith belief that this public official is Barack Obama.

“No, I have never been asked to do
anything to advance his business interest. In 1999, when I was a State Senator, I opposed legislation to bring a
casino to Rosemont and allow casino gambling at docked riverboats which news reports said Al Johnson and Tony
Rezko were interested in being part of. I never discussed a casino license with either of them. I was a vocal
opponent of the legislation.”

Obama’s involvement with Tony Rezko and this legislation coincides with the
three paragraph summary the government has provided to the defense referenced above.

The redacted sections were found here:

A good faith effort was made to present the redacted sections. Any errors found will be corrected as noted.

Patrick Fitzgerald, Indict Obama, Blagojevich arrest indicts Obama, December 12, 2008, Barack Obama rigged IL Health Facilities Planning Board, Citizen Wells contacted Fitzgerald and US Justice Department, Obama arrest?

Why Barack Obama should be indicted

Part 3

One or more of the following events should happen:

  • Obama steps down.
  • Obama is forced to prove eligibility.
  • Obama is indicted and/or arrested.

If one of the above does not occur within a few months,
perhaps we should look to the Declaration of Independence
or Thomas Jefferson, for our next strategy.


Yesterday, Thursday, December 11, 2008 the Citizen Wells blog posted
an article that ended with:

“Since Barack Obama is attempting to sneak through the election
process with a great many legal questions clouding his past and
since the American public needs and depends on the Judicial Branch
of government to protect it from criminals and imposters, I
Citizen Wells, on behalf of the American public, ask that Mr.
Patrick Fitzgerald or any authorized employee of the US Justice
Department, present Mr. Barack H. Obama with an indictment and/or
Criminal Complaint at the earliest possible moment, with time being
of the essence. The Electoral College meets next week and it is
imperative that we do all that is in our power to prevent a
constitutional crisis in this country.”

Barack Obama’s role in rigging the IL Health Facilities Planning Board
by reducing the number of members from 15 to 9 and therefore allowing
Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine and Rod Blagojevich to control the board with
only 5 members, is examined in detail. The indictments and criminal
complaints of Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich and Weinstein reveal their
involvement in board corruption. Obama should be indicted as well.

Citizen Wells plea to Patrick Fitzgerald and US Justice Dept.

Today, Friday, December 12, 2008, Patrick Fitzgerald’s office at
the US Justice Department was notified by telephone call and fax
of the Citizen Wells article and request to indict and/or arrest
Barack H Obama. In addition to Patrick Fitzgerald, the following
USDOJ employees were listed to be copied on the fax:

Reid Schar
Carrie Hamilton
Chris Niewoehner

Obama indictment, Blagojevich arrest, Patrick Fitzgerald, December 11, 2008, Rezko trial,Obama, Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich, Health Planning Board, Pay for Play, IL Senate, Obama arrest and indictment by USDOJ, US Department of Justice, Update December 12, 2008

Yesterday, Thursday, December 11, 2008 the Citizen Wells blog posted
an article that ended with:

“Since Barack Obama is attempting to sneak through the election
process with a great many legal questions clouding his past and
since the American public needs and depends on the Judicial Branch
of government to protect it from criminals and imposters, I
Citizen Wells, on behalf of the American public, ask that Mr.
Patrick Fitzgerald or any authorized employee of the US Justice
Department, present Mr. Barack H. Obama with an indictment and/or
Criminal Complaint at the earliest possible moment, with time being
of the essence. The Electoral College meets next week and it is
imperative that we do all that is in our power to prevent a
constitutional crisis in this country.”

Citizen Wells plea to Patrick Fitzgerald and US Justice Dept.

I just got off the phone. I attempted to contact the US Department
of Justice Office of Patrick Fitzgerald in Chicago, IL. I informed
the last person I was connected to that I had posted an article
yesterday on the Citizen Wells blog requesting that the USDOJ indict
and/or arrest Barack Obama. I also indicated that I would fax the
article today. Both people I talked to were a bit short with me, however,
they are getting bombarded with phone calls.

I then called the number for the press office and reached the same lady.

I will provide updates on this important story as I get them.

Obama indictment, Blagojevich arrest, Patrick Fitzgerald, December 11, 2008, Rezko trial,Obama, Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich, Health Planning Board, Pay for Play, IL Senate, Obama arrest and indictment by USDOJ, US Department of Justice

Why Barack Obama should be indicted

Part 2

One or more of the following events should happen:

  • Obama steps down.
  • Obama is forced to prove eligibility.
  • Obama is indicted and/or arrested.

If one of the above does not occur within a few months,
perhaps we should look to the Declaration of Independence
or Thomas Jefferson, for our next strategy.

Legal Notice


Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald
US Department of Justice
219 S. Dearborn Street, Fifth Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

The US and state governments are composed of Executive,
Legislative and Judicials branches. This is designed to
provide a system of checks and balances and protect the
American public. We now need the protection from the American
Government more than ever. We have a presidential candidate
that will soon be voted for by the Electoral College with
these issues threatening to cause a constitutional crisis:

  • Obama is not a natural born citizen and is ineligible to be
  • Obama in his official capacity as IL State Senator and US
    Senator has committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors on multiple
  • Obama lied on his IL Bar Application.
  • Obama has a very suspect Selective Service Application.
  • Obama has been involved in illegal and corrupt dealings with
    the following indicted and/or convicted IL officials and

Tony Rezko
Stuart Levine
Dr. Robert Weinstein
Governor Rod Blagojevich

  • Obama conspired with one or more of the above named to rig
    the IL Health Facilities Planning Board.

Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department have been involved
in an investigation of crime and corruption in Chicago and IL,
sometimes referred to as “pay for play.” This investigation and
subsequent prosecutions has been methodical and well executed. The
initial focus was on Tony Rezko and his trial and conviction that
evolved out the testimony of Stuart Levine who had been wiretapped.
Multiple indictments and arrests have developed from the Rezko trial
leading up to the recent arrest of IL Governor Rod Blagojevich. All
of the people indicted or arrested  out of the investgation have one
thing in common. Connections to Barack Obama. It has been believed for
months that Rezko would talk and that Blagojevich and/or Obama was next.
It is now time to indict Barack H. Obama.

From the Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama

Whereas: Senator Barack Obama used the office of IL Senator to facilitate the vote rigging in Chicago as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Mr. Obama pushed legislation in Senate Bill 1332 to reduce the number of members of the Health Facilities Planning Board from 15 to 9. Mr. Obama did conspire with Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and Rod Blogojevich to rig the committee and was rewarded with campaign contributions. The new members appointed included 3 doctors who contributed to Mr. Obama. On April 21, 2004, Stuart Levine explicitly advised Dr. Robert Weinstein, who is now indicted, of Tony Rezko’s role in manipulating the Planning Board’s vote.

The following have been indicted and/or arrested

Tony Rezko

“During the same time period, the indictment alleges, Rezko and Levine also were seeking to obtain a kickback of at least $1 million from contractor Jacob Kiferbaum, whose construction company was to build a new facility for Mercy Hospital in Crystal Lake, Illinois, if that facility received approval from the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, on which Levine sat.”

Tony Rezko Indictment

Stuart Levine

“Levine used his influence with the Planning Board to ensure that Mercy Hospital received approval of its application to build the Crystal Lake hospital after hiring Kiferbaum’s company. In voting for, and influencing other Planning Board members to vote for, Mercy’s application, Levine concealed from the Planning Board his financial arrangement or contacts with Kiferbaum.”

Stuart Levine Indictment

Dr. Robert Weinstein

“The false statements count alleges that on May 24, 2004, Weinstein lied to an FBI agent when he said that Levine never told him that Rezko had influence over the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, the state board that regulates hospital construction and expansion. In fact, the indictment alleges Weinstein knew that he and Levine had discussed Rezko’s influence over the Planning Board, including in a recorded conversation on April 21, 2004, in which Levine explicitly advised Weinstein of Rezko’s role in manipulating the Planning Board’s vote earlier that day on the Certificate of Need application of Mercy Health System Corp. Hospital and other matters.”

Dr. Robert Weinstein Indictment

Governor Rod Blagojevich

“Rezko was a principal fundraiser for ROD BLAGOJEVICH. 3 His criminal trial
focused on allegations that Rezko and Stuart Levine, a member of the board of trustees of
the Teachers Retirement System and the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, engaged
in a scheme to defraud the State of Illinois of Levine’s honest services by demanding
kickbacks, as well as political contributions to the campaign of ROD BLAGOJEVICH, in
return for the exercise of Levine’s official influence. Relevant evidence presented at the
Rezko trial is summarized below.”

“According to Levine, in approximately late October 2003, after Levine was
reappointed to the Planning Board, he shared a private plane ride from New York to Chicago
with ROD BLAGOJEVICH and Kelly. Levine, ROD BLAGOJEVICH, and Kelly were the
only passengers on the flight. According to Levine, at the beginning of the flight, Levine
thanked ROD BLAGOJEVICH for reappointing him to the Planning Board. ROD BLAGOJEVICH
responded that Levine should only talk with “Tony” [Rezko] or [Kelly]
about the Planning Board, “but you stick with us and you will do very well for yourself.”
ROD BLAGOJEVICH said this in front of Kelly.”

“Levine’s criminal activities included his abuse of his position on the Planning
Board to enrich both himself and Friends of Blagojevich. The Planning Board was a
commission of the State of Illinois, established by statute, whose members were appointed
by the Governor of the State of Illinois. At the relevant time period, the Planning Board
consisted of nine individuals. State law required an entity seeking to build a hospital,
medical office building, or other medical facility in Illinois to obtain a permit, known as a
“Certificate of Need” (“CON”), from the Planning Board prior to beginning construction.”

“Almanaseer testified that Beck instructed him that Rezko wanted
Almanaseer to vote a particular way and that Almanaseer should follow Levine’s lead in
voting on CONs.”

“During his testimony, Levine described a plan to manipulate the Planning
Board to enrich himself and Friends of Blagojevich. The plan centered on an entity
commonly known as Mercy Hospital (“Mercy”) that was attempting to obtain a CON to build
a new hospital in Illinois.”

Governor Rod Blagojevich Criminal Complaint

Chicago Tribune Rezko Trial Transcripts

March 6, 2008; 12:29 a.m.

“Hamilton finished remarks after an hour. She did not mention the name of Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama, whose U.S. Senate campaign in 2004 allegedly was the beneficiary of $20,000 in campaign cash from intermediaries in the kickback schemes the government says were orchestrated by Rezko.”

March 10, 2008; 4:16 p.m.

“The name of Barack Obama, the Democratic front-runner for the presidential nomination, also appears in the e-mail as a member of a strategic team reviewing hospital board matters with the governor’s staff when he was a state senator. The hospital board was scheduled to be revamped in the summer of 2003.

Obama was then chairman of the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services. Other legislative leaders, including Madigan, were part of that review panel as well, according to the e-mail.”

March 13, 2008; 3:09 p.m.

“Dr. Imad Almanaseer is on the witness stand this afternoon, testifying about his links to Antoin “Tony” Rezko and his time on the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board”.
“Almanaseer was appointed to the planning board in 2003 on Rezko’s recommendation. Prosecutors contend he became part of a five-member voting bloc on the board that followed Rezko’s wishes. Almanaseer said board Chairman Thomas Beck tried to steer his voting.”

March 19, 2008; 11:21 a.m.

Prosecution witness Stuart Levine is walking jurors through the evolution of his relationship with defendant Tony Rezko. The two met at a dinner party shortly before the 2002 election in which Rezko’s close friend Rod Blagojevich was elected governor.”

“Levine said he met increasingly with Rezko in early 2003 after Blagojevich was sworn in as governor. On occasion, Levine said, Rezko described his close relationship with Blagojevich.

“He said that he had raised a great deal of money for Gov. Blagojevich and that he had great hopes and expectations that Gov. Blagojevich would run for president,” Levine recalled. “And although he knew it was a long shot, he was working toward that end.””

“”Mr. Rezko told me that he was able to have individuals appointed to state boards and was able to have individuals hired into state agencies and that he spoke very often — and in fact went over decisions — that Lon Monk would put into place,” Levine said.”

March 21, 2008; 12:10 p.m.

“Another government wiretap has been played with Antoin “Tony” Rezko’s voice on it, and this one could prove damaging to his defense. On the tape, recorded May 18, 2004, Rezko can be heard giving orders to political fixer Stuart Levine about how he wanted to manipulate the vote of one of Levine’s fellow members on the Illinois Health Facilities Planning board, Danalynn Rice.

On the call, Rezko is heard mentioning Chris Kelly, who with Rezko was one of the top fundraisers for Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Both Rezko and Kelly were key members of Blagojevich’s kitchen cabinet.

Rezko makes it clear in the phone call that Kelly, too, had been involved in trying to manipulate decisions of the hospital board, which Rezko has been charged with corrupting. Kelly apparently had called Levine earlier and told him he should be Rice’s mentor on the board, directing her to follow his lead on voting. Rice had been recently installed on the hospital panel at the insistence of a leader of the Laborers’ International Union, which had contributed more than $133,000 to Blagojevich’s campaign.”

Obama’s ties to Rezko, Blagojevich, corruption

Evelyn Pringle: Curtain Time for Obama — Part 2
Feds track Obama’s visits to Rezko

In the media, Obama always made it sound like he rarely saw Rezko, saying they met for breakfast or lunch once or twice a year. However, the FBI mole John Thomas helped investigators “build a record of repeat visits to the old offices of Rezko and former business partner Daniel Mahru’s Rezmar Corp., at 853 N. Elston, by Blagojevich and Obama during 2004 and 2005,“ according to the February 10, 2008 Sun-Times.

During his March 14, 2008 interview, the Times told Obama, Thomas is an FBI mole and he “recently told us that he saw you coming and going from Rezko’s office a lot.”

“And three other sources told us that you and Rezko spoke on the phone daily.”

“Is that true?” the reporter asked.

“No,” Obama said, “That’s not accurate.”

“I think what is true,” he said, “is that, it depends on the period of time.”

“I’ve known him for 17 years,” Obama stated. “There were stretches of time where I would see him once or twice a year.”

He told the Times, “when he was involved in finance committee for the U.S. Senate race, or the state senate races, or the U.S. Congressional race, then he was an active member.”

“During the U.S. Senate race, there’s be stretches of like a couple of weeks – for example prior to him organizing the fundraiser that he did for us – where I would probably be talking to him once a day to make sure that was going well,” he said.

“But the typical relationship was one that was fond,” he added. “We would see each other.”

“But there would be no reason for me to be seeing him that often,” he stated. This issue may be sorted out soon enough because Fitzgerald’s charts matching up Obama’s contributions, visits and calls are bound to be every bit as thorough as the ones produced to prove Rezko is guilty as charged in the first trial. They simply were not produced because they were not needed to prove the defendant guilty in the first case.

As an example of what records might be squirreled away, consider that an FBI agent presented a chart to the jury on April 28, 2008, showing 257 calls from Rezko’s phones to Blagojevich’s chief of staff, Lon Monk, between March 2004 and May 2004 alone.

He also had a list of all calls between Levine and Rezko from November 2002 to May 2004. Rezko’s attorney brought out a point that backs the assertion that just because records on Obama were not shown, does not mean they do not exist.

The attorney questioned the agent about missing calls, and specifically those to and from Christopher Kelly. The agent first said records were not available, but later admitted the government probably does have records on Kelly that were not available to him.

In addition, the contributions extorted through the Planning Board scheme were for the intended presidential candidate, Blagojevich. Obama’s US senate war chest was already funded and by the time these kickbacks were paid that campaign would be over.

But Obama did end up with $20,000 from the very first kickback paid in the pension fund scheme set up through the Board of the Teacher’s Retirement System.

Elie Maloof and Joseph Aramanda, the straw donors used to funnel the contributions to Obama, also made $1,000 contributions of their own for his failed run for Congress in 2000, on the same day March 17, 2000.

In addition, Aramanda gave $500 to Obama’s senate campaign on June 30, 2003. In the summer of 2005, Aramanda’s teenage son landed a coveted intern position in Obama’s senate office in Washington.

Obama also received contributions directly from the persons appointed to the pension board for the express purpose of rigging the votes. On June 30, 2003, appointee, Jack Carriglio contributed $1,000.

The other appointee, Anthony Abboud, donated $500 to Obama on June 30, 2003, $250 on March 5, 2004, and $1,000 on June 25, 2004.

Michael Winter, who prosecutors say agreed to serve as a funnel for kickbacks paid through an investment firm in one scheme donated $3,000 to Obama on June 30, 2003.”

Obama’s role in rigging the Health Planning Facilities Board

Evelyn Pringle, Obama Curtain Time 2

“Obama was chairman of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee in January 2003. A few articles in the media have mentioned that Obama sat on a committee that reviewed matters related to the Planning Board in conjunction with the Governor’s staff but none have discussed his integral part in getting the bill passed.

A review of senate records from January 2003 to August 2003, shows Obama played a major role as chairman of that committee, in pushing through Senate Bill 1332, that led to the “Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act,” which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, making the votes much easier to rig.

Democratic Senator Susan Garrett sponsored the bill in the senate, and the chief co-sponsor was Republican Senator Dale Righter. These two senators were also on the Human Services Committee with Obama.

The bill was filed with the senate secretary on February 20, 2003, and assigned to Human Services Committee for review on February 27. Less than a month later, as chairman, Obama sent word that the bill should be passed on March 13, 2003.

On May 31, 2003, the House and Senate passed the bill and the only senator listed in the “yes” votes mentioned in the Board Games indictments is Obama.

Blagojevich made the effective date June 27, 2003, and the co-schemers already had the people lined up to stack the Board and rig the votes with full approval from Obama.

As discussed fully in >Curtain Time for Obama Part 1, the Republicans and Democrats worked together in setting up the Planning Board scheme because the Combine as a whole would profit.

During the trial, Stuart Levine testified that when he sought reappointment to the Planning Board, he told Republican co-schemer, Bill Cellini, to tell the Blagojevich administration he would vote however they wanted when approving projects.

He told the jury he had the same understanding with the two prior Republican governors, Jim Edgar, and George Ryan, who is now sitting in prison due to Fitzgerald’s successful prosecution of a corruption case against him.

A June 2003 email exchange produced in the trial shows Obama was one of eight officials who received the names of the nominees for the new Board ahead of time, from the office of David Wilhelm, who headed Blagojevich’s 2002 campaign for governor.

Tony Rezko’s name does not appear in the email. In fact, his attorney made the point to the jury that the exchange was from Blagojevich’s general counsel, Susan Lichtenstein, and Wilhelm’s office, and indicated the appointees were recommended by Wilhelm and supported by those who received the memo.

The memo said, “we worked closely over the past six months” with eight officials including three state senators.

Jennifer Thomas, a former aide in Blagojevich’s patronage office, testified that she attended regular weekly meetings at Rezko’s office between the spring of 2003 and November 2004, and Rezko floated names and specifically said Levine should be reappointed to the new Board.

The Senate bill said, the “Board shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.” But the Senate Confirmation Hearings were a joke. For instance, the Feds recorded Levine talking to co-schemer, Jon Bauman, the day Levine learned he was approved by the Senate from the executive secretary of the Board.

Levine told Bauman he ran into Jeffrey Marks, who said “congratulations on your appointment,” and Levine asked for what. Marks said, “well the Senate Confirmation Hearings on Health Facility Plan Board members.”

He told Levine Senate President, Emil Jones, only allowed 2 members to be approved and “that was you and the other person he just put in.”

“Isn’t that hysterical ’cause you know they had this big battle going on,” Levine told Bauman.

Laughing away, Levine said, “don’t you just love it.”

“I’m one of those independents and not part of the block.”

“Well, good, you know it’s good to be just a true independent civil servant,” Bauman said laughing along with Levine.

“Is, is that a good thing,” Levine replied, “I’ve never been that.”

Corrupt appointees fund Obama and Blagojevich campaigns

The corrupt new appointees were all contributors to the presidential hopeful, Blagojevich, and the US senate hopeful Obama.

The previous Act allowed the Board itself to select a “Chairman and other officers as deemed necessary.” But the new law stated: “The Governor shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and shall name as full-time Executive Secretary.”

The Board’s then sitting-chairman, Thomas Beck, who was originally appointed by a Republican governor, testified under a grant of immunity that he brought a $1,000 check to Rezko on July 15, 2003, to make sure Blagojevich reappointed him.

A few weeks later, Beck said, Rezko called to say he would be reappointed along with a Republican holdover Levine. Beck also testified that Rezko told him Blagojevich was set to appoint Rezko’s three doctor friends to complete the rigged voting bloc. He said he met the doctors in August 2003, at the first meeting of the new Board.

Dr Michel Malek gave Obama $10,000 a little over a month before the first meeting on June 30, 2003. He also donated $25,000 to Blagojevich three weeks later on July 25, 2003, and gave Obama another $500 in September 2003. Malek was an investor in Riverside Park.

Dr Fortunee Massuda donated $25,000 to Blagojevich on July 25, 2003, and gave a total of $2,000 to Obama on different dates. Massuda’s husband, Charles Hannon, is a co-schemer in the pension fund case and testified against Rezko in the trial.

Dr Imad Almanaseer contributed a total of $3,000 to Obama after he landed the appointment. On March 13, 2008, Almanaseer testified against Rezko and told the jury he was an investor in Rezko’s fast-food businesses.

This doctor’s son, Ahmed Almanaseer, was given a trade office intern position with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Ahmed is president of a bilingual human resources “site aimed at linking Iraqi job seekers with the companies engaged in the reconstruction [in Iraq] efforts,” according to Rezko Watch/RBO.”



The names of Blagojevich and Obama were mentioned regularly
during the Rezko trial. Since Blagojevich and Obama were not
on trial at the time, much information known about them was
withheld. To understand this fact simply read the Criminal
Complaint against Rod Blagojevich. It is apparent that much
more is known about Barack Obama and that he is next in line
to be indicted.

Since Barack Obama is attempting to sneak through the election
process with a great many legal questions clouding his past and
since the American public needs and depends on the Judicial Branch
of government to protect it from criminals and imposters, I
Citizen Wells, on behalf of the American public, ask that Mr.
Patrick Fitzgerald or any authorized employee of the US Justice
Department, present Mr. Barack H. Obama with an indictment and/or
Criminal Complaint at the earliest possible moment, with time being
of the essence. The Electoral College meets next week and it is
imperative that we do all that is in our power to prevent a
constitutional crisis in this country.

I do hereby swear that the information provided above is, to the
best of my knowledge, accurate.

Citizen Wells                December 11, 2008

Obama birth certificate, Hawaii hospitals, No record for Obama, No record for Obama’s mother, Obama born in Kenya, Hospitals contacted, Earth Frisk Blog, December 3, 2008

There is no record of Obama’s birth at any Hawaii hospital and no record for Obama’s mother at any
Hawaii hospital.

“Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not Born Here!
Earth Frisk”

“It is becoming painfully obvious that we may very well have a criminal President in 2009.  No this isn’t a joke. What I speak of is the curious developments in the supposedly racist, biased, dumb,  as well as insane case of where Obama was born.  Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate

A strange development indeed is how it is that every time Barack Obama or a family member tells of where Obama was born, they seem to have no idea as of December 2008.

They seemed to know what hospital quite a few times months ago when it was claimed that Obama’s mother gave birth to him at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu – Obama and Mom Never Here

The Queen’s Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl StreetHonolulu, HI 96813  Link to Site
Phone number 808-538-9011 General Medical Records 808-547-4361.

After it was concluded that Obama and his mother were never there, his sister was in an interview (Mary) and claimed that Obama was born at  Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children – Obama and Mom Never Here 1319 Punahou StreetHonolulu, Hawaii 96826(808) 535-7000  Link to site

Hospital after Hospital – all Have No Record of Obama being born or Mom Ever being There. 
Hospital after hospital in Honolulu all have NO RECORD of Obama or mother ever being there.   Is this some state secret? Are we to believe that even the hospital that he was born in should remain secret? Why lie to us as if it matters I mean the man did win the Presidential vote? Why the lies and secrecy?

We already know that Obama’s family and the entire nation of Kenya (which is about to have a national holiday for Obama) know that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa Coastal Hospital in Kenya. The government of Kenya has sealed these records.  More and more secrecy due to the fact that once proven, Obama will not be constitutionally allowed to become President of the United States!

All of these were called from November 20 – December 2nd 2008. It is confirmed, OBAMA not born in any hospital in Honolulu County! NONE FACT!
Hospitals you can check yourself

The Queen’s Medical Center – Honolulu, Hawaii  Obama claims as his birth hospital

Kapi’ olani Medical Center  Obama’s sister claims Barack Obama born here
Honolulu Shriners Hospital      Never a patient Mom or Obama
Straub Clinic & Hospital    Never a patient Mom or Obama
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation – Honolulu, Hawaii    Never a patient Mom or Obama
Cancer Institute of Maui – Wailuku, Hawaii    No Comment ???

Kuakini Hospital – Honolulu, Hawaii    Never a patient Mom or Obama
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific – Honolulu, Hawaii   Never a patient Mom or Obama
St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii – Hawaii   Never a patient Mom or Obama
Straub Heatlh – Honolulu, Hawaii   Never a patient Mom or Obama
Tripler Medical Center – Honolulu, Hawaii   Never a patient Mom or Obama
Wahiawa General Hospital – Wahiawa, Hawaii   Never a patient Mom or Obama
Wilcox Memorial Hospital – Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii  Never a patient Mom or Obama
We were pretty detailed in our calls.  You can look at every hospital here and call any of them.  You can file freedom of information acts, you can do everything and anything you wish.  Barack Obama was never born in a hospital in Hawaii as claimed.

Only his original that he has sealed will have this info.  Will the Supreme Court force it open and thus preserve the Constitution of the United States?”

Read more here:

Globe Magazine, Barack Obama, New Book, Sex and drug secrets, Obama linked to murder, GLOBE world exclusive, wreck the inauguration, Larry Sinclair Book, November 27, 2008, Globe article is about Sinclair’s book, Barack Obama livid?

Globe Magazine has a front page story in their their latest issue that refers to a new book about
Barack Obama that “claims to reveal his sex and drug secrets – and link him to a murder”. It has been
confirmed that Globe is referring to the new book by Larry Sinclair that reveals Sinclair’s alleged drug and sex encounter with Obama in November 1999 and Obama’s knowledge of Donald Young’s murder?

Here is the front page summary from Globe:

“PRESIDENT-elect Barack Obama is furious over a shocking new book that claims to reveal his sex and drug secrets – and link him to a murder – political insiders say in a stunning GLOBE world exclusive. Find out who is blowing the whistle on America’s next commander-in-chief and why the author’s bombshells could wreck the inauguration. It’s must reading for every American!”

Larry Sinclair has provided some intersesting exerpts from the Globe Magazine article:

“Thursday, November 27, 2008


Obama remained cool headed during his historic run for the White House shrugging off every nasty attack. But sources close to Obama now say he is incensed by the book and labels it as a “vicious and hurtful attempt to taint” the incoming president.

“Barack Obama is absolutely livid about this book,” reveals a Beltway insider. “He says its all a bunch of crap and he wants it to go away.”

“This inauguration is not only important to the nation, it’s important to the entire world,” note the insider. “We don’t want to see Larry Sinclair’s outrageous words take away from that one bit.”

“…sources say Obama’s wife Michelle is equally upset by the

Now people close to the President-elect declare “it’s time for Sinclair to stop making his lurid allegations and forget about writing a book.” “Enough is enough,” blasts the insider. “Our country is in trouble right now and we don’t need this nonsense.” But Sinclair says he has no plans to scrap his book.”

Read more from Larry Sinclair here:

Click here for more information on the Larry Sinclair book

If the story is not true, why doesn’t Obama sue Sinclair?

Obama birth certificate fake, COLB fake, Barack Obama fraud, Rod Polarik, Final Report, November 22, 2008, Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraud, Ron Polarik, PhD

Dr. Rod Polarik has been examining the COLB, Certificate of Live Birth, that the Obama camp has presented
on such sites as Daily Kos, Fight the Smears, and other pro Obama sites. Here are some exerpts from Dr. Polarik’s Final Report on November 22, 2008:

“The following report is the culmination of over four months of intensive, empirical research whose sole purpose has been to determine if the images and photographs posted on the Internet are true reproductions of a genuine document purported to be Obama’s original birth certificate. The idea for the research actually began from the time when the first image was posted on June 12 to the Daily Kos blog. I don’t recall on which website I actually saw the story (most likely World Net Daily), but the news had gone viral basically from the moment that it hit the Internet.

Before seeing the image, I had no idea that Barack Obama’s birthplace was in question, or that his status as a natural-born US citizen had never been proven. Like millions of other Americans, I believed the story he told about being born in Hawaii to an American Mother (and a U.S. citizen) and an African Father (a Kenyan national attending college on a student visa). I had no idea that this issue would mushroom and take on a life of its own. What I did know, however, was that from the first time I saw the Daily Kos image, or what I now call, “Obama’s bogus birth certificate,” that something was just not right about it. As someone who has scanned hundreds of thousands of documents in his lifetime, I had a hard time accepting that this was an original scan image made from an original paper document. As Fate would have it, right then, on June 13, I was looking at the conclusive evidence that the text on this image had been graphically altered, or “manufactured,” as my first blog post would claim.

From that point onward, I had no inkling of what was to come. I had no idea that I would wind up being the only person on the Planet (at that time) to have spotted the anomalies that I knew were the by-products of intentional, graphic alteration, and to go on record as stating that the Daily Kos image was a fake. I was also not prepared for what came along with this knowledge, for what I had to endure for making it public. Basically, I had painted a big bullseye on my chest and my research findings, and the critics were now coming out of the virtual woodwork taking shots at me personally, and my research, secondly. I had started a new online game called, “Let’s pile on Polarik,” and every little error I made was magnified into a major transgression. Yet, the crux of my contention was never successfully refuted.

Now, if I had to do it all over again, I probably would not have done it at all, knowing that I’d be spending the next four months conducting further research and compiling evidence on not just the COLB image, but also the digital photographs that were to follow two months later. The personal costs to me were enormous, and I will not elucidate on them (but for those who know me, they also know what were those costs). What began as sort of a curiosity turned into my personal quest for the “Holy Grail,” so to speak. I was guided only by the need to uncover the truth, and by the constant harassment by my critics. Had they left me alone from the beginning, I probably would not be writing this report today.

I debated, long and hard, about the title of my report. Aside from it being catchy, I ran the danger of being lumped into a group of false conspiracy theorists, and brushed aside as an idiot wearing a “tinfoil hat.” (Actually, that’s already happened, many times over). Perhaps there are a lot of false conspiracies, including some really outlandish ones, but there would not be laws on the books, both at a state level and a federal level, that specifically mention the act of conspiracy when the purpose of that conspiracy is to either engage in illegal activity, engage in a cover-up of that illegal activity, or interfering with the investigation of that illegal activity. Conspiracy can involve all of these. Yet, somehow, the word, “Conspiracy,” has become a pejorative for “nutty theories from the fringe,” as if there has never been a real “conspiracy.”

Do you remember, or ever hear about, the “Watergate Conspiracy?” Do you remember, or ever hear about, what happened to President Richard Nixon as a result?

I would tell all of you who think that “conspiracies” are a joke and that the people who claim to have found them are “idiots wearing tinfoil hats,” to just ask an FBI agent what he or she thinks about “conspiracy.” Or, go ahead and ask a federal judge what he or she thinks about “conspiracy.”

“Conspiracy” is no laughing matter, ladies and gentlemen, and neither is “document fraud,” as in creating and passing a counterfeit birth certificate.

I should now alert you to the fact that I have been using the phrase, “Bogus birth certificate,” as a euphemism for “Counterfeit birth certificate,” which is defined as, “A copy or imitation of a state-issued birth certificate that is intended to be taken as authentic and genuine in order to deceive another.”

Sound familiar? According to Authenticate-360:

Birth certificates are generally used as “breeder” documents to gain other identity documents and to perpetuate fraud. But unlike Social Security cards, birth certificates are issued by hundreds, if not thousands, of entities, with little regard to consistency or security. An accurately forged birth certificate is a dangerous document, allowing the bearer significant access to everything from driver’s licenses to passports…The increasing availability and affordability of high-quality digital scanners and copiers is a constant threat to the authenticity of government issued documents.

There are current Federal laws in place that prohibit the use of false identity documents, such as a birth certificate, and they are spelled out in Chapter 18 of the United States Code, Section 1028, Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information. In particular, there are specific paragraphs that relate to the use of a false identification document:

The term “false identification document” means a document of a type intended or commonly accepted for the purposes of identification of individuals that – (A) is not issued by or under the authority of a governmental entity or was issued under the authority of a governmental entity but was subsequently altered for purposes of deceit; and(B) appears to be issued by or under the authority of the United States Government, a State, a political subdivision of a State, a foreign government, a political subdivision of a foreign government, or an international governmental or quasi-governmental organization.

What you are about to read in this report are well-documented facts arising from evidence collected over a period of four months and subjected to intense scrutiny and empirical evaluation. Given the overriding fact that the individual whose identity document is in question, has repeatedly failed to provide a genuine identity document, the charge that this individual, along with other individuals, did conspire to proffer in its place, a false identification document, is hereby levied by the American people, by way of one of its citizens. To summarize the seriousness of these actions and this charge, and to the importance of what is contained within this report:

There is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the COLB image created and distributed by Obama’s campaign to the Daily Kos, Annenberg’s Factcheck, and the St. Pete Times, Politifact, is, unquestionably, a false identification document. Furthermore, there is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the photos taken by Annenberg’s Factcheck, in collusion with the Obama campaign, are themselves, false identification documents, having been made from the same false identification document image, as well as from additional false identification documents created for the same purpose; namely, to proffer these false identification documents as true reproductions of a genuine, Hawaii-issued and certified, “Certification of Live Birth” document, and thereby, intentionally deceive the American public into believing that Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and thereby, fully qualified to become their President.

I never imagined that my studies would amount to this. I thought, like most Americans, that maybe the information was accurate even though the document image was fake. I thought, like most Americans, that Obama would simply present a copy of his real, original birth certificate, and that would be that. Yet, here we are, more than twenty months after Obama announced his candidacy for the Presidency, and nearly three weeks after the election, and Obama still refuses to show his real birth certificate!

Sadly, mainstream media have totally ignored this inconvenient truth and are not even been willing to even look at this birth certificate issue. They are all still in-the-tank with Obama, but even more so now that he is in line to be President. They all bought into the lies and fraudulent documents proffered up as evidence on Obama’s qualifications. They have been too quick to label as “trash” or “garbage” any legitimate questions asked about Obama’s real birth certificate. Even thigh-ranking governmental officials in the state of Hawaii where Obama was allegedly born, won’t reveal what’s on Obama’s original birth certificate. All they have said is that they have it. They have not said (1) where Obama was born. (2) when Obama was born, or (30 even to whom Obama was born.

The answer to “What’s on Barack Obama’s real, original birth certificate” ranks right up there with some of the great mysteries of our time — and that is really hard to swallow. That a man, with a dubious background, has been elected to the highest office of the greatest superpower in the world without ever having to prove who he says he is! That is not “nutty,” that’s just plain insane!

With all that said, and without further ado, I present to you my final and complete report on Barack Obama’s bogus birth certificate, The Born Conspiracy.”

Read the rest of the report here:,_phony_photos,_and_felony_fraud.thtml

Leo C. Donofrio NJ lawsuit, US Supreme Court Appeal, Justice Clarence Thomas, NJ Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Judge Jack M. Sabatino, Donofrio filed Judicial Misconduct

** See Update below **

I have tried to access the Leo C. Donofrio website since late last night. Lurker, a great commenter on
the Citizen Wells blog, has provided the text from Mr. donofrio’s latest post.

“Posted: Nov.21.2008 @ 6:53 pm | Lasted edited: Nov.21.2008 @ 8:25 pm

[MEDIA UPDATE:]  Today, Leo Donofrio learned that New Jersey Appellate Division Judge Jack M. Sabatino has failed to correct the public record of the initial lower court case.  Leo Donofrio feels it is imperative that he bring this battle public.  Therefore, he will appear on the Plains Radio Network with Ed Hale tonight at 9:00 PM EST.  Leo Donofrio will also appear on Overnight AM with Lan Lamphere at 11:00 PM EST as well.
Today, Leo C. Donofrio filed, with the NJ Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, an official allegation of Judicial Misconduct against Appellate Division Judge Jack M. Sabatino with regard to the initial stage of this litigation which was originally filed in the NJ Superior Court, Appellate Division.  The case, having come directly from an appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court is now before the the United States Supreme Court, “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008″ before all nine Supreme Court Justices. 

I am very concerned that if the United States Supreme Court requests the official records of the case from the NJ Appellate Division, a fraudulent case file – not including all relevant documents – will be forwarded to the SCOTUS and thereby the case now pending might be jeopardized.

A copy of the official complaint – by way of a New Jersey Supreme Court generated form – will be uploaded to this blog shortly. ”

** UPDATE **

From Leo Donofrio:

“Yesterday, Nov. 21 2008, my previous blog – – was taken down as was the entire network.

I have relocated here to Mirror sites containing the exact content have been (or will be shortly) set up. Everybody is hereby authorized to mirror the contents of this blog. The following sites are trusted by me to have exact content”

Andy Martin Hawaii lawsuit, Obama birth certificate, Judge ruling. Martin response, November 21, 2008, Update

Andy Martin has just responded to the judge’s ruling on his Lawsuit, PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS, requesting access to Obama’s birth certificate and other records on file with the Hawaii Health Department. 

Judges ruling:


















Andy Martin’s response:

(NEW YORK)(November 21, 2008)  For those of you who are not familiar with the peculiar highways and byways of the judicial process, welcome to the strange ways of the court system in Hawai’i. Apparently my lawsuit in a Honolulu state court has been dismissed.
Unfortunately, I have not seen a copy of the decision. Despite the significance of the court order, I was not given a courtesy notice when it was entered in Honolulu, apparently late Wednesday, although I was in Honolulu all day on Wednesday.
Thursday all day I was traveling back to New York and was unavailable. I did not get back to New York until 8:00 A.M. Friday.
I was alerted by a reader’s e-mail that something had happened, and went to the Honolulu Advertiser’s web site where I found a complete story,
Obviously I was unable to respond to phone calls while in the air, and when I checked my e-mails today the Advertiser reporter had not left a phone number to call him back.
The Court did not fax my office a copy and so I have no immediate way of seeing a copy of the decision. I assume the Advertiser’s news report is a fair summary of the decision.
Depending on what the response is to a fund appeal, I will certainly appeal this decision to the Hawai’i Intermediate Court of Appeals. The trial court’s interpretation of the relevant statute appears to be a wooden reading of the law. The claim that there is a lack of historical significance to the birth certificate of a president of the United States is a classic example of how utter nonsense can exist in the judicial system.
I will solicit input from my audience as to whether they feel that pursuit of the appeal is a worthwhile venture and will proceed accordingly.
I understand how 150 million Americans are frustrated by the callous disregard which the court system has shown for access to vital, basic information about Barack Obama, the “mystery man” who has been elected president by the “Mainstream Media of the United States.”
However other than this mild criticism, I believe it is more appropriate to proceed through the judicial process, and that is the course I intend to follow on the issue of access to Barack Obama’s original, typewritten 1961 original birth certificate.”

Read more from Andy Martin here: