Category Archives: Obama Nation

Attn President Trump Attorney General Barr, Wake the hell up!, Deep State aka anti Trump pro Obama Clinton establishment still in control, Pardon Assange Snowden suspend persecution

Attn President Trump Attorney General Barr, Wake the hell up!, Deep State aka anti Trump pro Obama Clinton establishment still in control, Pardon Assange Snowden suspend persecution

“Replying to this last point, the prosecution pointed out that a Grand Jury against Assange had been established by Obama and there was no indication the investigation had been closed. Feldstein agreed, the “Obama administration was very eager to file charges against Assange and they conducted a very aggressive investigation.” All of which speaks for the point that Assange is being sought for political reasons—motivations which are common to the whole American ruling class. It was current Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden who branded the WikiLeaks publisher and journalist a “high-tech terrorist.””…Laura Tiernan and Thomas Scripps, Sept 9, 2020

“Why John Brennan, Peter Strzok and DOJ Needed Julian Assange Arrested”…The Conservative Treehouse November 3, 2019

“Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they call ‘The Resistance’ and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch.” …Attorney General Barr


From The Telegraph

March 11, 2017. (date significant)

“What is ‘deep state’ and is a shadowy network of Obama holdovers undermining Donald Trump?

Sean Spicer, the White House spokesman, didn’t reject the idea that a “deep state” may be working to undermine Donald Trump on Friday, as right-wing media fanned theories of a shadowy network working against the president.

When asked if the White House suspected there was such a thing as “the deep state” resisting the new administration, Mr Spicer referred to former President Barack Obama’s two terms in office: “I think there’s no question when you have eight years of one party in office that stays in government [they’re] affiliated with, joined [to] and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration.

“I don’t think it should come as any surprise that there are people burrowed into government during eight years of the last administration and may have believed in that agenda and want to continue to seek it. I don’t think that should come as a surprise to anyone.”

His comments came a day after Fox News’s Sean Hannity, a supporter of Mr Trump, called for a “purge” of “deep-state Obama holdovers.””

“The term has gained popularity in the US in recent years, particularly in reference to the intelligence community. When Edward Snowden’s leaks revealed details of mass surveillance conducted by the US, one Wall Street Journal opinion writer wondered if it was being carried out by  “a deep state consisting of our intelligence and security agencies”.

It has since been used to describe the series of leaks that led to the resignation of Michael Flynn, Mr Trump’s former National Security Adviser, and that have plagued his Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”

“In the media, Hannity has been one of the loudest voices to warn of the dangers of a “deep state”. On Thursday, he called for Mr Trump to “purge” the executive branch of Obama-era bureaucrats and appointees.

Comparing the situation to former President Lincoln on the eve of the Civil War, he said: “He fired over 75 percent, nearly 1,200 people out of 1,500 bureaucrats that worked in the executive branch that President Abraham Lincoln feared could be disloyal. It’s time now for President Trump to follow Abraham Lincoln’s example and fire anyone and everyone who was actively working against him in government.””

Read more:

March 11, 2017.

What an astute observation!

From Citizen Wells September 14, 2020.

“So who is pushing the control of, the extradition, the prosecution, the persecution of Julian Assange?

We were told the Obama Administration dropped this effort.

But we have also witnessed the Obama Administration appointed or controlled DOJ officials who are anti Trump and beholden to the deep state.

Here are just 2 for starters.”

“Some of Glenn Greenwald’s statements:

“He exposed the lies that James Clapper told”
“and obviously this isn’t coming from President Trump.”
“This is coming from people who work in the CIA, who work in the Pentagon…who believe they’re a government unto themselves”
“They’re punishing Julian Assange and trying to punish Edward Snowden for informing the public about things they have a right to know about the Obama Administration.”
“The only people who would be angry would be Susan Rice, John Brennan, Jim Comey and James Clapper because they’re the ones who both of them expose.””
Read more:
End the persecution of Julian Assange.
Stop the forced extradition and pardon him.
Give him a chance to speak….the truth.


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Obama Brennan have most to lose, Barack Kenyan. Brennan traitor cauterized Obama passport data, Expected Hillary win, In panic mode, Citizen Wells FOIA revisited

Obama Brennan have most to lose, Barack Kenyan. Brennan traitor cauterized Obama passport data, Expected Hillary win, In panic mode, Citizen Wells FOIA revisited

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

“Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya”...Barrister Michael Shrimpton


This didn’t start in 2016.

The Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald crowd, including John Brennan, leading up to the 2008 election, made sure Barack Obama was protected from scrutiny to get elected.

Obama had to get elected in 2008 to avoid prosecution and likewise Hillary in 2016.

The panic and extreme measures to remove Donald Trump began when he got elected, much to their horror.

Obama was not eligible to be president and John Brennan helped him commit treason.

Do not be fooled or misled.

There are several good, constitution based arguments that Obama is not a natural born citizen, a requirement to be POTUS.

Citizen Wells is providing the simplest.

So simple even a Democrat can understand.

Barack Obama has never presented proof of birth in Hawaii or the US.

Donald Trump knew this and had the guts to state it repeatedly.

The closest Obama came to providing a birth certificate was an image placed on

From Citizen Wells September 26, 2014.

“Even if the image of an alleged birth certificate on was not forged, it would not be proof of US birth in a court of law.

The reason: it states “or abstract” at the bottom.

Under Hawaii law, one could be born elsewhere and register birth in Hawaii.

The image is not a copy of a certified original birth certificate.


Obama has not proved US birth!

Obama used a legion of private and Justice Dept. (at taxpayer expense) attorneys to keep his records hidden.

The Citizen Wells FOIA request can be read here:

Now, check out the reaction by the FEC about Obama’s eligibility in 2008:

“From the FOIA documents sent to me.

Cover letter pg 1, 2.


Within approx. 24 hours of the filing of Philip J. Berg’s lawsuit, the following memo surfaced. Notice “Re: Victory in Berg v. Obama” What does this mean?

Scribd pg 3

Letter to FEC referencing an email.

Scribd pg 6

“August 18, 2008”

“This is a request for an opinion”

“email which I have received from a friend in Arizona”

Email received by letter author from a friend in Arizona.

Scribd pg 7

“I did not find anything to confirm or refute this story. Should everyone (extra should) wait til later to see if this hits the fan?”

Scribd pg 8

“Interesting! Now what? Who dropped the ball or are we all being duped? Who do you know whom you can forward this to who might be able to help answer this question?””

Interesting, eh?

John Brennan also helped him.

From Citizen Wells April 20, 2009.

“Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, heads a firm that was cited in March for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released this past July.”

“During a State Department briefing on March 21, 2008, McCormack confirmed that the contractor had accessed the passport files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain, and that the inspector general had launched an investigation.
Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to “cauterize” the records of potentially embarrassing information.”

Kevin Shipp, former CIA employee.

“Shipp says the Deep State is worried that Trump will have a second term. Shipp says, “I think they (Deep State) are in a state of shock. They want to get rid of Trump because for the first time in their careers, they can be prosecuted for what they have done. I think they are afraid of that, and that’s why John Brennan and others are coming out as mocking birds on CNN and MSNBC and constantly attacking the President.””

Seymour Hersh transcript.

“The great independent investigative journalist (virtually barred since 2007 from being published in the U.S. anymore), Seymour Hersh, personally investigated the records of the murder of Seth Rich, both at the Washington DC police and at the FBI, and this is from the transcript I had made of his statement in a Web-posted phone-call [my boldfaces for emphasis]:”

“(5:50-) It’s a Brennan operation. It was an American disinformation, and the fucking President, at one point when they even started telling the press — they were back[ground]-briefing the press, the head of the NSA was going and telling the press, the fucking cocksucker Rogers, telling the press that we [they] even know who in the Russian military intelligence service leaked it. All bullshit.”

Citizen Wells October 28, 2019.

“There are many reasons why John Brennan did not want Donald Trump elected.

Apparently he has been working hard behind the scenes to remove Trump.

Will he finally be prosecuted?

“The DOJ’s Russiagate Probe Just Turned Into A Criminal Investigation

What began as an administrative review by the Justice Department into the origins of Russiagate has “shifted” to a criminal inquiry, according to the New York Times, citing two people familiar with the matter.”

“And according to NBC NewsDurham has set his sights on former CIA Director John Brennan and former national intelligence director James Clapper.””

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch.

” Obama CIA Chief John Brennan was ‘Key Ringleader of Cabal’ against Trump”

There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and zero evidence of US birth.


More here:


Michelle Obama book answers questions?, Why you “relinquished” law license?, Seen copy of certified original birth certificate?, Where was Barack November 4, 1999?, Why TUCC Jeremiah Wright church?, Why Barack publisher stated Kenya?

Michelle Obama book answers questions?, Why you “relinquished” law license?, Seen copy of certified original birth certificate?, Where was Barack November 4, 1999?, Why TUCC Jeremiah Wright church?, Why Barack publisher stated Kenya?

“Why was Barack Obama absent from the opening session of the IL Senate on November 4, 1999?”…Citizen Wells

“In both conversations with Obama for America and AKP Message & Media, I explained that on November 6, 1999, I had been introduced to Barack Obama by a friend and that Obama had, in fact, sold me an eight-ball of cocaine and had himself engaged in smoking crack cocaine in my limo on that date and again in my hotel room the following day.”…Larry Sinclair, “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder”

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND



We are all awaiting the release of Michelle Obama’s new book “Becoming.”

Certainly it will contain the usual candor and honesty we have come to expect from the Obamas.

Listed below are perhaps the top 5 questions that many of us have wanted answers to:

  1. Why did Michelle Obama ‘relinquish” her law license? Law school is years of hard work and passing the bar exam is no easy matter. So why would she give it up after so much effort? It is believed that Barack surrendered his law license to avoid having it taken for documented lies on his application.
  2. Michelle, have you seen a certified copy of an original birth certificate for Barack? We have not. The image placed on was not. It was not a certified copy of an original because Hawaiian birth certificates did not look like that at the time of his birth. At the bottom of that document it states “or abstract.” If it is indeed an official HI document, it does not prove birth there. Only that data was pulled from documents recording birth somewhere. Many believe it was faked.
  3. Michelle, where was your husband on November 4, 1999 the opening session of the IL legislature in Springfield? Larry Sinclair alleged a drug and sex encounter with Barack in November 1999.
  4. Why did you attend Jeremiah Wright’s church TUCC? Was it for the  “Down Low Club at Trinity?”“It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.“He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.”  WND October 2, 2012.
  5. Why did Barack’s publisher list his place of birth as Kenya?


By the way Michelle, no one is disputing that Barack is a citizen.

The standard for POTUS is Natural Born Citizen.

You must have learned that in law school.


More here:

The real Barack Obama is finally exposed to everyone, Obama was exposed by early 2008, Just as in Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler people only cared about hope and change

The real Barack Obama is finally exposed to everyone, Obama was exposed by early 2008, Just as in Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler people only cared about hope and change

“Trump says he is increasingly suspicious that Obama has “conned the world.””…Today Show April 7, 2011

“I didn’t like Obama from the beginning, I thought he was a hustler
and I think he still is.”…Bartle Bull, a lifelong Democrat and civil rights activist

“[I]n the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.”…Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf


From Zero Hedge April 28, 2017.

“The Real Barack Obama Is Finally Exposed To Everyone

I’ve been surprised by the number of people who lived in total denial about who Barack Obama actually was throughout his entire administration, suddenly pointing out the ethical and demoralizing implications of his recent decision to accept $400,000 for a speech to Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald.

For myself and countless others, the writing was on the wall from virtually day one when he appointed Wall Street sycophants Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers to senior positions within his administration. Then came the policies, which were even more generous to Wall Street than any cynic could imagine. I posted countless pieces on Obama’s cronyism throughout his Presidency, constantly referring to him as an oligarch-coddling fraud, which his record unquestionably confirms.

It wasn’t just Wall Street either. Although his protection and empowerment of that industry was particularly shameless, he coddled and elevated corporatism and cronyism generally throughout his eight years. As I observed in the 2015 post, Cronyism Pays – Eric “Too Big to Jail” Holder Triumphantly Returns to His Prior Corporate Law Firm Job:”

“So why am I writing about Barack Obama? He’s no longer President, and we once again face many of the exact same issues under President Trump. I’m addressing it because I think the fact so many people are finally having this conversation is a very good thing. We can’t have an honest dialogue about such an existential issue without admitting to ourselves the sad truth about who Barack Obama is.

While I certainly understand it would’ve been far more beneficial had many of these people faced reality years ago, we don’t get to decide when people come around to admitting to themselves the truth about a person they worshipped (as my screaming into the wilderness for eight years can attest).

Denial is an extremely powerful thing, and tens of millions of Democrats were completely bamboozled by Obama due to their personal obsession with the man. This is precisely why cult of personality worship is so dangerous and counterproductive when it comes to politics. We need to grow up as a culture and start supporting policies over people, logic over emotion. If you become attached to a politician or a political party like a sports team, that individual or institution can very easily manipulate and betray you. We see this over and over again, and until we move to a higher level of understanding about the world around us, we will continue to be victimized by disingenuous, opportunistic shysters.”

I wrote the following on April 16, 2008.

“I have been comparing the Obama campaign to pre World War II Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler for many weeks. Of course my claims have been dismissed by Obama supporters and many times I have been personally attacked for asking simple questions about Obama. I am a student of history and have read a great deal about the era leading up to the second world war and also during and after. The more I observe and think about it, the closer the parallels are.

The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

The economic conditions in Germany after World War I were horrible.

Adolf Hitler honed his oratory skills and became a superb speaker.

Adolf Hitler surrounded himself with thugs and Jew haters.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis blamed the Jews for their problems.

Adolf Hitler spoke of change and a new Germany.

The people of Germany got caught up in the euphoria of the changes that Hitler promised.

The Nazis burned books to eradicate records and contrary thoughts.

The Nazis bullied Jews and other segments of society.

The Nazis were elitists with talk of the Arayan Race.

Adolf Hitler had many people fooled including many jews that never thought all of that evil could happen in their country. moinansari reminded me of this important point. Thank You!


The Barack Obama Campaign

The perceived economic conditions are bad. The economic conditions are perfect here compared to post War War I Germany.

Obama worked on his oratory skills. He is a superb speaker with the ability to mesmerize his followers.

Obama has been surrounded by racists, anti semites, criminals and drug users.

Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and others have blamed white people and Jews for their problems.

Obama constantly speaks of change.

Obama supporters are caught up in the euphoria of the moment and Obama’s promise of change.

Obama has denied having records, not provided records and been extremely evasive when asked to supply records.

Obama supporters have bullied bloggers when questions about Obama or his past are asked. Some of these attacks are clearly orchestrated by the Obama Campaign. Some of these bullies have attacked family members of bloggers.

Obama has recently shown his elitist attitude during his speech in San Francisco. His arrogance parallels Hitler’s Aryan race comments in regard to Obama’s God Like omnipotence in regard to having the answers to problems.

Obama has many people fooled including many Jews that are ignoring all the evil and anti semitism surrounding Obama. Thanks moinansari and God bless you.

The parallels are clear and they are scary!

What is the lesson to be learned?

The German people blindly followed Hitler with his promises of change. Hitler and his cohorts were not scrutinized by enough people. Barack Obama is promising change and many are blindly following in a similar euphoric state. All candidates for the presidency must be questioned and carefully scrutinized.”

Obama campaign, Adolph Hitler, Nazi germany, Obama change, euphoria, blame others, anti semitic, attacks, bullying, economy


More here:

Obama presidency worst economic growth since World War II, 4th worst in history, Failed economic policies, 95 million without work, $20 trillion debt, More Americans on food stamps than ever before

Obama presidency worst economic growth since World War II, 4th worst in history, Failed economic policies, 95 million without work, $20 trillion debt, More Americans on food stamps than ever before

“All of the employment gains among women since the recession hit in December 2007 have been taken by foreigners, even at a time when the numbers of U.S.-born women surged more than 600,000, according to new federal statistics.”…Washington Examiner August 7, 2015

“millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.”…NBC News October 29, 2013

“In December 2014 there were 18 million immigrants (legal and illegal) living in the country who had arrived since January 2000. But job growth over this period was just 9.3 million — half of new immigration.”…Center for Immigration Studies February 2015


From the Gateway Pundit April 2, 2017.

It’s Official: Obama Presidency Had Worst Economic Growth Since World War II – 4th Worst in History!

Jonathon M. Trugman at the New York Post reported this week that the final numbers for the Obama Administration are in and they are abysmal:

On Thursday we closed the book on the Obama economic “miracle” — and it’s a miracle we are not in a recession.

Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number came in at a paltry 2.1 percent, meaning that growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.

That low-water mark puts the Obama presidency in last place among all the post-World War II presidents when it comes to economic growth.

The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinant of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

From 1790 to 2000, U.S. RGDP growth averaged 3.79%. America needs at least 3.0% economic growth-the nation cannot defend itself and pay its bills without it. However, America’s elites have largely given up on growth, and are now distracting themselves with academic musings about “secular stagnation.”

By February of 2016 it was clear that Obama had given up on economic growth. Obama’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasted in early 2016 that America will never see 3.0% economic growth again.

As a result of his failed economic policies, Obama now ranks as the fourth worst presidency on record in GDP growth at 1.6%. Only Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%) currently have lower average annual GDP growth than Barack Obama. In addition, Obama has the lowest annual GDP growth rate of any President since World War II.

Barack Obama is the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.”

“Obama’s economic policies failed America and resulted in 95 million without work, the debt at an astronomical $20 Trillion and more Americans on Food Stamps than ever before. 

Obama left America in a mess!

See the following for additional reasons why Obama was the ‘Worst. President. Ever’:”

Read more:

It’s Official: Obama Presidency Had Worst Economic Growth Since World War II – 4th Worst in History!



More here:


Citizen Wells time to open up Obama records place of birth investigation by Justice Dept., NBC fake news and lies continue about Trump, I challenge NBC or other fake news sites to prove US birth, NO certified original copy of Obama birth certificate presented

Citizen Wells time to open up Obama records place of birth investigation by Justice Dept., NBC fake news and lies continue about Trump, I challenge NBC or other fake news sites to prove US birth, NO certified original copy of Obama birth certificate presented

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells



NBC News keeps harping on Donald Trump not being honest or exagerating.

They keep mentioning Trump’s involvement in the “birther” movement.

“Additionally, if you go back before Trump’s presidency, there’s his “birther” claims against Obama”

I am calling for a Justice Department investigation into Barack Obama’s records including but not limited to.

  • His birth certificate and proof of US birth.
  • His passport (which John Brennan’s company may have cauterized).
  • His Selective Service application.
  • His college records.
  • Other records that may relate to immigration.

Time for NBC News and the other fake news sites to put up or shut up.

The so called birth certificate placed on was not a certified copy of an original.

Birth certificates did not look like that in 1961!

At the bottom of the image we find.

From the US State Department Passport site.

“*A certified birth certificate has a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.”

If the image is not a forgery, Hawaii may consider it a birth certificate as an abstract, since there were 4 ways to get one in 1961, but it does not prove US birth!



More here:

Q4 2016 economy growth 1.9 percent, Trump was right “Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth”, Obamacare accounted for 58% of US growth in first quarter 2016

Q4 2016 economy growth 1.9 percent, Trump was right “Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth”, Obamacare accounted for 58% of US growth in first quarter 2016

“Nearly half of U.S. companies are reluctant to hire full-time employees because of the ACA. One in five firms indicates they are likely to hire fewer employees, and another one in 10 may lay off current employees in response to the law.

Other firms will shift toward part-time workers. More than 40 percent of CFOs say their companies will consider switching some jobs to less than 30 hours per week or targeting part-time workers for future employment.”…Duke University Fuqua School of Business December 11, 2013

“If you like your plan, you can keep it.”…Barack Obama

“millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.”…NBC News October 29, 2013



Donald Trump was right when he stated:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth.”

From Zero Hedge February 28, 2017.

“US Economy Grew 1.9% In Q4, Unexpectedly Missing Expectations Despite Stronger Consumer Spending

Following a series of better than expected GDP-feeding prints, consensus had expected Q4 GDP to tick higher in the first revision released today, rising from 1.9% to 2.1%. However, that did not happen and instead, the revised print came in unchanged at 1.9%. Notable underlying revisions include: an upward revision in consumer spending, both in services and goods; a downward revision to business investment, mostly in intellectual property products and equipment; and a downward revision to state and local government spending, primarily in structures.”

“For the year 2016, real GDP increased 1.6% , compared with 2.6% in 2015. The increase in real GDP in 2016 reflected increases in consumer spending, residential investment, state and local government spending, exports, and federal government spending. These contributions were partly offset by declines in private inventory investment and business investment. Imports increased.”

From Zero Hedge June 28, 2016.

“Obamacare Accounted For 58% Of US “Growth” In The First Quarter

Remember when the Supreme Court decided that Obamcare is legal but it’s a tax? Well, the nuances were irrelevant, but when it comes to the Bureau of Economic Analysis they could not have been greater: by effectively counting a tax as part of US economic growth, Obama, the Supreme Court and the US government’s beancounters assured themselves of a steady stream of “economic growth” for quarters to come, and sure enough, Q1 was no different.

As regular readers know, when it comes to the one constant source of US economic growth, nothing is more reliable than Healthcare, which is merely another name for how Obamacare figured in the bean-count reports. And, we are confident, it will come as no surprise that in Q1, when real GDP grew by $44 billion in real terms, or 1.1% annualized, from $16.471 trillion to $16.515 trillion, Healthcare was responsible for $26 billion (rising from $1,896 billion to $1,929 billion annualized) or a whopping 58.4% of the total.”


More here:





Obama employment legacy, Hispanic employment skyrockets 29 percent, 9.37 million whites drop out of labor force, 94% of net job growth in the past decade part time or temp

Obama employment legacy, Hispanic employment skyrockets 29 percent, 9.37 million whites drop out of labor force, 94% of net job growth in the past decade part time or temp

“In December 2014 there were 18 million immigrants (legal and illegal) living in the country who had arrived since January 2000. But job growth over this period was just 9.3 million — half of new immigration.”…Center for Immigration Studies February 2015

“The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed in September at 7.1 million. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.”…US Labor Dept. September 2014

“The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.”…Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup


Don’t tell me that illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America have not been taking native born American jobs.

Numbers don’t lie.

Straight from the US Labor Department website.

Under Obama.

Hispanic employment up 29 percent!

9,374,000 white Americans dropped out of the labor force!

And all of the jobs that Obama bragged about adding.

94 percent were temporary or part time!

From Zero Hedge.

“Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time”

“Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger, confirms exactly what we warned. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015. Alternative, or “gig” work is defined as “temporary help agency workers, on-call workers, contract company workers, independent contractors or freelancers”, and is generally unsteady, without a fixed paycheck and with virtually no benefits.

The two economists also found that each of the common types of alternative work increased from 2005 to 2015—with the largest changes in the number of independent contractors and workers provided by contract firms, such as janitors that work full-time at a particular office, but are paid by a janitorial services firm.

Krueger, who until 2013 was also the top White House economist serving as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama, was “surprised” by the finding.

Quoted by quartz, he said “We find that 94% of net job growth in the past decade was in the alternative work category,” said Krueger. “And over 60% was due to the [the rise] of independent contractors, freelancers and contract company workers.” In other words, nearly all of the 10 million jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were not traditional nine-to-five employment.”



More here:



Commander in Chief and Lt. Col. Terry Lakin challenged Obama’s eligibility and birth certificate, Donald Trump in White House, Lakin spent six months in Leavenworth and was dishonorably discharged, Sign petition to pardon Lakin

Commander in Chief and Lt. Col. Terry Lakin challenged Obama’s eligibility and birth certificate, Donald Trump in White House, Lakin spent six months in Leavenworth and was dishonorably discharged, Sign petition to pardon Lakin

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.”…US Military officer’s oath of office

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND



Donald Trump, now Commander in Chief, and Lt. Col. Terry Lakin both challenged Obama’s eligibility and birth certificate.

Trump now controls the White House.

Lakin spent six months in Leavenworth and was dishonorably discharged.

They were both doing their constitutional duty when they questioned Obama.

There is still zero proof of Obama’s US birth and eligibility to have been POTUS.

From Citizen Wells December 8, 2010.

“Which part of “Chain of Command” do they not understand?

From Citizen Wells September 5, 2010.

“From the US Army Study Guide.

Chain of Command List

Posted Monday, July 23, 2007

Commander-in-Chief  -President George W. Bush
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff  -General Peter Pace
Army Chief of Staff
-General George W. Casey, Jr.
Theater Commander  –
Corps Commander  –
Division Commander  –
Brigade Commander  –
Battalion Commander  –
Company/Troop Commander  –
Platoon Leader  –
Section/Squad/Team Leader”

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LTC Terry Lakin memo dated November 20, 2009.

“MEMORANDUM FOR General Casey, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

SUBJECT: Complaint of Wrongs Under Article 138, UCMJ (AR 27-10)

1. I would like to officially submit a complaint under Article 138, UCMJ against General Casey, Chief of Staff of the Army. I believe General Casey is following and promulgating invalid and/or illegal orders from a person that is not eligible to be the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces.”

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JAG letter to LTC Lakin dated December 11, 2009.
“This responds to your November 20, 2009, memorandum to General George Casey, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, subject: Complaint of Wrongs Under Article 138 (AR 27-10).”
Army Regulation 27-10, paragraphs 20-4b and 20-4e define the terms “commanding officer” and “wrong,” respectfully. A “commanding officer” is “[a]n officer in the complainant’s chain of command, up to and including the first officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the complainant, authorized to impose nonjudicial punishment (Article 15, UCMJ) on the complainant.” General Casey does not meet the definition of “commanding officer” because he is not a member of your chain of command and he does not have the authority to impose nonjudicial punishment on you.”

“Robin N. Swope
Colonel, US Army
Chief, Administrative Law Division”

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Which part of “Chain of Command” do they not understand?

Obama, if he were eligible to be president, would be in this chain of command. Since he is not eligible, he should immediately be arrested. If you are in the military, including, but not limited to General Casey, and you are not involved in removing or at least challenging the usurper in the White House, you should be court martialed, not LTC Lakin. If you are involved in preventing LTC Lakin from challenging the usurper, Obama, from doing his sworn duty as a military officer, you should be shot.”

From the Post & Email January 26, 2017.

“In a pre-recorded interview from Thursday morning between Fox News’s Sean Hannity and President Donald Trump, Trump said he is currently “looking at” the request for a pardon for U.S. Navy sailor Christian Saucier, who was convicted of mishandling classified information after taking photos with his cell phone of an area of the submarine on which he was stationed.”

“Hannity also mentioned 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, who was convicted at court-martial of murdering three Afghan men on motorcycles who he believed were about to launch a terrorist attack against his unit in July 2012.”

“Although given a much shorter sentence, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a former flight surgeon, spent six months in Leavenworth and was dishonorably discharged from the Army, with loss of pay and benefits, for questioning Barack Obama’s eligibility in 2010.

Lakin’s case was not mentioned by either Trump or Hannity, although Trump said he was examining “several” pardon requests which constitutionally, only the chief executive may grant.

In his final weeks, Obama issued pardons to a significant number of drug dealers, to individuals convicted of “conspiracy to embezzle” and mail fraud, and interestingly, to an individual convicted of “conspiracy to defraud the United States by knowingly and without lawful authority producing false identification documents.”

Obama’s identification documents were found to be fraudulent by a five-year criminal investigation whose findings were recently affirmed by two highly-respected forensics analysts as divulged in a December 15 press conference.

Obama’s alleged “long-form” birth certificate was released by the White House on April 27, 2011 “with the intent to deceive,” according to the probe’s chief investigator, Mike Zullo.

A petition referenced on a website established to tell Lorance’s story references a petition asking for a pardon which appears to no longer be available to the public.”

Read more:

Trump: “Looking at” Pardon Request for Sailor and “Several” Others


“Reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into the U.S. Army with full rank, pay, benefits and pension immediately.”

“The former Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was a highly-decorated Army flight surgeon who questioned whether or not the orders he received from Obama were legitimate. Court-martialed, imprisoned, expelled from the Army and denied pay, pension and benefits, Terry was merely following his officer’s oath and constitutional duty. It is an outrage that this was allowed to happen. Obama refused to answer Terry’s letter and ended up producing a forged birth certificate. Terry who was a medical doctor is a valuable asset to the American military and the fact that his military chain of command and his congressional representatives allowed him to be court-martialed and run out of the army is an outrage for all Americans. This grave injustice needs to be addressed and corrected ASAP.”




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Obama job legacy: Grade F, White american employment down over 725k, down 107k last month, Hispanic up 5 million almost 25 percent, 94% of all new jobs under Obama were part time

Obama job legacy: Grade F, White american employment down over 725k, down 107k last month, Hispanic up 5 million almost 25 percent, 94% of all new jobs under Obama were part time

“In December 2014 there were 18 million immigrants (legal and illegal) living in the country who had arrived since January 2000. But job growth over this period was just 9.3 million — half of new immigration.”…Center for Immigration Studies February 2015

“The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed in September at 7.1 million. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.”…US Labor Dept. September 2014

“The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.”…Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup



Obama just completed his last full month in office.

His much touted jobs added as portrayed by the fake news mainstream media?

Obama gets a grade of F for his jobs performance.

Unless of course you are an illegal alien.

From December of 2007 to December of 2016 the following occurred:

White Americans.

More than 725,000 fewer employed.

In the last month alone 107,000 fewer employed.

Almost 11 million more not in the labor force.


Almost 5 million more employed.

That’s almost a 25 percent increase.

From Zero Hedge December 25, 2016.

“Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time

Just over six years ago, in December of 2010, we wrote “Charting America’s Transformation To A Part-Time Worker Society“, in which we predicted – and showed – that in light of the underlying changes resulting from the second great depression, whose full impacts remain masked by trillions in monetary stimulus and soon, perhaps fiscal, America is shifting from a traditional work force, one where the majority of new employment is retained on a full-time basis, to a “gig” economy, where workers are severely disenfranchised, and enjoy far less employment leverage, job stability and perks than their pre-crash peers. It also explains why despite the 4.5% unemployment rate, which the Fed has erroneously assumed is indicative of job market at “capacity”, wage growth not only refuses to materialize, but as we showed yesterday, the growth in real disposable personal income was the lowest since 2014.

When we first penned our article, it was dubbed “fringe” tinfoil hattery, or in the latest vernacular, “fake news.”

Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger, confirms exactly what we warned. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015. Alternative, or “gig” work is defined as “temporary help agency workers, on-call workers, contract company workers, independent contractors or freelancers”, and is generally unsteady, without a fixed paycheck and with virtually no benefits.”

“Krueger, who until 2013 was also the top White House economist serving as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama, was “surprised” by the finding.

Quoted by quartz, he said “We find that 94% of net job growth in the past decade was in the alternative work category,” said Krueger. “And over 60% was due to the [the rise] of independent contractors, freelancers and contract company workers.” In other words, nearly all of the 10 million jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were not traditional nine-to-five employment.”

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