Tag Archives: Obama ineligible to be president

Judge Surrick ruling, Philip J Berg lawsuit, October 24, 2008, US Constitution, Obama ineligible to be president, Middle East, Libya, Kenya, Obama threat to US, Uphold Constitution

Judge Surrick will provide a ruling any minute on the Philip J Berg lawsuit that states that Barack Obama is Indonesian and ineligible to be president. Lawsuit outcomes are hinged on very tight legal wordings and the burden of
proof placed on the plaintiff. Regardless of legal wrangling in court,
regardless of the ruling by Judge Surrick, the US Constitution must be upheld and those charged with upholding the US Constitution must do so and be held accountable. This includes Barack Obama.

Here is what we know:

  • The DNC did not vet Obama.
  • The MSM has supported Obama and not vetted him.
  • Obama has documented long time close ties to corruption in Chicago, Illinois and the Middle East.
  • Obama has close ties to Dubious connections in the Middle East and
    Africa. Three people close to Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Raila Odinga, have visited Libya.
  • Obama traveled to Pakistan when he was young when travel to Pakistan by US citizens was restricted.
  • Obama was born in Kenya.
  • Obama was adopted by his stepfather, Soetoro, became an Indonesian
    citizen and studied the Koran.
  • Obama and the Obama camp stole the Democratic nomination from Hillary Clinton using voter fraud and illegal campaign donations.
  • Obama has lied about most aspects of his life and past associations,
    including, but not limited to, his socialist party connections and Acorn involvement.

With the exception of the Kennedy assasination, Citizen Wells has never
been much of a conspiracy theorist. However, given the body of evidence,
I am inclined to believe that there is a Middle Eastern, radical Muslim,
connection to Obama, perhaps Libyan, that intends to destroy the US
from within. Too many events and associations have come into focus
to ignore this possibility.

Barack Obama, regardless of his many dubious connections, is not eligible
to be POTUS. Irrespective of any lawsuits in court, the US Constitution
must be upheld. Citizen Wells and the American public will hold all
accountable. Citizen Wells will provide an article soon that will
provide insight into upholding the US Constitution.

Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama:


Philip J Berg lawsuit, Obama is Indonesian, Obama ineligible to be president, Demand coverage, Cancel subscriptions, Boycott sponsors, American public deserves truth about Obama

Here is a copy of an email I just sent to someone involved in covering
the Philip J Berg lawsuit that states that Obama is Indonesian and
ineligible to be president:

“First a question:

We know what happens if Obama is removed before the election.
What happens during these time windows?
Obama wins election. Before electors meet court rules he is not qualified.
Same scenario, but after electors “elect” Obama and before inauguration.

Next, “preaching to the choir” comment:

Any of the following would have knocked off a republican candidate:
Rezko, corruption, crime connections.
Jeremiah Wright, et al.
Kenya trip 2006, Raila Odinga, ODM/Islamic connections
William Ayers.Acorn other radical connections

Given that, the Berg lawsuit and constitutional requirements are the
ultimate “show stopper”.
Obama and the Obama camp are expert diversionists.
Obama is willing to sacrifice a finger (Jeremiah Wright) or
William Ayers (hand) to save the body (Berg suit).

The Toledo interview is a good start. We need to get this story
on more widely viewed media, Hannity or whatever.
Pressure from the public to cancel subscriptions or boycott
sponsors must be used.
Hit em in the pocketbook.
Your thoughts?”

If you are unaware of the Berg lawsuit, check out the following:

The timeline of the Philip J Berg lawsuit can be accessed at the top of this blog

Philp J Berg explains the lawsuit in a video

Ohio Fox affiliate interviews Mr. Berg

The American public deserves the truth about the real Obama

I am asking the American public to help save this country. Contact your
local newspaper and TV stations. Also contact the national media,
including Hannity and Colmes on Fox. If they refuse to cover this
crucial, newsworthy story, cancel subscriptions and boycott sponsors. Every person counts. Contact as many people as you can and persuade them to do the same.

We must take back this country from forces located here and abroad.

Support Philip J Berg and the lawsuit

Obama, Barry Soetoro, Indonesian school records, Obama is Indonesian, Philip J Berg, lawsuit, Obama ineligible to be president

Below are Indonesian school records for Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Obama. This is some, but by no means all, of the evidence that Barack Obama was and is an Indonesian citizen, regardless of where he was born.