Tag Archives: PHILIP J. BERG

Philip J Berg, Berg v Obama, Odd Little Moment, Is the Truth Finally Surfacing regarding Obama / Soetoro

Philip J Berg, Berg v Obama, Odd Little Moment, Is the Truth Finally Surfacing regarding Obama / Soetoro

From Philip J Berg of Berg v Obama.

For Immediate Release:  – 11/09/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire         
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                         
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659


Odd Little Moment
is the Truth Finally Surfacing ?
regarding Obama/Soetoro
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 11/09/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States stated ABC NEWS put out an article entitled “Odd Little Moment at the CEO Meeting” on November 7, 2010.

Berg said, “President Obama spoke to CEO’s Saturday in Mumbai.  Spice Jet founder, Bhupendra Kasagra, according to Jake Tapper, ABC News Senior White House Correspondent, that the conversation started off between Kasagra and Obama a bit odd”.  According to Jake Tapper, the following was stated:

MR. KANSAGRA:    Thank you.  Welcome, Mr. President, to India.  As a fellow Kenyan,I’m   very proud to see that you have made – [emphasis added]

THE PRESIDENT:      Made something of myself.  (Laughter.)

MR. KANSAGRA:     India as the focus of your drive for exports out of the U.S.

Berg continued, “Jake Tapper then makes the statement, ‘Obviously the President is not a Kenyan. One supposes Mr. Kansagra meant “of Kenyan ancestry” or something.”’

Berg remarked, “I disagree with Jake Tapper’s statement which is obvious an attempt by a representative of the major media to again cover-up facts about Obama/Soetoro; and I believe the truth is finally beginning to surface.”

Berg concluded, “The crucial issues regarding Obama, the ‘IMPOSTER’, continue to grow.  However, the most important issue is Obama not being ‘Constitutionally Eligible’ to be President: 1) not being ‘natural born’, being born in Mombasa, Kenya; and 2) even more important the fact that Obama was ‘adopted’ or legally ‘acknowledged’ by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and his school record in Indonesia indicates the ‘Imposter’s’ name is ‘Barry Soetoro’, his nationality being ‘Indonesia’ and his religion being ‘Islam’.  Obama, the Imposter’s legal name is ‘Barry Soetoro’.  If Obama/Soetoro has not legally changed his name, his legal name is Barry Soetoro!  Yes, one can use an alias, but not for fraudulent purposes; and Obama/Soetoro is.  Obama must be stopped !  Obama’s agenda must be stopped ! 
Donations are needed ASAP and very appreciated
to help cover our expenses to continue to Defend “our” Constitution.

You may donate on our web site:  obamacrimes.com

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Obama birth certificate rally, Washington DC, Saturday, October 23, 2010, Philip J Berg, Obama eligibility, Obamacare

Obama birth certificate rally, Washington DC,  Saturday, October 23, 2010, Philip J Berg, Obama eligibility, Obamacare

From Philip J Berg, attorney and plaintiff in Berg v Obama.

For Immediate Release:  – 10/20/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire         
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                         
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659

Obama Birth Certificate / Eligibility / ObamaCare
Rally in Washington
this Saturday, October 23, 2010
U.S. Capitol – West Front

see “you tube” re Rally:


see billboard
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 10/20/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States stated that “WE THE PEOPLE” by and through Philip J. Berg and Obamacrimes.com is sponsoring the OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY / OBAMACARE Rally in Washington this Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at U.S. Capitol – West Front.
Berg said, “We have placed a ‘you tube’ video regarding the Rally at:


Also, a billboard advertising the Rally is located at Exit #42 (Maumelle-Exit) at Maumelle, Arkansas [approx 1/2-way between Little Rock and Conway, Arkansas].   See attached.

Berg stated, “This is the most important Rally in history as Obama is an imposter, a fraud, a phony and Obama has put forth the greatest “HOAX” in the history of our country, over 234 years.  This is an invitation to all individuals, no matter what your political party is or what group, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and/or Tea Party individuals to join with me on October 23, 2010 at the U.S. Capitol – West Front for a Rally to demand Obama/Soetoro prove he is ‘Constitutionally Eligible’ to be President and if not demand that Obama/Soetoro resign from office.”

Berg continued, “I am excited at the positive response we have received.  I am representing every citizen in the U.S., over 308 million of you; there is nothing more important than our U.S. Constitution!  Obama/Soetoro is laughing at us; he knows he is an Imposter, a Fraud, a Phony, and this is the greatest ‘HOAX’ against ‘our’ country in over 234 years!

Our group, obamacrimes.com is the umbrella for all of us, regardless of your issue.  Whatever your issue – healthcare [ObamaCare], taxation, Social Security, Anti-War – the issue to remove Obama/Soetoro is that he is an ‘Usurper’ – an ‘Imposter’ – together, ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ can unite with a huge PEACEFUL REVOLUTION RALLY and DEMAND that Obama/Soetoro resign.

Join with me – I am a lifelong Democrat [I ran for U.S. Senate & Governor in Democratic Primaries in Pennsylvania] that blows the theory that this is a right wing conspiracy.

I am doing this for:

1. the 308 million people in ‘our’ country that deserve to know the truth;
2. ‘Our’ Forefathers – who wrote the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights;
3. the 1.6 million men & women in the military who died defending ‘our’ Constitution;
4. the 1.6 million men & women in the military who were wounded defending ‘our’ Constitution; and
5. the millions of men & women who have served in the past and those that continue to serve in the military protecting ‘our’ Constitution and the rights we enjoy.

Together, ‘WE CAN’ demand that Obama/Soetoro resign.

The OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY / OBAMACARE Rally in Washington, D.C. is for the purpose of exposing Soetoro/Obama and demanding that he proves that he is ‘Constitutionally Eligible’ to be President, or resign from office.

All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate so all can hold them in the air; while Obama/Soetoro who recently said he cannot keep wearing his Birth Certificate on his forehead when responding to a question by NBC Brian Williams, although Obama/Soetoro has spent over $1.6 million in fighting all lawsuits regarding his status and not producing his Birth Certificate.

The crucial issues regarding Obama, the ‘IMPOSTER’, continue to grow.  However, the most important issue is Obama not being ‘Constitutionally Eligible’ to be President: 1) not being ‘natural born’, being born in Mombasa, Kenya; and 2) even more important the fact that Obama was ‘adopted’ or legally ‘acknowledged’ by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and his school record in Indonesia indicates the ‘Imposter’s’ name is ‘Barry Soetoro’, his nationality being ‘Indonesia’ and his religion being ‘Islam’.  Obama, the Imposter’s legal name is ‘Barry Soetoro’.  Obama must be stopped !  WE THE PEOPLE can, by way of the largest Rally ever in Washington, DC, have a ‘Peaceful Revolution’ and force Obama to prove he is ‘Constitutionally Eligible’ or resign from office.  YES WE CAN !”  
Berg continued, “The cost of the Rally in Washington is expensive.  We must raise additional money to cover the cost of this Rally.

Donate today to help cover the expenses of this Rally and Defend our Constitution.  You may donate on our web site:  obamacrimes.com

An updated flyer regarding our Rally is attached.  Please spread the word to as many people as you can and stay tuned to obamacrimes.com.”

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Obama Birth Certificate Eligibility ObamaCare rally update, Philip J Berg, September 4, 2010

Obama Birth Certificate Eligibility ObamaCare rally update, Philip J Berg

Just in from Philip J Berg September 4, 2010.

For Immediate Release:  – 09/04/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire         
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                         
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659

The Obama Birth Certificate / Eligibility / ObamaCare
Rally in Washington
will be Saturday, October 23, 2010
U.S. Capitol – West Front
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 09/04/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States stated that “WE THE PEOPLE” by and through Philip J. Berg and Obamacrimes.com is sponsoring the OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY/ OBAMACARE Rally in Washington on Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at U.S. Capitol – West Front.
Berg was at the Glen Beck Rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday, August 28th for the purpose of handing out flyers regarding his October 23rd Obama Rally.  Berg said, “I was overwhelmed at the number of people who recognized me, coming over to me and thanking me for my efforts in leading to expose Obama/Soetoro for the imposter he is and the biggest ‘Hoax’ in the history of our country, over 234 years.  And it was amazing the positive response I received when people were grabbing at the flyers I was handing out when I said, ‘Obama, not a natural born citizen and Constitutionally ineligible to be President.’  I personally gave out 3,000 flyers in two [2] hours, while other volunteers also gave out flyers.”

The OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY/ OBAMACARE Rally in Washington, D.C. is for the purpose of exposing Soetoro/Obama and demanding that he proves that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President, or for the benefit of the 308 million citizens of the United States, to resign from office.

All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate so all can hold them in the air while Obama/Soetoro who recently said he cannot keep wearing his Birth Certificate on his forehead when responding to a question by NBC Brian Williams, although Obama/Soetoro has spent over $1.6 million in fighting all lawsuits regarding his status and not producing his Birth Certificate.

The crucial issues regarding Obama, the “IMPOSTER”, continue to grow.  However, the most important issue is Obama not being Constitutionally eligible to be President: 1) not being “natural born” being born in Mombasa, Kenya; and 2) even more important the fact that Obama was “adopted” or legally “acknowledged” by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and his school record in Indonesia indicates the “Imposter’s” name is “Barry Soetoro”, his nationality being “Indonesia” and his religion being “Islam”.  Obama, the Imposter’s legal name is “Barry Soetoro”.  Obama must be stopped !  WE THE PEOPLE can, by way of the largest rally ever in Washington, DC, have a “Peaceful Revolution” and force Obama to prove he is “Constitutionally eligible” or resign from office.  YES WE CAN !  

The cost of the Rally in Washington is expensive.  We must raise Fifty Thousand [$50,000.00] Dollars to cover the cost of the Rally including advertising this important event.

Donate today to help cover the expenses of this Rally and defend our Constitution.

An updated flyer regarding our Rally is attached.  Please spread the word to as many people as you can and stay tuned to obamacrimes.com.
For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Miki Booth speaker, Philip J Berg, Obama eligibility birth certificate rally, October 23, 2010

Miki Booth speaker, Philip J Berg, Obama eligibility birth certificate rally, October 23, 2010

**  Update Below  **

I received the following from Miki Booth this afternoon.

I will be speaking at this rally on OCTOBER 23 at the U.S. Capitol in DC Saturday October 23, 2010 12 noon to 4PM
Bring your birth certificates and meet Phil Berg (1st attorney to file a lawsuit against BO/BS), myself and others.
Please forward this to everyone on your lists and download and print the flyer to pass out at upcoming rallies and town halls. Mr. Berg personally handed out over 3,000 flyers at the Restoring Honor event. EVERYONE WANTED ONE!!
 For liberty!

Miki Booth
Founder, Route 66 TEA Party
FairTax Community Coordinator
Patriotic Resistance OK Dist. 2 Coordinator
District Leader GOOOH
Former Candidate U.S. Congress”

** Update August 31, 2010 5:30 PM ET **

From Miki Booth:

” I will not speak at his rally however I still think its important for the flyers to get around because they might reach someone hearing about the issue for the first time so if you’ve sent them out that is fine.”

Philip J Berg, Obama Muslim, Mosque at Ground Zero, August 20, 2010

Philip J Berg, Obama Muslim, Mosque at Ground Zero, August 20, 2010 

From Philip J Berg August 20, 2010.

“For Immediate Release:  – 08/20/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire         
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                         
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659


Berg says it is “no surprise”
that Obama wants the Mosque near Ground Zero
as Obama is a Muslim !

Indonesia School Records
Indicate Obama was Adopted/Acknowledged
and his Name Became “Barry Soetoro”
his Nationality = Indonesia
his Religion = Islam = Muslim !

Obama/Soetoro has Catered to
Muslims since he became President

* * *
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/20/2010) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “Constitutional qualifications” to serve as President of the United States. 
Berg said, “It is ‘no surprise’ that Obama/Soetoro has endorsed the fact that a Mosque should be built near ‘Ground Zero’ as Obama is a Muslim !  The school records from Indonesia that can be seen on our website obamacrimes.com indicate that Obama was adopted/acknowledged by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, and Obama’s ‘legal’ name became ‘Barry Soetoro’; his nationality became ‘Indonesia’; and his religion was ‘Islam’ = ‘Muslim’.”

Berg continued, “Since Obama/Soetoro became President, he has catered to the Muslim community; he has travelled around the world ‘apologizing’ for the United States; he bowed down to the Saudi King, the Japanese Emperor and the leader of China.”

Berg remarked, “One of my supporters sent me the following email – ‘Let me be very clear, they can build the Mosque at Ground Zero when they give us a permit to build a church in Mecca!’ and it really speaks to the overall issue.  There are two [2] separate issues: 1) the rights guaranteed to us under the 1st Amendment to ‘our’ U.S. Constitution, that includes ‘freedom of religion’; and 2) on the other hand, where to build a certain Mosque.  There is no question as to the freedom of religion, but where to build involves ‘sensitivity’ to the people in the area where one wants to build.  The Muslims that plan to build the Mosque do not care about the ‘feelings’ of others; they just turned down the proposal from New York Governor David Paterson to meet with them and he would find State property for them to build their Mosque in another location in Manhattan.”

Berg continued, “I have received several emails with suggestions to place pig heads, pig blood and even whole pigs on the land set aside to build the Mosque near ground zero in New York.  The reason for this suggestion is due to the Muslim Religion not allowing touching anything a pig has touched.  I do not agree with the building of the Mosque near ground zero; however, interfering with a Religion is considered ‘Hate’ crimes and is very serious.  ‘Hate’ crimes, which I do not believe in nor will I endorse, carry severe penalties, they are felonies and can be prosecuted State or Federally.  One cannot attempt to just hold up one part of the U.S. Constitution and not the other parts.  The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees all ‘Freedom of Religion.’  Again, we do not agree with the building of a Mosque at ground zero; however, there are legal ways to oppose the building of this particular Mosque, without breaking our State and Federal Laws.”
Berg commented further regarding Obama by saying, “I believe Obama probably prays to his Muslim religion with others that he invites into the White House, and that is his right and privilege.  Obama’s twenty [20] years with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jr. of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago was questionable as to the sermons given and what Obama took from them.  It is unbelievable that Obama did not know the Reverend Wright as others did.  Also, according to sources, the Trinity United Church had many members who were and are Muslims.”

Berg continued, “The pressure is building to force Obama/Soetoro to admit that he is an Imposter, a Fraud, a Phony and his tale is the largest ‘Hoax’ in the history of the United States, over 234 years.  Actually, the pressure is building because the overwhelming evidence is that Obama/Soetoro was born in Africa and more important is the fact that Obama was adopted/acknowledged by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia and Obama’s ‘legal’ name became ‘Barry Soetoro’ and there is no evidence that he has legally changed his name and therefore, every time he uses the name of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ he has and is committing fraud.”

Berg concluded, “I am in the final days of planning for the largest March/Rally in Washington, DC in October 2010 to force Obama/Soetoro to step down from the Office of President, a position he is not Constitutionally eligible to be President as he is an ‘Usurper’ and he has led our country into a Constitutional crisis.  When Obama/Soetoro steps down, all of the laws, appointments and programs including ObamaCare will end because all of them are ‘voidable’”.

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Philip J Berg, Update, February 18, 2010, Birth Certificate March on Washington, Berg to Attend CPAC 2010 in Washington, DC 2/18 to 2/20, Obama eligibility, Berg v Obama

From Philip J Berg, February 18, 2010.

For Immediate Release:  – 02/18/2010
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Berg to Attend CPAC 2010 in Washington, DC 2/18 to 2/20
* * *
Berg States that Announcement of
“Birth Certificate March on Washington”
to Demand Obama Resign
forced Obama to address the issue at
National Prayer Breakfast
* * *
Date for March to be Announced Soon
Urgent Need for Funds
(Lafayette Hill, PA – 02/18/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States stated that “WE THE PEOPLE” by and through Philip J. Berg and Obamacrimes.com forced Obama to address the issue at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, February 4, 2009 !   Obama, in part of his speech referred for the first time since the question of his being “Constitutionally eligible” stated,
“But surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, [pause] for that matter,my citizenship.“ [Laughter and applause.] [emphasis added]
Berg said, “I knew that if we continued our efforts, those of obamacrimes.com, to expose Obama not being ‘Constitutionally eligible’ to be President, as this is the greatest ‘HOAX’ in the history of our country, that being over 230 years and the fact that Obama’s actions are a fraud !”
The actual words stated by Obama:

“Civility also requires relearning how to disagree without being disagreeable; understanding, as President [Kennedy] said, that “civility is not a sign of weakness.” Now, I am the first to confess I am not always right.  Michelle will testify to that“. [Laughter.]
“But surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith, or, [pause] for that matter, my citizenship.” [Laughter and applause.] [emphasis added]
Berg said, “WOW, it is about time !  This is great. Our announcement of the ‘Birth Certificate March on Washington’ demanding Obama resign as President as he is ‘Constitutionally ineligible’ to be President was the Press Release that caused Obama to react.”

Berg stated, “Because of the response to date, shortly, we will announce the date for the “Birth Certificate March on Washington.”
Further, “We need Funds ASAP to be able to publicize the March and start to arrange specifics for the ‘Birth Certificate March on Washington.’  Go to obamacrimes.com to make your contribution.”
Berg is requesting all citizens of the United States to email, fax or mail a “copy” of their Birth Certificate that will be presented to Obama demanding that Obama resign because he has failed to produce his long form [vault] Birth Certificate and other citizenship documents [Obama, an Indonesian Citizen ?] to show he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President.  Please redact any personal information that you wish.
Berg related an email he received.  A woman from Texas told me she registered her thirteen [13] year old nephew for school.  When registration was finished, her nephew asked the Principal, “Can I ask you a question?”  The Principal said, “Yes.”  Her nephew said, “How come I had to show my Birth Certificate to register for school, but Obama did not have to show his to be President ?”
Berg said, “That email motivated me to continue to expose Obama for the fraud he is !”
Berg continued, “Since the Courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing ‘Discovery,’ it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to expose the ‘HOAX’ of Obama, the biggest ‘HOAX’ in the history of our country, in over 230 years !”
Berg wants people to email, fax or mail a copy of their Birth Certificate to:
Email = philjberg@obamacrimes.com
Fax     = (610) 834-7659
Mail    = Obamacrimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Berg said, “Then, we will be preparing them to deliver to Obama demanding that he resign from the Office of President as he has not proven that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President and that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia.
I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in ‘our’ U.S.A., for ‘our’ forefathers and for the 3.2 million men and women that have died and/or been maimed defending our Constitution with our ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to prove that Obama is not Constitutionally qualified/eligible to be President.”
Berg continued, “I still have cases pending in the Federal Courts.  Go to obamacrimes.com to see the status of each case.”
Berg concluded, “I will be attending the CPAC 2010 Convention in Washington, DC from Thursday, 2/18 to Saturday, 2/20 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.  The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be helpful for me to spread the message that Obama is a fraud, a phony and Obama has put forth the biggest ‘HOAX’ in the history of our great nation,”
Phil Berg will be available for Press Interviews at CPAC 2010 – Contact Phil at cell (610) 662-3005.
For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:

Glenn Beck, call me, Citizen Wells, I am still waiting on a call

Birth Certificate March on Washington, Philip J Berg, February 4 2010, Demand Obama Resign, Obama is not Constitutionally qualified to be President, Berg cases pending in the Federal Courts

Just in from Philip J Berg, February 4, 2010.

For Immediate Release:  – 02/03/2010

For Further Information Contact:

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Cell (610) 662-3005

(610) 825-3134

(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]

Fax (610) 834-7659


Berg Announces

“Birth Certificate March on Washington”
to Demand Obama Resign
as Obama is not
“Constitutionally qualified”
to be President

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 02/03/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States announces “Birth Certificate March on Washington” demanding Obama resign as President as he is “Constitutionally ineligible” to be President.

Berg is requesting all citizens of the United States to email, fax or mail a “copy” of their Birth Certificate that will be presented to Obama demanding that Obama resign because he has failed to produce his long form [vault] Birth Certificate to show he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President.

Berg related an email he received.  A woman from Texas told me she registered her thirteen [13] year old nephew for school.  When registration was finished, her nephew asked the Principal, “Can I ask you a question?”  The Principal said, “Yes.”  Her nephew said, “How come I had to show my Birth Certificate to register for school, but Obama did not have to show his to be President ?”

Berg said, “That email motivated me to continue to expose Obama for the fraud he is !”

Berg continued, “Since the Courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing ‘Discovery,’ it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to expose the ‘HOAX’ of Obama, the biggest ‘HOAX’ in the history of our country, in over 230 years !”

Berg wants people to email, fax or mail a copy of Their Birth Certificate to:

Email = philjberg@obamacrimes.com

Fax      = (610) 834-7659

Mail    =  Obamacrimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Berg said, “Then, we will be preparing them to deliver to Obama demanding that he resign from the Office of President as he has not proven that he is “Constitutionally eligible” to be President and   that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia.

I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in ‘our’ U.S.A., for ‘our’ forefathers and for the 3.2 million men and women that have died and/or been maimed defending our Constitution with our ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to prove that Obama is not Constitutionally qualified/eligible to be President.”   

Berg continued, “I still have cases pending in the Federal Courts.  Go to obamacrimes.com to see the status of each case.”

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:


Philip J Berg, Update, September 18, 2009, Interview, MommaE blog radio, Status of 3 cases, Berg lawsuits, Obama not eligible, Obama not natural born citizen

Philip J Berg, who filed the first lawsuit in August 2008, claiming that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president, will be interviewed on MommaE blog radio tonight, September 18, 2009 at 8:30 PM ET. Philip Berg will provide updates on his 3 cases. Attorney Berg also warned in 2008 that if we did not resolve this eligibilty issue before the general election, that we would have a constitutional crisis. That is exactly what has happened.

I just want to let you know that tonight’s guest will be Attorney Phil Berg.  Phil will be giving us updates on the status of his 3 cases that are alive and well, plus telling us the true information about a Subpoena that surfaced a few days ago with his name on it.. It should be a hot, rocking and interesting show!
I look forward to seeing you all there!  Link, time and call in number for the show is below.
Call In # 347-237-4870
5:30 PM Pacific Time
6:30 PM Mountain Time
7:30 PM Central Time
8:30 PM Eastern Time
I hope to see you all.  Please join us in the Chat room!

Philip J Berg, Update, May 27, 2009, Press release, Third Circuit Court of Appeals Delays Oral Argument, Berg Appeal regarding No Standing Issue

From Philip J Berg, May 27, 2009:

For Immediate Release:  – 05/27/2009   

For Further Information Contact: 

Philip J. Berg, Esquire  

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12                                                         

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Cell (610) 662-3005

(610) 825-3134

(800) 993-PHIL  [7445]

Fax (610) 834-7659  


Third Circuit Court of Appeals Delays Oral Argument on
Berg’s Appeal regarding “No Standing” Issue
But Berg is determined to continue his fight to show that
Obama is Constitutionally ineligible to be President because Obama is “not” natural born as required by our U.S. Constitution
obamacrimes.com is the web site for the truth about Obama


      (Lafayette Hill, PA – 05/27/2009) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of Constitutional “qualifications/eligibility” to serve as President of the United States and his cases that are still pending, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama, et al announced today that he is totally disappointed that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals has delayed “Oral Argument” in the case of Berg vs. Obama, No. 08 – 4340, the case where Judge Surrick denied Berg’s case on the basis that Berg did not have “standing.”

      Berg stated, “About two [2] months ago I received notice that the Third Circuit would schedule ‘Oral Argument’ the last week of May 2009 or the first week of June 2009.  Not hearing for a specific date, Berg’s office contacted the Third Circuit and was just advised that “Oral Argument” is not scheduled as previously advised and the earliest time for ‘Oral Argument’ is in September or October of 2009, and notification will be sent.  I am totally disappointed that there has been this delay.”

      Berg continued, “I am determined to keep fighting lawfully through our Court system; I believe there is a Judge or Justices that will grant us Discovery as it is essential for the following that the truth be told:

    • the 305+ million citizens of the United States;
    • our ‘Forefathers;’ and
    • the 3 + million that have been injured or died defending our U.S. Constitution over the past 230 + years.


      We must expose Obama, as this is the greatest ‘HOAX’ perpetrated on the citizens of the United States in 230 years, since our nation was established.  Obama must be legally removed from office.

      I believe that 10 to 15 million people are aware of the Obama ‘HOAX,’ and we must make 75 million people aware.  When people are made aware of the Obama ‘HOAX,’ that Obama has not proven he is constitutionally ‘qualified/eligible’ to be President; that Obama has not produced his original (vault version) ‘Birth Certificate;’ that Obama has not produced legal documents to show he legally changed his name from his ‘adopted’ name of ‘Barry Soetoro’ from Indonesia; they will demand Obama be removed from his Office of President of the United States.”  

      The following is an update on my three [3] pending cases regarding my challenge to Obama’s lack of qualifications/eligibility to be President.  

    As you know, Berg was the first to legally raise the issue – having filed a lawsuit on August 21, 2008, before the DNC Convention.   

Status of Cases 

Berg vs. Obama, Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340

Brief have been filed by all parties.

This is case that was dismissed in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of PA

Judge Surrick dismissed for lack of “standing” by Philip J. Berg

This is case that I bypassed Third Circuit to U.S. Supreme Court – where U.S. Supreme Court denied several Injunctions and to hear case.

However, case is still alive in Third Circuit.

Oral argument was scheduled for the end of May 2009; now the earliest will be September or October 2009.   

Berg vs. Obama, U.S. District Court

Case filed under seal on 11/07/08 – cannot be discussed.  

Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama,

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, No. 09-5080

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 08-cv-02254

This is the case of retired Air Force Colonel Hollister who is on lifetime Presidential recall.

Hollister needs to know if recalled by Soetoro/Obama – must he obey an Order by legal President or disobey the illegal Order by a constitutionally ineligible/unqualified “Usurper” President.

Case was dismissed and Sanction of “Reprimand” imposed on our local attorney.

Appeal has been filed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.


  For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:


Philip J Berg, Memorial Day press release, Honor brave men & women, Barack Obama disgraces their memory, Obama ineligible, US Constitution

From Philip J. Berg:

Press Release



For Immediate Release:  – 05/23/2009   



As We Honor our Brave Men & Women who have died and been wounded protecting our U.S. Constitution

It is appalling how Barack Obama disgraces their memories by being Constitutionally ineligible to be President

Total U.S. Military Deaths 1775 to 2008 = 1,593,124

Total U.S. Military Injuries 1775 to 1991 = 1,581,631


      (Lafayette Hill, PA – 05/23/2009) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of Constitutional “qualifications/eligibility” to serve as President of the United States and his three [3] cases that are still pending, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama, et al announced today that he and the obamacrimes.com supporters are Honoring those that died and were wounded defending our most sacred document, our U.S. Constitution.

      Berg said, “It is appalling how Barack Obama disgraces their memories by being Constitutionally ineligible to be President and not showing his Birth Certificate, Immigration Records, Adoption Papers and documents showing he legally changed his name from ‘Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama’ and other records to prove his eligibility.  We are asking our supporters to send an e-mail to Barack Obama asking him to honor the fallen by showing that either he is or is not constitutionally eligible to be President, and if not, to resign from the Presidency now.


      We are asking all of our supporters to:  

          [1] Stop what they are doing on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009 for a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. in honor of the fallen who have sacrificed their lives in defense of our U.S. Constitution and the United States of America and those that were wounded; 

          [2] Send this Press Release to everyone in their e-mail address book and ask them to send on so that as many people we can reach will pause to honor our fallen on Memorial Day; 

          [3] Send an e-mail to Barack Obama by filling out his contact form located at http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ asking him to honor the fallen by showing that either he is or is not constitutionally eligible to be President. 

Deaths and Injured of U.S. Military: 1775 – 3/25/2008 

Per War:

Revolutionary War 1775-1783:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  290,000

Death Total  4,435

Non-Mortal Wound Total:  6,188 

War of 1812-1815:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  286,730

Death Total 2,260

Non-Mortal Wound Total 4,505


Mexican War 1846-1848:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  78,718

Death Total 13,283

Non-Mortal Wound Total 4,152


Civil War 1861-1865:

Union Forces Only

Total Enlisted (Serving): 2,213,363

Death Total 504,925

Non-Mortal Wound Total 281,881 

Spanish American War 1898-1902:

Total Enlisted (Serving): 306,760

Death Total 2,831

Non-Mortal Wound Total 1,662


World War I  1917-1918:

Total Enlisted (Serving): 4,734,991

Death Total 169,918

Non-Mortal Wound Total 204,002


World War II  1941-1946:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  16,112,566

Death Total 696,596

Non-Mortal Wound Total 671,846 

Korean War 1950-1953:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  5,720,000

Death Total 70,315

Non-Mortal Wound Total 103,284 

Vietnam Conflict 1964-1973:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  8,744,000

Death Total 105,633

Non-Mortal Wound Total in-patient hospital   153,303

Non-Mortal; Wound Total out-patient hospital 150,341


Persian Gulf War 1990-1991:

Total Enlisted (Serving):  2,225,000

Death Total 3,295

Non-Mortal Wound Total 467


Total U.S. Military Deaths:  1775 – 2008:  1,593,124

Total U.S. Military Injuries: 1775 – 1991:  1,581,631

 Read more and view the cemetaries:
