Larry Sinclair news conference, Limo driver’s name, not Paramjit Multani, Typo error, Limo driver was Jagir P Multani, listen to news conference

There has been much confusion about the name of the Limo Driver for the alleged Larry Sinclair and Obama encounter in November 1999. The written news conference release, indicated the name was Paramjit Multani. The correct limo driver’s name is Jagir P Multani. If you listen to the news conference you will hear Larry stating this name.

You can listen to and view the news conference here:

2 responses to “Larry Sinclair news conference, Limo driver’s name, not Paramjit Multani, Typo error, Limo driver was Jagir P Multani, listen to news conference

  1. zachjonesishome

    I put your post from yesterday on Digg
    Larry Sinclair’s Arrest Possible Joe Biden Connection – Obam — Larry Sinclair has received 2 letters from the Social Security Administration referring to an alleged Delaware warrant dated February 5, 2008. That is just a few weeks after his first YouTubevideo came out. The letters were dated June 16 and 17, 2008.The Attorney General of Delaware son of Senator Biden.Senator. Joe Biden introduced (FIND) Act
    Share Favorite? ZachJonesIsHomeZachJonesIsHome 2 sec ago

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  2. As a Chicago Police officer, I believe Larry Sinclair. Just a gut feeling from watching his press conference. I know, I know, the CPD not too well accepted these days in the media, but after 10 plus years, I think I know when someone is lying…and David Axelrod, Mayor Daley, and the Chicago Machine are not exactly the truth squad.
    Everyone here knows flat out, NOTHING is too dirty for that political sewage drain…

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