Obama religious beliefs, Narcissism, John Hammer Rhino Times calls Obama Chreaster, Narcissist Obama influenced by Muslims, secular humanists, radicals

Obama religious beliefs, Narcissism, John Hammer Rhino Times calls Obama Chreaster, Narcissist Obama influenced by Muslims, secular humanists, radicals

From John Hammer of the Rhino (Rhinoceros) Times, December 15, 2011.

“Some people have questioned President Obama’s religious beliefs.

He was not raised in a Christian household, his mother was reportedly an agnostic or a secular humanist, both his father and his stepfather were Muslims, and as a boy Obama attended both Muslim and Catholic schools. Obama professed to be a devout Christian when running for president, but when the teachings of his mentor and pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the man who Obama credited with bringing him to Christ, were revealed as being racist and anti-American, Obama was quick to denounce his old friend.

Obama claimed to have regularly attended Wright’s church for years but was unaware that Wright said things like “God Bless America. No, no, no, God damn America.” When his racist anti-American teachings were made public, Obama dropped Wright like a hot potato.

However, there is strong evidence that although Obama claimed to be a faithful member of Wright’s church he was not, because he and his wife donated nearly nothing to the church. They were making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and then millions, and yet they gave almost nothing to the church they claimed to regularly attend.

Since then the most powerful man in the free world has not been able to find a church to his liking. But we now know what denomination he is. Obama is a Chreaster. There are a tremendous number of Chreasters, people who attend church at Christmas and Easter. Obama drug his family along to church on Sunday and the last time they all went to church, publicly, was Easter.

Obama may hold private prayer meetings in the White House every day and there is a chapel at Camp David where services can be held. But as far as we know there is no chapel on the golf courses at Andrews Air Force Base where Obama spends most of his Sundays.

It seems that when Obama does go to church he likes to make a big show of it, which is what he did last Sunday.”

Read more:


I agree with Rush Limbaugh. Why would Obama need to attend church. Every time he stands in front of a mirror he is worshipping himself.

86 responses to “Obama religious beliefs, Narcissism, John Hammer Rhino Times calls Obama Chreaster, Narcissist Obama influenced by Muslims, secular humanists, radicals

  1. Obama was quick to drop a lot of his old friends from Wright, Ayers, Blagojevich, Rezko and anyone else who might damage his political future….Sooooooo Why has he chosen to hang onto Eric Holder??? Holder, who is hotter than the sun “hot-potatoe”, who is sinking faster than a stone in still water…Anyone with a brain has to know that Holder is protecting Obama not just with “Operation Board Games” but the “fast and furious” scandal as well…Is there any doubt that F & F goes directly to Obama and Rahm Emanuel????

  2. Good morning all!!

  3. ” Every time he stands in front of a mirror he is worshipping himself.”

    Seems like Rush and Barry have a lot in common.

  4. http://obamaballotchallenge.com/volunteers-needed
    Will you help us?

    obamaballotchallenge.com is trying to stop the usurper Obama in primaries and general elections in as many states as possible, with election complaints, criminal complaints and civil suits, based on his now clear ineligibility for office.

    You do NOT need to be a lawyer to file complaints in most states. I did a couple myself last week.

    we need volunteers to:

    – File complaints

    – Act as plaintiffs on cases

    – Write, email, call friends and associates

    – Submit articles, do interviews with media

    – Write letters to editors, comment on newspaper, blog. website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    – Recruit more individuals, organizations to help

    – Look up state laws we can use to challenge the usurper

    Most of this can be done from home, on your computer or phone, some on location

    We need:

    – Project Manager, to coordinate Projects

    – Master scheduler, to manage filing deadlines, action schedules, follow-up dates

    – Volunteer Manager, to handle recruiting , deployment, quality assurance of volunteers

    – Communications specialists, to post reader comments, write letters to editors, Facebook, Twitter; do radio call-ins, interviews, etc.

    – Legal Researcher- to research out state laws, precedents and current news, relevant to our mission. (You don’t need to be a lawyer, but it would help).

  5. obama ballot challenge dot com

    is looking for your help

    challenge to obama in ALL FIFTY states !

  6. CW

    There are several pieces in the Usterman Report about Leo Gerard that are must reads !


  7. December 17, 2011
    Michelle Antoinette’s Hawaii hat trick

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/12/michelle_antoinettes_hawaii_hat_trick.html#ixzz1gpMMBG7a

  8. Very important- we need $2,500 in donations to Leah Lax by Monday to put her on the ballot in TX, as a Democrat directly challenging Obama.

    Posted on | December 17, 2011 | 8 Comments

    The deadline to submit applications in TX is Monday. I am greatly concerned, that all the challenges will be denied either by election commissions or courts due to lack of standing, unless we have candidates running in the same election, such as Democrats running against BO in primary, or national party nominees, running in general election. Candidates, running directly against Obama, have strong standing. On Monday is the deadline to submit in TX. We already missed deadlines in AL and OK. Instead of spinning wheels, I am asking you to help with something, that will really count and will make a difference. TX requires $2,500 fee. We need donors to donate to Democrat Leah Lax $2,500 so she can put her name on the ballot in Conservative TX. I am representing her in legal actions, challenging Obama. If she on the ballot in TX, she will have standing to go to court in TX and sue Obama and TX Democratic party. I am grealy concerned, that without a Democrat on the ballot in the state, where Obama is challenged, all the law suits will be dismissed due to lack of standing.

  9. New Organization To Educate and Mobilize the Public on the Significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election


    New Organization To Educate and Mobilize the Public on the Significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election

  10. Video: Donald Trump Takes On Fox News’ The Five Over Obama’s Birth Certificate

  11. Obama’s Private Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss in Farrar v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge

    Obama’s private attorney Michael Jablonski ends the 14-page motion to dismiss with:

    “Only the Democratic Party of Georgia can determine qualifications of candidates named on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections, and it has been by every judicial body ever to have considered it. Every Georgia case considering the issue ruled against the plaintiff. Plaintiff’s challenge to Barack Obama’s qualifications should be dismissed.”


  12. “Only the Democratic Party of Georgia can determine qualifications of candidates named on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections, and it has been by every judicial body ever to have considered it. Every Georgia case considering the issue ruled against the plaintiff. Plaintiff’s challenge to Barack Obama’s qualifications should be dismissed.”
    >>>oh really? That explains how he got it, posting a fake birth certificate, having justica.com scrub all cases showing natural born citizen references, no SSN, no college records, nothing. Can we have a “re do”

    What there’s no crying in baseball ??? Says who ?

  13. Thanks bob.

  14. I researched this in 2008 & read about half of the 50 state laws.



    O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5 (2008)

    § 21-2-5. Qualifications of candidates for federal and state office; determination of qualifications

    (a) Every candidate for federal and state office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.

  15. Furthermore….

    (b) The Secretary of State upon his or her own motion may challenge the qualifications of any candidate at any time prior to the election of such candidate. Within two weeks after the deadline for qualifying, any elector who is eligible to vote for a candidate may challenge the qualifications of the candidate by filing a written complaint with the Secretary of State giving the reasons why the elector believes the candidate is not qualified to seek and hold the public office for which he or she is offering. Upon his or her own motion or upon a challenge being filed, the Secretary of State shall notify the candidate in writing that his or her qualifications are being challenged and the reasons therefor and shall advise the candidate that he or she is requesting a hearing on the matter before an administrative law judge of the Office of State Administrative Hearings pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 13 of Title 50 and shall inform the candidate of the date, time, and place of the hearing when such information becomes available. The administrative law judge shall report his or her findings to the Secretary of State.

    (c) The Secretary of State shall determine if the candidate is qualified to seek and hold the public office for which such candidate is offering. If the Secretary of State determines that the candidate is not qualified, the Secretary of State shall withhold the name of the candidate from the ballot or strike such candidate’s name from the ballot if the ballots have been printed. If there is insufficient time to strike the candidate’s name or reprint the ballots, a prominent notice shall be placed at each affected polling place advising voters of the disqualification of the candidate and all votes cast for such candidate shall be void and shall not be counted.

  16. “Only the Democratic Party of Georgia can determine qualifications of candidates named on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections, and it has been by every judicial body ever to have considered it. Every Georgia case considering the issue ruled against the plaintiff. Plaintiff’s challenge to Barack Obama’s qualifications should be dismissed.”

    More, from the usurpers liars.

    Most of the 69,456,897 were lied to about Obama’s qualifications, and natural born citizen status. They were also shown, on the internet, forged birth documents, forged Selective Service documents, and were kept from seeing school records, passport records, a real birth certificate, and a real Social Security card application form, for the number he is currently using, along with other SS numbers he has used in the past.

    The guy is a fraud, and the usurper’s lawyer’s defense, to Orly Taitz’s motion is; he has hidden his documents successfully, and lied to the 69 + million people, therefore, he is qualified. How nice!

  17. Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections, and it has been by every judicial body ever to have considered it.

    The problem with that little summation is that no judical body ever “considered it”. It never got started! And Congress never let the Americans know what they secretly knew about the fraud BEFORE the voting began!

  18. …..and now we know the reason for the “secretary of state project” of soros.

  19. yo | December 17, 2011 at 6:45 pm |

    …..and now we know the reason for the “secretary of state project” of soros.
    Looks like it is all part of a larger plan, to take over America, by hook or by crook.

    I hope this plan is soundly rejected by the American people, The Constitution must be upheld, and only “Citizens” have Constitutional rights.

  20. Sean Hannity had a segment on his show awhile back, the segment was about the “Secretary of State Project”. I will search for the video, I think we should educate ourselves against these criminals that would steal our Country.

  21. Sean Hannity investigates George Soros and his organizations – Part 1 of 2

  22. There is a typo by the attorney for Obama in the state of Georgia election action. He states on page 2, “The Democratic Party of Georgia submitted the name of Barack Obama to the Georgia Secretary of State on November 1, 2012.” Oh really? 2012?



  23. Okay, later he clarifies this, stating that the name of Obama is to appear on the Georgia presidential ballot in the future, namely, on November 1, 2012. This was not worded clearly on the earlier page.


    They Are Already In Place – The Coming Attack

    “For the past 60 years, the Communist gang of criminals in Russia have been subverting and taking over country after country. They swallowed up entire nations during WWII that are still in their possession.

    Over 50 years ago, a Russian defector warned America that the KGB had instituted an extreme long-range plan to brainwash the American citizens over a period of decades while simultaneously socializing their nation through their agents.

    This plan included taking over the media, the prestigious educational institutions, and the cultural institutions.

    Their plan to take over the United States was known as “ideological subversion and consisted of four stages. The stages were Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization.

    The KGB’s funding and control of “terrorist” states is part of this long-range strategy. 9/11 was the first probe and the entire Russian military was prepared to follow up if the last plane succeeded in hitting the Pentagon or White House.

    We are at the final end of a plan that has been in action for over 50 years. If you wonder why the United States is $14 trillion in debt, why the economy is about to crash, why the influence of American Christianity on culture has disappeared, why drug use and promiscuity have exploded, why the Communists apparently “disappeared” in the 1980’s, why it appears as if the current President is a traitor to this nation, you are not alone.

    It was all planned in advance. There are agents all across America, both direct KGB operatives and millions of useful idiots brainwashed by KGB propaganda, ready to institute a Communist government in the USA.

    We are currently in Destabilization mode, the precursor to a violent change of power.




    The Coming Attack.”


    * * * *

    Communist Barack Obama

    * * * *

    Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

  25. Obama Attempting To Establish A Fascist Dictatorship

    * * * *

    Obama: Calls For New World Order In Berlin

    * * * *

    Obama: We Are No Longer A Christian Nation

  26. Since when is it only the Democratic party who can determine the qualifications of a POTUS candidate? Now the Democrats think they are ruling the world. Sick pack of A–HOLES. All we here in Allen County is HOW IMPORTANT the Mayor Henry thinks he is. We constantly hear stuff like Now that I am top dog,it will all be done …..MY WAY. He even has a DEPUTY MAYOR who thinks she to is God. Together they have put Fort Wayne in one hell of a financial bind.

  27. In reality there is a need for about 250,000 people to file civil action against Soetoro. If the lawsuits are on file in every state it might be enough to show that there is SUBSTANTIAL question at state level,and that the SOS of a particular state will be forced to seek a qualification of Soetoro. He should be required to show how and when his birthname was reinstated, since there is no petition of name change documentation records in any Superior court in the US Alaska,or Hawaii. In the USI personally believe that we DO NOT HAVE a LEGALLY elected POTUS. Irregardless of Soetoro’s status he still needs to file a Petition for Name Change,(because he was LEGALLY ADOPTED by Lolo Soetoro.) If he changed his name in Canada then it is INVALID in the US.

  28. I am relitavely certain that the primary reason why nobody is allowed to see the original BC is that NO LEGAL BC EXISTS in Hawaii. Even if one did exist it would have been rendered invalid because of his legal adoption by Soetoro. I also contend that the allegedly handwritten portion of the alleged original BC spells out that he was legally adopted,and therefore would at best be a NATURALISED citizen. Given the lack of accurate records it tends to imply that Soetoro has no legally valid records in Hawaii.

  29. I tend to think that nothing will be successful in removing Soetoro from the ballot in any state. We must concentrate on VOTING his A$$ out of the OVAL OFFICE. We have ONE SHOT AT IT, and a year to take aim. We all need to band together,turn our ballots into SNIPER rifles, and take very careful aim……REMEMBER it MUST BE……ONE SHOT ONE KILL! 250,000,000 shots seems like OVERKILL, but it will probably take that many votes(LEGALLY CAST) to rout him out of the WH.

  30. Vaclav Havel has died. Freedom fighter.


    Note: Mr. Lindsey Williams gives people his permission, authority, and consent in this DVD to make copies of this video and to share copies of this DVD with others.

    (Includes The Full 3 DVD Set – October 2011)

    “This is the entire 3 DVD set by Lindsey Williams in one video. It is titled “2012 The Beginning of The End.”

    It was made available in October 2011. It is over 3 hours long.

    This video covers the following:

    * What in this world is going on.
    * Division among the Elite.
    * The Dollar – Debt – Fear – Fuel in 2012.
    * Why 2012 and not 2000.
    * The Devils Messiah according to the Elite.
    * Divine Manifestation.
    * 2012 predictions from the Elite.

    Due to copyright issues, two small sections were removed before uploading. One was a small news segment. The other was a brief song. In total about 3 minutes were removed. This was also done to avoid having to show ads on the video. The parts removed did not seem to materially affect the overall message. Also the transitions between DVDs were shortened to remove duplicate intro and outgoing material.”


  32. YO………………….
    I really hope that you have put away plenty of powder,and made certain that it stays DRY. In all probability you will be needing to start using it ………perhaps sooner than you even expect.

  33. I strongly suspect that Soetoro’s alleged grandmother was deliberately murdered. She had only a very minor surgery at the hospital and was already home. Allegedly she was in top shape. Yet she SUDDENLY passes away,and guess what…. her body is nearly INSTANTLY cremated. Who took control of her body. There is only one person who would have had control over her body…….Barry Soetoro, and he is the only person who could have LEGALLY ordered her cremation.

  34. YEP……….the Chicago SLIME continues to OOZE through the cracks. Sadly all Americans are being ILLEGALLY forced to wade in it and smell it. That is all going to change VERY SOON.

  35. The SICK little SEX DEVIATE who is illegally camped at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is going to suffer the WORST POLITICAL DEFEAT of any incumbent in US ,and perhaps world history. Further, if enough Americans become incensed enough he might find himself being dragged through the Chicago streets behind a vehicle filled with really pissed off people who have lost everything thanks to Soetoro’s insanity,and otherwise idiotic behavior.

  36. I am also certain that in Chicago there is a new FAGGOT mayor who is also more than happy to play “DROP THE SOAP” at their favorite QUEERSVILLE HANGOUT.

  37. BYE BYE ALL……..Have a Happy and peaceful Sunday!

  38. Zero’s man is simply a freaking hot mess…

    FOIA Release: Holder Tied To OKC Bombing:


  39. Paxson | December 18, 2011 at 9:35 am |
    Vaclav Havel has died. Freedom fighter.

    Very sad news.

  40. Gov’t’s and central banks are quite likely to continue massive monetary intervention into the economies of the world as the debt problem worsens.
    Adding more debt to a debt problem is something an infant knows is ridiculous, but the stock in trade of liberal intellectuals is making idiotic arguments sound reasonable. And so we are quite likely to see the printing presses continue to roll.

    The problem is that when all this new money is created, it doesn’t go where the pols want it to go, and it doesn’t even spread out across the economy evenly. It goes to various sectors that are popular at the moment. This means prices will continue to go up on food and energy and wages will not.
    That creates discord within the citizenry.
    And it usually leads to war.

  41. YO………………….
    The liberals seem to have a very short memory. They have already forgotten what happened when Germany tried to MONETISE IT’S way out of financial difficulty. The mark wasn’t even worth the paper it was printed on. It got used for toilet paper. Then Germany utilised the ONLY thing they had left in order to save their own asses. They borrowed huge chunks of money from any country who would loan it to them. Their collateral was their LAND, the only thing they had left. Have you wondered what the collateral was when MMMMSSSS. Clinton visited China to seek a HUGE LOAN.

  42. Do you suppose that MMMSSS. Clinton might have offerred HALF of the US as Collateral……..perhaps something like all the territory West of the Mississippi, from the Mexican border to the Canadian border, and on the West the Pacific Ocean. This collateral could INCLUDE even PRIVATE property.(owned by private citizens.) In other words you will no longer own your property if China calls in the loan. If you live West of the Mississippi you probably will have a FEDERAL force evict you from your own home. If you put up an argument you will probably be shot to death.

  43. Wasn’t that sort of like what FIDEL done to Cuba, and more recently what Chavez done to Venezuela. If the Soetoro thing is allowed to go into a second term then it is quite possible and even PROBABLE that a lot of Americans could have their property conviscated.

  44. Old Salt, you say, “If the Soetoro thing is allowed to go into a second term then it is quite possible and even PROBABLE that a lot of Americans could have their property conviscated.”

    I personally don’t doubt you for one minute! Which will get AZ first? China or Mexico? Now THAT could be quite a ruckus! Sorry, it is no laughing matter but a real honest-to-goodness threat.

  45. I have to admit that Huntsman has been growing on me slowly but surely..

  46. Paxson | December 18, 2011 at 4:52 pm |

    I have to admit that Huntsman has been growing on me slowly but surely..
    Lots of good choices on the republican side, compared to Obama.

  47. Paxson | December 18, 2011 at 4:52 pm | I have to admit that Huntsman has been growing on me slowly but surely..
    I agree, If he could only stop blabbing about CHINA.
    He does not have a clue how to deal with them. He should listen to Trump.

  48. RruthSeeker | December 18, 2011 at 12:06 pm | Zero’s man is simply a freaking hot mess…

    FOIA Release: Holder Tied To OKC Bombing:

    I have looked into this. Seems like a conspiracy theory to me.
    If Trentadue had some evidence he should release it.

  49. REPORT: Obamas’ 17-Day Vacation To Cost $4 Million…


  50. Help me fight rigged US elections, write to your electios board and Sec of State, demand paper ballors and precinct by precinct count, no electronic voting machines, no electronic voting ballot scanners

    Rigged USA Elections Exposed

  51. http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/12/why_a_tea_party_conservative_now_supports_ron_paulincluding_his_foreign_policy.html#ixzz1gu2YVE23
    American Thinker

    Why a Tea Party conservative now supports Ron Paul…including his foreign policy

    Ask any conservative about Ron Paul and you will usually hear the following statement: “I love him on fiscal policy but his foreign policy is naive and dangerous.” You can also throw in the obligatory “He hates Israel.” If someone had asked me about Paul from 9/12/01 through October of 2011, I’d have said the exact same things.

    Something about my certitude always felt a bit uncomfortable, though, because I admired the “good parts” of Ron Paul (and later, his son Rand). Having participated in the Tea Party movement since its inception, and then witnessing the phony propaganda concocted to invalidate it, my BS meter began to pin whenever I heard (or spoke) harsh rhetoric denouncing Ron Paul. Since the contradiction bugged me, I decided to take the advice of my twenty-year-old son and read Ron Paul’s book, Revolution. This required me to consider ideas which were once unthinkable. I undertook the mission with the promise to think outside my conservative box.

    After reading the book, I came away with a completely different understanding of Ron Paul and his philosophy. I’m hoping my Tea Party compatriots, fellow conservatives, and all Americans will step outside their own comfort zones to do the same. It is vital that our nation seriously consider the important constitutional concepts and defense of liberty that Ron Paul espouses.

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/12/why_a_tea_party_conse

  52. Full-Speed Ahead for Obama-Sanctioned ‘Taliban Embassy’ in Qatar
    Posted by Dave Reaboi Dec 17th 2011 at 7:02 pm in Afghanistan, Featured Story, Middle East, News | Comments (50)

    Qatar: host to the US military, al-Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood– and now, the world’s first Taliban embassy– at the behest of the Obama administration.


  53. Malcolm X’s daughter locked up after she fails to pay Queens woman she swindled
    Malikah Shabazz owes $55,000; living illegally in Vermont….

    Talents that must run in the family:
    In June, Shabazz pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/malcolm-x-daughter-locked-fails-pay-queens-woman-swindled-article-1.991648#ixzz1gw28hxyO

    Picture shows resemblance to “O”.

  54. Poll: What was the Obamateurism of the Week?

    Time once again to brush up on history and select this week’s biggest Obamateurism! Don’t make a promise to cast a vote and then later claim you underestimated the difficulty of the task. Besides, with grade inflation the way it is these days, who’s gonna remember?

    What was the Obamateurism of the Week (12/18)? – – –

    Has to check notes to remember Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s name

    Budget projections debunk Obama’s “I didn’t overpromise” on stimulus, economy“

    I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln.

    ”Says he “didn’t underestimate how tough” economy would be; 2 days later, says “we didn’t know how bad it was”

    Obama invokes Teddy Roosevelt but gets every economic point incorrect

    VOTE HERE – – –

  55. Kim Jong….. North Korea has died!

  56. ****As Predicted****

    Many have stated (especially myself) that the liberal media would be the ones that hand-picked the GOP Presidential Candidate to go against Obama. They (The Liberal Media) need a GOP Candidate that is highly similar to Obama for future debates. And apparently, they have chosen.

    “Iowa’s liberal-leaning newspaper, the Des Moines Register, which endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, has endorsed Mitt Romney for the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses.

    In its Saturday endorsement, the paper cited Romney’s “sobriety, wisdom and judgment” and said their candidate has distinguished himself from others in the GOP field because he doesn’t want to “swing a wrecking ball in Washington.” The paper also praised Romney for instituting a healthcare program similar to Obamacare in Massachusetts.”


    They also state Romney’s favorable Pro Abortion stance as another reason to support him. Although not mention, it is clear his position of Gay Marriage and illegal immigration also works in his favor for the Liberal support.

    Neither Romney, Newt nor Ron Paul (and a few more) are qualified to address this massive fraud and pathetically aligning themselves with the liberal progressives while claiming the R next to their name.

    In short, like Obama, Romney and Obama are simply brothers of another mother.

  57. observer | December 18, 2011 at 7:20 pm |
    Malcolm X’s daughter locked up after she fails to pay Queens woman she swindled
    Malikah Shabazz owes $55,000; living illegally in Vermont….

    Talents that must run in the family:
    In June, Shabazz pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/malcolm-x-daughter-locked-fails-pay-queens-woman-swindled-article-1.991648#ixzz1gw28hxyO

    Picture shows resemblance to “O”.
    ===== ======== ======== ======== ======= ======

    I don’t know what to make of the whole ‘obama is the son of malcom x” stuff, but i will say that there is a strong resemblence between obama, malcom x and malcom x’s daughter. It’s strong enough to make one ponder if there is any truth to the tale.

  58. Ginger | December 18, 2011 at 10:57 pm |
    Kim Jong….. North Korea has died!
    This reads like the B-HO narrative.

    ” Kim Jong-il was born in Siberia in 1941 while his parents were during the Japanese occupation of Korea, according to Soviet documents.

    But according to official North Korean literature, he was born in a log cabin at his father’s secret base on North Korea’s sacred Mt Paektu in 1942. ”


  59. DOJ’s Report on Sheriff Joe’s Department of Real Justice


  60. Rense.com has a good article today on Obama admitting in a newspaper article he moved to Indonesia at AGE TWO!!

  61. Good Morning All; the sentencing for Daniel T. Frawley has been postponed A G A I N , I don’t know if this is the fifth or sixth time, I have lost track….They have not yet rescheduled his court date, “probably after the New Year”…Right.

  62. I took this from Hot Air so I’m including the name of the blogger who posted it.

    Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew
    Cover it with choc’late and a miracle or two
    The Ron Paul, oh the the Ron Paul can
    The Ron Paul can ’cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

    Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh
    Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
    The Ron Paul, the Ron Paul can
    The Ron Paul can ’cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

    The Ron Paul makes everything he bakes satisfying and delicious
    Now you talk about your childhood wishes, you can even eat the dishes

    Oh, who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream
    Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
    The Ron Paul, oh the Ron Paul can
    The Ron Paul can ’cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

    The Ron Paul makes everything he bakes satisfying and delicious
    Talk about your childhood wishes, you can even eat the dishes

    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Who can take tomorrow, dip it in a dream
    Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream
    The Ron Paul, the Ron Paul can
    The Ron Paul can ’cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good
    Yes, the Ron Paul can ’cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

    Do I need a sarc tag?

    Garym on December 19, 2011 at 11:57 AM



    © Larry Klayman
    December 18, 2011


    “Barack Hussein Obama, our president, is a traitor. Finally, his hatred for our nation and his plan to destroy it are crystal clear. He must be forced from office — legally — before our entire country goes down the drain for the final count!

    Much has gone on in the last three years to show Obama’s true colors, sympathetic not to Judeo-Christians values and culture, but Islam and its surrogate-controlled states.

    First there was his canceling the White House National Day of Prayer and instead feasting the Muslim holiday of Ramadan — using the latter as an occasion to to endorse the building of a mosque at Ground Zero in New York City. Then he refused to allow Jewish and Christian clergy to speak and give prayer at the 10th anniversary of September 11! He did this with the help of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who I believe is a self-hating Jew who also endorsed the mosque at Ground Zero and its terrorist-linked Imam Feisal Rauf.


    If this were not enough, the latest outrage and atrocity, severely compromising our national security, is the final straw, and it shows to the nation exactly who Obama is. In the last days, our most secret warplane was electronically lured into Iranian airspace when it was flying over Afghanistan to locate and kill terrorists bent on destroying us. This was our most secret and prized military possession, a stealth drone, which had proven very effective in fighting terrorists. Iran, with the likely help of communist China and Russia, who want to compromise our national security as well, caused the plane to land in Iran. When this happened, what did Obama do? Nothing! He could and should have sent our warplanes into Iran to destroy the drone, before Iranians, Chinese and Russians could get their hands on it. Now, these enemies of freedom have our highest technology to use against us, and soon they will have stealth drones just like ours to use against us and Israel!

    Barack Hussein Obama was complicit in this treasonous act. By allowing the radical Islamic mullahs in Iran, China and Russia to have our highest technology when he simply could have ordered the destruction of the drone once it went down, Obama cemented my strong belief that he is a traitor.

    Obama must go now! We cannot wait until an election in 2012, as more damage will irreparably harm our nation. He must be legally forced to leave office now, plain and simple.”

    Read More Here: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/klayman/111218

    * * * *

  64. Thanks Bessie.

  65. da verg-farleftliberalnutjob

    Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections
    >>>oh really, mr BO and if you lose in 2012, which you will…..then will you say you lost because you are an usurper, void all your bills, and return all the money you sent. Then place your head in the rope on the gallows where it belongs ?

    what a toon…….

  66. da verg-farleftliberalnutjob

    ron paul is an idiot

  67. da verg-farleftliberalnutjob

    never says anything that makes ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER

    llisten closely to what he says.

    Too bad Newt wasn’t about 20 years younger.
    Too bad MITT doesn’t have more NEWT in him.

    Romney is going to get the nomination. Other than NEWT
    he is the most presidential, and the only one who will beat

  68. Like b-ho
    Jong Un has a legitimacy problem.
    Why would it matter if both his parents were not NK Citizens at the time of the little fat bastards birth? LOL

    ” There is a question over whether his late mother, a Japanese-born professional dancer called Ko Yong-hui, was Kim Jong Il’s official wife or mistress — an issue that might weigh on his legitimate right to replace his father.

    Even by intensely secretive North Korean standards, remarkably little is known about the son, whose youth is also a potential problem in a society that values seniority.”


  69. DaVerg,
    Huntsman is starting to grow on me. I respect your opinion, however his talk about America being broken and needing to be fixed above nation building makes a lot of sense to me. Huntsman doesn’t engage in the raw meat politics and thus doesn’t get a lot of headlines, but his positions are well thought out. Now, I’m not saying that I am supporting him at this point, just that he is growing on me.

  70. Does anyone know where Tony Rezko is serving time??

  71. What’s the status of Frawley sentencing today?

    And where is Rezko now?

  72. Pat……..

    Seems like I’ve heard that same argument of legitimacy you make against North Korea’s Jong Un somewhere before………

    could that same statement be made about our little bastard…….

  73. Pat’s its daja vu……..

  74. rminnc | December 19, 2011 at 3:06 pm |

    I wonder if the MSNBC article is a disinformation op against the N-Coms by US intel. Not sure what good it would do. It’s not like the masses can surf the internet in the NK,

  75. i was fipping through channels and came across all american muslim show. so i watch for the pro muslim show. wow at first i saw nothing major typical pro muslim movement stuff. and where they made the bigggest mistake was showing this team of muslim football players looking jacked. i was like no way. then bombshell came when they had a high school game. wow trying to get sound bits from muslim coach. then watching the quick flash highlights with fake tackles and a player running faster then devin hester. it you dont know sports u wouldnt catch it. being a former college coach. i was what are they trying to pull off here. it looked believeable then it became to noticeable. wow the spin game

  76. Frawley was scheduled for sentencing tomorrow.
    According to commenter Bessie it has been delayed again.

  77. To All My Democrat Friends:

    Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/…secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes.

    To My Republican Friends:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  78. Paxson | December 19, 2011 at 4:35 pm |

    To All My Democrat Friends:

    Albeit humorous; that was a hell of a brain hurt….

    I gather I just don’t agree with Democrats, reason for the pains.

  79. US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism…it’s Far Worse Than That

    US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism…it’s Far Worse Than That

  80. truthbetold11 | December 19, 2011 at 3:52 pm |
    I watched a few minutes of those freaks.
    All scripted BS, like Gold Rush and others.

  81. gold rush is a joke
    anyone who wastes money without taking core samples
    then has to FIND SOMEONE to TELL THEM TO DO IT
    nearly 1 1/2 years later is a joke and a moe

  82. i need proof readers
    proof writers
    and text editors for my new book coming out this summer
    Obama-the edge of eligibility
    followed by part II in the fall right before the elections
    Obama the president who wasn’t

    help !

  83. titles are copyrighted
    so nobody better steal them

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